Travelled to:
1 × Switzerland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.D.Lins S.J.Simske M.Riss R.Ferreira L.d.S.Cabral E.R.D.Galvão R.R.d.Azevedo C.M.O.Rodrigues S.C.Almeida V.C.Garcia R.F.Mello B.T.Ávila R.J.Lima J.Batista
Talks about:
sentenc (3) represent (2) summar (2) base (2) transform (1) strategi (1) platform (1) independ (1) document (1) support (1)
Person: Fred Freitas
DBLP: Freitas:Fred
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- DocEng-2015-FerreiraLCFSR #automation #classification #documentation #summary #using
- Automatic Document Classification using Summarization Strategies (RF, RDL, LdSC, FF, SJS, MR), pp. 69–72.
- DocEng-2014-CabralLMFASR #framework #independence #platform #summary
- A platform for language independent summarization (LdSC, RDL, RFM, FF, BTÁ, SJS, MR), pp. 203–206.
- DocEng-2014-FerreiraLFSR #assessment #representation #similarity
- A new sentence similarity assessment measure based on a three-layer sentence representation (RF, RDL, FF, SJS, MR), pp. 25–34.
- DocEng-2014-LimaBFFLSR #graph
- Transforming graph-based sentence representations to alleviate overfitting in relation extraction (RJL, JB, RF, FF, RDL, SJS, MR), pp. 53–62.
- CSEET-2011-GalvaoARAFG #education #learning #logic programming #process
- A proposal for an educational system service to support teaching/learning process for logic programming (ERDG, RRdA, CMOR, SCA, FF, VCG), p. 556.