1590 papers:
CASE-2015-LiangSQLY #agile #assessment #development #using- Criteria for lean practice selection: Development an assessment tool using the rooted arborescence (YL, SS, LQ, YL, GY), pp. 237–242.
CASE-2015-LuoKNCS #distributed- Asynchronous distributed information leader selection in robotic swarms (WL, SSK, SN, NC, KPS), pp. 606–611.
CASE-2015-ZouLLJX #locality #online- A mutual information based online access point selection strategy for WiFi indoor localization (HZ, YL, XL, HJ, LX), pp. 180–185.
DAC-2015-IsmailLS #performance #worst-case- Improving worst-case cache performance through selective bypassing and register-indexed cache (MI, DL, GES), p. 6.
DAC-2015-WangJZWY #energy #performance- Selective restore: an energy efficient read disturbance mitigation scheme for future STT-MRAM (RW, LJ, YZ, LW, JY), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BajajNMS #architecture #cyber-physical #effectiveness #reliability- Optimized selection of reliable and cost-effective cyber-physical system architectures (NB, PN, MM, ALSV), pp. 561–566.
DATE-2015-BarraganL #case study #feature model #using- Feature selection for alternate test using wrappers: application to an RF LNA case study (MJB, GL), pp. 1229–1232.
DATE-2015-RajendranRadhika- Path selection based acceleration of conditionals in CGRAs (SR, AS, MH), pp. 121–126.
DATE-2015-YaoWGMCZ #architecture #manycore #named- SelectDirectory: a selective directory for cache coherence in many-core architectures (YY, GW, ZG, TM, WC, NZ), pp. 175–180.
DATE-2015-ZhuM #linear #machine learning #optimisation #programming #using- Optimizing dynamic trace signal selection using machine learning and linear programming (CSZ, SM), pp. 1289–1292.
SIGMOD-2015-HeimelKM #estimation #kernel #modelling #multi #self- Self-Tuning, GPU-Accelerated Kernel Density Models for Multidimensional Selectivity Estimation (MH, MK, VM), pp. 1477–1492.
SIGMOD-2015-LiBCGM #named #network #towards- GetReal: Towards Realistic Selection of Influence Maximization Strategies in Competitive Networks (HL, SSB, JC, YG, JM), pp. 1525–1537.
VLDB-2015-DeutchGM #datalog #query #source code #using- Selective Provenance for Datalog Programs Using Top-K Queries (DD, AG, YM), pp. 1394–1405.
VLDB-2015-LoroGKPB #logic- Indexing and Selecting Hierarchical Business Logic (AL, AG, DK, DP, PB), pp. 1656–1667.
TACAS-2015-CassezMPS #composition #contest #named #refinement- Perentie: Modular Trace Refinement and Selective Value Tracking — (Competition Contribution) (FC, TM, EP, NS), pp. 439–442.
ICSME-2015-LeLL #fault #feature model- Constrained feature selection for localizing faults (TDBL, DL, ML), pp. 501–505.
ICSME-2015-Vogel-HeuserFRF #automation #case study #challenge #hardware #industrial #maintenance- Challenges for maintenance of PLC-software and its related hardware for automated production systems: Selected industrial Case Studies (BVH, JF, SR, SF, SU), pp. 362–371.
SANER-2015-LianZ #feature model #non-functional #product line #requirements #towards- Optimized feature selection towards functional and non-functional requirements in Software Product Lines (XL, LZ), pp. 191–200.
PEPM-2015-BinsbergenBD #attribute grammar #automation #dependence #order- Linearly Ordered Attribute Grammars: with Automatic Augmenting Dependency Selection (LTvB, JB, AD), pp. 49–60.
ICALP-v1-2015-GawrychowskiN #encoding- Optimal Encodings for Range Top- k k , Selection, and Min-Max (PG, PKN), pp. 593–604.
LATA-2015-BoassonC- Rational Selecting Relations and Selectors (LB, OC), pp. 716–726.
CHI-2015-LiaoFM #all about- It Is All About Perspective: An Exploration of Mitigating Selective Exposure with Aspect Indicators (QVL, WTF, SSM), pp. 1439–1448.
CHI-2015-MyersLLYFB #undo- Selective Undo Support for Painting Applications (BAM, AL, TML, YY, AF, JB), pp. 4227–4236.
CHI-2015-PerraultLBZG #memory management #physics #semantics- Physical Loci: Leveraging Spatial, Object and Semantic Memory for Command Selection (STP, EL, YPB, SZ, YG), pp. 299–308.
HCI-IT-2015-GuXCZ #using- To Write not Select, a New Text Entry Method Using Joystick (ZG, XX, CC, YZ), pp. 35–43.
HCI-IT-2015-KondoTT #communication #smarttech #using- Information Select and Transfer Between Touch Panel and Wearable Devices Using Human Body Communication (YK, ST, JT), pp. 208–216.
HCI-IT-2015-MacKenzie #throughput- Fitts’ Throughput and the Remarkable Case of Touch-Based Target Selection (ISM), pp. 238–249.
SCSM-2015-Kanawati #community #detection #network- Ensemble Selection for Community Detection in Complex Networks (RK), pp. 138–147.
ICEIS-v1-2015-BousdekisMAM- Supporting the Selection of Prognostic-based Decision Support Methods in Manufacturing (AB, BM, DA, GM), pp. 487–494.
ECIR-2015-LiHLZ #twitter- Selecting Training Data for Learning-Based Twitter Search (DL, BH, TL, XZ), pp. 501–506.
ECIR-2015-TsaiKH #approximate #distance #multi #probability- Approximating Weighted Hamming Distance by Probabilistic Selection for Multiple Hash Tables (CYT, YHK, WHH), pp. 123–134.
ICML-2015-GuL #algorithm #fault- A New Generalized Error Path Algorithm for Model Selection (BG, CXL), pp. 2549–2558.
ICML-2015-Hernandez-Lobato #feature model #multi #probability- A Probabilistic Model for Dirty Multi-task Feature Selection (DHL, JMHL, ZG), pp. 1073–1082.
ICML-2015-JiangKS #abstraction #learning #modelling- Abstraction Selection in Model-based Reinforcement Learning (NJ, AK, SS), pp. 179–188.
ICML-2015-LiuFFM #modelling #relational #scalability- Scalable Model Selection for Large-Scale Factorial Relational Models (CL, LF, RF, YM), pp. 1227–1235.
ICML-2015-NutiniSLFK #coordination #performance #random- Coordinate Descent Converges Faster with the Gauss-Southwell Rule Than Random Selection (JN, MWS, IHL, MPF, HAK), pp. 1632–1641.
ICML-2015-WeiIB #learning #set- Submodularity in Data Subset Selection and Active Learning (KW, RKI, JAB), pp. 1954–1963.
ICML-2015-XiaoBBFER #feature model #question- Is Feature Selection Secure against Training Data Poisoning? (HX, BB, GB, GF, CE, FR), pp. 1689–1698.
ICML-2015-Yang0JZ #bound #fault #set- An Explicit Sampling Dependent Spectral Error Bound for Column Subset Selection (TY, LZ, RJ, SZ), pp. 135–143.
KDD-2015-ChuHTLL #classification #linear #parametricity- Warm Start for Parameter Selection of Linear Classifiers (BYC, CHH, CHT, CYL, CJL), pp. 149–158.
KDD-2015-DuS #adaptation #feature model #learning- Unsupervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Structure Learning (LD, YDS), pp. 209–218.
KDD-2015-GaoJOW- Selective Hashing: Closing the Gap between Radius Search and k-NN Search (JG, HVJ, BCO, SW), pp. 349–358.
KDD-2015-IkonomovskaJD #predict #realtime #using- Real-Time Bid Prediction using Thompson Sampling-Based Expert Selection (EI, SJ, AD), pp. 1869–1878.
KDD-2015-QiATSA #predict- State-Driven Dynamic Sensor Selection and Prediction with State-Stacked Sparseness (GJQ, CA, DST, DMS, PA), pp. 945–954.
KDD-2015-ZhengP #fault #kernel #scalability- L∞ Error and Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Estimates of Large Data (YZ, JMP), pp. 1533–1542.
RecSys-2015-KarSA #linear #online #video- Selection and Ordering of Linear Online Video Ads (WK, VS, PA), pp. 203–210.
SEKE-2015-GaoKN #set- Combining Feature Subset Selection and Data Sampling for Coping with Highly Imbalanced Software Data (KG, TMK, AN), pp. 439–444.
SEKE-2015-TaheriS #agile #classification #development- A Feature-Based Tool-Selection Classification for Agile Software Development (MT, SMS), pp. 700–704.
SEKE-2015-TrinkenreichSCS #metric #process #towards #using- Toward using Business Process Intelligence to Support Incident Management Metrics Selection and Service Improvement (BT, GS, VTFC, FMS), pp. 522–527.
SEKE-2015-WangKN #feature model #re-engineering- Stability of Three Forms of Feature Selection Methods on Software Engineering Data (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 385–390.
SIGIR-2015-DaiKC #distributed #how #random- How Random Decisions Affect Selective Distributed Search (ZD, YK, JC), pp. 771–774.
SIGIR-2015-FarSBFH #on the- On Term Selection Techniques for Patent Prior Art Search (MGF, SS, MRB, GF, DH), pp. 803–806.
SIGIR-2015-MehrotraY #learning #query #rank #using- Representative & Informative Query Selection for Learning to Rank using Submodular Functions (RM, EY), pp. 545–554.
OOPSLA-2015-BlackshearCS #abstraction #control flow- Selective control-flow abstraction via jumping (SB, BYEC, MS), pp. 163–182.
SAC-2015-AlmeidaBBCD #variability- Dynamic decision-making based on NFR for managing software variability and configuration selection (AA, NB, TVB, EC, FD), pp. 1376–1382.
SAC-2015-JavedSBJ #feature model #robust- OR-PCA with dynamic feature selection for robust background subtraction (SJ, AS, TB, SKJ), pp. 86–91.
SAC-2015-MochalovaN #multi- Multi-stage seed selection for viral marketing (AM, AN), pp. 1181–1183.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ChengGMSSW #formal method #semantics- Semantic degrees for Industrie 4.0 engineering: deciding on the degree of semantic formalization to select appropriate technologies (CHC, TG, CM, JOS, MS, PW), pp. 1010–1013.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ShiYGM #reduction #testing- Comparing and combining test-suite reduction and regression test selection (AS, TY, AG, DM), pp. 237–247.
ICSE-v1-2015-YoonM #editing #undo- Supporting Selective Undo in a Code Editor (YY, BAM), pp. 223–233.
ICSE-v2-2015-GligoricEM #lightweight #named #testing- Ekstazi: Lightweight Test Selection (MG, LE, DM), pp. 713–716.
ICSE-v2-2015-Zhang #mutation testing #scalability #testing- Scalability Studies on Selective Mutation Testing (JZ), pp. 851–854.
ICST-2015-MondalHD #multi #test coverage #testing- Exploring Test Suite Diversification and Code Coverage in Multi-Objective Test Case Selection (DM, HH, SD), pp. 1–10.
ISSTA-2015-GligoricEM #dependence #testing- Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies (MG, LE, DM), pp. 211–222.
ISSTA-2015-TanXCSLD #algorithm #optimisation- Optimizing selection of competing features via feedback-directed evolutionary algorithms (THT, YX, MC, JS, YL, JSD), pp. 246–256.
ECSA-2014-NoiaMS #design- Ontology-Driven Pattern Selection and Matching in Software Design (TDN, MM, EDS), pp. 82–89.
QoSA-2014-EtxeberriaTCS #hardware #nondeterminism #parametricity- Performance-based selection of software and hardware features under parameter uncertainty (LE, CT, VC, GS), pp. 23–32.
ASE-2014-CaoZD #named- SymCrash: selective recording for reproducing crashes (YC, HZ, SD), pp. 791–802.
ASE-2014-GligoricNLM #automation #comparison #empirical #evaluation #testing- An empirical evaluation and comparison of manual and automated test selection (MG, SN, OL, DM), pp. 361–372.
CASE-2014-MingMT #optimisation- Reducing carbon emission of ocean shipments by optimizing container size selection (ECLM, NLM, KWT), pp. 480–485.
CASE-2014-TiengYHC #approach #multi #optimisation #process- A multi-objective optimization approach for selecting key features of machining processes (HT, HCY, MHH, FTC), pp. 899–904.
DAC-2014-ApostolopoulouDES #matrix #scalability #simulation- Selective Inversion of Inductance Matrix for Large-Scale Sparse RLC Simulation (IA, KD, NEE, GIS), p. 6.
DATE-2014-ChenTCC #effectiveness- Cost-effective decap selection for beyond die power integrity (YEC, THT, SHC, HMC), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2014-DuttH #estimation #query- Plan bouquets: query processing without selectivity estimation (AD, JRH), pp. 1039–1050.
SIGMOD-2014-RekatsinasDS #data flow- Characterizing and selecting fresh data sources (TR, XLD, DS), pp. 919–930.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhangKR #feature model #optimisation- Materialization optimizations for feature selection workloads (CZ, AK, CR), pp. 265–276.
VLDB-2014-ZhangTC- Where To: Crowd-Aided Path Selection (CJZ, YT, LC), pp. 2005–2016.
VLDB-2015-WangZZLW14 #correlation #estimation #streaming #using- Selectivity Estimation on Streaming Spatio-Textual Data Using Local Correlations (XW, YZ, WZ, XL, WW), pp. 101–112.
ITiCSE-2014-Katai #algorithm #visualisation- Selective hiding for improved algorithmic visualization (ZK), pp. 33–38.
ICPC-2014-VasconcelosSW #feature model #visualisation- An information visualization feature model for supporting the selection of software visualizations (RV, MS, CW), pp. 122–125.
MSR-2014-TulsianKKLN #algorithm #model checking #named- MUX: algorithm selection for software model checkers (VT, AK, RK, AL, AVN), pp. 132–141.
PLDI-2014-OhLHYY #context-sensitive grammar- Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis (HO, WL, KH, HY, KY), p. 49.
SAS-2014-YeSX #analysis #pointer- Region-Based Selective Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis (SY, YS, JX), pp. 319–336.
CHI-2014-BaillyOBH #linear #visual notation- Model of visual search and selection time in linear menus (GB, AO, DPB, AH), pp. 3865–3874.
CHI-2014-BalataCM #2d #on the #using- On the selection of 2D objects using external labeling (JB, LC, ZM), pp. 2255–2258.
CHI-2014-GutwinCSMO #performance- Faster command selection on tablets with FastTap (CG, AC, JS, SM, SCO), pp. 2617–2626.
CHI-2014-KulshreshthL #3d #gesture- Exploring the usefulness of finger-based 3D gesture menu selection (AK, JJLJ), pp. 1093–1102.
CHI-2014-LuoV- Crossing-based selection with direct touch input (YL, DV), pp. 2627–2636.
CHI-2014-WalberSS- Smart photo selection: interpret gaze as personal interest (TCW, AS, SS), pp. 2065–2074.
CHI-2014-ZhuCMPBK #community #effectiveness #online- Selecting an effective niche: an ecological view of the success of online communities (HZ, JC, TM, AP, HB, REK), pp. 301–310.
HCI-TMT-2014-Fross #architecture- Ergonomics in the Practice of Project Architect on Selected Examples (KF), pp. 77–85.
HIMI-DE-2014-Banic #classification #interactive #visualisation- Selection Classification for Interaction with Immersive Volumetric Visualizations (AUB), pp. 10–21.
HIMI-DE-2014-KaramT #gesture #interactive #symmetry- Two-Handed Interactive Menu: An Application of Asymmetric Bimanual Gestures and Depth Based Selection Techniques (HK, JT), pp. 187–198.
HIMI-DE-2014-KoltzRRVMSB #feedback- Effects of Type and Strength of Force Feedback on the Path of Movement in a Target Selection Task (MTK, RCR, JR, KPLV, PM, TZS, VB), pp. 217–225.
HIMI-DE-2014-OkaTM #how- Selecting a Function by How Characteristic Shapes Afford Users (MO, MT, HM), pp. 621–628.
EDOC-2014-Vukojevic-HauptHKL #on-demand- Service Selection for On-Demand Provisioned Services (KVH, FH, DK, FL), pp. 120–127.
ICEIS-v2-2014-VieiraJF #analysis #network- A Risk Analysis Method for Selecting Service Providers in P2P Service Overlay Networks (RGV, OCAJ, AF), pp. 477–488.
ICEIS-v3-2014-RavasanRH #approach #framework #fuzzy #process #using- A Practical Framework for Business Process Management Suites Selection Using Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach (AZR, SR, HH), pp. 295–302.
CIKM-2014-ChanDYTZ #classification #ranking #retrieval- Term Selection and Result Reranking for Question Retrieval by Exploiting Hierarchical Classification (WC, JD, WY, JT, XZ), pp. 141–150.
CIKM-2014-DingL- Model Selection with the Covering Number of the Ball of RKHS (LZD, SL), pp. 1159–1168.
CIKM-2014-KangKL #automation #owl #performance- A Meta-reasoner to Rule Them All: Automated Selection of OWL Reasoners Based on Efficiency (YBK, SK, YFL), pp. 1935–1938.
CIKM-2014-McCreadieMO #adaptation #incremental #summary- Incremental Update Summarization: Adaptive Sentence Selection based on Prevalence and Novelty (RM, CM, IO), pp. 301–310.
CIKM-2014-QianZ #clustering #feature model #multi #web- Unsupervised Feature Selection for Multi-View Clustering on Text-Image Web News Data (MQ, CZ), pp. 1963–1966.
CIKM-2014-WuHPZCZ #feature model #learning #multi- Exploring Features for Complicated Objects: Cross-View Feature Selection for Multi-Instance Learning (JW, ZH, SP, XZ, ZC, CZ), pp. 1699–1708.
ECIR-2014-KazaiS #difference #evaluation #information retrieval #performance #query- Dissimilarity Based Query Selection for Efficient Preference Based IR Evaluation (GK, HS), pp. 172–183.
ECIR-2014-NainiA #feature model #learning #rank- Exploiting Result Diversification Methods for Feature Selection in Learning to Rank (KDN, ISA), pp. 455–461.
ICML-c1-2014-HsiehO- Nuclear Norm Minimization via Active Subspace Selection (CJH, PAO), pp. 575–583.
ICML-c1-2014-IyerNS #bound #convergence #estimation #kernel- Maximum Mean Discrepancy for Class Ratio Estimation: Convergence Bounds and Kernel Selection (AI, SN, SS), pp. 530–538.
ICML-c1-2014-MeiZZ #first-order #logic #modelling #robust- Robust RegBayes: Selectively Incorporating First-Order Logic Domain Knowledge into Bayesian Models (SM, JZ, JZ), pp. 253–261.
ICML-c2-2014-JawanpuriaVN #feature model #kernel #learning #multi #on the- On p-norm Path Following in Multiple Kernel Learning for Non-linear Feature Selection (PJ, MV, JSN), pp. 118–126.
ICML-c2-2014-PachecoZBS- Preserving Modes and Messages via Diverse Particle Selection (JP, SZ, MJB, EBS), pp. 1152–1160.
ICPR-2014-BenliE #recognition- Extraction and Selection of Muscle Based Features for Facial Expression Recognition (KSB, MTE), pp. 1651–1656.
ICPR-2014-BoulchM #statistics- Statistical Criteria for Shape Fusion and Selection (AB, RM), pp. 936–941.
ICPR-2014-BuoncompagniFM #recognition #sketching- Shape Features for Candidate Photo Selection in Sketch Recognition (SB, AF, DM), pp. 1728–1733.
ICPR-2014-ChernousovaLTMW #parametricity #validation- Non-enumerative Cross Validation for the Determination of Structural Parameters in Feature-Selective SVMs (EC, PL, AT, VM, DW), pp. 3654–3659.
ICPR-2014-CruzSC #on the- On Meta-learning for Dynamic Ensemble Selection (RMOC, RS, GDCC), pp. 1230–1235.
ICPR-2014-HuangZLW #distance #feature model- A Method of Discriminative Information Preservation and In-Dimension Distance Minimization Method for Feature Selection (SH, JZ, XL, LW), pp. 1615–1620.
ICPR-2014-InaiPFFU #privacy- Selective Concealment of Characters for Privacy Protection (KI, MP, VF, YF, SU), pp. 333–338.
ICPR-2014-KacheleZMS #feature model #quality #recognition #using- Prosodic, Spectral and Voice Quality Feature Selection Using a Long-Term Stopping Criterion for Audio-Based Emotion Recognition (MK, DZ, SM, FS), pp. 803–808.
ICPR-2014-LiuL0L #classification #image #learning- Regularized Hierarchical Feature Learning with Non-negative Sparsity and Selectivity for Image Classification (BL, JL, XB, HL), pp. 4293–4298.
ICPR-2014-LiuWCL #automation #category theory #image #learning- Automatic Image Attribute Selection for Zero-Shot Learning of Object Categories (LL, AW, SC, BCL), pp. 2619–2624.
ICPR-2014-NishimuraOAN #image #modelling #speech #using #web- Selection of Unknown Objects Specified by Speech Using Models Constructed from Web Images (HN, YO, YA, MN), pp. 477–482.
ICPR-2014-RodriguesPPW #approach #feature model- A Binary Krill Herd Approach for Feature Selection (DR, LAMP, JPP, SATW), pp. 1407–1412.
ICPR-2014-SuiTX #predict- An Unsupervised Band Selection Method Based on Overall Accuracy Prediction (CS, YT, YX), pp. 3756–3761.
ICPR-2014-TouaziMB #feature model #game studies- Feature Selection Scheme Based on Zero-Sum Two-Player Game (AT, FM, DB), pp. 1342–1347.
ICPR-2014-TsukiokaK- Selection of Features in Accord with Population Drift (HT, MK), pp. 1591–1596.
ICPR-2014-WangYWWL- Discriminative Representative Selection via Structure Sparsity (BW, QY, SW, LW, GL), pp. 1401–1406.
ICPR-2014-WenLWCW #classification #feature model #robust- Optimal Feature Selection for Robust Classification via l2, 1-Norms Regularization (JW, ZL, WKW, JC, MW), pp. 517–521.
ICPR-2014-YanJY #feature model #representation- Sparse Representation Preserving for Unsupervised Feature Selection (HY, ZJ, JY), pp. 1574–1578.
ICPR-2014-ZhangHLHZL #approach #feature model #hybrid- A Hybrid Feature Selection Approach by Correlation-Based Filters and SVM-RFE (JZ, XH, PPL, WH, YZ, HL), pp. 3684–3689.
KDD-2014-BabaieCA #detection #online- Sleep analytics and online selective anomaly detection (TB, SC, RGA), pp. 362–371.
KDD-2014-NguyenCRB #effectiveness #feature model- Effective global approaches for mutual information based feature selection (XVN, JC, SR, JB), pp. 512–521.
KDD-2014-XiangYY- Simultaneous feature and feature group selection through hard thresholding (SX, TY, JY), pp. 532–541.
KDD-2014-XuHWZ #feature model- Gradient boosted feature selection (ZEX, GH, KQW, AXZ), pp. 522–531.
KDD-2014-XuL #behaviour #learning #problem- Product selection problem: improve market share by learning consumer behavior (SX, JCSL), pp. 851–860.
KDD-2014-ZhangCSWZ #network #probability #set #social- Minimizing seed set selection with probabilistic coverage guarantee in a social network (PZ, WC, XS, YW, JZ), pp. 1306–1315.
KDIR-2014-Sydow #set #towards #visualisation- Towards Integrity in Diversity-aware Small Set Selection and Visualisation Tasks (MS), pp. 480–484.
KEOD-2014-NefziFFS #automation #ontology #process- A Semi-automatic Mapping Selection in the Ontology Alignment Process (HN, MF, IRF, BS), pp. 459–466.
KEOD-2014-ParviziMDRP #ontology- Selecting Ontology Entailments for Presentation to Users (AP, CM, KvD, YR, JZP), pp. 382–387.
KMIS-2014-HisakaneOSK #multi- A Tutoring Rule Selection Method for Case-based e-Learning by Multi-class Support Vector Machine (DH, MO, MS, NK), pp. 119–125.
RecSys-2014-AdamopoulosT14a #bias #collaboration #on the #probability #recommendation- On over-specialization and concentration bias of recommendations: probabilistic neighborhood selection in collaborative filtering systems (PA, AT), pp. 153–160.
SEKE-2014-GomedeB #approach #multi- A Multicriteria Approach to Project Portfolio Selection (EG, RMB), pp. 43–48.
SEKE-2014-LianZ #feature model #product line- An Evolutionary Methodology for Optimized Feature Selection in Software Product Lines (XL, LZ), pp. 63–66.
SEKE-2014-WangKN #classification #fault #metric #performance #predict- Choosing the Best Classification Performance Metric for Wrapper-based Software Metric Selection for Defect Prediction (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 540–545.
SIGIR-2014-HaiCCLC #bibliography #sentiment- Coarse-to-fine review selection via supervised joint aspect and sentiment model (ZH, GC, KC, WL, PC), pp. 617–626.
SIGIR-2014-WangSZZ- Active hashing with joint data example and tag selection (QW, LS, ZZ, NZ), pp. 405–414.
SIGIR-2014-WangWLC #perspective #re-engineering- Influential nodes selection: a data reconstruction perspective (ZW, HW, QL, EC), pp. 879–882.
GPCE-2014-RuprechtHL #automation #feature model #product line #scalability- Automatic feature selection in large-scale system-software product lines (AR, BH, DL), pp. 39–48.
SAC-2014-PapadakisT #analysis #approach #effectiveness #fault #locality #mutation testing- Effective fault localization via mutation analysis: a selective mutation approach (MP, YLT), pp. 1293–1300.
SAC-2014-TangKK #resource management #user satisfaction- An optimal device selection for user satisfaction of content sharing (JT, PK, SK), pp. 1745–1746.
SAC-2014-WangEB #evolution #orthogonal- Mirrored orthogonal sampling with pairwise selection in evolution strategies (HW, ME, TB), pp. 154–156.
FSE-2014-YingR #summary- Selection and presentation practices for code example summarization (ATTY, MPR), pp. 460–471.
ICSE-2014-GopinathKSC #data-driven- Data-guided repair of selection statements (DG, SK, DS, SC), pp. 243–253.
CGO-2014-CastroKAPJ #benchmark #fine-grained #metric- Fine-grained Benchmark Subsetting for System Selection (PdOC, YK, CA, MP, WJ), p. 132.
CGO-2014-JuegaGTC #adaptation #automation #code generation #parametricity- Adaptive Mapping and Parameter Selection Scheme to Improve Automatic Code Generation for GPUs (JCJ, JIG, CT, FC), p. 251.
HPCA-2014-HuangHFS #concurrent #data transformation #detection #metadata #runtime- Low-overhead and high coverage run-time race detection through selective meta-data management (RCH, EH, AF, GES), pp. 96–107.
LCTES-2014-MartinsNDMC #clustering #compilation #optimisation #sequence #using- Exploration of compiler optimization sequences using clustering-based selection (LGAM, RN, ACBD, EM, JMPC), pp. 63–72.
CAV-2014-GligoricMSEM #distributed #testing- Regression Test Selection for Distributed Software Histories (MG, RM, RS, LE, DM), pp. 293–309.
ICLP-J-2014-HoosLS #algorithm #programming #set- claspfolio 2: Advances in Algorithm Selection for Answer Set Programming (HH, MTL, TS), pp. 569–585.
ISSTA-2014-AlshahwanH #detection #fault #testing- Coverage and fault detection of the output-uniqueness test selection criteria (NA, MH), pp. 181–192.
ISSTA-2014-LoyolaSKR #automation #named #set- Dodona: automated oracle data set selection (PL, MS, IYK, GR), pp. 193–203.
ASE-2013-ZhangGMK #random- Operator-based and random mutant selection: Better together (LZ, MG, DM, SK), pp. 92–102.
CASE-2013-ChenHCHW #automation #maintenance #predict- Automatic baseline-sample-selection scheme for baseline predictive maintenance (CFC, YSH, FTC, HCH, SCW), pp. 183–188.
CASE-2013-QiaoMG #algorithm #data-driven #scheduling- Attribute selection algorithm of data-based scheduling strategy for semiconductor manufacturing (FQ, YM, XG), pp. 410–415.
CASE-2013-ViswanadhamS #multi- Multi tier supplier selection for a sustainable global supply chain (NV, AS), pp. 492–497.
DAC-2013-TsaoCY #design #garbage collection #performance- Performance enhancement of garbage collection for flash storage devices: an efficient victim block selection design (CWT, YHC, MCY), p. 6.
DATE-2013-ChaG #approach #detection #effectiveness #metric- Trojan detection via delay measurements: a new approach to select paths and vectors to maximize effectiveness and minimize cost (BC, SKG), pp. 1265–1270.
DATE-2013-ImagawaTOS #analysis #architecture #configuration management #effectiveness- A cost-effective selective TMR for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures based on DFG-level vulnerability analysis (TI, HT, HO, TS), pp. 701–706.
DATE-2013-LiD #approach #debugging #hybrid #performance- A hybrid approach for fast and accurate trace signal selection for post-silicon debug (ML, AD), pp. 485–490.
DATE-2013-RehmanSAKCH #hardware #reliability- Leveraging variable function resilience for selective software reliability on unreliable hardware (SR, MS, PVA, FK, JJC, JH), pp. 1759–1764.
DRR-2013-KumarPR #image #named #recognition #segmentation #word- NESP: Nonlinear enhancement and selection of plane for optimal segmentation and recognition of scene word images (DK, MNAP, AGR).
ICDAR-2013-AmaralFB #feature model #forensics #identification- Feature Selection for Forensic Handwriting Identification (AMMMA, COdAF, FB), pp. 922–926.
ICDAR-2013-ChattopadhyayRG #automation #robust- Automatic Selection of Binarization Method for Robust OCR (TC, VRR, UG), pp. 1170–1174.
ICDAR-2013-YadavCK #using- Most Discriminative Primitive Selection for Identity Determination Using Handwritten Devanagari Script (NY, SC, PKK), pp. 1390–1394.
ICDAR-2013-YanYWYYH #classification #sorting- Sorting-Based Dynamic Classifier Ensemble Selection (YY, XCY, ZBW, XY, CY, HWH), pp. 673–677.
VLDB-2013-KondaKRS #data analysis #enterprise #feature model #using- Feature Selection in Enterprise Analytics: A Demonstration using an R-based Data Analytics System (PK, AK, CR, VS), pp. 1306–1309.
VLDB-2013-WhangLG- Question Selection for Crowd Entity Resolution (SEW, PL, HGM), pp. 349–360.
CSEET-2013-EllisHP #student- Project selection for student involvement in humanitarian FOSS (HJCE, GWH, MP), pp. 359–361.
CSMR-2013-SoetensDZ #developer #testing- Change-Based Test Selection in the Presence of Developer Tests (QDS, SD, AZ), pp. 101–110.
CHI-2013-EgelmanSMBH- Does my password go up to eleven?: the impact of password meters on password selection (SE, AS, IM, KB, CH), pp. 2379–2388.
CHI-2013-LeeB- Binocular cursor: enabling selection on transparent displays troubled by binocular parallax (JHL, SHB), pp. 3169–3172.
CHI-2013-LiaoF #interactive #topic- Beyond the filter bubble: interactive effects of perceived threat and topic involvement on selective exposure to information (QVL, WTF), pp. 2359–2368.
CHI-2013-StellmachD- Still looking: investigating seamless gaze-supported selection, positioning, and manipulation of distant targets (SS, RD), pp. 285–294.
DHM-SET-2013-MeryS- Ideal Mode Selection of a Cardiac Pacing System (DM, NKS), pp. 258–267.
DUXU-PMT-2013-FischerSN #design #set #towards #usability #validation- Towards a Holistic Tool for the Selection and Validation of Usability Method Sets Supporting Human-Centered Design (HF, BS, KN), pp. 252–261.
DUXU-WM-2013-JimenezM #design #evaluation #predict #smarttech- Design and Evaluation of a Predictive Model for Smartphone Selection (YJ, PM), pp. 376–384.
DUXU-WM-2013-OzturkR #implementation #information management #navigation #web- Selection and Implementation of Navigation and Information Search Strategies in Bank Web Sites: Turkish Case (ÖÖ, KR), pp. 284–293.
