2898 papers:
CASE-2015-ChenHLL #development #ontology #tool support- Development of a Hybrid-Cloud-based Wheel-Manufacturing Service with Ontology inference for machine tools (CCC, MHH, YCL, PYL), pp. 1440–1445.
CASE-2015-FrigerioSM #energy #programming #tool support- Dynamic programming for energy control of machine tools in manufacturing (NF, JGS, AM), pp. 39–44.
CASE-2015-HaufMPF #energy #modelling- Energy consumption modeling within the virtual commissioning tool chain (DH, DM, P, JF), pp. 1357–1362.
CASE-2015-LiangSQLY #agile #assessment #development #using- Criteria for lean practice selection: Development an assessment tool using the rooted arborescence (YL, SS, LQ, YL, GY), pp. 237–242.
CASE-2015-LinHWC #development #multitenancy #novel #tool support- Development of a novel cloud-based multi-tenant model creation scheme for machine tools (YCL, MHH, CFW, FTC), pp. 1448–1449.
CASE-2015-LinYCLL #constraints #scheduling- A master-axis-based feedrate scheduling with jerk constraints for five-axis tool center point trajectory (MTL, NTY, WTC, CYL, YML), pp. 111–116.
CASE-2015-LiYTC #architecture #fault- Extracting relevant features for diagnosing machine tool faults in cloud architecture (YYL, HCY, HT, FTC), pp. 1434–1439.
CASE-2015-PanZQ #clustering #how #process #tool support- How to start-up dual-arm cluster tools involving a wafer revisiting process (CP, MZ, YQ), pp. 1194–1199.
CASE-2015-SchafaschekQC #clustering #composition #scheduling #tool support- Local modular supervisory control applied to the scheduling of cluster tools (GS, MHdQ, JERC), pp. 1381–1388.
CASE-2015-TiengYC #precise #tool support- Total precision inspection of machine tools with virtual metrology (HT, HCY, FTC), pp. 1446–1447.
CASE-2015-ZafarKSMJA #health #monitoring #process #using- Tool health monitoring for wood milling process using airborne acoustic emission (TZ, KK, ZS, SM, AJ, UA), pp. 1521–1526.
CASE-2015-ZhuQZ #clustering #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net modeling and one-wafer scheduling of single-arm tree-like multi-cluster tools (QZ, YQ, MZ), pp. 292–297.
DAC-2015-SztipanovitsBNK #cyber-physical #design #lessons learnt- Design tool chain for cyber-physical systems: lessons learned (JS, TB, SN, XDK, EKJ), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WangR #design #tool support- Design tools for oscillator-based computing systems (TW, JR), p. 6.
DATE-2015-AfacanBPDB #hybrid #monte carlo- A hybrid Quasi Monte Carlo method for yield aware analog circuit sizing tool (EA, GB, AEP, GD, IFB), pp. 1225–1228.
DATE-2015-BillointSRVBFRC #2d #3d #design #using- A comprehensive study of monolithic 3D cell on cell design using commercial 2D tool (OB, HS, IR, MV, PB, CFB, OR, GC, FD, AF, JM, OF, OT, JFC, ST, FC), pp. 1192–1196.
DATE-2015-BrennaBBL #design- A tool for the assisted design of charge redistribution SAR ADCs (SB, AB, AB, ALL), pp. 1265–1268.
DATE-2015-PorembaMLVX #3d #modelling #named- DESTINY: a tool for modeling emerging 3D NVM and eDRAM caches (MP, SM, DL, JSV, YX), pp. 1543–1546.
DATE-2015-SaifhashemiHBB #equivalence #logic #tool support #using- Logical equivalence checking of asynchronous circuits using commercial tools (AS, HHH, PB, PAB), pp. 1563–1566.
DRR-2015-ChenSWLHI #analysis #dataset #documentation #layout- Ground truth model, tool, and dataset for layout analysis of historical documents (KC, MS, HW, ML, JH, RI), p. 940204.
HT-2015-BeckerSLHHS #named #visualisation- VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories (MB, PS, FL, AH, DH, MS), pp. 319–320.
SIGMOD-2015-MorcosAIOPS #data transformation #interactive #named- DataXFormer: An Interactive Data Transformation Tool (JM, ZA, IFI, MO, PP, MS), pp. 883–888.
SIGMOD-2015-SalihogluSKTW #debugging #named- Graft: A Debugging Tool For Apache Giraph (SS, JS, VK, BQT, JW), pp. 1403–1408.
SIGMOD-2015-WangDM #fault- Data X-Ray: A Diagnostic Tool for Data Errors (XW, XLD, AM), pp. 1231–1245.
VLDB-2015-KoutraJNF #graph #interactive #mining #named #scalability #visualisation- Perseus: An Interactive Large-Scale Graph Mining and Visualization Tool (DK, DJ, YN, CF), pp. 1924–1935.
ITiCSE-2015-ChengSH #named #online- TOPT: A Tree-based Online Presentation Tool (YC, JS, JH), p. 342.
ITiCSE-2015-GreenbergR #tool support- Tools for Outreach Presentations (RIG, DR), p. 331.
ITiCSE-2015-KarpovaDHP #algebra #named #parsing #relational #tool support- RAPT: Relational Algebra Parsing Tools (OK, ND, DH, AP), p. 334.
ITiCSE-2015-LiMTMSKW #named #visualisation- VIGvisual: A Visualization Tool for the Vigenère Cipher (CL, JM, JT, JM, CKS, MSK, CW), pp. 129–134.
ITiCSE-2015-WangMSLCW #data access #education #named #using #visualisation- RBACvisual: A Visualization Tool for Teaching Access Control using Role-based Access Control (MW, JM, CKS, TL, SC, CW), pp. 141–146.
ITiCSE-2015-WangZQS #programming- A TUI-based Programming Tool for Children (DW, LZ, YQ, FS), pp. 219–224.
TACAS-2015-BrazdilCFK #multi #named #synthesis- MultiGain: A Controller Synthesis Tool for MDPs with Multiple Mean-Payoff Objectives (TB, KC, VF, AK), pp. 181–187.
TACAS-2015-DemasiCRMA #fault tolerance #named #source code #specification- syntMaskFT: A Tool for Synthesizing Masking Fault-Tolerant Programs from Deontic Specifications (RD, PFC, NR, TSEM, NA), pp. 188–193.
TACAS-2015-DuggiralaMVP #modelling #named #verification- C2E2: A Verification Tool for Stateflow Models (PSD, SM, MV, MP), pp. 68–82.
TACAS-2015-Nguyen0TP #bound #c #contest #lazy evaluation #source code- Unbounded Lazy-CSeq: A Lazy Sequentialization Tool for C Programs with Unbounded Context Switches — (Competition Contribution) (TLN, BF, SLT, GP), pp. 461–463.
TACAS-2015-Thierry-Mieg #model checking #using- Symbolic Model-Checking Using ITS-Tools (YTM), pp. 231–237.
ICSME-2015-AggarwalHS #energy #evolution #named- GreenAdvisor: A tool for analyzing the impact of software evolution on energy consumption (KA, AH, ES), pp. 311–320.
ICSME-2015-JongelingDS #analysis #re-engineering #research #sentiment #tool support- Choosing your weapons: On sentiment analysis tools for software engineering research (RJ, SD, AS), pp. 531–535.
ICSME-2015-LuciaDGRP #behaviour #design pattern #detection #named- ePadEvo: A tool for the detection of behavioral design patterns (ADL, VD, CG, MR, CP), pp. 327–329.
ICSME-2015-RomanoS- DUM-Tool (SR, GS), pp. 339–341.
ICSME-2015-SvajlenkoR #clone detection #detection #tool support- Evaluating clone detection tools with BigCloneBench (JS, CKR), pp. 131–140.
SANER-2015-DamevskiSP #code search #developer #evaluation #metric #scalability #tool support- Scaling up evaluation of code search tools through developer usage metrics (KD, DCS, LLP), pp. 181–190.
SANER-2015-HayashiHMSOM #named #refactoring- Historef: A tool for edit history refactoring (SH, DH, JM, MS, TO, KM), pp. 469–473.
SANER-2015-MondalRS #mining #named #refactoring- SPCP-Miner: A tool for mining code clones that are important for refactoring or tracking (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 484–488.
SANER-2015-MurakamiHK #named #set #visualisation- ClonePacker: A tool for clone set visualization (HM, YH, SK), pp. 474–478.
SANER-2015-MuskeB #on the #static analysis #tool support- On implementational variations in static analysis tools (TM, PB), pp. 512–515.
SANER-2015-NairJNH #analysis- A static code analysis tool for control system software (SN, RJ, ARN, SHS), pp. 459–463.
SANER-2015-PanichellaAPA #code review #developer #question #static analysis #tool support- Would static analysis tools help developers with code reviews? (SP, VA, MDP, GA), pp. 161–170.
SCAM-2015-DarizRS #analysis #programmable- A static microcode analysis tool for programmable load drivers (LD, MR, MS), pp. 265–270.
CIAA-2015-BorsottiBCM15a #ambiguity #named #parsing #regular expression- BSP: A Parsing Tool for Ambiguous Regular Expressions (AB, LB, SCR, AM), pp. 313–316.
ICALP-v1-2015-AronovK #algebra #diagrams #tool support- Batched Point Location in SINR Diagrams via Algebraic Tools (BA, MJK), pp. 65–77.
SEFM-2015-CarvalhoBCCMS #csp #natural language #requirements #testing- NAT2TEST Tool: From Natural Language Requirements to Test Cases Based on CSP (GC, FAB, AC, AC, AM, AS), pp. 283–290.
ICGT-2015-LeblebiciAS #graph grammar #multi #tool support- Tool Support for Multi-amalgamated Triple Graph Grammars (EL, AA, AS), pp. 257–265.
CHI-2015-AmershiCDLSS #analysis #machine learning #named #performance #tool support- ModelTracker: Redesigning Performance Analysis Tools for Machine Learning (SA, MC, SMD, BL, PYS, JS), pp. 337–346.
CHI-2015-BakerML #named- StructJumper: A Tool to Help Blind Programmers Navigate and Understand the Structure of Code (CMB, LRM, REL), pp. 3043–3052.
CHI-2015-ChettyKSBFE #data transformation #internet #named- uCap: An Internet Data Management Tool For The Home (MC, HK, SS, SB, NF, WKE), pp. 3093–3102.
CHI-2015-JacobsZ #collaboration #design #hybrid #tool support- Hybrid Practice in the Kalahari: Design Collaboration through Digital Tools and Hunter-Gatherer Craft (JJ, AZ), pp. 619–628.
CHI-2015-KayPK #bibliography #classification #evaluation #how- How Good is 85%?: A Survey Tool to Connect Classifier Evaluation to Acceptability of Accuracy (MK, SNP, JAK), pp. 347–356.
CHI-2015-KuznetsovDWMHP #biology #hybrid #open source #tool support- DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms for Hybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation (SK, CD, NW, SM, SEH, EP), pp. 4065–4068.
CHI-2015-PlimmerHZKYJBD #interactive #tool support- New Interaction Tools for Preserving an Old Language (BP, LH, TZ, KK, AWY, GJ, RB, EYLD), pp. 3493–3502.
CHI-2015-WangGXZYB #interactive #named #privacy #using #visualisation- VeilMe: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Privacy Configuration of Using Personality Traits (YW, LG, AX, MXZ, HY, HB), pp. 817–826.
CSCW-2015-GonzalesFB #lessons learnt #towards- Towards an Appropriable CSCW Tool Ecology: Lessons from the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen (JAG, CF, AB), pp. 946–957.
CSCW-2015-HalbertN #design #interactive #tool support- Designing for Discomfort: Supporting Critical Reflection through Interactive Tools (HH, LPN), pp. 349–360.
CSCW-2015-TrainerCKH #community #question #what- From Personal Tool to Community Resource: What’s the Extra Work and Who Will Do It? (EHT, CC, AK, JDH), pp. 417–430.
DHM-EH-2015-BordegoniCCC #design #experience #generative- Body Tracking as a Generative Tool for Experience Design (MB, SC, GC, UC), pp. 122–133.
DHM-HM-2015-KikuchiSZTGH #quantifier- Effects of Quantified Instructional Tool on Spray-up Fabrication Method (TK, ES, YZ, YT, AG, HH), pp. 104–113.
DUXU-DD-2015-AsthanaS #modelling #named #testing #usability #using #xml- Maareech: Usability Testing Tool for Voice Response System Using XML Based User Models (SA, PS), pp. 101–112.
DUXU-DD-2015-ChasanidouGL #design #tool support- Design Thinking Methods and Tools for Innovation (DC, AAG, EL), pp. 12–23.
DUXU-DD-2015-OliveiraMMM #analysis #behaviour #design- Scenario Analysis as a Tool for Informing the Design of Behaviour Change Interventions (LCRdO, MCM, VM, AJM), pp. 535–547.
DUXU-IXD-2015-FioriniFASWRL #3d #education #interactive #modelling #simulation #tool support- Three-Dimensional Models and Simulation Tools Enabling Interaction and Immersion in Medical Education (STF, LF, BAdA, JRLdS, HW, ABR, CJPdL), pp. 662–671.
DUXU-UI-2015-Bahr #mobile #prototype #requirements #tool support #towards #user interface- Towards a Requirements Catalogue for Prototyping Tools of Mobile User Interfaces (BB), pp. 495–507.
DUXU-UI-2015-ChammasQM- Children’s Mental Model as a Tool to Provide Innovation in Digital Products (AC, MQ, CRM), pp. 23–33.
DUXU-UI-2015-Chen15b #adaptation #interactive- Adapting Smart Textiles to Develop Soft Interactive Tool Kits for Applying in Sewing Projects (ACYC), pp. 611–621.
HCI-UC-2015-BorsciLBJ #assessment #prototype- Early Prototype Assessment of a New Virtual System for Training Procedural Skills of Automotive Service Operators: LARTE Tool (SB, GL, MB, BJ), pp. 135–143.
HIMI-IKD-2015-ArgyleLG #evaluation #predict- Evaluation of Data Display Methods in a Flash Flood Prediction Tool (EMA, CL, JJG), pp. 15–22.
LCT-2015-Alvarez-Montero #bibliography #concept #feedback #perspective #tool support- Feedback in Computer-Based Concept Mapping Tools: A Short Review (FJÁM, HJG, ERR), pp. 187–198.
LCT-2015-GonzalezHGS #interactive #learning #student #tool support- Exploring Student Interactions: Learning Analytics Tools for Student Tracking (MÁCG, ÁHG, FJGP, MLSE), pp. 50–61.
LCT-2015-SoleimaniGHWG #empirical- CyberPLAYce, A Cyber-Physical-Spatial Storytelling Tool: Results from an Empirical Study with 8-10-Year-Old Storytellers (AS, KEG, DCH, IDW, CGM), pp. 438–446.
ICEIS-v1-2015-AlhammadiSE #knowledge base #migration- A Knowledge based Decision Making Tool to Support Cloud Migration Decision Making (AA, CS, AE), pp. 637–643.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Kozmina #empirical #recommendation- An Empirical Study of Recommendations in OLAP Reporting Tool (NK), pp. 303–312.
ICEIS-v2-2015-CostaMAO #automation #consistency #detection #named #nondeterminism- Fixture — A Tool for Automatic Inconsistencies Detection in Context-aware SPL (PAdSC, FGM, RMdCA, TO), pp. 114–125.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MendesAASNM #evolution #monitoring #named #open source #technical debt #using #visualisation- VisMinerTD — An Open Source Tool to Support the Monitoring of the Technical Debt Evolution using Software Visualization (TSM, DAA, NSRA, ROS, RLN, MGM), pp. 457–462.
ICEIS-v2-2015-MunizNM #functional #modelling #named #statistics #testing- TCG — A Model-based Testing Tool for Functional and Statistical Testing (LLM, USCN, PHMM), pp. 404–411.
ICEIS-v2-2015-PerezNGD #analysis #development #process- A Tool for the Analysis of Change Management Processes in Software Development Cycles (MP, ÁN, HAPG, JCD), pp. 482–485.
ICEIS-v3-2015-BhatRM #architecture #enterprise #evolution #metric #tool support- Tool Support for Analyzing the Evolution of Enterprise Architecture Metrics (MB, TR, FM), pp. 154–161.
ICEIS-v3-2015-LozanoCPA #named #ontology #query- RockQuery — An Ontology-based Data Querying Tool (JL, JLC, MP, MA), pp. 25–33.
ECIR-2015-HienertHWK #analysis #named- WHOSE — A Tool for Whole-Session Analysis in IIR (DH, WvH, AW, DK), pp. 172–183.
RecSys-2015-KaragiannakisGS #automation #category theory #recommendation- OSMRec Tool for Automatic Recommendation of Categories on Spatial Entities in OpenStreetMap (NK, GG, DS, SA), pp. 337–338.
SEKE-2015-AssuncaoFLSV #automaton #generative #markov #modelling #named #network #predict #probability- SANGE — Stochastic Automata Networks Generator. A tool to efficiently predict events through structured Markovian models (JA, PF, LL, AS, JMV), pp. 581–584.
SEKE-2015-CabrejosVMC #usability #web- Evaluating Software Engineers’ Acceptance of a Technique and Tool for Web Usability Inspection (LJERC, AMRV, JCM, TC), pp. 140–145.
SEKE-2015-FonsecaBF #integration #metric #tool support- Integration of Software Measurement Supporting Tools: A Mapping Study (VSF, MPB, RdAF), pp. 516–521.
SEKE-2015-GoncalvesW #bibliography #education #how #perspective #project management #tool support- How to Teach the Usage of Project Management Tools in Computer Courses: A Systematic Literature Review (RQG, CGvW), pp. 36–41.
SEKE-2015-KchaouBB #modelling #uml- CQV-UML Tool: a tool for managing the impact of change on UML models (DK, NB, HBA), pp. 670–673.
SEKE-2015-LacherWFPNM #behaviour #empirical #metric- A Behavior Marker tool for measurement of the Non-Technical Skills of Software Professionals: An Empirical Investigation (LLL, GSW, FF, MP, KEN, JM), pp. 409–414.
SEKE-2015-LiuH #petri net #pipes and filters #verification- PIPE+Verifier — A Tool for Analyzing High Level Petri Nets (SL, XH), pp. 575–580.
SEKE-2015-TaheriS #agile #classification #development- A Feature-Based Tool-Selection Classification for Agile Software Development (MT, SMS), pp. 700–704.
ECMFA-2015-BruneliereGDKHB #lightweight #metamodelling #modelling #on the #tool support- On Lightweight Metamodel Extension to Support Modeling Tools Agility (HB, JG, PD, DEK, RH, RB, JC), pp. 62–74.
ECMFA-2015-SafdarIK #empirical #evaluation #modelling #tool support #uml- Empirical Evaluation of UML Modeling Tools — A Controlled Experiment (SAS, MZI, MUK), pp. 33–44.
MoDELS-2015-FoucheNGE #diagrams #generative #modelling #standard #tool support- Systematic generation of standard compliant tool support of diagrammatic modeling languages (AF, FN, SG, ME), pp. 348–357.
Onward-2015-BarmanBCTBC #interactive #synthesis #tool support #towards- Toward tool support for interactive synthesis (SB, RB, SC, ET, AB, DC), pp. 121–136.
GPCE-2015-AdamS #domain-specific language #tool support #towards- Towards tool support for spreadsheet-based domain-specific languages (SA, UPS), pp. 95–98.
GPCE-2015-El-SharkawyKS #analysis #semantics #tool support- Analysing the Kconfig semantics and its analysis tools (SES, AK, KS), pp. 45–54.
GPCE-2015-RingertRW #behaviour #code generation #tool support- Composing code generators for C&C ADLs with Application-specific behavior languages (tool demonstration) (JOR, BR, AW), pp. 113–116.
SAC-2015-DemuthRNHZE #framework #multi #named- DesignSpace: an infrastructure for multi-user/multi-tool engineering (AD, MRE, AN, PH, KZ, AE), pp. 1486–1491.
SAC-2015-SilvaBNCS #architecture #design #quality- A decision-making tool to support architectural designs based on quality attributes (ICLS, PHSB, BFdSN, EC, AAS), pp. 1457–1463.
SAC-2015-SousaS #domain-specific language #simulation #tool support- A domain specific language for spatial simulation scenarios (DSL3S): introduction and tool support (LdS, ARdS), pp. 1854–1856.
SAC-2015-TizzeiABC #architecture #case study #product line #tool support #using- Architecting cloud tools using software product line techniques: an exploratory study (LPT, LGA, MdB, RFGC), pp. 1441–1448.
SAC-2015-ZappatoreLB #composition #contract #network #representation- SLA composition in service networks: a tool for representing relationships between SLAs and contracts (MZ, AL, MAB), pp. 1219–1224.
ESEC-FSE-2015-0002SGBZ #automation #impact analysis #named #natural language #requirements- NARCIA: an automated tool for change impact analysis in natural language requirements (CA, MS, AG, LCB, FZ), pp. 962–965.
ESEC-FSE-2015-JohnsonPMH #adaptation #concept #developer #tool support- Bespoke tools: adapted to the concepts developers know (BJ, RP, ERMH, SH), pp. 878–881.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Makihara #named #programming- Pockets: a tool to support exploratory programming for novices and educators (EM), pp. 1066–1068.
ESEC-FSE-2015-Prasetya #generative #java #named #query #testing- T3i: a tool for generating and querying test suites for Java (ISWBP), pp. 950–953.
ESEC-FSE-2015-WitscheyZWMMZ #developer #security #tool support- Quantifying developers’ adoption of security tools (JW, OZ, AKW, ERMH, CBM, TZ), pp. 260–271.
ICSE-v1-2015-SmithBZ #exclamation #scalability #tool support- Build It Yourself! Homegrown Tools in a Large Software Company (EKS, CB, TZ), pp. 369–379.
ICSE-v1-2015-VakilianPEJ #named- Cascade: A Universal Programmer-Assisted Type Qualifier Inference Tool (MV, AP, MDE, REJ), pp. 234–245.
ICSE-v2-2015-BaoLXWZ #behaviour #developer #interactive #modelling #named #using #video- scvRipper: Video Scraping Tool for Modeling Developers’ Behavior Using Interaction Data (LB, JL, ZX, XW, BZ), pp. 673–676.
ICSE-v2-2015-ChenGSYH #energy #named #performance- StressCloud: A Tool for Analysing Performance and Energy Consumption of Cloud Applications (FC, JCG, JGS, YY, QH), pp. 721–724.
ICSE-v2-2015-FischerLLE #composition- The ECCO Tool: Extraction and Composition for Clone-and-Own (SF, LL, RELH, AE), pp. 665–668.
ICSE-v2-2015-FranksTDH #modelling #named- CACHECA: A Cache Language Model Based Code Suggestion Tool (CF, ZT, PTD, VH), pp. 705–708.
ICSE-v2-2015-Sant #assessment- Code Repurposing as an Assessment Tool (JS), pp. 295–298.
ICSE-v2-2015-Schwartz-Narbonne #c #named #source code- VERMEER: A Tool for Tracing and Explaining Faulty C Programs (DSN, CO, MS, TW), pp. 737–740.
ICSE-v2-2015-TannoZHS #automation #enterprise #generative #modelling #testing #tool support- TesMa and CATG: Automated Test Generation Tools for Models of Enterprise Applications (HT, XZ, TH, KS), pp. 717–720.
ICSE-v2-2015-VasquezCAP #automation #commit #generative #named- ChangeScribe: A Tool for Automatically Generating Commit Messages (MLV, LFCC, JA, DP), pp. 709–712.
ICSE-v2-2015-VivianTFFS #development #online #visualisation- The Development of a Dashboard Tool for Visualising Online Teamwork Discussions (RV, HT, KEF, NJGF, CS), pp. 380–388.
SPLC-2015-ColaLTQ #product line- An MDE tool for defining software product families with explicit variation points (SDC, KKL, CMT, CQ), pp. 355–360.
SPLC-2015-DegueuleFBANMGB #design pattern #variability- Tooling support for variability and architectural patterns in systems engineering (TD, JBFF, OB, MA, JLN, SM, GG, GB, OC), pp. 361–364.
SPLC-2015-DomisAB #analysis #modelling #safety #tool support #uml #using #variability- Integrating variability and safety analysis models using commercial UML-based tools (DD, RA, MB), pp. 225–234.
SPLC-2015-FederleFCV #architecture #design #named #product line #search-based- OPLA-tool: a support tool for search-based product line architecture design (ÉLF, TdNF, TEC, SRV), pp. 370–373.
SPLC-2015-FerrariSGD #diagrams #documentation #feature model #natural language #tool support- CMT and FDE: tools to bridge the gap between natural language documents and feature diagrams (AF, GOS, SG, FD), pp. 402–410.
SPLC-2015-MazoMRST #named #product line- VariaMos: an extensible tool for engineering (dynamic) product lines (RM, JCMF, LR, CS, GT), pp. 374–379.
SPLC-2015-VasilevskiyHCJS #product line- The BVR tool bundle to support product line engineering (AV, ØH, FC, MFJ, DS), pp. 380–384.
LCTES-2015-ManilovFMA- Free Rider: A Tool for Retargeting Platform-Specific Intrinsic Functions (SM, BF, AM, CA), p. 10.
CADE-2015-DinBH #concurrent #deduction #modelling #named #verification- KeY-ABS: A Deductive Verification Tool for the Concurrent Modelling Language ABS (CCD, RB, RH), pp. 517–526.
CADE-2015-ShintaniH #confluence #linear #named #term rewriting- CoLL: A Confluence Tool for Left-Linear Term Rewrite Systems (KS, NH), pp. 127–136.
CAV-2015-DehnertJJCVBKA #named #parametricity #probability #synthesis- PROPhESY: A PRObabilistic ParamEter SYnthesis Tool (CD, SJ, NJ, FC, MV, HB, JPK, EÁ), pp. 214–231.
CAV-2015-DemyanovaPVZ #benchmark #empirical #metric #tool support #verification- Empirical Software Metrics for Benchmarking of Verification Tools (YD, TP, HV, FZ), pp. 561–579.
CAV-2015-SebastianiT #modulo theories #named #optimisation- OptiMathSAT: A Tool for Optimization Modulo Theories (RS, PT), pp. 447–454.
ICST-2015-CseppentoM #symbolic computation #tool support- Evaluating Symbolic Execution-Based Test Tools (LC, ZM), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2015-HonfiVM #execution #named #symbolic computation #visualisation- SEViz: A Tool for Visualizing Symbolic Execution (DH, AV, ZM), pp. 1–8.
ICST-2015-KobashiYWFYOK #design pattern #named #security #testing #verification- TESEM: A Tool for Verifying Security Design Pattern Applications by Model Testing (TK, MY, HW, YF, NY, TO, HK), pp. 1–8.
ICST-2015-MahajanH15a #debugging #html #named- WebSee: A Tool for Debugging HTML Presentation Failures (SM, WGJH), pp. 1–8.
ICST-2015-RodriguesBCZO #modelling #named #performance #testing- PLeTsPerf — A Model-Based Performance Testing Tool (EdMR, MB, LTC, AFZ, FMdO), pp. 1–8.
TAP-2015-MoreiraHDMNM #case study #code generation #testing #tool support #using #verification- Verifying Code Generation Tools for the B-Method Using Tests: A Case Study (AMM, CH, DD, ECBdM, JBSN, VdMJ), pp. 76–91.
WICSA-2014-ChauhanB #architecture #as a service #development #tool support #towards- Towards a Reference Architecture to Provision Tools as a Service for Global Software Development (MAC, MAB), pp. 167–170.
ASE-2014-HigoK #consistency #named #nondeterminism #source code- MPAnalyzer: a tool for finding unintended inconsistencies in program source code (YH, SK), pp. 843–846.
ASE-2014-LinYSM #agile #project management #tool support- Studying task allocation decisions of novice agile teams with data from agile project management tools (JL, HY, ZS, CM), pp. 689–694.
ASE-2014-MarasSC #analysis #named #reuse #web- Firecrow: a tool for web application analysis and reuse (JM, MS, JC), pp. 847–850.
ASE-2014-MatinnejadNBB14a #named #testing- CoCoTest: a tool for model-in-the-loop testing of continuous controllers (RM, SN, LCB, TB), pp. 855–858.
ASE-2014-MaYHC #modelling #uml #web- A web based UML modeling tool with touch screens (ZM, CYY, HH, HC), pp. 835–838.
ASE-2014-MoreiraP #modelling #testing #user interface- PBGT tool: an integrated modeling and testing environment for pattern-based GUI testing (RMLMM, ACRP), pp. 863–866.
ASE-2014-ThungKL #debugging #detection #named #tool support- DupFinder: integrated tool support for duplicate bug report detection (FT, PSK, DL), pp. 871–874.
ASE-2014-TillmannHX #automation #generative #testing- Transferring an automated test generation tool to practice: from pex to fakes and code digger (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 385–396.
ASE-2014-TurenneKGR #generative- A tool chain for generating the description files of highly available software (MT, AK, AG, SR), pp. 867–870.
CASE-2014-ChenLHLTCC #development #framework #industrial- Development of Auto-scaling Cloud Manufacturing Framework for machine tool industry (CCC, YCL, MHH, CYL, YJT, MSC, FTC), pp. 893–898.
CASE-2014-FrigerioM #energy #policy #probability- Energy saving policies for a machine tool with warm-up, stochastic arrivals and buffer information (NF, AM), pp. 646–651.
CASE-2014-LeeMXW #architecture #in the cloud #virtual machine- Open architecture of virtual machine tool for cloud computing (RSL, KJM, PX, CMW), pp. 905–909.
CASE-2014-YangWQZ #clustering #multi #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools with two-space buffering modules (FY, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 75–80.
CASE-2014-ZhuWQZ #analysis #clustering #constraints #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Modeling and schedulability analysis of single-arm multi-cluster tools with residency time constraints via Petri nets (QZ, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2014-CanedoFR #automation #cyber-physical #design #multi- Multi-disciplinary integrated design automation tool for automotive cyber-physical systems (AC, MAAF, JHR), pp. 1–2.
DATE-2014-Jin #evaluation #proving #security #tool support #trust- EDA tools trust evaluation through security property proofs (YJ), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-MunirK #automation #design #named- D2Cyber: A design automation tool for dependable cybercars (AM, FK), pp. 1–4.
DocEng-2014-KolbergFRF #analysis #documentation #performance #throughput #using- JAR tool: using document analysis for improving the throughput of high performance printing environments (MLK, LGF, MR, CF), pp. 175–178.
DocEng-2014-SchmitzP #big data #tool support- Humanist-centric tools for big data: berkeley prosopography services (PS, LP), pp. 179–188.
DocEng-2014-SchmitzPD #automation #collaboration #metadata #tool support- DH-CASE II: collaborative annotations in shared environments: metadata, tools and techniques in the digital humanities (PS, LP, QD), pp. 211–212.
DRR-2014-CartonLC #interactive #learning #named- LearnPos: a new tool for interactive learning positioning (CC, AL, BC), p. ?–12.
HT-2014-GaffneyCW #authoring #evaluation #user interface- The AMAS authoring tool 2.0: a UX evaluation (CG, OC, VW), pp. 224–230.
PODS-2014-Haas #challenge #ecosystem #roadmap #tool support- Model-data Ecosystems: challenges, tools, and trends (PJH), pp. 76–87.
VLDB-2014-WangKLW #multi #named- Terrain-Toolkit: A Multi-Functional Tool for Terrain Data (QW, MK, CL, RCWW), pp. 1645–1648.
CSEET-2014-Lethbridge #development #education #effectiveness #modelling #using- Teaching modeling using Umple: Principles for the development of an effective tool (TCL), pp. 23–28.
ITiCSE-2014-Frison #algorithm #education #named #programming- AlgoTouch: a programming by demonstration tool for teaching algorithms (PF), p. 334.
ITiCSE-2014-GibsonM #collaboration #tool support- A small scale project to investigate the current and potential use of collaborative tools at sheffield hallam university (TMG, CM), p. 342.
ITiCSE-2014-MaTKMSW #algorithm #named #visualisation- SHAvisual: a secure hash algorithm visualization tool (JM, JT, MSK, JM, CKS, CW), p. 338.
ITiCSE-2014-Prior #assessment #named #online #sql- AsseSQL: an online, browser-based SQL skills assessment tool (JRP), p. 327.
ITiCSE-2014-WangCMSW #data access #education #multi #named #security #using #visualisation- MLSvisual: a visualization tool for teaching access control using multi-level security (MW, SC, JM, CKS, CW), pp. 93–98.
FASE-2014-OuederniSCP #behaviour #named- Comparator: A Tool for Quantifying Behavioural Compatibility (MO, GS, JC, EP), pp. 306–309.
TACAS-2014-AngelisFPP #named #source code #verification- VeriMAP: A Tool for Verifying Programs through Transformations (EDA, FF, AP, MP), pp. 568–574.
TACAS-2014-HuthK #automation #named #reasoning #trust- PEALT: An Automated Reasoning Tool for Numerical Aggregation of Trust Evidence (MH, JHPK), pp. 109–123.
TACAS-2014-InversoT0TP #c #contest #lazy evaluation #named- Lazy-CSeq: A Lazy Sequentialization Tool for C — (Competition Contribution) (OI, ET, BF, SLT, GP), pp. 398–401.
TACAS-2014-Siirtola #bound #composition #multi #named #verification- Bounds2: A Tool for Compositional Multi-parametrised Verification (AS), pp. 599–604.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BakotaHSLF #quality- Qualitygate SourceAudit: A tool for assessing the technical quality of software (TB, PH, IS, GL, RF), pp. 440–445.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-GeSDM #how #query #recommendation- How the Sando search tool recommends queries (XG, DCS, KD, ERMH), pp. 425–428.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-KlammerP #legacy #tool support #towards- Towards tool support for analyzing legacy systems in technical domains (CK, JP), pp. 371–374.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-LiH #automation #fortran #matlab #named- Mc2FOR: A tool for automatically translating MATLAB to FORTRAN 95 (XL, LJH), pp. 234–243.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-LiH14a #automation #fortran #matlab- Mc2FOR demo: A tool for automatically translating MATLAB to FORTRAN 95 (XL, LJH), pp. 458–463.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-PerscheidH #debugging #fault #navigation #testing #tool support- Follow the path: Debugging tools for test-driven fault navigation (MP, RH), pp. 446–449.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-RooverS #development #library #metaprogramming #tool support #using- Building development tools interactively using the EKEKO meta-programming library (CDR, RS), pp. 429–433.
ICPC-2014-MaruyamaOH #comprehension #visualisation- A visualization tool recording historical data of program comprehension tasks (KM, TO, SH), pp. 207–211.
ICSME-2014-AsaduzzamanRSH14a #api #code completion #usability- Context-Sensitive Code Completion Tool for Better API Usability (MA, CKR, KAS, DH), pp. 621–624.
ICSME-2014-GuanaGS #named #towards- ChainTracker: Towards a Comprehensive Tool for Building Code-Generation Environments (VG, KG, ES), pp. 613–616.
ICSME-2014-HallKWM #automation #source code #tool support- Establishing the Source Code Disruption Caused by Automated Remodularisation Tools (MH, MAK, NW, PM), pp. 466–470.
ICSME-2014-OliveiraLVS #metric #named #source code- RTTool: A Tool for Extracting Relative Thresholds for Source Code Metrics (PO, FPL, MTV, AS), pp. 629–632.
ICSME-2014-Reiss14a #repository- Tool Demo: Browsing Software Repositories (SPR), pp. 589–592.
ICSME-2014-SvajlenkoR #clone detection #detection #tool support- Evaluating Modern Clone Detection Tools (JS, CKR), pp. 321–330.
ICSME-2014-ThongtanunamYYKCFI #bibliography #code review #dataset #named #visualisation- ReDA: A Web-Based Visualization Tool for Analyzing Modern Code Review Dataset (PT, XY, NY, RGK, AECC, KF, HI), pp. 605–608.
ICSME-2014-ZhangHD #automation #parallel #scalability #simulation #tool support #validation- Tools for Enabling Automatic Validation of Large-Scale Parallel Application Simulations (DZ, GH, DD), pp. 601–604.
ICSME-2014-ZouH #modelling #topic- LDA Analyzer: A Tool for Exploring Topic Models (CZ, DH), pp. 593–596.
SCAM-2014-RooverI #program transformation- The Ekeko/X Program Transformation Tool (CDR, KI), pp. 53–58.
SCAM-2014-StoccoLRT #migration #named #testing #visual notation #web- PESTO: A Tool for Migrating DOM-Based to Visual Web Tests (AS, ML, FR, PT), pp. 65–70.
PEPM-2014-Scholz #case study #compilation #experience #partial evaluation- Partial evaluation as universal compiler tool: experiences from the SAC Eco system (SBS), pp. 95–96.
SAS-2014-BessonJV #java #named #static analysis- SawjaCard: A Static Analysis Tool for Certifying Java Card Applications (FB, TPJ, PV), pp. 51–67.
LATA-2014-DubourgJ #algebra #tool support- Algebraic Tools for the Overlapping Tile Product (ED, DJ), pp. 335–346.
FM-2014-ArmstrongGS #algebra #concurrent #tool support #verification- Algebraic Principles for Rely-Guarantee Style Concurrency Verification Tools (AA, VBFG, GS), pp. 78–93.
FM-2014-BlomH #concurrent #source code #verification- The VerCors Tool for Verification of Concurrent Programs (SB, MH), pp. 127–131.
IFM-2014-HentschelKHB #ide #interactive #verification- An Interactive Verification Tool Meets an IDE (MH, SK, RH, RB), pp. 55–70.
SEFM-2014-ArmstrongGS #higher-order #lightweight #tool support #verification- Lightweight Program Construction and Verification Tools in Isabelle/HOL (AA, VBFG, GS), pp. 5–19.
SEFM-2014-DiagneMF #verification- A Tool for Verifying Dynamic Properties in B (FD, AM, MF), pp. 290–295.
SEFM-2014-Leroy #code generation #proving #tool support #verification- Formal Proofs of Code Generation and Verification Tools (XL), pp. 1–4.
SEFM-2014-SznukS #education #hoare #logic #tool support- Tool Support for Teaching Hoare Logic (TS, AS), pp. 332–346.
GT-VMT-2014-BrennerGHLST #case study #realtime #sequence #testing #validation- ScenarioTools Real-Time Play-Out for Test Sequence Validation in an Automotive Case Study (CB, JG, JH, GL, GS, MT).
GT-VMT-2014-LeblebiciASHRG #comparison #graph grammar #incremental #tool support- A Comparison of Incremental Triple Graph Grammar Tools (EL, AA, AS, SH, JR, JG).
CHI-2014-AtachiantsGJD #design #parallel #performance #tool support- Design considerations for parallel performance tools (RA, DG, KJ, GD), pp. 2501–2510.
CHI-2014-BardzellBT #quote #self #tool support- “Now that’s definitely a proper hack”: self-made tools in hackerspaces (JB, SB, AT), pp. 473–476.
CHI-2014-BroySAS #3d #design #guidelines #interface #prototype #tool support- FrameBox and MirrorBox: tools and guidelines to support designers in prototyping interfaces for 3D displays (NB, SS, FA, AS), pp. 2037–2046.
CHI-2014-HarrisonXSH #interactive #named #physics #tool support- TouchTools: leveraging familiarity and skill with physical tools to augment touch interaction (CH, RX, JS, SEH), pp. 2913–2916.
CHI-2014-HongA #modelling #performance #predict #recommendation #user interface- Novice use of a predictive human performance modeling tool to produce UI recommendations (KWH, RSA), pp. 2251–2254.
CHI-2014-JacobsCM #mobile- My journey compass: a preliminary investigation of a mobile tool for cancer patients (MLJ, JC, EDM), pp. 663–672.
CHI-2014-LafreniereGMF #tool support #video- Investigating the feasibility of extracting tool demonstrations from in-situ video content (BL, TG, JM, GWF), pp. 4007–4016.
CHI-2014-NicholsonHJO- Panopticon as an eLearning support search tool (JN, MH, DJ, PO), pp. 1221–1224.
CHI-2014-PiccardiCZWA #towards- Towards crowd-based customer service: a mixed-initiative tool for managing Q&A sites (TP, GC, MZ, JW, CA), pp. 2725–2734.
CHI-2014-VigoJS #authoring #design #ontology #tool support- Design insights for the next wave ontology authoring tools (MV, CJ, RS), pp. 1555–1558.
CSCW-2014-KangKK #analysis #collaboration #information management #tool support- Teammate inaccuracy blindness: when information sharing tools hinder collaborative analysis (RK, AK, SBK), pp. 797–806.
CSCW-2014-KellyP #case study #collaboration #web- Collaborative web search in context: a study of tool use in everyday tasks (RK, SJP), pp. 807–819.
CSCW-2014-LingelR #quote #tool support- “It’s in your spinal cord, it’s in your fingertips”: practices of tools and craft in building software (JL, TR), pp. 295–304.
CSCW-2014-MatthewsWBS #collaboration #community #social #tool support- Beyond end user content to collaborative knowledge mapping: interrelations among community social tools (TM, SW, HB, BAS), pp. 900–910.
CSCW-2014-XiaoWM #development #security #social #tool support #why- Social influences on secure development tool adoption: why security tools spread (SX, JW, ERMH), pp. 1095–1106.
DHM-2014-KitajimaNMKAHNOKO #education- Robotics as a Tool in Fundamental Nursing Education (YK, MN, JM, MKP, KA, ZH, AN, TO, NK, JO), pp. 392–402.
DUXU-DP-2014-CandelloCBP #validation #visual notation- A Validation Study of a Visual Analytics Tool with End Users (HC, VFC, AB, RAdP), pp. 381–391.
DUXU-DP-2014-ChangDCCR #experience- Mood Boards as a Universal Tool for Investigating Emotional Experience (HMC, MD, AC, WC, MR), pp. 220–231.
DUXU-DP-2014-KarapantelakisG #deployment #design #effectiveness #evaluation #scalability #social- Design, Deployment and Evaluation of a Social Tool for Developing Effective Working Relationships in Large Organizations (AK, YG), pp. 49–60.
DUXU-DP-2014-MukherjeeWHCR #design #tool support- Designing Financial Literacy and Saving Tools for the Unbanked and under-banked in Brazil (AM, CW, SH, FC, WR), pp. 71–80.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-DesouzartFMM #behaviour #interactive- Human-Bed Interaction: A Methodology and Tool to Measure Postural Behavior during Sleep of the Air Force Military (GD, EF, FM, RM), pp. 662–674.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-George-PalilonisB #multi #student #tablet #tool support- SMART Note: Student-Centered Multimedia Active Reading Tools for Tablet Textbooks (JGP, DB), pp. 217–229.
DUXU-TMT-2014-CorreiaSCBS #design #risk management #safety- Design as a Tool for Managing Risks and Vulnerabilities Regarding Artifacts of Public Safety (WC, SXdS, FC, MLNB, MMS), pp. 437–444.
DUXU-TMT-2014-KojoHV #mobile #self #testing- Customer Journey Mapping of an Experience-Centric Service by Mobile Self-reporting: Testing the Qualiwall Tool (IK, MH, JPV), pp. 261–272.
DUXU-TMT-2014-MacedoS #difference #evaluation #semantics #user interface- Building a Semantic Differential Scale as Tool for Assisting UX Evaluation with Home Appliances (VM, CMS), pp. 308–317.
DUXU-TMT-2014-OrehovackiG #assessment #tool support- Subjective and Objective Assessment of Mashup Tools (TO, TG), pp. 340–351.
DUXU-TMT-2014-VergheseSG #design #online- Online Psychometric Design (OnPsyD) Tool (SV, PvS, SG), pp. 393–401.
HCI-AS-2014-AbibRG #communication- Tool to Help the Communication for Autists (JCA, LAR, RG), pp. 211–220.
HCI-AS-2014-KurosakiIN #interactive- Memory-Sharing Support Tool for Improving Local Interaction (YK, TI, YN), pp. 444–453.
HCI-AS-2014-Lopez-OrnelasAZ #recommendation- A Geo-collaborative Recommendation Tool to Help Urban Mobility (ÉLO, RAM, JSZH), pp. 466–472.
HCI-AS-2014-SjolinderEBFHSNB #approach #development #multi- A Multi-disciplinary Approach in the Development of a Stroke Rehabilitation Tool (MS, ME, ILB, MF, PH, DS, SN, JB), pp. 351–362.
HCI-AS-2014-WenDHDB #capacity #navigation #tool support- Fighting Technology Dumb Down: Our Cognitive Capacity for Effortful AR Navigation Tools (JW, AD, WSH, AD, MB), pp. 525–536.
HCI-AS-2014-WoodcockPLGB #challenge #experience #online #quality- The Challenges of Developing an Online Tool to Measure the Quality of the Passenger Experience in a PanEuropean Context (AW, PP, FL, AG, LB), pp. 545–555.
HCI-TMT-2014-BorumBF #case study #tool support- The Resilience of Analog Tools in Creative Work Practices: A Case Study of LEGO Future Lab’s Team in Billund (NB, EPB, SRFM), pp. 23–34.
HCI-TMT-2014-SantanaB #personalisation- Log-Based Personalization Tool as an Assistive Technology (VFdS, MCCB), pp. 433–444.
HIMI-AS-2014-UeiFKNKS #design #education #evaluation #learning- Learning Effect Evaluation of an Educational Tool for Product-Service System Design Based on Learner Viewpoints (KU, TF, AK, YN, KK, YS), pp. 643–652.
HIMI-AS-2014-VolpiIPOM #open data #visualisation- Roma Crash Map: An Open Data Visualization Tool for the Municipalities of Rome (VV, AI, MP, AO, CMM), pp. 284–295.
HIMI-DE-2014-AokiSMO #research #visualisation- Visualization Tool for Finding of Researcher Relations (TA, YS, KM, SO), pp. 3–9.
HIMI-DE-2014-BoscarioliVTR #clustering #human-computer #tool support- Analyzing HCI Issues in Data Clustering Tools (CB, JV, MFT, VHR), pp. 22–33.
HIMI-DE-2014-EideOK #assessment- A Post-simulation Assessment Tool for Training of Air Traffic Controllers (AWE, SSØ, AK), pp. 34–43.
HIMI-DE-2014-SutoPK #collaboration #data type #design #multi- A Collaboration Support Tool for Multi-cultural Design Team Based on Extended ADT Model (HS, PP, NK), pp. 548–557.
HIMI-DE-2014-TeixeiraSFSS #prototype #requirements #tool support #using- Requirements Engineering Using Mockups and Prototyping Tools: Developing a Healthcare Web-Application (LT, VS, CF, JS, BSS), pp. 652–663.
LCT-NLE-2014-MoissaCG #adaptation #behaviour #student #visualisation #web- A Web Analytics and Visualization Tool to Understand Students’ Behavior in an Adaptive E-Learning System (BM, LSdC, IG), pp. 312–321.
LCT-NLE-2014-MorGHH #assessment #design #learning #tool support- Designing Learning Tools: The Case of a Competence Assessment Tool (EM, AEGR, EH, MAH), pp. 83–94.
LCT-NLE-2014-YusoffS #bibliography #concept #framework #tool support- A Review of Storyboard Tools, Concepts and Frameworks (NMY, SSS), pp. 73–82.
LCT-TRE-2014-AgesilaouVIZ #collaboration #education #tool support #wiki- Collaborative Tools in the Primary Classroom: Teachers’ Thoughts on Wikis (AA, CV, SI, MZ), pp. 239–247.
LCT-TRE-2014-Khairuddin #collaboration #design #editing #interface #realtime- Interface Design for a Real-Time Collaborative Editing Tool (NNK), pp. 417–428.
SCSM-2014-IoannidisPKKFA #analysis #named #social #social media- SONETA: A Social Media Geo-Trends Analysis Tool (II, EP, CK, NK, CF, NMA), pp. 186–196.
SCSM-2014-PapachristosKKIFA #case study #deployment #enterprise #social #social media #tool support- Deployment, Usage and Impact of Social Media Tools in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Case Study (EP, CK, NK, II, CF, NMA), pp. 79–90.
VISSOFT-2014-EnsRSHYI #co-evolution #comprehension #named #visual notation- ChronoTwigger: A Visual Analytics Tool for Understanding Source and Test Co-evolution (BE, DJR, RS, HH, JEY, PI), pp. 117–126.
VISSOFT-2014-SeriaiBCS #tool support #validation #visualisation- Validation of Software Visualization Tools: A Systematic Mapping Study (AS, OB, BC, HAS), pp. 60–69.
VISSOFT-2014-TartariTHKRFMBLB #visualisation- Mr. Clean: A Tool for Tracking and Comparing the Lineage of Scientific Visualization Code (GT, LT, EH, KK, IAR, BF, NM, JMB, EL, LAB), pp. 75–78.
CAiSE-2014-OhlssonHJCR #process #tool support- Prioritizing Business Processes Improvement Initiatives: The Seco Tools Case (JO, SH, PJ, FC, LR), pp. 256–270.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BarnRAC #collaboration #named- Slrtool: A Tool to Support Collaborative Systematic Literature Reviews (BSB, FR, LA, TC), pp. 440–447.
ICEIS-v3-2014-NaranjoSV #analysis #architecture #enterprise #named- PRIMROSe — A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis and Diagnosis (DN, MES, JV), pp. 201–213.
ICEIS-v3-2014-PerezAA #adaptation- Mintzatek, Text-to-Speech Conversion Tool Adapted to Users with Motor Impairments (JEP, MA, JA), pp. 112–119.
CIKM-2014-WangWC #community #detection #named #network #social- CoDEM: An Ingenious Tool of Insight into Community Detection in Social Networks (MW, CW, JC), pp. 2006–2008.
ECIR-2014-AlbornozASG #automation #monitoring #named #online #twitter- ORMA: A Semi-automatic Tool for Online Reputation Monitoring in Twitter (JCdA, EA, DS, JG), pp. 742–745.
ECIR-2014-BrilhanteMNPR #named #recommendation- TripBuilder: A Tool for Recommending Sightseeing Tours (IRB, JAFdM, FMN, RP, CR), pp. 771–774.
ECIR-2014-MuhleisenSLV #information retrieval #prototype- Column Stores as an IR Prototyping Tool (HM, TS, JL, APdV), pp. 789–792.
ICPR-2014-MontealegreH #interactive #named #tool support #visual notation- GIST: Graphical Interactive Display Tools Defining a Model for Interactive Search (IM, RMH), pp. 2984–2989.
KEOD-2014-0002FZ #documentation #named #xml- Galaxy-Gen — A Tool for Building Galaxy Model from XML Documents (IBM, JF, GZ), pp. 84–95.
KEOD-2014-Aalst #mining #people #process #what- No Knowledge Without Processes — Process Mining as a Tool to Find Out What People and Organizations Really Do (WMPvdA), pp. 1–11.
KEOD-2014-RedavidFCE #guidelines- Guidelines and Tool for Meaningful OWL-S Services Annotations (DR, SF, BDC, FE), pp. 130–137.
KEOD-2014-WicklerCM #information management #modelling #named- KEWI — A Knowledge Engineering Tool for Modelling AI Planning Tasks (GW, LC, TLM), pp. 36–47.
KMIS-2014-BastosMBFF #data flow #modelling- Information Flow Modeling. A Tool to Support the Integrated Management of Information and Knowledge (CAMB, MRM, ACMB, SJMdSF, JRdFF), pp. 76–86.
KMIS-2014-BorchardtRL #tool support- Determining and Evaluating the Benefits of KM Tool Support for SME (UB, JR, BL), pp. 203–211.
KMIS-2014-LashariW #monitoring- A Tool for Monitoring of YouTube Content (IAL, UKW), pp. 171–178.
SEKE-2014-AlemerienM #complexity #named #user interface #visual notation- GUIEvaluator: A Metric-tool for Evaluating the Complexity of Graphical User Interfaces (KA, KM), pp. 13–18.
SEKE-2014-LeungLZ #process #scheduling- Snowball Effects on Risk Mitigation Scheduling: Process and Tool (HKNL, KML, PZ), pp. 582–585.
SEKE-2014-ShankarN #automation #metric #tool support- Automated Metrics Collection for IEC61131-3 Languages from Engineering Tools (MS, AN), pp. 7–12.
SEKE-2014-SilvaBCR #architecture #development #trade-off- A Tool for Trade-off Resolution on Architecture-Centered Software Development (ICLS, PHSB, EC, HR), pp. 35–38.
SIGIR-2014-Jones #retrieval #speech #tool support- Speech search: techniques and tools for spoken content retrieval (GJFJ), p. 1287.
SKY-2014-Fernandez-Utrilla #behaviour #predict #web- An Unified Behaviour Model to Predict Web 2.0 Adoption as a Tool for Software-Knowledge Sharing (MFU, PFU, GM), pp. 3–18.
ICMT-2014-GuanaS #analysis- ChainTracker, a Model-Transformation Trace Analysis Tool for Code-Generation Environments (VG, ES), pp. 146–153.
MoDELS-2014-GomesBA #classification #model transformation #pattern matching #tool support- Classification of Model Transformation Tools: Pattern Matching Techniques (CG, BB, VA), pp. 619–635.
MoDELS-2014-GomesBA #classification #model transformation #pattern matching #tool support- Classification of Model Transformation Tools: Pattern Matching Techniques (CG, BB, VA), pp. 619–635.
Onward-2014-TaeumelPSLH #data-driven #development- Interleaving of Modification and Use in Data-driven Tool Development (MT, MP, BS, JL, RH), pp. 185–200.
PLATEAU-2014-GalensonRCG #research #usability #web- Research.js: Evaluating Research Tool Usability on the Web (JG, CRG, SC, LG), pp. 53–54.
PLATEAU-2014-SadowskiY #concurrent #detection #developer #how #tool support- How Developers Use Data Race Detection Tools (CS, JY), pp. 43–51.
LOPSTR-2014-SharafAF #animation #constraints #named- CHRAnimation: An Animation Tool for Constraint Handling Rules (NS, SA, TWF), pp. 92–110.
RE-2014-NguyenGA #analysis #automation #named #ontology #requirements- GUITAR: An ontology-based automated requirements analysis tool (THN, JCG, MA), pp. 315–316.
RE-2014-StalhaneW- The DODT tool applied to sub-sea software (TS, TW), pp. 420–427.
RE-2014-WittFSH #process #validation #verification- Business Application Modeler: A process model Validation and Verification tool (SW, SF, AS, CH), pp. 333–334.
SAC-2014-BrinkeMBBAK #approach #composition #design #energy- A tool-supported approach for modular design of energy-aware software (StB, SM, CB, LB, MA, SK), pp. 1206–1212.
SAC-2014-ChallcoI #authoring #design #learning #personalisation #towards- Towards a learning design authoring tool that generates personalized units of learning for CSCL (GCC, SI), pp. 778–780.
SAC-2014-ChenZW #detection #named #testing- Crashmaker: an improved binary concolic testing tool for vulnerability detection (BC, QZ, WW), pp. 1257–1263.
SAC-2014-PotocnikCS #debugging #named #problem #scala- Linter: a tool for finding bugs and potential problems in scala code (MP, UC, BS), pp. 1615–1616.
FSE-2014-AlvesSK #bibliography #code review #named #refactoring- RefDistiller: a refactoring aware code review tool for inspecting manual refactoring edits (ELGA, MS, MK), pp. 751–754.
FSE-2014-DziwokGBTHP #cyber-physical #modelling #re-engineering- A tool suite for the model-driven software engineering of cyber-physical systems (SD, CG, SB, ST, CH, UP), pp. 715–718.
FSE-2014-MirakhorliFGWC #architecture #detection #monitoring #named- Archie: a tool for detecting, monitoring, and preserving architecturally significant code (MM, AF, AG, MW, JCH), pp. 739–742.
FSE-2014-Penix #case study #developer #experience #tool support- Experiences developing tools for developers (invited talk) (JP), p. 4.
FSE-2014-ThungLKL #debugging #locality #named #tool support- BugLocalizer: integrated tool support for bug localization (FT, TDBL, PSK, DL), pp. 767–770.
FSE-2014-ZhangSK #bibliography #code review #interactive #named- Critics: an interactive code review tool for searching and inspecting systematic changes (TZ, MS, MK), pp. 755–758.
ICSE-2014-SchillerDCE #case study #contract #specification #tool support- Case studies and tools for contract specifications (TWS, KD, FC, MDE), pp. 596–607.
SLE-2014-HartelHL #generative #testing #xtext- Test-Data Generation for Xtext — Tool Paper (JH, LH, RL), pp. 342–351.
SLE-2014-KaufmannKPSW #debugging #diagrams #satisfiability #sequence chart #state machine- A SAT-Based Debugging Tool for State Machines and Sequence Diagrams (PK, MK, AP, MS, MW), pp. 21–40.
SPLC-2014-UrliBC #approach #product line- Handling complex configurations in software product lines: a tooled approach (SU, MBF, PC), pp. 112–121.
CC-2014-CharlesCLEG #code generation- deGoal a Tool to Embed Dynamic Code Generators into Applications (HPC, DC, VL, FAE, RG), pp. 107–112.
CC-2014-SulzmannS #flexibility #ml #performance #regular expression- A Flexible and Efficient ML Lexer Tool Based on Extended Regular Expression Submatching (MS, PvS), pp. 174–191.
CGO-2014-ChabbiLM #tool support- Call Paths for Pin Tools (MC, XL, JMMC), p. 76.
OSDI-2014-BangertZ #generative #named #parsing- Nail: A Practical Tool for Parsing and Generating Data Formats (JB, NZ), pp. 615–628.
PPoPP-2014-LiuM #architecture #parallel #performance #source code #thread- A tool to analyze the performance of multithreaded programs on NUMA architectures (XL, JMMC), pp. 259–272.
CAV-2014-BardsleyBCCDDKLQ #gpu #kernel #verification- Engineering a Static Verification Tool for GPU Kernels (EB, AB, NC, PC, PD, AFD, JK, DL, SQ), pp. 226–242.
CAV-2014-SanchezS #concurrent #data type #named #verification- LEAP: A Tool for the Parametrized Verification of Concurrent Datatypes (AS, CS), pp. 620–627.
IJCAR-2014-EhlersL #approximate #finite #incremental #logic #satisfiability- A Tool That Incrementally Approximates Finite Satisfiability in Full Interval Temporal Logic (RE, ML), pp. 360–366.
IJCAR-2014-NigamRL #automation #named #permutation #proving- Quati: An Automated Tool for Proving Permutation Lemmas (VN, GR, LL), pp. 255–261.
ISSTA-2014-ChoudharyPO14a #consistency #detection #named #nondeterminism #testing #web- X-PERT: a web application testing tool for cross-browser inconsistency detection (SRC, MRP, AO), pp. 417–420.
ISSTA-2014-LeAGG #haskell #mutation testing #named #source code #testing- MuCheck: an extensible tool for mutation testing of haskell programs (DL, MAA, RG, AG), pp. 429–432.
ISSTA-2014-XuZXW #c #named #source code- Canalyze: a static bug-finding tool for C programs (ZX, JZ, ZX, JW), pp. 425–428.
RTA-TLCA-2014-HondaYB #interactive #process #π-calculus- Process Types as a Descriptive Tool for Interaction — Control and the π-Calculus (KH, NY, MB), pp. 1–20.
CBSE-2013-Danielson #empirical #tool support- Ethics outside the box: empirical tools for an ethics of artificial agents (PD), pp. 1–2.
ASE-2013-0002IP #c #concurrent #named #preprocessor #tool support #verification- CSeq: A concurrency pre-processor for sequential C verification tools (BF, OI, GP), pp. 710–713.
ASE-2013-AroraZRYJ #lightweight #named- iProbe: A lightweight user-level dynamic instrumentation tool (NA, HZ, JR, KY, GJ), pp. 742–745.
ASE-2013-AvazpourGG #automation #model transformation #specification #tool support #using #visualisation- Tool support for automatic model transformation specification using concrete visualisations (IA, JG, LG), pp. 718–721.
ASE-2013-CimattiDT #contract #named #refinement- OCRA: A tool for checking the refinement of temporal contracts (AC, MD, ST), pp. 702–705.
ASE-2013-Hellerstein #case study #design #distributed #experience #named- BOOM: Experiences in language and tool design for distributed systems (keynote) (JMH), p. 1.
ASE-2013-LetsholoZC #analysis #modelling #named #requirements- TRAM: A tool for transforming textual requirements into analysis models (KL, LZ, EVC), pp. 738–741.
CASE-2013-FerreiraL #generative #multi #tool support #using- A method for generating tool paths for milling pockets in prismatic parts using multiple tools (JCEF, RAL), pp. 528–533.
CASE-2013-HungLHHYC #development #industrial- Development of an advanced manufacturing cloud for machine tool industry based on AVM technology (MHH, YCL, HCH, MHH, HCY, FTC), pp. 189–194.
CASE-2013-JinM #algorithm #clustering #constraints #scheduling #tool support- Transient scheduling of single armed cluster tools: Algorithms for wafer residency constraints (HYJ, JRM), pp. 856–861.
CASE-2013-KimLK #clustering #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of transient cycles for single-armed cluster tools (DKK, TEL, HJK), pp. 874–879.
CASE-2013-KumarNSCK #tool support #visual notation- Product of tracking experts for visual tracking of surgical tools (SK, MSN, PS, JJC, VK), pp. 480–485.
CASE-2013-QiaoWZ #clustering #scheduling #tool support- Scheduling of time constrained dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (YQ, NW, MZ), pp. 868–873.
CASE-2013-ZhuWQZ #clustering #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net modeling and one-wafer scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools (QZ, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 862–867.
DAC-2013-AmaruGM #composition #logic #named #synthesis- BDS-MAJ: a BDD-based logic synthesis tool exploiting majority logic decomposition (LGA, PEG, GDM), p. 6.
DAC-2013-DallyMK #design #tool support- 21st century digital design tools (WJD, CM, SWK), p. 6.
DATE-2013-FarisiBCS #automation #implementation #multi- An automatic tool flow for the combined implementation of multi-mode circuits (BAF, KB, JMPC, DS), pp. 821–826.
DATE-2013-QianJBTMM #analysis #named #performance #using- SVR-NoC: a performance analysis tool for network-on-chips using learning-based support vector regression model (ZQ, DCJ, PB, CYT, DM, RM), pp. 354–357.
DATE-2013-YakovlevVR #industrial #logic #roadmap #tool support- Advances in asynchronous logic: from principles to GALS & NoC, recent industry applications, and commercial CAD tools (AY, PV, MR), pp. 1715–1724.
