Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Korea
Collaborated with:
M.J.d.Cunha V.L.Belini J.M.Jr. L.C.Jr.
Talks about:
architectur (1) distribut (1) discoveri (1) dimension (1) industri (1) behavior (1) control (1) propos (1) integr (1) cooper (1)
Person: Glauco Augusto de Paula Caurin
DBLP: Caurin:Glauco_Augusto_de_Paula
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CASE-2012-CunhaBC #behaviour #industrial
- Discovery of behavior in industrial plants: A KDD based proposal (MJdC, VLB, GAdPC), pp. 986–991.
- SAC-2008-JuniorCC #3d #architecture #distributed #named
- Scara3D: 3-Dimensional HRI integrated to a distributed control architecture for remote and cooperative actuation (JMJ, LCJ, GAdPC), pp. 1597–1601.