173 papers:
CASE-2015-YanLP #fault- A fault diagnosis method for HVAC Air Handling Units considering fault propagation (YY, PBL, KRP), pp. 961–966.
DAC-2015-SuC #complexity- Nanowire-aware routing considering high cut mask complexity (YHS, YWC), p. 6.
DATE-2015-DoustiP #distributed #power management- Power-efficient control of thermoelectric coolers considering distributed hot spots (MJD, MP), pp. 966–971.
DATE-2015-FeldS #analysis #dependence- Sufficient response time analysis considering dependencies between rate-dependent tasks (TF, FS), pp. 519–524.
HCI-IT-2015-HaescherTMBUK #multi #named #process #smarttech- aHead: Considering the Head Position in a Multi-sensory Setup of Wearables to Recognize Everyday Activities with Intelligent Sensor Fusions (MH, JT, DJCM, GB, BU, TK), pp. 741–752.
HIMI-IKC-2015-ZhangT #design #game studies- Considering a New Nanbu Fuurin Design that Play a Healing Sound — Including Innovations in Appearance and Texture, and Continually Improving- (YZ, TT), pp. 675–684.
HIMI-IKD-2015-LawsonBTKHR #development- Human Factors to Consider During the Early Development and Dissemination of New Displays to Improve Spatial Orientation and Situation Awareness (BDL, JCB, LBIT, AMK, CRH, AHR), pp. 412–424.
KDD-2015-QianCMSL #named #recommendation- SCRAM: A Sharing Considered Route Assignment Mechanism for Fair Taxi Route Recommendations (SQ, JC, FLM, IS, ML), pp. 955–964.
SIGIR-2015-SchedlH #music #recommendation- Tailoring Music Recommendations to Users by Considering Diversity, Mainstreaminess, and Novelty (MS, DH), pp. 947–950.
SAC-2015-ErnstKR #evaluation #network #performance- Performance evaluation of heterogeneous wireless networks considering competing objectives and viewpoints (JBE, SCK, JJPCR), pp. 680–687.
SAC-2015-FontineleSSNM #network #physics #problem- A solution to the MCSP problem considering physical layer degradations in transparent optical networks (AF, IS, ACBS, JMN, FM), pp. 662–664.
CASE-2014-HatanoDW- A Cooling and Heat-retention System actuated by Peltier device considering fan-motor control (TH, MD, SW), pp. 164–169.
CASE-2014-LiZLM #approach #capacity #scheduling- An intercell scheduling approach considering transportation capacity (ML, HZ, DL, XM), pp. 594–599.
CASE-2014-MaDLZ #learning #modelling #simulation- Modeling and simulation of product diffusion considering learning effect (KPM, XD, CFL, JZ), pp. 665–670.
CASE-2014-XuLYM #integer #probability #programming- A mixed integer programming model for Bed planning considering stochastic length of stay (LX, NL, XY, FM), pp. 1069–1074.
DAC-2014-KimM #3d #design #on the #reliability- On the Design of Reliable 3D-ICs Considering Charged Device Model ESD Events During Die Stacking (DK, SM), p. 6.
DAC-2014-PanthSDL #3d #performance- Power-Performance Study of Block-Level Monolithic 3D-ICs Considering Inter-Tier Performance Variations (SP, KS, YD, SKL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-WangX #on the #performance #simulation- On the Simulation of NBTI-Induced Performance Degradation Considering Arbitrary Temperature and Voltage Variations (TW, QX), p. 6.
DAC-2014-ZhaoJZX #process- SLC-enabled Wear Leveling for MLC PCM Considering Process Variation (MZ, LJ, YZ, CJX), p. 6.
DATE-2014-KimSAVG #enterprise #metric- Global fan speed control considering non-ideal temperature measurements in enterprise servers (JK, MMS, DA, KV, KCG), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-LangeSJHLS #correlation #modelling #parametricity #probability #standard- Probabilistic standard cell modeling considering non-Gaussian parameters and correlations (AL, CS, RJ, JH, IL, US), pp. 1–4.
FM-2014-Klein #proving- Proof Engineering Considered Essential (GK), pp. 16–21.
IFL-2014-KoopmanPJ #data type #encoding #functional #harmful #implementation- Church Encoding of Data Types Considered Harmful for Implementations: Functional Pearl (PWMK, RP, JMJ), p. 4.
