Tag #infinity
299 papers:
FM-2019-Sheinvald #automaton #learning- Learning Deterministic Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (SS), pp. 633–650.
ICML-2019-AllenSST #learning #prototype- Infinite Mixture Prototypes for Few-shot Learning (KRA, ES, HS, JBT), pp. 232–241.
ICML-2019-YuanLX #composition #generative #modelling #representation- Generative Modeling of Infinite Occluded Objects for Compositional Scene Representation (JY, BL, XX), pp. 7222–7231.
CAV-2019-NeupaneMM00 #analysis #approximate #model checking #named #probability- STAMINA: STochastic Approximate Model-Checker for INfinite-State Analysis (TN, CJM, CM, HZ0, ZZ0), pp. 540–549.
FSCD-2018-Czajka #finite #term rewriting- Term Rewriting Characterisation of LOGSPACE for Finite and Infinite Data (LC0), p. 19.
ICML-2018-0004K #finite #lightweight #optimisation #probability- Lightweight Stochastic Optimization for Minimizing Finite Sums with Infinite Data (SZ0, JTYK), pp. 5927–5935.
ICML-2018-FoersterFARXW #monte carlo #named- DiCE: The Infinitely Differentiable Monte Carlo Estimator (JNF, GF, MAS, TR, EPX, SW), pp. 1524–1533.
KDD-2018-ZhangZGWC #estimation #process- Simultaneous Urban Region Function Discovery and Popularity Estimation via an Infinite Urbanization Process Model (BZ, LZ, TG, YW0, FC0), pp. 2692–2700.
ECOOP-2018-AnconaDZ #behaviour #modelling- Modeling Infinite Behaviour by Corules (DA, FD, EZ), p. 31.
CSL-2018-0001R #induction #logic #reasoning #transitive- Uniform Inductive Reasoning in Transitive Closure Logic via Infinite Descent (LC0, RNSR), p. 16.
CSL-2018-BodirskyMV #constraints #problem- Submodular Functions and Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problems over Infinite Domains (MB, MM, CV), p. 22.
VMCAI-2018-SchindlerJ #model checking- Selfless Interpolation for Infinite-State Model Checking (TS, DJ), pp. 495–515.
DLT-2017-Richomme #word- A Characterization of Infinite LSP Words (GR), pp. 320–331.
FSCD-2017-HirokawaMSW - Infinite Runs in Abstract Completion (NH, AM, CS, SW), p. 16.
DiGRA-2017-Lucat #game studies- Playing with Patriarchy: Fatherhood in BioShock: Infinite, The Last of Us, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (BL).
ICML-2017-DawsonHM #markov- An Infinite Hidden Markov Model With Similarity-Biased Transitions (CRD, CH, CTM), pp. 942–950.
ICML-2017-LivniCG #kernel #learning #network- Learning Infinite Layer Networks Without the Kernel Trick (RL, DC, AG), pp. 2198–2207.
CSL-2017-Thomas #algorithm #approach #game studies- Determinacy of Infinite Games: Perspectives of the Algorithmic Approach (Invited Talk) (WT), p. 1.
ICTSS-2017-KrafczykP #clustering #effectiveness #equivalence #model checking- Effective Infinite-State Model Checking by Input Equivalence Class Partitioning (NK, JP0), pp. 38–53.
CIAA-2016-KhoussainovL #algebra #automaton #finite #problem- Decision Problems for Finite Automata over Infinite Algebraic Structures (BK, JL), pp. 3–11.
DLT-2016-Duck #automaton #graph #logic- Weighted Automata and Logics on Infinite Graphs (SD), pp. 151–163.
DLT-2016-EndrullisKKS #word- Degrees of Infinite Words, Polynomials and Atoms (JE, JK, JWK, AS), pp. 164–176.
ICML-2016-SaeediHJA #performance- The Segmented iHMM: A Simple, Efficient Hierarchical Infinite HMM (AS, MDH, MJJ0, RPA), pp. 2682–2691.
KDD-2016-LiuSLF #clustering #image- Infinite Ensemble for Image Clustering (HL, MS, SL0, YF0), pp. 1745–1754.
CAV-2016-DanielCGTM #abstraction- Infinite-State Liveness-to-Safety via Implicit Abstraction and Well-Founded Relations (JD, AC, AG, ST, SM), pp. 271–291.
CSL-2016-Barto #constraints #problem- Infinite Domain Constraint Satisfaction Problem (LB), p. 1.
CIAA-2015-HoffmannS #metric #word- Subword Metrics for Infinite Words (SH, LS), pp. 165–175.
DLT-2015-AvgustinovichFP #complexity #permutation- Ergodic Infinite Permutations of Minimal Complexity (SVA, AEF, SP), pp. 71–84.
DLT-2015-CzybaST #automaton #finite #modelling- Finite Automata Over Infinite Alphabets: Two Models with Transitions for Local Change (CC, CS, WT), pp. 203–214.
DLT-2015-KlimannPS #automaton- A Connected 3-State Reversible Mealy Automaton Cannot Generate an Infinite Burnside Group (IK, MP, DS), pp. 313–325.
ICALP-v1-2015-FullaZ #constraints- A Galois Connection for Valued Constraint Languages of Infinite Size (PF, SZ), pp. 517–528.
ICALP-v2-2015-Finkel #automaton #scalability #theorem #word- Incompleteness Theorems, Large Cardinals, and Automata over Infinite Words (OF), pp. 222–233.
ICALP-v2-2015-Klein0 #game studies #how #lookahead #question- How Much Lookahead is Needed to Win Infinite Games? (FK, MZ), pp. 452–463.
FM-2015-SharmaWCHC #reasoning- Certified Reasoning with Infinity (AS, SW, AC, AH, WNC), pp. 496–513.
CIKM-2015-ChenSJ #analysis #data type- Private Analysis of Infinite Data Streams via Retroactive Grouping (RC, YS, HJ), pp. 1061–1070.
