Tag #type checking
55 papers:
POPL-2020-SozeauBFTW #coq #exclamation #verification- Coq Coq correct! verification of type checking and erasure for Coq, in Coq (MS, SB, YF0, NT, TW), p. 28.
PLDI-2019-CicekQBG0 #bidirectional #relational- Bidirectional type checking for relational properties (EÇ, WQ, GB, MG, DG0), pp. 533–547.
- IFM-2017-DamianiLMS
- An Extension of the ABS Toolchain with a Mechanism for Type Checking SPLs (FD, ML, RM, IS), pp. 111–126.
OOPSLA-2017-ChaudhuriVGRL #javascript #performance #precise- Fast and precise type checking for JavaScript (AC, PV, SG, MR, GL), p. 30.
- IFM-2016-DamianiL #on the #product line
- On Type Checking Delta-Oriented Product Lines (FD, ML), pp. 47–62.
PLDI-2016-RenF #static typing- Just-in-time static type checking for dynamic languages (BMR, JSF), pp. 462–476.
OOPSLA-2015-ErdwegBKKM #incremental- A co-contextual formulation of type rules and its application to incremental type checking (SE, OB, EK, MK, MM), pp. 880–897.
IFL-2014-AmorimGAH #linear- Really Natural Linear Indexed Type Checking (AAdA, MG, EJGA, JH), p. 5.
GPCE-2013-KolesnikovRHA #comparison- A comparison of product-based, feature-based, and family-based type checking (SSK, AvR, CH, SA), pp. 115–124.
OOPSLA-2011-AllenHKLRCS #composition #inheritance #morphism #multi #parametricity #polymorphism- Type checking modular multiple dispatch with parametric polymorphism and multiple inheritance (EEA, JH, SK, VL, SR, DC, GLSJ), pp. 973–992.
LDTA-2011-SergeyC #automaton #recursion- From type checking by recursive descent to type checking with an abstract machine (IS, DC), p. 2.
ICLP-2011-ZomboriCS #functional #prolog #static typing- Static Type Checking for the Q Functional Language in Prolog (ZZ, JC, PS), pp. 62–72.
ICGT-2010-Ujhelyi #model transformation #source code #static typing- Static Type Checking of Model Transformation Programs (ZU), pp. 413–415.
PLDI-2010-KhooCF #execution #symbolic computation- Mixing type checking and symbolic execution (YPK, BYEC, JSF), pp. 436–447.
PPDP-2010-Jeltsch #combinator #static typing- Generic record combinators with static type checking (WJ), pp. 143–154.
POPL-2009-ConditHLQ #low level- Unifying type checking and property checking for low-level code (JC, BH, SKL, SQ), pp. 302–314.
VLDB-2008-DeutchM #execution #query #type inference- Type inference and type checking for queries on execution traces (DD, TM), pp. 352–363.
ICFP-2008-SchrijversJCS - Type checking with open type functions (TS, SLPJ, MMTC, MS), pp. 51–62.
GT-VMT-2008-AzabP #c++ #graph #source code- Type Checking C++ Template Instantiation by Graph Programs (KA, KHP).
FLOPS-2006-Tozawa #transducer #using #xml- XML Type Checking Using High-Level Tree Transducer (AT), pp. 81–96.
POPL-2006-Flanagan #hybrid- Hybrid type checking (CF), pp. 245–256.
PODS-2005-ManethBPS #metaprogramming #transducer #xml- XML type checking with macro tree transducers (SM, AB, TP, HS), pp. 283–294.
WRLA-2004-LiquoriW05 #calculus #polymorphism #type inference- The Polymorphic Rewriting-calculus: [Type Checking vs. Type Inference] (LL, BW), pp. 89–111.
CC-2003-BurrowsFW #runtime #source code- Run-Time Type Checking for Binary Programs (MB, SNF, JLW), pp. 90–105.
SAS-2002-LuK #type inference- Backward Type Inference Generalises Type Checking (LL, AK), pp. 85–101.
ESOP-2002-Morrisett - Type Checking Systems Code (JGM), pp. 1–5.
