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315 papers:

CASECASE-2015-LeeKK #online #parametricity #using
Control of an aerial manipulator using on-line parameter estimator for an unknown payload (HL, SK, HJK), pp. 316–321.
CASECASE-2015-LuTZ #assessment #design #estimation #industrial #modelling
Model-based temperature estimation methods in design of industrial manipulator and their assessment (QL, GT, JZ), pp. 1242–1248.
CASECASE-2015-MaedaK #algorithm #hybrid
Inverse kinematics solution algorithm for continuous/binary hybrid manipulator (KM, EK), pp. 483–488.
CASECASE-2015-WahrburgMCMD #estimation #using
Cartesian contact force estimation for robotic manipulators using Kalman filters and the generalized momentum (AW, EM, GC, BM, HD), pp. 1230–1235.
CASECASE-2015-YuYS #multi
Motion planning and manipulation of multiple nanowires simultaneouly under electric-fields in fluid suspension (KY, JY, JS), pp. 489–494.
ESOPESOP-2015-DavidKL15a #reasoning #safety #source code #termination
Propositional Reasoning about Safety and Termination of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CD, DK, ML), pp. 661–684.
ICSMEICSME-2015-BiegelLD #behaviour #java
Live object exploration: Observing and manipulating behavior and state of Java objects (BB, BL, SD), pp. 581–585.
SANERSANER-2015-Martin #analysis #framework #towards
Towards a framework for analysis, transformation, and manipulation of Makefiles (DM), pp. 601–602.
SASSAS-2015-GargR #integer #linear #programming
Synthesizing Heap Manipulations via Integer Linear Programming (AG, SR), pp. 109–127.
CHICHI-2015-VuillemotP #navigation #ranking
Investigating the Direct Manipulation of Ranking Tables for Time Navigation (RV, CP), pp. 2703–2706.
CHICHI-2015-YanHC #behaviour
Masters of Control: Behavioral Patterns of Simultaneous Unit Group Manipulation in StarCraft 2 (EQY, JH, GKC), pp. 3711–3720.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-FayaziLCS #crowdsourcing #online
Uncovering Crowdsourced Manipulation of Online Reviews (AF, KL, JC, ACS), pp. 233–242.
QAPLQAPL-2015-RosendahlK #analysis #probability
Probabilistic Output Analysis by Program Manipulation (MR, MHK), pp. 110–124.
POPLPOPL-2015-VeanesMML #source code #string
Data-Parallel String-Manipulating Programs (MV, TM, DM, BL), pp. 139–152.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-MaleticC #analysis #semiparsing #source code #using
Exploration, Analysis, and Manipulation of Source Code Using srcML (JIM, MLC), pp. 951–952.
CASECASE-2014-AfaghaniA #concurrent #online
Advanced-collision-map-based on-line collision and deadlock avoidance between two robot manipulators with PTP commands (AYA, YA), pp. 1244–1251.
CASECASE-2014-CremerRP #physics
Robotic waiter with physical co-manipulation capabilities (SC, IR, DOP), pp. 1153–1158.
CASECASE-2014-HuangCM #optimisation
Motion planning of a 7-axis robot manipulator via Modified Tension Spline and convex optimization (SH, HHC, AGM), pp. 1278–1283.
CASECASE-2014-MurookaNNKOI #learning #physics #scalability
Manipulation strategy learning for carrying large objects based on mapping from object physical property to object manipulation action in virtual environment (MM, SN, SN, YK, KO, MI), pp. 263–270.
DATEDATE-2014-AmaruGM #diagrams #performance
An efficient manipulation package for Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams (LGA, PEG, GDM), pp. 1–6.
Key-recovery attacks on various RO PUF constructions via helper data manipulation (JD, IV), pp. 1–6.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-GulwaniM #data analysis #interactive #named #natural language #programming #spreadsheet
NLyze: interactive programming by natural language for spreadsheet data analysis and manipulation (SG, MM), pp. 803–814.
ESOPESOP-2014-BrainDKS #generative #proving #source code
Model and Proof Generation for Heap-Manipulating Programs (MB, CD, DK, PS), pp. 432–452.
ICPCICPC-2014-NoughiMMC #behaviour #comprehension #database #source code
Understanding the database manipulation behavior of programs (NN, MM, LM, AC), pp. 64–67.
SCAMSCAM-2014-TengeriBHG #analysis #repository #test coverage #testing #tool support
Toolset and Program Repository for Code Coverage-Based Test Suite Analysis and Manipulation (DT, ÁB, DH, TG), pp. 47–52.
PLDIPLDI-2014-DAntoniVLM #named #performance #transducer
Fast: a transducer-based language for tree manipulation (LD, MV, BL, DM), p. 40.
PLDIPLDI-2014-PekQM #c #data type #logic #proving #using
Natural proofs for data structure manipulation in C using separation logic (EP, XQ, PM), p. 46.
ICGTICGT-2014-JansenGN #execution #generative #induction #pointer #source code #symbolic computation
Generating Inductive Predicates for Symbolic Execution of Pointer-Manipulating Programs (CJ, FG, TN), pp. 65–80.
CSCWCSCW-2014-LaseckiTK #information management
Information extraction and manipulation threats in crowd-powered systems (WSL, JT, EK), pp. 248–256.
HCIDHM-2014-GaliastroZRMCL #development
Development of a Tendon-Driven Dexterous Hand for Fine Manipulation (JG, HZ, DR, AM, WC, KL), pp. 527–534.
CIKMCIKM-2014-KimC14a #named #query
TensorDB: In-Database Tensor Manipulation with Tensor-Relational Query Plans (MK, KSC), pp. 2039–2041.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-KrikavaCF #domain-specific language #named #scala
SIGMA: Scala Internal Domain-Specific Languages for Model Manipulations (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 569–585.
MODELSMoDELS-2014-KrikavaCF #domain-specific language #named #scala
SIGMA: Scala Internal Domain-Specific Languages for Model Manipulations (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 569–585.
PLATEAUPLATEAU-2014-KoitzS #comparison #education #empirical #hybrid #programming language #visual notation
Empirical Comparison of Visual to Hybrid Formula Manipulation in Educational Programming Languages for Teenagers (RK, WS), pp. 21–30.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2014-CornishGNSSS #array #program transformation #source code
Analyzing Array Manipulating Programs by Program Transformation (JRMC, GG, JAN, PS, HS, PJS), pp. 3–20.
SACSAC-2014-KrikavaCF14a #domain-specific language #modelling #using
Manipulating models using internal domain-specific languages (FK, PC, RBF), pp. 1612–1614.
CASECASE-2013-ChaouiS #adaptation #nondeterminism #parametricity
Adaptive friction compensation of flexible-joint manipulators with parametric uncertainties (HC, PS), pp. 300–305.
