Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Greece
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Märtin C.Herdin P.Forbrig G.Buchholz S.Propp
Talks about:
interfac (4) pattern (4) model (4) user (4) evalu (3) base (3) interact (2) generat (2) autom (2) transform (1)
Person: Jürgen Engel
DBLP: Engel:J=uuml=rgen
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- HCI-TMT-2014-EngelHM #development #evaluation #modelling #user interface
- Evaluation of Model-Based User Interface Development Approaches (JE, CH, CM), pp. 295–307.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-EngelMHF #automation #generative #specification #user interface
- Formal Pattern Specifications to Facilitate Semi-automated User Interface Generation (JE, CM, CH, PF), pp. 300–309.
- HCI-AMTE-2013-MartinHE #automation #modelling #user interface
- Patterns and Models for Automated User Interface Construction — In Search of the Missing Links (CM, CH, JE), pp. 401–410.
- HCI-DDA-2011-EngelMF #human-computer #interactive #user interface
- HCI Patterns as a Means to Transform Interactive User Interfaces to Diverse Contexts of Use (JE, CM, PF), pp. 204–213.
- HCI-NT-2009-EngelM #framework #generative #interactive #modelling #named
- PaMGIS: A Framework for Pattern-Based Modeling and Generation of Interactive Systems (JE, CM), pp. 826–835.
- HCI-IDU-2007-BuchholzEMP #evaluation #modelling #tool support #usability
- Model-Based Usability Evaluation — Evaluation of Tool Support (GB, JE, CM, SP), pp. 1043–1052.