Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
2 × Austria
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ H.Masuhara A.Yonezawa Y.Ishii K.Tsushima K.Sakurai A.Kitani Chihiro Uehara L.Fennell P.Thiemann Y.Zhang S.Matsuoka
Talks about:
partial (7) evalu (7) reflect (3) shift (3) reset (3) type (3) metaocaml (2) languag (2) analysi (2) debugg (2)
Person: Kenichi Asai
DBLP: Asai:Kenichi
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- GPCE-2014-Asai #compilation #using
- Compiling a reflective language using MetaOCaml (KA), pp. 113–122.
- PPDP-2014-AsaiFTZ #partial evaluation #specification
- A Type Theoretic Specification of Partial Evaluation (KA, LF, PT, YZ), pp. 57–68.
- TFPIE-2014-IshiiA #debugging
- Report on a User Test and Extension of a Type Debugger for Novice Programmers (YI, KA), pp. 1–18.
- IFL-2012-TsushimaA #debugging #embedded
- An Embedded Type Debugger (KT, KA), pp. 190–206.
- GPCE-2011-Asai
- Reflection in direct style (KA), pp. 97–106.
- LOPSTR-2010-SakuraiA #library #named #proving #user interface #visualisation
- MikiBeta: A General GUI Library for Visualizing Proof Trees — System Description and Demonstration (KS, KA), pp. 84–98.
- PPDP-2010-AsaiK #continuation #functional #virtual machine
- Functional derivation of a virtual machine for delimited continuations (KA, AK), pp. 87–98.
- PEPM-2004-Asai #partial evaluation
- Offline partial evaluation for shift and reset (KA), pp. 3–14.
- PEPM-2002-Asai #online #partial evaluation
- Online partial evaluation for shift and reset (KA), pp. 19–30.
- SAIG-2001-Asai
- Integrating Partial Evaluators into Interpreters (KA), pp. 126–145.
- SAS-1999-Asai #analysis
- Binding-Time Analysis for Both Static and Dynamic Expressions (KA), pp. 117–133.
- PEPM-1997-AsaiMY #call-by #partial evaluation #λ-calculus
- Partial Evaluation of Call-by-Value λ-Calculus with Side-Effects (KA, HM, AY), pp. 12–21.
- OOPSLA-1995-MasuharaMAY #compilation #concurrent #object-oriented #partial evaluation #using
- Compiling Away the Meta-Level in Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Languages Using Partial Evaluation (HM, SM, KA, AY), pp. 300–315.
- PEPM-2016-Asai #analysis #towards
- Toward introducing binding-time analysis to MetaOCaml (KA), pp. 97–102.
- PEPM-2018-AsaiU #continuation
- Selective CPS transformation for shift and reset (KA, CU), pp. 40–52.
- PEPM-2019-Asai #call-by #proving #termination
- Extracting a call-by-name partial evaluator from a proof of termination (KA), pp. 61–67.