DocEng-2013-CunhaNP #mobile #named #video- MoViA: a mobile video annotation tool (BCRC, OJMN, MdGCP), pp. 219–222.
ICDAR-2013-NafchiAMC #performance- An Efficient Ground Truthing Tool for Binarization of Historical Manuscripts (HZN, SMA, RFM, MC), pp. 807–811.
VLDB-2013-DrosouP #algorithm #modelling #named- POIKILO: A Tool for Evaluating the Results of Diversification Models and Algorithms (MD, EP), pp. 1246–1249.
VLDB-2013-MousaviGZ #database #knowledge base #mining #named- IBminer: A Text Mining Tool for Constructing and Populating InfoBox Databases and Knowledge Bases (HM, SG, CZ), pp. 1330–1333.
CSEET-2013-CaiKJA #architecture #bibliography #design #education- Introducing tool-supported architecture review into software design education (YC, RK, CJ, JA), pp. 70–79.
CSEET-2013-UrregoC #architecture #named- Archinotes: A tool for assisting software architecture courses (JSU, DC), pp. 80–88.
ITiCSE-2013-Alshaigy #development #education #interactive #learning #programming language #python- Development of an interactive learning tool to teach python programming language (BA), p. 344.
ITiCSE-2013-BarguryPL #education- A nationwide exam as a tool for improving a new curriculum (IZB, BP, DL), pp. 267–272.
ITiCSE-2013-FarrellFKRH #assessment #online- Capstone project online assessment tool without the paper work (VF, GF, PK, GR, DH), pp. 201–206.
ITiCSE-2013-MatsuzawaOS #process #programming #student #visualisation- Programming process visualizer: a proposal of the tool for students to observe their programming process (YM, KO, SS), pp. 46–51.
TACAS-2013-0002IP #c #contest #named- CSeq: A Sequentialization Tool for C — (Competition Contribution) (BF, OI, GP), pp. 616–618.
TACAS-2013-AbdullaACLR #automation #precise- Memorax, a Precise and Sound Tool for Automatic Fence Insertion under TSO (PAA, MFA, YFC, CL, AR), pp. 530–536.
TACAS-2013-DudkaMPV #contest #low level #named #verification- Predator: A Tool for Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation — (Competition Contribution) (KD, PM, PP, TV), pp. 627–629.
CSMR-2013-StevensRNJ #detection #multi #query #refactoring- A History Querying Tool and Its Application to Detect Multi-version Refactorings (RS, CDR, CN, VJ), pp. 335–338.
ICPC-2013-GuptaMPV #identifier #re-engineering #tool support- Part-of-speech tagging of program identifiers for improved text-based software engineering tools (SG, SM, LLP, KVS), pp. 3–12.
ICPC-2013-Kamiya #clone detection #detection #named #semantics- Agec: An execution-semantic clone detection tool (TK), pp. 227–229.
ICPC-2013-UddinRS #clone detection #detection #named #performance #scalability- SimCad: An extensible and faster clone detection tool for large scale software systems (MSU, CKR, KAS), pp. 236–238.
ICSM-2013-CollardDM #analysis #framework #named #semiparsing #source code #tool support- srcML: An Infrastructure for the Exploration, Analysis, and Manipulation of Source Code: A Tool Demonstration (MLC, MJD, JIM), pp. 516–519.
ICSM-2013-FokaefsS #evolution #named- WSDARWIN: A Decision-Support Tool for Web-Service Evolution (MF, ES), pp. 444–447.
ICSM-2013-HolySBJ #component #visualisation- A Visualization Tool for Reverse-Engineering of Complex Component Applications (LH, JS, PB, KJ), pp. 500–503.
ICSM-2013-KhanBEL #evolution #named #using- eCITY: A Tool to Track Software Structural Changes Using an Evolving City (TK, HB, AE, PL), pp. 492–495.
ICSM-2013-LeL #approach #automation #effectiveness #fault #locality #predict #tool support- Will Fault Localization Work for These Failures? An Automated Approach to Predict Effectiveness of Fault Localization Tools (TDBL, DL), pp. 310–319.
ICSM-2013-NovaisNGM #comprehension #evolution- SourceMiner Evolution: A Tool for Supporting Feature Evolution Comprehension (RLN, CN, AG, MGM), pp. 508–511.
ICSM-2013-PruijtKB #architecture #case study #comparative #composition #semantics #tool support- Architecture Compliance Checking of Semantically Rich Modular Architectures: A Comparative Study of Tool Support (LP, CK, SB), pp. 220–229.
ICSM-2013-Roldan-VegaMHF #code search #named #query #refinement- CONQUER: A Tool for NL-Based Query Refinement and Contextualizing Code Search Results (MRV, GM, EH, JAF), pp. 512–515.
MSR-2013-Gousios #dataset- The GHTorent dataset and tool suite (GG), pp. 233–236.
PASTE-2013-BallHSL #interactive #web- Increasing human-tool interaction via the web (TB, PdH, NS, DL), pp. 49–52.
SCAM-2013-PapadakisDT #analysis #fault #mutation testing #named #using- Proteum/FL: A tool for localizing faults using mutation analysis (MP, MED, YLT), pp. 94–99.
SCAM-2013-SvajlenkoRD #analysis #generative #named #similarity #tool support- ForkSim: Generating software forks for evaluating cross-project similarity analysis tools (JS, CKR, SD), pp. 37–42.
WCRE-2013-ChenSB13a #c #detection #memory management #named- MemBrush: A practical tool to detect custom memory allocators in C binaries (XC, AS, HB), pp. 477–478.
WCRE-2013-CosentinoCABP13a #cobol #modelling- Extracting business rules from COBOL: A model-based tool (VC, JC, PA, PB, JP), pp. 483–484.
WCRE-2013-HallerSB13a #data type #detection #named- MemPick: A tool for data structure detection (IH, AS, HB), pp. 479–480.
WCRE-2013-SaeidiHKJ #analysis #legacy #modelling #named #tool support- Gelato: GEneric language tools for model-driven analysis of legacy software systems (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 481–482.
PEPM-2013-CominiT #automation #equivalence #linear #named #term rewriting- TRSynth: a tool for automatic inference of term equivalence in left-linear term rewriting systems (MC, LT), pp. 67–70.
SEFM-2013-SargolzaeiSAA #approximate #behaviour #web #web service- A Tool for Behaviour-Based Discovery of Approximately Matching Web Services (MS, FS, FA, HA), pp. 152–166.
GT-VMT-2013-GreenyerBM #diagrams #sequence chart #specification- The ScenarioTools Play-Out of Modal Sequence Diagram Specifications with Environment Assumptions (JG, CB, VPLM).
CHI-2013-BirdBKMF #constraints #development #matter #mobile- A matter of life and death: practical and ethical constraints in the development of a mobile verbal autopsy tool (JB, PB, KK, PM, EF), pp. 1489–1498.
CHI-2013-GrossPBB #tool support- Machinima production tools: a vernacular history of a creative medium (SG, TP, JB, SB), pp. 971–980.
CHI-2013-KramerKKWB #behaviour #developer #how #ide #navigation #tool support- How tools in IDEs shape developers’ navigation behavior (JPK, TK, JK, MW, JOB), pp. 3073–3082.
CHI-2013-OLearyWR #design #human-computer #research- Q-methodology as a research and design tool for HCI (KO, JOW, EAR), pp. 1941–1950.
CHI-2013-UzorB #design #tool support- Exploring & designing tools to enhance falls rehabilitation in the home (SU, LB), pp. 1233–1242.
CHI-2013-YangPCLNC #design #developer #development #exclamation #tool support- I can do text analytics!: designing development tools for novice developers (HY, DPW, LC, YL, BN, ACF), pp. 1599–1608.
CHI-2013-ZoranP #named- FreeD: a freehand digital sculpting tool (AZ, JAP), pp. 2613–2616.
CSCW-2013-KimMP #authoring #flexibility #framework #mobile #named #tool support- Sensr: evaluating a flexible framework for authoring mobile data-collection tools for citizen science (SK, JM, EP), pp. 1453–1462.
DHM-SET-2013-LiCLC #metric- Friction Measurements in a Hand Tool Factory (KWL, CCC, LL, CYC), pp. 326–331.
DUXU-CXC-2013-ChoensawatSKH #education #learning- Desirability of a Teaching and Learning Tool for Thai Dance Body Motion (WC, KS, CK, KH), pp. 171–179.
DUXU-CXC-2013-GronliGSH #mobile #named #visualisation- Paindroid: A Mobile Tool for Pain Visualization and Management (TMG, GG, FS, JH), pp. 401–406.
DUXU-NTE-2013-BarrosSFCC #analysis #artificial reality #people- Virtual Reality Immersion: An Important Tool for Diagnostic Analysis and Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities (HOB, MMS, ELRF, WC, FC), pp. 337–344.
DUXU-NTE-2013-JaimesMR #tool support #trust- Increasing Trust in Personal Informatics Tools (LGJ, TM, AR), pp. 520–529.
DUXU-PMT-2013-FischerSN #design #set #towards #usability #validation- Towards a Holistic Tool for the Selection and Validation of Usability Method Sets Supporting Human-Centered Design (HF, BS, KN), pp. 252–261.
DUXU-WM-2013-LeeMR #re-engineering- A Dependency-Sharing Tool for Global Software Engineering (DL, AEM, DR), pp. 37–46.
DUXU-WM-2013-MeierBBW #crowdsourcing #navigation #testing- Evaluating a Web-Based Tool for Crowdsourced Navigation Stress Tests (FM, AB, MB, CW), pp. 248–256.
DUXU-WM-2013-SasajimaNKHHNTTM #learning #ontology- CHARM Pad: Ontology-Based Tool for Learning Systematic Knowledge about Nursing (MS, SN, YK, AH, KH, AN, HT, YT, RM), pp. 560–567.
DUXU-WM-2013-Zahabi #interface #online #research #student #tool support- Exploring Information-Triage: Speculative Interface Tools to Help College Students Conduct Online Research (LZ), pp. 611–620.
HCI-AMTE-2013-HishinaMAMOM #case study #communication #education- Study on Effects of Text Decoration for a Text Based Communication Tool in Education (MH, KM, NA, SM, YO, TM), pp. 565–574.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SantosM #automation #design #identification #implementation #interactive- Design and Implementation of ErgoIdentifier: A Tool for Automated Identification of Websites Interaction Elements (OFdS, MM), pp. 249–255.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SchullerGH #research #self- A Self-Evaluation Tool for Quantitative User Research within the digital.me Project (AS, RG, FH), pp. 256–264.
HCI-AMTE-2013-SeguraSSB #evaluation #multi #prototype- Multi-level Communicability Evaluation of a Prototyping Tool (VCVBS, FPS, GS, SDJB), pp. 460–469.
HCI-AS-2013-FrajhofACLLM #collaboration #framework #learning #network #social #student #usability- Usability of a Social Network as a Collaborative Learning Platform Tool for Medical Students (LF, ACCA, ATdSC, CJPdL, CAPdL, CRM), pp. 370–375.
HCI-III-2013-StorzRMLE #analysis #detection #machine learning #visualisation #workflow- Annotate. Train. Evaluate. A Unified Tool for the Analysis and Visualization of Workflows in Machine Learning Applied to Object Detection (MS, MR, RM, HL, ME), pp. 196–205.
HCI-IMT-2013-CamaraBMRB #3d #navigation #tool support- Evaluating Devices and Navigation Tools in 3D Environments (MC, PFdAB, ITM, AR, SDJB), pp. 439–448.
HCI-IMT-2013-DharmaOOYT #design #navigation #smarttech- Design of a Wearable Haptic Vest as a Supportive Tool for Navigation (AAGD, TO, YO, LY, KT), pp. 568–577.
HIMI-D-2013-HiranoNN #development #evaluation #tool support- Evaluation of System Engineers’ Intellectual Productivity — Focusing on Coding Procedures in Application Development Tools (RH, YN, MN), pp. 305–315.
HIMI-HSM-2013-BattisteCMSVCS #automation #student #tool support- The Effects of Early Training with Automation Tools on the Air Traffic Management Strategies of Student ATCos (HB, WC, TM, KS, KPLV, DC, TZS), pp. 13–21.
HIMI-HSM-2013-ParkRSOKAVSM #assessment #development- Development of Haptic Assistance for Route Assessment Tool of NASA NextGen Cockpit Situation Display (EP, JR, PS, RO, MTK, GBA, KPLV, TZS, PM), pp. 163–172.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-BoltonS #collaboration #design #education #network #social #tool support- Social Networking and Culturally Situated Design Teaching Tools: Providing a Collaborative Environment for K-12 (ATB, CDS), pp. 3–8.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-BrynielssonJL #communication #design #process #prototype #social #social media #using #video- Using Video Prototyping as a Means to Involve Crisis Communication Personnel in the Design Process: Innovating Crisis Management by Creating a Social Media Awareness Tool (JB, FJ, SL), pp. 559–568.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-HallLS #assessment #evaluation #learning #tool support- Psychophysiological Assessment Tools for Evaluation of Learning Technologies (RHH, NSL, HS), pp. 33–42.
HIMI-LCCB-2013-VartiainenJ #case study #collaboration #tool support- Pros and Cons of Various ICT Tools in Global Collaboration — A Cross-Case Study (MV, OJ), pp. 391–400.
OCSC-2013-GoodSP #facebook #roadmap- Looking Back at Facebook Content and the Positive Impact Upon Wellbeing: Exploring Reminiscing as a Tool for Self Soothing (AG, AS, VP), pp. 278–286.
OCSC-2013-MurraySWWXS #online #social #tool support- Supporting Social Deliberative Skills Online: The Effects of Reflective Scaffolding Tools (TM, LS, BPW, LW, XX, NS), pp. 313–322.
VISSOFT-2013-BaloghB #collaboration #developer #named- CodeMetrpolis — A minecraft based collaboration tool for developers (GB, ÁB), pp. 1–4.
VISSOFT-2013-ReissT13a #tool support #visualisation- Tool demonstration: The visualizations of code bubbles (SPR, AT), pp. 1–4.
VISSOFT-2013-ZhiR #documentation #evolution #named #visualisation- DEVis: A tool for visualizing software document evolution (JZ, GR), pp. 1–4.
CAiSE-2013-KramerE #outsourcing #requirements- Outsourcing Location Selection with SODA: A Requirements Based Decision Support Methodology and Tool (TK, ME), pp. 530–545.
ICEIS-J-2013-AlvesSCCCWGBGC13a #named #semantics #tool support #traceability #web- Fairtrace: Applying Semantic Web Tools and Techniques to the Textile Traceability (BA, MS, FC, ALC, GC, DW, CG, BB, DG, PC), pp. 68–84.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Kozmina #recommendation- Adding Recommendations to OLAP Reporting Tool (NK), pp. 169–176.
ICEIS-v2-2013-Monte-AltoTH #bibliography #legacy #tool support- A Survey of Tools for Mapping and Synchronization of Knowledge from Legacy Systems (HHLCMA, LOT, EHMH), pp. 157–164.
ECIR-2013-ArampatzisDE #privacy #web- A Versatile Tool for Privacy-Enhanced Web Search (AA, GD, PSE), pp. 368–379.
ECIR-2013-GalitskyK #mining #web- A Web Mining Tool for Assistance with Creative Writing (BG, SOK), pp. 828–831.
KDD-2013-GundechaRFL #social #social media- A tool for collecting provenance data in social media (PG, SR, ZF, HL), pp. 1462–1465.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-BaliBBG #information management #tool support #using- Using Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques to Increase the Rate of Attendance at Breast Screening (RKB, JB, VB, MCG), pp. 344–350.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-PereiraTBW #enterprise- A Risk Diagnosing Methodology Web-based Tool for SME’s and Start-up Enterprises (LP, AT, JB, JW), pp. 308–317.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SousaM #tool support #web- Diagnosis of the Use of Web 2.0 Tools in the Portuguese Financial Institutions (CS, PM), pp. 368–372.
SEKE-2013-BassoWPO #how #question #reuse #tool support- How do You Execute Reuse Tasks Among Tools? (FPB, CMLW, RMP, TCO), pp. 721–726.
SEKE-2013-CarrerasZO #machine learning- A Machine Learning Based File Archival Tool (S) (RC, DZ, JO), pp. 73–76.
SEKE-2013-MateoU #named- BacterioORACLE: An Oracle suggester tool (PRM, MPU), pp. 300–305.
SEKE-2013-NetoMGA #effectiveness #product line #testing- Analyzing the Effectiveness of a System Testing Tool for Software Product Line Engineering (S) (CRLN, IdCM, VCG, ESdA), pp. 584–588.
SEKE-2013-WangZLBCT #analysis #modelling #non-functional #object-oriented #requirements- Integrating Functional with Non-functional Requirements Analysis In Object Oriented Modeling Tool Based on HOOMT (S) (JW, FZ, X(L, ECB, BC, MT), pp. 59–62.
SKY-2013-YagelLE #generative #named- KoDEgen: A Knowledge Driven Engineering Code Generating Tool (RY, AL, IE), pp. 24–33.
BX-2013-HildebrandtLGRGSLAS #bibliography #graph grammar #tool support- A Survey of Triple Graph Grammar Tools (SH, LL, HG, JR, JG, WS, ML, AA, AS), pp. 1–17.
MoDELS-2013-ElaasarN #case study #development #lifecycle #modelling #tool support- Integrating Modeling Tools in the Development Lifecycle with OSLC: A Case Study (ME, AN), pp. 154–169.
MoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web- The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MoDELS-2013-WhittleHRBH #industrial #modelling #problem #question #tool support- Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem? (JW, JH, MR, HB, RH), pp. 1–17.
MoDELS-2013-ElaasarN #case study #development #lifecycle #modelling #tool support- Integrating Modeling Tools in the Development Lifecycle with OSLC: A Case Study (ME, AN), pp. 154–169.
MoDELS-2013-IordanovAAHU #modelling #semantics #web- The Semantic Web as a Software Modeling Tool: An Application to Citizen Relationship Management (BI, AA, SA, TH, PU), pp. 589–603.
MoDELS-2013-WhittleHRBH #industrial #modelling #problem #question #tool support- Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem? (JW, JH, MR, HB, RH), pp. 1–17.
ECOOP-2013-AnsaloniKZBBT #composition #java #program analysis #tool support #virtual machine- Enabling Modularity and Re-use in Dynamic Program Analysis Tools for the Java Virtual Machine (DA, SK, YZ, LB, WB, PT), pp. 352–377.
LOPSTR-2013-FakhrySA #implementation #semantics #text-to-text #towards- Towards the Implementation of a Source-to-Source Transformation Tool for CHR Operational Semantics (GF, NS, SA), pp. 145–163.
ER-BR-2013-FilhoLRS #named #tool support #traceability- RETRATOS: Requirement Traceability Tool Support (GACF, ML, AR, CS).
RE-2013-Beatty #requirements- Winning the hidden battle: Requirements tool selection and adoption (JB), pp. 364–365.
RE-2013-GuillermDS #safety- A safety requirement engineering method and tool (RG, HD, NS), pp. 328–329.
RE-2013-SchneiderBB #architecture #enterprise #implementation #modelling #requirements- A tool implementation of the unified requirements modeling language as enterprise architect add-in (FS, BB, BB), pp. 334–335.
RE-2013-TeuflMR #empirical #modelling #named #requirements- MIRA: A tooling-framework to experiment with model-based requirements engineering (ST, DM, DR), pp. 330–331.
REFSQ-2013-Regnell #modelling #requirements #scalability #towards- reqT.org — Towards a Semi-Formal, Open and Scalable Requirements Modeling Tool (BR), pp. 112–118.
SAC-2013-CogniniFPPR #collaboration #modelling #named #process #verification- HawkEye: a tool for collaborative business process modelling and verification (RC, DF, AP, AP, BR), pp. 785–786.
SAC-2013-GoncalvesTM #towards- Towards a software tool for ultrasound guided robotic hip resurfacing surgery (PJSG, PMBT, JMMM), pp. 232–234.
SAC-2013-HayashiIN #recommendation #visual notation- A visual analytics tool for system logs adopting variable recommendation and feature-based filtering (AH, TI, SN), pp. 996–998.
SAC-2013-MaalejKJ #composition #consistency #named #testing- WSCCT: a tool for WS-BPEL compositions conformance testing (AJM, MK, MJ), pp. 1055–1061.
ESEC-FSE-2013-AlbertAGW #concurrent #generative #named #testing- aPET: a test case generation tool for concurrent objects (EA, PA, MGZ, PYHW), pp. 595–598.
ESEC-FSE-2013-AroraSBZG #automation #consistency #flexibility #named- RUBRIC: a flexible tool for automated checking of conformance to requirement boilerplates (CA, MS, LCB, FZ, RG), pp. 599–602.
ESEC-FSE-2013-CalefatoL #named #social- SocialCDE: a social awareness tool for global software teams (FC, FL), pp. 587–590.
ESEC-FSE-2013-CostaVCL #generative #modelling #named- RSA-MBT: a test tool for generating test artifacts based on models (ADdC, RV, GRdC, CJPdL), pp. 619–622.
ESEC-FSE-2013-KumarN #static analysis #tool support- The economics of static analysis tools (RK, AVN), pp. 707–710.
ESEC-FSE-2013-NavabpourJWBMBF #c #named #runtime #source code #verification- RiTHM: a tool for enabling time-triggered runtime verification for C programs (SN, YJ, CWWW, SB, RM, BB, SF), pp. 603–606.
ESEC-FSE-2013-Nenashev #automation #hardware #named #programmable #re-engineering- PHRT: a model and programmable tool for hardware reengineering automation (ON), pp. 719–722.
ESEC-FSE-2013-PhamW #abstraction #algebra #data type #named #reasoning- RADA: a tool for reasoning about algebraic data types with abstractions (THP, MWW), pp. 611–614.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG13a #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named #testing- Jalangi: a tool framework for concolic testing, selective record-replay, and dynamic analysis of JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 615–618.
ICSE-2013-BuckleyMRA #architecture #consistency #named- JITTAC: a just-in-time tool for architectural consistency (JB, SM, JR, NA), pp. 1291–1294.
ICSE-2013-GhoshSLC #automation #generative #industrial #java #named #string #testing- JST: an automatic test generation tool for industrial Java applications with strings (IG, NS, GL, WFC), pp. 992–1001.
ICSE-2013-HaiducRBOLM #code search #predict #quality #query #source code- Query quality prediction and reformulation for source code search: the refoqus tool (SH, GDR, GB, RO, ADL, AM), pp. 1307–1310.
ICSE-2013-HaoLM0J #multi #named #source code- MCT: a tool for commenting programs by multimedia comments (YH, GL, LM, LZ, ZJ), pp. 1339–1342.
ICSE-2013-JacobellisMK #named #program transformation- LASE: an example-based program transformation tool for locating and applying systematic edits (JJ, NM, MK), pp. 1319–1322.
ICSE-2013-Johnson04a #comprehension #program analysis- Novice understanding of program analysis tool notifications (BJ), pp. 1432–1434.
ICSE-2013-JohnsonSMB #debugging #developer #question #static analysis #tool support #why- Why don’t software developers use static analysis tools to find bugs? (BJ, YS, ERMH, RWB), pp. 672–681.
ICSE-2013-LoksaMLH #collaboration #design #sketching- Enabling a classroom design studio with a collaborative sketch design tool (DL, NM, TDL, AvdH), pp. 1073–1082.
ICSE-2013-MemonC #automation #modelling #testing #tool support #user interface- Automated testing of GUI applications: models, tools, and controlling flakiness (AMM, MBC), pp. 1479–1480.
ICSE-2013-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web- DRC: a detection tool for dangling references in PHP-based web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1299–1302.
ICSE-2013-PastoreMG #c #c++ #debugging #named #problem- RADAR: a tool for debugging regression problems in C/C++ software (FP, LM, AG), pp. 1335–1338.
ICSE-2013-PintoSO #evolution #named #testing- TestEvol: a tool for analyzing test-suite evolution (LSP, SS, AO), pp. 1303–1306.
ICSE-2013-YangKP #execution #named #symbolic computation- Memoise: a tool for memoized symbolic execution (GY, SK, CSP), pp. 1343–1346.
ICSE-2013-Zhang04a #automation #fault #java #named- ConfDiagnoser: an automated configuration error diagnosis tool for Java software (SZ), pp. 1438–1440.
SLE-2013-DialloCL #approach #formal method #modelling #using- A Model-Driven Approach to Enhance Tool Interoperability Using the Theory of Models of Computation (PID, JC, LL), pp. 218–237.
SLE-2013-LammelMV #tool support #wiki- Method and Tool Support for Classifying Software Languages with Wikipedia (RL, DM, AV), pp. 249–259.
PLOS-2013-SunFBG #agile #automation #file system #generative #tool support- Annotation for automation: rapid generation of file system tools (KJS, DF, ADB, AG), p. 6.
CADE-2013-KovasznaiFB #quantifier- : A Tool for Polynomially Translating Quantifier-Free Bit-Vector Formulas into (GK, AF, AB), pp. 443–449.
CAV-2013-Brenguier #concurrent #game studies #named #nash- PRALINE: A Tool for Computing Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Games (RB), pp. 890–895.
CAV-2013-ChothiaKN #information management- A Tool for Estimating Information Leakage (TC, YK, CN), pp. 690–695.
CAV-2013-DilligD #abduction #named- Explain: A Tool for Performing Abductive Inference (ID, TD), pp. 684–689.
CAV-2013-HaaseIOP #graph #logic #named #reasoning- SeLoger: A Tool for Graph-Based Reasoning in Separation Logic (CH, SI, JO, MJP), pp. 790–795.
CAV-2013-ReiterBCN #named- TTP: Tool for Tumor Progression (JGR, IB, KC, MAN), pp. 101–106.
CAV-2013-Sankur #analysis #automaton #named #robust- Shrinktech: A Tool for the Robustness Analysis of Timed Automata (OS), pp. 1006–1012.
ICST-2013-AlegrothNO #automation #named #testing- JAutomate: A Tool for System- and Acceptance-test Automation (EA, MN, HHO), pp. 439–446.
ICST-2013-Bauersfeld #named #testing #user interface #visual notation- GUIdiff — A Regression Testing Tool for Graphical User Interfaces (SB), pp. 499–500.
ICST-2013-BlomeOLPD #flexibility #modelling #named #testing- VERA: A Flexible Model-Based Vulnerability Testing Tool (AB, MO, KL, MP, MTD), pp. 471–478.
ICST-2013-DadeauCLTVBT #evaluation #generative #testing- Test Generation and Evaluation from High-Level Properties for Common Criteria Evaluations — The TASCCC Testing Tool (FD, KCC, YL, TT, GV, JB, ST), pp. 431–438.
ICST-2013-GargantiniGM #analysis #automation #named #robust- AURORA: AUtomatic RObustness coveRage Analysis Tool (AG, MG, EM), pp. 463–470.
ICST-2013-LuchscheiderHG #named #testing- CDM-Suite: An Attributed Test Selection Tool (PL, TH, RG), pp. 398–407.
ICST-2013-MeinkeS #named #testing- LBTest: A Learning-Based Testing Tool for Reactive Systems (KM, MAS), pp. 447–454.
ICST-2013-SakamotoSTWF #framework #metric #multi #named #programming language #test coverage #tool support- OCCF: A Framework for Developing Test Coverage Measurement Tools Supporting Multiple Programming Languages (KS, KS, RT, HW, YF), pp. 422–430.
ICST-2013-Torsel #domain-specific language #model checking #modelling #testing #using #web- A Testing Tool for Web Applications Using a Domain-Specific Modelling Language and the NuSMV Model Checker (AMT), pp. 383–390.
ICST-2013-YuLKK #combinator #generative #named #testing- ACTS: A Combinatorial Test Generation Tool (LY, YL, RK, DRK), pp. 370–375.
ICTSS-2013-PellegrinoCM #developer #protocol #security- A Tool for Supporting Developers in Analyzing the Security of Web-Based Security Protocols (GP, LC, TM), pp. 277–282.
LICS-2013-GogaczM #convergence #finite- Converging to the Chase — A Tool for Finite Controllability (TG, JM), pp. 540–549.
RTA-2013-AvanziniM13a #complexity- Tyrolean Complexity Tool: Features and Usage (MA, GM), pp. 71–80.
SAT-2013-SohTB #agile #constraints #named #programming #prototype #satisfiability- Scarab: A Rapid Prototyping Tool for SAT-Based Constraint Programming Systems (TS, NT, MB), pp. 429–436.
TAP-2013-GogollaBC #analysis #benchmark #metric #ocl #tool support #uml- Initiating a Benchmark for UML and OCL Analysis Tools (MG, FB, JC), pp. 115–132.
VMCAI-2013-CruanesHOS #integration #tool support- Tool Integration with the Evidential Tool Bus (SC, GH, SO, NS), pp. 275–294.
VMCAI-2013-SeladjiB #abstract domain #analysis #fixpoint #tool support #using- Fixpoint Computation in the Polyhedra Abstract Domain Using Convex and Numerical Analysis Tools (YS, OB), pp. 149–168.
ASE-2012-CicchettiCMPPZV #development #industrial #modelling #named- CHESS: a model-driven engineering tool environment for aiding the development of complex industrial systems (AC, FC, SM, SP, MP, AZ, TV), pp. 362–365.
ASE-2012-KamalrudinGH #consistency #multi #named #requirements #tool support- MaramaAI: tool support for capturing and managing consistency of multi-lingual requirements (MK, JG, JGH), pp. 326–329.
ASE-2012-KehrerKPS #adaptation #comparison #difference #tool support- Adaptability of model comparison tools (TK, UK, PP, MS), pp. 306–309.
ASE-2012-LiT #api #automation #erlang #migration #refactoring #source code- Automated API migration in a user-extensible refactoring tool for Erlang programs (HL, SJT), pp. 294–297.
ASE-2012-OmoronyiaPSCDN #adaptation #named #privacy- Caprice: a tool for engineering adaptive privacy (IO, LP, MS, LC, GD, BN), pp. 354–357.
ASE-2012-RabiserGL #tool support- A qualitative study on user guidance capabilities in product configuration tools (RR, PG, ML), pp. 110–119.
ASE-2012-TamrawiNNN #analysis #named #refactoring- SYMake: a build code analysis and refactoring tool for makefiles (AT, HAN, HVN, TNN), pp. 366–369.
ASE-2012-ThungLLJRD #debugging #detection #empirical #fault #tool support #what- To what extent could we detect field defects? an empirical study of false negatives in static bug finding tools (FT, L, DL, LJ, FR, PTD), pp. 50–59.
CASE-2012-CabasinoGMS #comparison #tool support- A comparison among tools for the diagnosability of discrete event systems (MPC, AG, LM, CS), pp. 218–223.
CASE-2012-ChenF #analysis #rule-based- Treatment of missing values for association rule-based tool commonality analysis in semiconductor manufacturing (RHC, CMF), pp. 886–891.
CASE-2012-HoerningSWS #analysis #robust #simulation #tool support- Improving discrete event simulation in the emergency department with innovative and robust input analysis tools (SH, JS, TW, LS), pp. 131–136.
CASE-2012-HungLHYC #development #industrial #monitoring- Development of a cloud-computing-based equipment monitoring system for machine tool industry (MHH, YCL, TQH, HCY, FTC), pp. 962–967.
CASE-2012-MatsumotoN #approach #clustering #composition #concurrent #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net decomposition approach to deadlock-free scheduling for dual-armed cluster tools (IM, TN), pp. 194–199.
CASE-2012-ParkM #behaviour #bound #clustering #hybrid #linear #performance #tool support- Performance bounds for hybrid flow lines: Fundamental behavior, practical features and application to linear cluster tools (KP, JRM), pp. 371–376.
CASE-2012-QiaoWZ #analysis #clustering #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net-based scheduling analysis of dual-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (YQ, NW, MZ), pp. 206–211.
CASE-2012-TonkeL #clustering #independence #scheduling- Scheduling of a dual-armed cluster tool with two independent robot arms (DT, TEL), pp. 200–205.
DAC-2012-Scheffer #design #tool support- Design tools for artificial nervous systems (LS), pp. 717–722.
DATE-2012-BozgaDHHLLT #analysis #embedded #modelling #state of the art #tool support- State-of-the-art tools and techniques for quantitative modeling and analysis of embedded systems (MB, AD, AH, HH, KGL, AL, JT), pp. 370–375.
DATE-2012-HamoucheK #aspect-oriented #component #design #embedded #realtime- Component-based and aspect-oriented methodology and tool for Real-Time Embedded Control Systems Design (RH, RK), pp. 1421–1424.
DATE-2012-PeranandamRSYGR #generative #modelling #testing- An integrated test generation tool for enhanced coverage of Simulink/Stateflow models (PP, SR, MS, AY, AAG, SR), pp. 308–311.
DocEng-2012-AubertPS #authoring #case study- Advene as a tailorable hypervideo authoring tool: a case study (OA, YP, DS), pp. 79–82.
DocEng-2012-GeelCN #named #web- Sift: an end-user tool for gathering web content on the go (MG, TC, MCN), pp. 181–190.
DocEng-2012-KimBTFD #comparison #evaluation #parsing #tool support- Evaluation of BILBO reference parsing in digital humanities via a comparison of different tools (YMK, PB, JT, EF, MD), pp. 209–212.
DocEng-2012-TruranGCZ #authoring #guidelines- A section title authoring tool for clinical guidelines (MT, GG, MC, DZ), pp. 41–44.
DocEng-2012-WidlocherM #corpus #framework #mining- The Glozz platform: a corpus annotation and mining tool (AW, YM), pp. 171–180.
DRR-2012-DasSS #automation #documentation #tool support #workflow- Questioned document workflow for handwriting with automated tools (KD, SNS, HS).
DRR-2012-NagyT #named #performance #verification- VeriClick: an efficient tool for table format verification (GN, MT).
SIGMOD-2012-BarbosaMLO #named #network #recommendation #visualisation #web- VRRC: web based tool for visualization and recommendation on co-authorship network (abstract only) (EMB, MMM, GRL, JPMdO), p. 865.
SIGMOD-2012-GolshanLT #automation- SOFIA SEARCH: a tool for automating related-work search (BG, TL, ET), pp. 621–624.
VLDB-2012-EndrullisTR #named #performance #web- WETSUIT: An Efficient Mashup Tool for Searching and Fusing Web Entities (SE, AT, ER), pp. 1970–1973.
VLDB-2012-LetelierPPS #analysis #named- SPAM: A SPARQL Analysis and Manipulation Tool (AL, JP, RP, SS), pp. 1958–1961.
CSEET-2012-Virseda #algebra #data type #implementation #specification #testing #verification- A Software Testing Tool for the Verification of Abstract Data Type Implementations from Formal Algebraic Specifications (RdVV), pp. 100–104.
ITiCSE-2012-BaghdadiAR #case study #distance #learning #safety #tool support- Applying advanced technology tools in distance learning: case study: traffic data and road safety (MB, KA, JR), p. 389.
ITiCSE-2012-BrownPSE #analysis #complexity #generative #named- JUG: a JUnit generation, time complexity analysis and reporting tool to streamline grading (CB, RP, BS, JE), pp. 99–104.
ITiCSE-2012-FaginS #education #named- MyTuringTable: a teaching tool to accompany Turing’s original paper on computability (BF, DS), pp. 333–338.
ITiCSE-2012-HamadaN #learning- A learning tool for MP3 audio compression (MH, HN), p. 397.
ITiCSE-2012-HershkovichH #education #how #tool support- How innovative technology tools can be used to create new methodology for teaching knowledge (EH, BH), p. 387.
ITiCSE-2012-JarusekP #problem- A web-based problem solving tool for introductory computer science (PJ, RP), p. 371.
ITiCSE-2012-MussaiL #animation #concept #learning #object-oriented- An animation as an illustrate tool for learning concepts in oop (YM, NL), p. 386.
FASE-2012-BaeOMA #maude- The SynchAADL2Maude Tool (KB, PCÖ, JM, AAN), pp. 59–62.
TACAS-2012-CairesV #concurrent #logic #model checking #named #specification- SLMC: A Tool for Model Checking Concurrent Systems against Dynamical Spatial Logic Specifications (LC, HTV), pp. 485–491.
TACAS-2012-DudkaMPV #contest #data type #linked data #named #open data #source code #verification- Predator: A Verification Tool for Programs with Dynamic Linked Data Structures — (Competition Contribution) (KD, PM, PP, TV), pp. 545–548.
CSMR-2012-BudimacRHG #metric #towards- Towards the Better Software Metrics Tool (ZB, GR, MH, CG), pp. 491–494.
CSMR-2012-FontanaCZ #benchmark #design pattern #detection #metric #named #tool support- DPB: A Benchmark for Design Pattern Detection Tools (FAF, AC, MZ), pp. 235–244.
CSMR-2012-HoraADBCVM #analysis #debugging #visual notation- Bug Maps: A Tool for the Visual Exploration and Analysis of Bugs (AH, NA, SD, MUB, CC, MTV, JM), pp. 523–526.
CSMR-2012-Penta #approach #developer #empirical #maintenance #reverse engineering- Empirical Studies in Reverse Engineering and Maintenance: Employing Developers to Evaluate Your Approach and Tool (MDP), pp. 567–568.
ICPC-2012-HottaHIK #named #refactoring- CRat: A refactoring support tool for Form Template Method (KH, YH, HI, SK), pp. 250–252.
ICPC-2012-KeivanlooRR #clone detection #detection #named #semantics- SeByte: A semantic clone detection tool for intermediate languages (IK, CKR, JR), pp. 247–249.
ICSM-2012-IslamMSKS #algorithm #named #search-based #semantics #sorting #testing- MOTCP: A tool for the prioritization of test cases based on a sorting genetic algorithm and Latent Semantic Indexing (MMI, AM, AS, FBK, GS), pp. 654–657.
ICSM-2012-MateoU #framework #java #mutation testing #named #quality #testing- Bacterio: Java mutation testing tool: A framework to evaluate quality of tests cases (PRM, MPU), pp. 646–649.
SCAM-2012-AftandilianSPK #compilation #java #program analysis #tool support #using- Building Useful Program Analysis Tools Using an Extensible Java Compiler (EA, RS, SP, SK), pp. 14–23.
SCAM-2012-KargenS #analysis #comprehension #data flow #named- InputTracer: A Data-Flow Analysis Tool for Manual Program Comprehension of x86 Binaries (UK, NS), pp. 138–143.
SCAM-2012-Xie #analysis #testing- Cooperative Testing and Analysis: Human-Tool, Tool-Tool and Human-Human Cooperations to Get Work Done (TX), pp. 1–3.
SCAM-2012-ZollerS #java #named- AccessAnalysis: A Tool for Measuring the Appropriateness of Access Modifiers in Java Systems (CZ, AS), pp. 120–125.
WCRE-2012-Detten #architecture #named #re-engineering- Archimetrix: A Tool for Deficiency-Aware Software Architecture Reconstruction (MvD), pp. 503–504.
WCRE-2012-GarzonL #automation #how #tool support- Exploring How to Develop Transformations and Tools for Automated Umplification (MG, TCL), pp. 491–494.
FM-2012-AndreFKS #problem #robust #scheduling- IMITATOR 2.5: A Tool for Analyzing Robustness in Scheduling Problems (ÉA, LF, UK, RS), pp. 33–36.
FM-2012-BeekMS #analysis #named #variability- VMC: A Tool for Product Variability Analysis (MHtB, FM, AS), pp. 450–454.
FM-2012-HojjatKGIKR #tool support #verification- A Verification Toolkit for Numerical Transition Systems — Tool Paper (HH, FK, FG, RI, VK, PR), pp. 247–251.
FM-2012-LazarASEMLR #semantics- Executing Formal Semantics with the K Tool (DL, AA, TFS, CE, RM, DL, GR), pp. 267–271.
SEFM-2012-DranidisBI #automation #generative #named #testing- JSXM: A Tool for Automated Test Generation (DD, KB, FI), pp. 352–366.
CHI-2012-DraxlerSSBR #social #synthesis #tool support- Supporting the social context of technology appropriation: on a synthesis of sharing tools and tool knowledge (SD, GS, MS, AB, DR), pp. 2835–2844.
CHI-2012-EscobedoNBHRGTH #mobile #named #social- MOSOCO: a mobile assistive tool to support children with autism practicing social skills in real-life situations (LE, DHN, LAB, SHH, AR, DGR, MT, GRH), pp. 2589–2598.
CHI-2012-FlatlaG #difference #modelling #named #tool support- SSMRecolor: improving recoloring tools with situation-specific models of color differentiation (DRF, CG), pp. 2297–2306.
CHI-2012-FollmerI #named #tool support- KidCAD: digitally remixing toys through tangible tools (SF, HI), pp. 2401–2410.
CHI-2012-GurevichLCS #artificial reality #named- TeleAdvisor: a versatile augmented reality tool for remote assistance (PG, JL, BC, RS), pp. 619–622.
CHI-2012-KongGHAF #named #representation #workflow- Delta: a tool for representing and comparing workflows (NK, TG, BH, MA, GWF), pp. 1027–1036.
CHI-2012-LeonUSWBC #behaviour #evaluation #online #tool support #usability #why- Why Johnny can’t opt out: a usability evaluation of tools to limit online behavioral advertising (PGL, BU, RS, YW, RB, LFC), pp. 589–598.
CHI-2012-LuL #gesture #multi #programming- Gesture coder: a tool for programming multi-touch gestures by demonstration (HL, YL), pp. 2875–2884.
CHI-2012-NorrisSQ #collaboration #named- CamBlend: an object focused collaboration tool (JN, HS, GQ), pp. 627–636.
CHI-2012-TeoJB #layout #named- CogTool-Explorer: a model of goal-directed user exploration that considers information layout (LT, BEJ, MHB), pp. 2479–2488.
CHI-2012-UzorBS #design #tool support- Senior designers: empowering seniors to design enjoyable falls rehabilitation tools (SU, LB, DS), pp. 1179–1188.
CSCW-2012-LiCPT #communication #design #flexibility #named #sketching- SketchComm: a tool to support rich and flexible asynchronous communication of early design ideas (GL, XC, SP, FT), pp. 359–368.
CSCW-2012-OrenG #distributed #named- ConvoCons: a tool for building affinity among distributed team members (MAO, SBG), pp. 1213–1222.
ICEIS-v2-2012-HanadaOKM #java #ml #ocl #uml- Practical Application of a Translation Tool from UML/OCL to Java Skeleton with JML Annotation (KH, KO, SK, KM), pp. 389–394.
ICEIS-v2-2012-RenardCR #documentation #fault #process- A Tool to Evaluate Error Correction Resources and Processes Suited for Documents Improvement (AR, SC, BR), pp. 27–35.
CIKM-2012-DragutOMMBS- Lonomics Atlas: a tool to explore interconnected ionomic, genomic and environmental data (ECD, MO, AM, NM, PB, DES), pp. 2680–2682.
CIKM-2012-KranenWRRS #algorithm #automation #evaluation- A tool for automated evaluation of algorithms (PK, SW, TR, SR, TS), pp. 2692–2694.
CIKM-2012-MagdyAD #social #social media #summary- A summarization tool for time-sensitive social media (WM, AA, KD), pp. 2695–2697.
CIKM-2012-SuhGCK #clustering #multi- A new tool for multi-level partitioning in teradata (YKS, AG, AC, PK), pp. 2214–2218.
ECIR-2012-DoR #design #visual notation- The Design of a Visual History Tool to Help Users Refind Information within a Website (TVD, RAR), pp. 459–462.
ICPR-2012-BicegoL #2d #biology #recognition #sequence #tool support #using- 2D shape recognition using biological sequence alignment tools (MB, PL), pp. 1359–1362.
ICPR-2012-PazzagliaC #approach #recognition #tool support #visual notation- Visual description and recognition of mechanical tools with a silhouette-based approach (FP, CC), pp. 2549–2552.
KDD-2012-ChenCL #game studies #multi #network #social- Information propagation game: a tool to acquire humanplaying data for multiplayer influence maximization on social networks (HHC, YBC, SDL), pp. 1524–1527.
KDD-2012-GalbrunM #interactive #mining #named #visualisation- Siren: an interactive tool for mining and visualizing geospatial redescriptions (EG, PM), pp. 1544–1547.
KDIR-2012-DevezasF #information management #interactive #network #research #visualisation- Interactive Visualization of a News Clips Network — A Journalistic Research and Knowledge Discovery Tool (JLD, ÁF), pp. 157–162.
KMIS-2012-MarsanCE #analysis #behaviour #enterprise #framework #information management #scalability #tool support #using- Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intention of using Enterprise 2.0 Tools as a Knowledge Management Platform — An Analysis of the UTAUT Model in an Large Real Estate Company (BM, LC, EE), pp. 281–284.
RecSys-2012-SheehanP #named #personalisation #predict #student- pGPA: a personalized grade prediction tool to aid student success (MS, YP), pp. 309–310.
SEKE-2012-GallegosG #detection #tool support- Tool Support for Anomaly Detection in Scientific Sensor Data (IG, AQG), pp. 678–683.
SEKE-2012-GokhaleSM #education #open source #re-engineering #reverse engineering #tool support- Evaluating Open Source Reverse Engineering Tools for Teaching Software Engineering (SSG, TS, RM), pp. 162–167.
SEKE-2012-GuoCZ #visualisation- A Tool for Visualization of a Knowledge Model (SSG, CWC, QZ), pp. 718–723.
SEKE-2012-LiuZSH #analysis #architecture #modelling #named- SAMAT — A Tool for Software Architecture Modeling and Analysis (SL, RZ, ZS, XH), pp. 352–358.
SEKE-2012-NetoNAM #product line #testing #tool support- A Mapping Study on Software Product Lines Testing Tools (CRLN, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 628–634.
SEKE-2012-PittoliSN #monitoring #network- Investigating the Use of Bayesian Networks as a Support Tool for Monitoring Software Projects (FP, ALRdS, DJN), pp. 570–573.
SIGIR-2012-NunzioS #classification #data analysis #naive bayes #visual notation- A visual tool for bayesian data analysis: the impact of smoothing on naive bayes text classifiers (GMDN, AS), p. 1002.
AMT-2012-HildebrandtLG #development #framework #graph grammar #model transformation- The MDELab tool framework for the development of correct model transformations with triple graph grammars (SH, LL, HG), pp. 33–34.
ECMFA-2012-RadjenovicMPRMBK #automation #embedded #modelling #named #uml #verification- MADES: A Tool Chain for Automated Verification of UML Models of Embedded Systems (AR, NDM, RFP, MR, AM, LB, DSK), pp. 340–351.
OOPSLA-2012-YuNPP #named #parallel #source code #testing #thread- Maple: a coverage-driven testing tool for multithreaded programs (JY, SN, CP, GP), pp. 485–502.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-BergmannHHRUV #emf #performance #query #state of the art #tool support- Integrating Efficient Model Queries in State-of-the-Art EMF Tools (GB, ÁH, ÁH, IR, ZU, DV), pp. 1–8.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-CatanoHR #formal method #named #network #policy #privacy #social- Poporo: A Formal Methods Tool for Fast-Checking of Social Network Privacy Policies (NC, SH, CR), pp. 9–16.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-CorralSSSV #development #mobile #named #process #proximity- DroidSense: A Mobile Tool to Analyze Software Development Processes by Measuring Team Proximity (LC, AS, GS, JS, JV), pp. 17–33.
PADL-2012-BalducciniL #aspect-oriented #tool support- Practical and Methodological Aspects of the Use of Cutting-Edge ASP Tools (MB, YL), pp. 78–92.
RE-2012-AmellerCF #architecture #named #tool support- ArchiTech: Tool support for NFR-guided architectural decision-making (DA, OC, XF), pp. 315–316.
RE-2012-LiZ0 #configuration management #feature model #modelling #named- MbFM: A matrix-based tool for modeling and configuring feature models (LL, HZ, WZ), pp. 325–326.
RE-2012-PajaDPRG #named #requirements #security #social- STS-tool: Socio-technical Security Requirements through social commitments (EP, FD, MP, PR, PG), pp. 331–332.
RE-2012-ReddivariCN #clustering #named #requirements #visual notation- ReCVisu: A tool for clustering-based visual exploration of requirements (SR, ZC, NN), pp. 327–328.
RE-2012-SmialekS #requirements- Facilitating transition from requirements to code with the ReDSeeDS tool (MS, TS), pp. 321–322.
RE-2012-SupakkulC #modelling #multi #requirements #tool support- The RE-Tools: A multi-notational requirements modeling toolkit (SS, LC), pp. 333–334.
RE-2012-VrbaskiPA #reasoning #rule-based #tool support- Tool support for combined rule-based and goal-based reasoning in Context-Aware systems (MV, DCP, DA), pp. 335–336.
REFSQ-2012-BerryGST #requirements #tool support- The Case for Dumb Requirements Engineering Tools (DMB, RG, PS, SFT), pp. 211–217.
SAC-2012-AnwarF #data access #network #policy #social #visualisation- A visualization tool for evaluating access control policies in facebook-style social network systems (MMA, PWLF), pp. 1443–1450.
SAC-2012-DragoB #analysis #architecture #design #graph #manycore #named- DAG3: a tool for design and analysis of applications for multicore architectures (MLD, JB), pp. 1159–1164.
SAC-2012-RahmanOMCA #development #mobile- Let EcoDrive be your guide: development of a mobile tool to reduce carbon footprint and promote green transport (FR, CO, KM, JC, SIA), pp. 519–524.
SAC-2012-Tronicek #flexibility #java #named #refactoring- RefactoringNG: a flexible Java refactoring tool (ZT), pp. 1165–1170.
FSE-2012-PasqualeMSCON #adaptation #named #security- SecuriTAS: a tool for engineering adaptive security (LP, CM, MS, LC, IO, BN), p. 19.
FSE-2012-RayWK #analysis #migration #named- REPERTOIRE: a cross-system porting analysis tool for forked software projects (BR, CW, MK), p. 8.
FSE-2012-ShaikhW #diagrams #ocl #performance #slicing #uml #verification- UMLtoCSP (UOST): a tool for efficient verification of UML/OCL class diagrams through model slicing (AS, UKW), p. 37.
FSE-2012-ZhangKK #evolution #fault #impact analysis #java #named #source code- FaultTracer: a change impact and regression fault analysis tool for evolving Java programs (LZ, MK, SK), p. 40.
ICSE-2012-Chowdhury #development #tool support- Assisting end-user development in browser-based mashup tools (SRC), pp. 1625–1627.
ICSE-2012-FuhrmanCA #education #framework #re-engineering #tool support- Integrating tools and frameworks in undergraduate software engineering curriculum (CF, RC, AA), pp. 1195–1204.
ICSE-2012-Johnson #case study #question #static analysis #tool support #using #why- A study on improving static analysis tools: Why are we not using them? (BJ), pp. 1607–1609.
ICSE-2012-MarianiP #composition #named #plugin- MASH: A tool for end-user plug-in composition (LM, FP), pp. 1387–1390.
ICSE-2012-Murphy-Hill #social- Continuous social screencasting to facilitate software tool discovery (ERMH), pp. 1317–1320.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNN #detection #named #web- BabelRef: Detection and renaming tool for cross-language program entities in dynamic web applications (HVN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1391–1394.
ICSE-2012-NguyenNNN12a #code completion #graph #named- GraPacc: A graph-based pattern-oriented, context-sensitive code completion tool (ATN, HAN, TTN, TNN), pp. 1407–1410.
ICSE-2012-RuscioPP #evolution #named #open source- EVOSS: A tool for managing the evolution of free and open source software systems (DDR, PP, AP), pp. 1415–1418.
ICSE-2012-ZhengT12a #architecture #implementation #named- xMapper: An architecture-implementation mapping tool (YZ, RNT), pp. 1461–1462.
SLE-2012-AbedBSYAK #aspect-oriented #design #multi #named- TouchRAM: A Multitouch-Enabled Tool for Aspect-Oriented Software Design (WAA, VB, MS, EY, OA, JK), pp. 275–285.
SLE-2012-BettiniSVC #implementation #tool support #type system #xtext- Approaches and Tools for Implementing Type Systems in Xtext (LB, DS, MV, SC), pp. 392–412.
PLEASE-2012-AcherMHCL #feature model #modelling #tool support- Languages and tools for managing feature models (MA, RM, PH, PC, PL), pp. 25–28.
PLEASE-2012-SaratxagaAHEM #product line #variability- Product line tool-chain: variability in critical systems (CLS, CAM, ØH, CE, AM), pp. 57–60.
SPLC-2012-Elsner #staged #tool support- Light-weight tool support for staged product derivation (CE), pp. 146–155.
CGO-2012-ChabbiM #named- DeadSpy: a tool to pinpoint program inefficiencies (MC, JMMC), pp. 124–134.
CAV-2012-BenqueBCCFIPTV #biology #modelling #named #network #visual notation- Bma: Visual Tool for Modeling and Analyzing Biological Networks (DB, SB, CC, BC, JF, SI, NP, AST, MYV), pp. 686–692.
CAV-2012-BohyBFJR #ltl #synthesis- Acacia+, a Tool for LTL Synthesis (AB, VB, EF, NJ, JFR), pp. 652–657.
CAV-2012-ConchonGKMZ #model checking #named #parallel #smt- Cubicle: A Parallel SMT-Based Model Checker for Parameterized Systems — Tool Paper (SC, AG, SK, AM, FZ), pp. 718–724.
CAV-2012-JaffarMNS #execution #named #symbolic computation #verification- TRACER: A Symbolic Execution Tool for Verification (JJ, VM, JAN, AES), pp. 758–766.
CAV-2012-LahiriHKR #imperative #named #semantics #source code- SYMDIFF: A Language-Agnostic Semantic Diff Tool for Imperative Programs (SKL, CH, MK, HR), pp. 712–717.
CAV-2012-Schwartz-NarbonneLAM #debugging #named #parallel #source code- passert: A Tool for Debugging Parallel Programs (DSN, FL, DIA, SM), pp. 751–757.
CAV-2012-SinghS #named #programming- SPT: Storyboard Programming Tool (RS, ASL), pp. 738–743.
ICST-2012-BorjessonF #automation #case study #comparative #industrial #testing #tool support #user interface #using #visual notation- Automated System Testing Using Visual GUI Testing Tools: A Comparative Study in Industry (EB, RF), pp. 350–359.
ICST-2012-DanH12a #c #mutation testing #named #semantics #testing #tool support- SMT-C: A Semantic Mutation Testing Tools for C (HD, RMH), pp. 654–663.
ICST-2012-GansR #protocol #smarttech #testing- The SmartLogic Tool: Analysing and Testing Smart Card Protocols (GdKG, JdR), pp. 864–871.
ICST-2012-WehbiOB #monitoring #security #using- Events-Based Security Monitoring Using MMT Tool (BW, EMdO, MB), pp. 860–863.
ICTSS-2012-BrauerPS #modelling #performance #testing #tool support- Efficient and Trustworthy Tool Qualification for Model-Based Testing Tools (JB, JP, US), pp. 8–23.
ICTSS-2012-ChenV #protocol #testing- Passive Interoperability Testing for Request-Response Protocols: Method, Tool and Application on CoAP Protocol (NC, CV), pp. 87–102.
SAT-2012-BloomGHSSS #framework #game studies #named #parallel #satisfiability #scalability- SatX10: A Scalable Plug&Play Parallel SAT Framework — (Tool Presentation) (BB, DG, BH, AS, HS, VAS), pp. 463–468.
SAT-2012-CorziliusLJA #named- SMT-RAT: An SMT-Compliant Nonlinear Real Arithmetic Toolbox — (Tool Presentation) (FC, UL, SJ, EÁ), pp. 442–448.
SAT-2012-Hugel #named #random #satisfiability- SATLab: X-Raying Random k-SAT — (Tool Presentation) (TH), pp. 424–429.
SAT-2012-KottlerZSK #analysis #named #satisfiability- CoPAn: Exploring Recurring Patterns in Conflict Analysis of CDCL SAT Solvers — (Tool Presentation) (SK, CZ, PS, MK), pp. 449–455.
SAT-2012-Manthey #flexibility- Coprocessor 2.0 — A Flexible CNF Simplifier — (Tool Presentation) (NM), pp. 436–441.
SAT-2012-NiemetzPLSB- Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF — (Tool Presentation) (AN, MP, FL, MS, AB), pp. 430–435.
SAT-2012-TanjoTB #csp #encoding #named #order #satisfiability #using- Azucar: A SAT-Based CSP Solver Using Compact Order Encoding — (Tool Presentation) (TT, NT, MB), pp. 456–462.
TAP-2012-CarlierDG #constraints #design #testing- A First Step in the Design of a Formally Verified Constraint-Based Testing Tool: FocalTest (MC, CD, AG), pp. 35–50.
ECSA-2011-OliveiraN #architecture #testing #tool support- A Service-Oriented Reference Architecture for Software Testing Tools (LBRdO, EYN), pp. 405–421.
WICSA-2011-RathfelderK #architecture #component #predict- Palladio Workbench: A Quality-Prediction Tool for Component-Based Architectures (CR, BK), pp. 347–350.
WICSA-2011-SuHG11a #documentation #named #navigation #visualisation- KaitoroCap: A Document Navigation Capture and Visualisation Tool (MTS, JGH, JG), pp. 359–362.
ASE-2011-BergmannHHRUV #emf #implementation #performance #tool support #validation- Implementing efficient model validation in EMF tools (GB, ÁH, ÁH, IR, ZU, DV), pp. 580–583.
ASE-2011-EdwardsBM #editing #morphism #tool support- Isomorphism in model tools and editors (GE, YB, NM), pp. 460–463.
ASE-2011-GanaiAWGB #concurrent #multi #named #predict #testing #thread- BEST: A symbolic testing tool for predicting multi-threaded program failures (MKG, NA, CW, AG, GB), pp. 596–599.
ASE-2011-JustSK #analysis #compilation #java #mutation testing #named #performance- MAJOR: An efficient and extensible tool for mutation analysis in a Java compiler (RJ, FS, GMK), pp. 612–615.
ASE-2011-KhalekYZMK #alloy #java #named #source code #specification #testing #using- TestEra: A tool for testing Java programs using alloy specifications (SAK, GY, LZ, DM, SK), pp. 608–611.
ASE-2011-NguyenNNN11a #difference #named- iDiff: Interaction-based program differencing tool (HAN, TTN, HVN, TNN), pp. 572–575.
ASE-2011-OverbeyJ #analysis #difference #lightweight #refactoring #reuse #tool support- Differential precondition checking: A lightweight, reusable analysis for refactoring tools (JLO, REJ), pp. 303–312.
ASE-2011-PietschYK #generative #modelling #tool support- Generating realistic test models for model processing tools (PP, HSY, UK), pp. 620–623.
ASE-2011-ZurowskaD #analysis #modelling #named #uml- SAUML: A tool for symbolic analysis of UML-RT models (KZ, JD), pp. 604–607.
CASE-2011-CabasinoCGSS #framework #integration #tool support- A software platform for the integration of discrete event systems tools (MPC, LC, AG, CS, AS), pp. 45–51.
CASE-2011-HaoD #incremental #optimisation #using- Optimization of tool trajectory for Incremental Sheet Forming using closed loop control (WH, SD), pp. 779–784.
CASE-2011-KaoZCHWLWWC #constraints- Near optimal furnace tool allocation with batching and waiting time constraints (YTK, SCZ, SCC, JHH, PW, PBL, SW, FW, JC), pp. 108–113.
CASE-2011-KimL #clustering #constraints #scheduling #tool support- Scheduling of cluster tools with ready time constraints for small lot production (HJK, TEL), pp. 96–101.
CASE-2011-KloetzerG- Software tool for constructing cell decompositions (MK, NG), pp. 507–512.
CASE-2011-LeeL #clustering #concurrent #multi- Concurrent processing of multiple wafer types in a single-armed cluster tool (JHL, TEL), pp. 102–107.
CASE-2011-QiaoWZ #analysis #clustering #modelling #tool support- Modeling and analysis of dual-arm cluster tools for wafer fabrication with revisiting (YQ, NW, MZ), pp. 90–95.
CASE-2011-SernaCBRC #case study #design #framework- Control software design for a cutting glass machine tool based on the COSME platform. Case study (FS, CC, AB, JMR, JMC), pp. 501–506.
DAC-2011-Jandhyala #automation #design #network #social #tool support #web- Physics-based field-theoretic design automation tools for social networks and web search (VJ), pp. 280–281.
DAC-2011-KimS #data access #memory management #named- CuMAPz: a tool to analyze memory access patterns in CUDA (YK, AS), pp. 128–133.
DAC-2011-PuggelliWKS #logic #question #robust #synthesis #tool support- Are logic synthesis tools robust? (AP, TW, AK, ALSV), pp. 633–638.
DATE-2011-BarceloGBS #estimation #performance #scalability- An efficient and scalable STA tool with direct path estimation and exhaustive sensitization vector exploration for optimal delay computation (SB, XG, SAB, JS), pp. 1602–1607.
DATE-2011-BonannoBS #analysis #energy #modelling #monitoring #optimisation #tool support- Energy analysis methods and tools for modelling and Optimizing monitoring tyre systems (AB, AB, MS), pp. 1121–1122.
DATE-2011-HendryCCB #design #named #network #specification- VANDAL: A tool for the design specification of nanophotonic networks (GH, JC, LPC, KB), pp. 782–787.
DATE-2011-Sifakis #component #design #tool support- Methods and tools for component-based system design (JS), p. 1022.
DATE-2011-VissersNN #interface #realtime #synthesis #tool support #using- Building real-time HDTV applications in FPGAs using processors, AXI interfaces and high level synthesis tools (KAV, SN, JN), pp. 848–850.
DocEng-2011-BilaucaH #pretty-printing #tool support- Building table formatting tools (MB, PH), pp. 13–22.
DocEng-2011-LuongLN #design #framework #tool support- A framework with tools for designing web-based geographic applications (TNL, SL, TN), pp. 33–42.
DocEng-2011-TakhirovD #authoring #social #video- A cloud-based and social authoring tool for video (NT, FD), pp. 65–68.
DRR-2011-BallS #automation #statistics #tool support #using- Statistical characterization of handwriting characteristics using automated tools (GRB, SNS), pp. 1–10.
HT-2011-JonesA #tool support- Many views, many modes, many tools & one structure (WJ, KMA), pp. 113–122.
ICDAR-2011-SokratisK- A Tool for Tuning Binarization Techniques (SV, EK), pp. 1–5.
SIGMOD-2011-PandisTBKPJA #execution #tool support #transaction- A data-oriented transaction execution engine and supporting tools (IP, PT, MB, DK, DP, RJ, AA), pp. 1237–1240.