DUXU-WM-2013-TabosaCACD #case study #design #usability- Design and Usability: A Case Study on Selecting Exhibitors for the National Fair of Craftwork — FENEARTE — Recife, PE, Brazil (TT, VC, AA, EC, GD), pp. 121–129.
HCI-III-2013-ShojiOKO #case study- A Study on Combinative Value Creation in Songs Selection (HS, JO, KK, AO), pp. 372–380.
HCI-IMT-2013-MurataHS #interface #video- Effect of Unresponsive Time for User’s Touch Action of Selecting an Icon on the Video Mirror Interface (KM, MH, YS), pp. 462–468.
HIMI-D-2013-FukayaOKYOM #3d #case study- A Study on Selection Ability in the 3D Space by the Finger (JF, YO, HK, RY, MO, HM), pp. 30–36.
CAiSE-2013-KramerE #outsourcing #requirements- Outsourcing Location Selection with SODA: A Requirements Based Decision Support Methodology and Tool (TK, ME), pp. 530–545.
EDOC-2013-GallegeGHR #contract #monitoring #trust #using- Trustworthy Service Selection Using Long-Term Monitoring of Trust Contracts (LSG, DG, JHH, RRR), pp. 195–200.
ICEIS-v1-2013-RudraGA #approximate #query- Selecting Adequate Samples for Approximate Decision Support Queries (AR, RPG, NRA), pp. 46–55.
CIKM-2013-BroccoloMOOPST #distributed- Load-sensitive selective pruning for distributed search (DB, CM, SO, IO, RP, FS, NT), pp. 379–388.
CIKM-2013-FangZ #feature model #learning #multi- Discriminative feature selection for multi-view cross-domain learning (ZF, Z(Z), pp. 1321–1330.
CIKM-2013-MiyanishiSU #feedback #pseudo #twitter- Improving pseudo-relevance feedback via tweet selection (TM, KS, KU), pp. 439–448.
CIKM-2013-NguyenLT #code review #performance #set #using- Using micro-reviews to select an efficient set of reviews (TSN, HWL, PT), pp. 1067–1076.
CIKM-2013-NoroziA #retrieval- Selection fusion in semi-structured retrieval (MAN, PA), pp. 1291–1300.
CIKM-2013-TeymorianFM #distributed #energy #query- Rank-energy selective query forwarding for distributed search systems (AYT, OF, MAM), pp. 389–398.
ECIR-2013-HuiGHL #analysis #keyword- Sponsored Search Ad Selection by Keyword Structure Analysis (KH, BG, BH, TL), pp. 230–241.
ECIR-2013-MarkovAC #nondeterminism- Reducing the Uncertainty in Resource Selection (IM, LA, FC), pp. 507–519.
ICML-c1-2013-0005LSL #feature model #learning #modelling #online- Online Feature Selection for Model-based Reinforcement Learning (TTN, ZL, TS, TYL), pp. 498–506.
ICML-c1-2013-KolarL #classification #feature model- Feature Selection in High-Dimensional Classification (MK, HL), pp. 329–337.
ICML-c1-2013-MaillardNOR #bound #learning #representation- Optimal Regret Bounds for Selecting the State Representation in Reinforcement Learning (OAM, PN, RO, DR), pp. 543–551.
ICML-c1-2013-XiangTY #feature model #optimisation #performance- Efficient Sparse Group Feature Selection via Nonconvex Optimization (SX, XT, JY), pp. 284–292.
ICML-c2-2013-SohnZLL #learning- Learning and Selecting Features Jointly with Point-wise Gated Boltzmann Machines (KS, GZ, CL, HL), pp. 217–225.
ICML-c3-2013-Agarwal #algorithm #multi #predict- Selective sampling algorithms for cost-sensitive multiclass prediction (AA), pp. 1220–1228.
ICML-c3-2013-Busa-FeketeSCWH #adaptation- Top-k Selection based on Adaptive Sampling of Noisy Preferences (RBF, BS, WC, PW, EH), pp. 1094–1102.
ICML-c3-2013-SabatoK #multi- Feature Multi-Selection among Subjective Features (SS, AK), pp. 810–818.
ICML-c3-2013-TarlowSCSZ #learning #probability- Stochastic k-Neighborhood Selection for Supervised and Unsupervised Learning (DT, KS, LC, IS, RSZ), pp. 199–207.
KDD-2013-GuALH #classification #graph- Selective sampling on graphs for classification (QG, CCA, JL, JH), pp. 131–139.
KDD-2013-HallakCM #markov #process- Model selection in markovian processes (AH, DDC, SM), pp. 374–382.
KDD-2013-StajnerTPPJ #automation #social #social media- Automatic selection of social media responses to news (TS, BT, AMP, MP, AJ), pp. 50–58.
KDD-2013-ThorntonHHL #algorithm #classification #named #optimisation- Auto-WEKA: combined selection and hyperparameter optimization of classification algorithms (CT, FH, HHH, KLB), pp. 847–855.
KDD-2013-ZhaoYNG #framework #learning #twitter- A transfer learning based framework of crowd-selection on twitter (ZZ, DY, WN, SG), pp. 1514–1517.
KDD-2013-ZhouLSYWY #identification #named- FeaFiner: biomarker identification from medical data through feature generalization and selection (JZ, ZL, JS, LY, FW, JY), pp. 1034–1042.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-SilvaPS #education- A Decision Support System for Portuguese Higher Education Course Selection — First Round (JPS, FP, MFS), pp. 360–367.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-WaadBL #algorithm #feature model #rank #search-based- Feature Selection by Rank Aggregation and Genetic Algorithms (BW, ABB, ML), pp. 74–81.
MLDM-2013-KoharaS #learning #self- Typhoon Damage Scale Forecasting with Self-Organizing Maps Trained by Selective Presentation Learning (KK, IS), pp. 16–26.
MLDM-2013-MinhAN #algorithm #feature model- DCA Based Algorithms for Feature Selection in Semi-supervised Support Vector Machines (LHM, LTHA, MCN), pp. 528–542.
MLDM-2013-StambaughYB #feature model- Analytic Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines (CS, HY, FB), pp. 219–233.
MLDM-2013-VavreckaL #classification #feature model- EEG Feature Selection Based on Time Series Classification (MV, LL), pp. 520–527.
RecSys-2013-KoenigsteinP #embedded #feature model #matrix #recommendation- Xbox movies recommendations: variational bayes matrix factorization with embedded feature selection (NK, UP), pp. 129–136.
RecSys-2013-RonenKZN #collaboration #recommendation- Selecting content-based features for collaborative filtering recommenders (RR, NK, EZ, NN), pp. 407–410.
RecSys-2013-SilbermannBR #recommendation- Sample selection for MCMC-based recommender systems (TS, IB, SR), pp. 403–406.
SEKE-2013-FelizardoBM #approach #bibliography #replication #validation #visual notation- A Visual Approach to Validate the Selection Review of Primary Studies in Systematic Reviews: A Replication Study (KRF, EFB, JCM), pp. 141–146.
SEKE-2013-SouzaV #agile #product line- Selecting Agile Practices for Developing Software Product Lines (S) (DSdS, PV), pp. 220–225.
SEKE-2013-WangKWN #case study #feature model #first-order #metric #statistics- A Study on First Order Statistics-Based Feature Selection Techniques on Software Metric Data (HW, TMK, RW, AN), pp. 467–472.
SIGIR-2013-AlyHD #named #using- Taily: shard selection using the tail of score distributions (RA, DH, TD), pp. 673–682.
SIGIR-2013-HongS- Search result diversification in resource selection for federated search (DH, LS), pp. 613–622.
SIGIR-2013-MaxwellC #query #topic #using- Compact query term selection using topically related text (KTM, WBC), pp. 583–592.
SIGIR-2013-SakaiDC #evaluation- The impact of intent selection on diversified search evaluation (TS, ZD, CLAC), pp. 921–924.
MoDELS-2013-WangGAL #automation #case study #feature model #industrial #testing #using- Automated Test Case Selection Using Feature Model: An Industrial Case Study (SW, AG, SA, ML), pp. 237–253.
MoDELS-2013-WangGAL #automation #case study #feature model #industrial #testing #using- Automated Test Case Selection Using Feature Model: An Industrial Case Study (SW, AG, SA, ML), pp. 237–253.
RE-2013-Beatty #requirements- Winning the hidden battle: Requirements tool selection and adoption (JB), pp. 364–365.
SAC-2013-MehtaRCN #approach #dependence #using- Selecting among alternatives using dependencies: an NFR approach (RM, TRL, LC, MN), pp. 1292–1297.
SAC-2013-Savoy #feature model- Feature selections for authorship attribution (JS), pp. 939–941.
SAC-2013-SeelandKP #graph #kernel #learning- Model selection based product kernel learning for regression on graphs (MS, SK, BP), pp. 136–143.
SAC-2013-ValsomatzisG #in memory #multi- Driver input selection for main-memory multi-way joins (EV, AG), pp. 818–825.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named- Jalangi: a selective record-replay and dynamic analysis framework for JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 488–498.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG13a #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named #testing- Jalangi: a tool framework for concolic testing, selective record-replay, and dynamic analysis of JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 615–618.
ICSE-2013-Kulkarni #reuse- Systematically selecting a software module during opportunistic reuse (NK), pp. 1405–1406.
ICSE-2013-LiuYCY #monitoring #novel #parallel #process- Selecting checkpoints along the time line: a novel temporal checkpoint selection strategy for monitoring a batch of parallel business processes (XL, YY, DC, DY), pp. 1281–1284.
CC-2013-BertschNS #lr #on the #parsing- On LR Parsing with Selective Delays (EB, MJN, SS), pp. 244–263.
LCTES-2013-LiJZHX #compilation #performance #power management- Compiler directed write-mode selection for high performance low power volatile PCM (QL, LJ, YZ, YH, CJX), pp. 101–110.
ICST-2013-LuchscheiderHG #named #testing- CDM-Suite: An Attributed Test Selection Tool (PL, TH, RG), pp. 398–407.
ICST-2013-YuQAR #testing- Oracle-based Regression Test Selection (TY, XQ, MA, GR), pp. 292–301.
ICTSS-2013-LeonHL #concurrent #consistency #testing- Unfolding-Based Test Selection for Concurrent Conformance (HPdL, SH, DL), pp. 98–113.
ISSTA-2013-GligoricZPP #concurrent #mutation testing #testing- Selective mutation testing for concurrent code (MG, LZ, CP, GP), pp. 224–234.
ASE-2012-HwangXKMT #evolution #policy #security #testing- Selection of regression system tests for security policy evolution (JH, TX, DEK, TM, YLT), pp. 266–269.
ASE-2012-LedruVTB #testing #traceability- Test suite selection based on traceability annotations (YL, GV, TT, LdB), pp. 342–345.
CASE-2012-NishimuraKM- Pathway selection mechanism of a screw drive in-pipe robot in T-branches (TN, AK, SM), pp. 612–617.
CASE-2012-ZhangLCCJ #set #simulation- An improved simulation budget allocation procedure to efficiently select the optimal subset of many alternatives (SZ, LHL, EPC, CHC, HYJ), pp. 230–236.
DATE-2012-AisoposMIIN #named #probability- PCASA: Probabilistic control-adjusted Selective Allocation for shared caches (KA, JM, RI, RI, DN), pp. 473–478.
DATE-2012-CongHLZZ #replication #source code #streaming- Combining module selection and replication for throughput-driven streaming programs (JC, MH, BL, PZ, YZ), pp. 1018–1023.
DATE-2012-DuVM #latency #performance #reliability- High performance reliable variable latency carry select addition (KD, PJV, KM), pp. 1257–1262.
DATE-2012-GomonyWAWG #mobile #realtime- DRAM selection and configuration for real-time mobile systems (MDG, CW, BA, NW, KG), pp. 51–56.
DATE-2012-GoossensKAG #realtime- Memory-map selection for firm real-time SDRAM controllers (SG, TK, BA, KG), pp. 828–831.
DATE-2012-MaricauJG #analysis #learning #multi #reliability #using- Hierarchical analog circuit reliability analysis using multivariate nonlinear regression and active learning sample selection (EM, DdJ, GGEG), pp. 745–750.
DATE-2012-StojilovicNSBI #flexibility- Selective flexibility: Breaking the rigidity of datapath merging (MS, DN, LS, PB, PI), pp. 1543–1548.
SIGMOD-2012-KatsifodimosMV #xquery- Materialized view selection for XQuery workloads (AK, IM, VV), pp. 565–576.
VLDB-2012-CaoSTC- Whom to Ask? Jury Selection for Decision Making Tasks on Micro-blog Services (CCC, JS, YT, LC), pp. 1495–1506.
VLDB-2013-DongSS12 #integration #less is more- Less is More: Selecting Sources Wisely for Integration (XLD, BS, DS), pp. 37–48.
ICSM-2012-BeszedesGSJLG #test coverage #testing- Code coverage-based regression test selection and prioritization in WebKit (ÁB, TG, LS, JJ, LL, TG), pp. 46–55.
ICSM-2012-DhaliwalKZH #commit #dependence #integration #product line- Recovering commit dependencies for selective code integration in software product lines (TD, FK, YZ, AEH), pp. 202–211.
ICSM-2012-QuAR #impact analysis #testing #using- Configuration selection using code change impact analysis for regression testing (XQ, MA, BR), pp. 129–138.
SCAM-2012-WilcoxSB #optimisation #program transformation- Optimizing Expression Selection for Lookup Table Program Transformation (CW, MMS, JMB), pp. 84–93.
ICALP-v1-2012-EmekHR- Space-Constrained Interval Selection (YE, MMH, AR), pp. 302–313.
CHI-2012-ChilanaKW #crowdsourcing #named #web- LemonAid: selection-based crowdsourced contextual help for web applications (PKC, AJK, JOW), pp. 1549–1558.
CHI-2012-HeerS #design #editing #image #modelling- Color naming models for color selection, image editing and palette design (JH, MCS), pp. 1007–1016.
CHI-2012-KairamBHC- Talking in circles: selective sharing in google+ (SK, MB, DAH, EHhC), pp. 1065–1074.
CHI-2012-ScarrCGB- Improving command selection with CommandMaps (JS, AC, CG, AB), pp. 257–266.
CHI-2012-YaroshMZ #enterprise- Asking the right person: supporting expertise selection in the enterprise (SY, TM, MXZ), pp. 2247–2256.
CSCW-2012-NussliJ #interactive #programming #quality- Effects of sharing text selections on gaze cross-recurrence and interaction quality in a pair programming task (MAN, PJ), pp. 1125–1134.
EDOC-2012-DohringSG #adaptation #approach #aspect-oriented #model transformation #recursion #rule-based #runtime #weaving #workflow- Emulating Runtime Workflow Adaptation and Aspect Weaving by Recursive Rule-Based Sub-Process Selection — A Model Transformation Approach (MD, AS, IG), pp. 133–142.
EDOC-2012-MohebiDC #performance #requirements- Efficient QoS-based Service Selection with Consideration of User Requirements (AM, C(D, CHC), pp. 183–190.
ICEIS-v1-2012-MolnarSB #enterprise- Investigation of Criteria for Selection of ERP Systems (BM, GIS, AAB), pp. 175–180.
ICEIS-v1-2012-ZianiRO #approach #constraints #mining #multi- A Constraint-based Mining Approach for Multi-attribute Index Selection (BZ, FR, YO), pp. 93–98.
CIKM-2012-AhmedADSA #behaviour #feature model #multi- Web-scale multi-task feature selection for behavioral targeting (AA, MA, AD, AJS, TA), pp. 1737–1741.
CIKM-2012-CamposBDC #feature model #identification- Time feature selection for identifying active household members (PGC, AB, FD, IC), pp. 2311–2314.
CIKM-2012-FuxmanKLT- Enabling direct interest-aware audience selection (AF, AK, ZL, PT), pp. 575–584.
CIKM-2012-JuLSZHL #classification #documentation #sentiment #word- Dual word and document seed selection for semi-supervised sentiment classification (SJ, SL, YS, GZ, YH, XL), pp. 2295–2298.
CIKM-2012-LappasT- Daily-deal selection for revenue maximization (TL, ET), pp. 565–574.
CIKM-2012-ShenCL- Loyalty-based selection: retrieving objects that persistently satisfy criteria (ZS, MAC, XL), pp. 2189–2193.
CIKM-2012-StuparM #query- Being picky: processing top-k queries with set-defined selections (AS, SM), pp. 912–921.
CIKM-2012-SunHCZD #capacity #constraints- Location selection for utility maximization with capacity constraints (YS, JH, YC, RZ, XD), pp. 2154–2158.
CIKM-2012-TeymorianQF #distributed #energy #named #query- RESQ: rank-energy selective query forwarding for distributed search systems (AYT, XQ, OF), pp. 2579–2582.
CIKM-2012-WangZLL #categorisation #feature model- Feature selection based on term frequency and T-test for text categorization (DW, HZ, RL, WL), pp. 1482–1486.
CIKM-2012-YuanW #correlation- Sequential selection of correlated ads by POMDPs (SY, JW), pp. 515–524.
CIKM-2012-YuSNMH #network #similarity #using- User guided entity similarity search using meta-path selection in heterogeneous information networks (XY, YS, BN, TM, JH), pp. 2025–2029.
CIKM-2012-ZhangWH #integer #linear #programming #set- Selecting expansion terms as a set via integer linear programming (QZ, YW, XH), pp. 2399–2402.
CIKM-2012-ZhouCLJ- Evaluating reward and risk for vertical selection (KZ, RC, ML, JMJ), pp. 2631–2634.
CIKM-2012-ZhuYCQ #approach #classification #feature model #graph- Graph classification: a diversified discriminative feature selection approach (YZ, JXY, HC, LQ), pp. 205–214.
ICML-2012-BalasubramanianL #multi #predict- The Landmark Selection Method for Multiple Output Prediction (KB, GL), p. 41.
ICML-2012-ChenCK #optimisation #process- Joint Optimization and Variable Selection of High-dimensional Gaussian Processes (BC, RMC, AK), p. 179.
ICML-2012-DanylukA #feature model #probability- Feature Selection via Probabilistic Outputs (APD, NA), p. 127.
ICML-2012-KalyanakrishnanTAS #multi #probability #set- PAC Subset Selection in Stochastic Multi-armed Bandits (SK, AT, PA, PS), p. 34.
ICML-2012-KolarX #consistency- Consistent Covariance Selection From Data With Missing Values (MK, EPX), p. 85.
ICML-2012-LiH #online- On-Line Portfolio Selection with Moving Average Reversion (BL, SCHH), p. 76.
ICPR-2012-0007B #classification #feature model #image #kernel #multi- Multiple local kernel integrated feature selection for image classification (YS, BB), pp. 2230–2233.
ICPR-2012-AfzalBKSB #documentation #image #parametricity #robust #using- Robust stereo matching for document images using parameter selection of text-line extraction (MZA, SSB, MK, FS, TMB), pp. 331–334.
ICPR-2012-AiDHC #analysis #component #feature model #independence #multi- Multiple feature selection and fusion based on generalized N-dimensional independent component analysis (DA, GD, XHH, YWC), pp. 971–974.
ICPR-2012-BaiXP #classification #image- Classification oriented semi-supervised band selection for hyperspectral images (JB, SX, CP), pp. 1888–1891.
ICPR-2012-BeinruckerDB #feature model- Early stopping for mutual information based feature selection (AB, UD, GB), pp. 975–978.
ICPR-2012-DinhLLRD #detection #image #multi- Training data selection for cancer detection in multispectral endoscopy images (VCD, ML, RL, OR, RPWD), pp. 161–164.
ICPR-2012-GutmannH #architecture #feature model #image #learning- Learning a selectivity-invariance-selectivity feature extraction architecture for images (MG, AH), pp. 918–921.
ICPR-2012-HanQC #adaptation #classification #image #representation- Group sparse representation of adaptive sub-domain selection for image classification (XHH, XQ, YWC), pp. 1431–1434.
ICPR-2012-HidoM #feature model #predict- Temporal feature selection for time-series prediction (SH, TM), pp. 3557–3560.
ICPR-2012-HuangHHLJW #representation- Face hallucination via K-selection mean constrained sparse representation (KH, RH, ZH, TL, JJ, FW), pp. 882–885.
ICPR-2012-HuangLC #clustering #feature model #kernel #multi #self- Cluster-dependent feature selection by multiple kernel self-organizing map (KCH, YYL, JZC), pp. 589–592.
ICPR-2012-JensenED #classification #feature model- Classification of kinematic golf putt data with emphasis on feature selection (UJ, BE, FD), pp. 1735–1738.
ICPR-2012-KrijtheHL #classification #using- Improving cross-validation based classifier selection using meta-learning (JHK, TKH, ML), pp. 2873–2876.
ICPR-2012-LeiLL #analysis #feature model #linear #performance #recognition- Efficient feature selection for linear discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition (ZL, SL, SZL), pp. 1136–1139.
ICPR-2012-LiuSZ #feature model #graph- Sparsity Score: A new filter feature selection method based on graph (ML, DS, DZ), pp. 959–962.
ICPR-2012-LiuW12a #feature model #kernel- Unsupervised discriminative feature selection in a kernel space via L2, 1-norm minimization (YL, YW), pp. 1205–1208.
ICPR-2012-LiuXFLMK #classification #modelling #multi #statistics- Statistical modeling and signal selection in multivariate time series pattern classification (RL, SX, CF, YwL, YLM, DSK), pp. 2853–2856.
ICPR-2012-MiaoLZ #fault #feature model #predict- Cost-sensitive feature selection with application in software defect prediction (LM, ML, DZ), pp. 967–970.
ICPR-2012-RadtkeGSG #adaptation- Adaptive selection of ensembles for imbalanced class distributions (PVWR, EG, RS, DOG), pp. 2980–2984.
ICPR-2012-RattaniMGR #approach #automation #classification- A dual-staged classification-selection approach for automated update of biometric templates (AR, GLM, EG, FR), pp. 2972–2975.
ICPR-2012-SeredinMTRW #multimodal #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Convex support and Relevance Vector Machines for selective multimodal pattern recognition (OS, VM, AT, NR, DW), pp. 1647–1650.
ICPR-2012-SiddiquieFDD #detection #invariant- Unsupervised model selection for view-invariant object detection in surveillance environments (BS, RSF, AD, LSD), pp. 3252–3255.
ICPR-2012-UkitaMH #re-engineering- Shape reconstruction with globally-optimized surface point selection (NU, KM, NH), pp. 1501–1504.
ICPR-2012-WangAG #adaptation #feature model #graph #matrix- Adaptive graph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via feature selection (JW, IA, XG), pp. 963–966.
ICPR-2012-WangST #feature model #linear #programming #recognition #robust- Robust regularized feature selection for iris recognition via linear programming (LW, ZS, TT), pp. 3358–3361.
ICPR-2012-XiaoZZ #consistency #ranking #retrieval- Spatial consistency based selective reranking for content based object retrieval (TX, CZ, HZ), pp. 417–420.
ICPR-2012-XuLYWSL- Key frame selection based on Jensen-Rényi divergence (QX, XL, ZY, JW, MS, JL), pp. 1892–1895.
ICPR-2012-YangGAZW #classification #clustering #query- Iterative clustering and support vectors-based high-confidence query selection for motor imagery EEG signals classification (HY, CG, KKA, HZ, CW), pp. 2169–2172.
ICPR-2012-YangLZC #image #learning #multi #retrieval- Multi-view learning with batch mode active selection for image retrieval (WY, GL, LZ, EC), pp. 979–982.
ICPR-2012-ZhangH #feature model #recognition #using- Face recognition using semi-supervised spectral feature selection (ZZ, ERH), pp. 1294–1297.
ICPR-2012-ZhangH12a #feature model #recognition- Unsupervised spectral feature selection for face recognition (ZZ, ERH), pp. 1787–1790.
ICPR-2012-ZhangPLV #metric #multi #recognition- Optimal metric selection for improved multi-pose face recognition with group information (XZ, DSP, WL, SV), pp. 1675–1678.
ICPR-2012-ZhangWBZCZ #detection #feature model- Object detection via foreground contour feature selection and part-based shape model (HZ, JW, XB, JZ, JC, HZ), pp. 2524–2527.
ICPR-2012-ZhangWN #detection #feature model #student- Bayesian feature selection and model detection for student’s t-mixture distributions (HZ, QMJW, TMN), pp. 1631–1634.
ICPR-2012-ZhuLWL #effectiveness #video- Key observation selection for effective video synopsis (XZ, JL, JW, HL), pp. 2528–2531.
KDD-2012-LappasCT #set- Selecting a characteristic set of reviews (TL, MC, ET), pp. 832–840.
KDD-2012-SunNHYYY #clustering #network- Integrating meta-path selection with user-guided object clustering in heterogeneous information networks (YS, BN, JH, XY, PSY, XY), pp. 1348–1356.
KDD-2012-TangL #feature model #social #social media- Unsupervised feature selection for linked social media data (JT, HL), pp. 904–912.
KDD-2012-WoznicaNK #feature model #mining #robust- Model mining for robust feature selection (AW, PN, AK), pp. 913–921.
KDD-2012-YangYLSWY #graph- Feature grouping and selection over an undirected graph (SY, LY, YCL, XS, PW, JY), pp. 922–930.
KDD-2012-YuDSW #feature model #mining #streaming- Mining emerging patterns by streaming feature selection (KY, WD, DAS, XW), pp. 60–68.
KDIR-2012-VolkovichA #clustering- Model Selection and Stability in Spectral Clustering (ZV, RA), pp. 25–34.
KEOD-2012-HenriquesS #framework #ontology- An Ontology-based Framework for Syndromic Surveillance Method Selection (GH, DAS), pp. 396–400.
KEOD-2012-HmidaCBN #3d #logic #using- From 9-IM Topological Operators to Qualitative Spatial Relations using 3D Selective Nef Complexes and Logic Rules for Bodies (HBH, CC, FB, CN), pp. 208–213.
MLDM-2012-Ba-KaraitSS #classification #hybrid #optimisation #using- EEG Signals Classification Using a Hybrid Method Based on Negative Selection and Particle Swarm Optimization (NOSBK, SMS, RS), pp. 427–438.
MLDM-2012-Kovacs #distance #reduction- Reduction of Distance Computations in Selection of Pivot Elements for Balanced GHT Structure (LK), pp. 50–62.
MLDM-2012-LeiteBV #algorithm #classification #testing- Selecting Classification Algorithms with Active Testing (RL, PB, JV), pp. 117–131.
MLDM-2012-StaroszczykOM #analysis #comparative #feature model #recognition- Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Methods for Blood Cell Recognition in Leukemia (TS, SO, TM), pp. 467–481.
RecSys-2012-BelloginP #clustering #collaboration #graph #using- Using graph partitioning techniques for neighbour selection in user-based collaborative filtering (AB, JP), pp. 213–216.
RecSys-2012-EkstrandR #algorithm #predict #recommendation- When recommenders fail: predicting recommender failure for algorithm selection and combination (MDE, JR), pp. 233–236.
RecSys-2012-KramarB #personalisation- Dynamically selecting an appropriate context type for personalisation (TK, MB), pp. 321–324.
SEKE-2012-GaoKN #feature model #metric- Stability of Filter-Based Feature Selection Methods for Imbalanced Software Measurement Data (KG, TMK, AN), pp. 74–79.
SEKE-2012-HuangL- A Goal-Driven Method for Selecting Issues Used in Agent Negotiation (YCH, AL), pp. 759–762.
SEKE-2012-MedeirosSPM #product line #variability- Optimal Variability Selection in Product Line Engineering (RPM, UdSS, FP, LGPM), pp. 635–640.
SEKE-2012-WangKWN #empirical #fault #metric #predict- An Empirical Study of Software Metric Selection Techniques for Defect Prediction (HW, TMK, RW, AN), pp. 94–99.
SEKE-2012-WangXC #linear #mining #network #social- Sparse Linear Influence Model for Hot User Selection on Mining a Social Network (YW, GX, SKC), pp. 1–6.
SIGIR-2012-BilgicB #learning #query- Active query selection for learning rankers (MB, PNB), pp. 1033–1034.
SIGIR-2012-HosseiniCMSY #evaluation #information retrieval #query- An uncertainty-aware query selection model for evaluation of IR systems (MH, IJC, NMF, MS, EY), pp. 901–910.
SIGIR-2012-KanhabuaBN #learning #retrieval- Learning to select a time-aware retrieval model (NK, KB, KN), pp. 1099–1100.
SIGIR-2012-WhiteB #feedback- Text selections as implicit relevance feedback (RWW, GB), pp. 1151–1152.
SIGIR-2012-ZhaoC #automation #query- Automatic term mismatch diagnosis for selective query expansion (LZ, JC), pp. 515–524.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-LangrTDD #c++ #runtime- Fake Run-Time Selection of Template Arguments in C++ (DL, PT, TD, JPD), pp. 140–154.
RE-2012-KukrejaBPP #framework #requirements- Selecting an appropriate framework for value-based requirements prioritization (NK, BWB, SSP, SP), pp. 303–308.
RE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements- Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
SAC-2012-BoumazaB #collaboration #probability- Stochastic search for global neighbors selection in collaborative filtering (AMB, AB), pp. 232–237.
SAC-2012-LibermanL #approximate- Approximately optimal facet selection (SL, RL), pp. 702–708.
FSE-2012-AthanasopoulosZV #abstraction #quality- Service selection for happy users: making user-intuitive quality abstractions (DA, AZ, PV), p. 32.
PLEASE-2012-QuintonDHMC #feature model #modelling #using- Using feature modelling and automations to select among cloud solutions (CQ, LD, PH, SM, EC), pp. 17–20.
PLEASE-2012-ShimbaraWKKO #testing- Feature-analysis-based selection method for system configuration for system testing (DS, HW, SK, MK, HO), pp. 61–64.
CC-2012-ShirakoSFPRSS #bound- Analytical Bounds for Optimal Tile Size Selection (JS, KS, NF, LNP, JR, PS, VS), pp. 101–121.
LCTES-2012-WanWX #memory management- WCET-aware data selection and allocation for scratchpad memory (QW, HW, JX), pp. 41–50.
ICST-2012-CaliebeHG #dependence #embedded #testing- Dependency-Based Test Case Selection and Prioritization in Embedded Systems (PC, TH, RG), pp. 731–735.
ICST-2012-SaleckerG #combinator #grammarware #interactive #testing- Combinatorial Interaction Testing for Test Selection in Grammar-Based Testing (ES, SG), pp. 610–619.
IJCAR-2012-KuhlweinLTUH #bibliography #evaluation #scalability- Overview and Evaluation of Premise Selection Techniques for Large Theory Mathematics (DK, TvL, ET, JU, TH), pp. 378–392.
ISSTA-2012-ZhaiXCT #approach #named #parallel #thread- CARISMA: a context-sensitive approach to race-condition sample-instance selection for multithreaded applications (KZ, BX, WKC, THT), pp. 221–231.
LICS-2012-CarayolS #automaton #effectiveness #equivalence #recursion #safety- Collapsible Pushdown Automata and Labeled Recursion Schemes: Equivalence, Safety and Effective Selection (AC, OS), pp. 165–174.
ECSA-2011-CiraciSA #architecture #evolution- Guiding Architects in Selecting Architectural Evolution Alternatives (SC, HS, MA), pp. 252–260.
ASE-2011-WinbladhR #testing- Evaluating test selection strategies for end-user specified flow-based applications (KW, AR), pp. 400–403.
CASE-2011-MettaB #design- Optimized closed-loop supply chain configuration selection for sustainable product designs (HM, FB), pp. 438–443.
CASE-2011-SenoussiCDZ #detection #fault #feature model #process- Feature selection for fault detection systems: Application to the Tennessee Eastman Process (HS, BCM, MD, NZ), pp. 189–194.
DAC-2011-ChungXZA #statistics #testing- Testability driven statistical path selection (JC, JX, VZ, JAA), pp. 417–422.
DATE-2011-RahmanTS #reduction- Power reduction via near-optimal library-based cell-size selection (MR, HT, CS), pp. 867–870.
DATE-2011-WelpK #approach #markov #process #synthesis- An approach for dynamic selection of synthesis transformations based on Markov Decision Processes (TW, AK), pp. 1533–1536.
DRR-2011-FanSNMH #feature model #recognition- Natural scene logo recognition by joint boosting feature selection in salient regions (WF, JS, SN, AM, YH), pp. 1–10.
