Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Rosenthal B.T.Blaustein A.Chapman M.D.Allen X.Chai M.Sayyadian A.Doan P.Mork A.Y.Halevy K.P.Smith M.J.Carey K.Chen C.Wolf J.Madhavan A.Kannan D.Burdick
Talks about:
integr (2) inform (2) open (2) parenthood (1) matchabl (1) toolkit (1) protect (1) surrog (1) schema (1) improv (1)
Person: Len Seligman
DBLP: Seligman:Len
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- VLDB-2011-BlausteinCSAR #graph
- Surrogate Parenthood: Protected and Informative Graphs (BTB, AC, LS, MDA, AR), pp. 518–527.
- SIGMOD-2010-SeligmanMHSCCWMKB #integration #named #open source #tool support
- OpenII: an open source information integration toolkit (LS, PM, AYH, KPS, MJC, KC, CW, JM, AK, DB), pp. 1057–1060.
- VLDB-2008-ChaiSDRS #integration
- Analyzing and revising data integration schemas to improve their matchability (XC, MS, AD, AR, LS), pp. 773–784.