Collaborated with:
K.R.Page P.Organisciak J.S.Downie S.Bechhofer G.Fazekas T.Wilmering
Talks about:
librari (2) digit (2) strategi (1) creation (1) workset (1) scholar (1) analysi (1) realis (1) inform (1) explor (1)
Person: David M. Weigl
DBLP: Weigl:David_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- JCDL-2017-PageBFWW #analysis #library #linked data #music #open data
- Realising a Layered Digital Library: Exploration and Analysis of the Live Music Archive through Linked Data (KRP, SB, GF, DMW, TW), pp. 89–98.
- JCDL-2017-WeiglPOD #library #scalability
- Information-Seeking in Large-Scale Digital Libraries: Strategies for Scholarly Workset Creation (DMW, KRP, PO, JSD), pp. 253–256.