CASECASE-2013-KruseRW #framework
A sensor-based dual-arm tele-robotic manipulation platform (DK, RJR, JTW), pp. 350–355.
CASECASE-2013-SoviziK #matrix #nondeterminism #parallel #random #using
Uncertainty characterization in serial and parallel manipulators using random matrix theory (JS, VNK), pp. 312–317.
CASECASE-2013-VenatorLN #architecture #hardware #industrial #mobile
Hardware and software architecture of ABBY: An industrial mobile manipulator (EV, GSL, WSN), pp. 324–329.
DATEDATE-2013-StergiouJ #dataset #optimisation
Optimizing BDDs for time-series dataset manipulation (SS, JJ), pp. 1018–1021.
TACASTACAS-2013-DudkaMPV #contest #low level #named #verification
Predator: A Tool for Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation — (Competition Contribution) (KD, PM, PP, TV), pp. 627–629.
ICSMEICSM-2013-CollardDM #analysis #framework #named #semiparsing #source code #tool support
srcML: An Infrastructure for the Exploration, Analysis, and Manipulation of Source Code: A Tool Demonstration (MLC, MJD, JIM), pp. 516–519.
SASSAS-2013-DudkaPV #low level #verification
Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation (KD, PP, TV), pp. 215–237.
SASSAS-2013-Roy #source code
From Concrete Examples to Heap Manipulating Programs (SR), pp. 126–149.
CHICHI-2013-NguyenNL #3d #navigation #video
Direct manipulation video navigation in 3D (CN, YN, FL), pp. 1169–1172.
Still looking: investigating seamless gaze-supported selection, positioning, and manipulation of distant targets (SS, RD), pp. 285–294.
HCIHIMI-D-2013-NitscheN13a #named #query
QUEST: Querying Complex Information by Direct Manipulation (MN, AN), pp. 240–249.
CIKMCIKM-2013-DasLM #how #wiki
Manipulation among the arbiters of collective intelligence: how wikipedia administrators mold public opinion (SD, AL, MMI), pp. 1097–1106.
PADLPADL-2013-CanouCB #api #documentation #web
A Declarative-Friendly API for Web Document Manipulation (BC, EC, VB), pp. 109–124.
SACSAC-2013-ChenLWW #abstraction #source code #static analysis
Static analysis of list-manipulating programs via bit-vectors and numerical abstractions (LC, RL, XW, JW), pp. 1204–1210.
CASECASE-2012-DelettreLFV #3d #modelling
3-DOF potential air flow manipulation by inverse modeling control (AD, GJL, NLFP, CV), pp. 930–935.
CASECASE-2012-GeorgilasAM #automaton
Manipulating objects with gliders in cellular automata (IG, AA, CM), pp. 936–941.
CASECASE-2012-HoNNH #question #what
What can be inferred from a tactile arrayed sensor in autonomous in-hand manipulation? (VAH, TN, AN, SH), pp. 461–468.
Hydraulic actuators in application of robot manipulator (SJ, GL, HK, KA, JP, SR), pp. 924–925.
A simplified time-delayed disturbance observer for position control of robot manipulators (SJ, YGB, MT), pp. 555–560.
CASECASE-2012-KimPLPC #estimation #framework #parametricity
A parameter estimation method for the bilateral teleoperation framework for an O2 lance manipulator (HK, BP, JL, YJP, WKC), pp. 564–568.
Fabric manipulation utilizing contacts with the environment (MS, SH), pp. 442–447.
CASECASE-2012-VoisembertRM #evaluation
Numerical evaluation of a new robotic manipulator based on inflatable joints (SV, AR, NM), pp. 544–549.
Manipulation with vibratory velocity fields on a tilted plate (THV, PU, KML), pp. 942–949.
CASECASE-2012-WakamatsuAMAH #identification #image #towards
Property identification of a deformable belt object from its static images toward its manipulation (HW, MA, EM, EA, SH), pp. 448–453.
CASECASE-2012-YouKLKLH #algorithm #assembly #development
Development of manipulation planning algorithm for a dual-arm robot assembly task (JSY, DHK, SJL, SPK, JYL, CSH), pp. 1061–1066.
CASECASE-2012-YuPCCK #design #multi
Design and control of multi-degree-of-freedom shroud nozzle hydraulic manipulator in steel manufacturing (HY, YJP, ISC, WKC, KK), pp. 538–543.
VLDBVLDB-2012-LetelierPPS #analysis #named
SPAM: A SPARQL Analysis and Manipulation Tool (AL, JP, RP, SS), pp. 1958–1961.
FASEFASE-2012-AlbertBGHR #source code
Verified Resource Guarantees for Heap Manipulating Programs (EA, RB, SG, RH, GRD), pp. 130–145.
TACASTACAS-2012-LengalSV #automaton #library #named #nondeterminism #performance
VATA: A Library for Efficient Manipulation of Non-deterministic Tree Automata (OL, JS, TV), pp. 79–94.
FMFM-2012-GiorginoS #algorithm #correctness #pointer
Correctness of Pointer Manipulating Algorithms Illustrated by a Verified BDD Construction (MG, MS), pp. 202–216.
CHICHI-2012-AppertCP #named #undo
Dwell-and-spring: undo for direct manipulation (CA, OC, EP), pp. 1957–1966.
CHICHI-2012-KarrerWB #named #navigation #video
DragLocks: handling temporal ambiguities in direct manipulation video navigation (TK, MW, JOB), pp. 623–626.
CHICHI-2012-KaziIZD #design #gesture #interactive #named
Vignette: interactive texture design and manipulation with freeform gestures for pen-and-ink illustration (RHK, TI, SZ, RCD), pp. 1727–1736.
CHICHI-2012-SongGHFL #interactive
A handle bar metaphor for virtual object manipulation with mid-air interaction (PS, WBG, WH, CWF, XL), pp. 1297–1306.
CIKMCIKM-2012-TongPEFF #graph #scalability
Gelling, and melting, large graphs by edge manipulation (HT, BAP, TER, MF, CF), pp. 245–254.
ICMLICML-2012-KalakrishnanRPS #learning #policy
Learning Force Control Policies for Compliant Robotic Manipulation (MK, LR, PP, SS), p. 10.
Appearance control for human material perception manipulation (TA, KK, TS, SN, SY), pp. 13–16.
KDDKDD-2012-SongCWWYD #analysis #behaviour
Coupled behavior analysis for capturing coupling relationships in group-based market manipulations (YS, LC, XW, GW, WY, WD), pp. 976–984.
KEODKEOD-2012-Kavakli #artificial reality #collaboration #information management #ontology
Knowledge Engineering and Ontologies for Object Manipulation in Collaborative Virtual Reality (MK), pp. 284–289.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-CartrightCDDGKWYAMS #framework #multi #retrieval
A framework for manipulating and searching multiple retrieval types (MAC, EFC, WD, JD, LG, KK, XW, IZY, JA, RM, DAS), p. 1001.
