642 papers:
CBSE-2015-EscoffierLG #component #mobile- A Component Model to Manage the Heterogeneity and Dynamism in Mobile Applications (CE, PL, OG), pp. 85–90.
CASE-2015-ChenY #monitoring #process- Heterogeneous recurrence T2 charts for monitoring and control of nonlinear dynamic processes (YC, HY), pp. 1066–1071.
CASE-2015-SrinivasanBSSR #automation #machine learning #modelling #network #using- Modelling time-varying delays in networked automation systems with heterogeneous networks using machine learning techniques (SS, FB, GS, BS, SR), pp. 362–368.
DAC-2015-ChenC #architecture- Routing-architecture-aware analytical placement for heterogeneous FPGAs (SYC, YWC), p. 6.
DAC-2015-HanF #analysis #approach #cpu #gpu #graph #scalability- Transient-simulation guided graph sparsification approach to scalable harmonic balance (HB) analysis of post-layout RF circuits leveraging heterogeneous CPU-GPU computing systems (LH, ZF), p. 6.
DAC-2015-HelalBH #parallel #simulation #using- Parallel circuit simulation using the direct method on a heterogeneous cloud (AEH, AMB, YYH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-RoloffSHT #architecture #parallel #simulation- Execution-driven parallel simulation of PGAS applications on heterogeneous tiled architectures (SR, DS, FH, JT), p. 6.
DAC-2015-SarmaMBDN #energy #linux #named #performance- SmartBalance: a sensing-driven linux load balancer for energy efficiency of heterogeneous MPSoCs (SS, TM, LADB, NDD, AN), p. 6.
DAC-2015-TavanaHPSH #named #scalability- ElasticCore: enabling dynamic heterogeneity with joint core and voltage/frequency scaling (MKT, MHH, DP, IS, HH), p. 6.
DAC-2015-YunPB #adaptation #named #parallel #runtime #self #thread- HARS: a heterogeneity-aware runtime system for self-adaptive multithreaded applications (JY, JP, WB), p. 6.
DATE-2015-BrunduPAGRRM #distributed #energy #framework #integration #strict- A new distributed framework for integration of district energy data from heterogeneous devices (FGB, EP, AA, MG, GR, SR, EM), pp. 992–993.
DATE-2015-KimKKC #manycore #mobile #named- M-DTM: migration-based dynamic thermal management for heterogeneous mobile multi-core processors (YGK, MK, JMK, SWC), pp. 1533–1538.
DATE-2015-PaoneRPZSS #constraints #framework #performance- Customization of OpenCL applications for efficient task mapping under heterogeneous platform constraints (EP, FR, GP, VZ, IS, CS), pp. 736–741.
DATE-2015-ParkTNII #performance- Platform-aware dynamic configuration support for efficient text processing on heterogeneous system (MSP, OT, VN, MJI, RI), pp. 1503–1508.
DATE-2015-SinglaKUO #mobile #power management #predict- Predictive dynamic thermal and power management for heterogeneous mobile platforms (GS, GK, AKU, ÜYO), pp. 960–965.
DRR-2015-NayefO #assessment #documentation #image #quality- Metric-based no-reference quality assessment of heterogeneous document images (NN, JMO).
HT-2015-Jain #automation #social- Automated Methods for Identity Resolution across Heterogeneous Social Platforms (PJ), pp. 307–310.
HT-2015-SongFGWCZ #graph #microblog #word- Build Emotion Lexicon from Microblogs by Combining Effects of Seed Words and Emoticons in a Heterogeneous Graph (KS, SF, WG, DW, LC, CZ), pp. 283–292.
ICSME-2015-IloGABG #repository- Combining software interrelationship data across heterogeneous software repositories (NI, JG, TA, MB, TG), pp. 571–575.
MSR-2015-PonzanelliML #development #mining #semistructured data- Summarizing Complex Development Artifacts by Mining Heterogeneous Data (LP, AM, ML), pp. 401–405.
SANER-2015-Keivanloo0Z #clone detection #detection #java #repository #scalability- Threshold-free code clone detection for a large-scale heterogeneous Java repository (IK, FZ, YZ), pp. 201–210.
PEPM-2015-VinayakaraoPN #source code- Structurally Heterogeneous Source Code Examples from Unstructured Knowledge Sources (VV, RP, AVN), pp. 21–26.
HCI-IT-2015-HolsteinWWL #challenge #user interface- Current Challenges in Compositing Heterogeneous User Interfaces for Automotive Purposes (TH, MW, JW, RL), pp. 531–542.
HIMI-IKC-2015-PereiraSBSCFC #multi- Multi-criteria Fusion of Heterogeneous Information for Improving Situation Awareness on Emergency Management Systems (VAPJ, MFS, LCB, JOdS, CSC, EF, MRdC), pp. 3–14.
HIMI-IKD-2015-AlmAHU #ontology #visualisation- Annotated Domain Ontologies for the Visualization of Heterogeneous Manufacturing Data (RA, MA, SH, BU), pp. 3–14.
KDD-2015-ChangHTQAH #architecture #network- Heterogeneous Network Embedding via Deep Architectures (SC, WH, JT, GJQ, CCA, TSH), pp. 119–128.
KDD-2015-FanEWAH #health #personalisation- Hierarchical Graph-Coupled HMMs for Heterogeneous Personalized Health Data (KF, ME, AW, AA, KAH), pp. 239–248.
KDD-2015-TangQM #named #network #predict #scalability- PTE: Predictive Text Embedding through Large-scale Heterogeneous Text Networks (JT, MQ, QM), pp. 1165–1174.
KDD-2015-WangSERZH #clustering #documentation #network- Incorporating World Knowledge to Document Clustering via Heterogeneous Information Networks (CW, YS, AEK, DR, MZ, JH), pp. 1215–1224.
KDD-2015-WangYLXXCR #predict #using- Regularity and Conformity: Location Prediction Using Heterogeneous Mobility Data (YW, NJY, DL, LX, XX, EC, YR), pp. 1275–1284.
KDD-2015-YangH #learning #multi- Model Multiple Heterogeneity via Hierarchical Multi-Latent Space Learning (PY, JH), pp. 1375–1384.
KDD-2015-YangSTML- Entity Matching across Heterogeneous Sources (YY, YS, JT, BM, JZL), pp. 1395–1404.
KDD-2015-ZhangTYPY #consistency #named #network #social- COSNET: Connecting Heterogeneous Social Networks with Local and Global Consistency (YZ, JT, ZY, JP, PSY), pp. 1485–1494.
MLDM-2015-MojahedBWI #analysis #clustering #matrix #semistructured data #similarity #using- Applying Clustering Analysis to Heterogeneous Data Using Similarity Matrix Fusion (SMF) (AM, JHBS, WW, BdlI), pp. 251–265.
SIGIR-2015-GuoL #automation #generative #graph #music #recommendation- Automatic Feature Generation on Heterogeneous Graph for Music Recommendation (CG, XL), pp. 807–810.
GPCE-2015-MakarovH #compilation #multi #named- CLOP: a multi-stage compiler to seamlessly embed heterogeneous code (DM, MH), pp. 109–112.
SAC-2015-ErnstKR #evaluation #network #performance- Performance evaluation of heterogeneous wireless networks considering competing objectives and viewpoints (JBE, SCK, JJPCR), pp. 680–687.
SAC-2015-JeremicPM #array #performance #random- Improving random write performance in heterogeneous erasure-coded drive arrays by offloading code block requests (NJ, HP, GM), pp. 2007–2014.
SAC-2015-JuniorSM #approach #semantics- An approach for building lexical-semantic resources based on heterogeneous information sources (JGdAJ, US, LBM), pp. 402–408.
SAC-2015-KatsalisSPKT #network- Content placement in heterogeneous end-to-end virtual networks (KK, VS, TP, TK, LT), pp. 602–608.
SAC-2015-Khan #multi #network- Multi-criteria based vertical handover decision in heterogeneous wireless network (MK), pp. 720–721.
SAC-2015-Lopez-CasadoPCM #named #network #novel- GlSch: a novel scheduler for a heterogeneous telescope network (MCLC, CJPdP, JCC, VFM, GOL, AJCT, JS, EM, JM, SK, FMS), pp. 2263–2270.
SAC-2015-MonteiroL #clustering #power management #scalability #web- Scalable model for dynamic configuration and power management in virtualized heterogeneous web clusters (AFM, OL), pp. 464–467.
ESEC-FSE-2015-JingWDQX #fault #learning #metric #predict #representation- Heterogeneous cross-company defect prediction by unified metric representation and CCA-based transfer learning (XYJ, FW, XD, FQ, BX), pp. 496–507.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NamK #fault #predict- Heterogeneous defect prediction (JN, SK), pp. 508–519.
ICSE-v2-2015-FooJAHZF #automation #case study #detection #industrial #performance- An Industrial Case Study on the Automated Detection of Performance Regressions in Heterogeneous Environments (KCF, ZMJ, BA, AEH, YZ, PF), pp. 159–168.
ASPLOS-2015-AgarwalNSOK #memory management- Page Placement Strategies for GPUs within Heterogeneous Memory Systems (NA, DWN, MS, MO, SWK), pp. 607–618.
HPCA-2015-ChandramoorthyT #architecture- Exploring architectural heterogeneity in intelligent vision systems (NC, GT, KMI, AP, SA, SAH, MC, JS, VN, LB), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2015-MeswaniBRSIL #approach #architecture #memory management- Heterogeneous memory architectures: A HW/SW approach for mixing die-stacked and off-package memories (MRM, SB, DR, JS, MI, GHL), pp. 126–136.
HPCA-2015-PetrucciLDZMMT #multi #named- Octopus-Man: QoS-driven task management for heterogeneous multicores in warehouse-scale computers (VP, MAL, JD, YZ, DM, JM, LT), pp. 246–258.
HPCA-2015-WangPBAK #alloy #architecture #memory management #named- Alloy: Parallel-serial memory channel architecture for single-chip heterogeneous processor systems (HW, CJP, GB, JHA, NSK), pp. 296–308.
HPDC-2015-XiaoCHZ #cpu #gpu #monte carlo- Monte Carlo Based Ray Tracing in CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Systems and Applications in Radiation Therapy (KX, DZC, XSH, BZ), pp. 247–258.
PPoPP-2015-ChenCM #named #parallel- Tiles: a new language mechanism for heterogeneous parallelism (YC, XC, HM), pp. 287–288.
DAC-2014-KoKYKH #cpu #gpu #simulation- Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for CPU/GPU Heterogeneous Platforms (YK, TK, YY, MK, SH), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KontorinisTHTH- Enabling Dynamic Heterogeneity Through Core-on-Core Stacking (VK, MKT, MHH, DMT, HH), p. 6.
DAC-2014-KriebelRSSH #adaptation #fault #named- ASER: Adaptive Soft Error Resilience for Reliability-Heterogeneous Processors in the Dark Silicon Era (FK, SR, DS, MS, JH), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SiyoumGC #analysis #data flow- Symbolic Analysis of Dataflow Applications Mapped onto Shared Heterogeneous Resources (FS, MG, HC), p. 6.
DAC-2014-UbalSMGUCSK #design #performance #reliability- Exploring the Heterogeneous Design Space for both Performance and Reliability (RU, DS, PM, XG, YU, ZC, GS, DRK), p. 6.
DATE-2014-BurgioDMCB #clustering #hardware #programmable #scalability- A tightly-coupled hardware controller to improve scalability and programmability of shared-memory heterogeneous clusters (PB, RD, AM, PC, LB), pp. 1–4.
DATE-2014-MembarthRHT #android #architecture #code generation #embedded- Code generation for embedded heterogeneous architectures on android (RM, OR, FH, JT), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-YuSH #adaptation #scalability- Thermal-aware frequency scaling for adaptive workloads on heterogeneous MPSoCs (HY, RS, YH), pp. 1–6.
HT-2014-KawaseSNHN- Exploiting the wisdom of the crowds for characterizing and connecting heterogeneous resources (RK, PS, BPN, EH, WN), pp. 56–65.
SIGMOD-2014-KarnagelHLHLHM #performance #query- Demonstrating efficient query processing in heterogeneous environments (TK, MH, ML, DH, WL, MH, VM), pp. 693–696.
SIGMOD-2014-LiLGZFH #estimation #reliability #semistructured data- Resolving conflicts in heterogeneous data by truth discovery and source reliability estimation (QL, YL, JG, BZ, WF, JH), pp. 1187–1198.
SIGMOD-2014-LiuWZZK #behaviour #modelling #named #scalability #social- HYDRA: large-scale social identity linkage via heterogeneous behavior modeling (SL, SW, FZ, JZ, RK), pp. 51–62.
SIGMOD-2014-ShenHW #network #probability #web- A probabilistic model for linking named entities in web text with heterogeneous information networks (WS, JH, JW), pp. 1199–1210.
SIGMOD-2014-ZhuSL0Z- Matching heterogeneous event data (XZ, SS, XL, JW, LZ), pp. 1211–1222.
VLDB-2014-BressHSKMS #hardware #named- Ocelot/HyPE: Optimized Data Processing on Heterogeneous Hardware (SB, MH, MS, BK, VM, GS), pp. 1609–1612.
FASE-2014-FiadeiroL #network- Heterogeneous and Asynchronous Networks of Timed Systems (JLF, AL), pp. 79–93.
FoSSaCS-2014-MossakowskiT #calculus #specification- A Relatively Complete Calculus for Structured Heterogeneous Specifications (TM, AT), pp. 441–456.
ICEIS-v1-2014-FaheemK #algorithm #architecture #case study #framework #multi #problem- A Multiagent-based Framework for Solving Computationally Intensive Problems on Heterogeneous Architectures — Bioinformatics Algorithms as a Case Study (HMF, BKR), pp. 526–533.
CIKM-2014-GressD #flexibility #framework #semistructured data- A Flexible Framework for Projecting Heterogeneous Data (AG, ID), pp. 1169–1178.
CIKM-2014-JinZXDLH #learning #multi- Multi-task Multi-view Learning for Heterogeneous Tasks (XJ, FZ, HX, CD, PL, QH), pp. 441–450.
CIKM-2014-LiuXD #mining #network #predict- Relationship Emergence Prediction in Heterogeneous Networks through Dynamic Frequent Subgraph Mining (YL, SX, LD), pp. 1649–1658.
