Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Roshandel N.Medvidović L.Cheung D.Kang R.Gerber J.K.Hollingsworth S.Berson R.R.Muntz S.Banerjee M.Saksena
Talks about:
softwar (4) reliabl (3) design (3) architectur (2) distribut (2) predict (2) system (2) compon (2) model (2) multimedia (1)
Person: Leana Golubchik
DBLP: Golubchik:Leana
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- ICSE-2008-CheungRMG #component #predict #reliability
- Early prediction of software component reliability (LC, RR, NM, LG), pp. 111–120.
- QoSA-2007-RoshandelMG #architecture #predict #reliability
- A Bayesian Model for Predicting Reliability of Software Systems at the Architectural Level (RR, NM, LG), pp. 108–126.
- ICSE-2006-RoshandelBCMG #architecture #component #modelling #reliability
- Estimating software component reliability by leveraging architectural models (RR, SB, LC, NM, LG), pp. 853–856.
- HPDC-1999-KangGGH #automation #design #distributed #realtime
- Techniques for Automating Distributed Real-Time Applications Design (DIK, RG, LG, JKH), pp. 156–163.
- LCTES-1999-KangGGHS #design #distributed #embedded #synthesis
- A Software Synthesis Tool for Distributed Embedded System Design (DIK, RG, LG, JKH, MS), pp. 87–95.
- SIGMOD-1995-BersonGM #design #fault tolerance #multi
- Fault Tolerant Design of Multimedia Servers (SB, LG, RRM), pp. 364–375.