ICDAR-2011-ImpedovoP11a #exponential #recognition- Tuning between Exponential Functions and Zones for Membership Functions Selection in Voronoi-Based Zoning for Handwritten Character Recognition (SI, GP), pp. 997–1001.
ICDAR-2011-LouradourK #categorisation #documentation #feature model #image #performance- Sample-Dependent Feature Selection for Faster Document Image Categorization (JL, CK), pp. 309–313.
ICDAR-2011-SituLT #image #locality #probability #using #web- Text Localization in Web Images Using Probabilistic Candidate Selection Model (LS, RL, CLT), pp. 1359–1363.
SIGMOD-2011-HedelerBPFEMG- Pay-as-you-go mapping selection in dataspaces (CH, KB, NWP, AAAF, SME, LM, CG), pp. 1279–1282.
VLDB-2011-TzoumasDJ #estimation #independence #lightweight #modelling #visual notation- Lightweight Graphical Models for Selectivity Estimation Without Independence Assumptions (KT, AD, CSJ), pp. 852–863.
VLDB-2012-GoasdoueKLM11 #database #semantics #web- View Selection in Semantic Web Databases (FG, KK, JL, IM), pp. 97–108.
TACAS-2011-BertrandJSK #automaton #nondeterminism #testing- Off-Line Test Selection with Test Purposes for Non-deterministic Timed Automata (NB, TJ, AS, MK), pp. 96–111.
SCAM-J-2009-HollandD11 #classification #information management #quality #tool support- Classification and selection of tools for quality knowledge management (SH, RD), pp. 393–409.
CSMR-2011-JurgensHDFSW #testing- Regression Test Selection of Manual System Tests in Practice (EJ, BH, FD, MF, CS, AW), pp. 309–312.
ICPC-2011-SteinH #aspect-oriented #comparison #constraints #empirical #visual notation- Comparison of a Visual and a Textual Notation to Express Data Constraints in Aspect-Oriented Join Point Selections: A Controlled Experiment (DS, SH), pp. 141–150.
ICSM-2011-HuangLZXW #approach #novel #testing- A novel approach to regression test selection for J2EE applications (SH, ZJL, JZ, YX, WW), pp. 13–22.
PLDI-2011-JungRRCP #data type #effectiveness #named- Brainy: effective selection of data structures (CJ, SR, BPR, NC, SP), pp. 86–97.
CHI-2011-BragdonK #gesture #scalability- Gesture select: : acquiring remote targets on large displays without pointing (AB, HSK), pp. 187–196.
CHI-2011-GrossYK #interface #named #visual notation- Dinah: an interface to assist non-programmers with selecting program code causing graphical output (PAG, JY, CK), pp. 3397–3400.
CHI-2011-HasanGI- Comet and target ghost: techniques for selecting moving targets (KH, TG, PI), pp. 839–848.
CHI-2011-HendyLBM #parametricity- Parameter selection in keyboard-based dialog boxes (JCH, JL, KSB, JM), pp. 2761–2764.
CHI-2011-YangGIF #proximity #using- TouchCuts and TouchZoom: enhanced target selection for touch displays using finger proximity sensing (XDY, TG, PI, GWF), pp. 2585–2594.
CSCW-2011-BrubakerH11a #framework #representation- SELECT * FROM USER: infrastructure and socio-technical representation (JRB, GRH), pp. 369–378.
CSCW-2011-TangCDRSH #facebook #self- A tale of two languages: strategic self-disclosure via language selection on facebook (DT, TC, ND, AR, WCS, JTH), pp. 387–390.
DUXU-v1-2011-Maguire #design #guidelines- Guidelines on Website Design and Colour Selection for International Acceptance (MCM), pp. 162–171.
DUXU-v2-2011-KimMLJAS #experience #metric #user interface- Measurement of User Experience to Select a Comfortable Mattress (JYK, SNM, MHL, JHJ, JHA, YSS), pp. 449–458.
HCI-ITE-2011-YamaguchiCR #3d #memory management- The Effect of Haptic Cues on Working Memory in 3D Menu Selection (TY, DC, PR), pp. 158–166.
HCI-UA-2011-BiswasL #interface- Investigating the Accessibility of Program Selection Menus of a Digital TV Interface (PB, PL), pp. 425–434.
HIMI-v1-2011-OkaOKYM #3d #case study- A Study on Selection Ability in the 3D Space by the Finger (MO, YO, HK, RY, HM), pp. 488–497.
HIMI-v2-2011-HottaIN #development #online- Development of a Price Promotion Model for Online Store Selection (SH, SI, YN), pp. 246–252.
ICEIS-v1-2011-SantosP #data mining #mining #preprocessor #ubiquitous- Enabling Ubiquitous Data Mining in Intensive Care — Features Selection and Data Pre-processing (MS, FP), pp. 261–266.
ICEIS-v3-2011-HuangZYZC- Neural Network-based Procurement Mode Selection of MRO Materials (ZH, YZ, HY, YZ, LC), pp. 523–526.
CIKM-2011-0003L #rdf- Estimating selectivity for joined RDF triple patterns (HH, CL), pp. 1435–1444.
CIKM-2011-BanerjeeC #distributed #feature model #privacy #using- Privacy preserving feature selection for distributed data using virtual dimension (MB, SC), pp. 2281–2284.
CIKM-2011-GuH #feature model #network #towards- Towards feature selection in network (QG, JH), pp. 1175–1184.
CIKM-2011-GuLH #correlation #feature model #multi- Correlated multi-label feature selection (QG, ZL, JH), pp. 1087–1096.
CIKM-2011-HuangWQZCH- Top-k most influential locations selection (JH, ZW, JQ, RZ, JC, ZH), pp. 2377–2380.
CIKM-2011-LiuWZ #clustering #feature model #using- Feature selection using hierarchical feature clustering (HL, XW, SZ), pp. 979–984.
CIKM-2011-MaLL #using- Selecting related terms in query-logs using two-stage SimRank (YM, HL, YL), pp. 1969–1972.
CIKM-2011-ShiYCYW #community #detection #multi #on the- On selection of objective functions in multi-objective community detection (CS, PSY, YC, ZY, BW), pp. 2301–2304.
CIKM-2011-TylerPGJ #modelling #retrieval- Retrieval models for audience selection in display advertising (SKT, SP, EG, VJ), pp. 593–598.
CIKM-2011-WangA #data flow #effectiveness #query #web- Effective stratification for low selectivity queries on deep web data sources (FW, GA), pp. 1455–1464.
CIKM-2011-XuSPZ #kernel #named #performance- TAKES: a fast method to select features in the kernel space (YX, FS, WP, JZ), pp. 683–692.
ECIR-2011-AddisAV #algorithm #assessment #categorisation #comparative- A Comparative Experimental Assessment of a Threshold Selection Algorithm in Hierarchical Text Categorization (AA, GA, EV), pp. 32–42.
ECIR-2011-BuffoniTG #ranking- The Importance of the Depth for Text-Image Selection Strategy in Learning-To-Rank (DB, ST, PG), pp. 743–746.
ECIR-2011-JagarlamudiB #feature model #similarity- Fractional Similarity: Cross-Lingual Feature Selection for Search (JJ, PNB), pp. 226–237.
ECIR-2011-NeumayerMN #categorisation #feature model- Combination of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorisation (RN, RM, KN), pp. 763–766.
ECIR-2011-WangSE #retrieval #video- Video Retrieval Based on Words-of-Interest Selection (LW, DS, EE), pp. 687–690.
ICML-2011-DasK #algorithm #approximate #set #taxonomy- Submodular meets Spectral: Greedy Algorithms for Subset Selection, Sparse Approximation and Dictionary Selection (AD, DK), pp. 1057–1064.
ICML-2011-GuanDJ #feature model #probability- A Unified Probabilistic Model for Global and Local Unsupervised Feature Selection (YG, JGD, MIJ), pp. 1073–1080.
ICML-2011-JiangR #feature model- Eigenvalue Sensitive Feature Selection (YJ, JR), pp. 89–96.
ICML-2011-NakajimaSB #automation #on the- On Bayesian PCA: Automatic Dimensionality Selection and Analytic Solution (SN, MS, SDB), pp. 497–504.
ICML-2011-OrabonaC #algorithm- Better Algorithms for Selective Sampling (FO, NCB), pp. 433–440.
ICML-2011-SugiyamaYKH #clustering #on the #parametricity- On Information-Maximization Clustering: Tuning Parameter Selection and Analytic Solution (MS, MY, MK, HH), pp. 65–72.
KDD-2011-AggarwalXY #data-driven #on the- On dynamic data-driven selection of sensor streams (CCA, YX, PSY), pp. 1226–1234.
KDD-2011-ChangR #convergence #linear #memory management #modelling #performance #scalability- Selective block minimization for faster convergence of limited memory large-scale linear models (KWC, DR), pp. 699–707.
KDD-2011-DasB #optimisation- Meta optimization and its application to portfolio selection (PD, AB), pp. 1163–1171.
KDD-2011-FujimakiSM #modelling #online- Online heterogeneous mixture modeling with marginal and copula selection (RF, YS, SM), pp. 645–653.
KDD-2011-HsiehD #coordination #matrix #performance- Fast coordinate descent methods with variable selection for non-negative matrix factorization (CJH, ISD), pp. 1064–1072.
KDD-2011-KongFY #classification #graph- Dual active feature and sample selection for graph classification (XK, WF, PSY), pp. 654–662.
KDD-2011-MiettinenV #matrix #order- Model order selection for boolean matrix factorization (PM, JV), pp. 51–59.
KDD-2011-TsaparasNT #set- Selecting a comprehensive set of reviews (PT, AN, ET), pp. 168–176.
KDIR-2011-DoquireV #approach #category theory #feature model #hybrid- An Hybrid Approach to Feature Selection for Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data (GD, MV), pp. 394–401.
KDIR-2011-FerreiraF #array- Feature Discretization and Selection in Microarray Data (AJF, MATF), pp. 465–469.
KDIR-2011-GilliesSPW #feature model #ontology #simulation- Gene Ontology based Simulation for Feature Selection (CEG, MRS, NVP, GDW), pp. 294–302.
KDIR-2011-HagenauLN #feature model #predict- Impact of Feature Selection and Feature Types on Financial Stock Price Prediction (MH, ML, DN), pp. 303–308.
KDIR-2011-ShishiboriLK #metric- An Improved Method to Select Candidates on Metric Index VP-tree (MS, SSL, KK), pp. 314–319.
KMIS-2011-AnthopoulosGF #approach- Supporting the Solution Selection for a Digital City with a Fuzzy-based Approach (LGA, VCG, PF), pp. 355–358.
KMIS-2011-BrandaoSRASS #named- SIOP-LEGIS: Thesaurus for Selection and Management of Brazilian Treasury Domain (SNB, TSdS, SR, LA, DS, JMdS), pp. 195–200.
MLDM-2011-AhmadP #fuzzy #modelling- Granular Instances Selection for Fuzzy Modeling (SSSA, WP), pp. 99–111.
MLDM-2011-LahbibBL #learning #multi- Informative Variables Selection for Multi-relational Supervised Learning (DL, MB, DL), pp. 75–87.
RecSys-2011-BarbieriCMO #approach #modelling #recommendation- Modeling item selection and relevance for accurate recommendations: a bayesian approach (NB, GC, GM, RO), pp. 21–28.
SEKE-2011-BragaD #detection #information management #tool support #using- Fraud Detection in Selection Exams Using Knowledge Engineering Tools (MdMB, MARD), pp. 163–168.
SEKE-2011-ReformatP #approach #evaluation #feature model- Criteria of Human Software Evaluation: Feature Selection Approach (MR, SP), pp. 71–76.
SEKE-2011-WangKN #empirical #metric #using- An Empirical Study of Software Metrics Selection Using Support Vector Machine (HW, TMK, AN), pp. 83–88.
SIGIR-2011-CaiGZW #adaptation #education #query #ranking- Relevant knowledge helps in choosing right teacher: active query selection for ranking adaptation (PC, WG, AZ, KFW), pp. 115–124.
SIGIR-2011-ColeZLBG #documentation- Knowledge effects on document selection in search results pages (MJC, XZ, CL, NJB, JG), pp. 1219–1220.
SIGIR-2011-HoobinPZ #corpus- Sample selection for dictionary-based corpus compression (CH, SJP, JZ), pp. 1137–1138.
SIGIR-2011-JinY #classification #feature model #image #multi- Integrating hierarchical feature selection and classifier training for multi-label image annotation (CJ, CY), pp. 515–524.
SIGIR-2011-LinZD #approximate #documentation #optimisation- Best document selection based on approximate utility optimization (HHL, YZ, JD), pp. 1215–1216.
SIGIR-2011-WangSE #retrieval #video- Words-of-interest selection based on temporal motion coherence for video retrieval (LW, DS, EE), pp. 1197–1198.
OOPSLA-2011-WuHIN #java #performance #scalability- Reducing trace selection footprint for large-scale Java applications without performance loss (PW, HH, HI, TN), pp. 789–804.
POPL-2011-RamseyD #composition #dependent type #independence #low level #type system #using- Resourceable, retargetable, modular instruction selection using a machine-independent, type-based tiling of low-level intermediate code (NR, JD), pp. 575–586.
SAC-2011-FosterS #composition #monitoring- Advanced service monitoring configurations with SLA decomposition and selection (HF, GS), pp. 1582–1589.
SAC-2011-HuangWCL #algorithm #automation #image- An automatic selective color transfer algorithm for images (YHH, PCW, CCC, KPL), pp. 66–71.
SAC-2011-HuMB #clustering #documentation #feature model #interactive- Interactive feature selection for document clustering (YH, EEM, JB), pp. 1143–1150.
SAC-2011-LargeronMG #categorisation #feature model- Entropy based feature selection for text categorization (CL, CM, MG), pp. 924–928.
ICSE-2011-McMillan #source code- Searching, selecting, and synthesizing source code (CM), pp. 1124–1125.
ICSE-2011-OBrienGG #framework #metric- A method for selecting SOA pilot projects including a pilot metrics framework (LO, JG, JG), pp. 653–662.
ICSE-2011-StaatsWH11a #testing- Better testing through oracle selection (MS, MWW, MPEH), pp. 892–895.
CSL-2011-EscardoOP- System T and the Product of Selection Functions (MHE, PO, TP), pp. 233–247.
ICST-2011-ChenCZXF #clustering #testing #using- Using semi-supervised clustering to improve regression test selection techniques (SC, ZC, ZZ, BX, YF), pp. 1–10.
ICST-2011-HemmatiAB #empirical #similarity #testing- Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Test Suite Properties on Similarity-Based Test Case Selection (HH, AA, LCB), pp. 327–336.
ISSTA-2011-SumnerBZ #comparison #execution- Selecting peers for execution comparison (WNS, TB, XZ), pp. 309–319.
SAT-2011-TompkinsBH #heuristic #satisfiability- Captain Jack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT (DADT, AB, HHH), pp. 302–316.
ECSA-2010-BerrocalGM #design pattern #requirements- Facilitating the Selection of Architectural Patterns by Means of a Marked Requirements Model (JB, JGA, JMM), pp. 384–391.
CASE-2010-DoraiswamiCK #order #physics- Model order selection criterion with application to physical systems (RD, LC, HMK), pp. 393–398.
CASE-2010-LinYG- Sensor configuration selection for discrete-event systems under unreliable observations (WCL, TSY, HEG), pp. 477–484.
DAC-2010-XieD #predict #variability- Representative path selection for post-silicon timing prediction under variability (LX, AD), pp. 386–391.
DATE-2010-GellertPZFVS #architecture #design #energy #predict #smt- Energy-performance design space exploration in SMT architectures exploiting selective load value predictions (AG, GP, VZ, AF, LNV, CS), pp. 271–274.
DATE-2010-PengYTC #fault #process- High-quality pattern selection for screening small-delay defects considering process variations and crosstalk (KP, MY, MT, KC), pp. 1426–1431.
DocEng-2010-LimZJHFL #automation #experience #web- Automatic selection of print-worthy content for enhanced web page printing experience (SHL, LZ, JJ, HH, JF, JL), pp. 165–168.
DRR-2010-OhL #evaluation #feature model #optimisation #recognition- Ant colony optimization with selective evaluation for feature selection in character recognition (ISO, JSL), pp. 1–10.
SIGMOD-2010-GrafKRS #named- PAROS: pareto optimal route selection (FG, HPK, MR, MS), pp. 1199–1202.
SIGMOD-2010-SilbersteinTCR- Feeding frenzy: selectively materializing users’ event feeds (AS, JT, BFC, RR), pp. 831–842.
VLDB-2010-Martinez-PalauDL- Two-way Replacement Selection (XMP, DDS, JLLP), pp. 871–881.
CSMR-2010-CortellessaMP #behaviour #maintenance #reliability #trade-off- Selecting Optimal Maintenance Plans Based on Cost/Reliability Tradeoffs for Software Subject to Structural and Behavioral Changes (VC, RM, PP), pp. 21–30.
ICSM-2010-LiQJW #automation #generative #graph #testing- Automatic test case selection and generation for regression testing of composite service based on extensible BPEL flow graph (BL, DQ, SJ, DW), pp. 1–10.
CHI-2010-BiBB #scalability #visual notation- Effects of interior bezels of tiled-monitor large displays on visual search, tunnel steering, and target selection (XB, SHB, RB), pp. 65–74.
EDOC-2010-TerresNS #automation #process- Selection of Business Process for Autonomic Automation (LDT, JARN, JMdS), pp. 237–246.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-SharonSBBV #development #framework #process- A Decision Framework for Selecting a Suitable Software Development Process (IS, MdSS, JB, JvdB, JLMV), pp. 34–43.
ICEIS-J-2010-BarbagalloCFM10a #approach #web- Enhancing the Selection of Web Sources: A Reputation Based Approach (DB, CC, CF, MM), pp. 464–476.
ICEIS-J-2010-NosseirT10a #authentication #towards- Towards Authentication via Selected Extraction from Electronic Personal Histories (AN, ST), pp. 571–586.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-BarbagalloCFM #web- Reputation-based Selection of Web Information Sources (DB, CC, CF, MM), pp. 30–37.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-MatCS #approach #collaboration #network- Selecting Partners for Collaborative Networks — Mixed Methods Approach (NACM, YC, HS), pp. 122–128.
CIKM-2010-AlgarniLX #documentation- Selected new training documents to update user profile (AA, YL, YX), pp. 799–808.
CIKM-2010-DingSBVWLC #automation #detection #embedded #feature model #framework #image #using- Automatic detection of craters in planetary images: an embedded framework using feature selection and boosting (WD, TFS, LPCB, RV, YW, ZL, TC), pp. 749–758.
CIKM-2010-DoulkeridisVNKV #multi #on the- On the selectivity of multidimensional routing indices (CD, AV, KN, YK, MV), pp. 109–118.
CIKM-2010-FeiQH #feature model- Regularization and feature selection for networked features (HF, BQ, JH), pp. 1893–1896.
CIKM-2010-HeMW #algorithm #evaluation #learning #metric #optimisation #rank- Directly optimizing evaluation measures in learning to rank based on the clonal selection algorithm (QH, JM, SW), pp. 1449–1452.
CIKM-2010-KatoOOT- Search as if you were in your home town: geographic search by regional context and dynamic feature-space selection (MPK, HO, SO, KT), pp. 1541–1544.
CIKM-2010-KulkarniC #distributed #documentation #policy- Document allocation policies for selective searching of distributed indexes (AK, JC), pp. 449–458.
CIKM-2010-LinYC #probability #query- Selective data acquisition for probabilistic K-NN query (YCL, DNY, MSC), pp. 1357–1360.
CIKM-2010-MassSS #algorithm #information retrieval- A peer-selection algorithm for information retrieval (YM, YS, MSS), pp. 1601–1604.
CIKM-2010-PalK #bias #community #identification- Expert identification in community question answering: exploring question selection bias (AP, JAK), pp. 1505–1508.
CIKM-2010-SantosMO #web- Selectively diversifying web search results (RLTS, CM, IO), pp. 1179–1188.
CIKM-2010-WartenaSW #keyword #recommendation- Selecting keywords for content based recommendation (CW, WS, MW), pp. 1533–1536.
CIKM-2010-YangKL #feature model #learning #multi #online- Online learning for multi-task feature selection (HY, IK, MRL), pp. 1693–1696.
ECIR-2010-PengMO #learning #ranking- Learning to Select a Ranking Function (JP, CM, IO), pp. 114–126.
ECIR-2010-RudinacLH #consistency #query #retrieval- Exploiting Result Consistency to Select Query Expansions for Spoken Content Retrieval (SR, ML, AH), pp. 645–648.
ECIR-2010-ThomasS- Evaluating Server Selection for Federated Search (PT, MS), pp. 607–610.
ICML-2010-BontempiM #array- Causal filter selection in microarray data (GB, PEM), pp. 95–102.
ICML-2010-GaudelS #feature model #game studies- Feature Selection as a One-Player Game (RG, MS), pp. 359–366.
ICML-2010-KalyanakrishnanS #multi #performance #theory and practice- Efficient Selection of Multiple Bandit Arms: Theory and Practice (SK, PS), pp. 511–518.
ICML-2010-KolarPX #on the #parametricity- On Sparse Nonparametric Conditional Covariance Selection (MK, APP, EPX), pp. 559–566.
ICML-2010-KrauseC #representation #taxonomy- Submodular Dictionary Selection for Sparse Representation (AK, VC), pp. 567–574.
ICML-2010-MasaeliFD #feature model #reduction- From Transformation-Based Dimensionality Reduction to Feature Selection (MM, GF, JGD), pp. 751–758.
ICML-2010-PetrikTPZ #approximate #feature model #linear #markov #process #source code #using- Feature Selection Using Regularization in Approximate Linear Programs for Markov Decision Processes (MP, GT, RP, SZ), pp. 871–878.
ICML-2010-PoonZCW #clustering #modelling- Variable Selection in Model-Based Clustering: To Do or To Facilitate (LKMP, NLZ, TC, YW), pp. 887–894.
ICML-2010-TanWT #dataset #feature model #learning- Learning Sparse SVM for Feature Selection on Very High Dimensional Datasets (MT, LW, IWT), pp. 1047–1054.
ICML-2010-WuYWD #feature model #online #streaming- Online Streaming Feature Selection (XW, KY, HW, WD), pp. 1159–1166.
ICPR-2010-AbergW #3d #algorithm #clustering- A Memetic Algorithm for Selection of 3D Clustered Features with Applications in Neuroscience (MBÅ, JW), pp. 1076–1079.
ICPR-2010-AlexandrovnaS- Selection of Photos for Album Building Applications (EMA, IVS), pp. 3256–3259.
ICPR-2010-AndoF #classification #image #segmentation- Human-Area Segmentation by Selecting Similar Silhouette Images Based on Weak-Classifier Response (HA, HF), pp. 3444–3447.
ICPR-2010-ArmanoH #prototype #random- Random Prototype-based Oracle for Selection-fusion Ensembles (GA, NH), pp. 77–80.
ICPR-2010-BerrettiBPAD #3d #recognition #set- A Set of Selected SIFT Features for 3D Facial Expression Recognition (SB, ADB, PP, BBA, MD), pp. 4125–4128.
ICPR-2010-BonevEGB #feature model #graph- Information-theoretic Feature Selection from Unattributed Graphs (BB, FE, DG, SB), pp. 930–933.
ICPR-2010-CalanaROD #algorithm #difference #prototype #representation #search-based- Prototype Selection for Dissimilarity Representation by a Genetic Algorithm (YPC, EBGR, MOA, RPWD), pp. 177–180.
ICPR-2010-CapitaineF10a #clustering #image #on the #segmentation- On Selecting an Optimal Number of Clusters for Color Image Segmentation (HLC, CF), pp. 3388–3391.
ICPR-2010-DukkipatiYM #classification #feature model #modelling- Maximum Entropy Model Based Classification with Feature Selection (AD, AKY, MNM), pp. 565–568.
ICPR-2010-EkbalSG #feature model #multi #optimisation #recognition #using- Feature Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition (AE, SS, CSG), pp. 1937–1940.
ICPR-2010-EkenelS #automation #recognition #robust- Automatic Frequency Band Selection for Illumination Robust Face Recognition (HKE, RS), pp. 2684–2687.
ICPR-2010-EzojiF #invariant #recognition- Diffusion-Based Face Selective Smoothing in DCT Domain to Illumination Invariant Face Recognition (ME, KF), pp. 1164–1167.
ICPR-2010-FengLYL #online #video- Online Principal Background Selection for Video Synopsis (SF, SL, ZYY, SZL), pp. 17–20.
ICPR-2010-FujikiHUAM #self #symmetry- Self-Calibration of Radially Symmetric Distortion by Model Selection (JF, HH, YU, SA, NM), pp. 1812–1815.
ICPR-2010-GunluB #3d #composition- 3D Face Decomposition and Region Selection Against Expression Variations (GG, HSB), pp. 1298–1301.
ICPR-2010-GuoBC #approach #learning #using- Support Vectors Selection for Supervised Learning Using an Ensemble Approach (LG, SB, NC), pp. 37–40.
ICPR-2010-GuoZZ #multi #recognition- Feature Band Selection for Multispectral Palmprint Recognition (ZG, LZ, DZ), pp. 1136–1139.
ICPR-2010-JammalamadakaJKM #matrix #using- Discriminative Basis Selection Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization (AJ, SJ, SK, BSM), pp. 1533–1536.
ICPR-2010-KiwanukaW #automation- Automatic Attribute Threshold Selection for Blood Vessel Enhancement (FNK, MHFW), pp. 2314–2317.
ICPR-2010-KootstraBK #segmentation #symmetry #using- Using Symmetry to Select Fixation Points for Segmentation (GK, NB, DK), pp. 3894–3897.
ICPR-2010-KoprinskaSA- Variable Selection for Five-Minute Ahead Electricity Load Forecasting (IK, RS, VGA), pp. 2901–2904.
ICPR-2010-LiuCLL #automation #locality #parametricity #using- A Lip Contour Extraction Method Using Localized Active Contour Model with Automatic Parameter Selection (XL, YmC, ML, HL), pp. 4332–4335.
ICPR-2010-LopesGKO #classification #music- Selection of Training Instances for Music Genre Classification (ML, FG, ALK, LESdO), pp. 4569–4572.
ICPR-2010-LuWD #detection #random- Part Detection, Description and Selection Based on Hidden Conditional Random Fields (WL, SW, XD), pp. 657–660.
ICPR-2010-MezghaniPMLG #network #order- A Computer-Aided Method for Scoliosis Fusion Level Selection by a Topologicaly Ordered Self Organizing Kohonen Network (NM, PP, AM, HL, JAdG), pp. 4012–4015.
ICPR-2010-NguyenFP #detection #towards- Towards a Generic Feature-Selection Measure for Intrusion Detection (HTN, KF, SP), pp. 1529–1532.
ICPR-2010-RodolaAT #approach #game studies #multi #robust- A Game-Theoretic Approach to Robust Selection of Multi-view Point Correspondence (ER, AA, AT), pp. 57–60.
ICPR-2010-SakarK #analysis #canonical #correlation #feature model #hybrid- A Hybrid Method for Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information and Canonical Correlation Analysis (COS, OK), pp. 4360–4363.
ICPR-2010-SakarKSG #clustering #feature model #predict- Prediction of Protein Sub-nuclear Location by Clustering mRMR Ensemble Feature Selection (COS, OK, HS, FG), pp. 2572–2575.
ICPR-2010-SomolGP #algorithm #feature model #problem #set- The Problem of Fragile Feature Subset Preference in Feature Selection Methods and a Proposal of Algorithmic Workaround (PS, JG, PP), pp. 4396–4399.
ICPR-2010-Syeda-MahmoodBWMLSH #automation- Automatic Selection of Keyframes from Angiogram Videos (TFSM, DB, FW, AM, RJL, NS, TH), pp. 4008–4011.
ICPR-2010-VajdaF #network #performance- Exploring Pattern Selection Strategies for Fast Neural Network Training (SV, GAF), pp. 2913–2916.
ICPR-2010-VillegasP #verification #video- Fusion of Qualities for Frame Selection in Video Face Verification (MV, RP), pp. 1302–1305.
ICPR-2010-VuLB #algorithm #clustering #constraints #performance- An Efficient Active Constraint Selection Algorithm for Clustering (VVV, NL, BBM), pp. 2969–2972.
ICPR-2010-WoloszynskiK #classification #random- A Measure of Competence Based on Randomized Reference Classifier for Dynamic Ensemble Selection (TW, MK), pp. 4194–4197.
ICPR-2010-ZhaoWSS #feature model #process #recognition- Motif Discovery and Feature Selection for CRF-based Activity Recognition (LZ, XW, GS, RS), pp. 3826–3829.
ICPR-2010-ZhouLLT #canonical #image #learning #visual notation- Canonical Image Selection by Visual Context Learning (WZ, YL, HL, QT), pp. 834–837.
KDD-2010-CaiZH #clustering #feature model #multi- Unsupervised feature selection for multi-cluster data (DC, CZ, XH), pp. 333–342.
KDD-2010-KongY #classification #feature model #graph- Semi-supervised feature selection for graph classification (XK, PSY), pp. 793–802.
KDD-2010-YangO #feature model #predict #probability #using- Feature selection for support vector regression using probabilistic prediction (JBY, CJO), pp. 343–352.
KDD-2010-YuHW #clustering #documentation #feature model #process- Document clustering via dirichlet process mixture model with feature selection (GY, RzH, ZW), pp. 763–772.
KDD-2010-ZhuLX #feature model #incremental #learning #markov #named #performance #random- Grafting-light: fast, incremental feature selection and structure learning of Markov random fields (JZ, NL, EPX), pp. 303–312.
KDIR-2010-LourencoF #clustering #learning #multi- Selectively Learning Clusters in Multi-EAC (AL, ALNF), pp. 491–499.
KDIR-2010-PalmeriniRMCV #feature model- Feature Selection for the Instrumented Timed Up and Go in Parkinson’s Disease (LP, LR, SM, LC, FV), pp. 95–99.
KDIR-2010-SiebersS #feature model- Interleaving Forward Backward Feature Selection (MS, US), pp. 454–457.
KEOD-2010-BoinskiOSK #concept #design #ontology- Influence and Selection of Basic Concepts on Ontology Design (TB, PO, PS, HK), pp. 364–369.
KMIS-2010-DotoliF #multi #optimisation- A Hierarchical Vendor Selection Optimization Technique for Multiple Sourcing (MD, MF), pp. 195–200.
KMIS-2010-ZyglarskiB #keyword #markov #natural language #network- Keywords Extraction — Selecting Keywords in Natural Language Texts with Markov Chains and Neural Networks (BZ, PB), pp. 315–321.
SEKE-2010-CostaBR- Software Project Portfolio Selection: a Modern Portfolio Theory Based Technique (HRC, MdOB, ARR), pp. 387–392.
SEKE-2010-DuanCZQY #clustering #slicing #testing- Improving Cluster Selection Techniques of Regression Testing by Slice Filtering (YD, ZC, ZZ, JQ, ZY), pp. 253–258.
SEKE-2010-ElabdCH #approach #data access #implementation #web #web service- Selecting Web Services for Choreography Implementation: Compatibility Checking Approach with Access Control (EE, EC, MSH), pp. 235–240.
SEKE-2010-KhoshgoftaarG #machine learning #metric #novel #re-engineering #using- Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning A Novel Software Metric Selection Technique Using the Area Under ROC Curves (TMK, KG), pp. 203–208.
SEKE-2010-LiLK #component #ontology #precise #semantics- Achieve Semantic-based Precise Component Selection via an Ontology Model Interlinking Application Domain and MVICS (CL, XL, JBK), pp. 692–697.
SEKE-2010-SouzaPB #approach #optimisation #testing- A Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Test Case Selection (LSdS, RBCP, FdAB), pp. 259–264.
SEKE-2010-WangKG #classification #feature model #quality- Ensemble Feature Selection Technique for Software Quality Classification (HW, TMK, KG), pp. 215–220.
SEKE-2010-YinZZ #reliability #transaction #web #web service- Reliable Web Service Selection based on Transactional Risk (YY, XZ, BZ), pp. 231–234.
SIGIR-2010-ArguelloDP- Vertical selection in the presence of unlabeled verticals (JA, FD, JFP), pp. 691–698.
SIGIR-2010-BalasubramanianA #learning- Learning to select rankers (NB, JA), pp. 855–856.