CIKM-2014-LiuYGS #feedback #graph #pseudo #ranking #recommendation- Meta-Path-Based Ranking with Pseudo Relevance Feedback on Heterogeneous Graph for Citation Recommendation (XL, YY, CG, YS), pp. 121–130.
CIKM-2014-ShiWLYW #clustering #network- Ranking-based Clustering on General Heterogeneous Information Networks by Network Projection (CS, RW, YL, PSY, BW), pp. 699–708.
ECIR-2014-LuoGWL #algorithm #classification #named #network #novel- HetPathMine: A Novel Transductive Classification Algorithm on Heterogeneous Information Networks (CL, RG, ZW, CL), pp. 210–221.
ECIR-2014-ZhangZWS #network #recommendation- Content + Attributes: A Latent Factor Model for Recommending Scientific Papers in Heterogeneous Academic Networks (CZ, XZ, KW, JS), pp. 39–50.
ICPR-2014-HouYW #adaptation #learning #recognition #self- Domain Adaptive Self-Taught Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition (CAH, MCY, YCFW), pp. 3068–3073.
ICPR-2014-MekonnenLHB #detection #optimisation #people- People Detection with Heterogeneous Features and Explicit Optimization on Computation Time (AAM, FL, AH, CB), pp. 4322–4327.
ICPR-2014-ZhouHG #predict- Exploring Brain Tumor Heterogeneity for Survival Time Prediction (MZ, LOH, DBG), pp. 580–585.
KDD-2014-ChenN #detection #graph #parametricity #social #social media #statistics- Non-parametric scan statistics for event detection and forecasting in heterogeneous social media graphs (FC, DBN), pp. 1166–1175.
KDD-2014-WeiSZL0 #scalability- Scalable heterogeneous translated hashing (YW, YS, YZ, BL, QY), pp. 791–800.
KDD-2014-YangH #learning #parametricity- Learning with dual heterogeneity: a nonparametric bayes model (HY, JH), pp. 582–590.
KDD-2014-ZhouL #classification #mining #multi #network- Activity-edge centric multi-label classification for mining heterogeneous information networks (YZ, LL), pp. 1276–1285.
KDIR-2014-MojahedI #approach #distance #semistructured data- A Fusion Approach to Computing Distance for Heterogeneous Data (AM, BdlI), pp. 269–276.
RecSys-2014-Vahedian #hybrid #network #recommendation- Weighted hybrid recommendation for heterogeneous networks (FV), pp. 429–432.
ECMFA-2014-SchwichtenbergGHE #modelling #normalisation #qvt- Normalizing Heterogeneous Service Description Models with Generated QVT Transformations (SS, CG, ZH, GE), pp. 180–195.
SAC-2014-AndradeRMOCFR #architecture #hybrid #performance #scheduling- Efficient dynamic scheduling of heterogeneous applications in hybrid architectures (GA, GSR, DM, RSO, EC, RF, LCdR), pp. 866–871.
SAC-2014-RossiLR #algorithm #classification #network #using- A parameter-free label propagation algorithm using bipartite heterogeneous networks for text classification (RGR, AAL, SOR), pp. 79–84.
SAC-2014-SahuR #clustering #runtime- Creating heterogeneity at run time by dynamic cache and bandwidth partitioning schemes (AS, SR), pp. 872–879.
ASPLOS-2014-HowerHBGHRW #memory management #modelling- Heterogeneous-race-free memory models (DRH, BAH, BMB, BRG, MDH, SKR, DAW), pp. 427–440.
ASPLOS-2014-LinWZ #mobile #named #operating system- K2: a mobile operating system for heterogeneous coherence domains (FXL, ZW, LZ), pp. 285–300.
ASPLOS-2014-MuthukaruppanPM #multi #power management- Price theory based power management for heterogeneous multi-cores (TSM, AP, TM), pp. 161–176.
CGO-2014-PanditG #execution #kernel #multi #source code- Fluidic Kernels: Cooperative Execution of OpenCL Programs on Multiple Heterogeneous Devices (PP, RG), p. 273.
HPCA-2014-GuevaraLL #design- Strategies for anticipating risk in heterogeneous system design (MG, BL, BCL), pp. 154–164.
HPDC-2014-BeaumontM #analysis #matrix #multi #scheduling- Analysis of dynamic scheduling strategies for matrix multiplication on heterogeneous platforms (OB, LM), pp. 141–152.
HPDC-2014-LeeV #compilation #named #performance #research- OpenARC: open accelerator research compiler for directive-based, efficient heterogeneous computing (SL, JSV), pp. 115–120.
LCTES-2014-ChandramohanO #clustering #design #energy #source code- Partitioning data-parallel programs for heterogeneous MPSoCs: time and energy design space exploration (KC, MFPO), pp. 73–82.
PPoPP-2014-Rubin #compilation #question #research #what- Heterogeneous computing: what does it mean for compiler research? (NR), pp. 315–316.
PPoPP-2014-SandesMMMA #comparison #parallel #sequence- Fine-grain parallel megabase sequence comparison with multiple heterogeneous GPUs (EFdOS, GM, ACMAdM, XM, EA), pp. 383–384.
CASE-2013-HanzG #abstraction #cyber-physical #mobile- An abstraction layer for controlling heterogeneous mobile cyber-physical systems (TH, MG), pp. 117–121.
DAC-2013-CalhounC #energy #flexibility #performance #power management- Flexible on-chip power delivery for energy efficient heterogeneous systems (BHC, KC), p. 6.
DAC-2013-JungPPC #distributed #embedded #framework #named #scalability- netShip: a networked virtual platform for large-scale heterogeneous distributed embedded systems (YJ, JP, MP, LPC), p. 10.
DAC-2013-MishraMD #approach #design #multi- A heterogeneous multiple network-on-chip design: an application-aware approach (AKM, OM, CRD), p. 10.
DAC-2013-ZhangPFH- Lighting the dark silicon by exploiting heterogeneity on future processors (YZ, LP, XF, YH), p. 7.
DATE-2013-AncajasCR #approach- Proactive aging management in heterogeneous NoCs through a criticality-driven routing approach (DMA, KC, SR), pp. 1032–1037.
DATE-2013-ImagawaTOS #analysis #architecture #configuration management #effectiveness- A cost-effective selective TMR for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures based on DFG-level vulnerability analysis (TI, HT, HO, TS), pp. 701–706.
DATE-2013-NiakiS #automation #embedded #parallel #simulation- An automated parallel simulation flow for heterogeneous embedded systems (SHAN, IS), pp. 27–30.
DATE-2013-Pham-QuocHWABB #design #hardware #hybrid- Hybrid interconnect design for heterogeneous hardware accelerators (CPQ, JH, SW, ZAA, JB, KB), pp. 843–846.
ICDAR-2013-DelayeL #documentation #online #random- Graphics Extraction from Heterogeneous Online Documents with Hierarchical Random Fields (AD, CLL), pp. 1007–1011.
ICDAR-2013-DiemKS #detection #documentation- Text Line Detection for Heterogeneous Documents (MD, FK, RS), pp. 743–747.
ICDAR-2013-WuMG #documentation #recognition- Table of Contents Recognition and Extraction for Heterogeneous Book Documents (ZW, PM, CLG), pp. 1205–1209.
SIGMOD-2013-SongYYHS #data flow #retrieval #scalability #semistructured data- Inter-media hashing for large-scale retrieval from heterogeneous data sources (JS, YY, YY, ZH, HTS), pp. 785–796.
VLDB-2013-Dey #scalability #transaction- Scalable Transactions across Heterogeneous NoSQL Key-Value Data Stores (AD), pp. 1434–1439.
VLDB-2013-Hoppe #automation #big data #learning #ontology #web- Automatic ontology-based User Profile Learning from heterogeneous Web Resources in a Big Data Context (AH), pp. 1428–1433.
CSMR-2013-LehnertFR #impact analysis #rule-based- Rule-Based Impact Analysis for Heterogeneous Software Artifacts (SL, QuaF, MR), pp. 209–218.
ICEIS-v1-2013-RodriguesAGSCS #case study #data flow #data transformation #semistructured data- Integrated Data Management — A Case Study in Heterogeneous Data Sources in Brazilian Government (SAR, MA, AFG, RTdS, MC, JMdS), pp. 316–321.
CIKM-2013-KongZY #multi #network #social- Inferring anchor links across multiple heterogeneous social networks (XK, JZ, PSY), pp. 179–188.
CIKM-2013-MengK #network- Discovering influential authors in heterogeneous academic networks by a co-ranking method (QM, PJK), pp. 1029–1036.
CIKM-2013-XuXWW #automation #feedback #image #ranking- A heterogenous automatic feedback semi-supervised method for image reranking (XCX, XSX, YW, XW), pp. 999–1008.
KDD-2013-DanilevskyWTNCDWH #mining #named #semistructured data #topic- AMETHYST: a system for mining and exploring topical hierarchies of heterogeneous data (MD, CW, FT, SN, GC, ND, LW, JH), pp. 1458–1461.
KDD-2013-KongCY #classification #correlation #mining #multi #network- Multi-label classification by mining label and instance correlations from heterogeneous information networks (XK, BC, PSY), pp. 614–622.
KDD-2013-KuoYHKL #network #predict #social #statistics #using- Unsupervised link prediction using aggregative statistics on heterogeneous social networks (TTK, RY, YYH, PHK, SDL), pp. 775–783.
KDD-2013-MaiyaTLR #analysis #documentation- Exploratory analysis of highly heterogeneous document collections (ASM, JPT, FLL, RMR), pp. 1375–1383.
KDD-2013-NaganoITUA #modelling #parametricity- Nonparametric hierarchal bayesian modeling in non-contractual heterogeneous survival data (SN, YI, NT, TU, MA), pp. 668–676.
KDD-2013-OuCWWZY #scalability- Comparing apples to oranges: a scalable solution with heterogeneous hashing (MO, PC, FW, JW, WZ, SY), pp. 230–238.
KDD-2013-ZhouL #clustering #network #social- Social influence based clustering of heterogeneous information networks (YZ, LL), pp. 338–346.
RecSys-2013-AhnPLL #graph #recommendation- A heterogeneous graph-based recommendation simulator (YA, SP, SL, SgL), pp. 471–472.
RecSys-2013-YuRSSKGNH #feedback #network #recommendation- Recommendation in heterogeneous information networks with implicit user feedback (XY, XR, YS, BS, UK, QG, BN, JH), pp. 347–350.
PPDP-2013-StewartBN #data flow #data type #dependent type #policy #semistructured data- Dependent types for enforcement of information flow and erasure policies in heterogeneous data structures (GS, AB, AN), pp. 145–156.
SAC-2013-HoangLCMC #network #protocol- A backward-compatible protocol for inter-routing over heterogeneous overlay networks (GNH, LL, VC, PM, HNC), pp. 649–651.
SAC-2013-HuangMGM #multi #realtime #scalability- Throughput-constrained voltage and frequency scaling for real-time heterogeneous multiprocessors (PH, OM, KG, AMM), pp. 1517–1524.
SAC-2013-JungWKO #architecture #automation #interactive #using- Heterogeneous device interaction using an IPv6 enabled service-oriented architecture for building automation systems (MJ, JW, WK, AO), pp. 1939–1941.
SAC-2013-LommatzschKA #hybrid #learning #modelling #recommendation #semantics- Learning hybrid recommender models for heterogeneous semantic data (AL, BK, SA), pp. 275–276.
SAC-2013-ZengC #data fusion #matrix #recommendation #semistructured data- Heterogeneous data fusion via matrix factorization for augmenting item, group and friend recommendations (WZ, LC), pp. 237–244.
ASPLOS-2013-DelimitrouK #named #scheduling #semistructured data- Paragon: QoS-aware scheduling for heterogeneous datacenters (CD, CK), pp. 77–88.
ASPLOS-2013-PhothilimthanaARA #architecture #performance- Portable performance on heterogeneous architectures (PMP, JA, JRK, SPA), pp. 431–444.
CGO-2013-AnantpurG #dependence #execution #runtime- Runtime dependence computation and execution of loops on heterogeneous systems (JA, RG), p. 10.
CGO-2013-GreweWO #parallel #source code- Portable mapping of data parallel programs to OpenCL for heterogeneous systems (DG, ZW, MFPO), p. 10.
HPCA-2013-BeuPHC #performance #verification- High-speed formal verification of heterogeneous coherence hierarchies (JGB, JAP, ERH, TMC), pp. 566–577.
HPCA-2013-GuevaraLL #navigation- Navigating heterogeneous processors with market mechanisms (MG, BL, BCL), pp. 95–106.
HPCA-2013-HamCXL #energy #memory management- Disintegrated control for energy-efficient and heterogeneous memory systems (TJH, BKC, NX, BCL), pp. 424–435.
HPDC-2013-SajjapongseWB #clustering #multi #runtime- A preemption-based runtime to efficiently schedule multi-process applications on heterogeneous clusters with GPUs (KS, XW, MB), pp. 179–190.
PPoPP-2013-GrassoKCF #automation #clustering #parallel #problem- Automatic problem size sensitive task partitioning on heterogeneous parallel systems (IG, KK, BC, TF), pp. 281–282.
SOSP-2013-RossbachYCMF #compilation #named #runtime- Dandelion: a compiler and runtime for heterogeneous systems (CJR, YY, JC, JPM, DF), pp. 49–68.
DAC-2012-AuerbachBBCFRS #compilation #runtime- A compiler and runtime for heterogeneous computing (JSA, DFB, IB, PC, SJF, RMR, SS), pp. 271–276.
DAC-2012-CastrillonTLA- Communication-aware mapping of KPN applications onto heterogeneous MPSoCs (JC, AT, RL, GA), pp. 1266–1271.
DAC-2012-Jeff #architecture #migration #multi- Big.LITTLE system architecture from ARM: saving power through heterogeneous multiprocessing and task context migration (BJ), pp. 1143–1146.
DAC-2012-ZhangWCHL #fine-grained #multi #performance- Heterogeneous multi-channel: fine-grained DRAM control for both system performance and power efficiency (GZ, HW, XC, SH, PL), pp. 876–881.
DATE-2012-BeckerDFMPV #embedded #evolution #modelling #named #scalability #verification- MOUSSE: Scaling modelling and verification to complex Heterogeneous Embedded Systems evolution (MB, GBD, FF, WM, GP, SV), pp. 296–299.
DATE-2012-KesslerDTNRDBTP #aspect-oriented #manycore #performance #programmable- Programmability and performance portability aspects of heterogeneous multi-/manycore systems (CWK, UD, ST, RN, AR, UD, SB, JLT, SP), pp. 1403–1408.