CIKM-2015-WangZZLL #behaviour #dependence #modelling #social #topic- Modeling Infinite Topics on Social Behavior Data with Spatio-temporal Dependence (PW0, PZ0, CZ0, ZL, GL), pp. 1919–1922.
ICML-2015-CarpentierV - Simple regret for infinitely many armed bandits (AC, MV), pp. 1133–1141.
TACAS-2015-CookKP - Fairness for Infinite-State Systems (BC, HK, NP), pp. 384–398.
CAV-2015-CookKP #automation #on the #verification- On Automation of CTL* Verification for Infinite-State Systems (BC, HK, NP), pp. 13–29.
CSL-2015-KuskeLM #decidability #monad #word- Infinite and Bi-infinite Words with Decidable Monadic Theories (DK, JL, AM), pp. 472–486.
LICS-2015-DasR #axiom- A Complete Axiomatization of MSO on Infinite Trees (AD, CR), pp. 390–401.
VMCAI-2015-BackesR #abstraction #analysis #clustering #graph transformation- Analysis of Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems by Cluster Abstraction (PB, JR), pp. 135–152.
VLDB-2014-KellarisPXP #sequence- Differentially Private Event Sequences over Infinite Streams (GK, SP, XX, DP), pp. 1155–1166.
AFL-2014-DuS #similarity #word- Similarity density of the Thue-Morse word with overlap-free infinite binary words (CFD, JS), pp. 231–245.
AFL-2014-Loding #automaton #problem #word- Decision Problems for Deterministic Pushdown Automata on Infinite Words (CL), pp. 55–73.
CIAA-2014-PittouR #automaton- Weighted Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (MP, GR), pp. 304–317.
DLT-2014-DickyJ #finite #word- Embedding Finite and Infinite Words into Overlapping Tiles — (AD, DJ), pp. 339–347.
ICALP-v2-2014-BlondinFM #branch- Handling Infinitely Branching WSTS (MB, AF, PM), pp. 13–25.
ICALP-v2-2014-Bojanczyk14a #quantifier- Weak MSO+U with Path Quantifiers over Infinite Trees (MB), pp. 38–49.
ICALP-v2-2014-BojanczykGMS #decidability #on the- On the Decidability of MSO+U on Infinite Trees (MB, TG, HM, MS), pp. 50–61.
LATA-2014-DrosteD #automaton #logic #word- Weighted Automata and Logics for Infinite Nested Words (MD, SD), pp. 323–334.
ICML-c1-2014-ZhangZZ #markov #modelling- Max-Margin Infinite Hidden Markov Models (AZ, JZ, BZ), pp. 315–323.
ICML-c2-2014-KnowlesGP #metric #normalisation #random #using- A reversible infinite HMM using normalised random measures (DAK, ZG, KP), pp. 1998–2006.
ICPR-2014-BargiXP #adaptation #classification #learning #online #segmentation #streaming- An Infinite Adaptive Online Learning Model for Segmentation and Classification of Streaming Data (AB, RYDX, MP), pp. 3440–3445.
POPL-2014-BeyeneCPR #approach #constraints #game studies #graph- A constraint-based approach to solving games on infinite graphs (TAB, SC, CP, AR), pp. 221–234.
FSE-2014-LiYP0H #finite #ltl #named #satisfiability- Aalta: an LTL satisfiability checker over Infinite/Finite traces (JL, YY, GP, LZ, JH), pp. 731–734.
FSE-2014-VakiliD #modelling #smt #using #verification- Verifying CTL-live properties of infinite state models using an SMT solver (AV, NAD), pp. 213–223.
STOC-2014-CoudronY #constant- Infinite randomness expansion with a constant number of devices (MC, HY), pp. 427–436.
WRLA-2014-BaeM #model checking #using- Infinite-State Model Checking of LTLR Formulas Using Narrowing (KB, JM), pp. 113–129.
LICS-CSL-2014-AbdullaAHMKT #energy #game studies- Infinite-state energy games (PAA, MFA, PH, RM, KNK, PT), p. 10.
LICS-CSL-2014-BlumensathCKPB #automaton #logic- Two-way cost automata and cost logics over infinite trees (AB, TC, DK, PP, MVB), p. 9.
LICS-CSL-2014-Khoussainov #random- A quest for algorithmically random infinite structures (BK), p. 9.
LICS-CSL-2014-RouxP #game studies- Infinite sequential games with real-valued payoffs (SLR, AP), p. 10.
ICALP-v1-2013-Velner #complexity #game studies- The Complexity of Infinitely Repeated Alternating Move Games (YV), pp. 816–827.
LATA-2013-Etessami #algorithm #probability #recursion #verification- Algorithms for Analyzing and Verifying Infinite-State Recursive Probabilistic Systems (KE), p. 12.
RTA-2013-BaeEM #logic #model checking #using- Abstract Logical Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems Using Narrowing (KB, SE, JM), pp. 81–96.
ICML-c1-2013-ZhaiB #online- Online Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Infinite Vocabulary (KZ, JLBG), pp. 561–569.
ICML-c3-2013-Chatzis - Infinite Markov-Switching Maximum Entropy Discrimination Machines (SC), pp. 729–737.
ICML-c3-2013-YoshiiTMG - Infinite Positive Semidefinite Tensor Factorization for Source Separation of Mixture Signals (KY, RT, DM, MG), pp. 576–584.
POPL-2013-AbelPTS #named #pattern matching #programming- Copatterns: programming infinite structures by observations (AA, BP, DT, AS), pp. 27–38.
QAPL-2013-BertrandS #automaton #game studies #probability- Solving Stochastic Büchi Games on Infinite Decisive Arenas (NB, PS), pp. 116–131.
CSL-2013-BilkowskiS #ambiguity #problem- Unambiguity and uniformization problems on infinite trees (MB, MS), pp. 81–100.
CSL-2013-ChatterjeeF #game studies- Infinite-state games with finitary conditions (KC, NF), pp. 181–196.