Adversarial content manipulation effects (FR), p. 993.
BXBX-2012-AnjorinVS #constraints #graph grammar #programming
Complex Attribute Manipulation in TGGs with Constraint-Based Programming Techniques (AA, GV, AS), pp. 68–83.
LOPSTRLOPSTR-2012-Zinn #program analysis #reasoning
Program Analysis and Manipulation to Reproduce Learners’ Erroneous Reasoning (CZ), pp. 228–243.
SACSAC-2012-KokaANSY #graph #grid
Row manipulation in the heterogeneous tabular forms with a hexadecimal grid graph model (SK, KA, KN, YS, TY), pp. 792–793.
ICSEICSE-2012-MollerS #automation #detection
Automated detection of client-state manipulation vulnerabilities (AM, MS), pp. 749–759.
VMCAIVMCAI-2012-BouajjaniDES #abstract domain #automation #infinity #reasoning #source code
Abstract Domains for Automated Reasoning about List-Manipulating Programs with Infinite Data (AB, CD, CE, MS), pp. 1–22.
CASECASE-2011-DingRGS #programming
Mixed-integer programming for optimal path planning of robotic manipulators (HD, GR, DG, OS), pp. 133–138.
CASECASE-2011-DjebraniBA #feedback #mobile #modelling
Modelling and feedback control of an omni-directional mobile manipulator (SD, AB, FA), pp. 785–791.
CASECASE-2011-JasperF #detection #performance
Fast focus-based depth detection for manipulation in scanning electron microscopes (DJ, SF), pp. 375–380.
CASECASE-2011-KoyamaOHTMA #automation #multi
Multiple cell suction and supply system for automated cell manipulation on microfluidic channel (NK, KO, AH, TT, YM, TA), pp. 678–683.
PLDIPLDI-2011-DilligDAS #composition #precise #source code #summary
Precise and compact modular procedure summaries for heap manipulating programs (ID, TD, AA, MS), pp. 567–577.
FMFM-2011-GherghinaDQC #source code #specification #verification
Structured Specifications for Better Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs (CG, CD, SQ, WNC), pp. 386–401.
Direct manipulation through surrogate objects (BCK, WJ, NE, JSY), pp. 627–636.
CHICHI-2011-WigdorBPLW #gesture #interactive #multi #precise
Rock & rails: extending multi-touch interactions with shape gestures to enable precise spatial manipulations (DW, HB, JP, JL, SW), pp. 1581–1590.
HCIHCI-ITE-2011-HipplerKLPKJ #empirical
More than Speed? An Empirical Study of Touchscreens and Body Awareness on an Object Manipulation Task (RKH, DSK, LML, GMP, BAK, SDJ), pp. 33–42.
HCIHCI-MIIE-2011-XuS #performance #smarttech #web
Enabling Efficient Browsing and Manipulation of Web Tables on Smartphone (WX, YS), pp. 117–126.
HCIHIMI-v1-2011-Ito #communication #gesture #personalisation
Hand Gesture-Based Manipulation of a Personalized Avatar Robot in Remote Communication (TI), pp. 425–434.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2011-BorovskiySZK #api #enterprise #in memory #semantics
Semantically Rich API for In-database Data Manipulation in Main-memory ERP Systems (VB, CS, AZ, WK), pp. 253–260.
KEODKEOD-2011-YamasakiS #graph
A Graph Manipulation System Abstracted from e-Learning (SY, MS), pp. 466–469.
RecSysRecSys-2011-PraweshP #recommendation
The “top N” news recommender: count distortion and manipulation resistance (SP, BP), pp. 237–244.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-SinghS #data type
Synthesizing data structure manipulations from storyboards (RS, ASL), pp. 289–299.
SLESLE-2011-KlingJWBC #domain-specific language #named #query #repository
MoScript: A DSL for Querying and Manipulating Model Repositories (WK, FJ, DW, MB, JC), pp. 180–200.
CAVCAV-2011-DudkaPV #data type #logic #named #using
Predator: A Practical Tool for Checking Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures Using Separation Logic (KD, PP, TV), pp. 372–378.
CAVCAV-2011-HabermehlHRSV #automaton #verification
Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulation (PH, LH, AR, JS, TV), pp. 424–440.
CASECASE-2010-BonillaGCMLCZ #industrial
A vision-based, impedance control strategy for industrial robot manipulators (IB, EJGG, CACO, MOM, ALF, FRC, BZ), pp. 216–221.
CASECASE-2010-DingSPS #embedded
Improving motion of robotic manipulators by an embedded optimizer (HD, GS, BP, OS), pp. 204–209.
CASECASE-2010-HuSF #analysis #biology #using
Dynamics analysis and closed-loop control of biological cells in transportation using robotic manipulation system with optical tweezers (SH, DS, GF), pp. 240–245.
CASECASE-2010-LinAK #configuration management
Manipulator inverse dynamics computation on FPGA for reconfigurable applications (CSL, PKA, HK), pp. 810–815.
CASECASE-2010-LiYG #learning
Learning compliance control of robot manipulators in contact with the unknown environment (YL, CY, SSG), pp. 644–649.
CASECASE-2010-ShahNK #case study #optimisation #parallel
CAD-enhanced workspace optimization for parallel manipulators: A case study (HS, MSN, VNK), pp. 816–821.
SCAMSCAM-2010-Harman #analysis #source code #why
Why Source Code Analysis and Manipulation Will Always be Important (MH), pp. 7–19.
CHICHI-2010-HarrisonYH #performance #visual notation
Faster progress bars: manipulating perceived duration with visual augmentations (CH, ZY, SEH), pp. 1545–1548.
How users manipulate deformable displays as input devices (SSL, SK, BJ, EC, BK, XJ, DK, KPL), pp. 1647–1656.
CHICHI-2010-TuddenhamKI #multi
Graspables revisited: multi-touch vs. tangible input for tabletop displays in acquisition and manipulation tasks (PT, DSK, SI), pp. 2223–2232.
KDDKDD-2010-CaoOYW #behaviour #detection #sequence
Detecting abnormal coupled sequences and sequence changes in group-based manipulative trading behaviors (LC, YO, PSY, GW), pp. 85–94.
SEKESEKE-2010-BorovskiyKZ #api #enterprise
Data manipulation API in ERP systems (VB, WK, AZ), pp. 298–302.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-KanoulasDPA #modelling #robust
Score distribution models: assumptions, intuition, and robustness to score manipulation (EK, KD, VP, JAA), pp. 242–249.
POPLPOPL-2010-MagillTLT #abstraction #automation #source code
Automatic numeric abstractions for heap-manipulating programs (SM, MHT, PL, YKT), pp. 211–222.
