Travelled to:
2 × Germany
Collaborated with:
D.F.Bender B.Combemale X.Crégut B.Berthomieu F.Vernadat W.L.d.Souza P.N.M.Sampaio R.M.Scheffel M.J.B.Almeida L.P.Gaspary L.Z.Granville R.Willrich M.S.d.Camargo M.Domingos
Talks about:
multimedia (1) metamodel (1) distribut (1) program (1) ladder (1) design (1) applic (1) valid (1) petri (1) time (1)
Person: Jean-Marie Farines
DBLP: Farines:Jean=Marie
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ECMDA-FA-2008-BenderCCFBV #metamodelling #petri net #validation
- Ladder Metamodeling and PLC Program Validation through Time Petri Nets (DFB, BC, XC, JMF, BB, FV), pp. 121–136.
- FM-1998-SouzaSFSAGGWCD #design #distributed #multi
- Design of Distributed Multimedia Applications (DAMD) (WLdS, PNMS, JMF, RMS, MJBA, LPG, LZG, RW, MSdC, MD), pp. 77–91.