Collaborated with:
W.K.Chan X.Mei
Talks about:
program (2) thread (2) replay (2) effici (2) multi (2) determinist (1) transact (1) record (1) play (1) base (1)
Person: Ernest Bota Pobee
DBLP: Pobee:Ernest_Bota
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ASE-2019-PobeeMC #concurrent #multi #performance #source code #thread #transaction
- Efficient Transaction-Based Deterministic Replay for Multi-threaded Programs (EBP, XM, WKC), pp. 760–771.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-PobeeC #concurrent #multi #named #performance #source code #thread
- AggrePlay: efficient record and replay of multi-threaded programs (EBP, WKC), pp. 567–577.