POPLPOPL-2010-NanevskiVB #source code #verification
Structuring the verification of heap-manipulating programs (AN, VV, JB), pp. 261–274.
SACSAC-2010-FunfzigTA #constraints #parametricity #using
Haptic manipulation of rational parametric planar cubics using shape constraints (CF, PT, GA), pp. 1253–1257.
CAVCAV-2010-BouajjaniDERS #bound #invariant #source code #synthesis
Invariant Synthesis for Programs Manipulating Lists with Unbounded Data (AB, CD, CE, AR, MS), pp. 72–88.
ASEASE-2009-YuAB #analysis #generative #source code #string #using
Generating Vulnerability Signatures for String Manipulating Programs Using Automata-Based Forward and Backward Symbolic Analyses (FY, MA, TB), pp. 605–609.
CASECASE-2009-ChiddarwarB #coordination #multi
Dynamic priority allocation for conflict free coordinated manipulation of multiple agents (SSC, NRB), pp. 549–554.
DocEngDocEng-2009-KuijkGCB #declarative #documentation #multi #visual notation
Adding dynamic visual manipulations to declarative multimedia documents (FK, RLG, PC, DCAB), pp. 149–152.
TACASTACAS-2009-BjornerTV #analysis #source code #string
Path Feasibility Analysis for String-Manipulating Programs (NB, NT, AV), pp. 307–321.
SCAMSCAM-2009-KlintSV #analysis #domain-specific language #named #rascal #source code
RASCAL: A Domain Specific Language for Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (PK, TvdS, JJV), pp. 168–177.
HCIHIMI-DIE-2009-KanaiOM #3d #physics
Manipulation with Fingers in a 3-D Physical Space (YK, MO, HM), pp. 515–523.
RecSysRecSys-2009-RoyY #collaboration
Manipulation-resistant collaborative filtering systems (BVR, XY), pp. 165–172.
Taking total control of voting systems: firmware manipulations on an optical scan voting terminal (SD, SK, AK, LDM, NCN, AR, AS, NS, AAS), pp. 2049–2053.
CASECASE-2008-KimMHJL #image #nondeterminism #robust
Image-based robust control of robot manipulators with image Jacobian and dynamics uncertainties (CSK, EJM, SMH, MSJ, KWL), pp. 732–737.
CASECASE-2008-LiuL #analysis #interactive #mobile
Track-stair and vehicle-manipulator interaction analysis for tracked mobile manipulators climbing stairs (YL, GL), pp. 157–162.
CASECASE-2008-OkadaQHUK #multi #self
Multiple self-organizing maps for control of a redundant manipulator in an environment with obstacles (NO, JQ, MH, RU, EK), pp. 212–217.
DACDAC-2008-MilderFHP #implementation #representation
Formal datapath representation and manipulation for implementing DSP transforms (PAM, FF, JCH, MP), pp. 385–390.
DocEngDocEng-2008-BlouinBL #named
Malan: a mapping language for the data manipulation (AB, OB, SL), pp. 66–75.
PEPMPEPM-2008-VolanschiR #tool support
Unparsed patterns: easy user-extensibility of program manipulation tools (NV, CR), pp. 111–121.
FMFM-2008-NollR #pointer #thread #verification
Verifying Dynamic Pointer-Manipulating Threads (TN, SR), pp. 84–99.
CHICHI-2008-DragicevicRBNBS #video
Video browsing by direct manipulation (PD, GR, JB, DN, RB, KS), pp. 237–246.
CHICHI-2008-KarrerWLB #interface #named #navigation #video
DRAGON: a direct manipulation interface for frame-accurate in-scene video navigation (TK, MW, EL, JOB), pp. 247–250.
CHICHI-2008-MerrillRA #physics
The sound of touch: physical manipulation of digital sound (DM, HR, RA), pp. 739–742.
ICEISICEIS-HCI-2008-AkoumianakisMKV #component #interactive #visual notation
Generic Strategies for Manipulating Graphical Interaction Objects: Augmenting, Expanding and Integrating Components (DA, GM, DK, GV), pp. 21–29.
CIKMCIKM-2008-BordognaCPR #clustering #documentation #web
A language for manipulating clustered web documents results (GB, AC, GP, SR), pp. 23–32.
RecSysRecSys-2008-ResnickS #recommendation
The information cost of manipulation-resistance in recommender systems (PR, RS), pp. 147–154.
CASECASE-2007-Murphey #geometry
Geometric Derived Information Spaces in Manipulation with Mechanical Contact (TDM), pp. 338–345.
Enhancement of Manipulator Interactivity through Compliant Skin and Extended Kalman Filtering (JR, DOP), pp. 1111–1116.
CASECASE-2007-ShibataZHSF #scheduling #self
Generalization of Scheduling Information Acquired Through User Manipulation for Self-construction Production Scheduling System (TS, XZ, XH, YS, SF), pp. 33–38.
CASECASE-2007-YangCZN #framework #semantics #web
A semantic web based framework for bio cell manipulation (RY, JC, LZ, GN), pp. 812–817.
DATEDATE-2007-XuC #array
A cross-referencing-based droplet manipulation method for high-throughput and pin-constrained digital microfluidic arrays (TX, KC), pp. 552–557.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2007-BernsteinM #model management
Model management 2.0: manipulating richer mappings (PAB, SM), pp. 1–12.
TACASTACAS-2007-TsayCTWC #automaton #named #visual notation
GOAL: A Graphical Tool for Manipulating Büchi Automata and Temporal Formulae (YKT, YFC, MHT, KNW, WCC), pp. 466–471.
PEPMPEPM-2007-FernandesS #library #source code #tool support
Tools and libraries to model and manipulate circular programs (JPF, JS), pp. 102–111.
LISPILC-2007-MehnertB #domain-specific language
A domain-specific language for manipulation of binary data in Dylan (HM, AB), p. 22.
CHICHI-2007-HartmannAMK #authoring #interactive #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition
Authoring sensor-based interactions by demonstration with direct manipulation and pattern recognition (BH, LA, MM, SRK), pp. 145–154.
CHICHI-2007-TerrenghiKSI #interactive #physics
Affordances for manipulation of physical versus digital media on interactive surfaces (LT, DSK, AS, SI), pp. 1157–1166.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-CharissisNPP #design #interface
Designing a Direct Manipulation HUD Interface for In-Vehicle Infotainment (VC, MN, SP, MP), pp. 551–559.
HCIHCI-MIE-2007-LiLXJ #gesture #interface #named
EyeScreen: A Gesture Interface for Manipulating On-Screen Objects (SL, JL, YX, YJ), pp. 710–717.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-LeeL #design #navigation
Integrated Physically Based Manipulation and Decision-Making Tree for Navigation to Support Design Rationale (JHL, TCL), pp. 480–489.
