Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
U.Ryssel K.Kabitzsch B.Chen M.Sinn A.Schumann
Talks about:
variat (2) featur (2) model (2) function (1) consumpt (1) statist (1) identif (1) automat (1) anomali (1) reason (1)
Person: Joern Ploennigs
DBLP: Ploennigs:Joern
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICPR-2014-ChenSPS #detection #energy #statistics
- Statistical Anomaly Detection in Mean and Variation of Energy Consumption (BC, MS, JP, AS), pp. 3570–3575.
- GPCE-2012-RysselPK #feature model #modelling #reasoning
- Reasoning of feature models from derived features (UR, JP, KK), pp. 21–30.
- GPCE-2010-RysselPK #automation #identification #modelling
- Automatic variation-point identification in function-block-based models (UR, JP, KK), pp. 23–32.