Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Schedl K.Seyerlehner A.Flexer N.Tomasev G.Widmer C.Schiketanz P.Knees T.Pohle
Talks about:
approach (2) retriev (2) music (2) multimedia (1) recommend (1) dimension (1) institut (1) geospati (1) document (1) determin (1)
Person: Dominik Schnitzer
DBLP: Schnitzer:Dominik
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECIR-2014-SchnitzerFT #multi #retrieval
- A Case for Hubness Removal in High-Dimensional Multimedia Retrieval (DS, AF, NT), pp. 687–692.
- SIGIR-2013-SchedlS #hybrid #music #recommendation #retrieval
- Hybrid retrieval approaches to geospatial music recommendation (MS, DS), pp. 793–796.
- SIGIR-2010-SchedlSSWS #heuristic
- Three web-based heuristics to determine a person’s or institution’s country of origin (MS, KS, DS, GW, CS), pp. 801–802.
- ECIR-2008-KneesPSSS #approach #music #natural language
- A Document-Centered Approach to a Natural Language Music Search Engine (PK, TP, MS, DS, KS), pp. 627–631.