Collaborated with:
G.Pyrounakis M.Nikolaidou V.Karakoidas A.Delis I.Lourdi
Talks about:
digit (5) object (4) prototyp (3) effect (2) base (2) heterogen (1) framework (1) introduc (1) instanti (1) approach (1)
Person: Kostas Saidis
DBLP: Saidis:Kostas
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ECDL-2006-PyrounakisSNK #prototype
- Introducing Pergamos: A Fedora-Based DL System Utilizing Digital Object Prototypes (GP, KS, MN, VK), pp. 500–503.
- ECDL-2006-SaidisPND #effectiveness #prototype
- Digital Object Prototypes: An Effective Realization of Digital Object Types (KS, GP, MN, AD), pp. 123–134.
- ECDL-2005-SaidisPN #approach #effectiveness #on the #prototype
- On the Effective Manipulation of Digital Objects: A Prototype-Based Instantiation Approach (KS, GP, MN), pp. 13–24.
- ECDL-2004-PyrounakisSNL #design #framework #library #multi
- Designing an Integrated Digital Library Framework to Support Multiple Heterogeneous Collections (GP, KS, MN, IL), pp. 26–37.