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2183 papers:

ASEASE-2019-GaoZX0LK #automation #generative #overview
Automating App Review Response Generation (CG, JZ, XX0, DL0, MRL, IK), pp. 163–175.
ASEASE-2019-Gerostathopoulos #automation #evaluation
Automated Trainability Evaluation for Smart Software Functions (IG, SK, CS, TB, AK), pp. 998–1001.
ASEASE-2019-Gladisch0HOVP #automation #experience #search-based #testing
Experience Paper: Search-Based Testing in Automated Driving Control Applications (CG, TH0, CH, JO, AvV, TP), pp. 26–37.
ASEASE-2019-KohlerS #automation #programming #refactoring
Automated Refactoring to Reactive Programming (MK, GS), pp. 835–846.
ASEASE-2019-LiuFXLGGY #automation #evaluation #named #performance #simulation #tool support #workflow
FogWorkflowSim: An Automated Simulation Toolkit for Workflow Performance Evaluation in Fog Computing (XL, LF, JX, XL, LG, JCG, YY), pp. 1114–1117.
ASEASE-2019-LiY0C #android #approach #automation #black box #named #testing
Humanoid: A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Automated Black-box Android App Testing (YL, ZY, YG0, XC), pp. 1070–1073.
ASEASE-2019-PiskachevDJB #automation #detection #named
SWAN_ASSIST: Semi-Automated Detection of Code-Specific, Security-Relevant Methods (GP, LNQD, OJ, EB), pp. 1094–1097.
ASEASE-2019-Reich #automation #requirements #verification
Inference of Properties from Requirements and Automation of Their Formal Verification (MR), pp. 1222–1225.
ASEASE-2019-SungKKJK #automation #case study #testing
Test Automation and Its Limitations: A Case Study (AS, SK, YK, YJ, JK), pp. 1208–1209.
ASEASE-2019-WuZ0TZ #automation #program transformation
Automating CUDA Synchronization via Program Transformation (MW, LZ, CL0, SHT, YZ), pp. 748–759.
ASEASE-2019-YuF0Z0 #automation #image #layout #mobile #named #platform #recognition #testing
LIRAT: Layout and Image Recognition Driving Automated Mobile Testing of Cross-Platform (SY, CF, YF0, WZ, ZC0), pp. 1066–1069.
ASEASE-2019-ZhangYD #abstraction #automation #concurrent
Automating Non-Blocking Synchronization In Concurrent Data Abstractions (JZ, QY, DD), pp. 735–747.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-AsthanaKBBBMMA #automation #named #scalability
WhoDo: automating reviewer suggestions at scale (SA, RK0, RB, CB, CB, CSM, SM, BA), pp. 937–945.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-BavishiYP #automation #data-driven #named #static analysis #synthesis
Phoenix: automated data-driven synthesis of repairs for static analysis violations (RB, HY, MRP), pp. 613–624.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-MenghiNGB #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling #nondeterminism #online #testing
Generating automated and online test oracles for Simulink models with continuous and uncertain behaviors (CM, SN, KG, LCB), pp. 27–38.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-MiryeganehAH #approach #automation #dataset #integration #towards
An IR-based approach towards automated integration of geo-spatial datasets in map-based software systems (NM, MA, HH), pp. 946–954.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-Ren #automation #migration
Automated patch porting across forked projects (LR), pp. 1199–1201.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2019-YuFMRPC #automation #named #testing #user interface
TERMINATOR: better automated UI test case prioritization (ZY0, FMF, TM, GR, KP, SC), pp. 883–894.
GPCEGPCE-2019-NiekeHS #automation #evolution #metamodelling
Automated metamodel augmentation for seamless model evolution tracking and planning (MN, AH, CS), pp. 68–80.
ESOPESOP-2019-FruminGK #automation #c #nondeterminism #reasoning
Semi-automated Reasoning About Non-determinism in C Expressions (DF, LG, RK), pp. 60–87.
ESOPESOP-2019-MartinezADGHHNP #automation #metaprogramming #proving #smt
Meta-F* : Proof Automation with SMT, Tactics, and Metaprograms (GM, DA, VD, NG, CH, CH, MN, ZP, CPC, JP, TR, AR, NS), pp. 30–59.
FASEFASE-2019-BravettiGMTZ #automation #deployment
Optimal and Automated Deployment for Microservices (MB, SG, JM, IT, GZ), pp. 351–368.
CADECADE-2019-LiT #automation #protocol #proving #security #theorem proving #verification
Combining ProVerif and Automated Theorem Provers for Security Protocol Verification (DLL, AT), pp. 354–365.
CADECADE-2019-ZhaoS #automation #logic #strict
FAME(Q): An Automated Tool for Forgetting in Description Logics with Qualified Number Restrictions (YZ, RAS), pp. 568–579.
CAVCAV-2019-FarzanV #automation #verification
Automated Hypersafety Verification (AF, AV), pp. 200–218.
CAVCAV-2019-KangLT #automation #framework #platform #synthesis
Automated Synthesis of Secure Platform Mappings (EK, SL, ST), pp. 219–237.
CAVCAV-2019-NagarJ #automation #verification
Automated Parameterized Verification of CRDTs (KN, SJ), pp. 459–477.
ASEASE-2018-ChenSXHJ #approach #automation #execution #metric #test coverage
An automated approach to estimating code coverage measures via execution logs (BC, JS, PX, XH, ZM(J), pp. 305–316.
ASEASE-2018-Cleland-Huang #automation #challenge #requirements
Automated requirements engineering challenges with examples from small unmanned aerial systems (keynote) (JCH), p. 3.
ASEASE-2018-GafurovHM #automation #industrial #testing
Achieving test automation with testers without coding skills: an industrial report (DG, AEH, MM), pp. 749–756.
ASEASE-2018-MoSCRKN #analysis #architecture #automation #case study #experience
Experiences applying automated architecture analysis tool suites (RM, WS, YC, SR, RK, MN), pp. 779–789.
ASEASE-2018-PatwardhanSSKG #ambiguity #automation #towards #using
Towards automating disambiguation of regulations: using the wisdom of crowds (MP, AS, RS, SK, SG), pp. 850–855.
ASEASE-2018-UdeshiAC #automation #testing
Automated directed fairness testing (SU, PA, SC0), pp. 98–108.
ASEASE-2018-WangSK #alloy #automation
Automated model repair for Alloy (KW, AS, SK), pp. 577–588.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-Afzal #assurance #automation #quality
Quality assurance automation in autonomous systems (AA), pp. 948–951.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-DongWLGBLXK #android #automation #detection #named
FraudDroid: automated ad fraud detection for Android apps (FD, HW, LL0, YG0, TFB, TL, GX, JK), pp. 257–268.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-ErataGKT #automation #first-order #logic #named #reasoning #relational
AlloyInEcore: embedding of first-order relational logic into meta-object facility for automated model reasoning (FE, AG, IK, BT), pp. 920–923.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-Fazzini #automation #maintenance #mobile #testing
Automated support for mobile application testing and maintenance (MF), pp. 932–935.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-GulzarWK #automation #big data #data analysis #data-driven #debugging #named #scalability
BigSift: automated debugging of big data analytics in data-intensive scalable computing (MAG, SW, MK), pp. 863–866.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-HashimotoMI #automation #debugging #semantics #source code
Automated patch extraction via syntax- and semantics-aware Delta debugging on source code changes (MH, AM, TI), pp. 598–609.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-HuaZWK #approach #automation #generative #lazy evaluation #named #program repair #sketching #using
SketchFix: a tool for automated program repair approach using lazy candidate generation (JH, MZ, KW, SK), pp. 888–891.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-Lima #automation #distributed #integration #testing
Automated scenario-based integration testing of distributed systems (BL), pp. 956–958.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-MaLLZG #analysis #automation #debugging #difference #named #network
MODE: automated neural network model debugging via state differential analysis and input selection (SM, YL, WCL, XZ, AG), pp. 175–186.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-SongM0 #approach #automation #estimation #novel
A novel automated approach for software effort estimation based on data augmentation (LS, LLM, XY0), pp. 468–479.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-WangGXXNDHX #automation #black box #named #testing
FACTS: automated black-box testing of FinTech systems (QW, LG, MX, LX, WN, LD, LH0, TX), pp. 839–844.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2018-ZhangHHZZ #automation #refactoring #spreadsheet
Automated refactoring of nested-IF formulae in spreadsheets (JZ0, SH, DH, LZ0, DZ), pp. 833–838.
GPCEGPCE-2018-LiuAT #automation #constraints #execution #named #realtime #refactoring
RT-trust: automated refactoring for trusted execution under real-time constraints (YL, KA, ET), pp. 175–187.
CAVCAV-2018-CeskaMMSVV #approximate #automation #design #named
ADAC: Automated Design of Approximate Circuits (MC0, JM, VM, LS, ZV, TV), pp. 612–620.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-HannulaL #automation #reasoning #set
Automated Reasoning About Key Sets (MH, SL), pp. 47–63.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-KatelaanJW #automation #logic #modelling
A Separation Logic with Data: Small Models and Automation (JK, DJ, GW), pp. 455–471.
IJCARIJCAR-2018-ZhaoS #automation #logic #named #semantics
FAME: An Automated Tool for Semantic Forgetting in Expressive Description Logics (YZ, RAS), pp. 19–27.
JCDLJCDL-2017-AlawiniCDSS #automation #experience
Automating Data Citation: The eagle-i Experience (AA, LC, SBD, NPDS, GS), pp. 169–178.
HaskellHaskell-2017-Remy #automation #named #parametricity #reuse
Ornaments: exploiting parametricity for safer, more automated code refactorization and code reuse (invited talk) (DR), p. 1.
ECMFAECMFA-2017-Kraas #automation #on the #uml
On the Automated Derivation of Domain-Specific UML Profiles (AK), pp. 3–19.
ICMTICMT-2017-NassarRA #approach #automation #emf #interactive #modelling #rule-based
Rule-Based Repair of EMF Models: An Automated Interactive Approach (NN, HR, TA), pp. 171–181.
ASEASE-2017-AbateBCCCDKKP #automation #named #physics #synthesis
DSSynth: an automated digital controller synthesis tool for physical plants (AA, IB, DC, LCC, LCC, CD, PK, DK, EP), pp. 919–924.
ASEASE-2017-FazziniO #automation #consistency #detection #mobile #nondeterminism #platform
Automated cross-platform inconsistency detection for mobile apps (MF, AO), pp. 308–318.
ASEASE-2017-MaoHJ #automation #mobile #testing
Crowd intelligence enhances automated mobile testing (KM, MH, YJ0), pp. 16–26.
ASEASE-2017-MirhosseiniP #automation #dependence #developer #question
Can automated pull requests encourage software developers to upgrade out-of-date dependencies? (SM, CP), pp. 84–94.
ASEASE-2017-XinR #automation #program repair
Leveraging syntax-related code for automated program repair (QX, SPR), pp. 660–670.
ASEASE-2017-XuXXL #automation #developer #generative #named #summary
AnswerBot: automated generation of answer summary to developersź technical questions (BX, ZX, XX0, DL0), pp. 706–716.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-ErataGTK #automation #configuration management #reasoning #semantics
A tool for automated reasoning about traces based on configurable formal semantics (FE, AG, BT, GK), pp. 959–963.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-MaggioPFH #automation #multi #using
Automated control of multiple software goals using multiple actuators (MM, AVP, AF, HH), pp. 373–384.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-MatinnejadNB #automation #case study #hybrid #industrial #testing
Automated testing of hybrid Simulink/Stateflow controllers: industrial case studies (RM, SN, LCB), pp. 938–943.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-Mills #automation #classification #traceability
Automating traceability link recovery through classification (CM), pp. 1068–1070.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-YangZLT #automation #program repair #testing
Better test cases for better automated program repair (JY0, AZ, YL, LT0), pp. 831–841.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-YiAKTR #automation #program repair #programming #using
A feasibility study of using automated program repair for introductory programming assignments (JY, UZA, AK, SHT, AR), pp. 740–751.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2017-ZhouS #automation #commit #debugging #identification #security
Automated identification of security issues from commit messages and bug reports (YZ, AS), pp. 914–919.
SLESLE-2017-RoychoudhurySKK #automation
A domain-specific controlled English language for automated regulatory compliance (SR, SS, DK, VK), pp. 175–181.
FASEFASE-2017-UvaPRAF #automation #java #satisfiability #specification
Automated Workarounds from Java Program Specifications Based on SAT Solving (MU, PP, GR, NA, MFF), pp. 356–373.
CAVCAV-2017-AbateBCCDKKP #automation #physics #synthesis
Automated Formal Synthesis of Digital Controllers for State-Space Physical Plants (AA, IB, DC, LCC, CD, PK, DK, EP), pp. 462–482.
CAVCAV-2017-ChatterjeeFM #analysis #automation #bound
Automated Recurrence Analysis for Almost-Linear Expected-Runtime Bounds (KC, HF0, AM), pp. 118–139.
CAVCAV-2017-Carbonneaux0RS #analysis #automation #coq #proving
Automated Resource Analysis with Coq Proof Objects (QC, JH0, TWR, ZS), pp. 64–85.
CAVCAV-2017-UnnoTS #automation #horn clause #induction
Automating Induction for Solving Horn Clauses (HU0, ST, HS), pp. 571–591.
BXBX-2016-KramerR #automation #bidirectional #model transformation
Automated Inversion of Attribute Mappings in Bidirectional Model Transformations (MEK, KR), pp. 61–76.
ECMFAECMFA-2016-KessentiniSW #approach #automation #co-evolution #metamodelling #multi #optimisation #using
Automated Metamodel/Model Co-evolution Using a Multi-objective Optimization Approach (WK, HAS, MW), pp. 138–155.
ECMFAECMFA-2016-WangLYAN #automation #framework #modelling #named
MBF4CR: A Model-Based Framework for Supporting an Automated Cancer Registry System (SW, HL, TY, SA, JN), pp. 191–204.
MoDELSMoDELS-2016-AlkhaziRKWG #approach #atl #automation #model transformation #refactoring #search-based
Automated refactoring of ATL model transformations: a search-based approach (BA, TR, MK, MW, WIG), pp. 295–304.
MoDELSMoDELS-2016-FangLDE #automation #industrial #modelling #multi #variability
Multi-variability modeling and realization for software derivation in industrial automation management (MF, GL, JD, CE), pp. 2–12.
MoDELSMoDELS-2016-RueggLPKSH #automation #diagrams #incremental #layout #migration
Incremental diagram layout for automated model migration (UR, RL, AP, AK, CDS, RvH), pp. 185–195.
MoDELSMoDELS-2016-TuchschererWT #automation #c++ #collaboration #modelling
Modern C++ as a modeling language for automated driving and human-robot collaboration (DT, AW, FT), pp. 136–142.
ASEASE-2016-BaekB #android #automation #comparison #modelling #multi #testing #user interface #using
Automated model-based Android GUI testing using multi-level GUI comparison criteria (YMB, DHB), pp. 238–249.
ASEASE-2016-CeccatoNAB #automation #black box #injection #named #security #testing
SOFIA: an automated security oracle for black-box testing of SQL-injection vulnerabilities (MC, CDN, DA, LCB), pp. 167–177.
ASEASE-2016-KangRJ #api #automation #c #fault #named #specification
APEx: automated inference of error specifications for C APIs (YJK, BR, SJ), pp. 472–482.
ASEASE-2016-Keng #automation #behaviour #mobile #privacy #testing
Automated testing and notification of mobile app privacy leak-cause behaviours (JCJK), pp. 880–883.
ASEASE-2016-KrishnaMF #automation #learning
Too much automation? the bellwether effect and its implications for transfer learning (RK, TM, WF), pp. 122–131.
ASEASE-2016-MoketarKSRG #automation #collaboration #requirements #validation
An automated collaborative requirements engineering tool for better validation of requirements (NAM, MK, SS, MR, JCG), pp. 864–869.
ASEASE-2016-RazaF #analysis #automation #development #named #performance #recommendation
ProcessPAIR: a tool for automated performance analysis and improvement recommendation in software development (MR, JPF), pp. 798–803.
FSEFSE-2016-Nandi #automation #generative
Automatic trigger generation for end user written rules for home automation (CN), pp. 1109–1111.
FSEFSE-2016-NejatiS0BM #automation #design #impact analysis #modelling #requirements
Automated change impact analysis between SysML models of requirements and design (SN, MS, CA0, LCB, FM), pp. 242–253.
FSEFSE-2016-Rolim #automation #using
Automating repetitive code changes using examples (RR), pp. 1063–1065.
FSEFSE-2016-ZengLZXDLYX #android #automation #case study #generative #industrial #question
Automated test input generation for Android: are we really there yet in an industrial case? (XZ, DL0, WZ, FX, YD, WL, WY0, TX0), pp. 987–992.
GPCEGPCE-2016-MakkiLJ #automation #framework #process #testing
Automated regression testing of BPMN 2.0 processes: a capture and replay framework for continuous delivery (MM, DVL, WJ), pp. 178–189.
SLESLE-2016-MeyersDDV #automation #domain-specific language #modelling #testing
Automated testing support for reactive domain-specific modelling languages (BM, JD, ID, HV), pp. 181–194.
ESOPESOP-2016-MalechaB #automation #performance
Extensible and Efficient Automation Through Reflective Tactics (GM, JB), pp. 532–559.
FASEFASE-2016-BasuB #automation
Automated Choreography Repair (SB0, TB), pp. 13–30.
FASEFASE-2016-DebreceniRVCMT #automation #design
Automated Model Merge by Design Space Exploration (CD, IR, DV, XDC, XM, ST), pp. 104–121.
FASEFASE-2016-WeckesserLSRS #automation #bound #detection #exclamation #feature model #modelling
Mind the Gap! Automated Anomaly Detection for Potentially Unbounded Cardinality-Based Feature Models (MW, ML, TS, BR, AS), pp. 158–175.
CAVCAV-2016-ElkaderGPS #automation #composition #reasoning #refinement
Automated Circular Assume-Guarantee Reasoning with N-way Decomposition and Alphabet Refinement (KAE, OG, CSP, SS), pp. 329–351.
CAVCAV-2016-GarioCMTR #automation #design #model checking #scalability
Model Checking at Scale: Automated Air Traffic Control Design Space Exploration (MG, AC, CM, ST, KYR), pp. 3–22.
CAVCAV-2016-SantolucitoZP #automation #learning #probability
Probabilistic Automated Language Learning for Configuration Files (MS, EZ, RP), pp. 80–87.
CSLCSL-2016-Muscholl #automation #distributed #synthesis
Automated Synthesis: Going Distributed (AM), p. 2.
IJCARIJCAR-2016-ZoharZ #automation #calculus #named #satisfiability
Gen2sat: An Automated Tool for Deciding Derivability in Analytic Pure Sequent Calculi (YZ, AZ), pp. 487–495.
ECSAECSA-2015-HansenM #automation #community #composition #detection #using
(Automated) Software Modularization Using Community Detection (KMH, KM), pp. 95–102.
QoSAQoSA-2015-HofigZS #automation #dependence #using
Automated Failure Propagation using Inner Port Dependency Traces (KH, MZ, KS), pp. 123–128.
DocEngDocEng-2015-KidoYTA #automation #documentation #layout #optimisation
Document Layout Optimization with Automated Paraphrasing (YK, HY, GT, AA), pp. 13–16.
DRRDRR-2015-ClawsonB #automation
Intelligent indexing: a semi-automated, trainable system for field labeling (RC, WAB).
HTHT-2015-Jain #automation #platform #social
Automated Methods for Identity Resolution across Heterogeneous Social Platforms (PJ), pp. 307–310.
VLDBVLDB-2015-PotharajuCHNWZJ #automation #detection #knowledge base #named
ConfSeer: Leveraging Customer Support Knowledge Bases for Automated Misconfiguration Detection (RP, JC, LH, CNR, MW, LZ, NJ), pp. 1828–1839.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-AntonucciENPM #automation #incremental #programming
An Incremental Hint System For Automated Programming Assignments (PA, HCE, DN, MP, BM), pp. 320–325.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2015-BlauM #automation #feedback #java #student
FrenchPress Gives Students Automated Feedback on Java Program Flaws (HB, JEBM), pp. 15–20.
ICPCICPC-2015-HauptmannJW #automation #generative #refactoring #testing
Generating refactoring proposals to remove clones from automated system tests (BH, EJ, VW), pp. 115–124.
ICPCICPC-2015-LeVLP #automation #commit #information management #named
RCLinker: automated linking of issue reports and commits leveraging rich contextual information (TDBL, MLV, DL, DP), pp. 36–47.
ICSMEICSME-2015-LuciaDGR #automation #behaviour #design pattern #detection #dynamic analysis #towards
Towards automating dynamic analysis for behavioral design pattern detection (ADL, VD, CG, MR), pp. 161–170.
ICSMEICSME-2015-SumiHHK #automation #program repair #towards
Toward improving graftability on automated program repair (SS, YH, KH, SK), pp. 511–515.
ICSMEICSME-2015-Vogel-HeuserFRF #automation #case study #challenge #hardware #industrial #maintenance
Challenges for maintenance of PLC-software and its related hardware for automated production systems: Selected industrial Case Studies (BVH, JF, SR, SF, SU), pp. 362–371.
SANERSANER-2015-RoehmNB #automation #interactive
Automated extraction of failure reproduction steps from user interaction traces (TR, SN, BB), pp. 121–130.
SCAMSCAM-2015-GhanavatiA #automation #memory management #testing
Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing (MG, AA), pp. 191–200.
SCAMSCAM-2015-PintoKT #analysis #automation #multi #performance
Automating the performance deviation analysis for multiple system releases: An evolutionary study (FP, UK, CT), pp. 201–210.
ICALPICALP-v2-2015-Muscholl #automation #distributed #synthesis
Automated Synthesis of Distributed Controllers (AM), pp. 11–27.
LATALATA-2015-AutiliIMST #automation #specification #synthesis
Automated Synthesis of Application-Layer Connectors from Automata-Based Specifications (MA, PI, FM, RS, MT), pp. 3–24.
LATALATA-2015-FarzanHHKP #automation #verification
Automated Program Verification (AF, MH, JH, ZK, AP), pp. 25–46.
FMFM-2015-ElkaderGPS #automation #reasoning
Automated Circular Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (KAE, OG, CSP, SS), pp. 23–39.
FMFM-2015-FernandezAKK #automation #verification
Automated Verification of RPC Stub Code (MF, JA, GK, IK), pp. 273–290.
CHICHI-2015-DehaisPSFG #automation #realtime
“Automation Surprise” in Aviation: Real-Time Solutions (FD, VP, SS, JF, TG), pp. 2525–2534.
CHICHI-2015-GaoYHF #automation #collaboration #game studies #how #multi
Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Displaying How Non-native Speakers Use Automated Transcripts and Bilingual Dictionaries (GG, NY, AMJH, SRF), pp. 3463–3472.
CHICHI-2015-KonradBCTNDPW #adaptation #automation #reduction
Finding the Adaptive Sweet Spot: Balancing Compliance and Achievement in Automated Stress Reduction (AK, VB, NC, ST, LN, HD, PP, SW), pp. 3829–3838.
CHICHI-2015-MaurielloNF #automation #comprehension #energy
Understanding the Role of Thermography in Energy Auditing: Current Practices and the Potential for Automated Solutions (MLM, LN, JEF), pp. 1993–2002.
CHICHI-2015-SutherlandHY #automation #predict
The Role of Environmental Predictability and Costs in Relying on Automation (SCS, CH, MEY), pp. 2535–2544.
CHICHI-2015-YunASLZL #automation #online
Beyond Eco-Feedback: Adding Online Manual and Automated Controls to Promote Workplace Sustainability (RY, AA, PS, BL, CZ, VL), pp. 1989–1992.
HCIDHM-EH-2015-GoffRB #effectiveness #interactive #towards
Toward a Model for Effective Human-Automation Interaction: The Mediated Agency (KLG, AR, BB), pp. 274–283.
HCIDUXU-DD-2015-FilhoPV15b #automation #mobile #testing #usability
Emotions Logging in Automated Usability Tests for Mobile Devices (JFF, WP, TV), pp. 428–435.
HCIDUXU-IXD-2015-GoncalvesQ #automation #behaviour #case study #interactive
Drivers and Automation: A Study About Cultural and Behavioral Influence in the Interaction with Driver Assistants (RCG, MQ), pp. 462–472.
HCIHCI-IT-2015-DibitontoM #automation #performance
Improving User Performance in a Smart Surveillance Scenario through Different Levels of Automation (MD, CMM), pp. 706–716.
HCIHCI-IT-2015-EskerudSOH #approach #automation #design #interface
Controlling the Home — A User Participatory Approach to Designing a Simple Interface for a Complex Home Automation System (ME, AS, CSO, HH), pp. 717–728.
HCIHCI-UC-2015-Wittenberg #automation #industrial #question #requirements #user interface
Cause the Trend Industry 4.0 in the Automated Industry to New Requirements on User Interfaces? (CW), pp. 238–245.
CAiSECAiSE-2015-LeopoldMFPSM #automation #modelling #process #towards
Towards the Automated Annotation of Process Models (HL, CM, MF, FP, HS, JM), pp. 401–416.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-PfaffK #automation #benchmark #classification #documentation #identification #metric #natural language
Natural Language Processing Techniques for Document Classification in IT Benchmarking — Automated Identification of Domain Specific Terms (MP, HK), pp. 360–366.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-IanzenFPMR #automation #product line
Scoping Automation in Software Product Lines (AI, RMF, MAP, AM, SSR), pp. 82–91.
ECIRECIR-2015-Dori-HacohenA #automation #detection #web
Automated Controversy Detection on the Web (SDH, JA), pp. 423–434.
KDDKDD-2015-BerralPCCRG #automation #framework #information management #named
ALOJA-ML: A Framework for Automating Characterization and Knowledge Discovery in Hadoop Deployments (JLB, NP, DC, AC, RR, DG), pp. 1701–1710.
KDDKDD-2015-LaptevAF #automation #detection #framework #scalability
Generic and Scalable Framework for Automated Time-series Anomaly Detection (NL, SA, IF), pp. 1939–1947.
RecSysRecSys-2015-HarveyE #automation #personalisation #recommendation
Automated Recommendation of Healthy, Personalised Meal Plans (MH, DE), pp. 327–328.
RecSysRecSys-2015-Stock #automation #persuasion #speech
A (Persuasive?) Speech on Automated Persuasion (OS), pp. 1–2.
RecSysRecSys-2015-Vall #automation #generative #music
Listener-Inspired Automated Music Playlist Generation (AV), pp. 387–390.
SEKESEKE-2015-FiondellaGL #automation #predict
A Smartphone-based System for Automated Congestion Prediction (LF, SSG, NL), pp. 195–200.
SEKESEKE-2015-LinHX #automation #framework #statistics #testing #user interface
An Automated Testing Framework for Statistical Testing of GUI Applications (LL, JH, YX), pp. 72–79.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-SallesGRR #automation #classification #effectiveness #fault #named #random
BROOF: Exploiting Out-of-Bag Errors, Boosting and Random Forests for Effective Automated Classification (TS, MAG, VR, LCdR), pp. 353–362.
ECMFAECMFA-J-2012-PuissantSM15 #automation #consistency #nondeterminism #using
Resolving model inconsistencies using automated regression planning (JPP, RVDS, TM), pp. 461–481.
MoDELSMoDELS-2015-IftikharIKM #approach #automation #framework #game studies #modelling #testing
An automated model based testing approach for platform games (SI, MZI, MUK, WM), pp. 426–435.
SPLCSPLC-2015-FangLDEZ #automation #industrial #modelling #towards
Towards model-based derivation of systems in the industrial automation domain (MF, GL, JD, CE, JZ), pp. 283–292.
SPLCSPLC-2015-FontBHC #automation #formal method #product line #variability
Automating the variability formalization of a model family by means of common variability language (JF, MB, ØH, CC), pp. 411–418.
SPLCSPLC-2015-HotzWRGL #automation #evaluation #multi
Evaluation across multiple views for variable automation systems (LH, YW, MR, OG, JL), pp. 311–315.
SPLCSPLC-2015-PatelS #as a service #automation #testing #using #variability
Automated testing of software-as-a-service configurations using a variability language (SP, VS), pp. 253–262.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-FuBS #analysis #automation #fault
Automated backward error analysis for numerical code (ZF, ZB, ZS), pp. 639–654.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-MadhavanMGK #automation #comparison
Automating grammar comparison (RM, MM, SG, VK), pp. 183–200.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-UrecheBSO #ad hoc #automation #data transformation #representation
Automating ad hoc data representation transformations (VU, AB, YS, MO), pp. 801–820.
PLDIPLDI-2015-PrountzosMP #automation #graph #parallel #source code
Synthesizing parallel graph programs via automated planning (DP, RM, KP), pp. 533–544.
POPLPOPL-2015-Gulwani #automation
Automating Repetitive Tasks for the Masses (SG), pp. 1–2.
PPDPPPDP-2015-ChenLJZL #automation #declarative #network #safety #source code #verification
Automated verification of safety properties of declarative networking programs (CC, LKL, LJ, WZ, BTL), pp. 79–90.
ASEASE-2015-ChoudharyGO #android #automation #generative
Automated Test Input Generation for Android: Are We There Yet? (E) (SRC, AG, AO), pp. 429–440.
ASEASE-2015-MaAZSGR15a #automation #generative #named #program analysis #using
GRT: An Automated Test Generator Using Orchestrated Program Analysis (LM, CA, CZ, HS, JG, RR), pp. 842–847.
ASEASE-2015-MartinezZBKT #automation #modelling #product line
Automating the Extraction of Model-Based Software Product Lines from Model Variants (T) (JM, TZ, TFB, JK, YLT), pp. 396–406.
ASEASE-2015-SohanAM #api #automation #documentation #named #rest #using
SpyREST: Automated RESTful API Documentation Using an HTTP Proxy Server (N) (SMS, CA, FM), pp. 271–276.
ASEASE-2015-SohanAM15a #api #automation #documentation #rest
SpyREST in Action: An Automated RESTful API Documentation Tool (SMS, CA, FM), pp. 813–818.
ASEASE-2015-Vargas-Baldrich #automation #bytecode #dependence #using
Automated Tagging of Software Projects Using Bytecode and Dependencies (N) (SVB, MLV, DP), pp. 289–294.
ASEASE-2015-ZimmermanR #automation #framework #recommendation
An Automated Framework for Recommending Program Elements to Novices (N) (KZ, CRR), pp. 283–288.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-0002SGBZ #automation #impact analysis #named #natural language #requirements
NARCIA: an automated tool for change impact analysis in natural language requirements (CA, MS, AG, LCB, FZ), pp. 962–965.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-ArcuriFG #automation #generative #network #testing
Generating TCP/UDP network data for automated unit test generation (AA, GF, JPG), pp. 155–165.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-FilieriHM #adaptation #automation #design #multi #self
Automated multi-objective control for self-adaptive software design (AF, HH, MM), pp. 13–24.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-GhaisasMBGKV #automation #security #towards
Towards automating the security compliance value chain (SG, MM, BB, AG, RK, HMV), pp. 1014–1017.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-Jain #automation #generative #programming language
Automated generation of programming language quizzes (SJ), pp. 1051–1053.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-Shamshiri #automation #evolution #generative #testing
Automated unit test generation for evolving software (SS), pp. 1038–1041.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-SmithBGB #automation #program repair
Is the cure worse than the disease? overfitting in automated program repair (EKS, ETB, CLG, YB), pp. 532–543.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-Theisen #approximate #automation
Automated attack surface approximation (CT), pp. 1063–1065.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-DeweyNH #automation #data type #generative
Automated Data Structure Generation: Refuting Common Wisdom (KD, LN, BH), pp. 32–43.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-HuaKM #automation #editing #question #refactoring
Does Automated Refactoring Obviate Systematic Editing? (LH, MK, KSM), pp. 392–402.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-TanR #automation #named
relifix: Automated Repair of Software Regressions (SHT, AR), pp. 471–482.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-VakilianSMM #automation #composition
Automated Decomposition of Build Targets (MV, RS, JDM, VM), pp. 123–133.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-WongZWLT #automation #execution #named #symbolic computation #testing
DASE: Document-Assisted Symbolic Execution for Improving Automated Software Testing (EW, LZ, SW, TL, LT), pp. 620–631.
ICSEICSE-v1-2015-YandrapallySS #automation #composition #testing #user interface
Automated Modularization of GUI Test Cases (RY, GS, SS), pp. 44–54.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-FooJAHZF #automation #case study #detection #industrial #performance
An Industrial Case Study on the Automated Detection of Performance Regressions in Heterogeneous Environments (KCF, ZMJ, BA, AEH, YZ, PF), pp. 159–168.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-Gil #adaptation #automation #self
Automated Planning for Self-Adaptive Systems (RG), pp. 839–842.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-PeiFNM #automation #development #ide #program repair
Automated Program Repair in an Integrated Development Environment (YP, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 681–684.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-TannoZHS #automation #enterprise #generative #modelling #testing #tool support
TesMa and CATG: Automated Test Generation Tools for Models of Enterprise Applications (HT, XZ, TH, KS), pp. 717–720.
SACSAC-2015-ByunC #automation #constraints #operating system #safety #testing #using
Automated system-level safety testing using constraint patterns for automotive operating systems (TB, YC), pp. 1815–1822.
SACSAC-2015-LeottaSRT #automation #generative #testing #visual notation #web
Automated generation of visual web tests from DOM-based web tests (ML, AS, FR, PT), pp. 775–782.
SACSAC-2015-MalechaGS #automation
Automated software winnowing (GM, AG, NS), pp. 1504–1511.
SACSAC-2015-Morelli #automation #generative #modelling
Automated generation of robotics applications from simulink and SysML models (MM), pp. 1948–1954.
SACSAC-2015-RaniseTV #analysis #automation #constraints #policy
Automated analysis of RBAC policies with temporal constraints and static role hierarchies (SR, ATT, LV), pp. 2177–2184.
SACSAC-2015-Usener #assessment #automation #data type #education #named
EASy-DSBuilder: automated assessment of tree data structures in computer science teaching (CAU), pp. 220–226.
GPCEGPCE-2015-ByalikCT #automation #named #programming #synthesis
Native-2-native: automated cross-platform code synthesis from web-based programming resources (AB, SC, ET), pp. 99–108.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2015-XuLWZ #automation #power management #runtime
Automated OS-level Device Runtime Power Management (CX, FXL, YW, LZ), pp. 239–252.
CASECASE-2015-AicherRV #abstraction #automation #simulation #towards #verification
Towards finding the appropriate level of abstraction to model and verify automated production systems in discrete event simulation (TA, SR, BVH), pp. 1048–1053.
CASECASE-2015-BergagardF #automation #on the #using
On restart of automated manufacturing systems using restart states (PB, MF), pp. 166–167.
CASECASE-2015-CarliDEAV #automation #evaluation #using
Automated evaluation of urban traffic congestion using bus as a probe (RC, MD, NE, BA, AV), pp. 967–972.
CASECASE-2015-ChengHL #automation #petri net #robust #synthesis #using
Robust supervisor synthesis for automated manufacturing systems using Petri nets (YC, HH, YL), pp. 1029–1035.
CASECASE-2015-ChenH #assembly #automation #distributed #petri net #using
Maximally permissive distributed control of automated manufacturing systems with assembly operations using Petri nets (CC, HH), pp. 532–538.
CASECASE-2015-ChenN #automation
A cascade control for Sander automation system (ZC, BN), pp. 894–899.
CASECASE-2015-CheongSB #ad hoc #automation #optimisation
Ad-hoc automated teller machine failure forecast and field service optimization (MLFC, KPS, BCB), pp. 1427–1433.
CASECASE-2015-ChuFRSKT #approach #automation #hardware #integration
A LC-MS integration approach in life science automation: Hardware integration and software integration (XC, HF, TR, NS, MK, KT), pp. 979–984.
CASECASE-2015-ClevelandTDPKDB #automation #programming #recognition #segmentation #semantics
An automated system for semantic object labeling with soft object recognition and dynamic programming segmentation (JC, DT, PD, CJP, TK, KD, JB, VK), pp. 683–690.
CASECASE-2015-DamesK #automation #detection #locality #multi #smarttech
Automated detection, localization, and registration of smart devices with multiple robots (PD, VK), pp. 564–571.
CASECASE-2015-DasCQMTMK #automation #monitoring #precise
Devices, systems, and methods for automated monitoring enabling precision agriculture (JD, GC, CQ, AM, PT, YM, VK), pp. 462–469.
CASECASE-2015-DijkmanRB #automation #how
How to assess sustainability in automated manufacturing (TJD, JMR, NB), pp. 1351–1356.
CASECASE-2015-FerrerALVLH #approach #assembly #automation #process
An approach for knowledge-driven product, process and resource mappings for assembly automation (BRF, BA, AL, DAV, JLML, RH), pp. 1104–1109.
CASECASE-2015-FleischerAT #automation #composition #evaluation
A cross-platform modular software solution for automated data evaluation applied in elemental and structural mass spectrometry (HF, MA, KT), pp. 758–763.
CASECASE-2015-GoeckeE #automation #robust #towards
Towards a more robust automated MAG welding (SFG, MES), pp. 417–418.
CASECASE-2015-HagqvistCH #automation
Automation of a laser welding system for additive manufacturing (PH, AKC, AH), pp. 900–905.
CASECASE-2015-KaipaTSKLG #automation #using
Resolving automated perception system failures in bin-picking tasks using assistance from remote human operators (KNK, SSTK, SS, AMK, JDL, SKG), pp. 1453–1458.
CASECASE-2015-KanCLY #automation #health #internet #mobile #network #towards
Mobile sensing and network analytics for realizing smart automated systems towards health Internet of Things (CK, YC, FL, HY), pp. 1072–1077.
CASECASE-2015-LennvallRS #automation #scheduling
Scheduling of electrical loads in home automation systems (TL, LR, PS), pp. 1307–1312.
CASECASE-2015-RacchettiTF #automation #documentation #generative #lifecycle #usability
Generating automatically the documentation from PLC code by D4T3 to improve the usability and life cycle management of software in automation (LR, LT, CF), pp. 168–173.
CASECASE-2015-SrinivasanBSSR #automation #machine learning #modelling #network #using
Modelling time-varying delays in networked automation systems with heterogeneous networks using machine learning techniques (SS, FB, GS, BS, SR), pp. 362–368.
CASECASE-2015-WangTG #automation #performance
Automated performance tracking for heat exchangers in HVAC (PW, XT, RG), pp. 949–954.
CASECASE-2015-YangH0 #assembly #automation #distributed #petri net
A Petri net-based distributed control of automated manufacturing systems with assembly operations (YY, HH, YL), pp. 1090–1097.
DACDAC-2015-BuiniPG #automation #cyber-physical #design #modelling #physics #variability
Including variability of physical models into the design automation of cyber-physical systems (HMB, SP, TG), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-MiuraFNHHA #concept
EM attack sensor: concept, circuit, and design-automation methodology (NM, DF, MN, NH, YiH, TA), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-PapamichaelMH #algorithm #automation #design #named #performance #search-based #using
Nautilus: fast automated IP design space search using guided genetic algorithms (MKP, PM, JCH), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-PolianF #architecture #automation #challenge #design #quantum #scalability
Design automation challenges for scalable quantum architectures (IP, AGF), p. 6.
DACDAC-2015-SchatzVZ #automation #component #deployment
Automating design-space exploration: optimal deployment of automotive SW-components in an ISO26262 context (BS, SV, SZ), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2015-BerryhillV #automation #functional
Automated rectification methodologies to functional state-space unreachability (RB, AGV), pp. 1401–1406.
DATEDATE-2015-SonghoriMLK #automation #data analysis #framework #hardware #named
AHEAD: automated framework for hardware accelerated iterative data analysis (EMS, AM, XL, FK), pp. 942–947.
DATEDATE-2015-StoppeWD #automation #design #locality
Automated feature localization for dynamically generated SystemC designs (JS, RW, RD), pp. 277–280.
DATEDATE-2015-TaatizadehN #automation #design #detection #embedded #validation
A methodology for automated design of embedded bit-flips detectors in post-silicon validation (PT, NN), pp. 73–78.
HPDCHPDC-2015-RothMV #automation #communication #parallel
Automated Characterization of Parallel Application Communication Patterns (PCR, JSM, JSV), pp. 73–84.
HPDCHPDC-2015-WahibM #automation #gpu #kernel #scalability
Automated GPU Kernel Transformations in Large-Scale Production Stencil Applications (MW, NM), pp. 259–270.
PPoPPPPoPP-2015-JinLMLLPCK #automation #benchmark #generative #identification #metric #modelling #parallel #statistics
Combining phase identification and statistic modeling for automated parallel benchmark generation (YJ, ML, XM, QL, JSL, NP, JYC, SK), pp. 269–270.
SOSPSOSP-2015-KasikciSPPC #automation #sketching
Failure sketching: a technique for automated root cause diagnosis of in-production failures (BK, BS, CP, GP, GC), pp. 344–360.
TACASTACAS-2015-HeizmannDLMP #array #contest
Ultimate Automizer with Array Interpolation — (Competition Contribution) (MH, DD, JL, BM, AP), pp. 455–457.
CADECADE-2015-AlamaOZ #automation #concept
Automating Leibniz’s Theory of Concepts (JA, PEO, ENZ), pp. 73–97.
CADECADE-2015-DSilvaU #abstract interpretation #automation #deduction
Abstract Interpretation as Automated Deduction (VD, CU), pp. 450–464.
CADECADE-2015-FurbachPS #automation #reasoning
Automated Reasoning in the Wild (UF, BP, CS), pp. 55–72.
CADECADE-2015-HouGT #automation #logic #proving #theorem proving
Automated Theorem Proving for Assertions in Separation Logic with All Connectives (ZH, RG, AT), pp. 501–516.
CADECADE-2015-Plaisted #automation #deduction #first-order
History and Prospects for First-Order Automated Deduction (DAP), pp. 3–28.
CAVCAV-2015-CookKP #automation #infinity #on the #verification
On Automation of CTL* Verification for Infinite-State Systems (BC, HK, NP), pp. 13–29.
CAVCAV-2015-HawblitzelPQT #automation #composition #concurrent #reasoning #refinement #source code
Automated and Modular Refinement Reasoning for Concurrent Programs (CH, EP, SQ, ST), pp. 449–465.
ICLPICLP-2015-LeeWZ #automation #programming #reasoning #set #using
Automated Reasoning about XACML 3.0 Delegation Using Answer Set Programming (JL, YW, YZ), pp. 247–259.
ICSTICST-2015-ErmanTBRA #approach #automation #clustering #development #information management #multi #navigation #testing
Navigating Information Overload Caused by Automated Testing — a Clustering Approach in Multi-Branch Development (NE, VT, MB, PR, AA), pp. 1–9.
ICSTICST-2015-KochharTNZL #automation #comprehension #developer #testing
Understanding the Test Automation Culture of App Developers (PSK, FT, NN, TZ, DL), pp. 1–10.
ICSTICST-2015-Mirshokraie0P #automation #generative #javascript #named #testing
JSEFT: Automated Javascript Unit Test Generation (SM, AM, KP), pp. 1–10.
ICSTICST-2015-TokcanOT #automation #development #framework #multi #named #testing
MetTest: A Test Automation Framework for Development of a Point-To-Multipoint Radio (MDT, OO, HT), pp. 1–2.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-BarrHJMP #automation
Automated software transplantation (ETB, MH, YJ, AM, JP), pp. 257–269.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-Hothersall-Thomas #automation #named #security #testing
BrowserAudit: automated testing of browser security features (CHT, SM, CN), pp. 37–47.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-RojasFA #automation #development #empirical #generative #testing
Automated unit test generation during software development: a controlled experiment and think-aloud observations (JMR, GF, AA), pp. 338–349.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-ShenLPG #automation #detection #performance #profiling #search-based #using
Automating performance bottleneck detection using search-based application profiling (DS, QL, DP, MG), pp. 270–281.
ISSTAISSTA-2015-YueAZ #automation #framework #generative #named #natural language #testing
RTCM: a natural language based, automated, and practical test case generation framework (TY, SA, MZ), pp. 397–408.
ICSTSAT-2015-FalknerLH #analysis #automation #named #performance #satisfiability
SpySMAC: Automated Configuration and Performance Analysis of SAT Solvers (SF, MTL, FH), pp. 215–222.
ECSAECSA-2014-AnvaariZ #architecture #automation #design #development #framework
Semi-automated Design Guidance Enhancer (SADGE): A Framework for Architectural Guidance Development (MA, OZ), pp. 41–49.
WICSAWICSA-2014-UusitaloRKMM #architecture #automation #lessons learnt #safety
Lessons Learned from Safety-Critical Software-Based Automation Architectures of Nuclear Power Plants (EJU, MR, MK, VM, TM), pp. 45–48.
DocEngDocEng-2014-BoschGL #automation #css #reduction #refactoring
Automated refactoring for size reduction of CSS style sheets (MB, PG, NL), pp. 13–16.
DRRDRR-2014-DiemKFS #automation #clustering #documentation #image #retrieval
Semi-automated document image clustering and retrieval (MD, FK, SF, RS), p. ?–10.
JCDLJCDL-2014-KargakisT #automation #information management #named #reasoning
Epimenides: An information system offering automated reasoning for the needs of digital preservation (YK, YT), pp. 411–412.
VLDBVLDB-2014-HassanSWZLYY #automation #monitoring
Data In, Fact Out: Automated Monitoring of Facts by FactWatcher (NH, AS, YW, GZ, CL, JY, CY), pp. 1557–1560.
CSEETCSEET-2014-BoeschS #automation #learning
Automated mentor assignment in blended learning environments (CB, KS), pp. 94–98.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2014-HakulinenM #assessment #automation #programming
QR code programming tasks with automated assessment (LH, LM), pp. 177–182.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2014-StrieweG #assessment #automation #diagrams #process #uml
Automated assessment of UML activity diagrams (MS, MG), p. 336.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-TianLL #automation #database #similarity #word
Automated construction of a software-specific word similarity database (YT, DL, JLL), pp. 44–53.
SANERCSMR-WCRE-2014-VosTPKBHS #automation #internet #named #process #testing
FITTEST: A new continuous and automated testing process for future Internet applications (TEJV, PT, WP, PMK, AB, MH, OS), pp. 407–410.
ICPCICPC-2014-SilvaTV #automation #recommendation #refactoring
Recommending automated extract method refactorings (DS, RT, MTV), pp. 146–156.
ICSMEICSME-2014-ChristopheSRM #automation #functional #maintenance #testing #web
Prevalence and Maintenance of Automated Functional Tests for Web Applications (LC, RS, CDR, WDM), pp. 141–150.
ICSMEICSME-2014-HallKWM #automation #source code #tool support
Establishing the Source Code Disruption Caused by Automated Remodularisation Tools (MH, MAK, NW, PM), pp. 466–470.
ICSMEICSME-2014-KerzaziKA #automation #empirical #why
Why Do Automated Builds Break? An Empirical Study (NK, FK, BA), pp. 41–50.
SCAMSCAM-2014-MurtazaHKC #automation #detection
Total ADS: Automated Software Anomaly Detection System (SSM, AHL, WK, MC), pp. 83–88.
FMFM-2014-BonakdarpourHK #authentication #automation #knowledge-based #protocol
Knowledge-Based Automated Repair of Authentication Protocols (BB, RH, SSK), pp. 132–147.
FMFM-2014-DenmanM #automation #proving
Automated Real Proving in PVS via MetiTarski (WD, CAM), pp. 194–199.