RecSysRecSys-2007-ResnickS #recommendation
The influence limiter: provably manipulation-resistant recommender systems (PR, RS), pp. 25–32.
SEKESEKE-2007-Virgilio #information management #web
Processing Manipulations of Context Information on the Web (RDV), pp. 268–273.
CAVCAV-2007-GulwaniT #abstract domain #bytecode #low level
An Abstract Domain for Analyzing Heap-Manipulating Low-Level Software (SG, AT), pp. 379–392.
VMCAIVMCAI-2007-RakamaricBH #data type #source code #verification
An Inference-Rule-Based Decision Procedure for Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs with Mutable Data and Cyclic Data Structures (ZR, JDB, AJH), pp. 106–121.
CASECASE-2006-LopatinY #algorithm #approximate #polynomial #using
Using the forward search and the polynomial approximation algorithms in the exact algorithm for manipulator’s control in an unknown environment (PKL, ASY), pp. 206–211.
CASECASE-2006-QiuCS #constraints
Redundant Manipulator Control with Constraints for Subgoals (CQ, QC, YS), pp. 212–217.
CASECASE-2006-ZhangC #framework #simulation
A Simulation Framework for Cell Manipulation (LZ, JC), pp. 27–32.
SCAMSCAM-J-2005-AntoniolKT06 #analysis #source code
Special issue on Source code analysis and manipulation (GA, JK, PT), pp. 205–208.
SASSAS-2006-AllamigeonGH #c #embedded #source code #static analysis #string
Static Analysis of String Manipulations in Critical Embedded C Programs (XA, WG, CH), pp. 35–51.
FMFM-2006-Preoteasa #logic #pointer #recursion #using #verification
Mechanical Verification of Recursive Procedures Manipulating Pointers Using Separation Logic (VP), pp. 508–523.
CHICHI-2006-JiangOMS #interactive #pointer #using
Direct pointer: direct manipulation for large-display interaction using handheld cameras (HJ, EO, NM, YS), pp. 1107–1110.
CHICHI-2006-LatulipeMKC #named #symmetry
symSpline: symmetric two-handed spline manipulation (CL, SM, CSK, CLAC), pp. 349–358.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-Bayro-CorrochanoM #algebra #fuzzy #geometry #logic #using
Object Manipulation using Fuzzy Logic and Geometric Algebra (EBC, RMC), pp. 1120–1123.
ICPRICPR-v2-2006-KrizekKH #feature model #set
Feature selection based on the training set manipulation (PK, JK, VH), pp. 658–661.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-TombelleV #modelling
Dynamic and Generic Manipulation of Models: From Introspection to Scripting (CT, GV), pp. 395–409.
MODELSMoDELS-2006-TombelleV #modelling
Dynamic and Generic Manipulation of Models: From Introspection to Scripting (CT, GV), pp. 395–409.
CGOCGO-2006-HazelwoodC #architecture #interface
A Cross-Architectural Interface for Code Cache Manipulation (KMH, RSC), pp. 17–27.
VMCAIVMCAI-2006-BinghamR #abstraction #logic #source code
A Logic and Decision Procedure for Predicate Abstraction of Heap-Manipulating Programs (JDB, ZR), pp. 207–221.
DATEDATE-2005-CabodiCNQ #bound #model checking #quantifier #set
Circuit Based Quantification: Back to State Set Manipulation within Unbounded Model Checking (GC, MC, SN, SQ), pp. 688–689.
DocEngDocEng-2005-MacdonaldBB #component #encapsulation #using
Encapsulating and manipulating component object graphics (COGs) using SVG (AJM, DFB, SRB), pp. 61–63.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-KollingH #game studies #programming
Game programming in introductory courses with direct state manipulation (MK, PH), pp. 59–63.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2005-MoreiraR #interactive
Interactive manipulation of regular objects with FAdo (NM, RR), pp. 335–339.
The vacuum: facilitating the manipulation of distant objects (AB, RB), pp. 361–370.
CHICHI-2005-VoidaPKP #2d #artificial reality #case study
A study on the manipulation of 2D objects in a projector/camera-based augmented reality environment (SV, MP, RK, CSP), pp. 611–620.
CHICHI-2005-ZuckermanAR #education #interface
Extending tangible interfaces for education: digital montessori-inspired manipulatives (OZ, SA, MR), pp. 859–868.
ECIRECIR-2005-BoydellGSS #modelling
Manipulating the Relevance Models of Existing Search Engines (OB, CG, AFS, BS), pp. 540–542.
The concern manipulation environment (WC, WHH, VJK, HO, SMSJ, PLT, MC, AC, HH, SJ), pp. 666–667.
HTHT-2004-KhandelwalKM #generative #hypermedia
Manipulating history in generative hypermedia (MK, AK, JMM), pp. 139–140.
VLDBVLDB-2004-HoweM #algebra #dataset
Algebraic Manipulation of Scientific Datasets (BH, DM), pp. 924–935.
FASEFASE-2004-BardohlELT #aspect-oriented #graph transformation #metamodelling #performance #visual notation
Integrating Meta-modelling Aspects with Graph Transformation for Efficient Visual Language Definition and Model Manipulation (RB, HE, JdL, GT), pp. 214–228.
CIAACIAA-2004-FrishertCW #automaton #finite #regular expression
FIRE Station: An Environment for Manipulating Finite Automata and Regular Expression Views (MF, LGC, BWW), pp. 125–133.
CHICHI-2004-BeamishMF #interactive #multimodal #music
Manipulating music: multimodal interaction for DJs (TB, KEM, SF), pp. 327–334.
ICPRICPR-v3-2004-FritschHS #gesture #recognition
Combining Sensory and Symbolic Data for Manipulative Gesture Recognition (JF, NH, GS), pp. 930–933.
DACDAC-2003-AmlaniZTNT #component
Manipulation and characterization of molecular scale components (IA, RZ, JT, LN, RKT), pp. 276–277.
DATEDATE-2003-GoelB #analysis #functional #reachability #set
Set Manipulation with Boolean Functional Vectors for Symbolic Reachability Analysis (AG, REB), pp. 10816–10821.
Manipulating Trees with Hidden Labels (LC, PG, GG), pp. 216–232.
TACASTACAS-2003-VaziriJ #constraints #theorem proving
Checking Properties of Heap-Manipulating Procedures with a Constraint Solver (MV, DJ), pp. 505–520.
WCREWCRE-2003-Al-GahmiJCD #corba
Supporting Quick and Dirty CORBA Introspection and Manipulation (AAG, CJ, JEC, BD), pp. 228–237.
CHICHI-2003-GrossmanBS #interface #using
An interface for creating and manipulating curves using a high degree-of-freedom curve input device (TG, RB, KS), pp. 185–192.
