Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
M.Bouneffa H.Basson N.Melab
Talks about:
applic (2) multi (2) chang (2) distribut (1) platform (1) softwar (1) program (1) manipul (1) languag (1) databas (1)
Person: Laurent Deruelle
DBLP: Deruelle:Laurent
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICSM-2001-DeruelleBMB #co-evolution #framework #multi #platform
- A Change Propagation Model and Platform for Multi-Database Applications (LD, MB, NM, HB), pp. 42–51.
- SCAM-2001-DeruelleMBB #analysis #distributed #multi
- Analysis and Manipulation of Distributed Multi-Language Software Code (LD, NM, MB, HB), pp. 45–56.
- ICEIS-1999-BouneffaBD #source code
- Analyzing the Impact of Schema Change on Application Programs (MB, HB, LD), pp. 37–44.