IFMIFM-2014-ChaudhariD #automation #proving #theorem proving
Automated Theorem Prover Assisted Program Calculations (DLC, OPD), pp. 205–220.
SEFMSEFM-2014-AlrajehC #automation #composition #detection #specification
Automated Error-Detection and Repair for Compositional Software Specifications (DA, RC), pp. 111–127.
CHICHI-2014-GaoHAHD #automation #named #pipes and filters #visualisation
NewsViews: an automated pipeline for creating custom geovisualizations for news (TG, JH, EA, BH, ND), pp. 3005–3014.
CHICHI-2014-GaoYHEF #automation #communication #multi
Effects of public vs. private automated transcripts on multiparty communication between native and non-native english speakers (GG, NY, AMJH, AE, SRF), pp. 843–852.
CHICHI-2014-OrtegaV #3d #automation
Direct drawing on 3D shapes with automated camera control (MO, TV), pp. 2047–2050.
CHICHI-2014-Oulasvirta #automation #human-computer #modelling
Automated nonlinear regression modeling for HCI (AO), pp. 3899–3902.
CHICHI-2014-SavvaCMH #automation #generative #keyword #named
TransPhoner: automated mnemonic keyword generation (MS, AXC, CDM, PH), pp. 3725–3734.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-JanssonSBAT #automation #design
Authority and Level of Automation — Lessons to Be Learned in Design of In-vehicle Assistance Systems (AJ, PS, IB, AA, ST), pp. 413–424.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-NiedoberHMKSCJL #automation #case study #trust
Influence of Cultural, Organizational and Automation Factors on Human-Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Engineers and Developmental History (DJN, NTH, GM, KK, MS, AC, WJ, JBL), pp. 473–484.
HCIHCI-TMT-2014-RaneburgerPKAS #automation #design #generative #incremental #interactive #process #user interface
An Iterative and Incremental Process for Interaction Design through Automated GUI Generation (DR, RP, HK, AA, VS), pp. 373–384.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-0001PBKLSFW #automation #process
Automating Data Exchange in Process Choreographies (AM, LP, KB, SK, TL, TS, DF, MW), pp. 316–331.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-SarmientoLRS #approach #automation #concurrent #generative #requirements #testing
An Automated Approach of Test Case Generation for Concurrent Systems from Requirements Descriptions (ES, JCSdPL, NR, AvS), pp. 339–347.
CIKMCIKM-2014-KangKL #automation #owl #performance
A Meta-reasoner to Rule Them All: Automated Selection of OWL Reasoners Based on Efficiency (YBK, SK, YFL), pp. 1935–1938.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-DasL #automation #interactive
Automated inference of point of view from user interactions in collective intelligence venues (SD, AL), pp. 82–90.
ICPRICPR-2014-AfridiLM #automation #rating
An Automated System for Plant-Level Disease Rating in Real Fields (MJA, XL, JMM), pp. 148–153.
ICPRICPR-2014-EnzbergA #automation #fault #recognition
A Defect Recognition System for Automated Inspection of Non-rigid Surfaces (SvE, AAH), pp. 1812–1816.
ICPRICPR-2014-HaoXPSK #automation #semantics #topic #using
Automated Chinese Essay Scoring from Topic Perspective Using Regularized Latent Semantic Indexing (SH, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 3092–3097.
ICPRICPR-2014-MavadatiM #automation #metric #modelling
Temporal Facial Expression Modeling for Automated Action Unit Intensity Measurement (SMM, MHM), pp. 4648–4653.
ICPRICPR-2014-NathLHWBS #automation #behaviour #recognition #social
Automated Social Behaviour Recognition at Low Resolution (TN, GL, BH, BW, SDB, PS), pp. 2323–2328.
ICPRICPR-2014-SuDAGSLLPLLT #automation #predict
Automated Prediction of Glasgow Outcome Scale for Traumatic Brain Injury (BS, TAD, AKA, TG, TS, SL, CCTL, BCP, CKL, TYL, CLT), pp. 3245–3250.
ICPRICPR-2014-TanYZBYMM #automation #framework #quantifier #robust
An Automated and Robust Framework for Quantification of Muscle and Fat in the Thigh (CT, ZY, SZ, BB, HJY, CM, DNM), pp. 3173–3178.
KDDKDD-2014-PolozovG #automation #named #web
LaSEWeb: automating search strategies over semi-structured web data (OP, SG), pp. 741–750.
KDDKDD-2014-SpanglerWBNDHRPCMSKLLPLDCL #automation #generative #mining
Automated hypothesis generation based on mining scientific literature (WSS, ADW, BJB, MN, TD, PJH, SR, CRP, AC, JNM, IS, LK, AL, JJL, NP, AML, LAD, YC, OL), pp. 1877–1886.
KDIRKDIR-2014-HaraSOM #automation #information management #towards
Annotating Cohesive Statements of Anatomical Knowledge Toward Semi-automated Information Extraction (KH, IS, KO, IM), pp. 342–347.
KRKR-2014-DiakidoyKM0 #approach #automation #comprehension
A Psychology-Inspired Approach to Automated Narrative Text Comprehension (IAD, ACK, LM, RM).
RecSysRecSys-2014-PeraN14a #automation #recommendation
Automating readers’ advisory to make book recommendations for K-12 readers (MSP, YKN), pp. 9–16.
SEKESEKE-2014-ChourabiA #automation #process #specification
Automated transformation of business rules specification to business process model (OC, JA), pp. 684–687.
SEKESEKE-2014-RodriguesPTZOS #automation #component #design #on the #requirements
On the Requirements and Design Decisions of an In-House Component-Based SPL Automated Environment (EMR, LTP, LT, AFZ, FMdO, RSS), pp. 402–407.
SEKESEKE-2014-ShankarN #automation #metric #tool support
Automated Metrics Collection for IEC61131-3 Languages from Engineering Tools (MS, AN), pp. 7–12.
SEKESEKE-2014-XuL #approach #architecture #automation #synthesis #using
Automated Software Architectural Synthesis using Patterns: A Cooperative Coevolution Approach (YX, PL), pp. 174–180.
SEKESEKE-2014-XuS #automation #effectiveness #petri net #testing
Effectiveness of Automated Function Testing with Petri Nets: A Series of Controlled Experiments (DX, NS), pp. 211–216.
ICMTICMT-2014-WieberAS #automation #graph grammar #model transformation #on the #testing
On the Usage of TGGs for Automated Model Transformation Testing (MW, AA, AS), pp. 1–16.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-BascianiRIP #automation #metamodelling #model transformation
Automated Chaining of Model Transformations with Incompatible Metamodels (FB, DDR, LI, AP), pp. 602–618.
SPLCSPLC-2014-MennickeLSW #automation #feature model #petri net #process #verification #workflow
Automated verification of feature model configuration processes based on workflow Petri nets (SM, ML, JS, TW), pp. 62–71.
SPLCSPLC-2014-Reinhartz-Berger #automation #domain model #modelling
Can domain modeling be automated?: levels of automation in domain modeling (IRB), p. 359.
SPLCSPLC-2014-VacchiCCA #automation #component #implementation #model inference #variability
Automating variability model inference for component-based language implementations (EV, WC, BC, MA), pp. 167–176.
SPLCSPLC-2014-YuZZJ #automation #case study #feature model #named
TDL: a transformation description language from feature model to use case for automated use case derivation (WY, WZ, HZ, ZJ), pp. 187–196.
ECOOPECOOP-2014-MayerS #automation #domain-specific language #framework #java #multi #refactoring
Automated Multi-Language Artifact Binding and Rename Refactoring between Java and DSLs Used by Java Frameworks (PM, AS), pp. 437–462.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-GligoricSPVNL #automation #dynamic analysis #migration #refactoring #search-based #using
Automated migration of build scripts using dynamic analysis and search-based refactoring (MG, WS, CP, DvV, IN, BL), pp. 599–616.
PEPMPEPM-2014-LiTSF #automation #evolution #testing #web #web service
Automating property-based testing of evolving web services (HL, SJT, PLS, MAF), pp. 169–180.
PLDIPLDI-2014-RickettsRJTL #automation #proving
Automating formal proofs for reactive systems (DR, VR, DJ, ZT, SL), p. 47.
RERE-2014-AdedjoumaSB #approach #automation #case study #detection
Automated detection and resolution of legal cross references: Approach and a study of Luxembourg’s legislation (MA, MS, LCB), pp. 63–72.
RERE-2014-BhowmikNMS #automation #requirements
Automated support for combinational creativity in requirements engineering (TB, NN, AM, JS), pp. 243–252.
RERE-2014-NguyenGA #analysis #automation #named #ontology #requirements
GUITAR: An ontology-based automated requirements analysis tool (THN, JCG, MA), pp. 315–316.
RERE-2014-RahimiMC #automation #quality #requirements #specification #visualisation
Automated extraction and visualization of quality concerns from requirements specifications (MR, MM, JCH), pp. 253–262.
ASEASE-2014-ArcuriFG #automation #dependence #generative #testing
Automated unit test generation for classes with environment dependencies (AA, GF, JPG), pp. 79–90.
ASEASE-2014-AzimNM #automation #self #smarttech #towards
Towards self-healing smartphone software via automated patching (TA, IN, LMM), pp. 623–628.
ASEASE-2014-BecanSABBB #automation #comparison #formal method #matrix
Automating the formalization of product comparison matrices (GB, NS, MA, OB, AB, BB), pp. 433–444.
ASEASE-2014-CamposAFA #automation #generative #integration #testing
Continuous test generation: enhancing continuous integration with automated test generation (JCMdC, AA, GF, RFLMdA), pp. 55–66.
ASEASE-2014-CosmoLTZZEA #automation #deployment #synthesis
Automated synthesis and deployment of cloud applications (RDC, ML, RT, SZ, JZ, AE, AA), pp. 211–222.
ASEASE-2014-EllisHKLLLMM #analysis #automation #requirements
Automated requirements analysis for a molecular watchdog timer (SJE, ERH, THK, JIL, JHL, RRL, DM, ASM), pp. 767–778.
ASEASE-2014-FardMM #automation #generative #testing #web
Leveraging existing tests in automated test generation for web applications (AMF, MM, AM), pp. 67–78.
ASEASE-2014-FelsingGKRU #automation #verification
Automating regression verification (DF, SG, VK, PR, MU), pp. 349–360.
ASEASE-2014-GayRH #automation
Improving the accuracy of oracle verdicts through automated model steering (GG, SR, MPEH), pp. 527–538.
ASEASE-2014-GligoricNLM #automation #comparison #empirical #evaluation #testing
An empirical evaluation and comparison of manual and automated test selection (MG, SN, OL, DM), pp. 361–372.
ASEASE-2014-MakhdoomKS #automation #execution #incremental #maintenance #symbolic computation #testing
Incremental symbolic execution for automated test suite maintenance (SM, MAK, JHS), pp. 271–276.
ASEASE-2014-Mohr #automation #composition
Issues of automated software composition in AI planning (FM), pp. 895–898.
ASEASE-2014-MolotnikovVR #automation #c #verification
Automated domain-specific C verification with mbeddr (ZM, MV, DR), pp. 539–550.
ASEASE-2014-RahimiC #automation
Personas in the middle: automated support for creating personas as focal points in feature gathering forums (MR, JCH), pp. 479–484.
ASEASE-2014-SeguraSC #analysis #automation #case study #e-commerce #experience #testing #variability
Automated variability analysis and testing of an E-commerce site.: an experience report (SS, ABS, ARC), pp. 139–150.
ASEASE-2014-TarvoR #analysis #automation #modelling #parallel #performance #source code #thread
Automated analysis of multithreaded programs for performance modeling (AT, SPR), pp. 7–18.
ASEASE-2014-TillmannHX #automation #generative #testing
Transferring an automated test generation tool to practice: from pex to fakes and code digger (NT, JdH, TX), pp. 385–396.
FSEFSE-2014-BohmeP #automation #on the #performance #testing
On the efficiency of automated testing (MB, SP), pp. 632–642.
ICSEICSE-2014-BagheriTS #automation #dynamic analysis #named
TradeMaker: automated dynamic analysis of synthesized tradespaces (HB, CT, KJS), pp. 106–116.
ICSEICSE-2014-DegiovanniAAU #automation #satisfiability
Automated goal operationalisation based on interpolation and SAT solving (RD, DA, NA, SU), pp. 129–139.
ICSEICSE-2014-FilieriHM #adaptation #automation #design #self
Automated design of self-adaptive software with control-theoretical formal guarantees (AF, HH, MM), pp. 299–310.
ICSEICSE-2014-GeM #automation #refactoring #validation
Manual refactoring changes with automated refactoring validation (XG, ERMH), pp. 1095–1105.
ICSEICSE-2014-JungLRP #automation #detection #memory management
Automated memory leak detection for production use (CJ, SL, ER, SP), pp. 825–836.
ICSEICSE-2014-KaleeswaranTKO #automation #named #synthesis
MintHint: automated synthesis of repair hints (SK, VT, AK, AO), pp. 266–276.
ICSEICSE-2014-QiMLDW #automation #program repair #random
The strength of random search on automated program repair (YQ, XM, YL, ZD, CW), pp. 254–265.
ICSEICSE-2014-RodegheroMMBD #automation #source code #summary
Improving automated source code summarization via an eye-tracking study of programmers (PR, CM, PWM, NB, SKD), pp. 390–401.
ICSEICSE-2014-YuSR #automation #framework #named #testing
SimRT: an automated framework to support regression testing for data races (TY, WSa, GR), pp. 48–59.
SACSAC-2014-BertoutFO #automation #clustering #heuristic #realtime #set
A heuristic to minimize the cardinality of a real-time task set by automated task clustering (AB, JF, RO), pp. 1431–1436.
SACSAC-2014-CaniGSST #automation #code generation #integration #towards
Towards automated malware creation: code generation and code integration (AC, MG, ES, GS, APT), pp. 157–160.
SACSAC-2014-GriebeG #approach #automation #mobile #modelling #testing
A model-based approach to test automation for context-aware mobile applications (TG, VG), pp. 420–427.
SACSAC-2014-KleffmannBHG #automation #interactive #navigation #scalability #sketching #version control
Automated versioning and temporal navigation for model sketches on large interactive displays (MK, MB, EH, VG), pp. 161–168.
SACSAC-2014-ParraJGI #approach #automation #product line
An SOA approach for automating software product line adoption (CP, DJ, LG, AI), pp. 1231–1238.
SACSAC-2014-RaneburgerKPSA #automation #design #generative #interactive #process #user interface
A process for facilitating interaction design through automated GUI generation (DR, HK, RP, VS, AA), pp. 1324–1330.
CASECASE-2014-GargSYPCHPAG #analysis #automation #reachability
Exact reachability analysis for planning skew-line needle arrangements for automated brachytherapy (AG, TS, GY, SP, JAMC, ICH, JP, AA, KYG), pp. 524–531.
CASECASE-2014-HuCLY #approach #automation #comparative #petri net #using
A comparative approach to supervisor simplification in automated manufacturing systems using Petri nets (HH, CC, YL, YY), pp. 619–625.
CASECASE-2014-HuYLC #analysis #automation #modelling #multi #petri net
Simplifying supervisory controllers of automated manufacturing systems via Petri net modeling and multiset analysis (HH, YY, YL, CC), pp. 449–454.
CASECASE-2014-RenfrewHHC #automation #image #segmentation
Automated segmentation and characterization of ion-abrasion scanning electron microscopy fuel cell images (MR, NH, AH, MCC), pp. 56–60.
CASECASE-2014-TanHZ #automation #development #validation
Development and validation of an automated steering control system for bus revenue service (HST, JH, WBZ), pp. 31–36.
CGOCGO-2014-SureshS #algorithm #automation #detection #fault #grid #problem
Automated Algorithmic Error Resilience for Structured Grid Problems Based on Outlier Detection (AS, JS), p. 240.
DACDAC-2014-Rodriguez-NavasSHNLL #approach #automation #functional #safety #specification #verification
Automated Specification and Verification of Functional Safety in Heavy-Vehicles: the VeriSpec Approach (GRN, CCS, HH, MN, OL, HL), p. 4.
DACDAC-2014-Rutenbar #automation #design #education
The First EDA MOOC: Teaching Design Automation to Planet Earth (RAR), p. 6.
DACDAC-2014-XiaCK #algorithm #automation #detection #development
An Automobile Detection Algorithm Development for Automated Emergency Braking System (LX, TDC, KAAK), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2014-AfacanAFDB #automation #design #modelling #optimisation
Model based hierarchical optimization strategies for analog design automation (EA, SA, FVF, GD, IFB), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-CanedoFR #automation #cyber-physical #design #multi
Multi-disciplinary integrated design automation tool for automotive cyber-physical systems (AC, MAAF, JHR), pp. 1–2.
DATEDATE-2014-CasparLH #automation #strict #testing #using
Automated system testing using dynamic and resource restricted clients (MC, ML, WH), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-GuoWWH #automation #effectiveness #named #test coverage
EATBit: Effective automated test for binary translation with high code coverage (HG, ZW, CW, RH), pp. 1–6.
DATEDATE-2014-MeeusS #automation #reuse #synthesis
Automating data reuse in High-Level Synthesis (WM, DS), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-MottaghiRD #framework #named #network #performance
RETLab: A fast design-automation framework for arbitrary RET networks (MDM, AR, CD), pp. 1–6.
DATEDATE-2014-MunirK #automation #design #named
D2Cyber: A design automation tool for dependable cybercars (AM, FK), pp. 1–4.
DATEDATE-2014-NepalLBR #approximate #automation #behaviour #named #synthesis
ABACUS: A technique for automated behavioral synthesis of approximate computing circuits (KN, YL, RIB, SR), pp. 1–6.
OSDIOSDI-2014-HawblitzelHLNPZZ #automation #security #verification
Ironclad Apps: End-to-End Security via Automated Full-System Verification (CH, JH, JRL, AN, BP, DZ, BZ), pp. 165–181.
PDPPDP-2014-BoobGP #automation #cpu #gpu #parallel #performance
Automated Instantiation of Heterogeneous Fast Flow CPU/GPU Parallel Pattern Applications in Clouds (SB, HGV, AMP), pp. 162–169.
TACASTACAS-2014-HeizmannCDHLMSWP #contest #satisfiability
Ultimate Automizer with Unsatisfiable Cores — (Competition Contribution) (MH, JC, DD, JH, ML, BM, CS, SW, AP), pp. 418–420.
TACASTACAS-2014-HuthK #automation #named #reasoning #trust
PEALT: An Automated Reasoning Tool for Numerical Aggregation of Trust Evidence (MH, JHPK), pp. 109–123.
CAVCAV-2014-PiskacWZ #automation #logic
Automating Separation Logic with Trees and Data (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 711–728.
ICSTICST-2014-AssiriB #assessment #automation #quality
An Assessment of the Quality of Automated Program Operator Repair (FYA, JMB), pp. 273–282.
ICSTICST-2014-AydinAB #automation #generative #testing
Automated Test Generation from Vulnerability Signatures (AA, MA, TB), pp. 193–202.
ICSTICST-2014-MiicBT #analysis #automation #multi #platform #test coverage #testing
Automated Multi-platform Testing and Code Coverage Analysis of the CP2K Application (MM, IB, MT), pp. 95–98.
ICSTICST-2014-PouldingW #automation #probability
Adding Contextual Guidance to the Automated Search for Probabilistic Test Profiles (SMP, HW), pp. 293–302.
ICSTICST-2014-VarvaressosLMGH #automation #case study #debugging #game studies #monitoring #runtime #video
Automated Bug Finding in Video Games: A Case Study for Runtime Monitoring (SV, KL, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 143–152.
ICSTICST-2014-WiklundSEL #analysis #automation #empirical #testing
Impediments for Automated Testing — An Empirical Analysis of a User Support Discussion Board (KW, DS, SE, KL), pp. 113–122.
ICSTICST-2014-ZaeemPK #automation #generative #mobile #testing
Automated Generation of Oracles for Testing User-Interaction Features of Mobile Apps (RNZ, MRP, SK), pp. 183–192.
ICTSSICTSS-2014-Bures #automation #detection #maintenance #testing
Change Detection System for the Maintenance of Automated Testing (MB), pp. 192–197.
ICTSSICTSS-2014-PalmieriCO #automation #testing
Cutting Time-to-Market by Adopting Automated Regression Testing in a Simulated Environment (MP, AC, ), pp. 129–144.
ICTSSICTSS-2014-WotawaB #automation #exclamation #security #testing
Plan It! Automated Security Testing Based on Planning (FW, JB), pp. 48–62.
IJCARIJCAR-2014-NigamRL #automation #named #permutation #proving
Quati: An Automated Tool for Proving Permutation Lemmas (VN, GR, LL), pp. 255–261.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-AppeltNBA #approach #automation #injection #sql #testing
Automated testing for SQL injection vulnerabilities: an input mutation approach (DA, CDN, LCB, NA), pp. 259–269.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-LoyolaSKR #automation #named #set
Dodona: automated oracle data set selection (PL, MS, IYK, GR), pp. 193–203.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-YandrapallyTSC #automation #robust #testing #using
Robust test automation using contextual clues (RY, ST, SS, SC), pp. 304–314.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-ZhangC #automation #detection #exception #information management #lightweight
Lightweight automated detection of unsafe information leakage via exceptions (BZ, JC), pp. 327–338.
RTARTA-TLCA-2014-HirokawaM #analysis #automation #complexity
Automated Complexity Analysis Based on Context-Sensitive Rewriting (NH, GM), pp. 257–271.
SMTSMT-2014-Melquiond #algorithm #automation #float #verification
Automating the Verification of Floating-Point Algorithms (GM), p. 63.
TAPTAP-2014-BardinCDK #automation #testing #tool support
An All-in-One Toolkit for Automated White-Box Testing (SB, OC, MD, NK), pp. 53–60.
TAPTAP-2014-KahkonenH #automation #lightweight #parallel #source code #testing #thread
Lightweight State Capturing for Automated Testing of Multithreaded Programs (KK, KH), pp. 187–203.
CBSECBSE-2013-CiccozziSCS #assessment #automation #component #deployment #embedded #towards
An automated round-trip support towards deployment assessment in component-based embedded systems (FC, MS, AC, MS), pp. 179–188.
ECSAECSA-2013-SilvaB #architecture #automation #consistency #named
PANDArch: A Pluggable Automated Non-intrusive Dynamic Architecture Conformance Checker (LdS, DB), pp. 240–248.
ECSAECSA-2013-ZouariR #adaptation #automation #deployment #distributed #towards
Towards Automated Deployment of Distributed Adaptation Systems (MZ, IBR), pp. 336–339.
DocEngDocEng-2013-ConstantinPV #named
PDFX: fully-automated PDF-to-XML conversion of scientific literature (AC, SP, AV), pp. 177–180.
DocEngDocEng-2013-PiccoliO #automation #documentation #flexibility #layout
Balancing font sizes for flexibility in automated document layout (RFBP, JBSdO), pp. 151–160.
DRRDRR-2013-ClawsonBCPKRB #automation #recognition
Automated recognition and extraction of tabular fields for the indexing of census records (RC, KB, GC, MP, DJK, JR, WAB).
ICDARICDAR-2013-ChherawalaRC #automation #design #question #recognition
Feature Design for Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition: Handcrafted vs Automated? (YC, PPR, MC), pp. 290–294.
ICDARICDAR-2013-HaoGZXPSK #automation #detection #fault #finite #transducer
Automated Error Detection and Correction of Chinese Characters in Written Essays Based on Weighted Finite-State Transducer (SH, ZG, MZ, YX, HP, KS, DK), pp. 763–767.
ICDARICDAR-2013-ThadchanamoorthyKPPK #automation #database #development #recognition
Tamil Handwritten City Name Database Development and Recognition for Postal Automation (ST, NDK, HLP, UP, FK), pp. 793–797.
JCDLJCDL-2013-SchneiderM #automation #mobile #web
First steps in archiving the mobile web: automated discovery of mobile websites (RS, FM), pp. 53–56.
CSEETCSEET-2013-JezekMP #automation #evaluation #experience #question
Automated evaluation of regular lab assignments: A bittersweet experience? (PJ, MM, TP), pp. 249–258.
CSMRCSMR-2013-AbebeT #automation #identifier
Automated Identifier Completion and Replacement (SLA, PT), pp. 263–272.
CSMRCSMR-2013-DuclosDGA #automation #c++ #named #testing
ACRE: An Automated Aspect Creator for Testing C++ Applications (ED, SLD, YGG, BA), pp. 121–130.
ICSMEICSM-2013-Kwon #automation #distributed #energy #execution #fault tolerance #re-engineering
Automated S/W Reengineering for Fault-Tolerant and Energy-Efficient Distributed Execution (YWK), pp. 582–585.
ICSMEICSM-2013-LeL #approach #automation #effectiveness #fault #locality #predict #tool support
Will Fault Localization Work for These Failures? An Automated Approach to Predict Effectiveness of Fault Localization Tools (TDBL, DL), pp. 310–319.
ICSMEICSM-2013-QiML #automation #performance #program repair #testing
Efficient Automated Program Repair through Fault-Recorded Testing Prioritization (YQ, XM, YL), pp. 180–189.
ICSMEICSM-2013-ShahDM #automation #java #on the #refactoring
On the Automation of Dependency-Breaking Refactorings in Java (SMAS, JD, CM), pp. 160–169.
ICSMEICSM-2013-WrightJKCW #automation #refactoring #scalability #using
Large-Scale Automated Refactoring Using ClangMR (HKW, DJ, MK, CC, ZW), pp. 548–551.
ICSMEICSM-2013-XinQHXZWG #concurrent #empirical #source code
An Automation-Assisted Empirical Study on Lock Usage for Concurrent Programs (RX, ZQ, SH, CX, YZ, YW, HG), pp. 100–109.
ICSMEICSM-2013-YukselS #analysis #automation #case study #classification
Automated Classification of Static Code Analysis Alerts: A Case Study (UY, HS), pp. 532–535.
PASTEPASTE-2013-DingesCA #automation #concurrent #execution #set
Automated inference of atomic sets for safe concurrent execution (PD, MC, GA), pp. 1–8.
WCREWCRE-2013-IshioHKO #automation #effectiveness #feature model #on the
On the effectiveness of accuracy of automated feature location technique (TI, SH, HK, TO), pp. 381–390.
WCREWCRE-2013-ThungLL #automation #library #recommendation
Automated library recommendation (FT, DL, JLL), pp. 182–191.
IFMIFM-2013-MoranHS #automation #verification
Automated Anonymity Verification of the ThreeBallot Voting System (MM, JH, SS), pp. 94–108.
SEFMSEFM-2013-BennaceurCIJ #automation #behaviour #ontology #reasoning #synthesis
Automated Mediator Synthesis: Combining Behavioural and Ontological Reasoning (AB, CC, MI, BJ), pp. 274–288.
SEFMSEFM-2013-KeshishzadehMM #automation #debugging #detection #domain-specific language #fault #smt #using
Early Fault Detection in DSLs Using SMT Solving and Automated Debugging (SK, AJM, MRM), pp. 182–196.
SFMSFM-2013-KopfR #analysis #automation #data flow
Automation of Quantitative Information-Flow Analysis (BK, AR), pp. 1–28.
ICFPICFP-2013-LorenzenE #automation #composition #verification
Modular and automated type-soundness verification for language extensions (FL, SE), pp. 331–342.
CHICHI-2013-GartenbergBPMT #adaptation #automation #fault
Adaptive automation and cue invocation: the effect of cue timing on operator error (DG, LAB, JP, JMM, JGT), pp. 3121–3130.
CHICHI-2013-ZhuZ #agile #automation #low cost #named #prototype #tool support
AutoGami: a low-cost rapid prototyping toolkit for automated movable paper craft (KZ, SZ), pp. 661–670.
HCIDHM-SET-2013-MamessierF #automation #interactive #modelling #simulation
Simulating the Impact of Mental Models on Human Automation Interaction in Aviation (SM, KMF), pp. 61–69.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-SchutzOV #approach #automation #development #evaluation #usability
SysML-Based Approach for Automation Software Development — Explorative Usability Evaluation of the Provided Notation (DS, MO, BVH), pp. 568–574.
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-EngelMHF #automation #generative #specification #user interface
Formal Pattern Specifications to Facilitate Semi-automated User Interface Generation (JE, CM, CH, PF), pp. 300–309.
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-MartinHE #automation #modelling #user interface
Patterns and Models for Automated User Interface Construction — In Search of the Missing Links (CM, CH, JE), pp. 401–410.
HCIHCI-AMTE-2013-SantosM #automation #design #identification #implementation #interactive
Design and Implementation of ErgoIdentifier: A Tool for Automated Identification of Websites Interaction Elements (OFdS, MM), pp. 249–255.
HCIHCI-III-2013-RukavinaGTHWTJ #automation #classification #gender
The Impact of Gender and Sexual Hormones on Automated Psychobiological Emotion Classification (SR, SG, JWT, DH, SW, HCT, LJB), pp. 474–482.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-BattisteCMSVCS #automation #student #tool support
The Effects of Early Training with Automation Tools on the Air Traffic Management Strategies of Student ATCos (HB, WC, TM, KS, KPLV, DC, TZS), pp. 13–21.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-HighamVMSB #automation #trust
Training Air Traffic Controller Trust in Automation within a NextGen Environment (TMH, KPLV, JM, TZS, VB), pp. 76–84.
HCIHIMI-HSM-2013-MoreiraB #automation #interface
A Semiotic Based Method for Evaluating Automated Cockpit Interfaces (WM, RB), pp. 530–539.
HCIHIMI-LCCB-2013-MantheyHRSE #automation #framework #multi #video #workflow
A Support Framework for Automated Video and Multimedia Workflows for Production and Archive (RM, RH, MR, MS, ME), pp. 336–341.
CAiSECAiSE-2013-AgtK #automation #modelling #network #scalability #semantics
Automated Construction of a Large Semantic Network of Related Terms for Domain-Specific Modeling (HA, RDK), pp. 610–625.
CAiSECAiSE-2013-CardosoBBKL #automation #in the cloud
Cloud Computing Automation: Integrating USDL and TOSCA (JC, TB, UB, OK, FL), pp. 1–16.
CAiSECAiSE-2013-MethME #automation #elicitation #information management #requirements
Is Knowledge Power? The Role of Knowledge in Automated Requirements Elicitation (HM, AM, ME), pp. 578–593.
ICEISICEIS-J-2013-PintoKG13a #analysis #approach #architecture #automation #evaluation #metadata
An Automated Architectural Evaluation Approach Based on Metadata and Code Analysis (FP, UK, EMG), pp. 490–505.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2013-PintoKG #architecture #automation #enterprise #evaluation #information management
Automating the Architecture Evaluation of Enterprise Information Systems (FP, UK, EMG), pp. 333–340.
ECIRECIR-2013-PritsosS #automation #classification #identification
Open-Set Classification for Automated Genre Identification (DAP, ES), pp. 207–217.
KDDKDD-2013-KongY #automation #classification #distance #learning
Discriminant malware distance learning on structural information for automated malware classification (DK, GY), pp. 1357–1365.
KEODKEOD-2013-HafnerHWO #automation #ontology
Semi-automated Ontology Population from Building Construction Drawings (PH, VH, HW, JO), pp. 379–386.
KEODKEOD-2013-LinnenbergMCSF #automation #energy #evaluation #lightweight #named #ontology #performance
OntoENERGY — A Lightweight Ontology for Supporting Energy-efficiency Tasks — Enabling Generic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency in the Engineering Phase of Automated Manufacturing Plants (TL, AWM, LC, CS, AF), pp. 337–344.
KEODKEOD-2013-WohlgenanntBS #automation #evolution #learning #ontology #prototype
A Prototype for Automating Ontology Learning and Ontology Evolution (GW, SB, MS), pp. 407–412.
SEKESEKE-2013-DiaoSYG #automation #semantics
A Semantic-based Semi-automated Role Mapping Mechanism (LD, WS, ILY, JG), pp. 14–17.
SEKESEKE-2013-FreireCNMKAS #automation #overview #perspective #re-engineering
Automated Support for Controlled Experiments in Software Engineering: A Systematic Review (MAF, DAdC, ECN, TM, UK, EA, SS), pp. 504–509.
SEKESEKE-2013-JulianoTSM #assessment #automation #case study #complexity #similarity
Automated Computation of Use Cases Similarity can Aid the Assessment of Cohesion and Complexity of Classes (RCJ, BANT, MSS, MdAM), pp. 494–499.
SEKESEKE-2013-MolleriSB #approach #automation #overview #process
Proposal of an Automated Approach to Support the Systematic Review of Literature Process (JSM, LEdS, FBVB), pp. 488–493.
SEKESEKE-2013-MoshirpourEF #approach #automation #ontology #using
Automated Construction of System Domain Knowledge Using an Ontology-Based Approach (MM, AE, BHF), pp. 63–66.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-Ekstrand-AbuegPA #automation
Live nuggets extractor: a semi-automated system for text extraction and test collection creation (MEA, VP, JAA), pp. 1087–1088.
ICMTICMT-2013-HermannGNBMPE #automation #graph grammar #on the #using
On an Automated Translation of Satellite Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars (FH, SG, NN, BB, GM, AP, TE), pp. 50–51.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-NieYAZF #automation #constraints #cyber-physical #named
Constraints: The Core of Supporting Automated Product Configuration of Cyber-Physical Systems (KN, TY, SA, LZ, ZF), pp. 370–387.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-SelimBCDW #automation #industrial #model transformation #verification
Automated Verification of Model Transformations in the Automotive Industry (GMKS, FB, JRC, JD, SW), pp. 690–706.
MODELSMoDELS-2013-WangGAL #automation #case study #feature model #industrial #testing #using
Automated Test Case Selection Using Feature Model: An Industrial Case Study (SW, AG, SA, ML), pp. 237–253.
ECOOPECOOP-2013-NegaraCVJD #automation #case study #comparative #refactoring
A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Refactorings (SN, NC, MV, REJ, DD), pp. 552–576.
ECOOPECOOP-2013-VakilianCMNJ #automation #composition #paradigm #refactoring
A Compositional Paradigm of Automating Refactorings (MV, NC, RZM, SN, REJ), pp. 527–551.
PLDIPLDI-2013-SinghGS #automation #feedback #generative #programming
Automated feedback generation for introductory programming assignments (RS, SG, ASL), pp. 15–26.
POPLPOPL-2013-UnnoTK #automation #functional #higher-order #source code #verification
Automating relatively complete verification of higher-order functional programs (HU, TT, NK), pp. 75–86.
RERE-2013-MasseyEAS #analysis #automation #documentation #mining #policy #requirements
Automated text mining for requirements analysis of policy documents (AKM, JE, AIA, PPS), pp. 4–13.
ASEASE-2013-BarnesPG #architecture #automation #evolution
Automated planning for software architecture evolution (JMB, AP, DG), pp. 213–223.
ASEASE-2013-DhunganaTWW #automation #interactive #rule-based #verification
Automated verification of interactive rule-based configuration systems (DD, CHT, CW, PW), pp. 551–561.
ASEASE-2013-Frank #automation #challenge #validation #verification
The challenges of verification and validation of automated planning systems (JF), p. 2.
ASEASE-2013-GambiHD #automation #testing
Automated testing of cloud-based elastic systems with AUToCLES (AG, WH, SD), pp. 714–717.
ASEASE-2013-KimKKLJK #automation #embedded #industrial #scalability #testing #using
Automated unit testing of large industrial embedded software using concolic testing (YK, YK, TK, GL, YJ, MK), pp. 519–528.
ASEASE-2013-MaezawaWTH #ajax #automation #interactive #invariant #verification
Automated verification of pattern-based interaction invariants in Ajax applications (YM, HW, YT, SH), pp. 158–168.
ASEASE-2013-NguyenT #automation #classification #combinator #dependence #testing
Automated inference of classifications and dependencies for combinatorial testing (DCN, PT), pp. 622–627.
ASEASE-2013-TillmannHXB #automation #education #game studies #generative #named #testing
Pex4Fun: A web-based environment for educational gaming via automated test generation (NT, JdH, TX, JB), pp. 730–733.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-AroraSBZG #automation #consistency #flexibility #named
RUBRIC: a flexible tool for automated checking of conformance to requirement boilerplates (CA, MS, LCB, FZ, RG), pp. 599–602.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-JensenMS #automation #interface #javascript #testing #web
Server interface descriptions for automated testing of JavaScript web applications (CSJ, AM, ZS), pp. 510–520.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-Nenashev #automation #hardware #named #programmable #re-engineering
PHRT: a model and programmable tool for hardware reengineering automation (ON), pp. 719–722.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-NguyenMT #automation #effectiveness #empirical
Automated oracles: an empirical study on cost and effectiveness (CDN, AM, PT), pp. 136–146.
ICSEICSE-2013-AlmorsyGI #analysis #architecture #automation #security #using
Automated software architecture security risk analysis using formalized signatures (MA, JG, ASI), pp. 662–671.
ICSEICSE-2013-FranklinGLD #automation #functional #imperative #named #programming #refactoring
LAMBDAFICATOR: from imperative to functional programming through automated refactoring (LF, AG, JL, DD), pp. 1287–1290.
ICSEICSE-2013-HenardPPKT #automation #feature model #modelling #testing #towards
Towards automated testing and fixing of re-engineered feature models (CH, MP, GP, JK, YLT), pp. 1245–1248.
ICSEICSE-2013-MemonC #automation #modelling #testing #tool support #user interface
Automated testing of GUI applications: models, tools, and controlling flakiness (AMM, MBC), pp. 1479–1480.
ICSEICSE-2013-PaveseBU #automation #estimation #reliability
Automated reliability estimation over partial systematic explorations (EP, VAB, SU), pp. 602–611.
ICSEICSE-2013-ThummalapentaDSCGNS #automation #case study #industrial #performance #testing
Efficient and change-resilient test automation: an industrial case study (ST, PD, SS, SC, SG, DDN, SS), pp. 1002–1011.
ICSEICSE-2013-Zhang04a #automation #fault #java #named
ConfDiagnoser: an automated configuration error diagnosis tool for Java software (SZ), pp. 1438–1440.
ICSEICSE-2013-ZhangE #automation #fault
Automated diagnosis of software configuration errors (SZ, MDE), pp. 312–321.
SACSAC-2013-HerzogKHFK #automation #identification #web
Feature-based object identification for web automation (CH, IK, WH, RRF, BKS), pp. 742–749.
SACSAC-2013-JungWKO #architecture #automation #interactive #using
Heterogeneous device interaction using an IPv6 enabled service-oriented architecture for building automation systems (MJ, JW, WK, AO), pp. 1939–1941.
SACSAC-2013-WestermannHF #automation #empirical #performance #specification
An experiment specification language for goal-driven, automated performance evaluations (DW, JH, RF), pp. 1043–1048.
GPCEGPCE-2013-AnKGTS #automation #framework #generative #in the cloud #modelling #performance #testing
Model-driven generative framework for automated OMG DDS performance testing in the cloud (KA, TK, ASG, ST, AS), pp. 179–182.
SLESLE-2013-BatoryGMS #automation #design #graph grammar
Dark Knowledge and Graph Grammars in Automated Software Design (DSB, RG, BM, JS), pp. 1–18.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2013-SahooCGA #automation #fault #invariant #locality #using
Using likely invariants for automated software fault localization (SKS, JC, CG, VSA), pp. 139–152.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2013-SchulteDWF #assembly #automation #embedded #source code
Automated repair of binary and assembly programs for cooperating embedded devices (EMS, JD, WW, SF), pp. 317–328.
CASECASE-2013-ChenCLZZF #assembly #automation #performance #process
Performance improvement for high accuracy assembly process in manufacturing automation (HC, HC, JL, BZ, GZ, TAF), pp. 540–545.
CASECASE-2013-Fries #agile #automation #fault #fuzzy #multi #using
Automation of rapid fault diagnosis in manufacturing systems using multiple fuzzy agents (TPF), pp. 65–70.
CASECASE-2013-Holzmuller-LaueGT #automation #modelling #workflow
Model-driven complex workflow automation for laboratories (SHL, BG, KT), pp. 758–763.
CASECASE-2013-HuMW #automation #energy
Energy-efficient dispatching solution in an automated air cargo terminal (WH, JM, KW), pp. 144–149.
CASECASE-2013-HuZL #automation #performance #petri net #synthesis #using
Supervisor synthesis and performance improvement for automated manufacturing systems by using Petri nets (HH, MZ, YL), pp. 1139–1144.
CASECASE-2013-HuZL13a #automation #distributed #petri net #scalability
Maximally permissive distributed control of large scale automated manufacturing systems modeled with Petri nets (HH, MZ, YL), pp. 1145–1150.
CASECASE-2013-JunKZRK #automation
Automation for individualization of Kinect-based quantitative progressive exercise regimen (SkJ, SK, XZ, DKR, VNK), pp. 243–248.
CASECASE-2013-LanzaKPSS #analysis #automation #detection #fault #using
Automated optical detection of particles and defects on a Li-Ion-cell surface using a single-point analysis (GL, AK, SP, AS, SS), pp. 675–680.
CASECASE-2013-LiK #automation #generative #novel #reachability #reduction #testing
Reduction of automated test generation for Simulink/Stateflow to reachability and its novel resolution (ML, RK), pp. 1089–1094.
CASECASE-2013-MashaeiL #automation #concurrent #design
Concurrent design and control of automated material handling systems (MM, BL), pp. 292–299.
CASECASE-2013-Nieves-RiveraXJMZ #automation #development
Development of a position sensitive device and control method for automated robot calibration (ENR, NX, YJ, CM, GZ), pp. 1127–1132.
CASECASE-2013-PerinF #automation #modelling
Comparing detailed and abstract timed models of automated discrete manufacturing systems (MP, JMF), pp. 916–923.
CASECASE-2013-RajaramanDSB #automation #locality
Automated workpiece localization for robotic welding (MR, MDH, KS, DAB), pp. 681–686.
CASECASE-2013-ZenobioCTS #architecture #automation #named
EDISON: An innovative lighting architecture facilitating building automation (DDZ, NDC, ST, KS), pp. 231–236.
CGOCGO-2013-HomescuNLBF #automation
Profile-guided automated software diversity (AH, SN, PL, SB, MF), p. 11.
DACDAC-2013-Miskov-ZivanovMF #analysis #automation #behaviour #design #network
Dynamic behavior of cell signaling networks: model design and analysis automation (NMZ, DM, JRF), p. 6.
DATEDATE-2013-JainTG #automation
Automated determination of top level control signals (RKJ, PT, SG), pp. 509–512.
DATEDATE-2013-NiakiS #automation #embedded #parallel #simulation
An automated parallel simulation flow for heterogeneous embedded systems (SHAN, IS), pp. 27–30.
PLOSPLOS-2013-AryaDVC #automation #debugging #process
Semi-automated debugging via binary search through a process lifetime (KA, TD, AMV, GC), p. 7.
PLOSPLOS-2013-SunFBG #agile #automation #file system #generative #tool support
Annotation for automation: rapid generation of file system tools (KJS, DF, ADB, AG), p. 6.
FASEFASE-2013-YangPX #approach #automation #generative #mobile
A Grey-Box Approach for Automated GUI-Model Generation of Mobile Applications (WY, MRP, TX), pp. 250–265.
TACASTACAS-2013-HeizmannCDEHLNSP #contest
Ultimate Automizer with SMTInterpol — (Competition Contribution) (MH, JC, DD, EE, JH, ML, AN, CS, AP), pp. 641–643.
CADECADE-2013-ClaessenJRS #automation #induction #proving #using
Automating Inductive Proofs Using Theory Exploration (KC, MJ, DR, NS), pp. 392–406.
CADECADE-2013-HawblitzelKLR #automation #proving #source code #theorem proving #towards #using
Towards Modularly Comparing Programs Using Automated Theorem Provers (CH, MK, SKL, HR), pp. 282–299.
CADECADE-2013-Shankar #automation #performance #reasoning
Automated Reasoning, Fast and Slow (NS), pp. 145–161.
CAVCAV-2013-HolikLRSV #analysis #automation #automaton
Fully Automated Shape Analysis Based on Forest Automata (LH, OL, AR, JS, TV), pp. 740–755.
CAVCAV-2013-PiskacWZ #automation #logic #smt #using
Automating Separation Logic Using SMT (RP, TW, DZ), pp. 773–789.
ICSTICST-2013-AlegrothFO #automation #case study #industrial #testing
Transitioning Manual System Test Suites to Automated Testing: An Industrial Case Study (EA, RF, HHO), pp. 56–65.
ICSTICST-2013-AlegrothNO #automation #named #testing
JAutomate: A Tool for System- and Acceptance-test Automation (EA, MN, HHO), pp. 439–446.
ICSTICST-2013-CanforaMVDFM #automation #case study #performance #smarttech #testing #user interface
A Case Study of Automating User Experience-Oriented Performance Testing on Smartphones (GC, FM, CAV, MD, AF, CM), pp. 66–69.
ICSTICST-2013-GreilerDS #automation #detection #smell
Automated Detection of Test Fixture Strategies and Smells (MG, AvD, MADS), pp. 322–331.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-FraserSMAP #automation #generative #question #testing
Does automated white-box test generation really help software testers? (GF, MS, PM, AA, FP), pp. 291–301.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-JensenPM #automation #generative #sequence #testing
Automated testing with targeted event sequence generation (CSJ, MRP, AM), pp. 67–77.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-QiMLW #automation #effectiveness #fault #locality #program repair #using
Using automated program repair for evaluating the effectiveness of fault localization techniques (YQ, XM, YL, CW), pp. 191–201.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-YuSR #automation #framework #named #testing
SimRacer: an automated framework to support testing for process-level races (TY, WSa, GR), pp. 167–177.
QoSAQoSA-2012-HaitzerZ #abstraction #architecture #automation #component #lifecycle
DSL-based support for semi-automated architectural component model abstraction throughout the software lifecycle (TH, UZ), pp. 61–70.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-EdwardsBM #analysis #automation #code generation #modelling
Automated Analysis and Code Generation for Domain-Specific Models (GE, YB, NM), pp. 161–170.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2012-FrancoBR #architecture #automation #predict #reliability
Automated Reliability Prediction from Formal Architectural Descriptions (JMF, RB, MZR), pp. 302–309.
DocEngDocEng-2012-OliveiraGL #automation #towards
Toward automated schema-directed code revision (RO, PG, NL), pp. 103–106.
DRRDRR-2012-DasSS #automation #documentation #tool support #workflow
Questioned document workflow for handwriting with automated tools (KD, SNS, HS).
SIGMODSIGMOD-2012-GolshanLT #automation
SOFIA SEARCH: a tool for automating related-work search (BG, TL, ET), pp. 621–624.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2012-Johnson #automation #consistency #generative #interface #named #testing
SpecCheck: automated generation of tests for interface conformance (CJ), pp. 186–191.
CSMRCSMR-2012-MoghadamC #automation #design #difference #refactoring #using
Automated Refactoring Using Design Differencing (IHM, MÓC), pp. 43–52.
ICPCICPC-2012-Mahmoud #automation #effectiveness #process #towards
Toward an effective automated tracing process (AM), pp. 269–272.
ICSMEICSM-2012-Schutter #architecture #automation
Automated architectural reviews with Semmle (KDS), pp. 557–565.
ICSMEICSM-2012-ZouG #algorithm #automation #case study #detection #industrial #what #why
An industrial case study of Coman’s automated task detection algorithm: What Worked, What Didn’t, and Why (LZ, MWG), pp. 6–14.
