Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.E.Allen S.Kilpatrick V.Luchangco S.Ryu D.Chase G.L.S.Jr.
Talks about:
multipl (2) polymorph (1) parametr (1) dispatch (1) modular (1) inherit (1) check (1) type (1)
Person: Justin Hilburn
DBLP: Hilburn:Justin
Contributed to:
Wrote 1 papers:
- OOPSLA-2011-AllenHKLRCS #composition #inheritance #morphism #multi #parametricity #polymorphism #type checking
- Type checking modular multiple dispatch with parametric polymorphism and multiple inheritance (EEA, JH, SK, VL, SR, DC, GLSJ), pp. 973–992.