430 papers:
CASE-2015-BaeM #markov #modelling #multi #random- Markovian modeling of multiclass deterministic flow lines with random arrivals: The case of a single-channel (SYB, JRM), pp. 649–654.
CASE-2015-McKinleyGSKMNLP #single use- A single-use haptic palpation probe for locating subcutaneous blood vessels in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (SM, AG, SS, RK, AM, KAN, SL, SP, PA, AMO, KG), pp. 1151–1158.
CASE-2015-TorresP #multi #using- Cooperative control of multiple untethered magnetic microrobots using a single magnetic field source (NAT, DOP), pp. 1608–1613.
CASE-2015-ZhuQZ #clustering #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net modeling and one-wafer scheduling of single-arm tree-like multi-cluster tools (QZ, YQ, MZ), pp. 292–297.
DATE-2015-BanciuOW #information management #reliability- Reliable information extraction for single trace attacks (VB, EO, CW), pp. 133–138.
DATE-2015-GarciaMSN #multi #performance- High performance single supply CMOS inverter level up shifter for multi: supply voltages domains (JCG, JAMN, JS, SN), pp. 1273–1276.
DATE-2015-MuzaffarYSE #power management- A pulsed-index technique for single-channel, low-power, dynamic signaling (SM, JY, AS, IAME), pp. 1485–1490.
VLDB-2015-GatterbauerGKF- Linearized and Single-Pass Belief Propagation (WG, SG, DK, CF), pp. 581–592.
ICALP-v1-2015-FominKLPS #algorithm #polynomial- Parameterized Single-Exponential Time Polynomial Space Algorithm for Steiner Tree (FVF, PK, DL, FP, SS), pp. 494–505.
ICALP-v1-2015-HenzingerKN #algorithm #graph #reachability- Improved Algorithms for Decremental Single-Source Reachability on Directed Graphs (MH, SK, DN), pp. 725–736.
LATA-2015-Salem #automaton #ltl #model checking #testing- Single-Pass Testing Automata for LTL Model Checking (AEBS), pp. 563–576.
GCM-2015-LoweT #algebra #category theory- Single-Pushout Rewriting of Partial Algebras (ML, MT), pp. 82–96.
CHI-2015-ChanHCYHLC #gesture #named #smarttech- Cyclops: Wearable and Single-Piece Full-Body Gesture Input Devices (LWC, CHH, YLC, SY, DYH, RHL, BYC), pp. 3001–3009.
DHM-EH-2015-TianLYJCS #analysis #scalability #video- Single-Variable Scenario Analysis of Vehicle-Pedestrian Potential Crash Based on Video Analysis Results of Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Data (RT, LL, KY, FJ, YC, RS), pp. 295–304.
HIMI-IKC-2015-WangN #analysis #identification #matrix- Dot Matrix Analysis of Plant Operation Data for Identifying Sequential Alarms Triggered by Single Root Cause (ZW, MN), pp. 152–158.
ECIR-2015-RousseauV #keyword- Main Core Retention on Graph-of-Words for Single-Document Keyword Extraction (FR, MV), pp. 382–393.
SIGIR-2015-WeiG #summary #twitter #using- Gibberish, Assistant, or Master?: Using Tweets Linking to News for Extractive Single-Document Summarization (ZW, WG), pp. 1003–1006.
PADL-2015-FowlerDG #data flow- Reactive Single-Page Applications with Dynamic Dataflow (SF, LD, AG), pp. 58–73.
SAC-2015-CorcoglionitiRM #rdf #sorting #streaming #using- Processing billions of RDF triples on a single machine using streaming and sorting (FC, MR, MM, MA), pp. 368–375.
SAC-2015-MateCEL #automation #multi #video- Automatic multi-camera remix from single video (SM, IDDC, AJE, AL), pp. 1270–1277.
SAC-2015-SaezPCCP #manycore #named #symmetry- ACFS: a completely fair scheduler for asymmetric single-isa multicore systems (JCS, AP, FC, DC, MPM), pp. 2027–2032.
SAC-2015-SampaioEF #coordination- Determining the location of buildings given a single picture, environment maps and inaccurate GPS coordinates (JCS, RSE, LAFF), pp. 542–547.
ICSE-v1-2015-YuBC #approach #fault #multi #testing- Does the Failing Test Execute a Single or Multiple Faults? An Approach to Classifying Failing Tests (ZY, CB, KYC), pp. 924–935.
HPCA-2015-WangPBAK #alloy #architecture #memory management #named- Alloy: Parallel-serial memory channel architecture for single-chip heterogeneous processor systems (HW, CJP, GB, JHA, NSK), pp. 296–308.
LCTES-2015-ZhengW- WCET-Aware Dynamic D-cache Locking for A Single Task (WZ, HW), p. 10.
CAV-2015-FisherKPW #execution #network- Synthesising Executable Gene Regulatory Networks from Single-Cell Gene Expression Data (JF, ASK, NP, SW), pp. 544–560.
CASE-2014-CuiL #scheduling- Integrated production scheduling and periodic maintenances on a single machine with release dates (WWC, ZL), pp. 353–358.
CASE-2014-YangWQZ #clustering #multi #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools with two-space buffering modules (FY, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 75–80.
CASE-2014-ZhuWQZ #analysis #clustering #constraints #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Modeling and schedulability analysis of single-arm multi-cluster tools with residency time constraints via Petri nets (QZ, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2014-ChenCH #array #configuration management #constraints #synthesis- Area minimization synthesis for reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays with fabrication constraints (YHC, JYC, JDH), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-DinechinAPL #parallel- Time-critical computing on a single-chip massively parallel processor (BDdD, DvA, MP, GL), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GemmekeSSRCA #memory management- Resolving the memory bottleneck for single supply near-threshold computing (TG, MMS, JS, PR, FC, DA), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GholipourCSC #modelling #scalability- Highly accurate SPICE-compatible modeling for single- and double-gate GNRFETs with studies on technology scaling (MG, YYC, AS, DC), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-JonnaJRM- Minimally buffered single-cycle deflection router (GRJ, JJ, RR, MM), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-LiuCHWCDN #array #synthesis- Width minimization in the Single-Electron Transistor array synthesis (CWL, CEC, CYH, CYW, YCC, SD, VN), pp. 1–4.
VLDB-2014-ElseidyASK #graph #mining #named #scalability- GRAMI: Frequent Subgraph and Pattern Mining in a Single Large Graph (ME, EA, SS, PK), pp. 517–528.
VLDB-2014-FurcheG0GOSW #database #named- DIADEM: Thousands of Websites to a Single Database (TF, GG, GG, XG, GO, CS, CW), pp. 1845–1856.
FASE-2014-LoweKS #category theory #graph transformation #polymorphism- Polymorphic Single-Pushout Graph Transformation (ML, HK, CS), pp. 355–369.
STOC-2014-HenzingerKN #algorithm #graph #reachability- Sublinear-time decremental algorithms for single-source reachability and shortest paths on directed graphs (MH, SK, DN), pp. 674–683.
ICALP-v1-2014-DemaineDFPSWW #assembly #simulation- One Tile to Rule Them All: Simulating Any Tile Assembly System with a Single Universal Tile (EDD, MLD, SPF, MJP, RTS, AW, DW), pp. 368–379.
CHI-2014-WinklerLDKR #interactive #mobile #multi #named- SurfacePhone: a mobile projection device for single- and multiuser everywhere tabletop interaction (CW, ML, DD, AK, ER), pp. 3513–3522.
DUXU-DI-2014-ChangH- Effect of Perception-Compatibility, Learning-Factor, and Symbol-Carrier on Single LED Symbol System Recognizing (CCC, TKPH), pp. 417–424.
HIMI-DE-2014-FukuzumiYTYYK- A New Computational Method for Single-Trial-EEG-Based BCI — Proposal of the Number of Electrodes (SF, HY, KT, TY, TY, KK), pp. 148–156.
CIKM-2014-ZhaoCN #approach #data type #probability- Truth Discovery in Data Streams: A Single-Pass Probabilistic Approach (ZZ, JC, WN), pp. 1589–1598.
ICML-c2-2014-Yi0WJJ #algorithm #clustering- A Single-Pass Algorithm for Efficiently Recovering Sparse Cluster Centers of High-dimensional Data (JY, LZ, JW, RJ, AKJ), pp. 658–666.
ICPR-2014-DarvishLS #image- Super-resolution Facial Images from Single Input Images Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (AMD, HL, US), pp. 843–848.
ICPR-2014-MoeiniMF #image #invariant #matrix #realtime #recognition- Real-Time Pose-Invariant Face Recognition by Triplet Pose Sparse Matrix from Only a Single Image (AM, HM, KF), pp. 465–470.
ICPR-2014-MoeiniMF14a #2d #3d #image #invariant #re-engineering #recognition #synthesis- Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Face Reconstruction and Synthesis from a Single 2D Image (AM, HM, KF), pp. 1746–1751.
ICPR-2014-MoeiniMF14b #2d #3d #image #invariant #re-engineering #recognition #using- Expression-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Face Reconstruction Using Gabor Filter Bank from a 2D Single Image (AM, HM, KF), pp. 4708–4713.
ICPR-2014-MoriKNK #detection #using #video- Video Content Detection with Single Frame Level Accuracy Using Dynamic Thresholding Technique (MM, TK, HN, KK), pp. 2560–2565.
ICPR-2014-RaoRS #image- Inferring Plane Orientation from a Single Motion Blurred Image (MPR, ANR, GS), pp. 2089–2094.
