506 papers:
CASE-2015-Schwung #automaton #cyber-physical #hybrid #modelling #using- Cyber-physical modeling of compression systems using hybrid automata (AS), pp. 1125–1130.
CASE-2015-ZhangHZ #detection #fault #metric- Fault detection for wireless networked systems with compressed measurements (JZ, XH, DHZ), pp. 356–361.
DAC-2015-WangJSX #adaptation #architecture #human-computer #interface- Adaptive compressed sensing architecture in wireless brain-computer interface (AW, ZJ, CS, WX), p. 6.
DATE-2015-HuriauxCS #design #runtime- Design flow and run-time management for compressed FPGA configurations (CH, AC, OS), pp. 1551–1554.
DATE-2015-MamaghanianV #design #power management- Ultra-low-power ECG front-end design based on compressed sensing (HM, PV), pp. 671–676.
DRR-2015-Fan0N #documentation #image #performance- Separation of text and background regions for high performance document image compression (WF, JS, SN).
SIGMOD-2015-YanZHSMZM #detection #distributed #using- Distributed Outlier Detection using Compressive Sensing (YY, JZ, BH, XS, JM, ZZ, TM), pp. 3–16.
VLDB-2015-NagarkarCB #query- Compressed Spatial Hierarchical Bitmap (cSHB) Indexes for Efficiently Processing Spatial Range Query Workloads (PN, KSC, AB), pp. 1382–1393.
VLDB-2015-WandeltL #multi #named #string- MRCSI: Compressing and Searching String Collections with Multiple References (SW, UL), pp. 461–472.
CIAA-J-2013-INIBT15 #automaton #taxonomy- Compressed automata for dictionary matching (TI, TN, SI, HB, MT), pp. 30–41.
DLT-2015-Lohrey #grammarware- Grammar-Based Tree Compression (ML), pp. 46–57.
ICALP-v2-2015-LohreyMP- Compressed Tree Canonization (ML, SM, FP), pp. 337–349.
LATA-2015-BilleGV #data type- Compressed Data Structures for Range Searching (PB, ILG, SV), pp. 577–586.
LATA-2015-PolicritiGP #linear- Average Linear Time and Compressed Space Construction of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (AP, NG, NP), pp. 587–598.
ICML-2015-ChenWTWC #network- Compressing Neural Networks with the Hashing Trick (WC, JTW, ST, KQW, YC), pp. 2285–2294.
ICML-2015-ZhuG #complexity #robust #towards- Towards a Lower Sample Complexity for Robust One-bit Compressed Sensing (RZ, QG), pp. 739–747.
MLDM-2015-AkbariniaM #probability #streaming- Aggregation-Aware Compression of Probabilistic Streaming Time Series (RA, FM), pp. 232–247.
PADL-2015-Tarau #combinator #generative #logic programming #normalisation #on the #type inference- On Logic Programming Representations of λ Terms: de Bruijn Indices, Compression, Type Inference, Combinatorial Generation, Normalization (PT), pp. 115–131.
SAC-2015-AbdiAM #algorithm #robust #video- A robust video watermarking algorithm in H.264/AVC compressed domain (LA, FBA, AM), pp. 1291–1293.
SAC-2015-GayathriK #rdf #rule-based- Horn-rule based compression technique for RDF data (VG, PSK), pp. 396–401.
HPCA-2015-PekhimenkoHCMGK #reuse- Exploiting compressed block size as an indicator of future reuse (GP, TH, RC, OM, PBG, MAK, TCM), pp. 51–63.
CADE-2015-GorznyP #first-order #proving #towards- Towards the Compression of First-Order Resolution Proofs by Lowering Unit Clauses (JG, BWP), pp. 356–366.
DAC-2014-GebalaMMRT #on the #using- On Using Implied Values in EDT-based Test Compression (MG, GM, NM, JR, JT), p. 6.
DATE-2014-CaplanMMM #execution #reliability #trade-off- Trade-offs in execution signature compression for reliable processor systems (JC, MIM, PM, BHM), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-HillerS #performance- Increasing the efficiency of syndrome coding for PUFs with helper data compression (MH, GS), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-WesleyT- Leveraging compression in the tableau data engine (RMGW, PT), pp. 563–573.
VLDB-2014-SongSZZ #framework #named #network #novel- PRESS: A Novel Framework of Trajectory Compression in Road Networks (RS, WS, BZ, YZ), pp. 661–672.
STOC-2014-Belazzougui #linear- Linear time construction of compressed text indices in compact space (DB), pp. 148–193.
ICALP-v1-2014-HegdeIS #linear #modelling- Nearly Linear-Time Model-Based Compressive Sensing (CH, PI, LS), pp. 588–599.
CIKM-2014-BoghCSA #data type #named- Hashcube: A Data Structure for Space- and Query-Efficient Skycube Compression (KSB, SC, DS, IA), pp. 1767–1770.
CIKM-2014-LiakosPS #graph- Pushing the Envelope in Graph Compression (PL, KP, MS), pp. 1549–1558.
CIKM-2014-TongWZ #incremental #repository #scalability- Compact Auxiliary Dictionaries for Incremental Compression of Large Repositories (JT, AW, JZ), pp. 1629–1638.
ECIR-2014-CatenaMO #on the #performance- On Inverted Index Compression for Search Engine Efficiency (MC, CM, IO), pp. 359–371.
ECIR-2014-LiakosPS #locality #network #on the #social- On the Effect of Locality in Compressing Social Networks (PL, KP, MS), pp. 650–655.
ICML-c2-2014-0005YJ #algorithm #performance #robust- Efficient Algorithms for Robust One-bit Compressive Sensing (LZ, JY, RJ), pp. 820–828.
ICML-c2-2014-KusnerTWA #probability- Stochastic Neighbor Compression (MJK, ST, KQW, KA), pp. 622–630.
ICML-c2-2014-WangRRCC #design #metric- Nonlinear Information-Theoretic Compressive Measurement Design (LW, AR, MRDR, ARC, LC), pp. 1161–1169.
ICPR-2014-BekhetA #using #video- Compact Signature-Based Compressed Video Matching Using Dominant Color Profiles (DCP) (SB, AA), pp. 3933–3938.
ICPR-2014-HouZ #effectiveness #image- Effective Image Block Compressed Sensing (YH, YZ), pp. 1085–1090.
ICPR-2014-NourbakhshBP #approach #graph #matrix- A Matrix Factorization Approach to Graph Compression (FN, SRB, MP), pp. 76–81.
ICPR-2014-RengarajanRA #classification #estimation #metric- Motion Estimation and Classification in Compressive Sensing from Dynamic Measurements (VR, ANR, RA), pp. 3475–3480.
ICPR-2014-ZhuY #image #optimisation #quality- A Bit Allocation Optimization Method for ROI Based Image Compression with Stable Image Quality (YZ, JY), pp. 849–854.
SIGIR-2014-TongWZ #corpus #taxonomy- Principled dictionary pruning for low-memory corpus compression (JT, AW, JZ), pp. 283–292.
SIGIR-2014-Zhang #graph #rdf #scalability- Graph-based large scale RDF data compression (WEZ), p. 1276.
HPCA-2014-ShafieeTBD #memory management #named- MemZip: Exploring unconventional benefits from memory compression (AS, MT, RB, AD), pp. 638–649.
HPDC-2014-BakerXDLNMEVW #simulation- A methodology for evaluating the impact of data compression on climate simulation data (AHB, HX, JMD, MNL, DN, SAM, JE, MV, AW), pp. 203–214.
IJCAR-2014-BoudouFP #named #proving- Skeptik: A Proof Compression System (JB, AF, BWP), pp. 374–380.
CASE-2013-ZhouSHJLS #lens #simulation- Numerical simulation in compression molding of glass lens (JZ, TS, YH, YJ, ML, LS), pp. 669–674.
DATE-2013-ShengWLY #named #parallel- SPaC: a segment-based parallel compression for backup acceleration in nonvolatile processors (XS, YW, YL, HY), pp. 865–868.
PODS-2013-Indyk #fourier #sketching- Sketching via hashing: from heavy hitters to compressed sensing to sparse fourier transform (PI), pp. 87–90.
SIGMOD-2013-ChristensenL #adaptation- Adaptive log compression for massive log data (RC, FL), pp. 1283–1284.
CIAA-2013-INIBT #automaton #taxonomy- Compressed Automata for Dictionary Matching (TI, TN, SI, HB, MT), pp. 319–330.
ICALP-v1-2013-BilleGLW- Tree Compression with Top Trees (PB, ILG, GML, OW), pp. 160–171.
ICALP-v1-2013-BravermanRWY- Direct Product via Round-Preserving Compression (MB, AR, OW, AY), pp. 232–243.
ICALP-v1-2013-GrossiRRV #random #string- Dynamic Compressed Strings with Random Access (RG, RR, SRS, RV), pp. 504–515.
CIKM-2013-JabbourSSU #approach- Mining-based compression approach of propositional formulae (SJ, LS, YS, TU), pp. 289–298.
ICML-c1-2013-HamiltonFP #modelling #predict- Modelling Sparse Dynamical Systems with Compressed Predictive State Representations (WLH, MMF, JP), pp. 178–186.
ICML-c3-2013-ChenC #matrix- Spectral Compressed Sensing via Structured Matrix Completion (YC, YC), pp. 414–422.
ICML-c3-2013-GopiN0N- One-Bit Compressed Sensing: Provable Support and Vector Recovery (SG, PN, PJ, AVN), pp. 154–162.
ICML-c3-2013-Lopes- Estimating Unknown Sparsity in Compressed Sensing (ML), pp. 217–225.
ICML-c3-2013-MalioutovV #learning- Exact Rule Learning via Boolean Compressed Sensing (DMM, KRV), pp. 765–773.
SIGIR-2013-ArroyueloGOS #documentation #identifier #performance- Document identifier reassignment and run-length-compressed inverted indexes for improved search performance (DA, SG, MO, VS), pp. 173–182.