DATE-2012-SharifiAR #named #predict- TempoMP: Integrated prediction and management of temperature in heterogeneous MPSoCs (SS, RZA, TSR), pp. 593–598.
DATE-2012-WernerOGHB #configuration management #distributed #manycore- Virtualized on-chip distributed computing for heterogeneous reconfigurable multi-core systems (SW, OO, DG, MH, JB), pp. 280–283.
VLDB-2012-LuoLMCZ #data transformation #hybrid #named- hStorage-DB: Heterogeneity-aware Data Management to Exploit the Full Capability of Hybrid Storage Systems (TL, RL, MPM, FC, XZ), pp. 1076–1087.
VLDB-2012-SunAH #clustering #network- Relation Strength-Aware Clustering of Heterogeneous Information Networks with Incomplete Attributes (YS, CCA, JH), pp. 394–405.
VLDB-2012-SunHYY #analysis #approach #mining #network- Mining Knowledge from Interconnected Data: A Heterogeneous Information Network Analysis Approach (YS, JH, XY, PSY), pp. 2022–2023.
ITiCSE-2012-SchaferMB #student- Best practices for time-management of student groups with heterogeneous effort (AS, MM, RB), p. 377.
DLT-J-2011-ChenYSLL12 #multi #network #set- Minimum Local Disk Cover Sets for Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Multihop Wireless Networks (GC, CWY, MTS, FCL, WCL), pp. 1147–1172.
ICFP-2012-FoltzerKSSJN #composition #scheduling- A meta-scheduler for the par-monad: composable scheduling for the heterogeneous cloud (AF, AK, RS, SS, EJ, RN), pp. 235–246.
ICFP-2012-Mainland #haskell #metaprogramming- Explicitly heterogeneous metaprogramming with MetaHaskell (GM), pp. 311–322.
CHI-2012-DunneRLMR #multi #named #network #scalability- GraphTrail: analyzing large multivariate, heterogeneous networks while supporting exploration history (CD, NHR, BL, RAM, GGR), pp. 1663–1672.
CIKM-2012-DongFSZY #framework #mining- A general framework to encode heterogeneous information sources for contextual pattern mining (WD, WF, LS, CZ, XY), pp. 65–74.
CIKM-2012-HuangNHT #network #predict #social #trust- Trust prediction via aggregating heterogeneous social networks (JH, FN, HH, YCT), pp. 1774–1778.
CIKM-2012-KongYDW #classification #network- Meta path-based collective classification in heterogeneous information networks (XK, PSY, YD, DJW), pp. 1567–1571.
CIKM-2012-LeePKL #graph #named #novel #ranking #recommendation- PathRank: a novel node ranking measure on a heterogeneous graph for recommender systems (SL, SP, MK, SgL), pp. 1637–1641.
CIKM-2012-WangHY #network #similarity- Influence and similarity on heterogeneous networks (GW, QH, PSY), pp. 1462–1466.
CIKM-2012-YangTKZLDLW #learning #mining #network- Mining competitive relationships by learning across heterogeneous networks (YY, JT, JK, YZ, JL, YD, TL, LW), pp. 1432–1441.
CIKM-2012-YuSNMH #network #similarity #using- User guided entity similarity search using meta-path selection in heterogeneous information networks (XY, YS, BN, TM, JH), pp. 2025–2029.
ICML-2012-DuanXT #adaptation #learning- Learning with Augmented Features for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation (LD, DX, IWT), p. 89.
ICPR-2012-BianZSL #realtime- Parallelized Annealed Particle Filter for real-time marker-less motion tracking via heterogeneous computing (YB, XZ, JS, YL), pp. 2444–2447.
ICPR-2012-CaiZ #automation #summary #video- Automatic heterogeneous video summarization in temporal profile (HC, JYZ), pp. 2796–2800.
ICPR-2012-HuangLT #invariant #learning #recognition- Learning modality-invariant features for heterogeneous face recognition (LH, JL, YPT), pp. 1683–1686.
ICPR-2012-KongW12a #clustering- Transfer heterogeneous unlabeled data for unsupervised clustering (SK, DW), pp. 1193–1196.
ICPR-2012-LingZP #ranking #retrieval #similarity- Tri-space and ranking based heterogeneous similarity measure for cross-media retrieval (LL, XZ, YP), pp. 230–233.
ICPR-2012-VidalCMST #database #image #scalability- Sorted dominant local color for searching large and heterogeneous image databases (MLAV, JMBC, ESdM, ASdS, RdST), pp. 1960–1963.
ICPR-2012-WuFH0N #network #recognition- Cascaded heterogeneous convolutional neural networks for handwritten digit recognition (CW, WF, YH, JS, SN), pp. 657–660.
KDD-2012-0001LHSE #approach #towards- Towards heterogeneous temporal clinical event pattern discovery: a convolutional approach (FW, NL, JH, JS, SE), pp. 453–461.
KDD-2012-FengW #personalisation #recommendation #social- Incorporating heterogeneous information for personalized tag recommendation in social tagging systems (WF, JW), pp. 1276–1284.
KDD-2012-Han #mining #network- Mining heterogeneous information networks: the next frontier (JH), pp. 2–3.
KDD-2012-ShiZKYLW #named #network #recommendation #semantics- HeteRecom: a semantic-based recommendation systemin heterogeneous networks (CS, CZ, XK, PSY, GL, BW), pp. 1552–1555.
KDD-2012-SunNHYYY #clustering #network- Integrating meta-path selection with user-guided object clustering in heterogeneous information networks (YS, BN, JH, XY, PSY, XY), pp. 1348–1356.
KDD-2012-YuSZH #network #semantics- Query-driven discovery of semantically similar substructures in heterogeneous networks (XY, YS, PZ, JH), pp. 1500–1503.
KEOD-2012-MatskanisAMMR #approach #linked data #open data #query #research- A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources — Assisting Researchers in Finding Answers to Complex Clinical Questions (NM, VA, PM, KM, JR), pp. 411–414.
SIGIR-2012-FangHC #graph- Confidence-aware graph regularization with heterogeneous pairwise features (YF, BJPH, KCCC), pp. 951–960.
SIGIR-2012-KatoOT #adaptation #retrieval- Content-based retrieval for heterogeneous domains: domain adaptation by relative aggregation points (MPK, HO, KT), pp. 811–820.
SIGIR-2012-ZhangFQDSY #classification #online- Emotion tagging for comments of online news by meta classification with heterogeneous information sources (YZ, YF, XQ, LD, LS, XY), pp. 1059–1060.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
SAC-2012-AbusubaihRAS #performance- Performance of MIMO 802.11n in heterogeneous deployments (MA, MR, MA, FS), pp. 600–604.
SAC-2012-KokaANSY #graph #grid- Row manipulation in the heterogeneous tabular forms with a hexadecimal grid graph model (SK, KA, KN, YS, TY), pp. 792–793.
ASPLOS-2012-AhmadCRV #clustering #named #optimisation #pipes and filters- Tarazu: optimizing MapReduce on heterogeneous clusters (FA, STC, AR, TNV), pp. 61–74.
ASPLOS-2012-DeVuystVT #execution #migration #multi- Execution migration in a heterogeneous-ISA chip multiprocessor (MD, AV, DMT), pp. 261–272.
HPCA-2012-ChitlurSHGRKBPZISGJI #architecture #named #prototype- QuickIA: Exploring heterogeneous architectures on real prototypes (NC, GS, SH, PKG, DR, DAK, PB, AP, LZ, NI, SS, SG, XJ, RI), pp. 433–440.
HPCA-2012-HomayounKSLT #3d- Dynamically heterogeneous cores through 3D resource pooling (HH, VK, AS, TWL, DMT), pp. 323–334.
HPCA-2012-LeeK #architecture #cpu #gpu #named #policy- TAP: A TLP-aware cache management policy for a CPU-GPU heterogeneous architecture (JL, HK), pp. 91–102.
HPDC-2012-PhullLRCC #clustering #resource management- Interference-driven resource management for GPU-based heterogeneous clusters (RP, CHL, KR, SC, STC), pp. 109–120.
LCTES-2012-SbirleaZBCS #data flow #programming- Mapping a data-flow programming model onto heterogeneous platforms (ASS, YZ, ZB, JC, VS), pp. 61–70.
PPoPP-2012-ChenCM #array #named #parallel #representation- PARRAY: a unifying array representation for heterogeneous parallelism (YC, XC, HM), pp. 171–180.
PPoPP-2012-KimSLNJL #clustering #cpu #gpu #programming- OpenCL as a unified programming model for heterogeneous CPU/GPU clusters (JK, SS, JL, JN, GJ, JL), pp. 299–300.
PPoPP-2012-TaoBB #development #gpu #kernel #scalability #using- Using GPU’s to accelerate stencil-based computation kernels for the development of large scale scientific applications on heterogeneous systems (JT, MB, SRB), pp. 287–288.
PPoPP-2012-WernsingS #automation #heuristic #manycore #named- RACECAR: a heuristic for automatic function specialization on multi-core heterogeneous systems (JRW, GS), pp. 321–322.
IJCAR-2012-UrbasJ #named #proving- Diabelli: A Heterogeneous Proof System (MU, MJ), pp. 559–566.
CASE-2011-FalconiPB #modelling #network- Potential field-based microscopic modeling of road networks with heterogeneous vehicular traffic (RF, AP, CB), pp. 226–231.
DAC-2011-AuerbachBCRS #hardware #object-oriented- Virtualization of heterogeneous machines hardware description in a synthesizable object-oriented language (JSA, DFB, PC, RMR, SS), pp. 890–894.
DAC-2011-BeyneMP #3d #development #integration- 3D heterogeneous system integration: application driver for 3D technology development (EB, PM, GVdP), p. 213.
DAC-2011-SaripalliMDN #energy #hybrid- An energy-efficient heterogeneous CMP based on hybrid TFET-CMOS cores (VS, AKM, SD, VN), pp. 729–734.
DAC-2011-SonkusaleD #integration- Heterogeneous integration of carbon nanotubes and graphene microassemblies for environmental and breath sensing (SRS, MRD), pp. 723–728.
DATE-2011-BarrioMMMH #optimisation- Power optimization in heterogenous datapaths (AADB, SOM, MCM, JMM, RH), pp. 1400–1405.
DATE-2011-ChakrabortyR #manycore- Topologically homogeneous power-performance heterogeneous multicore systems (KC, SR), pp. 125–130.
DATE-2011-HuangRBK #adaptation #runtime #workflow- A workflow for runtime adaptive task allocation on heterogeneous MPSoCs (JH, AR, CB, AK), pp. 1119–1134.
DATE-2011-PerathonerLT #analysis #component #performance- Composing heterogeneous components for system-wide performance analysis (SP, KL, LT), pp. 842–847.
DATE-2011-PhadkeN #memory management- MLP aware heterogeneous memory system (SP, SN), pp. 956–961.
DATE-2011-RinaudoGCMP #approach #design #energy #performance #power management- Moving to Green ICT: From stand-alone power-aware IC design to an integrated approach to energy efficient design for heterogeneous electronic systems (SR, GG, AC, AM, MP), pp. 1127–1128.
HT-2011-ChiabrandoLLPD #ontology #semantics #similarity- Semantic similarity in heterogeneous ontologies (EC, SL, IL, CP, DTD), pp. 153–160.
HT-2011-LiuM- Extracting the mesoscopic structure from heterogeneous systems (XL, TM), pp. 211–220.
ICDAR-2011-RusinolATL #documentation #word- Browsing Heterogeneous Document Collections by a Segmentation-Free Word Spotting Method (MR, DA, RT, JL), pp. 63–67.
VLDB-2011-SunHYYW #named #network #similarity- PathSim: Meta Path-Based Top-K Similarity Search in Heterogeneous Information Networks (YS, JH, XY, PSY, TW), pp. 992–1003.
FoSSaCS-2011-Abel #similarity #type system- Irrelevance in Type Theory with a Heterogeneous Equality Judgement (AA0), pp. 57–71.
ICSM-2011-YazdanshenasM #bound #component- Crossing the boundaries while analyzing heterogeneous component-based software systems (ARY, LM), pp. 193–202.
PLDI-2011-PrasadAG #automation #compilation #execution #matlab #source code- Automatic compilation of MATLAB programs for synergistic execution on heterogeneous processors (AP, JA, RG), pp. 152–163.
ICEIS-v4-2011-MaL- Investor-manager Heterogeneous Beliefs and Corporate Financing Decision (JM, ZL), pp. 384–388.
ICEIS-v4-2011-ShailaVPTVP #named #network- KCSR: Keymatches Constrained Secure Routing in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (KS, GHV, CRP, VT, KRV, LMP), pp. 13–22.
KDD-2011-AlqadahB #clustering #framework #game studies #network- A game theoretic framework for heterogenous information network clustering (FA, RB), pp. 795–804.
KDD-2011-DengHZYL #modelling #network #probability #topic- Probabilistic topic models with biased propagation on heterogeneous information networks (HD, JH, BZ, YY, CXL), pp. 1271–1279.
KDD-2011-FujimakiSM #modelling #online- Online heterogeneous mixture modeling with marginal and copula selection (RF, YS, SM), pp. 645–653.
KDD-2011-JiHD #classification #network- Ranking-based classification of heterogeneous information networks (MJ, JH, MD), pp. 1298–1306.
KDIR-2011-MoralesCT #clustering- Clustering of Heterogeneously Typed Data with Soft Computing (AFKM, LECB, DTB), pp. 499–502.
KEOD-2011-PileggiFT #ecosystem #network #semantics- Enabling Semantic Ecosystems among Heterogeneous Cognitive Networks (SFP, CFL, VT), pp. 487–492.
KMIS-2011-OugoutiBAB #architecture #data flow #integration #semistructured data- Architecture of Medpeer — A New P2P-based System for Integration of Heterogeneous Data Sources (NSO, HB, YA, ANB), pp. 351–354.
MLDM-2011-CataltepeSBE #classification #using- Collective Classification Using Heterogeneous Classifiers (ZÇ, AS, KB, AE), pp. 155–169.
RecSys-2011-YuanCZ #recommendation #social- Factorization vs. regularization: fusing heterogeneous social relationships in top-n recommendation (QY, LC, SZ), pp. 245–252.