WCREWCRE-2012-GarzonL #automation #how #tool support
Exploring How to Develop Transformations and Tools for Automated Umplification (MG, TCL), pp. 491–494.
WCREWCRE-2012-IchiiMNCO #approach #automation #modelling #rule-based #source code
A Rule-based Automated Approach for Extracting Models from Source Code (MI, TM, YN, MC, HO), pp. 308–317.
WCREWCRE-2012-NegaraS #automation #javascript #testing #web
Automated Acceptance Testing of JavaScript Web Applications (NN, ES), pp. 318–322.
SEFMSEFM-2012-DranidisBI #automation #generative #named #testing
JSXM: A Tool for Automated Test Generation (DD, KB, FI), pp. 352–366.
SEFMSEFM-2012-PaulSS #assembly #automation #verification
Completing the Automated Verification of a Small Hypervisor — Assembler Code Verification (WJP, SS, AS), pp. 188–202.
FLOPSFLOPS-2012-Terauchi #automation #functional #higher-order #source code #verification
Automated Verification of Higher-Order Functional Programs (TT), p. 2.
EDOCEDOC-2012-FarwickPBSVH #architecture #automation #enterprise #maintenance #metamodelling
A Meta-Model for Automated Enterprise Architecture Model Maintenance (MF, WP, RB, CMS, KV, IH), pp. 1–10.
EDOCEDOC-2012-HolmesZD #automation #modelling #monitoring #runtime #version control
Automating the Management and Versioning of Service Models at Runtime to Support Service Monitoring (TH, UZ, SD), pp. 211–218.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2012-KlinkmullerMLF #automation #comparison #network #towards
Towards Automated Logistics Service Comparison — Decision Support for Logistics Network Management (CK, SM, AL, BF), pp. 259–264.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2012-CasalinoCMG #automation #industrial
ICT Adoption and Organizational Change — An Innovative Training System on Industrial Automation Systems for Enhancing Competitiveness of SMEs (NC, MC, MdM, MG), pp. 283–288.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ChenW #automation #classification #naive bayes
Automated feature weighting in naive bayes for high-dimensional data classification (LC, SW), pp. 1243–1252.
CIKMCIKM-2012-KranenWRRS #algorithm #automation #evaluation
A tool for automated evaluation of algorithms (PK, SW, TR, SR, TS), pp. 2692–2694.
CIKMCIKM-2012-WangQD #automation #clustering #documentation #using
Improving document clustering using automated machine translation (XW, BQ, ID), pp. 645–653.
ICPRICPR-2012-AroraE #automation #case study #classification #comparative #towards
Towards automated classification of fine-art painting style: A comparative study (RSA, AME), pp. 3541–3544.
ICPRICPR-2012-BholeP #automation #segmentation
Automated person segmentation in videos (CB, CJP), pp. 3672–3675.
ICPRICPR-2012-HardingHCLC #automation #detection #image
Automated detection of skeletal muscle twitches from B-mode ultrasound images: An application to motor neuron disease (PJH, EFHT, RC, IL, NC), pp. 2630–2633.
ICPRICPR-2012-HuangL #analysis #automation #component #detection #independence
Automated mitosis detection based on eXclusive Independent Component Analysis (CHH, HKL), pp. 1856–1859.
ICPRICPR-2012-KalkanNDL #automation #classification
Automated classification of local patches in colon histopathology (HK, MN, RPWD, ML), pp. 61–64.
ICPRICPR-2012-LoprestiN #automation
Optimal data partition for semi-automated labeling (DPL, GN), pp. 286–289.
ICPRICPR-2012-RattaniMGR #approach #automation #classification
A dual-staged classification-selection approach for automated update of biometric templates (AR, GLM, EG, FR), pp. 2972–2975.
ICPRICPR-2012-Ul-HasanBRSB #automation #database #generative
Semi-automated OCR database generation for Nabataean scripts (AUH, SSB, SFR, FS, TMB), pp. 1667–1670.
KRKR-2012-BaralD #automation #how #learning #programming #set
Solving Puzzles Described in English by Automated Translation to Answer Set Programming and Learning How to Do that Translation (CB, JD).
KRKR-2012-HaufeT #automation #game studies #verification
Automated Verification of Epistemic Properties for General Game Playing (SH, MT).
MLDMMLDM-2012-Garcia-ConstantinoCNRS #approach #automation #classification #summary
A Semi-Automated Approach to Building Text Summarisation Classifiers (MGC, FC, PJN, AR, CS), pp. 495–509.
SEKESEKE-2012-DuttaUA #analysis #approach #automation #semantics #verification
Requirement Analysis and Automated Verification: A Semantic Approach (AD, PDU, SA), pp. 51–54.
SEKESEKE-2012-LiuLLGCYL #automation #execution #parallel #testing
Parallel Path Execution for Software Testing Over Automated Test Cloud (WL, XL, FL, YG, LC, GY, ZL), pp. 279–282.
SEKESEKE-2012-MolleriB #automation #overview #perspective #process
Automated Approaches to Support Secondary Study Processes: a Systematic Review (JSM, FBVB), pp. 143–147.
SEKESEKE-2012-RodriguesZJGMD #automation #named #product line
PlugSPL: An Automated Environment for Supporting Plugin-based Software Product Lines (EdMR, AFZ, EAdOJ, IMdSG, JCM, ARPD), pp. 647–650.
SEKESEKE-2012-XuT #automation #concurrent #generative
Automated Generation of Concurrent Test Code from Function Nets (DX, JT), pp. 346–351.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-BerardiES #automation #classification #ranking
A utility-theoretic ranking method for semi-automated text classification (GB, AE, FS), pp. 961–970.
ECMFAECMFA-2012-BehjatiNYGB #automation #embedded #modelling
Model-Based Automated and Guided Configuration of Embedded Software Systems (RB, SN, TY, AG, LCB), pp. 226–243.
ECMFAECMFA-2012-RadjenovicMPRMBK #automation #embedded #modelling #named #uml #verification
MADES: A Tool Chain for Automated Verification of UML Models of Embedded Systems (AR, NDM, RFP, MR, AM, LB, DSK), pp. 340–351.
MODELSMoDELS-2012-ScheidgenZFK #automation #modelling #scalability
Automated and Transparent Model Fragmentation for Persisting Large Models (MS, AZ, JF, THK), pp. 102–118.
PLEASEPLEASE-2012-QuintonDHMC #feature model #modelling #using
Using feature modelling and automations to select among cloud solutions (CQ, LD, PH, SM, EC), pp. 17–20.
SPLCSPLC-2012-SoltaniAGHB #automation #feature model #non-functional #requirements
Automated planning for feature model configuration based on functional and non-functional requirements (SS, MA, DG, MH, EB), pp. 56–65.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-MagillHSM #automation
Automating object transformations for dynamic software updating (SM, MH, SS, KSM), pp. 265–280.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-MeawadRMV #automation #exclamation #javascript #source code
Eval begone!: semi-automated removal of eval from javascript programs (FM, GR, FM, JV), pp. 607–620.
HILTHILT-2012-BeltCHR #ada #automation #contract #using #verification
Leading-edge Ada verification technologies: highly automated Ada contract checking using bakar kiasan (JB, PC, JH, R), pp. 3–4.
PLDIPLDI-2012-DilligDA #abduction #automation #fault #using
Automated error diagnosis using abductive inference (ID, TD, AA), pp. 181–192.
PLDIPLDI-2012-GodefroidT #automation #encoding #synthesis
Automated synthesis of symbolic instruction encodings from I/O samples (PG, AT), pp. 441–452.
QAPLQAPL-2012-BelardinelliGL #automation #protocol #quantum #using #verification
Automated Verification of Quantum Protocols using MCMAS (FB, PG, AL), pp. 48–62.
ASEASE-2012-AlmorsyGI #analysis #automation #using
Supporting automated vulnerability analysis using formalized vulnerability signatures (MA, JG, ASI), pp. 100–109.
ASEASE-2012-AlmorsyGI12a #automation #re-engineering #using
Supporting automated software re-engineering using re-aspects (MA, JG, ASI), pp. 230–233.
ASEASE-2012-AmalfitanoFTCM #android #automation #testing #user interface #using
Using GUI ripping for automated testing of Android applications (DA, ARF, PT, SDC, AMM), pp. 258–261.
ASEASE-2012-AminGC #approach #automation #linear #modelling
An automated approach to forecasting QoS attributes based on linear and non-linear time series modeling (AA, LG, AC), pp. 130–139.
ASEASE-2012-BauersfeldV #automation #java #library #named #robust #testing #user interface
GUITest: a Java library for fully automated GUI robustness testing (SB, TEJV), pp. 330–333.
ASEASE-2012-DosingerMB #automation #communication #effectiveness #integration #testing
Communicating continuous integration servers for increasing effectiveness of automated testing (SD, RM, SB), pp. 374–377.
ASEASE-2012-JongeV #automation #evaluation #fault #syntax
Automated evaluation of syntax error recovery (MdJ, EV), pp. 322–325.
ASEASE-2012-KahkonenSH #automation #parallel #source code #testing #thread #using
Using unfoldings in automated testing of multithreaded programs (KK, OS, KH), pp. 150–159.
ASEASE-2012-LiT #api #automation #erlang #migration #refactoring #source code
Automated API migration in a user-extensible refactoring tool for Erlang programs (HL, SJT), pp. 294–297.
ASEASE-2012-WestermannHKF #automation #performance #predict
Automated inference of goal-oriented performance prediction functions (DW, JH, RK, RF), pp. 190–199.
FSEFSE-2012-AnandNHY #automation #smarttech #testing
Automated concolic testing of smartphone apps (SA, MN, MJH, HY), p. 59.
FSEFSE-2012-Augustine #adaptation #automation #maintenance #semiparsing
Automating adaptive maintenance changes with SrcML and LINQ (VA), p. 9.
FSEFSE-2012-WangZXXM #analysis #automation #collaboration #hybrid #web
Automating presentation changes in dynamic web applications via collaborative hybrid analysis (XW, LZ, TX, YX, HM), p. 16.
FSEFSE-2012-XiaoPTX #automation #documentation #policy #security
Automated extraction of security policies from natural-language software documents (XX, AMP, ST, TX), p. 12.
ICSEICSE-2012-BalasubramaniamJKMN #approach #automation #constraints #generative #performance #theorem proving
An automated approach to generating efficient constraint solvers (DB, CJ, LK, IM, PN), pp. 661–671.
ICSEICSE-2012-Chioasca #automation #machine learning #model transformation #requirements #using
Using machine learning to enhance automated requirements model transformation (EVC), pp. 1487–1490.
ICSEICSE-2012-GouesDFW #automation #debugging #program repair
A systematic study of automated program repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 bugs for $8 each (CLG, MDV, SF, WW), pp. 3–13.
ICSEICSE-2012-MesbahM #analysis #automation #css #maintenance
Automated analysis of CSS rules to support style maintenance (AM, SM), pp. 408–418.
ICSEICSE-2012-MirakhorliSCC #approach #automation #quality #traceability
A tactic-centric approach for automating traceability of quality concerns (MM, YS, JCH, ), pp. 639–649.
ICSEICSE-2012-MollerS #automation #detection
Automated detection of client-state manipulation vulnerabilities (AM, MS), pp. 749–759.
ICSEICSE-2012-Penix #automation #in the cloud #scalability #testing
Large-scale test automation in the cloud (JP), p. 1122.
ICSEICSE-2012-PradelG #automation #debugging #detection #generative #mining #specification #testing
Leveraging test generation and specification mining for automated bug detection without false positives (MP, TRG), pp. 288–298.
ICSEICSE-2012-SamirniSAMTH #automation #constraints #fault #generative #html #php #string #theorem proving #using
Automated repair of HTML generation errors in PHP applications using string constraint solving (HS, MS, SA, TDM, FT, LJH), pp. 277–287.
ICSEICSE-2012-Schulte #analysis #automation
Ten years of automated code analysis at Microsoft (WS), p. 1001.
ICSEICSE-2012-SiegmundKKABRS #automation #detection #performance #predict
Predicting performance via automated feature-interaction detection (NS, SSK, CK, SA, DSB, MR, GS), pp. 167–177.
ICSEICSE-2012-StaatsGH #automation #fault #how #mutation testing #testing
Automated oracle creation support, or: How I learned to stop worrying about fault propagation and love mutation testing (MS, GG, MPEH), pp. 870–880.
ICSEICSE-2012-ThummalapentaSSC #automation #testing
Automating test automation (ST, SS, NS, SC), pp. 881–891.
ICSEICSE-2012-VakilianCNRBJ #automation #refactoring #using
Use, disuse, and misuse of automated refactorings (MV, NC, SN, BAR, BPB, REJ), pp. 233–243.
SACSAC-2012-ChoeYYR #algorithm #automation #realtime #scheduling #search-based #using
Real-time scheduling of twin stacking cranes in an automated container terminal using a genetic algorithm (RC, HY, YY, KRR), pp. 238–243.
SACSAC-2012-SchaadB #analysis #automation #named
TAM2: automated threat analysis (AS, MB), pp. 1103–1108.
SACSAC-2012-TinelliCSD #automation #compilation #composition #sql #standard
Knowledge compilation for automated Team Composition exploiting standard SQL (ET, SC, EDS, FMD), pp. 1680–1685.
CASECASE-2012-ChowdhuryTWSLG #automation #biology #using
Automated indirect transport of biological cells with optical tweezers using planar gripper formations (SC, AT, CW, PS, WL, SKG), pp. 267–272.
CASECASE-2012-DhananjayanS #automation #design #realtime #requirements #specification #validation
Automating timed specification transparency for human designer validation of real-time discrete-event control requirements (AD, KTS), pp. 908–913.
CASECASE-2012-FelekisWMRBSN #automation #using
Automated stiffness characterization of living tobacco BY2 cells using the Cellular Force Microscope (DF, AW, SM, ALRK, FB, RSS, BJN), pp. 285–290.
CASECASE-2012-FrankHEFDV #automation #modelling #realtime #requirements #using
Using contact points to integrate discipline spanning real-time requirements in modeling Networked Automation Systems for manufacturing systems (TF, TH, KE, AF, CD, BVH), pp. 851–856.
CASECASE-2012-GargSBCHPSG #automation #towards
Initial experiments toward automated robotic implantation of skew-line needle arrangements for HDR brachytherapy (AG, TS, DB, JAMC, ICH, JP, DS, KG), pp. 26–33.
CASECASE-2012-KoJJ #automation #modelling #optimisation
Mathematical modeling and optimization of the automated wireless charging electric transportation system (YDK, YJJ, SJ), pp. 250–255.
CASECASE-2012-LeeKLYBM #3d #automation #visual notation
3D visual perception system for bin picking in automotive sub-assembly automation (SL, JK, ML, KY, LGB, RM), pp. 706–713.
CASECASE-2012-LiuSJT #automation #hybrid #mobile
A Floyd-Dijkstra hybrid application for mobile robot path planning in life science automation (HL, NS, SJ, KT), pp. 279–284.
CASECASE-2012-MatherH #automation #modelling
Ensemble modeling and control for congestion management in automated warehouses (TWM, MAH), pp. 390–395.
CASECASE-2012-MerzFV #automation #distributed #industrial #runtime
Dynamic redeployment of control software in distributed industrial automation systems during runtime (MM, TF, BVH), pp. 863–868.
CASECASE-2012-MitraGRCB #automation
Automated path planning for washing in digital microfluidic biochips (DM, SG, HR, KC, BBB), pp. 115–120.
CASECASE-2012-ParkPC #automation #design #injection
Design automation of valve gate locations and open timing for injection molding of an automotive instrument panel (CHP, BGP, DHC), pp. 843–845.
CASECASE-2012-ParkYJCCKR #automation #flexibility
A point-of-care test equipment for flexible laboratory automation (JP, WSY, SMJ, HRC, WKC, JK, SR), pp. 821–822.
CASECASE-2012-ParulkarSK #automation #performance #random
Fast randomized planner for SLAM automation (AP, PS, KMK), pp. 765–770.
CASECASE-2012-Ralston #automation #using
Automated longwall shearer horizon control using thermal infrared-based seam tracking (JCR), pp. 20–25.
CASECASE-2012-SchmidtH #automation #data transformation #fault
Managing data for a zero defect production — the contribution of manufacturing automation to a corporate strategy (GS, TH), pp. 70–73.
CASECASE-2012-TohNT #3d #automation #flexibility #multi
Three dimensional adjustable cavity for flexible singulation of multiple medications in an automated medication dispenser (CKT, SLJN, YOT), pp. 347–352.
CASECASE-2012-YangHTLSL #automation #process
A vacuum-pumped microfluidic device for automated in-line mixing and focusing processes (ASY, HHH, LYT, PHL, TLS, CLL), pp. 109–114.
CASECASE-2012-YeY #automation #design
Design of a bending mechanism for automated cystoscope (XY, WJY), pp. 261–266.
CASECASE-2012-YuLCCJ #automation #scalability
Automated robotic service in large-scale exhibition environments (WY, YCL, SC, HC, JJ), pp. 1156–1161.
DACDAC-2012-AgostaBP #analysis
A code morphing methodology to automate power analysis countermeasures (GA, AB, GP), pp. 77–82.
DACDAC-2012-MalburgFF #automation #design #hardware #locality #metric #using
Automated feature localization for hardware designs using coverage metrics (JM, AF, GF), pp. 941–946.
DATEDATE-2012-BamakhramaZNS #automation #design #embedded #realtime #streaming
A methodology for automated design of hard-real-time embedded streaming systems (MB, JTZ, HN, TS), pp. 941–946.
DATEDATE-2012-FaruqueC #automation #collaboration #embedded
Intelligent and collaborative embedded computing in automation engineering (MAAF, AC), pp. 344–345.
DATEDATE-2012-Hassoun #automation #biology #design #search-based
Genetic/bio design automation for (re-)engineering biological systems (SH), pp. 242–247.
DATEDATE-2012-MillerVG #automation #cyber-physical #mockup #named #testing #using
MEDS: Mockup Electronic Data Sheets for automated testing of cyber-physical systems using digital mockups (BM, FV, TG), pp. 1417–1420.
DATEDATE-2012-QinM #automation #generative #protocol #testing
Automated generation of directed tests for transition coverage in cache coherence protocols (XQ, PM), pp. 3–8.
DATEDATE-2012-RudolfTWW #automation #configuration management #identification
Automated critical device identification for configurable analogue transistors (RR, PT, RW, PRW), pp. 858–861.
DATEDATE-2012-TodorovMRS #approximate #automation #memory management #transaction
Automated construction of a cycle-approximate transaction level model of a memory controller (VT, DMG, HR, US), pp. 1066–1071.
OSDIOSDI-2012-AttariyanCF #automation #named #performance
X-ray: Automating Root-Cause Diagnosis of Performance Anomalies in Production Software (MA, MC, JF), pp. 307–320.
OSDIOSDI-2012-Jin0D #automation
Automated Concurrency-Bug Fixing (GJ, WZ, DD), pp. 221–236.
ESOPESOP-2012-ChadhaCK #automation #encryption #equivalence #protocol #verification
Automated Verification of Equivalence Properties of Cryptographic Protocols (RC, SC, SK), pp. 108–127.
FASEFASE-2012-MauczkaHSSBG #automation #classification #commit #maintenance #taxonomy #validation
Tracing Your Maintenance Work — A Cross-Project Validation of an Automated Classification Dictionary for Commit Messages (AM, MH, CS, WS, MB, TG), pp. 301–315.
TACASTACAS-2012-ArmandoAABCCCCCCEFMMOPPRRDTV #architecture #automation #framework #platform #security #trust #validation
The AVANTSSAR Platform for the Automated Validation of Trust and Security of Service-Oriented Architectures (AA, WA, TA, MB, AC, AC, RC, YC, LC, JC, GE, SF, MM, SM, DvO, GP, SEP, MR, MR, MTD, MT, LV), pp. 267–282.
TACASTACAS-2012-FehnkerGHMPT #analysis #automation #using
Automated Analysis of AODV Using UPPAAL (AF, RJvG, PH, AM, MP, WLT), pp. 173–187.
TACASTACAS-2012-SonnexDE #automation #data type #named #proving #recursion
Zeno: An Automated Prover for Properties of Recursive Data Structures (WS, SD, SE), pp. 407–421.
CAVCAV-2012-BrockschmidtMOG #automation #java #proving #source code #termination
Automated Termination Proofs for Java Programs with Cyclic Data (MB, RM, CO, JG), pp. 105–122.
CAVCAV-2012-ChengGRBK #automation #industrial #named #synthesis
MGSyn: Automatic Synthesis for Industrial Automation (CHC, MG, HR, CB, AK), pp. 658–664.
ICSTICST-2012-Borjesson #automation #industrial #testing #user interface #visual notation
Industrial Applicability of Visual GUI Testing for System and Acceptance Test Automation (EB), pp. 475–478.
ICSTICST-2012-BorjessonF #automation #case study #comparative #industrial #testing #tool support #user interface #using #visual notation
Automated System Testing Using Visual GUI Testing Tools: A Comparative Study in Industry (EB, RF), pp. 350–359.
ICSTICST-2012-JollyGE #automation #case study #industrial #research #testing
Automated Unit Testing of a SCADA Control Software: An Industrial Case Study Based on Action Research (SAJ, VG, MME), pp. 400–409.
ICSTICST-2012-JonssonBSE #automation #scalability #towards #using
Towards Automated Anomaly Report Assignment in Large Complex Systems Using Stacked Generalization (LJ, DB, KS, SE), pp. 437–446.
ICSTICST-2012-Li #automation #testing
A Smart Structured Test Automation Language (SSTAL) (NL), pp. 471–474.
ICSTICST-2012-MizanF #analysis #automation #performance
Automated Performance Model Construction through Event Log Analysis (AM, GF), pp. 636–641.
ICSTICST-2012-WahlerFSJN #automation #embedded #named #testing
CAST: Automating Software Tests for Embedded Systems (MW, EF, RS, RJ, KN), pp. 457–466.
ICSTICST-2012-WiklundESL #automation #technical debt #testing
Technical Debt in Test Automation (KW, SE, DS, KL), pp. 887–892.
IJCARIJCAR-2012-BoerBR #automation #pointer #recursion #source code #verification
Automated Verification of Recursive Programs with Pointers (FSdB, MMB, JR), pp. 149–163.
IJCARIJCAR-2012-FosterS #algebra #analysis #automation
Automated Analysis of Regular Algebra (SF, GS), pp. 271–285.
IJCARIJCAR-2012-GoreT #automation #logic #reasoning
BDD-Based Automated Reasoning for Propositional Bi-Intuitionistic Tense Logics (RG, JT), pp. 301–315.
IJCARIJCAR-2012-JacquelBDD #automation #deduction #modulo theories #proving #theorem proving #using #verification
Tableaux Modulo Theories Using Superdeduction — An Application to the Verification of B Proof Rules with the Zenon Automated Theorem Prover (MJ, KB, DD, CD), pp. 332–338.
IJCARIJCAR-2012-Matiyasevich #automation #reasoning
Enlarging the Scope of Applicability of Successful Techniques for Automated Reasoning in Mathematics (YM), p. 9.
SMTSMT-2012-MichelHGH #approach #automation #smt
An SMT-based approach to automated configuration (RM, AH, VG, PH), pp. 109–119.
TAPTAP-2012-ArmandoPCMB #automation #model checking #protocol #security #testing
From Model-Checking to Automated Testing of Security Protocols: Bridging the Gap (AA, GP, RC, AM, DB), pp. 3–18.
TAPTAP-2012-KosmatovW #automation #testing #tutorial
Tutorial on Automated Structural Testing with PathCrawler — (NK, NW), p. 176.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-BouajjaniDES #abstract domain #automation #infinity #reasoning #source code
Abstract Domains for Automated Reasoning about List-Manipulating Programs with Infinite Data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 1–22.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-Leino #automation #induction #smt
Automating Induction with an SMT Solver (KRML), pp. 315–331.
CBSECBSE-2011-AbdellatifSRL #automation #component #data flow #distributed
Automating information flow control in component-based distributed systems (TA, LS, RR, YL), pp. 73–82.
QoSAQoSA-ISARCS-2011-KoziolekKR #architecture #automation #multi #named #optimisation
PerOpteryx: automated application of tactics in multi-objective software architecture optimization (AK, HK, RHR), pp. 33–42.
WICSAWICSA-2011-ChampagneG #architecture #automation #performance #towards
Towards Automation of Performance Architectural Tactics Application (RC, SG), pp. 157–160.
DocEngDocEng-2011-Brailsford #automation #layout
Automated conversion of web-based marriage register data into a printed format with predefined layout (DFB), pp. 61–64.
DocEngDocEng-2011-Damera-VenkataBO #automation #composition #documentation #probability
Probabilistic document model for automated document composition (NDV, JB, EOS), pp. 3–12.
DRRDRR-2011-BallS #automation #statistics #tool support #using
Statistical characterization of handwriting characteristics using automated tools (GRB, SNS), pp. 1–10.
DRRDRR-2011-KimLT #automation #identification #using
Automated identification of biomedical article type using support Vector machines (ICK, DXL, GRT), pp. 1–10.
ICDARICDAR-2011-KokawaBOWK #analysis #automation #classification #fault
An Impact of OCR Errors on Automated Classification of OCR Japanese Texts with Parts-of-Speech Analysis (AK, LSPB, WO, TW, FK), pp. 543–547.
ICDARICDAR-2011-PalRK #automation #recognition
Handwritten Street Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation (UP, RKR, FK), pp. 483–487.
JCDLJCDL-2011-LearyRWWSM #automation #education #machine learning
Automating open educational resources assessments: a machine learning generalization study (HL, MR, AEW, PGW, TS, JHM), pp. 283–286.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-NehmeB #automation #clustering #database #design #parallel
Automated partitioning design in parallel database systems (RVN, NB), pp. 1137–1148.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-HullPK #automation #named #programming #student
Infandango: automated grading for student programming (MJH, DP, EK), p. 330.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-KleinKT #analysis #assessment #automation #semantics #using
Automated assessment of short free-text responses in computer science using latent semantic analysis (RK, AK, MT), pp. 158–162.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-RosslingMS #algorithm #animation #automation #named
AnimalSense: combining automated exercise evaluations with algorithm animations (GR, MM, JS), pp. 298–302.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-StrieweG #automation #diagrams #uml
Automated checks on UML diagrams (MS, MG), pp. 38–42.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-StrieweG11a #automation #programming #runtime #using
Using run time traces in automated programming tutoring (MS, MG), pp. 303–307.
ICPCICPC-2011-Ali #analysis #automation #named #retrieval #trust
Trustrace: Improving Automated Trace Retrieval through Resource Trust Analysis (NA), pp. 230–233.
ICPCICPC-2011-WangSW #automation #fault
Capturing Expert Knowledge for Automated Configuration Fault Diagnosis (MW, XS, KW), pp. 205–208.
ICSMEICSM-2011-DamG #automation #impact analysis
Automated change impact analysis for agent systems (HKD, AG), pp. 33–42.
ICSMEICSM-2011-RogstadBDRA #automation #case study #database #experience #industrial #legacy #testing
Industrial experiences with automated regression testing of a legacy database application (ER, LCB, RD, MR, EA), pp. 362–371.
MSRMSR-2011-HindleEGM #analysis #automation #maintenance #process #topic
Automated topic naming to support cross-project analysis of software maintenance activities (AH, NAE, MWG, JM), pp. 163–172.
FMFM-2011-HaxthausenKB #automation #development #modelling #verification
Formal Development of a Tool for Automated Modelling and Verification of Relay Interlocking Systems (AEH, AAK, MLB), pp. 118–132.
SEFMSEFM-2011-JacquelBDD #automation #proving #theorem proving #using #verification
Verifying B Proof Rules Using Deep Embedding and Automated Theorem Proving (MJ, KB, DD, CD), pp. 253–268.
SFMSFM-2011-ForejtKNP #automation #probability #verification
Automated Verification Techniques for Probabilistic Systems (VF, MZK, GN, DP), pp. 53–113.
ICFPICFP-2011-GonthierZND #ad hoc #automation #how #proving
How to make ad hoc proof automation less ad hoc (GG, BZ, AN, DD), pp. 163–175.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-2011-ScholerS #3d #architecture #automation #re-engineering #towards
Towards an Automated 3D Reconstruction of Plant Architecture (FS, VS), pp. 51–64.
GT-VMTGT-VMT-2011-BoronatM #automation #case study #maude #uml
Automated Model Synchronization: A Case Study on UML with Maude (AB, JM).
CHICHI-2011-BrushLMASD #automation #challenge
Home automation in the wild: challenges and opportunities (AJBB, BL, RM, SA, SS, CD), pp. 2115–2124.
CHICHI-2011-DurrantRKBFM #generative #named
Automics: souvenir generating photoware for theme parks (AD, DR, DSK, SB, JEF, DM), pp. 1767–1776.
HCIDHM-2011-TangoMAP #automation #behaviour #classification
Automation Effects on Driver’s Behaviour When Integrating a PADAS and a Distraction Classifier (FT, LM, RA, OP), pp. 503–512.
HCIDHM-2011-WortelenL #approach #automation #behaviour #estimation
Less Driving While Driving? An Approach for the Estimation of Effects of Future Vehicle Automation Systems on Driver Behavior (BW, AL), pp. 523–532.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-KomogortsevTMCH #approach #automation #identification #named #usability
EMA: Automated Eye-Movement-Driven Approach for Identification of Usability Issues (OVK, DET, CJM, JC, CH), pp. 459–468.
HCIDUXU-v2-2011-ObermeierBSV #aspect-oriented #automation #evaluation #modelling #object-oriented #programming #usability
Fundamental Aspects Concerning the Usability Evaluation of Model-Driven Object Oriented Programming Approaches in Machine and Plant Automation (MO, SB, KS, BVH), pp. 497–506.
HCIHCI-ITE-2011-NgKNA #automation #gesture
Gesture Based Automating Household Appliances (WLN, NCK, NKN, BMA), pp. 285–293.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-MaehigashiMTKMH #automation #using
Experimental Investigation of Misuse and Disuse in Using Automation System (AM, KM, HT, KK, JM, YH), pp. 384–393.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-VijayaraghavanP #automation #e-commerce #knowledge base
Socio Economic Psycho Knowledge Based Intelligent Agents for Automated e-Commerce Negotiation (PV, RP), pp. 274–284.
HCIHIMI-v2-2011-DaoBBKNMRJ #automation
Conflict Resolution Automation and Pilot Situation Awareness (AQVD, SLB, LPB, JMK, JHN, KM, HR, WWJ), pp. 473–482.
CAiSECAiSE-2011-MoserWHB #analysis #automation #categorisation #empirical #requirements #semantics
Requirements Management with Semantic Technology: An Empirical Study on Automated Requirements Categorization and Conflict Analysis (TM, DW, MH, SB), pp. 3–17.
ICEISICEIS-J-2011-SchwindF #automation
Automating Texas Hold’em Poker with PLICAS (MS, CF), pp. 193–207.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2011-AndreouSP #automation #testing #user interface
Specification-based Automated Automated GUI Testing (ASA, AAS, CP), pp. 318–323.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-FarwickABRVH #analysis #architecture #automation #bibliography #enterprise #maintenance #requirements
Requirements for Automated Enterprise Architecture Model Maintenance — A Requirements Analysis based on a Literature Review and an Exploratory Survey (MF, BA, RB, SR, KV, IH), pp. 325–337.
CIKMCIKM-2011-ChengKGSH #automation #generative
Automated feature generation from structured knowledge (WC, GK, TG, DHS, RH), pp. 1395–1404.
CIKMCIKM-2011-StuparM #automation #multi #named
PICASSO: automated soundtrack suggestion for multi-modal data (AS, SM), pp. 2589–2592.
KDIRKDIR-2011-KuhlweinUTGH #automation #multi #ranking #reasoning
Multi-output Ranking for Automated Reasoning (DK, JU, ET, HG, TH), pp. 42–51.
KDIRKDIR-2011-MauleKR #approach #automation #using
Automated Approach for Whole Brain Infarction Core Delineation — Using Non-contrast and Computed Tomography Angiography (PM, JK, VR), pp. 433–437.
KEODKEOD-2011-RazaHK #automation #knowledge base
Knowledge based Services for Devices in Automation (MBR, RH, TK), pp. 133–138.
KEODKEOD-2011-SchmidtKL #automation #documentation #domain-specific language
Domain Specific Language in Technical Solution Documents — Discussion of Two Approaches to Improve the Semi-automated Annotation (HXS, AK, UL), pp. 159–166.
SEKESEKE-2011-BudiLLJW #architecture #automation #design #detection
Automated Detection of Likely Design Flaws in N-Tier Architectures (AB, L, DL, LJ, SW), pp. 613–618.
SEKESEKE-2011-GeigerSW #automation #consistency #towards
Towards Automated Conformance Checking of ebBP-ST Choreographies and Corresponding WS-BPEL Based Orchestrations (MG, AS, GW), pp. 566–571.
SEKESEKE-2011-LiuTCZP #automation #database #lifecycle
Automated Extraction of Data Lifecycle Support from Database Applications (KL, HBKT, XC, HZ, BP), pp. 432–437.
SEKESEKE-2011-MoserWHB #analysis #automation #detection #empirical #requirements #semantics
Automating the Detection of Complex Semantic Conflicts between Software Requirements (An empirical study on requirements conflict analysis with semantic technology) (TM, DW, MH, SB), pp. 729–735.
ECMFAECMFA-2011-YueAB #automation #case study #state machine #testing #uml
Automated Transition from Use Cases to UML State Machines to Support State-Based Testing (TY, SA, LCB), pp. 115–131.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-KainzBK #automation #concept #metamodelling #model transformation
Automated Model-to-Metamodel Transformations Based on the Concepts of Deep Instantiation (GK, CB, AK), pp. 17–31.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-LindH #approach #automation #component #embedded #estimation #modelling
A Model-Based and Automated Approach to Size Estimation of Embedded Software Components (KL, RH), pp. 334–348.
OnwardOnward-2011-Bierhoff #automation #lightweight #reasoning #verification
Automated program verification made SYMPLAR: symbolic permissions for lightweight automated reasoning (KB), pp. 19–32.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-RichardsGEV #automation #benchmark #javascript #metric
Automated construction of JavaScript benchmarks (GR, AG, BE, JV), pp. 677–694.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2011-TrudelOFN #automation #eiffel #java #source code
Automated Translation of Java Source Code to Eiffel (MT, MO, CAF, MN), pp. 20–35.
PLDIPLDI-2011-Chlipala #logic #low level #source code #verification
Mostly-automated verification of low-level programs in computational separation logic (AC), pp. 234–245.
PLDIPLDI-2011-JinSZLL #automation
Automated atomicity-violation fixing (GJ, LS, WZ, SL, BL), pp. 389–400.
POPLPOPL-2011-Gulwani #automation #spreadsheet #string #using
Automating string processing in spreadsheets using input-output examples (SG), pp. 317–330.
RERE-2011-WeiYJZ #automation #modelling #named #non-functional #reasoning
rΣ: Automated reasoning tool for non-functional requirement goal models (BW, BY, ZJ, DZ), pp. 337–338.
ASEASE-2011-AlshahwanH #automation #re-engineering #testing #using #web
Automated web application testing using search based software engineering (NA, MH), pp. 3–12.
ASEASE-2011-BrosigHK #architecture #automation #component #distributed #modelling #performance
Automated extraction of architecture-level performance models of distributed component-based systems (FB, NH, SK), pp. 183–192.
ASEASE-2011-ChenG #automation #documentation #retrieval #traceability
Improving automated documentation to code traceability by combining retrieval techniques (XC, JCG), pp. 223–232.
ASEASE-2011-HuangNPGBT #automation #classification #fault #generative #named #orthogonal
AutoODC: Automated generation of Orthogonal Defect Classifications (LH, VN, IP, RG, XB, JT), pp. 412–415.
ASEASE-2011-OsterSB #analysis #automation #requirements
Automating analysis of qualitative preferences in goal-oriented requirements engineering (ZJO, GRS, SB), pp. 448–451.
ASEASE-2011-PeiWFNM #automation
Code-based automated program fixing (YP, YW, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 392–395.
ASEASE-2011-PohlLP #algorithm #analysis #automation #comparison #feature model #modelling #performance
A performance comparison of contemporary algorithmic approaches for automated analysis operations on feature models (RP, KL, KP), pp. 313–322.
ASEASE-2011-RathfelderKE #automation #capacity #performance #predict #using
Capacity planning for event-based systems using automated performance predictions (CR, SK, DE), pp. 352–361.
ASEASE-2011-RobinsonEPAL #automation #generative #scalability #source code #testing
Scaling up automated test generation: Automatically generating maintainable regression unit tests for programs (BR, MDE, JHP, VA, NL), pp. 23–32.
ASEASE-2011-SoltaniAHGB #automation #feature model
Automated planning for feature model configuration based on stakeholders’ business concerns (SS, MA, MH, DG, EB), pp. 536–539.
ASEASE-2011-ZhangZE #automation #documentation #testing
Automated documentation inference to explain failed tests (SZ, CZ, MDE), pp. 63–72.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-NaudziunieneBDDGP #automation #ide #java #named #source code #verification
jStar-eclipse: an IDE for automated verification of Java programs (DN, MB, DD, MD, RG, MJP), pp. 428–431.
ICSEICSE-2011-ArtziDJMT #automation #framework #javascript #testing #web
A framework for automated testing of javascript web applications (SA, JD, SHJ, AM, FT), pp. 571–580.
ICSEICSE-2011-ChenHG #approach #automation #traceability
A combination approach for enhancing automated traceability (XC, JGH, JCG), pp. 912–915.
ICSEICSE-2011-ClauseO #automation #named
Camouflage: automated anonymization of field data (JAC, AO), pp. 21–30.
ICSEICSE-2011-Jurjens #automation #evolution #modelling #security #uml
Automated security hardening for evolving UML models (JJ), pp. 986–988.
ICSEICSE-2011-MesbahP #automation #testing
Automated cross-browser compatibility testing (AM, MRP), pp. 561–570.
ICSEICSE-2011-Pankratius #automation #evaluation #parallel #programming #usability
Automated usability evaluation of parallel programming constructs (VP), pp. 936–939.
ICSEICSE-2011-SunGW #approach #evolution #named
MT-Scribe: an end-user approach to automate software model evolution (YS, JG, JW), pp. 980–982.
ICSEICSE-2011-Zhang #automation #generative #hybrid #java #named #testing
Palus: a hybrid automated test generation tool for java (SZ), pp. 1182–1184.
SACSAC-2011-BarreraV #approach #automation #summary
Automated extractive single-document summarization: beating the baselines with a new approach (AB, RV), pp. 268–269.
SACSAC-2011-JeffersonMP #automation #constraints #generative #named
Combination: automated generation of puzzles with constraints (CJ, WM, KEP), pp. 907–912.
CASECASE-2011-AddadALD #automation #evaluation #metric
Measures vs. analytic evaluation of response time of Networked Automation Systems (BA, SA, JJL, BD), pp. 576–581.
CASECASE-2011-AngererEHRR #automation #design #process
Design of an automation system for preforming processes in aerospace industries (AA, CE, AH, WR, GR), pp. 557–562.
CASECASE-2011-BasileCC #analysis #automation
A discrete event model for the control and analysis of complex automated warehouse systems (FB, PC, JC), pp. 201–207.
CASECASE-2011-ChoiYSMKCC #automation #development #framework #mobile
Development of robotic laboratory automation platform with intelligent mobile agents for clinical chemistry (BC, WSY, SHS, HM, JK, WC, HC), pp. 708–713.
CASECASE-2011-KoyamaOHTMA #automation #multi
Multiple cell suction and supply system for automated cell manipulation on microfluidic channel (NK, KO, AH, TT, YM, TA), pp. 678–683.
CASECASE-2011-NaibR #approach #automation #constraints
A P2P approach for automating seamless connectivity given intermittent bandwidth constraints (VVBN, SR), pp. 637–641.
CASECASE-2011-RakotondrabeAL #2d #automation
Feedforward and IMC-feedback control of a nonlinear 2-DOF piezoactuator dedicated to automated micropositioning tasks (MR, JA, PL), pp. 393–398.
CASECASE-2011-RakotondrabeHCL #assembly #automation
Automation of assembly and packaging at the micro/nano-scale (MR, YH, CC, PL), pp. 1–5.
CASECASE-2011-ThramboulidisSF #automation #industrial #process #safety #towards #verification
Towards an automated verification process for industrial safety applications (KT, DS, GF), pp. 482–487.
CASECASE-2011-Vogel-HeuserS #approach #automation #modelling #usability
A methodological approach to evaluate the benefit and usability of different modeling notations for open loop control in automation systems (BVH, KS), pp. 474–481.
CASECASE-2011-WasonW #architecture #automation #communication #library
Robot Raconteur: A communication architecture and library for robotic and automation systems (JDW, JTW), pp. 761–766.
CGOCGO-2011-RusAL #automation #distance #locality #optimisation #reuse #string
Automated locality optimization based on the reuse distance of string operations (SR, RA, DXL), pp. 181–190.
CGOCGO-2011-Yi #automation #compilation #optimisation #programmable
Automated programmable control and parameterization of compiler optimizations (QY), pp. 97–106.
DACDAC-2011-ChenEWDXN #array #automation #configuration management
Automated mapping for reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays (YCC, SE, CYW, SD, YX, VN), pp. 878–883.
DACDAC-2011-Jandhyala #automation #design #network #social #tool support #web
Physics-based field-theoretic design automation tools for social networks and web search (VJ), pp. 280–281.
DATEDATE-2011-BaiDCD #automation #modelling #network #performance
Automated construction of fast and accurate system-level models for wireless sensor networks (LSB, RPD, PHC, PAD), pp. 1083–1088.
DATEDATE-2011-FerentD #automation #design #similarity
A symbolic technique for automated characterization of the uniqueness and similarity of analog circuit design features (CF, AD), pp. 1212–1217.
DATEDATE-2011-KengSV #automation #debugging
Automated debugging of SystemVerilog assertions (BK, SS, AGV), pp. 323–328.
DATEDATE-2011-KernST #automation #concept #data type #embedded #migration
An automated data structure migration concept — From CAN to Ethernet/IP in automotive embedded systems (CANoverIP) (AK, TS, JT), pp. 112–117.
DATEDATE-2011-MiteaMHJ #automation #constraints #synthesis
Automated constraint-driven topology synthesis for analog circuits (OM, MM, LH, PJ), pp. 1662–1665.
DATEDATE-2011-SommerKHSS #automation #design #generative #network
A new method for automated generation of compensation networks — The EDA Designer Finger (RS, DK, EH, ES, CS), pp. 1666–1672.
DATEDATE-2011-ZadeganICL #automation #design
Design automation for IEEE P1687 (FGZ, UI, GC, EL), pp. 1412–1417.
FASEFASE-2011-FengKP #automation #composition #learning #probability #reasoning
Automated Learning of Probabilistic Assumptions for Compositional Reasoning (LF, MZK, DP), pp. 2–17.
FASEFASE-2011-TkachukR #analysis #automation #generative #web
Automated Driver Generation for Analysis of Web Applications (OT, SPR), pp. 326–340.
CADECADE-2011-AlbertiAR #analysis #automation #named #policy #security
ASASP: Automated Symbolic Analysis of Security Policies (FA, AA, SR), pp. 26–33.
CADECADE-2011-BohmeM #automation #challenge #data type #proving
Heaps and Data Structures: A Challenge for Automated Provers (SB, MM), pp. 177–191.
CADECADE-2011-BrotherstonDP #automation #logic #proving
Automated Cyclic Entailment Proofs in Separation Logic (JB, DD, RLP), pp. 131–146.
CADECADE-2011-Claessen #automation #first-order #logic #reasoning
The Anatomy of Equinox — An Extensible Automated Reasoning Tool for First-Order Logic and Beyond — (KC), pp. 1–3.
CADECADE-2011-HaarslevSV #automation #reasoning #smt
Automated Reasoning in 𝒜ℒ𝒞𝒬 via SMT (VH, RS, MV), pp. 283–298.
CADECADE-2011-SchneiderS #automation #first-order #ontology #owl #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using
Reasoning in the OWL 2 Full Ontology Language Using First-Order Automated Theorem Proving (MS, GS), pp. 461–475.
CAVCAV-2011-KleinN #automation #behaviour #formal method #rest #verification
Formalization and Automated Verification of RESTful Behavior (UK, KSN), pp. 541–556.
ICSTICST-2011-Grasland #automation #resource management #testing
Testing Resource Usage in Home Automation Systems (YG), pp. 419–422.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-BabicMMS #automation #generative #testing
Statically-directed dynamic automated test generation (DB, LM, SM, DS), pp. 12–22.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-ParninO #automation #debugging #question
Are automated debugging techniques actually helping programmers? (CP, AO), pp. 199–209.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-YasmeenG #analysis #automation #framework
Automated framework for formal operator task analysis (AY, ELG), pp. 78–88.
ISSTAISSTA-2011-ZhangSBE #automation #generative #testing
Combined static and dynamic automated test generation (SZ, DS, YB, MDE), pp. 353–363.
RTARTA-2011-ContejeanCFPU #automation #proving
Automated Certified Proofs with CiME3 (EC, PC, JF, OP, XU), pp. 21–30.
TAPTAP-2011-DegiovanniPAF #abstraction #automation #generative #requirements #specification #testing
Abstraction Based Automated Test Generation from Formal Tabular Requirements Specifications (RD, PP, NA, MFF), pp. 84–101.
VMCAIVMCAI-2011-HowarSM #abstraction #automation #automaton #learning #refinement
Automata Learning with Automated Alphabet Abstraction Refinement (FH, BS, MM), pp. 263–277.
VMCAIVMCAI-2011-PiskacW #automation #proving #termination
Decision Procedures for Automating Termination Proofs (RP, TW), pp. 371–386.
CBSECBSE-2010-HummelA #adaptation #assessment #automation #component #testing
Automated Creation and Assessment of Component Adapters with Test Cases (OH, CA), pp. 166–181.
ECSAECSA-2010-KrupaviciuteF #automation #distributed #process
Expert Activities Automation through Enhanced Business Services Orchestration (AK, JF), pp. 497–500.
ECSAECSA-2010-ScandariatoBJ #architecture #automation #detection
Automated Detection of Least Privilege Violations in Software Architectures (RS, KB, WJ), pp. 150–165.
DocEngDocEng-2010-BilaucaH #automation #layout
A new model for automated table layout (MB, PH), pp. 169–176.
DocEngDocEng-2010-SimskeB #automation #named #policy
APEX: automated policy enforcement eXchange (SJS, HB), pp. 139–142.
TPDLECDL-2010-Richardson #ambiguity #automation #set
Automated Country Name Disambiguation for Code Set Alignment (GR), pp. 498–501.
TPDLECDL-2010-StrodlPGR #automation #logic
Automating Logical Preservation for Small Institutions with Hoppla (SS, PP, MG, AR), pp. 124–135.
JCDLJCDL-2010-SautterBKM #automation #documentation #generative #named #performance
ProcessTron: efficient semi-automated markup generation for scientific documents (GS, KB, CK, TM), pp. 21–28.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-AlagiannisDSAP #automation #design #interactive
An automated, yet interactive and portable DB designer (IA, DD, KS, AA, NP), pp. 1183–1186.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-TerwilligerBU #automation #database #evolution #modelling
Worry-free database upgrades: automated model-driven evolution of schemas and complex mappings (JFT, PAB, AU), pp. 1191–1194.
