Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Estonia
1 × Norway
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Pettersson H.Hansson J.Suryadevara L.Hatvani F.Mallet D.Ivanov M.Orlic A.Vulgarakis E.Kang G.Rodríguez-Navas M.Nyberg O.Ljungkrantz H.Lönn
Talks about:
system (3) embed (3) behavior (2) verifi (2) model (2) adapt (2) tool (2) framework (1) function (1) automata (1)
Person: Cristina Cerschi Seceleanu
DBLP: Seceleanu:Cristina_Cerschi
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DAC-2014-Rodriguez-NavasSHNLL #approach #automation #functional #safety #specification #verification
- Automated Specification and Verification of Functional Safety in Heavy-Vehicles: the VeriSpec Approach (GRN, CCS, HH, MN, OL, HL), p. 4.
- SEFM-2013-SuryadevaraSMP #behaviour #using #verification
- Verifying MARTE/CCSL Mode Behaviors Using UPPAAL (JS, CCS, FM, PP), pp. 1–15.
- FASE-2012-HatvaniPS #adaptation #automaton #embedded #framework #verification
- Adaptive Task Automata: A Framework for Verifying Adaptive Embedded Systems (LH, PP, CCS), pp. 115–129.
- ASE-2010-IvanovOSV #analysis #behaviour #embedded #modelling #set #tool support
- REMES tool-chain: a set of integrated tools for behavioral modeling and analysis of embedded systems (DI, MO, CCS, AV), pp. 361–362.
- CBSE-2010-SuryadevaraKSP #embedded #modelling #semantic gap
- Bridging the Semantic Gap between Abstract Models of Embedded Systems (JS, EYK, CCS, PP), pp. 55–73.
- ICST-2008-SeceleanuPH #resource management #scheduling
- Scheduling Timed Modules for Correct Resource Sharing (CCS, PP, HH), pp. 102–111.