Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
2 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Gurov M.Dam T.Noll H.Svensson Á.Herranz-Nieva R.J.Rodríguez J.Mariño T.Arts G.Marpons-Ucero J.Mariño-Carballo M.Carro J.J.Moreno-Navarro
Talks about:
erlang (5) verif (5) distribut (3) program (3) system (2) code (2) function (1) descript (1) languag (1) conform (1)
Person: Lars-Åke Fredlund
DBLP: Fredlund:Lars==Aring=ke
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SEFM-2014-RodriguezFHM #erlang #execution #state machine #uml #verification
- Execution and Verification of UML State Machines with Erlang (RJR, LÅF, ÁHN, JM), pp. 284–289.
- PADL-2008-Marpons-UceroMCHMF #automation #consistency #logic programming #using
- Automatic Coding Rule Conformance Checking Using Logic Programming (GMU, JMC, MC, ÁHN, JJMN, LÅF), pp. 18–34.
- ICFP-2007-FredlundS #distributed #functional #model checking #named #programming language
- McErlang: a model checker for a distributed functional programming language (LÅF, HS), pp. 125–136.
- ASE-2001-FredlundGN #automation #erlang #verification
- Semi-Automated Verification of Erlang Code (LÅF, DG, TN), pp. 319–323.
- TACAS-2001-NollFG #erlang #verification
- The Erlang Verification Tool (TN, LÅF, DG), pp. 582–586.
- CADE-1998-ArtsDFG #distributed #erlang #source code #verification
- System Description: Verification of Distributed Erlang Programs (TA, MD, LÅF, DG), pp. 38–41.
- SAC-1998-DamF #distributed #on the #verification
- On the verification of open distributed systems (MD, LÅF), pp. 532–540.