SAC-2013-Serafino #clustering #composition #graph- Speeding up graph clustering via modular decomposition based compression (PS), pp. 156–163.
HPCA-2013-BaekLNLK #capacity #effectiveness #named- ECM: Effective Capacity Maximizer for high-performance compressed caching (SB, HGL, CN, JL, JK), pp. 131–142.
LICS-2013-Accattoli- Compressing Polarized Boxes (BA), pp. 428–437.
RTA-2013-BauLNW #analysis #term rewriting #termination- Compression of Rewriting Systems for Termination Analysis (AB, ML, EN, JW), pp. 97–112.
DATE-2012-ShoaibJV- Enabling advanced inference on sensor nodes through direct use of compressively-sensed signals (MS, NKJ, NV), pp. 437–442.
DATE-2012-WangLLZLSCY #architecture- A compression-based area-efficient recovery architecture for nonvolatile processors (YW, YL, YL, DZ, SL, BS, MFC, HY), pp. 1519–1524.
PODS-2012-GrossiO #maintenance #sequence #string- The wavelet trie: maintaining an indexed sequence of strings in compressed space (RG, GO), pp. 203–214.
SIGMOD-2012-FanLWW #graph #query- Query preserving graph compression (WF, JL, XW, YW), pp. 157–168.
ITiCSE-2012-HamadaN #learning- A learning tool for MP3 audio compression (MH, HN), p. 397.
PEPM-2012-KobayashiMS #functional #source code- Functional programs as compressed data (NK, KM, AS), pp. 121–130.
STOC-2012-ForbesS #on the #rank #testing- On identity testing of tensors, low-rank recovery and compressed sensing (MAF, AS), pp. 163–172.
ICALP-v1-2012-JanssonSS #memory management #named #random- CRAM: Compressed Random Access Memory (JJ, KS, WKS), pp. 510–521.
ICALP-v1-2012-Jez #pattern matching #performance- Faster Fully Compressed Pattern Matching by Recompression (AJ), pp. 533–544.
CIKM-2012-LiuKCBLPR #graph #on the- On compressing weighted time-evolving graphs (WL, AK, JC, JB, CL, JP, KR), pp. 2319–2322.
CIKM-2012-LowZ #matrix #performance #query #similarity- Fast top-k similarity queries via matrix compression (YL, AXZ), pp. 2070–2074.
CIKM-2012-Vitter #data type- Compressed data structures with relevance (JSV), pp. 4–5.
ICPR-2012-ChenXF #approximate #using- Compression of GPS trajectories using optimized approximation (MC, MX, PF), pp. 3180–3183.
ICPR-2012-DasR #documentation #image #novel #quality- A novel scheme of orientation and scale mapped RDC (OS-RDC) to improve compression in document images ensuring quality preservation (AD, RR), pp. 641–644.
ICPR-2012-LuuSBS #adaptation #analysis #multi- Compressed Submanifold Multifactor Analysis with adaptive factor structures (KL, MS, TDB, CYS), pp. 2715–2718.
ICPR-2012-UddinCKS #using- Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing (BU, MEC, HAK, GS), pp. 3144–3147.
ICPR-2012-VaradarajanZV #3d #video- RGB and depth intra-frame Cross-Compression for low bandwidth 3D video (KMV, KZ, MV), pp. 955–958.
ICPR-2012-XieHWL #estimation #segmentation #video- Moving Objects Segmentation from compressed surveillance video based on Motion Estimation (DX, ZH, SW, HL), pp. 3132–3135.
ICPR-2012-ZhangZH #collaboration- Collaborative and compressive high-resolution imaging (YZ, HZ, TSH), pp. 3062–3065.
KDIR-2012-WandeltL #string- String Searching in Referentially Compressed Genomes (SW, UL), pp. 95–102.
LOPSTR-2012-InsaST #debugging #declarative- Enhancing Declarative Debugging with Loop Expansion and Tree Compression (DI, JS, CT), pp. 71–88.
SAC-2012-Martinez-PrietoFC #rdf- Compression of RDF dictionaries (MAMP, JDF, RC), pp. 340–347.
HPDC-2012-SchendelPJBBGLLKCKRS #hybrid #optimisation #parallel #scalability- ISOBAR hybrid compression-I/O interleaving for large-scale parallel I/O optimization (ERS, SVP, JJ, DABI, ZG, SL, QL, HK, JC, SK, RBR, NFS), pp. 61–72.
RTA-2012-CreusGG #unification- One-context Unification with STG-Compressed Terms is in NP (CC, AG, GG), pp. 149–164.
RTA-2012-Ketema- Reinterpreting Compression in Infinitary Rewriting (JK), pp. 209–224.
RTA-2012-Maneth- Dictionary-Based Tree Compression (Invited Talk) (SM), p. 5.
RTA-2012-Schmidt-Schauss- Matching of Compressed Patterns with Character-Variables (MSS), pp. 272–287.
DATE-2011-KanounMKA #monitoring #realtime- A real-time compressed sensing-based personal electrocardiogram monitoring system (KK, HM, NK, DA), pp. 824–829.
ICDAR-2011-GuptaBC- A Compression Scheme for Handwritten Patterns Based on Curve Fitting (KG, MB, SC), pp. 1115–1119.
ICDAR-2011-SuCL #novel- Recognizing Text Elements for SVG Comic Compression and Its Novel Applications (CYS, RIC, JCL), pp. 1329–1333.
SIGMOD-2011-SchaikM #data type #memory management #performance #reachability- A memory efficient reachability data structure through bit vector compression (SJvS, OdM), pp. 913–924.
VLDB-2011-AoZWSWLLL #algorithm #parallel #performance #using- Efficient Parallel Lists Intersection and Index Compression Algorithms using Graphics Processing Units (NA, FZ, DW, DSS, GW, XL, JL, SL), pp. 470–481.
VLDB-2011-KimuraNS #database #design #physics- Compression Aware Physical Database Design (HK, VRN, MS), pp. 657–668.
STOC-2011-IndykP #clustering #distance #modelling- K-median clustering, model-based compressive sensing, and sparse recovery for earth mover distance (PI, EP), pp. 627–636.
LATA-2011-BrijderB- Characterizing Compressibility of Disjoint Subgraphs with NLC Grammars (RB, HB), pp. 167–178.
LATA-2011-ConleyK #algorithm #multi- Improved Alignment Based Algorithm for Multilingual Text Compression (ESC, STK), pp. 238–249.
ICEIS-v4-2011-SunD #bibliography #image- A Survey on Digital Image Compression (HS, TD), pp. 527–534.
CIKM-2011-BeskalesFGVJ- Factorization-based lossless compression of inverted indices (GB, MF, MG, SV, VJ), pp. 327–332.
CIKM-2011-PeelWZ #string #using- Collection-based compression using discovered long matching strings (AP, AW, JZ), pp. 2361–2364.
ECIR-2011-JonassenB #performance- Efficient Compressed Inverted Index Skipping for Disjunctive Text-Queries (SJ, SEB), pp. 530–542.
ICML-2011-GermainLLMS #approach #kernel- A PAC-Bayes Sample-compression Approach to Kernel Methods (PG, AL, FL, MM, SS), pp. 297–304.
KDD-2011-ToivonenZHH #graph- Compression of weighted graphs (HT, FZ, AH, AH), pp. 965–973.
SIGIR-2011-HoobinPZ #corpus- Sample selection for dictionary-based corpus compression (CH, SJP, JZ), pp. 1137–1138.
PPoPP-2011-KourtisKGK #memory management #named- CSX: an extended compression format for spmv on shared memory systems (KK, VK, GIG, NK), pp. 247–256.
CADE-2011-FontaineMP #proving- Compression of Propositional Resolution Proofs via Partial Regularization (PF, SM, BWP), pp. 237–251.
RTA-2011-GasconMR #first-order #unification- First-Order Unification on Compressed Terms (AG, SM, LR), pp. 51–60.
DAC-2010-WohlWNG- Fully X-tolerant, very high scan compression (PW, JAW, FN, EG), pp. 362–367.
DATE-2010-HatamiP #analysis #component #library #performance #representation #robust #using- Efficient representation, stratification, and compression of variational CSM library waveforms using Robust Principle Component Analysis (SH, MP), pp. 1285–1290.
VLDB-2010-FangHL #database- Database Compression on Graphics Processors (WF, BH, QL), pp. 670–680.
VLDB-2010-FuscoSV #named #network #on the fly #streaming- Net-Fli: On-the-fly Compression, Archiving and Indexing of Streaming Network Traffic (FF, MPS, MV), pp. 1382–1393.
STOC-2010-BarakBCR #communication #how #interactive- How to compress interactive communication (BB, MB, XC, AR), pp. 67–76.
AFL-J-2008-Lohrey10 #automaton #problem #regular expression- Compressed Membership Problems for Regular Expressions and Hierarchical Automata (ML), pp. 817–841.
CIAA-2010-LiuGLT #automaton #composition #matrix #regular expression- Compressing Regular Expressions’ DFA Table by Matrix Decomposition (YL, LG, PL, JT), pp. 282–289.
DLT-2010-HauboldLM #graph #morphism #problem #word- Compressed Conjugacy and the Word Problem for Outer Automorphism Groups of Graph Groups (NH, ML, CM), pp. 218–230.
LATA-2010-GagieG #grammarware #streaming- Grammar-Based Compression in a Streaming Model (TG, PG), pp. 273–284.
SOFTVIS-2010-LinTOB #comprehension #profiling #towards #using- Towards anomaly comprehension: using structural compression to navigate profiling call-trees (SL, FT, TCO, LJB), pp. 103–112.
ICEIS-J-2010-BottcherHM10a #using #xml- Using XML Schema Subtraction to Compress Electronic Payment Messages (SB, RH, CM), pp. 451–463.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-BottcherHM #xml- Queryable SEPA Message Compression by XML Schema Subtraction (SB, RH, CM), pp. 23–29.
