Collaborated with:
M.C.Rinard Varun Mangalick José Pablo Cambronero Thurston H. Y. Dang N.Vasilakis Jerry Wu
Talks about:
learn (3) activ (3) that (2) synthes (1) softwar (1) retriev (1) regener (1) program (1) databas (1) comput (1)
Person: Jiasi Shen 0001
DBLP: 0001:Jiasi_Shen
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- Onward-2018-RinardSM #learning #source code
- Active learning for inference and regeneration of computer programs that store and retrieve data (MCR, JS0, VM), pp. 12–28.
- Onward-2019-CambroneroDV0WR #learning #re-engineering
- Active learning for software engineering (JPC, THYD, NV, JS0, JW, MCR), pp. 62–78.
- PLDI-2019-0001R #database #learning #modelling #using
- Using active learning to synthesize models of applications that access databases (JS0, MCR), pp. 269–285.