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Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Czech Republic
1 × France
1 × Japan
1 × Korea
1 × Taiwan
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.L.S.Jr. S.Kang V.Luchangco C.Park J.J.Hallett S.Lee J.Park J.Dolby H.Na N.Ramsey K.Yi E.E.Allen S.Hwang K.Sun A.Jordan S.Bae H.Cho I.Lim Y.Ko H.Lee S.Won J.Jin Gyunghee Park Jaemin Hong J.Hilburn S.Kilpatrick D.Chase
Talks about:
multipl (8) analysi (6) javascript (5) dispatch (5) static (5) applic (5) subtyp (4) web (4) framework (3) polymorph (2)

Person: Sukyoung Ryu

DBLP DBLP: Ryu:Sukyoung

Facilitated 1 volumes:

LDTA 2011PrCo

Contributed to:

ECOOP 20152015
FLOPS 20142014
FSE 20142014
OOPSLA 20122012
OOPSLA 20112011
SAC 20112011
SAC 20082008
SAC 20082010
SAC 20072007
CC 20052005
SAS 19971997
ASE 20152015
ASE 20162016
ASE 20172017
FASE 20182018
FASE 20192019
POPL 20192019

Wrote 18 papers:

ECOOP-2015-ParkR #javascript #precise #scalability #static analysis
Scalable and Precise Static Analysis of JavaScript Applications via Loop-Sensitivity (CP, SR), pp. 735–756.
FLOPS-2014-NaR #formal method #subclass #type system
A New Formalization of Subtyping to Match Subclasses to Subtypes (HN, SR), pp. 238–252.
FSE-2014-BaeCLR #api #detection #named #web
SAFEWAPI: web API misuse detector for web applications (SB, HC, IL, SR), pp. 507–517.
OOPSLA-2012-KangR #javascript #specification
Formal specification of a JavaScript module system (SK, SR), pp. 621–638.
OOPSLA-2011-AllenHKLRCS #composition #inheritance #morphism #multi #parametricity #polymorphism #type checking
Type checking modular multiple dispatch with parametric polymorphism and multiple inheritance (EEA, JH, SK, VL, SR, DC, GLSJ), pp. 973–992.
SAC-2011-KangR #automation #named #testing
FortressCheck: automatic testing for generic properties (SK, SR), pp. 1290–1296.
SAC-2008-HallettLRS #multi #type system
Integrating coercion with subtyping and multiple dispatch (JJH, VL, SR, GLSJ), pp. 166–170.
SAC-OOPS-J-2008-HallettLRS10 #multi #type system
Integrating coercion with subtyping and multiple dispatch (JJH, VL, SR, GLSJ), pp. 787–795.
SAC-2007-AllenHLRS #composition #inheritance #multi
Modular multiple dispatch with multiple inheritance (EEA, JJH, VL, SR, GLSJ), pp. 1117–1121.
CC-2005-RyuR #debugging #multi #programming
Source-Level Debugging for Multiple Languages with Modest Programming Effort (SR, NR), pp. 10–26.
SAS-1997-YiR #effectiveness #estimation #exception #source code #towards
Towards a Cost-Effective Estimation of Uncaught Exceptions in SML Programs (KY, SR), pp. 98–113.
ASE-2015-KoLDR #framework #javascript #scalability #static analysis
Practically Tunable Static Analysis Framework for Large-Scale JavaScript Applications (T) (YK, HL, JD, SR), pp. 541–551.
ASE-2015-ParkWJR #javascript #modelling #static analysis #web
Static Analysis of JavaScript Web Applications in the Wild via Practical DOM Modeling (T) (CP, SW, JJ, SR), pp. 552–562.
ASE-2016-LeeDR #android #framework #hybrid #named #static analysis
HybriDroid: static analysis framework for Android hybrid applications (SL, JD, SR), pp. 250–261.
ASE-2017-LeeHR #all about #detection #injection #process #semantics
All about activity injection: threats, semantics, and detection (SL, SH, SR), pp. 252–262.
FASE-2018-ParkSR #analysis #framework #using #web
EventHandler-Based Analysis Framework for Web Apps Using Dynamically Collected States (JP, KS, SR), pp. 129–145.
FASE-2019-ParkJR #automation #javascript #modelling #static analysis
Automatic Modeling of Opaque Code for JavaScript Static Analysis (JP, AJ, SR), pp. 43–60.
POPL-2019-ParkHSR #multi #polymorphism #symmetry
Polymorphic symmetric multiple dispatch with variance (GP, JH, GLSJ, SR), p. 28.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.