CIKM-2010-HeZS #documentation #version control- Improved index compression techniques for versioned document collections (JH, JZ, TS), pp. 1239–1248.
ICPR-2010-ChenXF- Optimized Entropy-constrained Vector Quantization of lossy Vector Map Compression (MC, MX, PF), pp. 722–725.
ICPR-2010-FilipHC- Gaze-Motivated Compression of Illumination and View Dependent Textures (JF, MH, MJC), pp. 862–865.
ICPR-2010-KapotasS #sequence- Rate Control of H.264 Encoded Sequences by Dropping Frames in the Compressed Domain (SKK, ANS), pp. 2382–2385.
ICPR-2010-MurthyMRC #image- Image Retargeting in Compressed Domain (OVRM, KM, DR, LTC), pp. 4424–4427.
ICPR-2010-RahtuSH #random #using- Compressing Sparse Feature Vectors Using Random Ortho-Projections (ER, MS, JH), pp. 1397–1400.
ICPR-2010-ShangDJ #image- Compressive Sampling Recovery for Natural Images (FS, HD, YJ), pp. 2206–2209.
KDD-2010-DurrantK #analysis #classification #linear- Compressed fisher linear discriminant analysis: classification of randomly projected data (RJD, AK), pp. 1119–1128.
KDD-2010-MaserratP #network #query #social- Neighbor query friendly compression of social networks (HM, JP), pp. 533–542.
SIGIR-2010-LiLX10a #identification #music #robust- Robust music identification based on low-order zernike moment in the compressed domain (WL, YL, XX), pp. 739–740.
SAC-2010-ZhangW #classification #image #representation- Image representation and classification based on data compression (NZ, TW), pp. 981–982.
CGO-2010-PriceV #analysis #scalability- Large program trace analysis and compression with ZDDs (GDP, MV), pp. 32–41.
HPDC-2010-UrbaniMB #pipes and filters #semantics #web- Massive Semantic Web data compression with MapReduce (JU, JM, HEB), pp. 795–802.
DAC-2009-BonnyH #named #performance- LICT: left-uncompressed instructions compression technique to improve the decoding performance of VLIW processors (TB, JH), pp. 903–906.
DAC-2009-LaiYKH #performance #realtime- A trace-capable instruction cache for cost efficient real-time program trace compression in SoC (CHL, FCY, CFK, IJH), pp. 136–141.
DATE-2009-HatamiFAP #library #performance- Efficient compression and handling of current source model library waveforms (SH, PF, SA, MP), pp. 1178–1183.
DATE-2009-KoutsoupiaKKN #self #testing- LFSR-based test-data compression with self-stoppable seeds (MK, EK, XK, DN), pp. 1482–1487.
DATE-2009-LiuX09a #framework #reduction- A generic framework for scan capture power reduction in fixed-length symbol-based test compression environment (XL, QX), pp. 1494–1499.
DATE-2009-TangGCR #generative #multi- Improving compressed test pattern generation for multiple scan chain failure diagnosis (XT, RG, WTC, SMR), pp. 1000–1005.
DATE-2009-VishnoiPB #debugging- Cache aware compression for processor debug support (AV, PRP, MB), pp. 208–213.
DATE-2009-YilmazC #detection #fault- Seed selection in LFSR-reseeding-based test compression for the detection of small-delay defects (MY, KC), pp. 1488–1493.
ICDAR-2009-ImuraT #documentation #image #string- Compression and String Matching Method for Printed Document Images (HI, YT), pp. 291–295.
ICDAR-2009-PavelecOJNB #identification #modelling #using- Author Identification Using Compression Models (DP, LSO, EJRJ, FDNN, LVB), pp. 936–940.
ICDAR-2009-WangH #classification #design #fault #modelling #parametricity #precise #using- Design Compact Recognizers of Handwritten Chinese Characters Using Precision Constrained Gaussian Models, Minimum Classification Error Training and Parameter Compression (YW, QH), pp. 36–40.
SIGMOD-2009-BinnigHF #in memory #memory management #string- Dictionary-based order-preserving string compression for main memory column stores (CB, SH, FF), pp. 283–296.
SIGMOD-2009-GandhiNSL #multi #named #scalability- GAMPS: compressing multi sensor data by grouping and amplitude scaling (SG, SN, SS, JL), pp. 771–784.
SIGMOD-2009-JinXRF #named #query #reachability- 3-HOP: a high-compression indexing scheme for reachability query (RJ, YX, NR, DF), pp. 813–826.
VLDB-2009-BhattacharjeeLMMRLMTS #performance- Efficient Index Compression in DB2 LUW (BB, LL, TM, GAM, KAR, SL, CM, ZT, RS), pp. 1462–1473.
VLDB-2009-KimuraHRMZ #correlation #dependence #functional- Correlation Maps: A Compressed Access Method for Exploiting Soft Functional Dependencies (HK, GH, AR, SM, SBZ), pp. 1222–1233.
VLDB-2009-ReevesLNZ #multi- Managing Massive Time Series Streams with MultiScale Compressed Trickles (GR, JL, SN, FZ), pp. 97–108.
ITiCSE-2009-RosslingL #algorithm #on the fly #visualisation- Visualizing compression algorithms on-the-fly (GR, FL), p. 376.
FoSSaCS-2009-LohreyMS #parametricity #reduction- Parameter Reduction in Grammar-Compressed Trees (ML, SM, MSS), pp. 212–226.
CIAA-J-2008-MatsumotoHT09 #automaton #implementation #pattern matching #performance #runtime- A Run-Time Efficient Implementation of Compressed Pattern Matching Automata (TM, KH, MT), pp. 717–733.
CIAA-2009-LiuYLT #automaton- A Table Compression Method for Extended Aho-Corasick Automaton (YL, YY, PL, JT), pp. 84–93.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-KhashmanD #image #network #using- Optimum DCT Compression of Medical Images using Neural Networks (AK, KD), pp. 90–95.
CIKM-2009-LeeuwenBSS- Compressing tags to find interesting media groups (MvL, FB, BS, AS), pp. 1147–1156.
CIKM-2009-MadduriW #performance- Efficient joins with compressed bitmap indexes (KM, KW), pp. 1017–1026.
KDD-2009-ChierichettiKLMPR #network #on the #social- On compressing social networks (FC, RK, SL, MM, AP, PR), pp. 219–228.
KDD-2009-HiroseYNF #detection #equation #network- Network anomaly detection based on Eigen equation compression (SH, KY, TN, RF), pp. 1185–1194.
MLDM-2009-FranceC #distance- Is the Distance Compression Effect Overstated? Some Theory and Experimentation (SLF, JDC), pp. 280–294.
SIGIR-2009-ItakuraC #detection #markov #using #wiki- Using dynamic markov compression to detect vandalism in the wikipedia (KYI, CLAC), pp. 822–823.
SIGIR-2009-ParaparLB #documentation #modelling- Compression-based document length prior for language models (JP, DEL, AB), pp. 652–653.
SIGIR-2009-YanDS #web- Compressing term positions in web indexes (HY, SD, TS), pp. 147–154.
SAC-2009-ChunLSC #multi #predict #using #video- An enhanced multi-view video compression using the constrained inter-view prediction (SC, SL, KS, KC), pp. 1811–1815.
SAC-2009-KiyoharaMMNK #embedded #performance- Method for fast compression of program codes for remote updates in embedded systems (RK, SM, MM, MN, SK), pp. 1683–1684.
ESEC-FSE-2009-AbadiEF #control flow #slicing- Improving slice accuracy by compression of data and control flow paths (AA, RE, YAF), pp. 223–232.
CGO-2009-CollinB #embedded #taxonomy- Two-Level Dictionary Code Compression: A New Scheme to Improve Instruction Code Density of Embedded Applications (MC, MB), pp. 231–242.
CASE-2008-HuT #mobile- Compressive mobile sensing for robotic mapping (SH, JT), pp. 139–144.
DAC-2008-LinSH #multi #realtime- A multi-resolution AHB bus tracer for real-time compression of forward/backward traces in a circular buffer (YTL, WCS, IJH), pp. 862–865.
DATE-2008-BaiLD #adaptation #embedded- Adaptive Filesystem Compression for Embedded Systems (LSB, HL, RPD), pp. 1374–1377.
DATE-2008-LarssonLCEP #architecture #optimisation #scheduling- Test-Architecture Optimization and Test Scheduling for SOCs with Core-Level Expansion of Compressed Test Patterns (AL, EL, KC, PE, ZP), pp. 188–193.
DATE-2008-TenentesKK #testing- State Skip LFSRs: Bridging the Gap between Test Data Compression and Test Set Embedding for IP Cores (VT, XK, EK), pp. 474–479.
PODS-2008-FerraginaGGSV #on the #string- On searching compressed string collections cache-obliviously (PF, RG, AG, RS, JSV), pp. 181–190.
VLDB-2008-LometHNZ #transaction- Transaction time indexing with version compression (DBL, MH, RVN, RZ), pp. 870–881.
VLDB-2008-SearsCB #named #replication- Rose: compressed, log-structured replication (RS, MC, EAB), pp. 526–537.
STOC-2008-FortnowS- Infeasibility of instance compression and succinct PCPs for NP (LF, RS), pp. 133–142.
AFL-2008-Lohrey #problem #revisited- Compressed membership problems revisited (ML), pp. 31–53.
CIAA-2008-MatsumotoHT #automaton #implementation #pattern matching #performance #runtime- A Run-Time Efficient Implementation of Compressed Pattern Matching Automata (TM, KH, MT), pp. 201–211.
ICALP-C-2008-ShrimptonS- Building a Collision-Resistant Compression Function from Non-compressing Primitives (TS, MS), pp. 643–654.
ECIR-2008-HannahMO #analysis #graph- Analysis of Link Graph Compression Techniques (DH, CM, IO), pp. 596–601.
ICML-2008-QiLDC #multi #process- Multi-task compressive sensing with Dirichlet process priors (YQ, DL, DBD, LC), pp. 768–775.