DUXU-DP-2014-AncientG #design #interface #people- Considering People Living with Dementia When Designing Interfaces (CA, AG), pp. 113–123.
HIMI-AS-2014-JangKJS #analysis #framework #reliability- A Framework of Human Reliability Analysis Method Considering Soft Control in Digital Main Control Rooms (IJ, ARK, WJ, PHS), pp. 335–346.
LCT-NLE-2014-PurgathoferL #architecture #harmful #layout- Layout Considered Harmful: On the Influence of Information Architecture on Dialogue (PP, NL), pp. 216–225.
CIKM-2014-TaoW #performance #predict #query- Query Performance Prediction By Considering Score Magnitude and Variance Together (YT, SW), pp. 1891–1894.
ICPR-2014-FrinkenIIFU #recognition- Improving Point of View Scene Recognition by Considering Textual Data (VF, YI, RI, KF, SU), pp. 2966–2971.
KMIS-2014-ToureMM14a #information management #modelling #towards #what- What If We Considered Awareness for Sustainable Knowledge Management? Towards a Model for Self Regulated Knowledge Management Systems Based on Acceptance Models of Technologies and Awareness (CET, CM, JCM), pp. 413–418.
PLATEAU-2014-CoblenzAMS- Considering Productivity Effects of Explicit Type Declarations (MJC, JA, BAM, JS), pp. 59–61.
CASE-2013-DingLZC #physics #simulation- Emergency evacuation simulation in staircases considering evacuees’ physical and psychological status (ND, PBL, HZ, TC), pp. 741–746.
CASE-2013-GaoLZC #social- A modified social force model considering relative velocity of pedestrians (YG, PBL, HZ, TC), pp. 747–751.
CASE-2013-ZhouL #detection #realtime #throughput- Real time electricity demand response for sustainable manufacturing systems considering throughput bottleneck detection (ZZ, LL), pp. 640–644.
DATE-2013-ChenWLL #automation #flexibility #process- Automatic circuit sizing technique for the analog circuits with flexible TFTs considering process variation and bending effects (YLC, WRW, GRL, CNJL), pp. 1458–1461.
DATE-2013-LuMS13a #estimation- Analytical timing estimation for temporally decoupled TLMs considering resource conflicts (KL, DMG, US), pp. 1161–1166.
CHI-2013-Lundgren #interactive- Toying with time: considering temporal themes in interactive artifacts (SL), pp. 1639–1648.
DHM-HB-2013-GuoCWDL #design #e-commerce #interface- An Interface Design Method for E-commerce Sites’ Homepage Considering Users’ Emotions (FG, YC, MW, YD, LWL), pp. 30–39.
DHM-HB-2013-TheisAMW #artificial reality #aspect-oriented #industrial- Considering Ergonomic Aspects of Head-Mounted Displays for Applications in Industrial Manufacturing (ST, TA, MPM, MW), pp. 282–291.
SAC-2013-KaratasK #approach #composition #flexibility #security- A flexible approach for considering interdependent security objectives in service composition (FK, DK), pp. 1919–1926.
SAC-2013-KawakamiIYT #communication #data type- A delivery method considering communication loads for sensor data stream with different collection cycles (TK, YI, TY, YT), pp. 611–618.
SAC-2013-LeeJS #locality- Demand-based flash translation layer considering spatial locality (YL, TJ, IS), pp. 1550–1551.
ICSE-2013-KocaguneliZBNM #development #distributed #harmful #question- Distributed development considered harmful? (EK, TZ, CB, NN, TM), pp. 882–890.
ASPLOS-2013-ParkBCLN #harmful #manycore #memory management- Regularities considered harmful: forcing randomness to memory accesses to reduce row buffer conflicts for multi-core, multi-bank systems (HP, SB, JC, DL, SHN), pp. 181–192.
CASE-2012-DimitrovB #algorithm #evaluation #reduction #scheduling #search-based- Criteria evaluation considering the current time used by a genetic scheduling algorithm for changeover and tardiness reduction (TD, MB), pp. 425–430.
CASE-2012-LiLS #constraints #process- Dispatching rule considering time-constraints on processes for semiconductor wafer fabrication facility (LL, YFL, ZJS), pp. 407–412.
DAC-2012-EberlGTA #automation #design #network- Considering diagnosis functionality during automatic system-level design of automotive networks (ME, MG, JT, UA), pp. 205–213.
