Travelled to:
2 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
C.Cappiello C.Francalanci M.Matera
Talks about:
select (2) sourc (2) reput (2) base (2) web (2) approach (1) inform (1) enhanc (1)
Person: Donato Barbagallo
DBLP: Barbagallo:Donato
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICEIS-J-2010-BarbagalloCFM10a #approach #web
- Enhancing the Selection of Web Sources: A Reputation Based Approach (DB, CC, CF, MM), pp. 464–476.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2010-BarbagalloCFM #web
- Reputation-based Selection of Web Information Sources (DB, CC, CF, MM), pp. 30–37.