LICS-2013-Riba #word- Forcing MSO on Infinite Words in Weak MSO (CR), pp. 448–457.
DLT-J-2011-ChaturvediOT12 #game studies- Languages versus ω-Languages in Regular Infinite Games (NC, JO, WT), pp. 985–1000.
DLT-J-2011-DiekertM12 #word- Group Extensions over Infinite Words (VD, AGM), pp. 1001–1020.
ICALP-v2-2012-BojanczykP #regular expression #set- Regular Languages of Infinite Trees That Are Boolean Combinations of Open Sets (MB, TP), pp. 104–115.
ICALP-v2-2012-KuperbergB #logic #on the #power of #word- On the Expressive Power of Cost Logics over Infinite Words (DK, MVB), pp. 287–298.
ICFP-2012-EndrullisHB #complexity #equivalence #on the #specification- On the complexity of equivalence of specifications of infinite objects (JE, DH, RB), pp. 153–164.
ICGT-2012-GadducciLV #approximate #modelling- Exploiting Over- and Under-Approximations for Infinite-State Counterpart Models (FG, ALL, AV), pp. 51–65.
ICML-2012-PallaKG #network- An Infinite Latent Attribute Model for Network Data (KP, DAK, ZG), p. 55.
ICML-2012-Rakotomamonjy - Sparse Support Vector Infinite Push (AR), p. 48.
ICML-2012-XuYQ #composition #data analysis #modelling #multi #parametricity- Infinite Tucker Decomposition: Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Multiway Data Analysis (ZX, FY, AQ), p. 218.
KDIR-2012-MiaoLWZ #modelling #process #semantics #topic #wiki- Infinite Topic Modelling for Trend Tracking — Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Approaches with Wikipedia Semantic based Method (YM, CL, HW, LZ), pp. 35–44.
MoDELS-2012-CombemaleTB #modelling- Formally Defining and Iterating Infinite Models (BC, XT, BB), pp. 119–133.
OOPSLA-2012-KlingMCR #named #on-demand- Bolt: on-demand infinite loop escape in unmodified binaries (MK, SM, MC, MCR), pp. 431–450.
CAV-2012-Moskal #bound #c #verification- From C to Infinity and Back: Unbounded Auto-active Verification with VCC (MM), p. 6.
ICLP-2012-SatoM #probability- Tabling for infinite probability computation (TS, PM), pp. 348–358.
LICS-2012-AlurFT #string- Regular Transformations of Infinite Strings (RA, EF, AT), pp. 65–74.
LICS-2012-ChatterjeeT #automaton #decidability #probability #problem #word- Decidable Problems for Probabilistic Automata on Infinite Words (KC, MT), pp. 185–194.
VMCAI-2012-BouajjaniDES #abstract domain #automation #reasoning #source code- Abstract Domains for Automated Reasoning about List-Manipulating Programs with Infinite Data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 1–22.
AFL-2011-BorgwardtP #automaton #problem- The Inclusion Problem for Weighted Automata on Infinite Trees (SB, RP), pp. 108–122.
AFL-2011-Choffrut #finite #on the #word- On relations of finite words over infinite alphabets (CC), pp. 25–27.
DLT-2011-ChaturvediOT #game studies- Languages vs. ω-Languages in Regular Infinite Games (NC, JO, WT), pp. 180–191.
DLT-2011-DiekertM #problem #word- Solving Word Problems in Group Extensions over Infinite Words (VD, AGM), pp. 192–203.
DLT-2011-PelantovaS #word- Infinite Words Rich and Almost Rich in Generalized Palindromes (EP, SS), pp. 406–416.
ICML-2011-DoshiWTR #network- Infinite Dynamic Bayesian Networks (FD, DW, JBT, NR), pp. 913–920.
ICML-2011-LiuLC #policy #representation- The Infinite Regionalized Policy Representation (ML, XL, LC), pp. 769–776.
ICML-2011-ZhangDC - Tree-Structured Infinite Sparse Factor Model (XZ, DBD, LC), pp. 785–792.
ICML-2011-ZhuCX #kernel #process- Infinite SVM: a Dirichlet Process Mixture of Large-margin Kernel Machines (JZ, NC, EPX), pp. 617–624.
ECOOP-2011-CarbinMKR #detection- Detecting and Escaping Infinite Loops with Jolt (MC, SM, MK, MCR), pp. 609–633.
QAPL-2011-AndreychenkoCW #markov #modelling #on the fly- On-the-fly Uniformization of Time-Inhomogeneous Infinite Markov Population Models (AA, PC, VW), p. 1.
ICSE-2011-StengelFAFKD #development #feature model #interface- View infinity: a zoomable interface for feature-oriented software development (MS, MF, SA, JF, CK, RD), pp. 1031–1033.
CSL-2011-FridmanLZ #game studies #lookahead- Degrees of Lookahead in Context-free Infinite Games (WF, CL, MZ), pp. 264–276.
LICS-2011-KufleitnerL #word- Languages of Dot-Depth One over Infinite Words (MK, AL), pp. 23–32.
CIAA-2010-ForysOB #automaton- Symbolic Dynamics, Flower Automata and Infinite Traces (WF, PO, SB), pp. 135–142.
DLT-2010-DartoisKL #word- Rankers over Infinite Words (LD, MK, AL), pp. 148–159.
DLT-2010-Staiger #finite #word- Joint Topologies for Finite and Infinite Words (LS), pp. 442–443.
LATA-2010-GrumbergKS #automaton- Variable Automata over Infinite Alphabets (OG, OK, SS), pp. 561–572.
RTA-2010-ZantemaR #data type #proving- Proving Productivity in Infinite Data Structures (HZ, MR), pp. 401–416.
KDIR-2010-ParviainenRML #approximate #learning #network- Interpreting Extreme Learning Machine as an Approximation to an Infinite Neural Network (EP, JR, YM, AL), pp. 65–73.