ECOOP-2014-NittaKT #framework #identification- Identifying Mandatory Code for Framework Use via a Single Application Trace (NN, IK, YT), pp. 593–617.
SAC-2014-LiW #clustering #matrix #multi- Single multiplicatively updated matrix factorization for co-clustering (ZL, XW), pp. 97–104.
SAC-2014-ManducaMFP #approach #database #implementation #multitenancy #web- A nonintrusive approach for implementing single database, multitenant services from web applications (AMM, EVM, RPMF, MdGCP), pp. 751–756.
ASPLOS-2014-KwonKP #multi- Locality-oblivious cache organization leveraging single-cycle multi-hop NoCs (WCK, TK, LSP), pp. 715–728.
CGO-2014-DingEO #architecture #compilation #congruence- Single Assignment Compiler, Single Assignment Architecture: Future Gated Single Assignment Form*; Static Single Assignment with Congruence Classes (SD, JE, SÖ), p. 196.
CASE-2013-ChenZS #metric #using- A severity measurement system for obstructive sleep apnea discrimination using a single ECG signal (LC, XZ, CS), pp. 1–6.
CASE-2013-JinM #algorithm #clustering #constraints #scheduling #tool support- Transient scheduling of single armed cluster tools: Algorithms for wafer residency constraints (HYJ, JRM), pp. 856–861.
CASE-2013-KimLK #clustering #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of transient cycles for single-armed cluster tools (DKK, TEL, HJK), pp. 874–879.
CASE-2013-LanzaKPSS #analysis #automation #detection #fault #using- Automated optical detection of particles and defects on a Li-Ion-cell surface using a single-point analysis (GL, AK, SP, AS, SS), pp. 675–680.
CASE-2013-LiJJ #algorithm #heuristic- A heuristic algorithm for minimizing total absolute deviation from distinct due dates on a single machine (YL, ZJ, WJ), pp. 392–397.
CASE-2013-ZhuWQZ #clustering #modelling #multi #petri net #scheduling #tool support- Petri net modeling and one-wafer scheduling of single-arm multi-cluster tools (QZ, NW, YQ, MZ), pp. 862–867.
DAC-2013-CharbonR #image- Single-photon image sensors (EC, FR), p. 4.
DATE-2013-ChenPKSCP #configuration management #named- SMART: a single-cycle reconfigurable NoC for SoC applications (CHOC, SP, TK, SS, APC, LSP), pp. 338–343.
DATE-2013-ChiangTWHCDN #array #configuration management #on the #order #synthesis #using- On reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays synthesis using reordering techniques (CEC, LFT, CYW, CYH, YCC, SD, VN), pp. 1807–1812.
ICDAR-2013-WalhaDLGA #clustering #image #multi- Multiple Learned Dictionaries Based Clustered Sparse Coding for the Super-Resolution of Single Text Image (RW, FD, FL, CG, AMA), pp. 484–488.
ICDAR-2013-ZhangS #estimation #geometry #image #multi- Multiple Geometry Transform Estimation from Single Camera-Captured Text Image (XZ, FS), pp. 538–542.
ICALP-v1-2013-0002LPRRSS #algorithm #kernel #linear- Linear Kernels and Single-Exponential Algorithms via Protrusion Decompositions (EJK, AL, CP, FR, PR, IS, SS), pp. 613–624.
ICALP-v1-2013-BodlaenderCKN #algorithm #exponential #problem- Deterministic Single Exponential Time Algorithms for Connectivity Problems Parameterized by Treewidth (HLB, MC, SK, JN), pp. 196–207.
LATA-2013-HashimotoSISF #bottom-up #transducer- Determinacy and Subsumption for Single-Valued Bottom-Up Tree Transducers (KH, RS, YI, HS, TF), pp. 335–346.
DUXU-WM-2013-Velez-RojasMRGK #enterprise #network #visualisation- Looking beyond the Single Pane of Glass: Visualization and Perspective in Enterprise Network (MCVR, SM, MR, SG, EK), pp. 581–590.
HCI-AS-2013-SonS #artificial reality- Single-Handed Driving System with Kinect (JPS, AS), pp. 631–639.
HCI-IMT-2013-HammerB #realtime #robust #using- Robust Hand Tracking in Realtime Using a Single Head-Mounted RGB Camera (JHH, JB), pp. 252–261.
HCI-IMT-2013-MaWHZ #gesture #interactive- A Method for Single Hand Fist Gesture Input to Enhance Human Computer Interaction (TM, WGW, CYH, XZ), pp. 291–300.
HIMI-HSM-2013-JonesJ #design #mobile #navigation #performance- Assessing the Effects of Mobile OS Design on Single-Step Navigation and Task Performance (BMJ, NJ), pp. 383–390.
HIMI-HSM-2013-OConnorRZKLDJBVS #empirical- Pre-study Walkthrough with a Commercial Pilot for a Preliminary Single Pilot Operations Experiment (RO, ZR, JZ, RWK, JL, AQVD, WWJ, VB, KPLV, TZS), pp. 136–142.
ICML-c2-2013-MeentBWGW #learning #markov #modelling- Hierarchically-coupled hidden Markov models for learning kinetic rates from single-molecule data (JWvdM, JEB, FW, RLG, CW), pp. 361–369.
KDD-2013-ChenHKB #learning #named- DTW-D: time series semi-supervised learning from a single example (YC, BH, EJK, GEAPAB), pp. 383–391.
KDD-2013-HanLPL0KY #graph #named #parallel #performance- TurboGraph: a fast parallel graph engine handling billion-scale graphs in a single PC (WSH, SL, KP, JHL, MSK, JK, HY), pp. 77–85.
KDD-2013-ZhuXWL #distance #graph #performance #query #scalability- Efficient single-source shortest path and distance queries on large graphs (ADZ, XX, SW, WL), pp. 998–1006.
MLDM-2013-Suthaharan #big data #classification #network- A Single-Domain, Representation-Learning Model for Big Data Classification of Network Intrusion (SS), pp. 296–310.
ASPLOS-2013-ZhangKLLS #concurrent #debugging #execution #named #thread- ConAir: featherweight concurrency bug recovery via single-threaded idempotent execution (WZ, MdK, AL, SL, KS), pp. 113–126.
CC-2013-BraunBHLMZ #performance- Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form (MB, SB, SH, RL, CM, AZ), pp. 102–122.
ICST-2013-IchidaSO #testing- A Method of Making Single Function Tests for Constituting Scenario Tests (NI, TS, HO), pp. 479–480.
DAC-2012-KimLCKWYL #cpu #gpu #hybrid #in memory #memory management- Hybrid DRAM/PRAM-based main memory for single-chip CPU/GPU (DK, SL, JC, DK, DHW, SY, SL), pp. 888–896.
DATE-2012-BartoliniSFCB #energy #performance #scalability- Quantifying the impact of frequency scaling on the energy efficiency of the single-chip cloud computer (AB, MS, JNF, AKC, LB), pp. 181–186.
DATE-2012-HsuCCLC #effectiveness #on the #pseudo- On effective flip-chip routing via pseudo single redistribution layer (HWH, MLC, HMC, HCL, SHC), pp. 1597–1602.
DATE-2012-PontesCV #design #reliability- An accurate Single Event Effect digital design flow for reliable system level design (JJHP, NC, PV), pp. 224–229.
VLDB-2012-GraefeK #database #detection- Definition, Detection, and Recovery of Single-Page Failures, a Fourth Class of Database Failures (GG, HAK), pp. 646–655.
ESOP-2012-BartheDP- A Formally Verified SSA-Based Middle-End — Static Single Assignment Meets CompCert (GB, DD, DP), pp. 47–66.
ICPR-2012-BuchholzKWW #3d #image #locality #using- 3D object localization using single camera images (DB, DK, SW, FMW), pp. 821–824.
ICPR-2012-ElqurshE12a #orthogonal- Single axis relative rotation from orthogonal lines (AE, AME), pp. 3573–3576.
ICPR-2012-HaraKMM #3d #generative #using #video- Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single video camera (TH, HK, AM, SM), pp. 1269–1272.
ICPR-2012-HeLL #image #using- Single image super-resolution using Gaussian Mixture Model (HH, JL, XL), pp. 1916–1919.
ICPR-2012-IshikawaTKI #3d #synthesis- 3-D recovery of a non-rigid object from a single camera view by piecewise recovery and synthesis (SI, JKT, HK, SI), pp. 1443–1446.
ICPR-2012-JinB #multi #simulation- Single camera multi-person tracking based on crowd simulation (ZJ, BB), pp. 3660–3663.
ICPR-2012-KirbizG #matrix #music- Perceptually weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for blind single-channel music source separation (SK, BG), pp. 226–229.
ICPR-2012-LaiCH #image- Single image dehazing with optimal transmission map (YSL, YLC, CTH), pp. 388–391.
ICPR-2012-Lee #constraints #image- Camera calibration from a single image based on coupled line cameras and rectangle constraint (JHL), pp. 758–762.
ICPR-2012-LiuHI #3d #image #re-engineering- Stage-based 3D scene reconstruction from single image (YL, PH, EI), pp. 1034–1037.
ICPR-2012-PerdigotoA #3d #image #re-engineering #using- Reconstruction of 3D lines from a single axial catadioptric image using cross-ratio (LP, HA), pp. 857–860.