ICML-2008-SeegerN #design- Compressed sensing and Bayesian experimental design (MWS, HN), pp. 912–919.
ICPR-2008-GarainD #detection #documentation #empirical #image #word- Stop word detection in compressed textual images: An experiment on indic script documents (UG, AKD), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-OhyamaNYN- Reversible data hiding of full color JPEG2000 compressed bit-stream preserving bit-depth information (SO, MN, KY, HN), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-SatoOKI #image #realtime- Real-time image-based rendering system for virtual city based on image compression technique and eigen texture method (RS, SO, HK, KI), pp. 1–4.
SIGIR-2008-BrisaboaFLN- Reorganizing compressed text (NRB, AF, SL, GN), pp. 139–146.
SIGIR-2008-Garain #documentation #experience #image #summary- Summarization of compressed text images: an experience on Indic script documents (UG), pp. 803–804.
SAC-2008-AgulhariSB #using- Compressing electrocardiogram signals using parameterized wavelets (CMA, RMRS, ISB), pp. 1348–1352.
SAC-2008-TsaiHC #design #power management #queue #scalability- Power-efficient and scalable load/store queue design via address compression (YYT, CJH, CHC), pp. 1523–1527.
CGO-2008-KetterlinC #data access #predict #recognition- Prediction and trace compression of data access addresses through nested loop recognition (AK, PC), pp. 94–103.
HPCA-2008-DasMNPNIYD #architecture #optimisation #performance- Performance and power optimization through data compression in Network-on-Chip architectures (RD, AKM, CN, DP, VN, RRI, MSY, CRD), pp. 215–225.
ISMM-2008-SartorHM- No bit left behind: the limits of heap data compression (JBS, MH, KSM), pp. 111–120.
LICS-2008-GasconGS- Context Matching for Compressed Terms (AG, GG, MSS), pp. 93–102.
CASE-2007-LeeEP- Proposed Methodology for Dynamic Schedule Compression (JL, RDEJ, JHP), pp. 986–991.
DAC-2007-BonnyH #performance- Instruction Splitting for Efficient Code Compression (TB, JH), pp. 646–651.
DAC-2007-JooCSC #energy #memory management #multi- Energy-Aware Data Compression for Multi-Level Cell (MLC) Flash Memory (YJ, YC, DS, NC), pp. 716–719.
DATE-2007-AnisN #architecture #debugging #interactive #low cost #using- Interactive presentation: Low cost debug architecture using lossy compression for silicon debug (EA, NN), pp. 225–230.
DATE-2007-BonnyH #performance- Efficient code density through look-up table compression (TB, JH), pp. 809–814.
DATE-2007-JanapsatyaIPH #agile #simulation- Instruction trace compression for rapid instruction cache simulation (AJ, AI, SP, JH), pp. 803–808.
DATE-2007-LarssonLEP #integration #testing- Optimized integration of test compression and sharing for SOC testing (AL, EL, PE, ZP), pp. 207–212.
DATE-2007-SeongM #performance #taxonomy #using- An efficient code compression technique using application-aware bitmask and dictionary selection methods (SWS, PM), pp. 582–587.
DATE-2007-ZhouB #approach #reduction #scheduling #testing #using- Test cost reduction for SoC using a combined approach to test data compression and test scheduling (QZ, KJB), pp. 39–44.
ICDAR-2007-SilvaL #documentation #synthesis- Color Document Synthesis as a Compression Strategy (JMS, RL), pp. 466–470.
SIGMOD-2007-HollowayRSD #database #how- How to barter bits for chronons: compression and bandwidth trade offs for database scans (ALH, VR, GS, DJD), pp. 389–400.
VLDB-2007-PapadimitriouLKY #privacy- Time Series Compressibility and Privacy (SP, FL, GK, PSY), pp. 459–470.
VLDB-2007-VoM #linear #named- RadixZip: Linear-Time Compression of Token Streams (BV, GSM), pp. 1162–1172.
PLDI-2007-CoopriderR #ram- Offline compression for on-chip ram (NC, JR), pp. 363–372.
STOC-2007-GilbertSTV #algorithm #performance #sketching- One sketch for all: fast algorithms for compressed sensing (ACG, MJS, JAT, RV), pp. 237–246.
ICALP-2007-BienvenuM #complexity- Reconciling Data Compression and Kolmogorov Complexity (LB, WM), pp. 643–654.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-BottcherSK #xml- XML index compression by DTD subtraction (SB, RS, NK), pp. 86–94.
CIKM-2007-ButtcherC #random- Index compression is good, especially for random access (SB, CLAC), pp. 761–770.
ICML-2007-ChengV #image #learning- Learning to compress images and videos (LC, SVNV), pp. 161–168.
ICML-2007-JiC #optimisation- Bayesian compressive sensing and projection optimization (SJ, LC), pp. 377–384.
ICML-2007-LiCLW #novel #orthogonal- A novel orthogonal NMF-based belief compression for POMDPs (XL, WKWC, JL, ZW), pp. 537–544.
ICML-2007-Mahadevan #3d #adaptation #learning #multi #using- Adaptive mesh compression in 3D computer graphics using multiscale manifold learning (SM), pp. 585–592.
ICML-2007-Shah #bound- Sample compression bounds for decision trees (MS), pp. 799–806.
SIGIR-2007-FerraginaV- Compressed permuterm index (PF, RV), pp. 535–542.
SIGIR-2007-WangZHN #multi #named #xml- MQX: multi-query engine for compressed XML data (XW, AZ, JH, WN), p. 897.
ECOOP-2007-VenstermansEB #java #pointer #virtual machine- Object-Relative Addressing: Compressed Pointers in 64-Bit Java Virtual Machines (KV, LE, KDB), pp. 79–100.
SAC-2007-KolesnikovA- Distortion-constrained compression of vector maps (AK, AA), pp. 8–12.
HPCA-2007-AlameldeenW #interactive #multi- Interactions Between Compression and Prefetching in Chip Multiprocessors (ARA, DAW), pp. 228–239.
DAC-2006-YangCGJ #algorithm #matrix #parallel #rank #scalability- A parallel low-rank multilevel matrix compression algorithm for parasitic extraction of electrically large structures (CY, SC, DG, VJ), pp. 1053–1056.
DAC-2006-YangLD #memory management #operating system- High-performance operating system controlled memory compression (LY, HL, RPD), pp. 701–704.
DATE-2006-KavousianosKN #multi #performance #testing #using- Efficient test-data compression for IP cores using multilevel Huffman coding (XK, EK, DN), pp. 1033–1038.
DATE-2006-PolianF #constraints #functional #testing- Functional constraints vs. test compression in scan-based delay testing (IP, HF), pp. 1039–1044.
DATE-DF-2006-MartinaMMVSV #approach #programmable- A new approach to compress the configuration information of programmable devices (MM, GM, AM, FV, LS, MV), pp. 48–51.
DRR-2006-ShangLD #image- JBIG2 text image compression based on OCR (JS, CL, XD).
SIGMOD-2006-AbadiMF #database #execution- Integrating compression and execution in column-oriented database systems (DJA, SM, MF), pp. 671–682.
SIGMOD-2006-XiaZ #performance- Refreshing the sky: the compressed skycube with efficient support for frequent updates (TX, DZ), pp. 491–502.
VLDB-2006-ApaydinCFT #approximate #encoding #query- Approximate Encoding for Direct Access and Query Processing over Compressed Bitmaps (TA, GC, HF, AST), pp. 846–857.
VLDB-2006-RamanS #how #query- How to Wring a Table Dry: Entropy Compression of Relations and Querying of Compressed Relations (VR, GS), pp. 858–869.
ICSM-2006-JaffriK #performance #using- Efficient Delivery of Software Updates Using Advanced Compression Techniques (TJ, KK), pp. 267–268.
CHI-2006-RanjanBC- Searching in audio: the utility of transcripts, dichotic presentation, and time-compression (AR, RB, MHC), pp. 721–730.
CHI-2006-TuckerW #algorithm #evaluation- Time is of the essence: an evaluation of temporal compression algorithms (ST, SW), pp. 329–338.
CSCW-2006-GutwinFWDB #network #performance #realtime- Improving network efficiency in real-time groupware with general message compression (CG, CF, MW, JD, TB), pp. 119–128.
CIKM-2006-GonzalezHL #mining #set #workflow- Mining compressed commodity workflows from massive RFID data sets (HG, JH, XL), pp. 162–171.
ICML-2006-Juba- Estimating relatedness via data compression (BJ), pp. 441–448.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChenCW #complexity #image- LBT Based Low Complexity Image Compression Method (BC, LC, HW), pp. 941–944.
ICPR-v1-2006-Lampert #machine learning #video- Machine Learning for Video Compression: Macroblock Mode Decision (CHL), pp. 936–940.
ICPR-v1-2006-Somma #video- Dynamic Foveation Model for Video Compression (GS), pp. 339–342.
ICPR-v3-2006-BelbachirG #image #performance- Medical Image Compression: Study of the Influence of Noise on the JPEG 2000 Compression Performance (ANB, PMG), pp. 893–896.
ICPR-v3-2006-CaronV #evaluation #image #modelling #quality #using- Compressed Image Quality Evaluation using Power Law Models (YC, NV), pp. 657–660.
ICPR-v3-2006-ChenCL #multi #video- YUV Correction for Multi-View Video Compression (YC, CC, JL), pp. 734–737.
ICPR-v3-2006-GarainCC #case study #documentation #image- Lossless Compression of Textual Images: A Study on Indic Script Documents (UG, MPC, BC), pp. 806–809.
ICPR-v3-2006-GarainDBP #image #summary- Summarization of JBIG2 Compressed Indian Language Textual Images (UG, AKD, UB, SKP), pp. 344–347.
ICPR-v3-2006-HenriquesBGCA- Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression (JH, MB, PG, PC, MA), pp. 942–945.