PADLPADL-2003-KiselyovK #named #xml
SXSLT: Manipulation Language for XML (OK, SK), pp. 256–272.
PASTEPASTE-2002-Fiskio-LasseterY #equation #graph #programming
Flow equations as a generic programming tool for manipulation of attributed graphs (JHEFL, MY), pp. 69–76.
CHICHI-2002-Rekimoto #for free #framework #interactive #named
SmartSkin: an infrastructure for freehand manipulation on interactive surfaces (JR), pp. 113–120.
ICPRICPR-v2-2002-YonemotoT #3d #interactive #interface
Vision-Based 3D Direct Manipulation Interface for Smart Interaction (SY, RiT), pp. 655–654.
GPCEGPCE-2002-TanterSNP #bytecode #java #semantics
Altering Java Semantics via Bytecode Manipulation (ÉT, MSD, JN, JMP), pp. 283–298.
DATEDATE-2001-MinatoI #combinator #problem #scalability #streaming
Streaming BDD manipulation for large-scale combinatorial problems (SiM, SI), pp. 702–707.
DocEngDocEng-2001-VarlamisV #database #documentation #generative #relational #using #xml
Bridging XML-schema and relational databases: a system for generating and manipulating relational databases using valid XML documents (IV, MV), pp. 105–114.
DocEngDocEng-2001-Villard #adaptation #authoring #multi
Authoring transformations by direct manipulation for adaptable multimedia presentations (LV), pp. 125–134.
VLDBVLDB-2001-May #integration #named #xml
LoPiX: A System for XML Data Integration and Manipulation (WM), pp. 707–708.
A Support Tool for Annotated Program Manipulation (VNK), pp. 85–94.
SCAMSCAM-2001-DeruelleMBB #analysis #distributed #multi
Analysis and Manipulation of Distributed Multi-Language Software Code (LD, NM, MB, HB), pp. 45–56.
SCAMSCAM-2001-Ward #analysis #approach #source code
The Formal Transformation Approach to Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (MPW), pp. 187–195.
SASSAS-2001-DorRS #analysis #c #integer #source code #string
Cleanness Checking of String Manipulations in C Programs via Integer Analysis (ND, MR, SS), pp. 194–212.
CHICHI-2001-KierasMB #execution #modelling #towards
Towards demystification of direct manipulation: cognitive modeling charts the gulf of execution (DEK, DM, JAB), pp. 128–135.
A function-based join for the manipulation of possibilistic relations (PB, LL, OP), pp. 472–476.
CAVCAV-2001-Cabodi #named #representation
Meta-BDDs: A Decomposed Representation for Layered Symbolic Manipulation of Boolean Functions (GC), pp. 118–130.
Manipulating Interpolated Data is Easier than You Thought (SG, PR, LS), pp. 156–165.
IFLIFL-2000-Grelck #array #effectiveness #layout
Improving Cache Effectiveness through Array Data Layout Manipulation in SAC (CG), pp. 231–248.
CHICHI-2000-WangM #constraints #visual notation
The role of contextual haptic and visual constraints on object manipulation in virtual environments (YW, CLM), pp. 532–539.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-FlorianiMP #3d #online
On-line Space Sculpturing for 3D Shape Manipulation (LDF, PM, EP), pp. 1105–1108.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-MasakiYKK #generative #image #interactive
Generating Images with Interactive Manipulation and its Model Capture (TM, TY, YK, FK), pp. 4473–4476.
ASEASE-1999-Stirewalt #user interface
Separating Concerns in Direct Manipulation User Interfaces (KS), p. 199–?.
CHICHI-1999-BalakrishnanK #3d #interface
Exploring Bimanual Camera Control and Object Manipulation in 3D Graphics Interfaces (RB, GK), pp. 56–62.
CHICHI-1999-WangM #matter
Object Manipulation in Virtual Environments: Relative Size Matters (YW, CLM), pp. 48–55.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-GrundelS #communication #process #user interface
A direct manipulation user interface for the control of communication processes — making call handling manageable (CG, MSH), pp. 8–13.
HCIHCI-CCAD-1999-OshibaT #3d #modelling
Three-dimensional modeling environment “claymore” based on augmented direct manipulation technique (TO, JT), pp. 1075–1079.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-ElzerFB #internet #user interface
A Direct Manipulation User Interface for a Telerobot on the Internet (PFE, HF, RB), pp. 585–589.
HCIHCI-EI-1999-SteffanKB #3d #design #feedback #interactive #multimodal
Design of Multimodal Feedback Mechanisms for Interactive 3D Object Manipulation (RS, TK, FB), pp. 461–465.
ESOPESOP-1998-Scherlis #case study #data transformation #representation
Systematic Change of Data Representation: Program Manipulations and a Case Study (WLS), pp. 252–266.
IWPCIWPC-1998-Lakhotia #development #named
DIME: A Direct Manipulation Environment for Evolutionary Development of Software (AL), pp. 72–79.
WCREWCRE-1998-Holt #algebra #architecture #relational #using
Structural Manipulations of Software Architecture using Tarski Relational Algebra (RCH), pp. 210–219.
FLOPSFLOPS-1998-IwasakiHT #recursion #towards
Towards Manipulation of Mutually Recursive Functions (HI, ZH, MT), pp. 61–79.
ICALPICALP-1998-Overmars #algorithm #geometry
Geometric Algorithms for Robotic Manipulation (MHO), pp. 116–117.
CHICHI-1998-GorbetOI #interface #named
Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital Information Topography (MGG, MO, HI), pp. 49–56.
CHICHI-1998-HarrisonFGMW #exclamation #user interface
Squeeze Me, Hold Me, Tilt Me! An Exploration of Manipulative User Interfaces (BLH, KPF, AG, CM, RW), pp. 17–24.
Digital Manipulatives: New Toys to Think With (MR, FM, RB, RB, VC, KK, BS), pp. 281–287.
CSCWCSCW-1998-BanavarDMM #collaboration
Rapidly Building Synchronous Collaborative Applications by Direct Manipulation (GB, SD, KM, BM), pp. 139–148.
ICPRICPR-1998-MasakiYKK #interactive #using #video
Interactive manipulation through augmented virtuality using processed video contents (TM, TY, YK, FK), pp. 1219–1222.
ICSEICSE-1998-ChanBS #analysis #named #specification
Promises: Limited Specifications for Analysis and Manipulation (ECC, JB, WLS), pp. 167–176.
VLDBVLDB-1997-MaratheS #array
A Language for Manipulating Arrays (APM, KS), pp. 46–55.
TACASTACAS-1997-DrechslerBR #algorithm
Manipulation Algorithms for K*BMDs (RD, BB, SR), pp. 4–18.