SIGIR-2011-DengZH #modelling #network #topic- Collective topic modeling for heterogeneous networks (HD, BZ, JH), pp. 1109–1110.
SIGIR-2011-ShiYGN #machine learning #network #recommendation #scalability #social- A large scale machine learning system for recommending heterogeneous content in social networks (YS, DY, AG, SN), pp. 1337–1338.
SIGIR-2011-WangRFZHB #learning #network #online #social- Learning relevance from heterogeneous social network and its application in online targeting (CW, RR, DF, DZ, JH, GJB), pp. 655–664.
BX-2011-Boronat #consistency #detection #maude #modelling #nondeterminism #specification #using- Inconsistency detection and resolution in heterogenous model-based specifications using Maude (AB), p. 53.
MoDELS-2011-KoudriCGT #component #design #evaluation #standard- Designing Heterogeneous Component Based Systems: Evaluation of MARTE Standard and Enhancement Proposal (AK, AC, SG, FT), pp. 243–257.
MoDELS-2011-KoudriCGT #component #design #evaluation #standard- Designing Heterogeneous Component Based Systems: Evaluation of MARTE Standard and Enhancement Proposal (AK, AC, SG, FT), pp. 243–257.
SAC-2011-ChenHT #clustering #power management #quality #requirements- Power management schemes for heterogeneous clusters under quality of service requirements (JJC, KH, LT), pp. 546–553.
SAC-2011-YouYH #framework #pipes and filters- A load-aware scheduler for MapReduce framework in heterogeneous cloud environments (HHY, CCY, JLH), pp. 127–132.
GTTSE-2011-PfeifferW #component #interface- Tengi Interfaces for Tracing between Heterogeneous Components (RHP, AW), pp. 431–447.
SPLC-2011-DhunganaSBRGBG #modelling #multi #product line #variability- Configuration of Multi Product Lines by Bridging Heterogeneous Variability Modeling Approaches (DD, DS, GB, RR, PG, DB, JAG), pp. 120–129.
CC-2011-GreweO #approach #clustering #using- A Static Task Partitioning Approach for Heterogeneous Systems Using OpenCL (DG, MFPO), pp. 286–305.
CGO-2011-WuHBW #energy #manycore #virtual machine- A HW/SW co-designed heterogeneous multi-core virtual machine for energy-efficient general purpose computing (YW, SH, EB, CW), pp. 236–245.
HPCA-2011-GhasemiDK #architecture #using- Low-voltage on-chip cache architecture using heterogeneous cell sizes for high-performance processors (HRG, SCD, NSK), pp. 38–49.
HPCA-2011-RanganPWB #performance #throughput- Achieving uniform performance and maximizing throughput in the presence of heterogeneity (KKR, MDP, GYW, DMB), pp. 3–14.
HPDC-2011-LiLTCZ #3d #cpu #experience #gpu #re-engineering- Experience of parallelizing cryo-EM 3D reconstruction on a CPU-GPU heterogeneous system (LL, XL, GT, MC, PZ), pp. 195–204.
LCTES-2011-VirletZGKGP #realtime #scheduling- Scheduling of stream-based real-time applications for heterogeneous systems (BV, XZ, JPG, BK, MJG, DAP), pp. 1–10.
PPoPP-2011-ChafiSBLAO #approach #parallel- A domain-specific approach to heterogeneous parallelism (HC, AKS, KJB, HL, ARA, KO), pp. 35–46.
VMCAI-2011-SteffenR #quality- Quality Engineering: Leveraging Heterogeneous Information — (Invited Talk) (BS, OR), pp. 23–37.
ASE-2010-Paulheim #component #user interface- Seamlessly integrated, but loosely coupled: building user interfaces from heterogeneous components (HP), pp. 123–126.
DAC-2010-CohenR #compilation #embedded #manycore- Processor virtualization and split compilation for heterogeneous multicore embedded systems (AC, ER), pp. 102–107.
DATE-2010-BenitezMRL #configuration management #memory management- A reconfigurable cache memory with heterogeneous banks (DB, JCM, DR, EL), pp. 825–830.
DATE-2010-BraakHKHS #realtime #resource management #runtime- Run-time spatial resource management for real-time applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs (TDtB, PKFH, JK, JH, GJMS), pp. 357–362.
DATE-2010-HaastregtHK #cost analysis #modelling #multi- Cost modeling and cycle-accurate co-simulation of heterogeneous multiprocessor systems (SvH, EH, BK), pp. 1297–1300.
DATE-2010-JalierLJSBT #mobile- Heterogeneous vs homogeneous MPSoC approaches for a Mobile LTE modem (CJ, DL, AAJ, GS, PB, LT), pp. 184–189.
DATE-2010-LammermannRKRVJH #design #towards #verification- Towards assertion-based verification of heterogeneous system designs (SL, JR, TK, WR, AV, AJ, LH), pp. 1171–1176.
DATE-2010-WhittySHEP #architecture #configuration management #memory management #performance- Application-specific memory performance of a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, BH, RE, WPR), pp. 387–392.
DocEng-2010-AutexierM #documentation #impact analysis #semantics- Semantics-based change impact analysis for heterogeneous collections of documents (SA, NM), pp. 97–106.
HT-2010-Murata #composition #network- Modularity for heterogeneous networks (TM), pp. 129–134.
TACAS-2010-DonaldsonKR #analysis #automation #manycore #memory management- Automatic Analysis of Scratch-Pad Memory Code for Heterogeneous Multicore Processors (AFD, DK, PR), pp. 280–295.
WCRE-2010-Boughanmi #analysis #multi- Multi-Language and Heterogeneously-licensed Software Analysis (FB), pp. 293–296.
STOC-2010-BhattacharyaGGM- Budget constrained auctions with heterogeneous items (SB, GG, SG, KM), pp. 379–388.
ICALP-v1-2010-GuptaKP #scheduling- Scalably Scheduling Power-Heterogeneous Processors (AG, RK, KP), pp. 312–323.
CAiSE-2010-MrabetBPT #documentation #semantics- Supporting Semantic Search on Heterogeneous Semi-structured Documents (YM, NB, NP, MT), pp. 224–229.
CIKM-2010-AzizR #data flow #multi #predict #robust #semistructured data- Robust prediction from multiple heterogeneous data sources with partial information (MSA, CKR), pp. 1857–1860.
CIKM-2010-KouCZZ #learning #ranking- Learning to blend rankings: a monotonic transformation to blend rankings from heterogeneous domains (ZK, YC, ZZ, HZ), pp. 1921–1924.
CIKM-2010-LiuTHJY #mining #network #topic- Mining topic-level influence in heterogeneous networks (LL, JT, JH, MJ, SY), pp. 199–208.
ICML-2010-CaoLY #learning #multi #predict- Transfer Learning for Collective Link Prediction in Multiple Heterogenous Domains (BC, NNL, QY), pp. 159–166.
ICML-2010-DondelingerLH #flexibility #information management #network- Heterogeneous Continuous Dynamic Bayesian Networks with Flexible Structure and Inter-Time Segment Information Sharing (FD, SL, DH), pp. 303–310.
ICPR-2010-KlareJ #image #recognition- Heterogeneous Face Recognition: Matching NIR to Visible Light Images (BK, AKJ), pp. 1513–1516.
ICPR-2010-ManjunathMS #classification #database #relational- A Practical Heterogeneous Classifier for Relational Databases (GM, MNM, DS), pp. 3316–3319.
ICPR-2010-YoonW #algorithm- Improved Mean Shift Algorithm with Heterogeneous Node Weights (JWY, SPW), pp. 4222–4225.
KDD-2010-DasMSO #algorithm #case study #detection #kernel #learning #multi #safety- Multiple kernel learning for heterogeneous anomaly detection: algorithm and aviation safety case study (SD, BLM, ANS, NCO), pp. 47–56.
KMIS-2010-AlonsoBL #behaviour #incremental #modelling- Incremental user Modeling with Heterogeneous user Behaviors (RA, PB, HL), pp. 129–134.
SIGIR-2010-ChatzichristofisA #database #image #retrieval- Late fusion of compact composite descriptorsfor retrieval from heterogeneous image databases (SAC, AA), pp. 825–826.
ICMT-2010-WimmerKKRSS- Surviving the Heterogeneity Jungle with Composite Mapping Operators (MW, GK, AK, WR, JS, WS), pp. 260–275.
MoDELS-v2-2010-Lee #modelling- Disciplined Heterogeneous Modeling — Invited Paper (EAL), pp. 273–287.
OOPSLA-2010-AuerbachBCR #architecture #named- Lime: a Java-compatible and synthesizable language for heterogeneous architectures (JSA, DFB, PC, RMR), pp. 89–108.
OOPSLA-2010-ChafiDMRSHOO #parallel- Language virtualization for heterogeneous parallel computing (HC, ZD, AM, TR, AKS, PH, MO, KO), pp. 835–847.
OOPSLA-2010-McIlroyS #architecture #manycore #named #runtime- Hera-JVM: a runtime system for heterogeneous multi-core architectures (RM, JS), pp. 205–222.
GPCE-J-2007-JungH10 #architecture #component #framework #scalability #specification- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures (GJ, JH), pp. 615–637.
SAC-2010-KnappMWZ #approach #specification- A heterogeneous approach to service-oriented systems specification (AK, GM, MW, AZ), pp. 2477–2484.
SAC-2010-LiuCGT #energy #mobile #performance- Energy efficient management scheme for heterogeneous secondary storage system in mobile computers (SL, XC, XG, DT), pp. 251–257.
SAC-2010-RomaniAZCTT #algorithm #mining #named- CLEARMiner: a new algorithm for mining association patterns on heterogeneous time series from climate data (LASR, AMHdÁ, JZJ, RC, CTJ, AJMT), pp. 900–905.
PLEASE-2010-HartmannKMRTY #component- Integrating heterogeneous components in software supply chains (HH, MK, AAJM, JR, TT, TYH), pp. 8–15.
SPLC-2010-HartmannKMRTY #component #integration #using- Using MDA for Integration of Heterogeneous Components in Software Supply Chains (HH, MK, AAJM, JR, TT, TYH), pp. 361–376.
ASPLOS-2010-GeladoCNSPH #distributed #memory management #parallel #symmetry- An asymmetric distributed shared memory model for heterogeneous parallel systems (IG, JC, NN, JES, SJP, WmWH), pp. 347–358.
CGO-2010-Newburn- There are at least two sides to every heterogeneous system (CCJN), p. 120.
HPCA-2010-LeeLSKKS #clustering #manycore- COMIC++: A software SVM system for heterogeneous multicore accelerator clusters (JL, JL, SS, JK, SK, ZS), pp. 1–12.
HPCA-2010-LiBKKRH #architecture #manycore #operating system- Operating system support for overlapping-ISA heterogeneous multi-core architectures (TL, PB, RCK, DAK, DR, SH), pp. 1–12.
HPDC-2010-TeodoroHCF #optimisation #runtime- Run-time optimizations for replicated dataflows on heterogeneous environments (GT, TDRH, ÜVÇ, RF), pp. 13–24.
LCTES-2010-WernsingS #adaptation #framework #manycore- Elastic computing: a framework for transparent, portable, and adaptive multi-core heterogeneous computing (JRW, GS), pp. 115–124.
DAC-2009-BaiocchiC #in memory #memory management #using- Heterogeneous code cache: using scratchpad and main memory in dynamic binary translators (JB, BRC), pp. 744–749.
DAC-2009-ChenJ #manycore #performance #scheduling- Efficient program scheduling for heterogeneous multi-core processors (JC, LKJ), pp. 927–930.
DAC-2009-GlassLTBC #analysis #architecture #design #encoding #hybrid #network- Designing heterogeneous ECU networks via compact architecture encoding and hybrid timing analysis (MG, ML, JT, UDB, SC), pp. 43–46.
DAC-2009-JavaidP #design #multi #pipes and filters- A design flow for application specific heterogeneous pipelined multiprocessor systems (HJ, SP), pp. 250–253.
DATE-2009-AnsaloniBP #architecture #embedded- Heterogeneous coarse-grained processing elements: A template architecture for embedded processing acceleration (GA, PB, LP), pp. 542–547.
DATE-2009-ChouM #design- User-centric design space exploration for heterogeneous Network-on-Chip platforms (CLC, RM), pp. 15–20.
DATE-2009-FummiPQA #energy #flexibility #network #simulation- Flexible energy-aware simulation of heterogenous wireless sensor networks (FF, GP, DQ, AA), pp. 1638–1643.
DATE-2009-KolligOH #framework #manycore- Heterogeneous multi-core platform for consumer multimedia applications (PK, CO, TH), pp. 1254–1259.
DATE-2009-RistauLAF #analysis #parallel- Dimensioning heterogeneous MPSoCs via parallelism analysis (BR, TL, OA, GF), pp. 554–557.
DATE-2009-SahuBP #concurrent #estimation #framework #multi #performance #thread- A generic platform for estimation of multi-threaded program performance on heterogeneous multiprocessors (AS, MB, PRP), pp. 1018–1023.
DATE-2009-WhittySEP #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- Mapping of a film grain removal algorithm to a heterogeneous reconfigurable architecture (SW, HS, RE, WPR), pp. 27–32.
DATE-2009-YangCKT #approximate #energy #multi #realtime #scheduling- An approximation scheme for energy-efficient scheduling of real-time tasks in heterogeneous multiprocessor systems (CYY, JJC, TWK, LT), pp. 694–699.
PEPM-2009-EversK #automation #network- Partially evaluated sensor networks: automatic specialization for heterogeneous wireless sensor & actuator networks (LE, JK), pp. 73–80.
PLDI-2009-SahaZCGYRFZRM #framework #programming- Programming model for a heterogeneous x86 platform (BS, XZ, HC, YG, SY, MR, JF, PZ, RR, AM), pp. 431–440.
CEFP-2009-FluetBFRRSX #functional #parallel #programming- Programming in Manticore, a Heterogenous Parallel Functional Language (MF, LB, NF, MR, JHR, AS, YX), pp. 94–145.
HIMI-II-2009-ParkLKC #network #performance- Freeze TCPv2: An Enhancement of Freeze TCP for Efficient Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks (MP, JL, JK, HC), pp. 448–457.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-GorawskiD #algorithm #distributed #execution #performance #query- Algorithms for Efficient Top-K Spatial Preference Query Execution in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment (MG, KD), pp. 43–48.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-MoserMBM #approach #integration #modelling #performance #requirements #semantics #using- Efficient System Integration using Semantic Requirements and Capability Models — An Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Business Services (TM, RM, SB, AM), pp. 56–63.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-FerriniB #approach #policy- A Comprehensive Approach for Solving Policy Heterogeneity (RF, EB), pp. 63–68.