ICPR-2012-WangL #estimation #image #kernel #robust- Robust kernel estimation for single image blind deconvolution (FW, YL), pp. 481–484.
ICPR-2012-WechtitschFS #detection #fault #robust- Robust detection of single-frame defects in archived film (SW, HF, PS), pp. 2647–2650.
ICPR-2012-YangLP #effectiveness- A simple and effective extrinsic calibration method of a camera and a single line scanning lidar (HY, XL, IP), pp. 1439–1442.
ICPR-2012-ZhuW #gesture #kernel #recognition #using- Single-frame hand gesture recognition using color and depth kernel descriptors (XZ, KYKW), pp. 2989–2992.
SAC-2012-CruzFP #source code #verification- Verification conditions for single-assignment programs (DCdC, MJF, JSP), pp. 1264–1270.
SAC-2012-FlorezD #interactive #process #video- Discovering activity interactions in a single pass over a video stream (OUF, CED), pp. 819–826.
SAC-2012-KimWLLL #component #migration #multi- HW resource componentizing for smooth migration from single-function ECU to multi-function ECU (JCK, KSW, CGL, KJL, YSL), pp. 1821–1828.
SAC-2012-MontagnaPV #development- A model for drosophila melanogaster development from a single cell to stripe pattern formation (SM, DP, MV), pp. 1406–1412.
SAC-2012-SarroFG #development #estimation #multi #programming #search-based- Single and Multi Objective Genetic Programming for software development effort estimation (FS, FF, CG), pp. 1221–1226.
HPCA-2012-SuhAD #markov #multi #named #reliability- MACAU: A Markov model for reliability evaluations of caches under Single-bit and Multi-bit Upsets (JS, MA, MD), pp. 3–14.
SAT-2012-BaylessH #algorithm- Single-Solver Algorithms for 2QBF — (Poster Presentation) (SB, AJH), pp. 487–488.
SAT-2012-Gupta #algorithm #proving #reduction- Improved Single Pass Algorithms for Resolution Proof Reduction — (Poster Presentation) (AG), pp. 469–470.
ECSA-2011-PereiraAS #component #interface #reuse- A Reusable Business Tier Component with a Single Wide Range Static Interface (ÓMP, RLA, MYS), pp. 216–219.
CASE-2011-DahaneR #multi #outsourcing- Economic model of outsourcing for a subcontractor manufacturing system in a single subcontractor — multi-outsourcers relationship (MD, NR), pp. 450–455.
CASE-2011-LeeL #clustering #concurrent #multi- Concurrent processing of multiple wafer types in a single-armed cluster tool (JHL, TEL), pp. 102–107.
CASE-2011-MohanSBKE #3d #image #using- 3D scanning of object surfaces using structured light and a single camera image (SM, KBS, IB, VK, RDE), pp. 151–156.
DAC-2011-ChenEWDXN #array #automation #configuration management- Automated mapping for reconfigurable single-electron transistor arrays (YCC, SE, CYW, SD, YX, VN), pp. 878–883.
DAC-2011-SorgenfreiS #detection #using- Single-molecule electronic detection using nanoscale field-effect devices (SS, KLS), pp. 712–717.
DAC-2011-VelamalaLTC #design #logic- Design sensitivity of single event transients in scaled logic circuits (JV, RL, MT, YC), pp. 694–699.
DATE-2011-GolaniB #multi #pipes and filters- An area-efficient multi-level single-track pipeline template (PG, PAB), pp. 1509–1512.
DATE-2011-PandeCPMBMG #energy #performance #question- Sustainability through massively integrated computing: Are we ready to break the energy efficiency wall for single-chip platforms? (PPP, FC, DP, IM, PB, RM, AG), pp. 1656–1661.
DATE-2011-RahimiLKB #clustering #network- A fully-synthesizable single-cycle interconnection network for Shared-L1 processor clusters (AR, IL, MRK, LB), pp. 491–496.
STOC-2011-PapadimitriouP #on the- On optimal single-item auctions (CHP, GP), pp. 119–128.
CEFP-2011-Grelck #c #performance- Single Assignment C (SAC) High Productivity Meets High Performance (CG), pp. 207–278.
CHI-2011-NoguchiSBO- Time characteristics of olfaction in a single breath (DN, SS, YB, KiO), pp. 83–92.
HCI-ITE-2011-ChoiHK #3d #estimation #gesture #interface #using- 3D-Position Estimation for Hand Gesture Interface Using a Single Camera (SHC, JHH, JHK), pp. 231–237.
HIMI-v2-2011-StegmanLS #comparison #monitoring #performance- A Comparison between Single and Dual Monitor Productivity and the Effects of Window Management Styles on Performance (AS, CL, RLS), pp. 84–93.
EDOC-2011-Bellamy-McIntyreLW #analysis #authentication #enterprise #modelling- OpenID and the Enterprise: A Model-Based Analysis of Single Sign-On Authentication (JBM, CL, GW), pp. 129–138.
ICML-2011-ChenWC #automation #composition- Automatic Feature Decomposition for Single View Co-training (MC, KQW, YC), pp. 953–960.
QAPL-2011-Rutkowski #automaton #game studies- Two-Player Reachability-Price Games on Single-Clock Timed Automata (MR), pp. 31–46.
POPL-2011-AlurC #algorithm #source code #streaming #transducer #verification- Streaming transducers for algorithmic verification of single-pass list-processing programs (RA, PC), pp. 599–610.
SAC-2011-BarreraV #approach #automation #summary- Automated extractive single-document summarization: beating the baselines with a new approach (AB, RV), pp. 268–269.
SAC-2011-Jaghoori #multi #question #scheduling- From nonpreemptive to preemptive scheduling: from single-processor to multi-processor? (MMJ), pp. 717–722.
HPCA-2011-RanjanLMG #clustering #concurrent #multi #named #thread- Fg-STP: Fine-Grain Single Thread Partitioning on Multicores (RR, FL, PM, AG), pp. 15–24.
PPoPP-2011-KimKLL #image #multi- Achieving a single compute device image in OpenCL for multiple GPUs (JK, HK, JHL, JL), pp. 277–288.
CASE-2010-MaruyamaKHTA #using- Nanomanipulation of single virus using Dielectrophoretic concentration on a microfluidic chip (HM, KK, AH, TT, FA), pp. 710–715.
DAC-2010-HaquePJP #approach #embedded #named #performance #policy #simulation- SCUD: a fast single-pass L1 cache simulation approach for embedded processors with round-robin replacement policy (MSH, JP, AJ, SP), pp. 356–361.
DAC-2010-ThongN #algorithm #constant #multi #novel- A novel optimal single constant multiplication algorithm (JT, NN), pp. 613–616.
DAC-2010-YanC- Two-sided single-detour untangling for bus routing (JTY, ZWC), pp. 206–211.
DATE-2010-MehdipourHKIKMAF #quantum #scalability- Mapping scientific applications on a large-scale data-path accelerator implemented by single-flux quantum (SFQ) circuits (FM, HH, HK, KI, IK, KM, HA, AF), pp. 993–996.
PODS-2010-GeladeIMN #approximate #xml- Simplifying XML schema: single-type approximations of regular tree languages (WG, TI, WM, FN), pp. 251–260.
PLDI-2010-KamruzzamanST #concurrent #distributed #performance #thread- Software data spreading: leveraging distributed caches to improve single thread performance (MK, SS, DMT), pp. 460–470.
STOC-2010-MicciancioV #algorithm #exponential #problem- A deterministic single exponential time algorithm for most lattice problems based on voronoi cell computations (DM, PV), pp. 351–358.
CHI-2010-CaoVI #hybrid #performance- Comparing user performance with single-finger, whole-hand, and hybrid pointing devices (XC, NV, SI), pp. 1643–1646.
CSCW-2010-AmershiMMBT #multi- Multiple mouse text entry for single-display groupware (SA, MRM, NM, RB, KT), pp. 169–178.
ICPR-2010-AngGLLNC #human-computer #interface- A Brain-Computer Interface for Mental Arithmetic Task from Single-Trial Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Signals (KKA, CG, KL, JQL, SN, BC), pp. 3764–3767.
ICPR-2010-BenedekDZ #detection #image #process- Building Detection in a Single Remotely Sensed Image with a Point Process of Rectangles (CB, XD, JZ), pp. 1417–1420.
ICPR-2010-ChoiMLSBPF #3d #multi #re-engineering #using- 3D Face Reconstruction Using a Single or Multiple Views (JC, GGM, YL, LS, ORPB, MP, TCF), pp. 3959–3962.
ICPR-2010-CordellaSFMF #classification #performance- Combining Single Class Features for Improving Performance of a Two Stage Classifier (LPC, CDS, FF, CM, ASdF), pp. 4352–4355.
ICPR-2010-DaubneyX #3d #image #refinement #using- Estimating 3D Human Pose from Single Images Using Iterative Refinement of the Prior (BD, XX), pp. 3440–3443.
ICPR-2010-DornaikaR #estimation- Person-Specific Face Shape Estimation under Varying Head Pose from Single Snapshots (FD, BR), pp. 3496–3499.
ICPR-2010-HajBGR- Reactive Object Tracking with a Single PTZ Camera (MAH, ADB, JG, FXR), pp. 1690–1693.
ICPR-2010-HemerySR #authentication #case study #image- Study on Color Spaces for Single Image Enrolment Face Authentication (BH, JJS, CR), pp. 1249–1252.
