Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
B.Smyth K.McCarthy M.Bennett
Talks about:
recommend (2) twitter (2) user (2) use (2) twittomend (1) collabor (1) approach (1) followe (1) content (1) follow (1)
Person: John Hannon
DBLP: Hannon:John
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ECIR-2011-HannonMS #recommendation #twitter
- Finding Useful Users on Twitter: Twittomender the Followee Recommender (JH, KM, BS), pp. 784–787.
- RecSys-2010-HannonBS #collaboration #recommendation #twitter #using
- Recommending twitter users to follow using content and collaborative filtering approaches (JH, MB, BS), pp. 199–206.