79 papers:
ICPC-2015-WhiteVJBP #android #debugging #generative- Generating reproducible and replayable bug reports from Android application crashes (MW, MLV, PJ, CBC, DP), pp. 48–59.
SCAM-2015-SantosEADV #game studies #program transformation #source code- Recording and replaying system specific, source code transformations (GS, AE, NA, SD, MTV), pp. 221–230.
PLDI-2015-0010ZTZ #bound #named- Light: replay via tightly bounded recording (PL, XZ, OT, YZ), pp. 55–64.
ICML-2015-VanseijenS #learning- A Deeper Look at Planning as Learning from Replay (HV, RS), pp. 2314–2322.
OOPSLA-2015-HuAN #android #lightweight- Versatile yet lightweight record-and-replay for Android (YH, TA, IN), pp. 349–366.
ICSE-v1-2015-QiuYPK #composition #execution #symbolic computation- Compositional Symbolic Execution with Memoized Replay (RQ, GY, CSP, SK), pp. 632–642.
CGO-2015-ZhengLHWJ #approach #debugging #manycore #on the #performance- On performance debugging of unnecessary lock contentions on multicore processors: a replay-based approach (LZ, XL, BH, SW, HJ), pp. 56–67.
SEKE-2014-ChenS #education #online #re-engineering- Supporting Online Synchronous Education for Software Engineering via Web-based Operation Record and Replay (DC, YS), pp. 528–533.
ECOOP-2014-LeeKZ #concurrent #execution #multi- Infrastructure-Free Logging and Replay of Concurrent Execution on Multiple Cores (KHL, DK, XZ), pp. 232–256.
ICSE-2014-JiangGXML #concurrent #java #named #source code- CARE: cache guided deterministic replay for concurrent Java programs (YJ, TG, CX, XM, JL), pp. 457–467.
ASPLOS-2014-HonarmandT #multi #named- RelaxReplay: record and replay for relaxed-consistency multiprocessors (NH, JT), pp. 223–238.
CGO-2014-WangPPLGN #debugging #named #slicing- DrDebug: Deterministic Replay based Cyclic Debugging with Dynamic Slicing (YW, HP, CP, GL, RG, IN), p. 98.
OSDI-2014-ChenMXHPSZ #detection- Detecting Covert Timing Channels with Time-Deterministic Replay (AC, WBM, HX, AH, LTXP, MS, WZ), pp. 541–554.
PPoPP-2014-LeeKZ #concurrent #execution #multi- Infrastructure-free logging and replay of concurrent execution on multiple cores (KHL, DK, XZ), pp. 371–372.
WCRE-2013-LeottaCRT #assessment #empirical #evolution #programmable #testing #web- Capture-replay vs. programmable web testing: An empirical assessment during test case evolution (ML, DC, FR, PT), pp. 272–281.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named- Jalangi: a selective record-replay and dynamic analysis framework for JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 488–498.
ESEC-FSE-2013-SenKBG13a #dynamic analysis #framework #javascript #named #testing- Jalangi: a tool framework for concolic testing, selective record-replay, and dynamic analysis of JavaScript (KS, SK, TGB, SG), pp. 615–618.
ICSE-2013-GomezNAM #android #named- RERAN: timing- and touch-sensitive record and replay for Android (LG, IN, TA, TDM), pp. 72–81.
ASPLOS-2013-HonarmandDTKPP #named #parallel- Cyrus: unintrusive application-level record-replay for replay parallelism (NH, ND, JT, STK, GP, CP), pp. 193–206.
ASPLOS-2013-ViennotNN #debugging #manycore #validation- Transparent mutable replay for multicore debugging and patch validation (NV, SN, JN), pp. 127–138.
HPCA-2013-QianHSQ #dependence #memory management #named #parallel #performance- Rainbow: Efficient memory dependence recording with high replay parallelism for relaxed memory model (XQ, HH, BS, DQ), pp. 554–565.
PPoPP-2013-ChenC #parallel #scalability- Scalable deterministic replay in a parallel full-system emulator (YC, HC), pp. 207–218.
SOSP-2013-WeissHAA #game studies #named #parallel #thread- ROOT: replaying multithreaded traces with resource-oriented ordering (ZW, TH, ACAD, RHAD), pp. 373–387.
ASE-2012-MaruyamaKOH #game studies #slicing- Slicing and replaying code change history (KM, EK, TO, SH), pp. 246–249.
CSMR-2012-Dovgalyuk #debugging #dynamic analysis #execution #multi- Deterministic Replay of System’s Execution with Multi-target QEMU Simulator for Dynamic Analysis and Reverse Debugging (PD), pp. 553–556.
OOPSLA-2012-HuangZ #agile #concurrent #debugging #execution #named #reduction- LEAN: simplifying concurrency bug reproduction via replay-supported execution reduction (JH, CZ), pp. 451–466.