SIGIR-2010-HongSBWJ #classification #probability- A joint probabilistic classification model for resource selection (DH, LS, PB, MW, TJ), pp. 98–105.
SIGIR-2010-RudinacLH #concept #query #retrieval #visual notation- Visual concept-based selection of query expansions for spoken content retrieval (SR, ML, AH), pp. 891–892.
MoDELS-v2-2010-GroherE #consistency- Selective and Consistent Undoing of Model Changes (IG, AE), pp. 123–137.
SAC-OOPS-J-2008-PirkelbauerPMS10 #algorithm #concept #runtime- Dynamic algorithm selection for runtime concepts (PP, SP, MM, BS), pp. 773–786.
SAC-2010-BaccianellaES #feature model- Feature selection for ordinal regression (SB, AE, FS), pp. 1748–1754.
SAC-2010-BacciuBM #adaptation- Adaptive fuzzy-valued service selection (DB, MGB, LM), pp. 2467–2471.
SAC-2010-HautakorpiM #algorithm #network #using- Load balancing for structured P2P networks using the advanced finger selection algorithm (AFSA) (JH, JM), pp. 655–662.
SAC-2010-HilaireGGK #approach #documentation- An approach based upon OWL-S for method fragments documentation and selection (VH, NG, SG, AK), pp. 938–939.
SAC-2010-LanLSH #algorithm #classification #image #using- An improved K-view algorithm for image texture classification using new characteristic views selection methods (YL, HL, ES, CCH), pp. 959–963.
SAC-2010-LenzLS #named #network #streaming #video- SeRViSO: a selective retransmission scheme for video streaming in overlay networks (CEL, LCL, FAS), pp. 694–698.
FSE-2010-HemmatiBAA #approach #case study #industrial #modelling #testing- An enhanced test case selection approach for model-based testing: an industrial case study (HH, LCB, AA, SA), pp. 267–276.
ICSE-2010-ZhangHHXM #question #random- Is operator-based mutant selection superior to random mutant selection? (LZ, SSH, JJH, TX, HM), pp. 435–444.
SLE-2010-SoderbergH #attribute grammar #automation- Automated Selective Caching for Reference Attribute Grammars (ES, GH), pp. 2–21.
SPLC-2010-BagheriAGS #process- Stratified Analytic Hierarchy Process: Prioritization and Selection of Software Features (EB, MA, DG, SS), pp. 300–315.
SPLC-2010-LeeK #feature model- Usage Context as Key Driver for Feature Selection (KL, KCK), pp. 32–46.
SPLC-2010-YoshimuraAF #constraints #feature model #identification #mining- A Method to Identify Feature Constraints Based on Feature Selections Mining (KY, YA, TF), pp. 425–429.
CGO-2010-KochBF #code generation- Integrated instruction selection and register allocation for compact code generation exploiting freeform mixing of 16- and 32-bit instructions (TJKEvK, IB, BF), pp. 180–189.
CGO-2010-YukiRRAEO #automation #modelling- Automatic creation of tile size selection models (TY, LR, SVR, CA, AEE, KO), pp. 190–199.
HPDC-2010-SimmhanR #comparison #framework #workflow- Comparison of resource platform selection approaches for scientific workflows (YLS, LR), pp. 445–450.
LCTES-2010-LiXLZ #analysis #approximate #architecture #memory management- Analysis and approximation for bank selection instruction minimization on partitioned memory architecture (ML, CJX, TL, YZ), pp. 1–8.
OSDI-2010-KimWZK #using- Intrusion Recovery Using Selective Re-execution (TK, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 89–104.
PPoPP-2010-MannarswamyCRS #compilation #memory management #performance #transaction- Compiler aided selective lock assignment for improving the performance of software transactional memory (SM, DRC, KR, SS), pp. 37–46.
ICST-2010-Engstrom #product line #testing- Regression Test Selection and Product Line System Testing (EE), pp. 512–515.
ICST-2010-NaslavskyZR #modelling #named #testing #traceability- MbSRT2: Model-Based Selective Regression Testing with Traceability (LN, HZ, DJR), pp. 89–98.
ICST-2010-WeiGMO- Satisfying Test Preconditions through Guided Object Selection (YW, SG, BM, MO), pp. 303–312.
IJCAR-2010-CramerKKS- Premise Selection in the Naproche System (MC, PK, DK, BS), pp. 434–440.
SAT-2010-BoufkhadH #bound #satisfiability- Non Uniform Selection of Solutions for Upper Bounding the 3-SAT Threshold (YB, TH), pp. 99–112.
CBSE-2009-LiCHMC #component #fault tolerance #model checking- Selecting Fault Tolerant Styles for Third-Party Components with Model Checking Support (JL, XC, GH, HM, FC), pp. 69–86.
CASE-2009-BalajiGK #case study #using- Selection of a machine tool for FMS using ELECTRE III — a case study (CMB, AG, RK), pp. 171–176.
CASE-2009-DayamaJ #multi- Multi-strategy supplier selection for commodity sourcing (PSD, BJ), pp. 19–24.
CASE-2009-KumarB #multi- Multi-agent model for threshold constrained portfolio selection (RK, SB), pp. 140–145.
CASE-2009-WuCLZCH- Advanced studies of selection schemes for dual virtual-metrology outputs (WMW, FTC, THL, DLZ, JFC, MHH), pp. 421–426.
DAC-2009-JiangCCH #design #low cost- Matching-based minimum-cost spare cell selection for design changes (IHRJ, HYC, LGC, HBH), pp. 408–411.
DAC-2009-LiuWQ #adaptation #algorithm #energy #realtime #scheduling- An adaptive scheduling and voltage/frequency selection algorithm for real-time energy harvesting systems (SL, QW, QQ), pp. 782–787.
DAC-2009-PanKOMC #process- Selective wordline voltage boosting for caches to manage yield under process variations (YP, JK, SO, GM, SWC), pp. 57–62.
DATE-2009-DarbariAFB #design #simulation #using- Selective state retention design using symbolic simulation (AD, BMAH, DF, JB), pp. 1644–1649.
DATE-2009-LiuX #validation- Trace signal selection for visibility enhancement in post-silicon validation (XL, QX), pp. 1338–1343.
DATE-2009-PomeranzR #fault- Selection of a fault model for fault diagnosis based on unique responses (IP, SMR), pp. 994–999.
DATE-2009-XuVJ #runtime- Selective light Vth hopping (SLITH): Bridging the gap between runtime dynamic and leakage (HX, RV, WBJ), pp. 594–597.
DATE-2009-YilmazC #detection #fault- Seed selection in LFSR-reseeding-based test compression for the detection of small-delay defects (MY, KC), pp. 1488–1493.
ICDAR-2009-ChenLJ #estimation #modelling #orthogonal #recognition- Unsupervised Selection and Discriminative Estimation of Orthogonal Gaussian Mixture Models for Handwritten Digit Recognition (XC, XL, YJ), pp. 1151–1155.
ICDAR-2009-ChouaibVCT #documentation #feature model- Generic Feature Selection and Document Processing (HC, NV, FC, ST), pp. 356–360.
ICDAR-2009-PereiraC #classification #prototype- Prototype Selection for Handwritten Connected Digits Classification (CdSP, GDCC), pp. 1021–1025.
ICDAR-2009-SchenkKR #online #question #recognition- Selecting Features in On-Line Handwritten Whiteboard Note Recognition: SFS or SFFS? (JS, MK, GR), pp. 1251–1254.
ICDAR-2009-WangBT #automation #documentation #image- Automatic Corresponding Control Points Selection for Historical Document Image Registration (JW, MSB, CLT), pp. 1176–1180.
ICDAR-2009-ZhuSMHN #classification #feature model- Separate Chinese Character and English Character by Cascade Classifier and Feature Selection (YZ, JS, AM, YH, SN), pp. 1191–1195.
SIGMOD-2009-GeorgiadisCV #xpath- Cost based plan selection for xpath (HG, MC, VV), pp. 603–614.
ICPC-2009-ShternT #algorithm #clustering- Methods for selecting and improving software clustering algorithms (MS, VT), pp. 248–252.
ICSM-2009-JiaSYL #data transformation #difference #predict #question #set- Data transformation and attribute subset selection: Do they help make differences in software failure prediction? (HJ, FS, YY, QL), pp. 519–522.
ICSM-2009-NaslavskyZR #modelling #testing- A model-based regression test selection technique (LN, HZ, DJR), pp. 515–518.
PLDI-2009-ShachamVY #adaptation #named- Chameleon: adaptive selection of collections (OS, MTV, EY), pp. 408–418.
ICALP-v1-2009-AjtaiFHN #sorting- Sorting and Selection with Imprecise Comparisons (MA, VF, AH, JN), pp. 37–48.
ICALP-v1-2009-ValleeCFF- The Number of Symbol Comparisons in QuickSort and QuickSelect (BV, JC, JAF, PF), pp. 750–763.
SEFM-2009-SubramaniamGP #finite #impact analysis #state machine #testing #using- Using Change Impact Analysis to Select Tests for Extended Finite State Machines (MS, BG, ZP), pp. 93–102.
ICFP-2009-RompfMO #continuation #implementation #polymorphism- Implementing first-class polymorphic delimited continuations by a type-directed selective CPS-transform (TR, IM, MO), pp. 317–328.
CHI-2009-FeketeEG #named #using- Motion-pointing: target selection using elliptical motions (JDF, NE, YG), pp. 289–298.
CHI-2009-FindlaterMMD #adaptation #performance- Ephemeral adaptation: the use of gradual onset to improve menu selection performance (LF, KM, JM, JQD), pp. 1655–1664.
CHI-2009-LudwigPT #interactive #novel- Path selection: a novel interaction technique for mapping applications (ML, RP, LGT), pp. 2309–2318.
CHI-2009-MaedaIA- Arrow tag: a direction-key-based technique for rapidly selecting hyperlinks while gazing at a screen (AM, HI, MA), pp. 1025–1028.
CHI-2009-RothT #mobile #multi- Bezel swipe: conflict-free scrolling and multiple selection on mobile touch screen devices (VR, TT), pp. 1523–1526.
CHI-2009-SauvanLLC #human-computer #interface #performance- A performance model of selection techniques for p300-based brain-computer interfaces (JBS, AL, FL, GC), pp. 2205–2208.
HCI-NIMT-2009-SadP #modelling #predict #word- Modeling Word Selection in Predictive Text Entry (HHS, FP), pp. 725–734.
HCI-NT-2009-AsteriadisKK #feature model #human-computer- Feature Extraction and Selection for Inferring User Engagement in an HCI Environment (SA, KK, SDK), pp. 22–29.
HIMI-DIE-2009-SrinivasSPK #classification #feature model #performance #using- Efficient Text Classification Using Best Feature Selection and Combination of Methods (MS, KPS, EVP, SAK), pp. 437–446.
HIMI-II-2009-ChouC09a #fuzzy #multi #perspective- A Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making Model for Selecting the Distribution Center Location in China: A Taiwanese Manufacturer’s Perspective (CCC, PCC), pp. 140–148.
HIMI-II-2009-Terawaki #framework #learning- Framework for Supporting Decision Making in Learning Management System Selection (YT), pp. 699–707.
OCSC-2009-SongNKE #recommendation #using #word- A Proposed Movie Recommendation Method Using Emotional Word Selection (MS, HN, HGK, JE), pp. 525–534.
CAiSE-2009-MaLXZY #modelling- Preference Model Driven Services Selection (WM, LL, HX, HZ, JY), pp. 216–230.
CAiSE-2009-YuR #automation #collaboration- Automated Context-Aware Service Selection for Collaborative Systems (HY, SRM), pp. 261–274.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-SmutsML #information management #tool support- Key Characteristics in Selecting Software Tools for Knowledge Management (HS, AvdM, ML), pp. 170–179.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-CastilloCGPPV #network #quality #trust- Establishing Trust Networks based on Data Quality Criteria for Selecting Data Suppliers (RPC, IC, IGRdG, MP, MP, EV), pp. 37–42.
ICEIS-J-2009-CallegariB #fuzzy #logic #multi #using- A Multi-criteria Resource Selection Method for Software Projects Using Fuzzy Logic (DAC, RMB), pp. 376–388.
ICEIS-J-2009-LahiriW #automation #requirements #web #web service- A Business Service Selection Model for Automated Web Service Discovery Requirements (TL, MW), pp. 790–803.
CIKM-2009-ArguelloCD #classification- Classification-based resource selection (JA, JC, FD), pp. 1277–1286.
CIKM-2009-BashirR #clustering #documentation #feedback #pseudo- Improving retrievability of patents with cluster-based pseudo-relevance feedback documents selection (SB, AR), pp. 1863–1866.
CIKM-2009-CetintasSY #learning #query- Learning from past queries for resource selection (SC, LS, HY), pp. 1867–1870.
CIKM-2009-KanungoGKW #algorithm #summary #user satisfaction #web- Web search result summarization: title selection algorithms and user satisfaction (TK, NG, KYK, LW), pp. 1581–1584.
CIKM-2009-PanCASD #feature model #ranking #using- Feature selection for ranking using boosted trees (FP, TC, DA, FS, GD), pp. 2025–2028.
CIKM-2009-PengMHO #case study #enterprise- A study of selective collection enrichment for enterprise search (JP, CM, BH, IO), pp. 1999–2002.
CIKM-2009-PitonBBG #data mining #mining- Domain driven data mining to improve promotional campaign ROI and select marketing channels (TP, JB, HB, FG), pp. 1057–1066.
CIKM-2009-WangZLG #comparative #documentation #summary- Comparative document summarization via discriminative sentence selection (DW, SZ, TL, YG), pp. 1963–1966.
CIKM-2009-XuFZH #feature model #orthogonal #using- To obtain orthogonal feature extraction using training data selection (YX, SF, JZ, OH), pp. 1819–1822.
CIKM-2009-ZhengDG #crawling #graph- Graph-based seed selection for web-scale crawlers (SZ, PD, CLG), pp. 1967–1970.
ECIR-2009-BechetRC #towards- Towards the Selection of Induced Syntactic Relations (NB, MR, JC), pp. 786–790.
ECIR-2009-PaltoglouSS #adaptation #algorithm #data fusion- Simple Adaptations of Data Fusion Algorithms for Source Selection (GP, MS, MS), pp. 497–508.
ECIR-2009-PengO #independence #information retrieval #web- Selective Application of Query-Independent Features in Web Information Retrieval (JP, IO), pp. 375–387.
ICML-2009-Cesa-BianchiGO #bound #classification #robust- Robust bounds for classification via selective sampling (NCB, CG, FO), pp. 121–128.
ICML-2009-DiukLL #adaptation #feature model #learning #problem- The adaptive k-meteorologists problem and its application to structure learning and feature selection in reinforcement learning (CD, LL, BRL), pp. 249–256.
ICML-2009-FarhangfarGS #image #learning- Learning to segment from a few well-selected training images (AF, RG, CS), pp. 305–312.
ICML-2009-Heidrich-MeisnerI #policy- Hoeffding and Bernstein races for selecting policies in evolutionary direct policy search (VHM, CI), pp. 401–408.
ICML-2009-HelleputteD #feature model #linear #modelling- Partially supervised feature selection with regularized linear models (TH, PD), pp. 409–416.
ICML-2009-KolterN09a #difference #feature model #learning- Regularization and feature selection in least-squares temporal difference learning (JZK, AYN), pp. 521–528.
ICML-2009-XuJYLK #feature model- Non-monotonic feature selection (ZX, RJ, JY, MRL, IK), pp. 1145–1152.
KDD-2009-DonmezCS #learning- Efficiently learning the accuracy of labeling sources for selective sampling (PD, JGC, JGS), pp. 259–268.
KDD-2009-LoscalzoYD #feature model- Consensus group stable feature selection (SL, LY, CHQD), pp. 567–576.
KDD-2009-ProvostDHZM #network #online #privacy #social- Audience selection for on-line brand advertising: privacy-friendly social network targeting (FJP, BD, RH, XZ, AM), pp. 707–716.
KDIR-2009-DuarteDRF #clustering #consistency #using- Cluster Ensemble Selection — Using Average Cluster Consistency (FJFD, JMMD, FR, ALNF), pp. 85–95.
KDIR-2009-GabadinhoRSM #category theory #sequence #set #visualisation- Summarizing Sets of Categorical Sequences — Selecting and Visualizing Representative Sequences (AG, GR, MS, NSM), pp. 62–69.
KDIR-2009-SilvestreCF #category theory #clustering #modelling- Selecting Categorical Features in Model-based Clustering (CMVS, MMGSC, MATF), pp. 303–306.
KEOD-2009-ThwaitesFS #graph- Chain Event Graph Map Model Selection (PAT, GF, JQS), pp. 392–395.
MLDM-2009-JingWYX #categorisation #feature model #framework- A General Framework of Feature Selection for Text Categorization (HJ, BW, YY, YX), pp. 647–662.
MLDM-2009-Mendes-MoreiraJSS #approach #case study #learning- Ensemble Learning: A Study on Different Variants of the Dynamic Selection Approach (JMM, AMJ, CS, JFdS), pp. 191–205.
MLDM-2009-SeredinKM #machine learning #order #set- Selection of Subsets of Ordered Features in Machine Learning (OS, AK, VM), pp. 16–28.
MLDM-2009-StrumbeljRK #learning- Learning Betting Tips from Users’ Bet Selections (ES, MRS, IK), pp. 678–688.
SEKE-2009-BarbosaB #elicitation #process #requirements #towards- Towards the Selection of the Most Suitable Elicitation Technique Through a Defined Requirements Elicitation Process (MWB, GARB), pp. 33–36.
SEKE-2009-Hayshi #outsourcing #process- Establish Decision Making Process for Selecting Outsourcing Company (AH), pp. 666–671.
SEKE-2009-LinWK #algorithm #feature model #hybrid #novel- A Novel Hybrid Search Algorithm for Feature Selection (PL, HW, TMK), pp. 81–86.
SEKE-2009-MoavenAHK #architecture- Decision Support System Environment for Software Architecture Style Selection (DESAS v1.0) (SM, HA, JH, AK), pp. 147–151.
SIGIR-2009-ArguelloDCC- Sources of evidence for vertical selection (JA, FD, JC, JFC), pp. 315–322.
SIGIR-2009-AslamKPSY #documentation #effectiveness #performance #ranking- Document selection methodologies for efficient and effective learning-to-rank (JAA, EK, VP, SS, EY), pp. 468–475.
SIGIR-2009-DiazA #adaptation #feedback #predict- Adaptation of offline vertical selection predictions in the presence of user feedback (FD, JA), pp. 323–330.
SIGIR-2009-GongO #ambiguity #clustering #web- Selecting hierarchical clustering cut points for web person-name disambiguation (JG, DWO), pp. 778–779.
SIGIR-2009-LiLJZ #ranking #robust #web- Comparing both relevance and robustness in selection of web ranking functions (FL, XL, SJ, ZZ), pp. 648–649.
SIGIR-2009-PunithaJG #automation #feature model #multi #query #retrieval #topic #using #video- Topic prerogative feature selection using multiple query examples for automatic video retrieval (PP, JMJ, AG), pp. 804–805.
SIGIR-2009-ThomasS #named- SUSHI: scoring scaled samples for server selection (PT, MS), pp. 419–426.
SIGIR-2009-YangC #automation #feature model #induction #taxonomy- Feature selection for automatic taxonomy induction (HY, JC), pp. 684–685.
SIGIR-2009-ZhuWVC #evaluation #information retrieval #query #topic- Topic (query) selection for IR evaluation (JZ, JW, VV, IJC), pp. 802–803.
RE-2009-GotelM #how #requirements- How to Select a Requirements Management Tool: Initial Steps (OG, PM), pp. 365–367.
SAC-2009-BeckerR #evaluation #modelling #off the shelf #requirements- Requirements modelling and evaluation for digital preservation: a COTS selection method based on controlled experimentation (CB, AR), pp. 401–402.
SAC-2009-HuangCZLT #java #testing- An optimized change-driven regression testing selection strategy for binary Java applications (SH, YC, JZ, ZJL, HT), pp. 558–565.
SAC-2009-WangCH #learning #multi #music #retrieval- Music retrieval based on a multi-samples selection strategy for support vector machine active learning (TW, GC, PH), pp. 1750–1751.
SAC-2009-WuM #collaboration #web- Diverse peer selection in collaborative web search (LSW, FM), pp. 1709–1713.
ASPLOS-2009-GuptaKU #named- DFTL: a flash translation layer employing demand-based selective caching of page-level address mappings (AG, YK, BU), pp. 229–240.
HPCA-2009-Chaudhuri #locality #multi #named #policy #scalability- PageNUCA: Selected policies for page-grain locality management in large shared chip-multiprocessor caches (MC), pp. 227–238.
LCTES-2009-LeatherOW #compilation #optimisation #performance- Raced profiles: efficient selection of competing compiler optimizations (HL, MFPO, BW), pp. 50–59.
CADE-2009-Rinard #proving #reasoning- Integrated Reasoning and Proof Choice Point Selection in the Jahob System — Mechanisms for Program Survival (MCR), pp. 1–16.
ICST-2009-MouelhiTB #functional #policy #security #testing- Transforming and Selecting Functional Test Cases for Security Policy Testing (TM, YLT, BB), pp. 171–180.
ICST-2009-WikstrandFGZW #testing- Dynamic Regression Test Selection Based on a File Cache (GW, RF, JKG, WZ, CW), pp. 299–302.
SAT-2009-BelovS #probability #process #satisfiability- Improving Variable Selection Process in Stochastic Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability (AB, ZS), pp. 258–264.
SAT-2009-HaimW #machine learning #using- Restart Strategy Selection Using Machine Learning Techniques (SH, TW), pp. 312–325.
SAT-2009-NikolicMJ #policy #satisfiability- Instance-Based Selection of Policies for SAT Solvers (MN, FM, PJ), pp. 326–340.
TestCom-FATES-2009-SubramaniamXGP #approach #proving #testing #theorem proving #using- An Approach for Test Selection for EFSMs Using a Theorem Prover (MS, LX, BG, ZP), pp. 146–162.
CBSE-2008-GeorgeFS #component #framework #library #off the shelf- A Component Selection Framework for COTS Libraries (BG, RF, SS), pp. 286–301.
CASE-2008-AnisHM #array #automation- Automated vision-based selection and placement of single cells in microwell array formats (YHA, MH, DRM), pp. 315–320.
CASE-2008-NelaturiAST- Feasible spaces in weld gun selection (SN, AA, VS, RT), pp. 870–875.
CASE-2008-SenthilkumaranPR- Shrinkage compensation along single direction dexel space for improving accuracy in Selective Laser Sintering (KS, PMP, PVMR), pp. 827–832.
CASE-2008-WuCZLC- Developing a selection scheme for dual virtual-metrology outputs (WMW, FTC, DLZ, THL, JFC), pp. 230–235.
DAC-2008-BauerSH #embedded #runtime #set- Run-time instruction set selection in a transmutable embedded processor (LB, MS, JH), pp. 56–61.
DAC-2008-GuzeyWLF #analysis #functional #testing- Functional test selection based on unsupervised support vector analysis (OG, LCW, JRL, HF), pp. 262–267.
DATE-2008-BaoAEP #energy #optimisation- Temperature-Aware Voltage Selection for Energy Optimization (MB, AA, PE, ZP), pp. 1083–1086.
DATE-2008-LinPBB #detection- Physically-Aware N-Detect Test Pattern Selection (YTL, OP, NKB, RDB), pp. 634–639.
DATE-2008-LiuQW #energy #realtime- Energy Aware Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Selection for Real-Time Systems with Energy Harvesting (SL, QQ, QW), pp. 236–241.
DATE-2008-WolinskiK #automation #configuration management- Automatic Selection of Application-Specific Reconfigurable Processor Extensions (CW, KK), pp. 1214–1219.
HT-2008-BatemanGN #in the cloud #visual notation- Seeing things in the clouds: the effect of visual features on tag cloud selections (SB, CG, MAN), pp. 193–202.
HT-2008-KetterlEB #learning #social #web- Social selected learning content out of web lectures (MK, JE, JB), pp. 231–232.
SIGMOD-2008-VuOPT #database #graph #keyword- A graph method for keyword-based selection of the top-K databases (QHV, BCO, DP, AKHT), pp. 915–926.
SIGMOD-2008-YangWL #approximate #cost analysis #query #string- Cost-based variable-length-gram selection for string collections to support approximate queries efficiently (XY, BW, CL), pp. 353–364.
VLDB-2008-HadjieleftheriouYKS #query #set #similarity- Hashed samples: selectivity estimators for set similarity selection queries (MH, XY, NK, DS), pp. 201–212.
CSEET-2008-TaranRR #challenge #industrial- Continuing Challenges in Selecting Industry Projects for Academic Credit: Points to Consider and Pitfalls to Avoid (GT, DR, MRL), pp. 163–170.
ICSM-2008-LiH #random testing #testing #using- Using random test selection to gain confidence in modified software (WL, MJH), pp. 267–276.
STOC-2008-DasK #algorithm #linear #set- Algorithms for subset selection in linear regression (AD, DK), pp. 45–54.
DLT-2008-Jancar #decidability #similarity- Selected Ideas Used for Decidability and Undecidability of Bisimilarity (PJ), pp. 56–71.
CHI-2008-FitzmauriceMKGK #agile #named- PieCursor: merging pointing and command selection for rapid in-place tool switching (GWF, JM, AK, MG, GK), pp. 1361–1370.
CHI-2008-ForlinesB #feedback- Evaluating tactile feedback and direct vs. indirect stylus input in pointing and crossing selection tasks (CF, RB), pp. 1563–1572.
CHI-2008-HayesGAT #behaviour #named- CareLog: a selective archiving tool for behavior management in schools (GRH, LMG, GDA, KNT), pp. 685–694.
CHI-2008-HeerAW #interactive #query- Generalized selection via interactive query relaxation (JH, MA, WW), pp. 959–968.
CHI-2008-OlwalFH #agile #precise- Rubbing and tapping for precise and rapid selection on touch-screen displays (AO, SF, SH), pp. 295–304.
CHI-2008-ShamiEM #exclamation- Pick me!: link selection in expertise search results (NSS, KE, DRM), pp. 1089–1092.
CHI-2008-TanvirCIC #adaptation #named- AAMU: adaptive activation area menus for improving selection in cascading pull-down menus (ET, JC, PI, AC), pp. 1381–1384.
CHI-2008-TianXWZLSD #3d #user interface #using- Tilt menu: using the 3D orientation information of pen devices to extend the selection capability of pen-based user interfaces (FT, LX, HW, XZ, YL, VS, GD), pp. 1371–1380.
CHI-2008-YataniPBN #gesture #named #using- Escape: a target selection technique using visually-cued gestures (KY, KP, MWB, MWN), pp. 285–294.
CAiSE-2008-HerssensJF #using- Capturing and Using QoS Relationships to Improve Service Selection (CH, IJ, SF), pp. 312–327.
EDOC-2008-PreteC #mobile #reliability- Reliable Discovery and Selection of Composite Services in Mobile Environments (LDP, LC), pp. 171–180.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-AccianiFMM #classification #feature model #search-based #statistics- Genetic Feature Selection and Statistical Classification of Voids in Concrete Structure (GA, GF, DM, DM), pp. 231–234.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-KuoLH- An Intelligent Decision Support System for Supplier Selection (RJK, LYL, TLH), pp. 241–248.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-LiuKL #specification- A FAHP-Based Technology Selection and Specification Methodology (KCL, DFK, DL), pp. 161–168.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-ThimmTR #network- Partner Selection for Virtual Organization — Supporting the Moderator in Business Networks (HT, KT, KBR), pp. 119–126.
CIKM-2008-BoutsidisSA #clustering #metric #set- Clustered subset selection and its applications on it service metrics (CB, JS, NA), pp. 599–608.
CIKM-2008-FeiH #classification #feature model #graph- Structure feature selection for graph classification (HF, JH), pp. 991–1000.
CIKM-2008-KormilitsinCFS #algorithm #heuristic- View and index selection for query-performance improvement: quality-centered algorithms and heuristics (MK, RC, YF, MFS), pp. 1329–1330.
CIKM-2008-MaYLK #mining #network #process #social #using- Mining social networks using heat diffusion processes for marketing candidates selection (HM, HY, MRL, IK), pp. 233–242.
CIKM-2008-SeoC #using- Blog site search using resource selection (JS, WBC), pp. 1053–1062.
CIKM-2008-ZhuangHSJ #profiling- Representative entry selection for profiling blogs (JZ, SCHH, AS, RJ), pp. 1387–1388.
ECIR-2008-HuangSR #documentation #feedback #pseudo #query #robust- Robust Query-Specific Pseudo Feedback Document Selection for Query Expansion (QH, DS, SMR), pp. 547–554.
ECIR-2008-JonesL #feedback #hypermedia #topic- Focused Browsing: Providing Topical Feedback for Link Selection in Hypertext Browsing (GJFJ, QL), pp. 700–704.
ICML-2008-ParrLTPL #analysis #approximate #feature model #learning #linear #modelling- An analysis of linear models, linear value-function approximation, and feature selection for reinforcement learning (RP, LL, GT, CPW, MLL), pp. 752–759.
ICML-2008-RaykarKBDR #automation #feature model #induction #learning #multi- Bayesian multiple instance learning: automatic feature selection and inductive transfer (VCR, BK, JB, MD, RBR), pp. 808–815.
ICML-2008-ReisingerSM #kernel #learning #online- Online kernel selection for Bayesian reinforcement learning (JR, PS, RM), pp. 816–823.
ICPR-2008-BianT- Harmonic mean for subspace selection (WB, DT), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChouaibTTCV #algorithm #classification #feature model #search-based- Feature selection combining genetic algorithm and Adaboost classifiers (HC, ORT, ST, FC, NV), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-DehzangiMCL #classification #fuzzy #learning #speech #using- Fuzzy rule selection using Iterative Rule Learning for speech data classification (OD, BM, CES, HL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-GehrigS #recognition- Selecting relevant features for human motion recognition (DG, TS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-Hernandez-RodriguezTC #classification #on the #prototype- On the selection of base prototypes for LAESA and TLAESA classifiers (SHR, JFMT, JACO), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-HidakaK #feature model #optimisation #using- Non-Neighboring Rectangular Feature selection using Particle Swarm Optimization (AH, TK), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-JradGB #constraints #learning #multi #performance- Supervised learning rule selection for multiclass decision with performance constraints (NJ, EGM, PB), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KhushabaAA #difference #evolution #set- Differential evolution basedfeature subset selection (RNK, AAA, AAJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-KrizekKH #algorithm #feature model- Feature condensing algorithm for feature selection (PK, JK, VH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiDM #feature model #learning #locality #using- Localized feature selection for Gaussian mixtures using variational learning (YL, MD, YM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiuW #online #verification- Template selection for on-line signature verification (NL, YW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LiYZHC- Score based biometric template selection (YL, JY, EZ, CH, HC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-NaYKC #learning- Relevant pattern selection for subspace learning (JHN, SMY, MK, JYC), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-OikeWW #adaptation #clustering- Adaptive selection of non-target cluster centers for K-means tracker (HO, HW, TW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ShanCW #algorithm #automation #image #novel- A novel automatic seed point selection algorithm for breast ultrasound images (JS, HDC, YW), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SpringerK #feature model- Feature selection via decision tree surrogate splits (CS, WPK), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-StewmanD #recognition- Contour registration and corresponding point selection for dorsal fin recognition (JHS, KD), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-SukumarBPKA #locality #multi #nondeterminism #using- Uncertainty minimization in multi-sensor localization systems using model selection theory (SRS, HB, DLP, AK, MAA), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-TsuchiyaF #feature model #using- A method of feature selection using contribution ratio based on boosting (MT, HF), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WangY #feature model #image #realtime- Feature selection for real-time image matching systems (QW, SY), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WatanabeIHY #algorithm #performance #reduction #using #video- A fast algorithm of video super-resolution using dimensionality reduction by DCT and example selection (KW, YI, TH, MY), pp. 1–5.
ICPR-2008-ZhengW #detection #precise #robust- Robust and precise eye detection based on locally selective projection (YZ, ZW), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-BoutsidisMD #analysis #component #feature model- Unsupervised feature selection for principal components analysis (CB, MWM, PD), pp. 61–69.
KDD-2008-ChenW #classification #feature model #metric #named #performance #problem- FAST: a roc-based feature selection metric for small samples and imbalanced data classification problems (XwC, MW), pp. 124–132.
