Tag #atl
34 papers:
CIKM-2019-PratamaCXL0 #information management #named #process #streaming- ATL: Autonomous Knowledge Transfer from Many Streaming Processes (MP, MdC, RX, EL, JL0), pp. 269–278.
MoDELS-2019-GuerraCL #effectiveness #mutation testing #testing #towards- Towards Effective Mutation Testing for ATL (EG, JSC, JdL), pp. 78–88.
ICMT-2018-Boronat #execution #framework #prototype #semantics- A Formal Framework for Prototyping Executable Semantics in ATL (AB), pp. 157–172.
ESEC-FSE-2018-HebigSBPW #empirical #model transformation #qvt #transformation language- Model transformation languages under a magnifying glass: a controlled experiment with Xtend, ATL, and QVT (RH, CS, TB, JKP, AW), pp. 445–455.
ICMT-2017-Boronat #model transformation #semantics- Experimentation with a Big-Step Semantics for ATL Model Transformations (AB), pp. 3–18.
MoDELS-2017-SelimCD #how- How is ATL Really Used? Language Feature Use in the ATL Zoo (GMKS, JRC, JD), pp. 34–44.
FASE-2017-ChengT #approach #deduction #fault #locality #model transformation- A Deductive Approach for Fault Localization in ATL Model Transformations (ZC, MT), pp. 300–317.
ICMT-2016-RoccoRPCLG #collaboration #framework #modelling #platform #using- Using ATL Transformation Services in the MDEForge Collaborative Modeling Platform (JDR, DDR, AP, JSC, JdL, EG), pp. 70–78.
MoDELS-2016-AlkhaziRKWG #approach #automation #model transformation #refactoring #search-based- Automated refactoring of ATL model transformations: a search-based approach (BA, TR, MK, MW, WIG), pp. 295–304.
ICMT-2015-ChengMP #execution #research #semantics #validation- A Sound Execution Semantics for ATL via Translation Validation — Research Paper (ZC, RM, JFP), pp. 133–148.
ICMT-2015-RichaBP #algebra #graph transformation #model transformation- Translating ATL Model Transformations to Algebraic Graph Transformations (ER, EB, LP), pp. 183–198.
MoDELS-2015-CuadradoGL #model transformation- Quick fixing ATL model transformations (JSC, EG, JdL), pp. 146–155.
MoDELS-2015-OakesTLW #contract #declarative #verification- Fully verifying transformation contracts for declarative ATL (BJO, JT, LL, MW), pp. 256–265.
SLE-2015-BenelallamGTC #distributed #model transformation #pipes and filters- Distributed model-to-model transformation with ATL on MapReduce (AB, AG, MT, JC), pp. 37–48.
KR-2014-LomuscioM #abstraction #multi #specification #verification- An Abstraction Technique for the Verification of Multi-Agent Systems Against ATL Specifications (AL, JM).
IJCAR-2014-CerritoDG #logic #satisfiability #testing- Optimal Tableaux-Based Decision Procedure for Testing Satisfiability in the Alternating-Time Temporal Logic ATL+ (SC, AD, VG), pp. 277–291.
AMT-2013-KuselSWRSK #case study #model transformation #reuse- Reality Check for Model Transformation Reuse: The ATL Transformation Zoo Case Study (AK, JS, MW, WR, WS, GK), pp. 42–51.
ICMT-2013-RuscioIP #approach #co-evolution #evolution #metamodelling- A Methodological Approach for the Coupled Evolution of Metamodels and ATL Transformations (DDR, LI, AP), pp. 60–75.
MoDELS-2013-TisiPC #execution #parallel- Parallel Execution of ATL Transformation Rules (MT, SMP, HC), pp. 656–672.
ICMT-J-2011-CuadradoGL12 #flexibility #model transformation- Flexible Model-to-Model Transformation Templates: An Application to ATL (JSC, EG, JdL), pp. 1–28.
MoDELS-2012-ButtnerEC #off the shelf #on the #smt #using #verification- On Verifying ATL Transformations Using “off-the-shelf” SMT Solvers (FB, ME, JC), pp. 432–448.
MoDELS-2012-GonzalezC #approach #generative #named #testing- ATLTest: A White-Box Test Generation Approach for ATL Transformations (CAG, JC), pp. 449–464.
AGTIVE-2011-PatzinaP #case study #comparison- A Case Study Based Comparison of ATL and SDM (SP, LP), pp. 210–221.
ICMT-J-2010-TroyaV11 #logic #semantics- A Rewriting Logic Semantics for ATL (JT, AV), pp. 108–136.
ICMT-2011-AmstelBKP #model transformation #performance #qvt- Performance in Model Transformations: Experiments with ATL and QVT (MvA, SB, IK, LFP), pp. 198–212.
ICMT-2011-SasanoHHIKN #bidirectional #towards- Toward Bidirectionalization of ATL with GRoundTram (IS, ZH, SH, KI, HK, KN), pp. 138–151.
ICMT-2010-JouaultT #execution #incremental #towards- Towards Incremental Execution of ATL Transformations (FJ, MT), pp. 123–137.
ICMT-2010-TisiCJ #higher-order- Improving Higher-Order Transformations Support in ATL (MT, JC, FJ), pp. 215–229.
ICMT-2010-TroyaV #logic #semantics #towards- Towards a Rewriting Logic Semantics for ATL (JT, AV), pp. 230–244.
SAC-MT-J-2006-KurtevBJ07 #composition #model transformation #rule-based #transformation language- Rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL (IK, KvdB, FJ), pp. 138–154.
FoSSaCS-2007-LaroussinieMO #complexity #on the- On the Expressiveness and Complexity of ATL (FL, NM, GO), pp. 243–257.
SAC-2006-JouaultK #architecture #on the #qvt- On the architectural alignment of ATL and QVT (FJ, IK), pp. 1188–1195.
SAC-2006-KurtevBJ #composition #evaluation #model transformation #rule-based #transformation language- Evaluation of rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL (IK, KvdB, FJ), pp. 1202–1209.
VMCAI-2002-HardingRS #approximate- Approximating ATL* in ATL (AH, MR, PYS), pp. 289–301.