Travelled to:
1 × Japan
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Might D.V.Horn D.Spiewak Ian Sweet Chang Liu 0021 M.H.0001 I.Sergey D.Devriese J.Midtgaard D.Clarke F.Piessens J.P.Near Chike Abuah Tim Stevens Pranav Gaddamadugu L.Wang Neel Somani Mu Zhang 0001 N.Sharma Alex Shan D.Song
Talks about:
interpret (2) abstract (2) languag (2) probabilist (1) metatheori (1) differenti (1) transform (1) function (1) reusabl (1) program (1)
Person: David Darais
DBLP: Darais:David
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- OOPSLA-2015-DaraisMH #composition #program analysis #reuse
- Galois transformers and modular abstract interpreters: reusable metatheory for program analysis (DD, MM, DVH), pp. 552–571.
- PLDI-2013-SergeyDMMDCP #monad
- Monadic abstract interpreters (IS, DD, MM, JM, DD, DC, FP), pp. 399–410.
- ICFP-2011-MightDS #functional #parsing
- Parsing with derivatives: a functional pearl (MM, DD, DS), pp. 189–195.
- OOPSLA-2019-NearDASGWSZSSS #difference #higher-order #linear #named #privacy #type system
- Duet: an expressive higher-order language and linear type system for statically enforcing differential privacy (JPN, DD, CA, TS, PG, LW, NS, MZ0, NS, AS, DS), p. 30.
- POPL-2020-DaraisSLH
- A language for probabilistically oblivious computation (DD, IS, CL0, MH0), p. 31.