Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ W.W.P.IV S.Dungari W.Pritchett
Talks about:
distribut (2) approach (2) softwar (2) analysi (2) system (2) applic (2) ada (2) comparison (1) implement (1) download (1)
Person: John D. Riley
DBLP: Riley:John_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- SIGAda-1998-PritchettR #static analysis
- An ASIS-Based Static Analysis Tool for High-Integrity Systems (WWPI, JDR), pp. 12–17.
- TRI-Ada-1997-RileyDP #analysis #implementation #verification
- An Instance of the Application Download Pattern: The SPAIDS Software Loader/Verifier Domain Analysis and Implementation (JDR, SD, WP), pp. 273–278.
- TRI-Ada-1996-Riley #ada #comparison #corba #development #distributed
- A Comparison of Two Approaches to Distributed Application Development in Ada: the Ada Distributed Systems Annex and CORBA (JDR), pp. 73–80.
- TRI-Ada-1994-Riley #approach #modelling #object-oriented #process
- An Object-Oriented Approach to Software Process Modeling and Definition (JDR), pp. 16–22.