Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Japan
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
K.F.Sagonas P.Johnson M.Pettersson J.Wilhelmsson T.Sommestad J.Ullberg C.Jonsson T.Lindgren J.Bevemyr H.Millroth
Talks about:
erlang (4) perform (3) compil (3) architectur (2) enterpris (2) system (2) high (2) descript (1) approach (1) priorit (1)
Person: Erik Johansson
DBLP: Johansson:Erik
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- EDOC-2007-JohnsonJSU #analysis #architecture #enterprise
- A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis (PJ, EJ, TS, JU), pp. 142–156.
- EDOC-2005-JohanssonJ #assessment #enterprise #security
- Assessment of Enterprise Information Security — The Importance of Prioritization (EJ, PJ), pp. 207–218.
- FLOPS-2002-PetterssonSJ #compilation #erlang #evaluation #performance
- The HiPE/x86 Erlang Compiler: System Description and Performance Evaluation (MP, KFS, EJ), pp. 228–244.
- ISMM-2002-JohanssonSW #architecture #concurrent #message passing #using
- Heap architectures for concurrent languages using message passing (EJ, KFS, JW), pp. 195–206.
- PADL-2002-JohanssonS #compilation #erlang #linear
- Linear Scan Register Allocation in a High-Performance Erlang Compiler (EJ, KFS), pp. 101–119.
- PPDP-2000-JohanssonPS #erlang #performance
- A high performance Erlang system (EJ, MP, KFS), pp. 32–43.
- PLILP-1997-JohanssonJLBM #approach #compilation #erlang
- A Pragmatic Approach to Compilation of Erlang (EJ, CJ, TL, JB, HM), pp. 419–420.