Travelled to:
1 × China
Collaborated with:
B.Fischer ∅
Talks about:
explor (3) softwar (2) concept (2) framework (1) contribut (1) tagcloud (1) structur (1) identifi (1) generic (1) develop (1)
Person: Gillian J. Greene
DBLP: Greene:Gillian_J=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- FSE-2014-GreeneF #concept #named
- ConceptCloud: a tagcloud browser for software archives (GJG, BF), pp. 759–762.
- ASE-2015-Greene #concept #framework #re-engineering
- A Generic Framework for Concept-Based Exploration of Semi-Structured Software Engineering Data (GJG), pp. 894–897.
- ASE-2016-Greene0 #developer #identification #mining #named #open source
- CVExplorer: identifying candidate developers by mining and exploring their open source contributions (GJG, BF), pp. 804–809.