VLDB-2011-KaushikR #detection #named- Whodunit: An Auditing Tool for Detecting Data Breaches (RK, RR), pp. 1410–1413.
VLDB-2011-MarnetteMPRS- ++Spicy: an OpenSource Tool for Second-Generation Schema Mapping and Data Exchange (BM, GM, PP, SR, DS), pp. 1438–1441.
VLDB-2011-YosefHBSW #ambiguity #named #online- AIDA: An Online Tool for Accurate Disambiguation of Named Entities in Text and Tables (MAY, JH, IB, MS, GW), pp. 1450–1453.
CSEET-2011-GohLR #evaluation #named #student- Teammates: A cloud-based peer evaluation tool for student team projects (GG, XL, DCR), p. 555.
ITiCSE-2011-BarrosBV #java #named #object-oriented #programming #sequence #source code #visualisation- Java2Sequence: a tool for the visualization of object-oriented programs in introductory programming (JPB, LB, MV), p. 369.
ITiCSE-2011-BoyceCPCB #education #evaluation #game studies #how #learning #motivation- Experimental evaluation of BeadLoom game: how adding game elements to an educational tool improves motivation and learning (AKB, AC, SP, DC, TB), pp. 243–247.
ITiCSE-2011-Cardell-OliverW #java #metric #tool support- UWA Java tools: harnessing software metrics to support novice programmers (RCO, PDW), p. 341.
ITiCSE-2011-KurianMJ #generative #information retrieval #named #repository- IR2gT: a report generation tool for institutional repository (JCK, AM, BMJ), p. 371.
ITiCSE-2011-MarkhamB #bound #twitter #using- Collaborating across international boundaries: using twitter as a tool in the classroom (SM, SB), p. 382.
ITiCSE-2011-Moy #education #performance #student #tool support- Efficient and playful tools to teach Unix to new students (MM), pp. 93–97.
ITiCSE-2011-PearsonBG #evaluation #process #web- A tool to support the web accessibility evaluation process for novices (EP, CB, SG), pp. 28–32.
ITiCSE-2011-Santos #interactive #named- AGUIA/J: a tool for interactive experimentation of objects (ALS), pp. 43–47.
ITiCSE-2011-SchweitzerBS #interactive #tool support- Interactive tools in the graphics classroom (DS, JB, LS), pp. 113–117.
ITiCSE-2011-TremblayL- A marking language for the oto assignment marking tool (GT, PL), pp. 148–152.
ITiCSE-2011-VirsedaM #debugging #education #semantics #source code #verification- An innovative teaching tool based on semantic tableaux for verification and debugging of programs (RdVV, FPM), p. 352.
TACAS-2011-AnnpureddyLFS #hybrid #logic #named- S-TaLiRo: A Tool for Temporal Logic Falsification for Hybrid Systems (YA, CL, GEF, SS), pp. 254–257.
TACAS-2011-ChatterjeeHJS #named #synthesis- QUASY: Quantitative Synthesis Tool (KC, TAH, BJ, RS), pp. 267–271.
SCAM-J-2009-HollandD11 #classification #information management #quality #tool support- Classification and selection of tools for quality knowledge management (SH, RD), pp. 393–409.
SCAM-J-2009-TiarksKF11 #assessment #detection #state of the art #tool support- An extended assessment of type-3 clones as detected by state-of-the-art tools (RT, RK, RF), pp. 295–331.
CSMR-2011-CoteH #requirements #tool support #uml- A UML Profile and Tool Support for Evolutionary Requirements Engineering (IC, MH), pp. 161–170.
CSMR-2011-GieseckeFF #architecture #multi #tool support- Long-Term Software Architecture Management with Multi-technology Tool Support (SG, JF, MF), pp. 321–324.
ICPC-2011-Burnett #programming #question #tool support- Males and Females Developing Software: Are Programming Tools Getting in the Way? (MB), p. xvii.
ICSM-2011-NogueraRKJ #query- Program querying with a SOUL: The BARISTA tool suite (CN, CDR, AK, VJ), pp. 582–585.
ICSM-2011-Perez-CastilloFGP #process- MARBLE. A business process archeology tool (RPC, MFR, IGRdG, MP), pp. 578–581.
ICSM-2011-SampathBJM #reduction #testing- A tool for combination-based prioritization and reduction of user-session-based test suites (SS, RCB, SJ, SM), pp. 574–577.
ICSM-2011-SnipesRM #analysis- Code Hot Spot: A tool for extraction and analysis of code change history (WS, BPR, ERMH), pp. 392–401.
ICSM-2011-TorresTPWY #analysis #evolution #named #visual notation- Maleku: An evolutionary visual software analysis tool for providing insights into software evolution (AGT, RT, FJGP, MW, YY), pp. 594–597.
FM-2011-HaxthausenKB #automation #development #modelling #verification- Formal Development of a Tool for Automated Modelling and Verification of Relay Interlocking Systems (AEH, AAK, MLB), pp. 118–132.
SEFM-2011-GouesLM #debugging #verification- The Boogie Verification Debugger (Tool Paper) (CLG, KRML, MM), pp. 407–414.
AGTIVE-2011-MazanekRM #tool support- Tool Demonstration of the Transformation Judge (SM, CR, MM), pp. 97–104.
GT-VMT-2011-VandinL #graph #maude #model checking #towards- Towards a Maude Tool for Model Checking Temporal Graph Properties (AV, ALL).
CHI-2011-CostaCS #collaboration #coordination #distributed #evolution #generative #scalability #tool support- The scale and evolution of coordination needs in large-scale distributed projects: implications for the future generation of collaborative tools (JMdRC, MC, CRBdS), pp. 3151–3160.
CHI-2011-FrischKLD #layout #multi #tool support- Grids & guides: multi-touch layout and alignment tools (MF, SK, RL, RD), pp. 1615–1618.
CHI-2011-GerkenJZMR #api #concept #usability- The concept maps method as a tool to evaluate the usability of APIs (JG, HCJ, MZ, MM, HR), pp. 3373–3382.
CHI-2011-KinMBDHA #multi #named- Eden: a professional multitouch tool for constructing virtual organic environments (KK, TM, BB, TD, BH, MA), pp. 1343–1352.
CHI-2011-KleekSsK #named #people- Finders/keepers: a longitudinal study of people managing information scraps in a micro-note tool (MVK, WS, MMCS, DRK), pp. 2907–2916.
CHI-2011-LaquaSGG #case study #information management- Do you know dis?: a user study of a knowledge discovery tool for organizations (SL, MAS, SG, CG), pp. 2887–2896.
CHI-2011-LeshedS #case study #experience #quote #tool support- “I lie to myself that I have freedom in my own schedule”: productivity tools and experiences of busyness (GL, PS), pp. 905–914.
CHI-2011-LucaFMSHKH #internet #security #visualisation- Does MoodyBoard make internet use more secure?: evaluating an ambient security visualization tool (ADL, BF, MEM, JS, DH, NK, HH), pp. 887–890.
CHI-2011-MatthewsWMY #approach #collaboration #design #tool support- Collaboration personas: a new approach to designing workplace collaboration tools (TM, SW, TPM, SY), pp. 2247–2256.
CHI-2011-MedlerJL #game studies #online #visual notation- Data cracker: developing a visual game analytic tool for analyzing online gameplay (BM, MJ, JL), pp. 2365–2374.
CHI-2011-SchwandaIRC #persuasion #tool support- Side effects and “gateway” tools: advocating a broader look at evaluating persuasive systems (VS, SI, LR, DC), pp. 345–348.
CSCW-2011-Johri #communication #distributed #email #exclamation #tool support- Look ma, no email!: blogs and IRC as primary and preferred communication tools in a distributed firm (AJ), pp. 305–308.
CSCW-2011-KwonLK #locality- The Tree of Knowledge: a localized collective intelligence tool (GHK, YSL, MK), pp. 665–668.
CSCW-2011-Murphy-HillM #effectiveness #interactive #tool support- Peer interaction effectively, yet infrequently, enables programmers to discover new tools (ERMH, GCM), pp. 405–414.
DHM-2011-FritzscheJLBJP #editing #performance #process #simulation- Introducing ema (Editor for Manual Work Activities) — A New Tool for Enhancing Accuracy and Efficiency of Human Simulations in Digital Production Planning (LF, RJ, WL, SB, TJ, AP), pp. 272–281.
DHM-2011-LinMC- Dynamic Power Tool Operation Model: Experienced Users vs. Novice Users (JHL, RWM, CCC), pp. 394–398.
DUXU-v1-2011-RitterE #segmentation #using- An Extensible Tool for the Annotation of Videos Using Segmentation and Tracking (MR, ME), pp. 295–304.
DUXU-v2-2011-Capra #behaviour #human-computer #web- HCI Browser: A Tool for Administration and Data Collection for Studies of Web Search Behaviors (RC), pp. 259–268.
DUXU-v2-2011-GaoZ #user satisfaction- User Satisfaction of Ali Wangwang, an Instant Messenger Tool (JG, ZZ), pp. 414–420.
DUXU-v2-2011-KeatingGKPV #artificial reality #design #experience #mobile #tool support #user interface- Designing the AR Experience: Tools and Tips for Mobile Augmented Reality UX Design (GK, DG, AK, NP, AV), pp. 135–141.
DUXU-v2-2011-YuI #interactive #visualisation #web- Trails-An Interactive Web History Visualization and Tagging Tool (WY, TI), pp. 77–86.
HCD-2011-BoltonS #design #tool support- Culturally Situated Design Tools: Animated Support Tools for Mathematics (ATB, CDS), pp. 351–359.
HCD-2011-ChoiS #approach #design #implementation #process- A Design-Supporting Tool for Implementing the Learning-Based Approach: Accommodating Users’ Domain Knowledge into Design Processes (JMC, KS), pp. 369–378.
HCD-2011-KandaK #communication #people #tool support- Holistic Prosthetic Approaches to the Hearing Handicapped People: Communication Tools in Various Situations (KK, TK), pp. 313–320.
HCI-DDA-2011-MerloB #agile #development #interactive #prototype- A Rapid Prototyping Tool for Interactive Device Development (MM, MB), pp. 107–113.
HCI-DDA-2011-ZaragozaRBBMCR #detection- A User-Friendly Tool for Detecting the Stress Level in a Person’s Daily Life (IZ, BR, CB, RMB, IM, DC, MAR), pp. 423–431.
HCI-MIIE-2011-CasillasM #documentation #process- Field to File: A Tool for Activity Documentation Work in Remote Mobility Environments (RC, ALM), pp. 3–12.
HCI-MIIE-2011-MorFDF #experience #social #tool support #user interface- User Experience of Social Bookmarking Tools (EM, NF, MGD, JAMF), pp. 510–516.
HCI-UA-2011-Wang11a #interactive #learning #network #student #tool support #using- Interactions between Human and Computer Networks: EFL College Students Using Computer Learning Tools in Remedial English Classes (ALW), pp. 107–112.
HIMI-v1-2011-MoghaddamB #interactive #multi #named #visualisation- VICPAM: A Visualization Tool for Examining Interaction Data in Multiple Display Environments (RZM, BPB), pp. 278–287.
HIMI-v1-2011-NasozBPR #metadata- A User-Centric Metadata Creation Tool for Preserving the Nation’s Ecological Data (FN, RCB, CJP, DJR), pp. 122–131.
HIMI-v2-2011-GonzalezGGS #hybrid #tool support #towards- Towards Argument Representational Tools for Hybrid Argumentation Systems (MPG, SG, AJG, GRS), pp. 236–245.
HIMI-v2-2011-KikenRBBKSVB #online #performance #tool support- Effect of ATC Training with NextGen Tools and Online Situation Awareness and Workload Probes on Operator Performance (AK, RCR, LPB, SB, JMK, TZS, KPLV, VB), pp. 483–492.
HIMI-v2-2011-RorieKMBMMVSB #order #tool support- A Preliminary Investigation of Training Order for Introducing NextGen Tools (RCR, AK, CAM, SB, GM, KM, KPLV, TZS, VB), pp. 526–533.
HIMI-v2-2011-SumiN #communication #interactive- Interactive e-Hon as Parent-Child Communication Tool (KS, MN), pp. 199–206.
IDGD-2011-Yang11a #communication- Common Task-Oriented Communication Tool Applied in Radiology Department of Hospital (RY), pp. 238–247.
OCSC-2011-HoltzblattD #community #enterprise #network #online- Measuring the Success of On-line Communities in an Enterprise Networking Tool (LJH, LED), pp. 188–196.
VISSOFT-2011-BeckTD #analysis #design #visual notation- A visual analysis and design tool for planning software reengineerings (MB, JT, JD), pp. 1–8.
VISSOFT-2011-ErdemirTB #graph #named #object-oriented #quality #visualisation- E-Quality: A graph based object oriented software quality visualization tool (UE, UT, FB), pp. 1–8.
VISSOFT-2011-MaleticMNCSR #named #scalability #tool support #visualisation- MosaiCode: Visualizing large scale software: A tool demonstration (JIM, DJM, CDN, MLC, AS, BPR), pp. 1–4.
AdaEurope-2011-ChilAOP #ada #interface #using- Using Robotics as a Motivational Tool: An Ada Interface to a Pioneer Robot (RC, DA, FJO, JAP), pp. 147–159.
SIGAda-2011-GaudelSPRDL #ada #analysis #design pattern #pattern matching #pattern recognition #performance #recognition- An Ada design pattern recognition tool for AADL performance analysis (VG, FS, AP, SR, PD, JL), pp. 61–68.
EDOC-2011-UotiJKOG #collaboration #configuration management #process- Project Alignment: A Configurable Model and Tool for Managing Critical Shared Processes in Collaborative Projects (MU, KJ, IK, MO, SG), pp. 87–96.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MarinAV #automation #java #named #ontology #semantics- Jar2Ontology — A Tool for Automatic Extraction of Semantic Information from Java Object Code (NM, CSÁ, MAV), pp. 267–276.
ICEIS-v1-2011-MeisenMSJ #integration #simulation #tool support- Application Integration of Simulation Tools Considering Domain Specific Knowledge (TM, PM, DS, SJ), pp. 42–53.
ICEIS-v2-2011-GoncalvesFCFOS #modelling #multi- MAS-ML Tool — A Modeling Environment for Multi-agent Systems (EJTG, KF, MIC, ARF, FRO, VTdS), pp. 192–197.
ICEIS-v2-2011-KisilevichKBTR #open source #tool support #using- Developing a Price Management Decision Support System for Hotel Brokers using Free and Open Source Tools (SK, DAK, RB, MT, LR), pp. 147–156.
ICEIS-v3-2011-CamposO #development #modelling #process- Modeling Work Processes and Software Development — Notation and Tool (ALNC, TCdO), pp. 337–343.
KDIR-2011-WongLZYFXKC #case study #segmentation- Time Series Segmentation as a Discovery Tool — A Case Study of the US and Japanese Financial Markets (JCW, GHTL, YZ, WSY, RPF, DYX, JLK, SAC), pp. 52–63.
KEOD-2011-AssaadG #information management #social- The Role of Social Software as a Tool for Knowledge Management (WA, JMG), pp. 512–516.
KEOD-2011-CruzN #graph #ontology #xml- A Graph-based Tool for the Translation of XML Data to OWL-DL Ontologies (CC, CN), pp. 361–364.
KEOD-2011-KarousosPXKT #development #learning #tool support- Development of Argumentation Skills via Learning Management Systems — Bringing together Argumentation Support Tools and Learning Management Systems (NK, SP, MNX, NIK, MT), pp. 474–477.
KMIS-2011-JezekB #case study #deployment #framework #tool support- Extra-functional Properties Framework with Configuration based on Deployment Environment — Tool Demonstration and Case-study (KJ, PB), pp. 322–325.
KMIS-2011-PittetCN #evolution #guidelines #ontology #tool support #version control- Guidelines for a Dynamic Ontology — Integrating Tools of Evolution and Versioning in Ontology (PP, CC, CN), pp. 173–179.
KMIS-2011-SchauerZM #analysis #collaboration #enterprise #open source #tool support- A Feature-based Analysis of Open Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0 — Open Source Tools for Team Collaboration in SMEs (BS, MZ, RM), pp. 57–66.
MLDM-2011-SanchezGM #classification #reduction #tool support- Exploring Synergetic Effects of Dimensionality Reduction and Resampling Tools on Hyperspectral Imagery Data Classification (JSS, VG, RAM), pp. 511–523.
SEKE-2011-BragaD #detection #information management #tool support #using- Fraud Detection in Selection Exams Using Knowledge Engineering Tools (MdMB, MARD), pp. 163–168.
SEKE-2011-GuoC #analysis #comparison #ontology #tool support #visualisation- A Comparison and Analysis of Some Ontology Visualization Tools (SSG, CWC), pp. 357–362.
SEKE-2011-LiuZH #modelling #petri net #pipes and filters- PIPE+ — A Modeling Tool for High Level Petri Nets (SL, RZ, XH), pp. 115–121.
SEKE-2011-NetoMNAM #product line #testing- Software Product Lines System Test Case Tool: A Proposal (CRLN, IdCM, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 699–704.
SEKE-2011-PossompesDHT #design #diagrams #feature model #implementation #uml- Design of a UML profile for feature diagrams and its tooling implementation (TP, CD, MH, CT), pp. 693–698.
SIGIR-2011-RicciGBAGP #named #quality #recommendation #web- GreenMeter: a tool for assessing the quality and recommending tags for web 2.0 applications (SMRR, DAG, FMB, JMA, MAG, ROP), pp. 1279–1280.
SIGIR-2011-WilhelmKE #comparative #component #evaluation #information retrieval- A tool for comparative IR evaluation on component level (TW, JK, ME), pp. 1291–1292.
ECMFA-2011-CombemaleGR #domain-specific language #semantics- A Generic Tool for Tracing Executions Back to a DSML’s Operational Semantics (BC, LG, VR), pp. 35–51.
ICMT-2011-SeehusenS #development #evaluation #framework #modelling #visual notation- An Evaluation of the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) Based on the Development of the CORAS Tool (FS, KS), pp. 152–166.
Onward-2011-AnslowMM #evaluation #programming language #tool support #usability- Evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools: (PLATEAU) (CA, SM, ERMH), pp. 119–120.
OOPSLA-2011-FeldthausMMST #javascript #refactoring- Tool-supported refactoring for JavaScript (AF, TDM, AM, MS, FT), pp. 119–138.
OOPSLA-2011-JoshiGS #injection #multi #named #programmable- PREFAIL: a programmable tool for multiple-failure injection (PJ, HSG, KS), pp. 171–188.
PLATEAU-2011-LaTozaM #design #developer #tool support- Designing useful tools for developers (TDL, BAM), pp. 45–50.
PPDP-2011-Rybalchenko #automation #synthesis #tool support #towards #verification- Towards automatic synthesis of software verification tools (AR), pp. 3–4.
PADL-2011-Christiansen #named #strict- Sloth — A Tool for Checking Minimal-Strictness (JC), pp. 160–174.
POPL-2011-Leroy #question #tool support- Verified squared: does critical software deserve verified tools? (XL), pp. 1–2.
RE-2011-CoteHSH #analysis #named #problem #requirements #uml- UML4PF — A tool for problem-oriented requirements analysis (IC, MH, HS, DH), pp. 349–350.
RE-2011-MahmoudN #clustering #named #traceability- TraCter: A tool for candidate traceability link clustering (AM, NN), pp. 335–336.
RE-2011-WeiYJZ #automation #modelling #named #non-functional #reasoning- rΣ: Automated reasoning tool for non-functional requirement goal models (BW, BY, ZJ, DZ), pp. 337–338.
SAC-2011-LimaSM #aspect-oriented #authoring #design #hypermedia #non-functional #tool support- Considering non-functional aspects in the design of hypermedia authoring tools (BSL, LFGS, MFM), pp. 1259–1266.
SAC-2011-MajchrzakJK #evaluation #open source #performance #tool support- Efficiency evaluation of open source ETL tools (TAM, TJ, HK), pp. 287–294.
SAC-2011-SebastianC #approach #design #re-engineering #towards #using- Towards designing a tool for event reconstruction using Gladyshev Approach (MS, PC), pp. 193–194.
SAC-2011-SpoelstraIS #agile #concept #development #reuse- Software reuse in agile development organizations: a conceptual management tool (WS, MEI, MvS), pp. 315–322.
SAC-2011-WajidMNG #comprehension #documentation #enterprise #tool support- Tool support for realising a common understanding of business documents in collaborating enterprises (UW, NM, AN, PG), pp. 331–333.
ESEC-FSE-2011-DemuthLE #consistency #flexibility #modelling #multi- Cross-layer modeler: a tool for flexible multilevel modeling with consistency checking (AD, RELH, AE), pp. 452–455.
ESEC-FSE-2011-FalessiNSBM #design #named #safety #slicing- SafeSlice: a model slicing and design safety inspection tool for SysML (DF, SN, MS, LCB, AM), pp. 460–463.
ESEC-FSE-2011-GligoricBJ #mutation testing #named #testing- SMutant: a tool for type-sensitive mutation testing in a dynamic language (MG, SB, RJ), pp. 424–427.
ESEC-FSE-2011-KimK #embedded #named #reliability #scalability #testing- SCORE: a scalable concolic testing tool for reliable embedded software (YK, MK), pp. 420–423.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MontrieuxWY #data access #specification #tool support #uml #verification- Tool support for UML-based specification and verification of role-based access control properties (LM, MW, YY), pp. 456–459.
ICSE-2011-BellamyDMMORS #sketching #tool support- Sketching tools for ideation (RKEB, MD, JM, PM, HO, JTR, CS), pp. 808–811.
ICSE-2011-BellamyJK #assessment #development #usability- Deploying CogTool: integrating quantitative usability assessment into real-world software development (RKEB, BEJ, SK), pp. 691–700.
ICSE-2011-DanielDGJJMNTM #named #testing- ReAssert: a tool for repairing broken unit tests (BD, DD, TG, VJ, JJ, DM, JN, SHT, DM), pp. 1010–1012.
ICSE-2011-DeissenboeckHHLW #assessment #modelling #quality- The quamoco tool chain for quality modeling and assessment (FD, LH, MH, KL, SW), pp. 1007–1009.
ICSE-2011-FeinRSMGGBCLSMMSD #automation #deployment #tool support #using- Using MATCON to generate CASE tools that guide deployment of pre-packaged applications (EF, NR, SS, PM, SG, RG, MB, SKC, JL, VSS, SM, DM, BS, PD), pp. 1016–1018.
ICSE-2011-ManganoDLH #design #distributed #sketching- A demonstration of a distributed software design sketching tool (NM, MD, NL, AvdH), pp. 1028–1030.
ICSE-2011-MarianiPRS #automation #black box #named #testing- AutoBlackTest: a tool for automatic black-box testing (LM, MP, OR, MS), pp. 1013–1015.
ICSE-2011-McVeighKM #architecture #evolution #named #tool support- Evolve: tool support for architecture evolution (AM, JK, JM), pp. 1040–1042.
ICSE-2011-Sethanandha #open source #process #tool support- Improving open source software patch contribution process: methods and tools (BDS), pp. 1134–1135.
ICSE-2011-ShengVEHCZ #concurrent #detection #lightweight #named- RACEZ: a lightweight and non-invasive race detection tool for production applications (TS, NV, SE, RH, WC, WZ), pp. 401–410.
ICSE-2011-SillittiSV #comprehension #towards- Toward a better understanding of tool usage (AS, GS, JV), pp. 832–835.
ICSE-2011-Zhang #automation #generative #hybrid #java #named #testing- Palus: a hybrid automated test generation tool for java (SZ), pp. 1182–1184.
LDTA-2011-JorgensenEF #generative #named #tool support #visualisation- VLex: visualizing a lexical analyzer generator — tool demonstration (AJ, GRE, BF), p. 12.
LDTA-2011-SoderbergH #editing #jastadd #semantics #tool support #using- Building semantic editors using JastAdd: tool demonstration (ES, GH), p. 11.
SPLC-2011-VierhauserHRGLS #deployment #framework #modelling #product line #tool support- A Deployment Infrastructure for Product Line Models and Tools (MV, GH, RR, PG, ML, US), pp. 287–294.
SPLC-2011-Volter #case study #domain-specific language #experience #product line #tool support- DSLs for Product Lines: Approaches, Tools, Experiences (MV), p. 353.
SPLC-2011-WendeAZK #development #modelling- Feature-Based Customisation of Tool Environments for Model-Driven Software Development (CW, UA, SZ, HK), pp. 45–54.
CGO-2011-Altman #tool support- The language, optimizer, and tools mess (ERA).
PPoPP-2011-DonaldsonKR #analysis #automation #named- SCRATCH: a tool for automatic analysis of dma races (AFD, DK, PR), pp. 311–312.
CADE-2011-Claessen #automation #first-order #logic #reasoning- The Anatomy of Equinox — An Extensible Automated Reasoning Tool for First-Order Logic and Beyond — (Talk Abstract) (KC), pp. 1–3.
CADE-2011-WinklerM #termination #tool support- AC Completion with Termination Tools (SW, AM), pp. 492–498.
CADE-2011-ZanklFM #confluence #named- CSI — A Confluence Tool (HZ, BF, AM), pp. 499–505.
CAV-2011-BeyerK #configuration management #named #verification- CPAchecker: A Tool for Configurable Software Verification (DB, MEK), pp. 184–190.
CAV-2011-DudkaPV #data type #logic #named #using- Predator: A Practical Tool for Checking Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures Using Separation Logic (KD, PP, TV), pp. 372–378.
CAV-2011-LiGR #automation #c++ #execution #generative #named #source code #symbolic computation #testing- KLOVER: A Symbolic Execution and Automatic Test Generation Tool for C++ Programs (GL, IG, SPR), pp. 609–615.
TAP-2011-ChebaroKGJ #analysis #c #debugging #generative #slicing #testing- The SANTE Tool: Value Analysis, Program Slicing and Test Generation for C Program Debugging (OC, NK, AG, JJ), pp. 78–83.
ECSA-2010-AhujaSN #design #functional- MDA Tool for Telecom Service Functional Design (AA, JS, RN), pp. 519–522.
ECSA-2010-Bashroush #automation #modelling #multi #variability- A NUI Based Multiple Perspective Variability Modeling CASE Tool (RB), pp. 523–526.
ECSA-2010-SchwittekE #architecture #communication #information management #requirements #tool support- Communicating Architectural Knowledge: Requirements for Software Architecture Knowledge Management Tools (WS, SE), pp. 457–463.
ASE-2010-AliHGH #specification #tool support #visual notation- End-user oriented critic specification for domain-specific visual language tools (NMA, JGH, JCG, JH), pp. 297–300.
ASE-2010-BalzSG #maintenance #modelling #state machine #tool support- Tool support for continuous maintenance of state machine models in program code (MB, MS, MG), pp. 175–176.
ASE-2010-HarelMSB #named #programming #towards- PlayGo: towards a comprehensive tool for scenario based programming (DH, SM, SS, DB), pp. 359–360.
ASE-2010-IvanovOSV #analysis #behaviour #embedded #modelling #set #tool support- REMES tool-chain: a set of integrated tools for behavioral modeling and analysis of embedded systems (DI, MO, CCS, AV), pp. 361–362.
ASE-2010-KamalrudinGH #case study #requirements #tool support- Tool support for essential use cases to better capture software requirements (MK, JCG, JGH), pp. 255–264.
ASE-2010-KhatchadourianM #automation #java #refactoring- Enumeration refactoring: a tool for automatically converting Java constants to enumerated types (RK, BM), pp. 181–182.
ASE-2010-KimKP #architecture #development #quality #tool support- Tool support for quality-driven development of software architectures (SK, DKK, SP), pp. 127–130.
ASE-2010-MontrieuxJHYST #code generation #tool support- Tool support for code generation from a UMLsec property (LM, JJ, CBH, YY, PYS, HT), pp. 357–358.
ASE-2010-NohrerE #named- C2O: a tool for guided decision-making (AN, AE), pp. 363–364.
ASE-2010-RajeevSSR #code generation #named #testing- CoGenTe: a tool for code generator testing (ACR, PS, KCS, SR), pp. 349–350.
ASE-2010-RederE #design #detection #fault #named #uml #visualisation- Model/analyzer: a tool for detecting, visualizing and fixing design errors in UML (AR, AE), pp. 347–348.
ASE-2010-ShangAH #case study #experience #mining #pipes and filters #repository #scalability #tool support #using- An experience report on scaling tools for mining software repositories using MapReduce (WS, BA, AEH), pp. 275–284.
CASE-2010-AhnM #analysis #behaviour #clustering #modelling #tool support- Analysis of circular cluster tools: Transient behavior and semiconductor equipment models (YA, JRM), pp. 39–44.
CASE-2010-ChanR #clustering #estimation #multi #on the #scheduling #tool support- On gradient estimation of scheduling for multi-cluster tools with general robot moving times (WK(C, TMR), pp. 112–117.
CASE-2010-LeeL #architecture #clustering #scheduling #tool support- An open scheduling architecture for cluster tools (JHL, TEL), pp. 420–425.
CASE-2010-RososhanskyXL #automation #using- Coverage based tool path planning for automated polishing using contact stress theory (MR, FX, YL), pp. 592–597.
CASE-2010-WuZ #bound #clustering #petri net #process #scheduling #tool support- Petri net-based scheduling of time-constrained dual-arm cluster tools with bounded activity time variation (NW, MZ), pp. 465–470.
DAC-2010-BondD #automation #design #modelling- Automated compact dynamical modeling: an enabling tool for analog designers (BNB, LD), pp. 415–420.
DAC-2010-LishernessC #fault #injection #named- SCEMIT: a systemc error and mutation injection tool (PL, KT(C), pp. 228–233.
DAC-2010-NalamBMC #design #optimisation #prototype- Virtual prototyper (ViPro): an early design space exploration and optimization tool for SRAM designers (SN, MB, KM, BHC), pp. 138–143.
DAC-2010-Potkonjak #synthesis #tool support #using- Synthesis of trustable ICs using untrusted CAD tools (MP), pp. 633–634.
DATE-2010-GupteJ #evaluation #fault #slicing- An evaluation of a slice fault aware tool chain (AG, PHJ), pp. 1803–1808.
DATE-2010-Voget- AUTOSAR and the automotive tool chain (SV), pp. 259–262.
DocEng-2010-BilaucaH10a #authoring #documentation #layout #performance #tool support- Table layout performance of document authoring tools (MB, PH), pp. 199–202.
HT-2010-FossC #adaptation #authoring #generative #hypermedia #tool support #using- The next generation authoring adaptive hypermedia: using and evaluating the MOT3.0 and PEAL tools (JGKF, AIC), pp. 83–92.
SIGMOD-2010-ThummalaB #configuration management #database #named #parametricity #visualisation- iTuned: a tool for configuring and visualizing database parameters (VT, SB), pp. 1231–1234.
VLDB-2010-LiuNSBMWC #comparison #named- XSACT: A Comparison Tool for Structured Search Results (ZL, SN, PS, SB, TM, RW, YC), pp. 1581–1584.
VLDB-2010-SunBL #image #interactive #named #visualisation- iAVATAR: An Interactive Tool for Finding and Visualizing Visual-Representative Tags in Image Search (AS, SSB, YL), pp. 1609–1612.
ITiCSE-2010-AlemanO #implementation- SAMtool, a tool for deducing and implementing loop patterns (JLFA, YO), pp. 68–72.
ITiCSE-2010-Almeida-MartinezURV #design #parsing #student #visualisation- Student-centered design of a parser visualization tool (FJAM, JUF, MRS, JÁVI), p. 326.
ITiCSE-2010-HamadaS #learning- Lego NXT as a learning tool (MH, SS), p. 321.
ITiCSE-2010-JalilNI #effectiveness- Evaluating the effectiveness of a pattern application support tool for novices (MJ, SAN, SBI), pp. 239–243.
ITiCSE-2010-Kasyanov #graph #tool support- Support tools for graphs in computer science (VNK), p. 315.
ITiCSE-2010-LappalainenIIK #agile #named #programming #testing- ComTest: a tool to impart TDD and unit testing to introductory level programming (VL, JI, VI, SK), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2010-MarcosHGGMGBOGVME #learning #mobile #online- A mobile learning tool to deliver online questionnaires (LdM, JRH, EG, AGC, JJM, JMG, RB, SO, JAG, EV, MMM, SE), p. 319.
ITiCSE-2010-McDermottBE #student #tool support- Developing tools to encourage reflection in first year students blogs (RM, GB, GE), pp. 147–151.
TACAS-2010-Belinfante #execution #modelling #named #online- JTorX: A Tool for On-Line Model-Driven Test Derivation and Execution (AB), pp. 266–270.
TACAS-2010-YuAB #analysis #named #php #string- Stranger: An Automata-Based String Analysis Tool for PHP (FY, MA, TB), pp. 154–157.
WRLA-2010-DuranM #equation #maude #order #specification- A Church-Rosser Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Equational Maude Specifications (FD, JM), pp. 69–85.
WRLA-2010-DuranM10a #maude #order- A Maude Coherence Checker Tool for Conditional Order-Sorted Rewrite Theories (FD, JM), pp. 86–103.
WRLA-2010-SerbanutaR #named #programming language #semantics- K-Maude: A Rewriting Based Tool for Semantics of Programming Languages (TFS, GR), pp. 104–122.
CSMR-2010-KnieselBHFCGT #design pattern #detection #tool support- DPDX--Towards a Common Result Exchange Format for Design Pattern Detection Tools (GK, AB, PH, LJF, AC, YGG, NT), pp. 232–235.
CSMR-2010-Shrinivasan #migration #using- Data Migration from a Product to a Data Warehouse Using ETL Tool (CS), pp. 63–65.
ICPC-2010-AmalfitanoFPT #ajax #comprehension #named #web- DynaRIA: A Tool for Ajax Web Application Comprehension (DA, ARF, AP, PT), pp. 46–47.
ICPC-2010-BernardiL #identification #object-oriented- The ConAn Tool to Identify Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Systems (MLB, GADL), pp. 48–49.
ICPC-2010-BeyerF #dependence #detection #low level #named- DepDigger: A Tool for Detecting Complex Low-Level Dependencies (DB, AF), pp. 40–41.
ICPC-2010-BeyerF10a #dependence #named- CheckDep: A Tool for Tracking Software Dependencies (DB, AF), pp. 42–43.
ICPC-2010-OlszakJ #analysis #java #named- Featureous: A Tool for Feature-Centric Analysis of Java Software (AO, BNJ), pp. 44–45.
ICPC-2010-RollsJS #automation #benchmark #collaboration #metric #named- Unibench: A Tool for Automated and Collaborative Benchmarking (DR, CJ, SBS), pp. 50–51.
ICSM-2010-ChoudharyVO10a #testing #web- A cross-browser web application testing tool (SRC, HV, AO), pp. 1–6.
PEPM-2010-AlbertGP #bytecode #generative #java #named #partial evaluation #testing- PET: a partial evaluation-based test case generation tool for Java bytecode (EA, MGZ, GP), pp. 25–28.
PEPM-2010-Hofmann #functional #induction #named #programming- IGOR2 — an analytical inductive functional programming system: tool demo (MH0), pp. 29–32.
PLDI-2010-RuwaseCGM #correctness #optimisation #tool support- Decoupled lifeguards: enabling path optimizations for dynamic correctness checking tools (OR, SC, PBG, TCM), pp. 25–35.
SEFM-2010-HakimipourSW #java #named #realtime- TART: Timed-Automata to Real-Time Java Tool (NH, PAS, AJW), pp. 299–309.
ICGT-2010-Biermann #emf #formal method #graph transformation #model transformation- EMF Model Transformation Based on Graph Transformation: Formal Foundation and Tool Environment (EB), pp. 381–383.
ICGT-2010-Esparza #concurrent #tool support- A False History of True Concurrency: From Petri to Tools (JE), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2010-AshbrookS #design #gesture #named- MAGIC: a motion gesture design tool (DA, TS), pp. 2159–2168.
CHI-2010-BalakrishnanMM #tool support- Fitting an activity-centric system into an ecology of workplace tools (ADB, TM, TPM), pp. 787–790.
CHI-2010-BonanniHZCI #design #web- Small business applications of sourcemap: a web tool for sustainable design and supply chain transparency (LB, MH, DZ, CC, HI), pp. 937–946.
CHI-2010-CapraMVM #collaboration #learning #multi- Tools-at-hand and learning in multi-session, collaborative search (RGC, GM, JVM, KM), pp. 951–960.
CHI-2010-FaridaniBRG #online #scalability- Opinion space: a scalable tool for browsing online comments (SF, EB, KR, KYG), pp. 1175–1184.
CHI-2010-GrigoreanuBR #approach #debugging #design #tool support- A strategy-centric approach to the design of end-user debugging tools (VG, MMB, GGR), pp. 713–722.
CHI-2010-GrossmanF #comprehension #named #video- ToolClips: an investigation of contextual video assistance for functionality understanding (TG, GWF), pp. 1515–1524.
CHI-2010-LiCEDL #automation #interactive #logic #named #prototype #testing- FrameWire: a tool for automatically extracting interaction logic from paper prototyping tests (YL, XC, KE, MD, JAL), pp. 503–512.
CSCW-2010-Cataldo #collaboration #development #distributed #fault #tool support- Sources of errors in distributed development projects: implications for collaborative tools (MC), pp. 281–290.
CSCW-2010-SetlockF #cost analysis #tool support #what- What’s it worth to you?: the costs and affordances of CMC tools to asian and american users (LDS, SRF), pp. 341–350.
SOFTVIS-2010-HelminenM #named #programming #python #visualisation- Jype — a program visualization and programming exercise tool for Python (JH, LM), pp. 153–162.
SOFTVIS-2010-JohnsonM #concurrent #execution #named #source code #visualisation- Beat: a tool for visualizing the execution of object orientated concurrent programs (PJ, SM), pp. 225–226.
SOFTVIS-2010-MedaniHBKLMPSY #graph #visualisation- Graph works — pilot graph theory visualization tool (DM, GH, CB, PK, NL, TM, SP, RS, AY), pp. 205–206.
EDOC-2010-NezhadBGSS #approach #process- IT Support Conversation Manager: A Conversation-Centered Approach and Tool for Managing Best Practice IT Processes (HRMN, CB, SG, SS, SS), pp. 247–256.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-PortelaAROG #automation #detection #framework #game studies #performance- An Intelligent Framework for Automatic Event Detection in Robotic Soccer Games — An Auxiliar Tool to Help Coaches Improve their Teams’ Performance (JP, PA, LPR, ECO, JG), pp. 244–249.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-TomeAC #architecture #enterprise #experience #named- TREEAD — A Tool that Enables the Re-use of Experience in Enterprise Architecture Description (PT, LA, EC), pp. 332–343.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-ArmeniseBT #adaptation #automation #web- A Tool for Automatic Adaptation of Web Pages to Different Screen Size (RA, CB, LT), pp. 91–98.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-FardounVGRG #mobile #tool support- New Era of m-Learning Tools — Creation of MPrinceTool a Mobile Educative Tool (HF, PGV, JEG, GSR, EdlG), pp. 161–167.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-TaggKB #tool support- Encouraging a Culture Change in Task Management within PIM Tools (RT, LK, TB), pp. 137–142.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-PerezMDM #metric #quality #requirements #tool support- Quality Measurement Model for Requirements Engineering Floss Tools (MAP, EMM, KD, LEM), pp. 249–254.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-VolkelA #information management #requirements #tool support- Requirements for Personal Knowledge Management Tools (MV, AA), pp. 332–337.
CIKM-2010-ChengOWZ #graph #named #web #web service- WS-GraphMatching: a web service tool for graph matching (QC, MO, JW, AZ), pp. 1949–1950.
CIKM-2010-ZhangMWW #approach #automation #database #formal method #object-oriented #ontology- Formal approach and automated tool for constructing ontology from object-oriented database model (FZ, ZMM, XW, YW), pp. 1329–1332.
CIKM-2010-ZhaoTHOJL #communication #social- Communication motifs: a tool to characterize social communications (QZ, YT, QH, NO, RJ, WCL), pp. 1645–1648.
ICPR-2010-SeoAD #classification #evaluation #performance #segmentation #tool support- Performance Evaluation Tools for Zone Segmentation and Classification (PETS) (WS, MA, DSD), pp. 503–506.
KDIR-2010-Vazquez-RodriguezPGFC #data mining #mining #visual notation- A New Visual Data Mining Tool for gvSIG GIS (RVR, CPR, IYGH, AFM, JCTC), pp. 428–431.
KMIS-2010-AlvaroCPCCGC #information management #microblog #named #semantics- miKrow — An Intra-enterprise Semantic Microblogging Tool as a Micro-knowledge Management Solution (GÁ, CC, VP, MC, FC, JMGP, JC), pp. 36–43.
KMIS-2010-ButanOSCP #information management #process- A New Knowledge Management Tool to Facilitate Process Innovation in Manufacturing Companies (DB, EO, MS, SC, MP), pp. 342–347.
KMIS-2010-MacePM #editing #ontology #security- Ontology Editing Tool for Information Security and Human Factors Experts (JCM, SEP, APAvM), pp. 207–212.
KMIS-2010-MoraisA #information management #named- AGRUPE — A Knowledge Management Tool (AMM, MCBA), pp. 290–293.
KMIS-2010-WiilGM #analysis #information management #network- CrimeFighter Assistant — A Knowledge Management Tool for Terrorist Network Analysis (UKW, JG, NM), pp. 15–24.
SEKE-2010-BinGHMMPRST #hardware #ontology #tool support #verification- Ontology-Based Tools in the Service of Hardware Verification (EB, AG, KH, EM, RM, OP, MR, GS, ET), pp. 303–308.
SEKE-2010-CunhaCNAM #analysis #debugging #visual notation- A Visual Bug Report Analysis and Search Tool (CEAdC, YCC, PAdMSN, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 742–747.
SEKE-2010-EsfahaniS #architecture #automation #communication- Service Automation Architecture as adopted by Unified Communication Audit Tool (SSE, TS), pp. 443–447.
SEKE-2010-GuoCH #modelling #ontology #tool support #visualisation- Tools for Ontology Modeling and Visualization (SSG, CWC, RH), pp. 604–607.
SEKE-2010-Suarez-FigueroaGMV #development #ontology #scheduling- gOntt, a Tool for Scheduling and Executing Ontology Development Projects (MdCSF, AGP, ÓMG, MV), pp. 614–619.
SIGIR-2010-HuangAH #classification #recommendation #tool support- Medical search and classification tools for recommendation (XH, AA, QH), p. 707.
ECMFA-2010-BruneliereCCJB #eclipse #modelling #tool support #towards- Towards Model Driven Tool Interoperability: Bridging Eclipse and Microsoft Modeling Tools (HB, JC, CC, FJ, JB), pp. 32–47.
ECMFA-2010-JohannesF #abstraction #composition #framework #modelling #network #reuse #using- Adding Abstraction and Reuse to a Network Modelling Tool Using the Reuseware Composition Framework (JJ, MAF), pp. 132–143.
MoDELS-v1-2010-ArendtBJKT #concept #emf #model transformation #named #tool support- Henshin: Advanced Concepts and Tools for In-Place EMF Model Transformations (TA, EB, SJ, CK, GT), pp. 121–135.
MoDELS-v1-2010-RoseHWKGPP #comparison #migration #tool support- A Comparison of Model Migration Tools (LMR, MH, JRW, DSK, KG, RFP, FACP), pp. 61–75.
ECOOP-2010-RenggliGN #tool support- Embedding Languages without Breaking Tools (LR, TG, ON), pp. 380–404.
OOPSLA-2010-OssherBSAACDVFK #analysis #architecture #challenge #concept #flexibility #modelling #research #tool support- Flexible modeling tools for pre-requirements analysis: conceptual architecture and research challenges (HO, RKEB, IS, DA, AAT, MC, MD, JdV, AF, SK), pp. 848–864.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-HalleuxT #named- Moles: Tool-Assisted Environment Isolation with Closures (JdH, NT), pp. 253–270.
QAPL-2010-StefanekHB #analysis #parallel #performance- A new tool for the performance analysis of massively parallel computer systems (AS, RAH, JTB), pp. 159–181.
RE-2010-ChenYJ #named #problem- Dptool: A Tool for Supporting the Problem Description and Projection (XC, BY, ZJ), pp. 401–402.
RE-2010-Gervasi #design #interactive #problem- Who Framed Roger User? Problem Frames as a User Interaction Design Tool (VG), pp. 377–378.
RE-2010-Kof #automation #documentation #interactive #modelling #requirements- From Requirements Documents to System Models: A Tool for Interactive Semi-Automatic Translation (LK), pp. 391–392.
RE-2010-SeyffGM #mobile #tool support #using- Using Mobile RE Tools to Give End-Users Their Own Voice (NS, FG, NAMM), pp. 37–46.
REFSQ-2010-BittnerRW #case study #multi #product line #requirements- A Case Study on Tool-Supported Multi-level Requirements Management in Complex Product Families (MB, MOR, MW), pp. 173–187.
REFSQ-2010-GleichCK #ambiguity #detection #towards- Ambiguity Detection: Towards a Tool Explaining Ambiguity Sources (BG, OC, LK), pp. 218–232.
SAC-2010-BucchiaroneGFT #experience #natural language #requirements #scalability #set #using- An experience in using a tool for evaluating a large set of natural language requirements (AB, SG, AF, GT), pp. 281–286.
SAC-2010-CesariLPT #agile #development- A tool for rapid development of WS-BPEL applications (LC, AL, RP, FT), pp. 2438–2442.
SAC-2010-ChamberlainBFB #architecture #development- Application-guided tool development for architecturally diverse computation (RDC, JB, MAF, JHB), pp. 496–501.
SAC-2010-JohanssonC #enterprise #requirements #tool support- Software tools for requirements management in an ERP system context (BJ, RAdC), pp. 169–170.
SAC-2010-Lee-KlenzSW #elicitation #framework #requirements- A requirements elicitation framework and tool for sourcing business-IT aligned e-services (SLK, PS, TWH), pp. 111–117.
SAC-2010-MalkowskiHJPN #empirical #named- CloudXplor: a tool for configuration planning in clouds based on empirical data (SM, MH, DJ, CP, DN), pp. 391–398.
SAC-2010-NingYPM #mining #named #visualisation- OncoViz: a user-centric mining and visualization tool for cancer-related literature (ZN, JSY, MJP, AMM), pp. 1827–1828.
FSE-2010-BadreddinL #case study #industrial #prototype #research- A study of applying a research prototype tool in industrial practice (OBB, TCL), pp. 353–356.
FSE-2010-JinOX #behaviour #named #testing- BERT: a tool for behavioral regression testing (WJ, AO, TX), pp. 361–362.
FSE-2010-KimGLR #logic #named #query #re-engineering #refactoring- Ref-Finder: a refactoring reconstruction tool based on logic query templates (MK, MG, AL, NR), pp. 371–372.
FSE-2010-LauterburgKMA #named #source code #testing- Basset: a tool for systematic testing of actor programs (SL, RKK, DM, GA), pp. 363–364.
ICSE-2010-DettenMT #reverse engineering- Reverse engineering with the reclipse tool suite (MvD, MM, DT), pp. 299–300.
ICSE-2010-HattoriL #collaboration #development #named- Syde: a tool for collaborative software development (LH, ML), pp. 235–238.
ICSE-2010-HenklerMSDN #component #integration #legacy #realtime- Legacy component integration by the Fujaba real-time tool suite (SH, JM, WS, MvD, UN), pp. 267–270.
ICSE-2010-Hill #execution #integration #modelling #named #testing- CUTS: a system execution modeling tool for realizing continuous system integration testing (JHH), pp. 309–310.
ICSE-2010-LohK #difference #identification #named- LSdiff: a program differencing tool to identify systematic structural differences (AL, MK), pp. 263–266.
ICSE-2010-LunaBGR #agile #development #flexibility #testing #web- A flexible tool suite for change-aware test-driven development of web applications (ERL, JB, JG, GR), pp. 297–298.
ICSE-2010-LunguL #ecosystem #reverse engineering- The small project observatory: a tool for reverse engineering software ecosystems (ML, ML), pp. 289–292.
ICSE-2010-NandaGSCSB #tool support- Making defect-finding tools work for you (MGN, MG, SS, SC, DS, PB), pp. 99–108.
ICSE-2010-SavageRP #feature model #named- FLAT3: feature location and textual tracing tool (TS, MR, DP), pp. 255–258.
LDTA-J-2007-CamachoMBV #automation #generative #tool support #using #verification- Automated generation of program translation and verification tools using annotated grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 3–20.
LDTA-J-2007-Schmitz #ambiguity #detection- An experimental ambiguity detection tool (SS), pp. 71–84.
LDTA-2009-BoylandS10 #generative #parsing #recursion- TOOL PAPER: ScalaBison Recursive Ascent-Descent Parser Generator (JB, DS), pp. 65–74.
LDTA-2010-KlintSV #domain-specific language #implementation #maintenance #on the #tool support- On the impact of DSL tools on the maintainability of language implementations (PK, TvdS, JJV), p. 10.
HPDC-2010-HuangSILLWJ #named #pipes and filters #realtime- MR-scope: a real-time tracing tool for MapReduce (DH, XS, SI, LL, HL, SW, HJ), pp. 849–855.
HPDC-2010-PlossMMGG #evaluation #multi #named #performance- Netlag: a performance evaluation tool for massively multi-user networked applications (AP, DM, PM, FG, SG), pp. 573–580.
HPDC-2010-TanakaT #data-driven #distributed #flexibility #named #parallel #workflow- Pwrake: a parallel and distributed flexible workflow management tool for wide-area data intensive computing (MT, OT), pp. 356–359.
PPoPP-2010-BaghsorkhiDPGH #adaptation #architecture #gpu #modelling #performance- An adaptive performance modeling tool for GPU architectures (SSB, MD, SJP, WDG, WmWH), pp. 105–114.
CAV-2010-BloemCGHKRSS #analysis #named #requirements #synthesis- RATSY — A New Requirements Analysis Tool with Synthesis (RB, AC, KG, GH, RK, MR, VS, RS), pp. 425–429.
CAV-2010-BraytonM #named #verification- ABC: An Academic Industrial-Strength Verification Tool (RKB, AM), pp. 24–40.
CAV-2010-KuncakMPS #functional #named #synthesis- Comfusy: A Tool for Complete Functional Synthesis (VK, MM, RP, PS), pp. 430–433.
CAV-2010-MazoDT #embedded #named #synthesis- PESSOA: A Tool for Embedded Controller Synthesis (MMJ, AD, PT), pp. 566–569.
ICST-2010-NguyenWR #graph #named- GraphSeq: A Graph Matching Tool for the Extraction of Mobility Patterns (MDN, HW, NR), pp. 195–204.
ICST-2010-VosBLKWW #automation #industrial #testing- Industrial Scaled Automated Structural Testing with the Evolutionary Testing Tool (TEJV, AIB, FFL, PMK, AW, JW), pp. 175–184.
ICTSS-2010-DelamareMBT #aspect-oriented #impact analysis #named #testing #weaving- Vidock: A Tool for Impact Analysis of Aspect Weaving on Test Cases (RD, FM, BB, YLT), pp. 250–265.
ICTSS-2010-ShinboTAHS #network #performance #testing- Practical End-to-End Performance Testing Tool for High Speed 3G-Based Networks (HS, AT, SA, TH, KS), pp. 205–220.
IJCAR-2010-WinklerM #order #termination #tool support- Termination Tools in Ordered Completion (SW, AM), pp. 518–532.
ISSTA-2010-OstrandW #fault #predict- Software fault prediction tool (TJO, EJW), pp. 275–278.
LICS-2010-Plotkin #tool support- Robin Milner, a Craftsman of Tools for the Mind (GDP), pp. 58–59.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-GarlanBSC #architecture #evolution #tool support- Evolution styles: Foundations and tool support for software architecture evolution (DG, JMB, BRS, OC), pp. 131–140.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-HenttonenM #architecture #open source #reuse #tool support- Open source based tools for sharing and reuse of software architectural knowledge (KH, MM), pp. 41–50.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-Konemann #concept #modelling #tool support #uml- Integrating decision management with UML modeling concepts and tools (PK), pp. 297–300.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-ShahinLK #architecture #design #modelling #tool support- Architectural design decision: Existing models and tools (MS, PL, MRK), pp. 293–296.
ASE-2009-CavadaCMMMMPRST #requirements #validation- Supporting Requirements Validation: The EuRailCheck Tool (RC, AC, AM, CM, AM, SM, MP, MR, AS, ST), pp. 665–667.
ASE-2009-DeeptimahantiB #automation #generative #modelling #natural language #requirements #uml- An Automated Tool for Generating UML Models from Natural Language Requirements (DKD, MAB), pp. 680–682.
ASE-2009-GherbiKKHT #generative #validation- A Tool Suite for the Generation and Validation of Configurations for Software Availability (AG, AK, FK, AHL, MT), pp. 671–673.
ASE-2009-GrunbacherRDL #case study #deployment #experience #industrial #modelling #tool support- Model-Based Customization and Deployment of Eclipse-Based Tools: Industrial Experiences (PG, RR, DD, ML), pp. 247–256.
ASE-2009-Kamalrudin #automation #consistency #nondeterminism #requirements #tool support- Automated Software Tool Support for Checking the Inconsistency of Requirements (MK), pp. 693–697.
ASE-2009-Maalej #integration #revisited #tool support- Task-First or Context-First? Tool Integration Revisited (WM), pp. 344–355.
ASE-2009-SaekiHK #analysis #requirements- A Tool for Attributed Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis (MS, SH, HK), pp. 674–676.
CASE-2009-BalajiGK #case study #using- Selection of a machine tool for FMS using ELECTRE III — a case study (CMB, AG, RK), pp. 171–176.
CASE-2009-GoswamiSBC- A DECOMSYS based tool-chain for analyzing FlexRay based automotive control applications (DG, PS, UDB, SC), pp. 403–408.
CASE-2009-Morrison #clustering #modelling #process #tool support- Regular flow line models for semiconductor cluster tools: A case of lot dependent process times (JRM), pp. 561–566.
CASE-2009-WuCCZ #approach #clustering #novel #scheduling #tool support- A novel approach to scheduling of single-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (NW, FC, CC, MZ), pp. 567–572.
DAC-2009-ArfaeeILFK #linear #multi #named #performance- Xquasher: a tool for efficient computation of multiple linear expressions (AA, AI, NL, FF, RK), pp. 254–257.
DATE-2009-BauerSH #architecture #configuration management #design- Cross-architectural design space exploration tool for reconfigurable processors (LB, MS, JH), pp. 958–963.
DATE-2009-ChangHL #adaptation #concurrent #embedded #manycore #named #testing- pTest: An adaptive testing tool for concurrent software on embedded multicore processors (SWC, KYH, JKL), pp. 1012–1017.
DATE-2009-KhajehGDKEKA #design #memory management #named #reliability- TRAM: A tool for Temperature and Reliability Aware Memory Design (AK, AG, ND, FJK, AME, KSK, MSA), pp. 340–345.
DATE-2009-LiC #architecture #bibliography #memory management #tool support- An overview of non-volatile memory technology and the implication for tools and architectures (HL, YC), pp. 731–736.
DATE-2009-SeiculescuMBM #3d #network #synthesis- SunFloor 3D: A tool for Networks On Chip topology synthesis for 3D systems on chips (CS, SM, LB, GDM), pp. 9–14.
HT-2009-MitchellM #authoring #design #hypermedia #multi #tool support- Designing hypertext tools to facilitate authoring multiple points-of-view stories (AM, KM), pp. 309–316.
ICDAR-2009-YinWL #documentation- A Tool for Ground-Truthing Text Lines and Characters in Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Documents (FY, QFW, CLL), pp. 951–955.
VLDB-2009-BorisovBURS #database #named #network #problem- DIADS: A Problem Diagnosis Tool for Databases and Storage Area Networks (NB, SB, SU, RR, AS), pp. 1546–1549.
VLDB-2009-DaiGBBL #analysis #interactive #named- TIAMAT: a Tool for Interactive Analysis of Microdata Anonymization Techniques (CD, GG, EB, JWB, NL), pp. 1618–1621.
VLDB-2009-PichlerS #modelling #named- DEMo: Data Exchange Modeling Tool (RP, VS), pp. 1606–1609.
CSEET-2009-BreretonTK #bibliography #education #empirical #programming #student- Pair programming as a teaching tool: a student review of empirical studies (PB, MT, RK), pp. 240–247.
CSEET-2009-GargV #assessment #case study #re-engineering #tool support- Case Studies as Assessment Tools in Software Engineering Classrooms (KG, VV), pp. 8–11.
ITiCSE-2009-AhoniemiK- Analyzing the use of a rubric-based grading tool (TA, VK), pp. 333–337.
ITiCSE-2009-Almeida-MartinezUV #education #named #visualisation- VAST: a visualization-based educational tool for language processors courses (FJAM, JUF, JÁVI), p. 342.
ITiCSE-2009-AltinBEKOSSSMPR09a #experience #learning #student #tool support #user interface- Use of intuitive tools to enhance student learning and user experience (RA, MB, NE, CK, ÖCÖ, MS, HS, DS, CCM, CP, CRR), p. 365.
ITiCSE-2009-AuvinenKA #assessment #authoring #feedback #named #online #personalisation- Rubyric: an online assessment tool for effortless authoring of personalized feedback (TA, VK, TA), p. 377.
ITiCSE-2009-Boisvert #process #programming #visualisation- A visualisation tool for the programming process (CB), pp. 328–332.
ITiCSE-2009-BryfczynskiP #graph #named- GraphPad: a graph creation tool for CS2/CS7 (SPB, RPP), p. 389.
ITiCSE-2009-ChandrasekarTP #effectiveness #tablet- WriteOn1.0: a tablet PC-based tool for effective classroom instruction (SC, JGT, JCP), pp. 323–327.
ITiCSE-2009-Dooley #using- Peer assessments using the moodle workshop tool (JFD), p. 344.
ITiCSE-2009-Inghelbrecht #design #education #tool support- Tool support for teaching responsibility-driven design (YI), p. 351.
ITiCSE-2009-ThomasWS #automation #diagrams #tool support- Generalised diagram revision tools with automatic marking (PGT, KGW, NS), pp. 318–322.
ESOP-2009-Eber #contract #design #programming language #question #specification #tool support #what- The Financial Crisis, a Lack of Contract Specification Tools: What Can Finance Learn from Programming Language Design? (JME), pp. 205–206.
TACAS-2009-BerwangerCWDH #game studies #named- Alpaga: A Tool for Solving Parity Games with Imperfect Information (DB, KC, MDW, LD, TAH), pp. 58–61.
TACAS-2009-GofmanLSZYS #analysis #data access #named #policy- RBAC-PAT: A Policy Analysis Tool for Role Based Access Control (MIG, RL, ACS, YZ, PY, SDS), pp. 46–49.
TACAS-2009-NaumovichBG #bound #named #performance #petri net- ITPN-PerfBound: A Performance Bound Tool for Interval Time Petri Nets (EPN, SB, MG), pp. 50–53.
ICPC-J-2008-RoyCK09 #approach #clone detection #comparison #detection #evaluation #tool support- Comparison and evaluation of code clone detection techniques and tools: A qualitative approach (CKR, JRC, RK), pp. 470–495.
CSMR-2009-BrandRS #flexibility #named #visual notation- SQuAVisiT: A Flexible Tool for Visual Software Analytics (MvdB, SAR, AS), pp. 331–332.
CSMR-2009-EkstedtFJLSUB #analysis #architecture #enterprise #maintenance- A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis of Maintainability (ME, UF, PJ, RL, TS, JU, MB), pp. 327–328.
CSMR-2009-Laitila #analysis #comprehension #named- SymAnalyzer: A Symbolic Analysis Tool for Program Comprehension (EL), pp. 325–326.
CSMR-2009-SoriaPC #architecture #fault #locality #modelling #tool support #using- Tool Support for Fault Localization Using Architectural Models (AS, JADP, MRC), pp. 59–68.
ICPC-2009-JeffreyFGG #debugging #developer #named- BugFix: A learning-based tool to assist developers in fixing bugs (DJ, MF, NG, RG), pp. 70–79.
ICPC-2009-PortoMF #comprehension #named #visualisation- CRISTA: A tool to support code comprehension based on visualization and reading technique (DP, MGM, SCPFF), pp. 285–286.
ICSM-2009-GrechanikXF #assessment #maintenance #testing- Experimental assessment of manual versus tool-based maintenance of GUI-directed test scripts (MG, QX, CF), pp. 9–18.
ICSM-2009-VillazonBMA #aspect-oriented #development #flexibility #named #programming- MAJOR: Flexible tool development with aspect-oriented programming (AV, WB, PM, DA), pp. 387–388.
SCAM-2009-TiarksKF #assessment #detection #state of the art #tool support- An Assessment of Type-3 Clones as Detected by State-of-the-Art Tools (RT, RK, RF), pp. 67–76.
SCAM-2009-Ward09a #maintenance #tool support- The FermaT Maintenance Environment Tool Demonstration (MPW), pp. 125–126.
WCRE-1999-BernardiL99a #analysis #identification #named #object-oriented- ConAn: A Tool for the Identification of Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Systems Based on Type Hierarchy Analysis (MLB, GADL), pp. 319–320.
WCRE-1999-KawaguchiYUFKNI99a #automation #clone detection #detection #ide #named- SHINOBI: A Tool for Automatic Code Clone Detection in the IDE (SK, TY, HU, KF, YK, MN, HI), pp. 313–314.
WCRE-1999-Perez-CastilloGCPP99a #database #named #relational #reverse engineering #web #web service- PRECISO: A Reverse Engineering Tool to Discover Web Services from Relational Databases (RPC, IGRdG, IC, MP, MP), pp. 309–310.
CIAA-2009-Savary #finite #multi #named- Multiflex: A Multilingual Finite-State Tool for Multi-Word Units (AS), pp. 237–240.
FM-2009-Boute #logic #unification- Making Temporal Logic Calculational: A Tool for Unification and Discovery (RTB), pp. 387–402.
FM-2009-LausdahlLL #tool support #uml- Connecting UML and VDM++ with Open Tool Support (KL, HKAL, PGL), pp. 563–578.
FM-2009-SaidBS #refinement #state machine #tool support #uml- Language and Tool Support for Class and State Machine Refinement in UML-B (MYS, MJB, CFS), pp. 579–595.