ICPR-v3-2006-TaiTT #2d #image #multi- Simultaneous Image Denoising and Compression by Multiscale 2D Tensor Voting (YWT, WST, CKT), pp. 818–821.
ICPR-v3-2006-WangHWH #approach #image- A New Approach for Fractal Image Compression on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure (HW, XH, QW, TH), pp. 909–912.
ICPR-v4-2006-MbonyeF #estimation #parametricity #visual notation- Attentive Visual Servoing in the MPEG compressed domain for Un-calibrated Motion Parameter Estimation of Road Traffic (KPM, FPF), pp. 908–911.
ICPR-v4-2006-QuanZ #using- Data Hiding in MPEG Compressed Audio Using Wet Paper Codes (XQ, HZ), pp. 727–730.
ICPR-v4-2006-ShibuyaU #image #mobile #self #standard #using- Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot Using Compressed Image Data of Average and Standard Deviation (NS, KU), pp. 614–617.
KDD-2006-BucilaCN- Model compression (CB, RC, ANM), pp. 535–541.
SAC-2006-BiermanMPS #analysis #array #image #named- MACE: lossless compression and analysis of microarray images (RB, NM, CP, RS), pp. 167–172.
SAC-2006-CalagnaGMJ #robust- A robust watermarking system based on SVD compression (MC, HG, LVM, SJ), pp. 1341–1347.
SAC-2006-ChenC #on the #representation #transitive- On the transitive closure representation and adjustable compression (YC, DC), pp. 450–455.
SAC-2006-Cuzzocrea #multi- An accuracy-aware compression technique for multidimensional data cubes (AC), pp. 515–516.
HPDC-2006-GaoSC #approximate- Path Grammar Guided Trace Compression and Trace Approximation (XG, AS, LC), pp. 57–68.
DAC-2005-Chatterjee #design #process #verification- Streamline verification process with formal property verification to meet highly compressed design cycle (PC), pp. 674–677.
DATE-2005-HashempourSL #evaluation #reliability #testing- Evaluation of Error-Resilience for Reliable Compression of Test Data (HH, LS, FL), pp. 1284–1289.
DATE-2005-OzturkSKK #embedded- Access Pattern-Based Code Compression for Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems (ÖÖ, HS, MTK, IK), pp. 882–887.
DATE-2005-PolianCB #optimisation- Evolutionary Optimization in Code-Based Test Compression (IP, AC, BB), pp. 1124–1129.
ICDAR-2005-AbedELE #composition #documentation #retrieval- Frequencies Decomposition and Partial Similarities Retrieval for Ancient Handwriting Documents Compression (AEA, VE, FL, HE), pp. 996–1000.
ICDAR-2005-GarainD #approach #documentation- An Approach for Stemming in Symbolically Compressed Indian Language Imaged Documents (UG, AKD), pp. 1080–1084.
ICDAR-2005-HaritJC #geometry #graph #image #independence #representation #retrieval #word- Improved Geometric Feature Graph: A Script Independent Representation of Word Images for Compression, and Retrieval (GH, RJ, SC), pp. 421–425.
VLDB-2005-XinHYC #mining #set- Mining Compressed Frequent-Pattern Sets (DX, JH, XY, HC), pp. 709–720.
CIAA-J-2004-DaleyM05 #formal method #modelling- Formal modelling of viral gene compression (MD, IM), pp. 453–469.
CIAA-2005-LohreyM #automaton #xpath- Tree Automata and XPath on Compressed Trees (ML, SM), pp. 225–237.
CIAA-2005-SubramanianS #automaton #documentation #finite #recursion #using #xml- Compressing XML Documents Using Recursive Finite State Automata (HS, PS), pp. 282–293.
ECIR-2005-MartonWH #classification #on the- On Compression-Based Text Classification (YM, NW, LH), pp. 300–314.
ICML-2005-LavioletteM #bound #classification- PAC-Bayes risk bounds for sample-compressed Gibbs classifiers (FL, MM), pp. 481–488.
SIGIR-2005-BrisaboaFNP #adaptation #natural language- Efficiently decodable and searchable natural language adaptive compression (NRB, AF, GN, JRP), pp. 234–241.
PADL-2005-Debray- Code Compression (SKD), pp. 5–6.
SAC-2005-BellaachiaR #database #performance #string- Efficiency of prefix and non-prefix codes in string matching over compressed databases on handheld devices (AB, IAR), pp. 993–997.
SAC-2005-LinZLY #performance #query #xml- Supporting efficient query processing on compressed XML files (YL, YZ, QL, JY), pp. 660–665.
SAC-2005-MenonS #embedded- A code compression advisory tool for embedded processors (SKM, PS), pp. 863–867.
HPCA-2005-HallnorR #memory management- A Unified Compressed Memory Hierarchy (EGH, SKR), pp. 201–212.
HPDC-2005-GrothMFWZM #empirical #using- Recording and using provenance in a protein compressibility experiment (PTG, SM, WF, SCW, KPZ, LM), pp. 201–208.
LCTES-2005-BriskMNS #taxonomy- A dictionary construction technique for code compression systems with echo instructions (PB, JM, AN, MS), pp. 105–114.
DAC-2004-GopeCJ #matrix #modelling #multi #performance #rank- A fast parasitic extractor based on low-rank multilevel matrix compression for conductor and dielectric modeling in microelectronics and MEMS (DG, SC, VJ), pp. 794–799.
DAC-2004-NettoACA #multi- Multi-profile based code compression (EWN, RA, PC, GA), pp. 244–249.
DAC-2004-OzturkKDCI #behaviour- Data compression for improving SPM behavior (ÖÖ, MTK, ID, GC, MJI), pp. 401–406.
DAC-2004-SunKV #taxonomy #testing- Combining dictionary coding and LFSR reseeding for test data compression (XS, LLK, BV), pp. 944–947.
DATE-DF-2004-LinXW #embedded- LZW-Based Code Compression for VLIW Embedded Systems (CHL, YX, WW), pp. 76–81.
DATE-v1-2004-FlottesPR #testing- An Arithmetic Structure for Test Data Horizontal Compression (MLF, RP, BR), pp. 428–435.
DATE-v1-2004-WolffPM #hardware- Test Compression and Hardware Decompression for Scan-Based SoCs (FGW, CAP, DRM), pp. 716–717.
DATE-v2-2004-ShoganC- Compact Binaries with Code Compression in a Software Dynamic Translator (SS, BRC), pp. 1052–1059.
DATE-v2-2004-TehranipourNC #flexibility #testing- Nine-Coded Compression Technique with Application to Reduced Pin-Count Testing and Flexible On-Chip Decompression (MHT, MN, KC), pp. 1284–1289.
SIGMOD-2004-DeligiannakisKR #network- Compressing Historical Information in Sensor Networks (AD, YK, NR), pp. 527–538.
VLDB-2004-JohnsonKCKV #matrix #order #scalability #using- Compressing Large Boolean Matrices using Reordering Techniques (DSJ, SK, JC, SK, SV), pp. 13–23.
FoSSaCS-2004-ManethB #transducer- Tree Transducers and Tree Compressions (SM, GB), pp. 363–377.
CIAA-2004-DaleyM #complexity #verification- Viral Gene Compression: Complexity and Verification (MD, IM), pp. 102–112.
ICALP-2004-Lohrey #problem #word- Word Problems on Compressed Words (ML), pp. 906–918.
ICALP-2004-Rytter #algorithm #encoding #string- Grammar Compression, LZ-Encodings, and String Algorithms with Implicit Input (WR), pp. 15–27.
CHI-2004-VemuriDBS #recognition #speech #using- Improving speech playback using time-compression and speech recognition (SV, PD, WB, CS), pp. 295–302.
CIKM-2004-HuangOM #category theory #clustering #difference- Compression schemes for differential categorical stream clustering (WH, EO, LM), pp. 232–233.
ICPR-v1-2004-ReimersBBOCFKP- A Feasibility study of On-Board Data Compression for Infrared Cameras of Space Observatories (CR, ANB, HB, RO, DAC, HF, FK, AP), pp. 524–527.
ICPR-v1-2004-Zhao #scalability #video- Super-Resolving Compressed Video with Large Artifacts (WYZ), pp. 516–519.
ICPR-v2-2004-HuR #classification #clustering #probability #using- Probability Table Compression Using Distributional Clustering for Scanning N-Tuple Classifiers (JH, ER), pp. 533–536.
ICPR-v2-2004-KubasovaT #image- Lossless Compression Methods for Hyperspectral Images (OK, PJT), pp. 803–806.
ICPR-v2-2004-MilanovaTK #algorithm #composition #image #recursion- Lossless Data Compression for Image Decomposition With Recursive IDP Algorithm (MGM, VT, RK), pp. 823–826.
ICPR-v3-2004-AlatasJS #retrieval #video- Compressed Spatio-temporal Descriptors for Video Matching and Retrieval (OA, OJ, MS), pp. 882–885.
ICPR-v3-2004-HaindlFA #image #modelling- BTF Image Space Utmost Compression and Modelling Method (MH, JF, MA), pp. 194–197.
ICPR-v3-2004-Stentiford #image #visual notation- A Visual Attention Estimator Applied to Image Subject Enhancement and Colour and Grey Level Compression (FS), pp. 638–641.
ICPR-v4-2004-CheneviereB #gesture #modelling #recognition- Deformable Model based Data Compression for Gesture Recognition (FC, SB), pp. 541–544.
KDD-2004-YeJL #image #named #performance #reduction #retrieval- GPCA: an efficient dimension reduction scheme for image compression and retrieval (JY, RJ, QL), pp. 354–363.
SAC-2004-AlexanderF #image #representation- Symbol representation in map image compression (AA, PF), pp. 29–34.
SAC-2004-Przelaskowski- Compression of mammograms for medical practice (AP), pp. 249–253.
SAC-2004-QianZ #automation #clustering #named #performance- GraphZip: a fast and automatic compression method for spatial data clustering (YQ, KZ), pp. 571–575.
