Tag #metamodelling
280 papers:
MoDELS-2019-0001MSFT - Meta-Modelling Meta-Learning (TH0, AM, CS, FF, YLT), pp. 300–305.
MoDELS-2019-NguyenRRPI #approach #automation #classification #machine learning #repository- Automated Classification of Metamodel Repositories: A Machine Learning Approach (PTN, JDR, DDR, AP, LI), pp. 272–282.
GPCE-2019-NiekeHS #automation #evolution- Automated metamodel augmentation for seamless model evolution tracking and planning (MN, AH, CS), pp. 68–80.
CASE-2019-YanZHD #simulation- Physics-based Deep Spatio-temporal Metamodeling for Cardiac Electrical Conduction Simulation (HY, XZ, ZH, DD), pp. 152–157.
DiGRA-2018-AarsethG #game studies #ontology #research- An Ontological Meta-Model for Game Research (EA, PG).
ECMFA-2018-HinkelB #analysis #design #on the- On the Influence of Metamodel Design to Analyses and Transformations (GH, EB), pp. 63–79.
ICMT-2018-BruelCGJKLMSV #classification #comparison #model transformation #reuse- Model Transformation Reuse Across Metamodels — A Classification and Comparison of Approaches (JMB, BC, EG, JMJ, JK, JdL, GM, ES, HV), pp. 92–109.
MoDELS-2018-KessentiniWS #co-evolution #design #interactive- Integrating the Designer in-the-loop for Metamodel/Model Co-Evolution via Interactive Computational Search (WK, MW, HAS), pp. 101–111.
MoDELS-2018-KhelladiKE #co-evolution #evolution- Change Propagation-based and Composition-based Co-evolution of Transformations with Evolving Metamodels (DEK, RK, AE), pp. 404–414.
SLE-2018-ButtingJRW - Translating grammars to accurate metamodels (AB, NJ, BR, AW), pp. 174–186.
SLE-2018-GuerraLCS #product line- Analysing meta-model product lines (EG, JdL, MC, RS), pp. 160–173.
SLE-2018-LelandaisOC - Fostering metamodels and grammars within a dedicated environment for HPC: the NabLab environment (BL, MPO, BC), pp. 200–204.
ICST-2018-PiresA #generative #information management #testing- Knowledge Discovery Metamodel-Based Unit Test Cases Generation (JPP, FBeA), pp. 432–433.
ICSA-2017-HassanAB #approach #architecture- Microservice Ambients: An Architectural Meta-Modelling Approach for Microservice Granularity (SH, NA, RB), pp. 1–10.
ECMFA-2017-Wu #consistency #constraints- Finding Achievable Features and Constraint Conflicts for Inconsistent Metamodels (HW), pp. 179–196.
MoDELS-2017-BatotKSF #heuristic #ocl #recommendation- Heuristic-Based Recommendation for Metamodel — OCL Coevolution (EB, WK, HAS, MF), pp. 210–220.
MoDELS-2017-DurisicMST #case study #co-evolution #modelling #semantics #syntax- Co-Evolution of Meta-Modeling Syntax and Informal Semantics in Domain-Specific Modeling Environments — A Case Study of AUTOSAR (DD, CM, MS, MT), pp. 189–198.
MoDELS-2017-KlareBKLSR #java #named #tool support- Ecoreification: Making Arbitrary Java Code Accessible to Metamodel-Based Tools (HK, EB, MEK, ML, TS, RHR), pp. 221–228.
WICSA-2016-StrittmatterH #domain-specific language- A Reference Structure for Metamodels of Quality-Aware Domain-Specific Languages (MS, RH), pp. 268–269.
ICSME-2016-Mengerink #co-evolution #modelling #roadmap- A Roadmap for Co-Evolution of Meta-Models and Models (JGMM), p. 619.
ICSME-2016-WashizakiGK #reverse engineering #taxonomy- A Taxonomy for Program Metamodels in Program Reverse Engineering (HW, YGG, FK), pp. 44–55.
ECMFA-2016-BaburCB #analysis #clustering #comparative #visualisation- Hierarchical Clustering of Metamodels for Comparative Analysis and Visualization (ÖB, LC, MvdB), pp. 3–18.
ECMFA-2016-KessentiniSW #approach #automation #co-evolution #multi #optimisation #using- Automated Metamodel/Model Co-evolution Using a Multi-objective Optimization Approach (WK, HAS, MW), pp. 138–155.
ECMFA-2016-ScheidgenEM #api #case study #library #metaprogramming #rest- Metamodeling vs Metaprogramming: A Case Study on Developing Client Libraries for REST APIs (MS, SE, FM), pp. 205–216.
ICMT-2016-KehrerTRK #automation #editing #specification- Automatically Deriving the Specification of Model Editing Operations from Meta-Models (TK, GT, MR, UK), pp. 173–188.
MoDELS-2016-KalninsB #modelling #visual notation- Metamodel specialization for graphical modeling language support (AK, JB), pp. 103–112.
MoDELS-2016-RabbiLY #approach #category theory #game studies #towards- Towards a categorical approach for meta-modelling epistemic game theory (FR, YL, ICY), pp. 57–64.
CASE-2016-ShaoS - Enhancing feasibility determination with kriging metamodels (XS, LS), pp. 476–481.
SANER-2015-AlawnehHH #analysis #performance #towards- Towards a common metamodel for traces of high performance computing systems to enable software analysis tasks (LA, AHL, JH), pp. 111–120.
SANER-2015-Erfani #ontology #towards- Towards an ontology-based context-aware meta-model for the software domain (ME), pp. 605–606.
CAiSE-2015-KhelladiHBRG #detection #evolution- Detecting Complex Changes During Metamodel Evolution (DEK, RH, RB, JR, MPG), pp. 263–278.
SEKE-2015-MagalhaesMA #case study #design #experience #model transformation #towards- Towards a Metamodel Design Methodology: Experiences from a model transformation metamodel design (APM, RSPM, AMSA), pp. 625–630.
MoDELS-J-2011-JacksonLB15 #automation #reasoning- Automatically reasoning about metamodeling (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 271–285.