VLDBVLDB-2010-AngGNH #automation #collaboration #content management #named
P2PDocTagger: Content management through automated P2P collaborative tagging (HHA, VG, WKN, SCHH), pp. 1601–1604.
VLDBVLDB-2010-XinDLMSS #automation #database #evaluation #migration
MEET DB2: Automated Database Migration Evaluation (RX, PD, SL, WM, SS, MS), pp. 1426–1434.
SIGITESIGITE-2010-Welch #automation #education
Information technology curriculum and practical opportunities in automation (JLW), pp. 85–88.
CSMRCSMR-2010-AlalfiCD #automation #metric #web
Automating Coverage Metrics for Dynamic Web Applications (MHA, JRC, TRD), pp. 51–60.
ICPCICPC-2010-OlivetoGPL #automation #equivalence #information retrieval #on the #traceability
On the Equivalence of Information Retrieval Methods for Automated Traceability Link Recovery (RO, MG, DP, ADL), pp. 68–71.
ICPCICPC-2010-RollsJS #automation #benchmark #collaboration #metric #named
Unibench: A Tool for Automated and Collaborative Benchmarking (DR, CJ, SBS), pp. 50–51.
ICSMEICSM-2010-ChoudharyVO #automation #identification #named #web
WEBDIFF: Automated identification of cross-browser issues in web applications (SRC, HV, AO), pp. 1–10.
MSRMSR-2010-OssherBL #automation #dependence #open source
Automated dependency resolution for open source software (JO, SKB, CVL), pp. 130–140.
WCREWCRE-2010-BittencourtSGM #automation #information retrieval #modelling #using
Improving Automated Mapping in Reflexion Models Using Information Retrieval Techniques (RAB, GJdSS, DDSG, GCM), pp. 163–172.
WCREWCRE-2010-HaiducAMM #automation #on the #source code #summary #using
On the Use of Automated Text Summarization Techniques for Summarizing Source Code (SH, JA, LM, AM), pp. 35–44.
IFLIFL-2010-SieczkowskiBB #automation #automaton #coq #formal method #reduction #semantics
Automating Derivations of Abstract Machines from Reduction Semantics: — A Generic Formalization of Refocusing in Coq (FS, MB, DB), pp. 72–88.
ICGTICGT-2010-Qayum #automation #graph transformation #refactoring #search-based #using
Automated Assistance for Search-Based Refactoring Using Unfolding of Graph Transformation Systems (FQ), pp. 407–409.
CHICHI-2010-PanJYPQ #automation #communication #comprehension #quality #realtime
Effects of automated transcription quality on non-native speakers’ comprehension in real-time computer-mediated communication (YP, DJ, LY, MP, YQ), pp. 1725–1734.
SOFTVISSOFTVIS-2010-BeckD10a #analysis #automation #distributed #towards #visualisation
Towards automated analysis and visualization of distributed software systems (MB, JD), pp. 213–214.
CAiSECAiSE-2010-SilvaMBB #automation #consistency #design #modelling #nondeterminism #towards
Towards Automated Inconsistency Handling in Design Models (MAAdS, AM, XB, RB), pp. 348–362.
EDOCEDOC-2010-MosincatBJ #adaptation #automation #evolution #runtime
Runtime Adaptability through Automated Model Evolution (ADM, WB, MJ), pp. 217–226.
EDOCEDOC-2010-TerresNS #automation #process
Selection of Business Process for Autonomic Automation (LDT, JARN, JMdS), pp. 237–246.
ICEISICEIS-J-2010-AleixoFSK10a #approach #automation #deployment #modelling #process #variability
Automating the Variability Management, Customization and Deployment of Software Processes: A Model-Driven Approach (FAA, MAF, WCdS, UK), pp. 372–387.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2010-GoyalK #approach #automation #fuzzy #multi #set #using
Using Fuzzy Set Approach in Multi-attribute Automated Auctions (MLG, SK), pp. 81–85.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2010-VilenicaL #automation #multi #simulation #towards
Towards Automated Simulation of Multi Agent based Systems (AV, WL), pp. 38–46.
CIKMCIKM-2010-RonenS #automation #datalog #interactive #network #social
Automated interaction in social networks with datalog (RR, OS), pp. 1273–1276.
CIKMCIKM-2010-ZhangMWW #approach #automation #database #formal method #object-oriented #ontology
Formal approach and automated tool for constructing ontology from object-oriented database model (FZ, ZMM, XW, YW), pp. 1329–1332.
ICPRICPR-2010-AkgulE #approach #automation #probability
A Probabilistic Information Fusion Approach to MR-based Automated Diagnosis of Dementia (CBA, AE), pp. 265–268.
ICPRICPR-2010-AzarM #automation #image #network #sequence #using
Automated Tracking of the Carotid Artery in Ultrasound Image Sequences Using a Self Organizing Neural Network (JCA, HHM), pp. 2544–2547.
ICPRICPR-2010-CadavidA #automation #detection #modelling #using #visual notation
Exploiting Visual Quasi-periodicity for Automated Chewing Event Detection Using Active Appearance Models and Support Vector Machines (SC, MAM), pp. 1714–1717.
ICPRICPR-2010-ChenYKA #assessment #automation #paradigm #reliability #video
A Reliability Assessment Paradigm for Automated Video Tracking Systems (CHC, YY, AK, MAA), pp. 480–483.
ICPRICPR-2010-HamKN #automation #detection #finite #fuzzy
Fire-Flame Detection Based on Fuzzy Finite Automation (SH, BK, JYN), pp. 3919–3922.
ICPRICPR-2010-KeustermansMVS #automation #identification #modelling #using
Automated Cephalometric Landmark Identification Using Shape and Local Appearance Models (JK, WM, DV, PS), pp. 2464–2467.
ICPRICPR-2010-LuLLY #automation #classification #image
Automated Cell Phase Classification for Zebrafish Fluorescence Microscope Images (YL, JL, TL, JY), pp. 2584–2587.
ICPRICPR-2010-Meunier #analysis #assurance #automation #documentation #logic #quality
Automated Quality Assurance for Document Logical Analysis (JLM), pp. 253–256.
ICPRICPR-2010-NgPS #automation #clustering #fuzzy
Automated Feature Weighting in Fuzzy Declustering-based Vector Quantization (TFN, TDP, CS), pp. 686–689.
ICPRICPR-2010-NguyenJA #automation #classification #image #segmentation
Automated Gland Segmentation and Classification for Gleason Grading of Prostate Tissue Images (KN, AKJ, RLA), pp. 1497–1500.
ICPRICPR-2010-PalRK #automation #recognition
Bangla and English City Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation (UP, RKR, FK), pp. 1985–1988.
ICPRICPR-2010-SunVFT #automation #detection
Automated Detection of Nucleoplasmic Bridges for DNA Damage Scoring in Binucleated Cells (CS, PV, MF, PT), pp. 2480–2483.
ICPRICPR-2010-UsenikVPL #automation #image
Automated Tracking of Vesicles in Phase Contrast Microscopy Images (PU, TV, FP, BL), pp. 2520–2523.
KDDKDD-2010-LiuNYW #automation #named #wiki
BioSnowball: automated population of Wikis (XL, ZN, NY, JRW), pp. 969–978.
KDIRKDIR-2010-LieglGSH #automation #detection #sentiment #taxonomy
Dictionary Extension for Improving Automated Sentiment Detection (JL, SG, AS, AHH), pp. 404–407.
KEODKEOD-2010-ChanLB #automation #evolution #higher-order #ontology #reasoning #representation
Higher-order Representation and Reasoning for Automated Ontology Evolution (MC, JL, AB), pp. 84–93.
SEKESEKE-2010-BernhartAMG #automation #case study #experience #framework #integration #testing #verification
Automated Integration Testing and Verification of a Secured SOA Infrastructure — an Experience Report in eHealth (MB, TA, AM, TG), pp. 198–202.
SEKESEKE-2010-ElamyFL #detection #multi
A Multiagent System for Automate Detection and Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis on Chest Radiograph and CT Thorax (AHE, BHF, RL), pp. 495–498.
SEKESEKE-2010-EsfahaniS #architecture #automation #communication
Service Automation Architecture as adopted by Unified Communication Audit Tool (SSE, TS), pp. 443–447.
SEKESEKE-2010-Garcia-CastroGKG #automation #evaluation #ontology
An Ontology Model to Support the Automated Evaluation of Software (RGC, MEG, MK, SG), pp. 129–134.
SEKESEKE-2010-MoserDB #automation #generative #ontology #simulation #testing
Ontology-Based Test Case Generation For Simulating Complex Production Automation Systems (TM, GD, SB), pp. 478–482.
SEKESEKE-2010-PinheiroGMS #automation #industrial #testing
Introducing Automated Environment Configuration Testing in an Industrial Setting (CP, VG, FM, JS), pp. 186–191.
SEKESEKE-2010-RodriguesVZ #automation #modelling #product line #testing #using
PLeTs-Test Automation using Software Product Lines and Model Based Testing (EdMR, LDV, AFZ), pp. 483–488.
SEKESEKE-2010-TibermacineSGFS #automation #evolution #towards
Towards an Automation of Software Evolution Good Practices (CT, SS, VLG, RF, SS), pp. 339–344.
SEKESEKE-2010-ZhangHZJM #automation #eclipse #execution #synthesis #towards
Towards Automated Synthesis of Executable Eclipse Tutorials (NZ, GH, YZ, NJ, HM), pp. 591–598.
ECMFAECMFA-2010-KleinerFA #automation #constraints #formal method #platform #theorem proving
Model Search: Formalizing and Automating Constraint Solving in MDE Platforms (MK, MDDF, PA), pp. 173–188.
ECMFAECMFA-2010-YueBL #approach #automation #case study #diagrams #process
An Automated Approach to Transform Use Cases into Activity Diagrams (TY, LCB, YL), pp. 337–353.
SPLCSPLC-2010-Nakajima #automation #diagrams #encoding #feature model
Non-clausal Encoding of Feature Diagram for Automated Diagnosis (SN), pp. 420–424.
SPLCSPLC-2010-OsterMR #automation #incremental #product line #testing
Automated Incremental Pairwise Testing of Software Product Lines (SO, FM, PR), pp. 196–210.
PADLPADL-2010-AgarwalBGG #automation #program transformation
Automating Mathematical Program Transformations (AA, SB, AGG, IEG), pp. 134–148.
PEPMPEPM-2010-ContejeanPUCPF #approach #automation #proving #termination
A3PAT, an approach for certified automated termination proofs (EC, AP, XU, PC, OP, JF), pp. 63–72.
PLDIPLDI-2010-YangH #automation #operating system #type safety #verification
Safe to the last instruction: automated verification of a type-safe operating system (JY, CH), pp. 99–110.
SASSAS-2010-KatoenMMM #automation #generative #invariant #probability #source code
Linear-Invariant Generation for Probabilistic Programs: — Automated Support for Proof-Based Methods (JPK, AM, LM, CCM), pp. 390–406.
RERE-2010-CuddebackDH #automation #case study #requirements #traceability
Automated Requirements Traceability: The Study of Human Analysts (DC, AD, JHH), pp. 231–240.
RERE-2010-KamalrudinHG #approach #automation #consistency #named #nondeterminism #requirements #visual notation
MaramaAI: Automated and Visual Approach for Inconsistency Checking of Requirements (MK, JGH, JCG), pp. 393–394.
RERE-2010-SinhaPTN #analysis #automation #case study #natural language
Extending Automated Analysis of Natural Language Use Cases to Other Languages (AS, AMP, HT, TN), pp. 364–369.
ASEASE-2010-BeckerG #automation
Automated model grouping (MB, VG), pp. 493–498.
ASEASE-2010-KhalekK #automation #database #generative #query #sql #testing
Automated SQL query generation for systematic testing of database engines (SAK, SK), pp. 329–332.
ASEASE-2010-LawallL #approach #automation #debugging
An automated approach for finding variable-constant pairing bugs (JLL, DL), pp. 103–112.
ASEASE-2010-ManiSDS #automation #fault
Automated support for repairing input-model faults (SM, VSS, PD, SS), pp. 195–204.
ASEASE-2010-SchulteFW #assembly #automation #evolution #program repair
Automated program repair through the evolution of assembly code (ES, SF, WW), pp. 313–316.
ASEASE-2010-TanejaZX #automation #database #generative #named #testing
MODA: automated test generation for database applications via mock objects (KT, YZ, TX), pp. 289–292.
ICSEICSE-2010-BudnikCK #automation #testing #theory and practice
Bridging the Gap Between the Theory and Practice of Software Test Automation (CJB, WKC, GMK), pp. 445–446.
ICSEICSE-2010-SahooCA #automation #debugging #empirical
An empirical study of reported bugs in server software with implications for automated bug diagnosis (SKS, JC, VSA), pp. 485–494.
ICSEICSE-2010-ZhangYZCY #automation #debugging #generative #named
BPGen: an automated breakpoint generator for debugging (CZ, DY, JZ, YC, SY), pp. 271–274.
SACSAC-2010-HurnausP #automation #composition #contract #programming #verification
Programming assistance based on contracts and modular verification in the automation domain (DH, HP), pp. 2544–2551.
SACSAC-2010-Nakajima #automation #diagrams #feature model
Semi-automated diagnosis of FODA feature diagram (SN), pp. 2191–2197.
LDTALDTA-J-2007-CamachoMBV #automation #generative #tool support #using #verification
Automated generation of program translation and verification tools using annotated grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 3–20.
LDTALDTA-2009-DennisJW10 #algorithm #analysis #automation #memory management #named
SLAMM — Automating Memory Analysis for Numerical Algorithms (JMD, ERJ, WMW), pp. 89–104.
SLESLE-2010-RuscioLP #automation #co-evolution #editing #modelling
Automated Co-evolution of GMF Editor Models (DDR, RL, AP), pp. 143–162.
SLESLE-2010-SoderbergH #attribute grammar #automation
Automated Selective Caching for Reference Attribute Grammars (ES, GH), pp. 2–21.
CASECASE-2010-AngererEHRRS #automation
Automated cutting and handling of carbon fiber fabrics in aerospace industries (AA, CE, AH, WR, GR, GS), pp. 861–866.
CASECASE-2010-BarajasBGY #automation #validation
Virtual Launch & Validation of Manufacturing Automation Controls (LGB, SB, FG, CY), pp. 412–419.
CASECASE-2010-BengtssonTLAYMF #automation #design #identification #sequence #visualisation
Relations identification and visualization for sequence planning and automation design (KB, CT, BL, , CY, SM, PF), pp. 841–848.
CASECASE-2010-BeringV #automation #framework #quality #statistics
A Quality Framework to check the applicability of engineering and statistical assumptions for automated gauges (TPKB, SCV), pp. 319–325.
CASECASE-2010-BeyelerMN #automation #testing
Wafer-level inspection system for the automated testing of comb drive based MEMS sensors and actuators (FB, SM, BJN), pp. 698–703.
CASECASE-2010-BorsuYP #automation #detection
Automated surface deformations detection and marking on automotive body panels (VB, AY, PP), pp. 551–556.
CASECASE-2010-ChoiEF #assembly #automation #industrial #roadmap
Trends and opportunities for robotic automation of trim & final assembly in the automotive industry (SC, WE, TAF), pp. 124–129.
CASECASE-2010-ChoiYSMKCC #automation #flexibility #framework #mobile #testing
Robotic laboratory automation platform based on mobile agents for flexible clinical tests (BC, WSY, SHS, HM, JK, WC, HRC), pp. 186–191.
CASECASE-2010-CoppBHTVR #automation #monitoring #network #quality #towards
Towards the automation of water quality monitoring networks (JBC, EB, CH, MT, PAV, LR), pp. 491–496.
CASECASE-2010-FatikowEJWNK #automation
Automated nanorobotic handling of bio- and nano-materials (SF, VE, DJ, MWJ, FN, FK), pp. 1–6.
CASECASE-2010-FrohlichS #automation #constraints #matrix #modelling #problem #scheduling #using
Relation matrices for automated MILP modeling of scheduling problems using temporal constraints (RF, SCS), pp. 69–74.
CASECASE-2010-GhanbariNBCCW #automation #metric
Automated vision-based force measurement of moving C. elegans (AG, VN, RB, XC, JGC, WW), pp. 198–203.
CASECASE-2010-HametnerZS #architecture #automation #component #development #industrial #performance
Automation component architecture for the efficient development of industrial automation systems (RH, AZ, MS), pp. 156–161.
CASECASE-2010-HuZLW #assembly #automation #concurrent #flexibility
Deadlock-free control of ratio-enforced automated manufacturing systems with flexible routes and assembly operations (HH, MZ, ZL, NW), pp. 459–464.
CASECASE-2010-JasperF #automation #performance
Automated high-speed nanopositioning inside scanning electron microscopes (DJ, SF), pp. 704–709.
CASECASE-2010-JinJ #automation #bibliography #distributed #generative
Review on planning and automation technologies for distributed generation systems (TJ, JAJ), pp. 269–274.
CASECASE-2010-ParkSR #automation #classification #database
Image-based automated chemical database annotation with ensemble of machine-vision classifiers (JP, KS, GRR), pp. 168–173.
CASECASE-2010-Puffer #automation #challenge
Automation challenges and opportunities for high volume manufacture of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks (RHP), pp. 287–292.
CASECASE-2010-RakotondrabeCRN #automation #estimation #framework
Presentation, force estimation and control of an instrumented platform dedicated to automated micromanipulation tasks (MR, CC, KR, KN), pp. 722–727.
CASECASE-2010-RichtsfeldSV #automation #detection #realtime
Real-time edge detection for automated fibre-mat stitching (MR, AS, MV), pp. 557–562.
CASECASE-2010-RososhanskyXL #automation #using
Coverage based tool path planning for automated polishing using contact stress theory (MR, FX, YL), pp. 592–597.
CASECASE-2010-RuZSZSHC #automation #metric
Automated four-point probe measurement of nanowires inside a scanning electron microscope (CR, YZ, YS, YZ, XS, DH, IC), pp. 533–538.
CASECASE-2010-SaundersJMOM #automation #design #modelling #process
Model-based design automation and process automation in titanium sheet metal manufacturing (GS, MKJ, JM, CO, MM), pp. 873–878.
CGOCGO-2010-HosteGE #automation #compilation
Automated just-in-time compiler tuning (KH, AG, LE), pp. 62–72.
CGOCGO-2010-LindermanHDMN #analysis #automation #optimisation #precise #towards
Towards program optimization through automated analysis of numerical precision (MDL, MH, DLD, THYM, GPN), pp. 230–237.
DACDAC-2010-BondD #automation #design #modelling
Automated compact dynamical modeling: an enabling tool for analog designers (BNB, LD), pp. 415–420.
DACDAC-2010-DeOrioB #automation #design #network #social
Electronic design automation for social networks (AD, VB), pp. 621–622.
DACDAC-2010-IhrigMJ #automation #design #manycore #modelling
Automated modeling and emulation of interconnect designs for many-core chip multiprocessors (CJI, RGM, AKJ), pp. 431–436.
DATEDATE-2010-LiuTL #automation #design #optimisation #power management
Combining optimizations in automated low power design (QL, TT, WL), pp. 1791–1796.
DATEDATE-2010-YangGBSC #automation
Automated bottleneck-driven design-space exploration of media processing systems (YY, MG, TB, SS, HC), pp. 1041–1046.
OSDIOSDI-2010-AttariyanF #analysis #automation #data flow #information management
Automating Configuration Troubleshooting with Dynamic Information Flow Analysis (MA, JF), pp. 237–250.
OSDIOSDI-2010-KushmanK #automation #independence
Enabling Configuration-Independent Automation by Non-Expert Users (NK, DK), pp. 223–236.
ESOPESOP-2010-AmtoftHR #array #automation #certification #contract #data flow #precise #reasoning #source code #verification
Precise and Automated Contract-Based Reasoning for Verification and Certification of Information Flow Properties of Programs with Arrays (TA, JH, ER), pp. 43–63.
ESOPESOP-2010-KingJMJJS #automation #security
Automating Security Mediation Placement (DK, SJ, DM, TJ, SJ, SAS), pp. 327–344.
TACASTACAS-2010-Aderhold #analysis #automation #higher-order #recursion #source code #termination
Automated Termination Analysis for Programs with Second-Order Recursion (MA), pp. 221–235.
CAVCAV-2010-ChenCFTTW #automation #learning #reasoning
Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning through Implicit Learning (YFC, EMC, AF, MHT, YKT, BYW), pp. 511–526.
ICLPICLP-J-2010-Schneider-KampGSST #analysis #automation #logic programming #source code #termination
Automated termination analysis for logic programs with cut (PSK, JG, TS, AS, RT), pp. 365–381.
ICSTICST-2010-AsztalosLL #automation #model transformation #towards #verification
Towards Automated, Formal Verification of Model Transformations (MA, LL, TL), pp. 15–24.
ICSTICST-2010-EldhBSHP #automation #scalability #towards
Towards Fully Automated Test Management for Large Complex Systems (SE, JB, MS, HH, SP), pp. 412–420.
ICSTICST-2010-JinOX #automation #behaviour #testing
Automated Behavioral Regression Testing (WJ, AO, TX), pp. 137–146.
ICSTICST-2010-KimSGSHN #analysis #automation #debugging #identification
Automated Bug Neighborhood Analysis for Identifying Incomplete Bug Fixes (MK, SS, CG, HS, MJH, MGN), pp. 383–392.
ICSTICST-2010-PerrouinSKBT #automation #generative #product line #scalability #testing
Automated and Scalable T-wise Test Case Generation Strategies for Software Product Lines (GP, SS, JK, BB, YLT), pp. 459–468.
ICSTICST-2010-SeguraHBR #analysis #approach #automation #feature model #generative #modelling #testing
Automated Test Data Generation on the Analyses of Feature Models: A Metamorphic Testing Approach (SS, RMH, DB, ARC), pp. 35–44.
ICSTICST-2010-SinhaSP #automation #case study #named #natural language
Text2Test: Automated Inspection of Natural Language Use Cases (AS, SMSJ, AMP), pp. 155–164.
ICSTICST-2010-Vega #adaptation #automation #information management #testing #towards
Towards an Automated and Dynamically Adaptable Test System for Testing Healthcare Information Systems (DEV), pp. 331–334.
ICSTICST-2010-VosBLKWW #automation #industrial #testing
Industrial Scaled Automated Structural Testing with the Evolutionary Testing Tool (TEJV, AIB, FFL, PMK, AW, JW), pp. 175–184.
ICTSSICTSS-2010-Schieferdecker #automation #perspective #state of the art #testing
Test Automation with TTCN-3 — State of the Art and a Future Perspective (IS), pp. 1–14.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-AbourbihBBM #automation #calculus
A Single-Significant-Digit Calculus for Semi-Automated Guesstimation (JAA, LB, AB, FM), pp. 354–368.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-Aderhold #automation #axiom #higher-order #induction #recursion #source code #synthesis
Automated Synthesis of Induction Axioms for Programs with Second-Order Recursion (MA), pp. 263–277.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-BeierleFKT #automation #information management #probability #reasoning #relational #representation
Automated Reasoning for Relational Probabilistic Knowledge Representation (CB, MF, GKI, MT), pp. 218–224.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-ChevalCD #analysis #automation #constraints #equivalence #security
Automating Security Analysis: Symbolic Equivalence of Constraint Systems (VC, HCL, SD), pp. 412–426.
IJCARIJCAR-2010-PiskacK #automation #multi #named #set
MUNCH — Automated Reasoner for Sets and Multisets (RP, VK), pp. 149–155.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-JaygarlKXC #automation #named #testing
OCAT: object capture-based automated testing (HJ, SK, TX, CKC), pp. 159–170.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-Jiang #analysis #automation #testing
Automated analysis of load testing results (ZMJ), pp. 143–146.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-Romero-MarionaZR #automation #named #requirements
ASSURE: automated support for secure and usable requirements engineering (JRM, HZ, DJR), pp. 279–282.
ISSTAISSTA-2010-WeiPFSBMZ #automation #contract #source code
Automated fixing of programs with contracts (YW, YP, CAF, LSS, SB, BM, AZ), pp. 61–72.
LICSLICS-2010-DanosFFHK #automation #difference #modelling #reduction #rule-based #semantics
Abstracting the Differential Semantics of Rule-Based Models: Exact and Automated Model Reduction (VD, JF, WF, RH, JK), pp. 362–381.
RTARTA-2010-Aoto #automation #confluence #diagrams #proving
Automated Confluence Proof by Decreasing Diagrams based on Rule-Labelling (TA), pp. 7–16.
RTARTA-2010-OttoBEG #analysis #automation #bytecode #java #term rewriting #termination
Automated Termination Analysis of Java Bytecode by Term Rewriting (CO, MB, CvE, JG), pp. 259–276.
ICSTSAT-2010-BrummayerLB #automation #debugging #satisfiability #testing
Automated Testing and Debugging of SAT and QBF Solvers (RB, FL, AB), pp. 44–57.
QoSAQoSA-2009-BiehlL #architecture #automation #consistency #development #modelling
Automated Architecture Consistency Checking for Model Driven Software Development (MB, WL), pp. 36–51.
WICSA-ECSAWICSA-ECSA-2009-AboudAFHTUV #architecture #automation #classification #component #concept #using
Automated architectural component classification using concept lattices (NAA, GA, JRF, MH, CT, CU, SV), pp. 21–30.
DocEngDocEng-2009-Brailsford #automation
Automated re-typesetting, indexing and contentenhancement for scanned marriage registers (DFB), pp. 29–38.
DocEngDocEng-2009-Giannetti #automation #documentation
XSL-FO 2.0: automated publishing for graphic documents (FG), pp. 245–246.
DocEngDocEng-2009-Lumley #automation #diagrams #xml
Automated extensible XML tree diagrams (JWL), pp. 123–126.
ICDARICDAR-2009-PalRRK #automation #multi #recognition #string
Indian Multi-Script Full Pin-code String Recognition for Postal Automation (UP, RKR, KR, FK), pp. 456–460.
ICDARICDAR-2009-StreckerBAB #automation #documentation #generative #image
Automated Ground Truth Data Generation for Newspaper Document Images (TS, JvB, SA, TMB), pp. 1275–1279.
CSEETCSEET-2009-ChimalakondaN #automation #case study
Automating an eLearning System — A Case Study (SC, KVN), pp. 150–153.
EDMEDM-2009-FengB #modelling
Back to the future: a non-automated method for constructing transfer models (MF, JB), pp. 240–249.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-EnglishR #assessment #automation #case study #source code #student #using
Evaluating students’ programs using automated assessment: a case study (JE, TR), p. 371.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2009-Sant #assessment #automation #quote
“Mailing it in”: email-centric automated assessment (JAS), pp. 308–312.
ICPCICPC-2009-BaysalGC #automation #debugging #framework
A bug you like: A framework for automated assignment of bugs (OB, MWG, RC), pp. 297–298.
ICSMEICSM-2009-JiangHHF #analysis #automation #performance #testing
Automated performance analysis of load tests (ZMJ, AEH, GH, PF), pp. 125–134.
CIAACIAA-J-2008-TsayW09 #automation #composition #reasoning
Automated Compositional Reasoning of Intuitionistically Closed Regular Properties (YKT, BYW), pp. 747–762.
FMFM-2009-LeuschelFFP #automation #modelling #scalability #verification
Automated Property Verification for Large Scale B Models (ML, JF, FF, DP), pp. 708–723.
SEFMSEFM-2009-EzekielL #approach #automation #multi #verification
An Automated Approach to Verifying Diagnosability in Multi-agent Systems (JE, AL), pp. 51–60.
HCIDHM-2009-PreuveneersB #automation #modelling
Modeling Human Actors in an Intelligent Automated Warehouse (DP, YB), pp. 285–294.
HCIHCD-2009-PalviainenV #automation #concept #design #experience #user interface
User Experience in Machinery Automation: From Concepts and Context to Design Implications (JP, KVVM), pp. 1042–1051.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-KiuraOM #automation #evaluation #named #usability
Webjig: An Automated User Data Collection System for Website Usability Evaluation (MK, MO, KiM), pp. 277–286.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-LangeWB #analysis #automation #evaluation #information management
Automated Analysis of Eye-Tracking Data for the Evaluation of Driver Information Systems According to ISO/TS 15007-2: 2001 (CL, MW, HB), pp. 105–110.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-Ryu #automation #evaluation #mobile #usability
Mobile Phone Usability Questionnaire (MPUQ) and Automated Usability Evaluation (YSR), pp. 349–351.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-LinYYC #automation #interface
Allocating Human-System Interfaces Functions by Levels of Automation in an Advanced Control Room (CJL, CWY, TCY, LYC), pp. 741–750.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation #interface
A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMI Automated Meeting Assistant (JE), pp. 485–494.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-DaoBBVSJ #automation
The Impact of Automation Assisted Aircraft Separation on Situation Awareness (AQVD, SLB, VB, KPLV, TZS, WWJ), pp. 738–747.
HCIHIMI-II-2009-LigdaJLJ #automation #distributed #tool support #using
Pilot Confidence with ATC Automation Using Cockpit Situation Display Tools in a Distributed Traffic Management Environment (SVL, NHJ, JL, WWJ), pp. 816–825.
HCIOCSC-2009-NeviarouskayaPI #automation #communication #named
EmoHeart: Automation of Expressive Communication of Emotions in Second Life (AN, HP, MI), pp. 584–592.
CAiSECAiSE-2009-YuR #automation #collaboration
Automated Context-Aware Service Selection for Collaborative Systems (HY, SRM), pp. 261–274.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2009-HastbackaK #approach #automation #development
A Service Oriented Engineering Approach to Enhance the Development of Automation and Control Systems (DH, SK), pp. 219–224.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-BoglSPW #automation #process
Automated Construction of Process Goal Trees from EPC-Models to Facilitate Extraction of Process Patterns (AB, MS, GP, NW), pp. 427–442.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-Ehnes #artificial reality #automation #interface
An Automated Meeting Assistant: A Tangible Mixed Reality Interface for the AMIDA Automatic Content Linking Device (JE), pp. 952–962.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-LahiriW #automation #requirements #web #web service
A Business Service Selection Model for Automated Web Service Discovery Requirements (TL, MW), pp. 790–803.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-OliveiraRMM #automation #design #multi #prototype
Dimensional Templates in Data Warehouses: Automating the Multidimensional Design of Data Warehouse Prototypes (RO, FR, PM, JPM), pp. 184–195.
ICEISICEIS-J-2009-SchwindG #automation #framework #internet #multi #resource management
A Multiagent-System for Automated Resource Allocation in the IT Infrastructure of a Medium-Sized Internet Service Provider (MS, MG), pp. 689–703.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2009-Haider09a #automation #case study
A Case Study of Automated Inventory Management (AH), pp. 141–148.
ECIRECIR-2009-LlorenteR #automation #higher-order #image #statistics #using
Using Second Order Statistics to Enhance Automated Image Annotation (AL, SMR), pp. 570–577.
MLDMMLDM-2009-FernandezBFM #automation #data mining #mining
Assisting Data Mining through Automated Planning (FF, DB, SF, DMM), pp. 760–774.
SEKESEKE-2009-AndresMN #mining #realtime #testing #using
Using a Mining Frequency Patterns Model to Automate Passive Testing of Real-time Systems (CA, MGM, MN), pp. 426–431.
SEKESEKE-2009-BifflSM #automation #ontology #semantic gap
Bridging Semantic Gaps Between Stakeholders in the Production Automation Domain with Ontology Areas (SB, WDS, TM), pp. 233–239.
SEKESEKE-2009-HuangCPHP #automation #information management #using
Automated Nursing Knowledge Management Using Indexing (SH, SC, ASP, SH, MP), pp. 93–96.
SEKESEKE-2009-KangLHTY #automation
Automating Business Intelligence Recovery from a Web-based System (JK, JL, JH, YT, HY), pp. 262–267.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2009-MaderGP #automation #maintenance #traceability
Enabling Automated Traceability Maintenance through the Upkeep of Traceability Relations (PM, OG, IP), pp. 174–189.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-KraemerH #automation #development #encapsulation #incremental #process #uml #verification
Automated Encapsulation of UML Activities for Incremental Development and Verification (FAK, PH), pp. 571–585.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-KusterGZ #automation #development #incremental #model transformation #testing #using
Incremental Development of Model Transformation Chains Using Automated Testing (JMK, TG, OZ), pp. 733–747.
SPLCSPLC-2009-WhiteDSB #automation #feature model #multi #problem #reasoning
Automated reasoning for multi-step feature model configuration problems (JW, BD, DCS, DB), pp. 11–20.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-KraemerH #automation #development #encapsulation #incremental #process #uml #verification
Automated Encapsulation of UML Activities for Incremental Development and Verification (FAK, PH), pp. 571–585.
MODELSMoDELS-2009-KusterGZ #automation #development #incremental #model transformation #testing #using
Incremental Development of Model Transformation Chains Using Automated Testing (JMK, TG, OZ), pp. 733–747.
ECOOPECOOP-2009-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #automation #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling #modelling #named
COPE — Automating Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 52–76.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2009-NandaMSS #approach #automation #model transformation
Demystifying model transformations: an approach based on automated rule inference (MGN, SM, VSS, SS), pp. 341–360.
POPLPOPL-2009-HawblitzelP #automation #garbage collection #verification
Automated verification of practical garbage collectors (CH, EP), pp. 441–453.
RERE-2009-HolbrookHD #assessment #automation #requirements #towards
Toward Automating Requirements Satisfaction Assessment (EAH, JHH, AD), pp. 149–158.
ASEASE-2009-BoccuzzoG #automation #comprehension
Automated Comprehension Tasks in Software Exploration (SB, HCG), pp. 570–574.
ASEASE-2009-CassellAGN #automation #clustering #towards #using
Towards Automating Class-Splitting Using Betweenness Clustering (KC, PA, LG, JN), pp. 595–599.
ASEASE-2009-DeanPMW #approach #automation #fault #linear #locality #multi #programming
A Linear Programming Approach for Automated Localization of Multiple Faults (BCD, WBP, BAM, AAW), pp. 640–644.
ASEASE-2009-DeeptimahantiB #automation #generative #modelling #natural language #requirements #uml
An Automated Tool for Generating UML Models from Natural Language Requirements (DKD, MAB), pp. 680–682.
ASEASE-2009-GonzalezCD #analysis #automation #implementation #workflow
Automating the Implementation of Analysis Concerns in Workflow Applications (OG, RC, DD), pp. 585–589.
ASEASE-2009-GuldaliFJSE #automation #clustering #requirements #testing #using
Semi-automated Test Planning for e-ID Systems by Using Requirements Clustering (BG, HF, MJ, SS, GE), pp. 29–39.
ASEASE-2009-HewettK #automation #component #generative #integration #order #testing
Automated Test Order Generation for Software Component Integration Testing (RH, PK), pp. 211–220.
ASEASE-2009-Kamalrudin #automation #consistency #nondeterminism #requirements #tool support
Automated Software Tool Support for Checking the Inconsistency of Requirements (MK), pp. 693–697.
ASEASE-2009-LalanneMOCMG #approach #automation #testing
An Automated Passive Testing Approach for the IMS PoC Service (FL, SM, EMdO, ARC, WM, AG), pp. 535–539.
ASEASE-2009-LiXTHS #automation #generative #named #regular expression #source code #testing #using
Reggae: Automated Test Generation for Programs Using Complex Regular Expressions (NL, TX, NT, JdH, WS), pp. 515–519.
ASEASE-2009-MalikGEK #automation #data type #debugging #using
A Case for Automated Debugging Using Data Structure Repair (MZM, KG, BE, SK), pp. 620–624.
ASEASE-2009-RoseKPP #automation #consistency #metamodelling #nondeterminism
Enhanced Automation for Managing Model and Metamodel Inconsistency (LMR, DSK, RFP, FACP), pp. 545–549.
ASEASE-2009-SardinhaCWGR #aspect-oriented #automation #detection #named #requirements
EA-Analyzer: Automating Conflict Detection in Aspect-Oriented Requirements (AS, RC, NW, PG, AR), pp. 530–534.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2009-BezemerMD #automation #interactive #security #testing #web
Automated security testing of web widget interactions (CPB, AM, AvD), pp. 81–90.
ICSEICSE-2009-ApelKL #automation #composition #independence #named
FEATUREHOUSE: Language-independent, automated software composition (SA, CK, CL), pp. 221–231.
ICSEICSE-2009-BurnimJS #automation #complexity #generative #named #testing #worst-case
WISE: Automated test generation for worst-case complexity (JB, SJ, KS), pp. 463–473.
ICSEICSE-2009-ComanSS #analysis #automation #case study #industrial #metric #re-engineering #using
A case-study on using an Automated In-process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis system in an industrial environment (IDC, AS, GS), pp. 89–99.
ICSEICSE-2009-MarianiPP #analysis #automation #tool support
A toolset for automated failure analysis (LM, FP, MP), pp. 563–566.
SACSAC-2009-Bouarab-DahmaniSCC #approach #automation #evaluation
Learners automated evaluation with the ODALA approach (FBD, MSM, CC, PJC), pp. 98–103.
SACSAC-2009-GroverS #architecture #automation #java #named #quality #question
GenQA: automated addition of architectural quality attribute support for Java software? (SG, NS), pp. 483–487.
SACSAC-2009-HabbalMMK #automation
Automated device for determination of skin lesion regions (MEH, MEM, OM, AIK), pp. 859–860.
SACSAC-2009-ParkPR #algorithm #automation #using
Planning for remarshaling in an automated container terminal using cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (KP, TP, KRR), pp. 1098–1105.
SACSAC-2009-SilvaML #approach #automation #heuristic
Heuristic approach for automated shelf space allocation (DLS, FM, KL), pp. 922–928.
SLESLE-2009-LevendovszkyBNK #approach #automation #domain-specific language #evolution #model transformation #novel
A Novel Approach to Semi-automated Evolution of DSML Model Transformation (TL, DB, AN, GK), pp. 23–41.
SLESLE-2009-MalletLAGT #automation #domain model #implementation #modelling #multi #process
An Automated Process for Implementing Multilevel Domain Models (FM, FL, CA, SG, FT), pp. 314–333.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2009-DimitrovZ #approach #automation #debugging #predict #validation
Anomaly-based bug prediction, isolation, and validation: an automated approach for software debugging (MD, HZ), pp. 61–72.
CASECASE-2009-AkellaXBC #automation #integration #modelling
Knowledge sciences in services automation: Integration models and perspectives for service centers (RA, ZX, JB, KLCE), pp. 71–78.
CASECASE-2009-AnandMT #automation #evaluation #network #performance
Performance evaluation of wireless networks for factory automation applications (DMA, JRM, DMT), pp. 340–346.
CASECASE-2009-ArcherSRR #automation #embedded #profiling
Profiling primitives of networked embedded automation (BA, SS, AR, RR), pp. 531–536.
CASECASE-2009-CappelleriHSKEK #automation #towards
Towards fully automated phototransfection (DJC, ÁMH, JYS, TKK, JE, VK), pp. 202–207.
CASECASE-2009-GaoKJD #automation #modelling #simulation
Semi-automated soft-tissue acquisition and modeling for surgical simulation (ZG, TK, DLJ, JPD), pp. 268–273.
CASECASE-2009-JohnsonM #animation #automation #optimisation #synthesis #using
Automated trajectory synthesis from animation data using trajectory optimization (ERJ, TDM), pp. 274–279.
CASECASE-2009-MendezTRR #automation #modelling
Model-based controller for anesthesia automation (JAM, ST, JAR, HR), pp. 379–384.
CASECASE-2009-SaketiKNVK #automation #composition
Automated modular bacterial filtering system with embeddable microfluidic chips (PS, JMK, KN, LV, PJK), pp. 212–216.
CASECASE-2009-SathiR #automation #generative
STEP to DMIS: Automated generation of inspection plans from CAD data (SVBS, PVMR), pp. 519–524.
CASECASE-2009-SriramL #automation #standard
The role of standards in healthcare automation (RDS, BL), pp. 79–82.
CASECASE-2009-SubburajRA #3d #automation #geometry #reasoning
Automated 3D geometric reasoning in Computer Assisted joint reconstructive surgery (KS, BR, MA), pp. 367–372.
CASECASE-2009-Subrahmanian #automation #empirical #workflow
Empirical studies of workflow automation in physician offices in the United States (ES), pp. 83–87.
CASECASE-2009-TruongLD #automation #multi
Proactive remote healthcare based on multimedia and home automation services (TBTT, FFdL, JPD), pp. 385–390.
CASECASE-2009-WichESF #assembly #automation
Micro-nano-integration based on automated serial assembly (TW, CE, CS, SF), pp. 573–578.
DACDAC-2009-TamPB #automation #validation
Automated failure population creation for validating integrated circuit diagnosis methods (WCT, OP, RD(B), pp. 708–713.
DACDAC-2009-ThorolfssonGF #3d #automation #case study #design
Design automation for a 3DIC FFT processor for synthetic aperture radar: a case study (TT, KG, PDF), pp. 51–56.
DATEDATE-2009-DasV #approach #automation #design #grammarware #graph grammar #multi
A graph grammar based approach to automated multi-objective analog circuit design (AD, RV), pp. 700–705.
DATEDATE-2009-HaastregtK #automation #c #hardware #network #process #streaming #synthesis
Automated synthesis of streaming C applications to process networks in hardware (SvH, BK), pp. 890–893.
DATEDATE-2009-OetjensGGN #automation #hardware #process
An automated flow for integrating hardware IP into the automotive systems engineering process (JHO, RG, JG, WN), pp. 1196–1201.
DATEDATE-2009-WangKABZ #automation #design #energy
An automated design flow for vibration-based energy harvester systems (LW, TJK, BMAH, SPB, DZ), pp. 1391–1396.
DATEDATE-2009-YangNV #automation #data analysis #debugging
Automated data analysis solutions to silicon debug (YSY, NN, AGV), pp. 982–987.
PDPPDP-2009-MathesGDF #automation #industrial #named #realtime
SOAP4IPC: A Real-Time SOAP Engine for Industrial Automation (MM, JG, HD, BF), pp. 220–226.
ESOPESOP-2009-KikuchiK #authentication #automation #encryption #protocol #type system #verification
Type-Based Automated Verification of Authenticity in Cryptographic Protocols (DK, NK), pp. 222–236.
CADECADE-2009-ClaessenL #automation #finite #satisfiability
Automated Inference of Finite Unsatisfiability (KC, AL), pp. 388–403.
CADECADE-2009-FalkeK #analysis #approach #automation #imperative #source code #term rewriting #termination
A Term Rewriting Approach to the Automated Termination Analysis of Imperative Programs (SF, DK), pp. 277–293.
CADECADE-2009-Korovin #automation #reasoning #theory and practice
Instantiation-Based Automated Reasoning: From Theory to Practice (KK), pp. 163–166.
CADECADE-2009-SutcliffeBBT #automation #development #higher-order #logic #proving #theorem proving
Progress in the Development of Automated Theorem Proving for Higher-Order Logic (GS, CB, CEB, FT), pp. 116–130.
CAVCAV-2009-CernyA #analysis #automation #java
Automated Analysis of Java Methods for Confidentiality (PC, RA), pp. 173–187.
ICLPICLP-2009-PilozziS09a #automation #proving #termination
Automating Termination Proofs for CHR (PP, DDS), pp. 504–508.
ICSTICST-2009-BertoliniPdM #automation #black box #empirical #evaluation #testing #user interface
An Empirical Evaluation of Automated Black Box Testing Techniques for Crashing GUIs (CB, GP, Md, AM), pp. 21–30.
ICSTICST-2009-KarhuRTS #automation #empirical #testing
Empirical Observations on Software Testing Automation (KK, TR, OT, KS), pp. 201–209.
ICSTICST-2009-MathewS #as a service #automation #framework #platform #testing
Test Automation on a SaaS Platform (RM, RS), pp. 317–325.
ICSTICST-2009-MurphySK #ml #runtime #testing #using
Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in Applications without Test Oracles (CM, KS, GEK), pp. 436–445.
ICSTICST-2009-TanNM #automation #black box #library #parallel #programming #testing
Automated Black Box Testing Tool for a Parallel Programming Library (RPT, PN, SM), pp. 307–316.
ICSTICST-2009-WedyanAB #automation #detection #effectiveness #fault #predict #refactoring #static analysis #tool support
The Effectiveness of Automated Static Analysis Tools for Fault Detection and Refactoring Prediction (FW, DA, JMB), pp. 141–150.
ISSTAISSTA-2009-BabenkoMP #automation #detection #named
AVA: automated interpretation of dynamically detected anomalies (AB, LM, FP), pp. 237–248.
MBTMBT-2009-SalasK #automation #testing
Automated Software Testing of Asynchronous Systems (PAPS, PK), pp. 3–19.
CBSECBSE-2008-Tolosana-CalasanzRB #analysis #automation #performance #workflow
Automating Performance Analysis from Taverna Workflows (RTC, OFR, JAB), pp. 1–15.
ECSAECSA-2008-MakkiBG #architecture #automation #multi #process #trade-off
Automating Architecture Trade-Off Decision Making through a Complex Multi-attribute Decision Process (MM, EB, AAG), pp. 264–272.
ECSAECSA-2008-NavarroC #approach #architecture #automation #design #using
Automating the Trace of Architectural Design Decisions and Rationales Using a MDD Approach (EN, CEC), pp. 114–130.
WICSAWICSA-2008-CuiSM #architecture #automation #design #synthesis #towards
Towards Automated Solution Synthesis and Rationale Capture in Decision-Centric Architecture Design (XC, YS, HM), pp. 221–230.
DocEngDocEng-2008-BalinskyWRA #automation #documentation
Automated repurposing of implicitly structured documents (HB, AW, MR, AAR), pp. 42–51.
JCDLJCDL-2008-TonkinM #automation #metadata
Semi automated metadata extraction for preprints archives (ET, HLM), pp. 157–166.
VLDBVLDB-2008-JayapandianJ #automation #database #interface #query
Automated creation of a forms-based database query interface (MJ, HVJ), pp. 695–709.
EDMEDM-2008-AllevatoTEP #automation #mining #testing
Mining Data from an Automated Grading and Testing System by Adding Rich Reporting Capabilities (AA, MT, SHE, MAPQ), pp. 167–176.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2008-Kurmas #automation #logic #performance #student #testing #using
Improving student performance using automated testing of simulated digital logic circuits (ZK), pp. 265–270.
ICPCICPC-2008-ComanS #automation #development #identification
Automated Identification of Tasks in Development Sessions (IDC, AS), pp. 212–217.
ICSMEICSM-2008-MenziesM #assessment #automation #fault
Automated severity assessment of software defect reports (TM, AM), pp. 346–355.
SCAMSCAM-2008-ChuD #ajax #automation #migration #web
Automated Migration of List Based JSP Web Pages to AJAX (JC, TRD), pp. 217–226.
SCAMSCAM-2008-WangZZ #automation #detection #model checking #program analysis
Automated Detection of Code Vulnerabilities Based on Program Analysis and Model Checking (LW, QZ, PZ), pp. 165–173.
WCREWCRE-2008-GrantCS #analysis #automation #component #concept #independence #using
Automated Concept Location Using Independent Component Analysis (SG, JRC, DBS), pp. 138–142.
CIAACIAA-2008-TsayW #automation #composition #reasoning
Automated Compositional Reasoning of Intuitionistically Closed Regular Properties (YKT, BYW), pp. 36–45.
FMFM-2008-FuriaPR #approximate #automation #specification #verification
Automated Verification of Dense-Time MTL Specifications Via Discrete-Time Approximation (CAF, MP, MR), pp. 132–147.