SAC-2004-SilvestriPO #documentation #identifier #web- Assigning document identifiers to enhance compressibility of Web Search Engines indexes (FS, RP, SO), pp. 600–605.
ICSE-2004-WangR #bytecode #java #slicing #source code #using- Using Compressed Bytecode Traces for Slicing Java Programs (TW, AR), pp. 512–521.
CGO-2004-Adl-TabatabaiBCEFLMS #java #performance- Improving 64-Bit Java IPF Performance by Compressing Heap References (ARAT, JB, MC, ME, JF, BTL, BRM, JMS), pp. 100–110.
DAC-2003-LekatsasHCJS #agile #framework #hardware #named #prototype- CoCo: a hardware/software platform for rapid prototyping of code compression technologies (HL, JH, STC, VJ, MS), pp. 306–311.
DAC-2003-PomeranzR #detection #on the #testing- On test data compression and n-detection test sets (IP, SMR), pp. 748–751.
DAC-2003-RaoBO- Test application time and volume compression through seed overlapping (WR, IB, AO), pp. 732–737.
DAC-2003-WohlWPA #architecture #logic #performance- Efficient compression and application of deterministic patterns in a logic BIST architecture (PW, JAW, SP, MBA), pp. 566–569.
DATE-2003-GonciariAN #perspective #testing- Test Data Compression: The System Integrator’s Perspective (PTG, BMAH, NN), pp. 10726–10731.
DATE-2003-IyengarCSC #approach #optimisation #testing #using- A Unified Approach for SOC Testing Using Test Data Compression and TAM Optimization (VI, AC, SS, KC), pp. 11188–11190.
DATE-2003-KnieserWPWM- A Technique for High Ratio LZW Compression (MJK, FGW, CAP, DJW, DRM), pp. 10116–10121.
DATE-2003-MaciiMCZ #algorithm #embedded #energy- A New Algorithm for Energy-Driven Data Compression in VLIW Embedded Processors (AM, EM, FC, RZ), pp. 10024–10029.
DATE-2003-OhKWS #architecture #feedback #using- Test Pattern Compression Using Prelude Vectors in Fan-Out Scan Chain with Feedback Architecture (NO, RK, TWW, JS), pp. 10110–10115.
DATE-2003-PomeranzR03a #dependence #testing- Test Data Compression Based on Output Dependence (IP, SMR), pp. 11186–11187.
DATE-2003-RaoO #design- Virtual Compression through Test Vector Stitching for Scan Based Designs (WR, AO), pp. 10104–10109.
DATE-2003-XieWL- Profile-Driven Selective Code Compression (YX, WW, HL), pp. 10462–10467.
DocEng-2003-GarainDMC #pattern matching- Compression of scan-digitized Indian language printed text: a soft pattern matching technique (UG, SD, AM, BBC), pp. 185–192.
ICDAR-2003-ChoPR #probability #recognition- Probability Table Compression for Handwritten Character Recognition (SJC, MPP, EHR), p. 173–?.
ICDAR-2003-LuT #documentation #image #word- Word Searching in CCITT Group 4 Compressed Document Images (YL, CLT), pp. 467–471.
ICDAR-2003-YinFD #communication #image- Archive Image Communication with Improved Compression (XWY, MF, ACD), pp. 92–96.
SIGMOD-2003-LakshmananPZ03a #named #semantics #summary- SOCQET: Semantic OLAP with Compressed Cube and Summarization (LVSL, JP, YZ), p. 658.
SIGMOD-2003-MinPC #named #xml- XPRESS: A Queriable Compression for XML Data (JKM, MJP, CWC), pp. 122–133.
VLDB-2003-ArionBCDMP #named #query #xml- Xquec: Pushing Queries to Compressed XML Data (AA, AB, GC, SD, IM, AP), pp. 1065–1068.
VLDB-2003-KochBG #query #xml- Path Queries on Compressed XML (PB, MG, CK), pp. 141–152.
VLDB-2003-LakshmananPZ #semantics #summary- Efficacious Data Cube Exploration by Semantic Summarization and Compression (LVSL, JP, YZ), pp. 1125–1128.
VLDB-2003-PossP- Data Compression in Oracle (MP, DP), pp. 937–947.
ICALP-2003-JainRS #communication #complexity #theorem- A Direct Sum Theorem in Communication Complexity via Message Compression (RJ, JR, PS), pp. 300–315.
ECIR-2003-AdiegoNF #database- Compressing Semistructured Text Databases (JA, GN, PdlF), pp. 482–490.
ECIR-2003-BrisaboaINP #database #performance- An Efficient Compression Code for Text Databases (NRB, ELI, GN, JRP), pp. 468–481.
OOPSLA-2003-ChenKVIMW #java- Heap compression for memory-constrained Java environments (GC, MTK, NV, MJI, BM, MW), pp. 282–301.
SAC-2003-AtallahL #authentication- Authentication of LZ-77 Compressed Data (MJA, SL), pp. 282–287.
SAC-2003-FurhtGHM #3d #adaptation #analysis- An Adaptive Three-Dimensional DCT Compression Based on Motion Analysis (BF, KG, HH, OM), pp. 765–768.
CGO-2003-DrinicKV #optimisation- Code Optimization for Code Compression (MD, DK, HV), pp. 315–324.
CSL-2003-LeissR #automaton #string- Automata on Lempel-ziv Compressed Strings (HL, MdR), pp. 384–396.
LICS-2003-FrickGK #evaluation #query- Query Evaluation on Compressed Trees (Extended Abstract) (MF, MG, CK), p. 188–?.
VMCAI-2003-GiacobazziM #abstraction- Domain Compression for Complete Abstractions (RG, IM), pp. 146–160.
DAC-2002-KayCM #embedded- Embedded test control schemes for compression in SOCs (DK, SC, SM), pp. 679–684.
DAC-2002-PomeranzKR #on the- On output response compression in the presence of unknown output values (IP, SK, SMR), pp. 255–258.
DATE-2002-BeniniBMM #embedded #energy- Hardware-Assisted Data Compression for Energy Minimization in Systems with Embedded Processors (LB, DB, AM, EM), pp. 449–453.
DATE-2002-ChandraC #clustering #testing- Test Resource Partitioning and Reduced Pin-Count Testing Based on Test Data Compression (AC, KC), pp. 598–603.
DATE-2002-GadN #linear #performance #reduction- Efficient Model Reduction of Linear Time-Varying Systems via Compressed Transient System Function (EG, MSN), pp. 916–922.
DATE-2002-GonciariAN #testing- Improving Compression Ratio, Area Overhead, and Test Application Time for System-on-a-Chip Test Data Compression/Decompression (PTG, BMAH, NN), pp. 604–611.
DATE-2002-PetrovO #embedded #performance- Power Efficient Embedded Processor Ip’s through Application-Specific Tag Compression in Data Caches (PP, AO), pp. 1065–1071.
DATE-2002-RizzoC #architecture #case study #configuration management #video- A Video Compression Case Study on a Reconfigurable VLIW Architecture (DR, OC), pp. 540–546.
SIGMOD-2002-ChaudhuriGN #sql- Compressing SQL workloads (SC, AKG, VRN), pp. 488–499.
VLDB-2002-YuSLJ #data access #performance #xml- Compressed Accessibility Map: Efficient Access Control for XML (TY, DS, LVSL, HVJ), pp. 478–489.
ESOP-2002-McGuireKH #programming language- Programming Languages for Compressing Graphics (MM, SK, JFH), pp. 68–82.
IWPC-2002-Hamou-LhadjL #analysis #execution #scalability- Compression Techniques to Simplify the Analysis of Large Execution Traces (AHL, TCL), pp. 159–168.
PLDI-2002-DebrayE- Profile-Guided Code Compression (SKD, WSE), pp. 95–105.
CIKM-2002-FuhrG #documentation #retrieval #xml- Index compression vs. retrieval time of inverted files for XML documents (NF, NG), pp. 662–664.
ICPR-v2-2002-MielikainenK #image #integer #multi- Improved Back End for Integer PCA and Wavelet Transforms for Lossless Compression of Multispectral Images (JM, AK), pp. 257–260.
ICPR-v2-2002-RendonB #clustering #performance- Fast Hierarchical Clustering Based on Compressed Data (ER, RB), pp. 216–219.
ICPR-v2-2002-ZouY #image- A POCS-Based Method for Reducing Artifacts in BDCT Compressed Images (JJZ, HY), pp. 253–256.
ICPR-v3-2002-CampbellF02a #image- Experiments in Transform-Based Range Image Compression (RJC, PJF), pp. 875–878.
SIGIR-2002-ScholerWYZ #evaluation #performance #query- Compression of inverted indexes for fast query evaluation (FS, HEW, JY, JZ), pp. 222–229.
SAC-2002-JeeP #evaluation #performance- Performance evaluation for a compressed-VLIW processor (SJ, KP), pp. 913–917.
CC-2002-ZhangG #data type- Data Compression Transformations for Dynamically Allocated Data Structures (YZ, RG), pp. 14–28.
HPDC-2002-JeannotKB #adaptation #online- Adaptive Online Data Compression (EJ, BK, MB), pp. 379–388.
CAV-2002-KurshanLY #model checking- Compressing Transitions for Model Checking (RPK, VL, HY), pp. 569–581.
DAC-2001-ChandraC #power management #testing- Combining Low-Power Scan Testing and Test Data Compression for System-on-a-Chip (AC, KC), pp. 166–169.
DATE-2001-ChandraC #performance #testing #using- Efficient test data compression and decompression for system-on-a-chip using internal scan chains and Golomb coding (AC, KC), pp. 145–149.
DATE-2001-LiW #fault #memory management- Memory fault diagnosis by syndrome compression (JFL, CWW), pp. 97–101.
ICDAR-2001-NagabhushanM- Pitman Shorthand Inspired Model for Plain Text Compression (PN, SM), pp. 322–327.