KDD-2008-HuangDLL #clustering #equivalence #higher-order- Simultaneous tensor subspace selection and clustering: the equivalence of high order svd and k-means clustering (HH, CHQD, DL, TL), pp. 327–335.
KDD-2008-MelvilleRL #modelling #using #web- Customer targeting models using actively-selected web content (PM, SR, RDL), pp. 946–953.
KDD-2008-YuDL #feature model- Stable feature selection via dense feature groups (LY, CHQD, SL), pp. 803–811.
SEKE-2008-FraserWW #automaton #testing #using- Using Observer Automata to Select Test Cases for Test Purposes (GF, MW, FW), pp. 709–714.
SEKE-2008-XiPLH #component #repository- A Goal-oriented Mixed-granularity Component Selection Method for Huge Component Repositories (XX, JP, JL, SH), pp. 573–576.
SEKE-2008-YangDZ #performance #predict #reliability- Reliability Oriented QoS Driven Composite Service Selection Based on Performance Prediction (LY, YD, BZ), pp. 215–218.
SEKE-2008-ZhouRF #case study #component #development #estimation #reuse- Supporting Reusable Component Selection with Use Case Gap-based Development Effort Estimation (XZ, BR, CF), pp. 155–166.
SIGIR-2008-CaoNGR #feedback #pseudo- Selecting good expansion terms for pseudo-relevance feedback (GC, JYN, JG, SR), pp. 243–250.
SIGIR-2008-PengMO #automation #documentation #feature model #retrieval #web- Automatic document prior feature selection for web retrieval (JP, CM, IO), pp. 761–762.
ECOOP-2008-ZhangH #adaptation #layout #online- Online Phase-Adaptive Data Layout Selection (CZ, MH), pp. 309–334.
RE-2008-WeissM #requirements #security- Selecting Security Patterns that Fulfill Security Requirements (MW, HM), pp. 169–172.
REFSQ-2008-BendjennaZC #distributed #elicitation #process- Enhancing Elicitation Technique Selection Process in a Cooperative Distributed Environment (HB, NZ, PJC), pp. 23–36.
REFSQ-2008-FrickerG #framework #requirements- Negotiation Constellations — Method Selection Framework for Requirements Negotiation (SF, PG), pp. 37–51.
SAC-2008-AnagnostopoulosAH #adaptation #data type #multi #what- Deciding what to observe next: adaptive variable selection for regression in multivariate data streams (CA, NMA, DJH), pp. 961–965.
SAC-2008-AssisLSG #crawling- The impact of term selection in genre-aware focused crawling (GTdA, AHFL, ASdS, MAG), pp. 1158–1163.
SAC-2008-BragaOM #estimation #feature model #optimisation #parametricity- A GA-based feature selection and parameters optimization for support vector regression applied to software effort estimation (PLB, ALIO, SRLM), pp. 1788–1792.
SAC-2008-CartaxoANM #embedded #functional #named #testing- LTS-BT: a tool to generate and select functional test cases for embedded systems (EGC, WdLA, FGON, PDLM), pp. 1540–1544.
SAC-2008-ChaariBB #ontology #web #web service- Enhancing web service selection by QoS-based ontology and WS-policy (SC, YB, FB), pp. 2426–2431.
SAC-2008-GoldbargGM #algorithm- Selecting beam directions in radiotherapy with an evolutionary algorithm (MCG, EFGG, CRAM), pp. 1420–1421.
SAC-2008-MatosBP #recognition #using- Face recognition using DCT coefficients selection (FMdSM, LVB, JvdP), pp. 1753–1757.
SAC-2008-MengleG #algorithm #ambiguity #classification #feature model #using- Using ambiguity measure feature selection algorithm for support vector machine classifier (SSRM, NG), pp. 916–920.
SAC-2008-RibeiroTT #algorithm #feature model- A new algorithm for data discretization and feature selection (MXR, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 953–954.
SAC-2008-TiakasPNM #estimation #network- Selectivity estimation in spatial networks (ET, ANP, AN, YM), pp. 852–856.
SAC-2008-WangHVZ #concept #multi #ontology #semantics #web #web service- Semantic web services selection improved by application ontology with multiple concept relations (XW, MH, TV, MZ), pp. 2237–2242.
ICSE-2008-ChenY #constraints #dependence #grid #verification #workflow- Temporal dependency based checkpoint selection for dynamic verification of fixed-time constraints in grid workflow systems (JC, YY), pp. 141–150.
CGO-2008-KoesG #graph- Near-optimal instruction selection on dags (DRK, SCG), pp. 45–54.
HPDC-2008-RaoHK #approach #peer-to-peer- An unstructured peer-to-peer approach to aggregate node selection (IR, AH, SK), pp. 209–212.
LCTES-2008-EbnerBSKWK #using- Generalized instruction selection using SSA-graphs (DE, FB, BS, AK, PW, AK), pp. 31–40.
ICST-2008-FarchiU- Selective Homeworkless Reviews (EF, SU), pp. 404–413.
ICST-2008-SenBM #model transformation #modelling #multi #on the #testing- On Combining Multi-formalism Knowledge to Select Models for Model Transformation Testing (SS, BB, JMM), pp. 328–337.
WICSA-2007-BhutaMMB #architecture #assessment #component #framework- A Framework for the Assessment and Selection of Software Components and Connectors in COTS-Based Architectures (JB, CM, NM, BWB), p. 6.
ASE-2007-CortellessaCMP #component #off the shelf #requirements- Driving the selection of cots components on the basis of system requirements (VC, IC, FM, PP), pp. 413–416.
ASE-2007-ZhengWR #automation #named #testing- Pallino: automation to support regression test selection for cots-based applications (JZ, LW, BR), pp. 224–233.
CASE-2007-GarciaV #automation #configuration management #feature model #visual notation- Automated Feature Selection Methodology for Reconfigurable Automated Visual Inspection Systems (HCG, JRV), pp. 542–547.
CASE-2007-HanGS- Optimal Supply Location Selection and Routing for Emergency Material Delivery (YH, XG, LS), pp. 1039–1044.
CASE-2007-MattikalliFFLT- Optimal Sensor Selection and Placement for Perimeter Defense (RSM, RDF, PDF, SL, PZT), pp. 911–918.
CASE-2007-PanH #analysis- Diagnosability Analysis and Sensor Selection in Discrete-Event Systems with Permanent Failures (JP, SHZ), pp. 869–874.
CASE-2007-ViswanadhamK #framework- A Decision Framework for Location Selection in Global Supply Chains (NV, SK), pp. 704–709.
CASE-2007-ZhangBGL #feature model #hybrid #monitoring- A Hybrid Model with a Weighted Voting Scheme for Feature Selection in Machinery Condition Monitoring (KZ, ADB, FG, YL), pp. 424–429.
DAC-2007-AmelifardP #network #power management- Optimal Selection of Voltage Regulator Modules in a Power Delivery Network (BA, MP), pp. 168–173.
DAC-2007-BanerjeeBDN #architecture #configuration management #resource management #scheduling- Selective Band width and Resource Management in Scheduling for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures (SB, EB, ND, JN), pp. 771–776.
DATE-2007-EeckelaertSGSS #performance #synthesis- An efficient methodology for hierarchical synthesis of mixed-signal systems with fully integrated building block topology selection (TE, RS, GGEG, MS, WMCS), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2007-SeongM #performance #taxonomy #using- An efficient code compression technique using application-aware bitmask and dictionary selection methods (SWS, PM), pp. 582–587.
DATE-2007-YetikSTD #architecture #interactive #matlab #optimisation- Interactive presentation: A coefficient optimization and architecture selection tool for SigmaDelta modulators in MATLAB (ÖY, OS, ST, GD), pp. 87–92.
DRR-2007-Obrador #composition #image #quality- Content selection based on compositional image quality (PO).
ICDAR-2007-ChatelainALHP #multi #optimisation- Multi-Objective Optimization for SVM Model Selection (CC, SA, YL, LH, TP), pp. 427–431.
ICDAR-2007-KoSB- K-Nearest Oracle for Dynamic Ensemble Selection (AHRK, RS, AdSBJ), pp. 422–426.
ICDAR-2007-SchulzMM #performance #precise #set- Fast Selection of Small and Precise Candidate Sets from Dictionaries for Text Correction Tasks (KUS, SM, PM), pp. 471–475.
SIGMOD-2007-ChandelHKSS #approximate #benchmark #declarative #metric- Benchmarking declarative approximate selection predicates (AC, OH, NK, MS, DS), pp. 353–364.
SIGMOD-2007-XinHC #ad hoc #ranking- Progressive and selective merge: computing top-k with ad-hoc ranking functions (DX, JH, KCCC), pp. 103–114.
SIGMOD-2007-YuLST #database #effectiveness #keyword #relational- Effective keyword-based selection of relational databases (BY, GL, KRS, AKHT), pp. 139–150.
VLDB-2007-LeeNS #distance #edit distance #string- Extending Q-Grams to Estimate Selectivity of String Matching with Low Edit Distance (HL, RTN, KS), pp. 195–206.
ICSM-2007-JoshiO #named- SCARPE: A Technique and Tool for Selective Capture and Replay of Program Executions (SJ, AO), pp. 234–243.
STOC-2007-FranceschiniM- Optimal suffix selection (GF, SM), pp. 328–337.
CHI-2007-BauerK- Selection-based note-taking applications (AB, KRK), pp. 981–990.
CHI-2007-KristenssonZ #gesture #using- Command strokes with and without preview: using pen gestures on keyboard for command selection (POK, SZ), pp. 1137–1146.
CHI-2007-KumarPW #named #using- EyePoint: practical pointing and selection using gaze and keyboard (MK, AP, TW), pp. 421–430.
CHI-2007-Tsandilass- Bubbling menus: a selective mechanism for accessing hierarchical drop-down menus (TT, MMCS), pp. 1195–1204.
CHI-2007-ZhaoDCBB #feedback #named #using- Earpod: eyes-free menu selection using touch input and reactive audio feedback (SZ, PD, MHC, RB, PB), pp. 1395–1404.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChenLWS #layout- Screen Layout on Color Search Task for Customized Product Color Combination Selection (CYC, YJL, FGW, CFS), pp. 32–40.
HCI-IPT-2007-SuhPYCW #interactive #mobile #personalisation #ubiquitous- Context-Aware Mobile AR System for Personalization, Selective Sharing, and Interaction of Contents in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (YS, YP, HY, YC, WW), pp. 966–974.
HCI-MIE-2007-HirotaWI #interface #using- Menu Selection Using Auditory Interface (KH, YW, YI), pp. 70–75.
HCI-MIE-2007-MarcusP #mobile #social #user interface #video- m-YouTube Mobile UI: Video Selection Based on Social Influence (AM, ÁP), pp. 926–932.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Chou- A Decision Making Model for the Taiwanese Shipping Logistics Company in China to Select the Container Distribution Center Location (CCC), pp. 844–854.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KusukawaMA #e-commerce- Impact of E-Commerce Environment on Selection of Sales Methods Considering Delivery Lead Time of Goods (EK, SM, IA), pp. 929–938.
HIMI-MTT-2007-JiGC #comparison #using #word- Selecting Target Word Using Contexonym Comparison Method (HJ, BG, HC), pp. 463–470.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SatoAT- A Method for Constructing a Movie-Selection Support System Based on Kansei Engineering (NS, MA, TT), pp. 526–534.
EDOC-2007-ComerioPMP #semantics #web #web service- NFP-aware Semantic Web Services Selection (MC, FDP, AM, MP), pp. 484–494.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-RoviraASPV #ranking- Group Decision Systems for Ranking and Selection — An Application to the Accreditation of Doping Control Laboratories (XR, NA, MS, FP, MV), pp. 82–87.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-WanzellerB #assessment #data mining #mining #similarity- Similarity Assessment in a CBR Application for Clickstream Data Mining Plans Selection (CW, OB), pp. 137–144.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-Baina #named #workflow- WFESelector — A tool for comparing and selecting workflow engines (KB), pp. 330–337.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MoragaCPD #named- PTSM: A portlet selection model (MÁM, CC, MP, OD), pp. 301–306.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-PapatheocharousA #estimation #network #using- Software cost estimation using artificial neural networks with inputs selection (EP, ASA), pp. 398–407.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-HubertM #evaluation #feedback- Relevance Feedback as an Indicator to Select the Best Search Engine — Evaluation on TREC Data (GH, JM), pp. 184–189.
ICEIS-J-2007-Sandkuhl07a #concept- Information Logistics in Networked Organizations: Selected Concepts and Applications (KS), pp. 43–54.
CIKM-2007-BhowmickLS #evaluation #performance #xml- Efficient evaluation of high-selective xml twig patterns with parent child edges in tree-unaware rdbms (SSB, EL, HS), pp. 673–682.
CIKM-2007-EavisL #estimation #multi #named- Rk-hist: an r-tree based histogram for multi-dimensional selectivity estimation (TE, AL), pp. 475–484.
CIKM-2007-HouleG #feature model- A correlation-based model for unsupervised feature selection (MEH, NG), pp. 897–900.
CIKM-2007-KumaranA #interactive- Selective user interaction (GK, JA), pp. 923–926.
CIKM-2007-Metzler #automation #feature model #information retrieval #markov #random- Automatic feature selection in the markov random field model for information retrieval (DM), pp. 253–262.
ECIR-2007-DavyL #categorisation #learning #query- Active Learning with History-Based Query Selection for Text Categorisation (MD, SL), pp. 695–698.
ECIR-2007-HuurninkR #query #retrieval #video- Term Selection and Query Operations for Video Retrieval (BH, MdR), pp. 708–711.
ECIR-2007-KimY #collaboration #effectiveness- An Effective Threshold-Based Neighbor Selection in Collaborative Filtering (THK, SBY), pp. 712–715.
ECIR-2007-Shokouhi #distributed #information retrieval- Central-Rank-Based Collection Selection in Uncooperative Distributed Information Retrieval (MS), pp. 160–172.
ICML-2007-CaoSSYC #feature model #kernel- Feature selection in a kernel space (BC, DS, JTS, QY, ZC), pp. 121–128.
ICML-2007-ChenJ #classification #feature model #set- Minimum reference set based feature selection for small sample classifications (XwC, JCJ), pp. 153–160.
ICML-2007-DaiY #kernel- Kernel selection forl semi-supervised kernel machines (GD, DYY), pp. 185–192.
ICML-2007-KramerB #kernel #performance- Kernelizing PLS, degrees of freedom, and efficient model selection (NK, MLB), pp. 441–448.
ICML-2007-SongSGBB #dependence #estimation #feature model- Supervised feature selection via dependence estimation (LS, AJS, AG, KMB, JB), pp. 823–830.
ICML-2007-ZhaoL #feature model #learning- Spectral feature selection for supervised and unsupervised learning (ZZ, HL), pp. 1151–1157.
KDD-2007-DasguptaDHJM #classification #feature model- Feature selection methods for text classification (AD, PD, BH, VJ, MWM), pp. 230–239.
KDD-2007-SmithE #bias #classification #generative #robust- Making generative classifiers robust to selection bias (ATS, CE), pp. 657–666.
KDD-2007-YanL #machine learning- Machine learning for stock selection (RJY, CXL), pp. 1038–1042.
MLDM-2007-ChengCJY #feature model- Nonlinear Feature Selection by Relevance Feature Vector Machine (HC, HC, GJ, KY), pp. 144–159.
MLDM-2007-CzarnowskiJ #approach #multi- An Agent-Based Approach to the Multiple-Objective Selection of Reference Vectors (IC, PJ), pp. 117–130.
MLDM-2007-Olvera-LopezTC #float #strict- Restricted Sequential Floating Search Applied to Object Selection (JAOL, JFMT, JACO), pp. 694–702.
MLDM-2007-SunV #using- Data Selection Using SASH Trees for Support Vector Machines (CS, RV), pp. 286–295.
MLDM-2007-TronciGR #design #multi- Selection of Experts for the Design of Multiple Biometric Systems (RT, GG, FR), pp. 795–809.
RecSys-2007-BridgeR #editing #query #recommendation- Supporting product selection with query editing recommendations (DGB, FR), pp. 65–72.
SEKE-2007-VilainFM #agile #framework #process- A Framework for Selecting Agile Practices and Defining Agile Software Processes (PV, PBF, TLM), pp. 25–28.
SIGIR-2007-GengLQL #feature model #ranking- Feature selection for ranking (XG, TYL, TQ, HL), pp. 407–414.
SIGIR-2007-Haubold #ranking #retrieval #video- Selection and ranking of text from highly imperfect transcripts for retrieval of video content (AH), pp. 791–792.
SIGIR-2007-WinaverKD #framework #modelling #query #robust #towards- Towards robust query expansion: model selection in the language modeling framework (MW, OK, CD), pp. 729–730.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-PotterS #incremental- Incremental Lock Selection for Composite Objects (JP, AS), pp. 477–494.
REFSQ-2007-LiABD #release planning #scheduling- Integrated Requirement Selection and Scheduling for the Release Planning of a Software Product (CL, JMvdA, SB, GD), pp. 93–108.
SAC-2007-BillhardtHOC #trust- Trust-based service provider selection in open environments (HB, RH, SO, RC), pp. 1375–1380.
SAC-2007-BistarelliFP #using- Using CP-nets as a guide for countermeasure selection (SB, FF, PP), pp. 300–304.
SAC-2007-JunJ #ad hoc #automation #mobile #network #protocol- Automated routing protocol selection in mobile ad hoc networks (TJ, CJ), pp. 906–913.
SAC-2007-KarwaczynskiKMN #peer-to-peer #proximity- Dual proximity neighbour selection method for peer-to-peer-based discovery service (PK, DK, JM, MN), pp. 590–591.
SAC-2007-QiT #array #feature model #ontology- Integrating gene ontology into discriminative powers of genes for feature selection in microarray data (JQ, JT), pp. 430–434.
SAC-2007-WaltersHC #algorithm #distributed- Selecting a distributed agreement algorithm (RJW, PH, SC), pp. 586–587.
ICSE-2007-XuR #aspectj #testing- Regression Test Selection for AspectJ Software (G(X, AR), pp. 65–74.
SPLC-2007-WhiteSWN #automation #mobile #product line- Automating Product-Line Variant Selection for Mobile Devices (JW, DCS, EW, AN), pp. 129–140.
CGO-2007-CavazosFABOT #compilation #optimisation #performance #using- Rapidly Selecting Good Compiler Optimizations using Performance Counters (JC, GF, FVA, EVB, MFPO, OT), pp. 185–197.
ISMM-2007-SingerBWC #garbage collection- Intelligent selection of application-specific garbage collectors (JS, GB, IW, JC), pp. 91–102.
AMOST-2007-FarooqIMN #approach #state machine #testing- An approach for selective state machine based regression testing (QuaF, MZZI, ZIM, AN), pp. 44–52.
CADE-2007-SutcliffeP #axiom #named #semantics- SRASS — A Semantic Relevance Axiom Selection System (GS, YP), pp. 295–310.
ISSTA-2007-YooH #multi #performance #testing- Pareto efficient multi-objective test case selection (SY, MH), pp. 140–150.
CBSE-2006-CangussuCW #component #multi #process #using- Multi Criteria Selection of Components Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (JWC, KMLC, WEW), pp. 67–81.
DAC-2006-WangGG #deduction #difference #learning #logic- Predicate learning and selective theory deduction for a difference logic solver (CW, AG, MKG), pp. 235–240.
DATE-2006-PettisRL #automation #operating system #policy #runtime- Automatic run-time selection of power policies for operating systems (NP, JR, YHL), pp. 508–513.
DocEng-2006-Ruiz-RicoGR #automation #feature model #named #ranking- NEWPAR: an automatic feature selection and weighting schema for category ranking (FRR, JLVG, MCRS), pp. 128–137.
SIGMOD-2006-SpiegelP #estimation #graph #relational- Graph-based synopses for relational selectivity estimation (JS, NP), pp. 205–216.
VLDB-2006-KoudasLTV #query- Relaxing Join and Selection Queries (NK, CL, AKHT, RV), pp. 199–210.
VLDB-2006-XinHCL #approach #multi #query #ranking- Answering Top-k Queries with Multi-Dimensional Selections: The Ranking Cube Approach (DX, JH, HC, XL), pp. 463–475.
ICSM-2006-BakerHSS #component #problem- Search Based Approaches to Component Selection and Prioritization for the Next Release Problem (PB, MH, KS, AS), pp. 176–185.
ICSM-2006-Sneed #migration #testing- Selective Regression Testing of a Host to DotNet Migration (HMS), pp. 104–112.
PLDI-2006-ErtlCG #automaton #flexibility #on-demand #performance- Fast and flexible instruction selection with on-demand tree-parsing automata (MAE, KC, DG), pp. 52–60.
PLDI-2006-JohnsonE #algorithm #composition #independence- Context-sensitive domain-independent algorithm composition and selection (TAJ, RE), pp. 181–192.
ICALP-v1-2006-Golynski #bound #rank- Optimal Lower Bounds for Rank and Select Indexes (AG), pp. 370–381.
CHI-2006-BenkoWB #multi #precise- Precise selection techniques for multi-touch screens (HB, ADW, PB), pp. 1263–1272.
CHI-2006-EisensteinM #communication #evaluation- Interacting with communication appliances: an evaluation of two computer vision-based selection techniques (JE, WEM), pp. 1111–1114.
CHI-2006-IraniGY- Improving selection of off-screen targets with hopping (PI, CG, XDY), pp. 299–308.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-RamezaniM #case study #design #fuzzy #implementation- Design and Implementation of a Fuzzy Expert Decision Support System for Vendor Selection — Case Study in OIEC Iran (Oil Industerial Engineering and Construction) (MR, GAM), pp. 243–248.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2006-SoaresSS #community #semantics- Selecting and Structuring Semantic Resources to Support SMEs Knowledge Communities (ALS, MMdS, DS), pp. 270–277.
ICEIS-DISI-2006-LoureiroB #algorithm- A Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm for OLAP Data Cube Selection (JL, OB), pp. 46–62.
CIKM-2006-LuPLA #feature model #identification #machine learning #query- Coupling feature selection and machine learning methods for navigational query identification (YL, FP, XL, NA), pp. 682–689.
CIKM-2006-YeXLJBCK #analysis #linear #performance- Efficient model selection for regularized linear discriminant analysis (JY, TX, QL, RJ, JB, VC, CK), pp. 532–539.
ICML-2006-ArgyriouHMP #algorithm #kernel- A DC-programming algorithm for kernel selection (AA, RH, CAM, MP), pp. 41–48.
ICML-2006-BezakovaKS #graph #using- Graph model selection using maximum likelihood (IB, AK, RS), pp. 105–112.
ICML-2006-KimMB #analysis #kernel- Optimal kernel selection in Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (SJK, AM, SPB), pp. 465–472.
ICML-2006-SinghiL #bias #classification #learning #set- Feature subset selection bias for classification learning (SKS, HL), pp. 849–856.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChowdhuryGWM #detection #feature model- Note on Feature Selection for Polyp Detection in CT Colonography (TAC, OG, PFW, AAM), pp. 1017–1021.
ICPR-v1-2006-FuCLR #classification #feature model #image- Boosted Band Ratio Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification (ZF, TC, NL, ARK), pp. 1059–1062.
ICPR-v1-2006-KimK #classification #using- Simultaneous Classification and VisualWord Selection using Entropy-based Minimum Description Length (SK, ISK), pp. 650–653.
ICPR-v1-2006-TanakaHOK- Use of Viewpoint Information for Example Selection in CBIR (KT, MH, NO, EK), p. 1054.
ICPR-v2-2006-FrintropJC- Pay Attention When Selecting Features (SF, PJ, HIC), pp. 163–166.
ICPR-v2-2006-HuangCX #feature model- A Wrapper for Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information (JH, YC, XX), pp. 618–621.
ICPR-v2-2006-InoueNK #analysis #feature model #kernel #recognition #string #using- Historical Hand-Written String Recognition by Non-linear Discriminant Analysis using Kernel Feature Selection (RI, HN, NK), pp. 1094–1097.
ICPR-v2-2006-KrizekKH #feature model #set- Feature selection based on the training set manipulation (PK, JK, VH), pp. 658–661.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiangZ #feature model #linear- Feature selection for linear support vector machines (ZL, TZ), pp. 606–609.
ICPR-v2-2006-LiLW #feature model #hybrid #ranking- A Hybrid Method of Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Ranking (YL, BLL, ZFW), pp. 687–690.
ICPR-v2-2006-Ren #algorithm- A Pattern Selection Algorithm Based on the Generalized Confidence (JR), pp. 824–827.
ICPR-v2-2006-SomolP #algorithm #feature model #keyword #multi #prototype #using- Multi-Subset Selection for Keyword Extraction and Other Prototype Search Tasks Using Feature Selection Algorithms (PS, PP), pp. 736–739.
ICPR-v2-2006-UsoPSG #clustering #multi #using- Clustering-based multispectral band selection using mutual information (AMU, FP, JMS, PGS), pp. 760–763.
ICPR-v2-2006-YaslanC #classification #feature model #music #using- Audio Music Genre Classification Using Different Classifiers and Feature Selection Methods (YY, ZÇ), pp. 573–576.
ICPR-v2-2006-YuW06a #algorithm- Genetic-based K-means algorithm for selection of feature variables (ZY, HSW), pp. 744–747.
ICPR-v2-2006-ZhangR #incremental #learning- A New Data Selection Principle for Semi-Supervised Incremental Learning (RZ, AIR), pp. 780–783.
ICPR-v3-2006-LeukenVT #similarity- Selecting vantage objects for similarity indexing (RHvL, RCV, RT), pp. 453–456.
ICPR-v3-2006-LiGYCG #feature model- Facial Feature Selection Based on SVMs by Regularized Risk Minimization (WL, WG, LY, WC, XG), pp. 540–543.
ICPR-v3-2006-PranckevicieneHS #feature model- Class Separability in Spaces Reduced By Feature Selection (EP, TH, RLS), pp. 254–257.
ICPR-v3-2006-XuanZCZSF #distance #feature model- Feature Selection based on the Bhattacharyya Distance (GX, XZ, PC, ZZ, YQS, DF), pp. 1232–1235.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhuW #ranking #scalability- Scalable Representative Instance Selection and Ranking (XZ, XW), pp. 352–355.
ICPR-v4-2006-KoSB #random- A New Objective Function for Ensemble Selection in Random Subspaces (AHRK, RS, AdSBJ), pp. 185–188.
ICPR-v4-2006-KropotovPVV #kernel #on the #principle #using- On Kernel Selection in Relevance Vector Machines Using Stability Principle (DK, NP, OV, DV), pp. 233–236.
ICPR-v4-2006-SiddiquiM #adaptation #realtime- Real Time Limb Tracking with Adaptive Model Selection (MS, GGM), pp. 770–773.
ICPR-v4-2006-SunY #3d #evaluation #feature model #identification- Evaluation of 3D Facial Feature Selection for Individual Facial Model Identification (YS, LY), pp. 562–565.
ICPR-v4-2006-XuanZCZSF06a #distance #feature model- Feature Selection based on the Bhattacharyya Distance (GX, XZ, PC, ZZ, YQS, DF), p. 957.
KDD-2006-CarvalhoC #feature model #learning #online #performance- Single-pass online learning: performance, voting schemes and online feature selection (VRC, WWC), pp. 548–553.
KDD-2006-FanD #bias #classification #framework #performance #testing- Reverse testing: an efficient framework to select amongst classifiers under sample selection bias (WF, ID), pp. 147–156.
RE-2006-CarvalloFQ #component #off the shelf #requirements- Managing Non-Technical Requirements in COTS Components Selection (JPC, XF, CQ), pp. 316–321.
RE-2006-QuerFL #component #named #off the shelf- DesCOTS-SL: A Tool for the Selection of COTS Components (CQ, XF, XLP), pp. 358–359.
SAC-2006-AgostaCPS #analysis #bytecode #compilation #performance- Selective compilation via fast code analysis and bytecode tracing (GA, SCR, PP, MS), pp. 906–911.
SAC-2006-BergerMD #categorisation #email #set- Exploiting partial decision trees for feature subset selection in e-mail categorization (HB, DM, MD), pp. 1105–1109.
SAC-2006-CombarroMRD #categorisation #feature model #metric- Angular measures for feature selection in text categorization (EFC, EM, JR, ID), pp. 826–830.
SAC-2006-CutelloNP #algorithm #hybrid #optimisation #using- Real coded clonal selection algorithm for unconstrained global optimization using a hybrid inversely proportional hypermutation operator (VC, GN, MP), pp. 950–954.
SAC-2006-Kerrigan #execution #web #web service- Web service selection mechanisms in the Web Service Execution Environment (WSMX) (MK), pp. 1664–1668.
SAC-2006-MontanesCRD #categorisation #feature model #linear #metric- Finding optimal linear measures for feature selection in text categorization (EM, EFC, JR, ID), pp. 861–862.
SAC-2006-SoaresB #kernel #parametricity #using- Selecting parameters of SVM using meta-learning and kernel matrix-based meta-features (CS, PB), pp. 564–568.
SAC-2006-YangYCW #grid #implementation #performance- Implementation of a dynamic adjustment mechanism with efficient replica selection in data grid environments (CTY, IHY, CHC, SYW), pp. 797–804.
ICSE-2006-ZhengRWS #testing- Applying regression test selection for COTS-based applications (JZ, BR, LW, KS), pp. 512–522.
SPLC-2006-Scheidemann #distributed #embedded #evolution #optimisation #product line #verification- Optimizing the Selection of Representative Configurations in Verification of Evolving Product Lines of Distributed Embedded Systems (KDS), pp. 75–84.
CC-2006-GuoWWBOVCA #ambiguity #memory management #runtime- Selective Runtime Memory Disambiguation in a Dynamic Binary Translator (BG, YW, CW, MJB, GO, NV, JC, DIA), pp. 65–79.
CGO-2006-ChakrabartiL #analysis #heuristic- Inline Analysis: Beyond Selection Heuristics (DRC, SML), pp. 221–232.
CGO-2006-LauPC #analysis- Selecting Software Phase Markers with Code Structure Analysis (JL, EP, BC), pp. 135–146.
CGO-2006-VenstermansEB #java- Space-Efficient 64-bit Java Objects through Selective Typed Virtual Addressing (KV, LE, KDB), pp. 76–86.
HPDC-2006-RamakrishnanR #grid #multi- Multidimensional Replica Selection in the Data Grid (SR, PJR), pp. 373–374.
PPoPP-2006-Steele #parallel #programming- Parallel programming and code selection in fortress (GLSJ), p. 1.
CBSE-2005-CooperCLSSW #component #empirical #fuzzy #logic #specification #using- An Empirical Study on the Specification and Selection of Components Using Fuzzy Logic (KMLC, JWC, RL, GS, RS, WEW), pp. 155–170.
WICSA-2005-LandBLC #architecture #case study #experience #industrial #integration- Architectural Concerns When Selecting an In-House Integration Strategy — Experiences from Industry (RL, LB, SL, IC), pp. 274–275.
WICSA-2005-SagarduiAE #architecture #experience- The ADOV Method: an Experience in Selecting the Relevant Views of an Architecture in a SME (GSM, GA, LE), pp. 259–260.
ASE-2005-Zheng #source code #testing- In regression testing selection when source code is not available (JZ0), pp. 452–455.
DATE-2005-KitaharaKMSF #design #multi #power management #reduction- Area-Efficient Selective Multi-Threshold CMOS Design Methodology for Standby Leakage Power Reduction (TK, NK, FM, KS, TF), pp. 646–647.
DATE-2005-MartinelliD #bound #composition #set- Bound Set Selection and Circuit Re-Synthesis for Area/Delay Driven Decomposition (AM, ED), pp. 430–431.
HT-2005-AmitayDKW #query- Queries as anchors: selection by association (EA, AD, DK, UW), pp. 193–201.
ICDAR-2005-KangD #classification #multi- Selection of Classifiers for the Construction of Multiple Classifier Systems (HJK, DSD), pp. 1194–1198.
ICDAR-2005-LiSC #analysis #matrix #multi- A Threshlod Selection Method Based on Multiscale and Graylevel Co-occurrence Matrix Analysis (YL, CYS, MC), pp. 575–579.
ICDAR-2005-RichiardiKD #feature model #online #verification- Local and Global Feature Selection for On-line Signature Verification (JR, HK, AD), pp. 625–629.
