Travelled to:
1 × Japan
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
X.Yang H.Xu K.Gu W.Zhang K.Guo R.Zhang S.Yu
Talks about:
contrast (2) refer (2) no (2) stereoscop (1) parallax (1) resolut (1) qualiti (1) distort (1) connect (1) theori (1)
Person: Guangtao Zhai
DBLP: Zhai:Guangtao
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICPR-2012-GuZYZ #assessment #image #quality
- A new no-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment based on ocular dominance theory and degree of parallax (KG, GZ, XY, WZ), pp. 206–209.
- ICPR-2012-XuZY #metric
- No reference measurement of contrast distortion and optimal contrast enhancement (HX, GZ, XY), pp. 1981–1984.
- ICPR-2008-GuoYZZY #embedded #markov #random #using
- Face super-resolution using 8-connected Markov Random Fields with embedded prior (KG, XY, RZ, GZ, SY), pp. 1–4.