VLDB-2001-MargaritisFT #data mining #mining #named #performance #scalability- NetCube: A Scalable Tool for Fast Data Mining and Compression (DM, CF, ST), pp. 311–320.
PLDI-2001-EvansF #bytecode- Bytecode Compression via Profiled Grammar Rewriting (WSE, CWF), pp. 148–155.
CIAA-2001-KatritzkeMT #automaton #clustering #finite #image #using- Enhancements of Partitioning Techniques for Image Compression Using Weighted Finite Automata (FK, WM, MT), pp. 177–189.
SIGIR-2001-WanM #interactive- Interactive Phrase Browsing Within Compressed Text (RW, AM), pp. 410–411.
SAIG-2001-DamianD- Static Transition Compression (DD, OD), pp. 92–107.
SAC-2001-OngCC #approach #clustering #image- A simple partitioning approach to fractal image compression (GHO, CMC, YC), pp. 301–305.
HPCA-2001-AbaliFSPS #hardware #in memory #memory management #performance- Performance of Hardware Compressed Main Memory (BA, HF, XS, DEP, TBS), pp. 73–81.
HPDC-2001-KrintzC- Reducing Delay with Dynamic Selection of Compression Formats (CK, BC), p. 266–?.
DAC-2000-ChaudhryBPE #analysis- Current signature compression for IR-drop analysis (RC, DB, RP, TE), pp. 162–167.
DAC-2000-LekatsasHW #design #embedded #power management- Code compression for low power embedded system design (HL, JH, WW), pp. 294–299.
VLDB-2000-JohnsonA #optimisation #query- Optimizing Queries on Compressed Bitmaps (SAY, TJ), pp. 329–338.
ITiCSE-2000-BarrosP- A versatile assignment in CS 2(poster session): a file compression utility based on the Huffman code (JPB, RP), p. 185.
ITiCSE-2000-KhuriH #algorithm #image #interactive #learning- Interactive packages for learning image compression algorithms (SK, HCH), pp. 73–76.
PLDI-2000-Lucco #taxonomy- Split-stream dictionary program compression (SL), pp. 27–34.
STOC-2000-AdlerL #multi #performance #using- Compression using efficient multicasting (MA, FTL), pp. 153–162.
STOC-2000-GrossiV #array #string- Compressed suffix arrays and suffix trees with applications to text indexing and string matching (extended abstract) (RG, JSV), pp. 397–406.
CIAA-2000-Daciuk #automaton- Experiments with Automata Compression (JD), pp. 105–112.
CIAA-2000-DvorskyS #random #word- Word Random Access Compression (JD, VS), pp. 331–332.
ICPR-v1-2000-YoonDD #detection #video- Event Detection from MPEG Video in the Compressed Domain (KY, DD, DSD), pp. 1819–1822.
ICPR-v3-2000-AlbanesiFG #adaptation #image- Adaptive Image Compression Based on Regions of Interest and a Modified Contrast Sensitivity Function (MGA, MF, FG), pp. 3219–3222.
ICPR-v3-2000-Biswas #image- Hilbert Scan and Image Compression (SB), pp. 3211–3214.
ICPR-v3-2000-BrucksteinHN #artificial reality #image #on the- On Holographic Transform Compression of Images (AMB, RJH, ANN), pp. 3236–3241.
ICPR-v3-2000-GashnikovGS #realtime- Compression Method for Real-Time Systems of Remote Sensing (MVG, NJG, VVS), pp. 3232–3235.
ICPR-v3-2000-KaarnaP #image #multi- Wavelet Filter Selection in Multispectral Image Compression (AK, JP), pp. 3246–3249.
ICPR-v3-2000-Kiema #automation #classification #data fusion #using- Wavelet Compression and Data Fusion: An Investigation into the Automatic Classification of Urban Environments using Color Photography and Laser Scanning Data (JBKK), pp. 3089–3093.
ICPR-v3-2000-KimCL #detection #feature model #performance #using- Fast Scene Change Detection Using Direct Feature Extraction from MPEG Compressed Videos (YMK, SWC, SWL), pp. 3178–3181.
ICPR-v3-2000-TongW #approximate #image #nearest neighbour- Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for Fractal Image Compression Based on a New Affine Transform Parametrization (CT, MW), pp. 3223–3227.
ICPR-v4-2000-LimCL #video- Text Extraction in MPEG Compressed Video for Content-Based Indexing (YKL, SHC, SWL), pp. 4409–4412.
ICPR-v4-2000-YangY #documentation #image #robust #segmentation- A Robust Document Processing System Combining Image Segmentation with Content-Based Document Compression (YY, HY), pp. 4519–4522.
SAC-2000-KhuriH #algorithm #tool support #visualisation- Tools for Visualizing Text Compression Algorithms (SK, HCH), pp. 119–123.
LICS-2000-AfratiLR- Definability and Compression (FNA, HL, MdR), pp. 63–73.
DAC-1999-NachtergaeleVPLBB #implementation #scalability #visual notation- Implementation of a Scalable MPEG-4 Wavelet-Based Visual Texture Compression System (LN, BV, MP, GL, JB, IB), pp. 333–336.
ICDAR-1999-HaffnerBHL #documentation #internet #named- DjVu: Analyzing and Compressing Scanned Documents for Internet Distribution (PH, LB, PGH, YL), pp. 625–628.
ICDAR-1999-LeeH #detection #documentation- Duplicate Detection in Symbolically Compressed Documents (DSL, JJH), pp. 305–308.
SIGMOD-1999-LeeKC #estimation #multi #using- Multi-dimensional Selectivity Estimation Using Compressed Histogram Information (JHL, DHK, CWC), pp. 205–214.
VLDB-1999-JagadishMN #semantics- Semantic Compression and Pattern Extraction with Fascicles (HVJ, JM, RTN), pp. 186–198.
VLDB-1999-Johnson #metric #performance- Performance Measurements of Compressed Bitmap Indices (TJ), pp. 278–289.
VLDB-1999-LiRS #algorithm #scalability- Aggregation Algorithms for Very Large Compressed Data Warehouses (JL, DR, JS), pp. 651–662.
PLDI-1999-CooperM #embedded- Enhanced Code Compression for Embedded RISC Processors (KDC, NM), pp. 139–149.
PLDI-1999-Fraser #automation #modelling #statistics- Automatic Inference of Models for Statistical Code Compression (CWF), pp. 242–246.
PLDI-1999-Pugh #java- Compressing Java Class Files (WP), pp. 247–258.
ICALP-1999-CrochemoreMRS #using- Text Compression Using Antidictionaries (MC, FM, AR, SS), pp. 261–270.
WIA-1999-Kiraz #finite #transducer- Compressed Storage of Sparse Finite-State Transducers (GAK), pp. 109–121.
CHI-1999-OmoiguiHGGS #named- Time-Compression: Systems Concerns, Usage, and Benefits (NO, LH, AG, JG, ES), pp. 136–143.
KDD-1999-DaviesM #dataset #network- Bayesian Networks for Lossless Dataset Compression (SD, AWM), pp. 387–391.
KDD-1999-ShanmugasundaramFB #approximate #query- Compressed Data Cubes for OLAP Aggregate Query Approximation on Continuous Dimensions (JS, UMF, PSB), pp. 223–232.
UML-1999-RaczK #diagrams #uml- Tool-Supported Compressing of UML Class Diagrams (FDR, KK), pp. 172–187.
SAC-1999-KocberberC #information retrieval #multi #performance- Compressed Multi-Framed Signature Files: An Index Structure for Fast Information Retrieval (SK, FC), pp. 221–226.
DAC-1998-LekatsasW #embedded- Code Compression for Embedded Systems (HL, WW), pp. 516–521.
DATE-1998-UrrizaAGBN #architecture #image #using- VLSI Architecture for Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (IU, JIA, JIGN, LAB, DN), pp. 196–201.
DATE-1998-YarmolikHW #performance #self- Self-Adjusting Output Data Compression: An Efficient BIST Technique for RAMs (VNY, SH, HJW), pp. 173–179.
ICPR-1998-Chen #algorithm #image #on the- On the selection of image compression algorithms (CCC), pp. 1500–1504.
ICPR-1998-KaarnaZKP #image #multi- Multispectral image compression (AK, PZ, HK, JP), pp. 1264–1267.
ICPR-1998-KamataNB #image #using- Color image compression using a Hilbert scan (SiK, TNN, YB), pp. 1575–1578.
ICPR-1998-KanekoH #detection #using #video- Cut detection technique from MPEG compressed video using likelihood ratio test (TK, OH), pp. 1476–1480.
ICPR-1998-Maeder #image- Lossy compression effects on digital image matching (AJM), pp. 1626–1629.
ICPR-1998-MokhtariB #constant #multi #using- Multiscale compression of planar curves using constant curvature segments (MM, RB), pp. 744–746.
ICPR-1998-SakalliYLK #image #modelling #multi- Model-based multi-stage compression of human face images (MS, HY, KML, TK), pp. 1278–1280.
ICPR-1998-StoddartB #multi #re-engineering #using- Surface reconstruction and compression using multiresolution arbitrary topology G1 continuous splines (AJS, MSB), pp. 788–791.
ICPR-1998-Szira #image #performance #preprocessor- Anisotropic diffusion as a preprocessing step for efficient image compression (TS, IK, BPT), pp. 1565–1567.
SIGIR-1998-MouraNZB #fault #performance- Fast Searching on Compressed Text Allowing Errors (ESdM, GN, NZ, RABY), pp. 298–306.
SIGIR-1998-VoM- Compressed Inverted Files with Reduced Decoding Overheads (VNA, AM), pp. 290–297.
SAC-1998-SimpsonS #approach #multi- A multiple processor approach to data compression (JLS, CLS), pp. 641–649.
JICSLP-1998-DeviennePTV #prolog #text-to-text- Source-to-source Prolog Program Compression (PD, AP, PT, SV), pp. 205–219.
