Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
R.Grossi R.Venturini
Talks about:
index (3) space (2) semi (2) structur (1) maintain (1) compress (1) wavelet (1) sequenc (1) string (1) partit (1)
Person: Giuseppe Ottaviano
DBLP: Ottaviano:Giuseppe
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SIGIR-2014-OttavianoV
- Partitioned Elias-Fano indexes (GO, RV), pp. 273–282.
- PODS-2012-GrossiO #maintenance #sequence #string
- The wavelet trie: maintaining an indexed sequence of strings in compressed space (RG, GO), pp. 203–214.
- CIKM-2011-OttavianoG
- Semi-indexing semi-structured data in tiny space (GO, RG), pp. 1485–1494.