ECMFA-J-2012-LaraGC15 #modelling- Model-driven engineering with domain-specific meta-modelling languages (JdL, EG, JSC), pp. 429–459.
ECMFA-2015-BousseMCB #approach #generative- A Generative Approach to Define Rich Domain-Specific Trace Metamodels (EB, TM, BC, BB), pp. 45–61.
ECMFA-2015-BruneliereGDKHB #lightweight #modelling #on the #tool support- On Lightweight Metamodel Extension to Support Modeling Tools Agility (HB, JG, PD, DEK, RH, RB, JC), pp. 62–74.
GPCE-2015-FontAHC #modelling #product line- Addressing metamodel revisions in model-based software product lines (JF, LA, ØH, CC), pp. 161–170.
CBSE-2014-SmaaliCB #towards- Towards a meta-model for dynamic applications (SS, AC, FB), pp. 23–28.
ECSA-2014-MusilMB #architecture #coordination #social #towards #web- Towards a Coordination-Centric Architecture Metamodel for Social Web Applications (JM, AM, SB), pp. 106–113.
VISSOFT-2014-BlouinMBS #scalability #visualisation- Slicing-Based Techniques for Visualizing Large Metamodels (AB, NM, BB, HAS), pp. 25–29.
ICEIS-v2-2014-PfisterHN #agile #concurrent #design #diagrams #framework #modelling #synthesis #towards #visual notation- A Framework for Concurrent Design of Metamodels and Diagrams — Towards an Agile Method for the Synthesis of Domain Specific Graphical Modeling Languages (FP, MH, CN), pp. 298–306.
ICEIS-v3-2014-BalinaAMS #development- Meta Model of e-Learning Materials Development (SB, IA, IM, ES), pp. 150–155.
ICEIS-v3-2014-OussenaEK #architecture #enterprise #formal method #framework #validation- Formalization of Validation Extension Metamodel for Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (SO, JE, PK), pp. 427–434.
ICEIS-v3-2014-SaidCAB #modelling #process- Extending BPMN 2.0 Meta-models for Process Version Modelling (IBS, MAC, EA, RB), pp. 384–393.
MoDELS-2014-BascianiRIP #automation #model transformation- Automated Chaining of Model Transformations with Incompatible Metamodels (FB, DDR, LI, AP), pp. 602–618.
LOPSTR-2014-AlvesDF #data access #semantics- Access Control and Obligations in the Category-Based Metamodel: A Rewrite-Based Semantics (SA, AD, MF), pp. 148–163.
ASE-2014-Lopez-FernandezGL #validation #verification- Meta-Model validation and verification with MetaBest (JJLF, EG, JdL), pp. 831–834.
SLE-J-2012-PaigeKP #grammarware #research #tutorial- A tutorial on metamodelling for grammar researchers (RFP, DSK, FACP), pp. 396–416.
SLE-2014-KuhnLGSA #modelling #product line #programming language- A Metamodel Family for Role-Based Modeling and Programming Languages (TK, ML, SG, CS, UA), pp. 141–160.
DATE-2014-EckerVZG #approach #synthesis- The metamodeling approach to system level synthesis (WE, MV, LZ, AG), pp. 1–2.
EDOC-2013-GoknilKM #approach #modelling #multi #reasoning #requirements- A metamodeling approach for reasoning on multiple requirements models (AG, IK, JVM), pp. 159–166.
ICEIS-v2-2013-CuzzocreaF #analysis #comparative #exclamation #power of #state of the art- Comparative Analysis of State-of-the-Art Spatial Data Warehouse Meta-models — Catching the Expressive Power of SDW Schemas! (AC, RdNF), pp. 302–309.
ICEIS-v2-2013-GratiBB #monitoring #requirements- A Meta Model for Monitoring Requirements in Cloud Environnment (RG, KB, HBA), pp. 223–231.
ICEIS-v3-2013-RamdoyalPDSLJ #resource management #workflow- A Generic Workflow Metamodel to Support Resource-aware Decision Making (RR, CP, MAD, GS, IL, JMJ), pp. 243–250.
SEKE-2013-CorreaOW #co-evolution #evolution #graph #modelling #towards #traceability- Towards Coupled Evolution of Metamodels, Models, Graph-Based Transformations and Traceability Links (CKFC, TCO, CW), pp. 747–752.
AMT-2013-FinotMSD #testing #using- Using Meta-model Coverage to Qualify Test Oracles (OF, JMM, GS, TD), pp. 12–21.
ICMT-2013-KrauseDG #co-evolution #evolution #graph transformation- Metamodel-Specific Coupled Evolution Based on Dynamically Typed Graph Transformations (CK, JD, HG), pp. 76–91.
ICMT-2013-RuscioIP #approach #atl #co-evolution #evolution- A Methodological Approach for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and ATL Transformations (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 60–75.
MoDELS-2013-DemuthLE #co-evolution #constraints #incremental- Supporting the Co-evolution of Metamodels and Constraints through Incremental Constraint Management (AD, RELH, AE), pp. 287–303.
MoDELS-2013-FaunesCBSC #automation- Automatically Searching for Metamodel Well-Formedness Rules in Examples and Counter-Examples (MF, JJC, BB, HAS, BC), pp. 187–202.
MoDELS-2013-FondementMTWF - Big Metamodels Are Evil — Package Unmerge — A Technique for Downsizing Metamodels (FF, PAM, LT, BW, GF), pp. 138–153.
MoDELS-2013-HamannG #concept #semantics #uml- Endogenous Metamodeling Semantics for Structural UML 2 Concepts (LH, MG), pp. 488–504.
MoDELS-2013-RajbhojR #approach #detection #version control- A Graph-Pattern Based Approach for Meta-Model Specific Conflict Detection in a General-Purpose Model Versioning System (AR, SR), pp. 422–435.
MoDELS-2013-TaentzerMAL #migration #multi- Customizable Model Migration Schemes for Meta-model Evolutions with Multiplicity Changes (GT, FM, TA, YL), pp. 254–270.
MoDELS-2013-VaraP #named #safety #standard- SafetyMet: A Metamodel for Safety Standards (JLdlV, RKPW), pp. 69–86.