DATE-2012-JuanCMC #modelling #optimisation #power management #statistics- Statistical thermal modeling and optimization considering leakage power variations (DCJ, YLC, DM, YWC), pp. 605–610.
DATE-2012-TangZBM #analysis #correlation #modelling #statistics- Transistor-level gate model based statistical timing analysis considering correlations (QT, AZ, MB, NvdM), pp. 917–922.
DATE-2012-WuLMC #approach #correlation- Mitigating lifetime underestimation: A system-level approach considering temperature variations and correlations between failure mechanisms (KCW, MCL, DM, SCC), pp. 1269–1274.
CHI-2012-Pierce #design- Undesigning technology: considering the negation of design by design (JP), pp. 957–966.
CHI-2012-TeoJB #layout #named- CogTool-Explorer: a model of goal-directed user exploration that considers information layout (LT, BEJ, MHB), pp. 2479–2488.
CSCW-2012-KripleanMFBB- Supporting reflective public thought with ConsiderIt (TK, JTM, DF, AB, LB), pp. 265–274.
EDOC-2012-ZhouXDL #difference #network- Complicated Logistics Network Redesign Considering Service Differentiation (LZ, XX, SD, XL), pp. 93–102.
CIKM-2012-OhY #framework #named- iSampling: framework for developing sampling methods considering user’s interest (JO, HY), pp. 1667–1671.
ICPR-2012-KawaiY #image #symmetry- Image inpainting considering symmetric patterns (NK, NY), pp. 2744–2747.
ICPR-2012-KumagaiOTYMK #modelling #robust- Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the measurable DoF of the target object (KK, MAO, TT, GY, JM, HK), pp. 2157–2160.
ICPR-2012-MatsudaY #multi #ranking #recognition- Multiple-food recognition considering co-occurrence employing manifold ranking (YM, KY), pp. 2017–2020.
RecSys-2012-Saez-TrumperQC #distance- Ads and the city: considering geographic distance goes a long way (DST, DQ, JC), pp. 187–194.
SIGIR-2012-Whiting #problem #ranking- The essence of time: considering temporal relevance as an intent-aware ranking problem (SW), p. 1000.
RE-2012-AmellerACF #architecture #case study #how #non-functional #requirements- How do software architects consider non-functional requirements: An exploratory study (DA, CPA, JC, XF), pp. 41–50.
REFSQ-2012-WangLWZW #approach #dependence #impact analysis #simulation- A Simulation Approach for Impact Analysis of Requirement Volatility Considering Dependency Change (JW, JL, QW, HZ, HW), pp. 59–76.
SAC-2012-HorikoshiNTO #adaptation #configuration management #non-functional #self- Dynamic reconfiguration in self-adaptive systems considering non-functional properties (HH, HN, YT, AO), pp. 1144–1150.
ICSE-2012-MusluBHEN #ide #recommendation- Improving IDE recommendations by considering global implications of existing recommendations (KM, YB, RH, MDE, DN), pp. 1349–1352.
DAC-2011-HaoTSS #analysis #bound #performance #process- Performance bound analysis of analog circuits considering process variations (ZH, SXDT, RS, GS), pp. 310–315.
DAC-2011-LinLCHC #random- Common-centroid capacitor placement considering systematic and random mismatches in analog integrated circuits (CWL, JML, YCC, CPH, SJC), pp. 528–533.
DAC-2011-StattelmannBR #optimisation #performance #simulation- Fast and accurate source-level simulation of software timing considering complex code optimizations (SS, OB, WR), pp. 486–491.
DATE-2011-KobayashiH #analysis #correlation #power management- An LOCV-based static timing analysis considering spatial correlations of power supply variations (SK, KH), pp. 559–562.
DATE-2011-WuM #analysis #optimisation- Aging-aware timing analysis and optimization considering path sensitization (KCW, DM), pp. 1572–1577.
CSCW-2011-VertesiD- The value of data: considering the context of production in data economies (JV, PD), pp. 533–542.
DUXU-v2-2011-WatanabeYHA #user interface #web- Study of User Interface for Browsing Web Contents That Considers the Cognitive Features of Older Users (MW, SY, RH, YA), pp. 60–67.