ICPR-2010-MozaffariBA #classification #gender #geometry #image #using- Gender Classification Using Single Frontal Image Per Person: Combination of Appearance and Geometric Based Features (SM, HB, RA), pp. 1192–1195.
ICPR-2010-PengHRYZ #orthogonal- Single View Metrology Along Orthogonal Directions (KP, LH, RR, XY, HZ), pp. 1658–1661.
ICPR-2010-PhamTN #bound #segmentation #similarity #using- Bounding-Box Based Segmentation with Single Min-cut Using Distant Pixel Similarity (VQP, KT, TN), pp. 4420–4423.
ICPR-2010-PiroonratanaWUALC #identification #morphism #nondeterminism #ranking #symmetry #using- Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers from Chromosome-Wide Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Using Symmetrical Uncertainty Ranking (TP, WW, TU, AA, CL, NC), pp. 2448–2451.
ICPR-2010-ScharfenbergerCF #artificial reality #predict #using- Driver Body-Height Prediction for an Ergonomically Optimized Ingress Using a Single Omnidirectional Camera (CS, SC, GF), pp. 298–301.
ICPR-2010-StarkWP #representation #speech #using- Single Channel Speech Separation Using Source-Filter Representation (MS, MW, FP), pp. 826–829.
ICPR-2010-VuC #image #recognition #similarity- Patch-Based Similarity HMMs for Face Recognition with a Single Reference Image (NSV, AC), pp. 1204–1207.
ICPR-2010-WangC10a #3d #estimation #using- Articulated Human Body: 3D Pose Estimation Using a Single Camera (ZW, RC), pp. 3768–3771.
ICPR-2010-XueJ #3d #recognition- A New Rotation Feature for Single Tri-axial Accelerometer Based 3D Spatial Handwritten Digit Recognition (YX, LJ), pp. 4218–4221.
KDIR-2010-BadrWF #automation #named #reduction #summary- AutoLSA: Automatic Dimension Reduction of LSA for Single-document Summarization (HB, NMW, MF), pp. 444–448.
KEOD-2010-ChatterjeeB #documentation #network #random #summary #using- Single Document Text Summarization using Random Indexing and Neural Networks (NC, AB), pp. 171–176.
KR-2010-Baral #multi #reasoning- Reasoning about Actions and Change: From Single Agent Actions to Multi-Agent Actions (Extended Abstract) (CB).
ECOOP-2010-Hanenberg #developer #empirical #programming #static typing #type system- Doubts about the Positive Impact of Static Type Systems on Programming Tasks in Single Developer Projects — An Empirical Study (SH), pp. 300–303.
CC-2010-RoyS #optimisation- The Hot Path SSA Form: Extending the Static Single Assignment Form for Speculative Optimizations (SR, YNS), pp. 304–323.
HPCA-2010-GreskampKT #configuration management #multi #named #performance #thread- LeadOut: Composing low-overhead frequency-enhancing techniques for single-thread performance in configurable multicores (BG, URK, JT), pp. 1–12.
PPoPP-2010-ZhaiCZ #named #parallel #performance #predict #scalability #using- PHANTOM: predicting performance of parallel applications on large-scale parallel machines using a single node (JZ, WC, WZ), pp. 305–314.
IJCAR-2010-AbourbihBBM #automation #calculus- A Single-Significant-Digit Calculus for Semi-Automated Guesstimation (JAA, LB, AB, FM), pp. 354–368.
CASE-2009-WuCCZ #approach #clustering #novel #scheduling #tool support- A novel approach to scheduling of single-arm cluster tools with wafer revisiting (NW, FC, CC, MZ), pp. 567–572.
DAC-2009-ChouCWCCWW #3d #manycore- No cache-coherence: a single-cycle ring interconnection for multi-core L1-NUCA sharing on 3D chips (SHC, CCC, CNW, YCC, TFC, CCW, JSW), pp. 587–592.
DAC-2009-Uchida #ubiquitous- Single-electron devices for ubiquitous and secure computing applications (KU), pp. 301–303.
DATE-2009-0001BW #case study #fault #network- Error correction in single-hop wireless sensor networks — A case study (DS, MB, NW), pp. 1296–1301.
DATE-2009-AbateSVK #case study #functional- A study of the Single Event Effects impact on functional mapping within Flash-based FPGAs (FA, LS, MV, FLK), pp. 1226–1229.
DATE-2009-SinghPHMM #embedded #power management- Single ended 6T SRAM with isolated read-port for low-power embedded systems (JS, DKP, SH, SPM, JM), pp. 917–922.
DATE-2009-TannirK #analysis #using- Computation of IP3 using single-tone moments analysis (DT, RK), pp. 718–723.
ICDAR-2009-BulacuBZS #recognition #scalability- Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Fields in a Large Single-Writer Historical Collection (MB, AB, TvdZ, LS), pp. 808–812.
ESOP-2009-SadowskiFF #named #parallel #source code #thread- SingleTrack: A Dynamic Determinism Checker for Multithreaded Programs (CS, SNF, CF), pp. 394–409.
SAS-2009-CalmanZ #interprocedural- Increasing the Scope and Resolution of Interprocedural Static Single Assignment (SC, JZ), pp. 154–170.
LATA-2009-BergH #problem- Reoptimization of Traveling Salesperson Problems: Changing Single Edge-Weights (TB, HH), pp. 141–151.
CHI-2009-BiB #scalability- Comparing usage of a large high-resolution display to single or dual desktop displays for daily work (XB, RB), pp. 1005–1014.
CHI-2009-MoravejiICB #performance- A mischief of mice: examining children’s performance in single display groupware systems with 1 to 32 mice (NM, KI, EC, RB), pp. 2157–2166.
HCI-AUII-2009-HongE #multi- Point and Control: The Intuitive Method to Control Multi-device with Single Remote Control (SSH, JIE), pp. 416–422.
HCI-AUII-2009-SongPJPKJ #effectiveness #human-computer #interactive #multi #using- Multi-pointing Method Using a Desk Lamp and Single Camera for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (TS, TCP, SJ, JHP, KHK, JWJ), pp. 520–525.
KDD-2009-WangCWPBGZ #independence #question- Can we learn a template-independent wrapper for news article extraction from a single training site? (JW, CC, CW, JP, JB, ZG, WVZ), pp. 1345–1354.
SEKE-2009-MukhopadhyayPRPM #benchmark #comparison #information management #metric #multi #set- Comparison of Some Single-agent and Multi-agent Information Filtering Systems on a Benchmark Text Data Set (SM, SP, RRR, MJP, JM), pp. 185–188.
SIGIR-2009-McCreadieMO #on the #pipes and filters- On single-pass indexing with MapReduce (RM, CM, IO), pp. 742–743.
HPCA-2009-Hill- Opportunities beyond single-core microprocessors (MDH), pp. 143–144.
PPoPP-2009-Hill- Opportunities beyond single-core microprocessors (MDH), p. 97.
ICLP-2009-Thielscher #game studies #programming #set- Answer Set Programming for Single-Player Games in General Game Playing (MT), pp. 327–341.
RTA-2009-SeidlV #protocol- Flat and One-Variable Clauses for Single Blind Copying Protocols: The XOR Case (HS, KNV), pp. 118–132.
CASE-2008-AnisHM #array #automation- Automated vision-based selection and placement of single cells in microwell array formats (YHA, MH, DRM), pp. 315–320.
CASE-2008-ChanYDS #clustering #scheduling #tool support- Optimal scheduling of k-unit production of cluster tools with single-blade robots (WKC, JY, SD, DS), pp. 335–340.
CASE-2008-Kim #clustering #constraints- Stable schedule for a single-armed cluster tool with time constraints (JHK), pp. 97–102.
CASE-2008-LiQ #scheduling- ACO-based scheduling for a single Batch Processing Machine in semiconductor manufacturing (LL, FQ), pp. 85–90.
CASE-2008-NandakumarHM #analysis #automation #flexibility #framework #interactive- A flexible framework for automation of single cell and cell-to-cell interaction analyses (VN, MH, DRM), pp. 424–430.
CASE-2008-SenthilkumaranPR- Shrinkage compensation along single direction dexel space for improving accuracy in Selective Laser Sintering (KS, PMP, PVMR), pp. 827–832.
CASE-2008-ShibataOEH- Handling of hemmed fabrics by a single-armed robot (MS, TO, YE, SH), pp. 882–887.
CASE-2008-SunEHMMMBLM #analysis #automation #biology #integration #multi #user interface- Integration of user interface, device control, data acquisition and analysis for automated multi-spectral imaging of single biological cells (CSS, JRE, MH, TWM, SKM, SM, LWB, MEL, DRM), pp. 1013–1018.
CASE-2008-TanakaF #algorithm #performance #scheduling- An efficient exact algorithm for general single-machine scheduling with machine idle time (ST, SF), pp. 371–376.
CASE-2008-TeoP #heuristic #hybrid #layout #problem- A hybrid ACO/PSO heuristic to solve single row layout problem (YTT, SGP), pp. 597–602.
DAC-2008-BalkanQV #hybrid #network #parallel- An area-efficient high-throughput hybrid interconnection network for single-chip parallel processing (AOB, GQ, UV), pp. 435–440.
DATE-2008-AllecKS #adaptation #simulation- Adaptive Simulation for Single-Electron Devices (NA, RGK, LS), pp. 1021–1026.
DATE-2008-GargMK- A Single-supply True Voltage Level Shifter (RG, GM, SPK), pp. 979–984.
