Collaborated with:
G.R.Crane C.York D.A.Smith
Talks about:
librari (3) digit (3) human (2) case (2) hypertextu (1) structur (1) challeng (1) heritag (1) toward (1) london (1)
Person: Clifford E. Wulfman
DBLP: Wulfman:Clifford_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ECDL-2003-YorkWC #case study #challenge #library #query
- Structure-Aware Query for Digital Libraries: Use Cases and Challenges for the Humanities (CY, CEW, GRC), pp. 188–193.
- JCDL-2001-CraneSW #case study #hypermedia #library
- Building a hypertextual digital library in the humanities: a case study on London (GRC, DAS, CEW), pp. 426–434.
- JCDL-2003-CraneW #library #towards
- Towards a Cultural Heritage Digital Library (GRC, CEW), pp. 75–86.