ICSE-2012-ZhouXZ #bound #named #polynomial #search-based- Stride: Search-based deterministic replay in polynomial time via bounded linkage (JZ, XX, CZ), pp. 892–902.
VLDB-2011-MorfoniosCGBDDW #consistency- Consistent Synchronization Schemes for Workload Replay (KM, RC, LG, SB, BD, KD, YW), pp. 1225–1236.
CSEET-2011-HattoriBLL #game studies #learning- Erase and rewind — Learning by replaying examples (LH, AB, ML, ML), p. 558.
ICPC-2011-HattoriDLL #comprehension #evolution- Software Evolution Comprehension: Replay to the Rescue (LH, MD, ML, ML), pp. 161–170.
PLDI-2011-LeeZSZ #generative #towards- Toward generating reducible replay logs (KHL, YZ, NS, XZ), pp. 246–257.
CHI-2011-JunuzovicIHZTB #bibliography #multimodal #using #what- What did i miss?: in-meeting review using multimodal accelerated instant replay (air) conferencing (SJ, KI, RH, ZZ, JCT, CB), pp. 513–522.
ESEC-FSE-2011-CheungSM- Partial replay of long-running applications (AC, ASL, SM), pp. 135–145.
ASPLOS-2011-VeeraraghavanLWOCFN #named- DoublePlay: parallelizing sequential logging and replay (KV, DL, BW, JO, PMC, JF, SN), pp. 15–26.
LCTES-2011-WangLLFBL #debugging #dependence #multi #network- Dependence-based multi-level tracing and replay for wireless sensor networks debugging (MW, ZL, FL, XF, SB, YHL), pp. 91–100.
VLDB-2010-FabbriLZ #named #query- PolicyReplay: Misconfiguration-Response Queries for Data Breach Reporting (DF, KL, QZ), pp. 36–47.
MSR-2010-RobbesPL #game studies #ide #interactive #predict- Replaying IDE interactions to evaluate and improve change prediction approaches (RR, DP, ML), pp. 161–170.
CHI-2010-EngstromJPB #realtime- Temporal hybridity: footage with instant replay in real time (AE, OJ, MJP, MB), pp. 1495–1504.
SAC-2010-BlackshearV- R-LEAP+: randomizing LEAP+ key distribution to resist replay and jamming attacks (SB, RMV), pp. 1985–1992.
FSE-2010-HuangLZ #concurrent #java #lightweight #multi #named #source code- LEAP: lightweight deterministic multi-processor replay of concurrent java programs (JH, PL, CZ), pp. 207–216.
FSE-2010-HuangLZ10a #concurrent #java #lightweight #multi #named #source code- LEAP: lightweight deterministic multi-processor replay of concurrent java programs (JH, PL, CZ), pp. 385–386.
FSE-2010-WuLWXLLGGZZ #data flow- Language-based replay via data flow cut (MW, FL, XW, ZX, HL, XL, ZG, HG, LZ, ZZ), pp. 197–206.
CGO-2010-PatilPSLC #analysis #framework #named #parallel #source code- PinPlay: a framework for deterministic replay and reproducible analysis of parallel programs (HP, CP, MS, GL, JC), pp. 2–11.
TAP-2010-GladischTBY #generative #testing #using #verification- Generating Regression Unit Tests Using a Combination of Verification and Capture & Replay (CG, SST, BB, AY), pp. 61–76.
VLDB-2009-ColleGWBP #database- Oracle Database Replay (RC, LG, YW, SB, SP), pp. 1542–1545.
FASE-2009-ChocklerFGN #concurrent #source code- Cross-Entropy-Based Replay of Concurrent Programs (HC, EF, BG, SN), pp. 201–215.
SAC-2009-MaengKSR #architecture #debugging #embedded #named #realtime- RT-replayer: a record-replay architecture for embedded real-time software debugging (JCM, JIK, MKS, MR), pp. 1670–1675.
ICSE-2009-ZhangHZM #ide #interactive #named- SmartTutor: Creating IDE-based interactive tutorials via editable replay (YZ, GH, NZ, HM), pp. 559–562.
ASPLOS-2009-MontesinosHKT #interface #multi #named- Capo: a software-hardware interface for practical deterministic multiprocessor replay (PM, MH, STK, JT), pp. 73–84.
HPDC-2009-LiuJLHY #migration #virtual machine- Live migration of virtual machine based on full system trace and replay (HL, HJ, XL, LH, CY), pp. 101–110.
PPoPP-2009-XueLWGCZZV #named- MPIWiz: subgroup reproducible replay of mpi applications (RX, XL, MW, ZG, WC, WZ, ZZ, GMV), pp. 251–260.
SOSP-2009-AltekarS #debugging #manycore #named- ODR: output-deterministic replay for multicore debugging (GA, IS), pp. 193–206.