CHICHI-1997-BalakrishnanBKF #3d
The Rockin’ Mouse: Integral 3D Manipulation on a Plane (RB, TB, GK, GWF), pp. 311–318.
CHICHI-1997-WilcoxABCC #debugging #feedback #programming #question #visual notation
Does Continuous Visual Feedback Aid Debugging in Direct-Manipulation Programming Systems? (EMW, JWA, MMB, JJC, CRC), pp. 258–265.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-HolstCG #analysis #constraints #interface
Transporting Honey Bears: A Cognitive Analysis of the Effects of Interface Manipulation Style on a Constraint-Based Planning Task (SJH, EFC, DJG), pp. 169–172.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-KiyokawaTY #3d #design
Manipulation Aid for Two-Handed 3-D Designing Within a Shared Virtual Environment (KK, HT, NY), pp. 937–940.
HCIHCI-SEC-1997-ShiozawaM #interactive #visualisation
WWW Visualization Giving Meanings to Interactive Manipulations (HS, YM), pp. 791–794.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Weinreich #component #editing #framework
A Component Framework for Direct-Manipulation Editors (RW), pp. 99–112.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1997-GilH #debugging #generative #source code #testing #using
T++: A Test Case Generator Using a Debugging Information Based Technique for Source Code Manipulation (JYG, BH), pp. 272–281.
ICSEICSE-1997-YehHC #architecture
Manipulating Recovered Software Architecture Views (ASY, DRH, MPC), pp. 184–194.
CADECADE-1997-YangFZ #algorithm #geometry
A Practical Symbolic Algorithm for the Inverse Kinematics of 6R Manipulators with Simple Geometry (LY, HF, ZZ), pp. 73–86.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1996-DohertyHR #database #object-oriented
Structures for Manipulating Proposed Updates in Object-Oriented Databases (MD, RH, MR), pp. 306–317.
CIAAWIA-1996-Noord #automaton #finite
FSA Utilities: A Toolbox to Manipulate Finite-State Automata (GvN), pp. 87–108.
A Palmtop Display for Dextrous Manipulation with Haptic Sensation (HN, TM, FK), pp. 126–133.
ICPRICPR-1996-ParvinCJM #visual notation
Visual servoing for micro-manipulation (BP, DEC, WEJ, MM), pp. 341–345.
SACSAC-1996-Pham #algorithm #fuzzy #modelling #search-based
Genetic algorithm for fuzzy modeling of robotic manipulators (TTP), pp. 600–604.
DACDAC-1995-BernMS #performance
Efficient OBDD-Based Boolean Manipulation in CAD beyond Current Limits (JB, CM, AS), pp. 408–413.
DACDAC-1995-PotkonjakS #constraints #named
Rephasing: A Transformation Technique for the Manipulation of Timing Constraints (MP, MBS), pp. 107–112.
ICSMEICSM-1995-StoreyM #using
Manipulating and documenting software structures using SHriMP views (MADS, HAM), p. 275–?.
CAiSECAiSE-1995-ViehstaedtM #formal method #representation #visual notation
Graphical Representation and Manipulation of Complex Structures Based on a Formal Model (GV, MM), pp. 243–254.
SEKESEKE-1995-Miur #optimisation #query #visual notation
Optimizing Complex Objects Queries in A Visual Data Manipulation Language (TM), pp. 153–157.
ASF+SDFASF+SDF-1995-Deursen #π-calculus
A Simple π-Calculus Manipulation Tool (AvD), pp. 211–232.
DACDAC-1994-DrechslerSTBP #diagrams #functional #order #performance #representation
Efficient Representation and Manipulation of Switching Functions Based on Ordered Kronecker Functional Decision Diagrams (RD, AS, MT, BB, MAP), pp. 415–419.
Boolean Manipulation with Free BDD’s. First Experimental Results (JB, JG, CM, AS), pp. 200–207.
HTHT-ECHT-1994-TaylorTB #concept #hypermedia #representation
Representation and Manipulation of Conceptual, Temporal and Geographical Knowledge in a Museum Hypermedia System (CT, DT, PBD), pp. 239–244.
ICSMEICSM-1994-AmmannC #in the large
Inter-Module Renaming and Reorganizing: Examples of Program Manipulation-in-the-Large (MMA, RDC), pp. 354–361.
Meet your Destiny: A Non-Manipulable Meeting Scheduler (EE, GZ, JSR), pp. 359–371.
ICMLICML-1994-ThamP #architecture #composition
A Modular Q-Learning Architecture for Manipulator Task Decomposition (CKT, RWP), pp. 309–317.
DACDAC-1993-Minato #combinator #problem #set
Zero-Suppressed BDDs for Set Manipulation in Combinatorial Problems (SiM), pp. 272–277.
HCIHCI-SHI-1993-SonodaMOK #coordination #interface
Coordinating an Interface Agent with Direct Manipulation Environments (TS, FM, KO, MK), pp. 927–932.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-Venolia #3d
Facile 3D direct manipulation (DV), pp. 31–36.
CIKMCIKM-1993-Maine #bound #named #performance
HSGIMS — A Secure High-Speed Tool with Bound Search Times for Transparently Managing and Manipulating Information (PADdM), pp. 216–222.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1993-BinghamHH #case study #experience #library #object-oriented #using
Experiences Developing and Using an Object-Oriented Library for Program Manipulation (TB, NH, DH), pp. 83–89.
SACSAC-1993-Meo-EvoliNPR #named #object-oriented
ADAMS: An Object-Oriented System for Epidemiological Data Manipulation (LME, EN, DMP, FLR), pp. 652–659.
SACSAC-1993-SekharanW #algorithm #search-based
Manipulating Subpopulations of Feasible and Infeasible Solutions in Genetic Algorithms (DAS, RLW), pp. 118–125.
ICLPILPS-1993-Shilcrat #framework #logic
Id Est, A Logic Based Framework for Direct Manipulation Systems (EDS), p. 646.
PEPMPEPM-1992-Burton #program transformation
Program Transformation by Derivor Manipulations (CTPB), pp. 90–97.
CHICHI-1992-BallasHP #aspect-oriented
Evaluating Two Aspects of Direct Manipulation in Advanced Cockpits (JAB, CLH, MAP), pp. 127–134.
CHICHI-1992-Houde #3d #design #interface
Iterative Design of an Interface for Easy 3-D Direct Manipulation (SH), pp. 135–142.
CHICHI-1992-Rubine #gesture
Combining Gestures and Direct Manipulation (DR), pp. 659–660.
CHICHI-1992-ShneidermanWA #database #query
Dynamic Queries: Database Searching by Direct Manipulation (BS, CW, CA), pp. 669–670.
DACDAC-1991-ButlerRKM #diagrams #heuristic #order #performance
Heuristics to Compute Variable Orderings for Efficient Manipulation of Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (KMB, DER, RK, MRM), pp. 417–420.