ICDAR-1997-BagdanovK #algorithm #estimation #image- Projection profile based skew estimation algorithm for JBIG compressed images (ADB, JK), pp. 401–406.
ICDAR-1997-NgC #image #network- Artificial Neural Network for Discrete Cosine Transform and Image Compression (KSN, LMC), pp. 675–678.
ICDAR-1997-NgCW #word- Dynamic word based text compression (KSN, LMC, CHW), pp. 412–416.
PLDI-1997-ErnstEFLP- Code Compression (JE, WSE, CWF, SL, TAP), pp. 358–365.
ICALP-1997-GiacobazziR #abstract domain- Refining and Compressing Abstract Domains (RG, FR), pp. 771–781.
SAC-1997-FeielR #approach #image #search-based- A genetic approach to color image compression (HF, SR), pp. 252–256.
ITiCSE-1996-Miller #video- Mistakes to avoid in the introduction of compressed video (JEM), pp. 150–152.
ICALP-1996-AlbersM #algorithm #analysis- Average Case Analyses of List Update Algorithms, with Applications to Data Compression (SA, MM), pp. 514–525.
ICPR-1996-Albanesi #image #visual notation- Wavelets and human visual perception in image compression (MGA), pp. 859–863.
ICPR-1996-AruruRN #architecture #image- A VLSI system architecture for lossless image compression (SBA, NR, KRN), pp. 594–598.
ICPR-1996-AzencottDP #identification #multi #scalability- Multiscale identification of buildings in compressed large aerial scenes (RA, FD, JP), pp. 974–978.
ICPR-1996-KamataNK #image #using- A gray image compression using a Hilbert scan (SiK, MN, EK), pp. 905–909.
ICPR-1996-KiaD #analysis #documentation- Structural compression for document analysis (OEK, DSD), pp. 664–668.
ICPR-1996-LeeL96a #image- A lossless image compression method for human static signatures (LLL, MGL), pp. 910–913.
ICPR-1996-LinT #algorithm #performance #video- Fast full-search block-matching algorithm for motion-compensated video compression (YCL, SCT), pp. 914–918.
ICPR-1996-NamuduriRR #algorithm #image #named #segmentation #slicing #using- SVBS: a high-resolution medical image compression algorithm using slicing with variable block size segmentation (KRN, NR, HR), pp. 919–923.
ICPR-1996-RamaswamyNR #composition #image #using- Lossless image compression using wavelet decomposition (VNR, KRN, NR), pp. 924–928.
ICPR-1996-SauvolaP #composition #documentation #interface- A document management interface utilizing page decomposition and content-based compression (JJS, MP), pp. 752–757.
ICPR-1996-TangH #video- Characterizing smiles in the context of video phone data compression (LaT, TSH), pp. 659–663.
ICPR-1996-Yamashita #image- Image compression by weighted Karhunen-Loeve transform (YY), pp. 636–640.
ASPLOS-1996-ChenCM #analysis #branch #predict- Analysis of Branch Prediction Via Data Compression (ICKC, JTC, TNM), pp. 128–137.
HPCA-1996-YangSD #parallel #query- Parallel Intersecting Compressed Bit Vectors in a High Speed Query Server for Processing Postal Addresses (WjY, RS, VD), pp. 232–241.
TACAS-1995-RoscoeGGHJS #concurrent #csp #how #model checking- Hierarchical Compression for Model-Checking CSP or How to Check 1020 Dining Philosophers for Deadlock (AWR, PHBG, MG, JRH, DMJ, JBS), pp. 133–152.
STOC-1995-FarachT #string- String matching in Lempel-Ziv compressed strings (MF, MT), pp. 703–712.
ICALP-1995-Chen #algorithm #set #string- NC Algorithms for Finding a Maximal Set of Paths with Application to Compressing Strings (ZZC), pp. 99–110.
ICML-1995-Pfahringer- Compression-Based Discretization of Continuous Attributes (BP), pp. 456–463.
KDD-1995-PfahringerK #evaluation- Compression-Based Evaluation of Partial Determinations (BP, SK), pp. 234–239.
IWMM-1995-KjelsoJ #memory management- Memory Management in Flash-Memory Disks with Data Compression (MK, SJ), pp. 399–413.
DAC-1994-GuptaCDP #design #experience #image #tool support #using- Experience with Image Compression Chip Design using Unified System Construction Tools (PG, CTC, JCDB, ACP), pp. 250–256.
VLDB-1994-IyerW #database- Data Compression Support in Databases (BRI, DW), pp. 695–704.
ICALP-1994-AmirBF #2d- Optimal Two-Dimensional Compressed Matching (AA, GB, MF), pp. 215–226.
OOPSLA-1994-AmielGS #multi #optimisation #using- Optimizing Multi-Method Dispatch Using Compressed Dispatch Tables (EA, OG, ES), pp. 244–258.
PLILP-1994-TarauN #data transformation #novel #representation- A Novel Term Compression Scheme and Data Representation in the BinWAM (PT, UN), pp. 73–87.
SIGMOD-1993-CurewitzKV- Practical Prefetching via Data Compression (KMC, PK, JSV), pp. 257–266.
VLDB-1993-ZobelMS #scalability #using- Searching Large Lexicons for Partially Specified Terms using Compressed Inverted Files (JZ, AM, RSD), pp. 290–301.
SIGIR-1993-LinoffS #database #scalability- Compression of Indexes with Full Positional Information in Very Large Text Databases (GL, CS), pp. 88–95.
ML-1992-MuggletonSB- Compression, Significance, and Accuracy (SM, AS, MB), pp. 338–347.
SIGIR-1992-MoffatZ- Parameterised Compression for Sparse Bitmaps (AM, JZ), pp. 274–285.
ASPLOS-1992-BurrowsJLM #file system #online- On-Line Data Compression in a Log-Structured File System (MB, CJ, BWL, TM), pp. 2–9.
STOC-1991-FederM #algorithm #clique #graph- Clique Partitions, Graph Compression, and Speeding-Up Algorithms (TF, RM), pp. 123–133.
SIGIR-1991-Aalbersberg #retrieval- Posting Compression in Dynamic Retrieval Environments (IJA), pp. 72–81.
SIGIR-1991-BooksteinK #correlation #set- Compression of a Set of Correlated Bitmaps (AB, STK), pp. 63–71.
ASPLOS-1991-CateG #file system #integration- Integration of Compression and Caching for a Two-Level File System (VC, TRG), pp. 200–211.
ML-1990-Segen #clustering #graph #learning- Graph Clustering and Model Learning by Data Compression (JS), pp. 93–101.
SIGIR-1990-BooksteinK #graph- Construction of Optimal Graphs for Bit-Vector Compression (AB, STK), pp. 327–342.
SIGIR-1989-KleinBD #encryption #retrieval- Storing Text Retrieval Systems on CD-ROM: Compression and Encryption Considerations (STK, AB, SCD), pp. 160–167.
SIGIR-1988-ChouekaFK #retrieval- Compression of Concordances in Full-Text Retrieval Systems (YC, ASF, STK), pp. 597–612.
DAC-1987-ShahM- A New Compaction Scheme Based on Compression Ridges (PCS, HNM), pp. 645–648.
VLDB-1987-LiRW #database #performance #scalability- A New Compression Method with Fast Searching on Large Databases (JL, DR, HKTW), pp. 311–318.
SIGIR-1987-RaitaT #predict- Predictive Text Compression by Hashing (TR, JT), pp. 223–233.
PODS-1986-OlkenR #performance- Rearranging Data to Maximize the Efficiency of Compression (FO, DR), pp. 78–90.
VLDB-1986-WongL #algorithm #database #scalability- Transposition Algorithms on Very Large Compressed Databases (HKTW, JZL), pp. 304–311.
SIGIR-1986-ChouekaFKS #documentation #retrieval- Improved Hierarchical Bit-Vector Compression in Document Retrieval Systems (YC, ASF, STK, ES), pp. 88–96.
SIGIR-1986-TeuholaR #predict #using- Text Compression Using Prediction (JT, TR), pp. 97–102.
STOC-1985-GoldbergS #ranking- Compression and Ranking (AVG, MS), pp. 440–448.
SCC-1984-FraserMW #assembly- Analyzing and compressing assembly code (CWF, EWM, ALW), pp. 117–121.
SIGIR-1983-FraenkelM #clustering #scalability- Combinational Compression and Partitioning of Large Dictionaries: Theory and Experiments (ASF, MM), pp. 205–219.
SIGMOD-1982-X #multi- A Multi-Group Technique for Data Compression (KAH, MAB), pp. 284–292.
SIGIR-1982-FraenkelMP #question- Is Text Compression by Prefizes and Suffixes Practical? (ASF, MM, YP), pp. 289–311.
VLDB-1981-EggersOS #scalability #statistics- A Compression Technique for Large Statistical Data-Bases (SJE, FO, AS), pp. 424–434.
VLDB-1981-LynchB #database #scalability- Application of Data Compression to a Large Bibliographic Data Base (CAL, EBB), pp. 435–447.
VLDB-1980-EggersS #performance- Efficient Access of Compressed Data (SJE, AS), pp. 205–211.
SIGIR-1980-LeaS #runtime #using- An Associative File Store Using Fragments for Run-Time Indexing and Compression (RML, EJS), pp. 280–295.
VLDB-1979-Svensson #on the #order #performance #query- On Search Performance for Conjunctive Queries in Compressed, Fully Transposed Ordered Files (PS), pp. 155–163.
STOC-1979-GalilN #network- Network Flow and Generalized Path Compression (ZG, AN), pp. 13–26.
STOC-1978-StorerS #metaprogramming- The Macro Model for Data Compression (Extended Abstract) (JAS, TGS), pp. 30–39.
SIGIR-1971-MulfordR #scalability- Data Compression Techniques for Economic Processing of Large Commercial Files (JEM, RKR), pp. 207–215.
SIGFIDET-1970-Martin- Information Compressing Procedures for Storing Binary Relations (JJM), pp. 142–173.