Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Douillet G.R.Gao R.Govindarajan H.Park Y.Wu C.Wang Z.Tang
Talks about:
softwar (4) pipelin (4) dimension (3) multi (3) loop (3) dimens (2) singl (2) generat (1) regist (1) alloc (1)
Person: Hongbo Rong
DBLP: Rong:Hongbo
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CGO-2014-RongPWW #pipes and filters
- Just-In-Time Software Pipelining (HR, HP, YW, CW), p. 11.
- PLDI-2005-RongDG #multi #pipes and filters
- Register allocation for software pipelined multi-dimensional loops (HR, AD, GRG), pp. 154–167.
- CGO-2004-RongDGG #code generation #multi #pipes and filters
- Code Generation for Single-Dimension Software Pipelining of Multi-Dimensional Loops (HR, AD, RG, GRG), pp. 175–188.
- CGO-2004-RongTGDG #multi #pipes and filters
- Single-Dimension Software Pipelining for Multi-Dimensional Loops (HR, ZT, RG, AD, GRG), pp. 163–174.