HCI-ITE-2011-HaslbeckPKPMB #interactive #requirements- Experimental Evaluations of Touch Interaction Considering Automotive Requirements (AH, SP, MK, KP, JM, KB), pp. 23–32.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CearretaG #adaptation #interactive #towards- Toward Adapting Interactions by Considering User Emotions and Capabilities (IC, NGV), pp. 525–534.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MeisenMSJ #integration #simulation #tool support- Application Integration of Simulation Tools Considering Domain Specific Knowledge (TM, PM, DS, SJ), pp. 42–53.
SAC-2011-LimaSM #aspect-oriented #authoring #design #hypermedia #non-functional #tool support- Considering non-functional aspects in the design of hypermedia authoring tools (BSL, LFGS, MFM), pp. 1259–1266.
DAC-2010-LinLHC #bound #constraints- Performance-driven analog placement considering boundary constraint (CWL, JML, CPH, SJC), pp. 292–297.
DAC-2010-ShenTX #algorithm #analysis #correlation #linear #power management #statistics- A linear algorithm for full-chip statistical leakage power analysis considering weak spatial correlation (RS, SXDT, JX), pp. 481–486.
DATE-2010-LiuZYX #power management #pseudo #testing- Layout-aware pseudo-functional testing for critical paths considering power supply noise effects (XL, YZ, FY, QX), pp. 1432–1437.
DATE-2010-LungZCC #optimisation- Clock skew optimization considering complicated power modes (CLL, ZYZ, CHC, SCC), pp. 1474–1479.
DATE-2010-PengYTC #fault #process- High-quality pattern selection for screening small-delay defects considering process variations and crosstalk (KP, MY, MT, KC), pp. 1426–1431.
CIKM-2010-ParkSYRY #network #performance #query- An efficient data-centric storage scheme considering storage and query hot-spots in sensor networks (YP, DS, JY, CTR, JY), pp. 1325–1328.
ICPR-2010-KumeTSY #estimation #image #parametricity #using #video- Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation Using Video Images and GPS Considering GPS Positioning Accuracy (HK, TT, TS, NY), pp. 3923–3926.
REFSQ-2010-AmellerF #architecture #bibliography #how #non-functional #requirements- How Do Software Architects Consider Non-Functional Requirements: A Survey (DA, XF), pp. 276–277.
OSDI-2010-XiongPZZM #ad hoc #harmful- Ad Hoc Synchronization Considered Harmful (WX, SP, JZ, YZ, ZM), pp. 163–176.
CASE-2009-WangLCM #optimisation #performance #social- Efficient optimization of building emergency evacuation considering social bond of evacuees (PW, PBL, SCC, KLM), pp. 250–255.
DAC-2009-GongYH #incremental #named #parallel #probability #process- PiCAP: a parallel and incremental capacitance extraction considering stochastic process variation (FG, HY, LH), pp. 764–769.
DAC-2009-LinZWC- Thermal-driven analog placement considering device matching (MPHL, HZ, MDFW, YWC), pp. 593–598.
DAC-2009-TsaiH- A false-path aware formal static timing analyzer considering simultaneous input transitions (ST, CYH), pp. 25–30.
DAC-2009-VeetilSBSR #analysis #dependence #performance- Efficient smart sampling based full-chip leakage analysis for intra-die variation considering state dependence (VV, DS, DB, SS, SR), pp. 154–159.
DATE-2009-ViehlPBR #analysis #performance #scheduling- White box performance analysis considering static non-preemptive software scheduling (AV, MP, OB, WR), pp. 513–518.
ITiCSE-2009-Kumar #education- Need to consider variations within demographic groups when evaluating educational interventions (ANK), pp. 176–180.
ICFP-2009-Steele #execution #functional #parallel- Organizing functional code for parallel execution or, foldl and foldr considered slightly harmful (GLSJ), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2009-CrabtreeRTB #harmful- Ethnography considered harmful (AC, TR, PT, GB), pp. 879–888.
CHI-2009-Guiard #consistency #design #distance #problem- The problem of consistency in the design of Fitts’ law experiments: consider either target distance and width or movement form and scale (YG), pp. 1809–1818.
HCD-2009-BowersCH #evaluation #usability- Considering User Knowledge in the Evaluation of Training System Usability (CAB, JACB, TSH), pp. 27–30.
HCI-AUII-2009-DuvalHC #interactive #performance #smarttech- Considering Personal Profiles for Comfortable and Efficient Interactions with Smart Clothes (SD, CH, GC), pp. 731–740.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KatoS #design #interface #smarttech- Design of Wearable Interface Considering Touch Communications (MK, NS), pp. 524–533.