LOPSTR-2010-FioravantiPPS #evaluation #verification- Program Specialization for Verifying Infinite State Systems: An Experimental Evaluation (FF, AP, MP, VS), pp. 164–183.
FoSSaCS-2010-HoltmannKT #game studies #lookahead- Degrees of Lookahead in Regular Infinite Games (MH, LK, WT), pp. 252–266.
FoSSaCS-2010-ToL #algorithm #decidability #ltl #model checking- Algorithmic Metatheorems for Decidable LTL Model Checking over Infinite Systems (AWT, LL), pp. 221–236.
FoSSaCS-2010-TsukadaK #recursion- Untyped Recursion Schemes and Infinite Intersection Types (TT, NK), pp. 343–357.
TACAS-2010-DragerKFW #concurrent #model checking #named- SLAB: A Certifying Model Checker for Infinite-State Concurrent Systems (KD, AK, BF, HW), pp. 271–274.
TACAS-2010-HahnHWZ #abstraction #modelling #named #probability #refinement- PASS: Abstraction Refinement for Infinite Probabilistic Models (EMH, HH, BW, LZ), pp. 353–357.
CSL-2010-CarraroES #exponential #multi- Exponentials with Infinite Multiplicities (AC, TE, AS), pp. 170–184.
ICLP-J-2010-PettorossiSP #logic programming #source code- Transformations of logic programs on infinite lists (AP, VS, MP), pp. 383–399.
ICTSS-2010-AartsJU #abstraction #communication #generative #modelling #protocol #using- Generating Models of Infinite-State Communication Protocols Using Regular Inference with Abstraction (FA, BJ, JU), pp. 188–204.
ICALP-v2-2009-AcciaiB #behaviour #safety #π-calculus- Deciding Safety Properties in Infinite-State π-Calculus via Behavioural Types (LA, MB), pp. 31–42.
LATA-2009-Salimov #complexity #word- Constructing Infinite Words of Intermediate Arithmetical Complexity (PVS), pp. 696–701.
ICML-2009-QuattoniCCD #performance- An efficient projection for l1,infinity regularization (AQ, XC, MC, TD), pp. 857–864.
ASE-2009-BurnimJSS #detection #lightweight #named #runtime- Looper: Lightweight Detection of Infinite Loops at Runtime (JB, NJ, CS, KS), pp. 161–169.
SAC-2009-Djelloul #exponential #finite #linear- From exponential to almost linear decomposability of finite or infinite trees (KD), pp. 897–902.
SAC-2009-OwenP #framework- Infinite bar-joint frameworks (JCO, SCP), pp. 1116–1121.
FoSSaCS-2009-KuhnrichSSK #analysis #data flow #interprocedural- Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis over Weight Domains with Infinite Descending Chains (MK, SS, JS, SK), pp. 440–455.
CAV-2009-HahnHWZ #markov #model checking #named- INFAMY: An Infinite-State Markov Model Checker (EMH, HH, BW, LZ), pp. 641–647.
CAV-2009-HenzingerMW #abstraction #markov- Sliding Window Abstraction for Infinite Markov Chains (TAH, MM, VW), pp. 337–352.
LICS-2009-Tan #automaton #graph #reachability- Graph Reachability and Pebble Automata over Infinite Alphabets (TT), pp. 157–166.
RTA-2008-Zantema #normalisation- Normalization of Infinite Terms (HZ), pp. 441–455.
ICML-2008-DickHS #learning #semistructured data- Learning from incomplete data with infinite imputations (UD, PH, TS), pp. 232–239.
ICML-2008-GaelSTG #markov- Beam sampling for the infinite hidden Markov model (JVG, YS, YWT, ZG), pp. 1088–1095.
ICPR-2008-LinG #using- Depth recovery using defocus blur at infinity (HYL, KDG), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-CaliGK #constraints #query #relational- Taming the Infinite Chase: Query Answering under Expressive Relational Constraints (AC, GG, MK), pp. 70–80.
FoSSaCS-2008-Goubault-Larrecq #game studies #probability #simulation- Simulation Hemi-metrics between Infinite-State Stochastic Games (JGL), pp. 50–65.
FoSSaCS-2008-Ummels #complexity #game studies #multi #nash- The Complexity of Nash Equilibria in Infinite Multiplayer Games (MU), pp. 20–34.
CSL-2008-TorreMP #automaton #exponential- An Infinite Automaton Characterization of Double Exponential Time (SLT, PM, GP), pp. 33–48.
LICS-2008-BaierBBBG #automaton #model checking- Almost-Sure Model Checking of Infinite Paths in One-Clock Timed Automata (CB, NB, PB, TB, MG), pp. 217–226.
CIAA-2007-HoltmannL #game studies #memory management #reduction- Memory Reduction for Strategies in Infinite Games (MH, CL), pp. 253–264.
RTA-2007-EscobarM #model checking #using- Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems Using Narrowing (SE, JM), pp. 153–168.
ICML-2007-KirshnerS - Infinite mixtures of trees (SK, PS), pp. 417–423.
SAS-2007-GallJ #automaton #representation #verification- Lattice Automata: A Representation for Languages on Infinite Alphabets, and Some Applications to Verification (TLG, BJ), pp. 52–68.
ASE-2007-Hall #modelling #named #realtime #validation- Rteq: modeling and validating infinite-state hard-real-time systems (RJH), pp. 481–484.
SAC-2007-DjelloulDF #constraints #finite #first-order #prolog #theorem proving #towards #unification #using- Toward a first-order extension of Prolog’s unification using CHR: a CHR first-order constraint solver over finite or infinite trees (KD, TBHD, TWF), pp. 58–64.
TACAS-2007-BouajjaniJS #framework #network #process #reasoning- A Generic Framework for Reasoning About Dynamic Networks of Infinite-State Processes (AB, YJ, MS), pp. 690–705.
CADE-2007-GhilardiNRZ #model checking #satisfiability- Combination Methods for Satisfiability and Model-Checking of Infinite-State Systems (SG, EN, SR, DZ), pp. 362–378.