ICDAR-2005-SchlapbachKB #feature model #identification- ImprovingWriter Identification by Means of Feature Selection and Extraction (AS, VK, HB), pp. 131–135.
ICDAR-2005-Sun #documentation #layout #segmentation- Page Segmentation for Manhattan and Non-Manhattan Layout Documents via Selective CRLA (HMS), pp. 116–120.
ICDAR-2005-YokobayashiW #correlation #image #recognition #segmentation #using- Segmentation and Recognition of Characters in Scene Images Using Selective Binarization in Color Space and GAT Correlation (MY, TW), pp. 167–171.
ICDAR-2005-ZhangBS #feature model #hybrid #recognition- Hybrid Feature Extraction and Feature Selection for Improving Recognition Accuracy of Handwritten Numerals (PZ, TDB, CYS), pp. 136–140.
VLDB-2005-JinL #estimation #fuzzy #scalability #set #string- Selectivity Estimation for Fuzzy String Predicates in Large Data Sets (LJ, CL), pp. 397–408.
VLDB-2005-LimWV #classification #estimation #online #string #xml- CXHist : An On-line Classification-Based Histogram for XML String Selectivity Estimation (LL, MW, JSV), pp. 1187–1198.
VLDB-2005-MandhaniS #database #query #xml- Query Caching and View Selection for XML Databases (BM, DS), pp. 469–480.
VLDB-2005-MarklMKTHS- Consistently Estimating the Selectivity of Conjuncts of Predicates (VM, NM, MK, TMT, PJH, US), pp. 373–384.
ITiCSE-2005-LiccardiW #comprehension #difference #effectiveness- Understanding disciplinary differences: an insight into selecting effective e-learning approaches (IL, SW), p. 411.
TACAS-2005-JeannetJRZ #analysis #approximate #testing- Symbolic Test Selection Based on Approximate Analysis (BJ, TJ, VR, EZ), pp. 349–364.
ICSM-2005-JeffreyG #reduction #testing- Test Suite Reduction with Selective Redundancy (DJ, NG), pp. 549–558.
ICSM-2005-WillmorE #testing- A Safe Regression Test Selection Technique for Database-Driven Applications (DW, SME), pp. 421–430.
STOC-2005-SanghviV #complexity #random- The round complexity of two-party random selection (SS, SPV), pp. 338–347.
ICALP-2005-KaligosiMMS #multi #towards- Towards Optimal Multiple Selection (KK, KM, JIM, PS), pp. 103–114.
CHI-2005-Ahlstrom #modelling #using- Modeling and improving selection in cascading pull-down menus using Fitts’ law, the steering law and force fields (DA), pp. 61–70.
CHI-2005-FonoV #evaluation #named- EyeWindows: evaluation of eye-controlled zooming windows for focus selection (DF, RV), pp. 151–160.
CHI-2005-HinckleyBRG #analysis #design #gesture- Design and analysis of delimiters for selection-action pen gesture phrases in scriboli (KH, PB, GR, FG), pp. 451–460.
CAiSE-2005-Franch #lightweight #modelling #on the- On the Lightweight Use of Goal-Oriented Models for Software Package Selection (XF), pp. 551–566.
ICEIS-v2-2005-Ruta #classification #multi- Multidimensional Selection Model for Classification (DR), pp. 226–232.
CIKM-2005-CoutoSC #correlation #ontology #product line #semantics #similarity- Semantic similarity over the gene ontology: family correlation and selecting disjunctive ancestors (FMC, MJS, PC), pp. 343–344.
CIKM-2005-LiuLYMFG #database #intranet #natural language #query- Database selection in intranet mediators for natural language queries (FL, SL, CTY, WM, OF, DAG), pp. 229–230.
CIKM-2005-Polyzotis #clustering #effectiveness #optimisation #paradigm #query- Selectivity-based partitioning: a divide-and-union paradigm for effective query optimization (NP), pp. 720–727.
ICML-2005-GlocerET #classification #feature model #online- Online feature selection for pixel classification (KAG, DE, JT), pp. 249–256.
ICML-2005-Keerthi #classification #effectiveness #feature model- Generalized LARS as an effective feature selection tool for text classification with SVMs (SSK), pp. 417–424.
KDD-2005-Yu #ranking #retrieval- SVM selective sampling for ranking with application to data retrieval (HY), pp. 354–363.
KDD-2005-ZaianeE #traversal- Pattern lattice traversal by selective jumps (ORZ, MEH), pp. 729–735.
KDD-2005-ZhouFSU #feature model #streaming #using- Streaming feature selection using alpha-investing (JZ, DPF, RAS, LHU), pp. 384–393.
MLDM-2005-Bobrowski #feature model #modelling- Ranked Modelling with Feature Selection Based on the CPL Criterion Functions (LB), pp. 218–227.
MLDM-2005-BouguilaZ #approach #estimation #finite- MML-Based Approach for Finite Dirichlet Mixture Estimation and Selection (NB, DZ), pp. 42–51.
MLDM-2005-DerichsDN #integration #multi #recognition- Cost Integration in Multi-step Viewpoint Selection for Object Recognition (CD, FD, HN), pp. 415–425.
MLDM-2005-KurganH #approach #feature model #predict #sequence- Prediction of Secondary Protein Structure Content from Primary Sequence Alone — A Feature Selection Based Approach (LAK, LH), pp. 334–345.
MLDM-2005-LegrandN #feature model #using- Feature Selection Method Using Preferences Aggregation (GL, NN), pp. 203–217.
SIGIR-2005-BenderMTWZ- Improving collection selection with overlap awareness in P2P search engines (MB, SM, PT, GW, CZ), pp. 67–74.
SIGIR-2005-BoydellSGS #web- Evaluating the impact of selection noise in community-based web search (OB, BS, CG, AFS), pp. 591–592.
SIGIR-2005-HawkingT #hybrid- Server selection methods in hybrid portal search (DH, PT), pp. 75–82.
SIGIR-2005-SunCLKC #dependence- Dependency relation matching for answer selection (RS, HC, KL, MYK, TSC), pp. 651–652.
SIGIR-2005-YanLZYCCFM #categorisation #feature model #named #orthogonal- OCFS: optimal orthogonal centroid feature selection for text categorization (JY, NL, BZ, SY, ZC, QC, WF, WYM), pp. 122–129.
SAC-2005-BordognaP #sql- Extending SQL with customizable soft selection conditions (GB, GP), pp. 1107–1111.
SAC-2005-DebbabiMT #compilation #embedded #java #virtual machine- Armed E-Bunny: a selective dynamic compiler for embedded Java virtual machine targeting ARM processors (MD, AM, NT), pp. 874–878.
SAC-2005-GiannellaS #estimation- An information theoretic histogram for single dimensional selectivity estimation (CG, BS), pp. 676–677.
SAC-2005-KaminaT #composition #mixin- Selective method combination in mixin-based composition (TK, TT), pp. 1269–1273.
SAC-2005-ManceboA #component #multi- A strategy for selecting multiple components (EM, AAA), pp. 1505–1510.
SAC-2005-MendoncaS #empirical #evaluation #policy #web #web service- An empirical evaluation of client-side server selection policies for accessing replicated web services (NCM, JAFS), pp. 1704–1708.
SAC-2005-RahmanBA #approach #grid- Replica selection in grid environment: a data-mining approach (RMR, KB, RA), pp. 695–700.
SAC-2005-WangPSV #ranking- Variable selection and ranking for analyzing automobile traffic accident data (HW, ASP, RKS, SVV), pp. 32–37.
PPoPP-2005-ThomasTTPAR #adaptation #algorithm #framework- A framework for adaptive algorithm selection in STAPL (NT, GT, OT, JP, NMA, LR), pp. 277–288.
AMOST-2005-ClermontP #testing #using- Using information about functions in selecting test cases (MC, DLP).
FATES-2005-AiguierABGM #algebra #axiom #specification #testing- Testing from Algebraic Specifications: Test Data Set Selection by Unfolding Axioms (MA, AA, CB, PLG, BM), pp. 203–217.
LICS-2005-BlanchetAF #automation #protocol #security #verification- Automated Verification of Selected Equivalences for Security Protocols (BB, MA, CF), pp. 331–340.
ASE-2004-ZenmyoKS #automation #framework- Automated Support for Framework Selection and Customization (TZ, TK, MS), pp. 68–77.
DAC-2004-GuptaKSS #effectiveness #runtime- Selective gate-length biasing for cost-effective runtime leakage control (PG, ABK, PS, DS), pp. 327–330.
DAC-2004-MuraliM #automation #generative #named- SUNMAP: a tool for automatic topology selection and generation for NoCs (SM, GDM), pp. 914–919.
DATE-v1-2004-AndreiSEPA #energy #reduction- Overhead-Conscious Voltage Selection for Dynamic and Leakage Energy Reduction of Time-Constrained Systems (AA, MTS, PE, ZP, BMAH), pp. 518–525.
DATE-v2-2004-MangoCWC #fault #testing- Pattern Selection for Testing of Deep Sub-Micron Timing Defects (MCTC, LCW, KTC), p. 160.
DATE-v2-2004-SogomonyanMOG #self- A New Self-Checking Sum-Bit Duplicated Carry-Select Adder (ESS, DM, VO, MG), pp. 1360–1361.
SIGMOD-2004-BrunoC #query #statistics- Conditional Selectivity for Statistics on Query Expressions (NB, SC), pp. 311–322.
SIGMOD-2004-IpeirotisG #database #using- When one Sample is not Enough: Improving Text Database Selection Using Shrinkage (PGI, LG), pp. 767–778.
VLDB-2004-BehmRS- Returning Modified Rows — SELECT Statements with Side Effects (AB, SR, RS), pp. 987–997.
VLDB-2004-WangJLY #estimation #xml- Bloom Histogram: Path Selectivity Estimation for XML Data with Updates (WW, HJ, HL, JXY), pp. 240–251.
CSMR-2004-ArdimentoBV #component- Maintenance-Oriented Selection of Software Components (PA, AB, GV), pp. 115–124.
CSMR-2004-Sneed #reverse engineering #testing- Reverse Engineering of Test Cases for Selective Regression Testing (HMS), pp. 69–74.
ICSM-2004-TahvildariK #approach #multi #source code- Developing a Multi-Objective Decision Approach to Select Source-Code Improving Transformations (LT, KK), pp. 427–431.
CIAA-2004-Borchardt #transducer- Code Selection by Tree Series Transducers (BB), pp. 57–67.
ICALP-2004-HeeringaA #design #problem- Optimal Website Design with the Constrained Subtree Selection Problem (BH, MA), pp. 757–769.
CHI-2004-MizobuchiY- Tapping vs. circling selections on pen-based devices: evidence for different performance-shaping factors (SM, MY), pp. 607–614.
CHI-2004-PoFB #visual notation- Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields (BAP, BDF, KSB), pp. 359–366.
ICEIS-v1-2004-BaiHM #query #semantics #using- Improving View Selection in Query Rewriting Using Domain Semantics (QB, JH, MFM), pp. 177–183.
ICEIS-v2-2004-Feoktistov #difference #evolution- New Energetic Selection Principle in Differential Evolution (VF), pp. 29–35.
ICEIS-v4-2004-KickhofelFL #named #web- Fastnews: Selective Clipping of Web Information (RBK, GBF, SL), pp. 451–454.
CIKM-2004-Cronen-TownsendZC #framework #query- A framework for selective query expansion (SCT, YZ, WBC), pp. 236–237.
CIKM-2004-LynamBCC #analysis #documentation #feedback #multi- A multi-system analysis of document and term selection for blind feedback (TRL, CB, CLAC, GVC), pp. 261–269.
CIKM-2004-SiC #framework- Unified utility maximization framework for resource selection (LS, JPC), pp. 32–41.
CIKM-2004-WangL #categorisation #feature model- Feature selection with conditional mutual information maximin in text categorization (GW, FHL), pp. 342–349.
ECIR-2004-AmatiCR #query #robust- Query Difficulty, Robustness, and Selective Application of Query Expansion (GA, CC, GR), pp. 127–137.
ECIR-2004-JijkounR #multi- Answer Selection in a Multi-stream Open Domain Question Answering System (VJ, MdR), pp. 99–111.
ECIR-2004-NottelmannF #approach- Combining CORI and the Decision-Theoretic Approach for Advanced Resource Selection (HN, NF), pp. 138–153.
ICML-2004-BahamondeBDQLCAG #case study #learning #set- Feature subset selection for learning preferences: a case study (AB, GFB, JD, JRQ, OL, JJdC, JA, FG).
ICML-2004-CaruanaNCK #library #modelling- Ensemble selection from libraries of models (RC, ANM, GC, AK).
ICML-2004-Forman #classification #feature model #multi- A pitfall and solution in multi-class feature selection for text classification (GF).
ICML-2004-GabrilovichM #categorisation #feature model #using- Text categorization with many redundant features: using aggressive feature selection to make SVMs competitive with C4.5 (EG, SM).
ICML-2004-Gilad-BachrachNT #algorithm #feature model- Margin based feature selection — theory and algorithms (RGB, AN, NT).
ICML-2004-HardinTA #feature model #linear- A theoretical characterization of linear SVM-based feature selection (DPH, IT, CFA).
ICML-2004-Jebara #kernel #multi- Multi-task feature and kernel selection for SVMs (TJ).
ICML-2004-KimK #feature model- Gradient LASSO for feature selection (YK, JK).
ICML-2004-LaffertyZL #clique #kernel #random #representation- Kernel conditional random fields: representation and clique selection (JDL, XZ, YL).
ICML-2004-Rosset- Model selection via the AUC (SR).
ICML-2004-Zadrozny #bias #classification #learning- Learning and evaluating classifiers under sample selection bias (BZ).
ICPR-v1-2004-GunterB #evaluation #feature model #recognition #word- An Evaluation of Ensemble Methods in Handwritten Word Recognition Based on Feature Selection (SG, HB), pp. 388–392.
ICPR-v1-2004-HadidP #modelling #recognition- Selecting Models from Videos for Appearance-Based Face Recognition (AH, MP), pp. 304–308.
ICPR-v1-2004-YangAWLC #estimation #video- Face Pose Estimation and its Application in Video Shot Selection (ZY, HA, BW, SL, LC), pp. 322–325.
ICPR-v1-2004-Zwiggelaar #automation #matrix #segmentation- Texture Based Segmentation: Automatic Selection of Co-Occurrence Matrices (RZ), pp. 588–591.
ICPR-v2-2004-CawleyT #kernel #performance- Efficient Model Selection for Kernel Logistic Regression (GCC, NLCT), pp. 439–442.
ICPR-v2-2004-ChenLF #adaptation #feature model #probability- Probabilistic Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection (HTC, TLL, CSF), pp. 736–739.
ICPR-v2-2004-DentonDASD #3d #canonical #recognition- Selecting Canonical Views for View-Based 3-D Object Recognition (TD, MFD, JA, AS, SJD), pp. 273–276.
ICPR-v2-2004-FarmerBJ #feature model #random #scalability #using- Large Scale Feature Selection Using Modified Random Mutation Hill Climbing (MEF, SB, AKJ), pp. 287–290.
ICPR-v2-2004-GheissariB #visual notation- Effect of Noise on Model Selection Criteria in Visual Applications (NG, ABH), pp. 229–232.
ICPR-v2-2004-GheissariB04a- The Model Selection Criteria as Merging Criteria (NG, ABH), pp. 253–256.
ICPR-v2-2004-MitraM #clustering #feature model- Feature Selection and Gene Clustering from Gene Expression Data (PM, DDM), pp. 343–346.
ICPR-v2-2004-PanN #detection #multi #novel- Novel Seed Selection for Multiple Objects Detection and Tracking (ZP, CWN), pp. 744–747.
ICPR-v2-2004-TahirBKA #classification #feature model #using- Feature Selection using Tabu Search for Improving the Classification Rate of Prostate Needle Biopsies (MAT, AB, FK, AA), pp. 335–338.
ICPR-v2-2004-XuanDKHCW #feature model #multi #predict #profiling #robust- Robust Feature Selection by Weighted Fisher Criterion for Multiclass Prediction in Gene Expression Profiling (JX, YD, JIK, EPH, RC, YJW), pp. 291–294.
ICPR-v3-2004-JuszczakD- Selective Sampling Based on the Variation in Label Assignments (PJ, RPWD), pp. 375–378.
ICPR-v3-2004-LiewWY #classification #sequence #statistics- Selection of Statistical Features Based on Mutual Information for Classification of Human Coding and Non-coding DNA Sequences (AWCL, YW, HY), pp. 766–769.
ICPR-v3-2004-Meas-YedidGMPSO #automation #biology #image #segmentation- Automatic Color Space Selection for Biological Image Segmentation (VMY, EG, EM, CP, GS, JCOM), pp. 514–517.
ICPR-v3-2004-NaderiMC #algorithm #image #optimisation #using #verification- 1D-HMM for Face Verification: Model Optimization Using Improved Algorithm and Intelligent Selection of Training Images (SN, MSM, NMC), pp. 330–333.
ICPR-v3-2004-SotocaPK #image #multi #using- Unsupervised Band Selection for Multispectral Images using Information Theory (JMS, FP, ACK), pp. 510–513.
ICPR-v3-2004-TaxM #classification- A Consistency-Based Model Selection for One-Class Classification (DMJT, KRM), pp. 363–366.
ICPR-v3-2004-WuWW #adaptation #image #parametricity- Regularized Image Restoration Based on Adaptively Selecting Parameter and Operator (XW, RW, CW), pp. 662–665.
ICPR-v4-2004-Cheatle #smarttech #video- Media Content and Type Selection from Always-on Wearable Video (PC), pp. 979–982.
ICPR-v4-2004-Cheung #algorithm #automation #clustering #towards- A Rival Penalized EM Algorithm towards Maximizing Weighted Likelihood for Density Mixture Clustering with Automatic Model Selection (YmC), pp. 633–636.
ICPR-v4-2004-Gong #estimation #programming #using- Motion Estimation using Dynamic Programming with Selective Path Search (MG), pp. 203–206.
ICPR-v4-2004-KimPL #bound #using- Object Boundary Edge Selection Using Normal Direction Derivatives of a Contour in a Complex Scene (TYK, JP, SWL), pp. 755–758.
ICPR-v4-2004-MarkouS #feature model- Feature Selection based on a Black Hole Model of Data Reorganization (MM, SS), pp. 565–568.
ICPR-v4-2004-OliveiraNM #parametricity #performance #recognition- Improving RBF-DDA Performance on Optical Character Recognition through Parameter Selection (ALIO, FBdLN, SRdLM), pp. 625–628.
ICPR-v4-2004-PrasadSK #image #set #using- Feature Subset Selection using ICA for Classifying Emphysema in HRCT Images (MNP, AS, IK), pp. 515–518.
KDD-2004-Cantu-PazNK #feature model- Feature selection in scientific applications (ECP, SDN, CK), pp. 788–793.
KDD-2004-Fan #concept #data type- Systematic data selection to mine concept-drifting data streams (WF), pp. 128–137.
KDD-2004-ShavlikS #detection #effectiveness #evaluation- Selection, combination, and evaluation of effective software sensors for detecting abnormal computer usage (JWS, MS), pp. 276–285.
KDD-2004-YuL #array #feature model- Redundancy based feature selection for microarray data (LY, HL), pp. 737–742.
SEKE-2004-JedlitschkaPB #framework #re-engineering- A Framework for Comprehensive Experience-based Decision Support for Software Engineering Technology Selection (AJ, DP, FB), pp. 342–345.
SEKE-2004-MaxvilleLA #component #learning- Learning to Select Software Components (VM, CPL, JA), pp. 421–426.
SIGIR-2004-MladenicBGM #classification #feature model #interactive #linear #modelling #using- Feature selection using linear classifier weights: interaction with classification models (DM, JB, MG, NMF), pp. 234–241.
SIGIR-2004-RogatiY #information retrieval- Resource selection for domain-specific cross-lingual IR (MR, YY), pp. 154–161.
RE-2004-Padula #process #requirements- Requirements Engineering Process Selection at Hewlett-Packard (AP), pp. 296–300.
SAC-2004-HassanARB #adaptation #database #keyword- Simplified access to structured databases by adapting keyword search and database selection (MH, RA, MJR, KB), pp. 674–678.
SAC-2004-PutthividhyaTTW- Core selection with end-to-end QoS support (WP, MT, WT, JSW), pp. 328–333.
SAC-2004-RaisanenWH #comparison #optimisation #random- A comparison of randomized and evolutionary approaches for optimizing base station site selection (LR, RMW, SH), pp. 1159–1165.
ASPLOS-2004-DesikanSBK #architecture #scalability- Scalable selective re-execution for EDGE architectures (RD, SS, DB, SWK), pp. 120–132.
HPCA-2004-GandhiAS #branch #predict- Reducing Branch Misprediction Penalty via Selective Branch Recovery (AG, HA, STS), pp. 254–264.
ISMM-2004-SomanKB #garbage collection- Dynamic selection of application-specific garbage collectors (SS, CK, DFB), pp. 49–60.
ICLP-2004-MarchiMP #grid- Grid Service Selection with PPDL (MM, AM, AP), pp. 464–466.
ICLP-2004-Smaus #logic programming #source code #termination #using- Termination of Logic Programs Using Various Dynamic Selection Rules (JGS), pp. 43–57.
IJCAR-2004-Subramani #integer #quantifier #source code- Analyzing Selected Quantified Integer Programs (KS), pp. 342–356.
ASE-2003-XieN #testing- Tool-Assisted Unit Test Selection Based on Operational Violations (TX, DN), pp. 40–48.
DAC-2003-VogelsG #architecture- Architectural selection of A/D converters (MV, GGEG), pp. 974–977.
DATE-2003-CheungHP #agile #case study- Rapid Configuration and Instruction Selection for an ASIP: A Case Study (NC, JH, SP), pp. 10802–10809.
DATE-2003-SirisantanaR #logic #power management- Selectively Clocked CMOS Logic Style for Low-Power Noise-Immune Operations in Scaled Technologies (NS, KR), pp. 11160–11161.
DATE-2003-VogelsG- Figure of Merit Based Selection of A/D Converters (MV, GGEG), pp. 11090–11091.
DATE-2003-XieWL- Profile-Driven Selective Code Compression (YX, WW, HL), pp. 10462–10467.
ICDAR-2003-AblavskyS #automation #documentation #feature model #identification- Automatic Feature Selection with Applications to Script Identification of Degraded Documents (VA, MRS), pp. 750–754.
ICDAR-2003-BertucciPM- Text Selection by Structured Light Marking for Hand-held Cameras (EB, MP, MM), p. 555–?.
ICDAR-2003-Biem #classification #optimisation- A Model Selection Criterion for Classification: Application to HMM Topology Optimization (AB), pp. 104–108.
ICDAR-2003-HaoLS03a #algorithm #classification #comparison #search-based #set- Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Sequential Search Methods for Classifier Subset Selection (HH, CLL, HS), pp. 765–769.
ICDAR-2003-HullEGL #component #documentation #multi #video #visualisation- Visualizing Multimedia Content on Paper Documents: Components of Key Frame Selection for Video Paper (JJH, BE, JG, DSL), pp. 389–392.
ICDAR-2003-MenotiBFB #approach #feature model #segmentation- Segmentation of Postal Envelopes for Address Block Location: an approach based on feature selection in wavelet space (DM, DLB, JF, AdSBJ), pp. 699–703.
ICDAR-2003-MoritaSBS03a #algorithm #feature model #multi #recognition #search-based #using #word- Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Handwritten Word Recognition (MEM, RS, FB, CYS), pp. 666–670.
ICDAR-2003-OliveiraSBS #algorithm #approach #feature model #multi #search-based- Feature Selection for Ensembles: A Hierarchical Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Approach (LESdO, RS, FB, CYS), p. 676–?.
ICDAR-2003-SouzaCNS #assessment #automation #image #quality #using- Automatic Filter Selection Using Image Quality Assessment (AS, MC, SN, CYS), p. 508–?.
ICDAR-2003-StefanoCM #algorithm #classification #reliability #search-based- Exploiting Reliability for Dynamic Selection of Classifiers by Means of Genetic Algorithms (CDS, ADC, AM), pp. 671–675.
ICDAR-2003-VermaG #approach #architecture #online #recognition- A Neural-Evolutionary Approach for Feature and Architecture Selection in Online Handwriting Recognition (BV, MG), pp. 1038–1042.
PODS-2003-GuptaSH #problem #xml- The view selection problem for XML content based routing (AKG, DS, AYH), pp. 68–77.
SIGMOD-2003-BabcockCD #approximate #query- Dynamic Sample Selection for Approximate Query Processing (BB, SC, GD), pp. 539–550.
SIGMOD-2003-SunAA #hardware- Hardware Acceleration for Spatial Selections and Joins (CS, DA, AEA), pp. 455–466.
VLDB-2003-Koch #approach #performance #query #xml- Efficient Processing of Expressive Node-Selecting Queries on XML Data in Secondary Storage: A Tree Automata-based Approach (CK), pp. 249–260.
ICSM-2003-KojuTD #testing #virtual machine- Regression Test Selection based on Intermediate Code for Virtual Machines (TK, ST, ND), p. 420–?.
IWPC-2003-Cordy #agile #semiparsing #source code #using #xml- Generalized Selective XML Markup of Source Code Using Agile Parsing (JRC), pp. 144–153.
SAS-2003-Minamide- Selective Tail Call Elimination (YM), pp. 153–170.
CAiSE-2003-BarilB #approach #cost analysis- Selection of Materialized Views: A Cost-Based Approach (XB, ZB), pp. 665–680.
ICEIS-v1-2003-KaramEII #algorithm #constraints #maintenance- The Enhanced Greedy Interchange Algorithm for the Selection of Materialized Views Under a Maintenance Cost Constraint in Data Warehouses (OHK, MES, OI, RI), pp. 279–284.
ICEIS-v1-2003-SillittiVGPS #component #ranking- Ranking and Selecting Components to Build Systems (AS, TV, GG, PP, GS), pp. 396–400.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ToffolonD #evaluation #process- Software Application Packages Selection: An Evaluation Process Based on the Spiral Model (CT, SD), pp. 578–581.
ECIR-2003-MacFarlaneRM #parallel- Parallel Computing for Term Selection in Routing/Filtering (AM, SER, JAM), pp. 537–545.
ICML-2003-LiuLCM #clustering #evaluation #feature model- An Evaluation on Feature Selection for Text Clustering (TL, SL, ZC, WYM), pp. 488–495.
ICML-2003-PerkinsT #feature model #online #using- Online Feature Selection using Grafting (SP, JT), pp. 592–599.
ICML-2003-YuL #feature model #performance- Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data: A Fast Correlation-Based Filter Solution (LY, HL), pp. 856–863.
KDD-2003-PampalkGW #feature model #visualisation- Visualizing changes in the structure of data for exploratory feature selection (EP, WG, GW), pp. 157–166.
SEKE-2003-GomesPPSCFB #design pattern #reuse #using- Selection and Reuse of Software Design Patterns Using CBR and WordNet (PG, FCP, PP, NS, PC, JLF, CB), pp. 289–296.
SEKE-2003-Ochs #assessment #off the shelf #requirements #risk management #using- Using Software Risk Management for Deriving Method Requirements for Risk Mitigation in COTS Assessment and Selection (MO), pp. 639–646.
SIGIR-2003-BerrettiCNSW #data fusion #distributed #library #multi #named- MIND: resource selection and data fusion in multimedia distributed digital libraries (SB, JPC, HN, XMS, SW), p. 465.
SIGIR-2003-BohnackerR #documentation #retrieval #web- Document retrieval from user-selected web sites (UB, IR), p. 467.
SIGIR-2003-CallanCNPS #data fusion #distributed #library #multi- Resource selection and data fusion in multimedia distributed digital libraries (JPC, FC, HN, PP, XMS), pp. 363–364.
SIGIR-2003-NottelmannF #quality #retrieval- Evaluating different methods of estimating retrieval quality for resource selection (HN, NF), pp. 290–297.
SIGIR-2003-SiC #documentation #estimation- Relevant document distribution estimation method for resource selection (LS, JPC), pp. 298–305.
OOPSLA-2003-TanterNCC #behaviour- Partial behavioral reflection: spatial and temporal selection of reification (ÉT, JN, DC, PC), pp. 27–46.
GPCE-2003-SatoCT #aspect-oriented- A Selective, Just-in-Time Aspect Weaver (YS, SC, MT), pp. 189–208.
POPL-2003-AcarBH- Selective memoization (UAA, GEB, RH), pp. 14–25.
RE-2003-BergmanM #analysis #requirements- In Situ Requirements Analysis: A Deeper Examination of the Relationship between Requirements Determination and Project Selection (MB, GM), pp. 11–22.
RE-2003-HickeyD #elicitation #how #question- Elicitation Technique Selection: How Do Experts Do It? (AMH, AMD), p. 169–?.
RE-2003-RegnellKH #development #evaluation #quality #requirements- An Analytical Model for Requirements Selection Quality Evaluation in Product Software Development (BR, LK, MH), pp. 254–263.
SAC-2003-BettigSJB #internet #simulation- Dynamic Solver Selection for an Internet Simulation Backbone (BPB, CS, ARJ, KB), pp. 153–160.
SAC-2003-ChenYT #feature model- The Bitmap-based Feature Selection Method (WCC, MCY, SST), pp. 465–469.
SAC-2003-SatoA #multi- Accessee Controlled Type Selection for a Multiple-Type Object (HS, MA), pp. 515–521.
SAC-2003-SogrineP #algorithm #database #distributed- Evaluating Database Selection Algorithms for Distributed Search (MS, AP), pp. 817–822.
SAC-2003-ZhengLL- Selecting the Best Valid Scopes for Wireless Dissemination of Location-dependent Data (BZ, WCL, DLL), pp. 860–865.
CGO-2003-ChenHC #hardware #monitoring #performance #using- Dynamic Trace Selection Using Performance Monitoring Hardware Sampling (HC, WCH, DyC), pp. 79–90.
CGO-2003-EcksteinS- Addressing Mode Selection (EE, BS), pp. 337–346.
HPCA-2003-AragonGG #power management- Power-Aware Control Speculation through Selective Throttling (JLA, JG, AG), pp. 103–112.
ICLP-2003-Smaus03a #logic programming #source code #termination- Termination of Logic Programs for Various Dynamic Selection Rules (JGS), pp. 511–512.
SAT-2003-HerbstrittB #branch- Conflict-Based Selection of Branching Rules (MH, BB), pp. 441–451.
DAC-2002-LiouKWC #analysis #performance #statistics #testing #validation- False-path-aware statistical timing analysis and efficient path selection for delay testing and timing validation (JJL, AK, LCW, KTC), pp. 566–569.
DAC-2002-ZhangHC #energy #scheduling- Task scheduling and voltage selection for energy minimization (YZ, XH, DZC), pp. 183–188.
DATE-2002-PalkovicMC #optimisation #trade-off- Systematic Power-Performance Trade-Off in MPEG-4 by Means of Selective Function Inlining Steered by Address Optimization Opportunities (MP, MM, FC), pp. 1072–1077.
DATE-2002-Ratford #design #memory management- Make Your SoC Design a Winner: Select the Right Memory IP (VR), p. 15.
DATE-2002-RezvaniP #concurrent #logic- Concurrent and Selective Logic Extraction with Timing Consideration (PR, MP), p. 1086.
DATE-2002-StanP- The Selective Pull-Up (SP) Noise Immunity Scheme for Dynamic Circuits (MRS, AP), p. 1106.
DocEng-2002-WibowoW #categorisation #feature model- Simple and accurate feature selection for hierarchical categorisation (WW, HEW), pp. 111–118.
PODS-2002-Chirkova #bound #problem #query- The View-Selection Problem Has an Exponential-Time Lower Bound for Conjunctive Queries and Views (RC), pp. 159–168.
PODS-2002-Ross #in memory #memory management- Conjunctive Selection Conditions in Main Memory (KAR), pp. 109–120.
SIGMOD-2002-Aggarwal #estimation #framework #nearest neighbour #reduction- Hierarchical subspace sampling: a unified framework for high dimensional data reduction, selectivity estimation and nearest neighbor search (CCA), pp. 452–463.
SIGMOD-2002-ChoiC #estimation #query- Selectivity estimation for spatio-temporal queries to moving objects (YJC, CWC), pp. 440–451.