ICEIS-J-2009-AliPTD #data flow #distributed #framework #named #semistructured data #xquery- DeXIN: An Extensible Framework for Distributed XQuery over Heterogeneous Data Sources (MIA, RP, HLT, SD), pp. 172–183.
CIKM-2009-NiC #xml- Dissemination of heterogeneous XML data in publish/subscibe systems (YN, CYC), pp. 127–136.
CIKM-2009-WangTFCYL #ranking- Heterogeneous cross domain ranking in latent space (BW, JT, WF, SC, ZY, YL), pp. 987–996.
CIKM-2009-ZhongL #graph #named #semistructured data- 3se: a semi-structured search engine for heterogeneous data in graph model (MZ, ML), pp. 1405–1408.
KDD-2009-GaoFSH #learning- Heterogeneous source consensus learning via decision propagation and negotiation (JG, WF, YS, JH), pp. 339–348.
KDD-2009-SunYH #clustering #network- Ranking-based clustering of heterogeneous information networks with star network schema (YS, YY, JH), pp. 797–806.
KEOD-2009-ArkoudasBK #logic #reasoning- Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Via 3-Valued Heterogeneous Logic (KA, SB, SK), pp. 80–87.
ECMDA-FA-2009-MilanovicCKWK #case study #industrial #information management #modelling- Model-Based Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems: An Industrial Case Study (NM, MC, RDK, JW, FK), pp. 325–336.
RE-2009-AlspaughAS #requirements- Intellectual Property Rights Requirements for Heterogeneously-Licensed Systems (TAA, HUA, WS), pp. 24–33.
SAC-2009-KasingerDB #coordination #distributed- Decentralized coordination of homogeneous and heterogeneous agents by digital infochemicals (HK, JD, BB), pp. 1223–1224.
SAC-2009-LinfordS #effectiveness #parallel- Vector stream processing for effective application of heterogeneous parallelism (JCL, AS), pp. 976–980.
SAC-2009-ParkKLKK #network #realtime #using- A mobility management scheme using SCTP-SIP for real-time services across heterogeneous networks (HP, MK, SL, SK, YK), pp. 196–200.
SAC-2009-QiuLS #embedded #framework #hardware #optimisation #realtime- Heterogeneous real-time embedded software optimization considering hardware platform (MQ, HL, EHMS), pp. 1637–1641.
SAC-2009-TreDWMC #approach- Heterogeneous bipolar criteria satisfaction handling in geographical decision support systems: an LSP based approach (GDT, JJD, NVdW, TM, NC), pp. 1704–1708.
SAC-2009-VasudevanE #compilation #concurrent #manycore- Celling SHIM: compiling deterministic concurrency to a heterogeneous multicore (NV, SAE), pp. 1626–1631.
HPDC-2009-GlasnerV #adaptation #predict #runtime- Adaptive run-time prediction in heterogeneous environments (CG, JV), pp. 61–62.
SOSP-2009-NightingaleHMHH #kernel #multi #named- Helios: heterogeneous multiprocessing with satellite kernels (EBN, OH, RM, CH, GCH), pp. 221–234.
RTA-2009-DuvalEP #approach #category theory #graph transformation- A Heterogeneous Pushout Approach to Term-Graph Transformation (DD, RE, FP), pp. 194–208.
DAC-2008-ChangWSC #algorithm #energy #multi #named- ETAHM: an energy-aware task allocation algorithm for heterogeneous multiprocessor (PCC, IWW, JJJS, CPC), pp. 776–779.
DAC-2008-GoraczkoLLMPZ #clustering #embedded #energy #multi- Energy-optimal software partitioning in heterogeneous multiprocessor embedded systems (MG, JL, DL, SM, BP, FZ), pp. 191–196.
DATE-2008-BeckRGC #configuration management #embedded- Transparent Reconfigurable Acceleration for Heterogeneous Embedded Applications (ACSB, MBR, GG, LC), pp. 1208–1213.
DATE-2008-BrisolaraORLCW #code generation #uml #using- Using UML as Front-end for Heterogeneous Software Code Generation Strategies (LBdB, MFdSO, RMR, LCL, LC, FRW), pp. 504–509.
DATE-2008-DeleddaMVBGMKRHBCPLMCD #communication #configuration management #design #framework- Design of a HW/SW Communication Infrastructure for a Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Processor (AD, CM, AV, PB, AG, PM, MK, FR, MH, JB, MC, LP, RL, GM, FC, TD), pp. 1352–1357.
DATE-2008-HolzenspiesHKS #multi #runtime #streaming- Run-time Spatial Mapping of Streaming Applications to a Heterogeneous Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSOC) (PKFH, JH, JK, GJMS), pp. 212–217.
DATE-2008-MeyerowitzSSL #multi #simulation- Source-Level Timing Annotation and Simulation for a Heterogeneous Multiprocessor (TM, ALSV, MS, DL), pp. 276–279.
DATE-2008-RistauLF #design #framework- A Mapping Framework for Guided Design Space Exploration of Heterogeneous MP-SoCs (BR, TL, GF), pp. 780–783.
DATE-2008-VasilevskiPBAE #modelling- Modeling and Refining Heterogeneous Systems With SystemC-AMS: Application to WSN (MV, FP, NB, HA, KE), pp. 134–139.
DATE-2008-VillarJGK #specification #using- Heterogeneous System-level Specification Using SystemC (EV, AJ, CG, TK).
SIGMOD-2008-ZhangB #distributed #named #xquery- XRPC: distributed XQuery and update processing with heterogeneous XQuery engines (YZ, PAB), pp. 1331–1336.
VLDB-2008-LiFWZ #data flow #effectiveness #keyword- An effective and versatile keyword search engine on heterogenous data sources (GL, JF, JW, LZ), pp. 1452–1455.
AdaEurope-2008-BordinTP #experience #integration #modelling- Experience in the Integration of Heterogeneous Models in the Model-driven Engineering of High-Integrity Systems (MB, TT, MP), pp. 171–184.
CAiSE-2008-IoannouNN #probability- Probabilistic Entity Linkage for Heterogeneous Information Spaces (EI, CN, WN), pp. 556–570.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-BarchettiBMS #framework #multi- A Framework to Support Interoperability and Multi-Channel Delivery Among Heterogeneous Systems: TRAME Project (UB, AB, LM, SSS), pp. 179–189.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-LoewensternS #lifecycle #using- IT Service Management of Using Heterogeneous, Dynamically Alterable Configuration Item Lifecycles (DL, LS), pp. 155–160.
CIKM-2008-ZhaoBZY #community #network #predict- Characterizing and predicting community members from evolutionary and heterogeneous networks (QZ, SSB, XZ, KY), pp. 309–318.
ICPR-2008-KhelifiZAM #categorisation #image- Unsupervised categorization of heterogeneous text images based on fractals (BK, NZ, AMA, RM), pp. 1–4.
KDD-2008-HoT #automation #multi #using- Automated cyclone discovery and tracking using knowledge sharing in multiple heterogeneous satellite data (SSH, AT), pp. 928–936.
KDD-2008-YeCWLZPBJLAR #data fusion #semistructured data- Heterogeneous data fusion for alzheimer’s disease study (JY, KC, TW, JL, ZZ, RP, MB, RJ, HL, GEA, ER), pp. 1025–1033.
KDD-2008-ZhaoWLYC #data flow #identification #multi #semistructured data- Identifying biologically relevant genes via multiple heterogeneous data sources (ZZ, JW, HL, JY, YC), pp. 839–847.
SIGIR-2008-NieD #topic- Separate and inequal: preserving heterogeneity in topical authority flows (LN, BDD), pp. 443–450.
MoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution- Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
MoDELS-2008-VermolenV #co-evolution #evolution- Heterogeneous Coupled Evolution of Software Languages (SV, EV), pp. 630–644.
SAC-2008-AntonellisMT #clustering #documentation #named #summary #using #xml- XEdge: clustering homogeneous and heterogeneous XML documents using edge summaries (PA, CM, NT), pp. 1081–1088.
SAC-2008-GuoLPHCDW #design #manycore #memory management- Hierarchical memory system design for a heterogeneous multi-core processor (JG, McL, ZP, LH, FC, KD, ZW), pp. 1504–1508.
SAC-2008-MatosCPO #adaptation #distributed #middleware #named- Serpentine: adaptive middleware for complex heterogeneous distributed systems (MM, ACJ, JP, RCO), pp. 2219–2223.
SAC-2008-YeLC #adaptation #mobile #network- Adaptive caching with heterogeneous devices in mobile peer to peer network (FY, QL, EC), pp. 1897–1901.
ASPLOS-2008-LindermanCWM #manycore #named #programming- Merge: a programming model for heterogeneous multi-core systems (MDL, JDC, HW, THYM), pp. 287–296.
HPDC-2008-CarreraSWTA #using- Managing SLAs of heterogeneous workloads using dynamic application placement (DC, MS, IW, JT, EA), pp. 217–218.
HPDC-2008-DiamosY #execution #named #runtime- Harmony: an execution model and runtime for heterogeneous many core systems (GFD, SY), pp. 197–200.
OSDI-2008-ZahariaKJKS #performance #pipes and filters- Improving MapReduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments (MZ, AK, ADJ, RHK, IS), pp. 29–42.
PPoPP-2008-DongarraPRV #matrix- Matrix product on heterogeneous master-worker platforms (JD, JFP, YR, FV), pp. 53–62.
ICST-2008-KolovosPP #consistency #detection #modelling #nondeterminism- Detecting and Repairing Inconsistencies across Heterogeneous Models (DSK, RFP, FP), pp. 356–364.
ICST-2008-RogozP #testing- The Role of Stability Testing in Heterogeneous Application Environment (KR, TP), pp. 432–439.
CASE-2007-DingAS #modelling #probability- Stochastic Modeling for Serial-Batching Workstations with Heterogeneous Machines (SD, RAT, JGS), pp. 77–81.
CASE-2007-DingSA #modelling #probability- Stochastic Modeling for Serial-Batching Workstations with Heterogeneous Machines (SD, JGS, RAT), p. 91–?.
DAC-2007-ChandraiahD #flexibility #generative #parallel #specification- Designer-Controlled Generation of Parallel and Flexible Heterogeneous MPSoC Specification (PC, RD), pp. 787–790.
DAC-2007-SheeP #design #multi #pipes and filters- Design Methodology for Pipelined Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System (SLS, SP), pp. 811–816.
DATE-2007-CampiDPCRMLVV #adaptation #configuration management- A dynamically adaptive DSP for heterogeneous reconfigurable platforms (FC, AD, MP, LC, PLR, CM, AL, AV, LV), pp. 9–14.
DATE-2007-OConnorCCDHH- Heterogeneous systems on chip and systems in package (IO, BC, KC, ND, MH, JH), pp. 737–742.
ICDAR-2007-ChenMT #documentation #layout #logic #recognition- Simultaneous Layout Style and Logical Entity Recognition in a Heterogeneous Collection of Documents (SC, SM, GT), pp. 118–122.
ICDAR-2007-TaghvaBC #documentation- Extracting _Carbon Copy_ Names and Organizations from a Heterogeneous Document Collection (KT, RB, JSC), pp. 664–668.
ICDAR-2007-WangR #documentation- Ink Annotations and their Anchoring in Heterogeneous Digital Documents (XW, SR), pp. 163–167.
SIGMOD-2007-Resende #data flow #semistructured data- Handling heterogeneous data sources in a SOA environment with service data objects (SDO) (LR), pp. 895–897.
TACAS-2007-MossakowskiML #set- The Heterogeneous Tool Set, Hets (TM, CM, KL), pp. 519–522.
PLDI-2007-WangCCJTGYLW #architecture #manycore #named #parallel #programming #thread- EXOCHI: architecture and programming environment for a heterogeneous multi-core multithreaded system (PHW, JDC, GNC, HJ, XT, MG, NYY, GYL, HW), pp. 156–166.
ICALP-2007-SchroderP #algorithm #composition #logic- Modular Algorithms for Heterogeneous Modal Logics (LS, DP), pp. 459–471.
HIMI-IIE-2007-Lee07d #modelling- Context Modeling and Inference System for Heterogeneous Context Aware Service (SL), pp. 413–422.
HIMI-MTT-2007-SeoKKJ #performance #ubiquitous- Performance Improvement of SCTP for Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Environment (DWS, HK, JK, JJ), pp. 747–754.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-ChieuCF #enterprise #information management #repository- Enterprise information search systems for heterogeneous content repositories (TCC, SKC, SSF), pp. 365–371.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-KraftM #api #independence #statistics- Statistics API: DBMS-independent access and management of dbms statistics in heterogeneous environments (TK, BM), pp. 5–12.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-MbarkiSV #architecture #documentation #information management #repository- A document repository architecture for heterogeneous business information management (MM, CSD, NVP), pp. 192–198.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-YangP #agile #process #user interface- Developing Agile User Interfaces for Heterogeneous Devices in Business Processes (YY, LP), pp. 179–184.
CIKM-2007-WangSC #named- Shine: search heterogeneous interrelated entities (XW, JTS, ZC), pp. 583–592.
ICML-2007-BusseOB #analysis #clustering #rank- Cluster analysis of heterogeneous rank data (LMB, PO, JMB), pp. 113–120.
KDD-2007-WangPM #analysis #component- Generalized component analysis for text with heterogeneous attributes (XW, CP, AM), pp. 794–803.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
MoDELS-2007-PleussVH #development #interactive #tool support- Integrating Heterogeneous Tools into Model-Centric Development of Interactive Applications (AP, AV, HH), pp. 241–255.
GPCE-2007-JungH #architecture #component #framework #scalability #specification- A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures (GJ, JH), pp. 33–42.
GPCE-2007-MaraninchiB #approach #component #embedded #modelling #named #programmable- 42: programmable models of computation for a component-based approach to heterogeneous embedded systems (FM, TB), pp. 53–62.
SAC-2007-HallerKVO- Handling heterogeneity in RosettaNet messages (AH, PK, TV, EO), pp. 1368–1374.
SAC-2007-JinM #network #scheduling- An analytical model for generalized processor sharing scheduling with heterogeneous network traffic (XJ, GM), pp. 198–202.