MoDELS-2013-WendlandSH #evolution #interactive #uml- Evolution of the UML Interactions Metamodel (MFW, MS, ØH), pp. 405–421.
ASE-2013-WuestSG #automation #generative #sketching- Semi-automatic generation of metamodels from model sketches (DW, NS, MG), pp. 664–669.
SAC-2013-DermevalCSPBBETS #architecture #design #on the #requirements #using- On the use of metamodeling for relating requirements and architectural design decisions (DD, JC, CTLLS, JP, IIB, PHdSB, EE, TT, APdS), pp. 1278–1283.
SAC-2013-WoutersG #development #domain-specific language #empirical #modelling- Notation-driven vs metamodel-driven development of domain-specific modeling languages: an empirical study (LW, MPG), pp. 1145–1146.
SLE-2013-CombemaleDLMBBF #concurrent #execution- Reifying Concurrency for Executable Metamodeling (BC, JD, MVL, FM, OB, BB, RBF), pp. 365–384.
DATE-2013-KahngLN #design #estimation #problem- Enhanced metamodeling techniques for high-dimensional IC design estimation problems (ABK, BL, SN), pp. 1861–1866.
DATE-2013-XydisPZS #architecture #compilation #framework #parametricity #synthesis- A meta-model assisted coprocessor synthesis framework for compiler/architecture parameters customization (SX, GP, VZ, CS), pp. 659–664.
ICGT-2012-RuscioIP #co-evolution #ecosystem #evolution #how- Evolutionary Togetherness: How to Manage Coupled Evolution in Metamodeling Ecosystems (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 20–37.
CAiSE-2012-KaragiannisMM #approach #evaluation #heatmap- Compliance Evaluation Featuring Heat Maps (CE-HM): A Meta-Modeling-Based Approach (DK, CM, AM), pp. 414–428.
EDOC-2012-FarwickPBSVH #architecture #automation #enterprise #maintenance- A Meta-Model for Automated Enterprise Architecture Model Maintenance (MF, WP, RB, CMS, KV, IH), pp. 1–10.
ICEIS-J-2012-FillRK12a #formal method #modelling- Formalizing Meta Models with FDMM: The ADOxx Case (HGF, TR, DK), pp. 429–451.
ICEIS-v3-2012-FillRK #modelling #named- FDMM: A Formalism for Describing ADOxx Meta Models and Models (HGF, TR, DK), pp. 133–144.
ECMFA-2012-BatoriTA #component #modelling- Metamodel Based Methodology for Dynamic Component Systems (GB, ZT, DA), pp. 275–286.
ECMFA-2012-LaraG #modelling- Domain-Specific Textual Meta-Modelling Languages for Model Driven Engineering (JdL, EG), pp. 259–274.
MoDELS-2012-CuadradoLG #approach #bottom-up #interactive- Bottom-Up Meta-Modelling: An Interactive Approach (JSC, JdL, EG), pp. 3–19.
MoDELS-2012-NoyritGS #named #uml- FacadeMetamodel: Masking UML (FN, SG, BS), pp. 20–35.
ICSE-2012-Demuth #constraints #modelling- Enabling dynamic metamodels through constraint-driven modeling (AD), pp. 1622–1624.
SLE-2012-CombemaleHJBB #execution #modelling- Bridging the Chasm between Executable Metamodeling and Models of Computation (BC, CH, CJ, FB, BB), pp. 184–203.
SLE-2012-PaigeKP #grammarware #research- Metamodelling for Grammarware Researchers (RFP, DSK, FACP), pp. 64–82.
ICST-2012-CadavidBS #bound #modelling- Searching the Boundaries of a Modeling Space to Test Metamodels (JJC, BB, HAS), pp. 131–140.
ECSA-2011-CapillaZZAK #architecture #design #lifecycle #re-engineering- An Enhanced Architectural Knowledge Metamodel Linking Architectural Design Decisions to other Artifacts in the Software Engineering Lifecycle (RC, OZ, UZ, PA, JMK), pp. 303–318.
WICSA-2011-MiksovicZ #architecture #information management #requirements- Architecturally Significant Requirements, Reference Architecture, and Metamodel for Knowledge Management in Information Technology Services (CM, OZ), pp. 270–279.
CSMR-2011-HassamSGF #adaptation #constraints #evolution #ocl- Assistance System for OCL Constraints Adaptation during Metamodel Evolution (KH, SS, VLG, RF), pp. 151–160.
AGTIVE-2011-MantzJT #concept #consistency #evolution #graph transformation #migration- Graph Transformation Concepts for Meta-model Evolution Guaranteeing Permanent Type Conformance throughout Model Migration (FM, SJ, GT), pp. 3–18.
AGTIVE-2011-RossiniLGRL #graph transformation #semantics- A Graph Transformation-Based Semantics for Deep Metamodelling (AR, JdL, EG, AR, YL), pp. 19–34.
CAiSE-2011-CaresF #approach- A Metamodelling Approach for i* Model Translations (CC, XF), pp. 337–351.
CAiSE-2011-MateT #architecture #framework #modelling #requirements #traceability- A Trace Metamodel Proposal Based on the Model Driven Architecture Framework for the Traceability of User Requirements in Data Warehouses (AM, JT), pp. 123–137.
EDOC-2011-BruningG #execution #modelling #uml #workflow- UML Metamodel-based Workflow Modeling and Execution (JB, MG), pp. 97–106.
SEKE-2011-Collazo-MojicaS #distributed- A Metamodel for Distributed Ensembles of Virtual Appliances (XJCM, SMS), pp. 560–565.
SEKE-2011-DiawLC #implementation #process #specification- Specification and Implementation of SPEM4MDE, a metamodel for MDE software processes (SD, RL, BC), pp. 646–653.
SEKE-2011-GuedesV #analysis #case study #multi #requirements #uml #validation- Applying and Validating a UML Metamodel for the Requirements Analysis in Multi-Agent Systems: The AME-A Case Study (GTAG, RMV), pp. 746–751.
BX-2011-Gogolla - Direction Neutral Language Transformation with Metamodels (MG), p. 57.