Breadth-First Manipulation of SBDD of Boolean Functions for Vector Processing (HO, NI, SY), pp. 413–416.
CHICHI-1991-BauersfeldS #design #interface
User-oriented color interface design: direct manipulation of color in context (PB, JLS), pp. 417–418.
CHICHI-1991-Stasko #algorithm #animation #using
Using direct manipulation to build algorithm animations by demonstration (JTS), pp. 307–314.
CAVCAV-1991-Lin #algebra #named #process
PAM: A Process Algebra Manipulator (HL), pp. 136–146.
DACDAC-1990-MinatoIY #diagrams #performance
Shared Binary Decision Diagram with Attributed Edges for Efficient Boolean function Manipulation (SiM, NI, SY), pp. 52–57.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1990-Kuntz #interface #knowledge base #named #visual notation
Pasta-3: A Graphical Direct Manipulation Interface for Knowledge Base Management Systems (MK), p. 391.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1990-Wang #design #performance #polynomial #towards
Polynomial Time Designs toward Both BCNF and Efficient Data Manipulation (KW), pp. 74–83.
VLDBVLDB-1990-HullY #declarative #identifier #named
ILOG: Declarative Creation and Manipulation of Object Identifiers (RH, MY), pp. 455–468.
Acquisition of Dynamic Control Knowledge for a Robotic Manipulator (AWM), pp. 244–252.
SIGIRSIGIR-1990-AnickBFHAR #information retrieval #interface #natural language #query
A Direct Manipulation Interface for Boolean Information Retrieval via Natural Language Query (PGA, JDB, RAF, DRH, BA, JMR), pp. 135–150.
VLDBVLDB-1989-AlashqurSL #database #named #object-oriented #query
OQL: A Query Language for Manipulating Object-oriented Databases (AMA, SYWS, HL), pp. 433–442.
VLDBVLDB-1989-KuntzM #query #visual notation
Pasta-3’s Graphical Query Language: Direct Manipulation, Cooperative Queries, Full Expressive Power (MK, RM), pp. 97–105.
CHICHI-1989-CohenDMPSGST #natural language
Synergistic use of direct manipulation and natural language (PRC, MD, DBM, FCNP, JWS, RAGJ, JLS, SWT), pp. 227–233.
CHICHI-1989-Hauptmann #gesture #image #speech
Speech and gestures for graphic image manipulation (AGH), pp. 241–245.
CHICHI-1989-MaulsbyW #source code
Inducing programs in a direct-manipulation environment (DLM, IHW), pp. 57–62.
PODSPODS-1988-LaninS #concurrent #set
Concurrent Set Manipulation without Locking (VL, DS), pp. 211–220.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1988-KriegerSS #database #relational
Integrated Storage And Manipulation Of Data And Text Based On A Relational Database (HK, DS, BS), p. 208.
HTHT-1987-BigelowR #source code
Manipulating Source Code in DynamicDesign (JB, VAR), pp. 397–408.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-Owen #reasoning
Direct Manipulation and Procedural Reasoning (DO), pp. 349–356.
ECOOPECOOP-1987-Riekert #interface #knowledge base #object-oriented
The ZOO Metasystem: A Direct-Manipulation Interface to Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases (WFR), pp. 131–139.
ICLPSLP-1987-MillerN87 #approach #logic programming #source code
A Logic Programming Approach to Manipulating Formulas and Programs (DM, GN), pp. 379–388.
Precedent-based manipulation of VLSI structures (RHL, RSK), pp. 667–670.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-1986-AbdaliCS #algebra #smalltalk
A Smalltalk System for Algebraic Manipulation (SKA, GWC, NS), pp. 277–283.
DACDAC-1985-Bryant #representation #using #visual notation
Symbolic manipulation of Boolean functions using a graphical representation (REB), pp. 688–694.
A Data Manipulation Model: An Extension of the Alpha Expression (IK), pp. 57–62.
SIGIRSIGIR-1984-LaenderS #database #interactive
An Interactive Database End-User Facility for the Definition and Manipulation of Forms (AHFL, PMS), pp. 41–54.
ICSEICSE-1984-Donzeau-GougeLM #syntax
Practical Applications of a Syntax Directed Program Manipulation Environment (VDG, BL, BM), pp. 346–357.
STOCSTOC-1983-GuibasS #diagrams
Primitives for the Manipulation of General Subdivisions and the Computation of Voronoi Diagrams (LJG, JS), pp. 221–234.
VLDBVLDB-1982-GangopadhyayDB #approach #network #object-oriented #semantics
Semantics of Network Data Manipulation Languages: An Object-Oriented Approach (DG, UD, JCB), pp. 357–369.
VLDBVLDB-1981-BorgidaW #modelling #proving #semantics
Data Models and Data Manipulation Languages: Complementary Semantics and Proof Theory (AB, HKTW), pp. 260–271.
FMPS-1981-KapurMS #named
Tecton: A Language for Manipulating Generic Objects (DK, DRM, AAS), pp. 402–414.
ICSEICSE-1981-AdamGL #interactive
An Interactive Tool for Program Manipulation (AA, PYG, JPHL), p. 460–?.
CADECADE-1980-BundyW #algebra #multi #using
Using Meta-Level Inference for Selective Application of Multiple Rewrite Rules in Algebraic Manipulation (AB, BW), pp. 24–38.
POPLPOPL-1979-CasanovaB #logic #relational
The Logic of a Relational Data Manipulation Language (MAC, PAB), pp. 101–109.
VLDBVLDB-1978-KungL #concurrent #database #problem
A Concurrent Database Manipulation Problem: Binary Search Trees (Abstract) (HTK, PLL), p. 498.
DACDAC-1977-Linden #design
Manipulation of design data (CAL), pp. 405–410.
VLDBVLDB-1977-StonebrakerR #programming language
Observations on Data Manipulation Languages and Their Embedding in General Purpose Programming Languages (MS, LAR), pp. 128–143.
VLDBVLDB-1976-Bekke #data type #relational
A Data Manipulation Language for Relational Data Structures (JHtB), pp. 159–168.
STOCSTOC-1975-OppenC #data type #proving #source code
Proving Assertions about Programs that Manipulate Data Structures (DCO, SAC), pp. 107–116.
SIGMODSIGFIDET-1972-Raichelson #concept #information management
A Concept Paper on “Host” vs. “Own” Data Manipulation Languages in Military Information Systems (ER), pp. 67–75.
STOCSTOC-1970-Rosen #theorem
Tree-Manipulating Systems and Church-Rosser Theorems (BKR), pp. 117–127.
LISPLISP-1963-Evans #lisp #string
Character String manipulation in LISP (TE), p. 3.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.