IFLIFL-2008-LijnseP #automation #data type #database #programming #relational #using
Between Types and Tables — Using Generic Programming for Automated Mapping between Data Types and Relational Databases (BL, RP), pp. 272–290.
CHICHI-2008-LeshedHML #automation #enterprise #named
CoScripter: automating & sharing how-to knowledge in the enterprise (GL, EMH, TM, TAL), pp. 1719–1728.
EDOCEDOC-2008-CicchettiREP #automation #co-evolution #modelling
Automating Co-evolution in Model-Driven Engineering (AC, DDR, RE, AP), pp. 222–231.
EDOCEDOC-2008-KavimandanKG #automation #enterprise #model transformation #synthesis #using #workflow
Automated Context-Sensitive Dialog Synthesis for Enterprise Workflows Using Templatized Model Transformations (AK, RK, ASG), pp. 159–168.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2008-MahdaviSP #approach #automation #using
Machine Grouping in Cellular Manufacturing System Using Tandem Automated Guided vehicle with ACO Based Six Sigma Approach (IM, BS, MMP), pp. 261–267.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2008-PapastefanatosVSAPV #automation #database #evolution
Language Extensions for the Automation of Database Schema Evolution (GP, PV, AS, KA, FP, YV), pp. 74–81.
ICEISICEIS-J-2008-BoglSPW08a #automation #identification #modelling #semantics
Semantic Annotation of EPC Models in Engineering Domains to Facilitate an Automated Identification of Common Modelling Practices (AB, MS, GP, NW), pp. 155–171.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ByrdNTPCGV #automation
Semi-automated logging of contact center telephone calls (RJB, MSN, WT, YP, KSFC, SCG, KV), pp. 133–142.
ICPRICPR-2008-SukF #automation #equation #invariant
Affine moment invariants generated by automated solution of the equations (TS, JF), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-VillS #analysis #automation #classification
Automated stroke ending analysis for drawing tool classification (MCV, RS), pp. 1–4.
KDDKDD-2008-GodboleR #analysis #automation #classification #industrial
Text classification, business intelligence, and interactivity: automating C-Sat analysis for services industry (SG, SR), pp. 911–919.
KDDKDD-2008-HoT #automation #multi #using
Automated cyclone discovery and tracking using knowledge sharing in multiple heterogeneous satellite data (SSH, AT), pp. 928–936.
KRKR-2008-RenzL #automation #calculus #complexity #proving
Automated Complexity Proofs for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Calculi (JR, JJL), pp. 715–723.
SEKESEKE-2008-AssawamekinSP #automation #multi #ontology #requirements #traceability #using
Automated Multiperspective Requirements Traceability Using Ontology Matching Technique (NA, TS, CP), pp. 460–465.
SEKESEKE-2008-BelmonteD #automation #domain model #re-engineering
Automating a Domain Model Aware Reengineering Methodology (JB, PD), pp. 129–136.
SEKESEKE-2008-FatolahiSL #approach #automation #generative #modelling #requirements
A Model-Driven Approach for the Semi-automated Generation of Web-based Applications from Requirements (AF, SSS, TCL), pp. 619–624.
SEKESEKE-2008-HerrLSTW #automation #process
Combining SOA and BPM Technologies for Cross-System Process Automation (SH, KL, JS, GKT, GW), pp. 339–344.
SEKESEKE-2008-NicaPW #automation #constraints #deployment
A Constraint Model for Automated Deployment of Automotive Control Software (MN, BP, FW), pp. 899–904.
BXBX-2008-Ruscio1 #automation #co-evolution #modelling
Automating Co-Evolution in Model-Driven Engineering (DDR), p. 48.
SPLCSPLC-2008-PerrouinKGJ #automation #flexibility
Reconciling Automation and Flexibility in Product Derivation (GP, JK, NG, JMJ), pp. 339–348.
SPLCSPLC-2008-SantosKL #automation #domain-specific language #generative #modelling
Automated Domain-Specific Modeling Languages for Generating Framework-Based Applications (ALS, KK, AL), pp. 149–158.
SPLCSPLC-2008-WhiteSBTC #automation #fault #feature model #modelling #product line
Automated Diagnosis of Product-Line Configuration Errors in Feature Models (JW, DCS, DB, PT, ARC), pp. 225–234.
PEPMPEPM-2008-PuchingerS #automation #bound #source code
Automating branch-and-bound for dynamic programs (JP, PJS), pp. 81–89.
RERE-2008-MaderGKP #automation #maintenance #named #traceability
traceMaintainer — Automated Traceability Maintenance (PM, OG, TK, IP), pp. 329–330.
RERE-2008-Szoke #automation #scheduling #using
A Proposed Method for Automated Project Scheduling using Goals and Scenarios (AS), pp. 339–340.
ASEASE-2008-BordiniDFF #automation #multi #source code #verification
Automated Verification of Multi-Agent Programs (RHB, LAD, BF, MF), pp. 69–78.
ASEASE-2008-CamachoM #automation #named #using
APPAREIL: A Tool for Building Automated Program Translators Using Annotated Grammars (DOC, KM), pp. 489–490.
ASEASE-2008-GibbsBSDC #automation #question
Living with the Law: Can Automation give us Moore with Less? (CG, JB, NS, MD, YC), pp. 395–398.
ASEASE-2008-HolmesW #reuse
Semi-Automating Pragmatic Reuse Tasks (RH, RJW), pp. 481–482.
ASEASE-2008-KimPYL #automation #component #experience #industrial #integration
Automated Continuous Integration of Component-Based Software: An Industrial Experience (SK, SP, JY, YL), pp. 423–426.
ASEASE-2008-MaderGP #automation #development #maintenance #modelling #process #traceability
Enabling Automated Traceability Maintenance by Recognizing Development Activities Applied to Models (PM, OG, IP), pp. 49–58.
ASEASE-2008-MorandiniPP #adaptation #automation #modelling #self
Automated Mapping from Goal Models to Self-Adaptive Systems (MM, LP, AP), pp. 485–486.
ASEASE-2008-Pinzger #analysis #automation #performance #web
Automated Web Performance Analysis (MP), pp. 513–516.
ASEASE-2008-TanejaX #automation #generative #named #testing
DiffGen: Automated Regression Unit-Test Generation (KT, TX), pp. 407–410.
ASEASE-2008-TurnerPKC #approach #automation #code generation #process #using #web
An Automated Test Code Generation Method for Web Applications using Activity Oriented Approach (DAT, MP, JK, JC), pp. 411–414.
ASEASE-2008-ZhangGC #analysis #automation #clustering #recommendation
Automated Aspect Recommendation through Clustering-Based Fan-in Analysis (DZ, YG, XC), pp. 278–287.
FSEFSE-2008-CottrellWD #reuse #source code
Semi-automating small-scale source code reuse via structural correspondence (RC, RJW, JD), pp. 214–225.
FSEFSE-2008-HalfondO #automation #identification #parametricity #web
Automated identification of parameter mismatches in web applications (WGJH, AO), pp. 181–191.
ICSEICSE-2008-HohnJ #automation #modelling #named
Rubacon: automated support for model-based compliance engineering (SH, JJ), pp. 875–878.
ICSEICSE-2008-WangCW #automation #distributed
Four enhancements to automated distributed system experimentation methods (YW, AC, ALW), pp. 491–500.
SACSAC-2008-Hassan #automation #classification #open source
Automated classification of change messages in open source projects (AEH), pp. 837–841.
SACSAC-2008-SilvaDSSM #analysis #automation #component #segmentation
Automated segmentation and volumetric analysis of brain components on MR imaging (MPS, JRD, FLS, ASdS, DCMS), pp. 1422–1423.
SLESLE-2008-FritzscheJAMGSBK #automation #embedded #model transformation #modelling
Systematic Usage of Embedded Modelling Languages in Automated Model Transformation Chains (MF, JJ, UA, SM, WG, ITAS, TJB, PK), pp. 134–150.
CASECASE-2008-AnisHM #array #automation
Automated vision-based selection and placement of single cells in microwell array formats (YHA, MH, DRM), pp. 315–320.
CASECASE-2008-ChenFL #automation #bibliography #industrial #perspective #process
Automated industrial robot path planning for spray painting process: A review (HC, TAF, XL), pp. 522–527.
CASECASE-2008-ChoiJSKRKKSACC #automation #development #flexibility #framework #mobile #using
Development of flexible laboratory automation platform using Mobile Agents in the clinical laboratory (BC, SMJ, SHS, JK, SR, MCK, JK, WHS, KTA, WC, HRC), pp. 918–923.
CASECASE-2008-DotoliFM #automation #fault #first-order #hybrid #monitoring #petri net
Fault monitoring of automated manufacturing systems by first order hybrid Petri nets (MD, MPF, AMM), pp. 181–186.
CASECASE-2008-FerrariniBV #approach #automation #case study #fault
A pragmatic approach to fault diagnosis in hydraulic circuits for automated machining: A case study (LF, RB, CV), pp. 29–34.
CASECASE-2008-FischionePRST #architecture #automation #communication #mining
Mining ventilation automation: Wireless sensing, communication architecture and advanced services (CF, LP, CR, FS, ST), pp. 851–857.
CASECASE-2008-Holzmuller-LaueRNKAGTS #automation #flexibility #framework #integration #mobile #process
Flexible R&D integration platform of process informatics for automated medical applications and mobile data acquisition (SHL, KR, SN, SK, DA, BG, KT, RS), pp. 621–626.
CASECASE-2008-LeeCAG #analysis #automation #evaluation #image #quality
Color quantization and image analysis for automated fruit quality evaluation (DJL, YC, JKA, CRG), pp. 194–199.
CASECASE-2008-LeeCAP #automation #image #library #process
Matching book-spine images for library shelf-reading process automation (DJL, YC, JKA, CP), pp. 738–743.
CASECASE-2008-LeeH #automation #named
KNX — ZigBee gateway for home automation (WSL, SHH), pp. 750–755.
CASECASE-2008-NandakumarHM #analysis #automation #flexibility #framework #interactive
A flexible framework for automation of single cell and cell-to-cell interaction analyses (VN, MH, DRM), pp. 424–430.
CASECASE-2008-NishiTI #approach #automation #composition #optimisation #petri net
Petri Net decomposition approach for the simultaneous optimization of task assignment and routing with automated guided vehicles (TN, YT, MI), pp. 175–180.
CASECASE-2008-RussoMCK #automation #modelling #petri net
Petri net modeling and automated system control of protein crystallization experimentation in drug discovery (MFR, SM, MHC, HK), pp. 906–911.
CASECASE-2008-SoetebierMMKL #assembly #automation #flexibility
Flexible automation for automotive body assembly (SS, CHM, NM, SK, FL), pp. 341–346.
CASECASE-2008-SunEHMMMBLM #analysis #automation #biology #integration #multi #user interface
Integration of user interface, device control, data acquisition and analysis for automated multi-spectral imaging of single biological cells (CSS, JRE, MH, TWM, SKM, SM, LWB, MEL, DRM), pp. 1013–1018.
CASECASE-2008-TewoldeWWS #automation #distributed #multi
Distributed multi-robot work load partition in manufacturing automation (GST, CW, YW, WS), pp. 504–509.
CASECASE-2008-UnverM #automation #composition #design pattern #throughput #using
Using architectural software patterns in support of controlling modular high throughput screening automation systems (HÖÜ, JM), pp. 912–917.
DACDAC-2008-HamersE #automation #identification #independence
Automated hardware-independent scenario identification (JH, LE), pp. 954–959.
DACDAC-2008-KuonR #architecture #automation
Automated transistor sizing for FPGA architecture exploration (IK, JR), pp. 792–795.
DACDAC-2008-LongM #automation #design #pipes and filters #self
Automated design of self-adjusting pipelines (JL, SOM), pp. 211–216.
DACDAC-2008-NieuwoudtKM #automation #configuration management #design #network
Automated design of tunable impedance matching networks for reconfigurable wireless applications (AN, JK, YM), pp. 498–503.
DACDAC-2008-TamPB #analysis #automation #layout #locality #precise #using
Precise failure localization using automated layout analysis of diagnosis candidates (WCT, OP, RD(B), pp. 367–372.
DATEDATE-2008-BrownTBP #automation #library #logic #testing
Automated Testability Enhancements for Logic Brick Libraries (JGB, BT, RDB, LTP), pp. 480–485.
DATEDATE-2008-EberleG #architecture #automation #communication #design #network #power management #scalability
A scalable low-power digital communication network architecture and an automated design path for controlling the analog/RF part of SDR transceivers (WE, MG), pp. 710–715.
DATEDATE-2008-KoN #automation #identification #validation
Automated Trace Signals Identification and State Restoration for Improving Observability in Post-Silicon Validation (HFK, NN), pp. 1298–1303.
DATEDATE-2008-KoN08a #automation #generative #on the #validation
On Automated Trigger Event Generation in Post-Silicon Validation (HFK, NN), pp. 256–259.
DATEDATE-2008-MuirAL #automation #pipes and filters #streaming
Automated Dynamic Throughput-constrained Structural-level Pipelining in Streaming Applications (MM, TA, IL), pp. 1358–1361.
HPCAHPCA-2008-JoshiEJI #automation #generative
Automated microprocessor stressmark generation (AMJ, LE, LKJ, CI), pp. 229–239.
ISMMISMM-2008-DilligDYC #automation #java #resource management
The CLOSER: automating resource management in java (ID, TD, EY, SC), pp. 1–10.
OSDIOSDI-2008-ChenZMB #automation #case study #dependence #experience #network
Automating Network Application Dependency Discovery: Experiences, Limitations, and New Solutions (XC, MZ, ZMM, PB), pp. 117–130.
PPoPPPPoPP-2008-WangYFDWJ #analysis #automation #source code
Automated application-level checkpointing based on live-variable analysis in MPI programs (PW, XY, HF, YD, ZW, JJ), pp. 273–274.
FASEFASE-2008-JurjensSY #analysis #automation #security #using
Automated Analysis of Permission-Based Security Using UMLsec (JJ, JS, YY), pp. 292–295.
TACASTACAS-2008-FarzanCCTW #automation #composition #regular expression #verification
Extending Automated Compositional Verification to the Full Class of ω-Regular Languages (AF, YFC, EMC, YKT, BYW), pp. 2–17.
TACASTACAS-2008-LegayMOW #automation #on the #probability #source code #verification
On Automated Verification of Probabilistic Programs (AL, ASM, JO, JW), pp. 173–187.
CAVCAV-2008-BobaruPG #abstraction #automation #reasoning #refinement
Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning by Abstraction Refinement (MGB, CSP, DG), pp. 135–148.
ICLPICLP-2008-BelhaouariP #approach #automation #constraints #logic programming #testing
A Constraint Logic Programming Approach to Automated Testing (HB, FP), pp. 754–758.
ICSTICST-2008-DantasBC #automation #concurrent #multi #testing #thread
Improving Automated Testing of Multi-threaded Software (AD, FVB, WC), pp. 521–524.
ICSTICST-2008-HarmanA #automation #program repair #testing #web
Automated Session Data Repair for Web Application Regression Testing (MH, NA), pp. 298–307.
ICSTICST-2008-RahaJ #automation #testing #xml
Automation Method for Testing XML/DB/XML Layers (DR, MJ), pp. 458–464.
ICSTICST-2008-TanE #automation #testing
Evaluating Automated Unit Testing in Sulu (RPT, SE), pp. 62–71.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-AvanziniMS #analysis #automation #complexity
Automated Implicit Computational Complexity Analysis (MA, GM, AS), pp. 132–138.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-BeierleKK #automation #implementation #reasoning
A High-Level Implementation of a System for Automated Reasoning with Default Rules (CB, GKI, NK), pp. 147–153.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-BouhoulaJ #automation #automaton #induction
Automated Induction with Constrained Tree Automata (AB, FJ), pp. 539–554.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-Comon-Lundh #automation #challenge #protocol #security #verification
Challenges in the Automated Verification of Security Protocols (HCL), pp. 396–409.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-HirokawaM #analysis #automation #complexity #dependence
Automated Complexity Analysis Based on the Dependency Pair Method (NH, GM), pp. 364–379.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-HofnerS #automation #calculus #on the
On Automating the Calculus of Relations (PH, GS), pp. 50–66.
IJCARIJCAR-2008-UrbanSPV #automation #reasoning #semantics
MaLARea SG1- Machine Learner for Automated Reasoning with Semantic Guidance (JU, GS, PP, JV), pp. 441–456.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-EdwardsTWVD #automation #fault #identification #named
AFID: an automated fault identification tool (AE, ST, SW, RV, BD), pp. 179–188.
CBSECBSE-2007-DesnosHUVT #automation #component #flexibility
Automated and Unanticipated Flexible Component Substitution (ND, MH, CU, SV, GT), pp. 33–48.
TPDLECDL-2007-SautterBPT #automation #documentation #editing #empirical #evaluation #xml
Empirical Evaluation of Semi-automated XML Annotation of Text Documents with the GoldenGATE Editor (GS, KB, FP, WFT), pp. 357–367.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-HeWCLR #automation #named #tool support
BIwTL: a business information warehouse toolkit and language for warehousing simplification and automation (BH, RW, YC, AL, JR), pp. 1041–1052.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-ShivamDGIGYBC #automation #database #on-demand #virtual machine
Automated and on-demand provisioning of virtual machines for database applications (PS, AD, PG, DEI, LEG, ARY, SB, JSC), pp. 1079–1081.
VLDBVLDB-2007-JorwekarFRS #automation #detection
Automating the Detection of Snapshot Isolation Anomalies (SJ, AF, KR, SS), pp. 1263–1274.
VLDBVLDB-2007-PapadomanolakisDA #automation #database #design #performance #query
Efficient Use of the Query Optimizer for Automated Database Design (SP, DD, AA), pp. 1093–1104.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-HayesTSW #assessment #automation #interface
An investigation into the automated assessment of the design-code interface (AH, PGT, NS, KGW), p. 324.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-OmwegaTUW #automation #process
Automation of PE recruiting process (EO, JT, MU, CW), p. 350.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2007-Solomon #assessment #named
Linuxgym: software to automate formative assessment of unix command-line and scripting skills (AS), p. 353.
Continuous program improvement: a project to automate record-keeping for accreditation (LB, JP, JQ), pp. 155–160.
WCREWCRE-J-2005-ChristlKS07 #automation #clustering
Automated clustering to support the reflexion method (AC, RK, MADS), pp. 255–274.
CSMRCSMR-2007-MerloLA #automation #injection #php
Automated Protection of PHP Applications Against SQL-injection Attacks (EM, DL, GA), pp. 191–202.
CSMRCSMR-2007-TrifuR #automation #object-oriented #towards
Towards Automated Restructuring of Object Oriented Systems (AT, UR), pp. 39–48.
CSMRCSMR-2007-Veerman #automation #maintenance
Automated Mass Maintenance of Software Assets (NPV), pp. 353–356.
ICPCICPC-2007-CareyG #automation #concept #identification #source code
Recovering Concepts from Source Code with Automated Concept Identification (MMC, GCG), pp. 27–36.
ICSMEICSM-2007-CoelhoCKSRL #automation #framework #multi #named #testing
JAT: A Test Automation Framework for Multi-Agent Systems (RC, EC, UK, AvS, AR, CJPdL), pp. 425–434.
ICSMEICSM-2007-KhatchadourianSR #automation #java #legacy #refactoring
Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types (RK, JS, AR), pp. 224–233.
WCREWCRE-2007-DuffyM #approach #automation #c++ #grammar recovery
An Automated Approach to Grammar Recovery for a Dialect of the C++ Language (EBD, BAM), pp. 11–20.
WCREWCRE-2007-RaberL07a #approach #automation #identification #named #obfuscation
Deobfuscator: An Automated Approach to the Identification and Removal of Code Obfuscation (JR, EL), pp. 275–276.
IFMIFM-2007-BraghinSB #automation #mobile #policy #security #verification
Automated Verification of Security Policies in Mobile Code (CB, NS, KBA), pp. 37–53.
SEFMSEFM-2007-CrockerC #automation #c #reasoning #source code #using #verification
Verification of C Programs Using Automated Reasoning (DC, JC), pp. 7–14.
LISPILC-2007-WellonsW #automation #named
DAUTI: automated universal traffic introspector (JW, JW), p. 25.
AGTIVEAGTIVE-2007-MatznerMS #automation #graph #performance
Efficient Graph Matching with Application to Cognitive Automation (AM, MM, AS), pp. 297–312.
CHICHI-2007-LittleLCLHK #named #personalisation #process #web
Koala: capture, share, automate, personalize business processes on the web (GL, TAL, AC, JL, EMH, EK), pp. 943–946.
CHICHI-2007-WhiteMF #automation #design #identification #mobile #user interface
Designing a mobile user interface for automated species identification (SW, DM, SF), pp. 291–294.
CHICHI-2007-WoodruffAF #automation
Sabbath day home automation: “it’s like mixing technology and religion” (AW, SA, BEF), pp. 527–536.
CHICHI-2007-ZimmermanTSHMCM #approach #automation #learning #named
Vio: a mixed-initiative approach to learning and automating procedural update tasks (JZ, AT, IS, IH, KM, JC, RMM), pp. 1445–1454.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-CaleefatoMT #automation
Advanced Drivers Assistant Systems in Automation (CC, RM, FT), pp. 768–777.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-SorensenR #automation
Simulation-Based Automated Intelligent Tutoring (BS, SR), pp. 466–474.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-LinL #analysis #automation
A Bayesian Methodology for Semi-automated Task Analysis (SCL, MRL), pp. 697–704.
CAiSECAiSE-2007-CappielloCP #automation #generative #on the #web #web service
On Automated Generation of Web Service Level Agreements (CC, MC, PP), pp. 264–278.
CAiSECAiSE-2007-SedlmayrRGRMM #automation #standard
Automating Standard Operating Procedures in Intensive Care (MS, TR, TG, RR, MM, AMB), pp. 516–530.
EDOCEDOC-2007-GruhnK #analysis #automation #framework #mobile
An Analysis Framework for Mobile Workforce Automation (VG, AK), pp. 193–201.
EDOCEDOC-2007-WhiteSCWLWF #automation #enterprise #java #modelling
Automated Model-Based Configuration of Enterprise Java Applications (JW, DCS, KC, CW, GL, EW, LF), pp. 301–312.
ICEISICEIS-EIS-2007-RychkovaW #automation #refinement #specification #towards #visual notation
Refinement Propagation — Towards Automated Construction of Visual Specifications (IR, AW), pp. 196–204.
KDDKDD-2007-ZhuBK #automation
Extracting relevant named entities for automated expense reimbursement (GZ, TJB, VK), pp. 1004–1012.
SEKESEKE-2007-XuXW #automation #code generation #protocol #state machine #uml
Automated Test Code Generation from UML Protocol State Machines (DX, WX, WEW), pp. 99–104.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #metric #modelling #validation #web
A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-LeppanenLT #automation #design #industrial #modelling #scalability
A Modelling Method for Rigorous and Automated Design of Large-Scale Industrial Systems (KL, SL, MT), pp. 331–345.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-WeilMNDB #analysis #automation #design #modelling #semantics
Automated Semantic Analysis of Design Models (FW, BEM, DN, PD, AvdB), pp. 166–180.
SPLCSPLC-2007-BragancaM #automation #case study #diagrams #feature model #modelling #product line
Automating Mappings between Use Case Diagrams and Feature Models for Software Product Lines (AB, RJM), pp. 3–12.
SPLCSPLC-2007-WhiteSWN #automation #mobile #product line
Automating Product-Line Variant Selection for Mobile Devices (JW, DCS, EW, AN), pp. 129–140.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-AbrahaoMGI #automation #design #metric #modelling #validation #web
A Model-Driven Measurement Procedure for Sizing Web Applications: Design, Automation and Validation (SMA, EM, JG, EI), pp. 467–481.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-LeppanenLT #automation #design #industrial #modelling #scalability
A Modelling Method for Rigorous and Automated Design of Large-Scale Industrial Systems (KL, SL, MT), pp. 331–345.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-WeilMNDB #analysis #automation #design #modelling #semantics
Automated Semantic Analysis of Design Models (FW, BEM, DN, PD, AvdB), pp. 166–180.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2007-CancianSSF #automation #component #development #embedded
A Tool for Supporting and Automating the Development of Component-based Embedded Systems (RLC, MRS, AS, AAF), pp. 399–416.
PLDIPLDI-2007-VechevYBR #automation #concurrent #named
CGCExplorer: a semi-automated search procedure for provably correct concurrent collectors (MTV, EY, DFB, NR), pp. 456–467.
RERE-2007-LaurentCD #automation #requirements #towards
Towards Automated Requirements Triage (PL, JCH, CD), pp. 131–140.
RERE-2007-MetzgerHPSS #analysis #automation #documentation #formal method #product line #variability
Disambiguating the Documentation of Variability in Software Product Lines: A Separation of Concerns, Formalization and Automated Analysis (AM, PH, KP, PYS, GS), pp. 243–253.
ASEASE-2007-BrooksM #automation #testing #user interface
Automated gui testing guided by usage profiles (PAB, AMM), pp. 333–342.
ASEASE-2007-CaiWHW #array #automation #kernel #testing
Test automation for kernel code and disk arrays with virtual devices (LZC, RSW, WTH, FW), pp. 505–508.
ASEASE-2007-DuanC #automation #clustering
Clustering support for automated tracing (CD, JCH), pp. 244–253.
ASEASE-2007-Gawley #automation #feature model #identification #modelling #variability
Automating the identification of variability realisation techniques from feature models (RG), pp. 555–558.
ASEASE-2007-LauenrothP #automation #consistency #product line #requirements #specification #towards
Towards automated consistency checks of product line requirements specifications (KL, KP), pp. 373–376.
ASEASE-2007-McIntyreW #automation #heuristic
Assisting potentially-repetitive small-scale changes via semi-automated heuristic search (MMM, RJW), pp. 497–500.
ASEASE-2007-MenziesEHFMB #automation #re-engineering
The business case for automated software engineering (TM, OER, JH, MSF, RJM, BWB), pp. 303–312.
ASEASE-2007-Selic #automation #what
The embarrassing truth about software automation and what should be done about it (BS), p. 3.
ASEASE-2007-Smith #automation #development #towards
Toward automated software development (DRS), p. 1.
ASEASE-2007-TanejaDX #api #automation #detection #library #refactoring
Automated detection of api refactorings in libraries (KT, DD, TX), pp. 377–380.
ASEASE-2007-WangMYM #approach #automation #monitoring #requirements
An automated approach to monitoring and diagnosing requirements (YW, SAM, YY, JM), pp. 293–302.
ASEASE-2007-YilmazW #approach #automation #debugging #modelling
An automated model-based debugging approach (CY, CW), pp. 174–183.
ASEASE-2007-YuanCM #array #automation #sequence #testing #user interface
Covering array sampling of input event sequences for automated gui testing (XY, MBC, AMM), pp. 405–408.
ASEASE-2007-ZhengWR #automation #named #testing
Pallino: automation to support regression test selection for cots-based applications (JZ, LW, BR), pp. 224–233.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-DanielDGM #automation #refactoring #testing
Automated testing of refactoring engines (BD, DD, KG, DM), pp. 185–194.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-HalfondO #automation #generative #interface #testing #using #web
Improving test case generation for web applications using automated interface discovery (WGJH, AO), pp. 145–154.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-HartmanKP #automation #testing
Domain specific approaches to software test automation (AH, MK, AMP), pp. 621–622.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-YuBP #analysis #automation #ocl
Automated size analysis for OCL (FY, TB, EP), pp. 331–340.
GTTSEGTTSE-2007-SeguraBCT #automation #feature model #graph transformation #modelling #using
Automated Merging of Feature Models Using Graph Transformations (SS, DB, ARC, PT), pp. 489–505.
ICSEICSE-2007-AnbalaganX #aspect-oriented #automation #refactoring
Automated Inference of Pointcuts in Aspect-Oriented Refactoring (PA, TX), pp. 127–136.
ICSEICSE-2007-ChalabineK #aspect-oriented #automation #framework #re-engineering #weaving
A Formal Framework for Automated Round-Trip Software Engineering in Static Aspect Weaving and Transformations (MC, CWK), pp. 137–146.
ICSEICSE-2007-WangER #automation #generative #testing
Automated Generation of Context-Aware Tests (ZW, SGE, DSR), pp. 406–415.
SACSAC-2007-JunJ #ad hoc #automation #mobile #network #protocol
Automated routing protocol selection in mobile ad hoc networks (TJ, CJ), pp. 906–913.
SACSAC-2007-Lamari #automation #generative #model transformation #testing #towards #verification
Towards an automated test generation for the verification of model transformations (ML), pp. 998–1005.
SACSAC-2007-RaedtsPSWSB #automation #framework #verification
A software framework for automated verification (IR, MP, AS, JMEMvdW, LJS, MB), pp. 1031–1032.
SACSAC-2007-SilvaNI #automation #case study
A computation environment for automated negotiation: a case study in electronic tourism (AS, JAN, IIB), pp. 654–658.
SACSAC-2007-VarroB #automation #induction #logic programming #model transformation #using
Automating model transformation by example using inductive logic programming (DV, ZB), pp. 978–984.
SACSAC-2007-YingboJJ #approach #machine learning #workflow
A machine learning approach to semi-automating workflow staff assignment (YL, JW, JS), pp. 340–345.
CASECASE-2007-FogelBRSMG #automation #layout #modelling #symmetry
Automated Tracking of Pallets in Warehouses: Beacon Layout and Asymmetric Ultrasound Observation Models (MF, NB, HR, JS, MQM, KG), pp. 678–685.
CASECASE-2007-FukuiNSMMF #automation #safety
Requirement of three-position enabling switches for installing in enabling devices to achieve operational safety of robotics and automation applications (TF, MN, YS, IM, AM, TF), pp. 111–116.
CASECASE-2007-GarciaV #automation #configuration management #feature model #visual notation
Automated Feature Selection Methodology for Reconfigurable Automated Visual Inspection Systems (HCG, JRV), pp. 542–547.
CASECASE-2007-GodeHRCS #approach #automation #flexibility #framework #information management #integration
Laboratory Information Management Systems — An Approach as an Integration Platform within Flexible Laboratory Automation for Application in Life Sciences (BG, SHL, KR, MYC, NS), pp. 841–845.
CASECASE-2007-GoemansAGS #algorithm #automation #composition #design #industrial #physics
Automated Feeding of Industrial Parts with Modular Blades: Design Software, Physical Experiments, and an Improved Algorithm (OCG, MTA, KG, AFvdS), pp. 318–325.
CASECASE-2007-GreenKKS #automation #interface #prototype #testing #usability
Prototyping and Usability Testing of Supervisory Control Interfaces for Life Science Automation (RSG, SHK, DK, NS), pp. 646–651.
CASECASE-2007-GuHTY #automation
Hardware-In-The-Loop for Manufacturing Automation Control: Current Status and Identified Needs (FG, WSH, DMT, CY), pp. 1105–1110.
CASECASE-2007-GuoZW #automation #design #diagrams #flexibility #named #state machine
DiagramDraw: A State Machine Diagram Designer for Flexible Automation (WG, MZ, DW), pp. 352–356.
CASECASE-2007-HongC #approach #automation #petri net #resource management
Resource Allocation for a Life Science Automation Line: a Petri nets Approach (TH, MYC), pp. 887–892.
CASECASE-2007-JasperDF #automation #feedback #flexibility #named
CameraMan — Robot Cell with Flexible Vision Feedback for Automated Nanohandling inside SEMs (DJ, CD, SF), pp. 51–56.
CASECASE-2007-JiangLCHHS #automation #development #framework
Development of Whole Human Genome Micro-array Automated Hybridization Platform (JYJ, KHL, CCC, JLH, CHH, HJS), pp. 640–645.
CASECASE-2007-KaberST #interactive #research
Human-automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), pp. 615–620.
CASECASE-2007-KaberST07a #interactive #research
Human-Automation Interaction Strategies for Life Science Applications: Implications and Future Research (DK, NS, KT), p. 92–?.
CASECASE-2007-LaaksoHKF #automation #identification #open source
Open-Source Demo System to Support Automated Identification and Tracking Workshops (ML, JH, RK, KF), pp. 1008–1013.
CASECASE-2007-LamLY #automation #framework #sketching #using
Robot Drawing Techniques for Contoured Surface Using an Automated Sketching Platform (JHML, KWL, YY), pp. 735–740.
CASECASE-2007-MalecNNN #automation #configuration management #knowledge-based
Knowledge-Based Reconfiguration of Automation Systems (JM, AN, KN, SN), pp. 170–175.
CASECASE-2007-MarefatP #automation #modelling #process #retrieval #reuse #similarity
Similarity-Based Retrieval of CAD Solid Models for Automated Reuse of Machining Process Plans (MMM, CP), pp. 312–317.
CASECASE-2007-McVittieSMMLHM #automation #classification #using
Automated Classification of Macrophage Membrane Integrity using a Fluorescent Live/Dead Stain (PM, CSS, TWM, SM, MEL, MH, DRM), pp. 554–559.
CASECASE-2007-Pillai #automation
Factory Automation as an Enabler in Leading-Edge Semiconductor Manufacturing (DP), p. 98–?.
CASECASE-2007-PopaLMDS #assembly #automation
High Yield Automated MEMS Assembly (DOP, WHL, RM, AND, HES), pp. 1099–1104.
CASECASE-2007-RizziBL #3d #artificial reality #automation #image #modelling #simulation
Automating the Extraction of 3D Models from Medical Images for Virtual Reality and Haptic Simulations (SHRR, PPB, CL), pp. 152–157.
CASECASE-2007-SaeediKEMP #automation #process #self
Automation and yield of micron-scale self-assembly processes (ES, SSK, JRE, DRM, BAP), pp. 375–380.
CASECASE-2007-SalernoZBLDGSPYBN #automation #design
Design Considerations for a Minimally Invasive High-Throughput Automation System for Radiation Biodosimetry (AS, JZ, AB, OVL, AD, GG, NS, GRP, YLY, DJB, JN), pp. 846–852.
CASECASE-2007-SeowDL #automation #multi #towards
Towards An Automated Multiagent Taxi-Dispatch System (KTS, NHD, DHL), pp. 1045–1050.
CASECASE-2007-SomesBN #automation
Overcoming Traditional Automation Limitations Through Compliant Control and Contact Sensing (SDS, DJB, WSN), pp. 295–299.
CASECASE-2007-Tomas-RodriguezS #automation #modelling
Automated Modeling of Rotorcraft Dynamics with Special Reference to Autosim (MTR, RSS), pp. 974–979.
CASECASE-2007-WeiJL #automation #industrial #on the
On Protecting Industrial Automation and Control Systems against Electronic Attacks (DW, MAJ, YL), pp. 176–181.
A Fully-Automated Desynchronization Flow for Synchronous Circuits (NA, LL, DP, CPS), pp. 982–985.
DACDAC-2007-Darringer #automation #challenge #design #manycore
Multi-Core Design Automation Challenges (JAD), pp. 760–764.
DACDAC-2007-PatilDWM #automation #design
Automated Design of Misaligned-Carbon-Nanotube-Immune Circuits (NP, JD, HSPW, SM), pp. 958–961.
DATEDATE-2007-BonziniP #automation #polynomial #set
Polynomial-time subgraph enumeration for automated instruction set extension (PB, LP), pp. 1331–1336.
DATEDATE-2007-SafarpourV #abstraction #automation #debugging #design #refinement
Abstraction and refinement techniques in automated design debugging (SS, AGV), pp. 1182–1187.
LCTESLCTES-2007-BennettMFT #automation #embedded #set #text-to-text
Combining source-to-source transformations and processor instruction set extensions for the automated design-space exploration of embedded systems (RVB, ACM, BF, NPT), pp. 83–92.
LCTESLCTES-2007-HuangCTC #automation #fault #locality #statistics
Automated fault localization with statistically suspicious program states (TYH, PCC, CHT, HAC), pp. 11–20.
PDPPDP-2007-SlawinskaKSS #automation #deployment #distributed #parallel
Automated Deployment Support for Parallel Distributed Computing (MS, DK, JS, VSS), pp. 139–146.
AMOSTA-MOST-2007-KicillofGTB #automation #test coverage #testing
Achieving both model and code coverage with automated gray-box testing (NK, WG, NT, VAB), pp. 1–11.
CADECADE-2007-CouchotL #automation #deduction #morphism #polymorphism
Handling Polymorphism in Automated Deduction (JFC, SL), pp. 263–278.
CADECADE-2007-Harrison #automation #proving #using
Automating Elementary Number-Theoretic Proofs Using Gröbner Bases (JH), pp. 51–66.
CADECADE-2007-HofnerS #algebra #automation #reasoning
Automated Reasoning in Kleene Algebra (PH, GS), pp. 279–294.
CADECADE-2007-VerchinineLP #automation #deduction #proving #verification
System for Automated Deduction (SAD): A Tool for Proof Verification (KV, AVL, AP), pp. 398–403.
CAVCAV-2007-GuptaMF #automation #composition #generative #verification
Automated Assumption Generation for Compositional Verification (AG, KLM, ZF), pp. 420–432.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-ManoliosVS #assembly #automation #component
Automating component-based system assembly (PM, DV, GS), pp. 61–72.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-OstrandWB #algorithm #automation #identification
Automating algorithms for the identification of fault-prone files (TJO, EJW, RMB), pp. 219–227.
MBTMBT-2007-OuimetL #automation #consistency #satisfiability #specification #state machine #using #verification
Automated Verification of Completeness and Consistency of Abstract State Machine Specifications using a SAT Solver (MO, KL), pp. 85–97.
FATESTestCom-FATES-2007-CebrianRC #automation #testing
Automation of Avionic Systems Testing (DC, VVR, FC), pp. 28–40.
FATESTestCom-FATES-2007-KawakamiKRBPSS #automation #framework #mobile #object-oriented #reuse #testing
An Object-Oriented Framework for Improving Software Reuse on Automated Testing of Mobile Phones (LK, AK, DR, DB, OP, RPeS, LCVdS), pp. 199–211.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-NguyenDQC #automation #logic #verification
Automated Verification of Shape and Size Properties Via Separation Logic (HHN, CD, SQ, WNC), pp. 251–266.
DRRDRR-2006-KhanAC #automation
Address block features for image-based automated mail orientation (MSK, HBA, WTC).
DRRDRR-2006-Vega-RiverosS #automation #comprehension #design #documentation #segmentation
Graphic design principles for automated document segmentation and understanding (JFVR, HJSV).
TPDLECDL-2006-GolubAMG #automation #classification
Comparing and Combining Two Approaches to Automated Subject Classification of Text (KG, AA, DM, MG), pp. 467–470.
TPDLECDL-2006-KimR #automation #classification #metadata
Genre Classification in Automated Ingest and Appraisal Metadata (YK, SR), pp. 63–74.
JCDLJCDL-2006-LagozeKCDES #automation #experience #library #metadata
Metadata aggregation and “automated digital libraries”: a retrospective on the NSDL experience (CL, DBK, TC, ND, DE, JS), pp. 230–239.
VLDBVLDB-2006-ChaudhuriW #automation #database
Foundations of Automated Database Tuning (SC, GW), p. 1265.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-English #assessment #automation
The checkpoint automated assessment system (JE), p. 337.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2006-FatimaMRSH #automation #retrieval #sequence
Automated gene processing and exon sequence retrieval (TF, JDM, RR, GS, KGH), p. 366.
CSMRCSMR-2006-Cleve #approach #automation #database #re-engineering
Automating Program Conversion in Database Reengineering A Wrapper-based Approach (AC), pp. 323–326.
CSMRCSMR-2006-CugnoNSDT #automation #composition #semantics #tool support
Semantic-Based Toolkit for Automated Building Block Composition in SAP R/3 (FdC, TDN, EDS, FMD, ET), pp. 343–346.
ICPCICPC-2006-NgoTT #automation #database #interactive #web
Automated Extraction of Database Interactions in Web Applications (MNN, HBKT, DT), pp. 117–126.
ICSMEICSM-2006-WissinkA #automation #maintenance #testing
Successful Test Automation for Software Maintenance (TW, CA), pp. 265–266.
ICSMEICSM-2006-Xie #automation #effectiveness #specification #testing
Improving Effectiveness of Automated Software Testing in the Absence of Specifications (TX), pp. 355–359.
ICSMEICSM-2006-YaoMKB #automation #c #metaprogramming #program transformation #source code
C Macro Handling in Automated Source Code Transformation Systems (BY, WM, SK, RB), pp. 68–69.
MSRMSR-2006-SigonneauR #automation #component #file system #logic #multi #re-engineering
Software engineering applications of logic file system: application to automated multi-criteria indexation of software components (BS, OR), pp. 87–93.
FMFM-2006-BouquetDL #automation #bound #generative #ml #specification #testing
Automated Boundary Test Generation from JML Specifications (FB, FD, BL), pp. 428–443.
SEFMSEFM-2006-MarconiPT #automation #composition #data flow #requirements #specification #web #web service
Specifying Data-Flow Requirements for the Automated Composition of Web Services (AM, MP, PT), pp. 147–156.
SEFMSEFM-2006-Rushby06a #automation #formal method #named #tutorial
Tutorial: Automated Formal Methods with PVS, SAL, and Yices (JMR), p. 262.
CHICHI-2006-EngLTCHV #adaptation #automation #behaviour #generative #performance #predict
Generating automated predictions of behavior strategically adapted to specific performance objectives (KE, RLL, IT, AC, AH, AHV), pp. 621–630.
CHICHI-2006-WestL #automation #empirical #evaluation #usability
Automated summative usability studies: an empirical evaluation (RW, KL), pp. 631–639.
ICEISICEIS-AIDSS-2006-ConstantinouGCCL #assurance #automation #quality
A Semi-Automated Quality Assurance Toolbox for Diagnostic Radiological Imaging (CC, AG, AC, CC, AL), pp. 216–221.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2006-EspirituST #automation #named #semantics #topic #visualisation #wiki
ENWIC: Visualizing Wiki Semantics as Topic Maps — An Automated Topic Discovery and Visualization Tool (CE, ES, TT), pp. 35–42.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2006-OliveiraGSBC #adaptation #automation #framework #learning #multi
A Multi-Agent Based Framework for Supporting Learning in Adaptive Automated Negotiation (RSdO, HG, AS, IIB, EdBC), pp. 153–158.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-SagirogluE #approach #assembly #automation
A Texture Based Matching Approach for Automated Assembly of Puzzles (MSS, AE), pp. 1036–1041.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-GurevichKMSV #analysis #automation
Technology for Automated Morphologic Analysis of Cytological Slides. Methods and Results (IBG, DK, DM, OS, IV), pp. 711–714.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-LiZZB #analysis #approach #automation #multi #segmentation #using
A New Approach to Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Multiscale Analysis (QL, LZ, DZ, PB), pp. 77–80.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ZhaoG06a #automation #energy #estimation #modelling #using
Automated Face Pose Estimation Using Elastic Energy Models (SZ, YG), pp. 618–621.
SEKESEKE-2006-JiangAYCA #automation #implementation #mobile
Automating the Implementation of Mobile Applications and Services (MJ, AA, ZY, RC, JA), pp. 526–531.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-ChaiBZ #assessment #automation #interactive #performance
Automated performance assessment in interactive QA (JYC, TB, CZ), pp. 631–632.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-ShenCST #automation #database #identification #music #performance #scalability #towards
Towards efficient automated singer identification in large music databases (JS, BC, JS, KLT), pp. 59–66.
ECOOPECOOP-2006-DigCMJ #automation #component #detection #evolution #refactoring
Automated Detection of Refactorings in Evolving Components (DD, CC, DM, REJ), pp. 404–428.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2006-Schneider-KampGST #analysis #automation #logic programming #source code #term rewriting #termination
Automated Termination Analysis for Logic Programs by Term Rewriting (PSK, JG, AS, RT), pp. 177–193.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2006-WinwoodKC #automation #monitoring #on the #synthesis
On the Automated Synthesis of Proof-Carrying Temporal Reference Monitors (SW, GK, MMTC), pp. 111–126.
SASSAS-2006-LoginovRS #algorithm #automation #verification
Automated Verification of the Deutsch-Schorr-Waite Tree-Traversal Algorithm (AL, TWR, MS), pp. 261–279.
RERE-2006-LinLCSABBKDZ #automation #distributed #named #tool support #traceability
Poirot: A Distributed Tool Supporting Enterprise-Wide Automated Traceability (JL, CCL, JCH, RS, JA, GB, BB, OBK, CD, XZ), pp. 356–357.
ASEASE-2006-ChalabineKB #aspect-oriented #automation #re-engineering #weaving
Automated Round-trip Software Engineering in Aspect Weaving Systems (MC, CWK, PB), pp. 305–308.
ASEASE-2006-dAmorimPXME #automation #classification #comparison #empirical #generative #object-oriented #testing
An Empirical Comparison of Automated Generation and Classification Techniques for Object-Oriented Unit Testing (Md, CP, TX, DM, MDE), pp. 59–68.
ASEASE-2006-FalbRA #automation #design #interactive #specification #synthesis #user interface #using
Using communicative acts in interaction design specifications for automated synthesis of user interfaces (JF, TR, EA), pp. 261–264.
ASEASE-2006-FalcarinT #aspect-oriented #automation #interactive #reasoning
Automated Reasoning on Aspects Interactions (PF, MT), pp. 313–316.
ASEASE-2006-GrossK #automation #scalability
Automated Information Aggregation for Scaling Scale-Resistant Services (PG, GEK), pp. 15–24.
ASEASE-2006-Jurjens #analysis #automation #java #proving #security #source code #theorem proving #using
Security Analysis of Crypto-based Java Programs using Automated Theorem Provers (JJ), pp. 167–176.
ASEASE-2006-LaurentSW #automation #constraints #functional #generative #specification #testing
A methodology for automated test generation guided by functional coverage constraints at specification level (OL, CS, VW), pp. 285–288.
ASEASE-2006-NeumullerG #automation #case study #lessons learnt #traceability
Automating Software Traceability in Very Small Companies: A Case Study and Lessons Learned (CN, PG), pp. 145–156.
ASEASE-2006-TateishiMOS #automation #verification
Automated Verification Tool for DHTML (TT, HM, KO, SS), pp. 363–364.
ASEASE-2006-WarrenSKW #approach #automation #configuration management #formal method
An Automated Formal Approach to Managing Dynamic Reconfiguration (IW, JS, SK, TW), pp. 37–46.
ASEASE-2006-WinbladhAZR #approach #automation #testing
An Automated Approach for Goal-driven, Specification-based Testing (KW, TAA, HZ, DJR), pp. 289–292.
ICSEICSE-2006-Anvik #automation #debugging
Automating bug report assignment (JA), pp. 937–940.
ICSEICSE-2006-BriandLS #automation #component #contract #testing
Automated, contract-based user testing of commercial-off-the-shelf components (LCB, YL, MMS), pp. 92–101.
ICSEICSE-2006-LiuYR #automation #library #named
LtRules: an automated software library usage rule extraction tool (CL, EY, DJR), pp. 823–826.
ICSEICSE-2006-ZhangGG #automation #fault
Locating faults through automated predicate switching (XZ, NG, RG), pp. 272–281.
SACSAC-2006-AbbottBCVM #automation #forensics #recognition
Automated recognition of event scenarios for digital forensics (JA, JB, AJC, OYdV, GMM), pp. 293–300.
SACSAC-2006-TailbyDMS #automation #classification #email
Email classification for automated service handling (RT, RD, BM, DS), pp. 1073–1077.