CAV-2007-AbdullaDR #process #verification- Parameterized Verification of Infinite-State Processes with Global Conditions (PAA, GD, AR), pp. 145–157.
CSL-2007-CarayolL #order- MSO on the Infinite Binary Tree: Choice and Order (AC, CL), pp. 161–176.
LICS-2007-BrotherstonS #calculus #induction- Complete Sequent Calculi for Induction and Infinite Descent (JB, AS), pp. 51–62.
LICS-2007-Escardo #performance #set- Infinite sets that admit fast exhaustive search (MHE), pp. 443–452.
LICS-2007-KahlerKT #encryption #model checking #protocol- Infinite State AMC-Model Checking for Cryptographic Protocols (DK, RK, TT), pp. 181–192.
CIAA-2006-RoyC #finite #model checking- A Finite Union of DFAs in Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite Systems (SR, BC), pp. 277–278.
DLT-2006-DrosteR #automaton #logic #word- Weighted Automata and Weighted Logics on Infinite Words (MD, GR), pp. 49–58.
ICALP-v2-2006-Kopczynski #game studies- Half-Positional Determinacy of Infinite Games (EK), pp. 336–347.
RTA-2006-Bryant #using #verification- Formal Verification of Infinite State Systems Using Boolean Methods (REB), pp. 1–3.
ICML-2006-GorurJR - A choice model with infinitely many latent features (DG, FJ, CER), pp. 361–368.
SAC-2006-DjelloulD #constraints #finite #first-order #formal method- Solving first-order constraints in the theory of finite or infinite trees: introduction to the decomposable theories (KD, TBHD), pp. 7–14.
SAC-2006-HeatherS #analysis #protocol #security- To infinity and beyond or, avoiding the infinite in security protocol analysis (JH, SS), pp. 346–353.
FoSSaCS-2006-ChenFN #finite #on the #simulation- On Finite Alphabets and Infinite Bases II: Completed and Ready Simulation (TC, WF, SN), pp. 1–15.
CSL-2006-Aehlig #automaton #finite #semantics- A Finite Semantics of Simply-Typed λ Terms for Infinite Runs of Automata (KA), pp. 104–118.
CSL-2006-GollerL #logic #model checking- Infinite State Model-Checking of Propositional Dynamic Logics (SG, ML), pp. 349–364.
CSL-2006-Ong #approach #semantics #verification- Some Results on a Game-Semantic Approach to Verifying Finitely-Presentable Infinite Structures (CHLO), pp. 31–40.
CSL-2006-Segoufin #automaton #logic #word- Automata and Logics for Words and Trees over an Infinite Alphabet (LS), pp. 41–57.
IJCAR-2006-KoprowskiZ #automation #order #recursion #term rewriting- Automation of Recursive Path Ordering for Infinite Labelled Rewrite Systems (AK, HZ), pp. 332–346.
LICS-2006-Bryant #using #verification- Formal Verification of Infinite State Systems Using Boolean Methods (REB), pp. 3–4.
DLT-J-2004-Staiger05 - Infinite Iterated Function Systems in Cantor Space and the Hausdorff Measure of ω-Power Languages (LS), pp. 787–802.
CIAA-2005-VielhaberC #on the #set #transducer- On a Class of Bijective Binary Transducers with Finitary Description Despite Infinite State Set (MV, MdPCC), pp. 356–357.
SEKE-2005-Wang #logic #model checking #specification- Specification of an Infinite-State Local Model Checker in Rewriting Logic (BYW), pp. 442–447.
SAC-2005-DantchevV #on the- On the computational limits of infinite satisfaction (SSD, FDV), pp. 393–397.
TACAS-2005-BinghamH #empirical #performance #verification- Empirically Efficient Verification for a Class of Infinite-State Systems (JDB, AJH), pp. 77–92.
TACAS-2005-KupfermanV #automaton #nondeterminism #word- Complementation Constructions for Nondeterministic Automata on Infinite Words (OK, MYV), pp. 206–221.
TACAS-2005-RemkeHC #markov #model checking- Model Checking Infinite-State Markov Chains (AR, BRH, LC), pp. 237–252.
LICS-2005-AbdullaHM #finite #markov #verification- Verifying Infinite Markov Chains with a Finite Attractor or the Global Coarseness Property (PAA, NBH, RM), pp. 127–136.
SIGMOD-2004-AyadN #optimisation #query- Static Optimization of Conjunctive Queries with Sliding Windows Over Infinite Streams (AA, JFN), pp. 419–430.
CIAA-2004-Ibarra - Automata-Theoretic Techniques for Analyzing Infinite-State Systems (OHI), p. 1.
SEFM-2004-Roy #finite #using #verification- Symbolic Verification of Infinite Systems using a Finite Union of DFAs (SR), pp. 56–66.
SEFM-2004-SchuleS #comparison #model checking #verification- Global vs. Local Model Checking: A Comparison of Verification Techniques for Infinite State Systems (TS, KS), pp. 67–76.
FoSSaCS-2004-FokkinkN #finite #on the- On Finite Alphabets and Infinite Bases: From Ready Pairs to Possible Worlds (WF, SN), pp. 182–194.
FoSSaCS-2004-GiambiagiSV #behaviour #calculus #on the #process- On the Expressiveness of Infinite Behavior and Name Scoping in Process Calculi (PG, GS, FDV), pp. 226–240.
CAV-2004-FinkelL #image #model checking- Image Computation in Infinite State Model Checking (AF, JL), pp. 361–371.
CAV-2004-PitermanV #model checking- Global Model-Checking of Infinite-State Systems (NP, MYV), pp. 387–400.
CSL-2004-Gimbert #game studies #graph- Parity and Exploration Games on Infinite Graphs (HG), pp. 56–70.
LICS-2004-WohrleT #model checking- Model Checking Synchronized Products of Infinite Transition Systems (SW, WT), pp. 2–11.
