Travelled to:
1 × Finland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
Collaborated with:
S.Schneider K.Wei M.Moran
Talks about:
model (2) framework (1) protocol (1) freeness (1) coercion (1) receipt (1) infinit (1) analysi (1) system (1) resist (1)
Person: James Heather
DBLP: Heather:James
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- IFM-2013-MoranHS #automation #verification
- Automated Anonymity Verification of the ThreeBallot Voting System (MM, JH, SS), pp. 94–108.
- FM-2012-HeatherS #framework #modelling
- A Formal Framework for Modelling Coercion Resistance and Receipt Freeness (JH, SS), pp. 217–231.
- SAC-2006-HeatherS #analysis #infinity #protocol #security
- To infinity and beyond or, avoiding the infinite in security protocol analysis (JH, SS), pp. 346–353.
- IFM-2005-WeiH #csp
- Embedding the Stable Failures Model of CSP in PVS (KW, JH), pp. 246–265.