Collaborated with:
D.Giménez J.González L.García M.Quesada J.Dongarra K.Roche
Talks about:
algebra (4) linear (4) parallel (2) automat (2) tune (2) behaviour (1) algorithm (1) platform (1) multicor (1) influenc (1)
Person: Javier Cuenca
DBLP: Cuenca:Javier
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PDP-2012-CuencaGG #algebra #linear #parallel
- Improving Linear Algebra Computation on NUMA Platforms through Auto-tuned Nested Parallelism (JC, LPG, DG), pp. 66–73.
- PDP-2010-CuencaGGQ #analysis #compilation #manycore #performance
- Analysis of the Influence of the Compiler on Multicore Performance (JC, LPG, DG, MQ), pp. 170–174.
- PDP-2003-CuencaGGDR #algebra #automation #linear #optimisation #parallel
- Automatic Optimisation of Parallel Linear Algebra Routines in Systems with Variable Load (JC, DG, JG, JD, KR), pp. 409–416.
- PDP-2002-CuencaGG #algebra #automation #design #library #linear #towards
- Towards the Design of an Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Library (JC, DG, JG), p. 201–?.
- PDP-2001-CuencaGG #algebra #algorithm #behaviour #linear #message passing #modelling
- Modeling the Behaviour of Linear Algebra Algorithms with Message-Passing (JC, DG, JG), pp. 282–289.