VLDB-2008-MetwallyEAA #correlation #detection #named #using- SLEUTH: Single-pubLisher attack dEtection Using correlaTion Hunting (AM, FE, DA, AEA), pp. 1217–1228.
CSEET-2008-Stankovic #development- Single Development Project (NS), pp. 171–178.
STOC-2008-OrecchiaSVV #clustering #graph #on the- On partitioning graphs via single commodity flows (LO, LJS, UVV, NKV), pp. 461–470.
AdaEurope-2008-Evequoz #concurrent #performance #using #word- Practical, Fast and Simple Concurrent FIFO Queues Using Single Word Synchronization Primitives (CE), pp. 59–72.
ICPR-2008-AnlongH #detection- Frame-skipping tracking for single object with global motion detection (AM, HM), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChenJ #3d #estimation #information retrieval- 3D gaze estimation with a single camera without IR illumination (JC, QJ), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-ChenSSL #image #recognition- Representative feature chain for single gallery image face recognition (SC, CS, SS, BCL), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-LuJZ #detection #effectiveness #segmentation- An effective method for detection and segmentation of the body of human in the view of a single stationary camera (HL, CJ, RZ), pp. 1–4.
SAC-2008-AlthausCEKMMZ- Computing H/D-exchange speeds of single residues from data of peptic fragments (EA, SC, MRE, AK, AGM, AMB, HZ), pp. 1273–1277.
HPCA-2008-RogersYCPS #distributed #memory management #multi- Single-level integrity and confidentiality protection for distributed shared memory multiprocessors (BR, CY, SC, MP, YS), pp. 161–172.
ASE-2007-LiuMPR #execution #feature model #information retrieval- Feature location via information retrieval based filtering of a single scenario execution trace (DL, AM, DP, VR), pp. 234–243.
CASE-2007-ChanYD #clustering #multi #on the #scheduling #tool support- On the Optimality of One-Unit Cycle Scheduling of Multi-Cluster Tools with Single-Blade Robots (WKC, JY, SD), pp. 392–397.
CASE-2007-MolterMZHBLM #algorithm #metric- Algorithm Advancements for the Measurement of Single Cell Oxygen Consumption Rates (TWM, SM, MZ, MH, LWB, MEL, DRM), pp. 386–391.
DAC-2007-GolshanB- Single-Event-Upset (SEU) Awareness in FPGA Routing (SG, EB), pp. 330–333.
DAC-2007-NaeemiSM #modelling #multi #optimisation #performance- Performance Modeling and Optimization for Single- and Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube Interconnects (AN, RS, JDM), pp. 568–573.
DAC-2007-ZhuGSDK #architecture #power management #towards #using- Towards An Ultra-Low-Power Architecture Using Single-Electron Tunneling Transistors (CZ, Z(G, LS, RPD, RGK), pp. 312–317.
DATE-2007-ChoudhuryRRM #interactive #memory management- Interactive presentation: Single-ended coding techniques for off-chip interconnects to commodity memory (MRC, KR, SR, KM), pp. 1072–1077.
DATE-2007-GargM #analysis #design #interactive #multi #process #throughput- Interactive presentation: System-level process variation driven throughput analysis for single and multiple voltage-frequency island designs (SG, DM), pp. 403–408.
CSMR-2007-MesbahD #ajax #interface #migration #multi #web- Migrating Multi-page Web Applications to Single-page AJAX Interfaces (AM, AvD), pp. 181–190.
MSR-2007-KagdiM #dependence #predict- Combining Single-Version and Evolutionary Dependencies for Software-Change Prediction (HHK, JIM), p. 17.
WCRE-2007-StaigerVKW #interprocedural- Interprocedural Static Single Assignment Form (SS, GV, SK, EW), pp. 1–10.
LATA-2007-Kresz #automaton #nondeterminism- Nondeterministic soliton automata with a single external vertex (MK), pp. 319–330.
AGTIVE-2007-MolEP #proving #reduction- A Single-Step Term-Graph Reduction System for Proof Assistants (MdM, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 184–200.
CHI-2007-WongOORYF #multi- Sharing a single expert among multiple partners (JW, LMO, JO, CPR, JY, SRF), pp. 261–270.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Gerlicher #approach #aspect-oriented #collaboration #framework #integration #multi #realtime- Transparent Extension of Single-User Applications to Multi-User Real-Time Collaborative Systems — An Aspect Oriented Approach to Framework Integration (ARSG), pp. 327–334.
SIGIR-2007-WanY #clustering #collaboration #documentation #multi #named- CollabSum: exploiting multiple document clustering for collaborative single document summarizations (XW, JY), pp. 143–150.
SIGIR-2007-YuanB #framework #multi- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (XJY, NJB), pp. 247–254.
SAC-2007-Cardoso-CachopoO #categorisation #classification #using- Semi-supervised single-label text categorization using centroid-based classifiers (ACC, ALO), pp. 844–851.
HPCA-2007-ZhongLM #architecture #hybrid #manycore #parallel #thread- Extending Multicore Architectures to Exploit Hybrid Parallelism in Single-thread Applications (HZ, SAL, SAM), pp. 25–36.
VMCAI-2007-BalabanPZ #analysis- Shape Analysis of Single-Parent Heaps (IB, AP, LDZ), pp. 91–105.
CASE-2006-ChaoSZJM #analysis #automation #information management #using- Single-cell information extraction and viability analysis using automated microscopy (ShC, TJS, SZ, KAJI, DRM), pp. 33–38.
DAC-2006-HattoriIIYKSYNYKTHAHTSMYHMYHTYIKMYITAAO #mobile #power management- Hierarchical power distribution and power management scheme for a single chip mobile processor (TH, TI, MI, EY, HK, GS, TY, KN, HY, TK, YT, MH, HA, IH, KT, YS, NM, YY, TH, YM, KY, KH, ST, SY, TI, YK, HM, TY, NI, RT, NA, TA, KO), pp. 292–295.
DATE-2006-AsadiSTK #analysis- Vulnerability analysis of L2 cache elements to single event upsets (HA, VS, MBT, DRK), pp. 1276–1281.
DATE-2006-LinC #multi- Multiple-fault diagnosis based on single-fault activation and single-output observation (YCL, KTC), pp. 424–429.
DATE-2006-NiclassSC #array- A single photon avalanche diode array fabricated in deep-submicron CMOS technology (CN, MS, EC), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2006-YavariSR06a- Double-sampling single-loop sigma-delta modulator topologies for broadband applications (MY, OS, ÁRV), pp. 399–404.
DocEng-2006-TesarSJP #comparison #documentation- Extending the single words-based document model: a comparison of bigrams and 2-itemsets (RT, VS, KJ, MP), pp. 138–146.
STOC-2006-KhandekarRV #clustering #graph #using- Graph partitioning using single commodity flows (RK, SR, UVV), pp. 385–390.
CIAA-2006-Thurston #automaton #parsing #regular expression- Parsing Computer Languages with an Automaton Compiled from a Single Regular Expression (ADT), pp. 285–286.
ICALP-v2-2006-ArmknechtK #algebra #multi- Constructing Single- and Multi-output Boolean Functions with Maximal Algebraic Immunity (FA, MK), pp. 180–191.
SEFM-2006-RaniseZ #formal method- A Theory of Singly-Linked Lists and its Extensible Decision Procedure (SR, CGZ), pp. 206–215.
CSCW-2006-LiL #approach #editing #lightweight- A lightweight approach to transparent sharing of familiar single-user editors (DL, JL), pp. 139–148.
ICPR-v1-2006-Fisher #distributed- Scene recovery from many randomly distributed single pixel cameras (RBF), pp. 988–991.
ICPR-v2-2006-Guo #perspective #using- Plane Rectification Using a Circle and Points from a Single View (FG), pp. 9–12.
ICPR-v2-2006-Mainar-RuizP #approximate #multi #nearest neighbour #using- Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search using a Single Space-filling Curve and Multiple Representations of the Data Points (GMR, JCPC), pp. 502–505.
ICPR-v3-2006-ZhangGL #automation #recognition #synthesis- Automatic Texture Synthesis for Face Recognition from Single Views (XZ, YG, MKHL), pp. 1151–1154.
ICPR-v4-2006-JinW #music #speech- Speech Separation from Background of Music Based on Single-channel Recording (XCJ, ZFW), pp. 278–281.
ICPR-v4-2006-UranishiNYIMC #metric #using- Whole Shape Measurement System Using a Single Camera and a Cylindrical Mirror (YU, MN, YY, MI, YM, KC), pp. 866–869.
ICPR-v4-2006-YiA #using- An Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System Using a Single Camera (SY, NA), pp. 861–865.
ICPR-v4-2006-YoshikiSM #3d #database #image #re-engineering- Reconstruction of 3D Face Model from Single Shading Image Based on Anatomical Database (KY, HS, MM), pp. 350–353.
KDD-2006-CarvalhoC #feature model #learning #online #performance- Single-pass online learning: performance, voting schemes and online feature selection (VRC, WWC), pp. 548–553.
SIGIR-2006-LinWDA- Exploring the limits of single-iteration clarification dialogs (JJL, PW, DDF, EGA), pp. 469–476.
PPDP-2006-MatsunoO #type system- A type system equivalent to static single assignment (YM, AO), pp. 249–260.
CGO-2006-KimSMP #2d #branch #detection #named #set- 2D-Profiling: Detecting Input-Dependent Branches with a Single Input Data Set (HK, MAS, OM, YNP), pp. 159–172.