MoDELS-2011-JacksonLB #automation #proving #reasoning #specification- Reasoning about Metamodeling with Formal Specifications and Automatic Proofs (EKJ, TL, DB), pp. 653–667.
MoDELS-2011-KainzBK #automation #concept #model transformation- Automated Model-to-Metamodel Transformations Based on the Concepts of Deep Instantiation (GK, CB, AK), pp. 17–31.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-RodriguezSV #dependence #execution #modelling- Metamodel Dependencies for Executable Models (CR, MES, JV), pp. 83–98.
SLE-2011-VermolenWV #evolution- Reconstructing Complex Metamodel Evolution (SV, GW, EV), pp. 201–221.
ICPC-2010-AmouiLOT #adaptation #towards- Towards Developing a Meta-model for Comprehending Software Adaptability (MA, SL, EAOJ, LT), pp. 56–57.
GT-VMT-2010-HoffmannM #graph grammar #modelling- Defining Models — Meta Models versus Graph Grammars (BH, MM).
CAiSE-2010-GrossniklausLSN #adaptation #data transformation- Dynamic Metamodel Extension Modules to Support Adaptive Data Management (MG, SL, AdS, MCN), pp. 363–377.
EDOC-2010-SaatFLE #architecture #enterprise #modelling- Enterprise Architecture Meta Models for IT/Business Alignment Situations (JS, UF, RL, ME), pp. 14–23.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-GerberKM #formal method #ontology #towards #using- Towards the Formalisation of the TOGAF Content Metamodel using Ontologies (AG, PK, AvdM), pp. 54–64.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-DiboB #architecture #component #deployment #distributed #modelling- Defining an Unified Meta Modeling Architecture for Deployment of Distributed Components-based Software Applications (MD, NB), pp. 316–321.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-EspindolaA #process- A SPEM based Software Process Improvement Meta-model (RSdE, JLNA), pp. 301–306.
CIKM-2010-VirgilioB #approach #flexibility #semantics #web #web service- A metamodel approach to flexible semantic web service discovery (RDV, DB), pp. 1309–1312.
ICMT-2010-VoigtH #distance #edit distance #graph- Metamodel Matching Based on Planar Graph Edit Distance (KV, TH), pp. 245–259.
MoDELS-v1-2010-CruzF #approach #automation #generative #user interface- A Metamodel-Based Approach for Automatic User Interface Generation (AMRdC, JPF), pp. 256–270.
MoDELS-v1-2010-LaraG #concept #mixin- Generic Meta-modelling with Concepts, Templates and Mixin Layers (JdL, EG), pp. 16–30.
MoDELS-v2-2010-BergerGSS #industrial #integration- Metamodel-Based Information Integration at Industrial Scale (SB, GG, MS, MS), pp. 153–167.
MoDELS-v2-2010-FernandezPKB #lessons learnt #requirements- A Meta Model for Artefact-Orientation: Fundamentals and Lessons Learned in Requirements Engineering (DMF, BP, MK, MB), pp. 183–197.
MoDELS-v2-2010-KainzBSK #component #development #model transformation- Model-to-Metamodel Transformation for the Development of Component-Based Systems (GK, CB, SS, AK), pp. 391–405.
MoDELS-v2-2010-SongHXCSM #api #runtime- Inferring Meta-models for Runtime System Data from the Clients of Management APIs (HS, GH, YX, FC, YS, HM), pp. 168–182.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-ChristBEGL #approach #framework #specification- A Generic Meta-model-Based Approach for Specifying Framework Functionality and Usage (FC, JCB, GE, CG, ML), pp. 21–40.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-LaraG - Deep Meta-modelling with MetaDepth (JdL, EG), pp. 1–20.
REFSQ-2010-FranchPQRL #requirements- A Metamodel for Software Requirement Patterns (XF, CP, CQ, SR, FDL), pp. 85–90.
SAC-2010-VoigtIR #automation #generative #named- MatchBox: combined meta-model matching for semi-automatic mapping generation (KV, PI, AR), pp. 2281–2288.
SAC-2010-Volz #representation- A meta model for representing arbitrary meta model hierarchies (BV), pp. 2371–2372.
SLE-2010-BakCW - Feature and Meta-Models in Clafer: Mixed, Specialized, and Coupled (KB, KC, AW), pp. 102–122.
SLE-2010-BurgerKWA #attribute grammar #semantics- Reference Attribute Grammars for Metamodel Semantics (CB, SK, CW, UA), pp. 22–41.
SLE-2010-Herrmannsdoerfer #co-evolution #evolution #modelling #named- COPE — A Workbench for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH), pp. 286–295.
SLE-2010-HerrmannsdoerferRK #analysis #identification- Metamodel Usage Analysis for Identifying Metamodel Improvements (MH, DR, MK), pp. 62–81.
SLE-2010-HerrmannsdoerferVW #co-evolution #evolution #modelling- An Extensive Catalog of Operators for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SV, GW), pp. 163–182.
CASE-2010-FerrariniD #composition #design- A modular and hierarchical meta-model for the control design of manufacturing systems (LF, AD), pp. 150–155.
SEFM-2009-DangG #graph #modelling #precise- Precise Model-Driven Transformations Based on Graphs and Metamodels (DHD, MG), pp. 307–316.
GT-VMT-2009-Tveit #approach #specification #visual notation- A Meta-Model-Based Approach for Specification of Graphical Representations (MST), pp. 85–99.
HCI-NT-2009-Bastide #integration- An Integration of Task and Use-Case Meta-models (RB), pp. 579–586.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-AmiratO #architecture #first-order #named- C3: A Metamodel for Architecture Description Language based on First-order Connector Types (AA, MO), pp. 76–81.
ICEIS-J-2009-SousaLCA #algorithm #automation- A Step Forward in Semi-automatic Metamodel Matching: Algorithms and Tool (JdS, DL, DBC, ZA), pp. 137–148.
SEKE-2009-HauboldBG #code generation #object-oriented #uml- A Pragmatic UML-based Meta Model for Object-oriented Code Generation (TH, GB, WG), pp. 733–738.
ECMDA-FA-2009-GarcesJCB #adaptation #detection #precise- Managing Model Adaptation by Precise Detection of Metamodel Changes (KG, FJ, PC, JB), pp. 34–49.