DocEng-2001-Tozawa #static typing #towards- Towards static type checking for XSLT (AT), pp. 18–27.
FASE-2001-LoginovYHR #debugging #runtime- Debugging via Run-Time Type Checking (AL, SHY, SH, TWR), pp. 217–232.
ESOP-2000-Charatonik #logic programming #source code- Directional Type Checking for Logic Programs: Beyond Discriminative Types (WC), pp. 72–87.
PASTE-1999-ChandraR #c #physics- Physical Type Checking for C (SC, TWR), pp. 66–75.
FLOPS-1999-BeierleM #approximate #prolog #source code #using- Using Types as Approximations for Type Checking Prolog Programs (CB, GM), pp. 251–266.
UML-1999-Clark #diagrams #uml- Type Checking UML Static Diagrams (TC), pp. 503–517.
ICFP-1996-Ghelli #complexity #kernel #type system- Complexity of Kernel Fun Subtype Checking (GG), pp. 134–145.
SAS-1994-AikenL #logic programming #source code- Directional Type Checking of Logic Programs (AA, TKL), pp. 43–60.
ILPS-1994-Brisset #logic programming #polymorphism #programming language- Avoiding Dynamic Type Checking in a Polymorphic Logic Programming Language (PB), p. 674.
OOPSLA-1993-BruceCMGDM #decidability #object-oriented- Safe and Decidable Type Checking in an Object-Oriented Language (KBB, JC, TPM, RvG, AD, RM), pp. 29–46.
POPL-1993-Bruce #object-oriented #programming language #static typing- Safe Type Checking in a Statically-Typed Object-Oriented Programming Language (KBB), pp. 285–298.
POPL-1993-NipkowP - Type Checking Type Classes (TN, CP), pp. 409–418.
VDME-1991-DammHB #consistency #on the- On Type Checking in VDM and Related Consistency Issues (FMD, BSH, HB), pp. 45–62.
OOPSLA-1991-AgrawalDL #multi #static typing- Static Type Checking of Multi-Methods (RA, LGD, BGL), pp. 113–128.
PLILP-1991-FileS #abstract interpretation- Abstract Interpretation for Type Checking (GF, PS), pp. 311–322.
WSA-1991-BoeckC #analysis #automation #prolog- Automatic Construction of Prolog Primitives for Type Checking Analysis (PDB, BLC), pp. 165–172.
VDME-1990-PlatHKOPT - Type Checking BSI/VDM-SL (NP, RH, JvK, GvO, KP, HT), pp. 399–425.
CCIPL-1989-HarperP #ambiguity #calculus #morphism #polymorphism- Type Checking, Universe Polymorphism, and Typical Ambiguity in the Calculus of Constructions (Draft) (RH, RP), pp. 241–256.
CCIPL-1989-InverardiMM #question- Is Type Checking Practical for System Configuration? (PI, SM, CM), pp. 257–271.
CCHSC-1988-Levy #in the large- Type Checking in the Large (MRL), pp. 137–145.
OOPSLA-1987-Thorelli #ll- Modules and Type Checking in PL/LL (LET), pp. 268–276.
ASPLOS-1987-SteenkisteH #hardware #lisp- Tags and Type Checking in Lisp: Hardware and Software Approaches (PS, JLH), pp. 50–59.
POPL-1985-MishraR - Declaration-Free Type Checking (PM, USR), pp. 7–21.
LFP-1984-Katayama #approach #functional #programming language #type inference- Type Inference and Type Checking for Functional Programming Languages: A Reduced Computation Approach (TK), pp. 263–272.
SCC-1984-Levy #compilation #reuse #usability- Type checking, separate compilation and reusability (MRL), pp. 285–289.
POPL-1983-Meertens #incremental #polymorphism- Incremental Polymorphic Type Checking in B (LGLTM), pp. 265–275.
POPL-1980-DemersD #data type #parametricity- Data Types, Parameters, and Type Checking (AJD, JED), pp. 12–23.
POPL-1979-Miller - Type Checking in an Imperfect World (TCM), pp. 237–243.
DIPL-1976-Brosgol #data type- Some issues in data types and type checking (BMB), pp. 102–130.