SAC-2007-LeeSKKP #community #named #ubiquitous- CriStore: dynamic storage system for heterogeneous devices in off-site ubiquitous communities (HL, YS, KK, DK, DP), pp. 1146–1150.
SAC-2007-SantoZ #adaptation #user interface- Reversing GUIs to XIML descriptions for the adaptation to heterogeneous devices (GDS, EZ), pp. 1456–1460.
SAC-2007-YangP #process #towards #user interface- Towards supporting user interface agility in developing heterogeneous device enabled business processes (YY, LP), pp. 1691–1692.
GTTSE-2007-AntkiewiczC #design- Design Space of Heterogeneous Synchronization (MA, KC), pp. 3–46.
ICSE-2007-LeclercqOQS #architecture #tool support- Supporting Heterogeneous Architecture Descriptions in an Extensible Toolset (ML, AEÖ, VQ, JBS), pp. 209–219.
ICSE-2007-MalekSRPM #architecture #concept #embedded #product line- Reconceptualizing a Family of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems via Explicit Architectural Support (SM, CS, SR, BP, NM), pp. 591–601.
CGO-2007-AletaCGK #architecture #clustering- Heterogeneous Clustered VLIW Microarchitectures (AA, JMC, AG, DRK), pp. 354–366.
LCTES-2007-AhnLP #architecture- Optimistic coalescing for heterogeneous register architectures (MA, JL, YP), pp. 93–102.
LCTES-2007-ChoAG #interface #manycore #modelling #synthesis #transaction- Interface synthesis for heterogeneous multi-core systems from transaction level models (HC, SA, DG), pp. 140–142.
LCTES-2007-ViskicAG #automation #communication #embedded #generative- Automatic generation of embedded communication SW for heterogeneous MPSoC platforms (IV, SA, DDG), pp. 143–145.
DATE-2006-AhnYPKKC #algorithm #architecture #configuration management- A spatial mapping algorithm for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (MA, JWY, YP, YK, MK, KC), pp. 363–368.
DATE-2006-AngioliniCLFFB #design #framework- An integrated open framework for heterogeneous MPSoC design space exploration (FA, JC, RL, FF, CF, LB), pp. 1145–1150.
DATE-2006-MartensE #synthesis #top-down- Top-down heterogeneous synthesis of analog and mixed-signal systems (EM, GGEG), pp. 275–280.
DATE-2006-PatelSB #behaviour #design- Heterogeneous behavioral hierarchy for system level designs (HDP, SKS, RAB), pp. 565–570.
DATE-2006-RadhakrishnanGP #multi- Customization of application specific heterogeneous multi-pipeline processors (SR, HG, SP), pp. 746–751.
DATE-2006-YangCBHS #communication #framework #integration- Communication and co-simulation infrastructure for heterogeneous system integration (GY, XC, FB, HH, ALSV), pp. 462–467.
VLDB-2006-SharafCLP #performance #query #scheduling- Efficient Scheduling of Heterogeneous Continuous Queries (MAS, PKC, AL, KP), pp. 511–522.
VLDB-2006-YinHY #clustering #named #performance #semantics- LinkClus: Efficient Clustering via Heterogeneous Semantic Links (XY, JH, PSY), pp. 427–438.
MSR-2006-HammoudaK #mining #repository- Concern based mining of heterogeneous software repositories (IH, KK), pp. 80–86.
SEFM-2006-BasuBS #component #modelling #realtime- Modeling Heterogeneous Real-time Components in BIP (AB, MB, JS), pp. 3–12.
CSCW-2006-RollandHM #concept #integration- Conceptualizing common information spaces across heterogeneous contexts: mutable mobiles and side-effects of integration (KHR, VH, EM), pp. 493–500.
CAiSE-2006-LinSHKS #framework #modelling #process #semantics- Semantic Annotation Framework to Manage Semantic Heterogeneity of Process Models (YL, DS, SH, JK, AS), pp. 433–446.
CIKM-2006-ZhangW #array #mining- Mining coherent patterns from heterogeneous microarray data (XZ, WW), pp. 838–839.
ICPR-v2-2006-RaoGSK #image- A Heterogeneous Feature-based Image Alignment Method (CR, YG, HSS, RK), pp. 345–350.
KR-2006-MaierHF #named- Dataspaces: Co-existence with Heterogeneity (DM, AYH, MJF), p. 3.
MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
SAC-2006-AhmedKL #algorithm #design #implementation #network- Design and implementation of a context-aware decision algorithm for heterogeneous networks (TA, KK, ML), pp. 1134–1138.
SAC-2006-Beugnard #assembly #component #empirical #encapsulation- Method overloading and overriding cause encapsulation flaw: an experiment on assembly of heterogeneous components (AB), pp. 1424–1428.
SAC-2006-BodhuinCPT #complexity #physics- Hiding complexity and heterogeneity of the physical world in smart living environments (TB, GC, RP, MT), pp. 1921–1927.
TestCom-2006-RodriguezMN #logic #testing- A Logic for Assessing Sets of Heterogeneous Testing Hypotheses (IR, MGM, MN), pp. 39–54.
DAC-2005-SuhKL #architecture- Cache coherence support for non-shared bus architecture on heterogeneous MPSoCs (TS, DK, HHSL), pp. 553–558.
DATE-2005-NolletAMV #low cost #migration- Low Cost Task Migration Initiation in a Heterogeneous MP-SoC (VN, PA, JYM, DV), pp. 252–253.
VLDB-2005-BonifatiCHLP #database #named #xml- HePToX: Marrying XML and Heterogeneity in Your P2P Databases (AB, EQC, TH, LVSL, RP), pp. 1267–1270.
VLDB-2005-GraupmannSW #documentation #retrieval #web #xml- The SphereSearch Engine for Unified Ranked Retrieval of Heterogeneous XML and Web Documents (JG, RS, GW), pp. 529–540.
FASE-2005-HammoudaHPK #using #variability- Managing Variability Using Heterogeneous Feature Variation Patterns (IH, JH, MP, KK), pp. 145–159.
CAiSE-2005-Ram #biology #data flow #semantics #towards- Toward Semantic Interoperability of Heterogeneous Biological Data Sources (SR), p. 32.
ICEIS-v1-2005-SuwanmaneeBCT #owl #relational- Wrapping and Integrating Heterogeneous Relational Data with OWL (SS, DB, PAC, PT), pp. 11–18.
KDD-2005-GaoLZCM #clustering #consistency #graph #higher-order #semistructured data- Consistent bipartite graph co-partitioning for star-structured high-order heterogeneous data co-clustering (BG, TYL, XZ, QC, WYM), pp. 41–50.
KDD-2005-MeruguG #data flow #distributed #framework #learning #semistructured data- A distributed learning framework for heterogeneous data sources (SM, JG), pp. 208–217.
GPCE-2005-EckhardtKPST #multi #programming- Implicitly Heterogeneous Multi-stage Programming (JE, RK, EP, KNS, WT), pp. 275–292.
SAC-2005-YangEY #database #security #semistructured data #specification- Mediation security specification and enforcement for heterogeneous databases (LY, RKE, HY), pp. 354–358.
PPoPP-2005-HeathDCMB #clustering #energy- Energy conservation in heterogeneous server clusters (TH, BD, EVC, WMJ, RB), pp. 186–195.
ICLP-2005-Bekes #optimisation #query- Optimizing Queries for Heterogeneous Information Sources (AGB), pp. 429–430.
ICLP-2005-Nogueira #information management #programming language- A Temporal Programming Language for Heterogeneous Information Systems (VN), pp. 444–445.
DAC-2004-KogelM #energy- Heterogeneous MP-SoC: the solution to energy-efficient signal processing (TK, HM), pp. 686–691.
DAC-2004-PieperMPTK #multi #simulation- High level cache simulation for heterogeneous multiprocessors (JJP, AM, JMP, DET, FK), pp. 287–292.
DAC-2004-SelvakkumaranRRK #algorithm #clustering #multi- Multi-resource aware partitioning algorithms for FPGAs with heterogeneous resources (NS, AR, SR, GK), pp. 741–746.
DATE-DF-2004-FummiMMPP #analysis #architecture #industrial #modelling #network- Modeling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Industrial Networks Architectures (FF, SM, MM, GP, MP), pp. 342–344.
DATE-DF-2004-FummiMPPRT #embedded- Heterogeneous Co-Simulation of Networked Embedded Systems (FF, SM, GP, MP, FR, MT), pp. 168–173.
DATE-v2-2004-KadayifKK #energy #multi- Exploiting Processor Workload Heterogeneity for Reducing Energy Consumption in Chip Multiprocessors (IK, MTK, IK), pp. 1158–1163.
DATE-v2-2004-SuhBL #multi- Supporting Cache Coherence in Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems (TS, DMB, HHSL), pp. 1150–1157.
VLDB-2004-RundensteinerDSZPM #adaptation #named #query- CAPE: Continuous Query Engine with Heterogeneous-Grained Adaptivity (EAR, LD, TMS, YZ, BP, NKM), pp. 1353–1356.
ICSM-2004-IsnardPBGFCCS #integration #maintenance- Integration, Customization and Maintenance of Heterogeneous Software with MECASP (EI, EP, RB, AG, VF, LC, DC, AS), p. 518.
PLDI-2004-YahavR #abstraction #safety #using #verification- Verifying safety properties using separation and heterogeneous abstractions (EY, GR), pp. 25–34.
CAiSE-2004-BoydKLMR #data flow #integration #named #semistructured data- AutoMed: A BAV Data Integration System for Heterogeneous Data Sources (MB, SK, CL, PM, NR), pp. 82–97.
CAiSE-2004-IturriozDA- Facing Document-Provider Heterogeneity in Knowledge Portals (JI, OD, SFA), pp. 384–397.
EDOC-2004-SvenssonVW #approach #architecture #consistency- Data Consistency in a Heterogeneous IT Landscape: A Service Oriented Architecture Approach (ES, CV, TW), pp. 3–8.
EDOC-2004-ZhaoBBROA #automation #code generation #component #distributed #integration- Automated Glue/Wrapper Code Generation in Integration of Distributed and Heterogeneous Software Components (WZ, BRB, CCB, RRR, AMO, MA), pp. 275–285.
ICEIS-v1-2004-DelgadoM #architecture #concept #database #integration #semantics #semistructured data #towards- Towards Conceptual Mediation: A Semantic Architecture For Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Databases (IND, JFAM), pp. 169–176.
ICEIS-v1-2004-FerrandinC #consistency #database #integration #power of #semistructured data #using #xml- Referencial Integrity Model for XML Data Integrated from Heterogeneous Databases Systems — Using the Power of XML for Consistent Data Integration (MF, MSdC), pp. 15–20.
ICEIS-v3-2004-LeeuwenDL #architecture #enterprise #integration #modelling #tool support- A Tool Integration Workbench for Enterprise Architecture — Integrating Heterogeneous Models and Tools (DvL, HWLtD, MML), pp. 470–478.
ICEIS-v4-2004-HampelHB #integration #standard #web #web service- Heterogeneous Integration of Services into an Open, Standardized Web Service — A Web service-Based CSCW/L System (TH, JH, TB), pp. 182–189.
ICEIS-v5-2004-DingS #distributed #library #towards- Towards the Schema Heterogeneity in Distributed Digital Libraries (HD, IS), pp. 307–312.
CIKM-2004-ShenSN #music #performance #retrieval- Integrating heterogeneous reatures for efficient content based music retrieval (JS, JS, AHHN), pp. 154–155.
ICML-2004-FungDBR #algorithm #kernel #performance #using- A fast iterative algorithm for fisher discriminant using heterogeneous kernels (GF, MD, JB, RBR).
KDD-2004-WrightY #distributed #network #privacy #semistructured data- Privacy-preserving Bayesian network structure computation on distributed heterogeneous data (RNW, ZY), pp. 713–718.
KR-2004-DohertySL #approximate #ontology #query- Approximative Query Techniques for Agents with Heterogeneous Ontologies and Perceptive Capabilities (PD, AS, WL), pp. 459–468.
SEKE-2004-MaidantchikSM #approach #distributed #information management #xml- Organizational Knowledge: an XML-based Approach to Support Knowledge Management in Distributed and Heterogeneous Environments (CM, GS, MM), pp. 427–430.
RE-2004-Cleland-HuangZL #requirements #traceability- A Heterogeneous Solution for Improving the Return on Investment of Requirements Traceability (JCH, GZ, WL), pp. 230–239.
SAC-2004-InverardiMN #adaptation #declarative #framework- A declarative framework for adaptable applications in heterogeneous environments (PI, FM, MN), pp. 1177–1183.
SAC-2004-KehagiasSCM #data flow- Information agents cooperating with heterogenous data sources for customer-order management (DK, ALS, KCC, PAM), pp. 52–57.
HPDC-2004-WuB #clustering #consistency #performance- Achieving Performance Consistency in Heterogeneous Clusters (CW, RCB), pp. 140–149.
DAC-2003-JersakE #analysis #dependence #multi #scheduling- Enabling scheduling analysis of heterogeneous systems with multi-rate data dependencies and rate intervals (MJ, RE), pp. 454–459.
DAC-2003-PaulBNPT #design #modelling #multi #programmable- Schedulers as model-based design elements in programmable heterogeneous multiprocessors (JMP, AB, JEN, JJP, DET), pp. 408–411.
DAC-2003-SzymanekK #constraints #graph- Partial task assignment of task graphs under heterogeneous resource constraints (RS, KK), pp. 244–249.
DATE-2003-KoorapatyCTPPS #architecture #logic #programmable- Heterogeneous Programmable Logic Block Architectures (AK, VC, KYT, CP, LTP, HS), pp. 11118–11119.
DATE-2003-MignoletNCVVL #configuration management #design #framework- Infrastructure for Design and Management of Relocatable Tasks in a Heterogeneous Reconfigurable System-on-Chip (JYM, VN, PC, DV, SV, RL), pp. 10986–10993.
DATE-2003-MuellerSEW #integration #network #tool support- Dynamic Tool Integration in Heterogeneous Computer Networks (WM, TS, HJE, JW), pp. 10946–10953.
DocEng-2003-ScheffczykBRS #consistency #documentation #formal method #repository #type safety- Consistent document engineering: formalizing type-safe consistency rules for heterogeneous repositories (JS, UMB, PR, LS), pp. 140–149.
VLDB-2003-Kuhn #database #semistructured data- The Zero-Delay Data Warehouse: Mobilizing Heterogeneous Databases (EK), pp. 1035–1040.