ECMDA-FA-2009-MougenotDBS #generative #random- Uniform Random Generation of Huge Metamodel Instances (AM, AD, XB, MS), pp. 130–145.
MoDELS-2009-MorinPLBVJ #variability #weaving- Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels (BM, GP, PL, OB, GV, JMJ), pp. 690–705.
MoDELS-2009-NarayananLBK #automation #domain model #evolution #migration- Automatic Domain Model Migration to Manage Metamodel Evolution (AN, TL, DB, GK), pp. 706–711.
MoDELS-2009-SenMBJ - Meta-model Pruning (SS, NM, BB, JMJ), pp. 32–46.
MoDELS-2009-MorinPLBVJ #variability #weaving- Weaving Variability into Domain Metamodels (BM, GP, PL, OB, GV, JMJ), pp. 690–705.
MoDELS-2009-NarayananLBK #automation #domain model #evolution #migration- Automatic Domain Model Migration to Manage Metamodel Evolution (AN, TL, DB, GK), pp. 706–711.
MoDELS-2009-SenMBJ - Meta-model Pruning (SS, NM, BB, JMJ), pp. 32–46.
ECOOP-2009-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #automation #co-evolution #evolution #modelling #named- COPE — Automating Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 52–76.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoronatM #algebra #ocl #semantics #specification- Algebraic Semantics of OCL-Constrained Metamodel Specifications (AB, JM), pp. 96–115.
AdaEurope-2009-Favre #formal method- A Formal Foundation for Metamodeling (LF), pp. 177–191.
ASE-2009-RoseKPP #automation #consistency #nondeterminism- Enhanced Automation for Managing Model and Metamodel Inconsistency (LMR, DSK, RFP, FACP), pp. 545–549.
GTTSE-2009-GjosaeterP #compilation #education- Teaching Computer Language Handling — From Compiler Theory to Meta-modelling (TG, AP), pp. 446–460.
SLE-2009-LaarmanK #ontology- Ontological Metamodeling with Explicit Instantiation (AL, IK), pp. 174–183.
SLE-2009-ZschalerKDPR - Domain-Specific Metamodelling Languages for Software Language Engineering (SZ, DSK, ND, RFP, AR), pp. 334–353.
CSMR-2008-Ebert #approach- Metamodels Taken Seriously: The TGraph Approach (JE), p. 2.
GT-VMT-2006-JakobS08 #graph grammar #modelling #using- View Creation of Meta Models by Using Modified Triple Graph Grammars (JJ, AS), pp. 181–190.
GT-VMT-2006-Kunert08 #automation #generative #modelling #source code- Semi-automatic Generation of Metamodels and Models From Grammars and Programs (AK), pp. 111–119.
GT-VMT-2006-WinkelmannTEK08 #constraints #generative #graph grammar #ocl #strict- Translation of Restricted OCL Constraints into Graph Constraints for Generating Meta Model Instances by Graph Grammars (JW, GT, KE, JMK), pp. 159–170.
EDOC-2008-Berre #named #standard #uml- UPMS — UML Profile and Metamodel for Services — an Emerging Standard (AJB).
SEKE-2008-HernandezKPC #testing #web- A Meta-model to Support Regression Testing of Web Applications (YH, TMK, JP, PJC), pp. 500–505.
ECMDA-FA-2008-BenderCCFBV #petri net #validation- Ladder Metamodeling and PLC Program Validation through Time Petri Nets (DFB, BC, XC, JMF, BB, FV), pp. 121–136.
ECMDA-FA-2008-Espinazo-PaganTM #approach- Metamodel Syntactic Sheets: An Approach for Defining Textual Concrete Syntaxes (JEP, MMT, JGM), pp. 185–199.
ECMDA-FA-2008-GoknilKB #approach #reasoning #requirements- A Metamodeling Approach for Reasoning about Requirements (AG, IK, KvdB), pp. 310–325.
ECMDA-FA-2008-SadilekW08a #testing- Testing Metamodels (DAS, SW), pp. 294–309.
MoDELS-2008-FalleriHLN #automation #generative #model transformation- Metamodel Matching for Automatic Model Transformation Generation (JRF, MH, ML, CN), pp. 326–340.
MoDELS-2008-HateburHS #problem- A Formal Metamodel for Problem Frames (DH, MH, HS), pp. 68–82.
MoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #modelling- Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MoDELS-2008-HessellundW #interface #modelling- Interfaces and Metainterfaces for Models and Metamodels (AH, AW), pp. 401–415.
MoDELS-2008-MilanovicKBCEPW #documentation #integration #metadata #repository- Model&Metamodel, Metadata and Document Repository for Software and Data Integration (NM, RDK, TB, MC, HE, MP, JW), pp. 416–430.
MoDELS-2008-WeisemollerS #component #composition- Formal Definition of MOF 2.0 Metamodel Components and Composition (IW, AS), pp. 386–400.
MoDELS-2008-FalleriHLN #automation #generative #model transformation- Metamodel Matching for Automatic Model Transformation Generation (JRF, MH, ML, CN), pp. 326–340.
MoDELS-2008-HateburHS #problem- A Formal Metamodel for Problem Frames (DH, MH, HS), pp. 68–82.
MoDELS-2008-HerrmannsdoerferBJ #co-evolution #evolution #modelling- Automatability of Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and Models in Practice (MH, SB, EJ), pp. 645–659.
MoDELS-2008-HessellundW #interface #modelling- Interfaces and Metainterfaces for Models and Metamodels (AH, AW), pp. 401–415.
MoDELS-2008-MilanovicKBCEPW #documentation #integration #metadata #repository- Model&Metamodel, Metadata and Document Repository for Software and Data Integration (NM, RDK, TB, MC, HE, MP, JW), pp. 416–430.
MoDELS-2008-WeisemollerS #component #composition- Formal Definition of MOF 2.0 Metamodel Components and Composition (IW, AS), pp. 386–400.
ICSE-2008-AmelunxenKKRS #integration #tool support- Metamodel-based tool integration with moflon (CA, FK, AK, TR, AS), pp. 807–810.