CASE-2005-KoschwanezHCMGM #analysis #automation- Automated lifetime analysis of a single yeast cell (JK, MH, RHC, MM, DG, DRM), pp. 13–18.
CASE-2005-PanSY #approach #optimisation #problem- A new optimization approach to the general single machine earliness-tardiness problem (YP, LS, HY), pp. 43–48.
ICDAR-2005-QiaoY #approach #image #novel #order- A Novel Approach to Recover Writing Order From Single Stroke Offline Handwritten Images (YQ, MY), pp. 227–231.
ICALP-2005-GentryR #communication #constant #information retrieval- Single-Database Private Information Retrieval with Constant Communication Rate (CG, ZR), pp. 803–815.
ICALP-2005-MaurerS- Single-Key AIL-MACs from Any FIL-MAC (UMM, JS), pp. 472–484.
ICALP-2005-PersianoV #concurrent #constant- Single-Prover Concurrent Zero Knowledge in Almost Constant Rounds (GP, IV), pp. 228–240.
IFL-2005-ShafarenkoSHGT #case study #equation #experience #implementation #lessons learnt #using- Implementing a Numerical Solution of the KPI Equation Using Single Assignment C: Lessons and Experiences (AVS, SBS, SH, CG, KT), pp. 160–177.
CHI-2005-SauroK #metric #standard #usability- A method to standardize usability metrics into a single score (JS, EK), pp. 401–409.
MLDM-2005-ShimizuM #anti #sequence- Disjunctive Sequential Patterns on Single Data Sequence and Its Anti-monotonicity (KS, TM), pp. 376–383.
ECOOP-2005-FooteJN #multi #performance- Efficient Multimethods in a Single Dispatch Language (BF, REJ, JN), pp. 337–361.
SAC-2005-BarrettEKMS #ad hoc #multi #network #probability #protocol- Probabilistic multi-path vs. deterministic single-path protocols for dynamic ad-hoc network scenarios (CLB, SE, LK, MVM, JPS), pp. 1166–1173.
SAC-2005-GiannellaS #estimation- An information theoretic histogram for single dimensional selectivity estimation (CG, BS), pp. 676–677.
COCV-J-2005-GalPF05a #encoding- Structural Encoding of Static Single Assignment Form (AG, CWP, MF), pp. 85–102.
RTA-2005-MoczydlowskiG #termination #thread- Termination of Single-Threaded One-Rule Semi-Thue Systems (WM, AG), pp. 338–352.
VMCAI-2005-ManevichYRS #abstraction #canonical- Predicate Abstraction and Canonical Abstraction for Singly-Linked Lists (RM, EY, GR, SS), pp. 181–198.
DATE-v1-2004-NagariN #algorithm #multi- A 2.7V 350muW 11-b Algorithmic Analog-to-Digital Converter with Single-Ended Multiplexed Inputs (AN, GN), pp. 76–81.
DATE-v2-2004-SinghT #architecture #multi- Generalized Latency-Insensitive Systems for Single-Clock and Multi-Clock Architectures (MS, MT), pp. 1008–1013.
ITiCSE-2004-Dixon #automation #education #learning- A single CASE environment for teaching and learning (MD), p. 271.
ICALP-2004-Fleischer #algorithm #bound #linear #network- Linear Tolls Suffice: New Bounds and Algorithms for Tolls in Single Source Networks (LF), pp. 544–554.
IFL-2004-Cristobal-SalasCRG #message passing #program transformation #source code- Exploiting Single-Assignment Properties to Optimize Message-Passing Programs by Code Transformations (ACS, AC, ERA, JLG), pp. 1–16.
CSCW-2004-MorrisMW #communication- Individual audio channels with single display groupware: effects on communication and task strategy (MRM, DM, TW), pp. 242–251.
CSCW-2004-XiaSSCS #approach #collaboration #multi- Leveraging single-user applications for multi-user collaboration: the coword approach (SX, DS, CS, DC, HS), pp. 162–171.
ICPR-v1-2004-ChenD #recognition- A Universal Method for Single Character Type Recognition (LC, XD), pp. 413–416.
ICPR-v3-2004-WuCW #estimation #image #visual notation- Visual Line Estimation from a Single Image of Two Eyes (HW, QC, TW), pp. 290–293.
ICPR-v4-2004-ChungWBCCC #image- Physics-Based Extraction of Intrinsic Images from a Single Image (YCC, JMW, RRB, SWC, SLC, SC), pp. 693–696.
ICPR-v4-2004-GaoA #parallel #using- Single Camera Stereo using Planar Parallel Plate (CG, NA), pp. 108–111.
SIGIR-2004-Yuan #framework #multi- Supporting multiple information-seeking strategies in a single system framework (abstract only) (XY), p. 604.
SAC-2004-OlteanuFB #data type #performance #query #xml- An efficient single-pass query evaluator for XML data streams (DO, TF, FB), pp. 627–631.
ASPLOS-2004-LowellSS #maintenance #online #virtual machine- Devirtualizable virtual machines enabling general, single-node, online maintenance (DEL, YS, EJS), pp. 211–223.
CGO-2004-RongDGG #code generation #multi #pipes and filters- Code Generation for Single-Dimension Software Pipelining of Multi-Dimensional Loops (HR, AD, RG, GRG), pp. 175–188.
CGO-2004-RongTGDG #multi #pipes and filters- Single-Dimension Software Pipelining for Multi-Dimensional Loops (HR, ZT, RG, AD, GRG), pp. 163–174.
HPCA-2004-Michaud #capacity #execution #manycore #migration- Exploiting the Cache Capacity of a Single-Chip Multi-Core Processor with Execution Migration (PM), pp. 186–197.
ICLP-2004-LangevineD #debugging #monitoring #visualisation- A Tracer Driver to Enable Debugging, Monitoring and Visualization of CLP Executions from a Single Tracer (LL, MD), pp. 462–463.
DAC-2003-Wasshuber- Recent advances and future prospects in single-electronics (CW), pp. 274–275.
DATE-2003-IchiharaI #fault #generative #testing- Test Generation for Acyclic Sequential Circuits with Single Stuck-at Fault Combinational ATPG (HI, TI), pp. 11180–11181.
DATE-2003-IwasakiNNNYONTOIE #multi #scalability- Single-Chip MPEG-2 422P@HL CODEC LSI with Multi-Chip Configuration for Large Scale Processing beyond HDTV Level (HI, JN, KN, KN, TY, MO, YN, YT, TO, MI, ME), pp. 20002–20007.
DATE-2003-PanBKK #analysis #architecture #design #programmable- Design and Analysis of a Programmable Single-Chip Architecture for DVB-T Base-Band Receiver (CP, NB, AHK, AK), pp. 10468–10475.
DRR-2003-ChenD #recognition- Optical font recognition of single Chinese character (LC, XD), pp. 219–226.
DRR-2003-LiuDF- AdaBoost-based handwritten/printed discrimination on a single character (HL, XD, CF), pp. 39–46.
SAS-2003-ChenLG #multi- Code Compaction of Matching Single-Entry Multiple-Exit Regions (WKC, BL, RG), pp. 401–417.
STOC-2003-Thorup #constant #integer #problem- Integer priority queues with decrease key in constant time and the single source shortest paths problem (MT), pp. 149–158.
SIGIR-2003-MayfieldM #n-gram- Single n-gram stemming (JM, PM), pp. 415–416.
DAC-2002-WhelihanS #memory management #network #optimisation- Memory optimization in single chip network switch fabrics (DW, HS), pp. 530–535.
DATE-2002-CarmonaJDER #design #programmable- Bio-Inspired Analog VLSI Design Realizes Programmable Complex Spatio-Temporal Dynamics on a Single Chip (RCG, FJG, RDC, SEM, ÁRV), pp. 362–366.
DATE-2002-FerrettiB #encoding #pipes and filters #using- Single-Track Asynchronous Pipeline Templates Using 1-of-N Encoding (MF, PAB), pp. 1008–1015.
CSCW-2002-LiL- Transparent sharing and interoperation of heterogeneous single-user applications (DL, RL), pp. 246–255.
ICPR-v2-2002-WangWH #approach #novel- A Novel Approach for Single View Based Plane Metrology (GW, YW, ZH), pp. 556–559.
ICPR-v4-2002-CollingsKN #approach #image #polynomial- A Piecewise Quadratic Approach to Single Image Shape from Shading (SC, RK, LN), p. 126–?.
ICPR-v4-2002-FrancoisMW #geometry #symmetry #using- Reconstructing Mirror Symmetric Scenes From a Single View Using 2-View Stereo Geometry (ARJF, GGM, RW), pp. 12–16.
ICPR-v4-2002-MorimotoAF #detection- Detecting Eye Position and Gaze from a Single Camera and 2 Light Sources (CHM, AA, MF), pp. 314–317.
KDD-2002-UedaS #category theory #detection #modelling #multi #parametricity #using- Single-shot detection of multiple categories of text using parametric mixture models (NU, KS), pp. 626–631.
PADL-2002-BoyerM #thread- Single-Threaded Objects in ACL2 (RSB, JSM), pp. 9–27.
DAC-2001-KimZP #multi- A True Single-Phase 8-bit Adiabatic Multiplier (SK, CHZ, MCP), pp. 758–763.
ICDAR-2001-ZhengLDP #detection- Form Frame Line Detection with Directional Single-Connected Chain (YZ, CL, XD, SP), pp. 699–703.