CSMR-2003-BovenziCF #legacy #web- Enabling Legacy System Accessibility by Web Heterogeneous Clients (DB, GC, ARF), pp. 73–81.
STOC-2003-ColeDR #network- Pricing network edges for heterogeneous selfish users (RC, YD, TR), pp. 521–530.
ICEIS-v1-2003-AhmadHAMW #approach #database #object-oriented #xml- An Integrated Approach for Extraction of Objects From XML and Transformation to Heterogeneous Object Oriented Databases (UA, MWH, AA, RM, IW), pp. 445–449.
ICEIS-v1-2003-ClaypoolR #database #framework #modelling #named #semistructured data- Sangam: A Framework for Modeling Heterogeneous Database Transformations (KTC, EAR), pp. 219–224.
ICEIS-v1-2003-LeopoldP #distributed #enterprise #framework #named #query- CQServer: An Example of Applying a Distributed Object Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Enterprise Computation of Continual Queries (JLL, TP), pp. 313–320.
ICEIS-v1-2003-MimounePA #approach #database #ontology #semistructured data- An Ontology-Based Approach for Exchanging Data Between Heterogeneous Database Systems (MEHM, GP, YAA), pp. 512–524.
ICEIS-v1-2003-MorochoSP #database #named #ontology #semantics- Ontologies: Solving Semantic Heterogeneity in a Federated Spatial Database System (VM, FS, LPV), pp. 347–352.
ICEIS-v1-2003-NiemiNS #database #distributed #grid- Integrating Distributed Heterogenous Databases and Distributed Grid Computing (TN, MN, VS), pp. 96–103.
ICEIS-v4-2003-ImperiaT #xml- An Extensible Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Representations of XML Data (MI, RT), pp. 357–362.
ICEIS-v4-2003-PoggiBSC #collaboration #named #network- Collaborator — A Collaborative System for Heterogeneous Networks and Devices (AP, FB, MS, SC), pp. 477–480.
UML-2003-Rouquette #architecture #uml- UML/MDA Reality Check: Heterogenous Architecture Style (NFR), p. 143.
SAC-2003-LiZLO #classification #functional #learning #semistructured data- Gene Functional Classification by Semisupervised Learning from Heterogeneous Data (TL, SZ, QL, MO), pp. 78–82.
SAC-2003-SaliceFVP #architecture #clustering #embedded #multi- Partitioning of Embedded Applications onto Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architectures (FS, WF, LDV, LP), pp. 661–665.
ICSE-2003-WohlstadterJD #distributed #feature model #middleware #named- DADO: Enhancing Middleware to Support Crosscutting Features in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems (EW, SJ, PTD), pp. 174–186.
HPDC-2003-RamanLS #policy #resource management- Policy Driven Heterogeneous Resource Co-Allocation with Gangmatching (RR, ML, MHS), pp. 80–89.
DATE-2002-BjorklundL #kernel #towards- Towards a Kernel Language for Heterogeneous Computing (DB, JL), p. 1136.
DATE-2002-RichterE #analysis #interface- Event Model Interfaces for Heterogeneous System Analysis (KR, RE), pp. 506–513.
VLDB-2002-RantzauCHM #co-evolution #information management #named- Champagne: Data Change Propagation for Heterogeneous Information Systems (RR, CC, UH, HM), pp. 1099–1102.
FoSSaCS-2002-Mossakowski #development #graph- Heterogeneous Development Graphs and Heterogeneous Borrowing (TM), pp. 326–341.
ICSM-2002-WilkieH #complexity #object-oriented #tool support- Tool Support for Measuring Complexity in Heterogeneous Object-Oriented Software (FGW, TJH), pp. 152–161.
CSCW-2002-Bossen #parametricity- The parameters of common information spaces: : the heterogeneity of cooperative work at a hospital ward (CB), pp. 176–185.
CSCW-2002-LiL- Transparent sharing and interoperation of heterogeneous single-user applications (DL, RL), pp. 246–255.
CAiSE-2002-AdibaZ #multi #web- Building Spatio-Temporal Presentations Warehouses from Heterogeneous Multimedia Web Servers (MEA, JLZM), pp. 692–696.
CAiSE-2002-DomenigD #data flow #query #semistructured data- Query Explorativeness for Integrated Search in Heterogeneous Data Sources (RD, KRD), pp. 715–718.
CAiSE-2002-McBrienP #approach #architecture #database #evolution #semistructured data- Schema Evolution in Heterogeneous Database Architectures, A Schema Transformation Approach (PM, AP), pp. 484–499.
ICEIS-2002-AlarconGYG #approach #data flow #integration #semistructured data- Data Sources Server: An Approach to Heterogeneous Data Integration (PPA, JG, AY, CG), pp. 3–10.
ICEIS-2002-ChristoffelSS #adaptation #automation #generative- Semi-Automatic Wrapper Generation and Adaption: Living with Heterogeneity in a Market Environment (MC, BS, JS), pp. 65–72.
ICEIS-2002-ConstantinescuHRM #co-evolution #information management- A System for Data Change Propagation in Heterogeneous Information Systems (CC, UH, RR, BM), pp. 73–80.
ICEIS-2002-HerreraM- Group Decision Making Based on the Linguistic 2-Tuple Model in Heterogeneous Contexts (FH, LM), pp. 358–366.
CIKM-2002-Amer-YahiaFGS #logic #physics #semistructured data- Logical and physical support for heterogeneous data (SAY, MFF, RG, DS), pp. 270–281.
ICPR-v3-2002-BresEG #clustering #documentation- Unsupervised Clustering of Text Entities in Heterogeneous Grey Level Documents (SB, VE, AG), pp. 224–227.
KDD-2002-BennettME #algorithm #kernel #modelling #named- MARK: a boosting algorithm for heterogeneous kernel models (KPB, MM, MJE), pp. 24–31.
KDD-2002-LiangK #mining #network- Mining heterogeneous gene expression data with time lagged recurrent neural networks (YL, AK), pp. 415–421.
SEKE-2002-Micucci #architecture #industrial #knowledge-based #monitoring- Exploiting the kaleidoscope architecture in an industrial environmental monitoring system with heterogeneous devices and a knowledge-based supervisor (DM), pp. 685–688.
SAC-2002-BrazierOSW #generative #migration #mobile- Agent factory: generative migration of mobile agents in heterogeneous environments (FMTB, BJO, MvS, NJEW), pp. 101–106.
SAC-2002-YoungBGL #difference #object-oriented #using- Using an object oriented model for resolving representational differences between heterogeneous systems (PY, VB, JG, L), pp. 976–983.
ICSE-2002-Puett #development #framework #modelling #tool support- Holistic framework for establishing interoperability of heterogeneous software development tools and models (JP), pp. 729–730.
HPDC-2002-IvanHAK #adaptation #distributed #framework- Partitionable Services: A Framework for Seamlessly Adapting Distributed Applications to Heterogeneous Environments (AAI, JH, MA, VK), pp. 103–112.
LCTES-SCOPES-2002-MohantyPND #agile #design #embedded #multi #simulation #using- Rapid design space exploration of heterogeneous embedded systems using symbolic search and multi-granular simulation (SM, VKP, SN, JRD), pp. 18–27.
DAC-2001-LyonnardYBJ #architecture #automation #generative #multi- Automatic Generation of Application-Specific Architectures for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (DL, SY, AB, AAJ), pp. 518–523.
DATE-2001-MoyaML #design #operating system- A hardware-software operating system for heterogeneous designs (JMM, FM, JCL), p. 820.
VLDB-2001-ManolescuFK #data flow #query #semistructured data #xml- Answering XML Queries on Heterogeneous Data Sources (IM, DF, DK), pp. 241–250.
CAiSE-2001-PuhretmairW #integration #xml- XML-Based Integration of GIS and Heterogeneous Tourism Information (FP, WW), pp. 346–358.
EDOC-2001-Ensel #approach #automation #dependence #modelling #scalability- A Scalable Approach to Automated Service Dependency Modeling in Heterogeneous Environments (CE), pp. 128–139.
ICEIS-v1-2001-RossiterNH #modelling #semistructured data- A Universal Technique for Relating Heterogeneous Data Models (BNR, DAN, MAH), pp. 96–103.
CIKM-2001-HergulaH #how #integration #query- How Foreign Function Integration Conquers Heterogeneous Query Processing (KH, TH), pp. 215–222.
CIKM-2001-JeongH #induction #xml- Induction of Integrated View for XML Data with Heterogeneous DTDs (EJ, CNH), pp. 151–158.
SAC-2001-RajeQM #information management #named- SIFTER-II: a heterogeneous agent society for information filtering (RRR, MQ, SM), pp. 121–123.
SAC-2001-StaudtKR #data flow #execution #process #semistructured data- Access to heterogeneous data sources for supporting business process execution (MS, JUK, UR), pp. 197–206.
ICSE-2001-Marsic #architecture- An Architecture for Heterogeneous Groupware Applications (IM), pp. 475–484.
VLDB-2000-ChangG #approximate #query- Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 566–577.
VLDB-2000-PappasC #design #development- Design and Development of a Stream Service in a Heterogenous Client Environment (NP, SC), pp. 578–589.
FASE-2000-EgyedM #approach #formal method #modelling- A Formal Approach to Heterogeneous Software Modeling (AE, NM), pp. 178–192.
ICSM-2000-Chiang #distributed #re-engineering- Leveraging Software Reengineering Systems for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments (CCC), pp. 254–261.
STOC-2000-RasalaW #network #strict- Strictly non-blocking WDM cross-connects for heterogeneous networks (AR, GTW), pp. 514–523.
EDOC-2000-ArreguiPR #approach #component #coordination- Heterogeneous Component Coordination: The CLF Approach (DA, FP, MR), pp. 194–203.
EDOC-2000-MecellaB #framework #information management #legacy- Cooperation of Heterogeneous Legacy Information Systems: A Methodological Framework (MM, CB), pp. 216–225.
CIKM-2000-Albert #multi- Theoretical Foundations of Schema Restructuring in Heterogeneous Multidatabase Systems (JA), pp. 461–470.
CIKM-2000-DomenigD #approach #data flow #query #semistructured data- A Query based Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources (RD, KRD), pp. 453–460.
SAC-2000-MinskyMU #distributed #tuple- Making Tuple Spaces Safe for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems (NHM, YM, VU), pp. 218–226.
SAC-2000-OchKO #data flow #semistructured data #using- Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sources Using the COIL Mediator Definition Language (CO, RK, RO), pp. 991–1000.
HPCA-2000-FigueiredoF #performance- Impact of Heterogeneity on DSM Performance (RJOF, JABF), pp. 26–35.
HPDC-2000-KonCMNB #distributed #named #operating system- 2K: A Distributed Operating System for Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments (FK, RHC, MDM, KN, FJB), pp. 201–210.
WICSA-1999-GruhnW #architecture #case study #experience #integration- Integration of Heterogeneous Software Architectures — An Experience Report (VG, UW), pp. 437–454.
DAC-1999-Grajcar #algorithm #multi #scheduling #search-based- Genetic List Scheduling Algorithm for Scheduling and Allocation on a Loosely Coupled Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System (MG), pp. 280–285.
DATE-1999-Dav #configuration management #distributed #embedded #hardware #named #realtime- CRUSADE: Hardware/Software Co-Synthesis of Dynamically Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems (BPD), pp. 97–104.
DATE-1999-MaestroMH #approach #hardware #problem- The Heterogeneous Structure Problem in Hardware/Software Codesign: A Macroscopic Approach (JAM, DM, RH), pp. 766–767.
DATE-1999-ScherberM #flexibility #modelling #performance #simulation- An Efficient and Flexible Methodology for Modelling and Simulation of Heterogeneous Mechatronic Systems (SS, CMS), pp. 784–785.
SIGMOD-1999-ChangG #query- Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources (KCCC, HGM), pp. 335–346.
VLDB-1999-JosifovskiR #database #object-oriented- Integrating Heterogenous Overlapping Databases through Object-Oriented Transformations (VJ, TR), pp. 435–446.
VLDB-1999-NaumannLF #information management #integration #quality- Quality-driven Integration of Heterogenous Information Systems (FN, UL, JCF), pp. 447–458.
VLDB-1999-TamuraK #clustering #mining #parallel- Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Association Rule Mining on Heterogenous PC Cluster Systems (MT, MK), pp. 162–173.
IFM-1999-BussowG #composition #framework #integration #tool support- A Modular Framework for the Integration of Heterogeneous Notations and Tools (RB, WG), pp. 211–230.
IFM-1999-Paige #communication #concurrent #refinement #specification #using- Specification and Refinement using a Heterogeneous Notation for Concurrency and Communication (RFP), pp. 353–372.
HCI-EI-1999-RistH #adaptation #generative #visual notation- Adaptive Generation of Graphical Information Presentations in a Heterogeneous Telecooperation Environment (TR, MH), pp. 331–335.
AdaEurope-1999-MillanLM #ada #adaptation #java #persistent #using- An Adaptation of our Ada95/O2 Binding to Provide Persistence to the Java Language: Sharing and Handling of Data between Heterogenous Applications using Persistence (TM, ML, FM), pp. 320–331.
CAiSE-1999-RezendeHOPR #approach #database #distributed- A Practical Approach to Access Heterogeneous and Distributed Databases (FdFR, UH, GdSO, RCGP, JR), pp. 317–332.
CIKM-1999-GhandeharizadehK #comparison #multi- A Comparison of Alternative Continuous Display Techniques with Heterogeneous Multi-Zone Disks (SG, SHK), pp. 442–449.
SAC-1999-VenkataramanaR #automaton #framework #learning- A Learning Automata Based Framework for Task Assignment in Heterogeneous Computing Systems (RDV, NR), pp. 541–547.
DAC-1998-CongX- Delay-Optimal Technology Mapping for FPGAs with Heterogeneous LUTs (JC, SX), pp. 704–707.
DAC-1998-KarkowskiC #algorithm #design #embedded #multi- Design Space Exploration Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Embedded System Design (IK, HC), pp. 82–87.
SIGMOD-1998-Cohen #database #integration #query #semistructured data #similarity #using- Integration of Heterogeneous Databases Without Common Domains Using Queries Based on Textual Similarity (WWC), pp. 201–212.
SIGMOD-1998-Miller #using- Using Schematically Heterogeneous Structures (RJM), pp. 189–200.