ATEM-J-2006-HenrikssonHJZA #approach #reuse- Extending grammars and metamodels for reuse: the Reuseware approach (JH, FH, JJ, SZ, UA), pp. 165–184.
ICST-2008-McQuillanP #alloy #analysis #metric #object-oriented #using- A Metamodel for the Measurement of Object-Oriented Systems: An Analysis using Alloy (JAM, JFP), pp. 288–297.
CSMR-2007-SelonenK - Metamodel-Based Inference of Inter-Model Correspondence (PS, MK), pp. 71–80.
AGTIVE-2007-AmelunxenKRS - Metamodeling with MOFLON (CA, AK, TR, AS), pp. 573–574.
AGTIVE-2007-MaierM #algorithm #editing #layout #modelling- A Generic Layout Algorithm for Meta-model Based Editors (SM, MM), pp. 66–81.
EDOC-2007-FranceFRBG #composition- Providing Support for Model Composition in Metamodels (RBF, FF, RR, BB, SG), pp. 253–266.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-GinigeG #evolution #information management #workflow- Meta Model for Tracing Impact of Context Information Evolution in Web-Based Workflows (JAG, AG), pp. 410–415.
ECMDA-FA-2007-BrorkensK #abstraction #legacy #standard #tool support #xml- Improving the Interoperability of Automotive Tools by Raising the Abstraction from Legacy XML Formats to Standardized Metamodels (MB, MK), pp. 59–67.
ECMDA-FA-2007-CuccuruMTG #semantics- Templatable Metamodels for Semantic Variation Points (AC, CM, FT, SG), pp. 68–82.
ECMDA-FA-2007-Kleppe #generative #ide #towards- Towards the Generation of a Text-Based IDE from a Language Metamodel (AK), pp. 114–129.
MoDELS-2007-BasinCDE #approach #modelling- A Metamodel-Based Approach for Analyzing Security-Design Models (DAB, MC, JD, ME), pp. 420–435.
MoDELS-2007-GasevicKH #megamodelling #on the- On Metamodeling in Megamodels (DG, NK, MH), pp. 91–105.
MoDELS-2007-BasinCDE #approach #modelling- A Metamodel-Based Approach for Analyzing Security-Design Models (DAB, MC, JD, ME), pp. 420–435.
MoDELS-2007-GasevicKH #megamodelling #on the- On Metamodeling in Megamodels (DG, NK, MH), pp. 91–105.
ECOOP-2007-Wachsmuth #adaptation #co-evolution- Metamodel Adaptation and Model Co-adaptation (GW), pp. 600–624.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-CicchettiRP #approach #difference #independence #representation- A Metamodel Independent Approach to Difference Representation (AC, DDR, AP), pp. 165–185.
AdaEurope-2007-BordinV #approach #correctness #realtime- Correctness by Construction for High-Integrity Real-Time Systems: A Metamodel-Driven Approach (MB, TV), pp. 114–127.
AdaEurope-2007-PanunzioV #analysis #modelling #process- A Metamodel-Driven Process Featuring Advanced Model-Based Timing Analysis (MP, TV), pp. 128–141.
RE-2007-DeshmukhW #development #requirements- A Meta Model for Iterative Development of Requirements Leveraging (ND, SW), pp. 343–349.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ParreirasSW #on the #ontology #technological space- On marrying ontological and metamodeling technical spaces (FSP, SS, AW), pp. 439–448.
SAC-2007-FariasLCPF #development #mobile- A MOF metamodel for the development of context-aware mobile applications (CRGdF, MML, CZC, RMP, JGPF), pp. 947–952.
ICSM-2006-StreinLLL #program analysis- An Extensible Meta-Model for Program Analysis (DS, RL, JL, WL), pp. 380–390.
SEKE-2006-HenningerA #design pattern #ontology- An Ontology-Based Metamodel for Software Patterns (SH, PA), pp. 327–330.
SEKE-2006-UbayashiTSMM #aspect-oriented #collaboration #modelling #protocol- Aspect-Oriented and Collaborative Systems Metamodel Access Protocols for Extensible Aspect-Oriented Modeling (NU, TT, SS, YM, SM), pp. 4–10.
ECMDA-FA-2006-AmelunxenKRS #framework #graph transformation #named #standard- MOFLON: A Standard-Compliant Metamodeling Framework with Graph Transformations (CA, AK, TR, AS), pp. 361–375.
MoDELS-2006-ElaasarBL #approach #specification- A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern Specification (ME, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
MoDELS-2006-KappelKKKRRSW #integration #modelling #ontology #semantics- Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages (GK, EK, HK, GK, TR, WR, WS, MW), pp. 528–542.
SPLC-2006-BragancaM #case study #specification #uml #variability- Extending UML 2.0 Metamodel for Complementary Usages of the «extend» Relationship within Use Case Variability Specification (AB, RJM), pp. 123–130.
MoDELS-2006-ElaasarBL #approach #specification- A Metamodeling Approach to Pattern Specification (ME, LCB, YL), pp. 484–498.
MoDELS-2006-KappelKKKRRSW #integration #modelling #ontology #semantics- Lifting Metamodels to Ontologies: A Step to the Semantic Integration of Modeling Languages (GK, EK, HK, GK, TR, WR, WS, MW), pp. 528–542.
SAC-2006-MalgouyresM #approach #consistency #formal method #uml #verification- A UML model consistency verification approach based on meta-modeling formalization (HM, GM), pp. 1804–1809.
ATEM-2006-FavreGLW #ontology- 3rd International Workshop on Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars and Ontologies (JMF, DG, RL, AW), pp. 52–55.
EDOC-2005-Abd-AliG #dot-net- An MDA-Oriented .NET Metamodel (JAA, KEG), pp. 142–156.
SEKE-2005-BeydounGLH #multi #towards #validation- Towards Method Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems: A preliminary validation of a Generic MAS Metamodel (GB, CGP, GL, BHS), pp. 51–56.
SEKE-2005-ChuW #evolution #process #xml- An XML-based Meta-model for PRocess and Agent-based Integrated Software Evolution environment (PRAISE) (WCC, CHW), pp. 324–329.
