Collaborated with:
R.Hebig C.Seidl T.Berger A.Wasowski
Talks about:
transform (1) magnifi (1) languag (1) control (1) experi (1) xtend (1) under (1) model (1) glass (1) qvt (1)
Person: John Kook Pedersen
DBLP: Pedersen:John_Kook
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2018-HebigSBPW #atl #empirical #model transformation #qvt #transformation language
- Model transformation languages under a magnifying glass: a controlled experiment with Xtend, ATL, and QVT (RH, CS, TB, JKP, AW), pp. 445–455.