PLDI-2001-AmmeDFR #named #representation #type safety- SafeTSA: A Type Safe and Referentially Secure Mobile-Code Representation Based on Static Single Assignment Form (WA, ND, MF, JvR), pp. 137–147.
STOC-2001-BecchettiL #parallel #scheduling- Non-clairvoyant scheduling to minimize the average flow time on single and parallel machines (LB, SL), pp. 94–103.
STOC-2001-GuhaMM #approximate #constant #problem- A constant factor approximation for the single sink edge installation problems (SG, AM, KM), pp. 383–388.
CHI-2001-ShoemakerI #privacy- Single display privacyware: augmenting public displays with private information (GBDS, KI), pp. 522–529.
ICML-2001-ZinkevichB #learning #markov #multi #process #symmetry- Symmetry in Markov Decision Processes and its Implications for Single Agent and Multiagent Learning (MZ, TRB), p. 632–?.
RE-2001-PaigeO #principle- The Single Model Principle (RFP, JSO), pp. 292–293.
SAC-2001-Chainbi #logic- A belief-goal-role logic for a single-agent system (WC), pp. 22–26.
SAC-2001-GaliassoW #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #search-based- A hybrid genetic algorithm for the point to multipoint routing problem with single split paths (PG, RLW), pp. 327–332.
SAC-2001-SerearunoH #comparison #multi #network- A comparison in training time of the single and multiple-output MLP neural networks (MS, TH), pp. 32–35.
CC-2001-Gregg #scheduling- Comparing Tail Duplication with Compensation Code in Single Path Global Instruction Scheduling (DG), pp. 200–212.
DATE-2000-AdlerB #multi- Single Step Current Driven Routing of Multiterminal Signal Nets for Analog Applications (TA, EB), pp. 446–450.
DATE-2000-BrennerV #performance- Faster Optimal Single-Row Placement with Fixed Ordering (UB, JV), pp. 117–121.
DATE-2000-GirolaPV- Smart Antenna Receiver Based on a Single Chip Solution for GSM/DCS Baseband Processing (UG, AP, DV), pp. 181–185.
DATE-2000-ItoCJ #design #java- System Design Based on Single Language and Single-Chip Java ASIP Microcontroller (SAI, LC, RPJ), pp. 703–707.
DATE-2000-NooshabadiMNSS- A Single Phase Latch for High Speed GaAs Domino Circuits (SN, JAMN, AN, RS, JS), p. 760.
WCRE-2000-Perelgut- The Case for a Single Data Exchange Format (SGP), pp. 281–283.
PLDI-2000-RamseyJ #exception #implementation #multi- A single intermediate language that supports multiple implementations of exceptions (NR, SLPJ), pp. 285–298.
ICPR-v1-2000-BilodeauB #2d #3d #image #modelling- Generic Modeling of 3D Objects from Single 2D Images (GAB, RB), pp. 1770–1773.
ICPR-v1-2000-GurdjosP #image #metric- About Conditions for Recovering the Metric Structures of Perpendicular Planes from the Single Ground Plane to Image Homography (PG, RP), pp. 1358–1361.
ICPR-v1-2000-SongGH #geometry #performance- Single View Computer Vision in Polyhedral World: Geometric Inference and Performance Characterization (MS, AG, RMH), pp. 1766–1769.
ICPR-v3-2000-TanakaTK #estimation #image #multi- Estimation of the Torrance-Sparrow Reflection Model from a Single Multi-Band Image (NT, ST, TK), pp. 3600–3603.
CC-2000-AycockH #generative- Simple Generation of Static Single-Assignment Form (JA, RNH), pp. 110–124.
CC-2000-LinP #analysis #array #compilation #optimisation- Analysis of Irregular Single-Indexed Array Accesses and Its Applications in Compiler Optimizations (YL, DAP), pp. 202–218.
DAC-1999-JohnsonSR #performance- Leakage Control with Efficient Use of Transistor Stacks in Single Threshold CMOS (MCJ, DS, KR), pp. 442–445.
DATE-1999-BolsensMDBV #hybrid #integration- Single Chip or Hybrid System Integration (IB, WM, LD, JB, HJMV), p. 616–?.
DATE-1999-DickJ #multi #named #synthesis- MOCSYN: Multiobjective Core-Based Single-Chip System Synthesis (RPD, NKJ), pp. 263–270.
DATE-1999-OchiaiINEO #embedded #framework #performance #video- High-speed Software-based Platform for Embedded Software of a Single-chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder LSI with HDTV Scalabilit (KO, HI, JN, ME, TO), pp. 303–308.
DATE-1999-WambacqDZEMB- A Single-Package Solution for Wireless Transceivers (PW, SD, HZ, ME, HDM, IB), p. 425–?.
ICDAR-1999-LohakanAS #segmentation #word- Single-character Segmentation for Handprinted Thai Word (ML, SA, MS), pp. 661–664.
PLDI-1999-LeungG- Static Single Assignment Form for machine Code (AL, LG), pp. 204–214.
SAS-1999-SreedharJGS- Translating Out of Static Single Assignment Form (VCS, RDCJ, DMG, VS), pp. 194–210.
STOC-1999-BeimelIKM #information retrieval- One-Way Functions Are Essential for Single-Server Private Information Retrieval (AB, YI, EK, TM), pp. 89–98.
STOC-1999-Ben-AmramP- Backing Up in Singly Linked Lists (AMBA, HP), pp. 780–786.
ICALP-1999-Woeginger- An FPTAS for Agreeably Weighted Variance on a Single Machine (GJW), pp. 707–716.
CHI-1999-StewartBD #collaboration- Single Display Groupware: A Model for Co-Present Collaboration (JS, BBB, AD), pp. 286–293.
SAC-1999-GollaL #architecture #functional #logic #parallel #scheduling #thread- A Dynamic Scheduling Logic for Exploiting Multiple Functional Units in Single Ship Multithreaded Architectures (PNG, ECL), pp. 466–473.
ICSE-1999-MannionKW #product line #requirements #reuse- Reusing Single System Requirements from Application Family Requirements (MM, HK, JW), pp. 453–462.
HPCA-1999-SohnPKKY #communication #parallel #thread- Communication Studies of Single-Threaded and Multithreaded Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors (AS, YP, JYK, YK, YY), pp. 310–314.
HPDC-1999-WoodwardA #distributed #grid #programming- Portable Petaflop/s Programming: Applying Distributed Computing Methodology to the Grid within a Single Machine Room (PRW, SEA), pp. 70–83.
DAC-1998-RaelRA #design- Design Methodology Used in a Single-Chip CMOS 900 MHz Spread-Spectrum Wireless Transceiver (JR, AR, AAA), pp. 44–49.
DATE-1998-ChatzigeorgiouN #effectiveness- Collapsing the Transistor Chain to an Effective Single Equivalent Transistor (AC, SN), pp. 2–6.
DATE-1998-MetraFR- Highly Testable and Compact 1-out-of-n Code Checker with Single Output (CM, MF, BR), pp. 981–982.
VLDB-1998-Mihalisin #analysis #interactive- A Single Pass Computing Engine for Interactive Analysis of VLDBs (TM), p. 707.
PLDI-1998-HastiH #analysis #pointer #using- Using Static Single Assignment Form to Improve Flow-Insensitive Pointer Analysis (RH, SH), pp. 97–105.
STOC-1998-AlbersGL #parallel- Minimizing Stall Time in Single and Parallel Disk Systems (SA, NG, SL), pp. 454–462.
ICPR-1998-ZhangT #3d #image #re-engineering- 3D reconstruction from a single view of an object and its image in a plane mirror (ZYZ, HTT), pp. 1174–1176.
SIGIR-1998-OunisP #named- RELIEF: Combining Expressiveness and Rapidity into a Single System (IO, MP), pp. 266–274.
POPL-1998-JagannathanTWW #alias #analysis #higher-order- Single and Loving It: Must-Alias Analysis for Higher-Order Languages (SJ, PT, SW, AKW), pp. 329–341.
HPCA-1998-KatevenisSS- Credit-Flow-Controlled ATM for MP Interconnection: The ATLAS I Single-Chip ATM Switch (MK, DNS, ES), pp. 47–56.
ICDAR-1997-SongS #algorithm #robust #self- Self-organizing Algorithm of Robust PCA Based on Single-layer NN (WS, SX), p. 851–?.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-BrandellCEN- A single-sex programme in computer science and engineering (poster) (GB, SC, HE, ACN), p. 146.
GG-Handbook-Vol1-EhrigHKLRWC #algebra #approach #category theory #comparison #graph transformation- Algebraic Approaches to Graph Transformation — Part II: Single Pushout Approach and Comparison with Double Pushout Approach (HE, RH, MK, ML, LR, AW, AC), pp. 247–312.
CHI-1997-CalvaryCN #architecture #design- From Single-User Architectural Design to PAC*: a Generic Software Architecture Model for CSCW (GC, JC, LN), pp. 242–249.
PLILP-1997-Hanus #education #functional #logic programming- Teaching Functional and Logic Programming with a Single Computational Model (MH), pp. 335–350.
HPCA-1997-AmzaCDZ #adaptation #multi #protocol- Software DSM Protocols that Adapt between Single Writer and Multiple Writer (CA, ALC, SD, WZ), pp. 261–271.
ICLP-1997-KagedalD #approach #array #reuse- A Practical Approach to Structure Reuse of Arrays in Single Assignment Languages (AK, SKD), pp. 18–32.
