Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Australia
2 × Canada
2 × France
Collaborated with:
∅ C.Beierle M.Thimm J.Fisseler N.Koch D.Dubois A.Gilio M.Finthammer A.Koch C.Müller
Talks about:
knowledg (4) reason (4) probabilist (3) represent (2) discoveri (2) approach (2) default (2) relat (2) autom (2) nonmonoton (1)
Person: Gabriele Kern-Isberner
DBLP: Kern-Isberner:Gabriele
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- IJCAR-2010-BeierleFKT #automation #information management #probability #reasoning #relational #representation
- Automated Reasoning for Relational Probabilistic Knowledge Representation (CB, MF, GKI, MT), pp. 218–224.
- KR-2010-Kern-IsbernerT #novel #probability #relational #semantics
- Novel Semantical Approaches to Relational Probabilistic Conditionals (GKI, MT).
- IJCAR-2008-BeierleKK #automation #implementation #reasoning
- A High-Level Implementation of a System for Automated Reasoning with Default Rules (CB, GKI, NK), pp. 147–153.
- KR-2008-Kern-Isberner #reasoning
- Linking Iterated Belief Change Operations to Nonmonotonic Reasoning (GKI), pp. 166–176.
- PADL-2007-FisselerKBKM #algebra #haskell #information management #using
- Algebraic Knowledge Discovery Using Haskell (JF, GKI, CB, AK, CM), pp. 80–93.
- KR-2006-DuboisGK #abduction #probability
- Probabilistic Abduction without Priors (DD, AG, GKI), pp. 420–430.
- KR-2004-Kern-IsbernerF #induction #information management #representation
- Knowledge Discovery by Reversing Inductive Knowledge Representation (GKI, JF), pp. 34–44.
- KR-2002-Kern-Isberner #approach #reasoning
- A Structural Approach to Default Reasoning (GKI), pp. 147–157.