SEFM-2009-ColomboPS #java #monitoring #realtime #source code- LARVA --- Safer Monitoring of Real-Time Java Programs (Tool Paper) (CC, GJP, GS), pp. 33–37.
SEFM-2009-HoangFA #tool support- Event-B Patterns and Their Tool Support (TSH, AF, JRA), pp. 210–219.
ICFP-2009-FlattBF #ad hoc #documentation #named #tool support- Scribble: closing the book on ad hoc documentation tools (MF, EB, RBF), pp. 109–120.
ICFP-2009-PaganoAMCCWMC #case study #certification #embedded #experience #framework #ml #safety #tool support #using- Experience report: using objective caml to develop safety-critical embedded tools in a certification framework (BP, OA, TM, BC, EC, PW, PM, JLC), pp. 215–220.
CHI-2009-FaureCR #tool support- Power tools for copying and moving: useful stuff for your desktop (GF, OC, NR), pp. 1675–1678.
CHI-2009-FroehlichDKMCHL #mobile #named- UbiGreen: investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits (JF, TD, PVK, JM, SC, BLH, JAL), pp. 1043–1052.
CHI-2009-KassilS #evaluation- Evaluation of a tool-mounted guidance display for computer-assisted surgery (KK, AJS), pp. 1275–1278.
CHI-2009-KleekBPVKS #lightweight- Note to self: examining personal information keeping in a lightweight note-taking tool (MVK, MSB, KP, GGV, DRK, MMCS), pp. 1477–1480.
CHI-2009-LichtschlagKB #named- Fly: a tool to author planar presentations (LL, TK, JOB), pp. 547–556.
CHI-2009-LoveJTH #assessment #learning #predict- Learning to predict information needs: context-aware display as a cognitive aid and an assessment tool (BCL, MJ, MTT, MH), pp. 1351–1360.
CHI-2009-PirolliWS #wiki- So you know you’re getting the best possible information: a tool that increases Wikipedia credibility (PP, EW, BS), pp. 1505–1508.
DHM-2009-FaustC #3d- 3D Body Scanning’s Contribution to the Use of Apparel as an Identity Construction Tool (MEF, SC), pp. 19–28.
HCD-2009-BradshawFJBBEJLUD #process #tool support- From Tools to Teammates: Joint Activity in Human-Agent-Robot Teams (JMB, PJF, MJ, MRB, LB, TCE, HJ, JL, AU, JvD), pp. 935–944.
HCD-2009-FuKN #distributed #web- Web Orchestration: Customization and Sharing Tool for Web Information (LF, TK, FN), pp. 689–696.
HCD-2009-Hasegawa #architecture #exclamation #prototype- Site-it!: An Information Architecture Prototyping Tool (AH), pp. 707–711.
HCD-2009-MejiaMFOP #communication #concept #design #development #evaluation- Evaluating Design Concepts to Support Informal Communication in Hospitals through the Development of a Tool Based on an Iterative Evaluation (DAM, ALM, JF, SFO, JAP), pp. 1013–1022.
HCD-2009-RunonenM #concept #development #research #tool support- Shaping the Future with Users — Futures Research Methods as Tools for User-Centered Concept Development (MR, PM), pp. 904–911.
HCI-NIMT-2009-KoudaKS #design #interface #using- Motion Stroke-A Tablet-Based Interface for Motion Design Tool Using Drawing (HK, IK, KS), pp. 821–829.
HCI-NIMT-2009-LevendovszkyM #behaviour #domain-specific language #modelling #visual notation- Tooling the Dynamic Behavior Models of Graphical DSLs (TL, TM), pp. 830–839.
HCI-NT-2009-AlacamD #eye tracking #representation #usability- A Usability Study of WebMaps with Eye Tracking Tool: The Effects of Iconic Representation of Information (ÖA, MD), pp. 12–21.
HCI-NT-2009-MesarinaJSCR #communication- Evaluating a Personal Communication Tool: Sidebar (MRM, JJ, CS, TC, JR), pp. 490–499.
HCI-NT-2009-MirelW #development #heuristic #tool support- Heuristic Evaluations of Bioinformatics Tools: A Development Case (BM, ZW), pp. 329–338.
HCI-NT-2009-MoesleinBS #collaboration #development #roadmap #tool support- Open Collaborative Development: Trends, Tools, and Tactics (KMM, ACB, JHS), pp. 874–881.
HCI-NT-2009-Park #human-computer #research- Psychophysiology as a Tool for HCI Research: Promises and Pitfalls (BP), pp. 141–148.
HCI-NT-2009-RajK #agile #consistency #design pattern #interactive #library #mobile #named #process #user interface- RUCID: Rapid Usable Consistent Interaction Design Patterns-Based Mobile Phone UI Design Library, Process and Tool (AR, VK), pp. 677–686.
HCI-VAD-2009-DukeFK #multi #novel #visualisation- A Novel Visualization Tool for Evaluating Medication Side-Effects in Multi-drug Regimens (JDD, AF, HK), pp. 478–487.
HCI-VAD-2009-SaC #development #learning #mobile #personalisation #tool support- Supporting End-User Development of Personalized Mobile Learning Tools (MdS, LC), pp. 217–225.
HCI-VAD-2009-SullivanBMR #collaboration #sketching #tool support- Social-Technical Tools for Collaborative Sensemaking and Sketching (JS, MB, CM, RR), pp. 614–623.
HIMI-DIE-2009-EgiHKTTN #design #video- Designing a Peer Reviewing Tool on Lecture Video with Handwritten Annotation (HE, SH, YK, TT, WT, MN), pp. 31–39.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KawashimoSDAT- A Skill Transfer Method for Manual Machine Tool Operation Utilizing Cutting Sound (TK, NS, DD, MA, TT), pp. 77–86.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Soderston #experience #tool support #user interface- A Retrospective and Prospective View of Information Technology Professionals’ Use of Tools: Maturing the User Experience (CS), pp. 306–315.
HIMI-DIE-2009-UgaiA #analysis #network #social #tool support- Organization Diagnosis Tools Based on Social Network Analysis (TU, KA), pp. 181–189.
HIMI-II-2009-AnseT #development #web- Development of a Coloration Support Tool for Making Web Page Screens User-Friendly for Color Blind (MA, TT), pp. 3–9.
HIMI-II-2009-GaoMT #multi #network #social #visualisation- A Multiple-Aspects Visualization Tool for Exploring Social Networks (JG, KM, JT), pp. 277–286.
HIMI-II-2009-LigdaJLJ #automation #distributed #tool support #using- Pilot Confidence with ATC Automation Using Cockpit Situation Display Tools in a Distributed Traffic Management Environment (SVL, NHJ, JL, WWJ), pp. 816–825.
HIMI-II-2009-MarcoMFG #effectiveness #image #performance- Evaluating the Effectiveness and the Efficiency of a Vector Image Search Tool (PDM, TDM, DF, MG), pp. 259–268.
HIMI-II-2009-ShiraishiMT #category theory #representation #visual notation- A Tool for Analyzing Categorical Data Visually with Granular Representation (KS, KM, JT), pp. 342–351.
IDGD-2009-KondratovaG #design #development #interface #research- Cultural Interface Design Advisor Tool: Research Methodology and Practical Development Efforts (IK, IG), pp. 259–265.
VISSOFT-2009-SensalireOT #evaluation #lessons learnt #tool support #visualisation- Evaluation of software visualization tools: Lessons learned (MS, PO, ACT), pp. 19–26.
EDOC-2009-HingeGK #modelling #process #semantics- Process SEER: A Tool for Semantic Effect Annotation of Business Process Models (KH, AKG, GK), pp. 54–63.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-RaimbaultGL #diagrams #information management #uml #using- Using UML Class Diagram as a Knowledge Engineering Tool (TR, DG, SL), pp. 60–65.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-SmutsML #information management #tool support- Key Characteristics in Selecting Software Tools for Knowledge Management (HS, AvdM, ML), pp. 170–179.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-BergerS #architecture #case study #implementation #named #query- FedDW: A Tool for Querying Federations of Data Warehouses — Architecture, Use Case and Implementation (SB, MS), pp. 113–122.
ICEIS-HCI-2009-GermanakosTLMBS #authoring #framework #tool support- Intelligent Authoring Tools for Enhancing Mass Customization of e-Services — The smarTag Framework (PG, NT, ZL, CM, MB, GS), pp. 91–96.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-BifflFHM #analysis #automation #evaluation #open source #process #tool support- Evaluation of Case Tool Methods and Processes — An Analysis of Eight Open-source CASE Tools (SB, CF, CH, TM), pp. 41–48.
ICEIS-J-2009-BenevidesG #concept #modelling #ontology- A Model-Based Tool for Conceptual Modeling and Domain Ontology Engineering in OntoUML (ABB, GG), pp. 528–538.
ICEIS-J-2009-CastroS #named #simulation- AgEx: A Financial Market Simulation Tool for Software Agents (PALdC, JSS), pp. 704–715.
ICEIS-J-2009-Islam #tool support #user satisfaction- Developing a Model to Measure User Satisfaction and Success of Virtual Meeting Tools in an Organization (AKMNI), pp. 975–987.
ICEIS-J-2009-LokmanNN #design #named- ExpertKanseiWeb: A Tool to Design Kansei Website (AML, NLMN, MN), pp. 894–905.
ICEIS-J-2009-MartinoBBF #analysis #multi #tool support- Integrating Google Earth within OLAP Tools for Multidimensional Exploration and Analysis of Spatial Data (SDM, SB, MB, FF), pp. 940–951.
ICEIS-J-2009-SousaLCA #algorithm #automation #metamodelling- A Step Forward in Semi-automatic Metamodel Matching: Algorithms and Tool (JdS, DL, DBC, ZA), pp. 137–148.
ICEIS-SAIC-2009-CernuzziZ #design #named #tool support #using- Gaia4E: A Tool Supporting the Design of MAS using Gaia (LC, FZ), pp. 82–88.
CIKM-2009-VienVCYKC #kernel #locality #named #using #visualisation- VRIFA: a nonlinear SVM visualization tool using nomogram and localized radial basis function (LRBF) kernels (NAV, NHV, TC, HY, SK, BHC), pp. 2081–2082.
KDD-2009-Hand #data mining #mining #modelling #tool support- Mismatched models, wrong results, and dreadful decisions: on choosing appropriate data mining tools (DJH), pp. 1–2.
KEOD-2009-Essert-VillardBS #approach #multi #semantics #towards- Multi-semantic Approach Towards a Generic Formal Solver of Tool Placement for Percutaneous Surgery (CEV, CB, PS), pp. 443–446.
KEOD-2009-KrempelsPST #development- Interconnected Tool-assistance for Development of Agent-oriented Software Systems (KHK, AP, JvS, CT), pp. 308–314.
KMIS-2009-BuchnerMN #analysis #concept #enterprise #open source #tool support- A Concept and Service based Analysis of Commercial and Open Source Enterprise 2.0 Tools (TB, FM, CN), pp. 37–45.
KMIS-2009-WiilMG #information management #process #tool support- Knowledge Management Processes, Tools and Techniques for Counterterrorism (UKW, NM, JG), pp. 29–36.
SEKE-2009-AxelssonBFSK #bibliography #code review #detection #fault #interactive #machine learning #visualisation- Detecting Defects with an Interactive Code Review Tool Based on Visualisation and Machine Learning (SA, DB, RF, DS, DK), pp. 412–417.
SEKE-2009-HendersonH #architecture #collaboration #consistency #development #nondeterminism- Collaborative Development of System Architecture — a Tool for Coping with Inconsistency (PH, MJH), pp. 520–525.
SEKE-2009-KocaguneliTBTC #analysis #fault #metric #named #predict- Prest: An Intelligent Software Metrics Extraction, Analysis and Defect Prediction Tool (EK, AT, ABB, BT, BC), pp. 637–642.
SEKE-2009-Nakajima #diagrams #feature model- Constructing FODA Feature Diagrams with a GUI-based Tool (SN), pp. 20–25.
SEKE-2009-SalamahBBPFC #specification #tool support #validation- Enhancing Property Specification Tools With Validation Techniques (SS, MDB, EB, SP, DF, LC), pp. 487–492.
SEKE-2009-TosunBK #development #issue tracking #named #project management- BITS: Issue Tracking and Project Management Tool in Healthcare Software Development (AT, ABB, EK), pp. 526–529.
SIGIR-2009-ArmstrongMWZ09a #information retrieval #named #online- EvaluatIR: an online tool for evaluating and comparing IR systems (TGA, AM, WW, JZ), p. 833.
ECMDA-FA-2009-EvansFM #case study #eclipse #experience #modelling #network #using- Experiences of Developing a Network Modeling Tool Using the Eclipse Environment (AE, MAF, PM), pp. 301–312.
OOPSLA-2009-OverbeyJ #programming language #refactoring #tool support- Regrowing a language: refactoring tools allow programming languages to evolve (JLO, REJ), pp. 493–502.
OOPSLA-2009-SongT #program transformation #programming #tool support- Enhancing source-level programming tools with an awareness of transparent program transformations (MS, ET), pp. 301–320.
GPCE-2009-VillazonBAM09a #adaptation #aspect-oriented #java #named #programming #tool support- HotWave: creating adaptive tools with dynamic aspect-oriented programming in Java (AV, WB, DA, PM), pp. 95–98.
RE-2009-Breaux #approach #requirements- Exercising Due Diligence in Legal Requirements Acquisition: A Tool-supported, Frame-Based Approach (TDB), pp. 225–230.
RE-2009-GotelM #how #requirements- How to Select a Requirements Management Tool: Initial Steps (OG, PM), pp. 365–367.
REFSQ-2009-KarlsenMK #requirements #tool support- Inventing Requirements with Creativity Support Tools (IKK, NAMM, AK), pp. 162–174.
REFSQ-2009-TunYLN #approach #identification #interactive #problem- Early Identification of Problem Interactions: A Tool-Supported Approach (TTT, YY, RCL, BN), pp. 74–88.
SAC-2009-AhulloLAA #network #simulation- An extensible simulation tool for overlay networks and services (JPA, PGL, MSA, MAA), pp. 2072–2076.
SAC-2009-CastilloGC #database #legacy #named #process #re-engineering #web #web service- PRECISO: a reengineering process and a tool for database modernisation through web services (RPC, IGRdG, IC), pp. 2126–2133.
SAC-2009-CossentinoSS #collaboration #design #process- A collaborative tool for designing and enacting design processes (MC, LS, VS), pp. 715–721.
SAC-2009-KoongLCCS #authoring #component #interactive #visual notation- The visual authoring tool of flash-based component for interactive item template (CSK, CML, DJC, CHC, CS), pp. 547–548.
SAC-2009-NetoFP #named #people #using- MATRACA: a tool to provide support for people with impaired vision when using the computer for simple tasks (FGdON, JMF, RRGP), pp. 158–159.
SAC-2009-RekapalliHZ #identification #named #scalability- HSP-HMMER: a tool for protein domain identification on a large scale (BR, CH, IBZ), pp. 766–770.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ArbabMMKQ #analysis #coordination #modelling #named #performance- Reo2MC: a tool chain for performance analysis of coordination models (FA, SM, YJM, MZK, HQ), pp. 287–288.
ESEC-FSE-2009-ArtziKE #named- ReCrashJ: a tool for capturing and reproducing program crashes in deployed applications (SA, SK, MDE), pp. 295–296.
ESEC-FSE-2009-KnabKP #problem- Smart views for analyzing problem reports: tool demo (PK, HG, MP), pp. 289–290.
ICSE-2009-CanforaCP #difference #named- Ldiff: An enhanced line differencing tool (GC, LC, MDP), pp. 595–598.
ICSE-2009-GarlanS #architecture #evolution #named- Ævol: A tool for defining and planning architecture evolution (DG, BRS), pp. 591–594.
ICSE-2009-HenklerGHSAEHLSG #behaviour #realtime #synthesis- Synthesis of timed behavior from scenarios in the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite (SH, JG, MH, WS, KA, TE, CH, RL, AS, HG), pp. 615–618.
ICSE-2009-HsuO #framework #named #testing- MINTS: A general framework and tool for supporting test-suite minimization (HYH, AO), pp. 419–429.
ICSE-2009-HumayounDC #development #evaluation #named- UEMan: A tool to manage user evaluation in development environments (SRH, YD, TC), pp. 551–554.
ICSE-2009-KastnerTSFLWA #development #feature model #framework #named- FeatureIDE: A tool framework for feature-oriented software development (CK, TT, GS, JF, TL, FW, SA), pp. 611–614.
ICSE-2009-SentillesPNNPC #analysis #component #design #embedded #implementation #named- Save-IDE — A tool for design, analysis and implementation of component-based embedded systems (SS, AP, DN, TN, PP, IC), pp. 607–610.
ICSE-2009-WlokaRT #named #testing- JUnitMX — A change-aware unit testing tool (JW, BGR, FT), pp. 567–570.
CAV-2009-BensalemBNS #composition #concurrent #detection #named #verification- D-Finder: A Tool for Compositional Deadlock Detection and Verification (SB, MB, THN, JS), pp. 614–619.
ICLP-2009-Paolucci #natural language #research #summary #tool support- Research Summary: Intelligent Natural Language Processing Techniques and Tools (AP), pp. 536–537.
ICST-2009-BartoliniBMP #named #testing #web #web service- WS-TAXI: A WSDL-based Testing Tool for Web Services (CB, AB, EM, AP), pp. 326–335.
ICST-2009-TanNM #automation #black box #library #parallel #programming #testing- Automated Black Box Testing Tool for a Parallel Programming Library (RPT, PN, SM), pp. 307–316.
ICST-2009-WedyanAB #automation #detection #effectiveness #fault #predict #refactoring #static analysis #tool support- The Effectiveness of Automated Static Analysis Tools for Fault Detection and Refactoring Prediction (FW, DA, JMB), pp. 141–150.
MBT-2009-DadeauT #animation #named #testing- jSynoPSys — A Scenario-Based Testing Tool based on the Symbolic Animation of B Machines (FD, RT), pp. 117–132.
RTA-2009-BaudetCD #named- YAPA: A Generic Tool for Computing Intruder Knowledge (MB, VC, SD), pp. 148–163.
RTA-2009-KorpSZM #termination- Tyrolean Termination Tool 2 (MK, CS, HZ, AM), pp. 295–304.
QoSA-2008-LeeK #architecture #design #visualisation- A Tool to Visualize Architectural Design Decisions (LL, PK), pp. 43–54.
ASE-2008-BucchiaroneGLTF #tool support- QuARS Express — A Tool Demonstration (AB, SG, GL, GT, AF), pp. 473–474.
ASE-2008-CamachoM #automation #named #using- APPAREIL: A Tool for Building Automated Program Translators Using Annotated Grammars (DOC, KM), pp. 489–490.
ASE-2008-CapillaNMC #architecture #design #named- ADDSS: Architecture Design Decision Support System Tool (RC, FN, JM, CC), pp. 487–488.
ASE-2008-DanielB #automation #effectiveness #predict #testing #tool support- Predicting Effectiveness of Automatic Testing Tools (BD, MB), pp. 363–366.
ASE-2008-Frisby #analysis #tool support- Unifying Analysis Tools with Rosetta (NF), pp. 505–508.
ASE-2008-GrunbacherRD #lessons learnt #product line #tool support- Product Line Tools are Product Lines Too: Lessons Learned from Developing a Tool Suite (PG, RR, DD), pp. 351–354.
ASE-2008-MalavoltaMP #architecture #framework #named #tool support- DUALLY: A framework for Architectural Languages and Tools Interoperability (IM, HM, PP), pp. 483–484.
ASE-2008-SchumannGPMB #analysis #parametricity #scalability #simulation #tool support- Tool Support for Parametric Analysis of Large Software Simulation Systems (JS, KGB, CSP, TM, TB), pp. 497–498.
ASE-2008-StaatsDRHW #named #requirements- ReqsCov: A Tool for Measuring Test-Adequacy over Requirements (MS, WD, AR, MPEH, KW), pp. 499–500.
ASE-2008-YuJS #development #tool support #traceability- Tools for Traceability in Secure Software Development (YY, JJ, JS), pp. 503–504.
CASE-2008-ChanYDS #clustering #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of k-unit production of cluster tools with single-blade robots (WKC, JY, SD, DS), pp. 335–340.
CASE-2008-GuetaCAUO #configuration management #design #multi- Design of the end-effector tool attachment for robot arm with multiple reconfigurable goals (LBG, RC, TA, TU, JO), pp. 876–881.
CASE-2008-JungL #clustering #performance #scheduling #tool support- Efficient scheduling method based on an assignment model for robotized cluster tools (CJ, TEL), pp. 79–84.
CASE-2008-Kim #clustering #constraints- Stable schedule for a single-armed cluster tool with time constraints (JHK), pp. 97–102.
CASE-2008-PaekL #clustering #scheduling #strict #tool support- Optimal scheduling of dual-armed cluster tools without swap restriction (JHP, TEL), pp. 103–108.
CASE-2008-SunWHRW #case study #effectiveness #identification #monitoring #set- Identification of feature set for effective tool condition monitoring — a case study in titanium machining (JS, YSW, GSH, MR, ZW), pp. 273–278.
CASE-2008-WuZPCC #clustering #constraints #modelling #petri net #process #realtime #tool support- Petri net modeling and real-time control of dual-arm cluster tools with residency time constraint and activity time variations (NW, MZ, SP, FC, CC), pp. 109–114.
DAC-2008-BaertGB #automation #case study #memory management- An automatic scratch pad memory management tool and MPEG-4 encoder case study (RB, EdG, EB), pp. 201–204.
DATE-2008-CruzBCM #embedded #modelling #named #realtime #synthesis- ezRealtime: A Domain-Specific Modeling Tool for Embedded Hard Real-Time Software Synthesis (FC, RSB, LCC, PRMM), pp. 1510–1515.
DATE-2008-ElmqvistN #analysis #component #incremental #tool support- Tool Support for Incremental Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Component-Based Systems (JE, SNT), pp. 921–927.
DATE-2008-FrankWESN #analysis #architecture #design #evaluation #standard #tool support- Methods, Tools and Standards for the Analysis, Evaluation and Design of Modern Automotive Architectures (EF, RW, RE, ALSV, MDN), pp. 659–663.
HT-2008-BolchiniGP #development #hypermedia #tool support- Investigating success factors for hypermedia development tools (DB, FG, PP), pp. 187–192.
HT-2008-BravoVO #adaptation #evaluation #hypermedia #named- Asquare: a powerful evaluation tool for adaptive hypermedia course system (JB, CVS, AO), pp. 219–220.
HT-2008-GaffneyDW #authoring #bibliography #simulation #tool support- A survey of soft skill simulation authoring tools (CG, DD, VW), pp. 181–186.
HT-2008-PetersenW #agile #development #named- Asap: a planning tool for agile software development (RRP, UKW), pp. 27–32.
SIGMOD-2008-FisherWZ #ad hoc #automation #generative #named- LearnPADS: automatic tool generation from ad hoc data (KF, DW, KQZ), pp. 1299–1302.
SIGMOD-2008-RaffioBCPH #named- Clip: a tool for mapping hierarchical schemas (AR, DB, SC, PP, MAH), pp. 1271–1274.
VLDB-2008-KatsisDPZ #integration #interactive #named- RIDE: a tool for interactive source registration in community-oriented information integration (YK, AD, YP, KKZ), pp. 1464–1467.
ITiCSE-2008-DemailleLP #compilation #education #set #tool support- A set of tools to teach compiler construction (AD, RL, BP), pp. 68–72.
ITiCSE-2008-DenegriFGM #design pattern #education #interactive- A tool for teaching interactions between design patterns (ED, GF, AG, PJM), p. 371.
ITiCSE-2008-Deugo #eclipse #education- Eclipse as a teaching tool (DD), p. 318.
ITiCSE-2008-Garcia-OsorioGG #algorithm #education #ll #lr #parsing- A tool for teaching LL and LR parsing algorithms (CGO, CGP, NGP), p. 317.
ITiCSE-2008-KiesmullerB #algorithm #analysis #how #problem- How do 7th graders solve algorithmic problems?: a tool-based analysis (UK, TB), p. 353.
ITiCSE-2008-LevyB #behaviour #tool support- Perceived behavior control and its influence on the adoption of software tools (RBBL, MBA), pp. 169–173.
ITiCSE-2008-PoplawskiK #design #logic #named #simulation- JLS: a pedagogically targeted logic design and simulation tool (DAP, ZK), p. 314.
ESOP-2008-MandelM #programming #tool support- Programming in JoCaml (Tool Demonstration) (LM, LM), pp. 108–111.
FASE-2008-CamaraSC #composition #interpreter #named- Clint: A Composition Language Interpreter (Tool Paper) (JC, GS, CC), pp. 423–427.
TACAS-2008-BlancKS #analysis #modelling #named- Scoot: A Tool for the Analysis of SystemC Models (NB, DK, NS), pp. 467–470.
TACAS-2008-OlveczkyM #maude #realtime- The Real-Time Maude Tool (PCÖ, JM), pp. 332–336.
TACAS-2008-TsayCTCL #automaton #logic #research #towards- GOAL Extended: Towards a Research Tool for ω Automata and Temporal Logic (YKT, YFC, MHT, WCC, CJL), pp. 346–350.
CSMR-2008-Bull #tool support- CSMR Tool Demonstration: Welcome (RIB), p. 319.
CSMR-2008-FulopFG #benchmark #design pattern #metric #mining #tool support #towards- Towards a Benchmark for Evaluating Design Pattern Miner Tools (LJF, RF, TG), pp. 143–152.
CSMR-2008-LewisS #tool support- SMART Tool Demonstration (GAL, DBS), pp. 332–334.
CSMR-2008-PapastefanatosAVV #analysis #database #evolution #named- Hecataeus: A What-If Analysis Tool for Database Schema Evolution (GP, FA, YV, PV), pp. 326–328.
CSMR-2008-TeleaV08a #optimisation #performance #scalability- A Tool for Optimizing the Build Performance of Large Software Code Bases (ACT, LV), pp. 323–325.
ICPC-2008-PinzgerGKG #comprehension #dependence #source code #visual notation- A Tool for Visual Understanding of Source Code Dependencies (MP, KG, PK, HCG), pp. 254–259.
ICPC-2008-SridharaHPV #case study #comparative #identification #semantics #similarity #tool support #word- Identifying Word Relations in Software: A Comparative Study of Semantic Similarity Tools (GS, EH, LLP, KVS), pp. 123–132.
ICSM-2008-Kienle #component #development #process #reverse engineering #tool support #towards- Building reverse engineering tools with software components: Towards a dedicated development process for academia (HMK), pp. 416–419.
ICSM-2008-XieGF #named #rest #testing- REST: A tool for reducing effort in script-based testing (QX, MG, CF), pp. 468–469.
ICSM-2008-ZhangGLZ08a #aspectj #automation #debugging #named- AutoFlow: An automatic debugging tool for AspectJ software (SZ, ZG, YL, JZ), pp. 470–471.
MSR-2008-HillFBSNPV #automation #maintenance #mining #named #source code #tool support- AMAP: automatically mining abbreviation expansions in programs to enhance software maintenance tools (EH, ZPF, HB, GS, YN, LLP, KVS), pp. 79–88.
MSR-2008-HolmesB #information management- Deep intellisense: a tool for rehydrating evaporated information (RH, AB), pp. 23–26.
PASTE-2008-KhooFHS #static analysis #tool support- Path projection for user-centered static analysis tools (YPK, JSF, MH, VS), pp. 57–63.
SCAM-2008-KhatchadourianR #aspect-oriented #evolution- Rejuvenate Pointcut: A Tool for Pointcut Expression Recovery in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software (RK, AR), pp. 261–262.
SCAM-2008-RodriguesB #coordination #legacy #named- CoordInspector: A Tool for Extracting Coordination Data from Legacy Code (NFR, LSB), pp. 265–266.
WCRE-2008-FulopHFG #benchmark #metric #reverse engineering #tool support #towards- Towards a Benchmark for Evaluating Reverse Engineering Tools (LJF, PH, RF, TG), pp. 335–336.
WCRE-2008-HashimotoM #analysis #fine-grained #named- Diff/TS: A Tool for Fine-Grained Structural Change Analysis (MH, AM), pp. 279–288.
WCRE-2008-KienleM #maintenance #process #tool support #towards- Towards a Process for Developing Maintenance Tools in Academia (HMK, HAM), pp. 237–246.
WCRE-2008-SobreiraM #analysis #comprehension #visual notation- A Visual Trace Analysis Tool for Understanding Feature Scattering (VS, MdAM), pp. 337–338.
WCRE-2008-YuW #comprehension #evolution #tool support- Graph-Centric Tools for Understanding the Evolution and Relationships of Software Structures (YY, MW), pp. 329–330.
PEPM-2008-LiT #functional #refactoring #source code #tool support- Tool support for refactoring functional programs (HL, SJT), pp. 199–203.
PEPM-2008-VolanschiR #tool support- Unparsed patterns: easy user-extensibility of program manipulation tools (NV, CR), pp. 111–121.
LATA-2008-Domaratzki #formal method #tool support- Formal Language Tools for Template-Guided DNA Recombination (MD), pp. 3–5.
SEFM-2008-Roggenbach #csp #tool support- Tools for CSP (MR), pp. 213–214.
GT-VMT-2006-AutiliP08 #requirements #towards #visual notation- Towards a Graphical Tool for Refining User to System Requirements (MA, PP), pp. 147–157.
GT-VMT-2006-KonigK08 #analysis #graph transformation- Augur 2 — A New Version of a Tool for the Analysis of Graph Transformation Systems (BK, VK), pp. 201–210.
ICGT-2008-Bisztray #architecture #refactoring #tool support #verification- Verification of Architectural Refactorings: Rule Extraction and Tool Support (DB), pp. 475–477.
ICGT-2008-RensinkG #contest #graph #tool support- Graph-Based Tools: The Contest (AR, PVG), pp. 463–466.
CHI-2008-Akiyama #music #named- PlaceAndPlay: a digital tool for children to create and record music (YA, SO), pp. 735–738.
CHI-2008-FitzmauriceMKGK #agile #named- PieCursor: merging pointing and command selection for rapid in-place tool switching (GWF, JM, AK, MG, GK), pp. 1361–1370.
CHI-2008-HayesGAT #behaviour #named- CareLog: a selective archiving tool for behavior management in schools (GRH, LMG, GDA, KNT), pp. 685–694.
CHI-2008-PatelFLH #development #machine learning #statistics- Investigating statistical machine learning as a tool for software development (KP, JF, JAL, BLH), pp. 667–676.
CSCW-2008-AgustinaLXSS #3d #collaboration #design #named #tool support- CoMaya: incorporating advanced collaboration capabilities into 3d digital media design tools (A, FL, SX, HS, CS), pp. 5–8.
SOFTVIS-2008-DachseltFD #sketching #tool support #uml- Enhancing UML sketch tools with digital pens and paper (RD, MF, ED), pp. 203–204.
SOFTVIS-2008-PauwAA #named #scalability #streaming #visualisation- Streamsight: a visualization tool for large-scale streaming applications (WDP, HA, LA), pp. 125–134.
SOFTVIS-2008-SensalireOT #maintenance #tool support #visualisation- Classifying desirable features of software visualization tools for corrective maintenance (MS, PO, ACT), pp. 87–90.
CAiSE-2008-KongdenfhaBSC #analysis #interactive #named- SpreadMash: A Spreadsheet-Based Interactive Browsing and Analysis Tool for Data Services (WK, BB, RSP, FC), pp. 343–358.
CAiSE-2008-SimonssonJE #assessment #modelling- The IT Organization Modeling and Assessment Tool for IT Governance Decision Support (MS, PJ, ME), pp. 258–261.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-EsminLYC #information management #interactive #named #web- ArchCollect — A Tool for WEB Usage Knowledge Acquisition from User’s Interactions (AAAE, JdCL, ETY, TGdSC), pp. 375–380.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-LiuQLZWD #distributed #specification #visual notation- A Visual Specification Tool for Event-Condition-Action Rules Supporting Web-Based Distributed System (WL, YQ, XL, KZ, HW, GD), pp. 246–251.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-PicussaGBFDBSCS #education #interface #online #web- A User-Interface Environment Solution as an Educational Tool for an Online Chess Server on the Web (JP, LSG, JB, MVRF, AID, LCEDB, FS, MAC, MSS), pp. 262–267.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-ThomRCI #modelling #process- Applying Activity Patterns for Developing an Intelligent Process Modeling Tool (LHT, MR, CMC, CI), pp. 112–119.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-MendezPMO #named- ITO-Tracker — A Tool for Evaluating ITO Projects based on Critical Success Factors (EMM, MAP, LEM, MO), pp. 170–175.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-SantosBBR #analysis #architecture #modelling #semantics- A Model Driven Architecture Tool Based on Semantic Analysis Method (TMdS, RB, MCCB, MAR), pp. 305–310.
ICEIS-J-2008-HeerRK08a #integration #ontology #tool support- Tool Support for the Integration of Light-Weight Ontologies (TH, DR, BK), pp. 175–187.
CIKM-2008-MukherjiRBR- SNIF TOOL: sniffing for patterns in continuous streams (AM, EAR, DCB, VR), pp. 369–378.
ICPR-2008-HuWGW #interactive #video- An interactive scene annotation tool for video surveillance (WH, JW, HG, YW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JhaN #independence #layout #representation- Wang Notation Tool: Layout independent representation of tables (PJ, GN), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-VillS #analysis #automation #classification- Automated stroke ending analysis for drawing tool classification (MCV, RS), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-HuaP #named- DiMaC: a disguised missing data cleaning tool (MH, JP), pp. 1077–1080.
SEKE-2008-BadriBS #approach #co-evolution #object-oriented #predict- Predicting Change Propagation in Object-oriented Systems: a Control-call Path Based Approach and Associated Tool (LB, MB, DSY), pp. 103–110.
SEKE-2008-BaiL #named #source code #testing- SyncTest: a Tool to Synchronize Source Code, Model and Testing (XB, TL), pp. 723–728.
SEKE-2008-BarbosaNRM #development #ontology #testing #tool support- Ontology-based Development of Testing Related Tools (EFB, EYN, ACR, JCM), pp. 697–702.
SEKE-2008-GallegosOGRSV #generative #specification- A Property Specification Tool for Generating Formal Specifications: Prospec 2.0 (IG, OO, AQG, SR, SS, CV), pp. 273–278.
SEKE-2008-LappalainenHSPML #comparison #developer #tool support- A Comparison of Time Tracking Tools for Software Developers (JL, LH, JS, TP, HM, HL), pp. 91–96.
SEKE-2008-LiuCH #analysis #named- PSPCAT: A PSP Data Collection and Analysis Tool (CHL, SLC, YCH), pp. 33–37.
SEKE-2008-TinkhamTP #assessment #comprehension #java #reverse engineering #source code #testing #tool support- A Qualitative Assessment of the Reverse Engineering Capabilities of Unit Testing Tools for Understanding Java Programs (AT, SRT, TP), pp. 111–116.
SIGIR-2008-MurthyTFVYG #approach #concept #implementation #information retrieval #tool support #visualisation- From concepts to implementation and visualization: tools from a team-based approach to ir (UM, RdST, EAF, LV, SY, MAG), p. 889.
MoDELS-2008-ObataI #modelling #validation- General Mode Controller for Software on Artificial Satellite with Model-Based Validation Tool (TO, TI), pp. 889–895.
MoDELS-2008-ObataI #modelling #validation- General Mode Controller for Software on Artificial Satellite with Model-Based Validation Tool (TO, TI), pp. 889–895.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-AydalUW #comparison #modelling #tool support #validation- A Comparison of State-Based Modelling Tools for Model Validation (EGA, MU, JW), pp. 278–296.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-StrommerW #concept #framework #model transformation #tool support- A Framework for Model Transformation By-Example: Concepts and Tool Support (MS, MW), pp. 372–391.
PADL-2008-PaganoACCCMW #development #implementation #ml #tool support- Certified Development Tools Implementation in Objective Caml (BP, OA, BC, EC, JLC, TM, PW), pp. 2–17.
POPL-2008-FisherWZW #ad hoc #automation #generative- From dirt to shovels: fully automatic tool generation from ad hoc data (KF, DW, KQZ, PW), pp. 421–434.
REFSQ-2008-AlenljungP #named #requirements #tool support- DESCRY: A Method for Evaluating Decision-Supporting Capabilities of Requirements Engineering Tools (BA, AP), pp. 52–57.
SAC-2008-AraujoSF #algebra #analysis #process- HIV drug resistance analysis tool based on process algebra (LVdA, ECS, JEF), pp. 1358–1363.
SAC-2008-AveglianoS #named #simulation- RePart: a reputation-based simulation tool for partnership formation (PA, JSS), pp. 46–47.
SAC-2008-CartaxoANM #embedded #functional #named #testing- LTS-BT: a tool to generate and select functional test cases for embedded systems (EGC, WdLA, FGON, PDLM), pp. 1540–1544.
SAC-2008-DuraoVAM #code search #semantics #source code- Applying a semantic layer in a source code search tool (FAD, TAV, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 1151–1157.
SAC-2008-KucinskisF #information management #representation- An onboard knowledge representation tool for satellite autonomous applications (FdNK, MGVF), pp. 1678–1682.
SAC-2008-Mevius #modelling #novel #process- A novel modeling language for tool-based business process engineering (MvM), pp. 590–591.
SAC-2008-OliveiraMWS #analysis #locality- Brain registration and subtraction — improved localization for SPECT analysis (B.R.A.S.I.L.): a computer-aided diagnosis in epilepsy tool kit (LFdO, PMdAM, LWA, ACS), pp. 1390–1394.
SAC-2008-SansL #algebra #interface #named #order #visualisation #xquery- IFOX: interface for ordered XQuery an algebraic oriented tool for ordered XQuery visualization (VS, DL), pp. 1252–1257.
SAC-2008-SchiabelSA #detection #image #segmentation- Segmentation technique for detecting suspect masses in dense breast digitized images as a tool for mammography CAD schemes (HS, VTS, MFA), pp. 1333–1337.
SAC-2008-ShenK #fault #named #uml- ICER: a tool for finding errors in a UML model (WS, DKK), pp. 804–808.
ICSE-2008-AmelunxenKKRS #integration #metamodelling #tool support- Metamodel-based tool integration with moflon (CA, FK, AK, TR, AS), pp. 807–810.
ICSE-2008-ChenSR #analysis #java #named #predict #runtime- jPredictor: a predictive runtime analysis tool for java (FC, TFS, GR), pp. 221–230.
ICSE-2008-Duala-EkokoR #named #tool support- Clonetracker: tool support for code clone management (EDE, MPR), pp. 843–846.
ICSE-2008-ElkarabliehK #data type #named- Juzi: a tool for repairing complex data structures (BE, SK), pp. 855–858.
ICSE-2008-MalikPUK #generative #invariant #named #representation- Deryaft: a tool for generating representation invariants of structurally complex data (MZM, AP, EU, SK), pp. 859–862.
ICSE-2008-Murphy-HillB #refactoring #tool support- Breaking the barriers to successful refactoring: observations and tools for extract method (ERMH, APB), pp. 421–430.
ICSE-2008-ReinhardMSCG #modelling #navigation #tool support #visual notation- Tool support for the navigation in graphical models (TR, SM, RS, CC, MG), pp. 823–826.
ICSE-2008-ScaffidiMS08a #tool support #validation- Tool support for data validation by end-user programmers (CS, BAM, MS), pp. 867–870.
LDTA-2007-Schmitz08 #ambiguity #detection- An Experimental Ambiguity Detection Tool (SS), pp. 69–84.
SLE-2008-SunDJTG #approach- A Model Engineering Approach to Tool Interoperability (YS, ZD, FJ, RT, JG), pp. 178–187.
SPLC-2008-BotterweckTNAC #comprehension #configuration management #product line #tool support #visual notation- Visual Tool Support for Configuring and Understanding Software Product Lines (GB, ST, DN, SbA, CC), pp. 77–86.
SPLC-2008-EvestiNHP #architecture #quality- A Tool Chain for Quality-Driven Software Architecting (AE, EN, KH, MP), p. 360.
PPoPP-2008-VakkalankaSGK #model checking #named #source code- ISP: a tool for model checking MPI programs (SSV, SS, GG, RMK), pp. 285–286.
CAV-2008-BackesLMP #abstraction #analysis #protocol #security- The CASPA Tool: Causality-Based Abstraction for Security Protocol Analysis (MB, SL, MM, KP), pp. 419–422.
CAV-2008-Cremers #analysis #protocol #security #verification- The Scyther Tool: Verification, Falsification, and Analysis of Security Protocols (CJFC), pp. 414–418.
CAV-2008-Legay #model checking- T(O)RMC: A Tool for (ω)-Regular Model Checking (AL), pp. 548–551.
CAV-2008-MagillTLT #named #reasoning- THOR: A Tool for Reasoning about Shape and Arithmetic (SM, MHT, PL, YKT), pp. 428–432.
ICLP-2008-Cipriano #constraints #modelling #on the #programming #tool support- On the Hybridization of Constraint Programming and Local Search Techniques: Models and Software Tools (RC), pp. 803–804.
ICST-2008-LechnerB #workflow- Workflow Inspector — A Test Tool for Microsoft Workflow Foundation (AL, RB), pp. 498–501.
ICST-2008-PloschGPSS #tool support- Tool Support for Expert-Centred Code Assessments (RP, HG, GP, MS, SS), pp. 258–267.
ICST-2008-WagnerDAWS #debugging #evaluation #java #tool support- An Evaluation of Two Bug Pattern Tools for Java (SW, FD, MA, JW, MS), pp. 248–257.
IJCAR-2008-DuranLM #maude #named #termination- MTT: The Maude Termination Tool (System Description) (FD, SL, JM), pp. 313–319.
IJCAR-2008-SatoWKM #multi #termination #tool support- Multi-completion with Termination Tools (System Description) (HS, SW, MK, AM), pp. 306–312.
ISSTA-2008-EdwardsTWVD #automation #fault #identification #named- AFID: an automated fault identification tool (AE, ST, SW, RV, BD), pp. 179–188.
ISSTA-2008-LinckeLL #metric #tool support- Comparing software metrics tools (RL, JL, WL), pp. 131–142.
ECSA-2007-FarenhorstLV #architecture #effectiveness #tool support- Effective Tool Support for Architectural Knowledge Sharing (RF, PL, HvV), pp. 123–138.
ECSA-2007-NavaCD #architecture #design #process #tool support- Processes for Creating and Exploiting Architectural Design Decisions with Tool Support (FN, RC, JCD), pp. 321–324.
WICSA-2007-JansenVAH #architecture #tool support- Tool Support for Architectural Decisions (AJ, JSvdV, PA, DKH), p. 4.
ASE-2007-Abi-AntounA #execution #object-oriented #source code #tool support- Tool support for the compile-time execution structure of object-oriented programs with ownership annotations (MAA, JA), pp. 543–544.
ASE-2007-ArmandoBCMS #model checking- The eureka tool for software model checking (AA, MB, DC, JM, PS), pp. 541–542.
ASE-2007-CabotCR #constraints #modelling #named #ocl #programming #uml #using #verification- UMLtoCSP: a tool for the formal verification of UML/OCL models using constraint programming (JC, RC, DR), pp. 547–548.
ASE-2007-CaiHX #composition #design #framework #testing #tool support- A framework and tool supports for testing modularity of software design (YC, SH, TX), pp. 441–444.
ASE-2007-CharlesFS #eclipse #framework #ide #named- IMP: a meta-tooling platform for creating language-specific ides in eclipse (PC, RMF, SMSJ), pp. 485–488.
ASE-2007-DhunganaRGN #product line #tool support- Integrated tool support for software product line engineering (DD, RR, PG, TN), pp. 533–534.
ASE-2007-HoskingG #domain-specific language #implementation #tool support #visual notation- Meta tools for implementing domain specific visual languages (JGH, JCG), p. 576.
ASE-2007-InverardiM #distributed #generative #monitoring #named- DESERT: a decentralized monitoring tool generator (PI, LM), pp. 529–530.
ASE-2007-JurjensY #modelling #security #tool support- Tools for model-based security engineering: models vs. code (JJ, YY), pp. 545–546.
ASE-2007-KiyavitskayaZBACMM #process #towards- Extracting rights and obligations from regulations: toward a tool-supported process (NK, NZ, TDB, AIA, JRC, LM, JM), pp. 429–432.
ASE-2007-MohaG #design #detection #fault #named- Decor: a tool for the detection of design defects (NM, YGG), pp. 527–528.
ASE-2007-XieGH #named #testing- Smart: a tool for application reference testing (QX, MG, MH), pp. 537–538.
CASE-2007-ArsandVH #health #mobile #people #self #usability- Usability of a Mobile Self-Help Tool for People with Diabetes: the Easy Health Diary (EÅ, RV, GH), pp. 863–868.
CASE-2007-ChanYD #clustering #multi #on the #scheduling #tool support- On the Optimality of One-Unit Cycle Scheduling of Multi-Cluster Tools with Single-Blade Robots (WKC, JY, SD), pp. 392–397.
CASE-2007-GrauWS #tool support- Improving dispatch rules for cascading tools (GG, JW, KS), pp. 261–264.
CASE-2007-MorrisonM #clustering #on the #throughput #tool support- On the Throughput of Clustered Photolithography Tools: Wafer Advancement and Intrinsic Equipment Loss (JRM, MKM), pp. 88–93.
CASE-2007-YiDZ0 #analysis #clustering #linear #throughput #tool support- Throughput Analysis of Linear Cluster Tools (JY, SD, MTZ, PvdM), pp. 1063–1068.
DAC-2007-VenkataramaniBCG #analysis- Global Critical Path: A Tool for System-Level Timing Analysis (GV, MB, TC, SCG), pp. 783–786.
DATE-2007-BauerPT #analysis #hybrid #modelling- Tool-support for the analysis of hybrid systems and models (AB, MP, MT), pp. 924–929.
DATE-2007-YetikSTD #architecture #interactive #matlab #optimisation- Interactive presentation: A coefficient optimization and architecture selection tool for SigmaDelta modulators in MATLAB (ÖY, OS, ST, GD), pp. 87–92.
HT-2007-LaniadoEC #folksonomy #navigation #semantics- A semantic tool to support navigation in a folksonomy (DL, DE, MC), pp. 153–154.
ICDAR-2007-BoussellaaZTAB #analysis #documentation #named #preprocessor- PRAAD: Preprocessing and Analysis Tool for Arabic Ancient Documents (WB, AZ, BT, AMA, AB), pp. 1058–1062.
ICDAR-2007-JournetRME #documentation #image #library #retrieval #tool support- A Proposition of Retrieval Tools for Historical Document Images Libraries (NJ, JYR, RM, VE), pp. 1053–1057.
ICDAR-2007-LuthyVB #markov #modelling #segmentation #using- Using Hidden Markov Models as a Tool for Handwritten Text Line Segmentation (FL, TV, HB), p. 8–?.
ICDAR-2007-SilvaN #classification #markov #modelling #performance #visualisation- A Visualization Tool to Improve the Performance of a Classifier Based on Hidden Markov Models (GdS, MN), pp. 1083–1087.
SIGMOD-2007-FaloutsosKS #graph #matrix #mining #scalability #tool support #using- Mining large graphs and streams using matrix and tensor tools (CF, TGK, JS), p. 1174.
VLDB-2007-DuchateauBH #benchmark #metric #named #tool support #xml- XBenchMatch: a Benchmark for XML Schema Matching Tools (FD, ZB, EH), pp. 1318–1321.
CSEET-2007-McGregorBBBK #architecture #education #reasoning #using- Using an Architecture Reasoning Tool to Teach Software Architecture (JDM, FB, LB, PB, MK), pp. 275–282.
ITiCSE-2007-Albin-Clark #implementation #multi #named #pseudo- MaBL: a tool for mapping pseudocode to multiple implementation languages (AAC), p. 315.
ITiCSE-2007-BarkerP #tool support- Accessibility tools (GB, JP), p. 354.
ITiCSE-2007-Koppelman- Exercises as a tool for sharing pedagogical knowledge (HK), p. 361.
ITiCSE-2007-LevyB #education #tool support- We work so hard and they don’t use it: acceptance of software tools by teachers (RBBL, MBA), pp. 246–250.
ITiCSE-2007-MarraHW #case study #tool support- A study of phylogenetic tools for genomic nomenclature data cleaning (JDM, KGH, JTLW), p. 347.
ITiCSE-2007-Sanchez-TorrubiaTC #algorithm #graph #interactive #learning #tool support- New interactive tools for graph algorithms active learning (MGST, CTB, JC), p. 337.
ITiCSE-2007-TremblayLS #testing- Extending a marking tool with simple support for testing (GT, LL, AS), p. 313.
WRLA-2006-ChalubB07 #maude- Maude MSOS Tool (FC, CB), pp. 133–146.
WRLA-2006-SasseM07 #algebra #hoare #java #logic #semantics #verification- Java+ITP: A Verification Tool Based on Hoare Logic and Algebraic Semantics (RS, JM), pp. 29–46.
FASE-2007-GrammesG #semantics #tool support- SDL Profiles — Formal Semantics and Tool Support (RG, RG), pp. 200–214.
TACAS-2007-MossakowskiML #set- The Heterogeneous Tool Set, Hets (TM, CM, KL), pp. 519–522.
TACAS-2007-TsayCTWC #automaton #named #visual notation- GOAL: A Graphical Tool for Manipulating Büchi Automata and Temporal Formulae (YKT, YFC, MHT, KNW, WCC), pp. 466–471.
ICPC-2007-AlwisMR #case study #comparative #tool support- A Comparative Study of Three Program Exploration Tools (BdA, GCM, MPR), pp. 103–112.
ICSM-2007-Gueheneuc #flexibility #named #reverse engineering- Ptidej: A Flexible Reverse Engineering Tool Suite (YGG), pp. 529–530.
ICSM-2007-GustavssonLLMB07a #modelling #open source #xmi- Integrating proprietary and open-source tool chains through horizontal interchange of XMI models (HG, BL, BL, AM, MB), pp. 521–522.
ICSM-2007-JoshiO #named- SCARPE: A Technique and Tool for Selective Capture and Replay of Program Executions (SJ, AO), pp. 234–243.
SCAM-2007-Larson #debugging #detection #framework #named #tool support- SUDS: An Infrastructure for Creating Bug Detection Tools (EL), pp. 123–132.
SCAM-2007-Marinescu #analysis #design #enterprise #named- DATES: Design Analysis Tool for Enterprise Systems (CM), pp. 157–158.
WCRE-2007-AlamD #3d #architecture #visualisation- EvoSpaces Visualization Tool: Exploring Software Architecture in 3D (SA, PD), pp. 269–270.
WCRE-2007-Baxter #re-engineering #tool support- Reengineering Tools: A Perspective from the Trenches (keynote) (IDB).
WCRE-2007-FarahL #comprehension #modelling- Temporal Exploration of Software Models: A Tool Feature to Enhance Software Understanding (HF, TCL), pp. 41–49.
WCRE-2007-Kienle #component #lessons learnt #reverse engineering #tool support- Building Reverse Engineering Tools with Software Components: Ten Lessons Learned (HMK), pp. 289–292.
WCRE-2007-ShevertalovM #protocol #reverse engineering- A Reverse Engineering Tool for Extracting Protocols of Networked Applications (MS, SM), pp. 229–238.
PEPM-2007-FernandesS #library #source code #tool support- Tools and libraries to model and manipulate circular programs (JPF, JS), pp. 102–111.
ICFP-2007-SewellNOPRSS #effectiveness #named #semantics #tool support- Ott: effective tool support for the working semanticist (PS, FZN, SO, GP, TR, SS, RS), pp. 1–12.
ICFP-2007-SimsD #case study #experience #validation- Experience report: the reactis validation tool (SS, DCD), pp. 137–140.
ILC-2007-Harmon #analysis #lisp #tool support- Computational tools for the analysis of spatial patterns of gene expression in Common Lisp (CLH), p. 18.
AGTIVE-2007-GeissK #graph grammar #performance- GrGen.NET: A Fast, Expressive, and General Purpose Graph Rewrite Tool (RG, MK), pp. 568–569.
AGTIVE-2007-HeerRK #algorithm #graph grammar #integration #ontology- Algorithm and Tool for Ontology Integration Based on Graph Rewriting (TH, DR, BK), pp. 577–582.
AGTIVE-2007-RensinkDEJKLMSZ #case study #graph transformation #named #tool support- Ludo: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (AR, AD, CE, SJ, OK, JdL, SM, TS, AZ), pp. 493–513.
AGTIVE-2007-RensinkT #contest #graph transformation- AGTIVE 2007 Graph Transformation Tool Contest (AR, GT), pp. 487–492.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerBBBBBGGHKMNPV #case study #generative #graph transformation #tool support- Generation of Sierpinski Triangles: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (GT, EB, DB, BB, IB, AB, LG, RG, ÁH, OK, TM, BN, DP, TV), pp. 514–539.
AGTIVE-2007-VarroABBDGGGKNRW #case study #csp #graph transformation #modelling #tool support #uml- Transformation of UML Models to CSP: A Case Study for Graph Transformation Tools (DV, MA, DB, AB, DHD, RG, JG, PVG, OK, AN, ER, EW), pp. 540–565.
GT-VMT-2007-WorzbergerHH #graph #tool support #workflow- Evaluating Workflow Definition Language Revisions with Graph-Based Tools (RW, MH, FWH).
CHI-2007-BoshernitsanGH #development #tool support- Aligning development tools with the way programmers think about code changes (MB, SLG, MAH), pp. 567–576.
CHI-2007-GuimbretiereDH #analysis #interactive #named- ExperiScope: an analysis tool for interaction data (FG, MD, KH), pp. 1333–1342.
CHI-2007-LiuL #design #named- BrickRoad: a light-weight tool for spontaneous design of location-enhanced applications (ALL, YL), pp. 295–298.
DHM-2007-MeulenS #analysis #named- Ramsis — The Leading Cad Tool for Ergonomic Analysis of Vehicles (PvdM, AS), pp. 1008–1017.
HCI-AS-2007-KaholFMPS #artificial reality- Augmented Virtual Reality for Laparoscopic Surgical Tool Training (KK, JF, TLM, SP, MS), pp. 459–467.
HCI-AS-2007-XiaoCR #authentication #collaboration #learning #process- Support Case-Based Authentic Learning Activities: A Collaborative Case Commenting Tool and a Collaborative Case Builder (LX, JMC, MBR), pp. 371–380.
HCI-IDU-2007-BuchholzEMP #evaluation #modelling #tool support #usability- Model-Based Usability Evaluation — Evaluation of Tool Support (GB, JE, CM, SP), pp. 1043–1052.
HCI-IDU-2007-Forsman #experience #human-computer #research #tool support #using- After Hurricane Katrina: Post Disaster Experience Research Using HCI Tools and Techniques (CF), pp. 78–87.
HCI-IDU-2007-FujiokaTKO #coordination #detection #problem #usability- Tool for Detecting Webpage Usability Problems from Mouse Click Coordinate Logs (RF, RT, YK, HO), pp. 438–445.
HCI-IDU-2007-GaoSRA #design #effectiveness #navigation #tool support #web- Design Effective Navigation Tools for Older Web Users (QG, HS, PLPR, YA), pp. 765–773.
HCI-IDU-2007-GeorgiakakisRPP #design #design pattern #tool support #usability- DEPTH TOOLKIT: A Web-Based Tool for Designing and Executing Usability Evaluations of E-Sites Based on Design Patterns (PG, SR, YP, GP), pp. 453–462.
HCI-IDU-2007-MorganN #development #interface #research- Interface Between Two Disciplines — The Development of Theatre as a Research Tool (MM, AFN), pp. 184–193.
HCI-IDU-2007-PleussH #authoring #development #interactive #modelling #multi #tool support- Integrating Authoring Tools into Model-Driven Development of Interactive Multimedia Applications (AP, HH), pp. 1168–1177.
HCI-IDU-2007-Schaefer #bibliography #development #modelling #tool support #user interface- A Survey on Transformation Tools for Model Based User Interface Development (RS), pp. 1178–1187.
HCI-IDU-2007-WideroosP #empirical #research- Studying Utility of Personal Usage-History: A Software Tool for Enabling Empirical Research (KW, SP), pp. 976–984.
HCI-IDU-2007-YamazakiF #design #experience #tool support #user interface- Design Tools for User Experience Design (KY, KF), pp. 298–307.
HCI-IPT-2007-Lee07a #mobile #tool support- Support Zooming Tools for Mobile Devices (KBL), pp. 408–417.
HCI-IPT-2007-MavrommatiD #bibliography #perspective #tool support- End User Tools for Ambient Intelligence Environments: An Overview (IM, JD), pp. 864–872.
HCI-IPT-2007-WissmannB #tool support #visualisation- Bilingual Mapping Visualizations as Tools for Chinese Language Acquisition (JW, GSB), pp. 171–180.
HCI-IPT-2007-ZhengSS #3d #physics #simulation #sketching #web- A 3D Sketching Interacting Tool for Physical Simulation Based on Web (ZZ, LS, SS), pp. 710–719.
HCI-MIE-2007-WonCKC #authoring- Customer-Dependent Storytelling Tool with Authoring and Viewing Functions (SW, MYC, GYK, HIC), pp. 1000–1009.
HIMI-IIE-2007-ItoMN #communication #design #development- Design and Development of Computer-Based Discussion Support Tool for Science and Technology Communication Exercise (KI, EM, SN), pp. 356–363.
HIMI-IIE-2007-IwakuraO- An Assistant Tool for Concealing Personal Information in Text (TI, SO), pp. 38–46.
HIMI-IIE-2007-OchoaNBO #collaboration #mobile #named- MOCET: A MObile Collaborative Examination Tool (SFO, HAN, GB, EGO), pp. 440–449.
HIMI-MTT-2007-CornsML #approach #development #machine learning #optimisation #using- Development of an Approach for Optimizing the Accuracy of Classifying Claims Narratives Using a Machine Learning Tool (TEXTMINER[4]) (HLC, HRM, MRL), pp. 411–416.
HIMI-MTT-2007-MascioLM #image #interface- The Interface of VISTO, a New Vector Image Search Tool (TDM, LL, VM), pp. 417–426.
OCSC-2007-NuschkeJ #collaboration #communication #framework #information management #tool support #using- A Framework for Inter-organizational Collaboration Using Communication and Knowledge Management Tools (PN, XJ), pp. 406–415.
OCSC-2007-ZhengSR #authoring #collaboration #data transformation #named- WikiTable: A New Tool for Collaborative Authoring and Data Management (XSZ, IS, RR), pp. 501–508.
VISSOFT-2007-KienleM #bibliography #requirements #tool support #visualisation- Requirements of Software Visualization Tools: A Literature Survey (HMK, HAM), pp. 2–9.
VISSOFT-2007-KienleMM #analysis #challenge #dependence- Dependencies Analysis of Azureus with Rigi: Tool Demo Challenge (HMK, HAM, JM), pp. 159–160.
VISSOFT-2007-PaddaSM #visualisation- Visualization Patterns: A Context-Sensitive Tool to Evaluate Visualization Techniques (HKP, AS, SPM), pp. 88–91.
VISSOFT-2007-Sawant #architecture #multi #named #visualisation- DiffArchViz: A Tool to Visualize Correspondence Between Multiple Representations of a Software Architecture (APS), pp. 121–128.
VISSOFT-2007-SawantB #architecture #named #visualisation- SoftArchViz: A Software Architecture Visualization Tool (APS, NB), pp. 154–155.
VISSOFT-2007-SensalireO #industrial #object-oriented #tool support #towards #visualisation- Visualizing Object Oriented Software: Towards a Point of Reference for Developing Tools for Industry (MS, PO), pp. 26–29.
SIGAda-2007-Dewar #compilation #static analysis- The compiler as a static analysis tool (RBKD), pp. 83–88.
CAiSE-2007-EnglebertH #automation #tool support #towards- Towards More Extensible MetaCASE Tools (VE, PH), pp. 454–468.
EDOC-2007-JohnsonJSU #analysis #architecture #enterprise- A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis (PJ, EJ, TS, JU), pp. 142–156.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-FurstT #concept #graph #ontology- Heavyweight Ontology Matching — A Method and a Tool based on the Conceptual Graphs Model (FF, FT), pp. 265–270.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-PrauseKAOC #development #documentation #tool support- Interconnecting Documentation — Harnessing the Different Powers of Current Documentation Tools in Software Development (CP, JK, SA, RO, ABC), pp. 63–68.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-Baina #named #workflow- WFESelector — A tool for comparing and selecting workflow engines (KB), pp. 330–337.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-AuerMB #modelling #tool support #uml #usability- Explorative UML Modeling — Comparing the Usability of UML Tools (MA, LM, SB), pp. 466–473.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-ThomLIM #modelling #process #reuse #tool support #workflow- Extending Business Process Modeling Tools with Workflow Pattern Reuse (LHT, JML, CI, JM), pp. 447–452.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Baghdadi #architecture #monitoring #specification #web #web service- Specification of a Tool for Monitoring and Managing a Web Services Architecture (YB), pp. 51–56.
SEKE-2007-Garcia-CastroGS #benchmark #metric #ontology #rdf #tool support- Benchmarking the RDF(S) Interoperability of Ontology Tools (RGC, AGP, YS), pp. 410–415.
SEKE-2007-GirardiL #domain model #multi #named- ONTOMADEM: An Ontology-driven Tool for Multi-Agent Domain Engineering (RG, AL), pp. 559–564.
SEKE-2007-KearneyP #automation #framework #named #reverse engineering #tool support #uml- REM4j — A Framework for Measuring the Reverse Engineering Capability of UML CASE Tools (SK, JFP), pp. 209–214.
SEKE-2007-NakagawaSFM #architecture #testing #tool support #towards- Towards a Reference Architecture for Software Testing Tools (EYN, AdSS, FCF, JCM), pp. 157–162.
SIGIR-2007-EfthimiadisF #education #information retrieval #learning #named- IR-Toolbox: an experiential learning tool for teaching IR (ENE, NGF), p. 914.
SIGIR-2007-ShahM #information management #named- DiscoverInfo: a tool for discovering information with relevance and novelty (CS, GM), p. 902.
SIGIR-2007-YeungFC #named- X-Site: a workplace search tool for software engineers (PCKY, LF, CLAC), p. 900.
ECMDA-FA-2007-AchilleosGY #development #framework #modelling #open source #tool support- An Open Source Domain-Specific Tools Framework to Support Model Driven Development of OSS (AA, NG, KY), pp. 1–16.