SACSAC-2006-TylerHS #automation #contract #generative #monitoring
Automated generation of monitors for pattern contracts (BT, JOH, NS), pp. 1779–1784.
LDTALDTA-2006-CamachoMBV #automation
Automated Derivation of Translators From Annotated Grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 121–137.
CASECASE-2006-ChaoSZJM #analysis #automation #information management #using
Single-cell information extraction and viability analysis using automated microscopy (ShC, TJS, SZ, KAJI, DRM), pp. 33–38.
CASECASE-2006-EurschHSZMK #automation #concept #multi
A Multilevel Automation Concept for the Target-Based Production of Radioisotopes for Cancer Treatment (AE, MH, MS, MFZ, JM, EK), pp. 51–56.
CASECASE-2006-JangC #automation
Introduction to Automated Material Handling Systems in LCD Panel Production Lines (YJJ, GHC), pp. 223–229.
CASECASE-2006-PotsaidWF #adaptation #automation
Automation of Challenging Spatial-Temporal Biomedical Observations with the Adaptive Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM) (BP, JTW, FPF), pp. 39–44.
CASECASE-2006-SaiK #automation #reliability
Highly Reliable and Accurate Level Radar for Automated Legal Custody Transfer and Inventory Management (BS, BK), pp. 346–350.
CASECASE-2006-SchiffG #automation #network #using
Automated Intruder Tracking using Particle Filtering and a Network of Binary Motion Sensors (JS, KG), pp. 580–587.
DACDAC-2006-HwangSC #array #automation #design
Automated design of pin-constrained digital microfluidic arrays for lab-on-a-chip applications* (WLH, FS, KC), pp. 925–930.
DACDAC-2006-JonesHDTSFCM #automation #configuration management #power management
An automated, reconfigurable, low-power RFID tag (AKJ, RRH, SRD, SCT, RS, JF, JTC, MHM), pp. 131–136.
DACDAC-2006-PistolLD #automation #design #self
Design automation for DNA self-assembled nanostructures (CP, ARL, CD), pp. 919–924.
DATEDATE-2006-DimondML #automation #memory management #resource management
Automating processor customisation: optimised memory access and resource sharing (RGD, OM, WL), pp. 206–211.
DATEDATE-2006-MamagkakisAPCSM #automation #embedded #memory management
Automated exploration of pareto-optimal configurations in parameterized dynamic memory allocation for embedded systems (SM, DA, CP, FC, DS, JMM), pp. 874–875.
DATEDATE-2006-SethuramanV #architecture #automation #generative #multi #named #using
optiMap: a tool for automated generation of noc architectures using multi-port routers for FPGAs (BS, RV), pp. 947–952.
DATEDATE-DF-2006-VeredasSP #automation #performance
Automated conversion from a LUT-based FPGA to a LUT-based MPGA with fast turnaround time (FJV, MS, HJP), pp. 36–41.
PPoPPPPoPP-2006-RothM #automation #online #performance #process
On-line automated performance diagnosis on thousands of processes (PCR, BPM), pp. 69–80.
ESOPESOP-2006-JiaW #automation #named #pointer #reasoning #source code
ILC: A Foundation for Automated Reasoning About Pointer Programs (LJ, DW), pp. 131–145.
FASEFASE-2006-DevereuxC #automation #behaviour #modelling
Automated Support for Building Behavioral Models of Event-Driven Systems (BD, MC), pp. 122–138.
FASEFASE-2006-MinK #automation #component
A Technique to Represent and Generate Components in MDA/PIM for Automation (HGM, SDK), pp. 293–307.
FASEFASE-2006-SenA #automation #distributed #source code #testing
Automated Systematic Testing of Open Distributed Programs (KS, GA), pp. 339–356.
TACASTACAS-2006-FontaineMMNT #automation #interactive #proving #smt #towards
Expressiveness + Automation + Soundness: Towards Combining SMT Solvers and Interactive Proof Assistants (PF, JYM, SM, LPN, AFT), pp. 167–181.
AMOSTA-MOST-J-2005-AugustonMS06 #assessment #automation #behaviour #modelling #safety #testing
Environment behavior models for automation of testing and assessment of system safety (MA, JBM, MtS), pp. 971–980.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-GelderS #automation #generative #higher-order #logic #parsing
Extending the TPTP Language to Higher-Order Logic with Automated Parser Generation (AVG, GS), pp. 156–161.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-KoprowskiZ #automation #infinity #order #recursion #term rewriting
Automation of Recursive Path Ordering for Infinite Labelled Rewrite Systems (AK, HZ), pp. 332–346.
IJCARIJCAR-2006-KozenKR #automation #category theory #proving
Automating Proofs in Category Theory (DK, CK, ER), pp. 392–407.
ISSTAISSTA-2006-SevcikovaBSB #approach #automation #probability #statistics #testing
Automated testing of stochastic systems: a statistically grounded approach (HS, AB, DS, WGB), pp. 215–224.
ISSTAISSTA-2006-TkachukR #automation #generative
Application of automated environment generation to commercial software (OT, SPR), pp. 203–214.
RTARTA-2006-GieslSST #analysis #automation #haskell #programming language #term rewriting #termination
Automated Termination Analysis for Haskell: From Term Rewriting to Programming Languages (JG, SS, PSK, RT), pp. 297–312.
WICSAWICSA-2005-Abi-AntounAGSN #architecture #automation #concept #implementation #incremental
Semi-Automated Incremental Synchronization between Conceptual and Implementation Level Architectures (MAA, JA, DG, BRS, NHN), pp. 265–268.
WICSAWICSA-2005-SmithS #analysis #architecture #automation
Extending SPQR to Architectural Analysis by Semi-Automated Training (JMS, PDS), pp. 239–242.
TPDLECDL-2005-GolubA #automation #classification #html #metadata
Importance of HTML Structural Elements and Metadata in Automated Subject Classification (KG, AA), pp. 368–378.
TPDLECDL-2005-KimJC #automation #classification #library #naive bayes #ontology #semantics
Building Semantic Digital Libraries: Automated Ontology Linking by Associative Naïve Bayes Classifier (HK, MGJ, SSC), pp. 500–501.
ICDARICDAR-2005-MandalCDC #automation #identification #segmentation
A Hierarchical Method for Automated Identification and Segmentation of Forms (SM, SPC, AKD, BC), pp. 705–709.
ICDARICDAR-2005-RoyVBPC #automation
A System for Indian Postal Automation (KR, SV, AB, UP, BBC), pp. 1060–1064.
JCDLJCDL-2005-ChauQZTC #automation #development #named
SpidersRUs: automated development of vertical search engines in different domains and languages (MC, JQ, YZ, CT, HC), pp. 110–111.
JCDLJCDL-2005-FuKM #automation #classification #framework #multi #using
Automated text classification using a multi-agent framework (YF, WK, JM), pp. 157–158.
JCDLJCDL-2005-KrowneH #automation #evaluation #library
An initial evaluation of automated organization for digital library browsing (AK, MH), pp. 246–255.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-ChaudhuriW #automation #database
Foundations of automated database tuning (SC, GW), pp. 964–965.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-HaasKLMPRZ #automation #statistics
Automated statistics collection in action (PJH, MK, AL, VM, IP, VR, DCZ), pp. 933–935.
ICSMEICSM-2005-BinkleyCHRT #aspect-oriented #automation #object-oriented #refactoring
Automated Refactoring of Object Oriented Code into Aspects (DB, MC, MH, FR, PT), pp. 27–36.
ICSMEICSM-2005-ZhangZ #configuration management #evolution #maintenance #self #using
Using Self-Reconfigurable Workplaces to Automate the Maintenance of Evolving Business Applications (QZ, YZ), pp. 219–229.
MSRMSR-2005-SpaccoSHP #automation #mining #programming #repository #testing
Software repository mining with Marmoset: an automated programming project snapshot and testing system (JS, JS, DH, WP), pp. 46–50.
WCREWCRE-2005-ChristlKS #automation #clustering
Equipping the Reflexion Method with Automated Clustering (AC, RK, MADS), pp. 89–98.
IFMIFM-2005-GrunskeLYW #analysis #automation #behaviour #design #specification
An Automated Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Based on High-Level Design Specification with Behavior Trees (LG, PAL, NY, KW), pp. 129–149.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-BenavidesTC #automation #feature model #modelling #reasoning
Automated Reasoning on Feature Models (DB, PTMA, ARC), pp. 491–503.
CAiSECAiSE-2005-NetoRP #automation #information management #testing
A Method for Information Systems Testing Automation (PdAdSN, RFR, CIPdSeP), pp. 504–518.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2005-KochGS #automation #industrial
Automating the Configuration of It Asset Management in Industrial Automation Systems (TEK, EG, PS), pp. 306–311.
CIKMCIKM-2005-SinghKVSC #automation
Automated cleansing for spend analytics (MS, JK, SV, AJS, SKC), pp. 437–445.
KDDKDD-2005-LiRGMAEGATJ #automation #detection
Automated detection of frontal systems from numerical model-generated data (XL, RR, SJG, SM, BA, DE, SG, RA, JT, JCJ), pp. 782–787.
SEKESEKE-2005-FuDH #architecture #automation #design
A Methodology of Automated Realization of a Software Architecture Design (YF, ZD, XH), pp. 412–417.
SEKESEKE-2005-JuricWM #automation #case study #component #experience #generative #off the shelf
Experiences of Generating COTS Components when Automating Medicinal Product Evaluations (RJ, SW, PM), pp. 653–656.
SEKESEKE-2005-NetoRP #automation #developer #perspective #testing
System Testing Automation: A Developer Perspective (PdAdSN, RFR, CIPdSeP), pp. 380–385.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-SharmaJ #automation #evaluation #feedback #performance
Automated evaluation of search engine performance via implicit user feedback (HS, BJJ), pp. 649–650.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-TeevanDH #analysis #automation #personalisation #process
Personalizing search via automated analysis of interests and activities (JT, STD, EH), pp. 449–456.
MODELSMoDELS-2005-ChengSB #analysis #automation #industrial #lessons learnt #modelling #uml
Lessons Learned from Automated Analysis of Industrial UML Class Models (BHCC, RS, BB), pp. 324–338.
MODELSMoDELS-2005-StirewaltR #automation #compilation #invariant #maintenance #ocl
Automated Invariant Maintenance Via OCL Compilation (KS, SR), pp. 616–632.
SPLCSPLC-2005-TolvanenK #case study #domain-specific language #experience #modelling
Defining Domain-Specific Modeling Languages to Automate Product Derivation: Collected Experiences (JPT, SK), pp. 198–209.
MODELSMoDELS-2005-ChengSB #analysis #automation #industrial #lessons learnt #modelling #uml
Lessons Learned from Automated Analysis of Industrial UML Class Models (BHCC, RS, BB), pp. 324–338.
MODELSMoDELS-2005-StirewaltR #automation #compilation #invariant #maintenance #ocl
Automated Invariant Maintenance Via OCL Compilation (KS, SR), pp. 616–632.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2005-HauswirthDSM #automation #profiling
Automating vertical profiling (MH, AD, PFS, MCM), pp. 281–296.
PLDIPLDI-2005-GodefroidKS #automation #named #random testing #testing
DART: directed automated random testing (PG, NK, KS), pp. 213–223.
POPLPOPL-2005-LernerMRC #analysis #automation #data flow #proving
Automated soundness proofs for dataflow analyses and transformations via local rules (SL, TDM, ER, CC), pp. 364–377.
ASEASE-2005-DiaconescuM #automation #component #enterprise #performance #using
Automating the performance management of component-based enterprise systems through the use of redundancy (AD, JM), pp. 44–53.
ASEASE-2005-EgyedBHG #automation #traceability #trade-off
Determining the cost-quality trade-off for automated software traceability (AE, SB, MH, PG), pp. 360–363.
ASEASE-2005-FalbPRJAK #automation #specification #synthesis #user interface #using
Using communicative acts in high-level specifications of user interfaces for their automated synthesis (JF, RP, TR, HJ, EA, HK), pp. 429–430.
ASEASE-2005-HeartyFNC #assessment #automation #modelling #risk management
Automated population of causal models for improved software risk assessment (PH, NEF, MN, PC), pp. 433–434.
ASEASE-2005-HoffmanY #automation #framework #named #testing
Blowtorch: a framework for firewall test automation (DH, KY), pp. 96–103.
ASEASE-2005-SampaioCR #aspect-oriented #automation #identification #named #requirements
EA-Miner: a tool for automating aspect-oriented requirements identification (AS, RC, PR), pp. 352–355.
ASEASE-2005-SprenkleGSP #automation #detection #web
Automated replay and failure detection for web applications (SS, EG, SS, LLP), pp. 253–262.
ASEASE-2005-WangR #automation #fault #generative #locality
Automated path generation for software fault localization (TW, AR), pp. 347–351.
ASEASE-2005-WangRCW #automation #distributed
Automating experimentation on distributed testbeds (YW, MJR, AC, ALW), pp. 164–173.
ASEASE-2005-WuG #automation #domain-specific language #generative #testing #tool support
Automated generation of testing tools for domain-specific languages (HW, JG), pp. 436–439.
ASEASE-2005-XiaVM #automation #generative #testing
Automated test generation for engineering applications (SX, BDV, CAM), pp. 283–286.
GTTSEGTTSE-2005-BenavidesSMC #analysis #automation #csp #feature model #java #modelling #using
Using Java CSP Solvers in the Automated Analyses of Feature Models (DB, SS, PTMA, ARC), pp. 399–408.
ICSEICSE-2005-BeekMLGFS #automation #case study #protocol #verification
A case study on the automated verification of groupware protocols (MHtB, MM, DL, SG, AF, MS), pp. 596–603.
ICSEICSE-2005-BernerWK #automation #lessons learnt #testing
Observations and lessons learned from automated testing (SB, RW, RKK), pp. 571–579.
ICSEICSE-2005-LavazzaB #automation #execution #metric
Automated support for process-aware definition and execution of measurement plans (LL, GB), pp. 234–243.
ICSEICSE-2005-PretschnerPWKBSZS #automation #evaluation #modelling #testing
One evaluation of model-based testing and its automation (AP, WP, SW, CK, MB, BS, RZ, TS), pp. 392–401.
SACSAC-2005-DoxseeG #automation #c++ #specification #synthesis
Synthesis of C++ software for automated teller from CSPm specifications (SD, WBG), pp. 1565–1566.
SACSAC-2005-FlanaginGRAS #automation #generative #overview #using
Automated terrain generation using LIDAR and waterbody survey data (MF, AG, JJR, MA, KS), pp. 1185–1189.
SACSAC-2005-RekhisB #automation #forensics #verification
A formal logic-based language and an automated verification tool for computer forensic investigation (SR, NB), pp. 287–291.
SACSAC-2005-RobinsonRHD #automation #database
User-defined view automation of genomic databases (AJR, JWR, SH, TSD), pp. 671–675.
SACSAC-2005-VarmaAPT #automation #migration
NextGen eXtreme porting: structured by automation (PV, AA, DPP, BT), pp. 1511–1517.
CASECASE-2005-Hwang #approach #automation #behaviour #configuration management #finite #generative
Generating finite-state global behavior of reconfigurable automation systems: DEVS approach (MHH), pp. 254–260.
CASECASE-2005-KoschwanezHCMGM #analysis #automation
Automated lifetime analysis of a single yeast cell (JK, MH, RHC, MM, DG, DRM), pp. 13–18.
CASECASE-2005-NajmabadiGE #automation #scalability
A scalable robotic-based laboratory automation system for medium-sized biotechnology laboratories (PN, AAG, AE), pp. 166–171.
CASECASE-2005-PeddiZCC #automation #effectiveness #performance
Efficient and effective path for automated dispensing of bio-precipitant solutions (AP, YFZ, VC, MC), pp. 61–66.
CASECASE-2005-SongHQG #automation #documentation #using
Automating inspection and documentation of remote building construction using a robotic camera (DS, QH, NQ, KG), pp. 172–177.
DACDAC-2005-DongR #automation #megamodelling #performance
Automated nonlinear Macromodelling of output buffers for high-speed digital applications (ND, JSR), pp. 51–56.
DACDAC-2005-PasrichaDBB #architecture #automation #communication #synthesis
Floorplan-aware automated synthesis of bus-based communication architectures (SP, NDD, EB, MBR), pp. 565–570.
DATEDATE-2005-GadkariR #automation #monitoring #specification #synthesis #using #visual notation
Automated Synthesis of Assertion Monitors using Visual Specifications (AAG, SR), pp. 390–395.
DATEDATE-2005-YangVTV #automation #debugging #design #fault #modelling #power management
Extraction Error Modeling and Automated Model Debugging in High-Performance Low Power Custom Designs (YSY, AGV, PJT, SV), pp. 996–1001.
HPDCHPDC-2005-TsugawaMZSLFF #automation #deployment #network
In-VIGO virtual networks and virtual application services: automated grid-enabling and deployment of applications (MOT, AMM, LZ, VS, HL, RJOF, JABF), pp. 312–313.
PPoPPPPoPP-2005-SasturkarAWS #analysis #automation #type system
Automated type-based analysis of data races and atomicity (AS, RA, LW, SDS), pp. 83–94.
ESOPESOP-2005-CortierW #automation #protocol #proving #security
Computationally Sound, Automated Proofs for Security Protocols (VC, BW), pp. 157–171.
FASEFASE-2005-ChangHK #clustering #component #identification
A Tool to Automate Component Clustering and Identification (SHC, MJH, SDK), pp. 141–144.
FASEFASE-2005-FuriaRMM #automation #composition #proving #realtime
Automated Compositional Proofs for Real-Time Systems (CAF, MR, DM, AM), pp. 326–340.
AMOSTA-MOST-2005-AugustonMS #automation #behaviour #generative #modelling #testing
Environment behavior models for scenario generation and testing automation (MA, JBM, MtS), pp. 58–63.
AMOSTA-MOST-2005-BouquetJLPU #automation #generative #requirements #smarttech #testing #traceability #validation
Requirements traceability in automated test generation: application to smart card software validation (FB, EJ, BL, FP, MU), pp. 44–50.
AMOSTA-MOST-2005-Sayre #automation #c++ #modelling #testing
Usage model-based automated testing of C++ templates (KS), pp. 13–17.
CAVCAV-2005-ArmandoBBCCCDHKMMORSTVV #automation #internet #protocol #security #validation
The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AA, DAB, YB, YC, LC, JC, PHD, PCH, OK, JM, SM, DvO, MR, JS, MT, LV, LV), pp. 281–285.
CAVCAV-2005-ChakiCST #automation #consistency #reasoning #simulation
Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for Simulation Conformance (SC, EMC, NS, PT), pp. 534–547.
FATESFATES-2005-ZelenovZ #automation #generative #parsing #testing
Automated Generation of Positive and Negative Tests for Parsers (SVZ, SAZ), pp. 187–202.
LICSLICS-2005-BlanchetAF #automation #protocol #security #verification
Automated Verification of Selected Equivalences for Security Protocols (BB, MA, CF), pp. 331–340.
ICSTSAT-2005-Kulikov #automation #generative #satisfiability
Automated Generation of Simplification Rules for SAT and MAXSAT (ASK), pp. 430–436.
DocEngDocEng-2004-HarringtonNJRT #automation #documentation #layout #metric
Aesthetic measures for automated document layout (SJH, JFN, RPJ, PGR, NT), pp. 109–111.
DocEngDocEng-2004-SimskeB #automation #workflow
Digital capture for automated scanner workflows (SJS, SCB), pp. 171–177.
TPDLECDL-2004-FrankeG #automation #documentation #random #scalability #set #strict
Automated Indexing with Restricted Random Walks on Large Document Sets (MF, AGS), pp. 232–243.
JCDLJCDL-2004-HunterC #automation #semantics #web #web service
A semi-automated digital preservation system based on semantic web services (JH, SC), pp. 269–278.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-AgrawalNY #automation #clustering #database #design #physics
Integrating Vertical and Horizontal Partitioning Into Automated Physical Database Design (SA, VRN, BY), pp. 359–370.
VLDBVLDB-2004-AboulnagaHLLMPR #automation #statistics
Automated Statistics Collection in DB2 UDB (AA, PJH, SL, GML, VM, IP, VR), pp. 1146–1157.
VLDBVLDB-2004-LightstoneB #automation #clustering #database #design #multi #relational
Automating the design of multi-dimensional clustering tables in relational databases (SL, BB), pp. 1170–1181.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2004-BlumensteinGNM #analysis #automation #game studies
An experimental analysis of GAME: a generic automated marking environment (MB, SG, AN, VM), pp. 67–71.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2004-English #assessment #automation #source code #user interface #using
Automated assessment of GUI programs using JEWL (JE), pp. 137–141.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2004-PazL #automation #concept #functional #programming
Emergence of automated assignment conceptions in a functional programming course (TP, TL), pp. 181–185.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2004-Tanaka-IshiiKT #feedback #named #programming #verification
EMMA: a web-based report system for programming course--automated verification and enhanced feedback (KTI, KK, MT), p. 278.
CSMRCSMR-2004-Martin #automation #generative #program transformation #source code
Automated Source Code Transformations on Fourth Generation Languages (JM), pp. 214–222.
CSMRCSMR-2004-TrifuSG #automation #design #object-oriented
Automated Design Flaw Correction in Object-Oriented Systems (AT, OS, TG), pp. 174–183.
ICSMEICSM-2004-SampathMSP #framework #testing
Composing a Framework to Automate Testing of Operational Web-Based Software (SS, VM, ALS, LLP), pp. 104–113.
IFMIFM-2004-EllisI #automation #integration #program analysis #proving #theorem proving
An Integration of Program Analysis and Automated Theorem Proving (BJE, AI), pp. 67–86.
SEFMSEFM-2004-Struth #automation #reasoning #set
Automated Element-Wise Reasoning with Sets (GS), pp. 320–329.
EDOCEDOC-2004-ZhaoBBROA #automation #code generation #component #distributed #integration
Automated Glue/Wrapper Code Generation in Integration of Distributed and Heterogeneous Software Components (WZ, BRB, CCB, RRR, AMO, MA), pp. 275–285.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2004-PaparoZL #automation #generative #process
Proposal for Automating the Generation Process of Questionnaires to Measure the Satisfaction Level of Software Users (MP, SZ, MIL), pp. 113–118.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2004-BaykalAP #automation #reasoning #recommendation
Automated Product Recommendation by Employing Case-Based Reasoning Agents (MÖB, RA, FP), pp. 515–518.
ICEISICEIS-v3-2004-KazakovA #approach #automation #integration #logic
Semi-Automated Software Integration: An Approach Based on Logical Inference (MK, HA), pp. 527–530.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2004-PokraevZBE #automation #semantics
Semantic Support for Automated Negotiation with Alliances (SP, ZZ, RB, PvE), pp. 244–249.
CIKMCIKM-2004-ClarkF #automation #generative
Intelligent agent for automated manufacturing rule generation (AC, DF), pp. 495–500.
ICMLICML-2004-SuD #automation #component #probability
Automated hierarchical mixtures of probabilistic principal component analyzers (TS, JGD).
ICPRICPR-v2-2004-SarkarB #automation
Decoder Banks: Versatility, Automation, and High Accuracy without Supervised Training (PS, HSB), pp. 646–649.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-IsgumGP #approach #automation #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
A Pattern Recognition Approach to Automated Coronary Calcium Scoring (II, BvG, MP), pp. 746–749.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-SakoM #automation #towards
Image-Recognition Technologies towards Advanced Automated Teller Machines (HS, TM), pp. 282–285.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-EveringhamZ #automation #identification #visual notation
Automated Visual Identification of Characters in Situation Comedies (ME, AZ), pp. 983–986.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-KamTEYW #automation #behaviour #recognition
Automated Recognition of Highly Complex Human Behavior (AHK, KAT, HLE, WYY, JW), pp. 327–330.
ICPRICPR-v4-2004-LeeNG #automation #detection
Automated Detection of Solar Loops by the Oriented Connectivity Method (JKL, TSN, GAG), pp. 315–318.
KDDKDD-2004-KalagnanamSVPW #automation
A system for automated mapping of bill-of-materials part numbers (JK, MS, SV, MP, YWW), pp. 805–810.
KRKR-2004-CadoliM #automation #constraints #specification
Automated Reformulation of Specifications by Safe Delay of Constraints (MC, TM), pp. 388–398.
SEKESEKE-2004-Chan #automation #information management #pipes and filters
Automated Support for Knowledge Engineering for A Natural Gas Pipeline Domain (CWC), pp. 86–91.
SEKESEKE-2004-RayKDS #assessment #automation #risk management
Automated Risk Assessment for Managing Software Projects (BKR, TK, RD, PS), pp. 372–377.
SEKESEKE-2004-RazBSKF #automation #elicitation
Automated Assistance for Eliciting User Expectations (OR, RBB, MS, PK, CF), pp. 80–85.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-ZhangV #automation #information retrieval #using #web
Using the web for automated translation extraction in cross-language information retrieval (YZ, PV), pp. 162–169.
UMLUML-2004-JurjensS #automation #modelling #requirements #security #verification
Automated Verification of UMLsec Models for Security Requirements (JJ, PS), pp. 365–379.
LOPSTRPDCL-2004-RoychoudhuryR #automation #concurrent #verification
Unfold/Fold Transformations for Automated Verification of Parameterized Concurrent Systems (AR, CRR), pp. 261–290.
ASEASE-2004-Arshad #automation #configuration management #using
Automated Dynamic Reconfiguration using AI Planning (NA), pp. 402–405.
ASEASE-2004-BossungSGAH #automation #heuristic #interactive #specification
Automated Data Mapping Specification via Schema Heuristics and User Interaction (SB, HS, JCG, RA, JGH), pp. 208–217.
ASEASE-2004-CompareDMI #automation #design #experience #industrial #performance #validation
Automated Performance Validation of Software Design: An Industrial Experience (DC, AD, ADM, PI), pp. 298–301.
ASEASE-2004-FleureyTB #approach #automation #testing
From Testing to Diagnosis: An Automated Approach (FF, YLT, BB), pp. 306–309.
ASEASE-2004-Haydar #analysis #automation #framework #verification
Formal Framework for Automated Analysis and Verification of Web-Based Applications (MH), pp. 410–413.
ASEASE-2004-KonradCC #analysis #automation #diagrams #uml
Automated Analysis of Timing Information in UML Diagrams (SK, LAC, BHCC), pp. 350–353.
ASEASE-2004-LeowKLS #automation #generative #heuristic #reachability #source code #testing
Heuristic Search with Reachability Tests for Automated Generation of Test Programs (WKL, SCK, THL, VS), pp. 282–285.
ASEASE-2004-MemonX #automation #fault #persistent #testing #using
Using Transient/Persistent Errors to Develop Automated Test Oracles for Event-Driven Software (AMM, QX), pp. 186–195.
ASEASE-2004-PerssonY #automation #case study #experience #industrial #testing
Establishment of Automated Regression Testing at ABB: Industrial Experience Report on “Avoiding the Pitfalls” (CP, NY), pp. 112–121.
ASEASE-2004-RichardsonG #automation #traceability
Automating Traceability for Generated Software Artifacts (JR, JG), pp. 24–33.
ASEASE-2004-ZenmyoKS #automation #framework
Automated Support for Framework Selection and Customization (TZ, TK, MS), pp. 68–77.
FSEFSE-2004-DingelL #analysis #automation #concurrent #safety #source code #txl #using
Automating comprehensive safety analysis of concurrent programs using verisoft and TXL (JD, HL), pp. 13–22.
ICSEICSE-2004-LeowKS #automation #generative #source code #specification #testing
Automated Generation of Test Programs from Closed Specifications of Classes and Test Cases (WKL, SCK, YS), pp. 96–105.
ICSEICSE-2004-SinhaOH #automation #control flow #development #maintenance #testing
Automated Support for Development, Maintenance, and Testing in the Presence of Implicit Control Flow (SS, AO, MJH), pp. 336–345.
SACSAC-2004-CavalliM #automation #generative
Automated test scenarios generation for an e-barter system (ARC, SM), pp. 795–799.
DACDAC-2004-MuttrejaRRJ #automation #embedded #energy #megamodelling #performance
Automated energy/performance macromodeling of embedded software (AM, AR, SR, NKJ), pp. 99–102.
DACDAC-2004-ShenoyKC #automation #design #programmable
Design automation for mask programmable fabrics (NVS, JK, RC), pp. 192–197.
DACDAC-2004-ShiB #automation #communication #data type #fixpoint #optimisation
Automated fixed-point data-type optimization tool for signal processing and communication systems (CS, RWB), pp. 478–483.
DACDAC-2004-VanderhaegenB #automation #design #geometry #programming #using
Automated design of operational transconductance amplifiers using reversed geometric programming (JPV, RWB), pp. 133–138.
DATEDATE-DF-2004-Tissafi-DrissiOG #automation #design #framework #multi #named #performance
RUNE: Platform for Automated Design of Integrated Multi-Domain Systems. Application to High-Speed CMOS Photoreceiver Front-Ends (FTD, IO, FG), pp. 16–21.
DATEDATE-v2-2004-WangMR #automation #megamodelling #predict
Automated, Accurate Macromodelling of Digital Aggressors for Power/Ground/Substrate Noise Prediction (ZW, RM, JSR), pp. 824–829.
HPDCHPDC-2004-ChungH #automation #clustering #performance #web #web service
Automated Cluster-Based Web Service Performance Tuning (IHC, JKH), pp. 36–44.
OSDIOSDI-2004-CohenCGKS #automation #correlation
Correlating Instrumentation Data to System States: A Building Block for Automated Diagnosis and Control (IC, JSC, MG, TK, JS), pp. 231–244.
OSDIOSDI-2004-SinghEVS #automation
Automated Worm Fingerprinting (SS, CE, GV, SS), pp. 45–60.
FASEFASE-2004-HeG #automation #debugging #using
Automated Debugging Using Path-Based Weakest Preconditions (HH, NG), pp. 267–280.
FASEFASE-2004-SoraCVB #automation #component #composition #requirements
Automating Decisions in Component Composition Based on Propagation of Requirements (IS, VC, PV, YB), pp. 374–388.
TACASTACAS-2004-Schmidt #automation #generative
Automated Generation of a Progress Measure for the Sweep-Line Method (KS0), pp. 192–204.
CSLCSL-2004-Ciabattoni #automation #calculus #generative #logic
Automated Generation of Analytic Calculi for Logics with Linearity (AC), pp. 503–517.
IJCARIJCAR-2004-DenneyFS #automation #proving #theorem proving #using
Using Automated Theorem Provers to Certify Auto-generated Aerospace Software (ED, BF, JS), pp. 198–212.
RTARTA-2004-GieslTSF #automation #proving #termination
Automated Termination Proofs with AProVE (JG, RT, PSK, SF), pp. 210–220.
DocEngDocEng-2003-Leinonen #automation #documentation #xml
Automating XML document structure transformations (PL), pp. 26–28.
DRRDRR-2003-KimLT #automation #online
Automated labeling of bibliographic data extracted from biomedical online journals (JK, DXL, GRT), pp. 47–56.
ICDARICDAR-2003-ChowdhuryMDC #automation #documentation #image #segmentation
Automated Segmentation of Math-Zones from Document Images (SPC, SM, AKD, BC), pp. 755–759.
ICDARICDAR-2003-MandalCDC #automation #detection #documentation #image #segmentation
Automated Detection and Segmentation of Table of Contents Page from Document Images (SM, SPC, AKD, BC), pp. 398–402.
ICDARICDAR-2003-NitzCASM #automation
An Image-based Mail Facing and Orientation System for Enhanced Postal Automation (KN, WTC, HBA, TS, GKM), pp. 694–698.
JCDLJCDL-2003-PomerantzL #automation #taxonomy
Taxonomies for Automated Question Triage in Digital Reference (JP, RDL), pp. 119–121.
JCDLJCDL-2003-SooLLCC #automation #learning #ontology #retrieval #semantics
Automated Semantic Annotation and Retrieval Based on Sharable Ontology and Case-Based Learning Techniques (VWS, CYL, CCL, SLC, CcC), p. 61–?.
CSMRCSMR-2003-Mossienko #automation #cobol #java
Automated Cobol to Java Recycling (MM), p. 40–?.
ICSMEICSM-2003-Baxter #architecture #automation #re-engineering #tool support
Massively Reengineering Architectures With Automated Tools (IDB), p. 463.
ICSMEICSM-2003-TourweM #automation #evolution
Automated Support for Framework-Based Software Evolution (TT, TM), p. 148–?.
IWPCIWPC-2003-Cordy03a #automation #industrial #maintenance
Comprehending Reality — Practical Barriers to Industrial Adoption of Software Maintenance Automation (JRC), pp. 196–206.
CHICHI-2003-ChiRSWRCRDCC #automation #usability #using #web
The bloodhound project: automating discovery of web usability issues using the InfoScent simulator (EHhC, AR, GS, AW, CR, CC, ER, BD, JC, SBC), pp. 505–512.
EDOCEDOC-2003-GarciaGS #architecture #automation #industrial
A Software Architecture for Industrial Automation (RGG, EG, AS), pp. 315–320.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-BottcherG #automation #enterprise #integration
Automated Data Mapping for Cross Enterprise Data Integration (SB, SG), pp. 197–206.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2003-ViinikkalaK #automation #design #xml
Integrating Automation Design Information with XML (MV, SK), pp. 582–585.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2003-ZhengE #automation #documentation #summary #using #web
Using Specialized Knowledge in Automated Web Document Summarization (ZZ, GE), pp. 579–582.
CIKMCIKM-2003-KhoussainovK #automation #distributed #web
Automated index management for distributed web search (RK, NK), pp. 386–393.
KDDKDD-2003-LastFK #approach #automation #data mining #mining #testing
The data mining approach to automated software testing (ML, MF, AK), pp. 388–396.
SEKESEKE-2003-MondragonGK #automation #specification
Automated Support for Property Specification Based on Patterns (OM, AQG, FK), pp. 174–181.
SEKESEKE-2003-WangBY03a #automation #design
Automated Software Design of Process-Control Systems (DW, FBB, ILY), pp. 467–474.
UMLUML-2003-BriandCL #automation #testing #towards #uml
Towards Automated Support for Deriving Test Data from UML Statecharts (LCB, JC, YL), pp. 249–264.
UMLUML-2003-GorpSMD #automation #refactoring #towards #uml
Towards Automating Source-Consistent UML Refactorings (PVG, HS, TM, SD), pp. 144–158.
ECOOPECOOP-2003-MitchellS #automation #java #lightweight #memory management #named #scalability
LeakBot: An Automated and Lightweight Tool for Diagnosing Memory Leaks in Large Java Applications (NM, GS), pp. 351–377.
RERE-2003-Berenbach03a #automation #modelling #requirements #uml
The Automated Extraction of Requirements from UML Models (BB), p. 287.
ASEASE-2003-DiazTB #automation #metaheuristic #testing #using
Automated Software Testing Using a Metaheuristic Technique Based on Tabu Search (ED, JT, RB), pp. 310–313.
ASEASE-2003-EllisI #automation #exception #proving
Automation for Exception Freedom Proofs (BJE, AI), pp. 343–346.
ASEASE-2003-MorelA #adaptation #automation #component #reuse
Automating Component Adaptation for Reuse (BM, PA), pp. 142–151.
ASEASE-2003-NebutPTJ #automation #generative #product line #testing
Automated Requirements-based Generation of Test Cases for Product Families (CN, SP, YLT, JMJ), pp. 263–266.
ASEASE-2003-SearleGA #automation #debugging
Automating Relative Debugging (AS, JG, DA), pp. 356–359.
ASEASE-2003-SmithS #automation #design pattern #flexibility #named #source code
SPQR: Flexible Automated Design Pattern Extraction From Source Code (JMS, PDS), pp. 215–224.
ASEASE-2003-TkachukDP #automation #generative #model checking
Automated Environment Generation for Software Model Checking (OT, MBD, CSP), pp. 116–129.
ICSEICSE-2003-PodgurskiLFMMSW #automation
Automated Support for Classifying Software Failure Reports (AP, DL, PF, WM, MM, JS, BW), pp. 465–477.
SACSAC-2003-DeboleS #automation #categorisation
Supervised Term Weighting for Automated Text Categorization (FD, FS), pp. 784–788.
SACSAC-2003-GiorgettiS #automation #categorisation #multi #overview
Multiclass Text Categorization for Automated Survey Coding (DG, FS), pp. 798–802.
LDTALDTA-2003-KalinovKPPS #automation #compilation #generative #testing
Coverage-driven Automated Compiler Test Suite Generation (AK, AK, AKP, MP, VS), pp. 500–514.
DACDAC-2003-AmdeBS #automation #design
Automating the design of an asynchronous DLX microprocessor (MA, IB, CPS), pp. 502–507.
DACDAC-2003-QinM #automation #performance #synthesis
Automated synthesis of efficient binary decoders for retargetable software toolkits (WQ, SM), pp. 764–769.
DATEDATE-2003-BesanaB #automation #case study #code generation #design #framework #hardware #platform
Application Mapping to a Hardware Platform through Automated Code Generation Targeting a RTOS: A Design Case Study (MB, MB), pp. 20041–20044.
DATEDATE-2003-RyuM #automation #design #generative #multi
Automated Bus Generation for Multiprocessor SoC Design (KKR, VJM), pp. 10282–10289.
PPoPPPPoPP-2003-BronevetskyMPS #automation #source code
Automated application-level checkpointing of MPI programs (GB, DM, KP, PS), pp. 84–94.
TACASTACAS-2003-Tripakis #automation #composition
Automated Module Composition (ST), pp. 347–362.
CADECADE-2003-HirokawaM #automation #dependence
Automating the Dependency Pair Method (NH, AM), pp. 32–46.
FATESFATES-2003-XuY #automation #framework #ml #named #novel #testing
JMLAutoTest: A Novel Automated Testing Framework Based on JML and JUnit (G(X, ZY), pp. 70–85.
RTARTA-2003-BournezCCKI #approach #automation #generative #rule-based
A Rule-Based Approach for Automated Generation of Kinetic Chemical Mechanisms (OB, GMC, VC, HK, LI), pp. 30–45.
ICTSSTestCom-2003-DibuzK #automation #framework
Framework and Model for Automated Interoperability Test and Its Application to ROHC (SD, PK), pp. 243–257.
CBSECBSE-2003-CervantesH #automation #component #dependence
Automating Service Dependency Management in a Service-Oriented Component Model (HC, RSH), p. 16.
CBSECBSE-2003-ZhaoBGBROA #automation #framework #generative #modelling
A Generative and Model Driven Framework for Automated Software Product Generation (WZ, BRB, JGG, CCB, RRR, AMO, MA), p. 18.
DocEngDocEng-2002-KuikkaLP #automation #documentation #towards
Towards automating of document structure transformations (EK, PL, MP), pp. 103–110.
TPDLECDL-2002-JonesE #automation
Automated Alignment and Annotation of Audio-Visual Presentations (GJFJ, RJE), pp. 276–291.
TPDLECDL-2002-MuhlbergerS #automation
The Metae Project — Automated Digitisation of Books and Journals (GM, BS), p. 660.
HTHT-2002-StottsS #automation #video
Semi-automated Hyperlink markup for archived video (PDS, JMS), pp. 105–106.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2002-RaoZML #automation #database #design #parallel #physics
Automating physical database design in a parallel database (JR, CZ, NM, GML), pp. 558–569.
VLDBVLDB-2002-AggarwalY #automation #personalisation #web
An Automated System for Web Portal Personalization (CCA, PSY), pp. 1031–1040.
VLDBVLDB-2002-Sarawagi #automation #information management #integration
Automation in Information Extraction and Data Integration (SS).
ICSMEICSM-2002-BriandLS #automation #design #impact analysis #testing #uml
Automating Impact Analysis and Regression Test Selection Based on UML Designs (LCB, YL, GS), pp. 252–261.
ICSMEICSM-2002-Interesse #automation #component #maintenance #scalability #testing
Test Manager: The Test Automation Component for the Maintenance of Large-Scale Systems (MI), p. 284.
CIAACIAA-2002-BartzisB #automation #constraints #verification
Automata-Based Representations for Arithmetic Constraints in Automated Verification (CB, TB), pp. 282–288.
FMFME-2002-LegeardPU #automation #bound #testing
Automated Boundary Testing from Z and B (BL, FP, MU), pp. 21–40.
IFLIFL-2002-KoopmanATP #automation #named #testing
Gast: Generic Automated Software Testing (PWMK, AA, JT, MJP), pp. 84–100.
CHICHI-2002-JohnVMFR #automation
Automating CPM-GOMS (BEJ, AHV, MM, MF, RWR), pp. 147–154.
EDOCEDOC-2002-Kutvonen #automation
Automated Management of Inter-Organisational Applications (LK), pp. 27–38.
EDOCEDOC-2002-PiccinelliEZS #automation #framework #interface #process #web #web service
Web Service Interfaces for Inter-Organisational Business Processes: An Infrastructure for Automated Reconciliation (GP, WE, CZ, KS), pp. 285–292.
ICEISICEIS-2002-CortesCD #approach #automation #web
An Automated Approach to Quality-Aware Web Applications (ARC, RC, AD), pp. 995–1000.
ICEISICEIS-2002-NikolaidouA #automation #process
Introducing Business Process Automation in Dynamic Banking Activities (MN, DA), pp. 776–781.
ICEISICEIS-2002-Oliver #automation
A Training Environment for Automated Sales Agents to Learn Negotiation Strategies (JRO), pp. 410–417.
ICEISICEIS-2002-PelechanoACP #automation #code generation #concept #object-oriented
Automating the Code Generation of Role Classes in OO Conceptual Schemas (VP, MA, EC, OP), pp. 658–666.
CIKMCIKM-2002-ChakrabartiF #automation #named #scalability #using
F4: large-scale automated forecasting using fractals (DC, CF), pp. 2–9.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-KampelS #automation #classification #segmentation
Automated Segmentation of Archaeological Profiles or Classification (MK, RS), pp. 57–60.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-PangWZZ #automation #image #on the #segmentation
On Automated Tongue Image Segmentation in Chinese Medicine (BP, KW, DZ, FZ), pp. 616–619.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-ArseneauC #automation #robust
Automated Feature Registration for Robust Tracking Methods (SA, JRC), pp. 1078–1081.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-KitasakaMHT #3d #automation #image #modelling #using
A Method for Automated Extraction of Aorta and Pulmonary Artery in the Mediastinum Using Medial Line Models from 3D Chest X-ray CT Images without Contrast Materials (TK, KM, JiH, JiT), p. 273–?.
SEKESEKE-2002-Albalooshi #automation #consistency #database #representation
A database representation that improves automation and maintains consistency in a mulitple view environment (FA), pp. 281–288.
SEKESEKE-2002-ReisRSN #process
A policy-based resource instantiation mechanism to automate software process management (CALR, RQR, HS, DJN), pp. 795–802.
UMLUML-2002-Whittle #automation #modelling #uml
Transformations and Software Modeling Languages: Automating Transformations in UML (JW), pp. 227–242.
PPDPPPDP-2002-BozzanoD #automation #linear #logic #protocol #verification
Automated protocol verification in linear logic (MB, GD), pp. 38–49.
SASSAS-2002-Yavuz-KahveciB #automation #concurrent #verification
Automated Verification of Concurrent Linked Lists with Counters (TYK, TB), pp. 69–84.
RERE-2002-Cleland-HuangCSJHX #automation #query #requirements #traceability
Automating Speculative Queries through Event-Based Requirements Traceability (JCH, CKC, GS, KJ, HH, JX), pp. 289–298.
RERE-2002-WooR #approach #automation #lightweight #relational #reuse #specification #using
Reuse of Scenario Specifications Using an Automated Relational Learner: A Lightweight Approach (HGW, WNR), pp. 173–180.
ASEASE-2002-CsertanHMPPV #automation #modelling #named #uml #validation #verification #visual notation
VIATRA — Visual Automated Transformations for Formal Verification and Validation of UML Models (GC, GH, IM, ZP, AP, DV), pp. 267–270.
ASEASE-2002-EgyedG #automation #paradigm #requirements #traceability
Automating Requirements Traceability: Beyond the Record & Replay Paradigm (AE, PG), pp. 163–171.
ASEASE-2002-FenkamGJ #automation #case study #testing
Constructing Corba-Supported Oracles for Testing: A Case Study in Automated Software Testing (PF, HCG, MJ), pp. 129–138.
ASEASE-2002-GibbsMP #automation #c++ #invariant #validation
Automated Validation of Class Invariants in C++ Applications (THG, BAM, JFP), p. 205–?.
ASEASE-2002-RoachB #automation #case study #deduction #experience #synthesis
Experience Report on Automated Procedure Construction for Deductive Synthesis (SR, JVB), p. 69–?.
ASEASE-2002-SchroederFK #automation #black box #generative #testing
Generating Expected Results for Automated Black-Box Testing (PJS, PF, BK), pp. 139–148.
ICSEICSE-2002-FisherCRCB #automation #generative #spreadsheet #testing
Automated test case generation for spreadsheets (MFI, MC, GR, CRC, MMB), pp. 141–153.
SACSAC-2002-ChenCGRS #automation #co-evolution #game studies
An automated negotiation mechanism based on co-evolution and game theory (JHC, KMC, NG, CRR, PS), pp. 63–67.
SACSAC-2002-Dandashi #automation #metric #object-oriented #reuse #set #usability #using
A method for assessing the reusability of object-oriented code using a validated set of automated measurements (FD), pp. 997–1003.
SACSAC-2002-LeeB #automation #documentation #object-oriented #requirements #specification
Automated conversion from requirements documentation to an object-oriented formal specification language (BSL, BRB), pp. 932–936.
SACSAC-2002-NunnD #assembly #automation #component
Automated assembly of software components based on XML-coded instructions (IN, DD), pp. 937–942.
DACDAC-2002-AnderssonBCH #approach #automation #design #problem #proving
A proof engine approach to solving combinational design automation problems (GA, PB, BC, ZH), pp. 725–730.
DACDAC-2002-AnisMEA #automation #clustering #performance #power management #reduction #using
Dynamic and leakage power reduction in MTCMOS circuits using an automated efficient gate clustering technique (MA, MM, MIE, SA), pp. 480–485.
DACDAC-2002-DagaMSWW #automation #generative
Automated timing model generation (AJD, LM, SS, CW, QW), pp. 146–151.
DACDAC-2002-JollyPM #automation #equivalence
Automated equivalence checking of switch level circuits (SJ, ANP, TM), pp. 299–304.
DATEDATE-2002-Bose #automation #modelling
Automated Modeling of Custom Digital Circuits for Test (SB), pp. 954–961.
DATEDATE-2002-HassibiH #automation #design
Automated Optimal Design of Switched-Capacitor Filters (AH, MdMH), p. 1111.
DATEDATE-2002-OttenCG #automation #design
Design Automation for Deepsubmicron: Present and Future (RHJMO, RC, PG), pp. 650–657.
DATEDATE-2002-SavoiuSG #automation #concurrent #modelling #performance #simulation
Automated Concurrency Re-Assignment in High Level System Models for Efficient System-Level Simulation (NS, SKS, RKG), pp. 875–881.
ISMMISMM-2002-DetersC #automation #java #memory management #realtime
Automated discovery of scoped memory regions for real-time Java (MD, RC), pp. 132–142.
FASEFASE-2002-BaresiP #automation #re-engineering #visual notation
A Toolbox for Automating Visual Software Engineering (LB, MP), pp. 189–202.