VLDB-2002-ConradGJM #database #logic #physics #using- Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment (JGC, XSG, PJ, MM), pp. 71–82.
VLDB-2002-GhoshPSH #clustering #query- Plan Selection Based on Query Clustering (AG, JP, VSS, JRH), pp. 179–190.
VLDB-2002-IpeirotisG #database #distributed #web- Distributed Search over the Hidden Web: Hierarchical Database Sampling and Selection (PGI, LG), pp. 394–405.
VLDB-2002-LimWPVP #estimation #markov #named #online #self #xml- XPathLearner: An On-line Self-Tuning Markov Histogram for XML Path Selectivity Estimation (LL, MW, SP, JSV, RP), pp. 442–453.
CSMR-2002-KollmannG #diagrams #representation #uml- Metric-Based Selective Representation of UML Diagrams (RK, MG), pp. 89–98.
ICSM-2002-BriandLS #automation #design #impact analysis #testing #uml- Automating Impact Analysis and Regression Test Selection Based on UML Designs (LCB, YL, GS), pp. 252–261.
IWPC-2002-TilleyH #comprehension #industrial #on the #tool support #visualisation- On Selecting Software Visualization Tools for Program Understanding in an Industrial Context (SRT, SH), pp. 285–288.
PASTE-2002-ApiwattanapongH #profiling- Selective path profiling (TA, MJH), pp. 35–42.
ICALP-2002-DengLLMW #string- A PTAS for Distinguishing (Sub)string Selection (XD, GL, ZL, BM, LW), pp. 740–751.
ICALP-2002-Merkle #probability #sequence- The Kolmogorov-Loveland Stochastic Sequences Are Not Closed under Selecting Subsequences (WM), pp. 390–400.
FME-2002-Burguillo-RialIGN #case study #heuristic #specification #testing- Heuristic-Driven Test Case Selection from Formal Specifications. A Case Study (JCBR, MJFI, FJGC, MLN), pp. 57–76.
CAiSE-2002-BerlinM #database #feature model #machine learning #using- Database Schema Matching Using Machine Learning with Feature Selection (JB, AM), pp. 452–466.
ICEIS-2002-VallsMS #multi- A Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Agent Applied to the Selection of the Best Receiver in a Transplant (AV, AM, DS), pp. 431–438.
CIKM-2002-NieNVK #mining #statistics- Mining coverage statistics for websource selection in a mediator (ZN, UN, SV, SK), pp. 678–680.
CIKM-2002-RogatiY #classification #feature model- High-performing feature selection for text classification (MR, YY), pp. 659–661.
CIKM-2002-SiJCO #framework #modelling- A language modeling framework for resource selection and results merging (LS, RJ, JPC, PO), pp. 391–397.
ECIR-2002-PetersK #categorisation #reduction- Uncertainty-Based Noise Reduction and Term Selection in Text Categorization (CMEEP, CHAK), pp. 248–267.
ECIR-2002-Vakkari #query- Subject Knowledge, Source of Terms, and Term Selection in Query Expansion: An Analytical Study (PV), pp. 110–123.
ICML-2002-AlphonseM #induction #logic programming #set- Feature Subset Selection and Inductive Logic Programming (ÉA, SM), pp. 11–18.
ICML-2002-DzeroskiZ #classification- Is Combining Classifiers Better than Selecting the Best One (SD, BZ), pp. 123–130.
ICML-2002-JensenN #bias #feature model #learning #relational- Linkage and Autocorrelation Cause Feature Selection Bias in Relational Learning (DJ, JN), pp. 259–266.
ICML-2002-LiuMY #feature model- Feature Selection with Selective Sampling (HL, HM, LY), pp. 395–402.
ICML-2002-SlonimBFT #feature model #markov #memory management #multi- Discriminative Feature Selection via Multiclass Variable Memory Markov Model (NS, GB, SF, NT), pp. 578–585.
ICML-2002-TeowLNY #approach #fault #feature model- Refining the Wrapper Approach — Smoothed Error Estimates for Feature Selection (LNT, HL, HTN, EY), pp. 626–633.
ICPR-v1-2002-OliveiraSBS #algorithm #feature model #multi #recognition #search-based #using- Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Handwritten Digit Recognition (LESdO, RS, FB, CYS), pp. 568–571.
ICPR-v1-2002-SinghSM #clustering #feature model #recognition- Feature Selection for Face Recognition Based on Data Partitioning (SS, MS, MM), pp. 680–683.
ICPR-v2-2002-AnconaCSD #complexity #detection #image #parametricity #runtime- Object Detection in Images: Run-Time Complexity and Parameter Selection of Support Vector Machines (NA, GC, ES, AD), pp. 426–429.
ICPR-v2-2002-ChenL #probability- Probabilistic Tracking with Optimal Scale and Orientation Selection (HTC, TLL), pp. 668–671.
ICPR-v2-2002-Gomez #component #detection #on the- On Selecting Colour Components for Skin Detection (GG), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-v2-2002-GuptaDD #automation #classification #fault #feature model- Beam Search for Feature Selection in Automatic SVM Defect Classification (PG, DSD, DD), pp. 212–215.
ICPR-v2-2002-LiuHLM #analysis #kernel #recognition- Kernel-Based Optimized Feature Vectors Selection and Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition (QL, RH, HL, SM), pp. 362–365.
ICPR-v2-2002-OhLM #algorithm #feature model #search-based- Local Search-Embedded Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection (ISO, JSL, BRM), pp. 148–151.
ICPR-v2-2002-SirlantzisFG #algorithm #classification #multi- An Evolutionary Algorithm for Classifier and Combination Rule Selection in Multiple Classifier Systems (KS, MCF, RMG), pp. 771–774.
ICPR-v2-2002-Torkkola02a #feature model #learning #problem- Learning Feature Transforms Is an Easier Problem Than Feature Selection (KT), pp. 104–107.
ICPR-v3-2002-KangL #evaluation #multi- Evaluation on Selection Criteria of Multiple Numeral Recognizers with the Fixed Number of Recognizers (HJK, SWL), pp. 403–406.
ICPR-v3-2002-LiZL #set- A New Strategy for Selecting Working Sets Applied in SMO (JL, BZ, FL), pp. 427–430.
ICPR-v3-2002-PekalskaD #difference #performance #prototype- Prototype Selection for Finding Efficient Representations of Dissimilarity Data (EP, RPWD), pp. 37–40.
ICPR-v3-2002-Smeraldi #detection #named #parametricity- Ranklets: Orientation Selective Non-Parametric Features Applied to Face Detection (FS), pp. 379–382.
ICPR-v4-2002-Al-AniD #feature model- Feature Selection sing a Mutual Information Based Measure (AAA, MD), pp. 82–85.
ICPR-v4-2002-GokberkAA #feature model #invariant #recognition- Feature Selection for Pose Invariant Face Recognition (BG, LA, EA), pp. 306–309.
ICPR-v4-2002-ZhuS #adaptation #analysis #detection #feature model #statistics- Discriminant Analysis and Adaptive Wavelet Feature Selection for Statistical Object Detection (YZ, SCS), pp. 86–89.
KDD-2002-FragoudisML #classification- Integrating feature and instance selection for text classification (DF, DM, SL), pp. 501–506.
KDD-2002-TanKS- Selecting the right interestingness measure for association patterns (PNT, VK, JS), pp. 32–41.
KDD-2002-WangS #ranking- Item selection by “hub-authority” profit ranking (KW, MYTS), pp. 652–657.
KR-2002-BeygelzimerR #complexity #learning #network- Inference Complexity as a Model-Selection Criterion for Learning Bayesian Networks (AB, IR), pp. 558–567.
KR-2002-EiterFST #approach #knowledge-based- A Generic Approach for Knowledge-Based Information-Site Selection (TE, MF, GS, HT), pp. 459–469.
SEKE-2002-KarlstromR #programming- Decision support for extreme programming introduction and practice selection (DK, PR), pp. 835–841.
SIGIR-2002-DarwishO- Term selection for searching printed Arabic (KD, DWO), pp. 261–268.
SIGIR-2002-LiuGXZ #clustering #documentation #refinement- Document clustering with cluster refinement and model selection capabilities (XL, YG, WX, SZ), pp. 191–198.
SIGIR-2002-SakaiR #case study #comparative #information retrieval- Relative and absolute term selection criteria: a comparative study for English and Japanese IR (TS, SER), pp. 411–412.
SIGIR-2002-TakedaU #adaptation #string #using- Selecting indexing strings using adaptation (YT, KU), pp. 427–428.
RE-2002-BergmanM #analysis #empirical #requirements- Exploring the Relationship between Project Selection and Requirements Analysis: An Empirical Study of the New Millennium Program (MB, GM), pp. 247–254.
SAC-2002-HurleyW #approach #network- An agent based approach to site selection for wireless networks (SH, RMW), pp. 574–577.
ASPLOS-2002-AshokCM #energy #memory management #named #performance- Cool-Mem: combining statically speculative memory accessing with selective address translation for energy efficiency (RA, SC, CAM), pp. 133–143.
HPDC-2002-LiuYFA #design #evaluation #framework #grid- Design and Evaluation of a Resource Selection Framework for Grid Applications (CL, LY, ITF, DA), pp. 63–72.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-KrishnaswamyG- Profile guided selection of ARM and thumb instructions (AK, RG), pp. 56–64.
RTA-2002-BravenboerV- Rewriting Strategies for Instruction Selection (MB, EV), pp. 237–251.
SAT-2002-Bruni #satisfiability- Exact selection of minimal unsatisfiable subformulae for special classes of propositional formulae (RB), p. 22.
TestCom-2002-FeijsGMT #distance #heuristic #testing- Test Selection, Trace Distance and Heuristics (LMGF, NG, SM, JT), pp. 267–282.
DATE-2001-MartinSZBM #component #design- Component selection and matching for IP-based design (GM, RS, TZ, LB, GDM), pp. 40–46.
ICDAR-2001-HusseinWK #algorithm #bibliography #feature model #search-based- Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection and Weighting, A Review and Study (FH, RKW, NNK), p. 1240–?.
ICDAR-2001-MitaH #recognition #video- Improvement of Video Text Recognition by Character Selection (TM, OH), pp. 1089–1093.
ICDAR-2001-RheeCK #feature model #online #segmentation #using #verification- On-Line Signature Verification Using Model-Guided Segmentation and Discriminative Feature Selection for Skilled Forgeries (THR, SJC, JHK), pp. 645–649.
ICDAR-2001-SuralD #algorithm #feature model #search-based- A Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection in a Neuro-Fuzzy OCR System (SS, PKD), pp. 987–991.
VLDB-2001-AboulnagaAN #internet #xml- Estimating the Selectivity of XML Path Expressions for Internet Scale Applications (AA, ARA, JFN), pp. 591–600.
VLDB-2001-ChirkovaHS #formal method #problem- A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem (RC, AYH, DS), pp. 59–68.
IWPC-J-1999-AntoniolCPT01 #traceability- Design-code traceability recovery: selecting the basic linkage properties (GA, BC, AP, PT), pp. 213–234.
FLOPS-2001-SuzukiM #lazy evaluation- A Complete Selection Function for Lazy Conditional Narrowing (TS, AM), pp. 201–215.
ICALP-2001-BofillG #on the- On the Completeness of Arbitrary Selection Strategies for Paramodulation (MB, GG), pp. 951–962.
ICEIS-v1-2001-TehZL #algorithm #automation #query- Automation Query Processing Selection Algorithms (YWT, ABZ, SPL), pp. 283–286.
CIKM-2001-FrenchPGP #effectiveness #retrieval- Exploiting A Controlled Vocabulary to Improve Collection Selection and Retrieval Effectiveness (JCF, ALP, FCG, NP), pp. 199–206.
CIKM-2001-KolczPK #categorisation #feature model #summary- Summarization as Feature Selection for Text Categorization (AK, VP, JKK), pp. 365–370.
CIKM-2001-RasolofoAS #distributed #information retrieval- Approaches to Collection Selection and Results Merging for Distributed Information Retrieval (YR, FA, JS), pp. 191–198.
CIKM-2001-YuXEK #collaboration #performance- Selecting Relevant Instances for Efficient and Accurate Collaborative Filtering (KY, XX, ME, HPK), pp. 239–246.
ICML-2001-Das #feature model #hybrid- Filters, Wrappers and a Boosting-Based Hybrid for Feature Selection (SD), pp. 74–81.
ICML-2001-JinH #approach #information retrieval #learning #word- Learning to Select Good Title Words: An New Approach based on Reverse Information Retrieval (RJ, AGH), pp. 242–249.
ICML-2001-NgJ #classification #convergence #feature model- Convergence rates of the Voting Gibbs classifier, with application to Bayesian feature selection (AYN, MIJ), pp. 377–384.
ICML-2001-RozsypalK #algorithm #classification #nearest neighbour #search-based #using- Using the Genetic Algorithm to Reduce the Size of a Nearest-Neighbor Classifier and to Select Relevant Attributes (AR, MK), pp. 449–456.
ICML-2001-Wyatt #learning #using- Exploration Control in Reinforcement Learning using Optimistic Model Selection (JLW), pp. 593–600.
ICML-2001-XingJK #array #feature model- Feature selection for high-dimensional genomic microarray data (EPX, MIJ, RMK), pp. 601–608.
LSO-2001-Lehner #how- Keynote Address: How do Companies Learn? Selected Applications from the IT Sector (FL), p. 17.
MLDM-2001-ImiyaO #linear- PCA-Based Model Selection and Fitting for Linear Manifolds (AI, HO), pp. 278–292.
MLDM-2001-KollmarH #feature model #learning- Feature Selection for a Real-World Learning Task (DK, DHH), pp. 157–172.
SEKE-2001-Vegas #question #testing #what- What Information is Relevant when Selecting Testing Techniques? (SV), pp. 45–52.
SIGIR-2001-Lam-AdesinaJ #feedback #summary- Applying Summarization Techniques for Term Selection in Relevance Feedback (AMLA, GJFJ), pp. 1–9.
SIGIR-2001-ManoO #automation #query- Selecting Expansion Terms in Automatic Query Expansion (HM, YO), pp. 390–391.
SIGIR-2001-Pickens #feature model #music #retrieval- Feature Selection for Polyphonic Music Retrieval (JP), pp. 428–429.
ECOOP-2001-HanhATJ #comparison #integration #object-oriented #performance #testing- Selecting an Efficient OO Integration Testing Strategy: An Experimental Comparison of Actual Strategies (VLH, KA, YLT, JMJ), pp. 381–401.
OOPSLA-2001-HarroldJLLOPSSG #java #testing- Regression Test Selection for Java Software (MJH, JAJ, TL, DL, AO, MP, SS, SAS, AG), pp. 312–326.
SAC-2001-HuangC #evolution- Diversity-based selection pooling scheme in evolution strategies (TYH, YYC), pp. 351–355.
SAC-2001-ZhouCH #correlation #identification #optimisation #problem #set #using- Identifying the most significant pairwise correlations of residues in different positions of helices: the subset selection problem using least squares optimization (XZ, GC, MTH), pp. 51–55.
ESEC-FSE-2001-MorisawaT #architecture #distributed #product line- An architectural style of product lines for distributed processing systems, and practical selection method (YM, KT), pp. 11–20.
ICSE-2001-TruyenVJVJ #component- Dynamic and Selective Combination of Extensions in Component-Based Applications (ET, BV, WJ, PV, BNJ), pp. 233–242.
HPDC-2001-KarrerG- Location Selection for Active Services (RK, TRG), p. 195–?.
HPDC-2001-KrintzC- Reducing Delay with Dynamic Selection of Compression Formats (CK, BC), p. 266–?.
HPDC-2001-LopezO #evaluation #network- Evaluation of a Resource Selection Mechanism for Complex Network Services (JCL, DRO), pp. 171–180.
SAT-2001-LagoudakisL #branch #learning #satisfiability- Learning to Select Branching Rules in the DPLL Procedure for Satisfiability (MGL, MLL), pp. 344–359.
DAC-2000-YuKW #representation- The use of carry-save representation in joint module selection and retiming (ZY, KYK, ANWJ), pp. 768–773.
DATE-2000-Leupers- Code Selection for Media Processors with SIMD Instructions (RL), pp. 4–8.
PODS-2000-ChenKKM #estimation #query- Selectivity Estimation for Boolean Queries (ZC, FK, NK, SM), pp. 216–225.
SIGMOD-2000-FaloutsosSTT #using- Spatial Join Selectivity Using Power Laws (CF, BS, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 177–188.
VLDB-2000-AgrawalCN #automation #database #sql- Automated Selection of Materialized Views and Indexes in SQL Databases (SA, SC, VRN), pp. 496–505.
VLDB-2000-AltinelF #documentation #performance #xml- Efficient Filtering of XML Documents for Selective Dissemination of Information (MA, MJF), pp. 53–64.
ICEIS-2000-Carneiro- A Group Decision Support System for Strategic Alternatives Selection (AC), pp. 38–43.
ICEIS-2000-KundaB #approach #bibliography #off the shelf- Accessing Success of a Social-Technical Method for Cots Software Selection: A Survey Approach (DK, LB), pp. 294–298.
CIKM-2000-ChoHWH #database #object-oriented- Estimating Nested Selectivity in Object-Oriented Databases (WSC, WSH, KYW, KHH), pp. 94–101.
CIKM-2000-LarkeyCC #topic- Collection Selection and Results Merging with Topically Organized U.S. Patents and TREC Data (LSL, MEC, JPC), pp. 282–289.
CIKM-2000-LiFK #retrieval- Structural Join Index Driven Complex Object Retrieval: Mechanisms and Selection (QL, CWF, KK), pp. 150–157.
ICML-2000-AllenG #comparison #empirical #learning- Model Selection Criteria for Learning Belief Nets: An Empirical Comparison (TVA, RG), pp. 1047–1054.
ICML-2000-ChoiY #database #learning- Learning to Select Text Databases with Neural Nets (YSC, SIY), pp. 135–142.
ICML-2000-DyB #identification #learning #order #set- Feature Subset Selection and Order Identification for Unsupervised Learning (JGD, CEB), pp. 247–254.
ICML-2000-Hall #feature model #machine learning- Correlation-based Feature Selection for Discrete and Numeric Class Machine Learning (MAH), pp. 359–366.
ICML-2000-LagoudakisL #algorithm #learning #using- Algorithm Selection using Reinforcement Learning (MGL, MLL), pp. 511–518.
ICML-2000-Li #learning #online- Selective Voting for Perception-like Online Learning (YL), pp. 559–566.
ICML-2000-MollPB #machine learning #problem- Machine Learning for Subproblem Selection (RM, TJP, AGB), pp. 615–622.
ICML-2000-Scheffer #performance #predict- Predicting the Generalization Performance of Cross Validatory Model Selection Criteria (TS), pp. 831–838.
ICML-2000-Talavera #concept #feature model #incremental #learning #probability- Feature Selection and Incremental Learning of Probabilistic Concept Hierarchies (LT), pp. 951–958.
ICML-2000-TeowL #kernel #parametricity- Selection of Support Vector Kernel Parameters for Improved Generalization (LNT, KFL), pp. 967–974.
ICPR-v1-2000-AbbasiM #automation #multi #recognition- Automatic View Selection in Multi-View Object Recognition (SA, FM), pp. 1013–1016.
ICPR-v1-2000-BorgaMK #detection #named- FSED — Feature Selective Edge Detection (MB, HM, HK), pp. 1229–1232.
ICPR-v2-2000-BaesensVVD #feature model #network #optimisation- Wrapped Feature Selection by Means of Guided Neural Network Optimization (BB, SV, JV, GD), pp. 2113–2116.
ICPR-v2-2000-Bax #using #validation- Using Validation by Inference to Select a Hypothesis Function (EB), pp. 2700–2703.
ICPR-v2-2000-FigueiredoJ #estimation #finite #modelling- Unsupervised Selection and Estimation of Finite Mixture Models (MATF, AKJ), pp. 2087–2090.
ICPR-v2-2000-GiacintoR #classification #framework- A Theoretical Framework for Dynamic Classifier Selection (GG, FR), pp. 2008–2011.
ICPR-v2-2000-GuoM #approach #automation #feature model #hybrid #statistics- Automatic Feature Selection — A Hybrid Statistical Approach (HG, YLM), pp. 2382–2385.
ICPR-v2-2000-HermesB #feature model- Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines (LH, JMB), pp. 2712–2715.
ICPR-v2-2000-MesserK #algorithm #design #network #performance- Fast Unit Selection Algorithm for Neural Network Design (KM, JK), pp. 2981–2984.
ICPR-v2-2000-Schulerud #analysis #bias #fault #feature model #linear- Bias of Error Rates in Linear Discriminant Analysis Caused by Feature Selection and Sample Size (HS), pp. 2372–2377.
ICPR-v2-2000-SmitsA #cost analysis #image #interactive #set- Cost-Based Feature Subset Selection for Interactive Image Analysis (PCS, AA), pp. 2386–2389.
ICPR-v2-2000-SomolP #algorithm #feature model- Oscillating Search Algorithms for Feature Selection (PS, PP), pp. 2406–2409.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ichimura #feature model #segmentation #using- Motion Segmentation Using Feature Selection and Subspace Method Based on Shape Space (NI), pp. 3858–3864.
ICPR-v3-2000-Ichimura00a #3d #feature model- Token Grouping Based on 3D Motion and Feature Selection in Object Tracking (NI), pp. 7130–7136.
ICPR-v3-2000-KaarnaP #image #multi- Wavelet Filter Selection in Multispectral Image Compression (AK, JP), pp. 3246–3249.
ICPR-v4-2000-BrunelliM #image #query #retrieval- Query Simplification and Strategy Selection for Image Retrieval (RB, OM), pp. 4279–4282.
KDD-2000-BrijsGSVW #data mining #framework #mining- A data mining framework for optimal product selection in retail supermarket data: the generalized PROFSET model (TB, BG, GS, KV, GW), pp. 300–304.
KDD-2000-DyB #feature model #interactive #visualisation- Visualization and interactive feature selection for unsupervised data (JGD, CEB), pp. 360–364.
KDD-2000-FungM #classification- Data selection for support vector machine classifiers (GF, OLM), pp. 64–70.
KDD-2000-KimSM #feature model #learning #search-based- Feature selection in unsupervised learning via evolutionary search (YK, WNS, FM), pp. 365–369.
SIGIR-2000-PowellFCCV #database #distributed- The impact of database selection on distributed searching (ALP, JCF, JPC, MEC, CLV), pp. 232–239.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-BaudryHT #component #named #search-based- Testing-for-Trust: The Genetic Selection Model Applied to Component Qualification (BB, VLH, YLT), pp. 108–119.
SAC-2000-BaldwinMP #analysis #feature model #semantics- Semantic Discrimination Analysis for Feature Selection (JFB, TPM, CP), pp. 519–523.
SAC-2000-GottliebK #algorithm #problem- Selection in Evolutionary Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem (JG, TK), pp. 415–421.
SAC-2000-LimT00a- Tournament Selection for Browsing Temporal Signals (ISL, DT), pp. 570–573.
ISMM-2000-FitzgeraldT #garbage collection- The Case for Profile-Directed Selection of Garbage Collectors (RPF, DT), pp. 111–120.
ASE-1999-Michail #data mining #library #mining #reuse- Data Mining Library Reuse Patterns in User-Selected Applications (AM), p. 24–?.
DAC-1999-BashfordL #constraints #fixpoint- Constraint Driven Code Selection for Fixed-Point DSPs (SB, RL), pp. 817–822.
DAC-1999-SirichotiyakulEOZDPB #power management- Stand-by Power Minimization Through Simultaneous Threshold Voltage Selection and Circuit Sizing (SS, TE, CO, JZ, AD, RP, DB), pp. 436–441.
ICDAR-1999-Faure #analysis #documentation #image- Preattentive Reading and Selective Attention for Document Image Analysis (CF), pp. 577–580.
ICDAR-1999-LecceDGIPSS #automation #verification- Selection of Reference Signatures for Automatic Signature Verification (VDL, GD, AG, SI, GP, AS, LS), pp. 597–600.
PODS-1999-JagadishNS #estimation #string- Substring Selectivity Estimation (HVJ, RTN, DS), pp. 249–260.
PODS-1999-KarloffM #complexity #on the #problem- On the Complexity of the View-Selection Problem (HJK, MM), pp. 167–173.
SIGMOD-1999-AcharyaPR #database #estimation- Selectivity Estimation in Spatial Databases (SA, VP, SR), pp. 13–24.
SIGMOD-1999-BlohsfeldKS #comparison #metric #query- A Comparison of Selectivity Estimators for Range Queries on Metric Attributes (BB, DK, BS), pp. 239–250.
SIGMOD-1999-ChanI #encoding #performance #query- An Efficient Bitmap Encoding Scheme for Selection Queries (CYC, YEI), pp. 215–226.
SIGMOD-1999-LeeKC #estimation #multi #using- Multi-dimensional Selectivity Estimation Using Compressed Histogram Information (JHL, DHK, CWC), pp. 205–214.
SIGMOD-1999-Wu #optimisation #query #using- Query Optimization for Selections Using Bitmaps (MCW), pp. 227–238.
VLDB-1999-ChaudhuriG #query- Evaluating Top-k Selection Queries (SC, LG), pp. 397–410.
VLDB-1999-JagadishKNS #estimation #multi #string- Multi-Dimensional Substring Selectivity Estimation (HVJ, OK, RTN, DS), pp. 387–398.
CSMR-1999-GranjaJ #testing- Techniques for Regression Testing: Selecting Test Case Sets Tailored to Possibly Modified Functionalities (IG, MJ), pp. 2–13.
CSMR-1999-Pedro-de-JesusS #database #relational #reverse engineering- Selection of Reverse Engineering Methods for Relational Databases (MdLPdJ, PMAS), pp. 194–197.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Rittenbruch #named #towards- Atmosphere: towards context-selective awareness mechanisms (MR), pp. 328–332.
ICEIS-1999-BorgesN #development #object-oriented- An Assistant for Selecting Object Oriented Methods for Applications Development (GdESB, MEMN), p. 780.
CIKM-1999-Lin- Training a Selection Function for Extraction (CYL), pp. 55–62.
ICML-1999-MladenicG #feature model #naive bayes- Feature Selection for Unbalanced Class Distribution and Naive Bayes (DM, MG), pp. 258–267.
ICML-1999-Robnik-SikonjaK #dependence #modelling- Attribute Dependencies, Understandability and Split Selection in Tree Based Models (MRS, IK), pp. 344–353.
ICML-1999-SchefferJ #analysis #fault- Expected Error Analysis for Model Selection (TS, TJ), pp. 361–370.
ICML-1999-Talavera #clustering #feature model #preprocessor- Feature Selection as a Preprocessing Step for Hierarchical Clustering (LT), pp. 389–397.
ICML-1999-VaithyanathanD #clustering #documentation #learning- Model Selection in Unsupervised Learning with Applications To Document Clustering (SV, BD), pp. 433–443.
KDD-1999-SyedLS #case study #independence- A Study of Support Vectors on Model Independent Example Selection (NAS, HL, KKS), pp. 272–276.
SIGIR-1999-Baumgarten #distributed #information retrieval #problem- A Probabilitstic Solution to the Selection and Fusion Problem in Distributed Information Retrieval (CB), pp. 246–253.
SIGIR-1999-FrenchPCVEPM #algorithm #database #performance- Comparing the Performance of Database Selection Algorithms (JCF, ALP, JPC, CLV, TE, KJP, YM), pp. 238–245.
SIGIR-1999-GoldsteinKMC #documentation #evaluation #metric- Summarizing Text Documents: Sentence Selection and Evaluation Metrics (JG, MK, VOM, JGC), pp. 121–128.
SIGIR-1999-LuM #information retrieval- Partial Replica Selection Based on Relevance for Information Retrieval (ZL, KSM), pp. 97–104.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-LiQ #testing #uml- Test Selection from UML Statecharts (LL, ZQ), pp. 273–281.
POPL-1999-Ertl #graph- Optimal Code Selection in DAGs (MAE), pp. 242–249.
RE-1999-NcubeM #off the shelf #parallel #requirements- Guidance for Parallel Requirements Acquisition and COTS Software Selection (CN, NAMM), p. 133–?.
PPoPP-1999-SubhlokLL #automation #network #performance- Automatic Node Selection for High Performance Applications on Networks (JS, PL, BL), pp. 163–172.
IWTCS-1999-CsondesK #automation #testing- Automated Test Case Selection Based on Subpurposes (TC, BK), pp. 251–266.
DAC-1998-HanonoD #code generation #resource management #scheduling- Instruction Selection, Resource Allocation, and Scheduling in the AVIV Retargetable Code Generator (SH, SD), pp. 510–515.
DATE-1998-CornoPRV- Exploiting Symbolic Techniques for Partial Scan Flip Flop Selection (FC, PP, MSR, MV), pp. 670–677.
DATE-1998-FlottesPRV #effectiveness #performance- Scanning Datapaths: A Fast and Effective Partial Scan Selection Technique (MLF, RP, BR, LV), pp. 921–922.
DATE-1998-YiCPHK #behaviour #multi #synthesis- Multiple Behavior Module Synthesis Based on Selective Groupings (JHY, HC, ICP, SHH, CMK), pp. 384–388.
SIGMOD-1998-MatiasVW #estimation- Wavelet-Based Histograms for Selectivity Estimation (YM, JSV, MW), pp. 448–459.
VLDB-1998-LakshmiZ #approach #database #estimation #network- Selectivity Estimation in Extensible Databases — A Neural Network Approach (MSL, SZ), pp. 623–627.
VLDB-1998-ShuklaDN #dataset #multi- Materialized View Selection for Multidimensional Datasets (AS, PD, JFN), pp. 488–499.
ICSM-1998-Briand #evaluation #off the shelf- COTS Evaluation and Selection (LCB), pp. 222–223.
PLDI-1998-PiumartaR #optimisation #thread- Optimizing Direct-threaded Code by Selective Inlining (IP, FR), pp. 291–300.
CHI-1998-BalakrishnanP- The PadMouse: Facilitating Selection and Spatial Positioning for the Non-Dominant Hand (RB, PP), pp. 9–16.
CHI-1998-MacKenzieO #comparison- A Comparison of Three Selection Techniques for Touchpads (ISM, AO), pp. 336–343.
CIKM-1998-ProviettiF #estimation #query- Selectivity Estimation of Window Queries (GP, CF), pp. 340–347.
ICML-1998-BradleyM #feature model- Feature Selection via Concave Minimization and Support Vector Machines (PSB, OLM), pp. 82–90.
ICML-1998-Domingos #heuristic- A Process-Oriented Heuristic for Model Selection (PMD), pp. 127–135.
ICML-1998-FrankW98a #mutation testing #permutation #using- Using a Permutation Test for Attribute Selection in Decision Trees (EF, IHW), pp. 152–160.
ICML-1998-Ng #feature model #learning #on the- On Feature Selection: Learning with Exponentially Many Irrelevant Features as Training Examples (AYN), pp. 404–412.
ICPR-1998-Chen #algorithm #image #on the- On the selection of image compression algorithms (CCC), pp. 1500–1504.
ICPR-1998-GotoA #detection #framework- A framework for detecting and selecting text line candidates of correct orientation (HG, HA), pp. 1074–1076.
ICPR-1998-HanKKL #network #probability #segmentation- Temporal segmentation and selective attention in the stochastic oscillator neural network (SKH, WSK, HK, SWL), pp. 259–261.
ICPR-1998-HuberM #adaptation #named #parallel #set- ERC — evolutionary resample and combine for adaptive parallel training data set selection (RH, HAM), pp. 882–885.
ICPR-1998-LamOX #classification #learning- Application of Bayesian Ying-Yang criteria for selecting the number of hidden units with backpropagation learning to electrocardiogram classification (WKL, NO, LX), pp. 1686–1688.
ICPR-1998-LoupiasBJ #automation #education #image- Automatic selection of illustrations for teaching image processing (EL, SB, JMJ), pp. 1177–1179.
ICPR-1998-NishikawaOM #3d #using- Selective acquisition of 3-D information enough for finding passable free spaces using an active stereo vision system (AN, AO, FM), pp. 857–861.
ICPR-1998-PanditKM #independence #verification- Selection of speaker independent feature for a speaker verification system (MP, JK, JM), pp. 1034–1036.
ICPR-1998-PrevostM #automation #classification #multi #recognition- Automatic allograph selection and multiple expert classification for totally unconstrained handwritten character recognition (LP, MM), pp. 381–383.