ICALP-2003-CarayolC #on the- On Equivalent Representations of Infinite Structures (AC, TC), pp. 599–610.
ICALP-2003-XieDI #equation #polynomial #verification- A Solvable Class of Quadratic Diophantine Equations with Applications to Verification of Infinite-State Systems (GX, ZD, OHI), pp. 668–680.
CAV-2003-AlurTM #composition #game studies #graph #recursion- Modular Strategies for Infinite Games on Recursive Graphs (RA, SLT, PM), pp. 67–79.
CAV-2003-BartzisB #image #model checking #performance- Efficient Image Computation in Infinite State Model Checking (CB, TB), pp. 249–261.
CSL-2003-Bouajjani #verification- Verification of Infinite State Systems (AB), p. 71.
CSL-2003-RybinaV #model checking #performance- Fast Infinite-State Model Checking in Integer-Based Systems (TR, AV), pp. 546–573.
ICLP-2003-DelzannoGM #composition #verification- Compositional Verification of Infinite State Systems (GD, MG, MCM), pp. 47–48.
LICS-2003-PistoreV - The Planning Spectrum — One, Two, Three, Infinity (MP, MYV), pp. 234–243.
DLT-2002-AltenberndTW - Tiling Systems over Infinite Pictures and Their Acceptance Conditions (JHA, WT, SW), pp. 297–306.
DLT-2002-Cassaigne #complexity #word- Constructing Infinite Words of Intermediate Complexity (JC), pp. 173–184.
DLT-2002-Kari #problem- Infinite Snake Tiling Problems (JK), pp. 67–77.
DLT-2002-UmeoK #automaton #communication #realtime #sequence- An Infinite Prime Sequence Can Be Generated in Real-Time by a 1-Bit Inter-cell Communication Cellular Automaton (HU, NK), pp. 339–348.
ICALP-2002-GenestMSZ #model checking- Infinite-State High-Level MSCs: Model-Checking and Realizability (BG, AM, HS, MZ), pp. 657–668.
KR-2002-Broxvall #constraints- Constraint Satisfaction on Infinite Domains: Composing Domains and Decomposing Constraints (MB), pp. 509–520.
FoSSaCS-2002-Loding #model checking- Model-Checking Infinite Systems Generated by Ground Tree Rewriting (CL), pp. 280–294.
STOC-2002-AspnesSS - Wait-free consensus with infinite arrivals (JA, GS, JS), pp. 524–533.
CADE-2002-MouraRS #bound #lazy evaluation #model checking #proving #theorem proving- Lazy Theorem Proving for Bounded Model Checking over Infinite Domains (LMdM, HR, MS), pp. 438–455.
CAV-2002-RybinaV #canonical #model checking #using- Using Canonical Representations of Solutions to Speed Up Infinite-State Model Checking (TR, AV), pp. 386–400.
CAV-2002-Thomas #game studies #verification- Infinite Games and Verification (WT), pp. 58–64.
CSL-2002-Kreutzer #fixpoint #logic- Partial Fixed-Point Logic on Infinite Structures (SK), pp. 337–351.
ICLP-2002-Bonatti #modelling #reasoning #source code- Reasoning with Infinite Stable Models II: Disjunctive Programs (PAB), pp. 333–346.
ICLP-2002-CharatonikMP #constraints #model checking- Constraint-Based Infinite Model Checking and Tabulation for Stratified CLP (WC, SM, AP), pp. 115–129.
DLT-2001-Thomas #automaton- A Short Introduction to Infinite Automata (WT), pp. 130–144.
ICALP-2001-Bouajjani #term rewriting #verification- Languages, Rewriting Systems, and Verification of Infinite-State Systems (AB), pp. 24–39.
LOPSTR-2001-FioravantiPP #process #program transformation #set #using #verification- Verification of Sets of Infinite State Processes Using Program Transformation (FF, AP, MP), pp. 111–128.
LICS-2001-ArnoldLM #monad- The Hierarchy inside Closed Monadic Σ₁ Collapses on the Infinite Binary Tree (AA, GL, JM), pp. 157–166.
ICALP-2000-BealC #transducer #word- Determinization of Transducers over Infinite Words (MPB, OC), pp. 561–570.
ICALP-2000-Kuske #logic- Infinite Series-Parallel Posets: Logic and Languages (DK), pp. 648–662.
WLC-2000-AvgustinovichFF #complexity #word- Arithmetical Complexity of Infinite Words (SVA, DFDF, AEF), pp. 51–62.
ICSE-2000-DangK #approximate #model checking #realtime- Three approximation techniques for ASTRAL symbolic model checking of infinite state real-time systems (ZD, RAK), pp. 345–354.
ESOP-2000-Mauborgne #representation #set- Improving the Representation of Infinite Trees to Deal with Sets of Trees (LM), pp. 275–289.
TACAS-2000-BodeveixF #named #validation- FMona: A Tool for Expressing Validation Techniques over Infinite State Systems (JPB, MF), pp. 204–219.
TACAS-2000-JonssonN #transitive #verification- Transitive Closures of Regular Relations for Verifying Infinite-State Systems (BJ, MN), pp. 220–234.
CAV-2000-AbdullaJ #tutorial #verification- Invited Tutorial: Verification of Infinite-State and Parameterized Systems (PAA, BJ), p. 4.
CAV-2000-KupfermanV #approach #reasoning- An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Reasoning about Infinite-State Systems (OK, MYV), pp. 36–52.
LICS-2000-AbdullaN #performance #verification- Better is Better than Well: On Efficient Verification of Infinite-State Systems (PAA, AN), pp. 132–140.
LICS-2000-Moszkowski #axiom #logic- A Complete Axiomatization of Interval Temporal Logic with Infinite Time (BCM), pp. 241–252.
ITiCSE-1999-Siegel #why- Why do fools fall into infinite loops: singing to your computer science class (EVS), pp. 167–170.
