Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × India
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Yalamanchi K.M.Chandy ∅ M.Krishnaprasad Z.H.Liu B.Thome M.Pratt
Talks about:
databas (3) oracl (3) process (2) event (2) use (2) technolog (1) scalabl (1) compens (1) declar (1) rdbms (1)
Person: Dieter Gawlick
DBLP: Gawlick:Dieter
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGMOD-2009-YalamanchiG #data type
- Compensation-aware data types in RDBMS (AY, DG), pp. 931–938.
- SIGMOD-2007-ChandyG #database #using
- Event processing using database technology (KMC, DG), pp. 1169–1170.
- SIGMOD-2006-GawlickKL #database #declarative #using
- Using the oracle database as a declarative RSS hub (DG, MK, ZHL), p. 722.
- SIGMOD-2005-ThomeGP #database
- Event processing with an oracle database (BT, DG, MP), pp. 863–867.
- VLDB-1996-Gawlick
- Scalablity and Availability in Oracle7 7.3 (DG), p. 584.