TACASTACAS-2002-DelzannoRB #automation #java #parallel #source code #thread #towards #verification
Towards the Automated Verification of Multithreaded Java Programs (GD, JFR, LVB), pp. 173–187.
CAVCAV-2002-ChevalierV #automation #bound #protocol #security #verification
Automated Unbounded Verification of Security Protocols (YC, LV), pp. 324–337.
ICLPICLP-2002-DucasseL #analysis #automation #execution
Automated Analysis of CLP(FD) Program Execution Traces (MD, LL), pp. 470–471.
ISSTAISSTA-2002-BoyapatiKM #automation #java #named #testing
Korat: automated testing based on Java predicates (CB, SK, DM), pp. 123–133.
ISSTAISSTA-2002-MoorsVTZB #automation #case study #experience #testing
Experiences in automating the testing of SS7 signalling transfer points (TM, MV, ZT, XZ, RB), pp. 154–158.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-BesseCKZ #automation #generative #testing
Automated Generation of Interoperability Tests (CB, ARC, MK, FZ), p. 169–?.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-BrederekeS #automation #flexibility #testing
An Automated, Flexible Testing Environment for UMTS (JB, BHS), pp. 79–94.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-HeikkilaTV #automation #generative #testing
Position Statement: Testing Automation with Computer Aided Test Case Generation (TH, PT, JV), p. 209–?.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-Horvath #ad hoc #automation #generative #modelling #protocol #testing #validation
Ad-hoc Protocol Modelling, Validation and Automated Test Suite Generation (EH), p. 235–?.
ICTSSTestCom-2002-VriesBF #automation #testing
Automated Testing in Practice: The Highway Tolling System (RGdV, AB, JF), pp. 219–234.
CBSECBSE-2001-Schmidt #assembly #automation #component #predict #towards
Trusted Components: Towards Automated Assembly with Predictable Properties (HWS), p. 14.
ICDARICDAR-2001-AllanASH #assessment #automation
Automated Assessment: It’s Assessment Jim But Not As We Know It (JA, TA, NS, PH), pp. 926–931.
ICDARICDAR-2001-MalerbaELA #automation #component #comprehension #dependence #documentation #image #logic
Automated Discovery of Dependencies Between Logical Components in Document Image Understanding (DM, FE, FAL, OA), pp. 174–178.
JCDLJCDL-2001-RiggsW #algorithm #automation #rating
An algorithm for automated rating of reviewers (TR, RW), pp. 381–387.
JCDLJCDL-2001-WarnerB #automation
Automated name authority control (JWW, EWB), pp. 21–22.
ICSMEICSM-2001-KataokaEGN #automation #invariant #refactoring #using
Automated Support for Program Refactoring Using Invariants (YK, MDE, WGG, DN), pp. 736–743.
ICSMEICSM-2001-Terekhov #automation #case study
Automating Language Conversion: A Case Study (AAT), pp. 654–658.
IWPCIWPC-2001-MaltonSCDCR #automation #design
Processing Software Source Text in Automated Design Recovery and Transformation (AJM, KAS, JRC, TRD, DC, JR), pp. 127–134.
IWPCIWPC-2001-Stewart #analysis #automation #semantics
Automated Analysis of Scientific and Engineering Semantics (MEMS), pp. 113–114.
SCAMSCAM-2001-BurdR #analysis #automation #evolution #source code #using
Using Automated Source Code Analysis for Software Evolution (LB, SR), pp. 206–212.
CHICHI-2001-LiuRGC #automation
Automating camera management for lecture room environments (QL, YR, AG, JJC), pp. 442–449.
EDOCEDOC-2001-Ensel #approach #automation #dependence #modelling #scalability
A Scalable Approach to Automated Service Dependency Modeling in Heterogeneous Environments (CE), pp. 128–139.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2001-TehZL #algorithm #automation #query
Automation Query Processing Selection Algorithms (YWT, ABZ, SPL), pp. 283–286.
MLDMMLDM-2001-LinderP #how #learning
How to Automate Neural Net Based Learning (RL, SJP), pp. 206–216.
SEKESEKE-2001-LeeCUHC #automation #metric #quality
Automated Tool for Software Quality Measurement (YL, KHC, DAU, TDH, JHCI), pp. 196–202.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2001-Dustin #automation #lifecycle #testing
Automating Software Testing: A Life-Cycle Methodology (ED), p. 366.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2001-GueheneucA #constraints #design pattern #detection #fault #using
Using Design Patterns and Constraints to Automate the Detection and Correction of Inter-Class Design Defects (YGG, HAA), pp. 296–306.
AdaSIGAda-2001-Santhanam #automation #certification #testing
Automating software module testing for FAA certification (US), pp. 31–38.
ASEASE-2001-AndradeFW #automation #configuration management #policy
Enforcing Business Policies Through Automated Reconfiguration (LFA, JLF, MW), p. 426–?.
ASEASE-2001-BarberGH #architecture #automation #development #feedback #model checking
Providing Early Feedback in the Development Cycle Through Automated Application of Model Checking to Software Architectures (KSB, TJG, JH), pp. 341–345.
ASEASE-2001-FredlundGN #automation #erlang #verification
Semi-Automated Verification of Erlang Code (LÅF, DG, TN), pp. 319–323.
ASEASE-2001-GannodG #automation #petri net #using
An Automated Tool for Analyzing Petri Nets Using SPIN (GCG, SG), pp. 404–407.
ASEASE-2001-GouraudDGM #automation #statistics #testing
A New Way of Automating Statistical Testing Methods (SDG, AD, MCG, BM), pp. 5–12.
ASEASE-2001-GrosuLSSY #automation #concurrent #re-engineering #using
Automated Software Engineering Using Concurrent Class Machines (RG, YAL, SAS, SDS, JY), p. 297–?.
ASEASE-2001-InverardiMP #architecture #automation #consistency #modelling #using
Automated Check of Architectural Models Consistency Using SPIN (PI, HM, PP), pp. 346–349.
ASEASE-2001-Lee #automation #documentation #execution #requirements #specification
Automated Conversion from a Requirements Document to an Executable Formal Specification (BSL), p. 437.
ASEASE-2001-MarinovK #automation #framework #java #named #novel #source code #testing
TestEra: A Novel Framework for Automated Testing of Java Programs (DM, SK), p. 22–?.
ASEASE-2001-ParissisV #automation #testing
Strategies for Automated Specification-Based Testing of Synchronous Software (IP, JV), pp. 364–367.
ASEASE-2001-Rayadurgam #automation #formal method #generative #modelling #testing
Automated Test-Data Generation from Formal Models of Software (SR), p. 438.
ASEASE-2001-SimsCBR #automation #modelling #validation
Automated Validation of Software Models (SS, RC, KB, SR), p. 91–?.
ASEASE-2001-ZarrasI #analysis #automation #enterprise #information management #performance #reliability
Automating the Performance and Reliability Analysis of Enterprise Information Systems (AZ, VI), pp. 350–353.
SACSAC-2001-KhatriR #approach #automation #education #health #reuse
A software reuse reference model approach in developing an automated educational system for patients health care management (AK, DCR), pp. 675–678.
DACDAC-2001-KroeningP #automation #design #pipes and filters
Automated Pipeline Design (DK, WJP), pp. 810–815.
DATEDATE-2001-NayakHCB #analysis #automation #fault #hardware #matlab #precise #synthesis
Precision and error analysis of MATLAB applications during automated hardware synthesis for FPGAs (AN, MH, ANC, PB), pp. 722–728.
FASEFASE-2001-NieseNHKGEH #automation #testing
Demonstration of an Automated Integrated Testing Environment for CTI Systems (ON, MN, AH, KKS, WG, AE, BH), pp. 249–252.
TACASTACAS-2001-NielsenS #automation #automaton #generative #testing
Automated Test Generation from Timed Automata (BN, AS), pp. 343–357.
CAVCAV-2001-KwiatkowskaNS #automation #distributed #protocol #random #using #verification
Automated Verification of a Randomized Distributed Consensus Protocol Using Cadence SMV and PRISM (MZK, GN, RS), pp. 194–206.
CAVCAV-2001-RoychoudhuryR #automation #induction #protocol #verification
Automated Inductive Verification of Parameterized Protocols (AR, IVR), pp. 25–37.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-Peltier #automation #deduction #using
A General Method for Using Schematizations in Automated Deduction (NP), pp. 578–592.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-Urbain #automation #incremental #proving #term rewriting #termination
Automated Incremental Termination Proofs for Hierarchically Defined Term Rewriting Systems (XU), pp. 485–498.
IJCARIJCAR-2001-Voronkov #algorithm #automation #deduction #performance
Algorithms, Datastructures, and other Issues in Efficient Automated Deduction (AV), pp. 13–28.
DL-2000-LarkeyOPT #automation #named
Acrophile: an automated acronym extractor and server (LSL, PO, MAP, BT), pp. 205–214.
TPDLECDL-2000-GalavottiSS #automation #categorisation #feature model #using
Experiments on the Use of Feature Selection and Negative Evidence in Automated Text Categorization (LG, FS, MS), pp. 59–68.
VLDBVLDB-2000-AgrawalCN #automation #database #sql
Automated Selection of Materialized Views and Indexes in SQL Databases (SA, SC, VRN), pp. 496–505.
VLDBVLDB-2000-CasatiS #automation #process
Process Automation as the Foundation for E-Business (FC, MCS), pp. 688–691.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2000-Jackson #approach #assessment #automation #online
A semi-automated approach to online assessment (DJ), pp. 164–167.
ICSMEICSM-2000-SahraouiGM #automation #design #metric #object-oriented #quality #question
Can Metrics Help to Bridge the Gap between the Improvement of OO Design Quality and its Automation? (HAS, RG, TM), pp. 154–162.
A Formalism to Automate Mapping from Program Features to Code (JCD, AL), pp. 69–78.
IWPCIWPC-2000-JahnkeNW #analysis #automation #component #embedded #quality
Automated Quality Analysis of Component Software for Embedded Systems (JHJ, JN, JPW), pp. 18–26.
CSCWCSCW-2000-GodefroidyHJL #approach #automation #privacy #verification
Ensuring privacy in presence awareness: an automated verification approach (PG, JDH, LJJ, DL), pp. 59–68.
ICMLICML-2000-SridharanT #automation #multi
Multi-agent Q-learning and Regression Trees for Automated Pricing Decisions (MS, GT), pp. 927–934.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-MinPB #automation #evaluation #image #segmentation
Progress in Automated Evaluation of Curved Surface Range Image Segmentation (JM, MWP, KWB), pp. 1644–1647.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-TesserP #automation
RoadFinder Front End: An Automated Road Extraction System (HT, TP), pp. 1338–1341.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-HamadaSHT #automation #classification #image
Automated Construction of Image Processing Procedure Based on Misclassification Condition (TH, AS, JiH, JiT), pp. 2430–2433.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-LiD00a #automation #detection #video
A Video Text Detection System Based on Automated Training (HL, DSD), pp. 2223–2228.
ICPRICPR-v3-2000-KnutssonABW #automation #generative
Automated Generation of Representations in Vision (HK, MTA, MB, JW), pp. 3063–3070.
KDDKDD-2000-BecherBF #automation #data analysis #data mining #mining #performance
Automating exploratory data analysis for efficient data mining (JDB, PB, EF), pp. 424–429.
KRKR-2000-FattahP #approach #automation #composition #query
A Compositional Structured Query Approach to Automated Inference (YEF, MAP), pp. 213–224.
KRKR-2000-MontanariPS #automation #deduction #first-order #logic
Supporting automated deduction in first-order modal logics (AM, AP, MS), pp. 547–556.
ECOOPECOOP-2000-FrohlichL #automation #generative #modelling #testing
Automated Test Case Generation from Dynamic Models (PF, JL), pp. 472–492.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2000-Dujmovic #automation #configuration management #framework #industrial
An Understandable and Configurable Domain-Specific Framework for Industrial Automation Applications (SD), pp. 348–358.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-2000-ViegaRB #automation
Automating Delegation in Class-Based Languages (JV, PR, RB), p. 171–?.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2000-KiteleyD #automation #integration #testing
Results of an Investigation into Software Integration Testing Automation (SK, JD), pp. 280–290.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2000-FioravantiPP #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code
Automated strategies for specializing constraint logic programs (FF, AP, MP).
LOPSTRLOPSTR-J-2000-FioravantiPP #automation #constraints #logic programming #source code
Automated Strategies for Specializing Constraint Logic Programs (FF, AP, MP), pp. 125–146.
ASEASE-2000-BoseM #automation #coordination #generative #policy
Systematic Generation of Dependable Change Coordination Plans for Automated Switching of Coordination Policies (PKB, MGM), p. 325–?.
ASEASE-2000-HarmainG #automation #named
CM-Builder: An Automated NL-Based CASE Tool (HMH, RJG), pp. 45–54.
ASEASE-2000-KloukinasI #automation #composition #middleware
Automating the Composition of Middleware Configurations (CK, VI), pp. 241–244.
ASEASE-2000-LiuR #automation #security #using
Automated Security Checking and Patching Using TestTalk (CL, DJR), pp. 261–264.
ASEASE-2000-NoahW #automation #database #design #performance #tool support #validation
Exploring and Validating the Contributions of Real-World Knowledge to the Diagnostic Performance of Automated Database Design Tools (SAN, MDW), pp. 177–186.
ASEASE-2000-Schewe #automation #consistency
Controlled Automation of Consistency Enforcement (KDS), pp. 265–268.
FSEFSE-2000-GodefroidJJL #automation #constraints #interactive #testing
Automated systematic testing for constraint-based interactive services (PG, LJJ, RJ, KL), pp. 40–49.
FSEFSE-2000-Jackson #automation #first-order #logic #relational
Automating first-order relational logic (DJ), pp. 130–139.
FSEFSE-2000-MemonPS #automation #testing #user interface
Automated test oracles for GUIs (AMM, MEP, MLS), pp. 30–39.
ICSEICSE-2000-Cinneide #automation #design pattern #refactoring
Automated refactoring to introduce design patterns (MÓC), pp. 722–724.
ICSEICSE-2000-Liu #automation #independence #platform #testing
Platform-independent and tool-neutral test descriptions for automated software testing (CL), pp. 713–715.
ICSEICSE-2000-MiliCGZ00a #automation #predict #reuse
Tracking, predicting and assessing software reuse costs: an automated tool (AM, SFC, RG, LZ), p. 785.
DACDAC-2000-RanterMPVSGS #automation #design #layout #named
CYCLONE: automated design and layout of RF LC-oscillators (CDR, BDM, GVdP, PJV, MS, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 11–14.
DACDAC-2000-SilvaS #automation #design #satisfiability
Boolean satisfiability in electronic design automation (JPMS, KAS), pp. 675–680.
DATEDATE-2000-MunchWWMS #automation #power management
Automating RT-Level Operand Isolation to Minimize Power Consumption in Datapaths (MM, NW, BW, RM, JS), pp. 624–631.
CADECADE-2000-BezemHN #automation #proving #type system #using
Automated Proof Construction in Type Theory Using Resolution (MB, DH, HdN), pp. 148–163.
CADECADE-2000-Pulman #automation #comprehension #deduction #named #natural language #tutorial
Tutorial: Automated Deduction and Natural Language Understanding (SGP), pp. 509–510.
CAVCAV-2000-Marques-SilvaS #algorithm #automation #design #satisfiability #tutorial
Invited Tutorial: Boolean Satisfiability Algorithms and Applications in Electronic Design Automation (JPMS, KAS), p. 3.
CSLCSL-2000-Vardi #automation #automaton #graph #logic #verification
Automated Verification = Graphs, Automata, and Logic (MYV), p. 139.
ISSTAISSTA-2000-BuyOP #automation #testing
Automated Testing of Classes (UAB, AO, MP), pp. 39–48.
ICTSSTestCom-2000-BousquetRSVBV #automation #protocol #testing
Formal Test Automation: The Conference Protocol with TGV/TORX (LdB, SR, SS, CV, AB, RGdV), pp. 221–228.
ICTSSTestCom-2000-HeerinkFT #automation #protocol #testing
Formal Test Automation: The Conference Protocol with PHACT (LH, JF, JT), pp. 211–220.
WICSAWICSA-1999-AndradeGXC #architecture #automation #code generation
Architectural Concerns in Automating Code Generation (LFA, JG, PJX, JAC), pp. 495–510.
ICDARICDAR-1999-KiseMYM #automation #documentation #generative #hypermedia #keyword #on the
On the Use of Density Distribution of Keywords for Automated Generation of Hypertext Links from Arbitrary Parts of Documents (KK, HM, MY, KM), pp. 301–304.
ICDARICDAR-1999-Thoma #analysis #automation #database #documentation #image #online
Automating Data Entry for an On-line Biomedical Database: A Document Image Analysis Application (GRT), pp. 370–373.
ICDARICDAR-1999-Walischewski #automation #learning
Learning Regions of Interest in Postal Automation (HW), pp. 317–320.
ICSMEICSM-1999-CinneideN #automation #design pattern
A Methodology for the Automated Introduction of Design Patterns (MÓC, PN), p. 463–?.
IWPCIWPC-1999-BurnsteinS #automation #comprehension #fuzzy #reasoning
An Application of Fuzzy Reasoning to Support Automated Program Comprehension (IB, FS), pp. 66–73.
IWPCIWPC-1999-FasolinoV #automation #comprehension #dependence
Improving Software Comprehension through an Automated Dependency Tracer (ARF, GV), pp. 58–65.
IWPCIWPC-1999-SellinkV #architecture #automation #maintenance
An Architecture for Automated Software Maintenance (MPAS, CV), pp. 38–48.
FMFM-v1-1999-BurdonovKPG #automation #generative #named #specification #testing
KVEST: Automated Generation of Test Suites from Formal Specifications (IBB, AK, AP, DG), pp. 608–621.
FLOPSFLOPS-1999-BakewellR #automation
Automated Generalisation of Function Definitions (AB, CR), pp. 225–240.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-PrevotC #automation #design #evaluation #simulation
A vertical situation display for automated aircraft — design and evaluation in full mission simulation (TP, BC), pp. 1266–1270.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-Vanderdonckt99a #automation #generative #guidelines #online #repository
Automated Generation of an On-Line Guidelines Repository (JV), pp. 998–1002.
ICEISICEIS-1999-CharltonGLN #automation #generative #process
Maximising the Benefits of Electronic Commerce: Automating the Process of Virtual Store Generation & Marketing for SMEs (CCC, JG, JL, IN), pp. 599–605.
ICEISICEIS-1999-SchumacherCHK #automation #coordination #simulation
The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System (MS, FC, SS, BH, OK), pp. 292–299.
CIKMCIKM-1999-DolinPBA #automation #classification #evaluation #information retrieval
Practical evaluation of IR within automated classification systems (RD, JP, MB, RA), pp. 322–329.
CIKMCIKM-1999-LimN #approach #automation #html
An Automated Approach for Retrieving Hierarchical Data from HTML Tables (SJL, YKN), pp. 466–474.
KDDKDD-1999-BuntineFP #automation #data mining #mining #source code #synthesis #towards
Towards Automated Synthesis of Data Mining Programs (WLB, BF, TP), pp. 372–376.
PADLPADL-1999-MossR #automation #benchmark #data type #functional #metric
Automated Benchmarking of Functional Data Structures (GEM, CR), pp. 1–15.
ASEASE-1999-Bose #architecture #automation #modelling #simulation #uml #using #verification
Automated Translation of UML Models of Architectures for Verification and Simulation Using SPIN (PKB), pp. 102–109.
ASEASE-1999-Kreuer #automation #case study #network #testing
Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing of Telecom Networks: A Case Study with Customer Participation (DK), pp. 216–223.
ASEASE-1999-LingamarlaSLWEG #automation #embedded #multi #validation
System for Automated Validation of Embedded Software in Multiple Operating Configurations (SL, GBS, JL, MW, GE, SG), pp. 323–326.
ASEASE-1999-TaentzerGM #architecture #automation #distributed
Dynamic Accommodation of Change: Automated Architecture Configuration of Distributed Systems (GT, MG, TM), pp. 287–290.
ASEASE-1999-Tronci #automation #industrial #synthesis
Automatic Synthesis of Control Software for an Industrial Automation Control System (ET), pp. 247–250.
ESECESEC-FSE-1999-ChangR #automation #evaluation #testing
Structural Specification-Based Testing: Automated Support and Experimental Evaluation (JC, DJR), pp. 285–302.
ICSEICSE-1999-Ducasse #automation #c #debugging #named
Coca: An automated Debugger for C (MD), pp. 504–513.
DACDAC-1999-DeHonW #automation #configuration management #design #what #why
Reconfigurable Computing: What, Why, and Implications for Design Automation (AD, JW), pp. 610–615.
DACDAC-1999-KapadiaH #automation #clustering #convergence #design #standard #using
Using Partitioning to Help Convergence in the Standard-Cell Design Automation Methodology (HK, MH), pp. 592–597.
DACDAC-1999-KaulVGO #approach #automation #clustering #configuration management #synthesis
An Automated Temporal Partitioning and Loop Fission Approach for FPGA Based Reconfigurable Synthesis of DSP Applications (MK, RV, SG, IO), pp. 616–622.
DACDAC-1999-PatraN #automation #power management #synthesis
Automated Phase Assignment for the Synthesis of Low Power Domino Circuits (PP, UN), pp. 379–384.
DATEDATE-1999-SchwenckerEGA #automation #constraints
Automating the Sizing of Analog CMOS Circuits by Consideration of Structural Constraints (RS, JE, HEG, KA), pp. 323–327.
HPDCHPDC-1999-KangGGH #automation #design #distributed #realtime
Techniques for Automating Distributed Real-Time Applications Design (DIK, RG, LG, JKH), pp. 156–163.
TACASTACAS-1999-BergeronM #analysis #automation #email #interactive
An Automated Analysis of Ping-Pong Interactions in E-mail Services (AB, JCM), pp. 134–147.
TACASTACAS-1999-Kreitz #automation #communication #configuration management
Automated Fast-Track Reconfiguration of Group Communication Systems (CK), pp. 104–118.
CADECADE-1999-FrankeK #automation #communication #distributed #proving #theorem proving
System Description: MathWeb, an Agent-Based Communication Layer for Distributed Automated Theorem Proving (AF, MK), pp. 217–221.
CAVCAV-1999-BerardF #automation #consistency #parametricity #protocol #realtime #verification
Automated Verification of a Parametric Real-Time Program: The ABR Conformance Protocol (BB, LF), pp. 96–107.
ICTSSIWTCS-1999-BelinfanteFVTGFMH #automation #empirical #testing
Formal Test Automation: A Simple Experiment (AB, JF, RGdV, JT, NG, LMGF, SM, LH), pp. 179–196.
ICTSSIWTCS-1999-CsondesK #automation #testing
Automated Test Case Selection Based on Subpurposes (TC, BK), pp. 251–266.
ICTSSIWTCS-1999-GecseK #algorithm #automation
Automated Test of TCP Congestion Control Algorithms (RG, PK), pp. 149–166.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-HoggarthL #assessment #automation #diagrams #student
An automated student diagram assessment system (GH, MAL), pp. 122–124.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-RoantreeK #automation #using #web
Automated collection of coursework using the Web (MR, TEK), pp. 206–208.
CSMRCSMR-1998-JakobiW #automation #database #evaluation #framework #maintenance #named #proving #theorem proving
DBFW: A Simple DataBase FrameWork for the Evaluation and Maintenance of Automated Theorem Prover Data (PJ, AW), pp. 185–188.
CIAAWIA-1998-UppmanC #named #visual notation
Autographe: A Graphical Version of Automate (AU, JMC), pp. 226–229.
FMFM-1998-BogdanovHS #automation #generative #testing
Automated Test Set Generation for Statecharts (KB, MH, HS), pp. 107–121.
AFPAFP-1998-LeijenMH98 #automation #haskell
Haskell as an Automation Controller (DL, EM, JH), pp. 268–289.
ICFPICFP-1998-ZhangL #automation #incremental #source code
Automating Derivation of Incremental Programs (YZ, YAL), p. 350.
ICGTTAGT-1998-Hrischuk #automation #graph grammar #process #using
A Model Making Automation Process (MMAP) Using a Graph Grammar Formalism (CEH), pp. 442–454.
CHICHI-1998-Boy #analysis #automation #safety
Cognitive Function Analysis for Human-Centered Automation of Safety-Critical Systems (GAB), pp. 265–272.
CHICHI-1998-ZhouF #automation #synthesis #visual notation
Visual Task Characterization for Automated Visual Discourse Synthesis (MXZ, SF), pp. 392–399.
CAiSECAiSE-1998-HarrisonL #automation #information management #legacy #reverse engineering #using
Automated Reverse Engineering of Legacy 4GL Information System Applications Using the ITOC Workbench (JVH, WML), pp. 41–57.
CAiSECAiSE-1998-LiuOL #automation #workflow
Automating Handover in Dynamic Workflow Environments (CL, MEO, HL), pp. 159–171.
ICPRICPR-1998-HannuJ #automation #documentation #fault #image
An automated defect management for document images (HK, JJS), pp. 1288–1294.
ICPRICPR-1998-LeaL #automation
Semi-automated Maltese front position determination (SML, ML), pp. 1382–1386.
ICPRICPR-1998-LeeCC #automation #information management #knowledge-based
A knowledge-based automated vectorizing system for geographic information system (KHL, SBC, YCC), pp. 1546–1548.
ICPRICPR-1998-NagelWWL #3d #animation #automation #modelling
Automated modelling of real human faces for 3D animation (BN, JW, SW, CEL), pp. 693–696.
ICPRICPR-1998-PengZB #automation #recognition
A fully automated face recognition system under different conditions (HP, CZ, ZB), pp. 1223–1225.
KRKR-1998-Kamps #automation #formal method #reasoning #tool support #using
Formal Theory Building Using Automated Reasoning Tools (JK), pp. 478–487.
UMLUML-1998-Desfray #automation #concept #design pattern #tool support
Automation of Design Pattern: Concepts, Tools and Practices (PD), pp. 120–131.
UMLUML-1998-KhrissEK #automation #collaboration #diagrams #multi #statechart #synthesis #uml
Automating the Synthesis of UML StateChart Diagrams from Multiple Collaboration Diagrams (IK, ME, RKK), pp. 132–147.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1998-Sprinzen #automation #component #named #process
Components: Building Blocks for Automated Business Processes (MJS), p. 5.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1998-EmeryMN #ada #automation #how #process #question
Automating the Ada Binding Process for Java- How Far Can We Go? (DEE, RFM, KAN), pp. 29–40.
REICRE-1998-HammerH #automation #case study #experience #how #requirements #tool support
Automated Requirements Management — Beware HOW You Use Tools: An Experience Report (TH, LH), pp. 34–40.
ASEASE-1998-BaischL #automation #development #information management
Automated Knowledge Acquisition and Application for Software Development Projects (EB, TL), pp. 306–309.
ASEASE-1998-ChangR #automation #named #testing
ADLscope: An Automated Specification-based Unit Testing Tool (JC, DJR), pp. 289–292.
ASEASE-1998-CzernyH #analysis #automation #requirements
Automated Integrative Analysis of State-based Requirements (BJC, MPEH), p. 125–?.
ASEASE-1998-GannodCC #approach #automation #reuse #reverse engineering
An Automated Approach for Supporting Software Reuse via Reverse Engineering (GCG, YC, BHCC), p. 94–?.
ASEASE-1998-HarmerB #automation #empirical #java #legacy #lisp #reverse engineering
Brewing Fresh JAVA from Legacy Lisp — An Experiment in Automated Reverse Engineering (TJH, JMB), pp. 318–332.
ASEASE-1998-McCluskeyW #automation #debugging #maintenance #modelling #requirements #towards
Towards the Automated Debugging and Maintenance of Logic-based Requirements Models (TLM, MMW), pp. 105–114.
ASEASE-1998-MichaelM #automation #generative #source code #testing
Automated Software Test Data Generation for Complex Programs (CCM, GM), pp. 136–146.
ASEASE-1998-MorzentiPM #analysis #automation #composition #specification
A Tool for Automated System Analysis based on Modular Specifications (AM, PSP, SM), pp. 2–11.
ASEASE-1998-StirewaltR #automation #composition #generative #user interface
Automating UI Generation by Model Composition (KS, SR), p. 177–?.
ASEASE-1998-TraceyCMM #automation #framework #generative #testing
An Automated Framework for Structural Test-Data Generation (NT, JAC, KM, JAM), pp. 285–288.
FSEFSE-1998-GuptaMS #automation #generative #testing #using
Automated Test Data Generation Using an Iterative Relaxation Method (NG, APM, MLS), pp. 231–244.
ICSEICSE-1998-dAusbourgSDR #automation #process #user interface #validation
Helping the Automated Validation Process of User Interfaces Systems (Bd, CS, GD, PR), pp. 219–228.
DACDAC-1998-SmithM #automation #component #composition #hardware
Automated Composition of Hardware Components (JS, GDM), pp. 14–19.
DATEDATE-1998-EconomakosPT #attribute grammar #automation #design #grammarware #named
AGENDA: An Attribute Grammar Driven Environment for the Design Automation of Digital Systems (GE, GKP, PT), pp. 933–934.
FASEFASE-1998-ReedJDR #analysis #automation #formal method #modelling #network
Automated Formal Analysis of Networks: FDR Models of Arbitrary Topologies and Flow-Control Mechanisms (JNR, DMJ, BD, GMR), pp. 239–254.
TACASTACAS-1998-GribomontZ #algorithm #automation #verification
Automated Verification of Szymanski’s Algorithm (EPG, GZ), pp. 424–438.
WRLAWRLA-1998-MatsumotoF #automation #behaviour #induction #testing #towards #verification
Test set coinduction — Toward automated verification of behavioural properties (MM, KF), pp. 242–262.
CADECADE-1998-Malik #automation #deduction #finite #source code
Automated Deduction of Finite-State Control Programs for Reactive Systems (RM), pp. 302–316.
CADECADE-1998-SchurmannP #automation #logic #proving #theorem proving
Automated Theorem Proving in a Simple Meta-Logic for LF (CS, FP), pp. 286–300.
ISSTAISSTA-1998-KorelA #automation #generative #testing
Automated Regression Test Generation (BK, AMAY), pp. 143–152.
ISSTAISSTA-1998-TraceyCM #automation #using
Automated Program Flaw Finding Using Simulated Annealing (NT, JAC, KM), pp. 73–81.
LICSLICS-1998-Voronkov #automation #reasoning #semantics #theorem
Herbrand’s Theorem, Automated Reasoning and Semantics Tableaux (AV), pp. 252–263.
RTARTA-1998-Xi #automation #proving #termination #towards
Towards Automated Termination Proofs through “Freezing” (HX), pp. 271–285.
TPDLECDL-1997-Ferber #approach #automation #multi #retrieval
Automated Indexing with Thesaurus Descriptors: A Co-occurence Based Approach to Multilingual Retrieval (RF), pp. 233–252.
TPDLECDL-1997-FrenchPSP #automation #case study #library
Automating the Construction of Authority Files in Digital Libraries: A Case Study (JCF, ALP, ES, JLP), pp. 55–71.
ICDARICDAR-1997-SawaTWKM #automation #quality #recognition #string
Low Quality String Recognition for Factory Automation (KS, ST, TW, FK, YM), pp. 475–478.
CSEETCSEET-1997-SyuSTH #automation #process
A Web-Based System for Automating a Disciplined Personal Software Process (PSP) (IS, AS, MT, TBH), pp. 86–101.
WPCWPC-1997-BurnsteinR #automation #comprehension
Automated Chunking to Support Program Comprehension (IB, KR), pp. 40–49.
CHICHI-1997-WoodDA #automation #integration #named #network
CyberDesk: Automated Integration of Desktop and Network Services (AW, AKD, GDA), pp. 552–553.
HCIHCI-CC-1997-MatarazzoN #automation #case study
A Human-Oriented Case Study of Office Automation Systems (GM, AN), pp. 749–752.
CAiSECAiSE-1997-Puustjarvi #approach #automation #transaction #workflow
Negotiation Transactions: An Approach to Increase the Automation of Workflows (JP), pp. 89–102.
KDDKDD-1997-ChienFMLG #data analysis #database #image #scalability #using
Using Artificial Intelligence Planning to Automate Science Data Analysis for Large Image Databases (SAC, FF, HM, EL, RG), pp. 147–150.
KDDKDD-1997-WangWSSDRZ #3d #automation
Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Three Dimensional Molecules (XW, JTLW, DS, BAS, SD, IR, KZ), pp. 89–95.
ASEASE-1997-ChenC #approach #architecture #automation #reuse
Facilitating an Automated Approach to Architecture-based Software Reuse (YC, BHCC), pp. 238–245.
ASEASE-1997-DevanbuS #automation #hardware #research #using #verification
Research Directions for Automated Software Verification: Using Trusted Hardware (PTD, SGS), pp. 274–279.
ASEASE-1997-GannodC #approach #automation #pointer #reverse engineering #source code
A Formal Automated Approach for Reverse Engineering Programs with Pointers (GCG, BHCC), pp. 219–226.
ASEASE-1997-GomaaF #architecture #automation #distributed #reuse
Automated Configuration of Distributed Applications from Reusable Software Architectures (HG, GAF), pp. 193–200.
ASEASE-1997-Hall #automation #library #reasoning #using #validation
Reactive System Validation using Automated Reasoning over a Fragment Library (RJH), pp. 299–300.
ASEASE-1997-Lerner #automation #evolution #named #persistent
TESS: Automated Support for the Evolution of Persistent Types (BSL), p. 172–?.
ASEASE-1997-WangPS #automation #c++ #inheritance #object-oriented #testing
An Automated Object-Oriented Testing for C++ Inheritance Hierarchy (CCW, WCP, TKS), pp. 315–316.
ESECESEC-FSE-1997-AlborghettiGM #analysis #automation #deduction
Providing Automated Support to Deductive Analysis of Time Critical Systems (AA, AG, AM), pp. 211–226.
ICSEICSE-1997-WilsonRH #analysis #automation #specification
Automated Analysis of Requirement Specifications (WMW, LHR, LEH), pp. 161–171.
SOSPSOSP-1997-KuenningP #automation #mobile
Automated Hoarding for Mobile Computers (GHK, GJP), pp. 264–275.
SOSPSOSP-1997-ZhangWGCS #automation #optimisation #profiling
System Support for Automated Profiling and Optimization (XZ, ZW, NCG, JBC, MDS), pp. 15–26.
TACASTACAS-1997-FerrariFGMPR #automation #mobile #process #verification
An Automated Based Verification Environment for Mobile Processes (GLF, GF, SG, UM, MP, GR), pp. 275–289.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1997-Donat #automation #testing
Automating Formal Specification-Based Testing (MRD), pp. 833–847.
CADECADE-1997-DahnGHW #automation #integration #interactive #proving #theorem proving
Integration of Automated and Interactive Theorem Proving in ILP (BID, JG, TH, AW), pp. 57–60.
CADECADE-1997-NieuwenhuisRV #algorithm #automation #data type #deduction #kernel #named #similarity
Dedan: A Kernel of Data Structures and Algorithms for Automated Deduction with Equality Clauses (RN, JMR, MÁV), pp. 49–52.
CADECADE-1997-Wen-Tsun #automation #reasoning
The Char-Set Method and Its Applications to Automated Reasoning (WWT), pp. 1–3.
CAVCAV-1997-Saidi #automation #deduction #invariant #verification
The Invariant Checker: Automated Deductive Verification of Reactive Systems (HS), pp. 436–439.
LICSLICS-1997-BouhoulaJ #automation #induction
Automata-Driven Automated Induction (AB, JPJ), pp. 14–25.
HTHT-1996-ClearyB #automation #hypermedia
Practical Methods for Automating Linking in Structured Hypermedia Systems (CC, RB), pp. 31–41.
WCREWCRE-1996-Cifuentes #automation #reverse engineering
Partial Automation of an Integrated Reverse Engineering Environment of Binary Code (CC), pp. 50–56.
WCREWCRE-1996-KramerP #automation #design pattern #object-oriented
Design Recovery by Automated Search for Structural Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Softwar (CK, LP), p. 208–?.
FMFME-1996-Peleska #automation #industrial #safety #testing
Test Automation for Safety-Critical Systems: Industrial Application and Future Developments (JP), pp. 39–59.
KDDAKDDM-1996-FayyadDW #analysis #automation
Automating the Analysis and Cataloging of Sky Surveys (UMF, SGD, NW), pp. 471–493.
CIKMCIKM-1996-DharapF #automation
Information Agents for Automated Browsing (CD, MF), pp. 296–305.
ICPRICPR-1996-Johnson #automation #programming #search-based #using #visual notation
Automated creation of visual routines using genetic programming (MPJ), pp. 951–956.
ICPRICPR-1996-KunoWSN #automation #detection #visual notation
Automated detection of human for visual surveillance system (YK, NW, YS, SN), pp. 865–869.
ICPRICPR-1996-LeTW #adaptation #automation #detection #documentation #image #segmentation
Automated borders detection and adaptive segmentation for binary document images (DXL, GRT, HW), pp. 737–741.
ICPRICPR-1996-LorieRT #automation
A system for automated data entry from forms (RAL, VPR, TKT), pp. 686–690.
KDDKDD-1996-AronisPB #automation
Exploiting Background Knowledge in Automated Discovery (JMA, FJP, BGB), pp. 355–358.
KDDKDD-1996-TsumotoT #automation #database #set
Automated Discovery of Medical Expert System Rules from Clinical Databases Based on Rough Sets (ST, HT), pp. 63–69.
KDDKDD-1996-WangSSZC #automation #multi
Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Multiple RNA Secondary Structures (JTLW, BAS, DS, KZ, CYC), pp. 70–75.
KDDKDD-1996-ZytkowZ #automation #mining
Automated Pattern Mining with a Scale Dimension (JMZ, RZ), pp. 158–163.
SEKESEKE-1996-BurnsteinMRST #automation #fault #information management #locality #recognition
Knowledge Engineering for Automated Program Recognition and Fault Localization (IB, AM, KR, FS, AT), pp. 85–91.
SEKESEKE-1996-FoxBM #automation #debugging #fault #pascal #process #syntax
Automating the Debugging Process of Pascal Syntax Errors (RF, CB, JM), pp. 92–99.
SEKESEKE-1996-MillsG #approach #automation #concurrent #design #knowledge-based #realtime
A Knowledge-based Approach for Automating a Design Method for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems (KLM, HG), pp. 529–536.
SEKESEKE-1996-SunM #automation #named #program analysis
Wheels: An Automated Program Analysis Tool (AYS, BMM), pp. 269–276.
SEKESEKE-1996-XuZ #analysis #automation #problem #requirements #specification
Requirements Analysis and Specification as a Problem of Software Automation (JX, HZ), pp. 457–464.
SASSAS-1996-MullerGS #automation #composition #prolog #proving #source code #termination
Automated Modular Termination Proofs for Real Prolog Programs (MM, TG, KS), pp. 220–237.
FSEFSE-1996-BarrettKW #automation
Automated Support for Seamless Interoperability in Polylingual Software Systems (DJB, AK, JCW), pp. 147–155.
ICSEICSE-1996-HartP #automation #process #scalability
A Scalable, Automated Process for Year 2000 System Correction (JMH, AP), pp. 475–484.
ICSEICSE-1996-KorelA #automation #generative #testing
Assertion-Oriented Automated Test Data Generation (BK, AMAY), pp. 71–80.
ASEKBSE-1996-Benner #automation #complexity #coordination #development
Addressing Complexity, Coordination, and Automation in Software Development with the KBSA/ADM (KB), p. 13.
ASEKBSE-1996-KeaneE #automation #design #knowledge-based #legacy #re-engineering #robust #source code
Knowledge-Based Re-engineering of Legacy Programs for Robustness in Automated Design (JK, TE), p. 16.
SACSAC-1996-SohHHO #algorithm #automation #distributed
Decentralized routing algorithms for automated guided vehicles (JTLS, WJH, SYH, ACYO), pp. 473–479.
HPDCHPDC-1996-BraunCDGG #automation #compilation #distributed #implementation #protocol
ALFred, a Protocol Compiler for the Automated Implementation of Distributed Applications (TB, IC, CD, FG, LG), pp. 450–459.
CADECADE-1996-KapurS #automation #induction
Lemma Discovery in Automated Induction (DK, MS), pp. 538–552.
CADECADE-1996-LintonMPS #algebra #automation #deduction
Algebra and Automated Deduction (SL, UM, PP, DS), pp. 448–462.
CADECADE-1996-Scott #automation #deduction #question #what
What Can We Hope to Achieve From Automated Deduction? (DSS), p. 245.
CAVCAV-1996-BerregebBR #automation #commutative #induction #verification
Automated Verification by Induction with Associative-Commutative Operators (NB, AB, MR), pp. 220–231.
CAVCAV-1996-Rushby #automation #deduction #formal method
Automated Deduction and Formal Methods (JMR), pp. 169–183.
ISSTAISSTA-1996-CrowleyLL #automation #formal method #testing #using
Issues in the Full Scale Use of Formal Methods for Automated Testing (JLC, JFL, KAL), pp. 71–78.
ISSTAISSTA-1996-Korel #automation #generative #source code #testing
Automated Test Data Generation for Programs with Procedures (BK), pp. 209–215.
RTARTA-1996-Kapur #automation #challenge #reasoning
Rewrite-Based Automated Reasoning: Challenges Ahead (DK), pp. 1–2.
DL-1995-PalowitchS #automation #documentation #process
Automating the Structural Markup Process in the Conversion of Print Documents to Electronic Texts (CP, DS).
ICDARICDAR-v1-1995-SatohTK #automation #comprehension #documentation #generative #image #library
An automated generation of an electronic library based on document image understanding (SS, AT, EK), pp. 163–166.
ICDARICDAR-v2-1995-LiuDW #automation #recognition
Description and recognition of form and automated form data entry (JL, XD, YW), pp. 579–582.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1995-Sheth #automation #research #workflow
Workflow Automation: Applications, Technology, and Research (APS), p. 469.
ICSMEICSM-1995-BarrosBEQV #automation #impact analysis
Supporting impact analysis: a semi-automated technique and associated tool (SB, TB, AE, JPQ, JFV), pp. 42–51.
WCREWCRE-1995-Lutsky #automation #documentation #reverse engineering #testing
Automating Testing by Reverse Engineering of Software Documentation (PL).
CHICHI-1995-ShardanandM #algorithm #automation #information management #social #word
Social Information Filtering: Algorithms for Automating “Word of Mouth” (US, PM), pp. 210–217.
CAiSECAiSE-1995-DuffyMMM #analysis #automation #framework #reasoning #requirements #using
A Framework for Requirements Analysis Using Automated Reasoning (DAD, CM, JAM, PM), pp. 68–81.
KDDKDD-1995-TsumotoT #automation #induction #multi #recursion #statistics #testing
Automated Selection of Rule Induction Methods Based on Recursive Iteration of Resampling Methods and Multiple Statistical Testing (ST, HT), pp. 312–317.
KDDKDD-1995-TsumotoT95a #automation #component #functional #representation #sequence #set
Automated Discovery of Functional Components of Proteins from Amino-Acid Sequences Based on Rough Sets and Change of Representation (ST, HT), pp. 318–324.
SEKESEKE-1995-ArefiMW #automation #editing #graph
The Graph Editor of EdGen, A Tool to Aid the Automated Construction of Customized Graph Editors (FA, MM, AW), pp. 438–445.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-1995-Heitz #ada #automation #c++ #code generation #reliability #reuse #using
Achieving Reusable and Reliable Client-Server Code using HOODTM Automated Code Generation for ADA95 and C++ Targets (MH), pp. 419–438.
ICSEICSE-1995-CookW #automation #data analysis #process
Automating Process Discovery Through Event-Data Analysis (JEC, ALW), pp. 73–82.
ASEKBSE-1995-Richardson #automation #data type #functional #source code
Automating Changes of Data Type in Functional Programs (JR), pp. 166–173.
SACSAC-1995-SaiedianW #automation
An operational model for intelligent forms in office automation (HS, KWW), pp. 415–419.
ASF+SDFASF+SDF-1995-NaidichD #asf+sdf #automation #induction #proving #specification
Specifying an Automated Induction Proof Procedure in ASF+SDF (DN, TBD), pp. 233–254.
PPoPPPPoPP-1995-Brewer #automation #modelling #optimisation #statistics
High-Level Optimization via Automated Statistical Modeling (EAB), pp. 80–91.
CAVCAV-1995-HoW #analysis #automation #protocol
Automated Analysis of an Audio Control Protocol (PHH, HWT), pp. 381–394.
CAVCAV-1995-RajanSS #automation #integration #model checking #proving
An Integration of Model Checking with Automated Proof Checking (SR, NS, MKS), pp. 84–97.
RTARTA-1995-Bellegarde #automation #named #program transformation #towards
ASTRE: Towards a Fully Automated Program Transformation System (FB), pp. 403–407.
RTARTA-1995-ChazarainM #automation #equation #named #recursion #source code #synthesis
LEMMA: A System for Automated Synthesis of Recursive Programs in Equational Theories (JC, SM), pp. 420–425.
DLDL-1994-FayyadS #analysis #approach #automation #image #library #machine learning
The Automated Analysis, Cataloging, and Searching of Digital Image Libraries: A Machine Learning Approach (UMF, PS), pp. 225–249.
VLDBVLDB-1994-BrownMCL #automation #performance #towards
Towards Automated Performance Tuning for Complex Workloads (KPB, MM, MJC, ML), pp. 72–84.
ICSMEICSM-1994-CherinkaOCR #automation #perspective #process
Issues in Software Process Automation — From a Practical Perspective (RC, CMO, LAC, JR), pp. 109–118.
ICSMEICSM-1994-MatwinA #analysis #automation #composition #reuse #using
Reuse of Modular Software with Automated Comment Analysis (SM, AA), pp. 222–231.
CHICHI-1994-ByrneWFKS #automation #evaluation #interface
Automating interface evaluation (MDB, SDW, JDF, DEK, PNS), pp. 232–237.
CHICHI-1994-IrvingPI94a #analysis #automation
A GOMS analysis of the advanced automated cockpit (SI, PGP, JEI), pp. 344–350.
CSCWCSCW-1994-BergmannM #automation #lifecycle
Automated Assistance for the Telemeeting Lifecycle (NWB, JCM), pp. 373–384.
CAiSECAiSE-1994-JacksonEW #automation #development #object-oriented #requirements #specification
Automated Support for the Development of Formal Object-Oriented Requirements Specifications (RBJ, DWE, SNW), pp. 135–148.
SEKESEKE-1994-Auguston #automation #debugging
A language for debugging automation (MA), pp. 108–115.
SEKESEKE-1994-BadrL #automation #concurrent #re-engineering
Automation support for concurrent software engineering (SB, L), pp. 46–53.
SEKESEKE-1994-ChiangWBN #automation #documentation #named #programming #visual notation
DocFlow: an event-driven visual programming environment for office automation through document processing (SCYC, JTLW, MPB, PAN), pp. 454–461.
SEKESEKE-1994-ParkP #automation #formal method #modelling #requirements
Automated support to system modeling from informal software requirements (SP, JDP), pp. 86–93.
SIGIRSIGIR-1994-ApteDW #automation #categorisation #independence #learning #modelling #towards
Towards Language Independent Automated Learning of Text Categorisation Models (CA, FD, SMW), pp. 23–30.
POPLPOPL-1994-Thatte #adaptation #automation #interface #reuse #synthesis
Automated Synthesis of Interface Adapters for Reusable Classes (ST), pp. 174–187.