LOPSTR-1999-LeuschelM #abstract interpretation #model checking- Infinite State Model Checking by Abstract Interpretation and Program Specialisation (ML, TM), pp. 62–81.
CAV-1999-AbdullaABBHL #abstraction #analysis #reachability #verification- Verification of Infinite-State Systems by Combining Abstraction and Reachability Analysis (PAA, AA, SB, AB, PH, YL), pp. 146–159.
CSL-1999-Franzle #analysis #hybrid- Analysis of Hybrid Systems: An Ounce of Realism Can Save an Infinity of States (MF), pp. 126–140.
LICS-1999-HalpernS #reasoning- Reasoning about Common Knowledge with Infinitely Many Agents (JYH, RAS), pp. 384–393.
ICALP-1998-KarhumakiLP #behaviour #word- Locally Periodic Infinite Words and a Chaotic Behaviour (JK, AL, WP), pp. 421–430.
WIA-1998-Augros #automaton #finite #set #word- Automata to Recognize Finite and Infinite Words with at Least Two Factorizations on a Given Finite Set (XA), pp. 220–225.
KR-1998-Jaeger #network #random #reasoning #relational- Reasoning About Infinite Random Structures with Relational Bayesian Networks (MJ), pp. 570–581.
SIGAda-1998-Duncan #ada #data type #library #reuse- Reusable Ada Libraries Supporting Infinite Data Structures (AGD), pp. 89–103.
FoSSaCS-1998-AlbayrakN - The WHILE Hierarchy of Program Schemes Is Infinite (CAA, TN), pp. 35–47.
TACAS-1998-CharatonikP #analysis- Set-Based Analysis of Reactive Infinite-State Systems (WC, AP), pp. 358–375.
CAV-1998-BensalemLO #abstraction #automation- Computing Abstractions of Infinite State Systems Compositionally and Automatically (SB, YL, SO), pp. 319–331.
CAV-1998-IslesHB #memory management- Computing Reachable Control States of Systems Modeled with Uninterpreted Functions and Infinite Memory (AJI, RH, RKB), pp. 256–267.
CAV-1998-WolperB #verification- Verifying Systems with Infinite but Regular State Spaces (PW, BB), pp. 88–97.
LICS-1998-EmersonN #model checking #nondeterminism #on the- On Model Checking for Non-Deterministic Infinite-State Systems (EAE, KSN), pp. 70–80.
DLT-1997-MateescuM - Infinite trajectories (AM, GDM), pp. 489–505.
ICALP-1997-BurkartS #calculus #model checking #process #μ-calculus- Model Checking the Full Modal μ-Calculus for Infinite Sequential Processes (OB, BS), pp. 419–429.
CAV-1997-BultanGP #model checking #using- Symbolic Model Checking of Infinite State Systems Using Presburger Arithmetic (TB, RG, WP), pp. 400–411.
LICS-1997-DziembowskiJW #game studies #how #memory management #question- How Much Memory is Needed to Win Infinite Games? (SD, MJ, IW), pp. 99–110.
LICS-1997-MatzT #graph #monad #quantifier- The Monadic Quantifier Alternation Hierarchy over Graphs is Infinite (OM, WT), pp. 236–244.
ICALP-1996-Caucal #decidability #graph #monad #on the- On Infinite Transition Graphs Having a Decidable Monadic Theory (DC), pp. 194–205.
HPCA-1996-IyengarTB #modelling- Representative Traces for Processor Models with Infinite Cache (VSI, LT, PB), pp. 62–72.
TACAS-1996-BuhrkeLV - Strategy Construction in Infinite Ganes with Streett and Rabin Chain Winning Conditions (NB, HL, JV), pp. 207–224.
CAV-1996-BoigelotG #communication #protocol #using #verification- Symbolic Verification of Communication Protocols with Infinite State Spaces Using QDDs (BB, PG), pp. 1–12.
LICS-1996-AbdullaCJT #decidability #theorem- General Decidability Theorems for Infinite-State Systems (PAA, KC, BJ, YKT), pp. 313–321.
PODS-1995-ChomickiK - Measuring Infinite Relations (JC, GMK), pp. 78–85.
DLT-1995-Lepisto #complexity #on the #word- On the Computational Complexity of Infinite Words (AL), pp. 350–359.
DLT-1995-LitovskyS #finite #word- Finite Acceptance of Infinite Words (IL, LS), pp. 360–369.
POPL-1995-BouajjaniEH #composition #parallel #process #verification- Verifying Infinite State Processes with Sequential and Parallel Composition (AB, RE, PH), pp. 95–106.
TAPSOFT-1995-WilkeY #polynomial #regular expression #word- Computing the Wadge Degree, the Lifschitz Degree, and the Rabin Index of a Regular Language of Infinite Words in Polynomial Time (TW, HY), pp. 288–302.
CAV-1995-DingelF #abstraction #model checking #proving #reasoning #theorem proving #using- Model Checking for Infinite State Systems Using Data Abstraction, Assumption-Commitment Style reasoning and Theorem Proving (JD, TF), pp. 54–69.
CAV-1995-JonssonK #algorithm #distributed #safety #verification- Verifying Safety Properties of a Class of Infinite-State Distributed Algorithms (BJ, LK), pp. 42–53.
FME-1994-Jackson #model checking #specification- Abstract Model Checking of Infinite Specifications (DJ), pp. 519–531.
TAGT-1994-Bauderon #approach #generative #graph- A Category-Theoretical Approach to Vertex Replacement: The Generation of Infinite Graphs (MB), pp. 27–37.
ICALP-1993-EbingerM #logic- Logical Definability on Infinite Traces (WE, AM), pp. 335–346.
TAPSOFT-1993-BeauquirerN #automaton #constraints- Automata on Infinite Trees with Counting Constraints (DB, DN), pp. 266–281.
CSL-1993-Raffalli #data type #similarity- Data Types, Infinity and Equality in System AF2 (CR), pp. 280–294.