SEKE-2009-MoserMSB #constraints #framework #semantics- Semantic Service Matchmaking in the ATM Domain Considering Infrastructure Capability Constraints (TM, RM, WDS, SB), pp. 222–227.
SAC-2009-QiuLS #embedded #framework #hardware #optimisation #realtime- Heterogeneous real-time embedded software optimization considering hardware platform (MQ, HL, EHMS), pp. 1637–1641.
CASE-2008-HoshinoFS #network #pipes and filters #scheduling- Integrated scheduling for gasoline blending considering storage tanks and pipe network (SH, NF, HS), pp. 784–789.
DAC-2008-WangLZTYTCN #scheduling- Timing yield driven clock skew scheduling considering non-Gaussian distributions of critical path delays (YW, WSL, XZ, JT, CY, JT, WC, JN), pp. 223–226.
DATE-2008-AmelifardHFP #logic #multi #stack- A Current Source Model for CMOS Logic Cells Considering Multiple Input Switching and Stack Effect (BA, SH, HF, MP), pp. 568–573.
DATE-2008-ZhangYWYJX #correlation #performance #process #statistics- An Efficient Method for Chip-Level Statistical Capacitance Extraction Considering Process Variations with Spatial Correlation (WZ, WY, ZW, ZY, RJ, JX), pp. 580–585.
CSEET-2008-TaranRR #challenge #industrial- Continuing Challenges in Selecting Industry Projects for Academic Credit: Points to Consider and Pitfalls to Avoid (GT, DR, MRL), pp. 163–170.
ICSM-2008-BettenburgPZK #debugging #harmful #question- Duplicate bug reports considered harmful ... really? (NB, RP, TZ, SK), pp. 337–345.
CHI-2008-GreenbergB #evaluation #harmful #usability- Usability evaluation considered harmful (some of the time) (SG, WB), pp. 111–120.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-AnacletoPFCF #education #game studies- Culture Sensitive Educational Games Considering Common Sense Knowledge (JCAS, ENP, AMF, AFPdC, JF), pp. 136–141.
CIKM-2008-HoweF #collaboration #parametricity- Re-considering neighborhood-based collaborative filtering parameters in the context of new data (AEH, RDF), pp. 1481–1482.
SIGIR-2008-WebberMZS- Precision-at-ten considered redundant (WW, AM, JZ, TS), pp. 695–696.
CASE-2007-ShiomiSOOYKI #2d #problem #process- The Solution of 2-Dimensional Rectangular Cutting Stock Problem Considering Cutting Process (YS, MS, JO, TO, MY, HK, KI), pp. 140–145.
DAC-2007-AhmedTJ #design #fault #generative- Transition Delay Fault Test Pattern Generation Considering Supply Voltage Noise in a SOC Design (NA, MT, VJ), pp. 533–538.
DAC-2007-ChandraLRD #power management- System-on-Chip Power Management Considering Leakage Power Variations (SC, KL, AR, SD), pp. 877–882.
DAC-2007-ChengCW #named #power management- GlitchMap: An FPGA Technology Mapper for Low Power Considering Glitches (LC, DC, MDFW), pp. 318–323.
DAC-2007-HeloueAN #correlation #estimation #modelling- Modeling and Estimation of Full-Chip Leakage Current Considering Within-Die Correlation (KRH, NA, FNN), pp. 93–98.
DAC-2007-LiY #analysis #power management #statistics- Statistical Analysis of Full-Chip Leakage Power Considering Junction Tunneling Leakage (TL, ZY), pp. 99–102.
DATE-2007-FanMTCH #correlation #order #reduction #statistics- Statistical model order reduction for interconnect circuits considering spatial correlations (JF, NM, SXDT, YC, XH), pp. 1508–1513.
DATE-2007-PanC #analysis #component #fault #framework #quality #reliability- A framework for system reliability analysis considering both system error tolerance and component test quality (SJ(RP, KTC), pp. 1581–1586.
HCI-IPT-2007-LeeC #design #interface #visual notation- Interface Design Technique Considering Visual Cohesion-Rate by Object Unit (CML, OBC), pp. 72–81.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KusukawaMA #e-commerce- Impact of E-Commerce Environment on Selection of Sales Methods Considering Delivery Lead Time of Goods (EK, SM, IA), pp. 929–938.