ECMDA-FA-2007-BrorkensK #abstraction #legacy #metamodelling #standard #tool support #xml- Improving the Interoperability of Automotive Tools by Raising the Abstraction from Legacy XML Formats to Standardized Metamodels (MB, MK), pp. 59–67.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-CancianSSF #automation #component #development #embedded- A Tool for Supporting and Automating the Development of Component-based Embedded Systems (RLC, MRS, AS, AAF), pp. 399–416.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-RomeroRDV #maude #modelling #tool support- Formal and Tool Support for Model Driven Engineering with Maude (JRR, JER, FD, AV), pp. 187–207.
RE-2007-DjebbiSF #bibliography #industrial #product line #requirements #roadmap #tool support- Industry Survey of Product Lines Management Tools: Requirements, Qualities and Open Issues (OD, CS, GF), pp. 301–306.
RE-2007-RabiserDGLF #product line #requirements- Involving Non-Technicians in Product Derivation and Requirements Engineering: A Tool Suite for Product Line Engineering (RR, DD, PG, KL, CF), pp. 367–368.
RE-2007-SeyffGGM #mobile #requirements- The Mobile Scenario Presenter: A Tool for in situ Requirements Discovery with Scenarios (NS, FG, PG, NAMM), pp. 365–366.
REFSQ-2007-BalushiSDL #elicitation #named #quality- ElicitO: A Quality Ontology-Guided NFR Elicitation Tool (THAB, PRFS, DD, PL), pp. 306–319.
SAC-2007-Saad-KhorchefRC #communication #framework #robust #testing- A framework and a tool for robustness testing of communicating software (FSK, AR, RC), pp. 1461–1466.
SAC-2007-VogelerGB #documentation #tool support #xml- New specialist tools for medieval document XML markup (GV, SG, BB), pp. 594–599.
ESEC-FSE-2007-AsuncionFT #industrial #traceability- An end-to-end industrial software traceability tool (HUA, FF, RNT), pp. 115–124.
ESEC-FSE-2007-Kwiatkowska #modelling #tool support #verification- Quantitative verification: models techniques and tools (MZK), pp. 449–458.
ICSE-2007-AutiliINT #automation #component #distributed #named #synthesis- SYNTHESIS: A Tool for Automatically Assembling Correct and Distributed Component-Based Systems (MA, PI, AN, MT), pp. 784–787.
ICSE-2007-BurmesterGHHTGMV #perspective #realtime #tool support- Tool Support for Developing Advanced Mechatronic Systems: Integrating the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite with CAMeL-View (SB, HG, SH, MH, MT, AG, EM, HV), pp. 801–804.
ICSE-2007-ChesleyRRT #fault #java #locality #source code- Crisp- A Fault Localization Tool for Java Programs (OCC, XR, BGR, FT), pp. 775–779.
ICSE-2007-CoppitPR #named #prototype- Spotlight: A Prototype Tool for Software Plans (DC, RRP, MR), pp. 754–757.
ICSE-2007-Egyed07a #consistency #modelling #named #uml- UML/Analyzer: A Tool for the Instant Consistency Checking of UML Models (AE), pp. 793–796.
ICSE-2007-GrundyH #diagrams #sketching #visual notation- Supporting Generic Sketching-Based Input of Diagrams in a Domain-Specific Visual Language Meta-Tool (JCG, JGH), pp. 282–291.
ICSE-2007-HonidenTYTW #architecture #development #re-engineering #tool support- Top SE: Educating Superarchitects Who Can Apply Software Engineering Tools to Practical Development in Japan (SH, YT, NY, KT, HW), pp. 708–718.
ICSE-2007-MilicevicMMK #generative #named #testing- Korat: A Tool for Generating Structurally Complex Test Inputs (AM, SM, DM, SK), pp. 771–774.
ICSE-2007-Staron #education #evaluation #learning #process #re-engineering #student #using- Using Experiments in Software Engineering as an Auxiliary Tool for Teaching — A Qualitative Evaluation from the Perspective of Students’ Learning Process (MS), pp. 673–676.
ICSE-2007-UzuncaovaK #declarative #named #slicing #specification- Kato: A Program Slicing Tool for Declarative Specifications (EU, SK), pp. 767–770.
ICSE-2007-ZhuLBG #capacity #modelling #named- Revel8or: Model Driven Capacity Planning Tool Suite (LZ, YL, NBB, IG), pp. 797–800.
SPLC-2007-BeucheBDFGHJJKMW #product line #requirements #tool support #using- Using Requirements Management Tools in Software Product Line Engineering: The State of the Practice (DB, AB, HD, AF, HG, GH, DJ, IJ, RTK, TvdM, AW), pp. 84–96.
LCTES-2007-Engelsma #case study #experience #perspective #tool support- Enabling seamless mobility: an enablers, experiences and tools perspective (JE), p. 136.
CADE-2007-MurkLH #c #named #source code #verification- KeY-C: A Tool for Verification of C Programs (OM, DL, RH), pp. 385–390.
CADE-2007-VerchinineLP #automation #deduction #proving #verification- System for Automated Deduction (SAD): A Tool for Proof Verification (KV, AVL, AP), pp. 398–403.
CAV-2007-BloemCPRT #analysis #formal method #named #requirements- RAT: A Tool for the Formal Analysis of Requirements (RB, RC, IP, MR, AT), pp. 263–267.
CAV-2007-JobstmannGWB #named #synthesis- Anzu: A Tool for Property Synthesis (BJ, SJG, MW, RB), pp. 258–262.
CAV-2007-ManoliosSV #analysis #named- BAT: The Bit-Level Analysis Tool (PM, SKS, DV), pp. 303–306.
ICLP-2007-MancarellaTT #abduction #logic programming #verification #web- Web Sites Verification: An Abductive Logic Programming Tool (PM, GT, FT), pp. 434–435.
CBSE-2006-LeeKLC #adaptation #integration #interface #web #web service- A Tool to Generate an Adapter for the Integration of Web Services Interface (KL, JK, WL, KC), pp. 328–335.
CBSE-2006-LudersFWC #component #embedded #prototype #realtime- A Prototype Tool for Software Component Services in Embedded Real-Time Systems (FL, DF, AW, IC), pp. 222–237.
ASE-2006-GrundyHZL #editing #generative #specification #visual notation- Generating Domain-Specific Visual Language Editors from High-level Tool Specifications (JCG, JGH, NZ, NL), pp. 25–36.
ASE-2006-Hall #named #scalability- LSS: A Tool for Large Scale Scenarios (RJH), pp. 349–350.
ASE-2006-RamanathanGJ #automation #detection #named- Sieve: A Tool for Automatically Detecting Variations Across Program Versions (MKR, AG, SJ), pp. 241–252.
ASE-2006-Singer #evaluation #testing #tool support- Testing Tools and Techniques: A Mini-Tutorial on Evaluation Methods for ASE (JS), pp. 371–374.
ASE-2006-SpanoudakisZ #uml- UML-based Service Discovery Tool (GS, AZ), pp. 361–362.
ASE-2006-TateishiMOS #automation #verification- Automated Verification Tool for DHTML (TT, HM, KO, SS), pp. 363–364.
CASE-2006-DingYZA #clustering #evaluation #multi #nondeterminism #optimisation #performance #process #tool support- Performance Evaluation and Schedule Optimization of Multi-Cluster Tools with Process Times Uncertainty (SD, JY, MTZ, RAT), pp. 112–117.
CASE-2006-LeeLS #clustering #graph- Token delays and generalized workload balancing for timed event graphs with application to cluster tool operation (TEL, HYL, RSS), pp. 93–99.
CASE-2006-WuZ #clustering #constraints #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Schedulability and Scheduling of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Residency Time Constraints Based on Petri Net (NW, MZ), pp. 87–92.
DAC-2006-FlakeDS #design #tool support- System-level exploration tools for MPSoC designs (PF, SJD, FS), pp. 286–287.
DAC-2006-GoffioulVDDC #consistency #design #object-oriented #using- Ensuring consistency during front-end design using an object-oriented interfacing tool called NETLISP (MG, GV, JVD, BD, BC), pp. 889–892.
DAC-2006-LiuMM #analysis #design #reliability #tool support- Design tools for reliability analysis (ZL, BM, JZM), pp. 182–187.
DAC-2006-SheahanFWMM #challenge #design- 4.25 Gb/s laser driver: design challenges and EDA tool limitations (BS, JWF, JW, KM, BM), pp. 863–866.
DAC-2006-SingheeFMR #probability #statistics #tool support #towards- Probabilistic interval-valued computation: toward a practical surrogate for statistics inside CAD tools (AS, CFF, JDM, RAR), pp. 167–172.
DAC-2006-WangDC #approach #named #scheduling #tool support- ExtensiveSlackBalance: an approach to make front-end tools aware of clock skew scheduling (KW, LD, XC), pp. 951–954.
DATE-2006-GianniniNBCCDB #design #power management #synthesis- A synthesis tool for power-efficient base-band filter design (VG, PN, FDB, JC, BC, SD, AB), pp. 162–163.
DATE-2006-MaciiPFADZ #design #matter #power management #question #tool support- Low-power design tools: are EDA vendors taking this matter seriously? (EM, MP, DF, RCA, AD, RZ), p. 1227.
DATE-2006-SethuramanV #architecture #automation #generative #multi #named #using- optiMap: a tool for automated generation of noc architectures using multi-port routers for FPGAs (BS, RV), pp. 947–952.
DATE-2006-X #architecture #design #tool support- 4G applications, architectures, design methodology and tools for MPSoC, pp. 830–831.
PODS-2006-GyssensPGF #documentation #navigation #semantics #xpath- Structural characterizations of the semantics of XPath as navigation tool on a document (MG, JP, DVG, GHLF), pp. 318–327.
VLDB-2006-YuanBWMH #integration #semantics- A Semantic Information Integration Tool Suite (JY, AB, CW, MOM, AH), pp. 1171–1174.
CSEET-2006-CarverH #education #empirical #programming- Viope as a Tool for Teaching Introductory Programming: An Empirical Investigation (JCC, LH), pp. 9–16.
CSEET-2006-WangS #learning #re-engineering- Writing as a Tool for Learning Software Engineering (AIW, CFS), pp. 35–42.
ITiCSE-2006-AlmstrumL #tool support #women- Men are from toys: women are from tools (VLA, MZL), p. 313.
ITiCSE-2006-CostaTBS #metric #quality #sequence- Reconstructed high frame rate sequences quality measurement tool (MIC, CT, JB, SFSPS), p. 333.
ITiCSE-2006-DonyC #education #programming- A tool for helping teach a programming method (ID, BLC), pp. 212–216.
ITiCSE-2006-TrontEP #named #tablet- WriteOn: a tool for classroom presentations on tablet PCs (JGT, VE, JCP), p. 352.
ITiCSE-2006-Wise #development #java #named- GoJava: a java development tool for beginners (JW), p. 359.
TACAS-2006-BolligKSS #named #specification- MSCan — A Tool for Analyzing MSC Specifications (BB, CK, MS, VS), pp. 455–458.
TACAS-2006-GaravelMBCDJSS #distributed #generative #tool support- DISTRIBUTOR and BCG_MERGE: Tools for Distributed Explicit State Space Generation (HG, RM, DB, AC, ND, CJ, ISS, GS), pp. 445–449.
TACAS-2006-HintonKNP #automation #named #probability #verification- PRISM: A Tool for Automatic Verification of Probabilistic Systems (AH, MZK, GN, DP), pp. 441–444.
CSMR-2006-Bastide #adaptation #component- A Refactoring-based Tool for Software Component Adaptation (GB), pp. 315–318.
CSMR-2006-GueheneucMW #comparative #design #framework #tool support- A Comparative Framework for Design Recovery Tools (YGG, KM, RW), pp. 123–134.
ICPC-2006-JinC #reverse engineering #tool support #using- Integrating Reverse Engineering Tools Using a Service-Sharing Methodology (DJ, JRC), pp. 94–99.
SCAM-2006-Bruntink #analysis #tool support- Linking Analysis and Transformation Tools with Source-Based Mappings (MB), pp. 107–116.
SCAM-2006-FulopGF #c++ #design pattern #mining #tool support- Evaluating C++ Design Pattern Miner Tools (LJF, TG, RF), pp. 127–138.
SCAM-2006-WykKBJSR #c #compilation #composition #framework #java #tool support- Tool Demonstration: Silver Extensible Compiler Frameworks and Modular Language Extensions for Java and C (EVW, LK, DB, EJ, AS, PR), p. 161.
WCRE-2006-MarinMD06a #mining #named #tool support- FINT: Tool Support for Aspect Mining (MM, LM, AvD), pp. 299–300.
PEPM-2006-MadouPB #interactive #named #obfuscation- LOCO: an interactive code (De)obfuscation tool (MM, LVP, KDB), pp. 140–144.
FLOPS-2006-BartheFPR #coq #proving #reasoning #recursion- Defining and Reasoning About Recursive Functions: A Practical Tool for the Coq Proof Assistant (GB, JF, DP, VR), pp. 114–129.
ICGT-2006-GeissBGHS #graph grammar #named #performance- GrGen: A Fast SPO-Based Graph Rewriting Tool (RG, GVB, DG, SH, AS), pp. 383–397.
CHI-2006-IsbisterHSL #evaluation- The sensual evaluation instrument: developing an affective evaluation tool (KI, KH, MS, JL), pp. 1163–1172.
CHI-2006-KoM #editing #framework #implementation #interactive #named #tool support- Barista: An implementation framework for enabling new tools, interaction techniques and views in code editors (AJK, BAM), pp. 387–396.
CSCW-2006-CataldoWHC #collaboration #coordination #design #identification #requirements #tool support- Identification of coordination requirements: implications for the Design of collaboration and awareness tools (MC, PW, JDH, KMC), pp. 353–362.
CSCW-2006-WeisethMTL #analysis #collaboration #framework #tool support- The wheel of collaboration tools: a typology for analysis within a holistic framework (PEW, BEM, BT, SL), pp. 239–248.
SOFTVIS-2006-HoskingKD #semistructured data #visualisation- A tool for visualizing schemas for semistructured data (JGH, NK, GD), pp. 149–150.
AdaEurope-2006-RazaVP #named #program analysis #reverse engineering- Bauhaus — A Tool Suite for Program Analysis and Reverse Engineering (AR, GV, EP), pp. 71–82.
SIGAda-2006-PlantecS #ada #automation #library #refactoring- Refactoring of an Ada 95 library with a Meta CASE tool (AP, FS), pp. 61–70.
SIGAda-2006-SwardG #safety- Developing safety critical software for an unmanned aerial vehicle situational awareness tool (RES, MG), pp. 45–50.
EDOC-2006-ErnstLSW #architecture #enterprise #tool support- Tool Support for Enterprise Architecture Management — Strengths and Weaknesses (AME, JL, CMS, AW), pp. 13–22.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-KumarVBM #evaluation #information retrieval #multi #tool support- Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Information Retrieval Tools (NK, JV, JDB, MFM), pp. 150–155.
ICEIS-HCI-2006-EspirituST #automation #named #semantics #topic #visualisation #wiki- ENWIC: Visualizing Wiki Semantics as Topic Maps — An Automated Topic Discovery and Visualization Tool (CE, ES, TT), pp. 35–42.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-DaoHHRV #abstraction #mining #modelling #tool support #towards #uml- Towards Practical Tools for Mining Abstractions in UML Models (MD, MH, MRH, CR, PV), pp. 276–283.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-EinigTP #editing #ontology #visual notation- Managing the Knowledge Needed to Support an Electronic Personal Assistant — An End-User Friendly Graphical Ontology Editing Tool (ME, RT, GP), pp. 304–309.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-GervaisBFL #database #named #relational #transaction- EB3TG: A Tool Synthesizing Relational Database Transactions from EB3 Attribute Definitions (FG, PB, MF, RL), pp. 44–51.
ICEIS-J-2006-CarricoSA06a #personalisation #tool support- Handheld Tools for Personalized and Proactive Psychotherapy (LC, MdS, PA), pp. 452–464.
CIKM-2006-PiochE #collaboration #information management #named #tool support- POLESTAR: collaborative knowledge management and sensemaking tools for intelligence analysts (NJP, JOE), pp. 513–521.
ICPR-v1-2006-Katayama #using- Camera Calibration with a Transparent Calibration Tool Using Color Filters: Application to Stereo Camera Calibration for a Distant Object (YK), pp. 607–612.
SEKE-2006-BabichCC #java #named- TaxTOOLJ: A Tool to Catalog Java Classes (DB, KC, PJC), pp. 375–380.
SEKE-2006-BaileyS #empirical #modelling #tool support- Applying Models of Technology Adoption to Software Tools and Methods: An Empirical Study (SAB, SES), pp. 200–205.
SEKE-2006-GaaloulG #analysis #mining #statistics #workflow- A Workflow Mining Tool based on Logs Statistical Analysis (WG, CG), pp. 595–600.
SEKE-2006-SongZDASNVSV #case study #named- SOPHIANN: A Tool for Extraction Knowledge Rules from ANN Previously Trained A Case Study (MAJS, LEZ, SMD, AA, BS, BMN, RV, TRAS, NV), pp. 631–638.
SIGIR-2006-LiR #named #using #web- DeWild: a tool for searching the web using wild cards (HL, DR), p. 731.
SIGIR-2006-SmuckerA #named #similarity- Find-similar: similarity browsing as a search tool (MDS, JA), pp. 461–468.
ECMDA-FA-2006-CabotT #bibliography #constraints #tool support- Constraint Support in MDA Tools: A Survey (JC, ET), pp. 256–267.
ECMDA-FA-2006-NytunPT #automation #generative #modelling #tool support- Automatic Generation of Modelling Tools (JPN, AP, MST), pp. 268–283.
MoDELS-2006-KuhnGW #case study #development #experience #modelling #process #tool support- Model-Driven Development with SDL — Process, Tools, and Experiences (TK, RG, CW), pp. 83–97.
MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
MoDELS-2006-KuhnGW #case study #development #experience #modelling #process #tool support- Model-Driven Development with SDL — Process, Tools, and Experiences (TK, RG, CW), pp. 83–97.
MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
OOPSLA-2006-CohenGM #java #named #tool support- JTL: the Java tools language (TC, JYG, IM), pp. 89–108.
OOPSLA-2006-MaebeBEB #java #named #program analysis #tool support- Javana: a system for building customized Java program analysis tools (JM, DB, LE, KDB), pp. 153–168.
GPCE-2006-Riehl #tool support- Assimilating MetaBorg: : embedding language tools in languages (JR), pp. 21–28.
RE-2006-GrauFA #java #named #process #re-engineering- J-PRiM: A Java Tool for a Process Reengineering i* Methodology (GG, XF, SÁ), pp. 352–353.
RE-2006-LinLCSABBKDZ #automation #distributed #named #tool support #traceability- Poirot: A Distributed Tool Supporting Enterprise-Wide Automated Traceability (JL, CCL, JCH, RS, JA, GB, BB, OBK, CD, XZ), pp. 356–357.
RE-2006-MaidenSGOM #mobile #requirements #tool support- Making Mobile Requirements Engineering Tools Usable and Useful (NAMM, NS, PG, OO, KM), pp. 26–35.
RE-2006-QuerFL #component #named #off the shelf- DesCOTS-SL: A Tool for the Selection of COTS Components (CQ, XF, XLP), pp. 358–359.
SAC-2006-ChengCW #analysis #composition #named #scalability- ARCATS: a scalable compositional analysis tool suite (YPC, YRC, HYW), pp. 1852–1853.
SAC-2006-ColomboPR #architecture #formal method #modelling #realtime #uml- A UML 2-compatible language and tool for formal modeling real-time system architectures (PC, MP, MR), pp. 1785–1790.
SAC-2006-SriplakichBG #automation #distributed #integration #tool support- Supporting transparent model update in distributed CASE tool integration (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 1759–1766.
ICSE-2006-DongHZQ #modelling #named- HighSpec: a tool for building and checking OZTA models (JSD, PH, XZ, SQ), pp. 775–778.
ICSE-2006-FosterUMK #composition #modelling #named #verification #web #web service- LTSA-WS: a tool for model-based verification of web service compositions and choreography (HF, SU, JM, JK), pp. 771–774.
ICSE-2006-JorgesMS #generative #graph #modelling #named- FormulaBuilder: a tool for graph-based modelling and generation of formulae (SJ, TMS, BS), pp. 815–818.
ICSE-2006-JurjensF #modelling #security #tool support- Tools for model-based security engineering (JJ, JF), pp. 819–822.
ICSE-2006-KimKASCK #named #product line #testing- ASADAL: a tool system for co-development of software and test environment based on product line engineering (KK, HK, MA, MS, YC, KCK), pp. 783–786.
ICSE-2006-LiuYR #automation #library #named- LtRules: an automated software library usage rule extraction tool (CL, EY, DJR), pp. 823–826.
ICSE-2006-MoriISI #detection #mobile- A tool for analyzing and detecting malicious mobile code (AM, TI, TS, TI), pp. 831–834.
ICSE-2006-VerlekarA #analysis #distributed #performance- A methodology and tool for performance analysis of distributed server systems (RPV, VA), pp. 913–916.
LDTA-2006-JuergensP #tool support- The Language Evolver Lever — Tool Demonstration — (EJ, MP), pp. 55–60.
LDTA-2006-LiSWKM #modelling- Analyzing the Uses of a Software Modeling Tool (XL, DS, JW, SK, DM), pp. 3–18.
SPL-BOOK-2006-OldevikSHM #evaluation #framework #modelling #product line #tool support- Evaluation Framework for Model-Driven Product Line Engineering Tools (JO, AS, ØH, BMP), pp. 589–618.
SPLC-2006-SchmidKE #product line #requirements #tool support- Requirements Management for Product Lines: Extending Professional Tools (KS, KK, ME), pp. 113–122.
CC-2006-LucasFW #compilation #tool support- The CGiS Compiler — A Tool Demonstration (PL, NF, RW), pp. 105–108.
HPDC-2006-ChingFLMC #parallel #tool support- Exploring I/O Strategies for Parallel Sequence-Search Tools with S3aSim (AC, WcF, HL, XM, ANC), pp. 229–240.
HPDC-2006-MalewiczFRW #evaluation- A Tool for Prioritizing DAGMan Jobs and Its Evaluation (GM, ITF, ALR, MW), pp. 156–168.
CAV-2006-AdlerASFLRR #composition #interface #named- Ticc: A Tool for Interface Compatibility and Composition (BTA, LdA, LDdS, MF, AL, VR, PR), pp. 59–62.
CAV-2006-BarnatBCMRS #distributed #named #verification- DiVinE — A Tool for Distributed Verification (JB, LB, IC, PM, PR, PS), pp. 278–281.
CAV-2006-SenA #model checking #testing #tool support- CUTE and jCUTE: Concolic Unit Testing and Explicit Path Model-Checking Tools (KS, GA), pp. 419–423.
CAV-2006-VardhanV #learning #named #verification- LEVER: A Tool for Learning Based Verification (AV, MV), pp. 471–474.
ISSTA-2006-BoshernitsanDS #challenge #developer #testing- From daikon to agitator: lessons and challenges in building a commercial tool for developer testing (MB, RKD, AS), pp. 169–180.
ISSTA-2006-CsallnerS #analysis #debugging #hybrid #named- DSD-Crasher: a hybrid analysis tool for bug finding (CC, YS), pp. 245–254.
TestCom-2006-CavalliMMMQ #case study #generative #industrial #testing #tool support- Application of Two Test Generation Tools to an Industrial Case Study (ARC, SM, WM, MM, YMQ), pp. 134–148.
CBSE-2005-LanHMWMZC #architecture #component #deployment #scalability- Architecture Based Deployment of Large-Scale Component Based Systems: The Tool and Principles (LL, GH, LM, MW, HM, LZ, YC), pp. 123–138.
ASE-2005-SampaioCR #aspect-oriented #automation #identification #named #requirements- EA-Miner: a tool for automating aspect-oriented requirements identification (AS, RC, PR), pp. 352–355.
ASE-2005-SimmondsB #automation #consistency #uml- A tool for automatic UML model consistency checking (JS, MCB), pp. 431–432.
ASE-2005-WuG #automation #domain-specific language #generative #testing #tool support- Automated generation of testing tools for domain-specific languages (HW, JG), pp. 436–439.
DAC-2005-BlaauwC #tool support- CAD tools for variation tolerance (DB, KC), p. 766.
DAC-2005-HangalCNC #automation #design #hardware #invariant #named- IODINE: a tool to automatically infer dynamic invariants for hardware designs (SH, NC, SN, SC), pp. 775–778.
DATE-2005-DullerTPGR- picoArray Technology: The Tool’s Story (AD, DT, GP, AG, WR), pp. 106–111.
DATE-2005-MilevB #analysis- A Tool and Methodology for AC-Stability Analysis of Continuous-Time Closed-Loop Systems (MM, RB), pp. 204–208.
DATE-2005-RosenstielBGGKLMMMS #question #tool support- Is there a Market for SystemC Tools? (WR, RAB, FG, TG, MK, MCvL, AM, MM, MM, SS), p. 950.
DocEng-2005-SaxenaY #tool support- GroundTruth tools & technology: applications in real world (VS, SMY), pp. 223–224.
DRR-2005-NartkerRL #research #testing #tool support- Software tools and test data for research and testing of page-reading OCR systems (TAN, SVR, SEL), pp. 37–47.
HT-2005-BocconiNH05a #automation #generative #video- Vox populi: a tool for automatically generating video documentaries (SB, FN, LH), pp. 292–294.
ICDAR-2005-EglinBRE #biology #categorisation #tool support- Biological inspired Tools for Patrimonial Handwriting Denoising and Categorization (VE, SB, CR, HE), pp. 59–63.
SIGMOD-2005-HaasHHPR #industrial #prototype #research- Clio grows up: from research prototype to industrial tool (LMH, MAH, HH, LP, MR), pp. 805–810.
SIGMOD-2005-MorishimaOTI #named #semantics #xml- SMART: a tool for semantic-driven creation of complex XML mappings (AM, TO, JT, KI), pp. 909–911.
CSEET-2005-Liu #communication #issue tracking #learning #re-engineering #student #tool support #using- Using Issue Tracking Tools to Facilitate Student Learning of Communication Skills in Software Engineering Courses (CL), pp. 61–68.
ITiCSE-2005-Dick #analysis #assessment #design #learning #student- Student interviews as a tool for assessment and learning in a systems analysis and design course (MD), pp. 24–28.
ITiCSE-2005-FossumH #assessment #source code- A new quantitative assessment tool for computer science programs (TVF, SMH), pp. 153–157.
ITiCSE-2005-FreitasCA #personalisation #visualisation- A personalized visualization tool for geo-referenced information (SF, MBC, APA), p. 398.
ITiCSE-2005-Gallego-CarrilloGUV #named #visualisation- SOTA: a visualization tool for symbol tables (MGC, FGB, JUF, JÁVI), p. 385.
ITiCSE-2005-Larkworthy #evolution #flexibility #research- Evolution lab: the flexible user friendly robot research tool (TL), p. 409.
FASE-2005-ChangHK #clustering #component #identification- A Tool to Automate Component Clustering and Identification (SHC, MJH, SDK), pp. 141–144.
FASE-2005-JurjensS #analysis #development #security #tool support #uml- Tools for Secure Systems Development with UML: Security Analysis with ATPs (JJ, PS), pp. 305–309.
TACAS-2005-BergaminiDJM #bisimulation #composition #equivalence #named #on the fly- BISIMULATOR: A Modular Tool for On-the-Fly Equivalence Checking (DB, ND, CJ, RM), pp. 581–585.
TACAS-2005-BouquetDLU #ml #named #specification #using- JML-Testing-Tools: A Symbolic Animator for JML Specifications Using CLP (FB, FD, BL, MU), pp. 551–556.
TACAS-2005-KellerSBS #c #debugging #model checking #named #source code- FocusCheck: A Tool for Model Checking and Debugging Sequential C Programs (CWK, DS, SB, SAS), pp. 563–569.
TACAS-2005-MargariaNS #integration #named #tool support- jETI: A Tool for Remote Tool Integration (TMS, RN, BS), pp. 557–562.
CSMR-2005-AlghamdiRK #assurance #named #quality- OOMeter: A Software Quality Assurance Tool (JA, RAR, SMK), pp. 190–191.
CSMR-2005-BernardiL #case study #diagrams #named- UsCaAb: A Tool for Abstracting Use Case Diagrams (MLB, GADL), p. 194.
CSMR-2005-BodhuinT #impact analysis- A Tool for Static and Dynamic Model Extraction and Impact Analysis (TB, MT), p. 193.
CSMR-2005-DraheimLW #independence #reverse engineering #source code #web- A Source Code Independent Reverse Engineering Tool for Dynamic Web Sites (DD, CL, GW), pp. 168–177.
CSMR-2005-LuciaFOT #traceability- ADAMS Re-Trace: A Traceability Recovery Tool (ADL, FF, RO, GT), pp. 32–41.
CSMR-2005-PentaT #automation #evolution #re-engineering #tool support #towards- Towards the Automatic Evolution of Reengineering Tools (MDP, KT), pp. 241–244.
ICSM-2005-ChesleyRR #debugging #java #named #source code- Crisp: A Debugging Tool for Java Programs (OCC, XR, BGR), pp. 401–410.
ICSM-2005-JinC #analysis #integration #ontology #re-engineering #tool support- Ontology-Based Software Analysis and Reengineering Tool Integration: The OASIS Service-Sharing Methodology (DJ, JRC), pp. 613–616.
ICSM-2005-KapserG #tool support- Improved Tool Support for the Investigation of Duplication in Software (CK, MWG), pp. 305–314.
ICSM-2005-PanasS #evaluation #framework #reverse engineering- Evaluation of a Framework for Reverse Engineering Tool Construction (TP, MS), pp. 145–154.
ICSM-2005-SalahDMSV #named #reverse engineering #sequence- Scenariographer: A Tool for Reverse Engineering Class Usage Scenarios from Method Invocation Sequences (MS, TD, SM, AS, FIV), pp. 155–164.
ICSM-IT-2005-DelhaiseHMS #reuse- RENATO, a Tool to Support Software Reuse (FD, BH, RM, MS), pp. 44–51.
ICSM-IT-2005-LiHCC #named #object-oriented #reverse engineering- XDRE: A Reverse Engineering Tool of Object-Oriented Software (QL, SH, HC, PC), pp. 65–68.
ICSM-IT-2005-NyaryPHK #cobol #legacy #maintenance #repository #tool support- Supporting the Maintenance of legacy COBOL Applications with Tools for Repository Management and Viewing (EN, GP, MH, ZK), pp. 5–10.
ICSM-IT-2005-PoshyvanykMDS #named #source code- IRiSS — A Source Code Exploration Tool (DP, AM, YD, AS), pp. 69–72.
IWPC-2005-BucknerBPR #comprehension #incremental #named- JRipples: A Tool for Program Comprehension during Incremental Change (JB, JB, MP, VR), pp. 149–152.
IWPC-2005-Hamou-LhadjLF #analysis #named- SEAT: A Usable Trace Analysis Tool (AHL, TCL, LF), pp. 157–160.
IWPC-2005-Koskinen #tool support- HyperSoft System: Tool Demonstration and Use Example (JK), pp. 153–156.
IWPC-2005-MarcusCS #evolution #usability #visualisation- Supporting the Evolution of a Software Visualization Tool Through Usability Studies (AM, DC, AS), pp. 307–316.
IWPC-2005-MaruyamaY #design #implementation #refactoring- Design and Implementation of an Extensible and Modifiable Refactoring Tool (KM, SY), pp. 195–204.
IWPC-2005-Reiss #java #specification #tool support- Tool Demonstration: CHET: Checking Specifications in Java Systems (SPR), pp. 165–168.
IWPC-2005-ReissR #java #tool support- Tool Demonstration: JIVE and JOVE: Java as it Happens (SPR, MR), pp. 169–172.
IWPC-2005-Storey #comprehension #past present future #tool support- Theories, Methods and Tools in Program Comprehension: Past, Present and Future (MADS), pp. 181–191.
MSR-2005-GermanCS #comprehension #development #framework #mining #tool support- A framework for describing and understanding mining tools in software development (DMG, DC, MADS), pp. 31–35.
PASTE-2005-PutSMBCSB #editing #named- LANCET: a nifty code editing tool (LVP, BDS, MM, BDB, DC, KS, KDB), pp. 75–81.
PLDI-2005-LukCMPKLWRH #named #program analysis #tool support- Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation (CKL, RSC, RM, HP, AK, PGL, SW, VJR, KMH), pp. 190–200.
IFM-2005-Lang #composition #flexibility #on the fly #partial order #verification- Exp.Open 2.0: A Flexible Tool Integrating Partial Order, Compositional, and On-The-Fly Verification Methods (FL), pp. 70–88.
IFL-2005-EekelenM #proving #strict #tool support- Proof Tool Support for Explicit Strictness (MCJDvE, MdM), pp. 37–54.
CHI-2005-BlackmonKP #effectiveness #navigation #predict #problem- Tool for accurately predicting website navigation problems, non-problems, problem severity, and effectiveness of repairs (MHB, MK, PGP), pp. 31–40.
VISSOFT-2005-BurchDW #evolution #named #visualisation- EPOSee — A Tool For Visualizing Software Evolution (MB, SD, PW), pp. 127–128.
VISSOFT-2005-SchaferM #flexibility #tool support #towards #visualisation- Towards More Flexibility in Software Visualization Tools (TS, MM), pp. 64–69.
VISSOFT-2005-WilhelmD #design #metric #named #quality #visualisation- DependencyViewer — A Tool for Visualizing Package Design Quality Metrics (MW, SD), pp. 125–126.
CAiSE-2005-CabibboC #inheritance #relational #tool support- Managing Inheritance Hierarchies in Object/Relational Mapping Tools (LC, AC), pp. 135–150.
CAiSE-2005-RussellAHE #identification #representation #tool support #workflow- Workflow Resource Patterns: Identification, Representation and Tool Support (NR, WMPvdA, AHMtH, DE), pp. 216–232.
ICEIS-v1-2005-ArandaVCP #elicitation #tool support- Choosing Groupware Tools and Elicitation Techniques According to Stakeholders’ Features (GNA, AV, AC, MP), pp. 68–75.
ICEIS-v1-2005-EzekielM #health #policy- An Integrated Decision Support Tool for EU Policies on Health, Transport and Artistic Heritage Recovery (KE, FM), pp. 261–266.
ICEIS-v3-2005-ArdagnaFBGST- A Cost-Oriented Tool to Support Server Consolidation (DA, CF, GB, MG, FS, MT), pp. 323–330.
ICEIS-v5-2005-BadjioP #data mining #metric #mining #quality #tool support #visual notation- Visual Data Mining Tools: Quality Metrics Definition and Application (EPFB, FP), pp. 98–103.
ICEIS-v5-2005-IslamARR #distance #learning #mobile- Mobile Telephone Technology as a Distance Learning Tool (YMI, MA, ZR, MR), pp. 226–232.
ICEIS-v5-2005-LeR #learning #named- LINC: A Web-Based Learning Tool for Mixed-Mode Learning (THL, JR), pp. 154–160.
ECIR-2005-SuomelaK #case study #concept #ontology #query- Ontology as a Search-Tool: A Study of Real Users’ Query Formulation With and Without Conceptual Support (SS, JK), pp. 315–329.
ICML-2005-Keerthi #classification #effectiveness #feature model- Generalized LARS as an effective feature selection tool for text classification with SVMs (SSK), pp. 417–424.
LSO-2005-BuchH #information management #people #tool support- Substance, People, and Tools — Knowledge Management at sd&m (AB, BH), pp. 115–118.
SEKE-2005-AsawateeraR #automation #implementation #multi #tool support #uml- The Implementation of Multi Agents Awareness System for CSCW UML CASE Tools (PA, SR), pp. 735–738.
SEKE-2005-SouzaVSSGLH #message passing #named #parallel #source code #testing- ValiPar: A Testing Tool for Message-Passing Parallel Programs (SdRSdS, SRV, PSLdS, AdSS, TBG, AdML, ACH), pp. 386–391.
ECMDA-FA-2005-PressoB #experience- Applying MDA to Voice Applications: An Experience in Building an MDA Tool Chain (MJP, MB), pp. 1–8.
MoDELS-2005-AtkinsonK #architecture #concept #modelling- Concepts for Comparing Modeling Tool Architectures (CA, TK), pp. 398–413.
MoDELS-2005-SmialekBNS #metamodelling #uml- Scenario Construction Tool Based on Extended UML Metamodel (MS, JB, WN, TS), pp. 414–429.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
MoDELS-2005-AtkinsonK #architecture #concept #modelling- Concepts for Comparing Modeling Tool Architectures (CA, TK), pp. 398–413.
MoDELS-2005-SmialekBNS #metamodelling #uml- Scenario Construction Tool Based on Extended UML Metamodel (MS, JB, WN, TS), pp. 414–429.
MoDELS-2005-VokacG #case study #challenge #domain-specific language #experience #multi #tool support #using- Using a Domain-Specific Language and Custom Tools to Model a Multi-tier Service-Oriented Application — Experiences and Challenges (MV, JMG), pp. 492–506.
OOPSLA-2005-PaceC #architecture #modelling #named #object-oriented #tool support- ArchMatE: from architectural styles to object-oriented models through exploratory tool support (JADP, MRC), pp. 117–132.
GPCE-2005-Pohjonen #metamodelling #tool support- Metamodeling Made Easy — MetaEdit+ (Tool Demonstration) (RP), pp. 442–446.
RE-2005-GiorginiMMZ05a #automation #named #requirements #security- ST-Tool: A CASE Tool for Security Requirements Engineering (PG, FM, JM, NZ), pp. 451–452.
RE-2005-GrauFM #analysis #architecture #named- REDEPEND-REACT: an Architecture Analysis Tool (GG, XF, NAMM), pp. 455–456.
RE-2005-Matulevicius #evaluation #framework #functional #prototype #requirements- Prototype of the Evaluation Framework for Functional Requirements of RE-tools (RM), pp. 483–484.
RE-2005-QuerFL #component #evaluation #named #off the shelf- DesCOTS-EV: A Tool for the Evaluation of COTS Components (CQ, XF, XLP), pp. 457–460.
RE-2005-SabetzadehE05a #consistency #named- iVuBlender: A Tool for Merging Incomplete and Inconsistent Views (MS, SME), pp. 453–454.
SAC-2005-Atterer #tool support #web- Where web engineering tool support ends: building usable websites (RA), pp. 1684–1688.
SAC-2005-ChinoVTT #comprehension #data access #metric #named #visual notation- MAMView: a visual tool for exploring and understanding metric access methods (FJTC, MRV, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 1218–1223.
SAC-2005-DalkilicS #analysis #design #evaluation- Design and evaluation of CATPA: curation and alignment tool for protein analysis (MMD, AS), pp. 190–194.
SAC-2005-GrunerN #detection #documentation #tool support- Tool support for plagiarism detection in text documents (SG, SN), pp. 776–781.
SAC-2005-MenonS #embedded- A code compression advisory tool for embedded processors (SKM, PS), pp. 863–867.
SAC-2005-RekhisB #automation #forensics #verification- A formal logic-based language and an automated verification tool for computer forensic investigation (SR, NB), pp. 287–291.
SAC-2005-UpadhyayaK #diagrams #named #ontology- ERONTO: a tool for extracting ontologies from extended E/R diagrams (SRU, PSK), pp. 666–670.
ESEC-FSE-2005-GrigorenkoST #generative #programming #visual notation- Visual tool for generative programming (PG, AS, ET), pp. 249–252.
ESEC-FSE-2005-HolmesWM #recommendation- Strathcona example recommendation tool (RH, RJW, GCM), pp. 237–240.
ESEC-FSE-2005-InverardiMP #analysis #architecture #named- CHARMY: an extensible tool for architectural analysis (PI, HM, PP), pp. 111–114.
GTTSE-2005-Batory #programming #tutorial- A Tutorial on Feature Oriented Programming and the AHEAD Tool Suite (DSB), pp. 3–35.
GTTSE-2005-GeigerZ #tool support- Developing Tools with Fujaba XProM (LG, AZ), pp. 344–356.
GTTSE-2005-HeuzerothATK #aspect-oriented #composition #injection- The COMPOST, COMPASS, Inject/J and RECODER Tool Suite for Invasive Software Composition: Invasive Composition with COMPASS Aspect-Oriented Connectors (DH, UA, MT, VK), pp. 357–377.
ICSE-2005-AndrewsBL #question #testing- Is mutation an appropriate tool for testing experiments? (JHA, LCB, YL), pp. 402–411.
ICSE-2005-BurmesterGHST #development #modelling #realtime #safety- The fujaba real-time tool suite: model-driven development of safety-critical, real-time systems (SB, HG, MH, DS, MT), pp. 670–671.
ICSE-2005-GortonZ #architecture #case study #evaluation #experience #re-engineering #tool support- Tool support for just-in-time architecture reconstruction and evaluation: an experience report (IG, LZ), pp. 514–523.
ICSE-2005-Jurjens #effectiveness #modelling #security #tool support #uml- Sound methods and effective tools for model-based security engineering with UML (JJ), pp. 322–331.
ICSE-2005-LanzaDGP #comprehension #named #visualisation- CodeCrawler: an information visualization tool for program comprehension (ML, SD, HG, MP), pp. 672–673.
ICSE-2005-NagappanB05a #fault #static analysis #tool support- Static analysis tools as early indicators of pre-release defect density (NN, TB), pp. 580–586.
ICSE-2005-RenRST #impact analysis #java #named #source code- Chianti: a change impact analysis tool for java programs (XR, BGR, MS, FT), pp. 664–665.
ATEM-2004-JinC05 #integration #ontology #reverse engineering #tool support- Factbase Filtering Issues in an Ontology-Based Reverse Engineering Tool Integration System (DJ, JRC), pp. 65–75.
LDTA-2005-BrandCOV #debugging #framework #named #tool support- TIDE: A Generic Debugging Framework — Tool Demonstration (MvdB, BC, PAO, JJV), pp. 161–165.
CC-2005-CaseyGE #generative #interpreter #named- Tiger — An Interpreter Generation Tool (KC, DG, MAE), pp. 246–249.
CC-2005-LamKR #consistency #data type #named #verification- Hob: A Tool for Verifying Data Structure Consistency (PL, VK, MCR), pp. 237–241.
CC-2005-MisurdaCRCS #named #testing- Jazz: A Tool for Demand-Driven Structural Testing (JM, JAC, JLR, BRC, MLS), pp. 242–245.
CAV-2005-ArmandoBBCCCDHKMMORSTVV #automation #internet #protocol #security #validation- The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AA, DAB, YB, YC, LC, JC, PHD, PCH, OK, JM, SM, DvO, MR, JS, MT, LV, LV), pp. 281–285.
CAV-2005-GardeyLMR #named #petri net- Romeo: A Tool for Analyzing Time Petri Nets (GG, DL, MM, OHR), pp. 418–423.
CAV-2005-OlivainG #detection- The Orchids Intrusion Detection Tool (JO, JGL), pp. 286–290.
CAV-2005-PastorPS #concurrent #named #verification- TRANSYT: A Tool for the Verification of Asynchronous Concurrent Systems (EP, MAP, MS), pp. 424–428.
CAV-2005-XieA #debugging #detection #named #satisfiability- Saturn: A SAT-Based Tool for Bug Detection (YX, AA), pp. 139–143.
RTA-2005-HendrixCM #reasoning #specification- A Sufficient Completeness Reasoning Tool for Partial Specifications (JH, MC, JM), pp. 165–174.
RTA-2005-HirokawaM #termination- Tyrolean Termination Tool (NH, AM), pp. 175–184.
SAT-2005-SinzD #named #satisfiability #visualisation- DPvis — A Tool to Visualize the Structure of SAT Instances (CS, EMD), pp. 257–268.
TestCom-2005-BerradaCF #communication #testing- Testing Communicating Systems: a Model, a Methodology, and a Tool (IB, RC, PF), pp. 111–128.
TestCom-2005-WagnerJKT #debugging #testing #tool support- Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests (SW, JJ, CK, PT), pp. 40–55.
CBSE-2004-BertolinoM #component #performance- CB-SPE Tool: Putting Component-Based Performance Engineering into Practice (AB, RM), pp. 233–248.
ASE-2004-Alzamil #analysis #named #performance- RCAT: A Performance Analysis Tool (ZA), pp. 366–370.
ASE-2004-CaiGH #automation #case study #experience #generative #open source #performance #scalability- Experiences Integrating and Scaling a Performance Test Bed Generator with an Open Source CASE Tool (YC, JCG, JGH), pp. 36–45.
ASE-2004-CaoGHST #architecture #generative #tool support- An Architecture for Generating Web-Based, Thin-Client Diagramming Tools (SC, JCG, JGH, HS, EDT), pp. 270–273.
ASE-2004-Heuzeroth #adaptation #interactive #named- COMPASS: Tool-Supported Adaptation of Interactions (DH), pp. 286–289.
ASE-2004-HotzKW #using- Using a Structure-based Configuration Tool for Product Derivation (LH, TK, KW), pp. 388–391.
ASE-2004-JansenB #architecture #evaluation #evolution #tool support- Evaluation of Tool Support for Architectural Evolution (AJ, JB), pp. 375–378.
ASE-2004-Seyff #collaboration #mobile #requirements #tool support- Collaborative Tools for Mobile Requirements Acquisition (NS), pp. 426–429.
DAC-2004-KorsmeyerZG #design #tool support- Design tools for BioMEMS (TK, JZ, KG), pp. 622–628.
DAC-2004-MuraliM #automation #generative #named- SUNMAP: a tool for automatic topology selection and generation for NoCs (SM, GDM), pp. 914–919.
DAC-2004-ShiB #automation #communication #data type #fixpoint #optimisation- Automated fixed-point data-type optimization tool for signal processing and communication systems (CS, RWB), pp. 478–483.
DATE-DF-2004-ChuDPSL #architecture #tool support- Customisable EPIC Processor: Architecture and Tools (WWSC, RGD, SP, SPS, WL), pp. 236–241.
DATE-DF-2004-ElfadelDKRS- A CAD Methodology and Tool for the Characterization of Wide On-Chip Buses (IME, AD, GVK, BR, HS), pp. 144–149.
DATE-v1-2004-BriereCMMOG #behaviour #design #modelling #tool support- Design and Behavioral Modeling Tools for Optical Network-on-Chip (MB, LC, TM, FM, IO, FG), pp. 738–739.
DATE-v1-2004-LapalmeANCBDB #dot-net #framework #generative #modelling #simulation #tool support- .NET Framework — A Solution for the Next Generation Tools for System-Level Modeling and Simulation (JL, EMA, GN, LC, FRB, JPD, GB), pp. 732–733.
DATE-v1-2004-ReNR #automation #generative- A Tool for Automatic Generation of RTL-Level VHDL Description of RNS FIR Filters (ADR, AN, MR), pp. 686–687.
DATE-v2-2004-HohenauerSKWKLAMBS #c #compilation #generative #modelling- A Methodology and Tool Suite for C Compiler Generation from ADL Processor Models (MH, HS, KK, OW, TK, RL, GA, HM, GB, HvS), pp. 1276–1283.
DATE-v2-2004-JalabertMBM #network- ×pipesCompiler: A Tool for Instantiating Application Specific Networks on Chip (AJ, SM, LB, GDM), pp. 884–889.
HT-2004-WoukeuCH #named- WiCKEd: a tool for writing in the context of knowledge (AW, LC, WH), pp. 93–94.
SIGMOD-2004-AndritsosMT #database #mining #scalability #set #tool support- Information-Theoretic Tools for Mining Database Structure from Large Data Sets (PA, RJM, PT), pp. 731–742.
SIGMOD-2004-HullS #design #tool support #web #web service- Tools for Design of Composite Web Services (RH, JS), pp. 958–961.
VLDB-2004-LinKLLN #database #mining #monitoring #named #visual notation- VizTree: a Tool for Visually Mining and Monitoring Massive Time Series Databases (JL, EJK, SL, JPL, DMN), pp. 1269–1272.
VLDB-2004-TenienteFUBG #named #validation- SVT: Schema Validation Tool for Microsoft SQL-Server (ET, CF, TU, CB, DG), pp. 1349–1352.
CSEET-2004-AlfertPS #education #modelling #re-engineering #tool support- Software Engineering Education Needs Adequate Modeling Tools (KA, JP, JS), pp. 72–77.
ITiCSE-2004-Ben-Ari #concurrent #education #tool support- A suite of tools for teaching concurrency (MBA), p. 251.
ITiCSE-2004-FisherLS #approximate- Curve and surface interpolation and approximation: knowledge unit and software tool (JF, JLL, CKS), pp. 146–150.
ITiCSE-2004-Garner #learning #programming- The use of a code restructuring tool in the learning of programming (SG), p. 277.
ITiCSE-2004-PaciniFF #database #learning #problem #spreadsheet #tool support- Learning problem solving with spreadsheet and database tools (GP, GF, AF), p. 267.
ITiCSE-WGR-2004-BoyerC #compilation #design #implementation #tool support- ICE™ and ICE/T™: tools to assist in compiler design and implementation (TPB, MC), pp. 55–57.
FASE-2004-BartheD #bytecode #framework #verification- A Tool-Assisted Framework for Certified Bytecode Verification (GB, GD), pp. 99–113.
FASE-2004-El-MaddahM #design #development #ide #process #requirements- The GOPCSD Tool: An Integrated Development Environment for Process Control Requirements and Design (IAMEM, TSEM), pp. 261–266.
FASE-2004-MoldtO #automation #named #petri net- DaGen: A Tool for Automatic Translation from DAML-S to High-Level Petri Nets (DM, JO), pp. 209–213.
TACAS-2004-ClarkeKL #source code- A Tool for Checking ANSI-C Programs (EMC, DK, FL), pp. 168–176.
TACAS-2004-Muller-OlmY #animation #game studies #model checking #named- MetaGame: An Animation Tool for Model-Checking Games (MMO, HY), pp. 163–167.
TACAS-2004-VirtanenHVNE #verification- Tampere Verification Tool (HV, HH, AV, JN, TE), pp. 153–157.
CSMR-2004-LagoNV #evolution #tool support- Tool Support for Traceable Product Evolution (PL, EN, HvV), pp. 261–269.
CSMR-2004-MoiseWS #dot-net #reverse engineering #visual notation- Integrating a Reverse Engineering Tool with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (DLM, KW, DS), pp. 85–94.
ICSM-2004-AbdelmoezSGAYBKM #architecture #co-evolution- Software Architectures Change Propagation Tool (SACPT) (WA, MS, RG, HHA, BY, SB, MK, AM), p. 517.
ICSM-2004-Balmas #data flow #graph #named #visualisation- DDFgraph: A Tool for Dynamic Data Flow Graphs Visualization (FB), p. 516.
ICSM-2004-HuangHRC #estimation- A Neuro-Fuzzy Tool for Software Estimation (XH, DH, JR, LFC), p. 520.
ICSM-2004-PazelVPTAC #assessment #framework #migration- A Framework and Tool for Porting Assessment and Remediation (DPP, PV, AMP, BT, AA, PC), p. 504.
ICSM-2004-RaghavanRLPA #difference #named #scalability #semantics- Dex: A Semantic-Graph Differencing Tool for Studying Changes in Large Code Bases (SR, RR, DL, AP, VA), pp. 188–197.
ICSM-2004-TeohW #source code #tool support- Tools for Extracting Software Structure from Compiled Programs (HST, DBW), p. 526.
IWPC-2004-HammoudaGKS #diagrams #learning #modelling #uml- Tool-Supported Customization of UML Class Diagrams for Learning Complex System Models (IH, OG, KK, TS), pp. 24–33.
IWPC-2004-Hamou-LhadjLF #challenge #effectiveness #requirements- Challenges and Requirements for an Effective Trace Exploration Tool (AHL, TCL, LF), pp. 70–78.
IWPC-2004-Tadonki #reverse engineering- Universal Report: A Generic Reverse Engineering Tool (CT), pp. 266–267.
SCAM-2004-MaruyamaY #automation #framework #java #representation #source code #using #xml- A CASE Tool Platform Using an XML Representation of Java Source Code (KM, SY), pp. 158–167.
WCRE-2004-LakhotiaP #analysis #research #tool support- Virus Analysis: Techniques, Tools, and Research Issues (AL, PP), p. 2.
PEPM-2004-SmaragdakisHZ #generative #tool support- Program generators and the tools to make them (YS, SSH, DZ), pp. 92–100.
SAS-2004-Smaragdakis #generative #tool support- Program Generators and the Tools to Make Them (YS), pp. 19–20.
FLOPS-2004-CaballeroR #debugging #declarative #functional #named- DDT: a Declarative Debugging Tool for Functional-Logic Languages (RC, MRA), pp. 70–84.
SEFM-2004-Fronk #algebra #analysis #approach #automation #petri net #using- Using Relation Algebra for the Analysis of Petri Nets in a CASE Tool Based Approach (AF), pp. 396–405.
SEFM-2004-Sinnott #development #realtime #tool support- The Formal, Tool Supported Development of Real Time Systems (ROS), pp. 388–395.
ICGT-2004-BeckerLW #execution #graph #incremental #integration #interactive #tool support- Rule Execution in Graph-Based Incremental Interactive Integration Tools (SMB, SL, BW), pp. 22–38.
CHI-2004-BittonAK #named- RAW: conveying minimally-mediated impressions of everyday life with an audio-photographic tool (JB, SA, MK), pp. 495–502.
CHI-2004-BoardmanS #information management #quote- “Stuff goes into the computer and doesn’t come out”: a cross-tool study of personal information management (RB, MAS), pp. 583–590.
CHI-2004-JensenP #evaluation #online #policy #privacy #tool support- Privacy policies as decision-making tools: an evaluation of online privacy notices (CJ, CP), pp. 471–478.
CHI-2004-LuchiniQS #design #guidelines #tool support- Design guidelines for learner-centered handheld tools (KL, CQ, ES), pp. 135–142.
CSCW-2004-BarrettKMHTP #analysis #tool support- Field studies of computer system administrators: analysis of system management tools and practices (RB, EK, PPM, EMH, LT, MP), pp. 388–395.
SIGAda-2004-Anderson #ada #refactoring- A refactoring tool for Ada 95 (PA), pp. 23–28.
SIGAda-2004-ChapmanH #analysis #data flow #modelling #safety #security- Enforcing security and safety models with an information flow analysis tool (RC, AH), pp. 39–46.
CAiSE-2004-Matulevicius #case study #how #quality #requirements #specification #tool support- How Requirements Specification Quality Depends on Tools: A Case Study (RM), pp. 353–367.
CAiSE-2004-RalyteRD #towards- Towards a Meta-tool for Change-Centric Method Engineering: A Typology of Generic Operators (JR, CR, RD), pp. 202–218.
ICEIS-v1-2004-MagnussonNC #concept #enterprise #framework #implementation #towards- A Conceptual Framework for Forecasting ERP Implementation Success — A First Step Towards the Creation of an Implementation Support Tool (JM, AN, FC), pp. 447–453.
ICEIS-v2-2004-CamargoFPS #network #tool support- Neural Network and Time Series as Tools for Sales Forecasting (MC, WPF, MP, AS), pp. 476–478.
ICEIS-v2-2004-DoP #data mining #mining #tool support #towards #visualisation- Towards High Dimensional Data Mining with Boosting of PSVM and Visualization Tools (TND, FP), pp. 36–41.
ICEIS-v2-2004-KotsiantisP #classification #hybrid #using- A Hybrid Decision Support Tool — Using Ensemble of Classifiers (SBK, PEP), pp. 448–456.
ICEIS-v2-2004-MarirM #named #process #reasoning- CBR-BPR: A Case-Based Reasoning Tool for Business Process Redesign (FM, SLM), pp. 363–368.
ICEIS-v3-2004-BragaMG #development #pattern matching #using- System Development Using a Pattern Language-Based Tool (RTVB, PCM, FSRG), pp. 155–162.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Front-ConteHRT #development #information management #reuse- An Information System Development Tool Based on Pattern Reuse (AFC, IH, DR, LT), pp. 548–551.
ICEIS-v3-2004-Hiramatsu #concept #modelling #ontology #taxonomy #using- Ontology Modeling Tool Using Concept Dictionary and Inference (YH), pp. 225–230.
ICEIS-v3-2004-HuzitaPST #development #distributed #named- Dimanager: A Tool for Distributed Software Development Management (EHMH, MEP, GS, TFCT), pp. 659–662.
ICEIS-v3-2004-LeeuwenDL #architecture #enterprise #integration #modelling #tool support- A Tool Integration Workbench for Enterprise Architecture — Integrating Heterogeneous Models and Tools (DvL, HWLtD, MML), pp. 470–478.
ICEIS-v3-2004-LingsL #automation- Method-in-Action and Method-in-Tool: Some Implications for CASE (BL, BL), pp. 623–628.
ICEIS-v3-2004-RenBRXYL #case study #prototype #refactoring- A Prototype Tool for Use Case Refactoring (SR, GB, KR, JX, WY, RL), pp. 173–178.
ICEIS-v5-2004-BadjioP #data mining #mining #tool support #usability #visual notation- Usability of Visual Data Mining Tools (EPFB, FP), pp. 254–258.
ICEIS-v5-2004-KotzeC #authoring #heuristic #tool support- Heuristics Supporting Usable Authoring Tools (PK, EC), pp. 169–178.
ICEIS-v5-2004-Sneiders #tool support- Tool Support for Legal Enquiry: Focus on Spatial-Planning Law (ES), pp. 289–294.
CIKM-2004-ZhangLPY #enterprise #named #taxonomy- InfoAnalyzer: a computer-aided tool for building enterprise taxonomies (LZ, SL, YP, LY), pp. 477–483.
ECIR-2004-JohoSB #case study #concept #interactive #query- A Study of User Interaction with a Concept-Based Interactive Query Expansion Support Tool (HJ, MS, MB), pp. 42–56.
ICPR-v2-2004-Ho #interactive #tool support- Interactive Tools for Pattern Discovery (TKH), pp. 509–512.
ICPR-v4-2004-OuelletH #geometry #image #quality #tool support- Developing Assistant Tools for Geometric Camera Calibration: Assessing the Quality of Input Images (JNO, PH), pp. 80–83.
KR-2004-Park #concept #named #ontology- GlossOnt: A Concept-focused Ontology Building Tool (YP), pp. 498–506.
LSO-2004-ChauM #agile #learning #tool support- Tool Support for Inter-team Learning in Agile Software Organizations (TC, FM), pp. 98–109.
LSO-2004-SantosVSRT #development #ontology #tool support- Building Ontology Based Tools for a Software Development Environment (GS, KV, LS, ARR, GHT), pp. 19–30.
SEKE-2004-LiW #education- An Intensional Tool Applied to French Language Educational Software (H(L, WWW), pp. 62–67.
SEKE-2004-SubramaniamLFE #case study #development #generative #named- UCDA: Use Case Driven Development Assistant Tool for Class Model Generation (KS, DL, BHF, AE), pp. 324–329.
OOPSLA-2004-RenSTRC #impact analysis #java #named #source code- Chianti: a tool for change impact analysis of java programs (XR, FS, FT, BGR, OCC), pp. 432–448.
GPCE-2004-Greenfield #framework #modelling #tool support- Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks and Tools (JG), p. 488.
PPDP-2004-RajeshJ #design pattern #named #refactoring- JIAD: a tool to infer design patterns in refactoring (JR, DJ), pp. 227–237.
PPDP-2004-Smaragdakis #generative #tool support- Invited talk: program generators and the tools to make them (YS), pp. 7–8.
RE-2004-CarvalloFGQ #modelling #named #quality- QM: A Tool for Building Software Quality Models (JPC, XF, GG, CQ), pp. 358–359.
RE-2004-HoffmannKWB #requirements #tool support- Requirements for Requirements Management Tools (MH, NK, MW, MB), pp. 301–308.
RE-2004-Kaindl #requirements #tool support- Active Tool Support for Requirements Engineering Through RETH (HK), pp. 362–363.
RE-2004-MarkBP #requirements- Expanding the Horizons of Requirements Engineering: Examining Requirements during Groupware Tool Diffusion (GM, MB, SEP), pp. 186–195.
SAC-2004-BolshakovaAC #array #assessment #clustering- An integrated tool for microarray data clustering and cluster validity assessment (NB, FA, PC), pp. 133–137.
FSE-2004-ZitserLL #open source #source code #static analysis #testing #tool support #using- Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code (MZ, RL, TL), pp. 97–106.
ICSE-2004-Batory #feature model #programming- Feature-Oriented Programming and the AHEAD Tool Suite (DSB), pp. 702–703.
ICSE-2004-BlackS #named #tool support- Traits: Tools and Methodology (APB, NS), pp. 676–686.
ICSE-2004-Breen #incremental #named #specification- Statestep: A Tool for Systematic, Incremental Specification (MB), pp. 711–712.
ICSE-2004-FroehlichD #development #distributed #process #visual notation- Unifying Artifacts and Activities in a Visual Tool for Distributed Software Development Teams (JF, PD), pp. 387–396.
ICSE-2004-GouldSD04a #sql #static analysis- JDBC Checker: A Static Analysis Tool for SQL/JDBC Applications (CG, ZS, PTD), pp. 697–698.
ICSE-2004-HenkelD #algebra #debugging #specification- A Tool for Writing and Debugging Algebraic Specifications (JH, AD), pp. 449–458.
ICSE-2004-SeyffGMT #mobile #requirements #tool support- Requirements Engineering Tools Go Mobile (NS, PG, NAMM, AT), pp. 713–714.
ICSE-2004-Tenzer #design #game studies #tool support #uml- Improving UML Design Tools by Formal Games (JT), pp. 75–77.
LDTA-2004-BegelG #ambiguity #analysis #tool support- Language Analysis and Tools for Ambiguous Input Streams (AB, SLG), pp. 75–96.
LDTA-2004-BrandIM04a #tool support- The Action Environment: — Tool Demonstration -- (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 177–180.
LDTA-2004-Cordy #named #programming language #tool support #txl- TXL — A Language for Programming Language Tools and Applications (JRC), pp. 3–31.
LDTA-2004-JohnstoneSE #algorithm #case study #glr #parsing- The Grammar Tool Box: A Case Study Comparing GLR Parsing Algorithms (AJ, ES, GRE), pp. 97–113.