HT-ECHT-1992-Martucci92b #multi- From Infinity to Infinity (a Multimedia History of the Universe, Demonstration) (RM), p. 292.
ICALP-1992-GastinP #automaton- Asynchronous Cellular Automata for Infinite Traces (PG, AP), pp. 583–594.
KR-1992-Davis #finite- Infinite Loops in Finite Time: Some Observations (ED), pp. 47–58.
PODS-1991-BaudinetNW #on the #query #representation- On the Representation of Infinite Temporal Data and Queries (MB, MN, PW), pp. 280–290.
ICALP-1991-GastinPZ #theorem- A Kleene Theorem for Infinite Trace Languages (PG, AP, WZ), pp. 254–266.
STOC-1991-DengM #game studies #online #problem- Infinite Games, Randomization, Computability, and Applications to Online Problems (XD, SM), pp. 289–298.
STOC-1991-Harel #graph- Hamiltonian Paths in Infinite Graphs (DH), pp. 220–229.
CAV-1991-Sterling - Taming Infinite State Spaces (CS), p. 1.
ISLP-1991-BruynoogheSM #deduction #logic programming #source code- A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding During Partial Deduction of Logic Programs (MB, DDS, BM), pp. 117–131.
PODS-1990-KabanzaSW - Handling Infinite Temporal Data (FK, JMS, PW), pp. 392–403.
CHI-1990-Carroll #human-computer- Infinite detail and emulation in an ontologically minimized HCI (JMC), pp. 321–328.
STOC-1990-Blum #learning- Learning Boolean Functions in an Infinite Atribute Space (AB), pp. 64–72.
PODS-1989-SagivV #database #datalog #query #safety- Safety of Datalog Queries over Infinite Databases (YS, MYV), pp. 160–171.
SIGMOD-1989-ChomickiI #query #relational #specification- Relational Specifications of Infinite Query Answers (JC, TI), pp. 174–183.
ICALP-1989-DershowitzKP #normalisation- Infinite Normal Forms (ND, SK, DAP), pp. 249–262.
ICALP-1989-EngelfrietH #automaton #word- Automata with Storage on Infinite Words (JE, HJH), pp. 289–303.
SEKE-1989-Tang #automation #concurrent #source code #verification- Temporal Theory for Automatic Verification of Infinite State Concurrent Programs (TGT), pp. 134–139.
CAAP-1989-Badouel #monad- Terms and Infinite Trees as Monads Over a Signature (EB), pp. 89–103.
PODS-1988-ChomickiI #database #deduction- Temporal Deductive Databases and Infinite Objects (JC, TI), pp. 61–73.
STOC-1988-PintzSS #performance #testing- Two Infinite Sets of Primes with Fast Primality Tests (JP, WLS, ES), pp. 504–509.
LICS-1988-Maher #algebra #axiom #finite- Complete Axiomatizations of the Algebras of Finite, Rational and Infinite Trees (MJM), pp. 348–357.
LICS-1988-Niwinski #fixpoint #generative- Fixed Points vs. Infinite Generation (DN), pp. 402–409.
PODS-1987-RamakrishnanBS #horn clause #recursion #safety- Safety of Recursive Horn Clauses With Infinite Relations (RR, FB, AS), pp. 328–339.
RTA-1987-Kirchner #process #set- Schematization of Infinite Sets of Rewrite Rules. Application to the Divergence of Completion Processes (HK), pp. 180–191.
CAAP-1987-DarondeauG #behaviour #communication- A Fullt Observational Model for Infinite Behaviours of Communicating Systems (PD, BG), pp. 153–168.
STOC-1987-IwanoS #graph #testing- Testing for Cycles in Infinite Graphs with Periodic Structure (KI, KS), pp. 46–55.
LICS-1987-Thomas #first-order #logic #on the- On Chain Logic, Path Logic, and First-Order Logic over Infinite Trees (WT), pp. 245–256.
LICS-1986-MendlerPC #type system- Infinite Objects in Type Theory (NPM, PP, RLC), pp. 249–255.
VLDB-1985-CellaryM #database #distributed- Locking with Prevention of Cyclic and Infinite Restarting in Distributed Database Systems (WC, TM), pp. 115–126.
ICALP-1985-BakkerMO #concurrent #finite #semantics- Infinite Streams and Finite Observations in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency (JWdB, JJCM, ERO), pp. 149–157.
ICALP-1985-MainBH - Applications of an Infinite Squarefree CO-CFL (MGM, WB, DH), pp. 404–412.
STOC-1985-FichHRW #bound #parallel- One, Two, Three … Infinity: Lower Bounds for Parallel Computation (FEF, FMadH, PR, AW), pp. 48–58.
ICALP-1984-Abdallah #logic programming #on the- On the Interpretation of Infinite Computations in Logic Programming (MANA), pp. 358–370.
ICALP-1984-Girault-Beauquier #automaton #behaviour #finite- Some Results About Finite and Infinite Behaviours of a Pushdown Automaton (DB), pp. 187–195.
LFP-1984-DoschM #lazy evaluation- Busy and Lazy FP with Infinite Objects (WD, BM), pp. 282–292.
STOC-1984-Harel - A General Result on Infinite Trees and Its Applications (DH), pp. 418–427.
ICALP-1983-Arnold #behaviour- Topological Characterizations of Infinite Behaviours of Transition Systems (AA), pp. 28–38.
ICALP-1983-Indermark #complexity- Complexity of Infinite Trees (KI), pp. 347–360.
GG-1982-SiromoneyS #graph- Space-filling curves and infinite graphs (RS, KGS), pp. 380–391.
CADE-1982-HenschenN #database #first-order #recursion #representation #sequence- Representing Infinite Sequences of Resolvents in recursive First-Order Horn Databases (LJH, SAN), pp. 342–359.
ICALP-1972-Turner #approach #complexity- An Infinite Hierarchy of Term Languages — An Approach to Mathematical Complexity (RT), pp. 593–608.