STOC-1996-KellererTW- Approximability and Nonapproximability Results for Minimizing Total Flow Time on a Single Machine (HK, TT, GJW), pp. 418–426.
ICALP-1996-Wiedermann #nondeterminism- Speeding-up Single-Tape Nondeterministic Computations by Single Alternation, with Separation Results (JW), pp. 381–392.
ICPR-1996-ArumugaveluR #algorithm #clustering- SIMD algorithms for single link and complete link pattern clustering (SA, NR), pp. 625–629.
ICPR-1996-CamusCHH #realtime #using- Real-time single-workstation obstacle avoidance using only wide-field flow divergence (TC, DC, MH, THH), pp. 323–330.
ICPR-1996-DunkerHS #3d #estimation #prototype #recognition #set #using- Single view recognition and pose estimation of 3D objects using sets of prototypical views and spatially tolerant contour representations (JD, GH, MS), pp. 14–18.
ASPLOS-1996-OlukotunNHWC #multi- The Case for a Single-Chip Multiprocessor (KO, BAN, LH, KGW, KC), pp. 2–11.
CC-1996-ChoiSS #incremental- Incremental Computation of Static Single Assignment Form (JDC, VS, ES), pp. 223–237.
CC-1996-LiK #performance #reuse- Efficient Storage Reuse of Aggregates in Single Assignment Languages (ZL, CCK), pp. 238–252.
ICDAR-v2-1995-SylwesterS #algorithm #segmentation- A trainable, single-pass algorithm for column segmentation (DS, SCS), pp. 615–618.
CSEE-1995-Browning- Keynote Address: Endangered Species? The Single-Skilled Information Worker (MFB), pp. 265–276.
DLT-1995-Weber #automaton #transducer- Transforming a Single-Valued Transducer Into a Mealy Machine (AW), pp. 176–185.
ICALP-1994-VergauwenL #correctness #equation #performance- Efficient Local Correctness Checking for Single and Alternating Boolean Equation Systems (BV, JL), pp. 304–315.
DAC-1993-Leveugle #fault tolerance- Optimized State Assignment of single fault Tolerant FSMs Based on SEC Codes (RL), pp. 14–18.
SIGMOD-1993-Wade #database #distributed #logic- Single Logical View over Enterprise-Wide Distributed Databases (AEW), pp. 441–444.
POPL-1993-SrinivasanHW #parallel #source code- Static Single Assignment for Explicitely Parallel Programs (HS, JH, MW), pp. 260–272.
HPDC-1993-NakamuraT #network #performance #protocol- Starvation-Prevented Priority-Based Total Ordering Broadcast Protocol on High-Speed Single Channel Network (AN, MT), pp. 281–288.
ICLP-1993-Debray #on the- On Copy Avoidance in Single Assignment Languages (SKD), pp. 393–407.
DAC-1992-SaldanhaBS #equivalence #generative #robust #testing- Equivalence of Robust Delay-Fault and Single Stuck-Fault Test Generation (AS, RKB, ALSV), pp. 173–176.
ML-1992-Venturini #classification #named- AGIL: Solving the Exploration Versus Exploration Dilemma in a single Classifier System Applied to Simulated Robotics (GV), pp. 458–463.
SEKE-1992-Eichmann #multi #repository #reuse- Supporting Multiple Domains in a Single Reuse Repository (DE), pp. 164–169.
SOSP-WIP-1991-ChaseBLL92 #architecture #named- Opal: A Single Address Space System for 64-Bit Architectures (Abstract) (JSC, MBH, HML, EDL), p. 9.
ASPLOS-1992-KoldingerCE #architecture #operating system- Architectural Support for Single Address Space Operating Systems (EJK, JSC, SJE), pp. 175–186.
IWPTS-1992-GhedamsiDB #fault #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing- Diagnostic Tests for Single Transition Faults in Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (AG, RD, GvB), pp. 105–116.
ICALP-1991-RaviAK #approximate #graph #problem #scheduling- Ordering Problems Approximated: Single-Processor Scheduling and Interval Graph Completion (RR, AA, PNK), pp. 751–762.
FPCA-1991-Fradet #continuation #detection #thread #using- Syntactic Detection of Single-Threading Using Continuations (PF), pp. 241–258.
DAC-1990-CloutierT #algorithm #scheduling- The Combination of Scheduling, Allocation, and Mapping in a Single Algorithm (RJC, DET), pp. 71–76.
SIGMOD-1990-SalzbergTGSUV #distributed #named- FastSort: A Distributed Single-Input Single-Output External Sort (BS, AT, JG, MS, SU, BV), pp. 94–101.
GG-1990-EhrigKL #algebra #approach #category theory #graph grammar #tutorial- Tutorial Introduction to the Algebraic Approach of Graph Grammars Based on Double and Single Pushouts (HE, MK, ML), pp. 24–37.
LICS-1990-GuzmanH #polymorphism #thread #λ-calculus- Single-Threaded Polymorphic λ Calculus (JCG, PH), pp. 333–343.
DAC-1989-RajsumanJM #detection #fault #using- CMOS Stuck-open Fault Detection Using Single Test Patterns (RR, APJ, YKM), pp. 714–717.
DAC-1989-SherwaniD #heuristic #problem- A New Heuristic for Single Row Routing Problems (NAS, JSD), pp. 167–172.
PODS-1989-CohenW #knowledge base #parallel #why- Why a Single Parallelization Strategy in not Enough in Knowledge Bases (SRC, OW), pp. 200–216.
ICALP-1989-ChazelleEGS #algebra- A Singly-Expenential Stratification Scheme for Real Semi-Algebraic Varieties and Its Applications (BC, HE, LJG, MS), pp. 179–193.
POPL-1989-CytronFRWZ #performance- An Efficient Method of Computing Static Single Assignment Form (RC, JF, BKR, MNW, FKZ), pp. 25–35.
DAC-1988-Cai #multi- Multi-Pads, Single Layer Power Net Routing in VLSI Circuits (HC), pp. 183–188.
LFP-1988-GharachorlooSH #approach #performance- A Simple and Efficient Implmentation Approach for Single Assignment Languages (KG, VS, JLH), pp. 259–268.
CADE-1988-Pfenning #axiom #calculus- Single Axioms in the Implicational Propositional Calculus (FP), pp. 710–713.
STOC-1987-Kaltofen #complexity- Single-Factor Hensel Lifting and its Application to the Straight-Line Complexity of Certain Polynomials (EK), pp. 443–452.
STOC-1987-Munro- Searching a Two Key Table Under a Single Key (JIM), pp. 383–387.
ICALP-1987-Johnson #finite- Single-Valued Finite Transduction (JHJ), pp. 202–211.
FPCA-1987-GrossS #array- Mapping a single-assignment language onto the Warp systolic array (TRG, AS), pp. 347–363.
ESOP-1986-TanakaK #compilation #concurrent #prolog #queue- Compiling Extended Concurrent Prolog — Single Queue Compilation (JT, MK), pp. 301–314.
DAC-1985-HanS #algorithm- Layering algorithms for single row routing (SH, SS), pp. 516–522.
ICALP-1984-PaigeT #algorithm #linear #problem- A Linear Time Algorithm to Solve the Single Function Coarsest Partition Problem (RP, RET), pp. 371–379.
STOC-1983-Ben-OrCS #encryption #on the #security- On the Cryptographic Security of Single RSA Bits (MBO, BC, AS), pp. 421–430.
ICALP-1983-Vitanyi #on the #simulation- On the Simulation of Many Storage Heads by a Single One (Extended Abstract) (PMBV), pp. 687–694.
DAC-1982-Heyns #algorithm- The 1-2-3 routing algorithm or the single channel 2-step router on 3 interconnection layers (WH), pp. 113–120.
DAC-1982-RaghavanS- Optimal single row router (RR, SS), pp. 38–45.
VLDB-1982-Larson #linear- A Single-File Version of Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions (PÅL), pp. 300–309.
SCC-1982-Baker #ada- A Single-Pass Syntax-Directed Front End for Ada (TPB), pp. 318–326.
DAC-1981-Trimberger #interactive #layout- Combining graphics and a layout language in a single interactive system (ST), pp. 234–239.
DAC-1981-TsuiS #multi- A high-density multilayer PCB router based on necessary and sufficient conditions for single row routing (RYT, RJSI), pp. 372–381.
VLDB-1979-Schmidt #approach #parallel- Parallel Processing of Relations: A Single-Assignment Approach (JWS), pp. 398–408.
SOSP-1979-LampsonS #operating system- An Open Operating System for a Single-User Machine (BWL, RFS), pp. 98–105.
VLDB-1978-Kleefstra #database- Data Base Description with a Single Name Category Data Model (WJK), pp. 177–185.
ICALP-1978-FortuneHS #complexity #equivalence #for free- The Complexity of Equivalence and Containment for Free Single Variable Program Schemes (SF, JEH, EMS), pp. 227–240.
POPL-1977-Soisalon-Soininen #lr #parsing #reduction- Elimination of Single Productions from LR Parsers in Conjunction with the Use of Default Reductions (ESS), pp. 183–193.
DAC-1976-Zobniw #multi #realtime #using- Multi-defect real time diagnosis using a single pin probe (LMZ), pp. 179–185.
DAC-1975-Zobniw #realtime #using- Real time diagnosis using single pin probe (LMZ), pp. 268–285.
DAC-1970-AkersGR #layout- IC mask layout with a single conductor layer (SBA, JMG, DLR), pp. 7–16.