ICPR-1998-RohrerGPB #feature model #recognition- Feature selection in melanoma recognition (RR, HG, AP, MB), pp. 1668–1670.
ICPR-1998-SawakiMH #automation #image #recognition- Character recognition in bookshelf images by automatic template selection (MS, HM, NH), pp. 1117–1120.
ICPR-1998-YoungKM #evolution #modelling #using- Hypothesis selection for scene interpretation using grammatical models of scene evolution (RCDY, JK, JM), pp. 1718–1720.
KDD-1998-FeeldersCM #bias #mining- Mining in the Presence of Selectivity Bias and its Application to Reject Inference (AJF, SC, GJM), pp. 199–203.
KDD-1998-KontkanenMST #classification #feature model #named- BAYDA: Software for Bayesian Classification and Feature Selection (PK, PM, TS, HT), pp. 254–258.
SIGIR-1998-FrenchPVEP #database #empirical- Evaluating Database Selection Techniques: A Testbed and Experiment (JCF, ALP, CLV, TE, KJP), pp. 121–129.
ICRE-1998-MaidenN #off the shelf #requirements- Acquiring COTS Software Selection Requirements (NAMM, CN), p. 241–?.
SAC-1998-Mohan #towards- Selective crossover: towards fitter offspring (CKM), pp. 374–378.
SAC-1998-WieseG #algorithm #search-based- Keep-best reproduction: a selection strategy for genetic algorithms (KCW, SDG), pp. 343–348.
ICSE-1998-GravesHKPR #empirical #testing- An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques (TLG, MJH, JMK, AAP, GR), pp. 188–197.
CADE-1998-BishopA- Selectively Instantiating Definitions (MB, PBA), pp. 365–380.
ISSTA-1998-Ball #analysis #control flow #on the #testing- On the Limit of Control Flow Analysis for Regression Test Selection (TB), pp. 134–142.
DAC-1997-TsaiCLB #algorithm #hybrid- A Hybrid Algorithm for Test Point Selection for Scan-Based BIST (HCT, KTC, CJL, SB), pp. 478–483.
ICDAR-1997-ChungY #comparison #feature model #performance #recognition- Performance comparison of several feature selection methods based on node pruning in handwritten character recognition (KC, JY), pp. 11–15.
ICDAR-1997-KimSC #approach #classification #multi #recognition- A systematic approach to classifier selection on combining multiple classifiers for handwritten digit recognition (JK, KS, KC), pp. 459–462.
VLDB-1997-BaralisPT #database #multi- Materialized Views Selection in a Multidimensional Database (EB, SP, ET), pp. 156–165.
VLDB-1997-ChaudhuriN #performance #sql- An Efficient Cost-Driven Index Selection Tool for Microsoft SQL Server (SC, VRN), pp. 146–155.
VLDB-1997-PoosalaI #estimation #independence- Selectivity Estimation Without the Attribute Value Independence Assumption (VP, YEI), pp. 486–495.
STOC-1997-AwerbuchS #algorithm #multi #online- Online Algorithms for Selective Multicast and Maximal Dense Trees (BA, TS), pp. 354–362.
STOC-1997-BroderFU #approach #graph #random- Static and Dynamic Path Selection on Expander Graphs: A Random Walk Approach (Preliminary Version) (AZB, AMF, EU), pp. 531–539.
HCI-CC-1997-BiancardiP- 4 Super-Events to Tame the Daunting Image-Selections (AB, MP), pp. 725–728.
AdaEurope-1997-Franch #ada #automation #implementation #non-functional #source code- Including Non-functional Issues in Anna/Ada Programs for Automatic Implementation Selection (XF), pp. 88–99.
EDOC-1997-HerringMK #case study #distributed #enterprise #experience #modelling #nondeterminism- Selecting Distributed Object Technologies in the Presence of Uncertainty: an Experience Report on C4I enterprise modelling (CH, ZM, SMK), p. 245–?.
EDOC-1997-OuthredP #distributed #enterprise #flexibility- A Flexible Service Selection Model for Enterprise Distributed Systems (GHO, JP), p. 227–?.
ACIR-1997-Moulinier #feature model #preprocessor- Feature Selection: A Useful Preprocessing Step (IM).
ICML-1997-AskerM #case study #classification #detection #re-engineering- Feature Engineering and Classifier Selection: A Case Study in Venusian Volcano Detection (LA, RM), pp. 3–11.
ICML-1997-DevaneyR #clustering #concept #feature model #performance- Efficient Feature Selection in Conceptual Clustering (MD, AR), pp. 92–97.
ICML-1997-KubatM #set- Addressing the Curse of Imbalanced Training Sets: One-Sided Selection (MK, SM), pp. 179–186.
ICML-1997-SchuurmansUF #performance- Characterizing the generalization performance of model selection strategies (DS, LHU, DPF), pp. 340–348.
ICML-1997-YangP #case study #categorisation #comparative #feature model- A Comparative Study on Feature Selection in Text Categorization (YY, JOP), pp. 412–420.
KDD-1997-WangS- Selecting Features by Vertical Compactness of Data (KW, SS), pp. 275–278.
SIGIR-1997-NgGL #case study #categorisation #feature model #learning #usability- Feature Selection, Perceptron Learning, and a Usability Case Study for Text Categorization (HTN, WBG, KLL), pp. 67–73.
PLILP-1997-GallardoGR #concurrent #haskell #inheritance- Inheritance and Selective Methods Dispatching in Concurrent Haskell (JEG, FG, BCR), pp. 33–46.
PLILP-1997-HuangSS #logic programming #parallel #source code- Selective Recomputation for Handling Side-Effects in Parallel Logic Programs (ZH, CS, AS), pp. 275–289.
ESEC-FSE-1997-ForgacsB #slicing- Feasible Test Path Selection by Principal Slicing (IF, AB), pp. 378–394.
ICLP-1997-HuangSS #execution #modelling #parallel- Handling Side-effects with Selective Recomputation in AND/OR Parallel Execution Models (ZH, CS, AS), p. 410.
DAC-1996-ChenLH #layout- Layout Driven Selecting and Chaining of Partial Scan (CSC, KHL, TH), pp. 262–267.
DAC-1996-HagermanD- Improved Tool and Data Selection in Task Management (JWH, SWD), pp. 181–184.
SIGMOD-1996-KrishnanVI- Estimating Alphanumeric Selectivity in the Presence of Wildcards (PK, JSV, BRI), pp. 282–293.
SIGMOD-1996-PoosalaIHS #estimation- Improved Histograms for Selectivity Estimation of Range Predicates (VP, YEI, PJH, EJS), pp. 294–305.
VLDB-1996-GardarinGT #algorithm #cost analysis #database #object-oriented- Cost-based Selection of Path Expression Processing Algorithms in Object-Oriented Databases (GG, JRG, ZHT), pp. 390–401.
ICFP-1996-ChuangH #approach #automation #data transformation #probability #problem- A Probabilistic Approach to the Problem of Automatic Selection of Data Representations (TRC, WLH), pp. 190–200.
AKDDM-1996-MatheusPM #what- Selecting and reporting What Is Interesting (CJM, GPS, DM), pp. 495–515.
CIKM-1996-EhrmanntrautHWS #source code #towards- The Personal Electronic Program Guide — Towards the Pre-Selection of Individual TV Programs (ME, TH, HW, RS), pp. 243–250.
CIKM-1996-HanP #algorithm #mining- Background for Association Rules and Cost Estimate of Selected Mining Algorithms (JLH, AWP), pp. 73–80.
ICML-1996-HelmboldSSW #multi #online #using- On-Line Portfolio Selection Using Multiplicative Updates (DPH, RES, YS, MKW), pp. 243–251.
ICML-1996-KollerS #feature model #towards- Toward Optimal Feature Selection (DK, MS), pp. 284–292.
ICML-1996-LiuS #approach #feature model #probability- A Probabilistic Approach to Feature Selection — A Filter Solution (HL, RS), pp. 319–327.
ICML-1996-SinghP #classification #learning #network #performance- Efficient Learning of Selective Bayesian Network Classifiers (MS, GMP), pp. 453–461.
ICPR-1996-ChatzisP #fuzzy- Introducing the select and split fuzzy cell Hough transform (VC, IP), pp. 552–556.
ICPR-1996-FellenzH #visual notation- Preattentive grouping and attentive selection for early visual computation (WAF, GH), pp. 340–345.
ICPR-1996-Ha #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- An optimum class-selective rejection rule for pattern recognition (TMH), pp. 75–80.
ICPR-1996-KudoS #classification #using- Selection of classifiers based on the MDL principle using the VC dimension (MK, MS), pp. 886–890.
ICPR-1996-Nouza #feature model #markov #modelling #recognition #speech- Feature selection methods for hidden Markov model-based speech recognition (JN), pp. 186–190.
ICPR-1996-SequeiraGR #3d #performance #re-engineering- Active view selection for efficient 3D scene reconstruction (VS, JGMG, MIR), pp. 815–819.
ICPR-1996-WernerHLP #representation- Selection of reference views for image-based representation (TW, VH, AL, TP), pp. 73–77.
ICPR-1996-XuanCW #distance #feature model- Bhattacharyya distance feature selection (GX, PC, MW), pp. 195–199.
ICPR-1996-Yamakawa #feature model #learning #recognition- Matchability-oriented feature selection for recognition structure learning (HY), pp. 123–127.
ICPR-1996-YaoC #image- Selective stabilization of images acquired by unmanned ground vehicles (YSY, RC), pp. 289–292.
ICPR-1996-ZongkerJ #algorithm #evaluation #feature model- Algorithms for feature selection: An evaluation (DEZ, AKJ), pp. 18–22.
KDD-1996-Fahner #data mining #interactive #mining- Data Mining with Sparse and Simplified Interaction Selection (GF), pp. 359–362.
KDD-1996-RicheldiL #effectiveness #feature model- Performing Effective Feature Selection by Investigating the Deep Structure of the Data (MR, PLL), pp. 379–383.
SEKE-1996-GuilfoyleHSB #algorithm #implementation #knowledge base- Implementation of Selected Data/Knowledge-Base Algorithms on a Digital Optoelectronic Processor (PSG, JMH, RVS, PBB), pp. 571–576.
ICSE-1996-Kontio #case study #off the shelf- A Case Study in Applying a Systematic Method for COTS Selection (JK), pp. 201–209.
CAV-1996-CamposG #analysis #model checking #verification- Selective Quantitative Analysis and Interval Model Checking: Verifying Different Facets of a System (SVAC, OG), pp. 257–268.
DAC-1995-PanL- Partial Scan with Pre-selected Scan Signals (PP, CLL), pp. 189–194.
DAC-1995-ShenHC #composition #set- Lambda Set Selection in Roth-Karp Decomposition for LUT-Based FPGA Technology Mapping (WZS, JDH, SMC), pp. 65–69.
ICDAR-v1-1995-BauerW #automation #parametricity #personalisation #reduction #verification- Parameter reduction and personalized parameter selection for automatic signature verification (FB, BW), pp. 183–186.
ICDAR-v1-1995-WangY #editing #image- Block selection: a method for segmenting a page image of various editing styles (SYW, TY), pp. 128–133.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KanungoHB #distance #documentation #validation- Power functions and their use in selecting distance functions for document degradation model validation (TK, RMH, HSB), pp. 734–739.
VLDB-1995-BelussiF #correlation #query #using- Estimating the Selectivity of Spatial Queries Using the “Correlation” Fractal Dimension (AB, CF), pp. 299–310.
CSEE-1995-ScottC #programming #student- Team Selection Methods for Student Programming Projects (TJS, JHCI), pp. 295–303.
ICSM-1995-Binkley #cost analysis #semantics #testing- Reducing the cost of regression testing by semantics guided test case selection (DB), p. 251–?.
PLDI-1995-ColemanM #layout #using- Tile Size Selection Using Cache Organization and Data Layout (SC, KSM), pp. 279–290.
PLDI-1995-DeanCG #object-oriented- Selective Specialization for Object-Oriented Languages (JD, CC, DG), pp. 93–102.
CHI-1995-KabbashB #using- The “Prince” Technique: Fitts’ Law and Selection Using Area Cursors (PK, WB), pp. 273–279.
ICML-1995-Brodley #automation- Automatic Selection of Split Criterion during Tree Growing Based on Node Location (CEB), pp. 73–80.
ICML-1995-Fong- A Quantitative Study of Hypothesis Selection (PWLF), pp. 226–234.
ICML-1995-KohaviJ #fault #parametricity- Autmatic Parameter Selection by Minimizing Estimated Error (RK, GHJ), pp. 304–312.
ICML-1995-SinghP #algorithm #classification #comparison #induction- A Comparison of Induction Algorithms for Selective and non-Selective Bayesian Classifiers (MS, GMP), pp. 497–505.
KDD-1995-Glymour #modelling #predict- Available Technology for Discovering Causal Models, Building Bayes Nets, and Selecting Predictors: The TETRAD II Program (CG), pp. 130–135.
KDD-1995-KohaviS #set #using- Feature Subset Selection Using the Wrapper Method: Overfitting and Dynamic Search Space Topology (RK, DS), pp. 192–197.
KDD-1995-TsumotoT #automation #induction #multi #recursion #statistics #testing- Automated Selection of Rule Induction Methods Based on Recursive Iteration of Resampling Methods and Multiple Statistical Testing (ST, HT), pp. 312–317.
ICSE-1995-ChambersDG #dependence #framework- A Framework for Selective Recompilation in the Presence of Complex Intermodule Dependencies (CC, JD, DG), pp. 221–230.
DAC-1994-ChakradharBA #algorithm- An Exact Algorithm for Selecting Partial Scan Flip-Flops (STC, AB, VDA), pp. 81–86.
DAC-1994-ChenF #analysis #using- Transient Sensitivity Computation of MOSFET Circuits Using Iterated Timing Analysis and Selective-Tracing Waveform Eelaxation (CJC, WSF), pp. 581–585.
EDAC-1994-LiemMP #code generation- Instruction-Set Matching and Selection for DSP and ASIP Code Generation (CL, TCM, PGP), pp. 31–37.
EDAC-1994-RouzeyreDS #component #scheduling #synthesis- Component Selection, Scheduling and Control Schemes for High Level Synthesis (BR, DD, GS), pp. 482–489.
PODS-1994-HaasNS #estimation #on the- On the Relative Cost of Sampling for Join Selectivity Estimation (PJH, JFN, ANS), pp. 14–24.
SIGMOD-1994-ChenR #adaptation #estimation #feedback #query #using- Adaptive Selectivity Estimation Using Query Feedback (CMC, NR), pp. 161–172.
SIGMOD-1994-CookWZ #database #garbage collection #policy- Partition Selection Policies in Object Database Garbage Collection (JEC, ALW, BGZ), pp. 371–382.
VLDB-1994-ChawatheCY #on the- On Index Selection Schemes for Nested Object Hierarchies (SSC, MSC, PSY), pp. 331–341.
VLDB-1994-Galindo-LegariaPK #performance #question #random #why- Fast, Randomized Join-Order Selection — Why Use Transformations? (CAGL, AP, MLK), pp. 85–95.
ICSM-1994-RothermelH #object-oriented #testing- Selecting Regression Tests for Object-Oriented Software (GR, MJH), pp. 14–25.
SAS-1994-StecklerW- Selective Thunkification (PS, MW), pp. 162–178.
AdaEurope-1994-AbadieB #development #execution #named #realtime- CEDEX — A Tool for the Selection of a Development and Execution Environment for Real Time On-Board Applications (JA, BB), pp. 465–482.
TRI-Ada-1994-Vazquez #development #process- Selecting a Software Development Process (FV), pp. 209–218.
CIKM-1994-ArensK #representation #reuse- Intelligent Caching: Selecting, Representing, and Reusing Data in an Information Server (YA, CAK), pp. 433–438.
CIKM-1994-LeeW #identification #image #retrieval- Computer Image Retrieval by Features: Selecting the Best Facial Features for Suspect Identification Systems (ESL, TW), pp. 105–111.
ICML-1994-AhaLLM #learning #recursion #set- Learning Recursive Relations with Randomly Selected Small Training Sets (DWA, SL, CXL, SM), pp. 12–18.
ICML-1994-CaruanaF- Greedy Attribute Selection (RC, DF), pp. 28–36.
ICML-1994-JohnKP #problem #set- Irrelevant Features and the Subset Selection Problem (GHJ, RK, KP), pp. 121–129.
ICML-1994-Skalak #algorithm #feature model #prototype #random- Prototype and Feature Selection by Sampling and Random Mutation Hill Climbing Algorithms (DBS), pp. 293–301.
ICML-1994-ZuckerG #concept #learning- Selective Reformulation of Examples in Concept Learning (JDZ, JGG), pp. 352–360.
KDD-1994-TsumotoT #estimation #probability #recursion- Selection of Probabilistic Measure Estimation Method Based on Recursive Iteration of Resampling Methods (ST, HT), pp. 121–132.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-Sikora #empirical #object-oriented #problem #programming #roadmap- Selected Results from an Empirical Study on Problem Areas and Trends of Object-Oriented Programming (HS), pp. 303–313.
POPL-1994-GarrigueA #polymorphism #λ-calculus- The Typed Polymorphic Label-Selective λ-Calculus (JG, HAK), pp. 35–47.
POPL-1994-WandS #lightweight- Selective and Lightweight Closure Conversion (MW, PS), pp. 435–445.
ICSE-1994-ChenRV #named #testing- TestTube: A System for Selective Regression Testing (YFC, DSR, KPV), pp. 211–220.
ICSE-1994-RothermelH #framework #testing- A Framework for Evaluating Regression Test Selection Techniques (GR, MJH), pp. 201–210.
CC-1994-FauthHKM #graph- Global Code Selection of Directed Acyclic Graphs (AF, GH, AK, CM), pp. 128–142.
ISSTA-1994-RothermelH #identification #requirements #test coverage #testing- Selecting Tests and Identifying Test Coverage Requirements for Modified Software (GR, MJH), pp. 169–184.
LICS-1994-Stark #declarative #prolog #semantics- The Declarative Semantics of the Prolog Selection Rule (RFS), pp. 252–261.
DAC-1993-GanapathyA #pseudo- Selective Pseudo Scan: Combinational ATPG with Reduced Scan in a Full Custom RISC Microprocessor (GG, JAA), pp. 550–555.
HT-1993-SaltonA #traversal- Selective Text Utilization and Text Traversal (GS, JA), pp. 131–144.
ICDAR-1993-Pavlidis #image #using- Threshold selection using second derivatives of the gray scale image (TP), pp. 274–277.
PODS-1993-HaasNSS #estimation- Fixed-Precision Estimation of Join Selectivity (PJH, JFN, SS, ANS), pp. 190–201.
PODS-1993-Raz #order #transaction- Extended Commitment Ordering or Guaranteeing Global Serializability by Applying Commitment Order Selectivity to Global Transactions (YR), pp. 83–96.
SIGMOD-1993-SuLRD #estimation- An Instant and Accurate Estimation Method for Joins and Selection in a Retrieval-Intensive Environment (WS, YL, NR, YD), pp. 79–88.
CSM-1993-RothermelH #algorithm #performance #testing- A Safe, Efficient Algorithm for Regression Test Selection (GR, MJH), pp. 358–367.
HCI-ACS-1993-Chung #using- Decision Maker’s Knowledge Level and the Selection of Decision Strategies in Using a Decision Support System (HMMC), pp. 487–491.
HCI-ACS-1993-ClarkH #automation #case study #human-computer #interactive- A Study of Human-Computer Interaction in the Selection of Commercial Pilots for Automated Flight Decks (REC, WFHI), pp. 350–355.
HCI-SHI-1993-DijkstraHD #editing- User Responses to an Editor Supporting Syntactic Selection Method (AD, CH, HD), pp. 627–632.
HCI-SHI-1993-Page #interface- Selecting Colors for Dialog Boxes and Buttons in a Text Interface (SRP), pp. 208–213.
INTERCHI-1993-VanderdoncktB #automation #encapsulation #interactive- Encapsulating knowledge for intelligent automatic interaction objects selection (JV, FB), pp. 424–429.
TRI-Ada-1993-FilareyRRSD #ada #framework- Software First: Applying Ada Megaprogramming Technology to Target Platform Selection Trades (ARF, WER, RR, PS, LDM), pp. 90–101.
CIKM-1993-BarlosF #database #development #distributed #on the #parallel- On the Development of a site Selection Optimizer for Distributed and Parallel Database Systems (FB, OF), pp. 684–693.
ICML-1993-Brodley #automation- Automatic Algorith/Model Class Selection (CEB), pp. 17–24.
SAC-1993-Al-HaddadGG #implementation #object-oriented #paradigm #programming #reuse- Dynamic Selection and Reuse of Implementations in the Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm (HMAH, KMG, TG), pp. 452–459.
ICSE-1993-OffuttRZ #evaluation- An Experimental Evaluation of Selective Mutation (AJO, GR, CZ), pp. 100–107.
PODS-1992-SrivastavaR #constraints- Pushing Constraint Selections (DS, RR), pp. 301–315.
STOC-1992-Angluin #bibliography #learning- Computational Learning Theory: Survey and Selected Bibliography (DA), pp. 351–369.
CHI-1992-JacobS #multi- The Perceptual Structure of Multidimensional Input Device Selection (RJKJ, LES), pp. 211–218.
CHI-1992-TealR #performance- A performance model of system delay and user strategy selection (SLT, AIR), pp. 295–305.
ML-1992-KiraR #approach #feature model- A Practical Approach to Feature Selection (KK, LAR), pp. 249–256.
ML-1992-OliveiraS #feature model #induction #using- Constructive Induction Using a Non-Greedy Strategy for Feature Selection (ALO, ALSV), pp. 355–360.
ML-1992-Zhang #learning- Selecting Typical Instances in Instance-Based Learning (JZ), pp. 470–479.
IWPTS-1992-Gaudel #data type #specification #testing- Test Selection Based on ADT Specifications (MCG), pp. 31–40.
IWPTS-1992-McAllisterVA #automation #metric #test coverage #testing- Automated Test Case Selection Based on Test Coverage Metrics (MM, STV, JAC), pp. 93–104.
DAC-1991-ChenDL #optimisation #performance- Critical Path Selection for Performance Optimization (HCC, DHCD, LRL), pp. 547–550.
HT-1991-CreechFG #component #hypermedia #reuse #using- Using Hypertext in Selecting Reusable Software Components (MLC, DFF, MLG), pp. 25–38.
ML-1991-KokarR #learning- Learning to Select a Model in a Changing World (MMK, SAR), pp. 313–317.
PLILP-1991-GiannottiH #detection #recursion #specification- A Technique for Recursive Invariance Detection and Selective Program Specification (FG, MVH), pp. 323–334.
ESEC-1991-DauchyM #algebra #automation #specification #testing- Test Data Selection From Algebraic Specifications: Application to an Automatic Subway Module (PD, BM), pp. 80–100.
ICLP-1991-Marre #algebra #automation #logic programming #specification #testing #towards #using- Toward Automatic Test Data Set Selection Using Algebraic Specifications and Logic Programming (BM), pp. 202–219.
IWPTS-1991-ChansonL #on the #protocol #testing- On Static and Dynamic Test Case Selections in Protocol Confomance Testing (STC, QL), pp. 255–266.
SIGMOD-1990-LiptonNS #adaptation #estimation- Practical Selectivity Estimation through Adaptive Sampling (RJL, JFN, DAS), pp. 1–11.
STOC-1990-AroraLM #algorithm #network #online- On-line Algorithms for Path Selection in a Nonblocking Network (Extended Abstract) (SA, FTL, BMM), pp. 149–158.
STOC-1990-Frederickson #bound- The Information Theory Bound Is Tight for Selection in a Heap (GNF), pp. 26–33.
CHI-1990-DillonET #cost analysis- Measuring the true cost of command selection: techniques and results (RFD, JDE, JWT), pp. 19–26.
CHI-1990-WalkerS #comparison- A comparison of selection time from walking and pull-down menus (NW, JBS), pp. 221–226.
CAiSE-1990-Suomi #case study #development #experience #tool support- Selecting System Development Tools: Some Experiences (RS), pp. 61–78.
ICALP-1989-PruhsM #complexity- The Complexity of Controlled Selection (KP, UM), pp. 672–686.
CHI-1989-JacksonR #named- Circling: a method of mouse-based selection without button presses (JCJ, RJRH), pp. 161–166.
ML-1989-ScottM #case study #experience #learning #nondeterminism- Uncertainty Based Selection of Learning Experiences (PDS, SM), pp. 358–361.
ML-1989-Seifert #feature model #retrieval #using- A Retrieval Model Using Feature Selection (CMS), pp. 52–54.
CSL-1989-Borger #logic #prolog #semantics- A Logical Operational Semantics of Full Prolog. Part I: Selection Core and Control (EB), pp. 36–64.
DAC-1988-JainPP #pipes and filters #synthesis- Module Selection for Pipelined Synthesis (RJ, ACP, NP), pp. 542–547.
DAC-1988-LiRS #logic #on the- On Path Selection in Combinational Logic Circuits (WNL, SMR, SS), pp. 142–147.
DAC-1988-YenGD #algorithm #analysis- A Path Selection Algorithm for Timing Analysis (HCY, SG, DHCD), pp. 720–723.
SIGMOD-1988-MuralikrishnaD #multi #query- Equi-Depth Histograms For Estimating Selectivity Factors For Multi-Dimensional Queries (MM, DJD), pp. 28–36.
VLDB-1988-Lynch #database #estimation #optimisation #query #scalability- Selectivity Estimation and Query Optimization in Large Databases with Highly Skewed Distribution of Column Values (CAL), pp. 240–251.
ESOP-1988-GiegerichS #parsing #pattern matching- Code Selection Techniques: Pattern Matching, Tree Parsing, and Inversion of Derivors (RG, KS), pp. 247–268.
ICALP-1988-ColeSSS- Optimal Slope Selection (RC, JSS, WLS, ES), pp. 133–146.
VDME-1988-Scullard #testing #using- Test Case Selection using VDM (GTS), pp. 178–186.
SIGIR-1988-BoscG #flexibility #framework #fuzzy #set- Flexible Selection among Objects: A Framework Based on Fuzzy Sets (PB, MG), pp. 433–449.
CCHSC-1988-WeisgerberW #pattern matching- Two Tree Pattern Matchers for Code Selection (BW, RW), pp. 215–229.
DAC-1987-HsuPK- A Path Selection Global Router (YCH, YP, WJK), pp. 641–644.
DAC-1987-PraizlerF- A Parts Selection Expert System to Increase Manufacturability (DP, GF), pp. 706–712.
PODS-1987-BeeriKBR #bound #logic programming #source code- Bounds on the Propagation of Selection into Logic Programs (CB, PCK, FB, RR), pp. 214–226.
PLDI-1987-ChaseH #debugging #source code- Selective interpretation as a technique for debugging computationally intensive programs (BBC, RTH), pp. 113–124.
ESEC-1987-CollbergK #implementation #multi- A Property-Based Method for Selecting Among Multiple Implementations of Modules (CSC, MGK), pp. 193–201.
SLP-1987-Winsborough87 #parallel #semantics- Semantically Transparent Selective Reset for AND Parallel Interpreters Based on the Origin of Failures (WHW), pp. 134–152.
VLDB-1986-CheineyFMT #clustering #multi #reliability #using- A Reliable Backend Using Multiattribute Clustering and Select-Join Operator (JPC, PF, RM, JMT), pp. 220–227.
STOC-1986-AjtaiKSS #parallel- Deterministic Selection in O(log log N) Parallel Time (MA, JK, WLS, ES), pp. 188–195.
SLP-1986-WooC86 #backtracking- Selecting the Backtrack Literal in the AND/OR Model (NSW, KMC), pp. 200–210.
DAC-1985-BreuerZ #knowledge base- A knowledge based system for selecting a test methodology for a PLA (MAB, XaZ), pp. 259–265.
DAC-1985-ObermeierK #approach- PLA driver selection: an analytic approach (FWO, RHK), pp. 798–802.
PODS-1985-Keller #algorithm #database- Algorithms for Translating View Updates to Database Updates for Views Involving Selections, Projections, and Joins (AMK), pp. 154–163.
VLDB-1985-DadamLPS #concurrent #information management #maintenance- Selective Deferred Index Maintenance & Concurrency Control in Integrated Information Systems (PD, VYL, UP, GS), pp. 142–150.
SIGIR-1985-Lee #retrieval- An Integrated Hierarchical File Organization for Data Selection and Retrieval (SLL), pp. 233–241.
ICSE-1985-ClarkePRZ #comparison #data flow- A Comparison of Data Flow Path Selection Criteria (LAC, AP, DJR, SJZ), pp. 244–251.
STOC-1984-CuntoM- Average Case Selection (WC, JIM), pp. 369–375.
SIGIR-1984-CroftT #adaptation #documentation #retrieval- The Use of Adaptive Mechanisms for Selection of Search Strategies in Document Retrieval Systems (WBC, RT), pp. 95–110.
DAC-1982-Richardson- Important criteria in selecting engineering work stations (FR), pp. 440–444.
ICSE-1982-RappsW #analysis #data flow #testing- Data Flow Analysis Techniques for Test Data Selection (SR, EJW), pp. 272–278.
DAC-1981-LeiveT #logic #synthesis- A technology relative Logic Synthesis and Module Selection system (GWL, DET), pp. 479–485.
DAC-1981-McNallD #approach- A structured approach to selecting a CAD/CAM system (RIMJ, RJD), p. 702.
DAC-1980-BlissH #implementation- Selecting and successfully implementing a turnkey computer graphics system (FB, GMH), pp. 579–584.
STOC-1980-FredericksonJ #ranking- Generalized Selection and Ranking (Preliminary Version) (GNF, DBJ), pp. 420–428.
CADE-1980-BundyW #algebra #multi #using- Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rules in Algebraic Manipulation (AB, BW), pp. 24–38.
CADE-1980-PereiraP #backtracking #logic programming #source code- Selective Backtracking for Logic Programs (LMP, AP), pp. 306–317.
SIGMOD-1979-SelingerACLP #database #relational- Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System (PGS, MMA, DDC, RAL, TGP), pp. 23–34.
ICALP-1979-Selman #behaviour #polynomial #set- P-Selective Sets, Tally Languages, and the Behavior of Polynomial Time Reducibilities on NP (ALS), pp. 546–555.
POPL-1979-SchonbergSS #automation #data type- Automatic Data Structure Selection in SETL (ES, JTS, MS), pp. 197–210.
DAC-1978-HsuSZ #testing- Selective controllability: A proposal for testing and diagnosis (FCH, PS, LMZ), pp. 110–116.
SIGMOD-1978-Berlin #evaluation- DBMS Selection and Evaluation: Perspectives and Practical Issues (BB), pp. 37–38.
SIGMOD-1978-MarchS #approach #automation #database #design #modelling- A Mathematical Modeling Approach to the Automatic Selection of Database Designs (STM, DGS), pp. 52–65.
ICALP-1978-DobkinM #bound #problem- Time and Space Bounds for Selection Problems (DPD, JIM), pp. 192–204.
SIGMOD-1977-LochovskyT #performance- User Performance Considerations in DBMS Selection (FHL, DT), pp. 128–134.
DAC-1976-AkbenH- A language for selective distortion of spatial structures (FA, SGH), pp. 141–150.
SIGMOD-1976-HammerC #adaptation #database #self- Index Selection in a Self-Adaptive Data Base Management System (MH, AC), pp. 1–8.
POPL-1976-LowR #automation #data type- Techniques for the Automatic Selection of Data Structures (JRL, PR), pp. 58–67.
VLDB-1975-FarleyS #database #execution #query #relational- Query Execution and Index Selection for Relational Data Bases (GF, SAS), p. 519.
VLDB-1975-YaoM #using- Selection of File Organization Using an Analytic Model (SBY, AGM), pp. 255–267.
SOSP-1975-CoffmanM #scheduling- Selecting a Scheduling Rule that Meets Pre-Specified Response Time Demands (EGCJ, IM), pp. 187–191.
SIGFIDET-1974-AstrahanG #algorithm #independence- A Search Path Selection Algorithm for the Data Independent Accessing Model (DIAM) (MMA, SPG), pp. 367–388.
SOSP-1971-Varney #operating system #process- Process Selection in an Hierarchical Operating System (RCV), pp. 106–108.