LDTA-2004-JohnstoneSE04a #tool support- The GTB and PAT tools (AJ, ES, GRE), pp. 173–175.
LDTA-2004-Tavernier #automaton #named #tool support #user interface #visual notation- Calife: A Generic Graphical User Interface for Automata Tools (BT), pp. 169–172.
SPLC-2004-Greenfield #framework #modelling #tool support- Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools (JG), p. 304.
SPLC-2004-Greenfield04a #domain-specific language #framework #tool support #using- Using Domain-Specific Languages, Patterns, Frameworks, and Tools to Assemble Applications (JG), p. 324.
LCTES-2004-QinRM #architecture #concurrent #development #modelling #synthesis #tool support- A formal concurrency model based architecture description language for synthesis of software development tools (WQ, SR, SM), pp. 47–56.
OSDI-2004-LiLMZ #debugging #named #operating system- CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System Code (ZL, SL, SM, YZ), pp. 289–302.
CAV-2004-FuBS #analysis #formal method #named #web #web service- WSAT: A Tool for Formal Analysis of Web Services (XF, TB, JS), pp. 510–514.
CAV-2004-GopalakrishnanYS #execution #memory management #order #performance #verification- QB or Not QB: An Efficient Execution Verification Tool for Memory Orderings (GG, YY, HS), pp. 401–413.
CAV-2004-PingreeM #set- The HiVy Tool Set (PJP, EM), pp. 466–469.
IJCAR-2004-MeseguerR #analysis #formal method #logic #semantics #specification #tool support- Rewriting Logic Semantics: From Language Specifications to Formal Analysis Tools (JM, GR), pp. 1–44.
RTA-2004-Lucas #named #proving #termination- mu-term: A Tool for Proving Termination of Context-Sensitive Rewriting (SL), pp. 200–209.
RTA-2004-Waldmann #bound #named #string- Matchbox: A Tool for Match-Bounded String Rewriting (JW), pp. 85–94.
ASE-2003-SturmerC #code generation #design #testing #tool support- Test Suite Design for Code Generation Tools (IS, MC), pp. 286–290.
ASE-2003-XieN #testing- Tool-Assisted Unit Test Selection Based on Operational Violations (TX, DN), pp. 40–48.
DAC-2003-GuptaKSY #off the shelf #tool support- A cost-driven lithographic correction methodology based on off-the-shelf sizing tools (PG, ABK, DS, JY), pp. 16–21.
DAC-2003-MeyerowitzPS #policy #realtime #scheduling- A tool for describing and evaluating hierarchical real-time bus scheduling policies (TM, CP, ALSV), pp. 312–317.
DAC-2003-SoDH #behaviour #design #synthesis #tool support #using- Using estimates from behavioral synthesis tools in compiler-directed design space exploration (BS, PCD, MWH), pp. 514–519.
DATE-2003-FazelTR #design #logic #named #visualisation- PLFire: A Visualization Tool for Asynchronous Phased Logic Designs (KF, MAT, RBR), pp. 11096–11097.
DATE-2003-GirardiB #automation #generative #layout #named- LIT — An Automatic Layout Generation Tool for Trapezoidal Association of Transistors for Basic Analog Building Blocks (AG, SB), pp. 11106–11107.
DATE-2003-KrausP #flexibility #named #synthesis- XBM2PLA: A Flexible Synthesis Tool for Extended Burst Mode Machines (OK, MP), pp. 11092–11093.
DATE-2003-MoraesMPMC #configuration management #development- Development of a Tool-Set for Remote and Partial Reconfiguration of FPGAs (FGM, DM, JCSP, LM, NLVC), pp. 11122–11123.
DATE-2003-MuellerSEW #integration #network #tool support- Dynamic Tool Integration in Heterogeneous Computer Networks (WM, TS, HJE, JW), pp. 10946–10953.
DATE-2003-NicolescuV #approach #detection #fault #tool support- Detecting Soft Errors by a Purely Software Approach: Method, Tools and Experimental Results (BN, RV), pp. 20057–20063.
SIGMOD-2003-KornMZ #correlation #named #network #visual notation- IPSOFACTO: A Visual Correlation Tool for Aggregate Network Traffic Data (FK, SM, YZ), p. 677.
VLDB-2003-CeriM #tool support #web- Constructing and integrating data-centric Web Applications: Methods, Tools, and Techniques (SC, IM), p. 1151.
VLDB-2003-LubbersGJ #data mining #development #quality #tool support- Systematic Development of Data Mining-Based Data Quality Tools (DL, UG, MJ), pp. 548–559.
VLDB-2003-TorloneA #named #web- Chameleon: an Extensible and Customizable Tool for Web Data Translation (RT, PA), pp. 1085–1088.
CSEET-2003-KlappholzBPD04 #assessment #development #education #process #tool support- Tools for Outcomes Assessment of Education and Training in the Software Development Process (DK, LB, DP, PD), p. 331–?.
ITiCSE-2003-CrescenziI #usability- A tool to develop electronic course books based on WWW technologies, resources and usability criteria (PC, GI), pp. 163–167.
ITiCSE-2003-DarbhamullaDL #monitoring #online #student- Student status monitoring tool (SSM): proxy for the real world expert in online course delivery (RD, MD, PBL), p. 257.
ITiCSE-2003-HabermanLL #comprehension #concept #education #research #student- Action research as a tool for promoting teacher awareness of students’ conceptual understanding (BH, EL, DL), pp. 144–148.
ITiCSE-2003-LassCBCPHZ #off the shelf #scalability #tool support #using- Tools and techniques for large scale grading using Web-based commercial off-the-shelf software (RNL, CDC, NTB, BWC, JLP, NH, PZ), pp. 168–172.
ITiCSE-2003-PapadopoulosP #algorithm #authoring #education #using- Using ToolBook authoring tool to facilitate the teaching of algorithms (GP, HMP), p. 277.
TACAS-2003-BraghinCFFLP #analysis #bound #named- BANANA — A Tool for Boundary Ambients Nesting ANAlysis (CB, AC, SF, RF, FLL, CP), pp. 437–441.
TACAS-2003-DembinskiJJPPSWZ #automaton #named #specification #verification- Verics: A Tool for Verifying Timed Automata and Estelle Specifications (PD, AJ, PJ, WP, AP, MS, BW, AZ), pp. 278–283.
TACAS-2003-UchitelCKM #behaviour #named #tool support #using- LTSA-MSC: Tool Support for Behaviour Model Elaboration Using Implied Scenarios (SU, RC, JK, JM), pp. 597–601.
TACAS-2003-ZhangCS #analysis #concurrent #functional #performance #verification- The Integrated CWB-NC/PIOATool for Functional Verification and Performance Analysis of Concurrent Systems (DZ, RC, EWS), pp. 431–436.
CSMR-2003-ClarkeMG #identification #object-oriented #taxonomy #using- Using a Taxonomy Tool to Identify Changes in OO Softwar (PJC, BAM, JPG), pp. 213–222.
CSMR-2003-DraheimFW #design #named- JSPick — A Server Pages Design Recovery Tool (DD, EF, GW), p. 230–?.
CSMR-2003-GwizdalaJR #co-evolution #java #named- JTracker — A Tool for Change Propagation in Java (SG, YJ, VR), pp. 223–229.
CSMR-2003-JiangS #case study #difference #tool support- Exploring Differences in Exchange Formats — Tool Support and Case Studies (JJ, TS), pp. 389–398.
CSMR-2003-JinCD #adaptation #concept #integration #reverse engineering #tool support #transaction #using- Transparent Reverse Engineering Tool Integration Using a Conceptual Transaction Adapter (DJ, JRC, TRD), pp. 399–408.
CSMR-2003-Lanza #lessons learnt #named #visualisation- CodeCrawler — Lessons Learned in Building a Software Visualization Tool (ML), pp. 409–418.
ICSM-2003-Baxter #architecture #automation #re-engineering #tool support- Massively Reengineering Architectures With Automated Tools (IDB), p. 463.
ICSM-2003-KnethenG #automation #impact analysis #named- QuaTrace: A Tool Environment for (Semi-) Automatic Impact Analysis Based on Traces (AvK, MG), pp. 246–255.
ICSM-2003-OhstWK #analysis #design #difference #documentation #tool support- Difference Tools for Analysis and Design Documents (DO, MW, UK), pp. 13–22.
IWPC-2003-HennessyMP #comprehension #named #tool support #xml- gccXfront: Exploiting gcc as a Front End for Program Comprehension Tools via XML/XSLT (MH, BAM, JFP), p. 298–?.
IWPC-2003-JacobD #automation #named- TALK2C: A Tool for Automatic Migratio (SDJ, MD), pp. 288–289.
IWPC-2003-LinosCBO #comprehension #dependence #multi- A Tool For Understanding Multi-Language Program Dependencies (PKL, ZHC, SB, BO), pp. 64–73.
IWPC-2003-Walenstein #evaluation #towards- Observing and Measuring Cognitive Support: Steps Toward Systematic Tool Evaluation and Engineering (AW), pp. 185–195.
WCRE-2003-PacioneRW #comparative #evaluation #tool support #visualisation- Comparative Evaluation of Dynamic Visualisation Tools (MJP, MR, MW), pp. 80–89.
WCRE-2003-VinciguerraWKMV #c++ #decompiler #framework #java #tool support- An Experimentation Framework for Evaluating Disassembly and Decompilation Tools for C++ and Java (LV, LMW, NK, PM, RLV), pp. 14–23.
WCRE-2003-ZhuCKWKM #reverse engineering #tool support- Leveraging Visio for Adoption-Centric Reverse Engineering Tools (QZ, YC, PK, AW, HMK, HAM), pp. 270–274.
PLDI-2003-DorRS #c #detection #named #towards- CSSV: towards a realistic tool for statically detecting all buffer overflows in C (ND, MR, SS), pp. 155–167.
SEFM-2003-GawanmehTW #design #using #verification- Formal Verification of ASM Designs Using the MDG Tool (AG, ST, KW), pp. 210–219.
AGTIVE-2003-AssmannL #graph grammar #standard #tool support- Integrating Graph Rewriting and Standard Software Tools (UA, JL), pp. 134–148.
AGTIVE-2003-BardohlEW #modelling #named #visual notation- GenGED — A Visual Definition Tool for Visual Modeling Environments (RB, CE, IW), pp. 413–419.
AGTIVE-2003-HaaseMBG #agile #architecture #graph grammar #prototype- A Domain Specific Architecture Tool: Rapid Prototyping with Graph Grammars (TH, OM, BB, FHG), pp. 236–242.
AGTIVE-2003-HellerJ #development #distributed #graph #process #tool support- Graph-Based Tools for Distributed Cooperation in Dynamic Development Processes (MH, DJ), pp. 352–368.
AGTIVE-2003-Kraft #concept #design #tool support- Conceptual Design Tools for Civil Engineering (BK), pp. 434–439.
AGTIVE-2003-KraftN #concept #design #specification #tool support- Parameterized Specification of Conceptual Design Tools in Civil Engineering (BK, MN), pp. 90–105.
AGTIVE-2003-Minas #editing #generative #named #specification #visual notation- VisualDiaGen — A Tool for Visually Specifying and Generating Visual Editors (MM), pp. 398–412.
AGTIVE-2003-Rensink #generative- The GROOVE Simulator: A Tool for State Space Generation (AR), pp. 479–485.
AGTIVE-2003-Westfechtel #named #reverse engineering #tool support- E-CARES — Telecommunication Re- and Reverse Engineering Tools (AM, BW), pp. 440–445.
CHI-2003-BaileyK #design #multi #tool support- Are informal tools better?: comparing DEMAIS, pencil and paper, and authorware for early multimedia design (BPB, JAK), pp. 313–320.
CHI-2003-BellottiDHS #design #email #evaluation- Taking email to task: the design and evaluation of a task management centered email tool (VB, ND, MH, IS), pp. 345–352.
CHI-2003-FailsO #design #interactive- A design tool for camera-based interaction (JAF, DRO), pp. 449–456.
CHI-2003-KitamuraYHKK #tool support- Things happening in the brain while humans learn to use new tools (YK, YY, HI, FK, MK), pp. 417–424.
CHI-2003-LuchiniQS #case study #concept #design- Pocket PiCoMap: a case study in designing and assessing a handheld concept mapping tool for learners (KL, CQ, ES), pp. 321–328.
SOFTVIS-2003-LinternMSW #case study #eclipse #experience #visualisation- Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, JM, MADS, XW), pp. 47–56.
SOFTVIS-2003-Tudoreanu #design #effectiveness #tool support #visualisation- Designing Effective Program Visualization Tools for Reducing User’s Cognitive Effort (MET), pp. 105–114.
VISSOFT-2003-DavisPK #3d #named #object-oriented #source code #visualisation- KScope: A Modularized Tool for 3D Visualization of Object-Oriented Programs (TAD, KP, AK), pp. 98–103.
VISSOFT-2003-Lanza #lightweight #visualisation- CodeCrawler – A Lightweight Software Visualization Tool (ML), pp. 54–55.
VISSOFT-2003-LinternSWM #case study #eclipse #experience #visualisation- Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, MAS, XW, JM), pp. 64–65.
AdaEurope-2003-EvangelistaKPR #ada #analysis #concurrent #named #source code- Quasar: A New Tool for Concurrent Ada Programs Analysis (SE, CK, JFPP, PR), pp. 168–181.
AdaEurope-2003-Mikkonen #case study #experience #specification #tool support #using- Experiences on Developing and Using a Tool Support for Formal Specification (TM), pp. 297–308.
ICEIS-v1-2003-RossiterNH #formal method #information management #middleware #tool support- Formalizing Types with Ultimate Closure for Middleware Tools in Information Systems Engineering (BNR, DAN, MAH), pp. 366–373.
ICEIS-v2-2003-Drori #documentation #identification #information management #research #using- Using Knowledge Engineering Tool to Identify the Subject of a Document — Research Results (OD), pp. 442–445.
ICEIS-v2-2003-Koehler #automation #database #health #learning #network- Tool for Automatic Learning of Bayesian Networks From Database: An Application in the Health Area (CK), pp. 474–481.
ICEIS-v2-2003-LeL #authoring #collaboration #information management- A Knowledge Management Tool for a Collaborative Authoring Project (THL, LL), pp. 280–285.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SaravananR #mining #summary- Text Summarization: An Upcoming Tool in Text Mining (MS, SR), pp. 541–544.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BalabkoW #concept #modelling #synthesis- A Synthesis of Business Role Models: Conceptual Tool for Business Innovations (PB, AW), pp. 211–220.
ICEIS-v3-2003-CostagliolaFRTL #agile #development #modelling #process #tool support- Rapid Development of Process Modeling Tools (GC, RF, MR, GT, ADL), pp. 301–306.
ICEIS-v3-2003-DoriRS #development #named- OPCAT — A Bimodal Case Tool for Object-Process Based System Development (DD, IRB, AS), pp. 286–291.
ICEIS-v3-2003-OrlovK #abstraction #editing- A Unified Tool for Editing Information of Different Levels of Abstraction (VO, AK), pp. 633–636.
ICEIS-v4-2003-ImperiaT #xml- An Extensible Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Representations of XML Data (MI, RT), pp. 357–362.
CIKM-2003-HaradaHAKOT- Event analyzer: a tool for sequential data processing (LH, YH, NA, KK, TO, RT), pp. 172–174.
ECIR-2003-VegasFC #named #visual notation #visualisation #web- WebDocBall: A Graphical Visualization Tool for Web Search Results (JV, PdlF, FC), pp. 351–362.
MLDM-2003-Bunke #data mining #graph #machine learning #mining #tool support- Graph-Based Tools for Data Mining and Machine Learning (HB), pp. 7–19.
SEKE-2003-CanforaCPT #approach #case study #implementation- A Tool for Decision Support Implementing OFNWA Approach: A Case Study (GC, LC, RP, LT), pp. 714–720.
SEKE-2003-MenziesKF #automation #re-engineering #reduction #tool support- Improved Software Engineering Decision Support Through Automatic Argument Reduction Tools (TM, JDK, MSF), pp. 655–662.
SIGIR-2003-MartinJ #information retrieval #personalisation- A personalised information retrieval tool (IM, JMJ), pp. 423–424.
UML-2003-ChristophM #middleware #migration #named #uml- GREAT: UML Transformation Tool for Porting Middleware Applications (AC, MMM), pp. 18–30.
UML-2003-EngelsHK #consistency #development #uml- The Consistency Workbench: A Tool for Consistency Management in UML-Based Development (GE, RH, JMK), pp. 356–359.
UML-2003-LohmannSS #development #modelling #named #tool support #web- ProGUM-Web: Tool Support for Model-Based Development of Web Applications (ML, SS, TS), pp. 101–105.
UML-2003-SchmidtV #model checking #modelling #named #visual notation- CheckVML: A Tool for Model Checking Visual Modeling Languages (ÁS, DV), pp. 92–95.
ECOOP-2003-MitchellS #automation #java #lightweight #memory management #named #scalability- LeakBot: An Automated and Lightweight Tool for Diagnosing Memory Leaks in Large Java Applications (NM, GS), pp. 351–377.
GPCE-2003-SaraivaS #attribute grammar #generative #tool support- Generating Spreadsheet-Like Tools from Strong Attribute Grammars (JS, SDS), pp. 307–323.
PADL-2003-TomasL #generative- A CLP-Based Tool for Computer Aided Generation and Solving of Maths Exercises (APT, JPL), pp. 223–240.
RE-2003-HeimdahlWT #development #named #specification- NIMBUS: A Tool for Specification Centered Development (MPEH, MWW, JMT), p. 349.
RE-2003-RifautMMPSLV #analysis #formal method #named #specification #tool support #using- FAUST: Formal Analysis Using Specification Tools (AR, PM, JFM, CP, PS, AvL, HTV), p. 350.
RE-2003-StufflebeamAA #named #requirements- SMaRT — Scenario Management and Requirements Tool (WHS, AIA, TAA), p. 351.
SAC-2003-XuKTONOS #biology #database #set #tool support- Pathways Database System: An Integrated Set of Tools for Biological Pathways (WX, LK, MT, GÖ, JHN, ZMÖ, GS), pp. 96–102.
ESEC-FSE-2003-EshuisBDGR #modelling #named #performance #set #validation- EFFICIENT: a tool set for supporting the modelling and validation of ebXML (RE, PB, ED, BG, SR), pp. 359–362.
ESEC-FSE-2003-Jaaksi #tool support- Assessing software projects: tools for business owners (AJ), pp. 15–18.
ESEC-FSE-2003-Thramboulidis #distributed #implementation #reuse #towards- Towards an engineering tool for implementing reusable distributed control systems (KT), pp. 351–354.
ICSE-2003-ChanCLMNS #design #interactive #named #visual notation- DRT: A Tool for Design Recovery of Interactive Graphical Applications (KC, AC, ZCLL, AM, MHN, NS), pp. 814–815.
ICSE-2003-ChaysD #database #relational #testing- Demonstration of AGENDA Tool Set for Testing Relational Database Applications (DC, YD), pp. 802–803.
ICSE-2003-CoppitS #analysis #effectiveness #modelling #tool support- Sound Methods and Effective Tools for Engineering Modeling and Analysis (DC, KJS), pp. 198–209.
ICSE-2003-MarburgerW #behaviour #comprehension #tool support- Tools for Understanding the Behavior of Telecommunication Systems (AM, BW), pp. 430–443.
ICSE-2003-RobillardM #source code- FEAT. A Tool for Locating, Describing, and Analyzing Concerns in Source Code (MPR, GCM), pp. 822–823.
ICSE-2003-RussellJ #architecture #embedded #evaluation #performance- Embedded Architect: A Tool for Early Performance Evaluation of Embedded Software (JTR, MFJ), pp. 824–825.
ICSE-2003-SeyboldGMM #adaptation #effectiveness #layout #modelling #visual notation- An Effective Layout Adaptation Technique for a Graphical Modeling Tool (CS, MG, SM, NMS), pp. 826–827.
ICSE-2003-WangHGAGA #architecture #assessment #risk management #specification #uml- Architectural Level Risk Assessment Tool Based on UML Specifications (TW, AEH, AG, WA, KGP, HHA), pp. 808–809.
LCTES-2003-SureshNVVS #clustering #embedded #hardware #profiling #tool support- Profiling tools for hardware/software partitioning of embedded applications (DCS, WAN, FV, JRV, GS), pp. 189–198.
CAV-2003-BeyerLN #named #realtime #verification- Rabbit: A Tool for BDD-Based Verification of Real-Time Systems (DB, CL, AN), pp. 122–125.
CAV-2003-BozgaLP #automation #named #protocol #security #verification- HERMES: An Automatic Tool for Verification of Secrecy in Security Protocols (LB, YL, MP), pp. 219–222.
CAV-2003-DongRS #model checking #proving- Evidence Explorer: A Tool for Exploring Model-Checking Proofs (YD, CRR, SAS), pp. 215–218.
CAV-2003-SenguptaC #named #sequence chart- TRIM: A Tool for Triggered Message Sequence Charts (BS, RC), pp. 106–109.
FATES-2003-BarnettGNSTV #modelling #testing #towards- Towards a Tool Environment for Model-Based Testing with AsmL (MB, WG, LN, WS, NT, MV), pp. 252–266.
RTA-2003-HirokawaM #termination- Tsukuba Termination Tool (NH, AM), pp. 311–320.
ASE-2002-GueheneucDJ #dynamic analysis #java #source code- No Java without Caffeine: A Tool for Dynamic Analysis of Java Programs (YGG, RD, NJ), p. 117–?.
ASE-2002-Le #process #tool support- Process Support for Tools Interoperability (ATL), p. 314.
ASE-2002-MaccariRM #automation #on the- On CASE Tool Usage at Nokia (AM, CR, FM), pp. 59–68.
DAC-2002-KahngCGLNRH #question #tool support- Tools or users: which is the bigger bottleneck? (ABK, RC, PG, LL, NN, PKR, LvdH), pp. 76–77.
DAC-2002-KondratyevL #design #tool support- Design of asynchronous circuits by synchronous CAD tools (AK, KL), pp. 411–414.
DAC-2002-SmithNMCFKMB #embedded #question #tool support- Unified tools for SoC embedded systems: mission critical, mission impossible or mission irrelevant? (GS, DN, SM, RC, JF, KK, GM, BB), p. 479.
DAC-2002-Sotiriou #implementation #using- Implementing asynchronous circuits using a conventional EDA tool-flow (CPS), pp. 415–418.
DATE-2002-FranckenVMG #named #simulation- DAISY-CT: A High-Level Simulation Tool for Continuous-Time Delta Sigma Modulators (KF, MV, EM, GGEG), p. 1110.
DATE-2002-PonomarevKG #estimation #named- AccuPower: An Accurate Power Estimation Tool for Superscalar Microprocessors (DP, GK, KG), pp. 124–129.
DATE-2002-X #question #tool support- EDA Tools for RF: Myth or Reality?, pp. 292–293.
DocEng-2002-ForwardL #bibliography #documentation #tool support- The relevance of software documentation, tools and technologies: a survey (AF, TCL), pp. 26–33.
HT-2002-EmmetC #approach #design #hypermedia #persuasion #visual notation- Graphical notations, narratives and persuasion: a Pliant Systems approach to Hypertext Tool Design (LE, GC), pp. 55–64.
SIGMOD-2002-RundensteinerWYD #data analysis #interactive #named #set #visual notation- XmdvTool: visual interactive data exploration and trend discovery of high-dimensional data sets (EAR, MOW, JY, PRD), p. 631.
VLDB-2002-HeymannTKWRMF #named #network #product line #visual notation- Viator — A Tool Family for Graphical Networking and Data View Creation (SH, KT, AK, GW, PR, DM, JCF), pp. 1067–1070.
ITiCSE-2002-CollbergKMW #algorithm #comprehension #design #named- AlambdagoVista: a tool to enhance algorithm design and understanding (CSC, SGK, JM, SW), p. 228.
ITiCSE-2002-HansenR #collaboration #education #learning #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Tool support for collaborative teaching and learning of object-oriented modeling (KMH, AVR), pp. 146–150.
ITiCSE-2002-SkevoulisF #education #formal method #tool support- Integrating formal methods tools into undergraduate computer science curriculum (SS, MF), p. 232.
ITiCSE-2002-VanDeGriftA #assessment #framework #learning #tool support- Learning to support the instructor: classroom assessment tools as discussion frameworks in CS 1 (TV, RJA), pp. 19–23.
ESOP-2002-Horwitz #test coverage #tool support- Tool Support for Improving Test Coverage (SH), pp. 162–177.
FASE-2002-BaresiGMP #design #metamodelling #tool support #web- Meta-modeling Techniques Meet Web Application Design Tools (LB, FG, LM, PP), pp. 294–307.
FASE-2002-HahnleJR #authoring #requirements #specification- An Authoring Tool for Informal and Formal Requirements Specifications (RH, KJ, AR), pp. 233–248.
FASE-2002-LaraV #metamodelling #multi #named- AToM3: A Tool for Multi-formalism and Meta-modelling (JdL, HV), pp. 174–188.
FASE-2002-XieLB #design #execution #model checking #named #object-oriented- ObjectCheck: A Model Checking Tool for Executable Object-Oriented Software System Designs (FX, VL, JCB), pp. 331–335.
TACAS-2002-AmnellFMPY #embedded #implementation #modelling #named- TIMES — A Tool for Modelling and Implementation of Embedded Systems (TA, EF, LM, PP, WY), pp. 460–464.
TACAS-2002-ClarkeJRZ #generative #named #testing- STG: A Symbolic Test Generation Tool (DC, TJ, VR, EZ), pp. 470–475.
TACAS-2002-Lowry #analysis #tool support- Software Construction and Analysis Tools for Future Space Missions (MRL), pp. 1–19.
CSMR-2002-AversanoCLG #case study #documentation #tool support #using #web #workflow #xml- Integrating Document and Workflow Management Tools using XML and Web Technologies: A Case Study (LA, GC, ADL, PG), p. 24–?.
CSMR-2002-JahnkeWZ #concept #design #tool support- A History Concept for Design Recovery Tools (JHJ, JPW, AZ), pp. 37–46.
CSMR-2002-LuccaFPTC #named #reverse engineering #web- WARE: A Tool for the Reverse Engineering of Web Applications (GADL, ARF, FP, PT, UdC), pp. 241–250.
ICSM-2002-FerencBTG #c++ #named #reverse engineering- Columbus — Reverse Engineering Tool and Schema for C++ (RF, ÁB, MT, TG), pp. 172–181.
ICSM-2002-RotschkeK #analysis #architecture #evolution #industrial #scalability #tool support- Architecture Analysis Tools to Support Evolution of Large Industrial Systems (TR, RLK), pp. 182–191.
ICSM-2002-VolzerASLM #configuration management- A Tool for Subsystem Configuration Management (HV, BA, PAS, PAL, AM), pp. 492–500.
ICSM-2002-WilkieH #complexity #object-oriented #tool support- Tool Support for Measuring Complexity in Heterogeneous Object-Oriented Software (FGW, TJH), pp. 152–161.
IWPC-2002-DeursenV #combinator #comprehension #tool support #using #visitor- Building Program Understanding Tools Using Visitor Combinators (AvD, JV), pp. 137–146.
IWPC-2002-TilleyH #comprehension #industrial #on the #tool support #visualisation- On Selecting Software Visualization Tools for Program Understanding in an Industrial Context (SRT, SH), pp. 285–288.
IWPC-2002-Walenstein #analysis #comprehension #tool support- Theory-based Analysis of Cognitive Support in Software Comprehension Tools (AW), pp. 75–84.
PASTE-2002-Fiskio-LasseterY #equation #graph #programming- Flow equations as a generic programming tool for manipulation of attributed graphs (JHEFL, MY), pp. 69–76.
SCAM-2002-BurdB #clone detection #detection #maintenance #tool support- Evaluating Clone Detection Tools for Use during Preventative Maintenance (EB, JB), pp. 36–43.
WCRE-2002-KollmanSSSZ #case study #reverse engineering #state of the art #uml- A Study on the Current State of the Art in Tool-Supported UML-Based Static Reverse Engineering (RK, PS, ES, TS, AZ), p. 22–?.
WCRE-2002-McArthurMN #representation #source code #using #xml- An Extensible Tool for Source Code Representation Using XML (GM, JM, SKKN), p. 199–?.
PEPM-2002-BischofHN #automation #difference #implementation #tool support- Implementation of automatic differentiation tools (CHB, PDH, BN), pp. 98–107.
SAS-2002-Hall #challenge #distributed #modelling #multi #research- Open Modeling in Multi-stakeholder Distributed Systems: Research and Tool Challenges (RJH), p. 2.
FME-2002-Wildman #compilation #proving- A Formal Basis for a Program Compilation Proof Tool (LW), pp. 491–510.
IFM-2002-BrookeP #csp #design #visual notation- The Design of a Tool-Supported Graphical Notation for Timed CSP (PJB, RFP), pp. 299–318.
ICGT-2002-SzubaSB #concept #design #graph #named- GraCAD — Graph-Based Tool for Conceptual Design (JS, AS, AB), pp. 363–377.
CHI-2002-McGeeCWH #multimodal #tool support- Comparing paper and tangible, multimodal tools (DM, PRC, RMW, SH), pp. 407–414.
CHI-2002-MontemayorDFSCD #design #interactive #physics #programming #tool support- Physical programming: designing tools for children to create physical interactive environments (JM, AD, AF, SS, WC, AD), pp. 299–306.
CSCW-2002-PranteMS #design #empirical #idea #tool support- Developing CSCW tools for idea finding -: empirical results and implications for design (TP, CM, NAS), pp. 106–115.
CAiSE-2002-HarrenT #framework #independence #modelling #process- A Framework for Tool-Independent Modeling of Data Acquisition Processes for Data Warehousing (AH, HT), pp. 733–736.
CAiSE-2002-SuI #case study #comparative #ontology #tool support- A Comparative Study of Ontology Languages and Tools (XS, LI), pp. 761–765.
ICEIS-2002-Bruque #internet- Internet Technology as a Business Tool (SBC), pp. 892–899.
ICEIS-2002-LaraV #using- Using AToM3 as a Meta-Case Tool (JdL, HV), pp. 642–649.
ICEIS-2002-Reyes-MoroRLCG #industrial #named- Quotes: A Negotiation Tool for Industrial E-Procurement (ARM, JARA, MLS, JC, DGM), pp. 989–994.
ICEIS-2002-SteinauDRI #consistency- A Tool for Assessing the Consistency of Websites (SS, OD, JJR, FI), pp. 691–698.
ICEIS-2002-TrujilloLM #design- The Gold Model Case Tool: An Environment for Designing OLAP Applications (JT, SLM, EM), pp. 699–707.
ICPR-v1-2002-SongCL #detection #image #performance- Edge Color Distribution Transform: An Efficient Tool for ObjectDetection in Images (JS, MC, MRL), pp. 608–612.
ICPR-v1-2002-VarmaB #estimation- Tool Wear Estimation from Acoustic Emissions: A Model Incorporating Wear-Rate (SV, JSB), pp. 492–495.
KDD-2002-PalmerGF #data mining #graph #mining #named #performance #scalability- ANF: a fast and scalable tool for data mining in massive graphs (CRP, PBG, CF), pp. 81–90.
LSO-2002-Henninger #tool support- Tool Support for Experience-Based Methodologies (SH), pp. 44–59.
SEKE-2002-BlundoC #authentication #named #web- SAWM: a tool for secure and authenticated web metering (CB, SC), pp. 641–648.
SEKE-2002-CanforaT #evaluation #nondeterminism #re-engineering #tool support- The importance of dealing with uncertainty in the evaluation of software engineering methods and tools (GC, LT), pp. 691–698.
SEKE-2002-GriffithsHLO #web- A simple method & tool for web engineering (GG, BDH, MAL, BJO), pp. 755–762.
SEKE-2002-VanT #collaboration #education #evaluation #named #process- FAQshare: a frequently asked questions voting system as a collaboration and evaluation tool in teaching activities (HLV, AT), pp. 557–560.
SIGIR-2002-ChoudhariDJMMPR #mining #named #ontology #web- YellowPager: a tool for ontology-based mining of service directories from web sources (PC, HD, AJ, AM, SM, SP, IVR), p. 458.
SIGIR-2002-JonesG #analysis #development #topic #visualisation- A visualisation tool for topic tracking analysis and development (GJFJ, SMG), pp. 389–390.
SIGIR-2002-SormunenHKPS #information retrieval #performance #query #research- Query performance analyser: a web-based tool for IR research and instruction (ES, SH, PK, PP, BS), p. 450.
SIGIR-2002-Spoerri #flexibility #named- Souvenir: flexible note-taking tool to pinpoint and share media highlights (AS), p. 453.
TOOLS-USA-2002-PaigeKOL #automation #named #reasoning #specification- BON-CASE: An Extensible CASE Tool for Formal Specification and Reasoning (RFP, LK, JSO, JL), pp. 77–96.
GPCE-2002-BarbeauB #development #generative #programming #protocol #stack #using- A Protocol Stack Development Tool Using Generative Programming (MB, FB), pp. 93–109.
PPDP-2002-FissoreGK #induction #proving #termination- System Presentation — CARIBOO: An induction based proof tool for termination with strategies (OF, IG, HK), pp. 62–73.
PADL-2002-Meadows #analysis #declarative #using- Using a Declarative Language to Build an Experimental Analysis Tool (CM), pp. 1–2.
RE-2002-Doernemann #risk management- Tool-Based Risk Management Made Practical (HD), p. 192.
SAC-2002-BorealeB #analysis #automation #protocol #security- Experimenting with STA, a tool for automatic analysis of security protocols (MB, MGB), pp. 281–285.
ICSE-2002-Puett #development #framework #modelling #tool support- Holistic framework for establishing interoperability of heterogeneous software development tools and models (JP), pp. 729–730.
ICSE-2002-UchitelSZ #algorithm #modelling #state machine #tool support- Scenarios and state machines: models, algorithms, and tools (SU, TS, AZ), pp. 659–660.
LDTA-2002-HenriquesPMLAZ #automation #generative #tool support- Automatic Generation of Language-based Tools (PRH, MJVP, MM, ML, EA, VZ), pp. 77–96.
LDTA-2002-ParigotCDFPFHA #framework #generative #semantics #xml- Aspect and XML-oriented Semantic Framework Generator: SmartTools (DP, CC, PD, AF, CP, JF, CH, IA), pp. 97–116.
CC-2002-NeculaMRW #analysis #c #named #source code #tool support- CIL: Intermediate Language and Tools for Analysis and Transformation of C Programs (GCN, SM, SPR, WW), pp. 213–228.
HPCA-2002-SakamotoBKIK #generative #performance #source code- Reverse Tracer: A Software Tool for Generating Realistic Performance Test Programs (MS, LB, AK, AI, YK), pp. 81–91.
HPDC-2002-AllcockBBFGILP #behaviour #distributed #named #scalability #visualisation- GridMapper: A Tool for Visualizing the Behavior of Large-Scale Distributed Systems (WEA, JB, JB, ITF, JG, JAI, JML, MEP), pp. 179–187.
CAV-2002-ArmandoBBCCMRTVV #analysis #protocol #security- The AVISS Security Protocol Analysis Tool (AA, DAB, MB, YC, LC, SM, MR, MT, LV, LV), pp. 349–353.
CAV-2002-AsarinDM #hybrid #verification- The d/dt Tool for Verification of Hybrid Systems (EA, TD, OM), pp. 365–370.
CAV-2002-AsarinPSY #hybrid #named #verification- SPeeDI — A Verification Tool for Polygonal Hybrid Systems (EA, GJP, GS, SY), pp. 354–358.
CAV-2002-Ben-DavidGSW #design #named- PathFinder: A Tool for Design Exploration (SBD, AG, BS, YW), pp. 510–514.
CAV-2002-CimattiCGGPRST #model checking- NuSMV 2: An OpenSource Tool for Symbolic Model Checking (AC, EMC, EG, FG, MP, MR, RS, AT), pp. 359–364.
RTA-2002-Durand #named #term rewriting- Autowrite: A Tool for Checking Properties of Term Rewriting Systems (ID), pp. 371–375.
SAT-2002-AloulSS #backtracking- A tool for measuring progress of backtrack-search solvers (FAA, BS, KS), p. 28.
ASE-2001-ArdourelH #encapsulation #graph #tool support- AGATE, Access Graph-Based Tools for Handling Encapsulation (GA, MH), pp. 311–314.
ASE-2001-ChevalierV #lazy evaluation #protocol #security #verification- A Tool for Lazy Verification of Security Protocols (YC, LV), pp. 373–376.
ASE-2001-GannodG #automation #petri net #using- An Automated Tool for Analyzing Petri Nets Using SPIN (GCG, SG), pp. 404–407.
ASE-2001-LongHS #concurrent #java #monitoring- A Concurrency Test Tool for Java Monitors (BL, DH, PAS), pp. 421–425.
DAC-2001-SinhaC #energy #named #profiling #web- JouleTrack — A Web Based Tool for Software Energy Profiling (AS, AC), pp. 220–225.
DATE-2001-Axelsson #architecture #tool support- Methods and tools for systems engineering of automotive electronic architectures (JA), p. 112.
DATE-2001-Bazargan-SabetI #modelling #tool support #verification- Modeling crosstalk noise for deep submicron verification tools (PBS, FI), pp. 530–534.
DATE-2001-HoffmannNPBM #development #generative #quality #tool support #using- Generating production quality software development tools using a machine description language (AH, AN, SP, GB, HM), pp. 674–678.
DATE-2001-PaulinKB #architecture #embedded #network #requirements #tool support- Network processors: a perspective on market requirements, processor architectures and embedded S/W tools (PGP, FK, PB), pp. 420–429.
DATE-2001-WahlAMR #modelling #optimisation- From DFT to systems test — a model based cost optimization tool (MGW, APA, CM, MR), pp. 302–306.
HT-2001-Bernstein #hypermedia #tool support- Card shark and thespis: exotic tools for hypertext narrative (MB), pp. 41–50.
HT-2001-HarperGS #prototype #tool support #visual notation- Prototype mobility tools for visually impaired surfers (SH, CAG, RS), pp. 33–34.
HT-2001-Wideroos #process #tool support- Awt (Associative writing tool): supporting writing process with a ZigZag based writing tool — work in progress (KW), pp. 35–36.
ICDAR-2001-EllimanS #database #generative #word- A Truthing Tool for Generating a Database of Cursive Words (DE, NS), p. 1255–?.
VLDB-2001-MargaritisFT #data mining #mining #named #performance #scalability- NetCube: A Scalable Tool for Fast Data Mining and Compression (DM, CF, ST), pp. 311–320.
VLDB-2001-StohrR #named #parallel- WARLOCK: A Data Allocation Tool for Parallel Warehouses (TS, ER), pp. 721–722.
ITiCSE-2001-CarnianiD #comprehension #education #network- The NetWire emulator: a tool for teaching and understanding networks (EC, RD), pp. 153–156.
ITiCSE-2001-Grissom #feedback- Reality check: an informal feedback tool (SG), p. 195.
ITiCSE-2001-LanariR #authoring #education #named- e-IMC: an authoring tool for humanistic teachers aimed to develop and distribute customized instructional courseware (DL, SR), p. 183.
ITiCSE-2001-ThomasL #distance #fault #learning #student #using- Observational studies of student errors in a distance learning environment using a remote recording and replay tool (PT, KL), pp. 117–120.
FASE-J-1998-MotaS01 #industrial #model checking #tool support- Model-checking CSP-Z: strategy, tool support and industrial application (AM, AS), pp. 59–96.
ESOP-2001-KomondoorH #dependence #tool support #using- Tool Demonstration: Finding Duplicated Code Using Program Dependences (RK, SH), pp. 383–386.
TACAS-2001-Beaudouin-LafonMJAJLLMMRRCJ #editing #named #petri net #simulation #tool support- CPN/Tools: A Tool for Editing and Simulating Coloured Petri Nets ETAPS Tool Demonstration Related to TACAS (MBL, WEM, MJ, PA, PJ, HML, KL, KHM, SM, AVR, KR, SC, KJ), pp. 574–577.
TACAS-2001-Castillo #analysis #modelling #state machine #tool support #validation- The ASM Workbench — A Tool Environment for Computer-Aided Analysis and Validation of Abstract State Machine Models Tool Demonstration (GDC), pp. 578–581.
TACAS-2001-NollFG #erlang #verification- The Erlang Verification Tool (TN, LÅF, DG), pp. 582–586.
TACAS-2001-RiccaT #analysis #problem #testing #web- Building a Tool for the Analysis and Testing of Web Applications: Problems and Solutions (FR, PT), pp. 373–388.
TACAS-2001-SouterWSP #analysis #named #testing- TATOO: Testing and Analysis Tool for Object- Oriented Software (ALS, TMW, SAS, LLP), pp. 389–403.
CSMR-2001-Kasyanov- A Support Tool for Annotated Program Manipulation (VNK), pp. 85–94.
ICSM-2001-ChenR #legacy #named- RIPPLES: Tool for Change in Legacy Software (KC, VR), pp. 230–239.
ICSM-2001-JongeM #effectiveness #maintenance #tool support- Cost-Effective Maintenance Tools for Proprietary Languages (MdJ, RM), pp. 240–249.
IWPC-2001-BassilK #analysis #bibliography #tool support #visualisation- Software Visualization Tools: Survey and Analysis (SB, RKK), pp. 7–17.
IWPC-2001-GannodC #formal method #reverse engineering #tool support #using- A Suite of Tools for Facilitating Reverse Engineering Using Formal Methods (GCG, BHCC), pp. 221–232.
IWPC-2001-LangeWS #comprehension #graph #relational #tool support- Comparing Graph-Based Program Comprehension Tools to Relational Database-Based Tools (CL, AW, HMS), pp. 209–218.
IWPC-2001-Lethbridge #re-engineering #tool support- Report from the Dagstuhl Seminar on Interoperability of Reengineering Tools (TCL), p. 119.
IWPC-2001-Sartipi #architecture #named- Alborz: A Query-based Tool for Software Architecture Recovery (KS), pp. 115–116.
IWPC-2001-ZayourL #reverse engineering #tool support- Adoption of Reverse Engineering Tools: A Cognitive Perspective and Methodology (IZ, TCL), pp. 245–255.
SCAM-2001-Vanter #source code #tool support- Preserving the Documentary Structure of Source Code in Language-Based Transformation Tools (MvdV), pp. 133–143.
SAS-2001-Spoto #analysis #composition #semantics- Watchpoint Semantics: A Tool for Compositional and Focussed Static Analyses (FS), pp. 127–145.
CHI-2001-PhilipsRJ #collaboration #design- Building a human factors “knowledge shelf” as a collaborative information tool for designers (BHP, MR, JJ), pp. 98–103.
CHI-2001-SchkolnePS #3d #tool support- Surface drawing: creating organic 3D shapes with the hand and tangible tools (SS, MP, PS), pp. 261–268.
SVIS-2001-BaskenN #algorithm #geometry #interactive #named #visualisation- GeoWin — A Generic Tool for Interactive Visualization of Geometric Algorithms (MB, SN), pp. 88–100.
SVIS-2001-CrescenziI #network #protocol #taxonomy #tool support #towards #visualisation- Towards a Taxonomy of Network Protocol Visualization Tools (PC, GI), pp. 241–255.
SIGAda-2001-LaskiSP #database #query- Beyond ASIS: program data bases and tool-oriented queries (JWL, WS, PP), pp. 81–90.
CAiSE-2001-WieringaJ #design #tool support- Techniques for Reactive System Design: The Tools in TRADE (RW, DNJ), pp. 93–107.
EDOC-2001-NealL #development #tool support #using- Tool Support for Development Using Patterns (SWN, PFL), p. 237–?.
ICEIS-v1-2001-MedinaT #tool support- Front-End Tools in Data Warehousing: Informix Metacube (ROLAP) vs. Cognos Powerplay (MOLAP) (EM, JT), pp. 10–18.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Ahmed-Nacer #approach #evolution #process- A Case Tool Approach for Software Process Evolution (MAN), pp. 761–765.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Rak #design #development #tool support- Modern Tools for Development and Design of Virtual Instruments (RJR), pp. 1166–1169.
ICEIS-v2-2001-Riedl #architecture #corba #distributed #network #tool support #xml- A CORBA/XML-Based Architecture for Distributed Network Planning Tools (AR), pp. 926–933.
CIKM-2001-BressanDLLLNW #benchmark #metric #named #query #xml- X007: Applying 007 Benchmark to XML Query Processing Tool (SB, GD, ZL, MLL, YGL, UN, BW), pp. 167–174.
KDD-2001-TrainaTPF #data mining #mining #multi #named #scalability #tool support- Tri-plots: scalable tools for multidimensional data mining (AJMT, CTJ, SP, CF), pp. 184–193.
MLDM-2001-PernerB #data mining #hybrid #mining- A Hybrid Tool for Data Mining in Picture Archiving System (PP, TPB), pp. 141–156.
SEKE-2001-GargiuloM #java #named #source code- Gadget: A Tool for Extracting the Dynamic Structure of Java Programs (JG, SM), pp. 244–251.
SEKE-2001-LeeCUHC #automation #metric #quality- Automated Tool for Software Quality Measurement (YL, KHC, DAU, TDH, JHCI), pp. 196–202.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-GouveiaKAF #coordination #evolution #tool support- Tool Support for Coordination-Based Software Evolution (JG, GK, LFA, JLF), pp. 184–196.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-SevitskyPK #analysis #java #performance #source code- An Information Exploration Tool for Performance Analysis of Java Programs (GS, WDP, RK), pp. 85–101.
TOOLS-USA-2001-Blasbland #reflexive- Reflexivity and Meta-Tools to Manage Your Software Real Estate (DB), p. 378.
PADL-2001-IglesiasGPRM #approach #logic programming #tool support- Interoperability between Bioinformatics Tools: A Logic Programming Approach (JRI, GG, EP, DR, BM), pp. 153–168.
RE-2001-JarzabekZ #domain model #modelling #requirements #xml- XML-Based Method and Tool for Handling Variant Requirements in Domain Models (SJ, HZ), pp. 166–173.
ESEC-FSE-2001-ClarkeJRZ #generative #named #source code #specification- STG: a tool for generating symbolic test programs and oracles from operational specifications (DC, TJ, VR, EZ), pp. 301–302.
ICSE-2001-AlurAGHKKMMW #design #model checking #named- JMOCHA: A Model Checking Tool that Exploits Design Structure (RA, LdA, RG, TAH, MK, CMK, RM, FYCM, BYW), pp. 835–836.
ICSE-2001-DwyerHJLPRZV #abstraction #finite #verification- Tool-Supported Program Abstraction for Finite-State Verification (MBD, JH, RJ, SL, CSP, R, HZ, WV), pp. 177–187.
ICSE-2001-GriswoldYK #evolution- Exploiting the Map Metaphor in a Tool for Software Evolution (WGG, JJY, YK), pp. 265–274.
ICSE-2001-KamiyaOKKI #java #maintenance #source code #tool support- Maintenance Support Tools for JAVA Programs: CCFinder and JAAT (TK, FO, KK, SK, KI), pp. 837–838.
ICSE-2001-KoskinenPSSK #tool support #uml- Model Processing Tools in UML (JK, JP, PS, TS, KK), pp. 819–820.
ICSE-2001-StirewaltD #analysis #approach #component #formal method #tool support- A Component-Based Approach to Building Formal Analysis Tools (KS, LKD), pp. 167–176.
ICSE-2001-TilleyH #case study #comprehension #reverse engineering #tool support #web- Evaluating the Reverse Engineering Capabilities of Web Tools for Understanding Site Content and Structure: A Case Study (SRT, SH), pp. 514–523.
LDTA-2001-AttaliCDFPP #generative #interactive #named #tool support- SmartTools: a Generator of Interactive Environment Tools (IA, CC, PD, AF, DP, CP), pp. 225–231.
LDTA-2001-JongeVV #named #program transformation #tool support- XT: a bundle of program transformation tools (MdJ, EV, JV), pp. 79–86.
LDTA-2001-Klint #collaboration #development #interactive #tool support- Collaborative Development of Interactive Language Processing Tools (PK), pp. 1–2.
CC-2001-AttaliCDFPP #generative #interactive #named #tool support- SmartTools: A Generator of Interactive Environments Tools (IA, CC, PD, AF, DP, CP), pp. 355–360.
HPDC-2001-FrumkinW #benchmark #grid #metric- NAS Grid Benchmarks: A Tool for Grid Space Exploration (MAF, RFVdW), p. 315–?.
HPDC-2001-LanfermannARS #grid #migration- Nomadic Migration: A New Tool for Dynamic Grid Computing (GL, GA, TR, ES), pp. 429–430.
LCTES-OM-2001-PalopoliLANAC #embedded #performance #prototype #simulation- A Tool for Simulation and Fast Prototyping of Embedded Control Systems (LP, GL, LA, MDN, PA, FC), pp. 73–81.
CAV-2001-AnnichiniBS #analysis #named #reachability- TReX: A Tool for Reachability Analysis of Complex Systems (AA, AB, MS), pp. 368–372.
CAV-2001-ClossePPSVWY #development #embedded #named #realtime #verification- TAXYS: A Tool for the Development and Verification of Real-Time Embedded Systems (EC, MP, JP, JS, PV, DW, SY), pp. 391–395.
CAV-2001-LevinY #model checking #named- SDLcheck: A Model Checking Tool (VL, HY), p. 377.
IJCAR-2001-Lucke #named #set- Hilberticus — A Tool Deciding an Elementary Sublanguage of Set Theory (JL), pp. 690–695.
ASE-2000-FeatherCL #risk management #tool support- Combining the Best Attributes of Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Management Tool Support (MSF, SLC, TWL), pp. 309–312.
ASE-2000-HarmainG #automation #named- CM-Builder: An Automated NL-Based CASE Tool (HMH, RJG), pp. 45–54.
ASE-2000-LaleauM #bibliography #generative #specification #uml- An Overview of a Method and Its Support Tool for Generating B Specifications from UML Notations (RL, AM), pp. 269–272.
ASE-2000-NoahW #automation #database #design #performance #tool support #validation- Exploring and Validating the Contributions of Real-World Knowledge to the Diagnostic Performance of Automated Database Design Tools (SAN, MDW), pp. 177–186.
DAC-2000-KirovskiLWP #forensics #tool support- Forensic engineering techniques for VLSI CAD tools (DK, DTL, JLW, MP), pp. 581–586.
DAC-2000-LevyBBDGOOSZ #analysis #design #named- ClariNet: a noise analysis tool for deep submicron design (RL, DB, GB, AD, AG, CO, BO, SS, VZ), pp. 233–238.
DAC-2000-NiemierKK #design #novel #quantum #tool support- A design of and design tools for a novel quantum dot based microprocessor (MTN, MJK, PMK), pp. 227–232.
DAC-2000-SundararajanSP #named- MINFLOTRANSIT: min-cost flow based transistor sizing tool (VS, SSS, KKP), pp. 649–664.
DAC-2000-YeVKI #design #energy #estimation- The design and use of simplepower: a cycle-accurate energy estimation tool (WY, NV, MTK, MJI), pp. 340–345.
DATE-2000-Perez-MontesMDFR #named- XFridge: A SPICE-Based, Portable, User-Friendly Cell-Level Sizing Tool (FMPM, FM, RDC, FVF, ÁRV), p. 739.
DATE-2000-Veelenturf #embedded #reliability #tool support- The Road to Better Reliability and Yield Embedded DfM Tools (KV), pp. 67–68.
HT-2000-Neumuller #analysis #tool support- A semiotic analysis of iMarketing tools (MN), pp. 238–239.
SIGMOD-2000-Galhardas #ajax #named- AJAX: An Extensible Data Cleaning Tool (HG, DF, DS, ES), p. 590.
SIGMOD-2000-GillmannWSWW #distributed #workflow- A Goal-driven Auto-Configuration Tool for the Distributed Workflow Management System Mentor-lite (MG, JW, GS, WW, GW), p. 595.
SIGMOD-2000-MerialdoAMMP #automation #data-driven #modelling #named #web- Homer: a Model-Based CASE Tool for Data-Intensive Web Sites (PM, PA, MM, GM, MP), p. 586.
VLDB-2000-CarusoCGLM #analysis #database #quality- Telcordia’s Database Reconciliation and Data Quality Analysis Tool (FC, MC, UG, GL, PM), pp. 615–618.
VLDB-2000-ShahabiFKF #interactive #named #web- INSITE: A Tool for Interpreting Users? Interaction with a Web Space (CS, AF, FBK, JF), pp. 635–638.
CSEET-2000-Zalewski #automation #development #re-engineering #tool support- Automatic Development Tools in Software Engineering Courses (JZ), p. 200–?.
ITiCSE-2000-DickPM #education #re-engineering #tool support- Teaching tools for software engineering education (MD, MP, JM), pp. 49–52.
ITiCSE-2000-Exton #comprehension #concurrent #execution #named #object-oriented- Elucidate: a tool to aid comprehension of concurrent object oriented execution (CE), pp. 33–36.
ITiCSE-2000-Normark #tool support- A suite of WWW-based tools for advanced course management (KN), pp. 65–68.
ITiCSE-2000-RaabRP #education #java #tool support- Pedagogical power tools for teaching Java (JR, RR, VKP), pp. 156–159.
ITiCSE-2000-RosslingF #testing- TOPKAPI (poster session): a tool for performing knowledge tests over the WWW (GR, BF), p. 191.
ITiCSE-2000-RosslingSF #algorithm #animation- The ANIMAL algorithm animation tool (GR, MS, BF), pp. 37–40.
ITiCSE-2000-SheneL00a #design- DesignMentor (poster session): a pedagogical tool for graphics and computer-aided design (CKS, JLL), p. 193.
ITiCSE-2000-Sooriamurthi #abstraction #functional #recursion #using- Using recursion as a tool to reinforce functional abstraction (poster session) (RS), p. 194.
FASE-2000-LuthW #development #tool support- More About TAS and IsaWin — Tools for Formal Program Development (CL, BW), pp. 367–370.
TACAS-2000-Aspinall #development #proving- Proof General: A Generic Tool for Proof Development (DA0), pp. 38–42.
TACAS-2000-BodeveixF #infinity #named #validation- FMona: A Tool for Expressing Validation Techniques over Infinite State Systems (JPB, MF), pp. 204–219.
TACAS-2000-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #multi #tool support- ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Tool Support for Integrating Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 43–47.
TACAS-2000-Mossakowski #named #semantics #tool support- CASL: From Semantics to Tools (TM), pp. 93–108.
TACAS-2000-NiemannB #editing #specification #visual notation- Tool-Based Specification of Visual Languages and Graphic Editors (MN, RB), pp. 456–470.
WRLA-2000-BrandR #asf+sdf #parsing #tool support- ASF+SDF parsing tools applied to ELAN (MvdB, CR), pp. 138–157.
WRLA-2000-LeuckerN #framework #logic #tool support #verification- Rewriting Logic as a Framework for Generic Verification Tools (ML, TN), pp. 121–137.
WRLA-2000-OlveczkyM #hybrid #maude #realtime #simulation- Real-Time Maude: A Tool for Simulating and Analyzing Real-Time and Hybrid Systems (PCÖ, JM), pp. 361–382.
WCRE-J-1997-DeursenQW00 #recognition #tool support- Program plan recognition for year 2000 tools (AvD, AQ, SW), pp. 303–324.
WCRE-J-1997-StoreyWM00 #comprehension #how #question #source code #tool support- How do program understanding tools affect how programmers understand programs? (MADS, KW, HAM), pp. 183–207.
ICSM-2000-RobitailleSK #comprehension #design #navigation #tool support- Bridging Program Comprehension Tools by Design Navigation (SR, RS, RKK), pp. 22–32.
IWPC-2000-BinkleyRSH #comprehension #empirical #slicing- An Empirical Study of Amorphous Slicing as a Program Comprehension Support Tool (DB, LRR, CS, MH), pp. 161–170.
IWPC-2000-Gallagher #comprehension #tool support- Tools for Program Comprehension: Building a Comprehender’s Workbench (KBG), p. 255.
IWPC-2000-Goldman #interactive #monitoring #named- Smiley — An Interactive Tool for Monitoring Inter-Module Function Calls (NMG), pp. 109–118.
WCRE-2000-CzeranskiEKKS #tool support #using- Analyzing xfig Using the Bauhaus Tools (JC, TE, HMK, RK, DS), pp. 197–199.
WCRE-2000-JahnkeW #reverse engineering #tool support- Reverse Engineering Tools as Media for Imperfect Knowledge (JHJ, AW), pp. 22–31.
WCRE-2000-MartinWWM #using- Analyzing xfig Using the Rigi Tool Suite (JM, KW, BW, HAM), pp. 207–209.
WCRE-2000-ParryLT #tool support- PBS Tool Demonstration Report on Xfig (TPI, EL, JT), pp. 200–202.
WCRE-2000-Sim #generative #interface- Next Generation Data Interchange: Tool-to-Tool Application Program Interfaces (SES), pp. 278–280.
WCRE-2000-SimS #comprehension #tool support- A Structured Demonstration of Program Comprehension Tools (SES, MADS), pp. 184–193.
WCRE-2000-SimSW #comprehension #lessons learnt #tool support- A Structured Demonstration of Five Program Comprehension Tools: Lessons Learnt (SES, MADS, AW), p. 210–?.
WCRE-2000-TateishiW #case study #experience #maintenance #tool support- Applying Traditional Unix Tools during Maintenance: An Experience Report (AT, AW), pp. 203–206.
ICFP-2000-ClaessenH #haskell #lightweight #named #quickcheck #random testing #source code #testing- QuickCheck: a lightweight tool for random testing of Haskell programs (KC, JH), pp. 268–279.
CHI-2000-BaumeisterJB #comparison #modelling #tool support- A comparison of tools for building GOMS models (LKB, BEJ, MDB), pp. 502–509.
CHI-2000-DammHT #design #gesture #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Tool support for cooperative object-oriented design: gesture based modelling on an electronic whiteboard (CHD, KMH, MT), pp. 518–525.
CHI-2000-EspinosaCRKSL #tool support #why- Coming to the wrong decision quickly: why awareness tools must be matched with appropriate tasks (JAE, JJC, LRG, REK, WLS, GL), pp. 392–399.
CHI-2000-LinNHL #design #named #tool support #web- DENIM: finding a tighter fit between tools and practice for Web site design (JL, MWN, JIH, JAL), pp. 510–517.
CSCW-2000-Bernstein #how #process #tool support- How can cooperative work tools support dynamic group process? bridging the specificity frontier (AB), pp. 279–288.
CSCW-2000-YankelovichBT- Sun SharedShell tool (NY, JB, JCT), p. 351.
AdaEurope-2000-NonakaCU #ada #development #self #source code- A Supporting Tool for Development of Self-Measurement Ada Programs (YN, JC, KU), pp. 69–81.
CAiSE-2000-DupuyLC #bibliography #specification #uml- An Overview of RoZ: A Tool for Integrating UML and Z Specifications (SD, YL, MCP), pp. 417–430.
EDOC-2000-PressoRB #named #process #uml- PILOTE: A Tool Suite to Support UML-Based Engineering Processes (MJP, GR, MB), pp. 242–251.
ICEIS-2000-BattacharyaR #relational- Object Relational Transformation Case Tool (AB, JWR), pp. 21–26.
ICEIS-2000-MilhoF #development #network- A User-Friendly Development Tool for Medical Diagnosis Based on Bayesian Networks (IM, ALNF), pp. 176–180.
CIKM-2000-LeLN #modelling #visual notation- A Visual Tool for Structuring and Modeling Organizational Memories (THL, LL, THN), pp. 258–263.
CIKM-2000-StojanovicDS #analysis #framework #query #visual notation- Visual Query and Analysis Tool of the Object-Relational GIS Framework (ZS, SDK, DS), pp. 328–335.
CIKM-2000-Yang #3d #named #relational #scalability #set- n23Tool: a Tool for Exploring Large Relational Data Sets Through 3D Dynamic Projections (LY), pp. 322–327.
ICPR-v3-2000-LagunovskyFB #image #tool support- Image Processing Tools for Fresco Restoration (DL, MF, GSdB), pp. 3330–3333.
ICPR-v3-2000-VincentCF #3d #segmentation #tool support #using- Spatio-Temporal Segmentation Using 3D Morphological Tools (VA, CR, FH), pp. 3885–3892.
ICPR-v4-2000-AlbiolNM #people #realtime #tool support #using- Real-Time High Density People Counter Using Morphological Tools (AA, VN, IM), pp. 4652–4655.
ICPR-v4-2000-DoermannM #evaluation #performance #tool support #video- Tools and Techniques for Video Performance Evaluation (DSD, DM), pp. 4167–4170.
KDD-2000-GerstenWA #case study #experience #modelling #predict #roadmap #tool support- Predictive modeling in automotive direct marketing: tools, experiences and open issues (WG, RW, DA), pp. 398–406.
SIGIR-2000-MantzarisGGT #library #tool support- Integrated search tools for newspaper digital libraries (SLM, BG, NG, PT), p. 389.
UML-2000-VilainSS #diagrams #interactive #representation #uml- A Diagrammatic Tool for Representing User Interaction in UML (PV, DS, CSdS), pp. 133–147.
ECOOP-2000-DammHTT #automation #collaboration #flexibility #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Creative Object-Oriented Modelling: Support for Intuition, Flexibility, and Collaboration in CASE Tools (CHD, KMH, MT, MT), pp. 27–43.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-SunLJZ #architecture #framework #testing- Architecture Framework for Software Test Tool (CaS, CL, MJ, MZ), pp. 40–49.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-DammHTT #case study #component #experience #integration #tool support #using #xmi- Tool Integration: Experiences and Issues in Using XMI and Component Technology (CHD, KMH, MT, MT), pp. 94–107.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-BarberG #architecture #identification #object-oriented #tool support- Tool Support for Systematic Class Identification in Object-Oriented Software Architectures (KSB, TJG), pp. 82–93.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-Diskin #modelling #on the- On Mathematical Foundations for Business Modeling (Presented at TOOLS-USA 2000) (ZD), pp. 182–189.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-2000-SkevoulisJ #detection #fault #invariant #java #runtime #source code #static analysis- Generic Invariant-Based Static Analysis Tool for Detection of Runtime Errors in Java Programs (SS, XJ), pp. 36–44.
TOOLS-USA-2000-GilesS #distributed #liveness #object-oriented #testing- A Tool for Testing Liveness in Distributed Object Systems (CPG, PAGS), pp. 319–328.