FSEFSE-1994-BowdidgeG #automation #data type #encapsulation
Automated Support for Encapsulating Abstract Data Types (RWB, WGG), pp. 97–110.
ICSEICSE-1994-DevanbuRW #analysis #automation #testing #tool support
Automated Construction of Testing and Analysis Tools (PTD, DSR, ALW), pp. 241–250.
SACSAC-1994-El-Said #automation #design #user interface #visual notation
Automated design of visual user interfaces (MES), pp. 545–550.
SACSAC-1994-Lutsky #documentation #parsing #testing #using
Using a document parser to automate software testing (PL), pp. 59–63.
DACDAC-1994-GuptaS #automation #design #multi #verification
Automated Multi-Cycle Symbolic Timing Verification of Microprocessor-Based Designs (APG, DPS), pp. 113–119.
DACDAC-1994-TeraiGNSO #automation #concept #design #performance
Basic Concept of Cooperative Timing-driven Design Automation Technology for High-speed RISC Processor HARP-1 (HT, KG, YN, YS, YO), pp. 262–269.
DATEEDAC-1994-AhmadM #automation #layout #named #reasoning
AREAL: Automated Reasoning Expert for Analogue Layout (HHA, RJM), p. 659.
DATEEDAC-1994-DonnaySGSKL #automation #design
A Methodology for Analog Design Automation in Mixed-Signal ASICs (SD, KS, GGEG, WMCS, WK, DL), pp. 530–534.
PDPPDP-1994-MilliganMB #algebra #automation #empirical #linear #parallel
The Mathematician’s Devil: An Experiment In Automating The Production Of Parallel Linear Algebra Software (PM, RM, TJGB), pp. 385–391.
CADECADE-1994-Baker #automation #deduction
A New Application for Explanation-Based Generalisation within Automated Deduction (SB), pp. 177–191.
CADECADE-1994-HuangKKMNRS94a #automation #deduction #named #tool support
KEIM: A Toolkit for Automated Deduction (XH, MK, MK, EM, DN, JR, JHS), pp. 807–810.
CADECADE-1994-Portoraro #automation #named #proving
Symlog: Automated Advice in Fitch-style Proof Construction (FDP), pp. 802–806.
CADECADE-1994-Slaney #automation #finite #reasoning
The Crisis in Finite Mathematics: Automated Reasoning as Cause and Cure (JKS), pp. 1–13.
CADECADE-1994-WangG #automation #named #program analysis
KITP-93: An Automated Inference System for Program Analysis (TCW, AG), pp. 831–835.
CAVCAV-1994-GeistB #automation #model checking #performance
Efficient Model Checking by Automated Ordering of Transition Relation Partitions (DG, IB), pp. 299–310.
ISSTAISSTA-1994-Kapur #automation #equation #specification
An Automated Tool for Analyzing Completeness of Equational Specifications (DK), pp. 28–43.
ICDARICDAR-1993-DoriHGH #automation #documentation #metric #standard
Radiographs as medical documents: automating standard measurements (DD, AIH, GG, RMH), pp. 553–556.
ICDARICDAR-1993-EspositoMS #automation #comprehension #documentation
Automated acquisition of rules for document understanding (FE, DM, GS), pp. 650–654.
ICDARICDAR-1993-WangO #automation #data-driven #database #generative
Automated generation of Chinese character structure data based on extracting the strokes (JHW, SO), pp. 806–809.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1993-MoenkebergZHW #automation #database #performance #prototype #towards
The COMFORT Prototype: A Step Toward Automated Database Performance Tuning (AM, PZ, CH, GW), pp. 542–543.
ICSMECSM-1993-ChowdhuryM #automation #constraints #detection #maintenance
Facilitating Software Maintenance by Automated Detection of Constraint Violations (AC, SM), pp. 262–271.
WCREWCRE-1993-NewcombM #automation #cobol #composition #re-engineering #scalability #source code
Automating the Modularization of Large COBOL Programs: Application of an Enabling Technology for Reengineering (PN, LM), pp. 222–230.
FMFME-1993-DickF #automation #generative #modelling #specification #testing
Automating the Generation and Sequencing of Test Cases from Model-Based Specifications (JD, AF), pp. 268–284.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-BollenS #automation #case study #how #process
How to Survive Process Control Automation: A Case Study of Integral User Participation (LAAB, TWvdS), pp. 121–126.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-ClarkH #automation #case study #human-computer #interactive
A Study of Human-Computer Interaction in the Selection of Commercial Pilots for Automated Flight Decks (REC, WFHI), pp. 350–355.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-GamoSKMH #automation #collaboration
Collaboration of Line and Staff in Fully Automated VLSI Factory (YG, WS, KK, HM, TH), pp. 540–545.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-Hopkin #automation
Human Factors Implications of Air Traffic Control Automation (VDH), pp. 145–150.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-HuuhtanenVL #automation #communication #implementation #library #named
Communication — A Key Factor in Implementation of Library Automation (PH, MV, IL), pp. 976–981.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-KeranRS #automation #mining #mobile #perspective
Automation of Mobile Equipment in Mining: A Human Factors Perspective (CMK, RFR, TJS), pp. 307–312.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-McFarlane #automation #development #using
Current Status of Development and Use of Tethered and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and the Potential for Further Automation (JRM), pp. 301–306.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-OBrienFM #automation #monitoring
The Effect of Automated Intelligent Advisors on Human Decision Making in Monitoring Complex Mechanical Systems (KO, EMF, FM), pp. 185–190.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-ReisingEM #automation
Automation in Military Aircraft (JMR, TJE, RCM), pp. 283–288.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-Smith #automation
Automation of Work in Dangerous Environments (TJS), pp. 273–277.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-ChenTW #automation #editing #graph #object-oriented #paradigm
Automated Construction of Application-Specific Graph Editors in an Object-Oriented Paradigm (MC, PT, CYW), pp. 415–420.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-SmithS #automation #human-computer #interactive
Human-Computer Interaction and the Automation of Work (KUS, TJS), pp. 837–842.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-ColganSR #automation #design
The human guidance of automated design (LC, RS, PR), p. 515.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-Potter #automation #programming #user interface
Guiding automation with pixels (abstract): a technique for programming in the user interface (RP), p. 530.
CAiSECAiSE-1993-McCormackHR #automation #concept #relational
Automated Mapping of Conceptual Schemas to Relational Schemas (JIM, TAH, PRR), pp. 432–448.
CIKMCIKM-1993-FayyadWD #analysis #automation #database #image #overview
Automated Cataloging and Analysis of Sky Survey Image Databases: The SKICAT System (UMF, NW, SGD), pp. 527–536.
ICMLICML-1993-CohenCBA #analysis #automation #modelling
Automating Path Analysis for Building Causal Models from Data (PRC, AC, LB, ASA), pp. 57–64.
ICMLICML-1993-FayyadWD #automation #machine learning #named #scalability
SKICAT: A Machine Learning System for Automated Cataloging of Large Scale Sky Surveys (UMF, NW, SGD), pp. 112–119.
SEKESEKE-1993-Cooke #automation
Software Automation (DEC), pp. 70–72.
SEKESEKE-1993-DampierLB #automation #prototype
Automated Merging of Software Prototypes (DAD, L, VB), pp. 604–611.
SEKESEKE-1993-KaarelaO #automation #execution #specification
Executable Graphic Specifications in Automation Projects (KK, AO), pp. 296–300.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1993-GilliGHMMSW #automation #object-oriented #visual notation
A Graphical, Object-Oriented Engineering Tool for Building Automation Systems (RG, EG, HH, LM, FM, FS, PW), pp. 197–208.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-1993-KetabchiS #analysis #automation #documentation #generative #maintenance #using
Automated Generation of Software Documentation Using an O.O. Analysis and Maintenance System (MAK, ESLB), pp. 167–179.
PEPMPEPM-1993-Chin #automation #towards
Towards an Automated Tupling Strategy (WNC), pp. 119–132.
AdaTRI-Ada-1993-GrossmanKE #ada #approach #automation #programming
Automating the Ada Programming Rrocess: A Domain-Specific Approach (FG, RJK, CBEJ), pp. 302–311.
ICSEICSE-1993-DunnK #automation #detection #reuse
Automating the Detection of Reusable Parts in Existing Software (MFD, JCK), pp. 381–390.
SACSAC-1993-ChoenniBC #automation #database #design #on the #physics
On the Automation of Physical Database Design (SC, HMB, TC), pp. 358–367.
SACSAC-1993-DattaM #automation
Automating the Re-Declaration of Unneeded Globals as Private (AD, PM), pp. 87–94.
SACSAC-1993-Spring #automation #benchmark #generative #metric
Benchmarking Automated Solution Generators for the Crozzle (JS), pp. 247–250.
TAPSOFTTAPSOFT-1993-Kirkwood #automation #equation #implementation #reasoning #using
Automating (Specififation = Implementation) Using Equational Reasoning and LOTOS (CK), pp. 544–558.
CAVCAV-1993-Varaiya #automation #design #protocol
Protocol Design for an Automated Highway System (PV), p. 180.
ICLPICLP-1993-MeklyY #approach #automation #generative #logic programming #modelling #requirements #testing
A Logic Programming Approach to Requirements Modelling and Automated Test Generation (LJM, MPY), p. 849.
ICLPILPS-1993-Bsaies #automation #logic programming #performance #source code
Automated Derivation of Efficient Logic Programs by Synthesizing Eureka Properties (KB), p. 633.
ICLPILPS-1993-LifschitzMT #approach #automation #logic programming #reasoning
Automated Reasoning About Actions: A Logic Programming Approach (VL, NM, HT), p. 641.
ISSTAISSTA-1993-Vogel #automation #testing
An Integrated General Purpose Automated Test Environment (PAV), pp. 61–69.
ICTSSIWPTS-1993-AhtiainenCHK #automation #case study #experience #tool support
Experiences with Octopus Automated TTCN Translation Tools Applied to GSM/SS7 (AA, BC, MWAH, SK), pp. 231–253.
CAiSECAiSE-1992-HalpinM #automation #concept #constraints #validation
Automated Validation of Conceptual Schema Constraints (TAH, JIM), pp. 445–462.
SIGIRSIGIR-1992-DumaisN #automation
Automating the Assignment of Submitted Manuscripts to Reviewers (STD, JN), pp. 233–244.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1992-GrapeW #automation #development #evolution #generative #syntax
Automating the Development of Syntax Tree Generators for an Evolving Language (PG, KW), pp. 185–195.
ICSEICSE-1992-PodgurskiP #automation #behaviour #component #retrieval #reuse
Behavior Sampling: A Technique for Automated Retrieval of Reusable Components (AP, LP), pp. 349–360.
DACDAC-1992-BeggsSCE #automation #design
Automated Design Decision Support System (RB, JS, CC, JE), pp. 506–511.
DACDAC-1992-NouraniP #automation #scheduling #synthesis
Move Frame Scheduling and Mixed Scheduling-Allocation for the Automated Synthesis of Digital Systems (MN, CAP), pp. 99–105.
DACDAC-1992-PyoSHPKTCCLWD #automation #design
Application-Driven Design Automation for Microprocessor Design (IP, CLS, IJH, KRP, YSK, CYT, HTC, GC, SL, SW, AMD), pp. 512–517.
CADECADE-1992-Baker-PlummerBM #automation #deduction
&: Automated Natural Deduction (DBP, SCB, ASM), pp. 716–720.
CADECADE-1992-BoyerY #automation #correctness #proving #source code
Automated Correctness Proofs of Machine Code Programs for a Commercial Microprocessor (RSB, YY), pp. 416–430.
CADECADE-1992-Dafa #automation #deduction #proving #theorem proving
A Natural Deduction Automated Theorem Proving System (LD), pp. 668–672.
CADECADE-1992-McCuneW #automation #deduction
Experiments in Automated Deduction with Condensed Detachment (WM, LW), pp. 209–223.
CADECADE-1992-RandellCC #automation #challenge #proving #theorem proving
Computing Transivity Tables: A Challenge For Automated Theorem Provers (DAR, AGC, ZC), pp. 786–790.
CADECADE-1992-UribeFM #automation #framework #overview #proving
An Overview of FRAPPS 2.0: A Framework for Resolution-based Automated Proof Procedure Systems (TEU, AMF, MKM), pp. 721–725.
CADECADE-1992-WangG #automation #named #verification
RVF: An Automated Formal Verification System (TCW, AG), pp. 735–739.
CADECADE-1992-Wos #automation #logic #reasoning
The Impossibility of the Automation of Logical Reasoning (LW), pp. 1–3.
ICTSSIWPTS-1992-CavalliMK #automation #consistency #formal method #generative #protocol #specification #testing
Automated Protocol Conformance Test Generation Based on Formal Methods for LOTOS Specifications (ARC, PM, SUK), pp. 237–248.
ICTSSIWPTS-1992-McAllisterVA #automation #metric #test coverage #testing
Automated Test Case Selection Based on Test Coverage Metrics (MM, STV, JAC), pp. 93–104.
CHICHI-1991-RiemanDHEPL #automation
An automated cognitive walkthrough (JR, SD, DCH, ME, PGP, CHL), pp. 427–428.
CAiSECAiSE-1991-JarzabekT #automation #towards
Towards Automating Software Maintainance (SJ, KT), pp. 336–355.
KDDKDD-1991-GonzalezMTMK #automation #database #generative
Automated Knowledge Generation From a CAD Database (AJG, HRM, MT, FDM, RRK), pp. 383–396.
KDDKDD-1991-LongIS #automation #database
Automating the Discovery of Causal Relationships in a Medical Records Database: The POSCH AI Project (JML, EAI, JRS), pp. 465–476.
ICMLML-1991-ChienWDDFGL #automation #machine learning
Machine Learning in Engineering Automation (SAC, BLW, TGD, RJD, BF, JG, SCYL), pp. 577–580.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-1991-Huntbach #automation #concurrent #logic
Automated Translation of Occam to a Concurrent Logic Language (MMH), pp. 254–275.
ICSEICSE-1991-DeMillo #automation #testing #towards
Progress Toward Automated Software Testing (RAD), pp. 180–183.
DACDAC-1991-Kazyonnov #automation #design
Design Automation in the Soviet Union: History and Status (GGK), p. 118.
DACDAC-1991-RaghavendraL #automation #self #synthesis
Automated Micro-Roll-back Self-Recovery Synthesis (VR, CL), pp. 385–390.
DACDAC-1991-TeraiGWKEHH #automation #concept #design
Basic Concepts of Timing-oriented Design Automation for High-performance Mainframe Computers (HT, FG, KW, TK, ME, SH, MH), pp. 193–198.
TAPSOFTCCPSD-1991-CamilleriIN #algebra #automation #interactive #process #verification
Combining Interaction and Automation in Process Algebra Verification (AJC, PI, MN), pp. 283–296.
CAVCAV-1991-MaoM #automation #equivalence #finite #proving #state machine
An Automated Proof Technique for Finite-State Machine Equivalence (WM, GJM), pp. 233–243.
CAVCAV-1991-SchneiderKK #automation #hardware #proving
Automating Most Parts of Hardware Proofs in HOL (KS, RK, TK), pp. 365–375.
CAiSECAiSE-1990-WijersH #automation #modelling #process
Automated Support of Modelling Process: A View Based on Experiments with Expert Information Engineers (GMW, HH), pp. 88–108.
ICMLML-1990-KadabaN #algorithm #automation #parametricity #performance #search-based
Improving the Performance of Genetic Algorithms in Automated Discovery of Parameters (NK, KEN), pp. 140–148.
DACDAC-1990-EdmondGSB #automation #dependence #design #named
ASSURE: Automated Design for Dependability (PE, APG, DPS, AAB), pp. 555–560.
CADECADE-1990-Bibel #automation #deduction
Perspectives on Automated Deduction (WB), p. 426.
CADECADE-1990-LuskM #automation #proving #theorem proving #tutorial
Tutorial on High-Performance Automated Theorem Proving (ELL, WM), p. 681.
CADECADE-1990-McMichael #automation #named #set
SLIM: An Automated Reasoner For Equivalences, Applied To Set Theory (AFM), pp. 308–321.
CADECADE-1990-SlaneyL #automation #deduction
Parallelizing the Closure Computation in Automated Deduction (JKS, ELL), pp. 28–39.
CADECADE-1990-WosWMOLSB #automation #logic #reasoning
Automated Reasoning Contributed to Mathematics and Logic (LW, SW, WM, RAO, ELL, RLS, RB), pp. 485–499.
CAVCAV-1990-Langevin #automation #calculus #verification
Automated RTL Verification Based on Predicate Calculus (ML), pp. 116–125.
CSLCSL-1990-Szabo #automation #deduction #on the
On the Tracking of Loops in Automated Deductions (MES), pp. 366–388.
KRKR-1989-Tenenberg #automation #inheritance
Inheritance in Automated Planning (JDT), pp. 475–485.
ICMLML-1989-TongF #automation #case study #re-engineering #towards
Toward Automated Rational Reconstruction: A Case Study (CT, PF), pp. 302–307.
SIGIRSIGIR-1989-Parkes #automation #image #network
Settings and the Setting Structure: The Description and Automated Propagation of Networks for Perusing Videodisk Image States (APP), pp. 229–238.
DACDAC-1989-VanHornR #architecture #automation #design #experience #framework
Experience with D-BUS Architecture for a Design Automation Framework (ECV, RRR), pp. 209–214.
DACDAC-1989-Wasserman #automation #design
CASE Environments for Design Automation (AIW), pp. 193–196.
ISSTATAV-1989-AvruninWD #analysis #automation #concurrent
Experiments in Automated Analysis of Concurrent Software Systems (GSA, JCW, LKD), pp. 124–130.
ISSTATAV-1989-KotikM #analysis #automation #program transformation #testing #using
Automating Software Analysis and Testing Using a Program Transformation System (GK, LM), pp. 75–84.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-Haynie #automation #database #design #scalability
A DBMS for Large Design Automation Databases (MNH), pp. 269–276.
SIGIRSIGIR-1988-BarthesG #automation #information retrieval
Planning in an Expert System for Automated Information Retrieval (CB, PG), pp. 535–550.
ICSEICSE-1988-DucasseE #automation #debugging #overview
A Review of Automated Debugging Systems: Knowledge, Strategies, and Techniques (MD, AME), pp. 162–173.
ICSEICSE-1988-Hagemann #analysis #automation #realtime #requirements
Requirements Analysis for Real-Time Automation Projects (MH), pp. 122–129.
DACDAC-1988-Chang #automation #component #design #industrial
Design Automation for the Component Parts Industry (SSLC), pp. 634–637.
DACDAC-1988-KonczykowskaB #automation #design
Automated Design Software for Switched-Capacitor IC’s with Symbolic Simulator SCYMBAL (AK, MB), pp. 363–368.
DACDAC-1988-Newton #automation #design
Twenty-Five Years of Electronic Design Automation (ARN), p. 2.
DACDAC-1988-Stroud #approach #automation #logic #synthesis
An Automated BIST Approach for General Sequential Logic Synthesis (CES), pp. 3–8.
DACDAC-1988-Whalen #automation #design
Automating the Design of Electronic Packaging (BW), p. 81.
CADECADE-1988-Basin #automation #reasoning
An Environment For Automated Reasoning About Partial Functions (DAB), pp. 101–110.
CADECADE-1988-BesnardS #automation #logic #reasoning
Supposition-Based Logic for Automated Nonmontonic Reasoning (PB, PS), pp. 592–601.
CADECADE-1988-MarcusR #automation #implementation #proving
Two Automated Methods in Implementation Proofs (LM, TR), pp. 622–642.
CADECADE-1988-McRobbieMT #automation #knowledge-based #logic #performance #proving #standard #theorem proving #towards
Towards Efficient “Knowledge-Based” Automated Theorem Proving for Non-Standard Logics (MAM, RKM, PBT), pp. 197–217.
CADECADE-1988-Stickel #automation #deduction
The KLAUS Automated Deduction System (MES), pp. 750–751.
CADECADE-1988-Walther #algorithm #automation #bound #proving #termination
Argument-Bounded Algorithms as a Basis for Automated Termination Proofs (CW), pp. 602–621.
CADECADE-1988-WosM #automation #challenge #combinator #logic #problem #similarity #source code
Challenge Problems Focusing on Equality and Combinatory Logic: Evaluating Automated Theorem-Proving Programs (LW, WM), pp. 714–729.
CSLCSL-1988-Plumer #automation #prolog #proving #source code #termination
Predicate Inequalities as a Basis for Automated Termination Proofs for Prolog Programs (LP), pp. 254–271.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-ElkanM88 #automation #induction #logic programming #reasoning #source code
Automated Inductive Reasoning about Logic Programs (CE, DAM), pp. 876–892.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-Swain #automation #dependence #problem
Four Human Factors Problems for System Operators as Dependence on Automation Increases (ADS), pp. 105–112.
HCIHCI-SES-1987-TominagaM #automation #problem
Noise Problem in Japanese automated Office (YT, NM), pp. 203–208.
HCIHCI-SES-1987-Watanabe #architecture #automation #interface
Human-Interface Architecture: Its Significance for Office Automation System (HW), pp. 279–294.
ESECESEC-1987-BeerS #automation #design
Software Design Automation in an IPSE (SB, IS), pp. 89–97.
ESECESEC-1987-HennellHR #automation #embedded #realtime #testing
Automated Testing Techniques for Real-Time Embedded Software (MAH, DH, IJR), pp. 244–253.
DACDAC-1987-ChangCH #approach #automation #generative #layout #matrix #using
Automated Layout Generation Using Gate Matrix Approach (YCC, SCC, LHH), pp. 552–558.
DACDAC-1987-Chowdhury #automation #design
An Automated Design of Minimum-Area IC Power/Ground Nets (SC), pp. 223–229.
DACDAC-1987-Hedlund #automation #named
Aesop: A Tool for Automated Transistor Sizing (KSH), pp. 114–120.
DACDAC-1987-OConnell #automation #design #integration #standard
Design Automation Standards Need Integration (LO), p. 562.
DACDAC-1987-Pachter #automation #design #standard
Design Automation Standards — Perspectives from a Down-the-Road End User (RJP), pp. 563–564.
DACDAC-1987-SuzukiBKTS #automation #named
TRIP: An Automated Technology Mapping System (SS, TB, MK, KT, TS), pp. 523–529.
DACDAC-1987-TouKFH #approach #automation #database #knowledge base #verification
Knowledge Based Approach for the Verification of CAD Database Generated by an Automated Schematic Capture System (JYT, WHK, KCF, CLH), pp. 713–720.
DACDAC-1987-Waxman #automation #design #standard
The Design Automation Standards Environment (RW), pp. 559–561.
DACDAC-1987-WuWN #automation #design #representation #rule-based #verification
A Rule-Based Circuit Representation for Automated CMOS Design and Verification (CFEW, ASW, LMN), pp. 786–792.
DACDAC-1986-FreemanKLN #automation #layout #matrix #modelling
Automated extraction of SPICE circuit models from symbolic gate matrix layout with pruning (RDF, SMK, CGLH, MLN), pp. 418–424.
DACDAC-1986-Geus #automation #benchmark #design #logic #metric #optimisation #synthesis
Logic synthesis and optimization benchmarks for the 1986 Design Automation Conference (AJdG), p. 78.
DACDAC-1986-Gonzalez-SustaetaB #automation #concept #database #design #using
An automated database design tool using the ELKA conceptual model (JGS, APB), pp. 752–759.
DACDAC-1986-HammerRRHT #automation #generative #interactive #interface
Automating the generation of interactive interfaces (KH, DR, TR, JH, TT), pp. 152–158.
DACDAC-1986-HancockD #automation #design #parallel #tutorial
Tutorial on parallel processing for design automation applications (JMH, SD), pp. 69–77.
DACDAC-1986-KrekelbergSSL #automation #compilation #layout #synthesis
Automated layout synthesis in the YASC silicon compiler (DEK, ES, GES, LSL), pp. 447–453.
DACDAC-1986-Williams #automation #design #industrial
IBM perspectives on the electrical design automation industry (RMW), p. 1.
CADECADE-1986-ButlerLMO #automation #proving #theorem proving
Paths to High-Performance Automated Theorem Proving (RB, ELL, WM, RAO), pp. 588–597.
CADECADE-1986-DickC #automation #empirical #equation #reasoning #using
Using Narrowing to do Isolation in Symbolic Equation Solving — An Experiment in Automated Reasoning (AJJD, JC), pp. 272–280.
CADECADE-1986-Stickel86a #automation #deduction
The KLAUS Automated Deduction System (MES), pp. 703–704.
CADECADE-1986-ThistlewaiteMM #automation #proving #theorem proving
The KRIPKE Automated Theorem Proving System (PBT, MAM, RKM), pp. 705–706.
VLDBVLDB-1985-SheardS #automation #complexity #database #reasoning
Coping with Complexity in Automated Reasoning about Database Systems (TS, DWS), pp. 426–435.
ICALPICALP-1985-MannaW #automation #deduction
Special Relations in Automated Deduction (ZM, RJW), pp. 413–423.
DACDAC-1985-DwyerMBG #array #automation #design #integration
The integration of an advanced gate array router into a fully automated design system (RD, SM, EB, DG), pp. 770–772.
DACDAC-1985-GranackiKP #automation #design #interface #natural language #overview
The ADAM advanced design automation system: overview, planner and natural language interface (JJG, DK, ACP), pp. 727–730.
DACDAC-1985-HughesLR #automation #design #distributed #execution #tool support
A technique for distributed execution of design automation tools (SCH, DBL, CJR), pp. 23–30.
DACDAC-1985-KowalskiT #automation #design #knowledge base #what
The VLSI design automation assistant: what’s in a knowledge base (TJK, DET), pp. 252–258.
DACDAC-1985-RamayyaKP #automation #canonical
An automated data path synthesizer for a canonic structure, implementable in VLSI (KR, AK, SP), pp. 381–387.
DACDAC-1985-Schutzman #automation #database #design #named
ICHABOD: a data base manager for design automation applications (HBS), pp. 569–576.
DACDAC-1985-ZaraH #automation #database #design
Building a layered database for design automation (RVZ, DRH), pp. 645–651.
VLDBVLDB-1984-Tagg #automation #database #scalability
End User Access to Very Large Databases in an Automated Office/Workstation Environment (RMT), pp. 272–279.
DACDAC-1984-Banin #automation #design #hardware
Hardware accelerators in the design automation environment (RB), p. 648.
DACDAC-1984-Hinchliffe #array #automation #design #physics
Commercial gate array physical design automation packages (FHI), pp. 386–387.
DACDAC-1984-Kelly #automation #design
The CRITTER system: Automated critiquing of digital circuit designs (VEK), pp. 419–425.
DACDAC-1984-Nachtsheim #automation #design
The Intel design automation system (SN), pp. 459–465.
DACDAC-1984-SchnurmannVP #automation #memory management #testing
An automated system for testing LSI memory chips (HDS, LJV, RMP), pp. 454–458.
DACDAC-1984-WojcikKS #automation #design #reasoning #verification
A formal design verification system based on an automated reasoning system (ASW, JKJ, NCES), pp. 641–647.
CADECADE-1984-LuskO #automation #reasoning #research
A Portable Environment for Research in Automated Reasoning (ELL, RAO), pp. 43–52.
CADECADE-1984-OhlbachW #automation #logic #problem #proving #theorem proving
Solving a Problem in Relevance Logic with an Automated Theorem Prover (HJO, GW), pp. 496–508.
DACDAC-1983-Ehr #automation #design
Position paper role of technology design rules in Design Automation (GJVE), p. 395.
DACDAC-1983-Haynie #automation #design #named #relational #tutorial
Tutorial: The relational data model for Design Automation (MNH), pp. 599–607.
DACDAC-1983-KowalskiT #automation #design #prototype #type system
The VLSI Design Automation Assistant: Prototype system (TJK, DET), pp. 479–483.
DACDAC-1983-Mayo #automation #challenge #design #lessons learnt
Design automation — lessons of the past, challenges for the future (JSM), pp. 1–2.
DACDAC-1983-SmithNBSW #array #automation #geometry #layout #named
VGAUA: The Variable Geometry Automated Universal Array layout System (DCS, RN, FB, SSS, JCW), pp. 425–429.
DACDAC-1983-Tomkinson #automation #design #named #tool support
UCAD: Building Design Automation with general purpose software tools on UNIX (JHT), pp. 774–787.
DACDAC-1983-TsengS #automation #named #synthesis
Facet: A procedure for the automated synthesis of digital systems (CJT, DPS), pp. 490–496.
DACDAC-1982-Breuer #automation #design #overview #state of the art
A survey of the state-of-the-art of design automation an invited presentation (MAB), p. 1.
DACDAC-1982-DeesK #automation
Automated rip-up and reroute techniques (WADJ, PGK), pp. 432–439.
DACDAC-1982-FreundG #automation #design
Automated conversion of design data for building the IBM 3081 (VJFJ, JAG), pp. 96–103.
DACDAC-1982-Hassett #approach #automation #layout #problem
Automated layout in ASHLAR: An approach to the problems of “General Cell” layout for VLSI (JEH), pp. 777–784.
DACDAC-1982-LiptonN #algorithm #automation #design #research
Design automation algorithms: Research and applications (RJL, JDN), p. 410.
DACDAC-1982-Marcotte #automation #named
Robotics: The new automation tool (HRM), pp. 2–8.
DACDAC-1982-MuellerV #automation #semantics
Formal semantics for the automated derivation of micro-code (RAM, JV), pp. 815–824.
DACDAC-1982-ONeill #automation #design #re-engineering
A retrospective on software engineering in design automation (LAO), pp. 10–14.
DACDAC-1982-PayneC #automation #clustering
Automated partitioning of hierarchically specified digital systems (TSP, WMvC), pp. 182–192.
DACDAC-1982-Woodward #aspect-oriented #automation #design
Operational aspects of design automation for the IBM 3081 (RFW), pp. 91–95.
CADECADE-1982-Wos #automation
Solving Open Questions with an Automated Theorem-Proving Program (LW), pp. 1–31.
ICSEICSE-1981-AndrewsB #automation #implementation #testing
An Automated Program Testing Methodology and Its Implementation (DMA, JPB), pp. 254–262.
DACDAC-1981-Barck #automation #evolution #interface
The role of engineering in the evolving technology/automation interface (PEB), pp. 706–707.
DACDAC-1981-Curl #automation #design
Mechanical design automation in IBM Poughkeepsie (GWCJ), pp. 166–170.
DACDAC-1981-Dutton #automation #design #perspective #tool support
Position statement — tools for design automation from a university point of view (RWD), p. 333.
DACDAC-1981-Gould #automation #design
Changing the Government’s role in design automation (JMG), pp. 334–335.
DACDAC-1981-Haynie #automation #database #design #hybrid #network #relational
The relational/network Hybrid data model for Design Automation Databases (MNH), pp. 646–652.
DACDAC-1981-HosakaUM #automation #design
A design automation system for electronic switching systems (TH, KU, HM), pp. 51–58.
DACDAC-1981-Lerman #automation #design #generative #integration
The generation of Technical Data Drawing Packages by the integration of Design Automation Graphics (HNL), pp. 618–622.
DACDAC-1981-Lydick #automation #evolution #interface
The role of engineering in the evolving technology/automation interface (RPL), p. 712.
DACDAC-1981-McFarland #automation #correctness #design #on the #optimisation #proving
On proving the correctness of optimizing transformations in a digital design automation system (MCM), pp. 90–97.
DACDAC-1981-PerskyES #automation #layout
The Hughes Automated Layout System — automated LSI/VLSI layout based on channel routing (GP, CE, DMS), pp. 22–28.
DACDAC-1981-SimsC #automation #design #documentation
User documentation for Design Automation at TI (DMS, JC), pp. 623–631.
DACDAC-1981-Spence #automation #design #perspective
Design Automation — a perspective (HWS), p. 343.
DACDAC-1981-Sumney #automation #design #development #perspective
Government interest and involvement in design automation development the VHSIC perspective (LWS), pp. 344–346.
DACDAC-1981-Yamada #automation #design
Design automation status in Japan (AY), pp. 43–50.
DACDAC-1980-Allen #automation #design
A contemporary perspective on design automation and VLSI in the 80’s (JA), pp. 338–339.
DACDAC-1980-ChelottiB #architecture #automation #design #scalability
Design automation at a large architect-engineer (EFC, DPB), pp. 40–49.
DACDAC-1980-Currier #automation #design
Automation of sheet metal design and manufacturing (DWC), pp. 134–138.
DACDAC-1980-Donath #automation #complexity #design
Complexity theory and design automation (WED), pp. 412–419.
DACDAC-1980-Gwyn #automation #design #roadmap
Design automation trends for VLSI in the 1980s (CWG), p. 340.
DACDAC-1980-Jacobs #automation #design
Design automation and VLSI in the 80’s (RMJ), p. 341.
DACDAC-1980-Miller #analysis #automation #design
Inter-active graphic methods for automating mechanical engineering design and analyses (JMM), pp. 114–128.
DACDAC-1980-Ramsay #array #automation #design #logic
Automation of design for uncommitted logic array (FRR), pp. 100–107.
DACDAC-1980-Rosenberg #automation #design #evolution
The evolution of design automation to meet the challanges of VLSI (LMR), pp. 3–11.
DACDAC-1980-SahniB #automation #complexity #design #problem
The complexity of design automation problems (SS, AB), pp. 402–411.
DACDAC-1980-Sapiro #automation
Desisn automation and VLSI in the 80’s (SS), pp. 346–347.
DACDAC-1980-SingletonC #automation #design #scalability
Practical automated design of LSI for large computers (JPS, NRC), pp. 556–559.
DACDAC-1980-SmithSTW #automation #design
A tool to support design automation in batch manufacturing (GLS, SAS, LLT, WLW), pp. 367–373.
SIGIRSIGIR-1979-DominickP #analysis #automation #evaluation #information management #monitoring
Automated Monitoring to Support the Analysis and Evaluation of Information Systems (WDD, WDP), pp. 2–9.
ICSEICSE-1979-LauberBGS #automation #design #realtime #specification
EPOS : A Specification and Design Technique for Computer Controlled Real-time Automation Systems (RL, JB, PG, HS), pp. 245–250.
DACDAC-1979-Bresnen #automation #metric
Automation of manufacturing planning, shop loading and work measurement in an engineering job shop environment (EJB), pp. 215–221.
DACDAC-1979-Harvel #automation #design #effectiveness
Cost effective data entry techniques for design automation (JTH), p. 382.
DACDAC-1979-Kane #automation #design
Design Automation concerns (JBK), pp. 347–348.
DACDAC-1979-Losleben #automation #design #future of
Future of design automation (PL), p. 349.
DACDAC-1979-ParkerTSBHLK #automation #design
The CMU design automation system: An example of automated data path design (ACP, DET, DPS, MB, LJH, GWL, JK), pp. 73–80.
DACDAC-1979-Peterson #automation #design
Design Automation philosophies (DLP), p. 352.
DACDAC-1979-WangB #automation
A software system for Automated Placement And Wiring of LSI chips (PTW, PB), pp. 327–329.
POPLPOPL-1978-German #automation #fault #proving #runtime
Automating Proofs of the Absence of Common Runtime Errors (SMG), pp. 105–118.
ICSEICSE-1978-Willis #analysis #automation #design #named
DAS: An Automated System to Support Design Analysis (RRW), pp. 109–115.
DACDAC-1978-Dasarathy #automation #design
Automated techniques for product-grading systems design (BVD), pp. 290–296.
DACDAC-1978-El-Ziq #automation #constraints #design #logic #network
Logic design automation of MOS combinational networks with fan-in, fan-out constraints (YMEZ), pp. 240–249.
DACDAC-1978-HaferP #automation #design #process
Register-transfer level digital design automation: The allocation process (LJH, ACP), pp. 213–219.
DACDAC-1978-Kleine #automation #design #documentation #process
Automating the software design process by means of software design and documentation language (HK), pp. 371–379.
DACDAC-1978-Nash #automation #database #design #topic
Topics in design automation data bases (DCN), pp. 463–474.
DACDAC-1978-Villers #automation #design #interactive
A minicomputer based Interactive Graphics System as used for electronic design and automation (PV), pp. 446–453.
DACDAC-1978-Willis #analysis #automation #design #named
DAS: An automated system to support design analysis (RRW), pp. 359–365.
DACDAC-1977-BobasV #automation #design
A design automation system for printed circuit board assemblies (AB, JV), pp. 341–350.
DACDAC-1977-Carley #automation #design #named #network
SWESS — the middle system of a design automation network (DKC), pp. 425–430.
DACDAC-1977-ChoKS #approach #automation #design #layout #named
Floss: An approach to automated layout for high-volume designs (YEC, AJK, DES), pp. 138–141.
DACDAC-1977-El-ZiqS #automation #design #logic #network
Logic design automation of diagnosable MOS combinational logic networks (YMEZ, SYHS), pp. 205–215.
DACDAC-1977-Hogan #automation #design
A second chance at automation as a design tool (RJH), p. 282.
DACDAC-1977-JaffeY #automation #diagrams #using
Automating analog circuit diagrams using a list processing language (RCJ, JPY), pp. 391–395.
DACDAC-1977-Smith77a #automation #design #re-engineering #tutorial
Software engineering techniques in design automation&madash;a tutorial (RJSI), pp. 495–507.
DACDAC-1977-Somaia #automation #logic #testing
An automated simultaneous probing system for testing complex logic assemblies “the bed of nails system” (RHS), pp. 64–67.
DACDAC-1977-Swiatek #automation #design
A design automation system for telephone electronic switching system (FES), pp. 419–424.
DACDAC-1977-ThomasS #automation #design #performance #verification
Measuring designer performance to verify design automation systems (DET, DPS), pp. 411–418.
ICSEICSE-1976-Greene #approach #automation #development #re-engineering
Dynamic Software Engineering: An Evolutionary Approach to Automated Software Development and Management (JSG), pp. 373–378.
ICSEICSE-1976-IrvineB #automation #data transformation #re-engineering
Automated Software Engineering Through Structured Data Management (CAI, JWB), p. 3.
ICSEICSE-1976-JessopKRS #automation #named #testing
ATLAS — An Automated Software Testing System (WHJ, JRK, SR, JMS), pp. 629–635.
ICSEICSE-1976-RamamoorthyHC #automation #generative #on the #testing
On the Automated Generation of Program Test Data (CVR, SBFH, WTC), p. 636.
DACDAC-1976-HerrickS #automation #design
A successful automated IC design system (WVH, JRS), pp. 74–78.
DACDAC-1976-Johnson #automation #testing
An automated probing procedure for board testing (WAJ), pp. 205–213.
DACDAC-1976-Matelan #automation #design #realtime
Automating the design of microprocessor-based real time control systems (MNM), pp. 462–469.
VLDBVLDB-1975-HubbardR #automation #design #logic
Automating Logical File Design (GUH, NR), pp. 227–253.
DACDAC-1975-AlbertiniAJS #automation
Integrated automation program (I.A.P.) for an electronic switching system (FA, AA, PJ, AS), pp. 144–151.
DACDAC-1975-ArnebergA #automation #design
Design automation in norway (PAA, EJA), pp. 251–256.
DACDAC-1975-CiompiSTV #automation #design #roadmap #state of the art
State of the art and trends in Design Automation in Italy (PC, LS, MT, GV), pp. 23–31.
DACDAC-1975-CleemputAL #automation #design #on the
On the status of design automation in canada (WMvC, RFA, JGL), pp. 1–7.
DACDAC-1975-GiuglianoB #automation #design #layout
Present and future on P.C.B. layout design automation system at SIT-Siemens (AG, FB), pp. 134–143.
DACDAC-1975-HoglundFAMKT #automation #design
Design automation of electronics in Sweden (IH, LF, AAA, BM, EK, OT), pp. 15–22.
DACDAC-1975-JongZ #automation #design
Application design within the system for business automation (SBA) (SPdJ, MMZ), pp. 69–76.
DACDAC-1974-Barnes #automation #design
Automated sign design and stencil cutting system (WMB), pp. 300–307.
DACDAC-1974-BreuerF #automation #concept #design
Initial design concepts for an advanced design automation system (MAB, ADF), pp. 366–371.
DACDAC-1974-DruffelSW #automation #design #performance
A simple, efficient design automation processor (LED, DCS, RAW), pp. 127–136.
DACDAC-1974-HarlowHRJD #automation
Automated inspection of electronic assemblies (CAH, SEH, DAR, RJJ, SJDI), pp. 98–106.
DACDAC-1974-Hassler #automation #database #design
Philosophic comments on data base context and management in design automation (EBHJ), pp. 1–13.
DACDAC-1974-Hasterlik #automation #design #named
RTL — The firmware Design Automation system (RLH), pp. 284–299.
DACDAC-1974-KozawaHISS #automation #generative #layout
Advanced LILAC — an Automated Layout Generation system for MOS/LSIs (TK, HH, TI, JS, SS), pp. 26–46.
DACDAC-1974-MitchellG #analysis #automation #named
MAP: A user-controlled automated Mask Analysis Program (CLM, JMG), pp. 107–118.
DACDAC-1974-Peterson #automation #design
Automated design and manufacture of printed circuit boards (DLP), pp. 119–126.
DACDAC-1974-Su #automation #design #future of
Speculation on the future of design automation (SYHS), pp. 186–193.
DACDAC-1974-Tipping #automation #design
Design automation in preliminary design (DET), pp. 347–351.
DACDAC-1973-FinrowH #architecture #automation #design #development #towards
Towards a user based automated architectural design system: Theory, system operation and future development (JF, RH), pp. 97–108.
DACDAC-1973-Freeman #automation #design
Automating software design (PF), pp. 62–67.
DACDAC-1973-KitamuraW #automation #design
Present and future in design automation systems (TK, TW), pp. 222–227.
DACDAC-1973-Kusunoki #automation #development
DEX-Design Automation system cooperative development (KK), pp. 187–192.
DACDAC-1973-OkuiKW #automation #design
Design Automation System for ESS in FUJITSU (MO, AK, KW), pp. 193–198.
DACDAC-1973-Su #automation #design #interactive
An interactive design automation system (SYHS), pp. 253–261.
DACDAC-1973-TaylorC #automation #design
The CAMS preliminary missile design automation program (RJT, ERC), pp. 233–239.
DACDAC-1972-Albert #automation #concept #design
Concept communications with design automation systems (DJA), pp. 11–14.
DACDAC-1972-ChandyKB #automation #design #evaluation #interactive #modelling #network
Design automation and queueing networks: An interactive system for the evaluation of computer queueing models (KMC, TWK, JCB), pp. 357–367.
DACDAC-1972-Harvey #automation #layout
Automated board layout (JGH), pp. 264–271.
DACDAC-1972-Koren #automation #design
Pin assignment in automated printed circuit board design (NLK), pp. 72–79.
DACDAC-1972-Robison #automation #design #logic #simulation
Applications of logic simulation in design automation at Texas Instruments (JMR), pp. 138–143.
DACDAC-1972-Sr #automation #design #network
Design automation in network computers (EKBS), pp. 350–356.
SIGIRSIGIR-1971-PacakP #automation #semantics
The Function of Semantics in Automated Language Processing (MP, AWP), pp. 5–18.
DACDAC-1971-Lerman #architecture #automation #design
The three dimensions of architectural design automation (HNL), pp. 250–258.
DACDAC-1971-Mitchell #architecture #automation #generative
The automated generation of architectural form (WJM0), pp. 193–207.
DACDAC-1971-Nagamine #automation #design #logic #source code
An automated method for designing logic circuit diagnostic programs (MN), pp. 236–241.
DACDAC-1971-RussoS #automation #logic #named
ALMS: Automated logic mapping system (RLR, PKWS), pp. 118–130.
DACDAC-1971-Scanlon #automation #component #multi
Automated placement of multi-terminal components (TS), pp. 143–154.
DACDAC-1970-AshleyMS #automation #metric
An automated micro measurement system for integrated circuit masks (FRA, EBM, HJS), pp. 17–27.
DACDAC-1970-Hayashi #automation #design
FACOM 230-series computer design automation system (TH), pp. 230–242.
DACDAC-1970-Quiet #automation #source code
An automated method for producing diagnostic programs (EQ), pp. 132–137.
DACDAC-1970-Yeager #automation #specification
Automation of test specifications for N/C printed circuit boards (TBY), pp. 190–202.
DACDAC-1969-JeglicSM #automation #design
Automation of re-entry vehicles’ preliminary design (JMJ, RFS, CDM), pp. 61–70.
DACDAC-1969-Lewis #automation #design #web
Automated design of open web steel joists (ADML), pp. 181–183.
DACDAC-1969-Samek #automation #design
The autopunch system or design automation comes to the sheet metal shop (WJS), pp. 71–90.
DACDAC-1968-BrownCS #automation #design
Design automation and the WRAP System (JAB, LJC, JJS).
DACDAC-1968-FreemanR #automation #composition #design #hardware #named
GENDA — a generalized design automation system for modular hardware (MFF, MR).
DACDAC-1968-KlemetsmoMW #automation #process
Graphic display techniques in the automated interconnection process (RRK, GAM, AIW).
DACDAC-1968-Uhlik #automation #diagrams #logic
Graphic update of automated logic diagrams (RJU).
DACDAC-1967-BeretvasLT #automation #design #file system
A general purpose design automation file system (TB, CHL, LRT).
DACDAC-1967-Mitchell #automation #challenge #design
Design automation’s challenge to defense technical data (DRM).
DACDAC-1967-Perry #automation #challenge #design
Design automation challenges for the 1970’s (CSP).
DACDAC-1967-Semple #automation #design #information management
Generalized information system — a tool for design automation (PSJ).
DACDAC-1967-Strongd #automation #diagrams
Automated diagram drafting (RMS, HGd).
DACDAC-1967-Weindlin #automation #design #programming language #question
Is there a “Best” Programming Language For Design Automation? (MW).
DACSHARE-1966-Breuer #automation #design #integer #programming
The application of integer programming in design automation (MAB).
DACSHARE-1966-Brown #automation #design
Change control in automated design (JKB).
DACSHARE-1966-Golomb #aspect-oriented #automation #combinator #design
Combinatorial aspects of automated designs (SWG).
DACSHARE-1966-Jirauch #automation #design
Artificial intelligence in automated design (DJ).
DACSHARE-1966-LyonsM #automation #concept #design
Concepts of building a design automation system (DL, MM).
DACSHARE-1966-MandellE #automation #design
A meta-compiler as a design automation tool (RLM, GE).
DACSHARE-1966-Spitalny #automation #design
Design automation at Norden (AS).
DACSHARE-1965-Bathurst #automation #design
Automated building design (LLB).
DACSHARE-1965-Berkeley #automation #social
The social implications of computers and automation (ECB).
DACSHARE-1965-Falkoff #automation #design #process
Formal description of processes — the first step in design automation (ADF).
DACSHARE-1965-Fielding #automation #design
Cost value of design automation (FGF).
DACSHARE-1965-FiskI #automation #layout #quote
“ACCEL”: automated circuit card etching layout (CJF, DDI).
DACSHARE-1965-MandellE #automation #design #specification
Specifications for a design automation system (RLM, GE).
DACSHARE-1964-Bolino #aspect-oriented #automation #social
Economic and social aspects of automation (ACB).
DACSHARE-1964-Lavering #automation #design
AUTO CARD automated printed circuit board design (FBL).
DACSHARE-1964-Paul #automation #design
Design automation effects on the organization (FGP).
DACSHARE-1964-Weems #automation #design
Automatic test equipment “production test in the design automation system” (CMW).

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.