DAC-2006-CaoDH #standard- Standard cell characterization considering lithography induced variations (KC, SD, JH), pp. 801–804.
DAC-2006-ChenCCCH #novel- Novel full-chip gridless routing considering double-via insertion (HYC, MFC, YWC, LC, BH), pp. 755–760.
DAC-2006-GhantaVBP #analysis #correlation #power management #probability #scalability- Stochastic variational analysis of large power grids considering intra-die correlations (PG, SBKV, SB, RP), pp. 211–216.
DAC-2006-LuoSSKC- An IC manufacturing yield model considering intra-die variations (JL, SS, QS, JK, CC), pp. 749–754.
DAC-2006-ZouMGS #optimisation- A CPPLL hierarchical optimization methodology considering jitter, power and locking time (JZ, DM, HEG, US), pp. 19–24.
WCRE-2006-KapserG #harmful- “Cloning Considered Harmful” Considered Harmful (CK, MWG), pp. 19–28.
ICPR-v1-2006-AdachiKO #estimation #fault #reliability- Reliability index of optical flow that considers error margin of matches and stabilizes camera movement estimation (EA, TK, NO), pp. 699–702.
SAC-2006-LeongG #policy- Improving the performances of proxy cache replacement policies by considering infrequent objects (HWL, BG), pp. 791–796.
DAC-2005-KhandelwalS #analysis #correlation #framework #statistics- A general framework for accurate statistical timing analysis considering correlations (VK, AS), pp. 89–94.
DAC-2005-SrivastavaSASBD #correlation #estimation #parametricity #performance #power management- Accurate and efficient gate-level parametric yield estimation considering correlated variations in leakage power and performance (AS, SS, KA, DS, DB, SWD), pp. 535–540.
DAC-2005-TamH- Power optimal dual-Vdd buffered tree considering buffer stations and blockages (KHT, LH), pp. 497–502.
DATE-2005-BaiKKSM #multi #trade-off- Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Nanometer-Scale Multi-Level Caches Considering Total Leakage (RB, NSK, TK, DS, TNM), pp. 650–651.
DATE-2005-ChandyC #interactive #performance- Performance Driven Decoupling Capacitor Allocation Considering Data and Clock Interactions (AC, TC), pp. 984–985.
DATE-2005-FuYM #satisfiability- Considering Circuit Observability Don’t Cares in CNF Satisfiability (ZF, YY, SM), pp. 1108–1113.
DATE-2005-GhantaVPW #analysis #grid #power management #probability #process- Stochastic Power Grid Analysis Considering Process Variations (PG, SBKV, RP, JMW), pp. 964–969.
DATE-2005-KumarLTW #multi #probability #process #statistics- A Probabilistic Collocation Method Based Statistical Gate Delay Model Considering Process Variations and Multiple Input Switching (YSK, JL, CT, JMW), pp. 770–775.
DATE-2005-XiongTH #process- Buffer Insertion Considering Process Variation (JX, KHT, LH), pp. 970–975.
CSMR-2005-PighinM #maintenance- Reducing Corrective Maintenance Effort Considering Module’s History (MP, AM), pp. 232–235.
SAC-2005-Goualard #algorithm #constraints #on the #theorem proving- On considering an interval constraint solving algorithm as a free-steering nonlinear Gauss-Seidel procedure (FG), pp. 1434–1438.
DAC-2004-AgarwalDB #multi #statistics- Statistical gate delay model considering multiple input switching (AA, FD, DB), pp. 658–663.
DAC-2004-HeLS #reduction- System level leakage reduction considering the interdependence of temperature and leakage (LH, WL, MRS), pp. 12–17.
DAC-2004-LyuhK #energy #memory management #multi #scheduling- Memory access scheduling and binding considering energy minimization in multi-bank memory systems (CGL, TK), pp. 81–86.
DAC-2004-RaoDBS #estimation #parametricity #variability- Parametric yield estimation considering leakage variability (RRR, AD, DB, DS), pp. 442–447.
DAC-2004-SrivastavaSB #optimisation #power management #process #statistics #using- Statistical optimization of leakage power considering process variations using dual-Vth and sizing (AS, DS, DB), pp. 773–778.
DATE-v2-2004-NakashimaIOM- ULSI Interconnect Length Distribution Model Considering Core Utilization (HN, JI, KO, KM), pp. 1210–1217.
