Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Pillai V.B.Lortz H.Huang W.Hung S.Kodase S.Wang K.M.Zuberi D.J.Musliner J.W.Dolter
Talks about:
time (3) real (3) model (2) embed (2) dynam (2) disk (2) microkernel (1) bibliograph (1) constraint (1) transform (1)
Person: Kang G. Shin
DBLP: Shin:Kang_G=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- SOSP-2005-HuangHS #energy #named #performance #replication
- FS2: dynamic data replication in free disk space for improving disk performance and energy consumption (HH, WH, KGS), pp. 263–276.
- DATE-2003-KodaseWS #constraints #embedded #realtime #runtime
- Transforming Structural Model to Runtime Model of Embedded Software with Real-Time Constraints (SK, SW, KGS), pp. 20170–20175.
- SOSP-2001-PillaiS #embedded #operating system #power management #realtime #scalability
- Real-Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Low-Power Embedded Operating Systems (PP, KGS), pp. 89–102.
- SOSP-1999-ZuberiPS #kernel #named #realtime
- EMERALDS: a small-memory real-time microkernel (KMZ, PP, KGS), pp. 277–299.
- OOPSLA-1994-LortzS #contract #programming
- Combining Contracts and Exemplar-Based Programming for Class Hiding and Customization (VBL, KGS), pp. 453–467.
- CSCW-1992-MuslinerDS #collaboration #database #named
- BIBDB: A Bibliographic Database for Collaboration (DJM, JWD, KGS), pp. 386–393.