SEKE-2005-LeiS #evaluation- An Evaluation of E-Business Metamodels (YL, MPS), pp. 88–93.
ECMDA-FA-2005-Bloomfield #industrial #model transformation- MDA, Meta-Modelling and Model Transformation: Introducing New Technology into the Defence Industry (TB), pp. 9–18.
ECMDA-FA-2005-ChanP #approach #contract #design- Designing a Domain-Specific Contract Language: A Metamodelling Approach (ZEC, RFP), pp. 175–189.
ECMDA-FA-2005-FondementB #syntax- Making Metamodels Aware of Concrete Syntax (FF, TB), pp. 190–204.
ECMDA-FA-2005-StaikopoulosB #case study #comparative #integration #uml #web #web service- A Comparative Study of Metamodel Integration and Interoperability in UML and Web Services (AS, BB), pp. 145–159.
MoDELS-2005-BendraouGB #modelling #named #process #uml- UML4SPM: A UML2.0-Based Metamodel for Software Process Modelling (RB, MPG, XB), pp. 17–38.
MoDELS-2005-BlancRR #reuse- Metamodel Reuse with MOF (XB, FR, JR), pp. 661–675.
MoDELS-2005-SmialekBNS #uml- Scenario Construction Tool Based on Extended UML Metamodel (MS, JB, WN, TS), pp. 414–429.
MoDELS-2005-WadaS #development #framework #modelling #programming #uml- Modeling Turnpike Frontend System: A Model-Driven Development Framework Leveraging UML Metamodeling and Attribute-Oriented Programming (HW, JS), pp. 584–600.
MoDELS-2005-BendraouGB #modelling #named #process #uml- UML4SPM: A UML2.0-Based Metamodel for Software Process Modelling (RB, MPG, XB), pp. 17–38.
MoDELS-2005-BlancRR #reuse- Metamodel Reuse with MOF (XB, FR, JR), pp. 661–675.
MoDELS-2005-SmialekBNS #uml- Scenario Construction Tool Based on Extended UML Metamodel (MS, JB, WN, TS), pp. 414–429.
MoDELS-2005-WadaS #development #framework #modelling #programming #uml- Modeling Turnpike Frontend System: A Model-Driven Development Framework Leveraging UML Metamodeling and Attribute-Oriented Programming (HW, JS), pp. 584–600.
ICSE-2005-Kuhne #comprehension- Understanding metamodeling (TK), pp. 716–717.
ATEM-2004-GirbaFD05 #evolution #model transformation #using- Using Meta-Model Transformation to Model Software Evolution (TG, JMF, SD), pp. 57–64.
GPCE-2005-Pohjonen - Metamodeling Made Easy — MetaEdit+ (RP), pp. 442–446.
WCRE-2004-Favre #architecture #named- CacOphoNy: Metamodel-Driven Architecture Recovery (JMF), pp. 204–213.
ICGT-2004-ClarkESW #design #model transformation #transformation language- Transformation Language Design: A Metamodelling Foundation (TC, AE, PS, JSW), pp. 13–21.
ICGT-2004-GuerraL #graph transformation #integration #towards- Event-Driven Grammars: Towards the Integration of Meta-modelling and Graph Transformation (EG, JdL), pp. 54–69.
ICEIS-v3-2004-RukanovaSS #communication #how #towards- Towards a Meta Model for Describing Communication: How to Address Interoperability on a Pragmatic Level (BR, KvS, RAS), pp. 375–382.
UML-2004-DuranBGP #case study #empirical #evolution- Empirically Driven Use Case Metamodel Evolution (AD, BB, MG, MP), pp. 1–11.
UML-2004-JiangSZMMM #classification #on the #uml- On the Classification of UML’s Meta Model Extension Mechanism (YJ, WS, LZ, ZM, XM, HM), pp. 54–68.
UML-2004-MaSZJ #metric #object-oriented #uml- Applying OO Metrics to Assess UML Meta-models (HM, WS, LZ, YJ), pp. 12–26.
UML-2004-PetriuW #design #generative #modelling #performance #uml- A Metamodel for Generating Performance Models from UML Designs (DBP, CMW), pp. 41–53.
ATEM-2003-Hamou-LhadjL04 #information management #object-oriented- A Metamodel for Dynamic Information Generated from Object-Oriented Systems (AHL, TCL), pp. 59–69.
ATEM-2003-KnodelC04 #delphi #fact extraction #source code- A Meta-Model for Fact Extraction from Delphi Source Code (JK, GCM), pp. 19–28.
ATEM-2003-LethbridgeTP04 #reverse engineering- The Dagstuhl Middle Metamodel: A Schema For Reverse Engineering (TCL, ST, EP), pp. 7–18.
FASE-2004-BardohlELT #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #performance #visual notation- Integrating Meta-modelling Aspects with Graph Transformation for Efficient Visual Language Definition and Model Manipulation (RB, HE, JdL, GT), pp. 214–228.
WCRE-2003-FavreGW #reverse engineering- First International Workshop on Meta-Models and Schemas for Reverse Engineering — ateM 2003 (JMF, MWG, AW), pp. 366–367.
AGTIVE-2003-LaraGV #analysis #graph transformation #hybrid #model checking- Meta-Modelling, Graph Transformation and Model Checking for the Analysis of Hybrid Systems (JdL, EG, HV), pp. 292–298.
CAiSE-2002-EderKM - The COMET Metamodel for Temporal Data Warehouses (JE, CK, TM), pp. 83–99.
ICEIS-2002-HillbrandK #approach #network #using- Using Artificial Neural Networks to Prove Hypothetic Cause-And-Effect Relations: A Metamodel-Based Approach to Support Strategic Decisions (CH, DK), pp. 367–373.
SEKE-2002-RiescoSPPJ #analysis #uml- Al analysis patterns as UML meta-model constructs (AMR, GS, DP, SP, JMJ), pp. 237–238.
SPLC-2002-FeyFB #feature model #modelling #usability- Feature Modeling: A Meta-Model to Enhance Usability and Usefulness (DF, RF, AB), pp. 198–216.
UML-2002-AkehurstK #approach #relational- A Relational Approach to Defining Transformations in a Metamodel (DHA, SK), pp. 243–258.