TOOLS-USA-2000-KewleyP #development #distributed #framework #object-oriented- A Distributed Object-Oriented Framework for Tool Development (JMK, RP), pp. 353–362.
TOOLS-USA-2000-NadaLSRDT #assessment #reuse- Software Reuse Technology Practices and Assessment Tool-Kit (NN, L, MtS, DCR, ED, ST), p. 307–?.
TOOLS-USA-2000-WolfIBP #modelling #object-oriented #tool support #uml- UML Tool Support: Utilization of Object-Oriented Models (MW, EI, RB, IP), pp. 529–534.
POPL-2000-ChambersHV #design pattern #tool support- A Debate on Language and Tool Support for Design Patterns (CC, BH, JMV), pp. 277–289.
SAC-2000-BodlaenderRS #analysis #design #named- TRAnD: Temporal Requirement Analysis and Design Tool (MPB, AHLR, PDVvdS), pp. 882–886.
SAC-2000-Inder #knowledge base- A Tool for Internet-Oriented Knowledge Based Systems (RI), pp. 34–39.
SAC-2000-KhuriH #algorithm #tool support #visualisation- Tools for Visualizing Text Compression Algorithms (SK, HCH), pp. 119–123.
SAC-2000-KirnerM #artificial reality #development #using #visualisation- Development of an Information Visualization Tool Using Virtual Reality (TGK, VFMS), pp. 604–606.
FoSE-2000-OssherHT #re-engineering #roadmap #tool support- Software engineering tools and environments: a roadmap (HO, WHH, PLT), pp. 261–277.
FSE-2000-ButkevichRBY #compilation #debugging #protocol #tool support- Compiler and tool support for debugging object protocols (SB, MR, GB, MY), pp. 50–59.
FSE-2000-JacksonS #architecture #framework #modelling- COM revisited: tool-assisted modelling of an architectural framework (DJ, KJS), pp. 149–158.
ICSE-2000-CoppitS00a #named- Galileo: a tool built from mass-market applications (DC, KJS), pp. 750–753.
ICSE-2000-HayesGM #component #design #program analysis #reuse #tool support- Component design of retargetable program analysis tools that reuse intermediate representations (JH, WGG, SM), pp. 356–365.
ICSE-2000-Liu #automation #independence #testing- Platform-independent and tool-neutral test descriptions for automated software testing (CL), pp. 713–715.
ICSE-2000-MarcaP #approach #internet #re-engineering #set- A software engineering approach and tool set for developing Internet applications (DAM, BAP), pp. 738–741.
ICSE-2000-MiliCGZ00a #automation #predict #reuse- Tracking, predicting and assessing software reuse costs: an automated tool (AM, SFC, RG, LZ), p. 785.
ASPLOS-2000-NandaMSSSS #design #hardware #multi #named #programmable #realtime- MemorIES: A Programmable, Real-Time Hardware Emulation Tool for Multiprocessor Server Design (AKN, KKM, KS, RKS, VS, TBS), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2000-ThainL #execution #named- Bypass: A Tool for Building Split Execution Systems (DT, ML), pp. 79–86.
CAV-2000-GunterKP #interactive #named #testing- PET: An Interactive Software Testing Tool (ELG, RPK, DP), pp. 552–556.
CAV-2000-Yoneda #named #verification- VINAS-P: A Tool for Trace Theoretic Verification of Timed Asynchronous Circuits (TY), pp. 572–575.
ISSTA-2000-Pincus #analysis #case study #developer #experience #tool support- Analysis is necessary, but far from sufficient: Experiences building and deploying successful tools for developers and testers (abstract only) (JDP), p. 1.
ISSTA-2000-StevenCFP #named #testing- jRapture: A Capture/Replay tool for observation-based testing (JS, PC, BF, AP), pp. 158–167.
RTA-2000-OhlebuschCM #analysis #logic programming #named #source code #termination- TALP: A Tool for the Termination Analysis of Logic Programs (EO, CC, CM), pp. 270–273.
ASE-1999-BousquetZ #bibliography #testing- An Overview of Lutess: A Specification-based Tool for Testing Synchronous Software (LdB, NZ), pp. 208–215.
ASE-1999-CopenhaferS #component #interactive- Exploration Harnesses: Tool-Supported Interactive Discovery of Commercial Component Properties (MAC, KJS), pp. 7–14.
ASE-1999-GoualardB #constraints #debugging #visualisation- A Visualization Tool for Constraint Program Debugging (FG, FB), p. 110–?.
ASE-1999-LiliusP #modelling #named #uml #verification- vUML: A Tool for Verifying UML Models (JL, IP), pp. 255–258.
DAC-1999-KurzwegLMMPC- A CAD Tool for Optical MEMS (TPK, SPL, PJM, JAM, KRP, DMC), pp. 879–884.
DATE-1999-ChakrabortyGBKM #design #physics #self- A Physical Design Tool for Built-in Self-Repairable Static RAMs (KC, AG, MB, SK, PM), p. 714–?.
DATE-1999-TragoudasM #fault #functional #tool support- ATPG Tools for Delay Faults at the Functional Level (ST, MKM), p. 631–?.
HT-1999-GarzottoMP #hypermedia #web- Abstract Tasks: A Tool for the Inspection of Web Sites and Off-Line Hypermedia (FG, MM, PP), pp. 157–163.
HT-1999-Lange #analysis #hypermedia #tool support- Hypermedia Potentials for Analysis Support Tools (DSL), pp. 165–166.
HT-1999-Morgan #hypermedia #research #tool support- Electronic Tools for Dismantling the Master’s House: Poststructuralist Feminist Research and Hypertext Poetics (WM), pp. 207–216.
ICDAR-1999-NicchiottiS #normalisation- Generalized Projections: A Tool for Cursive Handwriting Normalization (GN, CS), pp. 729–732.
ITiCSE-1999-Armentrout #design #java #source code #uml- A tool for designing Java programs with UML (AA), p. 180.
ITiCSE-1999-Power #design #diagrams #logic #named- Designer — a logic diagram design tool (CP), p. 211.
ITiCSE-1999-Trichina #topic- Didactic instructional tool for topics in computer science (ET), pp. 95–98.
FASE-1999-BlairJB #multi #specification- A Tool Suite for Multi-paradigm Specification (LB, TJ, GSB), pp. 234–238.
FASE-1999-LuthTKK #development #proving #theorem proving #tool support- TAS and IsaWin: Tools for Transformational Program Development and Theorem Proving (CL, HT, K, BKB), pp. 239–243.
TACAS-1999-BuchholzK #analysis #composition #distributed #tool support- Modular State Level Analysis of Distributed Systems Techniques and Tool Support (PB, PK), pp. 420–434.
TACAS-1999-DongDRRRSSSW #case study #comparative #concurrent #tool support #verification- Fighting Livelock in the i-Protocol: A Comparative Study of Verification Tools (YD, XD, YSR, CRR, IVR, SAS, OS, EWS, DSW), pp. 74–88.
TACAS-1999-GunterP- Path Exploration Tool (ELG, DP), pp. 405–419.
TACAS-1999-KahloucheVZ #communication #consistency #hardware #protocol #testing #using- Hardware Testing Using a Communication Protocol Conformance Testing Tool (HK, CV, MZ), pp. 315–329.
TACAS-1999-SpeltE #analysis #database #object-oriented #theorem proving- A Theorem Prover-Based Analysis Tool for Object-Oriented Databases (DS, SE), pp. 375–389.
TACAS-1999-Stevens #re-engineering #tool support #verification- Some Issues in the Software Engineering of Verification Tools (PS), pp. 435–438.
CSMR-1999-KrikhaarFJM #architecture #comprehension #tool support- Architecture Comprehension Tools for a PBX System (RLK, LMGF, RdJ, JM), pp. 31–41.
CSMR-1999-TaschwerRM #c #generative- Generating Objects from C Code — Features of the CORET Tool-Set (MT, DRR, RM), pp. 91–101.
ICSM-1999-MancoridisMCG #clustering #maintenance #named- Bunch: A Clustering Tool for the Recovery and Maintenance of Software System Structures (SM, BSM, YFC, ERG), p. 50–?.
ICSM-1999-Rugaber #evolution #legacy- A Tool Suite for Evolving Legacy Software (SR), pp. 33–39.
WCRE-1999-Balmas #named #query #source code- QBO: A Query Tool Specially Developed to Explore Programs (FB), pp. 270–279.
WCRE-1999-EbertKW #named #re-engineering #tool support- GraX — An Interchange Format for Reengineering Tools (JE, BK, AW), p. 89–?.
WCRE-1999-FreitasL #reuse #reverse engineering #tool support- Reusing Domains for the Construction of Reverse Engineering Tools (FGdF, JCSdPL), p. 24–?.
WCRE-1999-SouderM #distributed #legacy- A Tool for Securely Integrating Legacy Systems into a Distributed Environment (TSS, SM), pp. 47–55.
STOC-1999-Zwick99a #problem #programming- Outward Rotations: A Tool for Rounding Solutions of Semidefinite Programming Relaxations, with Applications to MAX CUT and Other Problems (UZ), pp. 679–687.
FM-v2-1999-ClavelDEMS #maude- Maude as a Formal Meta-tool (MC, FD, SE, JM, MOS), pp. 1684–1703.
FM-v2-1999-Droschl #data access #requirements #using- Analyzing the Requirements of an Access Control Using VDMTools and PVS (GD), p. 1870.
FM-v2-1999-KnightFH #tool support- Tool Support for Production Use of Formal Techniques (JCK, PTF, BRH), p. 1854.
IFM-1999-BussowG #composition #framework #integration #tool support- A Modular Framework for the Integration of Heterogeneous Notations and Tools (RB, WG), pp. 211–230.
IFL-1999-Chakravarty #c #haskell- C -> HASKELL, or Yet Another Interfacing Tool (MMTC), pp. 131–148.
AGTIVE-1999-Cremer #graph #re-engineering #reverse engineering #tool support- Graph-Based Reverse Engineering and Reengineering Tools (KC), pp. 95–109.
AGTIVE-1999-GoedickeEMT #development #distributed #graph transformation #integration #multi #tool support #towards- Tool Support for ViewPoint-Oriented Software Development: Towards Integration of Multiple Perspectives by Distributed Graph Transformation (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 369–377.
AGTIVE-1999-GoedickeEMT99a #development #tool support- Tool Support for ViewPoint-oriented Software Development (MG, BE, TM, GT), pp. 419–425.
AGTIVE-1999-MolE #prototype #proving- A Proof Tool Dedicated to Clean — The First Prototype (MdM, MCJDvE), pp. 271–278.
AGTIVE-1999-Radermacher #design pattern #graph transformation #tool support- Support for Design Patterns Through Graph Transformation Tools (AR), pp. 111–126.
AGTIVE-1999-Radermacher99a #graph grammar #named- DiTo — A Distribution Tool Based on Graph Rewriting (AR), pp. 465–472.
AGTIVE-1999-Taentzer #algebra #graph transformation #named- AGG: A Tool Environment for Algebraic Graph Transformation (GT), pp. 481–488.
CHI-1999-KaminskyDELSS #named #programmable #tool support- SWEETPEA: Software Tools for Programmable Embodied Agents (MK, PD, WKE, AL, MS, IES), pp. 144–151.
CHI-1999-LongLR #design #gesture- Implications for a Gesture Design Tool (ACLJ, JAL, LAR), pp. 40–47.
CHI-1999-WexelblatM #information management #named #tool support- Footprints: History-Rich Tools for Information Foraging (AW, PM), pp. 270–277.
HCI-CCAD-1999-ContractorBZ #case study #community #named #network- PrairieKNOW: a tool to assist the study, creation, and growth of community networks (NSC, APB, DZ), pp. 447–451.
HCI-CCAD-1999-GrassHA #incremental #multi #quote- “Search manager”: a dynamic and incremental tool for searching complex objects in multihierarchical structures (MG, PH, UA), pp. 80–84.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HartmannSMGS #learning #tool support- Tools for computer-supported learning in organisations (EAH, DS, KM, MG, HS), pp. 377–381.
HCI-CCAD-1999-HeldK #process- The ice-breaking VALAMO — a tool for participatory processes (JH, HK), pp. 563–567.
HCI-CCAD-1999-KasyanovL #tool support #visualisation- Support tools for hierarchical information visualization (VNK, IAL), pp. 117–121.
HCI-CCAD-1999-MinnemanH #distributed #sketching- The DrawStream station: a tool for distributed and asynchronous chats about sketches and artifacts (SLM, SRH), pp. 221–225.
HCI-CCAD-1999-RomahnP #design #evaluation #tool support- Design and evaluation of air traffic control support tools (SR, EAP), pp. 1261–1265.
HCI-CCAD-1999-VirvouM #algebra #authoring- An authoring tool for algebra-related domains (MV, MM), pp. 647–651.
HCI-EI-1999-GrinchenkoO #authoring #internet #tool support- Authoring Tools for Internet Publishing (TAG, MVO), pp. 116–119.
HCI-EI-1999-NoldusKHD #analysis #tool support- Software Tools for Collection and Analysis of Observational Data (LN, AK, WtH, RD), pp. 1114–1118.
HCI-EI-1999-OHaraB #guidelines- Software Tool for the Use of Human Factors Engineering Guidelines to Conduct Control Room Evaluations (JMO, WSB), pp. 973–977.
HCI-EI-1999-Wolber #design #process- Work-Oriented IT Tool Design for Dynamic Business Processes and Organization Structures (MW), pp. 316–320.
AdaEurope-1999-Kordon #ada- MetaScribe, an Ada-based Tool for the Construction of Transformation Engines (FK), pp. 308–319.
SIGAda-1999-Carlisle #development #implementation #independence #user interface- A truly implementation independent GUI development tool (MCC), pp. 47–52.
ICEIS-1999-AlvesHM #database #development #logic #named- DB-GRAPH — A Tool for Development of Database Systems Based on the Extended Entity Relationship Logical Model (MAA, MOH, FLM), pp. 3–6.
ICEIS-1999-BarberGJS #evolution #requirements #reuse- Increasing Opportunities for Reuse Through Tool and Methodology Support for Enterprise-Wide Requirements Reuse and Evolution (KSB, TJG, SRJ, JS), pp. 383–390.
ICEIS-1999-FilipeFF #development #visual notation- GDOS-A Graphical Diagnosis-Oriented Expert System Development Tool (JF, ALNF, MF), pp. 211–218.
ICEIS-1999-Ribiero #query- An Applet Based Query Tool (NVR), pp. 706–710.
KDD-1999-Chatziantoniou #data transformation #emf #sql- The PanQ Tool and EMF SQL for Complex Data Management (DC), pp. 420–424.
KDD-1999-LouieK #named #visualisation- Origami: A New Data Visualization Tool (JQL, TK), pp. 405–408.
SIGIR-1999-Bouwmeester #information management #interface #speech- A Knowledge Management Tool for Speech Interfaces (poster abstract) (NB), pp. 293–294.
UML-1999-FirleyHDGG #analysis #case study #diagrams #sequence chart- Timed Sequence Diagrams and Tool-Based Analysis — A Case Study (TF, MH, KD, TG, UG), pp. 645–660.
UML-1999-RaczK #diagrams #uml- Tool-Supported Compressing of UML Class Diagrams (FDR, KK), pp. 172–187.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-BajgoricADU #automation #development #paradigm #using- Using Paradigm Plus CASE Tool in a Fusion-Based Application Development Project (NB, IKA, MD, AÜ), pp. 424–427.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-WangZ #replication- A Tool for Constructing Service Replication Systems (LW, WZ), pp. 358–361.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Blasband #reflexive- Reflexivity and Meta-Tools to Manage Your Software Real Estate (DB), p. 403.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-KoskimiesBPH #architecture #challenge #design #object-oriented #reuse #tool support- Designing Reusable Object-Oriented Architectures — Challenges, Methods & Tools (KK, JB, WP, GH), p. 421.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-MurrayCMS #named #testing- TinMan — A Test Derivation and Management Tool for Specification-Based Class Testing (LM, DAC, IM, PAS), pp. 222–233.
TOOLS-USA-1999-AltmannP #concept #development #tool support- Cooperative Software Development: Concepts, Model and Tools (JA, GP), p. 194–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-ConcepcionLS #development #multi #recursion #thread #using- Managing the Software Development by Using the Recursive Multi- Threaded (RMT) Tool (AIC, SL, SJS), pp. 344–353.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Parnas #analysis #component #documentation #testing #tool support- Tools for Component Documentation, Analysis and Testing (DLP), p. 2.
TOOLS-USA-1999-StrunkL #testing #tool support- Tool Support for Testing and Documenting Framework-Based Software (WS, CL), p. 237–?.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Wasserman #tool support #uml- Features of UML Tools (TW), p. 522.
POPL-1999-EidorffHMNST #named #type system- AnnoDomini: From Type Theory to Year 2000 Conversion Tool (PHE, FH, CM, HN, MHS, MT), pp. 1–14.
SAC-1999-LuR #functional #information management #knowledge base #named #principle- KAT: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Acquiring Functional Knowledge Based Upon the No-Causality-In-Functional Principle (CL, DJR), pp. 8–13.
SAC-1999-OwensS #approach #database #design #distributed- Tool-Based Approach to Distributed Database Design: Includes Web-Based Forms Design for Access to Academic Affairs Data (DAO, FTS), pp. 227–231.
ICSE-1999-AtkinsBGM #tool support #using #version control- Using Version Control Data to Evaluate the Impact of Software Tools (DLA, TB, TLG, AM), pp. 324–333.
ICSE-1999-ConcepcionLS #concurrent #development #monitoring #multi #predict #re-engineering #recursion #thread- The RMT (Recursive Multi-Threaded) Tool: A Computer Aided Software Engineering Tool for Monitoring and Predicting Software Development Progress (AIC, SL, SJS), pp. 660–663.
ICSE-1999-MalabarbaDS #c++ #java #named- MoHCA-Java: A Tool for C++ to Java Conversion Support (SM, PTD, AS), pp. 650–653.
ICSE-1999-RajalaCM #named- Insight: Reverse Engineer Case Tool (NR, DC, NM), pp. 630–633.
CC-1999-AnlauffKP #design #prototype #tool support- Tool Support for Language Design and Prototyping with Montages (MA, PWK, AP), pp. 296–299.
LCTES-1999-Engblom #benchmark #embedded #metric #tool support #why- Why SpecInt95 Should Not Be Used to Benchmark Embedded Systems Tools (JE), pp. 96–103.
LCTES-1999-KangGGHS #design #distributed #embedded #synthesis- A Software Synthesis Tool for Distributed Embedded System Design (DIK, RG, LG, JKH, MS), pp. 87–95.
CAV-1999-RameshB #case study #design #pipes and filters #tool support #using #validation- Validation of Pipelined Processor Designs Using Esterel Tools: A Case Study (SR, PB), pp. 84–95.
CAV-1999-Schumann #analysis #authentication #automation #named #protocol- PIL/SETHEO: A Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Authentication Protocols (JS), pp. 500–504.
IWTCS-1999-ArtychB #concept #consistency #requirements #tool support- External Conformance Requirements: Concepts, Methods and Tools (RA, KMB), pp. 363–378.
IWTCS-1999-BenattouCPR #distributed #testing #tool support- Principles and Tools for Testing Open Distributed Systems (MB, LC, RP, OR), pp. 77–92.
ASE-1998-Andrews #analysis #testing #tool support #using- Testing using Log File Analysis: Tools, Methods, and Issues (JHA), p. 157–?.
ASE-1998-ChangR #automation #named #testing- ADLscope: An Automated Specification-based Unit Testing Tool (JC, DJR), pp. 289–292.
ASE-1998-ClaytonRW #framework #named- Dowsing: A Tool Framework for Domain-Oriented Browsing of Software Artifacts (RC, SR, LMW), p. 204–?.
ASE-1998-MichailN #approach #library #object-oriented #reuse- Illustrating Object-Oriented Library Reuse by Example: A Tool-based Approach (AM, DN), pp. 200–203.
ASE-1998-MorzentiPM #analysis #automation #composition #specification- A Tool for Automated System Analysis based on Modular Specifications (AM, PSP, SM), pp. 2–11.
ASE-1998-TemplerJ #automation #c #configuration management- A Configurable Automatic Instrumentation Tool for ANSI C (KT, CLJ), p. 249–?.
DAC-1998-DunlopDFKLMR #design #tool support- Tools and Methodology for RF IC Design (AD, AD, PF, SK, DEL, RCM, JSR), pp. 414–420.
DAC-1998-GrinwaldHOUZ #design #tool support #verification- User Defined Coverage — A Tool Supported Methodology for Design Verification (RG, EH, MO, SU, AZ), pp. 158–163.
DAC-1998-IenneG #case study #design #experience #question #standard #tool support- Practical Experiences with Standard-Cell Based Datapath Design Tools: Do We Really Need Regular Layouts? (PI, AG), pp. 396–401.
DAC-1998-KalavadeM #embedded #estimation #performance- A Tool for Performance Estimation of Networked Embedded End-systems (AK, PM), pp. 257–262.
DAC-1998-SuttonD #approach #framework- Framework Encapsulations: A New Approach to CAD Tool Interoperability (PRS, SWD), pp. 134–139.
DATE-1998-LagoJLSB #fuzzy #logic #named #synthesis- XFVHDL: A Tool for the Synthesis of Fuzzy Logic Controllers (EL, CJJ, DRL, SSS, ABB), pp. 102–107.
DATE-1998-OlcozCGG #static analysis #tool support- Static Analysis Tools for Soft-Core Reviews and Audits (SO, AC, MG, JAG), pp. 935–936.
DATE-1998-Rosenstiel #design #industrial #standard #verification- Formal Verification: A New Standard CAD Tool for the Industrial Design Flow (WR), p. 422.
DATE-1998-Rosenstiel98a #design #generative #tool support- Next Generation System Level Design Tools (WR), p. 488–?.
SIGMOD-1998-Adelberg #automation #documentation #named- NoDoSE — A Tool for Semi-Automatically Extracting Semi-Structured Data from Text Documents (BA), pp. 283–294.
SIGMOD-1998-KornackerSH #debugging #named- amdb: An Access Method Debugging Tool (MK, MAS, JMH), pp. 570–571.
ITiCSE-1998-BorstlerJ #education #research #student- The students conference — a tool for the teaching of research, writing, and presentation skills (JB, OJ), pp. 28–31.
ITiCSE-1998-JohnsonLHSFDM #collaboration #using- Virtual office hours using TechTalk, a Web-based mathematical collaboration tool (JRJ, YNL, TTH, TS, TF, SD, PM), pp. 130–133.
ITiCSE-1998-ReslerD #compilation #education #named #visualisation- VCOCO: a visualisation tool for teaching compilers (RDR, DMD), pp. 199–202.
ITiCSE-1998-RiserG #online #student- On-line journal: a tool for enchancing student journals (RR, DG), pp. 203–205.
ITiCSE-1998-RoweT #education #named #online #programming #tutorial- VINCE — an on-line tutorial tool for teaching introductory programming (poster) (GR, GT), p. 304.
ESOP-1998-HenselHJT #logic #modelling #object-oriented #tool support- Reasonong about Classess in Object-Oriented Languages: Logical Models and Tools (UH, MH, BJ, HT), pp. 105–121.
FASE-1998-Dubois #formal method #named #requirements #tool support- ALBERT: A Formal Language and Its Supporting Tools for Requirements Engineering (ED), pp. 322–325.
FASE-1998-Tapken #automaton #design #named #realtime- MOBY/PLC — A Design Tool for Hierarchical Real-Time Automata (JT), pp. 326–329.
CSMR-1998-Cremer #legacy #tool support- A Tool Supporting the Re-Design of Legacy Applications (KC), pp. 142–149.
CSMR-1998-FioravantiNP #assessment #c++ #process- A Tool for Process and Product Assessment of C++ Applications (FF, PN, SP), pp. 89–95.
CSMR-1998-KirnerG #re-engineering #specification #using- System Specification Reengineering Using the SpecView Tool (TGK, RCG), pp. 135–141.
CSMR-1998-OhtaMI #on the #source code #verification- On Constructing a Tool to Verify Programs for Processors Built in Machines (TO, NM, YI), pp. 52–59.
IWPC-1998-Kamp #approach #comprehension #multi #repository #tool support- Managing a Multi-File, Multi-Language Software Repository for Program Comprehension Tools 3/4 A Generic Approach (MK), pp. 64–71.
IWPC-1998-SingerL #design #re-engineering- Studying Work Practices to Assist Tool Design in Software Engineering (JS, TCL), pp. 173–179.
IWPC-1998-WoodsOLGQ #architecture #comprehension #tool support- An Architecture for Interoperable Program Understanding Tools (SW, LO, TL, KG, AQ), pp. 54–63.
WCRE-1998-ArmstrongT #architecture #tool support- Evaluating Architectural Extraction Tools (MNA, CT), pp. 30–39.
FM-1998-AgerholmL98a #formal method #lightweight #tool support- The IFAD VDM Tools: Lightweight Formal Methods (SA, PGL), pp. 326–329.
FM-1998-BussowGHH #integration #modelling #tool support- An Open Environment for the Integration of Hetereogenous Modelling Techniques and Tools (RB, WG, WH, SH), pp. 184–195.
FM-1998-Castillo #architecture #state machine #tool support #towards- Towards Comprehensive Tool Support for Abstract State Machines: The ASM Workbench Tool Environment and Architecture (GDC), pp. 311–325.
FM-1998-Karlsen #framework #higher-order #integration #tool support- The UniForM WorkBench — A Higher Order Tool Integration Framework (EWK), pp. 266–280.
CHI-1998-DobsonR #development #education #incremental #interface #tool support- Tools for Incremental Development of Educational Software Interfaces (WD, CR), pp. 384–391.
CHI-1998-LohRRGRE #design #tool support- The Progress Portfolio: Designing Reflective Tools for a Classroom Context (BL, JR, ER, LMG, BJR, DCE), pp. 627–634.
CHI-1998-UnderkofflerI #design #interface- Illuminating Light: An Optical Design Tool with a Luminous-Tangible Interface (JU, HI), pp. 542–549.
CSCW-1998-MoranMC #tool support- Tailorable Domain Objects as Meeting Tools for an Electronic Whiteboard (TPM, WvM, PC), pp. 295–304.
AdaEurope-1998-Tonndorf #ada #case study #compilation #experience- Ten Years of Tool Based Ada Compiler Validations. An Experience Report (MT), pp. 176–187.
SIGAda-1998-CarlisleM #agile #design #named #user interface- RAPID: A Free, Portable GUI Design Tool (MCC, PM), pp. 158–164.
SIGAda-1998-PlintaDS #code generation #specification #validation- A Specification and Code Generation Tool for Message Translation and Validation (CP, RD, RVS), pp. 276–286.
SIGAda-1998-PritchettR #static analysis- An ASIS-Based Static Analysis Tool for High-Integrity Systems (WWPI, JDR), pp. 12–17.
EDOC-1998-VogelsDPCP #enterprise #reliability #tool support- Quintet, tools for reliable enterprise computing (WV, DD, MP, KC, JP), pp. 274–280.
ACIR-1998-Dalamagas #automation #hypermedia #named- NHS: A Tool for the Automatic Construction of News Hypertext (TD).
CIKM-1998-Sanderson #tool support- Accurate User Directed Summarizatiion from Existing Tools (MS), pp. 45–51.
ICPR-1998-KadyrovP98a #invariant- The trace transform as a tool to invariant feature construction (AK, MP), pp. 1037–1039.
ICPR-1998-SinghS #pattern matching- A pattern matching tool for time-series forecasting (SS, ES), pp. 103–105.
KR-1998-Kamps #automation #formal method #reasoning #tool support #using- Formal Theory Building Using Automated Reasoning Tools (JK), pp. 478–487.
UML-1998-Desfray #automation #concept #design pattern #tool support- Automation of Design Pattern: Concepts, Tools and Practices (PD), pp. 120–131.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-NiZ #automation #constraints #dynamic analysis #java #semantics- An Automatically Dynamic Checking Tool for Java Beans Semantic Constraints (BN, ZZ), pp. 164–172.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-YuanCXMY #analysis #c++ #database #information management #tool support- C++ Program Information Database for Analysis Tools (WY, XC, TX, HM, FY), pp. 173–180.
TOOLS-ASIA-1998-YuanHXLZ #object-oriented- Complete Object-Oriented Z and Its Supporting Environment COOZ-Tools (XY, DH, HX, YL, GZ), pp. 206–213.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-GrundyAMH #architecture #collaboration #component #integration #interactive #tool support- Tool Integration, Collaboration and User Interaction Issues in Component-Based Software Architectures (JCG, MDA, RM, JGH), pp. 299–312.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1998-PhillipsAPM #automation #design #object-oriented #user interface- The Design of the Client User Interface for a Meta Object-Oriented CASE Tool (CP, SA, DP, DM), pp. 156–167.
TOOLS-USA-1998-BarnB #component #development #tool support- Methods and Tools for Component Based Development (BB, AWB), pp. 384–395.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Ersavas #development #experience #towards- RASEing Towards a Better Systems Development Tool: The Snowball Experience (TE), p. 203–?.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Kramer #contract #design #java #named- iContract — The Java(tm) Design by Contract(tm) Tool (RK), pp. 295–307.
TOOLS-USA-1998-Plosch #contract #design #tool support- Tool Support for Design by Contract (RP), pp. 282–294.
ICRE-1998-HammerH #automation #case study #experience #how #requirements #tool support- Automated Requirements Management — Beware HOW You Use Tools: An Experience Report (TH, LH), pp. 34–40.
SAC-1998-JungW #automation #concept #development #integration #novel #tool support #towards #web- CASE for Web sites: towards an integration of traditional case concepts and novel development tools (RJ, RW), pp. 726–731.
SAC-1998-MatzenH #web- A new tool for SGML with applications for the World Wide Web (RWM, GEH), pp. 752–759.
SAC-1998-MurthyK #modelling #network #programming #tool support- Integrated network computing models, programming modes and software tools (VKM, EVK), pp. 551–557.
ICSE-1998-FujiwaraGA- Examples of Applying Software Estimate Tool (FF, TG, SA), pp. 469–472.
ICSE-1998-KimS #automation- Restructuring OODesigner: A CASE Tool for OMT (TK, GS), pp. 449–451.
CC-1998-KuiperS #generative #incremental #named #tool support- Lrc — A Generator for Incremental Language-Oriented Tools (MFK, JS), pp. 298–301.
HPDC-1998-GentileEA #agile #development #distributed #framework #named #scalability #tool support- Lilith: A Software Framework for the Rapid Development of Scalable Tools for Distributed Computing (ACG, DAE, RCA), pp. 360–361.
HPDC-1998-GoddardS #generative #named- ToolSpace: A Next Generation Computing Environment (TG, VSS), pp. 356–357.
LCTES-1998-AroraS #debugging #embedded #realtime- A Tool to Assist in Fine-Tuning and Debugging Embedded Real-Time Systems (GA, DBS), pp. 83–97.
LCTES-1998-RamseyD #embedded #tool support- Machine Descriptions to Build Tools for Embedded Systems (NR, JWD), pp. 176–192.
CAV-1998-BensalemLO98a #invariant #named #verification- InVeST: A Tool for the Verification of Invariants (SB, YL, SO), pp. 505–510.
CAV-1998-BozgaDMOTY #model checking #named #realtime- Kronos: A Model-Checking Tool for Real-Time Systems (MB, CD, OM, AO, ST, SY), pp. 546–550.
CAV-1998-Daws #model checking #named #realtime- Optikron: A Tool Suite for Enhancing Model-Checking of Real-Time Systems (CD), pp. 542–545.
CAV-1998-HardinWG #concept #design #proving #theorem proving- Transforming the Theorem Prover into a Digital Design Tool: From Concept Car to Off-Road Vehicle (DSH, MW, DAG), pp. 39–44.
JICSLP-1998-FonsecaCD #execution #logic programming #named #parallel #source code #visualisation- VisAll: A Universal Tool to Visualise Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (NAF, VSC, IdCD), pp. 100–114.
ASE-1997-BlazyF #development #formal method #maintenance- Application of Formal Methods to the Development of a Software Maintenance Tool (SB, PF), pp. 162–171.
ASE-1997-FranceEG #automation #object-oriented #semantics #tool support #towards- Towards Semantic-Based Object-Oriented CASE Tools (RBF, MPE, ESG), pp. 295–296.
ASE-1997-GoguenLMRS #distributed #formal method #tool support- Distributed Cooperative Formal Methods Tools (JAG, KL, AM, GR, AS), pp. 55–62.
ASE-1997-HarrisonB #analysis #data flow #design #information management- Data Flow Analysis within the ITOC Information System Design Recovery Tool (JVH, AB), p. 227–?.
ASE-1997-Henninger #development #evolution #tool support- Tools Supporting the Creation and Evolution of Software Development Knowledge (SH), p. 46–?.
DAC-1997-Frenkil #design #power management #tool support- Tools and Methodologies for Low Power Design (JF), pp. 76–81.
DAC-1997-HartoogRRDDHK #generative #hardware #tool support- Generation of Software Tools from Processor Descriptions for Hardware/Software Codesign (MRH, JAR, PDR, SD, DDD, EAH, NK), pp. 303–306.
DAC-1997-KaoCA #multi- Transistor Sizing Issues and Tool For Multi-Threshold CMOS Technology (JK, AC, DA), pp. 409–414.
DAC-1997-SchurmannA #design #modelling #tool support- Modeling Design Tasks and Tools: The Link Between Product and Flow Model (BS, JA), pp. 564–569.
EDTC-1997-DasdanMG #analysis #constraints #debugging #embedded #named- RATAN: A tool for rate analysis and rate constraint debugging for embedded systems (AD, AM, RKG), pp. 2–6.
EDTC-1997-SzekelyPPRC #simulation- SISSSI-A tool for dynamic electro-thermal simulation of analog VLSI cells (VS, AP, AP, MR, AC), p. 617.
HT-1997-Fraisse #automation #design #generative- A Task Driven Design Method and Its Associated Tool for Automatically Generating Hypertexts (SF), pp. 234–235.
HT-1997-Neves- The Aleph: A Tool to Spatially Represent User Knowledge About the WWW Docuverse (FDN), pp. 197–207.
ICDAR-1997-BunkeGM #documentation- A Tool for Versatile and User-friendly Document Correction (HB, RG, DM), pp. 433–438.
ICDAR-1997-RamelVB- Bezier Curves as a Tool to Describe Kinetic Drawings (JYR, NV, JMB), pp. 780–783.
SIGMOD-1997-AtzeniT #database #multi #named #semistructured data- MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes (PA, RT), pp. 528–531.
VLDB-1997-ChaudhuriN #performance #sql- An Efficient Cost-Driven Index Selection Tool for Microsoft SQL Server (SC, VRN), pp. 146–155.
ITiCSE-1997-BurkeV #algorithm #optimisation #search-based #tutorial- A genetic algorithms tutorial tool for numerical function optimisation (EKB, DBV), pp. 27–30.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-DomingoGLRM #approach #generative #programming #using- SEDA, an advanced software tool in its generation: developing a Windows tutor using SEDA versus a classical programming approach (poster) (PD, ÁGC, ML, BR, VMO), p. 148.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Goldberg97a #learning- WebCT, a tool for the creation of sophisticated web-based learning environments (demonstration) (MWG), p. 149.
TACAS-1997-Boulton #reasoning- A Tool to Support Formal Reasoning about Computer Languages (RJB), pp. 81–95.
TACAS-1997-ChristensenJK #design #named #petri net- Design/CPN — A Computer Tool for Coloured Petri Nets (SC, JBJ, LMK), pp. 209–223.
CSMR-1997-DumkeW #maintenance #performance #tool support- CAME Tools for an Efficient Software Maintenance (RRD, ASW), pp. 74–81.
CSMR-1997-JarzabekW #precise #reverse engineering #tool support #towards- Towards a precise description of reverse engineering methods and tools (SJ, IW), pp. 3–9.
CSMR-1997-MullerG #case study #experience #standard #tool support #using- Planning Year 2000 transformations using standard tools: an experience report (BM, RG), pp. 94–100.
ICSM-1997-YangLC #re-engineering #reverse engineering- Measuring Abstractness for Reverse Engineering in a Re-engineering Tool (HY, PL, WCC), p. 48–?.
WCRE-1997-BellayG #comparison #reverse engineering #tool support- A Comparison of Four Reverse Engineering Tools (BB, HG), pp. 2–11.
WCRE-1997-DeursenWQ #recognition #tool support- Program Plan Recognition for Year 2000 Tools (AvD, SW, AQ), p. 124–?.
WCRE-1997-HendrixCBM #multi #reverse engineering #tool support- Tool Support for Reverse Engineering Multi-Lingual Software (TDH, JHCI, LAB, KSM), pp. 136–143.
WCRE-1997-StoreyWM #comprehension #how #question #source code #tool support- How Do Program Understanding Tools Affect How Programmers Understand Programs? (MADS, KW, HAM), p. 12–?.
WPC-1997-BerglasH #design #evaluation #information management- Evaluation of the ITOC information system design recovery tool (AB, JVH), pp. 176–182.
WPC-1997-ChanM #comprehension #named- PUI: A Tool to Support Program Understanding (PSC, MM), pp. 192–198.
ICSM-2000-BasharKKSW #security #tool support- Low-threat security patches and tools (MAB, GK, MGK, EHS, SSWJ), pp. 306–313.
WIA-1997-Maout #automaton #tool support- Tools to Implement Automata, a First Step: ASTL (VLM), pp. 104–108.
FME-1997-AgerholmF #automation #proving #theorem proving #towards- Towards an Integrated CASE and Theorem Proving Tool for VDM-SL (SA, JF), pp. 278–297.
CHI-1997-KnutsonAH #design #evolution #user interface- Evolution of a User Interface Design: NCR’s Management Discovery Tool (JFK, TA, RLH), pp. 526–533.
HCI-CC-1997-BadhamM #case study #implementation #tool support- Tools for Implementing Socio-Technical Systems: An Australian Case Study and the Use of Handbooks (RB, IM), pp. 245–248.
HCI-CC-1997-Karshmer #tool support- Interdisciplinary Efforts to Facilitate the Production of Tools to Support the Disabled and Elderly in the Information Society (AIK), pp. 409–412.
HCI-CC-1997-KindlerDMF #visual notation- Visual Access Tool to the Computer-Based Patient Record (HK, DD, HM, TMF), pp. 757–760.
HCI-CC-1997-MajchrzakB #design #lessons learnt #using- Lessons Learned from Using a Computer-Based Tool to Support Sociotechnical Systems Design (AM, BB), pp. 221–224.
HCI-CC-1997-WolberS #adaptation #aspect-oriented #design #using- Using Psychological Aspects for the Design of Adaptive IT-Tools for Cooperative Engineering (MW, PS), pp. 781–784.
HCI-CC-1997-Yang #development #framework #integration- An Integration Framework for Software Development Environments to Incorporate Task, Team and Tool Perspectives (YY), pp. 61–64.
HCI-SEC-1997-ChoMSYYJ #development #named #programming #visual notation #web- VIOLA: A Visual Programming Tool for the Development of Web Applications (CSC, PSM, GSS, SJY, IJY, YSJ), pp. 787–790.
HCI-SEC-1997-HijikataSYN #design #hypermedia- A Dynamic Linkage Method for Hypermedia and Its Design Support Tool (YH, NS, TY, SN), pp. 727–730.
HCI-SEC-1997-KamioAMN #agile #prototype- Muse, a Rapid Prototyping Tool (HK, MA, HM, TN), pp. 569–572.
HCI-SEC-1997-KeysonS #design #framework #interface #multimodal- TacTool v2.0: An Object-Based Multimodal Interface Design Platform (DVK, LvS), pp. 311–314.
HCI-SEC-1997-PattersonD #communication #industrial #multi #network #tool support #usability- Evaluating the Usability of Application Tools in Transferring Multimedia Information Across ATM Communication Networks Within the Fashion Industry in Europe (GP, RD), pp. 767–770.
HCI-SEC-1997-RauterbergF #human-computer #interactive #modelling- An Analyzing and Modelling Tool Kit for Human-Computer Interaction (MR, MF), pp. 589–592.
HCI-SEC-1997-Schar #hypermedia #navigation- The “History” as a Cognitive Tool for Navigation in a Hypertext System (SGS), pp. 743–746.
AdaEurope-1997-Yeung #ada #semantics #tool support- Semantics-Based Support Tools for High Integrity Ada Software (WLY), pp. 100–111.
TRI-Ada-1997-BattagliaBB #ada #named #reuse- ReUSE/Ada: A Tool to Promote Code Reuse (DB, AB, JB), pp. 113–116.
TRI-Ada-1997-Conn #analysis #source code- The Source Code Analysis Tool Construction Project (RLC), pp. 141–148.
TRI-Ada-1997-PriceDN #ada #framework #metric #reuse- A Reusability Measurement Framework and Tool for Ada 95 (MWP, SAD, DMN), pp. 125–132.
TRI-Ada-1997-SuchanS #ada #education #problem #using- Using Ada 95 as a Tool to Teach Problem Solving to Non-CS Majors (WKS, TLS), pp. 31–36.
CAiSE-1997-Kaipala #automation #hypermedia #implementation #tool support- Augmenting CASE Tools with Hypertext: Desired Functionality and Implementation Issues (JK), pp. 217–230.
CAiSE-1997-KloosterBHW #information management #intranet- Intranet Facilitated Knowledge Management: A Theory and Tool for Defining Situational Methods (MK, SB, FH, GW), pp. 303–317.
KDD-1997-FeldmanAAZK #documentation #keyword #mining- Maximal Association Rules: A New Tool for Mining for Keyword Co-Occurrences in Document Collections (RF, YA, AA, AZ, WK), pp. 167–170.
ECOOP-1997-FlorijnMW #object-oriented #tool support- Tool Support for Object-Oriented Patterns (GF, MM, PvW), pp. 472–495.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-ZhiyingQ #automation #re-engineering- Reengineering for CASE Tool IDEFE0-MAKER (ZZ, CQ), pp. 356–361.
TOOLS-USA-1997-GolubskiP #named #object-oriented- SOLAT — A Simple Object-Oriented Language Analyzing Tool (WG, BP), p. 99–?.
ESEC-FSE-1997-PohlW #approach #tool support- A Contextual Approach for Process-Integrated Tools (KP, KW), pp. 176–192.
ICSE-1997-Damon #analysis #design #interactive #named- Nitpick: A Tool for Interactive Design Analysis (CD), pp. 596–597.
ICSE-1997-HeitmeyerKL #requirements #specification #tool support #validation #verification- The SCR Method for Formally Specifying, Verifying, and Validating Requirements: Tool Support (CLH, JK, BGL), pp. 610–611.
ICSE-1997-JagadeesanPPRV #case study #experience #testing #tool support- Specification-based Testing of Reactive Software: Tools and Experiments (Experience Report) (LJJ, AAP, CP, JCR, LGV), pp. 525–535.
ICSE-1997-OCallahanJ #comprehension #named #type inference- Lackwit: A Program Understanding Tool Based on Type Inference (RO, DJ), pp. 338–348.
ICSE-1997-PezzeY #analysis #modelling #multi #semantics #tool support #using- Constructing Multi-Formalism State-Space Analysis Tools: Using Rules to Specify Dynamic Semantics of Models (MP, MY), pp. 239–249.
ICSE-1997-Schurr #re-engineering #tool support #visual notation- Developing Graphical (Software Engineering) Tools with PROGRES (AS), pp. 618–619.
ICSE-1997-SullivanCZC #programming #tool support- Package-Oriented Programming of Engineering Tools (KJS, JC, SZ, DC), pp. 616–617.
ASF+SDF-1997-BorovanskyKK #logic #specification- Rewriting as a unified specification tool for logic and control: the ELAN language (PB, CK, HK), p. 3.
ASF+SDF-1997-Brunekreef #algebra #prolog #source code #specification- An algebraic specification of a transformation tool for Prolog programs (JB), p. 7.
HPDC-1997-FriedmanR #performance #protocol- Packing Messages as a Tool for Boosting the Performance of Total Ordering Protocols (RF, RvR), pp. 233–242.
CAV-1997-Boralv #industrial #tool support #verification- The Industrial Success of Verification Tools Based on Stålmarck’s Method (AB), pp. 7–10.
CAV-1997-CamposCM #approach #realtime #verification- The Verus Tool: A Quantitative Approach to the Formal Verification of Real-Time Systems (SVAC, EMC, MM), pp. 452–455.
CAV-1997-Godefroid #analysis #automation #concurrent #named- VeriSoft: A Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Concurrent Reactive Software (PG), pp. 476–479.
CAV-1997-Grahlmann- The PEP Tool (BG), pp. 440–443.
CAV-1997-KelbMMG #named #performance- MOSEL: A Sound and Efficient Tool for M2L(Str) (PK, TMS, MM, CG), pp. 448–451.
CAV-1997-Marschner #challenge #industrial #tool support #verification- Practical Challenges for Industrial Formal Verification Tools (FEM), pp. 1–2.
CAV-1997-VarpaaniemiHL #analysis #performance #reachability- prod 3.2: An Advanced Tool for Efficient Reachability Analysis (KV, KH, JL), pp. 472–475.
ICLP-1997-Schulte #constraints #programming #visual notation- Oz Explorer: A Visual Constraint Programming Tool (CS), pp. 286–300.
ILPS-1997-Tarau #internet #logic programming #tool support- Logic Programming Tools for Advanced Internet Programming (Abstract) (PT), pp. 33–34.
DAC-1996-BeerBEL #named #verification- RuleBase: An Industry-Oriented Formal Verification Tool (IB, SBD, CE, AL), pp. 655–660.
DAC-1996-BrownMVCGGGLZS #design #experience #multi #programmable #scalability #tool support #using- Experience in Designing a Large-scale Multiprocessor using Field-Programmable Devices and Advanced CAD Tools (SDB, NM, ZGV, SC, AG, RG, MG, KL, ZZ, SS), pp. 427–432.
DAC-1996-CarleyGRS #synthesis #tool support- Synthesis Tools for Mixed-Signal ICs: Progress on Frontend and Backend Strategies (LRC, GGEG, RAR, WMCS), pp. 298–303.
DAC-1996-ChandrakasanYVA #design #tool support- Design Considerations and Tools for Low-voltage Digital System Design (AC, IY, CV, DA), pp. 113–118.
DAC-1996-ChengTDRK #named #reliability- iCET: A Complete Chip-Level Thermal Reliability Diagnosis Tool for CMOS VLSI Chips (YKC, CCT, AD, ER, SMK), pp. 548–551.
DAC-1996-CortadellaKKLY #encoding #synthesis #tool support- Methodology and Tools for State Encoding in Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis (JC, MK, AK, LL, AY), pp. 63–66.
DAC-1996-HagermanD- Improved Tool and Data Selection in Task Management (JWH, SWD), pp. 181–184.
DAC-1996-HutchinsH #how #perl #tool support- How to Write Awk and Perl Scripts to Enable Your EDA Tools to Work Together (RCH, SH), pp. 409–414.
DAC-1996-MurrayMBTMV- Issues and Answers in CAD Tool Interoperability (MM, UBM, BB, YT, BM, TV), pp. 509–514.
DAC-1996-SatyanarayanaP #analysis #energy #named- HEAT: Hierarchical Energy Analysis Tool (JHS, KKP), pp. 9–14.
SIGMOD-1996-LeflerSW #database #named #performance #predict #simulation- DBSim: A Simulation Tool for Predicting Database Performance (ML, MS, CW), p. 548.
SIGMOD-1996-PiatkoYLS #documentation #named- Thinksheet: A Tool for Tailoring Complex Documents (PP, RY, DIL, DS), p. 546.
CSEE-1996-Ozcan #education #integration #re-engineering #tool support- Integration of Software Tools in Software Engineering Education (MBÖ), pp. 149–171.
CSEE-1996-ShepardBS #automation #education #scalability #tool support- Use of Large, Domain Specific CASE tools in Undergraduate Curricula (TS, BB, MS), pp. 144–148.
ITiCSE-1996-AlmstrumDBGLMPSS #evaluation #named- Evaluation: turning technology from toy to tool: report of the working group on evaluation (VLA, NBD, AB, MJG, JCL, DMM, MP, PS, FNS), pp. 201–217.
ITiCSE-1996-Beise #education #internet #tool support- Integrating Internet tools into the soft side of informatics education (CMB), pp. 107–108.
ITiCSE-1996-GrangerL #automation #education #tool support- Integrating CASE tools into the CS/CIS curriculum (MJG, JCL), pp. 130–132.
ITiCSE-1996-Jacker #documentation #monitoring #named #network #tool support- Tkined/scotty: tools for network documentation, monitoring and troubleshooting (KHJ), p. 233.
ITiCSE-1996-KwiatkowskiALMCLKS #development #education #parallel #tool support- Teaching parallel processing: development of curriculum and software tools (JK, MA, EL, TM, JCC, JL, HK, SS), pp. 159–161.
ITiCSE-1996-MarsdenO #analysis #education #framework #modelling #multi #named #process #tool support- MuPMoTT: a multimedia based tool supporting the teaching of process modelling within a framework of structured system analysis (PM, MO), pp. 116–118.
ITiCSE-1996-Roberts #source code #tool support- Tools for creating portable demonstration programs (ER), pp. 78–80.
TACAS-1996-BoualiRRS #set #tool support- The FC2TOOLS Set (Tool Demonstration) (AB, AR, VR, RdS), p. 396.
TACAS-1996-GrahlmannB #named #petri net- PEP — More than a Petri Net Tool (BG, EB), pp. 397–401.
TACAS-1996-HermannsMR #algebra #analysis #probability #process- A Construction and Analysis Tool Based on the Stochastic Process Algebra TIPP (HH, VM, MR), pp. 427–430.
TACAS-1996-HeylMK #named #tool support- cTc — A Tool Supporting the Construction of cTLA-Specifications (CH, AM, HK), pp. 407–411.
TACAS-1996-Holzmann #detection #fault #tool support- Early Fault Detection Tools (GJH), pp. 1–13.
TACAS-1996-KleinKKS #automaton #program analysis- DFA&OPT-METAFrame: A Tool Kit for Program Analysis and Optimazation (MK, JK, DK, BS), pp. 422–426.
TACAS-1996-Saidi #automation #concurrent #proving- A Tool for Proving Invariance Properties of Concurrent Systems Automatically (HS), pp. 412–416.
ICSM-1996-CanforaCL #analysis #specification #tool support- Specifying code analysis tools (GC, AC, ADL), pp. 95–103.
ICSM-1996-RajlichA #documentation- VIFOR 2: a tool for browsing and documentation (VR, SRA), pp. 296–300.
WCRE-1996-MorrisF #assembly #named- Mandrake: A Tool for Reverse-Engineering IBM Assembly Code (PHM, REF), pp. 57–66.
WCRE-1996-StoreyWFHHM #design #empirical #on the #reverse engineering- On Designing an Experiment to Evaluate a Reverse Engineering Tool (MADS, KW, PF, DH, KH, HAM), p. 31–?.
WPC-1996-Graham #testing #tool support #visualisation- A Method for The Formal Testing of Program Visualization Tools (TCNG), pp. 45–54.
WPC-1996-MartinoI #automation #recognition- PAP Recognizer: A Tool for Automatic Recognition of Parallelizable Patterns (BDM, GI), p. 164–?.
WPC-1996-Sullivan #agile #development #program analysis #tool support- Rapid Development of Simple, Custom Program Analysis Tools (KJS), pp. 40–44.
SAS-1996-Nielson #perspective #program analysis #semantics- Semantics-Directed Program Analysis: A Tool-Maker’s Perspective (FN), pp. 2–21.
WIA-1996-Rodger #formal method #programming #tool support- Integrating Hands-on Work into the Formal Languages Course via Tools and Programming (SHR), pp. 132–148.
FME-1996-WaldenS- Refining Action Systems within B-Tool (MAW, KS), pp. 85–104.
AdaEurope-1996-Rosskopf #ada #assessment #safety #static analysis- Use of a Static Analysis Tool for Safety-Critical Ada Applications: A Critical Assessment (AR), pp. 183–197.
CAiSE-1996-KellyLR #automation #configuration management #multi- MetaEdit+: A Fully Configurable Multi-User and Multi-Tool CASE and CAME Environment (SK, KL, MR), pp. 1–21.
CAiSE-1996-KudrassLB #case study #experience #legacy #re-engineering- Tool-Based Re-Engineering of a Legacy MIS: An Experience Report (TK, ML, APB), pp. 116–135.
CAiSE-1996-NorrieW #distributed #information management #integration #tool support- Agent-Based Tool Integration for Distributed Information Systems (MCN, MW), pp. 383–401.
SEKE-1996-Balmas #concept #named #programming- ACL: a Tool for Conceptual Programming (FB), pp. 198–205.
SEKE-1996-ChangWCCWA #database #pattern matching #visualisation- A Visualization Tool for Pattern Matching and Discovery in Scientific Databases (GJSC, JTLW, GWC, CYC, WW, FA), pp. 563–570.
SEKE-1996-KarallB #case study #independence #re-engineering #visualisation- Case Study: EasyCODE — A Language Independent Visualization Tool for Reengineering (OK, SB), pp. 353–360.
SEKE-1996-SunM #automation #named #program analysis- Wheels: An Automated Program Analysis Tool (AYS, BMM), pp. 269–276.
SIGIR-1996-VeerasamyB #evaluation #information retrieval #visualisation- Evaluation of a Tool for Visualization of Information Retrieval Results (AV, NJB), pp. 85–92.
ECOOP-1996-BanavarL #composition #framework #tool support- An Application Framework For Module Composition Tools (GB, GL), pp. 91–113.
LOPSTR-1996-Brunekreef #prolog #source code- A Transformation Tool for Pure Prolog Programs (JB), pp. 130–145.
PLILP-1996-Schulte #constraints #programming #visual notation- Oz Explorer: A Visual Constraint Programming Tool (CS), pp. 477–478.
ICRE-1996-PinheiroG #object-oriented #requirements- An Object-Oriented Tool for Tracing Requirements (FACP, JAG), pp. 219–220.
SAC-1996-BaoH #approach- A new approach to software tool interoperability (YB, EH), pp. 500–509.
SAC-1996-FordHPT #network #repository #standard #tool support- Linking specialized network data repositories to standard access tools (RF, GH, VP, DT), pp. 219–223.
SAC-1996-RajePG #analysis #named #object-oriented #source code- OFFERS — a tool for hierarchical implicit analysis of sequential object-oriented programs (RRR, DP, ETG), pp. 437–441.
FSE-1996-GriswoldCBM #abstraction #scalability #tool support- Tool Support for Planning the Restructuring of Data Abstractions in Large Systems (WGG, MIC, RWB, JDM), pp. 33–45.
ICSE-1996-AtkinsonG #design #program analysis #tool support- The Design of Whole-Program Analysis Tools (DCA, WGG), pp. 16–27.
ICSE-1996-BaumerBLZ #concept #experience #prototype #tool support #user interface- User Interface Prototyping — Concepts, Tools, and Experience (DB, WRB, HL, HZ), pp. 532–541.
ICSE-1996-Ledru #tool support #using- Using KIDS as a Tool Support for VDM (YL), pp. 236–245.
HPDC-1996-FosterPS #collaboration #distributed #research #tool support- Tools for Distributed Collaborative Environments: A Research Agenda (ITF, MEP, RLS), pp. 23–28.
HPDC-1996-ParkHKHY #communication #message passing #network #parallel #thread- NYNET Communication System (NCS): A Multithreaded Message Passing Tool over ATM Network (SYP, SH, YK, JSH, RY), pp. 460–469.
HPDC-1996-TsoiR #collaboration #email #multi #on-demand #web- “Media-on-Demand” Multimedia Electronic Mail: A Tool for Collaboration on the Web (KNT, SMR), pp. 121–126.
CAV-1996-AmbroiseR #named #simulation #verification- Marella: A Tool for Simulation and Verification (DA, BR), pp. 458–461.
CAV-1996-AnonBCCLSTXZ #design #tool support #verification- MDG Tools for the Verification of RTL Designs (KDA, NB, EC, FC, ML, XS, ST, YX, ZZ), pp. 433–436.
CAV-1996-BoualiRRS #set #tool support- The FC2TOOLS Set (AB, AR, VR, RdS), pp. 441–445.
ISSTA-1996-PezzeY #analysis #generative #multi #tool support- Generation of Multi-Formalism State-Space Analysis Tools (MP, MY), pp. 172–179.
ISSTA-1996-YangP #testing #towards- Towards a Structural Load Testing Tool (CSDY, LLP), pp. 201–208.
JICSLP-1996-BurgardCFKL #detection #logic programming #tool support- Logic Programming Tools Applied to Fire Detection in Hard-coal Mines (Poster Abstract) (WB, ABC, DF, AMK, SLK), p. 532.
RTA-1996-WaltersK #automaton #equation #named- EPIC: An Equational Language -Abstract Machine Supporting Tools- (HRW, JFTK), pp. 424–427.
DAC-1995-Bergamaschi #design #problem #question #tool support- Productivity Issues in High-Level Design: Are Tools Solving the Real Problems? (RAB), pp. 674–677.
DAC-1995-BredenfeldC #design #graph #integration #tool support #using- Tool Integration and Construction Using Generated Graph-Based Design Representations (AB, RC), pp. 94–99.
DAC-1995-GeloshS #layout #modelling #performance #tool support- Deriving Efficient Area and Delay Estimates by Modeling Layout Tools (DSG, DES), pp. 402–407.
DAC-1995-LalgudiP #modelling #named #performance- DELAY: An Efficient Tool for Retiming with Realistic Delay Modeling (KNL, MCP), pp. 304–309.
DAC-1995-LavagnoMSS #design #power management #synthesis- Timed Shannon Circuits: A Power-Efficient Design Style and Synthesis Tool (LL, PCM, AS, ALSV), pp. 254–260.
KBSE-1995-KraanB #case study #framework #logic #tool support #verification- Logical Frameworks as a Basis for Verification Tools: A Case Study (IK, PB), pp. 36–43.
ICDAR-v2-1995-BippusM #data type #database #documentation #generative #tool support- Data structures and tools for document database generation: an experimental system (RDB, VM), pp. 711–714.
ICDAR-v2-1995-EikvilAK #interactive #tool support- Tools for interactive map conversion and vectorization (LE, KA, HK), pp. 927–930.
ICDAR-v2-1995-LeedhamM #evaluation #interactive- Evaluation of an Interactive Tool for Handwritten Form Description (GL, DM), p. 706.
ICDAR-v2-1995-WorringBS #evaluation #interactive- Evaluation of an interactive tool for handwritten form description (MW, RvdB, AWMS), p. 1185–?.
SIGMOD-1995-GrossmanHQ #named #persistent- PTool: A Light Weight Persistent Object Manager (RLG, DH, XQ), p. 488.
VLDB-1995-Meier #approach #database #migration #tool support- Providing Database Migration Tools — A Practicioner’s Approach (AM), pp. 635–641.
FPLE-1995-KlugeRS #education #execution #functional #programming #using- Using pi-RED as a Teaching Tool for Functional Programming and Program Execution (WEK, CR, SBS), pp. 231–249.
TACAS-1995-CleavelandMS #generative #tool support #verification- A Front-End Generator for Verification Tools (RC, EM, SS), pp. 153–173.
ICSM-1995-BarrosBEQV #automation #impact analysis- Supporting impact analysis: a semi-automated technique and associated tool (SB, TB, AE, JPQ, JFV), pp. 42–51.
WCRE-1995-Davis #named #reverse engineering- August-II: A Tool for Step-by-Step Data Model Reverse Engineering (KHD).
WCRE-1995-JarzabekK #design #reverse engineering- Design of a Generic Reverse Engineering Assistant Tool (SJ, TPK), pp. 61–70.
WCRE-1995-WellsBM #assurance #quality #re-engineering #tool support- Customized Tools for Software Quality Assurance and Reengineering (CHW, RB, LM).
WCRE-1995-ZigmanW #re-engineering #reuse #reverse engineering #specification- Integrating Reengineering, Reuse and Specification Tool Environments to Enable Reverse Engineering (FJZ, MLW).
SAS-1995-Fecht #generative #named #prolog #specification- GENA — A Tool for Generating Prolog Analyzers from Specifications (CF), pp. 418–419.
SAS-1995-NordinLM #data flow #named #prolog- IGOR: A Tool for Developing Prolog Dataflow Analyzers (MN, TL, HM), pp. 420–421.
CHI-1995-HarperS #collaboration #tool support- Collaborative Tools and the Practicalities of Professional Work at the International Monetary Fund (RHRH, AS), pp. 122–129.
CHI-1995-NicholsR #alias #automation #generative #motivation- A Theoretically Motivated Tool for Automatically Generating Command Aliases (SN, FER), pp. 393–400.
AdaEurope-1995-BattagliaS #named #re-engineering- ReverseNICE: A Re-Engineering Methodology and Supporting Tool (MB, GS), pp. 244–248.
CAiSE-1995-AlbrechtABDT #agile #database #design #development- The Rapid Application and Database Development Workbench — A Comfortable Database Design Tool (MA, MA, EB, AD, BT), pp. 327–340.
CAiSE-1995-BounabG #approach #integration #tool support- A Federated Approach to Tool Integration (MB, CG), pp. 269–282.
KDD-1995-ShanZHC #information management #set #tool support #using- Using Rough Sets as Tools for Knowledge Discovery (NS, WZ, HJH, NC), pp. 263–268.
SEKE-1995-ArefiMW #automation #editing #graph- The Graph Editor of EdGen, A Tool to Aid the Automated Construction of Customized Graph Editors (FA, MM, AW), pp. 438–445.
SEKE-1995-Auguston #compilation #programming language- Programming language RIGAL as a compiler writing tool (MA), p. 500.
SEKE-1995-Lapujade #automation- Contraints, Rules and Modelisation in a Meta-CASE Tool (AL), pp. 446–453.
SEKE-1995-VerkamoL #development #problem #tool support- Problems in Interfacing Tools of Different Development Environments (AIV, GL), pp. 429–437.
SEKE-1995-WolffBS #information management- Quasi-Experiment as a Tool for Knowledge Engineering: An Example from Intelligent Tutoring (SW, CB, AS), pp. 260–267.
SEKE-1995-ZaitriC #communication #component #named- TCO: a Tool to map Communication components to Objects (NKZ, XC), pp. 106–108.
SAC-1995-HoskinsH #visualisation- Ray Tracing as a tool for visualization of pathogen spread in natural forest stands (JAH, WDH), pp. 61–64.