SIGMOD-1998-ReinwaldP #data access #semistructured data #sql- SQL Open Heterogeneous Data Access (BR, HP), pp. 506–507.
VLDB-1998-MiloZ #semistructured data #using- Using Schema Matching to Simplify Heterogeneous Data Translation (TM, SZ), pp. 122–133.
VLDB-1998-RezendeH #case study #database #experience #middleware #performance #problem- The Heterogeneity Problem and Middleware Technology: Experiences with and Performance of Database Gateways (FdFR, KH), pp. 146–157.
VLDB-1998-RezendeS #database #middleware #research- Bridging Heterogeneity: Research and Practice of Database Middleware Technology (FdFR, GS), p. 699.
VLDB-1998-VenkataramanZ #database #optimisation #query #semistructured data- Heterogeneous Database Query Optimization in DB2 Universal DataJoiner (SV, TZ), pp. 685–689.
WCRE-1998-Kolsch #distributed #information management #object-oriented #re-engineering- Object-Oriented Reengineering of Information Systems in a Heterogeneous Distributed Environment (UK), pp. 104–114.
STOC-1998-Bar-NoyGNS #multi #network- Multicasting in Heterogeneous Networks (ABN, SG, JN, BS), pp. 448–453.
CSCW-1998-TrevorRS #architecture- Out of this World: An Extensible Session Architecture for Heterogeneous Electronic Landscapes (JT, TR, GS), pp. 119–128.
CIKM-1998-BarjiBMS #named- Informia: A Mediator for Integrated Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources (MLB, TB, JM, GS), pp. 234–241.
KDD-1998-PinheiroS #database #mining #semistructured data- Methods for Linking and Mining Massive Heterogeneous Databases (JCP, DXS), pp. 309–313.
SAC-1998-Morin #parallel- Coarse grained parallel computing on heterogeneous systems (PM), pp. 628–634.
SAC-1998-YeadonDFB #mobile #video- Supporting video in heterogeneous mobile environments (NJY, ND, AF, GSB), pp. 439–444.
HPDC-1998-AndersenA #case study #clustering #implementation #multi- Implementation and Utilization of a Heterogeneous Multicomputer Cluster for the Study of Load Balancing Strategies (PHA, JKA), pp. 362–363.
HPDC-1998-BhatPR #adaptation #algorithm #communication #distributed- Adaptive Communication Algorithms for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems (PBB, VKP, CSR), pp. 310–321.
HPDC-1998-DongarraFGKPSSM #adaptation #configuration management #named- HARNESS: Heterogeneous Adaptable Reconfigurable NEtworked SystemS (JD, GEF, AG, JAK, PMP, SLS, VSS, MM), pp. 358–359.
LCTES-1998-Choi #distributed #optimisation #realtime- End-to-End Optimization in Heterogeneous Distributed Real-Time Systems (SC), pp. 235–249.
DAC-1997-Tirat-GefenSP #design #multi- Incorporating Imprecise Computation into System-Level Design of Application-Specific Heterogeneous Multiprocessors (YGTG, DCdSJ, ACP), pp. 58–63.
EDTC-1997-LiW #multi #scheduling- Hierarchical scheduling and allocation of multirate systems on heterogeneous multiprocessors (YL, WW), pp. 134–139.
PODS-1997-Hull #database #perspective #semantics- Managing Semantic Heterogeneity in Databases: A Theoretical Perspective (RH), pp. 51–61.
SIGMOD-1997-AtzeniT #database #multi #named #semistructured data- MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes (PA, RT), pp. 528–531.
VLDB-1997-GravanoG #internet- Merging Ranks from Heterogeneous Internet Sources (LG, HGM), pp. 196–205.
VLDB-1997-VassalosP #query #using- Describing and Using Query Capabilities of Heterogeneous Sources (VV, YP), pp. 256–265.
CIKM-1997-DolinAAD #architecture #distributed #named #scalability- Pharos: A Scalable Distributed Architecture for Locating Heterogeneous Information Sources (RD, DA, AEA, LKD), pp. 348–355.
TOOLS-ASIA-1997-PasalaR #collaboration #constraints #design pattern #flexibility #mobile #named- PolyConstraints: A Design Pattern for Flexible Collaboration in Heterogeneous Mobile Environments (AP, DJR), pp. 166–175.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-PiresM #architecture #corba- A CORBA Based Architecture for Heterogeneous Information Source Interoperability (PdFP, MLQM), pp. 33–51.
SAC-1997-LeeLP #approach #empirical #information management #towards #using- Towards Interoperable Heterogeneous Information Systems: An Experiment Using the DIOM Approach (YL, LL, CP), pp. 112–114.
SAC-1997-LiMII #communication- Booking heterogeneous processor resources to reduce communication overhead (DL, AM, YI, NI), pp. 354–360.
SAC-1997-MurthyK #concurrent #programming- Heterogeneous programming with concurrent objects (VKM, EVK), pp. 454–463.
SAC-1997-SongL #performance #predict #scheduling- Performance prediction based loop scheduling for heterogeneous computing environment (YS, WML), pp. 413–421.
HPDC-1997-KimL #distributed #network #parallel- Utilizing Heterogeneous Networks in Distributed Parallel Computing Systems (JK, DJL), pp. 336–345.
HPDC-1997-WeissmanZ #parallel #runtime #scheduling- Run-time Support for Scheduling Parallel Applications in Heterogeneous NOWs (JBW, XZ), pp. 347–355.
DAC-1996-AraujoML #architecture #code generation #using- Using Register-Transfer Paths in Code Generation for Heterogeneous Memory-Register Architectures (GA, SM, MTCL), pp. 591–596.
DAC-1996-VercauterenLM #architecture #embedded- Constructing Application-Specific Heterogeneous Embedded Architectures from Custom HW/SW Applications (SV, BL, HDM), pp. 521–526.
VLDB-1996-LevyRO #query #using- Querying Heterogeneous Information Sources Using Source Descriptions (AYL, AR, JJO), pp. 251–262.
ALP-1996-Benhamou #constraints #theorem proving- Heterogeneous Constraint Solving (FB), pp. 62–76.
SAC-1996-HuizingaM- Disconnected operation for heterogeneous servers (DMH, PM), pp. 312–321.
HPDC-1996-FigueiraB #modelling #performance- Modeling the Effects of Contention on the Performance of Heterogeneous Applications (SMF, FB), pp. 392–401.
HPDC-1996-IversonOF #distributed #estimation #execution #runtime #statistics- Run-Time Statistical Estimation of Task Execution Times for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing (MAI, FÖ, GJF), pp. 263–270.
SIGMOD-1995-LiC #database #integration #named #prototype #semantics #semistructured data- Semint: A System Prototype for Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases (WSL, CC), p. 484.
SIGMOD-1995-ShklarSKT #named #retrieval- InfoHarness: A System for Search and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Information (LAS, APS, VK, ST), p. 478.
VLDB-1995-ChenRS #clustering #database- Declustering Databases on Heterogeneous Disk Systems (LTC, DR, SS), pp. 110–121.
VLDB-1995-Madnick #database #scalability #semantics- From VLDB to VMLDB (Very MANY Large Data Bases): Dealing with Large-Scale Semantic Heterogenity (SEM), pp. 11–16.
VLDB-1995-MillinerBP #architecture #database #interactive #scalability #semistructured data- A Scalable Architecture for Autonomous Heterogeneous Database Interactions (SM, AB, MPP), pp. 515–526.
AdaEurope-1995-Kempe #ada #classification #data type #semistructured data- Heterogeneous Data Structures and Cross-Classification of Objects with Ada95 (MK), pp. 71–80.
CAiSE-1995-ShklarSKS #automation #metadata #named #retrieval- InfoHarness: Use of Automatically Generated Metadata for Search and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Information (LAS, APS, VK, KS), pp. 217–230.
CIKM-1995-SuLAYY #knowledge base #rule-based- An Extensible Knowledge Base Management System for Supporting Rule-based Interoperability among Heterogeneous Systems (SYWS, HL, JAAF, TFY, ZY), pp. 1–10.
KDD-1995-DaoP #integration #mining- Applying a Data Miner To Heterogeneous Schema Integration (SD, BP), pp. 63–68.
SAC-1995-FordTT #semistructured data #visualisation- Supporting heterogeneous data import for data visualization (RF, RT, DT), pp. 81–85.
HPDC-1995-CierniakLZ #scheduling- Loop Scheduling for Heterogeneity (MC, WL, MJZ), pp. 78–85.
SOSP-1995-SteensgaardJ #concurrent #thread- Object and Native Code Thread Mobility Among Heterogeneous Computers (BS, EJ), pp. 68–78.
DAC-1994-KalavadeeL #co-evolution #design #hardware- Manifestations of Heterogeneity in Hardware/Software Co-Design (AK, EAL), pp. 437–438.
DAC-1994-KuznarBZ #clustering #multi- Multi-way Netlist Partitioning into Heterogeneous FPGAs and Minimization of Total Device Cost and Interconnect (RK, FB, BZ), pp. 238–243.
HT-ECHT-1994-AndersonTW #hypermedia #named- Chimera: Hypertext for Heterogeneous Software Environments (KMA, RNT, EJWJ), pp. 94–107.
VLDB-1994-LiC #database #integration #network #semantics #semistructured data #using- Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases Using Neural Networks (WSL, CC), pp. 1–12.
ICML-1994-LewisC #learning #nondeterminism- Heterogenous Uncertainty Sampling for Supervised Learning (DDL, JC), pp. 148–156.
HPDC-1994-CrandallQ #composition #semistructured data- A Decomposition Advisory System for Heterogeneous Data-Parallel Processing (PC, MJQ), pp. 114–121.
HPDC-1994-MechosoFS #distributed- Running a Climate Model in a Heterogeneous, Distributed Computer Environment (CRM, JDF, JAS), pp. 79–84.
HPDC-1994-SaletoreJP #clustering #parallel- Parallel Computations on the CHARM Heterogeneous Workstation Cluster (VAS, JJ, MP), pp. 203–210.
ICLP-1994-MudambiS #network #parallel- Parallel CLP on Heterogeneous Networks (SM, JS), pp. 124–141.
VLDB-1993-CeriW #persistent #semantics- Managing Semantic Heterogeneity with Production Rules and Persistent Queues (SC, JW), pp. 108–119.
AdaEurope-1993-GlasgowN- Data Compatibility in a Heterogeneous Processor Environment (MJG, BDN), pp. 197–215.
CIKM-1993-RaschidCD #multi #query- Interoperable Query Processing with Multiple Heterogeneous Knowledge Servers (LR, YC, BJD), pp. 461–470.
ICSE-1993-TarrS #development #programming #transaction- Programming Heterogeneous Transactions for Software Development Environments (PLT, SMSJ), pp. 358–369.
HPDC-1993-CrandallQ #composition #network #programming- Block Data Decomposition for Data-Parallel Programming on a Heterogeneous Workstation Network (PC, MJQ), pp. 42–49.
HPDC-1993-HomerS- Supporting Heterogeneity and Distribution in the Numerical Propulsion System (PTH, RDS), pp. 187–195.
HPDC-1993-Skjellum #library #scalability- Scalable Libraries in a Heterogeneous Environment (AS), pp. 13–20.
VLDB-1992-DuKS #optimisation #query- Query Optimization in a Heterogeneous DBMS (WD, RK, MCS), pp. 277–291.
VLDB-1992-Raz #multi #principle #using- The Principle of Commitment Ordering, or Guaranteeing Serializability in a Heterogeneous Environment of Multiple Autonomous Resource Mangers Using Atomic Commitment (YR), pp. 292–312.
SIGIR-1992-Burkowski #database #process #retrieval- Retrieval Activities in a Database Consisting of Heterogeneous Collections of Structured Text (FJB), pp. 112–125.
HPDC-1992-BeckerD #distributed #simulation- Particle Simulation on Heterogeneous Distributed Supercomputers (JCB, LD), pp. 133–140.
HPDC-1992-NedeljkovicQ #network #programming- Data-Parallel Programming on a Network of Heterogeneous Workstations (NN, MJQ), pp. 28–36.
HPDC-1992-Sunderam #network #paradigm #tool support #tutorial- Tutorial I: Paradigms and Tools for Heterogeneous Network Computing (VSS), p. 282.
SIGMOD-1991-PerrizoRR #database #distributed #named- HYDRO: A Heterogeneous Distributed Database System (WP, JR, PR), pp. 32–39.
SIGMOD-1991-Thompson #distributed #question #standard- Are Standards the Panacea for Heterogeneous Distributed DBMSs? (CT), p. 446.
SIGIR-1991-JarvelinN #database #deduction #integration #retrieval- Advanced Retrieval From Heterogeneous Fact Databases: Integration of Data Retrieval, Conversion, Aggregation and Deductive Techniques (KJ, TN), pp. 173–182.
VLDB-1990-WangM #database #perspective #semistructured data- A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective (YRW, SEM), pp. 519–538.
CAiSE-1989-LuchnerKE #automation #tool support- Glueing CASE Tools Together in a Heterogeneous CASE Environment (PL, GRK, FE).
ASPLOS-1989-ArnouldBCKSS #design #multi #network- The Design of Nectar: A Network Backplane for Heterogeneous Multicomputers (EAA, FJB, ECC, HTK, RDS, PS), pp. 205–216.
VLDB-1988-PonsV #concurrent #database #distributed- Mixed concurrency control: Dealing with heterogeneity in distributed database systems (JFP, JFV), pp. 445–456.
SIGIR-1988-Simpson #network #query #retrieval- Query Processing in a Heterogeneous Retrieval Network (PS), pp. 359–370.
ASPLOS-1987-BisianiF #architecture #parallel #programming- Architectural Support for Multilanguage Parallel Programming on Heterogeneous Systems (RB, AF), pp. 21–30.
SOSP-1987-SchwartzZN #evolution- A Name Service for Evolving, Heterogeneous Systems (MFS, JZ, DN), pp. 52–62.
VLDB-1984-DeenAT #query- A Strategy for Decomposing Complex Queries in a Heterogeneous DDB (SMD, RRA, MCT), pp. 397–400.
VLDB-1982-FerrierS #database #distributed- Heterogeneity in the Distributed Database Management System SIRIUS-DELTA (AF, CS), pp. 45–53.
SIGIR-1973-Marcus #interactive #interface #network #retrieval- A Translating Computer Interface for a Network of Heterogeneous Interactive Retrieval Systems (RSM), pp. 2–12.