Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
Collaborated with:
K.Tiensyrjä G.Vanmeerbeeck J.Soininen Y.Qu
Talks about:
architectur (1) algorithm (1) workload (1) mappabl (1) generat (1) automat (1) system (1) modifi (1) explor (1) compil (1)
Person: Jari Kreku
DBLP: Kreku:Jari
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DATE-2010-KrekuTV #automation #compilation #generative
- Automatic workload generation for system-level exploration based on modified GCC compiler (JK, KT, GV), pp. 369–374.
- DATE-2002-SoininenKQ #algorithm #architecture #estimation
- Mappability Estimation of Architecture and Algorithm (JPS, JK, YQ), p. 1132.