SAC-1995-MotzkinEKT #database #evaluation #performance- A tool for performance evaluation of database systems for small computer systems (DM, RE, MK, ST), pp. 420–426.
SAC-1995-TarngYR #source code- A digital conference like software tool for PDP programs (JJT, QY, KDR), pp. 406–410.
ESEC-1995-HeiselSZ #architecture #development #formal method #tool support- Tool Support for Formal Software Development: A Generic Architecture (MH, TS, DZ), pp. 272–293.
ICSE-1995-GautierLST #case study #experience #integration #tool support- Tool Integration: Experiences and Directions (BG, CWL, ES, LT), pp. 315–324.
ASF+SDF-1995-Deursen #π-calculus- A Simple π-Calculus Manipulation Tool (AvD), pp. 211–232.
ASF+SDF-1995-MauwMa #sequence chart #specification #tool support- Specification of Tools for Message Sequence Charts (SM, EAvdM), pp. 175–210.
HPDC-1995-AbramsonSGH #distributed #named #simulation #using- Nimrod: A Tool for Performing Parameterised Simulations Using Distributed Workstations (DA, RS, JG, BH), pp. 112–121.
LCT-RTS-1995-CamposCMM #analysis #finite #named #realtime- Verus: A Tool for Quantitative Analysis of Finite-State Real-Time Systems (SVAC, EMC, WRM, MM), pp. 70–78.
LCT-RTS-1995-KopetzN #clustering #compilation #design #realtime- The Cluster Compiler — A Tool for the Design of Time-Triggered Real-Time Systems (HK, RN), pp. 108–116.
LCT-RTS-1995-Wilner #comprehension #embedded #named #realtime #visualisation- WindView: A Tool for Understanding Real-time Embedded Software Through System Visualization (DW), pp. 117–123.
CAV-1995-GribomontR #named #verification- CAVEAT: Technique and Tool for Computer Aided VErification And Transformation (EPG, DR), pp. 70–83.
DAC-1994-ArnsteinT #abstraction #behaviour #synthesis #tool support- The Attributed-Behavior Abstraction and Synthesis Tools (LFA, DET), pp. 557–561.
DAC-1994-GuptaCDP #design #experience #image #tool support #using- Experience with Image Compression Chip Design using Unified System Construction Tools (PG, CTC, JCDB, ACP), pp. 250–256.
DAC-1994-OchottaRC #agile #named #synthesis #tool support- ASTRX/OBLX: Tools for Rapid Synthesis of High-Performance Analog Circuits (ESO, RAR, LRC), pp. 24–30.
KBSE-1994-Balmas #concept #pattern matching #source code- An Augmented Pattern Matcher as a Tool to Synthesize Conceptual Descriptions of Programs (FB), pp. 150–157.
KBSE-1994-ChilenskiN #analysis #specification #test coverage #tool support- Formal Specification Tools for Test Coverage Analysis (JC, PN), pp. 59–68.
KBSE-1994-KotikM #assurance #quality- Application of REFINE Language ToolsTM to Software Quality Assurance (GK, LM), p. 4.
VLDB-1994-TsatalosSI #independence #physics- The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence (OGT, MHS, YEI), pp. 367–378.
CSEE-1994-GriesS #education #logic- Teaching Logic as a Tool (DG, FBS), p. 599.
CSEE-1994-Zalewski #tool support- Cohesive Use of Commercial Tools in a Classroom (JZ), pp. 65–75.
ICSM-1994-JacksonL #semantics- Semantic Diff: A Tool for Summarizing the Effects of Modifications (DJ, DAL), pp. 243–252.
PLDI-1994-SrivastavaE #named #program analysis #tool support- ATOM — A System for Building Customized Program Analysis Tools (AS, AE), pp. 196–205.
Best-of-PLDI-1994-SrivastavaE94a #named #program analysis #tool support- ATOM: a system for building customized program analysis tools (with retrospective) (AS, AE), pp. 528–539.
CHI-1994-BierSFBB94a #taxonomy #tool support- A taxonomy of see-through tools (EAB, MCS, KPF, WB, TB), pp. 358–364.
CHI-1994-StoneFB94a #user interface- The movable filter as a user interface tool (MCS, KPF, EAB), pp. 306–312.
CHI-1994-WeberP94a #named #realtime #video- Marquee: a tool for real-time video logging (KW, AP), pp. 58–64.
CSCW-1994-EvelandBBM #network #tool support- The Role of “Help Networks” in Facilitating Use of CSCW Tools (JDE, ALB, WB, JM), pp. 265–274.
AdaEurope-1994-AbadieB #development #execution #named #realtime- CEDEX — A Tool for the Selection of a Development and Execution Environment for Real Time On-Board Applications (JA, BB), pp. 465–482.
AdaEurope-1994-ArberetD #memory management #tool support- Test Methods and Tools for SOHO Mass Memory Unit Software (PA, LD), pp. 121–129.
AdaEurope-1994-HutcheonJMPWJ #ada #tool support- Tool Support for High Integrity Ada Software (ADH, DTJ, JAM, RHP, ICW, BJJ), pp. 63–75.
CAiSE-1994-Freitag #reuse #scalability- A Hypertext-Based Tool for Large Scale Software Reuse (BF), pp. 283–296.
KDD-1994-Kaufman #development #learning #multi #tool support #using- Comparing International Development Patterns Using Multi-Operator Learning and Discovery Tools (KAK), pp. 431–440.
SEKE-1994-Abd-El-HafizB #comprehension #development- A tool for assisting the understanding and formal development of software (SKAEH, VRB), pp. 36–45.
SEKE-1994-BarzdinsKPEAKKR #automation #development #information management- GRADE Windows: an integrated CASE tool for information system development (JB, AK, KP, IE, AJA, AK, PK, SR), pp. 54–61.
SEKE-1994-ChenU #design #implementation #knowledge base- Design and implementation of a knowledge based BPA/BPR tool: EUOBFE (YC, YU), pp. 446–453.
SEKE-1994-PranevitchiusP #simulation #specification #tool support #validation- Tools for validation and simulation of Estelle/Ag specifications (HP, VP), pp. 94–99.
SEKE-1994-RisheS #automation #database #design #pipes and filters- A pipeline CASE tool for database design (NR, WS), pp. 336–343.
OOPSLA-1994-BeckH #persistent #smalltalk #workflow- Persistent Storgage for a Workflow Tool Implemented in Smalltalk (BB, SH), pp. 373–387.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-BrantJ #composition #tool support- Creating Tools in HotDraw by Composition (JB, REJ), pp. 445–454.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-SimGKS #interface #programming #specification #tool support- The Specification of a Seamless O-O Programming Interface for CAD Tools (MS, WG, PK, NS), pp. 135–145.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Tomek #smalltalk #tool support- Three Tools for Smalltalk Programmers: Task Oriented Views, Information Cards, and SCRC card (IT), pp. 489–497.
SAC-1994-ZhangM #named #visualisation- Visputer — an Occam program visualisation tool (KZ, GM), pp. 457–461.
FSE-1994-EvansGHT #named #specification #using- LCLint: A Tool for Using Specifications to Check Code (DE, JVG, JJH, YMT), pp. 87–96.
ICSE-1994-DevanbuRW #analysis #automation #testing #tool support- Automated Construction of Testing and Analysis Tools (PTD, DSR, ALW), pp. 241–250.
CC-1994-CheathamGS #analysis #interpreter #tool support- A Suite of Analysis Tools Based on a General Purpose Abstract Interpreter (TC, HG, DCS), pp. 188–202.
HPDC-1994-CataniaGPV #distributed #monitoring #named- PMT: A Tool to Monitor Performances in Distributed Systems (VC, OG, AP, LV), pp. 279–286.
CAV-1994-VictorM #π-calculus- The Mobility Workbench — A Tool for the π-Calculus (BV, FM), pp. 428–440.
ISSTA-1994-DouglasK #execution #named #specification #symbolic computation #testing- Aslantest: A Symbolic Execution Tool for Testing Aslan Formal Specifications (JD, RAK), pp. 15–27.
ISSTA-1994-Kapur #automation #equation #specification- An Automated Tool for Analyzing Completeness of Equational Specifications (DK), pp. 28–43.
DAC-1993-HamadaCC #approach #linear #named #network #using- Prime: A Timing-Driven Placement Tool using A Piecewise Linear Resistive Network Approach (TH, CKC, PMC), pp. 531–536.
KBSE-1993-MacMillanFLLS #architecture #natural language #reuse #tool support- A Common Architecture to Encourage Reuse of Natural Language/Text Processing Tools (TRM, MF, SL, EPL, LJS), p. 20.
KBSE-1993-Redmiles #empirical #knowledge-based #re-engineering #using- Observations on Using Empirical Studies in Developing a Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Tool (DFR), p. 24.
SIGMOD-1993-Guting #higher-order #modelling #optimisation #query #specification- Second-Order Signature: A Tool for Specifying Data Models, Query Processing, and Optimization (RHG), pp. 277–286.
CSM-1993-WhiteNFKPO #testing- Test Manager: A Regression Testing Tool (LJW, VN, TF, MK, PP, MO), pp. 338–347.
WCRE-1993-ReubensteinPR #analysis #parsing #reverse engineering #tool support- Separating Parsing and Analysis in Reverse Engineering Tools (HBR, RLP, SNR), pp. 117–125.
FME-1993-RaoPS #compilation #development #tool support #verification- Verification Tools in the Development of Provably Correct Compilers (MRKKR, PKP, RKS), pp. 442–461.
FME-1993-ValmariKCL #analysis #reachability- Putting Advanced Reachability Analysis Techniques Together: the “ARA” Tool (AV, JK, MC, ML), pp. 597–616.
HCI-ACS-1993-BextenHM #analysis #named #simulation- AUCA: A Tool for Presentation and Analysis of Simulation Results (EMzB, DH, CM), pp. 267–272.
HCI-ACS-1993-HollywellH #set #validation #verification- A Tool Set for the Verification and Early Validation of a Control Room Computer-Based Display System for Sizewell “B” Nuclear Power Station (PDH, EMH), pp. 133–138.
HCI-SHI-1993-Boase-JelinekM #reasoning- Role of Analogical Reasoning as a Tool for Training (DMBJ, DM), pp. 760–765.
HCI-SHI-1993-Cohill #approach #design #development #interface #tool support- Information Tools: A New Approach to Interface Design and Development (AMC), pp. 915–920.
HCI-SHI-1993-IwaiM #development #tool support #user interface- User Interface Development Tools for Pen Computer Applications (II, YM), pp. 1016–1021.
HCI-SHI-1993-Nakamura93a #problem #tool support- Problem Solving Support System as Thinking Acceleration Tools (TN), pp. 297–302.
HCI-SHI-1993-TakedaSKO #distributed #empirical #network- Preliminary Experiment with a Distributed and Networking Card-Handling Tool Named KJ-Editor (NT, AS, KK, HO), pp. 273–278.
HCI-SHI-1993-Warren #approach #development #modelling #realtime #safety #tool support- The TOM Approach to System Development: Methods and Tools for Task Oriented Modelling of Real-Time Safety Critical Systems (CW), pp. 285–290.
HCI-SHI-1993-WojtkowskiW #authoring #development #multi #tool support- Multimedia Development Platforms and Authoring Tools: Practical and Theoretical Frontiers (WW, WGW), pp. 537–542.
INTERCHI-1993-CarlssonF #3d #tool support- Integrated CSCW tools within a shared 3D virtual environment (abstract) (CC, LEF), p. 513.
INTERCHI-1993-MacleodB #analysis #metric #music #tool support #usability #video- MUSiC video analysis and context tools for usability measurement (MM, NB), p. 55.
INTERCHI-1993-Repenning #named #programming #visual notation- Agentsheets: a tool for building domain-oriented visual programming environments (AR), pp. 142–143.
INTERCHI-1993-Rieman #research- The diary study: a workplace-oriented research tool to guide laboratory efforts (JR), pp. 321–326.
INTERCHI-1993-SzekelyLN #interface #modelling #tool support- Beyond interface builders: model-based interface tools (PAS, PL, RN), pp. 383–390.
INTERCHI-1993-TonomuraAOS #tool support #video- VideoMAP and VideoSpaceIcon: tools for anatomizing video content (YT, AA, KO, TS), pp. 131–136.
INTERCHI-1993-Weiler #tool support #usability- Software for the usability lab: a sampling of current tools (PW), pp. 57–60.
AdaEurope-1993-CherniackDF #ada #source code- Tool for Computing Cohesion and Coupling in Ada Programs: DIANA Dependent Part (JRC, HSD, JFF), pp. 180–196.
TRI-Ada-1993-KoehnemannL #debugging #embedded #testing #tool support #towards- Towards Target-Level Testing and Debugging Tools for Embedded Software (HK, TEL), pp. 288–298.
TRI-Ada-1993-MayrhauserJ #architecture #automation #knowledge-based #testing- CASE Tool Architecture for Knowledge-Based Regression Testing (AvM, TJ), pp. 368–378.
TRI-Ada-1993-Tonndorf #ada #compilation- An Integrated Tool Environment for Ada Compiler Validations (MT), pp. 268–276.
CIKM-1993-Maine #bound #named #performance- HSGIMS — A Secure High-Speed Tool with Bound Search Times for Transparently Managing and Manipulating Information (PADdM), pp. 216–222.
CIKM-1993-Rundensteiner #database #generative #object-oriented #tool support- Tools for View Generation in Object-Oriented Databases (EAR), pp. 635–644.
CIKM-1993-Spoerri #information retrieval #named #visual notation- InfoCrystal: A Visual Tool for Information Retrieval & Management (AS), pp. 11–20.
SEKE-1993-BourbakisR #automation #reverse engineering #visual notation- An Expert Tool For Automatic Visual VLSI Reverse Engineering (NGB, DR), pp. 73–77.
SEKE-1993-ChuP #reuse #scalability- A Re-cnginacring Tool for the Reuse of Large Scale Software Systems (WCC, SP), pp. 94–101.
SEKE-1993-LinCH #information management #network- A Generic Shell-Specialized Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Developing Network Management Software (CYIL, CCC, CSH), pp. 235–238.
SEKE-1993-LuciaNTT #development- The Tool Development Language TDL for the Software Development Environment WSDW (ADL, MN, GT, MT), pp. 421–428.
SEKE-1993-MacMillanFLLS #architecture #natural language #reuse #tool support- A Common Architecture To Encourage Reuse Of Natural Language/Text Processing Tools (TRM, MLF, SJL, EPL, LJS), pp. 266–270.
SEKE-1993-SaekiIS #process #specification- Supporting Tool for Cooperative Specification Processes (MS, KI, MS), pp. 351–354.
SEKE-1993-SuhST #information management #named #representation- INTEK: A Software Tool for an Intermediate Knowledge Representation Formalism (SCS, CFS, MMT), pp. 288–290.
OOPSLA-1993-KruegerLVA #development #memory management #tool support- Tools for the Development of Application-Specific Virtual Memory Management (KK, DL, AV, TEA), pp. 48–64.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-GilliGHMMSW #automation #object-oriented #visual notation- A Graphical, Object-Oriented Engineering Tool for Building Automation Systems (RG, EG, HH, LM, FM, FS, PW), pp. 197–208.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Harmon #object-oriented #tool support- Object-Oriented Tools and Environments (PH), p. 345.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-HillG #animation #multi #object-oriented #simulation- A Multi-Domain Tool for Object-Oriented Simulation Animation (DRCH, MG), pp. 181–195.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1993-Soufflet #object-oriented #tool support- Associated Paper: Object-Oriented Tools & PCTE (DS), p. 277.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1993-ChengG #visualisation- A Program Visualisation Tool (GC, NABG), pp. 365–369.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Berg-Cross #coordination #development #standard #tool support- Leveraging Productivity with a Standard Environment and Coordinated Tools for O-O Development (GBC), pp. 489–495.
TOOLS-USA-1993-HarmonH #object-oriented #tool support- Object-Oriented Tools and Environments (PH, CH), p. 528.
TOOLS-USA-1993-KoivistoR #c++ #named- Cerial: A Tool for XDR or ASN.1 BER Serialization of C++ Objects (JK, JR), pp. 109–122.
TOOLS-USA-1993-MiliL #abstraction #automation #object-oriented #reuse- Data Abstraction in SoftClass, an OO CASE Tool for Software Reuse (HM, HL), pp. 133–149.
ICRE-1993-AliagaS #composition #prototype #tool support #user interface- Prototyping of Graphing Tools by Direct GUI Composition (DGA, MSH), pp. 317–334.
RE-1993-Lefering #in the large #incremental #integration #programming #requirements- An incremental integration tool between requirements engineering and programming in the large (ML), pp. 82–89.
RE-1993-Smith #named #requirements- READS: a requirements engineering tool (TJS), pp. 94–97.
SAC-1993-PelkeyTTLD #gnome #representation #visual notation- Gnome View: A Tool for Visual Representation of Human Genome Data (JEP, GST, DAT, VBL, RJD), pp. 21–27.
FSE-1993-Griswold #data flow- Direct Update of Data Flow Representations for a Meaning-Preserving Program Restructuring Tool (WGG), pp. 42–55.
PPoPP-1993-HallHKMMOPR #case study #editing #experience #interactive #parallel #programming #using- Experiences Using the ParaScope Editor: an Interactive Parallel Programming Tool (MWH, TJH, KK, NM, KSM, JDO, MHP, GR), pp. 33–43.
CAV-1993-CeransGL #specification #tool support- Timed Modal Specification — Theory and Tools (KC, JCG, KGL), pp. 253–267.
CAV-1993-GrafL #verification- A Tool for Symbolic Program Verification and Abstration (SG, CL), pp. 71–84.
IWPTS-1993-AhtiainenCHK #automation #case study #experience #tool support- Experiences with Octopus Automated TTCN Translation Tools Applied to GSM/SS7 (AA, BC, MWAH, SK), pp. 231–253.
DAC-1992-FranzonSSBMM #generative #tool support- Tools to Aid in Wiring Rule Generation for High Speed Interconnects (PDF, SS, MBS, MB, SM, TM), pp. 466–471.
DAC-1992-RaghavanBR #named #performance #problem #simulation- AWESpice: A General Tool for the Accurate and Efficient Simulation of Interconnect Problems (VR, JEB, RAR), pp. 87–92.
KBSE-1992-KotikM #knowledge-based #re-engineering #tool support- Knowledge-Based Software Reengineering Tools (GK, LM), p. 31.
KBSE-1992-SolderitschY #knowledge base #reuse #tool support #tutorial- Knowledge Based Software Reuse Methods and Tools: DoD STARS RLF Technology (Tutorial) (JS, DY), p. 1.
HT-ECHT-1992-Celentano #authoring #education #named- Hypermovie: An Authoring Tool for Video-Disk Based Teaching (Demonstration) (AC), p. 291.
HT-ECHT-1992-Salvato #named #tool support- INFOSHARE: A Network-Based Cooperation Tool (Demonstration) (GS), p. 291.
HT-ECHT-1992-Schiff #tool support- The HYTEA Project: Tools and Applications (Demonstration) (JS), p. 290.
PODS-1992-Dong #datalog #query #tool support- Datalog Expressiveness of Chain Queries: Grammar Tools and Characterizations (GD), pp. 81–90.
PLDI-1992-Sosic #named- Dynascope: A Tool for Program Directing (RS), pp. 12–21.
PLDI-1992-TjiangH #named- Sharlit — A Tool for Building Optimizers (SWKT, JLH), pp. 82–93.
CHI-1992-Chimera #multi #navigation #visualisation- Value bars: an information visualization and navigation tool for multi-attribute listings (RC), pp. 293–294.
CHI-1992-HammontreeHH #analysis #research #testing #tool support #user interface #visual notation- Integrated data capture and analysis tools for research and testing on graphical user interfaces (MLH, JJH, BWH), pp. 431–432.
CHI-1992-MillsCW #video- A Magnifier Tool for Video Data (MM, JC, YYW), pp. 93–98.
CHI-1992-RopaA #case study #collaboration #communication #design #interface #multi- A Case Study of a Multimedia Co-working Task and the Resulting Interface Design of a Collaborative Communication Tool (AR, BA), pp. 649–650.
CSCW-1992-MaloneLF- Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work (TWM, KYL, CF), pp. 289–297.
CSCW-1992-WolfRB #communication #information retrieval- Communication and Information Retrieval with a Pen-Based Meeting Support Tool (CGW, JRR, LKB), pp. 322–329.
AdaEurope-1992-Mangold #ada #multi #named #set- AMPATS — A Multi Processor Ada Tool Set (KM), pp. 300–311.
AdaEurope-1992-ZageZBG #design #metric- Design and Code Metrics Through a DIANA-Based Tool (WMZ, DMZ, MB, DJG), pp. 60–71.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-Beidler #component #education #tool support #what- Building on the Booch Components: What Can Be Learned When Modifying Real World Software Tools for Educational Use (JB), pp. 157–164.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BlakeB #ada #case study #experience #interface #perspective #semantics #specification- Experiences with The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS): Developing a Tool with a View (SJB, JBB), pp. 458–468.
TRI-Ada-C-1992-BurgerBVTSB #ada #distributed #source code- A Practical Tool for Distributing Ada Programs: TeleSoft’s Distributed Ada Configuration Tool (TB, JBB, RAV, RT, GS, KHB), pp. 484–492.
CAiSE-1992-FouqueV #analysis #approach #machine learning- Building a Tool for Software Code Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach (GF, CV), pp. 278–289.
CAiSE-1992-HainautCDM #architecture #automation #database #design #flexibility- Database CASE Tool Architecture: Principles for Flexible Design Strategies (JLH, MC, BD, OM), pp. 187–207.
CAiSE-1992-RossiGSJL #automation #editing #metamodelling- Metamodeling Editor as a Front End Tool for a CASE Shell (MR, MG, KS, LÅJ, KL), pp. 546–567.
CAiSE-1992-Verrijn-StuartR #integration #tool support- Model Integration in Information Planning Tools (AAVS, GJR), pp. 481–493.
ML-1992-LapointeM #induction #named #performance #recursion #source code- Sub-unification: A Tool for Efficient Induction of Recursive Programs (SL, SM), pp. 273–281.
SEKE-1992-HaoTJ #consistency #modelling #nondeterminism #process #prototype- Prototyping an Inconsistency Checking Tool for Software Process Models (JKH, FT, JJ), pp. 227–234.
SEKE-1992-Hayes-RothETH #concept #distributed #tool support- Distributed Intelligent Control and Management: Concepts, Methods and Tools for Developing DICAM Applications (FHR, LDE, AT, BHR), pp. 235–244.
SEKE-1992-HuangSM #modelling #reverse engineering #rule-based #source code #visual notation- A Rule-Based Tool for Reverse Engineering from Source Code to Graphical Models (HH, KS, IM), pp. 178–185.
SEKE-1992-LynchC #automation #development- The SEAR Tool Suite: CASE for Expert System Development in OPSS (PAL, TAC), pp. 545–550.
SEKE-1992-WatsonN #analysis #development #named- ProTest: A Knowledge Analysis Tool for the Development of Expert Systems (IW, MN), pp. 206–212.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BlakN #embedded #object-oriented #tool support- OO Methods and Tools for Embedded Applications, The Mjolner BETA System (LB, JN), pp. 359–367.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-BuddeCSZ #analysis #design #tool support- Tools and Materials: an Analysis and Design Metaphor (RB, MLCN, KHS, HZ), pp. 135–146.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-CarricoAGPM #tool support- Support for Open Tools and Systems (LC, PA, NG, PP, MM), pp. 301–310.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-CervoniR #constraints #design #named #object-oriented #problem #reuse- C/O: A Tool Reusing OO Design for Temporal Constraints Satisfaction Problems (LC, FR), pp. 79–85.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1992-NilssonB #object-oriented #specification #tool support- Tools for Object Oriented Formal Specification Technique (GN, PB), pp. 349–358.
TOOLS-USA-1992-LuijtenL #integration- A Layered-Modelling Tool for the Integration of Computer Applications (BL, BL), pp. 97–109.
TOOLS-USA-1992-MiliEI #automation #interface #reuse #visual notation- Building a Graphical Interface for a Reuse-Oriented CASE Tool (HM, AEEW, YI), pp. 81–95.
ICSE-1992-TsudaMTT #analysis #automation #development- Productivity Analysis of Software Development with an Integrated CASE Tool (MT, YM, MT, MT), pp. 49–58.
SOSP-WIP-1991-Weihl92 #named #parallel #source code #tool support- Prelude: Tools for Building Portable Parallel Programs (Abstract) (WEW), p. 24.
HPDC-1992-Sunderam #network #paradigm #tool support #tutorial- Tutorial I: Paradigms and Tools for Heterogeneous Network Computing (VSS), p. 282.
CAV-1992-AagaardL #case study #logic #synthesis #verification- Verifying a Logic Synthesis Tool in Nuprl: A Case Study in Software Verification (MA, ML), pp. 69–81.
DAC-1991-Fuhrman #industrial #synthesis #tool support- Industrial Extensions to University High Level Synthesis Tools: Making It Work in the Real World (TEF), pp. 520–525.
DAC-1991-Hwang #analysis #named- REX — A VLSI Parasitic Extraction Tool for Electromigration and Signal Analysis (JPH), pp. 717–722.
DAC-1991-WuYYL #design #multi #named #optimisation #process- GOALSERVER: A Multiobjective Design Optimization Tool for IC Fabrication Process (LW, ZY, ZY, ZL), pp. 585–590.
KBSE-1991-MeggendorferM #deduction #retrieval- A Knowledge and Deduction Based Software Retrieval Tool (SM, PM), pp. 127–133.
HT-1991-CatlinGL #hypermedia- Hypermedia Templates: An Author’s Tool (KSC, LNG, JAL), pp. 147–160.
HT-1991-MarshallHRJ #hypermedia #named- Aquanet: A Hypertext Tool to Hold Your Knowledge in Place (CCM, FGH, RAR, WCJJ), pp. 261–275.
PODS-1991-HillebrandKMV #bound #datalog #tool support- Tools for Datalog Boundedness (GGH, PCK, HGM, MYV), pp. 1–12.
SEI-1991-Werth #automation #collaboration #re-engineering #tool support- Industry-Academia Collaboration to Provide CASE Tools for Software Engineering Classes (LHW), pp. 245–256.
WSA-1991-Clergerie #abstract interpretation #programming- A Tool for Abstract Interpretation: Dynamic Programming (EVdlC), pp. 151–156.
VDME-1991-1-Arthan #on the #proving #specification- On Formal Specification of a Proof Tool (RDA), pp. 356–370.
VDME-1991-1-BicarreguiR #reasoning #using- Reasoning about VDM Developments using the VDM Support Tool in MURAL (JB, BR), pp. 371–388.
VDME-1991-1-Cattel #specification #tool support- Tactical Tools for Distributing VDM Specifications (TC), pp. 309–323.
VDME-1991-1-HeeSV91a- The EXSPECT Tool (KMvH, LJS, MV), pp. 683–684.
VDME-1991-1-Houston- The IBM Z Tool (IH), pp. 691–692.
VDME-1991-1-LeeS- B-Tool (MKOL, IHS), pp. 695–696.
CHI-1991-MinnemanB #case study #design #distributed #multi- Managing a trois: a study of a multi-user drawing tool in distributed design work (SLM, SAB), pp. 217–224.
CHI-1991-SebrechtsS- Question asking as a tool for novice computer skill acquisition (MMS, MLS), pp. 293–299.
CHI-1991-WolfRZO #tool support- We-met (window environment-meeting enhancement tools) (CGW, JRR, LAZ, HO), pp. 441–442.
CHI-1991-ZandenM #design #interface #visual notation- The Lapidary graphical interface design tool (BTVZ, BAM), pp. 465–466.
AdaEurope-1991-BadaroM #ada #named #reuse- ROSE-Ada: a Method and a Tool to Help Reuse of Ada Codes (NB, TM), pp. 304–325.
AdaEurope-1991-TsalidisH #ada #metric- AFADA, a Measurement Tool for Ada (CTT, AEH), pp. 65–86.
CAiSE-1991-BittonMT #database #design #named- DBE: An Expert Tool for Database Design (DB, JM, ST), pp. 240–263.
CAiSE-1991-FuginiGP #composition #modelling #requirements #reuse- Reusing Requirements through a Modeling and Composition Support Tool (MGF, MG, BP), pp. 50–78.
CAiSE-1991-HillstonOP #case study #using- A Case Study Using the IMSE Experimentation Tool (JH, ALO, RP), pp. 284–306.
CAiSE-1991-SeppanenHL #design #named #tool support #towards- SPADE — Towards Case Tools That Can Guide Design (VS, MH, RL), pp. 222–239.
OOPSLA-1991-Guimaraes #experience #inheritance #multi #tool support #user interface- Building Generic User Interface Tools: an Experience with Multiple Inheritance (NG), pp. 89–96.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Black #integration #tool support- Tool Integration Approaches in an O-O IPSE (EB), pp. 89–102.
TOOLS-USA-1991-DoucetAP #database #tool support- Database Programmers are Handcrafters: They Need Appropriate Tools (AD, GA, PP), pp. 103–116.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Mili #named #object-oriented #reuse- SoftClass: An Object-Oriented Tool for Software Reuse (HM), pp. 303–318.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Reiss #object-oriented #tool support- Tools for Object-Oriented Redesign (SPR), pp. 361–364.
ICSE-1991-Craigen #formal method #tool support- Tool Support for Formal Methods (DC), pp. 184–185.
ICSE-1991-FischerHR #reuse #tool support- Cognitive tools for locating and comprehending software objects for reuse (GF, SH, DFR), pp. 318–328.
ICSE-1991-Schwanke #composition #re-engineering- An Intelligent Tool for Re-Engineering Software Modularity (RWS), pp. 83–92.
PPoPP-1991-HollingsworthIM #integration #metric #parallel #performance- The Integration of Application and System Based Metrics in a Parallel Program Performance Tool (JKH, RBI, BPM), pp. 189–200.
ICLP-1991-Reintjes #design #set #tool support- A Set of Tools for VHDL Design (PBR), pp. 549–562.
IWPTS-1991-Berghe #bibliography #consistency #specification #standard #tool support- Overview of the Standardisation of Conformance Test Specifications and Tools: European Work, Contribution to ISO/CCITT and Worldwide Harmonisation (FvdB), pp. 297–310.
IWPTS-1991-GuareneM #network #testing #tool support- Advanced Testing Tools For Intelligent Network (EG, PM), pp. 219–230.
IWPTS-1991-SatoTKM #communication #generative #parametricity #specification #testing #tool support- Parameter Specification Language and Test Data Generation Tools for Communication Software Testing (FS, HT, KK, TM), pp. 207–218.
IWPTS-1991-Stoettinger #tool support- Session on Equivqlence of Test Tools (KS), pp. 291–293.
DAC-1990-ForsytheAYAG #development #simulation- NASFLOW, a Simulation Tool for Silicon Technology Development (DDF, APA, CSY, SA, BG), pp. 333–337.
ECHT-1990-SchulerS #authoring- Author’s Argumentation Assistant (AAA): A Hypertext-Based Authoring Tool for Argumentative Texts (WS, JBS), pp. 137–151.
PODS-1990-KolaitisV #case study #datalog #on the #power of #tool support- On the Expressive Power of Datalog: Tools and a Case Study (PGK, MYV), pp. 61–71.
GG-1990-Boer #biology #graph grammar #modelling- Graph Grammars as a Modelling Tool in Developmental Biology (MJMdB), pp. 41–43.
GG-1990-Bunke #graph grammar #pattern matching #pattern recognition #question #recognition- Graph Grammars — a Useful Tool for Pattern Recognition? (HB), pp. 43–46.
GG-1990-Cuny #graph grammar #question #tool support- Graph Grammars as Tools in Applications Work? (JEC), pp. 46–47.
GG-1990-Himsolt #graph grammar #interactive #named- GraphEd: An Interactive Tool For Developing Graph Grammars (MH), pp. 61–65.
GG-1990-Wanke #graph grammar #named #tool support- PLEXUS: Tools for Analyzing Graph Grammars (EW), pp. 68–69.
CHI-1990-SchiphorstCLWG #composition #interactive #process #tool support- Tools for interaction with the creative process of composition (TS, TC, CL, CW, SG), pp. 167–174.
CHI-1990-WildeL #interactive #prototype- Spreadsheet-based interactive graphics: from prototype to tool (NPW, CL), pp. 153–160.
CSCW-1990-Lee #design #named- SIBYL: A Tool for Managing Group Design Rationale (JL), pp. 79–92.
CSCW-1990-MarkusC #problem #tool support #why- Why CSCW Applications Fail: Problems in the Adoption of Interdependent Work Tools (MLM, TC), pp. 371–380.
CAiSE-1990-BouzeghoubM #database #design #object-oriented- A Design Tool for Object Oriented Databases (MB, EM), pp. 365–392.
CAiSE-1990-Capua #automation #named #tool support- FOUNDATION — CASE Tools for the Success of the French Stock Exchange (FDC), p. 3.
CAiSE-1990-Engeman #development #integration #repository #tool support- A Common Repository and Information Model — A Base for Integration of Development Tools (CE), p. 4.
CAiSE-1990-FuginiP #named #requirements #reuse- RECAST: A Tool For Reusing Requirements (MGF, BP), pp. 339–364.
CAiSE-1990-Halassy #automation #relational- Application of Relational Normalforms in CASE-Tools (BH), pp. 215–227.
CAiSE-1990-Nilsson #automation #tool support- CASE Tools and Software Factories (EGN), pp. 42–60.
CAiSE-1990-SmolanderTL #case study #how #tool support- How to Combine Tools and Methods in Practice — a Field Study (KS, VPT, KL), pp. 195–214.
CAiSE-1990-Suomi #case study #development #experience #tool support- Selecting System Development Tools: Some Experiences (RS), pp. 61–78.
CAiSE-1990-WijersD #automation #case study #experience- Experiences with the Use of CASE-Tools in the Netherlands (GMW, HED), pp. 5–20.
SEKE-1990-GatesC #automation #recognition- An Introduction To The Recognition of Iterative Structures by a CASE Tool (AQG, DEC), pp. 202–208.
SEKE-1990-RizmanR #agile #data flow #knowledge-based #prototype #specification #using- Using Data-flow Description Supported By The Rapid Prototyping Tool For Specifying and Developing of Knowledge-Based System (KR, IR), pp. 58–63.
SEKE-1990-Sinohara #information management #knowledge base- KID-a- Knowledge Acquisition Support Tool to develop Validated Knowledge Base (YS), pp. 122–126.
POPL-1990-Field #analysis #lazy evaluation #on the #specification #tool support- On Laziness and Optimality in λ Interpreters: Tools for Specification and Analysis (JF), pp. 1–15.
ICSE-1990-Dowson #case study #experience #using- Experience Using the Graphite Meta-Tool (Experience Report) (MD), pp. 192–195.
WAGA-1990-Eijk #attribute grammar #prototype #tool support- Attribute Grammar Applications in Prototyping LOTOS Tools (PvE), pp. 91–100.
CC-1990-GroschE #compilation- A Tool Box for Compiler Construction (JG, HE), pp. 106–116.
CC-1990-Kasyanov #programming #tool support- Tools and Techniques of Annotated Programming (VNK), pp. 117–131.
CC-1990-ToczkiKGDK #development #named- SYS/3 — A Software Development Tool (JT, FK, TG, GD, GK), pp. 193–207.
PPoPP-1990-CallahanKS #analysis #parallel #programming- Analysis of Event Synchronization in A Parallel Programming Tool (DC, KK, JS), pp. 21–30.
DAC-1989-DaniellD #approach #design #framework #object-oriented- An Object Oriented Approach to CAD Tool Control within a Design Framework (JD, SWD), pp. 197–202.
DAC-1989-DervisogluK #debugging #named #state of the art #tool support- ATLAS/ELA: Scan-based Software Tools for Reducing System Debug Time in a State-of-the-art Workstation (BID, MAK), pp. 718–721.
DAC-1989-IrwinO #2d #comparison #layout #matrix #tool support- A Comparison of Four Two-dimensional Gate Matrix Layout Tools (MJI, RMO), pp. 698–701.
DAC-1989-Knapp #interactive #optimisation- An Interactive Tool for Register-level Structure Optimization (DK), pp. 598–601.
DAC-1989-OngLL #automation #named #synthesis- GENAC: An Automatic Cell Synthesis Tool (CLO, JTL, CYL), pp. 239–244.
DAC-1989-SetliffR #automation #named #physics #synthesis- ELF: A Tool for Automatic Synthesis of Custom Physical CAD Software (DES, RAR), pp. 543–548.
DAC-1989-SmithDDCHJd #development- FACE Core Environment: The Model and Its Application in CAE/CAD Tool Development (WDS, DAD, MD, JC, MJH, JRJ, MAd), pp. 466–471.
DAC-1989-TrickD #behaviour #layout #named #synthesis #tool support- LASSIE: Structure to Layout for Behavioral Synthesis Tools (MTT, SWD), pp. 104–109.
HT-1989-NeuwirthK #design #process #tool support- The Role of External Representations in the Writing Process: Implications for the Design of Hypertext-Based Writing Tools (CN, DK), pp. 319–341.
PODS-1989-Grahne #database #performance- Horn Tables — An Efficient Tool for Handling Incomplete Information in Databases (GG), pp. 75–82.
SIGMOD-1989-Troyer #constraints #database #scalability- RIDL*: A Tool for the Computer-Assisted Engineering of Large Databases in the Presence of Integrity Constraints (ODT), pp. 418–429.
VLDB-1989-Bitton #database #interface #tool support- Database Tools and Interfaces (DB), p. 443.
CHI-1989-EhrlichBMT #tool support- Tools for supporting cooperative work near and far: highlights from the CSCW conference (SFE, TB, WM, JCT), pp. 353–356.
CAiSE-1989-Assche #automation #future of #on the #tool support- On the Future of CASE Tools (FVA).
CAiSE-1989-Bostrom #development #information management #tool support- Information Systems Development Supporting Methodologies with Computerized Tools (BTB).
CAiSE-1989-BrodinD #named- Foundation — The Broad Tool (EB, BID).
CAiSE-1989-DahlO #development #modelling #tool support- The Relationship between Models, Methods and System Development Tools (i.e. Case Tools and 4GL) (LD, RO).
CAiSE-1989-HernbackL #analysis #automation #classification #framework #implementation #tool support- A Framework for Use and Classification of CASE Tools in Systems Analysis and a Strategy for Implementation (JH, IL).
CAiSE-1989-Kansala #automation #experience #set #tool support- Loosely Integrated Sets of CASE tools: Our Experience (KK).
CAiSE-1989-KinnulaM #automation #how #tool support- How to Test and Compare CASE tools (TK, JM).
CAiSE-1989-LagerkvistN #automation #how #tool support- How to Succeed with Modern Tools such as the CASE tool “Deft” on the Macintosh (CL, ÅN).
CAiSE-1989-LuchnerKE #automation #tool support- Glueing CASE Tools Together in a Heterogeneous CASE Environment (PL, GRK, FE).
CAiSE-1989-Lustig #automation #how #tool support- How CASE Tools and Methods Relate to Each Other (GL).
CAiSE-1989-Potucek #automation #tool support- CASE Tools in an IRM Environment (JP).
CAiSE-1989-Rolland #automation #future of #modelling #on the #tool support #why- On the Future of Modelling — Why Current CASE Tools Insist on Supporting 20 Years Old Methods and Techniques (CR).
CAiSE-1989-Schefstrom #integration #on the #tool support- On Posteriori Integration of Software Tools (DS).
CAiSE-1989-Sutcliffe #automation #design #interface #tool support- CASE Tools and the Human Computer Interface: Implications for Designers (AS).
ML-1989-Spackman #detection #induction #learning #tool support- Signal Detection Theory: Valuable Tools for Evaluating Inductive Learning (KAS), pp. 160–163.
ECOOP-1989-FriedrichHSS #named #tool support #visualisation- ObjView: A Task-Oriented, Graphics-Based Tools for Object Visualization and Arrangement (GF, WH, CS, MS), pp. 299–310.
ESEC-1989-BaldassariBRZ #automation #distributed #named #object-oriented- PROTOB — A Hierarchical Object-Oriented CASE Tool for Distributed Systems (MB, GB, VR, RZ), pp. 424–445.
ESEC-1989-LacroixV #integration #tool support- Tool Integration in an Open Environment (ML, MV), pp. 311–323.
ESEC-1989-LewisBH #named #testing- Assay — A Tool to Support Regression Testing (RL, DWB, JH), pp. 487–496.
ESEC-1989-Shutt #development #program analysis #specification #tool support #using- A Rigorous Development Strategy Using the OBJ Specification Language and the MALPAS Program Analysis Tools (RNS), pp. 260–291.
ICSE-1989-PatelONB #formal method #tool support- Tools to Support Formal Methods (SP, RAO, MTN, DWB), pp. 123–132.
ICSE-1989-Thomas #integration #tool support- Tool Integration in the Pact Environment (IT), pp. 13–22.
NACLP-1989-FosterT #named #parallel #programming- Strand: A Practical Parallel Programming Tool (ITF, ST), pp. 497–512.
DAC-1988-BergstraesserGHW #architecture #named #synthesis #tool support- SMART: Tools and Methods for Synthesis of VLSI Chips with Processor Architecture (TB, JG, KH, SW), pp. 654–657.
DAC-1988-Bryant #design- CAD Tool Needs for System Designers (REB), p. 476.
DAC-1988-Papaspyrdis #prolog #verification- A Prolog-Based Connectivity Verification Tool (ACP), pp. 523–527.
SIGMOD-1988-KachhwahaH #database #development #named #object-oriented- LCE: An Object-Oriented Database Application Development Tool (PK, RH), p. 207.
SEI-1988-Werth #how #tool support #what #why- Software Tools at the University: Why, What and How (LHW), pp. 169–186.
VDME-1988-Abrial- The B Tool (Abstract) (JRA), pp. 86–87.
VDME-1988-NielsenHWG #tool support- The RAISE Language, Method and Tools (MN, KH, KRW, CG), pp. 376–405.
CSCW-1988-ConklinB #hypermedia #named #policy- gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Exploratory Policy Discussion (JC, MLB), pp. 140–152.
CSCW-1988-Trigg #communication #hypermedia #tool support- Guided Tours and Tabletops: Tools for Communicating in a Hypertext Environment (RHT), pp. 216–226.
PLILP-1988-BarbutiM #logic programming #source code- A Tool to Check the Non-Floundering Logic Programs and Goals (RB, MM), pp. 58–67.
ICSE-1988-Baecker #readability #tool support #visualisation- Enhancing Program Readability and Comprehensibility with Tools for Program Visualization (RB), pp. 356–366.
ICSE-1988-CraigenKMNPS #named #verification- m-EVES: A Tool for Verifying Software (DC, SK, IM, AN, BP, MS), pp. 324–333.
ICSE-1988-Duncan #development #metric #tool support- Software Development Productivity Tools and Metrics (ASD), pp. 41–48.
ICSE-1988-Fonorow #modelling #tool support- Modeling Software Tools with Icon (ORF), pp. 202–221.
ICSE-1988-Kishida #evolution #tool support- Evolution of Tools (Abstract) (KK), p. 2.
ICSE-1988-OrrNTR #design #realtime #tool support- Tools for Real-Time System Design (RAO, MTN, RT, CDVR), pp. 130–140.
ICSE-1988-Sharp #automation #design #evaluation #named #refinement #using- KDA — A Tool for Automatic Design Evaluation and Refinement Using the Blackboard Model of Control (HCS), pp. 407–417.
ICSE-1988-ZeilE- Interpretation in a Tool-Fragment Environment (SJZ, ECE), pp. 241–249.
CCHSC-1988-Kastens #compilation #generative #interface #tool support- Abstract Interfaces for Compiler Generating Tools (UK), pp. 103–114.
PPEALS-1988-BurkeCFHSS #automation #empirical #parallel- Automatic Discovery of Parallelism: A Tool and an Experiment (Extended Abstract) (MGB, RC, JF, WCH, VS, DS), pp. 77–84.
CADE-1988-TourCC #tool support- Some Tools for an Inference Laboratory (ATINF) (TBdlT, RC, GC), pp. 744–745.
JICSCP-1988-Docker88 #analysis #implementation #named #prolog- SAME — A Structured Analysis Tool and its Implementation in Prolog (TWGD), pp. 82–95.
DAC-1987-BeekmanOI #array #generative #performance- Mesh Arrays and LOGICIAN: A Tool for Their Efficient Generation (JAB, RMO, MJI), pp. 357–362.
DAC-1987-DemersJFC #integration #named #object-oriented #tool support- CHESHIRE: An Object-Oriented Integration of VLSI CAD Tools (LPD, PJ, SF, EC), pp. 750–756.
DAC-1987-Hedlund #automation #named- Aesop: A Tool for Automated Transistor Sizing (KSH), pp. 114–120.
DAC-1987-TanTBVP #performance #self #simulation- A Fast Signature Simulation Tool for Built-In Self-Testing Circuits (SBT, KT, KB, PV, RP), pp. 17–25.
HT-1987-ConklinB #design #hypermedia #named- gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation (JC, MLB), pp. 247–251.
HT-1987-Jones #hypermedia #parametricity #tool support- Developing and Distributing Hypertext Tools: Legal Inputs and Parameters (HWJI), pp. 367–374.
HT-1987-RemdeGL #automation #hypermedia #named #question- SuperBook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration — Hypertext? (JRR, LMG, TKL), pp. 175–188.
PLDI-1987-KoskimiesP #approach #named #object-oriented #tool support- TOOLS: a unifying approach to object-oriented language interpretation (KK, JP), pp. 153–164.
HCI-CE-1987-Harker #agile #design #prototype- Rapid Prototyping as a Tool for User Centered Design (SH), pp. 365–372.
HCI-CE-1987-Kitto #information management #paradigm #problem #research #tool support- Knowledge Acquisition Tools for Different Problem-Solving Paradigms Research at Boeing Computing Services (CMK), pp. 515–522.
HCI-CE-1987-Moser #comprehension #debugging #design #using #visual notation- Understanding Complex Software Systems Using GADD: A Tool for Graphical Animated Design and Debugging (MCM), pp. 449–456.
HCI-CE-1987-NorifusaHS #design #visualisation- A Graphics Tool for Software Design Visualization (MN, NH, OS), pp. 457–464.
OOPSLA-1987-CoxS #named- Producer: A Tool for Translating Smalltalk-80 to Objective-C (BJC, KJS), pp. 423–429.
ESEC-1987-Conradi #documentation #experience #fault #fortran #source code #verification- Experience with Fortran Verifier. A Tool for Documentation and Error Diagnosis of Fortran-77 Programs (RC), pp. 263–275.
ESEC-1987-England #design #user interface- A User Interface Design Tool (DE), pp. 110–117.
ESEC-1987-HekmatpourW #specification #tool support #visual notation- Formal Specification of Graphical Notations and Graphical Software Tools (SH, MW), pp. 297–305.
ESEC-1987-LissandreV #automation #named- SPECIF-X: A Tool for CASE (ML, BDV), pp. 279–287.
ESEC-1987-RaitherO #c #named #testing- TRICS: A Testing Tool for C (BR, LJO), pp. 254–262.
ESEC-1987-Tempel #design #set #tool support- A Set of Tools supporting the Software Design Based on SDL (HGT), pp. 348–356.
ICSE-1987-Hall #interface- Tool Interfaces in Integrated Project Support Environments (AH), pp. 289–290.
ICSE-1987-Nomura #re-engineering #tool support- Use of Software Engineering Tools in Japan (TN), pp. 263–269.
SLP-1987-DiszL87 #behaviour #logic programming #parallel #source code #visual notation- A Graphical Tool for Observing the Behavior of Parallel Logic Programs (TD, ELL), pp. 46–53.
SLP-1987-MatwinSKMK87 #tool support- A Logic-Based Tools for Negotiation Support (SM, SS, GEK, WM, ZK), pp. 499–506.
DAC-1986-BushnellD #integration #tool support #using- VLSI CAD tool integration using the Ulysses environment (MLB, SWD), pp. 55–61.
DAC-1986-Gonzalez-SustaetaB #automation #concept #database #design #using- An automated database design tool using the ELKA conceptual model (JGS, APB), pp. 752–759.
DAC-1986-Lamey #design #prototype #verification- Early verification of prototype tooling for IC designs (PL), pp. 819–822.
DAC-1986-VenkataramanW #automation #layout #named- GEMS: an automatic layout tool for MIMOLA schematics (VVV, CDW), pp. 131–137.
ESOP-1986-Salminen #specification- Specification of a Tool for Viewing Program Text (AS), pp. 250–261.
CSCW-1986-Brown #collaboration #tool support- Enhancing creativity with collaborative tools (JSB), p. 386.
CSCW-1986-FosterS #named #theory and practice- Cognoter: theory and practice of a colab-orative tool (GF, MS), pp. 7–15.
CSCW-1986-JohnsonWODM #collaboration #empirical #using- Using a computer-based tool to support collaboration: a field experiment (BJ, GW, MHO, RD, GM), pp. 343–352.
CSCW-1986-Neches #people #tool support- Tools help people co-operate only to the extent that they help them share goals and terminology (RN), pp. 192–201.
DAC-1985-ChuL #design #layout #tool support- Technology tracking for VLSI layout design tools (KCC, YEL), pp. 279–285.
DAC-1985-GiambiasiMLdDR #adaptation #modelling- An adaptive and evolutive tool for describing general hierarchical models, based on frames and demons (NG, BM, RL, LDd, CD, PR), pp. 460–467.
DAC-1985-HughesLR #automation #design #distributed #execution #tool support- A technique for distributed execution of design automation tools (SCH, DBL, CJR), pp. 23–30.
DAC-1985-RoseBT #analysis #design #performance #probability #tool support- Integrating stochastic performance analysis with system design tools (CWR, MB, YT), pp. 482–488.
DAC-1985-Simmons #design #prototype #tutorial #verification- Early verification of prototype tooling for IC designs (tutorial) (JPSJ), p. 161.
DAC-1985-WeiS #generative #named- PLATYPUS: a PLA test pattern generation tool (RSW, ALSV), pp. 197–203.
DAC-1985-Wunderlich #analysis #named #probability #testing- PROTEST: a tool for probabilistic testability analysis (HJW), pp. 204–211.
PODS-1985-Gyssens #dependence #embedded- Embedded Join Dependencies as a Tool for Decomposing Full Join Dependencies (MG), pp. 205–214.
VLDB-1985-BouzeghoubGM #approach #database #design #tool support- Database Design Tools: An Expert System Approach (MB, GG, EM), pp. 82–95.
VLDB-1985-TuchermanFC #composition #database #design- A Tool for Modular Database Design (LT, ALF, MAC), pp. 436–447.
ICSE-1985-BuhrWKLL #design #multi #prolog #tool support- Experiments with Prolog Design Descriptions and Tools in CAEDE: An Iconic Design Environment for Multitasking, Embdedded Systems (RJAB, CMW, GMK, KVDL, DGL), pp. 62–67.
ICSE-1985-Fukunaga #comprehension #knowledge base #named- PROMPTER: A Knowledge Based Support Tool for Code Understanding (KF), pp. 358–363.
ICSE-1985-StavelyBOT #concurrent #design #tool support- A Collection of Software Tools for Analyzing Design of Concurrent Software Systems (AMS, DCB, SPO, GBT), pp. 111–118.
ICSE-1985-Vefsnmo #communication #quality #quote #re-engineering- “DASOM” — A Software Engineering Tool for Communication Applications Increasing Productivity and Software Quality (EAMV), pp. 26–35.
SLP-1985-OKeefe85 #on the #prolog #tool support- On the Treatment of Cuts in Prolog Source-Level Tools (RAO), pp. 68–72.
DAC-1984-DussaultLT #design #synthesis- A high level synthesis tool for MOS chip design (JPD, CCL, MMT), pp. 308–314.
DAC-1984-GuillaumeK #named #proximity- MINUPROX — an advanced proximity correction technique for the IBM EL-2 electron beam tool (WJG, AK), pp. 452–453.
DAC-1984-Marwedel #design #tool support- The mimola design system: Tools for the design of digital processors (PM), pp. 587–593.
DAC-1984-Smith #layout #tool support #what- Basic turorial layout tools — what really is there (RS), p. 219.
DAC-1984-Trimberger #assembly #named #visual notation- VTIcompose — a powerful graphical chip assembly tool (ST), pp. 697–698.
VLDB-1984-JooPM #data analysis #database #design #logic #named- Datadict — A Data Analysis and Logical Database Design Tool (TTJ, TKP, GAM), pp. 71–77.
LFP-1984-Lieberman #debugging #lisp #tool support #towards- Steps Toward Better Debugging Tools for Lisp (HL), pp. 247–255.
SIGIR-1984-NiedermairTB #analysis #named #retrieval- MARS: A Retrieval Tool on the Basis of Morphological Analysis (GTN, GT, IB), pp. 369–381.
ICSE-1984-EvansP #effectiveness #evaluation #named- POWER: A Tool for Quantitative Evaluation of Software Project Effectiveness (MWE, LMP), pp. 138–142.
ICSE-1984-HennellHR #tool support- Assessing a Class of Software Tools (MAH, DH, IJR), pp. 266–277.
ICSE-1984-Schroeder #documentation #metric #tool support- Integrated Program Measurement and Documentation Tools (AS), pp. 304–313.
ILPC-1984-Nilsson84 #optimisation #prolog- Prolog as a Tool for Optimizing Prolog Unifiers (MN), pp. 13–21.
DAC-1983-BatiniC #concept #database #design #visual notation- A graphical tool for conceptual design of data base applications (CB, CC), pp. 762–773.
DAC-1983-Leblond #named- CAF: A computer-assisted floorplanning tool (AL), pp. 747–753.
DAC-1983-MayoO #layout- Pictures with parentheses: Combining graphics and procedures in a VLSI layout tool (RNM, JKO), pp. 270–276.
DAC-1983-Sapiro #question #tool support- Engineering Workstations: Tools or toys? (SS), pp. 79–80.
DAC-1983-Tomkinson #automation #design #named #tool support- UCAD: Building Design Automation with general purpose software tools on UNIX (JHT), pp. 774–787.
RE-1983-PartschP #data type- Abstract Data Types as a Tool for Requirement Engineering (HP, PP), pp. 42–55.
DAC-1982-BeylsHLMP #design #layout #tool support- A design methodology based upon symbolic layout and integrated cad tools (AMB, BH, JL, GM, AP), pp. 872–878.
DAC-1982-ChuquillanquiS #named #optimisation #scalability- PAOLA: A tool for topological optimization of large PLAS (SC, TPS), pp. 300–306.
DAC-1982-FriendensonBT #design #tool support- Designer’s Workbench: Delivery of cad tools (RAF, JRB, TJT), pp. 15–22.
DAC-1982-Marcotte #automation #named- Robotics: The new automation tool (HRM), pp. 2–8.
DAC-1982-TrimbergerR #assembly #named #visual notation- Riot — a simple graphical chip assembly tool (ST, JAR), pp. 371–376.
VLDB-1982-DahlB #database #design #interactive #named- IDBD — An Interactive Design Tool for CODASYL-DBTG-Type Data bases (RD, JABJ), pp. 108–121.
ICALP-1982-GuttagKM #term rewriting #tool support- Derived Pairs, Overlap Closures, and Rewrite Dominoes: New Tools for Analyzing Term rewriting Systems (JVG, DK, DRM), pp. 300–312.
LFP-1982-ReesA #lisp #named- T: A Dialect of Lisp or, LAMBDA: The Ultimate Software Tool (JR, NA), pp. 114–122.
GG-1982-Bunke #comprehension #generative #graph grammar #image- Graph Grammars as a generative tool in image understanding (HB), pp. 8–19.
ICSE-1982-BabichWW #ada #design #tool support- Design Considerations in Language Processing Tools for Ada (WAB, LW, MW), pp. 40–47.
ICSE-1982-PetroneLS #interactive #named #source code- DUAL: An Interactive Tool for Developing Documented Programs by Step-Wise Refinements (LP, ADL, FS), pp. 350–359.
ICSE-1982-Warren #comprehension #named- MAP: A Tool for Understanding Software (SW), pp. 28–39.
DAC-1981-Dutton #automation #design #perspective #tool support- Position statement — tools for design automation from a university point of view (RWD), p. 333.
DAC-1981-EllenbergerN #architecture #design #named- AIDE — a tool for computer architecture design (DJE, YWN), pp. 796–803.
VLDB-1981-Hainaut #database #design #tool support- Theoretical and Practical Tools for Data Base Design (JLH), pp. 216–224.
POPL-1981-AlbergaBLMW #development- A Program Development Tool (CNA, ALB, GBLJ, MM, MNW), pp. 92–104.
ICSE-1981-AdamGL #interactive- An Interactive Tool for Program Manipulation (AA, PYG, JPHL), p. 460–?.
ICSE-1981-AzumaTKM #development #interactive- Interactive Software Development Tool: ISDT (MA, MT, SK, KM), pp. 153–163.
ICSE-1981-GomaaS #prototype #requirements #specification- Prototyping as a Tool in the Specification of User Requirements (HG, DBHS), pp. 333–342.
ICSE-1981-Lingard #interactive #tool support- A Software Methodology for Buidling Interactive Tools (RWL), pp. 394–399.
ICSE-1981-MyersO #fortran- BIGMAC II: A FORTRAN Language Augmentation Tool (EWM, LJO), pp. 410–421.
DAC-1980-Lee #design #tool support- Design tools for VLSI (Position Statement) (BL), p. 342.
DAC-1980-SmithSTW #automation #design- A tool to support design automation in batch manufacturing (GLS, SAS, LLT, WLW), pp. 367–373.
VLDB-1980-Jefferson #database #design #development #tool support- The Development and Application of Data Base Design Tools and Methodology (DKJ), pp. 153–154.
VLDB-1980-Litwin #linear- Linear Hashing: A New Tool for File and Table Addressing (WL), pp. 212–223.
VLDB-1980-Nambiar #database #design #relational #tool support- Some Analytic Tools for the Design of Relational Database Systems (KKN), pp. 417–428.
POPL-1980-GuttagH #design #specification- Formal Specification as a Design Tool (JVG, JJH), pp. 251–261.
DAC-1979-GiambiasiMM #named #network #scalability #simulation- SILOG: A practical tool for large digital network simulation (NG, AM, DM), pp. 263–271.
DAC-1979-Giuliani #design #tool support- Will Disign tools catch up to VLSI design (DG), pp. 544–545.
DAC-1979-HillC #generative #multi #named #simulation- SABLE: A tool for generating structured, multi-level simulations (DDH, WMvC), pp. 272–279.
DAC-1979-McCaw- Unified Shapes Checker — a checking tool for LSI (CRM), pp. 81–87.
VLDB-1979-QuintellaGOAL #case study #database #development #tool support- A Methodologic Guide-Line for the Instalation of Data Base Development Tools and Data Administration Tools: Two Case Studies from Brazil (HMQ, GAdG, MRdO, LTdA, FRL), pp. 313–318.
VLDB-1979-RollandLR #information management #tool support- Tools for Information System Dynamics Management (CR, SL, CR), pp. 251–261.
SCC-1979-Feldman #compilation #fortran #implementation #tool support #using- Implementation of a portable Fortran 77 compiler using modern tools (SIF), pp. 98–106.
ICSE-1979-Denert #development #library- The Project Library : A Tool for Software Development (ED), pp. 153–173.
ICSE-1979-Vick #on the #past present future #re-engineering #tool support- On Software Engineering Tools: Past, Present and Future (CRV), p. 52.
SOSP-1979-Montgomery #distributed #implementation #named- Polyvalues: A Tool for Implementing Atomic Updates to Distributed Data (WAM), pp. 143–149.
VLDB-1978-BubenkoY #database #design #tool support- Data Base Design Tools (JABJ, SBY), p. 2.
GG-1978-BatiniD #database #design #relational #term rewriting- Rewriting Systems as a Tool for Relational Data Base Design (CB, AD), pp. 139–154.
SIGIR-1978-Tharp #database #design #network #personalisation- Augmented Transition Networks as a Design Tool for Personalized Data Base Systems (ALT), pp. 2–13.
DAC-1977-Fulton #tool support- Tools for map graphics (PF), pp. 94–100.
DAC-1977-HeathCC #concurrent #development #hardware #named- CDL — A tool for concurrent hardware and software development (JRH, BDC, TTC), pp. 445–449.
DAC-1977-Hogan #automation #design- A second chance at automation as a design tool (RJH), p. 282.
VLDB-1977-BerildN #database #design #named #simulation- CS4: A Tool for Database Design by Infological Simulation (Abstract) (SB, SN), p. 533.
VLDB-1977-ChenY #database #design #performance #tool support- Design and Performance Tools for Data Base Systems (PPC, SBY), pp. 3–15.
DAC-1976-AzemaVD #design #hardware #petri net #simulation #verification- Petri nets as a common tool for design verification and hardware simulation (PA, RV, MD), pp. 109–116.
DAC-1976-HorbstPB #interactive #tool support- Engagement of interactive graphic tools in a CAD-system for digital units (EH, RP, WB), pp. 86–90.
ICSE-1976-Koppang #design #development #process #set #tool support- Process Design System: An Integrated Set of Software Development Tools (RGK), pp. 86–90.
ICSE-1976-MasheyS #documentation #tool support- Documentation Tools and Techniques (JRM, DWS), pp. 177–181.
DAC-1975-DoonerL #re-engineering- The application software engineering tool (NPD, JRL), pp. 50–61.
DAC-1975-Fike #design #detection #fault #predict #question- Predicting fault detectability in combinational circuits — a new design tool? (JLF), pp. 290–295.
DAC-1974-DoonerLVGK #named- Metasystem: A hierarchically structured graphic tool (NPD, JRL, PV, ACG, AK), pp. 52–61.
DAC-1974-Weber #design- A tool for computer design (HW), pp. 200–208.
DAC-1972-LourieD #design #interactive- Interactive knitted textile design: A computer tool for designers and manufacturers (JRL, NPD), pp. 287–300.
DAC-1972-MancusiW #editing #interactive- Interactive graphics for schematic editing, a working tool (MDM, JCW), pp. 301–304.
DAC-1972-Merwin72a #education- Microprogramming as a pedagogical tool in teaching computer science (REM), pp. 275–281.
DAC-1967-Semple #automation #design #information management- Generalized information system — a tool for design automation (PSJ).
SHARE-1966-MandellE #automation #design- A meta-compiler as a design automation tool (RLM, GE).