Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
P.Felber V.Gramoli G.Yalcin A.Sobe A.Voronin J.Wamhoff O.S.Ünsal A.Cristal C.Fetzer
Talks about:
transact (2) memori (2) coordin (1) margin (1) except (1) energi (1) effici (1) detect (1) comput (1) combin (1)
Person: Derin Harmanci
DBLP: Harmanci:Derin
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PDP-2014-YalcinSHVWFUCF #detection #energy #fault #memory management #transaction
- Combining Error Detection and Transactional Memory for Energy-Efficient Computing below Safe Operation Margins (GY, AS, DH, AV, JTW, PF, OSÜ, AC, CF), pp. 248–255.
- ECOOP-2011-HarmanciGF #coordination #exception #memory management #transaction
- Atomic Boxes: Coordinated Exception Handling with Transactional Memory (DH, VG, PF), pp. 634–657.