PEPM-2004-Kamin #generative- Invited application paper: program generation considered easy (SK), pp. 68–79.
OSDI-2004-WalfishSKBMS #harmful- Middleboxes No Longer Considered Harmful (MW, JS, MNK, HB, RM, SS), pp. 215–230.
DAC-2003-FerzliN #estimation #grid #power management #process #statistics- Statistical estimation of leakage-induced power grid voltage drop considering within-die process variations (IAF, FNN), pp. 856–859.
DAC-2003-LeeKBS #analysis- Analysis and minimization techniques for total leakage considering gate oxide leakage (DL, WK, DB, DS), pp. 175–180.
ICEIS-v3-2003-NetoPP #database #modelling #quality #realtime- Real-Time Database Modeling Considering Quality of Service (PFRN, AP, MLBP), pp. 403–410.
DATE-2002-BrandtnerW #network #power management #simulation- Hierarchical Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs Considering the Power Supply Network (TB, RW), pp. 1028–1032.
ICPR-v2-2002-UjiieOA- A Discriminant Function Considering Normality Improvement of the Distribution (HU, SO, HA), pp. 224–227.
DAC-2001-UchinoC #energy- An Interconnect Energy Model Considering Coupling Effects (TU, JC), pp. 555–558.
OOPSLA-2001-AlpernCFGL #harmful #implementation #interface #java #performance- Efficient Implementation of Java Interfaces: Invokeinterface Considered Harmless (BA, AC, SJF, DG, DL), pp. 108–124.
SAC-2001-SonahI #performance #video- Considering video characteristics for improved cache performance in VOD systems (BS, MRI), pp. 429–433.
DATE-2000-HiroseY #reduction- A Bus Delay Reduction Technique Considering Crosstalk (KH, HY), pp. 441–445.
DATE-2000-PaulusKT #constraints #optimisation- Area Optimization of Analog Circuits Considering Matching Constraints (CP, UK, RT), p. 738.
ICPR-v1-2000-OkataniD #fault #image #metric #multi- A Method for Fine Registration of Multiple View Range Images Considering the Measurement Error Properties (ISO, KD), pp. 1280–1283.
ICPR-v2-2000-FukushimaN #online #recognition- On-Line Writing-Box-Free Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Text Considering Character Size Variations (TF, MN), pp. 2359–2363.
DAC-1999-HashimotoOT #design #power management #reduction- A Practical Gate Resizing Technique Considering Glitch Reduction for Low Power Design (MH, HO, KT), pp. 446–451.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Simons #case study #harmful- Use Cases Considered Harmful (AJHS), pp. 194–203.
IWPC-1998-BrandSV #harmful #legacy #parsing- Current Parsing Techniques in Software Renovation Considered Harmful (MvdB, MPAS, CV), pp. 108–117.
CSCW-1998-AckermanH #memory management- Considering an Organization’s Memory (MSA, CH), pp. 39–48.
ICPR-1998-FunadaOMTNMSWY #feature model- Feature extraction method for palmprint considering elimination of creases (JiF, NO, MM, TT, KN, AM, TS, TW, YY), pp. 1849–1854.
ICPR-1998-SunOA #algorithm #multi #recognition #taxonomy- An algorithm for constructing a multi-template dictionary for character recognition considering distribution of feature vectors (FS, SO, HA), pp. 1114–1116.
HCI-CC-1997-KoisoSYN #communication- Communication Model in Emergency Which Considers Competence, Duty and Responsibility (TK, NS, TY, SN), pp. 49–52.
WCRE-1996-BurdMW #legacy #reuse- Extracting Reusable Modules from Legacy Code: Considering the Issues of Module Granularity (EB, MM, CDW), p. 189–?.
ICPR-1996-SchackK #information management #parametricity- Instantaneous coherence as a sensible parameter for considering human information processing (BS, WK), pp. 45–49.
DAC-1995-LeeW #performance- A Performance and Routability Driven Router for FPGAs Considering Path Delays (YSL, ACHW), pp. 557–561.
CHI-1994-NishiyamaKYM94a #image #retrieval- An image retrieval system considering subjective perception (HN, SK, TY, YM), pp. 30–36.
CAiSE-1994-HofmannH #design #information management #quality #requirements #security- Reaching out for Quality: Considering Security Requirements in the Design of Information Systems (HFH, RH), pp. 105–118.
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