UML-2002-ClarkEK - A Metamodel for Package Extension with Renaming (TC, AE, SK), pp. 305–320.
UML-2002-GogollaH #analysis #uml- Analysis of UML Stereotypes within the UML Metamodel (MG, BHS), pp. 84–99.
UML-2002-NaumenkoW #modelling- A Metamodel for the Unified Modeling Language (AN, AW), pp. 2–17.
UML-2002-VarroP #framework #modelling #precise #semantics #uml #visual notation- Metamodeling Mathematics: A Precise and Visual Framework for Describing Semantics Domains of UML Models (DV, AP), pp. 18–33.
SAC-2002-Gomez-SanzPG #multi- Meta-models for building multi-agent systems (JJGS, JP, FJG), pp. 37–41.
SAC-2002-Yang #modelling- A uniform meta-model for modeling integrated cooperation (GY), pp. 322–328.
FASE-2002-BaresiGMP #design #tool support #web- Meta-modeling Techniques Meet Web Application Design Tools (LB, FG, LM, PP), pp. 294–307.
FASE-2002-ClarkEK #approach #modelling #precise- Engineering Modelling Languages: A Precise Meta-Modelling Approach (TC, AE, SK), pp. 159–173.
FASE-2002-LaraV #multi #named- AToM3: A Tool for Multi-formalism and Meta-modelling (JdL, HV), pp. 174–188.
CAiSE-2001-LaleauP #concept #information management #modelling #uml- A Rigorous Metamodel for UML Static Conceptual Modelling of Information Systems (RL, FP), pp. 402–416.
UML-2001-AlvarezES #architecture- Mapping between Levels in the Metamodel Architecture (JMÁ, AE, PS), pp. 34–46.
UML-2001-AtkinsonK #multi- The Essence of Multilevel Metamodeling (CA, TK), pp. 19–33.
UML-2001-EngelsHK #behaviour #consistency #rule-based #specification #uml- Rule-Based Specification of Behavioral Consistency Based on the UML Meta-model (GE, RH, JMK), pp. 272–286.
UML-2001-WeisBGP #component #contract #uml- A UML Meta-model for Contract Aware Components (TW, CB, KG, NP), pp. 442–456.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-KleppeW #approach #architecture #aspect-oriented #case study #integration #modelling #object-oriented #uml- Integration of Static and Dynamic Core for UML: A Study in Dynamic Aspects of the pUML OO Meta Modelling Approach to the Rearchitecting of UML (AK, JW), pp. 66–77.
FASE-2001-ClarkEK #calculus #semantics #uml- The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UML (TC, AE, SK), pp. 17–31.
FASE-2001-PaigeO #consistency- Metamodelling and Conformance Checking with PVS (RFP, JSO), pp. 2–16.
ADL-2000-BaptistaK #information management #representation- An Integrated Metamodel for Knowledge Representation in Geolibraries (CdSB, ZK), pp. 151–159.
CIKM-2000-DreyerD #database #framework #replication- A Meta Model and an Infrastructure for the Non-Transparent Replication of Object Databases (WD, KRD), pp. 344–351.
UML-2000-EngelsHHS #approach #behaviour #diagrams #modelling #semantics #uml #visual notation- Dynamic Meta Modeling: A Graphical Approach to the Operational Semantics of Behavioral Diagrams in UML (GE, JHH, RH, SS), pp. 323–337.
UML-2000-Kobryn #design pattern #uml- Architectural Patterns for Metamodeling: A Hitchhikers Guide to the UML Metaverse (CK), p. 497.
FASE-2000-Overgaard #object-oriented #specification- Formal Specification of Object-Oriented Meta-modelling (GÖ), pp. 193–207.
UML-1999-EvansK #approach #semantics #uml- Core Meta-Modelling Semantics of UML: The pUML Approach (AE, SK), pp. 140–155.
UML-1999-RichtersG #ocl- A Metamodel for OCL (MR, MG), pp. 156–171.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1999-BarbierH - Object Metamodeling of The Whole-Part Relationship (FB, BHS), pp. 127–138.
TOOLS-USA-1999-Henderson-Sellers #modelling- Advanced 00 Modelling: Metamodels and Notations for the Next Millenium (BHS), p. 464.
EDOC-1998-Lemesle - Transformation rules based on meta-modeling (RL), pp. 113–122.
UML-1998-KleppeWC #constraints #ocl #uml- Informal Formality? The Object Constraint Language and Its Application in the UML Metamodel (AK, JW, SC), pp. 148–161.
CAiSE-1997-DominguezZR #approach #concept- A Conceptual Approach to Meta-Modelling (ED, MAZ, JR), pp. 319–332.
EDOC-1997-Atkinson #distributed- Meta-Modeling for Distributed Object Environments (CA), p. 90–?.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-MisicM #approach #metric #object-oriented- From Formal Metamodels to Metrics: An Object-Oriented Approach (VBM, SM), pp. 330–339.
ICSE-1997-RobinsonV #requirements- A Meta-Model for Restructuring Stakeholder Requirements (WNR, VV), pp. 140–149.
CAiSE-1995-Herbst #analysis- A Meta-Model for Business Rules in Systems Analysis (HH), pp. 186–199.
CIKM-1995-PapazoglouR #approach #semantics- A Semantic Meta-Modeling Approach to Schema Transformation (MPP, NR), pp. 113–121.
CAiSE-1993-Bellahsene #database #evolution #object-oriented- An Active Meta-model for Knowledge Evolution in an Object-oriented Database (ZB), pp. 39–53.
CAiSE-1992-RossiGSJL #automation #editing- Metamodeling Editor as a Front End Tool for a CASE Shell (MR, MG, KS, LÅJ, KL), pp. 546–567.
RE-1991-FarberbockGH #german #requirements- Ein Vergleich von Requirements Engineering Methoden auf Metamodell-Basis (HF, TG, MH), pp. 40–66.
ICSE-1981-BaileyB #development- A Meta-Model for Software Development Resource Expenditures (JWB, VRB), pp. 107–116.
VLDB-1978-Sharman #question #semantics #what- What is a “Good” Semantic or Meta Model? (GS), p. 138.