Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Bouju G.Louis M.Coustaty C.Guérin C.Rigaud A.Mercier F.Ammar-Boudjelal J.Burie J.Ogier A.Revel
Talks about:
historian (1) algorithm (1) ebdthequ (1) process (1) ontolog (1) databas (1) between (1) semant (1) repres (1) reduc (1)
Person: Karell Bertet
DBLP: Bertet:Karell
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICDAR-2013-GuerinRMABBBLOR #database #named
- eBDtheque: A Representative Database of Comics (CG, CR, AM, FAB, KB, AB, JCB, GL, JMO, AR), pp. 1145–1149.
- ICDAR-2011-CoustatyBBL #algorithm #image #ontology #semantic gap #using
- Using Ontologies to Reduce the Semantic Gap between Historians and Image Processing Algorithms (MC, AB, KB, GL), pp. 156–160.