SOSP-2009-ParkZXYKLL #execution #multi #named #probability #sketching- PRES: probabilistic replay with execution sketching on multiprocessors (SP, YZ, WX, ZY, RK, KHL, SL), pp. 177–192.
MBT-2009-KimHHK #concurrent #debugging #kernel #modelling #testing- Model-based Kernel Testing for Concurrency Bugs through Counter Example Replay (MK, SH, CH, TK), pp. 21–36.
ASE-2008-BertolinoAS #named #performance #testing- VCR: Virtual Capture and Replay for Performance Testing (AB, GDA, AS), pp. 399–402.
SIGMOD-2008-GalanisBCDDKPTVWW #database- Oracle database replay (LG, SB, RC, BD, KD, JK, SP, LLT, VV, YW, GW), pp. 1159–1170.
OOPSLA-2008-GeorgesEB #compilation #evaluation #java #performance- Java performance evaluation through rigorous replay compilation (AG, LE, DB), pp. 367–384.
OSDI-2008-GuoWTLXWKZ #kernel #named- R2: An Application-Level Kernel for Record and Replay (ZG, XW, JT, XL, ZX, MW, MFK, ZZ), pp. 193–208.
ICST-2008-KodreZR #approach #statistics #testing- Statistical Sampling Based Approach to Alleviate Log Replay Testing (RK, HZ, DJR), pp. 533–536.
TACAS-2007-BolligKKL #design #game studies #learning #modelling #synthesis- Replaying Play In and Play Out: Synthesis of Design Models from Scenarios by Learning (BB, JPK, CK, ML), pp. 435–450.
ICSM-2007-JoshiO #named- SCARPE: A Technique and Tool for Selective Capture and Replay of Program Executions (SJ, AO), pp. 234–243.
PLDI-2007-NarayanasamyWTEC #analysis #automation- Automatically classifying benign and harmful data racesallusing replay analysis (SN, ZW, JT, AE, BC), pp. 22–31.
RecSys-2007-NguyenR #evaluation #game studies #interactive #mobile #recommendation- Replaying live-user interactions in the off-line evaluation of critique-based mobile recommendations (QNN, FR), pp. 81–88.
ESEC-FSE-2007-XuRTQ #java #performance #using- Efficient checkpointing of java software using context-sensitive capture and replay (G(X, AR, YT, FQ), pp. 85–94.
OOPSLA-2006-OgataOKKN #compilation- Replay compilation: improving debuggability of a just-in-time compiler (KO, TO, KK, HK, TN), pp. 241–252.
ASE-2005-SprenkleGSP #automation #detection #web- Automated replay and failure detection for web applications (SS, EG, SS, LLP), pp. 253–262.
ICSE-2005-HenkelD #api #evolution #exclamation #game studies #refactoring- CatchUp!: capturing and replaying refactorings to support API evolution (JH, AD), pp. 274–283.
HPCA-2004-KimL #comprehension #scheduling- Understanding Scheduling Replay Schemes (IK, MHL), pp. 198–209.
HT-2003-WealMTR #experience #game studies- The ambient wood journals: replaying the experience (MJW, DTM, MKT, DDR), pp. 20–27.
ASE-2002-EgyedG #automation #paradigm #requirements #traceability- Automating Requirements Traceability: Beyond the Record & Replay Paradigm (AE, PG), pp. 163–171.
OSDI-2002-DunlapKCBC #analysis #named- ReVirt: Enabling Intrusion Analysis Through Virtual-Machine Logging and Replay (GWD, STK, SC, MAB, PMC), pp. 211–224.
ITiCSE-2001-ThomasL #distance #fault #learning #student #using- Observational studies of student errors in a distance learning environment using a remote recording and replay tool (PT, KL), pp. 117–120.
ICPR-v4-2000-PingaliOJ- Ball Tracking and Virtual Replays for Innovative Tennis Broadcasts (GSP, AO, YJ), pp. 4152–4156.
ISSTA-2000-StevenCFP #named #testing- jRapture: A Capture/Replay tool for observation-based testing (JS, PC, BF, AP), pp. 158–167.
ICSM-1998-Castelli #database #design #game studies #reuse- Reuse in Replaying Database Design (DC), p. 304–?.
ICPR-1998-ReesASCSBB #interactive #named- CLICK-IT: interactive television highlighter for sports action replay (DR, JIA, NS, FC, SS, MdB, AB), pp. 1484–1487.
TRI-Ada-1997-NeriPT #debugging #distributed- Debugging Distributed Applications with Replay Capabilities (DN, LP, ST), pp. 189–195.
HPDC-1997-NetzerX #distributed #game studies #source code- Replaying Distributed Programs without Message Logging (RHBN, YX), pp. 137–147.
PLDI-1996-RussinovichC #concurrent #memory management #nondeterminism- Replay For Concurrent Non-Deterministic Shared Memory Applications (MR, BC), pp. 258–266.